Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Buildinc Iaipactor Compile ricxrea f
Work Dsno Tals Nairn.
Ratvaaa. of Aalaaat ladastry Arraaa-laar
Laboratory la Federal Balldlag;
U UMfli wltk la-
saaetlaa Servtaa. y
' Kdwsrd Trapp, th otty building Wpee
tor, mad an Interesting completion of
j th business of his offioa during: tha paat
t three month! by which it la atown that
4 tha aggregate of tha bulldln ln,th city hat
achtd tha mm of S8,1. Tba majority of
Tries buildings fcr dwelling. Of tha
I above IU.M6 la rcpraaatyp m building
. and Improvement of lea than SUM aach In
valuation and, tha remaining I3S.M0 la bet
ter claaa of building Many of tha pri
ll vete dwelling have boon completed and
. j are now occupied,, but of tha stores and
) othara of magnlode but a f aw ara now
, complete. & K, wilcox'a Ilvary at Twenty-
( fourth and J afcbaet la ona which la finiahad.
Tha telephone exchange la approaching
completion, Tha laat toache ara being
given to, tha Plunkett building- and to tha
rapalra and addltlona to tha Hammond
lenL Tha Armour addition, constating of
a etery to tha beef houaa which la to ooa
I tain tha lea plant, la about dona. Tha ra-
building of tha oleo plant. however, haa
f Just begun. Tha permit were secured
j yesterday. Tha coat of tha reconstruction
yla put In at W.000. The foundation ta the
:. new Hall block waa begun yeaterday morn
ing. Tha Haa no n bualneaa building and
1 tha atora bulldlnga on Twenty-flourth south
I of tha Plunkett bulldlnga ara under way.
i Tha Koutakya are now comfortably
j eatabllahad In th'elr new location. By tha
j approach of cold weather Twenty-fourth
' atreet will present a tidy and modern ap
pearance. La.bors.tvry ta Federal Balldlag.
C H. t) ot Washington, D. C, haa
been buay tha past weak at tha federal
bpjUdlng Installing tha new chemical
apparatus in tha laboratory for use In the
m tiftw KMicniiMnl " xri jmm.
mant wtll Occupy tha extreme -northwest
room on the second floor of the bulldlnc.
Tha atnka ara to be on tha north aids of
tha room, while tha west side will be oc
cupied by caeea of chamicale for analytical
examinations. A modern table or labor-,
, story desk ta being constructed with all'
conveniences. Ine southeast comer Is oc
cupied by tha seal room. In whleh la set
up on of tha highest grade balance menu
faotured. A particle Of dual will turn tha
, needle. For tha analyst a f uU aupply ot
apparatua haa bean consigned from Wash
ington and 1 now In tha atora rooms ready
to be set In position aa soon aa a place la
Tha chief report that the work of hla
department la In the beat possible shape
and ha haa no fault to find. Ha place do
confidence In tha reports from Sioux City
derogatory' to the condition bare. Tour
new men have been . assigned to this point
and R la tha surmise of the chief that they
may" be tha first of the men who ara to
taker up the new Inspection.. Heretofore
the inspection of the government haa lean.
from tha stock on tha hoof to the cooling
rooms, where It .haa formerly ceased.' To
- that nnlnf la hsi hn KmmhK t. i- ..i.
proposed to Inspect the meat at every
chsnged condition until It reaches the
hand of tha consumer, or at least the re
ts 11 merchant. Inspectors will be on hand
In tha cutting room, in the sausage room
and over the canning department. Thla
wilt require from eighteen to twenty new
men and possibly more.' i..t' j.
TTRaflroad Rumor Pleatlfal.
Tha visit of Charles 1 Dundey of tha
Union Pacific to South Omaha yesterday,
where ha waarln conference with the mayor
and other citr officials, haa awakened new
rumor concerning railway Improvement
for South Omaha. It 1 believed to be
the Intention of the Union Pacific to build
the spur tracks to tha Jetter brewery, and
It la also stated that thla abort Una la
Just the beginning of tha work under con.
temptation, it la certain that tha road
baa been surveying In that quarter of tha
city several times during the year and
haa lull data of all tha section, southwest
to Lincoln. It la said that the road wlahee
the Impression at least that It contemplate
a Urns la that direction, with Kaaeaa City
aa Its goal, bat there are those who think
the object la to thwart a cherished aoheme
of tha Rock Island to get a road Into
Oman by way of Thirty-sixth street by?
eiung a previous una acroea their oonf
templated rsyht-of-way. From another
eource eomeaAhe ramor that tha Pittsburg,
rort WayneVg. Chicago road, whleh la aald
to have nad arrangement to reach
Omaha o'j tha in I no I a Central, ta also seek
ing an 'itrence to Mouth Omaha and that
tn' IA road have In nrind tha of t-men-UantiJ
bridge over the Missouri rtvr at
the Aoot of Missouri avenue.
aaetey ler-vieee.
Aefler Memorial ehnrch, D. W. BUm-
Laugh, paater. Momlftg topic, Corinthian
xlv.14: "Brethren, b not children In un
derstanding; howbelt tn malice ye ha
children hut In understanding be man."
Evening topic. Boclealaataa sit: "Let u
hear tha conclusion of the whole mat
ter: Faar Ood and keep hla command
ment a For thla la the whole duty of
Rev. Ralph W. livers, pastor of tha Eng
lish Lutheran charch, will ua a a theme
for hla Sunday morning sermon, "Tha
Pharisee and Publican." During tha ab
sence of the pastor tha following Bunday,
September 1 Mr. C. T. Marsh, the secre
tary of the T. M. C. A, will fill the pul
pit. The public welcome.
At tha Twent-flfth street Presbyterian
church eh Sabbath tnomlag. Dr. Wheeler
topic will be: "The Effect of a Supreme
Affection or Ood Idollied." Mr. E. O.
Rose! la will etna; a aolo. Special music by
tha chorus choir. Endeavor missionary
service will be held on Sabbath evening at
T o'clock, led by Mrs. William J. MeBur
ney on the topic: "Our Island Posses.
tons." Part have been assigned and
apeclal music will make thla aa interest
ing and attractive service.
T. M. C. A. Hate.
The association la taking- great pride In
In the talent for the entertainment course
thle aeaaon. The announcement of at
traction and datee ara aa follow: Frank
R. Robertson. October M: Gilbert A. Eld-
ridge, December ' IT; Rldgeway Concert
company, March IX Tnoogn a more ex
pensive course tha ticket will be the aarae
aa laat year.
Night school for working men will open
October I.
Physical Director Homer Paxton will take
charge of the department September 10.
J. B. Orange, Jr., formerly assistant aeo-
retary here and recently graduated from
the association training school In Chicago,
baa aocepted tha position of physical di
rector at Douglas. Aria. He will leave
for hla new field next Tuesday.
Tha Sunday afternoon meeting for men
will 'bo resumed In two or three weeks.
Mafia City Goaalp.
Lew Etter and family are apendlng a va
cation at Manltou.
William Miller and wife are tha happy
parent of an Infant eon.
A. Anaman wo fined In court yesterday
for peddling without a lloenaa.
C O. Button la building a new residence,
at Twonty-third street near B.
Mrs. Allen Trapp has gone to Wakeeua,
Kan... for a three month' virtt. ;
I Mis RuhyCsrr la tha guest thla week of
Mis Cecils Lyon. She cornea from Forth,
Clyde Spencer haa returned from hliveaat.
ern trip, where he waa accompanied by hla
Herbert Martin, one ef th mall men of
the South Omaha department, la v,sltlng la
Msnltou, Colo.
Karl V. Russell and Mia "Myrtle U
Trultt were united In marriage by Dr. R.
L. Wheeler ai hla residence Wednesday
evening. The parties have left the city on
their wedding trip. They will make their
home with the bride's parents) for a time
after their return. '
' The Industrial Worker of the World will
hold a bvet picnic at Riviervlew park on
Labor day, September S.
Barney Luckey reported to the police the
lo of. a horse, and for that reason con-
ataera trial ne la not. lucsvy at an.
Wafter A. Scales, a colored man from
Oalveaton, Tex., haa been added to the
force of government Inapectora at thla
Mrs. F. I William,' gave a party for her
daughters, Beulaa. fend Gladys. Thursday.
The afternoon was . rpent, in. une dear to
children. Refrenhrjent were enjoyed by
aDoot tnirty ju-vesntiea.
Seven bor ot the Ganl club went to Blue
Ashing "yesterday - morning.
"v .
vwa Horace "Station, our
Clark, William Kenney. Henry DeToung,
Ralph Van Bant and Harold Van Duaen.
J. Swiether grot four day for drunken
ness He mrea armtHl Isa fhnrul, nlrhl
after he had fallen off a atreet car.- receiv
ing bruise, on hla kneea and a big patch
knocked looar on his era Id. The doctor
patched bl.-A together and the atreet officer
nanra mm to a weea cyme
Mr A. E. Miller. Miss Grace Triune and
Miss NeUle Rowley gave a delirhtful Dsrtv
and luncheon Thursday afternoon in honor
or Miss, urace Bmitn or umcago and Mra.
Sutton 'of Manilla. Ia. Grace Smith. Rcutk
benn'A Hortanse ,Eada, Lets Craada.ll
I,ulolr Iennla, Nellie Rowley, Grace Young,
Max.le Dentil. Mrs. Otto Radsurvelt. Mr.
R, tall, Mr. Button. Mr. C. Rowley and
ayra. is. a. auiiar were presem.
'Wilson Wood, who haa bean ta Aouth
Omaha for the past three mendha, where
h haa conducted a reatauraut business,
disappeared last Thursday nlrhi. After hi
ROlng- It waa discovered that he tiad Issued
at lean two Torgea cneca. astng the name
of C. M. Hunt One ot the check waa for
FU.2B ana was cashed or M. Moskowlts.
Another for i4.7t was bashed by Isaac
Laevv. wood nad nereterore borne a arood
reputation in the city. He conducted the
restaurant at 2611 N.
atalahy Talks Initiative aad Aadrew
ltoowater Dtseasse City -Chertar.
Member of th New South w eat Improve-
meat club, which meet at ISM Vinton
atreet, w enlightened laat night by L.
J. Qulnby on tha aubject of initiative and
referendum, and also by Andrew Rosewater,
oa eome question of municipal gbvern-v
Mr. Qulnby told of the nature ot the ini
tiative and referendum taw aad tta objecA,
aad how Its adoption in Omaha had alaavys
been defeated by corrupt council and, tit
effort of eertalnpubUe service eorpjira
tlona. He arged the tmprovament rlub'men
to atudy lnltlaU-e and raferendum. tell their
friend about It, and atand ready ta aign
petition which would be circulated, at the
rau election a, aaklng lor tta adoptWa.
Andrew Rosewmter address waa. a phll-
tpplo against the law which provldayj (or the
oonflnnatloa by the council of apras intment
of men la public service, "which, turns the
working men Into cattle, and . say they
must be branded with the raark of th
council before they can get a job." Ha
declared that the law haa broisjht back the
poll ytra Into the raun.-tpaJ life of
Omaha, and that It will wck agai'nat th
bf the city's
And weekly dressings of
Cuticura, purest and sweet
est of emollients, at once
stop falling hair, remove
mists, scales, and dandruff,
destroy hair parasites, soothe
Irritated, itching surfaces,
stimulate the hair .follicles,
loosen the scalp skin, supply
the roots with energy, and
nourishment, and make the
hair " grow upon a sweet,
wholesome, healthy scalp,
when all else fails.
tasa Sea. n etaM niaib al W
mm - via rwtavM. ih aM eaia
r lrt u Caw Oem,ria trt. staa,laM.
'LTf reV ---, a.
Suppose I am paving J street with
asphalt," be said. -My toller man gat
aUk or Quit hla Job. Taw roller la there,
the hot asphalt la there ramidy to be apread,
yet every thing must cose to a ataadetill,
I must wait until tha ga.uncll employe an
other roller man for nti."
Mr. Hoeewaier enunwgted many Instance
Of the Inconvenience d which hla effioe had
been put by the working out of the law. aad
of unnecessary expanse connected with It.
several Kege ot the atovoraco
Deatrey la CeJllalea aa
'it Ma a.
At e
A eoUUioa 'gotaeea a Belt Una and U.r
auarl Pacific 'train Just couth of th Far
nam erosalna shortly after I o'clock FrUij
afternoon ad the effect of kaucking a
refrigeratr Jr and an Iron Mountain freight
car out if business.' Ths refrigerator eti
waa ktai with beer from Blor breweir
aad the (freight ear with grain.
The ajruthaouad Mlaaourt Paciflo train, ef
which ( theae tar can, were a part, had
toppi t the JuncUoa of the Belt Uae
aad gilavourl Paolno for watering tha on
line aad waa about ready to atari out
A f ata from' South Omaha waa coming
oUafo th Belt Una and for aom reaaoa
To Shoe Wearers
I wtuit jrou to reavd the little Shoe History on the
other side and then ask yourself this Question: "Can I
afford to wear any but "FRIKDMAN SHOItS." tested
and tried by Millions of People for fifty-two years and
now more popular than ever?" If you value your best
Interests, the answer should be "No" decidedly No.
Go to the " FRIEDMAN " Dealer in your Town and he'll
be sure to satisfy you. If there is no Agent, have
your own Dealer order from us just what you want.
Ask for any of these Specialty
Brands made in the model
"FRIEDMAN" Factories at
St. Louis:
"ATLANTIC" for Men
"PACIFIC" for Women
"U. S." for Women
"MADISON" for Men
for Boys and Girls
X also want you to send me
your. Name and the Name of
your Shoe Dealer, enclose a
two-cent Stamp and I will
send you in return, either'
a Memorandum Book or a
Pocket Mirror, whichever you
prefer. Do it today and ad
dress me at No. 901 to 907
SC Charles Street, St. Louis,
The Friedman
Shoe Mak
To My Merchant Friends
I want to tell you a little Shoe History:
"In June, 1854, three Brothers started in the Wholesale Shoe
Business. They had limited Capital and their Principal Assets
consisted of: Pluck, Honesty and Economy. However, they sold
Good Shoes and Merchants were Mwt slow in finding it out.
Their Business grew steadily, Facilities had to be enlarged and
Factories to be built in order to keep up with the Demand. They
never lost sight of the fact that their Customers' Interests were
their own, and this is one of the Secrets of Success upon which
the " FRIEDMAN BROS. SHOE CO." was founded. The same
Energy the same Integrity the same Progressive Spirit the
same fair .Business Methods dominate the present " HOUSE
I want this Bit of Shoe History to sink deep
down into the Heart of every Shoe Merchant. X want
YOU to consider carefully, a line of Shoes that is not
an Experiment; one that has satisfied MerxJiant and
and Conromer for fifty-two years. Then make up your
mind to look at the new Spring
shown by our Salesmen, who are
Just starting, and write me today
at No. 904 to 9 Washington
Avenue, St. Louis.
The Friedman
Shoe Maker
I? m )
the air brake acted faulty and the train
could not be atopped In time to prevent the
aollldon. The engineer of the South Omaha
train. eelng the Inevitable, Jumped from
hla engine, though the fireman atood by
It. The result waa that the South Omaha
engine (Missouri Paciflo engine No. Z72
truck th itandlng train about It oentei
and knocked the Iron Mountain car loaded
arlth grain off Ita truck and with th iam
slanting blow tore off halt ths siding u
the refrigerator car loaded with beer an'
dumped both car into th ditch on thel
Bide. Both care were badly wrecked. Tin
refrigerator car, being bunt partly ope:,
and the root pertly torn off, while the Irm
Mountain car, though badly damaged an
torn oft .Ita trucka, managed to hold th
grain Intact. - .
A number ot case of beer were de
stroyed, 'but the keg and barrel of beer
eecaped injury, A big force of men w
at one -put to work by the railroad com
pany to unload the beer from the wrecked
car. Tl grain car will also hav to be
unloaded. Th englna was badly damaged
by the 'collision, a cylinder head being
I. nock J off, and It waa otherwise amaahed
ip ao that It will have to be aent to the
ir.opa for rp'- No one connected wtth
either of th tia'na waa hurt. Traffic waa
IrfU.yeJ c-nly a few hours on the Mla
tcurl Pacific and Belt LI a by the wreck.
'eotare M. Cretalager f faoa Raplda.
Iowa, ttepe front Moving
Street Caa.'
George . M. Cratstnger ot Coon Rapids,
ta., stepped from a moving Dodge atreet
car at Twr.tlsth street, between Burt and
Vebeter, about o'plork Frtdr evening,
lid waa thrown violently to the ground,
ecelvlng a fraotur of th akull at th
bis of the brain.
Tha oar crew stopped to laveattgata the
man's Injury, and tha polloa were notified,
urgeoa Harrl had Crotaioger taken ta
th Omaha General hospital, where be la
said to be In a eriUoal ooadltloa. tie ar
rived at Omaha Friday and registered at
the Millard hotel.
joaal Imperturbability la Vlctor
"aad Defeat Exemplified
by Dwyer.
In Michael F. Dwyer'a palmy daya hi
lends uaed to tell him that he .would
-irely pay tor hla contlnuoua smile, whlcli
.tanged not whether he won or lost; that
inless he gave way to hi emotion occa
lonally hi nervou system would break
nvn ultimately under the atraln. Whtn
t'ittsburg Phil" George F. Smith flrjl
ound It necessary to Berk medical aid nla
.'byslclan told him he waa In a bad way
ma would die unless relieved. . '
"But," said the professional man, "no
one can help you but yourself. And the
only thing you can do I to atop your con
tinual self-repression. Wave your arms
and about Once In a while when you win
a pot of money. Say thing out loud when
you lose. Let yourself go and you'll get
Neither Dwyer nor Smith heeded the ad
vice that was offered to them. Smith
lasted a abort time only, after discarding
tha adviee to "be natural." and Dwyer la
"Out ot It" for all time. Riley Gran nan
waa Ilka Dwyer and Smith In Imperturb
ability, and he, too, broke down, though
possibly not from the same causa. None
of the three waa ever a dissipated man;
Grannan and Smith refrained from ualng
tobacco aa well aa drink.
It would be hard to say which of the
three men was moat picturesque. More
money - passed through Dwyers handa In
tha form of winning and losing than haa
paaaed through th handa of any other
betting man' In the history of tha Amer
ican turf. It haa been estimated that
tha aggregate waa not less than tl0.000.0u0
in the IT or M years that ha waa a prom
inent racing figure. Many of hla method
were essentially different from thoea of
either Grannaa or Smith; tha greateet dif
ference being, perhaps, that while they
were alwaya looking for "long ahota,"
Dwyer often took the short end.
It . haa been published repeatedly that he
onae bet fOO.000 against $10,000 on Joe Cou
ton. A variation of the story placed the
figure at $40,000 to $8,000. The real figure
were $40,000 to $6,000. On that day he hid
lout more money than he fancied, and ao
gave' ordera to his commissioner to bet
enough to win $3,000 at leaat. Working
Independently they accomplished double
the result he asked for, but at tucb odd
aa made hla gasp. ,
It ( 80 year alnce Michael F, Dwyer
and his older brother, PhillpJ., two pros
perous butcher of Brooklyn, began their
turf career. They had for yeara fre
quented the race tracks In the neighbor
hood ot New York; that year they went
to tha Saratoga meeting. The younger
brother waa greatly taken with the black
cold Rhadamanthua, son of Imported
Leamington, and they bought the animal.
Rhadamanthua started under tha Dwyer
color on August 17, winning a purse ot
$600, and, of course, the "Racing Twin,;
th Dwyer afterward came to be
called, won much more than that la tha
betting ring. By the end of the aeaaon
they owned three horaa and at Its close
their profit were $17,006.
For aixteen yeara their partnerehip con
tinued. During the latter of those year
they were dominant. But they did not
agree In policy. Michael fought the book,
maker and did not bet to ault hla brother,
making many wager at a short odd as
th famous bet on Joe Cotton. Unlike thl
bet, however, many ot the othera were
Today Philip J. Dwyr Is much mora
than a millionaire, awhile hi younger
brother's debt ar aald to be larger than
his resource. But throughout all his career
Michael F. never once lost hla nerve ao
far a any one waa able to learn, nor we
he ever accused of a dishonorable act.
Philip J. always partook of the good things
that came'along, Michael F. lived a mora
abatemloua lit than moat business men,
and repeatedly might have retired worth a
million or two had It not been tor th
fascination which "clnoh beta" alwaya had
for him.
"Small returns and quick profits" seem
to have been his motto, and on that basis
on day hia best-he won $lfc.000, but the
' bookie" had It all In a week.
Once he lost $50,000 on Raceland, the race
being won by Tristan, and when he went
to England In 1894 with Croker hi motto
and the British bookie undid him badly.
Still he might have retrieved himself, even
then, but le couldn't change hi nature or
hla methods, and, by 1899, hia health and
money both gone, the men and the news
paper that were wont to hall him aa King
of the Turf, were forced to admit hla down
fall. There waa on mora brief period tor
him, however. In which the skies seemed
bright. It came In 190S, when hla son
horse, Africander, won the Suburban. They
ay he won nearly $60,000 on the race, and
it waa a pathetic light to aee "Charley"
Dwyer, the aon, run to the bugjgy In which
hia father aat and watched the race, to
clasp th old man'a hand.
In hi day Michael F. Dwyer, either
singly or In partnership with hi brother.
owned Hanover, Luke Blackburn, George
Kinney, Hindoo, Runnymede, Mlsa Wood
ford and many other racere whose names
were long household word In th racing
world, but their splendid qualities were
finally mors than offset by hi fatal ahort
odda policy. Portland Oregonlan.
about $5,000. Such repairs will make H
pocslble for the Marblehead to remain la
aervlce about six month longer. It la
estimated that a complete overhauling of
the cruiser would cost about $100,UOO.
Mealeo Bara Aran.
WASHINGTON, Aug. $1 A dispatch
announcing that Mexico haa decided t
prohibit the importation of arma and am
munition Into tha atate of Bonora fur the
purpoe of preventing th hostile Indiana
In that state from procuring supplies, w
received today by tha State department
from Ambaaeedor Thompson at tha city
of Maxlco.
Repairs l.r Marblehead.
WASHINGTON, Aug. .-Th cruiser
Marblehead has been detained at Mare
Ialand navy yard,, where It will be re
paired Instead ot at Puget sound, aa was
at first Intended. Th cruiser will prob
able b repaired Umpotartly as a cost at
Bat Chasnberlala's Cello, Cholera aad
Diarrhoea Remedy Cared Ills. . I
im W1L11 JHHWil. U A VW JVU
unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago
when I had a vary severe rase ot measles :
I got caught out in a hard rain and the
measles settled In my stomach and bowels.
I had an awful time and had It not been,
for the uae of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have
possibly lived but a few hour longer; but, '
thank to this remedy, I am now strong
and well. I have written the above'
through almpla gratitude and I shall al
waya apeak a good word tor thla remedy.
Bam H. Q win, Concord, Oa.
Tf vou hava anvthlna to trad advertise
It In the For Exchange column of Tha
Bee Want Ad page.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Poudor
Cleanse and' beautifies the
teetn and purines the breath.
Seed 'by people of refinement
r over a quarter of a oentury.
Convenient for tourists.
rsi'ARio it