I THE Oil All A DAILY DEE: MONDAY, AU0U8T 27, 1900. returning, saying ther mtf be wounded persona in there. The premier's fs v. a bespattered with Ink. thrown there by the fore of the explosion." M. Stolypta la greatly grieved at the death of th old bail porter, who had eerved th ministry of tbo Intarlor for forty 'year. In the evening Madam Stdlypln went tn St. Petersburg aboirrd small government boat. It appear ht tha assassins were well supplied with funda. They paid 1128 In advanoe for th room a they engaged- B for leading them they disguised them selves ud mad th house porter drunk. EiIiUii a TerrlE One. Th extraordinary power of th xploslon may be Judged by th fact that house on th opposite aloe of th rivet Neva, wer shaken and window broken. A painful Mature of the tragedy waa th delay in eurln; medical atd for th In Jured. Over an hour elapsed befor an mbulanc arrived. M. Btolypln on thought was for his daughter, and h kept exclaiming: "For Ood'a sake fetch doctor for my popr girl." It waa fully half an hour before ft be ginning was made, systematically, to clear th wreckage, during which th Injured suffered agon tee. At dusk torch were lighted, and by th Aitful light from the th work . was continued and th wafls were eupporud up with strong beams. Many tree in the avenue were blown 'down by the force of th explosion and th aspect of the house's grounds waa one of complete desolation. Parts of human bodies wer thrown 4 great distance. An officer chanced to. .knock against a small tree and a bloody, duet-covered hand that had lodged among the branches fell at his feet Inquiry at the Calmyer hospital today elicited th Statement that Premier Btoty- ' pin's daughter waa still alive, but that her oondltion was critical, and It waa reared gangrene would set In. She Is under the oaf of the famous surgeon. Dr. PavlofT. M. Btolypln ha received touching tele grams Of sympathy from the grand dukea, grand duchesses, former Premier Wltte nd other personage. Mil, Btoylpla .1 On f seven daughter Of tKe irml TliA mrmtaAmA Raw la fcla only eon. Mm. Btolypln, who waa driving t th tire of the explosion, la constantly ' at th bedside of her daughter. M. Itolypln removed last night to his town restdenoe in Morefcala street, which Is almost heat door to th house where the assassins had their lodgings. The premier . frequently visits th latter house, which Is th property at Princess Meatohersky, and la devoted to' furnished rooms of th hlgti at oless. , . ' Th AsstTclatsd Press representative re visited th wrecked villa, today and found firanila tearing away th shattered walls. An imposing tore - of police kept alt corner, vn high officer, at a distance from th rllla. .i7-i i Dlerracfml Seeae st Hospital. At th hospital of St Peter and St. Paul ther waa a disgraceful scramble of thou sands of eurloslty seekers around the man gled remain of twenty-elx of the victims of th explosltlon, which-had lain exposed on th gra.ee In th hospital yard th whole of last night and today and which were still there at I o'olook this evening. Society x women fought and Jostled street laborer and peasant for a chano tfl view th children of tender years. i nougn uosens oi suspctea revolutionists were gathered tn today tn the hospital, no Important arrests have ' been chronicled. . The polio hav been unsuccessful tn get- vi vii rw irev vi aw conspiracy, beyond etablUhlng. from the test of the death Matene found on th body of on of th ad assassins' that Xhe band be longed to th Maxlmlats, better known as the "Flytagf Group" of to social revolu. , tlonlate. This group la thua designated be cause It operat on an unfixed base. It ' bas been responsible for most of the recent assassinations, not having accepted the die turn of th larger 'fighting organisation" of the aolctal revolutionists to discontinue ac tivity during" the session of parliament. Among Us members, who do not exceed a few hundreds, were Mil. Spirldonovo, who ' shot at Chief of th Secret Police Lushen- ; offsky at Tambov;. Mil. Barbara Prints, who committed suicld after the prematura explosion of a bomb intended for Governor nnrl Kaulbars; .th slayer of General Koslov, of th headquarters staff, who wa murdered In the park at Peterhof July It, and BelenaolT, the principal of the great Moscow hank robbery. . The group la financed , largely with the proceeds of the Credit Mutual bank robbery. A peculiarity of Its working la that It decrees are never executed by residents of the same city In which the victim lives, but are drafted from other localities, which diminishes the chance of police detection. - Talk of Dictatorship. , Talk of a military dictatorship la again In th air. According to a report current a meeting of the camarilla discussed the uettoa tonight at ' Peterhof and a ma jority waa tn favor of such a step. Grand Duke Nicholas Ntcholalevttch, who had ' juot returned from calling on Premier Btolypln, waa especially in favor of the plan. It la said that after th meeting Grand Duke Nicholas and others of the grand dukee went to the emperor to do .' mend hi authorisation, but up to the pres ent moment thla has not been receelved. .adea jConasaeat. Petersburg to the newspapers this morning Supply .some further details concerning the attempt oa the Itf or th Russian premier M. Btolypln. ilt is stated that the men - who threw or dropped the bomb wa - named Moroaoff, and that he waa a native of ftyasan province. Among th killed i were nearly all the agent of the secret polio In the, house. Including four women ; detective. Several person wer warned . beforehand that an attempt on the life of , the premier would be made. Mm. Davtd- off, wif of th court chamberlain who waa killed, aay that her husband ; not go where, you intend going." Another ., official' named Weensky received a aimtlar : warning. He feigned Illness and thua i escaped. ' , Bom of. .th aoaount suggest that th explosion waa prematura and that there ' fore ye esrap of the premier was dut to tha fact that the assassins were partly In toxicated. All th newspaper comment upon ths apparent Indifference of th Russian pub lic now with regard to saoh outrage, say. 'Ing that It la either because their fro 'ftuency eagtadert oAlousnees or because of sympathy with th revolutionist. An Interesting story of told of M. Stoly. fn. When he wa govsrnor of Qarato -th aupertntendent polio thor waa b- Used by Million GDluhiof Dolling pouoor tosEr, Ing attaoked by a mob for carrying out j order that aroused their resentment. Btolypln, seeing what waa happening, rushed up between th superintendent and the angry crowd, exclaiming: "If you Want to kill th responsible official It la I. Tha superintendent I but doing bla duty by executing my ordera. Ha had no choice but to carry them out. It wan I alone who lea tied them, and her I am." Th crowd aurprieed. at Stolypln'a cour age, silently slunk away. Th Dally Telegraph' St. Petersburg cor. renpondent, commenting on th outrage, says: "No political reforms can hal the pres ent moral gangren which I eating away th aoul of the nation. Political motive play hardly any part In th epidemic of loathsome crimes. The Ideas of right and wrong are wholly perferted. Bestiality and humanity are now struggling for th upper hand and th chancen ar on the aid of bestiality. If the constitutional democrat wer in power tomorrow, th epidemic bf crime would continue, tor the atruggle 1 not between thla party or that. but between rascaldom and men of law and prder." Ofrl Drop flssnb. ' ODESSA, Aug. St. Lt Saturday vn- Ing a girl dropped a bomb in th Nicholas boulevard, fifty pace from th palac of Governor Laulbar. There wa a deafening detonation and a wild stampede of the promenader. " No on waa injured except th gtrt, who dropped th bomb. Her hand wag shattered. It Is supposed th bomb accidentally fell from her hand befor ah had reached the entrance of th pala. Sh and another girl and a university student who was ac companying them, were arrested. Explosives la Roeaa. ' HAMBURG. Aug. M.A search of th room occupied by a young Russian, who Wa arrested her, today, disclosed quanti ties of explosives, a number of revolvers and bills of lading for shipment of a mu nition and explosive to Russian Baltlo ports. Deplore Bomb Outrage. PARIS, Aug. 28. Most of th newspaper today deplor and criticise In the severest term th bomb outrage at tha residence of the Russian premier, M. Btolypln, last Saturday and agree that it will act only a a setback to th causs of reform. The aociallatio organs, however, aeek to palliate (he offense by oontendlng that the govern ment had exasperated the revolutionists by constant bad faith, trickery and brutal act. . Th Tamps In an editorial aay: Th universal reprobation which thee po litical crime arouse Is increased by th fact that Premier Stoylpin cannot be called either an uncompromising reactionary or a bloodthirsty bureaucrat. We always con sidered that It was with remarkable good faith that he devoted himself to what he believed was for the good of Russia, though he may hav been mistaken In the means he chose. It Is to be feared that a military dictatorship pure and simple will follow Stolypln's timid liberalism, but If that statesman wishes a fine lesson from the misfortune path before him let him work out, as qulokly as possible, a system of constitutional legality, thus replying by a noble geature to the odloua act of which he la the victim and spare the country fur ther of these reprehensible deed and use less cruelties. - TTJDOOKA. Russia, Aug. ' k.-After a meeting or workmen today whloh was ad dressed by' Ex-member ' bf Parliament Mlchalchenko, shots wer Brad. Thla re sulted In an encounter between the work men and Cossacks and polio, th latter firing nine volley, whloh killed eight per son and wounded thirty-three. FORARER DEFENDS HIMSELF (Continued from First Page.) but h not only had a perfect right, but It was hi duty to vet if that waa hi Judg ment. No aelf respecting mfn would con sent to hold a seat la congress if h could not so vote; but I mention It to show that If w endorse th party and what congress has 'done as we must and then apply hi rule, h win hsv to be endorsed less cordi ally' than hi party. "And so I might go on Indefinitely asking and answering many other similar Ques tions, but I forbear until the convention when. If I have the opportunity, I will be glad to go fully Into the subject for th benefit of all who may be sufficiently con cerned to listen,' if there are any such." AVERAGES Of TUB ' OMAHA TEAM Flcares Branch Back to Hick Plae by Week's Werlt oa Diamond. Th Omaha batters and fielders set brake last week, sanded the rail and stopped the slide In a most effectual way. The figures for ths season ware pushed back to a most respectable showing, and ths prospect Is that they will stay about where they are for the rest of the year. It Is a etneh that the Rourke family will capture the only honor there I left In the Weatern league race, that of second place. The feature of the week waa th work of Autrey, the new right fielder, who boosted his hitting up among the high boys and who still persists In taking evory chanc that cornea hla way. He Is surely th goods. Joe Dolan' name Is still aft th top of th batting- list, but Welch, Perrfng and Autrey are not so fur away, and all of ths rest of th bunch ar clouting the ball t a rate that I good to ee. The record for the season, including : th Saturday game, is: BATTINO AVERAGE. Gms. AR. R. H. At LW rolan .... Welch .... Perrlng .. Bsssey ... Bender, .. Runkl ... Howard . . Corns McNeeley Gor.dlng . Long Autrey ... Bander ,, Dodg S7 MS 44 . 110 .329. .r?4 .S:'l .tut .2A .SAO .: .M .UO 1st '.til .200 .1C 1&4 ...in ...121 ...110 ... a ... ti ... S4 ... 17 ... 13 ... U ...44 ... It ... ... IB (90 4SI 4S4 2)0 ? 827 ft) 107 T VA 61 M 5 T7 12 81 11 .sot .iui .271 .J4T .ft .2W .21 . .1 ,1M .(71 .174 .HI 78 111 44 49 4 11 U 11 i 1 67 M i 16 a 9 to 14 It IS Totals 1st i,i4i 47 174 .re ' .366 FIELDING AVERAGES. O. A. EL T. C. Av. L.W. . It 6 0 24 1.000 1.000 ,, It T 1 . 1 . .tm . t7T is ii tit .s7 .an , 6 H II M .Ml .... t a I t .9d7 . , 131 II. W i ,& .S84 4 W t 67 .47 .tot . tlO . U 14 4T .HI M , im sti n m .11 .m , txl lit 17 m . ' . , XVI .lit IT 4M .14 J 6 K U .M Ml . 127 104 11 2U .114 .lit iw uiot ta Tag JKt 7t Autrey Gooding ... Dolan Bender .... MoNeeley . Welch Dodge Basaey ..... Perrlng ... Runkle .... Howard 1 ... Corns ...... Long Total ... Iowa Leagse Recall. MARSHALI.TOWN, la., Aug. 2.-Spa-clai.) Following are the result la Lbs Iowa league: Msrshalltown, I; Waterloo, 1. ' Oskaloosa,. 1; Keekuk, 0. Ten Innings, Fort Dodg. ti CUbton, 0; Port Dodg. Ill Clinton, t. Burlington. 16; Ottamwa, 11; tea innings. Heaar Bvea at Clarke. CLARK S. Neb.. Aug. M. (BpeotsJ Tat gram -Clark and Central City clayed a aeubl header on the noma grounds break ing eveck Moore, first gam: It to I la favor Clerks; second game, f t I In favor Cantral City. Batteries: Clarke, Boyd ston and Smith; Central City, FaloiMisr. Koaibriuk aad Hera. - Bsurttaar aa flrssi Islaasl'a Last. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. HOraiid Island woa lu alitb auooeaalv gam frum Hasting today. Soor; R H. F-. Grand Island. I 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 I Hastliig 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 I I 4 Batteries: Wslsh aad Tewaaend; Raagg aad Potest. Tfcraa t tee awe. At Cedar Rapid Cedar Rapids, t; Peoria L Cadar RaiJda 14. Proria. A At (tpiingfleld 8prlnaleld-Deeatur gam ptp-nd; wet grounds At Kock Island iiioomlngtoa, I: Rock Island. A Second gam. Bloomlngton. 4; Rook Ialaad. 1 Starilac SUvsr Freaaar, SKA aad Dadg. OMAHA WINS BOTH GAMES Boki Tati Doublehaarlet from EaWl Indians Without Trouble. AUTRY IS AGAIN THE BRILLIANT STAR Geta raws Hit la the Basse, Two of Whisk Ar Daables Today ts far the Wowtea. Archie Btlmmell and Clarenc Minor got their' at Vinton street park yesterday afternoon before a crowd of about I. too fans who enjoyed th cool August hreeses while Omaha took two game from th Pueblo Indiana, th first by th cor of I to I and th aecond T to t. Both gamra war characterised by plenty of hitting on both aide and furnished lota of Ufa and fun for all. Lnch wa on hand with hi Imbeclllc dedalona, but then Omaha haa become need to such kings and 'twae much as ever th fans took th trouble to rale a protest. Tennsman, th Omaha lad who I playing flrst for Selee, mad hi professional debut in Omaha In th first irimt, tsklng all the f' llng chance whir' nm hi way, but f ng down with the lck. Hill, another r'crult of Selee'. played first for th Pueb hv the second gam. ' H mad an error and also failed to get a hit. ' Autrey wa th whdl work In th second gam. He made three of Omaha' seven run and connected with four safe hits, two of which being two-ackera. That boy I making himself th hit Of th year. H la exceptionally fast on hi, feet, throw well and connects with the ball. What mor 1 wanted? In th absence of Bender Long aent him to bat first In each game. H failed to reach tint for an opener of th first game, but mad a two-ackr In th second, after being given a llf on a dropped foul. Paebs tltart Oat Fast. Th Pueb Started th first . gam a though they Intended to do thing to Mr. McNeeley, scoring one In th Aral Inning on two hit and another In th third on a hit and fielder' choice,, togsthsr with a serine. Btlmmell had the Colt going some until the fourth Inning when th soor wa evened up and gone on better. After Perrlng had flown out to Meloholr, Weloh walked, a did alio Baasey. Runkle hit a 'safe on to right which scored Welch and Gondlng beat out a bunt which aoored Baasey, Long wa Johnny-on-the-epot with another alngle whloh aoored Runkle. making three runa en three htta and two passes, in the alxth Gondlng hit a high one to Melcholr, too high for him to see and Gondlng went to second, to be brought home by Long' second hit of th gam. . Omaha mad another In th eighth just for good measure. Runkle reached first when Bader Juggled his grounder and was Cut Off at second when Gondlng fried to Sacrifice. Gondlng rsached second on a passed ball and came home on McNeeley' second safe hit. McNeeley he-ld the Pucba saf and no more than on hit was mad in an Inning after the first. Heavy Hlttta la leeea Oasaa Th second gam wa characterised by heavy hitting on both sides, Omaha mak Ing eleven and Pueblo nine. . Omaha had a comfortable lead until the ninth, when two hit and a couple of errors put th gam In danger, but Corn refused to soar high enough for th Pueb to gat under, and two game ware won by th Colts, Selee' men mad three run la th first Inning and many a fan thought It waa all day with th second gam.. Cook walked, wa sacrificed to second and cams horn oh Bader' single.. Bader' was taught at second on .Melcholr' grounder Ana Elwert brought him homo with homer over th light field fence Autrey started things right - for the Rourke family with a double, and after Howard and Perrlng were out Welch ont him horn by a alngle to left. Welch la getting so he hit In other part of the field than right. Mr. Baasey sent Welch on homo with a ntc three-sacker on which he copped a pair of shoes, but hs died on third as Runkle flew out to Melcholr. Omaha forged one to the for In th sec ond. Gondlng singled and- Long walked. Corn tried to aacrlflca aad Gondlng was eaught at third. Long cored on Autrey" two-aacker, and Corn waa nipped at th plate when Howard hit to the pitcher. Au trey and Howard negotiated 'a double ateal on which th miner from Webb City cored. Osiaks Oae 4 Froat Omaha went nloely to th front In th sixth Inning by a swatfest. Runkl doubled and Gondlng popped out to Fisk. Long went down from Flsk to Hill and Coma walked. Her again waa Autrey the right man In the right place for he hit a- nice alngle which scored Runkl. Howard waa passed and Psrrlng's double scored Autrey. That waa all tor Omaha, but th Pub began to' get treublesom In th eighth Inning and did not stop until th last man Wa out In th ninth. Meloholr singled In th tghth, want t aecond on Elwert'a out and acored when Howard let Hill' grounder through him. In the ninth Rennlker led off with a alngle and died at aecond whan Minor tried to aacrlfloe. Cook hit aafe and Minor want to third when Welch let th ball roll on by him. MoGUvray hit to Howard, who let Minor acor and caught th lengthy fielder at first Badsr hit en which - Rinnan long lld net handle, letting Ck rom horns and making th Pueb' alt, w.hil Omaha had seven.. Melcholr hit an easy on to Howard and Omaha had won a double-header. Today will be ladle' day, and a tha aea aon I drawing to a eloa th woman proba bly will turn out la full foroo t Pa' Colt cavort. Th aeeret First gams i OMAHA. AB . R. - H. POt i A. Autrey, rf Howard, 2b Perrln SK . .. :: ! i Welch, ef Hassey, If huukle, lb Gondlng, .,,.. Ins, es MoNeeley, p... i ::::::: 1 0 0 is Mil Total 6 10 u t PCEBLa AB. R. TL PO.' A. E. cok. if , t i i i o i If 4 1 1 o g ray. of 1 1 0 1 . I I ,::::r::::S i M;?-l , 4 0 11 V aan, lb 4 0 7 10 Mcuuvrar, pi ka . f.ar, i Melcholr, Kiwert. Tonneman. Flake, sa 4 0 1 1,4 . 0 Rsnnlcker, cf 4 0 1 4 I 0 ciTimmeii, p ... I 0 0 0 0 1 Miner . Totals 14 1 1 M U " Ratted for sTtlmmell la the ninth. Oeaha V."'.".v.'.'.":'.4 o ! . 1 J 1 iiJ Pueblo Run. . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 Hlta I 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0-i Two-bass hits: Goading. Cook. Three be ee hit! MoGUvray. Pasaed ball: Ren nluker. Struck out: By McNeeley. I; by Stimmei, 1. Flrat bae oa ball: Off gtlm mel, L Stolen besea: Badsr, 1 Double playa: Bader to Flak to Tonneman: lie. OUvray to Rennlcker. Left on bases: Omaha, I: Pueblo, T. Saerlfic hit: Mo GUvray, Bader, Autrey.. Time: 1:M. At. tendance: Isuo. Usaptre: Lynch. Second gam: 4 OMAHA. AB. R.' H. PO. A. E. Autrey. rf 6 1 4 0 0 0 Howard, fb... 4 0 t t J Perrlng. lb 6 0 1110 Welch, ef I 1 1 0 1 Baseey. If .............. 10 110 0 Runkle, lb........ 4 1 1 11 0 0 Csoadlaat, ... 4 - i '- Long, aa Corn, p Totals M 1 11 II U 4 .. PUEBLO. an sl H. PO. A. K. Cook. If 4 I I I 0 MoUlivray, of i i Hader, lb 4 1 1 1 Melcholr, rf alls k;iwert, lb i I 1 1 I f Kill. rlb f f risks, e 4 I I nennloker, e 4 1 I i ? Minor, p 4ift4i Total V..'.. .. 1 1 i U 1 Hill out on Infield hit. Omaha Rune ..........I I I M M I -I Hits - 1 0 1 0 I t-U Pueblo- Runs 10 001 -4 Hits 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 t-l Twtf-bas hits: Autrey (2), Perrlng, Run kle. Three-base hit: Bassey. Home run: Klwert. First base on bails: Oil Corns, t; ort Minor, I. Struck dut: By Corns, 6 by HI no a l. Lett on bases: Omaha, li i'ueoio, 7. attoien bases: Elwert, Autrey, Howard. Sacrifice bits: Bnsser, Mc Unvray, Melcholr. Time: 1:40. Umpire; ijynea. neailt'e He Haa wiaa. SIOUX CITT. la.. Aua-. M-Slouz City won from Lincoln today In a fast snappy gam, by a score of 4 to I. In the last halt Of th eighth with the acor a tl. Nobllt walts4 up to bat, smashed out a hum run and won th gam. By using two pitcher against Corbett, Lincoln managed to keep the boa honor about evenly divided. Score: ., SIOUX C1TT. AH. R. H. P.O. A. & rmthn. if k t i o i Bheehaa, lb.. ...... .1 ..4 t I I J Nobllt, cf Xl 1 I X 5 Weed, tb i It 1 Newton, a i 10 110 William, lb M.. 1 i I 0 0 CVeeu. ih ...1 0 0 0 Hess, 0 , .4 0 I t 1 Heater, rf I 11 0 6 0 Corbett, p I 6 10 4 1 Total tl I 11 17 11 LINCOLN. AB. R. H. P.6. A. B. Vetchem. 4 1 1 0 0 Collin, rf ..I 0 0 0 1 0 Holme :....l 0 0 0 0 Qulllln, tb ......i.l 1 10 I 0 Fenlon. If x I a Thomas, If ... 4 0 16 10 Oagnler, ss.. ......I 1 t 1 Barton, lb...., 4 1 1 I I 0 Rogers, nt :::::::::;:::;::! I I ! ill I I Zlnran, McKay, syier, Total tl I 10 M I 4 Batted for Collin In ninth. sioux city 1S5!!?J Uncoln 0 IHMW Darned Run: Sioux City, t; Ltnooln, t Horn run: Nobllt. Two-baa hltai Shee- 7 In'four innlnga, off Eyler, 4 in five Inninga. tft nn hues. Sinus City. 101 Lincoln. 10. Stolen baaes: Campbell, weea. aacnnos hits: Bheehan, Nobllt, cwnins. eases on balls: Off Corbett, 4; off McKay. I: off Eyler, V Hit 'by pitched ball: Corbett. Struck out: By Corbett. 4; by McKay, I; Time: 1:40. Umpire: Davis. Attendance: MOO. . Ckasaps Take Two. nm moiniu. is.. Aus-. 2. Ths Dee Moinea Champs took both game of a double-header from Denver today. The first was a shut-out until tn sixtn inning", when both team scored one. In the eighth an erme nut dentte on first. ' H went to third on Bchlpke single and scored on a long fly to right, winning the game, I to L In the aecond game both teama scored one In the firsthand a pair of singles, a stolen bas and Qlllen's error gave Denver one more In the second. In the first naif of the fifth Denver batted In two more, rA the rhlmn nmi back With three. tying the score. Denver was unable to ecore aeraln. but a calr of boots and Wolfe's three-sacker scored three more for the. Champs In the eighth, ucotte anowea but three lilts, one of them, a scratch In the first game. It was announced today that be had been soia to ueirou. DBS' MOINES. '.-' . . AB. R. H. PO. A. B, Schlpke. tb 4 1 11 n'tenrv. 1 0 0 I 1 I Welday, ct 4 J 1 0 0 Andreas, lb. I ' 0 , 0 II I I Hoirriever, rf 10 1 t 0 0 Glllen, If 1 0 0 0 0 1 Magoon. lb t 0 I I I I Wolfe, e ...k.....w..u.i. t 0 I I CloottvP t ' 1 0 Totals.. ......i..J.-. t 7..rr-i7 -4 - . - DENVER. . . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McHale. lb I 0 1 6 0 4 R. Smith, M......V.... 4 0 1111 Randall. rf, v.. i 1 6 0 0 Russell, cf t 0 0 I .0 0 Zalusky, c ' i i f Reddlok, lb - 4.0 0 I t rinnuhue. 3b 4 0 0 II Belden. If 4 v0 ' 0 ' I 1 0 Wright, p i i I 0 0 0 1 0 Total .....a 1 i i i De Moinea, .;,...0 0001901 I Denver 0 0000100 0-1 Stolen bases: McHale (1). Two-baa bit: Wolf. Double play: O Leary to Ma goon to Andreas. First bas on ball: Off Uiooue, a eiruuA vui. ,w.v, , Wrlaht. t. Paseed ball: Wolfe. Timel 1:40. "Umpire: Edinger. Attendance: t,M. Score, aecond game: DEB MOINES. AR:- R. H. PO. A. B. Bhlpke. lb .. O'Leary. a Welday, cf . Andreas, lb . Hogrieveri rf Gllleti, If .... VletfTtAn. lb . . i t o t l l 4 1 1 0 i 0 4 0 1110 4 1 1 It .0 0 ...77... i i i i t o ,-.-. o o i . o i 4 1.114 1 a i i a t l ' woue, o .... (Illler, p .... 1110 I Totals 7 M n '14 DENVER. A B. R. H. PO. A. McHal.' ib...r..... I J f T. Smith, sa ' 4 0 1 II E 1 I Randall, rf I Russell, ct . Zalueky, e . Rauldlrk. Ib 0 0 4 1 bonahu. lib 1 0 Belden, II . Btecker, p .. 1 weigart ... o Total 16 4 I 14 11 I TimttmA far Rtarkar In ninth. Los seoinrs ........4 ; I I I I I Z . i Denver ......1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 04 Stolen bases: Donahue, Magoon, Wolfe. Three-base hita: 'Welday. .Wolfe. Flrat ba wi ball; C Stvkr, 2;. C3 a....sr, 1. Struck out: By MUler. 6; by Btecker, . Wild pltchce:- Sleeker, 1; Miller, L Time:. 1:46. Umpire: Edinger. Attendance: 4.4U). Itaadlac at tha Tsasss. Played De Molne 116 rw,hi Ill ti U .711 M M .ill 14 40 .474 M 41 .491 62 , 41 .41) 41 Tl .14 Liocoln H4 lnver ' aimnc (Tit-r Ill Pu.kln 114 Game today: Pueblo at Omaha, Denver at De Molne, Uncoln at Bioua City. l. DUBIOUS , tseit Wkal Her Haibasl WasU Say. A MicrtT woman tried Poetum Pood Coffee bees use ordinary coffee disagreed with her and her husband. . She writes: , "My husbsnd was sick for three years with eatsrrh of ths bladdsr. aad pal pit a tinn of the heart, caused by coffee. Wa unable to work at all and l; bed part ef the time. "I had stomach troubls, was weak and fretful aa I could not attend to my house work both of be using ooffee all th time aad aot realising It was harmful. "One morning th grocer's wife said ah believed eotTe waa th cause f our trouble and advised Poetum. I took It hama .rather dubious about what mr hus bsnd wuld ssy h wa fond of ooffa. ' "But t took ooffe right eft th table and we haven't used a cup of it since. Tou Should have aeon th Chang In us and now my husband never complain of heart pal pitation any mor. My stomach trouble went awar la twa weeks after I began Postum. My children love it aad It do them good, whloh oaa't be aald ef coffee. "A lady visited us who wa always half sick. I told her r mak her a eup ef Poe tum. She said It wa last el ess stuff, but she watched me make It, bolting It thoro ughly for It minutes, aad when dans she said It was splendid. Lang boiling brings out ths flavor and food aaaUtr." Name given by Poetum Co., Battle, Creek. Mlon. Read the little book. "The Road to WenvUla.", u pttga Thar' a reesoa." . BOSTON SHUT OUT BY CUBS Tajlof lllowt tbo Tailondn Only Font Eita, All of Them fiiaglea, aassjBBaaaasxa NEW YORK AND CINCINNATI DIVIDE Bad Wla tha Last Gasaa wtk Oaly Oaa Hit OsT Asses, aa Error Oeartac tk Oaly Raa at tka Caatest. CHICAGO, Aug. . -Chicago shut Boston out, T to 0, today by batting Toung safely eleven time. Taylor allowed Only four singles, only two of th visitor reaching second has. Bcor: CHICAGO. OT0M itnd.i t aa.it 6. a a. Ule. ef.... I rin. tb.... 4 till hekirt. It.. 4 11 Needhenh .. 4 1 f eraaite, ft... t II t nt. ef.... I site II .tee. ef.... I Cheeoe. li .. 4 til I I H.r4, St., I 1 I 4 I ..Ill St.lnl.ut, Ik 4 4 1 aarnvs. Ib... I 4 I SIS 1 III .111 Hormsa. ts... 4 I I i spencer, rf.. 114 kTen. lb.... I III aO'Nelll. lb... I I I 4 Mnrss. e 4 11 . e 4 1 I I S Ooeee. If.... 1111 Tsrler, p.... 4 I I tteans. till Teul M 11 IT 11 Tstels It 4 tt 14 I Chicago 0 000101 1 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Left on bases: Chlcas-n. T: Boston. 1. Three-base hit: Hofman. Home run: Kvera Saorlfloe hlta: Shckard, Brown. Stolen baa: Even, Dolan, Double playa: Dolan to Howard to O'Neill: Moran to Hofman. Struck out: By Taylor, 4. Flrat baae on balls: Off Young, I. Wild pKchea: Young, 1 Tim: 1:16. Umpire: Emilia Red aad Olaata Divide. CINCINNATI, Aug. M-Clneinnatl and New York eeon won a game In the double, header thla afternoon, slow fielding by th local and th New York' timely hit ting gave th first game to the visitors. In the seoond game,, which waa limited to aeven Innlnga, Amea held down the. Reds to one hit. An error waa responsible for the lone run scored by the locale. Out fielder Shannon of the New York was dangerously ill last night from something hs ate. He left for the east tonight In charge of the club physician. Score, first game: MEW YORK. CINCINNATI. AB.HO.AI. ABK.O.A.K. Brows, rf... I I lltnoet. ef.... 4 114 1 lermear, at. 4 I 4 HumIos, Ik. I I 4 I 4 ItaTllS. Ik... I 111 Keller. It..,. I till McOtns, lk.. 4. I 11 4 t Ji4e, rf 4 I 4 Dthlea, as... I 1 4 Letwrt, St.... I I I I I uans. lb.... 4 114 4 Mowrr. Ik... 4 1111 feoeermaa. a 4 I I I 1 lokleV. I I I I I Wllte. If.... I 1 tDeel. lb 4 4 4 4 4 MoQIsaltr,' S 4 1 1 t Hell, s 4 4 111 Tstsls It in 141 totals ..!..H "l it U 1 Nsw York 0 0040100 17 Cincinnati 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-6 Earned runa: Cincinnati, 1; New York, 4. Two-baee hlta: Schlel, Devlin, Strang. Three-baee hit: McGann. Stolen baaasi Kelley, Seymour, Strang, Wlltae, Lobert. Saarttlo hit: Bchlel, McGann. Struck out: By Hall, 6; by McGinnlty, I. Flret baae on balla: Off Hall, . Hit by pitched balla: By Hall, I; by MoGlnnlty, 1. Passed ball: Schlel, Bowerman. Tim: 1:60. Umpires: Carpenter and O'Day. Score, seoond gam: . CINCINNATI. NEW TORK. AB.H.O.A.E. ABH.OA.B HugrlM, Ik.. I 4 4 4 Browm, rf... 114 Keller, If.... I 4 4 a.rmoar, ef.. I 114 Js4. rf I tit eDe-lln, tb... I 114 Snoot, ef.... It 4 I MrOena. lk., I 4 T 4 I Lobert. M... 1 41 I Dthlea, as... I 1 I I 1 Mowrr,. as... 14 4 1 4 Strang, tb... 1111 L.lTtnston, . 1 I I 1 4Bonnn. e. I 1 I 1 I Peal, lk I 4 14 a Wllte, It.... I I I II Welster, ... I 1st Aaa s I 1 1 Totale .....It 111 I t Totals 1111111 Cincinnati 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Ba orifice hltai Lobert, Strang. Btruck out: By Welmer, I: by Amea, 1. First base on balla: Off Welmer, 1; off Amea, 1. Timet 1:10. Umplree: O Day and Car penter. Postpeaesl dasse. At Bt. Loula-8t. Lbuls-Brooklyii (Na tional league) gams postponed on account of wet grounds. Staadlaa af the Tearas. Played. Won. Loat. pet. Chicago ........... 118 17 tl .737 Nsw York 114 .71 41 .041 Plttsbura 114 78 41 .Ml Philadelphia 116 , U 43 . .4M Ptnnlnnetl 11 ol 7. .tilt Brooklyn Ill U . .tl St. Loul ....i....-Uj ( 44. ' 71 .171 Boston, .,w. ......... ill, ... - H .-$31 Gm today: Boston at Chicago. Brook lyn at St. Ioula, New York at Cincinnati, Philadelphia at Pittsburg. GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City Only Able ta Cat One Hit ana Loses. , KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. M.-The home team could make but one hit oft Berger and Columbus won, 7 to 1. Score: COLUMBUS . KANSAS CITT. AB.H.O.A.E. A B. HO. A. E. Hleehaiaa, rf 1 1 4 tweldren, rf., I I I I Coulter, If... f I 1 I MeBrlee. e.. 4 4 4 1 Flokertas. it. I I I I 4 P.rrla., lb.. I 1 I 1 I Prlel, Ik..... I 4 I I I Hill, ef...... 4 4 114 KtbM. Ik.... I III IBwke. Ik.... I I I 4 I Halrwltt, . 4 1 I 1 rrantt, lb., I I 14 I I Wrljl.r. Ik., f 111 tCuoeay, If.. 4 141 Bran. 4 I I I Leebr, e II I I Berfor. .... 4 11 Uiu, a I Mil Totals ..:..W ll' I I Tetala M 1M 14 4 Berger out, hit by batted ball. McBrida out, hit by batted ball. Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Columbus 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 t-f Two-base hit: Ryan, Coulter. Base on ball; Off Berger, (."Struck outi ' B? Berger, 10; by Egan, 4. Left on bases: Calumbus, t; Kansas City, I. Passed bail: Leahy. Hit by pitched ball: Hinchman. Wild pitch: Ean. Sacrifice hit: Hulawltt Time: 1:06, Umpire: Kan. Bvea Break at Mllwaakea. MILWAUKEE, Wla., Aug. W.-ToledO and Milwaukee broke even In a double-header her thla afternoon, the local winning th flrat by a aoora of t to I and loaing the aecond, t to A Oberlln, after winning the first, went into the boa for the second, but was hit bard and retired In the llf th. Pitcher Goodwin was sold to Washington last night for 61,600. Score, first gams: MILWAUKEE. TOLEDO. , AB.H.O.A.E. AB H O A.E. Roklasoa. as. 4 I 4 I ! Cllsanaa, at 4 I I 1 Oram. rf.... 1 4 I IJ. CItrka If. 4 1 4 4 peusherty, It! I I 4 04w.ll, ef... 4 111 Btteuta, lb.. I I I I lOeauMt, rf... I I I I I Both, e 14 11 tnriMser, -. I s I l Clerk, Ik.... I 111 IKa.b., tk... I 4114 Hemphill. St. 4 t 1 IW. Clerks, lb 4 I I I I MeCkeeser. HI I I I M'jkou, ... 4 111 Merer Ick. Ib 4 1 4 I e i henf,. f I I 4 1 1 (ibilia. ... 4 lit .ti. ... i 4114 Naae 1 I I Totals H 14 17 14 I Total .... M Mill I Batted for Farrell In' ninth. Toledo llliHHM Milwaukse 1101001 -l Hits: Off Chech In on Inning. I; oft Farrell In seven Innings, 7. Two-base hit: OdwelL Three-base hit: Abbott. Stolen base: Kruegar, Odwell, Hemphill jl). First bas on balls: Off Oberlln. t; off Ferrell, 1 Hit by pitched ball: Hemphill, MeCor mlok, Kiueger. Struck out: By" Oberlln, 7; by Ferreil. 1. Doubl play: Ddwell to Abbott- Saerlfic hit: MoCheeney. Left oa bases: Milwaukee, 10; Toleuo, U. Time: M. Umpires: Egan and Sullivan. Score, seoond gams: TOLEDO. kiLWAl'KIE . - ASBOAB. llkO.il. Cllaawea as I I I 4 4 Boblnsoa, ss. I I 1 I I i. Cluhe, Villi B4iH, lk.. I 111 04 well, jot... I I 1 SBetemas. tl., I I I M Pemesv rf... t I 1 1 SRotk. e 4 1114 aruosw. Ik. 4 1 1 I 4 Clerk. Ik.... 4 4 14 ksaoa Ib... I I I I 1 H.eiphlll. el. i 4 4 4 W. Clersa lb I 4 II 4 I Mockear. if 4 I t 4 4 Last, e 4 4 11 4 aeOorick. Ill I I H Clieeh. t 141 looorlls. 1111 &eol. r.l I I I I TeUla II 11 nut Toula U I IT 14 I Toledo 1 0 I 1 t 0 1-4 Milwaukee I IIIMllH Hlta: Off Oberlln in flv Innlnga, t; off Ooodwlh in four Inning, L Two-oas hit.' Demont. Stolen bases: Damont, awruegef. First baa on balls: Oft Oberlln. I; oil Goodwin, I; off Chech, I. Hit by pitched ball: Hemphill, Bevllle. Wild plush: Obel tin. Btruok out: By Oberlln, I; by Checl, 1 Double piays: CUngma unassiated, McCormlok to Robinson to Bevllle. lev riflce hits: OdwelL Kaabe, W. Clarks. Lett oa bases: Mllweuke. t; Toledo. 6. Tim: l:4v. Umpire; Egan and Sullivan, neaara Krea al Mlaaeapelle. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aua. H. Honor wer divided in a double-header todsy be tween Loulsvtlls and Minneapolis. The vis itors won the first by bunching hits and lost ths second by poor work of the la held. Score: First game: LOOiaVILUB MINNBArOU. 4IIO.il. AailO.AB. la, rf... 4 111 IDsrla, ef I I I I u, If . 4 I i 4 4 D. lull'ta. rf I 4 I I 4 ,'tu, Ik 4 4 4 4 tOresileaer. Ill I I I i, . i I I I I Hut, U 4 4 114 Kenrta, Hells a. a Breahi weor(, ef. i a a a a rmiui, la. 4 a i i i SievelL lk... I 14 4 Itnlua. as., 4 114 1 new. s I I I 1 I res. tk 4 1 I 1 4 Qulnlaa, as. , I t I 4 I 1mi, a.... I 411 Pwunaaa. . I 1 I I ICAel'er, I 4 4 4 I Teuls M I ITU 1 Touts .....111 ITU 4 Mlnneapolla 0 IO00000 O-1 Louiavilie 1 I 1 0 0 0 1 0-4 Twa-baae aitai gTbaw, Puttmaaa, K.ar t(B INDIA AND Aa airtight package of purity, cornea In a Tetlrjr package. If rbu McCORD-BRADY CO., win. 'Baerlflc hltk: Hallman. S. Bulllvan, Qulnlsn, Puttmsnn. Stolen basee: Wood ruff, Hallman. Base on ball: Off Putt mann, 1; oft Cadwallader, 6. Struck out: By Puttmann, T; by Cadwallader, 1. DoubU plays: Brashear. Qulnlan to Btovall; Free man, Graham to Freeman Left on bases: Minneapolis, T: Louisville. 10. Time: 1:00. L'mplre: Warden.. Boore, second game: MINNEAPOLIS. LOV1IVILLE. . . AB.H.O.A.E, ABHO Ak. Parte, ef I I 1 4 Kerwln. rf... I 1114 t. tarves. Ill I M SHellus. If. I I 1 Omnlnin, Mill 1 4. iro. Ik 4 1111 Han. ii a i a a nnuir, ib. i i rreeme. lk. I 4 II I I Wee4rafl. il. I I I I I Orskam. ss.. t 4 t 4 I t an 1 1, lb... I ll I I ret, IB 414 IBtener. e I I I I I teaser, a till IQuinUn, aa... 4 1 1 t 1 KtlrrwS...t I 114 Elliott. .... 114 1 - Kens I I , I I Totals N rail I - Teull .....M 4 H IT 4 Batted for Elliott In th ninth. Minneapolis I 0 0 t 0 0 0 4 Loulsvill , 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 t Two-bse hit: Hallman. Stolen baaes: Hallman, Stoner, Qulnlan. Sacrifice hlte: S. Bulllvan (S), Elliott. Double plays: Foa to Freemen: B. Sullivan to Btovall. Baaee on ball: Oft Kllroy, 4; off. Elliott. 1 Struck out: By Kllroy, ; by Elliott, I Wild S Itches; Kllroy. Elliott. ' Hit by pitcher: toner. 'Left on bases:" Minneapolis, 4; Louisville, 7. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Warden, . Bvea Break at St. Paal. BT. PAUL. Minn.. Aug. at-at, Paul and Indianapolis brok even on a double-header today, the vlaltora taking th flrat after ten Inning by a oor of I to l Bt. Paul mad a Garrlaon finish In the eighth and ninth Innlnga of the second game, winning out by a soor of I to t. Scor first game: INDIANAPOU. , BT. PAIL. AB.H.O.A.E. AAH.O.A.E. Dunteavr. rt. 4 I I 1 oeter. ss I I I I Atherton. lb.. 161 liusdn, lb... I 1 14 1 I nimee. .... e 1 a IVmUnll, ef. I I 14 Carr, lb I I 11 I I Cor. If I 11- Wllllssta as. 4 I I 4 4 Wheeler, lb . 4 114 4 rrr. If 4 111 tkterera, Ti... I 111 Meroen. Ib... 4 14 1 1 P44ea. Ik... I I I I I Holme. e... I I I I 1 Drill, a I 144 Thlelsias, a.. I 1 1 I laoaebaagh, y I I I 4 1 total 14 t 49 14 I Totals ....' 11 14 11 I St. Paul ....0 0 10001000-1 Indn polls ....... 0 0100 0 000 1-t Two-base hit: Marcan, Drill. Stolen bnsea: Paddsn, Geier, Holmea Doubl a: Geler to Padden to Sugden. Bases on : Off Rodebaugn, 4; off Thtelman, 4. Hit by pitched ball: Van Zandt. Bugdftn, Thlelman. Struck out: By Rodeoaugn. I; by Thlelman, t. Bacrifloe hits: Drill, Bug. den, Rodebaugh. - Left on bases: St. Paul, 10; Inllanapoila. 7. Tims: 1:16. Umpire: Oaena. Score second gams: IT. PAUL. ' INDIANAPOLIS ABH O A B. ASH O A S. Oeter, sa I I 1 4 Dunlsery. if, I 1 I I I lu(4B, lb... I 1 14 1 lAthortoa, tb. 4 1 4 I 1 VanZendu tl, 4 I 4 I 4 Hteies. el ... 4 114 Oor. If i 1 1 1 40. it. lb I I f I I Wheeler, lb.. 4 I I IWIIIIama. ae. 4 I I I 1 M.r.rs, rf... 1 II IPerrr. If..... 4 I 1 I Pae4ea. tb... i 111 iMercaa, Ib... I 1111 Drill, ....... 4 I I I IHoIdms, ... I I T 1 I Prsltt. p.,,.. 4. 1 I I lkellsei, 111 Tetsla :....tl II 11 T toula .....14 14I 11 One out when winning run scored. Bt Paul 1 0 0 0000 4-0 IndianapolU ..........1 0004100 1-4 Two-bass hit: Coy. Home runs: Carr, Vsn Zandt. Stolen bases: Dunleavy, Wil liams. ' Bases oh balls: Off Kellum, I; off AVruttt, I. Hlt by .pitched balir htarcan, Atherton. Struck out: By Prultt, I; by Kellum. t. Wild pitch: Ksllum. Sacrifice hits;- Van Zandt -Wheeler, Left on bases;. St. Paul, I; Indianapolis, I. Time: 1:00. Umpire: Owens. StAadtagr at Ike Teama. Played. Won. Lot- Pet. Columbu 1 71 61 . Milwaukee UO 71 17 .62 Toledo m 48 U .641 MlnneApoll ........ 120 04 61" .612 Kansas City 128 64 64 .too LOulsville J2 , S2 7 . .411 St. Paul Ill 17 70 .441 Indianapolis ........ 120 46 64 .148 Game tod: Oolumbua at Kansas City, Toledo at Milwaukee, Indianapolis at 8U Paul, Loulsvtlls at Minneapolis. Iadlaa Las at Oleaweed. OLENWOOD, la., Aug. (Special.) The Haskell Indiana lost to Glenwood her yesterday. Score: Glenwood 6 0 0 0 1 4 0 1 t Haskell Indians .... 100001010-4 Batteries: ' Glenwood, ' Connor and Mas ter; Haskell Indiana, Hill and Baird. Um pire: Deardorf. Attendance. 7U0. ' Cleats Slaja Seaaadl Baaesiaa. CINCINNATI, ' Ohio, Aug. M -Ths New York Nationals todsy signed Second Base man Mullin of Uie Baltimore club. Mullln will not report until next season. In the 'American Uaaae, ' Games today: Chicago at Philadelphia, St, Loula at New York, Cleveland at Boa ton, Detroit at Washington. , . ' Nebraska Nates. BEATRICE The W.' V. A. Dodds' farm of 1A0 sere, located southwest of th city, wa sold yeaterday to Mlsaourl parties for 146 per acre. WTMORE-Leat evening a belt In th lectrlc light plant at Blue Springs brok and that oltv and this will be in darkness until the necessary repairs ars made. BEATRICE The Skldoos and Butterflies, two ball teams from the Dempster factory, played a game of ball Saturday evening which was won by ths latter Score, 9 to 6. , NORTH PLATTE The Millard Clgsr company has leaaed rooms In this city and will open up a elgar factory here next week. Thla will be two olgar factories for North PlaUa ...,. . -. ' BEATRICE The Hoag Farmers' elevator has been completed and will open for busi ness .Monday. August IT, with William Keefer as . manager, Ths elevator cost 4,OO0 and I of Ki.OuO bushels capacity. BEATRICE Miss Mine Crangl of this city died t Atlantic. Ia., following an operation for appendrrllla. She was 16 year of ajr and th daughter of W, F. Crangte. The remains were Interred here today. WEST POINT Today rl-drdlcatory ervlce were held In the Bt. Paul'x Ger man Lutheran church. An organ recital was given by Prof. Haas, of Seward. Tha Interior decoration of the church I now oomplete. . GRANT) ISLAND Chairman Prince, ef the republican central committee, haa called a meeting of the committee for the tlat lnat.. at which time the time for the county convention for the aelectlon of can didates (or tha legialature will be fixed. CHADRON Cropa are so immense here thle year It Is doubted If ail the streets of Chadron will be large enough to abow earn, plea. It having been decided to enow ibe vegetable kingdom in the shsps of a street fair to be held September 16 to H. Inclu sive. t BEATRICE Wlds Lash was assaulted gnd quite badly Injured Saturday night by Pearl Bates at ths close of a dance in the Le Polderln block. Jealousy over a young Woman with whom Bates has been keeping company ia said ta have ' caused the trouble. . ... CHADRON A telegraphic dispatch re ceived here announoe the death of Mar Jorle Harmon of appendloltla at a hoaplial at West Superior, Wis. Marjnrle was the only child of Superintendent Frank A- Her man, of th Chicago A Northweetera Kail road Company. BEATRICE Black Brother hav let th contract (or enlarging tbelr elevator. The capacity will be Increased from tO.OOt to 4I.U0U bushels. A new flums is also to be constructed at thair flouring mill la this city, and tb contract ha been let to Mr. Burchard, of Iaacoln. FULLERTON Th Fullerton Chautau qua assembly opened last evening, with a word of prayer offered by Rev. Cooper, pastor of thjf First Presbyterian church of this city. The opening concert was given by tb Chautauqua oroneatra. after whloh a grand eon sen wa given by the Haw thorne M sal cat club of Boston. TBCUMBIH Thla wa th last day ef tb Nemaha Baptist association, which had been ' la eeaalaa sine Thursday. Ia the mnralng the pceaohara preseat wer -igoed pulpits at tb dliXerent aburab.es jF(Bm CEYLON bouquet flavor, economy. That' what want th beat you mutt hT Trtlry't. Wholesale Agents, Omaha,' ' and tonight a anion ervice wa held st which the sermon was by Rev. H. Wil liam. D. D.. of De Moinea, la., a general missionary. NORTH PLATTE Th construction of th North River line of tb Union PaclMo railroad has been delayed for a coupl of week on account of th Inability to get ties snd the fact that a large aumbar of foreign laborers have quit. The steel has been laid on ths North Platte, river to a point weat of Ogallala, or about to the Lonergran creek. WEST POINT-Bteuben lodge, No. 40, Sons of Hermsn. .thla city, Installed the follow ing officers last Friday svenlng: Past presi dent, Peter Poelott; president Hermsn Koch; vice president, Jean Psoherer: sec retary, Hans Nlndsl; treasurer, EnMI Von SAggern; conductor, Bernard Herman; In side guard, Theodore Bchwartsi trustee, three years, William Krekeel. ST. PAUL A peculiar and fatal accident occurred on the farm of Louie Buntyoh, two mllea west of Far well, laat Sunday. Joseph, the 16-year-old son, was found dead, head flrat In tha water tank. It la supposed that the boy went to drink out of the supply pipe leading from the pump to the tsnk, snd that, while In this -act, the hest overpowered him. throwing him upon hi head Into th water. In which position he would quickly drown. BEATRICE The Beatrice Com mills peo- fle hsve let contracts for the building of our elevators In this state, from which they propose to obtain grain to be used for the mills at this point. The exact loca tion of tbe new elevators hss not been de cided upon, but It Is the Intention -of the men behind the move to have them built In the best corn grewng sections In the Mate. A Lincoln contractor will have charge of the construction of the plants. NORTH PLATTE Mr. Arthur Mo Namara, one of the most prominent women of this oltv, the wife of the president of the First Nstlonsl bank of North Platte, died at Lincoln, at Bailey's Institute, from valvular heart trouble last Tuesday and the funeral rite war held at Fremont, her former home, on Wednesdays A large number of North Platte frlenda went from here to Fremont ' to attend the funeral. She left a husband and a 1-year-old daugh ter. TECUMBEH Another aale of tloO per acre land Is reported In Johnson county. Albert VanlnnlngHam hs sold hi 140-scr farm, flv miles east of Tecumseh, to Mrs, L. A. Graf of Graf for 114.000. The land 1 situ ated on the old Brownvllle trail In the very richest part of the county and the Improve ments are first class. But one farm In this county ever brought a higher price, a place nesr Cook having brought tl06 per acre. However, there hav been other les as good. HUMBOLDT Henry Albert. ' a well known pioneer retired farmer residing In the esst part of th city, went out to tha barn to hitch up hla driving horae and In some manner unknown was thrown down while harnessing th animal and tramped upon until he Decern e unconscious. Hla wlfs discovered his condition and neighbors were summoned. He Is suffsring from In juries shout th chest, several ribs being loose and evidently thrust Into th lung cavity. WEST POINT'-Th next regular term of the Cuming county district court Is sched uled to take place on September 17, with Judge Guy T. Gravea of Pender en tha bench. At this term only matter of nat uralisation will be taken up. Owing to the nearness of the taking effect of the nsw naturalisation law a large number of for-elan-born residents are taking advantage of th old method of obtaining cltissnshlp. which Is much cheaper and less embarrass ing than th procedure -will be under th Tiew law, . i ' . . - TECUMSEH The story comes to T-ium. seh through a reliable channel that F. L. Bea.tty.-now of Apache. Ok!., but formerly of this cltv, was brought Into ths United State court at Lawton on day recently charged , with ualng a cancelled t-eent stamp as postage on a certain letter. Mr. Beady gave bond In the sum of 6500 for appearance later for trial. The accused msn waa In the real estate business In Tecumseh, for a great many yesrs and later followed thia occupation In Oklahoma, until, it Is aald. at one time he waa worth a considera ble sum. Just how he Is fixed st this time and' the particular of the etfse la question I not known to Tecumseh people. AMUSEMENTS. KRUG THEATER FUues IBS-ate 00 T6. Malta All Seat saa, TOaTXaXT Sils. . Matinee Wedaesday Ths a real Metropolitan Moled THE YK1 BKsTBATZOaT or txb . EYE WITNESS Thur Confeaalona of a Wife. Sunday DAVID HIGrGINei, in HIS LAST DOLLAR OUR WOOD mrt Tonight and Bat. Week Professional Mat. Tomorrow . THE WOODYYAKD BTOCK CO. Presenting ' THB CHARITY BALL ' Prices Night and Sunday Matin, 10c and !6o; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Matinees, loo and too. Nest Weak ' -. I THE COWBOY AND THE LADY. SAME CAFACITX BLblrttsa. l:iHHUir);is:irH;A Harney and 10th Bt. 'Phone Doug. Hi. Tonight at 1:16. Garden Concert 1.-4A A2.X. STAB TAOBBTTM. ' Pretty Conley Slatere and an A1U Btar bill. BIJou Stock Co. In "1 h Fortune of War," a play of 111. rortTLAB rmioxs, lo-so-aoo. MKIOHTOrf IT jaa MODIKN VAUDEVILLE. OPENS SUNDAY. MATINEE SEPTEMBER t Bo office now open. Prices 0o. o. 60c VINTON ST. PARK OMAHA VS. PUEBLO August 28, 25, 27, 28, 29 2 Games Sunday; 'lit Called , at 2:30 " -Monday, August 27, Ladies Day -. , Gam Called 3:45. I a BASE BULL