Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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tJ I . -
Middle West
F. B. Banters, Oaleokwrg....
t- H. Caitwell, CMHfi, K. H.
II. Beroa. Paba. la
B. boaaaoTtr. Owk.
I Vae ram. Omsk
J. I)wmi Omaka
.... 4-4, 4-4.
.... 4-4. t-4.
,...Va Cama,
.... W. u.
....Ca Id wall,
.... W. O.
.... 4-1. -L
.... W. O.
.... 4-i. 10-1.
.... 4-1, -L .
.... W. O.
1-4. 4-4, 1 4.
.... riatrhar,
4-1. 4-1.
W. Arklcr. DftrtM...
B. CeMwoll. OHM.
A. tkantian, Kiiim ntr-..
Krelgh Collins, Cklcaga......
a. rntt. onuh
C. Amutreng. Omsk
W. Caankere. Omlkl
O. B Ckampa. rnaaa. Nk.
R. R.
J W.
Baart. Palla. U.
Hechae. Ontbt..
Herbatt C. Kokn. Omaha...,
R. Dlaalag. Omaha....
Dr. Inm, Oaiki...
B. R. Ulna, Tacamaoh..
D. Mealy. Omaka
R. B. yietekar, Oalear-arg..
Pr. Attarburr, Toca
O. I. Back. Omaha.
Nak... Atterherr,
1-4. 4-4.
Jar HUM. lint Cltr
Alio B. Hamilton, OnUha.
... W. O.
.. 4-1, 1-4.
. O. B. Prrr.
Wh, Onuhi
Hantlngton, Uatr,
C P. Dod,. Colorado gprtags.
C B. hmr, Cm, Nek
Ir. take. Omaka.
B. W. Capea. Oaaaha
A. C. Potter, Omaha
C. t. Patera, Ckleage
O. J. Hammer. (Ions Orly.,
F. Dalrowo, Omaha... .
4-4, T-L
a aTla
W. O.
... w. a
... 4-ft, 4-4.
... W. O.
a a a ff bftVl,
... w. o.
... W. O.
R. Bale, Omaha
W. mill, Omaha.
Dr. lehnalter, Omaha
O. t. Mania, Omaha.. ...
A. Serihnar, Omaha ,
0. laanaai, Omaha
W. B. Blalkorwlck. Rock Valley..
1. Brows, Omaha
A. Potior. Omaha
B. B. Jackass, Mltchall, g.
4-4. 1-4.
laee Kenaart, Omaha .
T. B4man4eoa. moot. Nek.
4-1, 4-t.
...... . RaTlaat,
4-4. 4-t
Prank Pat tar, Omaka
H. M. Hollaoa, OaiaaMrt, 111.
M T. tVa-arta, Omaha. t wart a.
Oat Pattaa, Omaha ... w. O.
Ir. Nana. It. Paal, Nab..
Braaat twaat, Omaha
L. MeCoaaall. Omaha
4-1, 4-L
C B. D. Oldham, Boaaataal, B. t
-. a-i.
W. t. Ollmaa, tlaas Cltr.
rraa Hamiltea, omahtv..
, M. Waat. Omaha...'
A. Oraaa, Oalaatmrg. III,.,.
....... .Wt,
w. a
S. Smith. Omah fjiaa.
P. Uaa, Halaoa. Mast 4-1
O. A. Pottar. Omaha rVrttar
O. V. Varaaa, Kanaaa Cttf..
Tola do, low, If in QulU Mid-Wttt Tou
ntmtnt With Sloelu Trophy.
Art Sertbaar Will Cataolavtlaa Biat;la
aa with Gall Marti a Wlaa
Doablaa Taarraaaaaat la
Markaat aeacaa.
Tht aixth annual tannla tournament of
tha Mlddla Want Tannla aaaoelaUon la at
an and after a moat aucoeaaful weak. The
final gamea were ail played Saturday with
W. G. Bayea of Toledo. Ia.. aUU tha
champion In alnglae. Colllna and Peter of
Chicago are the new champion In double
and Art Sorlbnar of Omaha won tha double
honor of winning the eotvaolatlon alnglea
while he and Oall Martin of Omaha won
the conaolatlon doublea. '
The weather waa absolutely perfect all
week for both player and spectators and
the claa of tenni was the highest of any
rver seen In Omaha. Collins, the fourth
beat player In tha United Btates, honored
tha tournament with hla preseno In pref
erence to going to Newport where the
National tournament was held.
Colllna was really the feature of the
week's play. ' All were anxloua to aea In
action the man who has been able to hold
the title of western champion for the lest
eight years In spit of all opposition. He
waa defeated by Sanderson Wednesday
afternoon In the fourth round of the cham
pionship flight, but the majority of the
gallery would wager their last penny San
derson could not do It again.- Colllna re
trieved himself, however, tha next day by
winning In a special match from Cham
pion Hayes for a beautiful cup offered by
Nets. U. Updike. Sanderson waa defeated
by Oilman and Oilman by Hayes, which.
by comparative score, make a good show
ing for Collins, but the fact remains .never
theless that Sanderson won the match when
It waa played In spite of all the dope books,
Iteeerg-Breaklag Crrnwd.
The crowd at the matchea Saturday
afternoon waa one of the largest and most
repreeentatlve ever gathered In Omaha for
a similar event. Tenni ean be watched
by a gallery In the shade, while the gal
lery at a golf game must trail In tha aun.
A pretty light waa presented at the Field
club. The porches were crowded to over.
flowing, tha lawns were filled, boya and
men were on the 'roof, rowa of seata were
placed around the courts when the doubles
were played and the back lawn
crowded with automobiles filled with people
watching the match.
Tha week'a entertainment was ended In
a whirlwind of pleasure. The visiting ten
nis men were whirled away to other clubs
for dinners as aoon as the games were
over, after which all returned to tha Field
club where a genial hop was given. Over
art) took advantage of the table Vho
eerved at the Field club Inst night ard en
joyed the tempting viands which Steward
Smith had prepared. Word aeemed to
fall tha visitor with which to express
themselves In reference to the aplendld
times they hsve had all week.
Deablea tha Featara.
Mora Interest seemed to attach to the
match In doubles between Collins and
Peter of Chicago and Sanderaon and
Fletcher of . Galesburg. . It wa prac lcally
conceded that Haye would beat Oilman
In the single but In th doublea It was a
different story. . Many espected the Oalea
burg cracka lo hold tha ehamplonihip title
aralnat the more flowery playing of the
Chicago experts.
Hayes had won his mstch and was called
upon t umpire tha game In doublea and
proved a splendid umpire, calling the point
so all could hear. His linesmen were
paron; Sherman. Packard and HuoUngton.
Tbe game was played on court No. 4.
which wa In the beet pos'" 'or th
greatest number to aea. A ball game wa
aa at the same time, with a Urge number
I In the grandstand watching that, and many
of the golfers were playing off for two
euns oa the linka.
. The match was won In straight t. with
th Oaleburg boys putting up hard Agbtf
In th first nd thtrd e. but tha auperlor
"placing of the Chleego lads waa too much
for them. The Oaleehurg playera aeemed
to keve picked out Colllna ta play tha ball
to, with the evident Idea ef trying to tire
hint out. ' Peter waa to tha rescue, how
avar. end on ene occasion shot the ball
hark ten times before the point wee finally
1oK by a cross-fire to Collins. Collins was
Bafaava attempting ta make soma hard
Tennis Championship in Singles
a-1, a-i.
as ndaraon.
4-t. 1-4.
4-i. 4-L
4-4. 1-4. 4-t
4-t. 4-.
4-4. 4-t
1-4, 4-L
t-4. 4-t
v 4-1, 4-t.N
4-1. -.
4-1. 4-L
4-4, 4-t.
4-U 4-L
w. o.
Pat am,
t-4, 4-1.
, 4-t t-t
t-L -t. -
1-4, 4-t 4-1.
4-1. t-t
4A t-t
4-t t-4.
4-4. 4-L t-L
4-t 4-L
1-4. 4-t, 4-t
. t-U 4-1.
t-L -t
hot, to put tha ball In a corner, out of
reach, and won by It more tlmea than he
loat Re evidently did net like tha Idea
of volleying It atralajht baok on the chance
of the other man putting the ball out of
bounda, but preferred to try for 4 chance
at paaaing. Fletcher moved over conald
arable ground and covered the courta In a
manner almllar to Hayee. Tha Chicago
team tried bard to make It firtt aerve
count and often aucceeded. Thla first ball
waa a hard one to put baek, aa the aervea
aeemed to work better than they did In
the Colllna-Hayea match.
rime Match t Watch.
The match waa a aplendld one to watch,
aa tha detailed acore will khow. Each point
hotly contested and the ball waa vol
,eyd baokwarta and forward many tlmea
For th flr,t Utn tha' Chloaao
team tried a lobbing game at time) and
ahowed they could handle lobs, although
couina waa deficient at this style of game
In hla match with Hayes Wedneaday.' But
one double fault waa mada In tha match
and that by Colllna.
Colllna and Peters. ..4 lt4fS4t4-M-
Coning and Petera 4 I 4 4 11 4 4 14 I
Sanderson and Fletcher..! 10 0 1 1 is l
Collins and Petera 1414444- t
oanaeraon ana r letcner
111441411 17 t
Collin and Petnra
Sanderaon and Fletcher ,
1st. tnd. ird.
4 14
I 11
I 1
0 0 0
0 0 1
lat. tad. Ird.
4 f f
1st. In trA
Net t i t
Out 4
Ace a ii
Double Fault .... 0 0 1
Pooale 0 10
IsL 2nd. rd.
.4 I
i! i !
Doub t Fault
Hayes aat Ollaaaa.
Tha first match of tha afternoon waa the
challenge between Hayaa, the holder, and
Oilman, who had won th tournament
after defeating soma good men. Haye
are r.nara)l. alakaS ak I.
h had defeated Oilman under Ju.t uah
" - - ... larviin mm
auvvca twit, vvivsfj ,iitsi jfMtr. vviiman
ttAH 4Kaa tnva eiA a hi
,; :;.. r-. 1
. -v,
weeks ago at Dea Molnea, and last week
won tha Tti-Stata tournament at Sioux
City and loat In tha challensw mater. .
Oilman la no mean opponent for any
player to encounter, aa ha has been play.
Ing tenni for over fifteen year. In UN
ha won tha ehamplonihip tingles at Phil-
llpa Exeter college and has been playtns
ever ainoa. H. has perman.nt po-alon
of th Interboat club challenge aup for
winning It three tlmea In aucoeeelon and
n.k i-iii.- m .w.
Baker and Oilman won tha challenge cup
In doublek by winning for three year
tralght. He 1 a bard, conelatent player.
k., ... . . . , . J'
but wa doomed to defeat bacau of th
greater aotlvlty of Hayaa. Hayee can
cover a world of ground and If hs had an
ODLvrtunlty to nlar with soma of th.
- - - " -
cracka' for a .time to Improve hla atroka
should prove a world beater.
nayes started arter Oilman In tha first
set ana piayea use a nend. going all
around Oilman during the first two sets.
In tha third act Ollmaa braced and the
matoh was run to deuce, with every point
fought for a though th match depended
upon It. Although Oilman lost th last
set. he scored 47 points to Hayee 41 Hayes
won th title of champion by hla defeat of
Oilman, although ha waa beaten In a spe
cial match arranged on the outside with
Kretgh Collin. Th offkcfala for tha match
were: Kretgh Colllna. umpire; Holland,
Blather-wick. Dufrene and MoConnell,
II nee men. with Neely aoorer.
...4 144414114- 11-4
...1 40114141s 14-4
4 1414444- 14-4
1 t 1 4 4 1 1-tt-l
4414441114 4C-T
.4 1110114141- 47-1
Oilman ..
Hayes ....
Oilman ..
Hayes ....
Ollmaa ..
Hsyes ....
Oilman ..
Janes, Clethler, Behr aad Llttl Will
Play la Sesal-Flaals Mastsf,
NEWPORT. R. I., Aug. It. J. D. E.
Jonee of Providence and W. J. Clothier
of Philadelphia, Karl Bebr and R. D.
Little of New Tora wun their m-itv
tn th fifth round of tha all-romers tour
nament tn the National Lawn Tannla
cliamptonshlps today and are paired a
above for the saml-flnals .on Monday,
Jonee and Little won easily fro n B.
W. Leonard of Boston at.u rt H. Ha kett
of New york, tut Behr and Clothier had
to nght for their piawee, .he turinar l
ing a four-set match with I. C. Wright
of Boeten. while the latter eecaped de-
real at tne nana or r. tl. Alexander
the narrow eat margin.'
The Clothler-Alesaider match was the
feature of the day
Behr and I. C. Wright met for the flret
time since th Lungwood touri amen . at
which Bahr won la straight aela.
Hackett played ana sal aod tares games
w. a.
4-t, t-t t
If. T. Wa?a.
Chamalaa 1X4
t-t 4-t M,
4-4. 1-4.
In tha next match, when he was seised
wun cramps and gave up the contest.
Clothier and Behr were tha favor" s
tonight for tha final on Tuesday. Re
Little beat Hackett 4-1. 1-1. default.
Clothier beat Alexander 1-1, (-1, 4-4,
Jonas beat Leonard 1-1, 4-1. 4-1.
Behr beat Wright 1-4, 1-4. 4-1, 4-1.
Denaaad Wlaa th t'alteg gtatea Hotel
takes at Baratagaa
SARATOGA, N. T., Aug. 18 R. Thomas'
Oo Between, the I to 1 favorite, won the
Saratoga cup, one mile and six furlongs, t
rwrmioaro ioaay. me suburban winner wae
coraidered to so far outclass tha two colts
oppoeed to him that he waa always a
prohibitive price, but he had to be hard
riaaen tne ena to win. mt lluon wai
not In th best of condition, but was second.
Bam son waa the one played to beat the
favorite. Paul J. Ralney'a 145.000 colt
Demund easily won the 110,600 United
State hotel atake. six furlong, defeat
ing a number of futurity candidate.
Demund picked op IS pounda and ran the
aieiance in :., wnicn La considered cood,
a th track was not at It best. Demund
waa a heavily clayed favorite, balnsr backer!
from I to to 11 to S and at no stag of
ma race wae ne in irouoie, winning easily,
' First race, selling, aix furlongs: Nealoa
won, water uraas seoond. Annetta Lady
third. Time: 1:134,
Second race, the Beverwyck ateeplechase,
about two and a half miles: Hereulold won,
Phentom second. Oatebell third. Time: l:H.
Third race, the United States Hotel
stsxea iu,otu, six runong: Lremund won,
Arclte eecond. Vox Ponull third. Time! l l
Fourth race, the Saratoga cup, one mile
and six furlongs: Oo Between won, Sir
nuon aecuna, Hiruon intra. nmc I.TJjH.
Fifth race, selling, one mile: Ostrich
won. Jocund eecond, Asellna third. Tims':
Sixth race, six furlona: Cnnvlll aan
Grtmalkl second, Kankee Olrl third. Time:
CINCINNATI. O.. Ausr. K.-Jtaaultar
First race, one ralle: Liberty won, Falk-
ana second, Miisai i.ove tnira. Time: 1:41
Second race, hv and a half furlongs:
Bonart won. Triumphant second. Demo
mini, iime: inn.
Third race, aix furlongs i Lady Henrietta
won. Mayor Johnson second. Tha Thrall
intra, lime: i:is.
Fourth race, one mile, handicap: Devout
won. Miss Doyle seoond, Alma
third. Time: 1:40
BVtk . v-,- .
Friction won. ilnfandel "..oond. Salnrlda
urii . a .m o-w,
SlztK TAQ. BiX furlOTItTII! MftnaBsltM WAN
2 toup.. ,h.rd. Tim.:
oavenin race, one mue: foetman wen,
Thistle second, Stroud third. Time: ;:e 4-4.
! '
Tha Breach Makes a New Da paced
Reeard fee Maraa,
GALE8BURO, III., Aug. IK-The Broncho.
driven by Dean,
1:00V lowering her own record for 1:01, and
oln th" '"te"1 mll on reoord for a mure
UtSCi1"" ,UrUr" lM
In the Great Western 1:11 trot, 13,000, un-
"P1?!?? 'fom, Levette wpn the
ninth heat and the raoe. Time: 1:1. Ba-
brook and William J. N. Blakemore atarted.
Sthel W waa drawn.
. 8ld,,wh,',r'.w!iS? ,1iW?i!,.a.CL,lo,;,
Looml won third, fourth and fifth heata
Tim: l:0t. 1:10. 1.08W AlDha W aau.
Iacta a mite ' ioaay in
ond. Tommy, Red Tall, Red King and
,r,7".0,,mr ." Z,, r v.
.1 h -PrvJTr,w"
tvwvtgw. villi W miu iwuivu aiow vss. a i i i i w
l&W. 1'IMi tM. Cafllla second. Oram.-
'V-. . - . . . .
.In the 1:10 trot. I5CO. Axle won eeoond.
I third and fourth beats. Time: 1:1V. 1:1s1,
a. an i a- un...! Ta &ai. 1. , . v. ... wwaiu. aw.p, .u,
Amber, Allerton end Oovcrnor Franci
gwlsamlag Rae la It. Loale.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Aug. J.-R. O. Wbr
(k mlnutee;,' won the lan-mlie awlmmiitg
race In the MlMlaaipl river her today.
Weber covered the distance in exactly two
nours. ueorge oonica ta minutest, sec
U11U , M a "a, aim u. A.
M. Ooesellng (i minutes), made the Journey
In one hour and forty minute and. will
I . r. u II. tl , ri m I. ,,,.! &
receive a oup for the beat time. The four
men are from BL Louis athletlo olube.
Randv of Chlcaao wa th only avratuti
man. Th race wa under th auspice of
th Missouri Athletlo club and wa th
first ot Its kind In this city.
.laalor at Teaal.
Entries are being received at the Field
club lor the juniors tennis tournan.en
which will open there B pi am bar . The
namee ahould be aent to Cub. Potter, care
of the Field club. All the boy in tn
city under eighteen are eligible t inter
as tha tournament la not onn fined to the
Field club playera. Tbe older tennla mrn
do all poeelble to encourage three bvya,
realising that on them the city must de-
Knd for It fulur tenni player who may
capable of winning from the crack when
they come to visit at th tournaments,
Oaai Balks aa Biles aa Referee.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. R.-An unoon
firmed report come from Goldfleld tonight
that a hitch has irtaan In the Qans-Neie.-a
As hi arrangements, and that Larry Sul
livan, Oaaa' manager, has announce that
under no circumstances would Cane fight
under Slier as referee. No reason for thla
statement haa been ascertained.
Caateet fa Melkaae Cap,
The Country club golfera played for the
Mc8hane cup Saturday afternoon at medal
handicap, eight to qualify. Those qual
ifying and th way they are paired off
are: J. R. Oooble playe W. A. Reddlck.
C. L. Deuel play C. B. Kallar, W. R.
Doan play Spragu Abbott, D. ai. Vlaa
halar play G. M. Uitchoucs,
ltaa aat
r attar aat
lsre ant
la-arti aat
Calllaa aa4 Patera, Chirac.
Purrwee aat Weot. Oa
rhamhara ana Van Cams. Omaka
Hantlagtoa a at Hllaa, Slaw Cltr
Caltwoll eat P. Patter. Omaha
Ollmaa ao4 Caltwall. lt Cltr
Rare aa4 Blatharwlrk. Bock Vallar..
Oldhaia aat Hammer, Boaaaiaal
Attarkarr ant falll-aa, T-tamaak
Naaa aat Boiwwater. it. Paal
hermaa ant Pottar. Kanaaa CKy
Dohartf aat Naalr, Omaha i
Tennis Consolation Singles
Calawall, (bra ) Baraa,
H. Baron, (bra.) 4-4, 4-t
VaaCama, (kra.) Bhamaa,
Bbaraiaa, (bra.) 4-L, 4-t
A. Armetraaf .
W. Ckanaars .
, Artaatront,
. 41. l-t I t
, laamara,
. 4-t 1-1-
. Naalr.
. 4-t 4-L ..
. Haatlastoa, '
, 4-t 4-t
a Da Irene,
. H K H
. Bcrthaer.
. 4-t 4-t
.P. Pette.
. 4-t 4-4.
warts, (bye.)
t-4, 4-e. t-L
R. B. Beard..
Dr. Lataara ..
D. Naalr .....
Dr. Attarkarr
4 1. 4-t
A. Haatlnttoa
a B. Patry...
P. Dutran ...
W. Hlllla ....
sari bear.
4-t 4-t
Potter .
L. Kaacart , .
P. Pettar i.
4-t t-L
Dr. Nana, (bra ) Olabam.
Oldbaaa, (bra) 4-4, 4-L
Wool, (bra.)
Una, (bra.)
1-t I t 4-4.
BoliTtr 8tapi Mil in 2t003-4, Equtling
World' l leoord in Oampatition.
Beat Prerloae Record Wa Mad
Detroit Five Year
RKADVILLB, Mass.. Aug. K. The Ne-
pont stake for t:M pacing horse at. the
Readvlll track today will probably be re
corded aa one of the most notable feature
ot this year' Grand Circuit for one world
reoord was beaten and another equalled.
In tha first heat Bolivar, owned by Jam)
Butler of New York, atepped ' the mile In
1:004, equalling Prtnc Alert time mad at
Memphis, the fastest mil ever mada In
competition, while tha eecond and third
heat ware paoed in J:0H4 and 1:034, Th
vent waa th fastest three heat race ever
held. The previous record was mad by
Anaconda and Coney at Detroit In M01, s.w,
l:0i. 1:08V..
The 1:18 trot wnt to Bllll H., In traight
heats and also In fast time.
Angus Pointer lad th field, from wlra'ta
wlr In th first' and aeoond heats of the
t:0C pace, but broke In tha third and had
hard work beating the flag. ' '
Blllla H., owned by William A. Clark, jr..
son of tha senator from Montana, won the
l:la trot, but not without ditnculty. rlum
mary :
Tha NoDonset. IKX olass. pacing, puree
S2,uuo, divided iLOOti each heat; .
Oratt, blk. h., by tirattop (bpenoer).. til
uouvar, o. g. iwaisarj 44 a.
Tho Friend, bin. h. tMcCargo) a i 4
Hal Cliallin. br. h. (Ueers) t J
iexas Kooaer. b. g (Snow)... til
buiiauu, h. in uaaits; ...... a a at
. . . T a A k 1
I m lUi aaaiUitll 7 1 I
Time: xh; n:in; i:uv.
Class 1:02. pacing, purse $1,300; divided
t4uo each heat:
Angua Pointer, h. g., hy Sidney
l-Miater taunaeran).. i l
Baron Oration, b. g- (Qeers) 4 11
Nervola, b. h. (Murpby )..... 1 e 1
John M., bik. g. (McDonald) I I h
Maud Kaswlck, b. m. (James) 14 1
lime: l:(w:
Class I:U. trotting, purs $1,30; divided
W0 each heat:
UilUe H.. b. g ty rvnigni (uerniyi.. l
India, br. m. (ISidiidge) 1
Jrssl Benyon, ro. m. (Benyon) I
Budd. b, g. (Carpenter) 11
Qraelno. blk. b. (Cos) 4
Composer, b. g. (Lasel)
Tnm Phalr. br. h. (ODdVCke)... I
Toklo, g. g. (Dlekerson) I J 10
Ruth C, g. m. isinneyi.... ;
Th Peer. blk. h. (Howard)..... T
Sir John, br. h. (Curry) W 11 U
Time: 1:1; l-U. tutrn.
Rata Agala -Step Raeea.
wv.T.inw Nah. Ausr. 26. (fSoeolsl Tele
gram.) The postponed event of th Nellgh
races were afain mi anuia uj ...... . ...
complete heata. however, were finished, two
In the 1:21 trot and two in th t:K. In
th 1:26, Oenulne took the flret heat. Fred
die C. eecond, Paraphina third, and' Har
ney fourth. Time, I:t0. In the eeoond
heat Paraphina wa first, Freddl C. o
ond. Genuine third and Harney fourth.
Time, J:14V In the 1:S0 race J. H. A. won
ftrt In both heate. Tim. t:li.
Devleee Reaorted to la Order to Aveld
ReepaaelbUlty for Krror
la abetters.
Tha phraa. "dictated but not reread, 1 I
now occasionally aeen atamped or type
written In the lower left hand corner of a
typewritten letter. Thl I th latet loop
hole of escape adopted by cautious though
very busy men to avoid reading over the
latter thy dictate, nd. at tha same time
to explain an yerror made by a caraleaa or
Ignorant atenographer.
By thla simple expedient a business man
I able to affix hla signature to eaob ft
pile of typewritten lettera. trusting to lucV
that no glaring mistake hv ben mdi
Again, with thl printed explanation tht
business man may leave before the oay"
mall la flnihd. tola explanation making
a persons I algnature unnecessary.
t.tia scheme for relieving one' aelf from
the result of mistakes cauaed either by
tha misunderstanding of a word at the time
of dictating or the atenographer'a Ignor
ance of bualness terms waa first adopted
by traveling lrrn obliged lo hya
most ot thlr correspondence dons at hotel
along the route and never surs of the
aoouraey of tha stenographer available."
A la many caaea a salesman la obliged
to leave for another city before hi Utters
sr finished, the necessity for some auch
xpUaatloa la obvious. WhlU a carbon
copy of each letter U ueually sent him at
hi nst . stopping pise, lb original guei
on to ths headquartera of hla company and
sometimes contains amusing mistake, the
result of Ignorance ot the term used In
hU particular Una of buatneee.
For Instance, not long go a fir lnsur.
a nee adjuster, obliged to dictate an Im
portant letter Just before taking a train,
waa surprised en his next visit to the
home office ta find that only about half of
hla letter hid ever been received. About
midway tn the letter tha atenographer had
Ineerteal th!a note:
"Her tha genUema west ao fast I didn't
West Tennis Championship in Doubles
Raa ant RaiDae.
4-L. 4-t
Hat. OaMka (Brat,
Dlaalaa, Oaaaaa (Bra).
A ratal ion. Omasa (ftre).
raekara. Omaka IBra).
Iwarti aat Parka re.
4-t 1-4.
Parry aat Patter, Crate (Bya).
'. Calllna aat fat arm. 4-t 4-1.
.'Hllaa an Harttactea, 4-1, 4-1
'. Ollmaa Sat Caltwatl, I t I t 4-1.
". Hayaa aat Blalaenrlek. 4-1. 4 1
lAttartJrr sat alllraa, W. O.
itbaraiaa aat Pettar, 4-t t-t
trrlbear aat Mania, Oaaaha (Br.
a ,
MoCeenell ant West. Omaha (Bra).
Caaaxpe aat Ktmantaoa, Frlaat (Bra).
Calllaa aat Peters,
t-t 4-L
Hllaa aat Hantraste.
W. O.
Harae aat Blataerwlck,
t-t 4-t
tiannaa aat Pettar,
4-4. . j
MaCanaall aat Waat,
1-1, 4-4. t-t
Hellant aat Toan. Oalaaaarg (Bra).
Bear aat Baroa. Palls, la. (Bra).
Mallaat aat Tetana.
4-1. 4-4.
P baraa n,
4-t, 4-1.
4-1. 4-t
4-t I t
t-l, 4-t 4-t
4-t 4-t.
4-4. 4-t
T-t l. t-l
know what h said, but It wa something
bout a cross-eyea agreement elub, g0,hi ,n, ,pniot b,er drink
After a little thought on tha part of tha ,r turned u eocktall drlnkere. He'a put
one who dictated tha letter he remembered ,, town to ,hi b,a , ,he ntxt tlrr b
that he had referred ta a quasi agreement. roeg ftWBy w, M golng t0 nlm xlrfl
an ezpreatlon with which th hotel etenog- to gp.nd h oanng month away from
rapner wa cviaeniiy uniamuiar.
Another case was the ca of a young
attorney who dictated a letter lo hi
stenographer asking ' ' brother lawyer If
ha could argue a demurrer on a certain i
day. Th letter was sent out hurriedly
and not reread.
The nest day the letter was returned to
the writer asking for an Interpretation of
what eemed a surprising request. In
vestigation ahowed that th stenographer
had mlred her not and Inquired If tha
young lawyer could "agree to be demure"
on a certain day. i
"Dictated by . but not reread by
him," Is omtlmee added at the bottom of
a letter by mean of a rubber stamp, the
initials of tha particular person dictating
tha Utter being filled In with a pen. Thl
method la adopted when the letter has
been dictated by one member of a firm and
signed by another nerhape not entirely ,
familiar with th subject matter. New J
Tork Sun. I
Attempt Mada ta Pwittbaae
etalea la taa Ceast af
That attempt to bribe judges Bra of fre
quent occurrence In Chicago was the decla
ration made by Judge Gibbons of th circuit
court The Judge stated that although fre-
quent attempts r made to Influence Judge
In thl manner, th briber are careful to '
make their proposal la a diplomatic man- !
ner In order to escape punishment.
"I Ventura to any that there I not a Judge
In Chicago who haa not been offered
i "nn"i
aid Judgt Gibbons. "I can also
say that I never heard of an Instance
where th bribe wa accepted. . I have
been offered a sum a high as fRO.ffio tn
Influence a derision, but the offers have
alwaya been made In auch manner that
there wa not sufficient ground for punlah
i ment" '
Th Judg declared that th fW.000 had
been tendered to him by parsons connected
with the Garfield park race track shortly
before he. rendered tha decision that closed
the gate of that track. . He refused to
consider the offer and decreed that a state
ean cancel the charter of a corporation en.
gaged ' tn . any Immoral practice, such a
gambling Th Judge alo stated that he
had been tendered an opportunity to pur
chase a place on th democratic Judicial
ticket In 197 for P.0OO and that one of the
candidate had offered to withdraw in favor
of Judge Glbbona for that sum.
"I am sorry thkt these matter have been,
mad public, as I did not inland to mention
them," said th Judge recently. 'There
is nothing that I wou!d not be willing to
make known, but aa these men never put
themaelvee In such a position that the Uw
could reach them I thought It beat to ay
nothing about th matter.
"A ahort time before I gave my decision
tn th rsc track case a man Called at my
house and told me that he wa an Intimate
friend ot my cousin, John Gibbon of Phila
delphia, who own several stable and I
In feres ted In racing. The man told how an
adverse decialon would affect th business
Interest In Chicago and aald that many
thousand af dollar would b lost. He
hinted that It would be worth HSO.000 to
there Interest If th track waa allowed to
remain open He then naked ma If he could
arrange another meeting with m and I
told htm he could ee m the next Monday
on the bench. He wa preient when 1
handed down the decialon against th In
terest h seemed to represent, but he made
no further attempt ta discuss the matter.
After thinking the matter over I deolded
'hat It would be ustlesa to attempt to
mtecute him, as ha had carefully re
rained from making a direct offer of the
The Jurist refused to divulge the name ,f
the candidate who had offered to resign
from the ticket la hi favor on th con
sideration that he be presented wtth K.Ktt
The offer wag refused and Judge Gibbon
entered th raoe as an Independent and was
"I waa not nominated by the democrata In
II7 and four republican war placed on
th democratic Judlotal ticket," aald Judge
Glbbona. "A pro teat wa mada and I was
placed oa another ticket. One day a man
came to me and told me that I aoulg secure
a plaee on th regular ticket If my friend
would ralaa 16,000. He aald that one of the
nomlneea would resign for that aum. I
ordered him out of my houae and would
have nothing to do with blm. A ahort time
Uter friend of th nomine who waa will
ing to sell hU poatUon came lo me and
asked If I would appoint him maatar In
chancery If be withdrew from th raoe.
but I alio refused thl offer." Chlcege
Th old man on th poatofflo atop wa
chawing kka straw and frowning la high
"Ton seem In a bad haroor. under' ven
lured the starch drummer.
"Taaa. and, by hack, I aught to be,"
Kaka aat Haitiee.
4-t t-t 4-4.
Calllaa aat Patera,
4-1. 4-t 4t
Calllaa aat Pet.
4-t 4-1.
Hares aat BWikarelea,
-, 4-t
Haras aat Blatbarwlk.
Hallant aat Toana,
4-t 4-1.
Tennis Consolation Doubles
C. Patter aat Dinning,
Laaiere sat Ametresc
Parry sad Pottar,
4-1. t-t l-t
Parrr t A. Pottar.
Wood aat perreae.
Oiamkar aat Vaa Cam Oiaatbar aat Vta Cams,
t. Calowall aat P. Potior. W. O.
Oldham ant Hammar.
Aturkurr ant talllTaa.
Oldham ant Hamnrar,
4-1, 4-L
Dokartr sot Naalr.
ribar aat Marus.
rrlbaar sat Martla,
4-1. 4-t
Cbim-Bdma-don, (hr.)Chamaa aat Bdmaaataa,
Board aat Baraa. (bra.) 4-L 4-t
growled the old man. "This here town
nt going to the bowwows." x
"What Is the cause of thatT"
"Why, BUI Blnks, our congresman. We
sent him to congress to make the town
better, and It wss better while ha waa
away. But as soon as he came home with
II th thing he learned In Washington
Ik. u.lN. .at.l.l. ...waa. at tn fcrtatar. avhlaf
prtle. th checker club turned to poker
Bacon Ridge." Chicago News.
Fry.Oagtory Plooae that Will
Overtop Waehlnglaa Moaaasent
by. avenry Feet.
Imagine a building 436 feet high!
The New Tork Flatlron bulldlns. were it
increased to iwloa It height, would stl'.l
ack thirty-five feet of auch an Altitude,
It challengea the Imagination to conceive
a forty-one -etory honse, Ita topmoet tory
lifted In the air three tlmea aa high a old
Trinity' teeple.
But uch a building is now In process
of erection on Broadway at Liberty atreet.
The foundation ara successfully laid for
thl tallest of tall building man has ever
Th skyscraper "limit," aa the greatest
of New Tork'a new building I nov; la. W I m ....M ... K.
... wvi, irvui yaiU7 lamuunim wvii. an
fourten-tory Singer building and tha
levtn-atory Bourne offlc building adjoin
ing it on Liberty street.
Only th Eiffel tower, ot all th atruc
tures reared by lngenlou men, rise to a
greater height than will thl forty-one-tory
building. But th open-work Eiffel
tower Is an engineering freak, while th
New Tork skyscraper will be th business
home of a multitude of people.
In tha vary block on Broadway where
th workmen are beginning to rear thl
coloaau another equally wonderful oftlc
building I to rl, mora roomy even than
It companion
In th Singer building alone an army of
100,000 man could find easy standing room
on it nln and one-half acre ot floor
In th foreground tho old Benedict build
ing will remain, unchanged, cutting Into
the United State Investment company's
building, which, with tha Singer building,
will cover tha entire block back to Trinity
Place and Liberty street. It la to be thirty
atorte high and th roof will tower 418 feet
abov th pavement An L I7H feet wide
wltl extend to Broadway and Immediately
behind thla will rle tha new Singer tower,
forty-one atoriee (3 feet) high
Thla tower, a new modern wonder of the
world, will be alxty feet square, with
graceful dome, terminating In a lantern
and a flagstaff,
Th coat of th United Statea Investment
company' building, Including land, I about
Th lofty tower addition to th Singer
building will give a total floor area of
412,000 square feet, equal to over nine and a
half acre. New Tork World.
Chat ( a Veteran Smoker Waa Haa
Rat BoBght Any for Tea
I Yeare.
There la a man In thla city who boasts
a ha not bought a match for tn years.
He I ateady smoker, too, and to hear
him tell It I tha taste! thing In th world
to get matche free, consequently It i
most arrant extravagance to pay for them.
"lnttead of having to ask for mat ."
laid ha, "I gaually have to refuse - uiem
If I took all that were offered me my
pockeU would bulge Ilk a schoolboy'.
Nearly all cigar dealer give a box of
matchea with every purchase. It they
aren't the ordinary wooden kind they are
the new-atyle paper onea that you tear off.
"Th private source are Just about a
fertile. When I go to visit friend and ask
for a match they promptly produce a hand
ful and tell m to take all I want In
smoking ear If you ask a neighbor for i
'!ght he generally handa over three or
ur matchea. ,
"It was some time before f noticed that
I didn't hav to spend any monsy for
"ghl. Suddenly It dawned upon me that
til my matche were coming to me fre, ao
I decided ta aea haw long I could go with
out paying for thm. Ten year I the
'cord for match-monay economy,-. I guea
torn day, of oourae, I'll get cornered, but
'hu far l'v been able to get out of tight
"lace ucceetfu!)y.
"On day I wss down on th Jersey coast.
mi a lonely part of the beach. There wa
trong brts and all my matches went out
'fore X could get a light. Ther wasn't
nous near by and my amok appeared to
knocked In th head Suddenly there
appeared from behind a aand dune a
ihap In a bathing cult. After he had taken
r-ne plunge he stretched himself on the
nd Just out of reach of high tide, lift"
bit of plank end from beneath It took
a box of e'ajarettes and soma matche.
"Have that match. pleaeeV I shouted
tinning up. He calmly let It go out for
r of burning hla finger and reed over
he be:. 'Help yourself,' eald he.
"You'd think tbe essiert place lo get a
rasteh would be in a araoklng car. but on
a trip en a bran oh Una out west one I
had my toughest experience la getting on.
Colllna aat Patare,
I . 4-t lt l 4-t
Ceaastoaa 1H1.
Calllaa ant Petsee.
t-t I t. I t
aaitnrami aat Plateher,
Ckamriota test
Paltar ant Dlaala.
4-t 4-t 4-4.
Pottar ant Plnalne.
t-t 4-lt
Chaeioars aat Vaa Caaaa,
W. u.
cribner aat Ntiw),
U-t t-L . .
serlbner ant Martla,
4-t 4-t
Berlkaar aat Martla,
l-t t-t lt-t
We had been delayed and tha do sen or
more men In the amoker had all exhausted
their stock of matchea. Suddenly we cam
to a atop again and there were sound of
a row outside. The eonduotor had dlsoov-.
ered a tramp riding on th trucks and
had put him off. Just aa th train waa
about to start I aaw the tramp lighting a
' 'HeyV I yelled, 'have you got any more
1 'Sure!' he shouted. I called to him t
Jump aboard and he proved good for a yard .
or ao of th sulphur kind that oome la
rows like s picket fence. Everybody was
o grateful that they chipped In and paid
the tramp'a fare to the Junction point.
"Another time I waa taking a vacation
at a summer hotel In the mountain. Ther
wa the usual array of allly ommer girls
and In notable contrast a stunning looking
young widow who society, what llttl t
had of It, I found much mora enjoyable.
One afternoon I waa In a beautiful llttla,
glen at the base of a silvery waterfall.
it waa rar rrom tne noiei ana my matcnes
were all gone. I' was vainly trying to get
a llarht by striking two atone together, t
when I heard a step and there stood tho
jroung widow.
"she watched me amusedly until I gav
up In dlearuat. Then from the front of her
dress she produced a little silver match
box with wax vests In It. -
" 'I won't give you one of these,' she
aald. but I'll trade you on for a cigar
ette!' "New Tork Press.
George B. gel den Llttl Dreamt
1ST8 of Their Preaeat -Development.
Thirty year ago George B. Selden navaf
dreamed of the automobile of life present
of a touring oar that would run thirty.
forty or fifty milea an hour,- of a racing
machine that would run two milea a mln- '
uta. Hla dream was of a light carriage
that would run aa fast th eecond or third
hour a B good horae would th flrt tea
mile an hour. To fully understand th
task he wa attacking. It must be remem
bered that ths Lenoir gas engine of thl
period weighed about 6,000 pound per
horse-power, the fly wheel' being aa heavy
aa an ordinary touring car, and that tha -Otto
engine of a few years later weighed
per horse-power about 1,100 pound.
After Mr. Selden gained tha basic idea
of hi origin ther followed a year of
thought and experiment . He had many "
black day. In October, 11TT. h wrot In
hi diary, "Can't carry on about a qosen
patent law suit and do much experiment
ing at the tarn time." And the next day
he wrote, "If ever I get a road wagon It','
will be by acoldenC Of th almighty ef- .
fort which an Invention require, who
know but th Inventor?" But h kept In,
domltably on through these period of d
presslon, and by th latter part of It II
h fait he had conquered, either by actual
experiment or by theory, All hla main
problem. ' Th tlm had coma to build
tha engine. '
At length, early la 1171, Mr. Selden
long dream stood before him In steel and
Would ths engine runt Would als
friends and enemies still hav occasion IB
laugh at him, or would it be hi turn to
laugh T Tha May day in 1171 when tia
first tat waa mada will forever be to Mr.
Selden an unforgettable day. Tha trial
took place In the corner of a foundry
boarded oft Into a email room. All wa"
made ready the ' Ignition lama wa
lighted tha fly wheel given a turn. Thr
waa a aharp explosion, then Increasingly,
rapid explosion. Th engine ran! Tech
nical World.
"rar Aamlt Waller e.
What moat men call bad luck la not thai
chance does not preaent Itself to them, but
Imply that they let It go by and ml as It
If you want to be lucky In life, fore)
luck and make it yourself.. Believe In your,
eelf and others will believe In yoti
Rise early, be punctual, rellabl. honest,'
economical. Industrious and pe never ing
and, take my word for It, you will be lucky
mor lucky than you hav any lda of.
Never admit that you have failed, that'
you have been beaten; if you are down, get
up again and fight on. '
D cheerful, amiable and obliging.- Do
not ahow anxiety to be paid for any good
turn you may have th chance of doing to
When you have dlecoverad who your real
friend are, be true to them; stick to them
through thick snd thin.
Do not wast tlm regretting what la
lost, but prepare yourself for th next deal.
Forget Injuiie at one; never air your
grievance; keep your own eecret aa well
a other people'; be determined to Butt
ered, and let no one no consideration what,
ever divert you from tha road that lead
to the goal.
Aorordlng to tha way you believe In llf
you will b your greatest Mead or your
bitterest enemy. Then U no mor "luclr
than that In tha world. Pittsburg
Might Meat the Owaer.
"Lend me your umbrella, dear. It's
ing and I've got to go to the vestry
ing again to-night."
"But. John, why don't you take tha ond
you've been carrying for th past week f
"What! to the vetry meeting? Why,
that' where I got It. "-Philadelphia Free.
De Want Ads for Busies B