Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha "Daily Bee
Cuban Gmrnment, HoweToz, KeaiUtot U
Take Bnoh a Step.
Liberals Tk Ad-mUre f Situation to
Fran for Concession.
1 Poth &0TniBint nd Rebel Prpria for
, Mere Barton Work.
Tulle ' of ' I t erven tlea oa the Part
of tb Vnlted Stat la Case
' th Troablo " Become '
' " ' eoaeral. " "
! . HAVANA, Aug. M.-Th anxiety of
t dent PsJma to extend every possible epp ''
l tunlty for peace without bloodshed and hk.
desire to permit those Who Joined . the In
urrectlon under misguidance to repent and
return to their homes unmolested, com
bined with the general wish to end a situ
ation fraught with so much lose and suf
fering, has led to consideration by the
. presldenuand his cabinet of a project de
claring a thirty-day amnesty period, during
. which the Insurrectionists are Invited to lay
down their arma and return to their peacs-
' ful pursuits. It was proposed to Issue the
. decree tomorrow, but persons close to the
. president strongly opposed the measure, and
the matter was deferred and may be relin
quished. .
Bo for aa actual conflict went Sunday
, proved to be a day of Inactivity, but prep
arations proceeded without abatement. A
. fund of 14000,000 hss been set aside by the
treasury for defense, and drafts on It are
' heavy and constant.
The situation . If so inqreaslngly serious
j that It la tacitly admitted In all govern
ment circles that the -enlargement of the
army will, not stop at any given number,
hut. will continue Indefinitely.
While the number of men at present leav
ing their regular occupations to enlist for
war Is small, employers are beginning to
And that tbey will soon be confronted with
a - considerable . scarcity o. labor. Many
laborer are gathering In front of the bul
letin . boards on which are displayed the
all for volunteers laaued by President
Palma Saturday night They discuss the
attractiveness of a soldier' life at such
. unusual pay, and, at a result many resolve
.to enlist.
New Bands of laamrgents. .
It was learned today that several new
Insurgent bands had taken' to the brush.
The growth of the Insurrection certainly
' i aaem to keep pace with the preparations
, for' subduing It.' Next to the progress of
j the combatants, the most Interesting quee
; tlon today team ta be how to -end the
' war without fighting. Around the discus
tlon of th question nenters a great deal
rrt' VV,-Calp!!nt,0B icrh-itnetW-t trot both
' .liberal -and -idrtea.' each side trrtri-'
,n accusation against th other aa to
Eh rpontmlity for precipitating the re-
bellloa, - v -
On on phase of the oontrovery the lib
erals seem o united M to suggest an un
derstanding - among them . for taking - d-
, vantage of the' present situation to press
upon the government a proposition that It
ought, In some manner to treat with them
or at least admit them to a conference of
, gome sort. While no liberals are In arms
against the government they admit coun
tenancing the Insurrection, though they al
ways deny knowledge of any conspiracy.
Interviews, -. statements and hints 'given
out by the liberals all Votnt to'the prob
ability that the matter might be settled
on the basis of the admission of leaders to
their party to the councils of the govern
ment and some guarantee that In the fu
ture flections will be conducted with ab
solute fairness. The Insurrectionists in the
Held, who, of oowry. are far more radical
In their deman "".who are Important
factors in this u.-i Aston, do not think of
ageeptlng less .than the complete annull
tnent of the last elections.
1 '' Insist on Imatitr,
All the liberals', would Insist, under any
circumstances upon a general amnesty for
all rebels. The government at this stage,
does not think of . considering any of these
uggested ' proposals, the - fact is that the
palace officials were today in a most hope
ful mood. No advances from the liberals
have yet been made that are at all likely
to be considered before the government
suffers some serious reverse and probably
set even then.
All discussion of this rort , leads Inevit
ably to the subject of American interven
tion. If the conflict should last for a long
time. Intervention is a consideration to
loom p as a toleiwbly certain eventuality,
; If the government subdues the tnsurreo
1 tlon, and chastises, wounds, or kills mem
bers of the liberal party, the feeling of
rancor la expected to continue for years.
Jf the. insurrectionists' prevail, it is , pre-
dioted that uncertain conditions are bound.
to continue.
Santa Clara Is becoming a thorough In
surrectionist province). Borne visages have
Become wholly insurrectionist and even
larger towns. In some rases, have taken up
arma against the government. . The alti
tude of the people Is entirely a question of
the attitude of the leader. A former
mayor , of Trinidad has suddenly placed
himself at the head of a band f 100 in
aurganU., Tits mayor of. Laa Cruces (a
leading a. .band from his town, consisting of
. men. . - j
Colonel Avaloa, who is In command of
the government, forces at Baa Juan de
Martin, I still waiting for orders end
relnforoementa. The province of Havana
Is stUl kept nervous by unimportant en
ovntera. A band -of young women living In Ha
vana have offered their services as nurses
and General Rodrlgue. oommander of the
rural guard, has replied that he will be
glad to avail himself of their oiler if it
should be Deoeeeary. .
M. The Mexican
government has issued strict orders that
bo use shall be mad of gulf ports, espe
cially taoa of Yucatan, as a base of sup
plies for the Cuban revolutionist. Cuban
Minister Rlvero has been active in hta ef
forts to prevent the revolutionists from re
ceiving assistance from their sympathisers
In this country. .
'Bryan Casassttte Train Reported at
WUkeeharro la .
V ; - Afternoon.
braska Bryan, reception committee paaeed
I through her lata todoj orot for New
I Xoxfc oU. -
Mlseeartaoe Take Their Place at
Msaetven at fort
FORT RILET, Kan.. Aug. .-The bri
gade of the Missouri National guard In
fantry, the Second, Third and Fourth regi
ments, arrived at the camp of Instruction
at Port Riley this morning with Brlgsdler
General H. C. Clark commanding.. The
brigade will commence receiving Instruc
tions tomorrow. Th two battalions of the
South Dakota National guard, commanded
by Major B. D. Aldrlcb, left for home this
evening. Each had completed a full week's
work at the camp.
Aug. 28. Th Second regiment of the Illi
nois National guard returned to Chicago
today. The Wisconsin men will arrive at
the camp of Instruction September , and
stay unUl September 16. During th next
two weeks th United States regulars, who
are In camp at the fort, will get down to
hard work. The ofllcer expect much good
result during this period when th regulars
have the opportunity to maneuver among
; .With a deep gash extending twioe across
throat. Quartermaster Sergeant A.
j -ie- fierce oi company . omiii. r-
JUInois National oupara. is taia up
. "enermi neia nospuai ai m- ion.
K. .':. "on la critical. Th records of
th . ehow that Pierce ."attempted
to co ' yd'lclde while temporarily in
sane."" r" '
Pierce doe- not know how or where he
received "his wou.ids. ' He . Intimates that
he may have been attacked by 'some of
the Illinois men, who he claims were Jeal
ous on account of his being promoted over
older men.
Streets la Valparaiso to Be Widened
' - Changed.
VAIjPARAISO. Aug. . The government
has drawn up and presented a project for
th reconstruction of Valparaiso. In order
to: prevent the flooding of streets thsy will
have a uniform level. . The minimum width
of streets, without counting sidewalks, will
be fifteen meters. The government will pay
cash for lands expropriated for thli pur
pose and will facilitate loans to owners of
lands thus taken. Customs duties will be
URpended for eighteen months on con
struction material.
The destruction by dynamite of menacing
butldlnga is 'bringing out protests.
The bourse and commercial houses are
not yet doing business, and because of a
lack of money th banks ar forced to con
tinue limited payment.
Sea at President Get Shaklaa; t'p by
Derailing; of
v . . Train. . .
ST.. PA TTI Minn.. Aug.. T. Delayed for
several hour but uninjured by the . wreck
of the North Coast limited,' upon which he
was coming east from a visit to his father's
old ranch at Medwa. J. ti Jiernilt Rno
vWt ' and Tils "young friend,' John Heard,
reached 8t. Paul this afternoon.' - After
luncheon they rod about .th c(ty In tu
automobll and then continued their east
ward Journey. ".' .'
The accident occurred- af Berea and was
caused by a split switch. ' Five coaches
were derailed, but none of .the passenger
was seriously Injured. Kermlt who oc
cupied a -compartment ' In ' a 'sleeper, was
somewhat shaken up, but otherwise expe
rienced no ill effects. - He at one wired the
president at Oyster Bay that he was "all
Tragedies Contlana to Follow In the
- Wake of Bank
CHICAGO, Aug. H-Johana Klndler, It
yearn of age, today became violent and
alarmed passengers In an Ashland avenue
car while brooding over the loss of ISO
which he had deposited In the failed Mil
waukee Avenue State bank. Klndler was
arrested and held, pending an Investigation
of hs sanity.
Klndler Is the second person to become
mentally deranged aa a result of the failure
of the bank. In addition three persons have
committed aulclde and on man fell dead
following the flight of President Stensland
and the closing of the bank. The police to
night are still in the dark aa to the where
abouts of Stensland.
lrg laoreeise la Both laaporta as
Baporte Dorinsr Lavet !
WASHINGTON, Aug. ' H Th Imports
for July, according, to th monthly stal
nent of foreign commeroe Issued by th
Department of Commerce and Labor, were
tiatHS.T7. as against M,iU.tOC for July,
lWt, wall th total amount of exports for
July. IBM, were $U1,K1,US, a against 'no7.
30,431 for July, 190. Th Imports for th
seven month In 1806, ending with July,
were 738.M.lXr. aa agatnat t67t.IM.04O for
th gam period In 1ft. while the total ex
ports for the seven month In' 1804, ending
with July, were . SttMHltt. a against
fMs,tS,M for th same period in 1M6.
Taaeaaaar Man Baya He will Pre seat
Conarreeeasaa'a Haas to
NEW' TORK. Aug.. 2C In a statement
given out tonight, Tammany Leader Julius
Harburger, of the Tenth Assembly district,
declare he will be a delegate to the Buffalo
convention and wtll tak th platform and
praaent for th democratic nomination for
governor, the name of Congressman Wil
liam Suiter of New York. Mr. Harburger
j said he made this statement la response to
District Attorney Jerome, who recently
Challenged the leaders of Tammany ball lo
express their choice for governor.
Flood Do mane In Mexico.
EL. PASO. Tex.. Aug. tt. Mail advice
from Maaatlan, Mexico, aay that flooda lo
the muuntaiue did great damage to that
rlty about ten days ago. Many stores
were partially and some completely
wrecked. Along the beach many boueea
were ewept y. Nu loes of life Is re
ported. .
Mb l.yuehce a Xearo.
CAliHOCN, La., Aug. SS Alfred Schaur
Blet. a negro, waa lynched here today by a
mob for attempting to auault MIm Olive
rhamber. early thle morning. Brhaufniet
was frightened by the arreama of his In
tended victim end fled, but was captured
by a poeae. After canfeaalng hit guilt
waa hntd t a teiejcraM pule, ....
Probfcbl lotion of Ohio lonTeotion Drtwi
EUtemsnt from Eenator.
Does Rot tatead to Ask Party for no
Indoreeaaent and Has Hope It
Will Xot Condenaa HI
Action. V
WASHINGTON, Aug. , z. Senator For-
aker today, in an Interview, discussed the
political situation in Ohio, devoting con
siderable attention to' the probable action
of the approaching republican convention
In that state. with respect to those of the
congressional delegation who had differed
from th president on some matter of legis
lation. . He, tald:, -
"I am sorry to learn- that the republicans
of Ohio ar having some sharp contro
versies, but th subjects "of difference do
not seem to me very Important. I can
not think,,, therefor, -that there is likely
to be any serious injury done to the party,
whatever may happen to lndlvlduala.
"So . far aa' endorsing ma It concerned,
that la not Important to anybody except
myself, and ' I thall try to accept with
equanimity whatever may be . th action
of tb convention. -It Is true I opposed
the president' policy aa embodied In the
Hepburn bill, but not, at it la commonly
stated In the newspapers, because I was
opposed to governmental regulation and
supervision of railroads, for the . record
will show 'that . I have done, as much In
that behalf as any other Ohio man In con
gress, but because 1 thought the Hepburn
bill unwise, unjust and unconstitutional.. -
."My contention was' that, under existing
law, which helped enact, having been a
member of th sub-committee that, framed
It, especially If amended as It should be,
very serious wrpng ,f every kind prac
ticed by the railroads can be remedied and
that all evil practice can ba broken up,
a nearly aa law will enable U to break
them up.1.
"Everything I said m that respect has
been already fully . Justified and vindicated
by th many ' successes the attorney gen
eral ha met with In the numerous pros
ecutions he has Instituted In the last nine
months, until which time long after the
debate commenced, no one seemed to real
ise, not even the. government's own of
ficials the excellence of the laws we al
ready had. .
. Old Lawa Applicable. ' "
"Exlatlng laws have been found, accord
ing to ' the Judgment rendered . In these
proceedings, to apply to every kind of re
bate, or discrimination between Individuals
or localities, no matter under what name,
form or guise praotlcod that anybody ha
yet complained about.'
"When somebody finds torn evil practice
that existing lawa do not forbid and pro
vide an expeditious remedy against ' and
heavy punishment ' for. I may change my
mind aa to the oorrectneRa of my action-'
a to whthr ft waa wla or not,, but not
until than. ... . ..
' ."This la a greet subject.; full of trouble
some questions, both' of law and. of policy.
4hoAranhot -to property - disowns a a,.' iav aa
mtervlew. ' Excepting the rate bill, I sup
ported the president aa' to ' every other
meaaur he urged upon, congress - except
only Joint statehood for Arlaona and New
Mexico. I opposed that except on con
dition - they should ' b allowed . to deter,
min by' vote In each territory 'whether'
tbey wanted Joint atatehood. ', I think th
groat majority of the -people were opposed
to the idea of' the president forcing Joint
statehood upon thee territories against
their protect. ... ..
"But, however this may be, aa to myself
I shall not . make any request of the oon
ventlon nor any complaints as to It action
whatever that may be; but I cannot for
bear suggesting In this connection that 1f
th convention should try to conform to
th rule prescribed by Mr. Burton of en
dorsing 'less cordially' than th president
those who may have differed from the
president at to some matter no matter
how honestly tt would have tome hard
problem to oilv."
Cite gaaao Examples.
"For Instance, If Senator Dick I to be
endorsed 'less cordially' than the president
because he did not agree with the president
about the PhJMp-me tariff bill, what Is
the convention to do aa to General Kelfer
and the tlx other distinguished Ohio re
publican members of congress who Joined
with that sturdy old veteran In oppoalng
and voting against th president as to that
measure one of them, Mr. Nevln, who rep
' resents the district In which the convention
will be held? Are they also to be 'par
tially rebuked' by endorsing them 'lees cor
dially' than the president and their' col
league who voted with the president T -
"And how about Mr. Burton himself?
Would he not be 'hoist by his own petard?'
Does he not now and than klck over the
traces' and differ from, the president and
from his party? Is he to be endorsed lest
cordially' than the president because he
ha opposed th president' policy of In--creasing
th navy? It not th navy, so to
speak, the ' apple of th president's eye
the biggest of hit big sticks and are not
the people with the president aa . to hit
naval policy by an overwhelming majority?
"Take another case. The president and
Secretary Taft made known to congress at
the last session that unless we restricted
them to America they would go abroad to
purchase supplies and material to be used
In the eonstruotlon of the Panama canal
when they could buy them cheaper abroad,
thus saving money on the purchase, and aa
they were to be used In Panama and not
brought Into the United States, saving th
tariff duty besides.
"I think I may aafely aay that with a
great majority of th American people this
, proposition was not popular.- Certainly, to
republican genefaiiy It Rsd inoou
tlstent with all we have been contending
for with reepeot to a protective tariff.
JostlSo th Action. .
"Th Idea of constructing th most ma
Jeatlo work In progToaa In all tb world, tb
greatest ever undertaken by any nation, a
purely American eotarprtse, to b built by
Americana and paid for by American
money, and going abroad to buy material
and suppii. thus giving patronage to for
eign manufacturer and giving employment
to foreign labor Instead of buying In Amer
ica, from Americana, and giving all these
advantage to our own people, seemed ao
unpatriotic and, under the droumatancea,
so Indefenalbl. that congress adopted a
resolution prohibiting It except in case.
If there should be any tuch, where the
president might deem It necessary to do ao
to escap extortion.
"In the senate 'hla resolution received the
aupport of every republican. In the house
It waa supported by the vote of every Ohio
republican except the vote of Mr. Burton.
He voted 'no.' .
. '1 do not mention this to criticise him.
Continued act Second Paga.).
Freaaeat Pre poses to Show Visitors aa
Interesting Tfsse Proa rasa er
Stato COnvtatJoat. a
FREMONT, Neb.. -Aug. M.-tSpeclal.V-The
Fremont Commercial clubt the busi
ness men of the city And th cltltens In
general ar making preparations to enter
tain . th visiting merchant of Nebraska,
who ar to meet her' on September ft and
II for . th purpose of organising a tate
association -of retail merchants.
Th various railroad of th state hav
decided to grant a rale of one and one
third fare tor the round trip from any
town In Nebraska, tlcketa to go on aale
September t, f, 10 and It, good to return
not later than September "K. Th tickets
will be aold on the certificate plan, the pur
chaser to pay full far going and will be
entitled to one-third of the one-way rate
returning. . ' -
. The Fremont Commercial club la arrang
ing to tender the merohants an informal
banquet on the evening of September 11,
at which time tosat wtll be responded to
by a number of Nebraska merchants. It
it announced that 'Secretary Hanson of
th Commercial clob-wlll preside at toast
master. Mayor Won will deliver a short
addreea, hit speech to be on of welcome
to the merchant delegaoa,
It la expected that several hundred re
tall merchant will be at the meeting, and
th following I th prfgram aa outlined,
although It Is subject ' to change:
Th Parcel Poet Bllt
W. S. Jackson, Valentine, Neb.
The Local Newnpaper. a" the. Merchant' a
Friend.... Mark L. Felber, Omaha, Neb.
Co-operation, Not Competition
H. Henie, Sr... Cairo, Neb.
Fighting Catalogue Houses
W. H. Avary, Tilden, Neb.
The Association Not a Trust
H. I - Hlmes, Fremont; Neb.
The Butter and Bgp Proposition
- L. F. Langborst, Elmwood, Neb.
Th Deadbeat EVU..
Henry Bolton, Schuyler, Neb.
Th Good of Organisation
J. H., Wilson, Butte Neb.
How to Deal With tha Credit Evil....:.
.15. D. Jackson. Upland, Neb.
The Relation of Wholesaler -to Retailer
Fred Diem, Madison, Neb.
Short addressee . will be made by other
delegate present. ' Th Masonic hall will
be fitted up for the accommodation- of the
retail merchants, and" an orchestra will b
provided to gtv a short musical program.
Th meeting r remise to'be one of the best
of it nature ; ever; held1 In the' west,, and
there It every reason to believe that a strong
organisation, will be formed. ' Addressea
will also be delivered by prominent retail
merchant! during - the meetings on both
days. The first meeting will convene at
2:30 o'clock Tuesday" afternoon, Septem
ber 11.
Eight of Original Settler Still Rcaldo
' In City.
GRAND ISLAND, Aug. J. ( Special.) A
movement . hst been started here for an
elaborate celebration of the fiftieth an
niversary of the" settlement of Hall county
and this aectlon of the atate In July of
Bxt year and, th connection therewith, to
erect and dedicate an appropriate monu
ment to th original "colony of twenty-five
settler, to the first settlers of every town
ship eounty and the old soldier
of tha.oountyt.. Tb .'. xoloap of whit
settler cam to Hall' eounty from Dawan
port, la., in 1857, leaving there In May and
arriving In thl aectlon on July I of th
same year. Stake for th original settle
ment were put out on July . the location
being established on th day previous, th
nation' birthday. Eight of . th - original
settler still - remain residents here. . The
majority of them have Joined the silent
majority and a few are resident of, other
part. 'The eight r: Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Joehnck, sr.; Mrs." John Thonuwen, . Fred
Hedde, " the founder of the Independent;
William Btolley, wen known over the state
as a groat horticulturist;-Christian Menck,
William A. Hogge and Cay Ewoldt. The
greater portion of the original twenty-five
remained here constantly, even when the
government, at the outbreak of the civil
war. warned the frontier settlers to aban
don their claims for the time being. It
being neceasary to move th few scattering
troop back east.
Bis Cos Settled Oat of Coort.
NIOBRARA.' Neb., Aug. M, SpeclaJ.)
An Important land case. Involving about
MO acre of' land bordering town,, waa set
tled' out of court Saturday. The late
William Lamont left a will In which hi
eldest boy, Frank, was remembered, and
hi son Scott renounced. . In th early Vtu
the wife of Lamont left him with their
two sons for her old Pennsylvania home,
where ah remained until her death, sev
eral year ago. - Th - son learned trade
and never were seen by their father until
he waa on hi deathbed, when the eldest
son and his wife come out. The will Is
said to hav been made only twelve days
before his death. Boott Lamont came out
to Investigate the estate, his elder brother
In the meantime dying, and engaged th
services of counsel. The counsel for each
id cam together today and - awarded
Soott hi equal share In the estate, save
a personal property th elder brother
was allowed to retain.
Workman Ha a CIos CsdL.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Aug. M. (Spe
cial.) William Bras-field, an oiler at . the
factory of the Grand Island Canning com
pany, had a miraculous escape from death
thl morning. Th factory started up this
week, but not until thlt morning waa a
certain portion of the canning machinery
started. While trying to place th belt
ovor certain pulley hi clothing caught In
the rapidly revolving wheel and ha waa
lifted up to the shafting . and violently
whirled about and sent through a . very
narrow space between th starting and
th celling, making several revolution.
The power was shut off as quickly as poo
si hie and th man removed from hit po
sition. A physician waa called and found
that four of tb rig wer broken., but that
there were, so far a evidenced, no Internal
Injuries. Mr. Brassneld was taken to tb
hospital and It I believed will reoover.
doodrleh for Inkier. -.,
FAIRMONT. Neb.. . Aug. H-(8pecial.-Th
republican of th Twenty-first sena
torial district met here yesterday and nom
inated Lout Goodrich of thl ' city - for
stat senator. Mr. Ooodrtch I a . farmer
and ha been a resident of thl plae for
several year, and a lifelong republican,
and If elected will rnak a stand for all
that th party stands for; a man who can
not be swerved from the path of 'right by
fear or favor.
Iiti Beets of Good (tasdlty.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. Jt. -Special.
Rec ent tests of the sugar boete
grown for th local factory show a very
high percentage of sugar contents and the
season has also been a most favorable one
for tonnage. It Is expected that th fac
tory , will begin . the campaign on the
season's crop about th loth. A long cam
paign lo expected, aa there I all th acre
age xfi factory could handle.
Homacominr: of W. J. Brju th Principal
If-nt on tb Program.
Expeeted to Mako a N a saber of
Speeches In New York, Coaaeotl-
Important Conference.
.WASHINGTON. Aug. The homecom
ing of William J. Bryan, after a tour
around the world, promise to Inaugural
th real opening of "th commoner's" third
campaign for the presidency. Mr. Bryan
I a passenger on board the North German
Lloyd steamer Prlnsess ' Irene, which It
expected to reach New Tork next Wednes
day or Thursday. '
The great popular reception to tha Ne
braskan will be held at Madison Squat
Garden Thursday evening, under th aus
pices of the Commercial Traveler' Anti
Trust league. Mayor Tom L. Johnson of
Cleveland will preside at the reception and
representative democrats from-all section
of th United. State will be present. Mr.
Bryan Is expected to make a two hours'
speech and to addras on or mora. open
air meetings In Madison Square, composed
of those who are unable to gain admission
to. th garden. Th Madison Square re
ception will e but . the beginning of a
long series of similar affairs on a tmallur
scale, which will end with a big . public
meeting of welcome when Mr. Bryan
reaches his home in Lincoln, Neb.
On Friday, the day after the Madison
Square Garden reception,; Mr. Bryan will
leave for New Haven, in company with a
large, delegation - of his Connecticut sup
porters. In New Haven he will b" the
guest of the New 'Haven Democratic club
and will deliver an address Id the open
air on the Central green. An Interesting
feature of his .visit to the Connecticut
city will be a formal conference of leading,
democrats from all the New England
states. Including candidate for governor,
mayors of some of the New England cities,
democratic committeemen and the ' New
England member of the democratic na
tional committee. . This conference It is
announced,' It for the purpose of agreeing
upon ' a common basis for the campaigns
of thl year and of two yeara hence. From
New Haven Mr. Bryan will go to Bridge
port, where' he will deliver an address in
th evening and on the following day. he
will address a meeting at Jersey City. On
Saturday night he will be the guest of
active newspaper men who cover political
assignment for their papers. .
- American Bar Association. .
Th national convention of the. American
Bar association will be held at St. Paul
beginning Wednesday. - It will be - opened
with the address of . the president, George
R. Peck. The annual address, will be de
livered Thursday.' .
The International League -of Press club
will meet for Its annual convention on
Wednesday at. Denver. . - . i
An urgent meeting, of the Canadian cabi
net at Ottawa hat been called for thli
week. . Question! pending between Canada
and th United States ar believed to hav
occasioned th call for. th meeting..
Th .asiraal. rifle thooting contests at Sea
girt, N. J., will 'take" place from 'August
17 to September ., This rear' tournament
la expected to be the moat eiabo rat of
tt kind In the hlatory of the United State.
Th beat marksmen of the country ar en
tered In th various .classes. .
Emperor William', grandson, . th first
son of Crown Prince Frederick William of
Hollentollern, who. waa born, at the marble
palace at Potsdam July 4 last, will be bap
tised August . King Edward and the em
perors of Austria and Russia will be the
godfathers, and In commemoration of the
event an imperial 'decree ha been pub
lished, pardoning all persons convicted of
tese majeste toward the German emperor
or any, member of the royal fan.' y. To
mark the fact that the child was born on
the Fourth- of July the American colony
at Berlin has resolved to present Mm with
a silver -oup emblaxoned with th Ameri
can fiac and eagle. An elaborate ceremony
hat been arranged for th christening.
Rhino Jt Mosell of Germany Qalts
.. Bnslnes on the Pavcldo ;
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. J8.-Th Rhine
tt Mosell Fir Insurance company ha sur
rendered Its' license to do business in Cali
fornia and announced Its withdrawal from
business In th state. In a letter to Insur
ance Commissioner Wolf th company'
attorney said:
In relation to the claims of policy holder
who suffered losses In th conflagration fol
lowing upon tb earthquake the company
authorise tb statement that as to any
policy holder having no other Insurance
than In this company, and whose lass does
not exceed 500. they will allow 50 per cent
of the claim, but that as to all other claim
they will refuse payment. In relation to
suit which ar to b anticipated aa the re
sult of this action the company cable that
they ar advised by German counsel that
Judgments of state oourt will not be reo
ogtUsed in Germany, and that It will be un
necessary to appear In any suit brought In
these tribunals. As to suits which may be
filed in the United Statee circuit oourt
other considerations prevail, and we are
authorised as to such suits to appear for
and on behalf of the company.'
porroFncB robber it. captured
Waym People Locate Him and Notify
I Officers.
WAYNE, Neb.. Aug. .".-(Special Tele
gram.) Through th . effort of two of
Wayn' oitixens, Henry Steele, alias Jack
White, noted post office robber, who ha
robbed a number of postofflces in Missouri
and elsewhere, one" of hi last aou being
tb blowing open of a aafa and the rob
bing of the poatofflo at Barnard, Mo., th
postofflc building being destroyed by fir
as a result of the explosion, waa located at
th farm of E. T. Raimlck. ten miles south,
east of Wayne, when he had been work
ing for a "number of week Steele bad
been In Jail before, but had broken out
and escaped by knocking the Jailer aense
lesa aa tb latter was handing him hit
Authorities wer notified and Saturday
morning. United State Deputy Marshal
Haakell , and United States Detective
Weaver arrived from St. -Joseph, Mo., and
befor cvnlng had affected the capture
of Steal,., who la said to be a desperate
character and who had sworn that he
would never be taken alive. When re
quested to throw up his hands, being sur
prised, he did so, and was at one takan
Into custody. ' Th offloer left with tb
prisoner on th evening train.
Doeldo to Deport CkUdrea. -
NEW TORK, Aug. M.-The case of the
forty Russian Hebrew children who arrived
here Saturday on the steamship Amerlka
was heard by the Board of Special Inquiry
at the immigration station on Ellis Island
today and th board, after deliberation, do
elded thst th children should be excluded
from this country. Accordingly their de
portation was ordered. This, however, is
not Onal and th case hat already gone on
appeal to WaoiJDgiecv
Fair and Warmer Monday nod Toes,
The district foreeaster at Chleaajo
predlets light frosts Monday mora,
laat In Nebraska, goats) Dakota,
northwest Iowa and soathweat Min
nesota. Temperatare at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. Den. Honr. De.
B a. m vl i p. m klti
a. m HH a p. m ON
T a. m BT S p. m H
a. m IW 4 p. m...... m
a. m. M S p. m 68
10 a. m...... 61 N p. m or
11 a. aa A4 T p. ta OA
in m. ........ tin p. an...... MI
p. m S3
All Bat Two Small I.loes In San Fran
rlsco Aro Completely
Tied Vp.
BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. . With th
exception of the California and Geary
treet lines street railway traffic In this
clt was suspended today at th result of
strike, of the conductors and motormen of
the United Railway system, which went
Into effect at I o'clock this morning. The
United Runways mad no attempt to run
cars and consequently there waa no disor
der. Farther action In th tie-up awaits
the arrival of Patrick Calhoun, president
of the United Railroads, who la en route
from the east and who Is expected to ar
rive tonight. Automobiles and other vehi
cles have been brought Into requisition,
and they did a good business.
Although the California and Geary atreet
lines were In operation, their limited
equipment was Inadequate. The employe
of these two lines will not be 'called out,
but they expect their employers to follow
the lead of the large company In any
change that may be made in the wage
scale.' ' .
The action of the union waa taken at I
o'clock thli morning at a mass meeting
of the car men's union to enforce the de
mands of $3' a day and a work dsy of
eight hours made upon the company last
Sunday. This action of the car men was
taken . In spite of the efforts of Mayor
Schmlts during the past two days to avert
the strike.
In reply to the demands sent to the com
pany laat Sunday Thornwall Mullaley
answered that he waa powerless to act In
the absence of President Calhoun and re
quested the union to wait the letter's ar
rival, when a directors' meeting would be
called and a definite reply be given the
men. Several communication paaaed be
tween the company and the car men, re
sulting In -an ultimatum from the latter
Tuesday that th company must make
definite reply not later than Friday after
noon. Mr. Mullaley tent a letter to the
union Friday, again asking the union to
postpone action until the arrival of Presi
dent Calhoun, who would be in the city
today. The car men, however, apparently
thought that the United Railway waa only
sparring for time, and report wer circu
lated that the company waa constructing
barrack 'for what the car ron believed
was Intended for strike-breaker. ,
Party of - Sorvoyora at . Work. In Ia-
" ' tereet of Northern
' ,"; ' Faelle. '''
SAN, FRANCISCO. Aug. .-Th Call
prlnta a tory today to the effect that
Jamea J. Hill, the railway magnate. It plan
ning to extend the Northern Pacific Into
California. The article atate that a party
of twenty surveyors, which cam west
from Chicago th last week In July, was
In the employ of 11111. Th surveyors came
far a Wlnnemucca,'' Nev., where they
left the Southern Pacific and started north
ward on an overland Journey. - Up near
the southern boundary of Idaho these men
met another party that had come south
from GranUdale, the end of the email ex
tension of the Northern ' Pacific, on tho
other slds of the Rocky mountains.
Two parties then proceeded across the
upper portion of Nevada and crossed over
Into' California, along- the route of the
Western Pacific. Traveling down th east
lde of Lassen peak th surveyors mad a
number of recohnolters, and, finally, strik
ing the line of the Western Pacific again,
they, proceeded southward to the vicinity
of Sacramento, where they ceased work. '
It I further stated that a rout It being
turveyed through the timber .land In the
northern part of California, which have
been acquired by T. B. Walker and other
big lumbermen. ":
Senator Tillman Support Coatlam
anee of. Present Method
of Control.
COLUMBIA. S. C. Aug. K.-Whether th
liquor traffic In South Carolina shall con
tinue under state control, or whether It
hall be left to the eountie to say what
they want a between county dispensaries
and prohibition, will be settled In the demo
cratic primary to be held Tuesday. The
campaign was practically closed laat night.
Senator Tillman it fighting for tb insti
tution, on th ground that It can be re
formed and kept clean. The dispensary
ha grown from a tM.OOO business to more
than IS.000.000 a year.
The race for attorney general overshad
ow that of governor, being due to the fact
that Senator Tillman urged the people to
defeat J. Eraser Lyon, who hat been th
leading spirit In th dispensary Investiga
tion and lo a candidate for attorney gen
eral. Senator Tillman I supporting J. w.
There are eight candidate for governor.
Trolley Strikes Ante.
PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Aug. M.-A touring
automobile containing seven persons was
run down by a auburban trolley car at
Lakewood today and th chauffeur.
Oliver Label le of New Bedford, was
i?'?.""!?. kllU,: Frateau of
Kali River, owner of the machine,
ws probably fatally Injured, while
George J. Pauquette waa severely
hurt. -The other occupant of th touring
car. members of Mr. Fraaeau's family
escaped injury, though the machine was
wrecked. Tb trolley car, going at a rapid
rate, struck the automobile squarely In
the middle, throwing it lxty feet down
tb track.
. Little Girl Robe Parents.
KOKOMO. Ind., Aug. M. Lucy Hill. 11
years old. daughter of Frank Hill, yester
day took lt from a dresser, bought some
new ciothoSL.Jowetrv and a railway ticket
to Dallas, Texas. She etarted south alone.
8he was thought to hav been stolen, but
today she was reported to be in Oklahoma.
She will be returned to her parenta "Oh!
I Just went out to have the time of-ray
life." was her only explanation.
toot En Root for t'Mle. .
WASHINGTON, Aug. K Secretary
Root la now out on the Pacific ocean, sail
ing for Valparaiso, Chile. A dispatch was
received from him by the State department
today from Puerto Arena. Strait of
Magellan, saying that he waa alanine for
Valparaiso and that he expected to arrlv
at Panama about September It,
AstaMia h Tonne Girl, Who Ii Amitod dj
Wif. of Victim. "
Mis fu Oommander of Troop wbioh Find
on Paoplo of Jdosobw. ,
Dictator of Premier Still tlrinc, but
' 81irbt Eope of EocoTtry.
Rvlntlonary Committee Aaaonaee
Other Aaaasaloatlna Will Fol
low If Poller of Govern
meat Conllanee. . ' V
ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 2.-Saturday
unsuccessful attempt on the life of Pre
mier Stolypin with It sickening, useles
slaughter of thirty-two person ana fol
lowed tonight by another revolutionary .
outrage In which General Mln. commander
of the Seminovsky guards. reglmnt and
who, since hia promotion to be a general
ha been attached at a personal adjutant,
to the auite of the emperor, waa killed
on. the atatlon platform at Peterhof by a
young woman, who fired five, shot Into
his body from an. automatlo revolver and
then without resistance, submitted to ar
rest. The capture of the flrl whs effected
by General Min's wife, who held her until
the arrival of an officer. .
Thl was th third successive attempt en
the life of General Mln, , who waa con
demned to death by the terrorist imme
diately after the Moscow revolt last De
cember, oh account - of stern repression
practiced by a battalion under hi com
mand and especially for -th wholesale ex
ecution -of persona condemned to drum
head oourt martial for being caught with
arms In their handt. -
General Mln waa returning from hia sum
mer residence at Peterhof and had Juet
greeted hi wife and daughter on th plat
form when a young woman almost a girl,
approached from behind and fired two
shots Into hi back and then three mor
Into hi body at he sank to th ground.
Further shots were prevented by Madam
Mln, who threw herself upon the mur
deress and seised the hand which held th
pistol. The woman did not attempt to
escape, but she cautioned Madame Mln not
to touch a handbag which the had placed
on th nlatform befor shooting th gen
eral, explaining that It contained a bomb. '
. "Admit tho Crime. -To
th police th girl acknowledged that
th had executed th sentence of th fight
ing , organisation of the social revolution
ists, but she refused to give her. name.
By .a remarkable. mischance General Mia
only last -week, after th conclusion of tha
maneuver at Kraanoye-Selo, dismissed tho
body, guard which had accompanied hint
ince th first attempt wa mad ' on hi
lire, saying that, th ordinary police of .
psterhof would b sufficient to fimrd him ..
and hit villa at Peterhof. -:
During th Moscow revolt Mln, who was
then 'a colonel,, commanded the - Flrtt
battalion of th Semlnovsky guards,-which
operated within th city itself. Th sec
ond battalion of th guard, under th com
mand of Colonel Rlman, .conducted repres
sions along th railroad to Katan, for
which act Rlman also waa condemned to
death. Undeterred by several attempts to
execute this sentence, Rlman accepted an
appointment on th staff of General Skal
Ion, governor general of Warsaw, after th
bomb outrages at Warsaw, and' left two
day ago to assiat In the auppreesioh ' of
anarchy In Poland.'
. Th daughter of Premier Stolypin, who
was Injured by the bomb explosion In th
premier' summer horn Saturday and who
was erroneously reported, to hav died, M
still alive and passed a quiet night under
the effect of an opiate. . The premier' son,
who also waa hurt. Is bettor today.
. Th telegram sent by. Emperor Nicholas
to M. Stolypin after the' explosion waa aa
follow: ...
I cannot find words to expreos my Indlg
nstlon. I hope, with all my heart, that
the health of your son and daughter will
soon be restored, and llkewla that of th
other persons injured. ...
The dowager empress thl morning made
Inquiries at to the condition of th premier'
children. . . -
Two more person injured by the ex
plosion died during the night, bringing th
total number of deaths up to thirty-two.
Promlao of Mora Oatrages.
Th central committee of the social revo
lutionists baa drawn up a proclamation
which declares that unless the government
forthwith alter Its policy such acts as
the attempt on th life of Premier Stolypin
will be pursued to the utmost and govern
ment representative will be killed by th
Prlvat advice her from Tlflia ar to
th affect that a plot en tha llf of Count
von , Vorontsoff-Daahkoff, viceroy of th
Caucasus, hat been discovered and that
many arrest hav .been made, . Including
several officer.
Leeftelator Toll of Explosion.
M. Moukhanoff, a member of th lat Par
liament, who at th tiro of th explosion
was walling to ae Premier Stolypin con
cerning permission to hold a congress of .
the constitutional deinooratio party, aay:
- "I was sitting with torn twenty othr
visitors. Including several women, at a long
table In tb walthig room, M. Stolypin
than behig engaged with ' M. Potlvanoff, a ..
marshal of th nobility of th province of .
Diipbltak, and tb president of the Simbirsk
ematvo deputation. After walling for sums
time I changed my seat and Jolnd M.
Prlsitkoff, a chamberlain of the court. In
a bay window overlooking th avenu lead
ing up to tb house. ,
"A few seconds after th arrival of th
carriage bearing the assassin, which at- -tracted
my attention because visitor usu
ally came In smaller carrlsgea, I waa sud
denly hurled backward 3a-ast th. wall.
which my head struck. I waa to stunned
that I did not even hear th explosion.
When I recovered consciousness, saw that
th celling nd on of th walla were gon
nd that th room waa heaped with debris
from th floor above. ,
"Th first word I hoard cam from th
Up of a mother superior, who was standing
am'.a th ruin In a corner of th room
praying befor an Ikon, save ua, save us,
t th same Urn crossing herself. She waa
one. of six who escaped uninjured. Th
occupant of th chair I had formerly oc
cupied was killed on th spot. -
"I then went Into the garden where I
raine face to face with M. Stolypin. He
had complete mastery over himself and was
perfectly calm. I urged him not to go back
Into ' . house, saying that there might
b aoV bomb there, hut b Instated