'A TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 26, 1906. 0 s ,1 Tliirsl Satisfying Try a, glass of our Ice Cream Soda these hot days they are the kind that re moves thirst. Made from the pure fruit juices and appetizingly served. OUR POPULAR- NUT SUNDAES are the proper thing after a tiresome shopping trip. They are satisfying and refreshing. DybalFs 1518 Douglas St. Your i-l S 18th and Harney COLD CREAM 76o iAdy St. Claire's Perfection Cold Cream : tOc 60c De Mars' Elder Flower Cream Sua Mo Orange Flower Cream tSc 60c Majeetlo Creme A S5o 60o Majestic Cream too too Dr. Carter's Snow Cream 50c $1.60 Recamler Cream, GSo $1.00 Pompelan Maasage Cream 60c $3.00 Bath 8praya ...$l.i0 (With Rubber Massage Brush.) Beatoa Drui, Co., 15lh and Farnam Sts. . Wa carry In stock all foreign creams that have any reputation. Tho Eva lis Hotel Hot Springs. 80. Dak. Beautifully situated la tha vale of Mln The health and pleaaur resort of tha northwest. Only a night'b ride from Omaha, I i..:H.W,r.. .'J . ''.'' I menu. Excellent oroneetra la attendanoa Vtalt wonaoriui wind cava. 1 Bxoeotlonally low ratea on both C A N. I W.ana BurUn-toa, . .. yor ratM ana inrorraation. aoorsaat BOY M. SCOTT. Mmmrngt. Automobiles for Rent... Tetepkoa Bed rtM AT ANY TIME II. K. Wheeloclc, Jsb atlloa Onan, Xt aa na DON'T CUT CRAY. '"Moliten ths hair, mejstacha er whukers with 8aalig;ht Hair Tnio bafor retiring, the hair will be tb proper color in tb tuorniaf . Easily applied, entirely harm lij won't rub off nor stain th linen. One liqnid, no sediment, no smell, no sticki ness. New preparation. Sold b druggists, whole! and retail. Large sis GQ ceuta, or express prepaid, thirty 2c.C jtainp.. Agent wanted. ISM rfas4 If ii talis. IXLISHT HAIat TwSIO rwMFAKT, LacMa A VMS, a. Lhm, Ma. A .'NOTRE OWE iW'J APPEAL ' To all knowing aufferera of ' rheumatism, whether muscular or of tha Joints, aul.Uoa. tuniuagoa, backache, pain la tb ktdne. or neuralgia puina, to write to her for a home trMtm.nt which haa reueatedlv cured all of th.ite tnrturva bit. feel, it her duty to .and It to all eufl.rere PRICE. You eure yourealf at home, aa thousands will teatlfy no clknge of. climate being neces sary. This slinpl. dlcuv7 banUhe. una acid frum the blood, luoaena the atiflenod JtMnts, purlflc th. blood and brlghtena tho :'. giving elasticity and ton to th. whole system, it the above Intereata you. for t rout addraaa .Mr. U. SuiunMtr, iios iii, ItttU Luute, liid, " " Reoairs DRUMwiOND SOCIETY AT TENUIS TOURNEY V!il.Vit TWawa fimitt Bat T)ail ta Field I I . Glib Court, ' i wrr CPFNT - AM lO PI rASANT Sf.FWFS Serial Feataree af the Meet Made Moat Eajayabl ay th Hosa ralka, Who Make Vlattora Moat Weleeaie, Laaeeam. No one to call me "Huebandl" No loved and cherished wife. No question, to be answered Muilo of married life. No baby coo or prattle. No merry, laughing group, No rake-walk for the colic. No audden apell ox croup. No one ta call me "Dearest," Then call me tor a gown; No one to call roe "Darling, ' No one to call me down. The Bachelor. n.. i-t r.i..j... J. MONDAY Coha-Furth wedding. Metro- poiuan club, o ciock. WEDNESDAY-- Plnuer ana uance ATCRDAI-SVnSir and dance at Field and Country cluba. The Middle West tennla tournament at th. Field .stub monopolized society a at- i.min. i..t w.k Rvervone 'aemd In- . ...a ,nA hnel hele no. ' rreclatlon by tfolng out early, eo aa to loao no pointa of tha game, stayed to dinner In the evening to become better acqutUntad with tha playera and on dance nights Joined ln the ' Home Sweet Home" dance. . . . .nv r.r tha mnn.1 time I prevalent. But aociety la capricious. This week found them entirely absorbed In one port, and. that of tennla. The social cal endar for this week la almost a blank, but the resourceful girl will find something to do. You may think because there re ao few large affairs that we are doing noth ing but getting a good rest these months," said a society girl the other day.. "It Is I StS Cm. noee not Iw,. read . our names In the papers, aa they only get the 'function or more formal affairs. But we do not rest when we have the oppor tunity. There are " always the clubs to lanena, sailing pan., .- bile riaes, small onafte gaincnngi ami numberless little Informal affairs which keep ub up. late nights, encourages nervous prostration, put are more run irmn an m. . . u . ( . MMkt.u1 . XXtrlm in I winter guyetlea combined.' the enter recreation tneee not summer oays. Tnoee wno nave not nijrow io '""laerved at the club. mountains or lakes nna a great oeai or atlsfact(on In getting up a email party and taking a well mien namper ano onv- Ing out to some woody spot, toward tne coot of the evening. This Is an easy and very sucoeesful way or entertaining as tne hostess knows that the beautiful setting present. . After a short visit in New Kng of the trees and grasa and water of th ianj( jf. , nd Mra. Troatler will return park will do the rest for the entertainment of the guests. So time goes on. we live ln the present, reminiscing things In the nast and wonhesytng great events for the future. But. as one of our modern writera aald: "Each age has Its own standards and no one can Judge the prea- ... v. .k. ft, m r.n u I can predict the likes and dislikes, the hopes and fears of the future." Boelal rhft-Chat. ' Mr. T. M. Orr Is 111 at his home. I Judge and Mrs.: Baldwin will or upy the I Woolworth houee after tha first of the month. Mrs. D. "O. -Clarke, who has been seriously 111 for some time,' Is reported greatly Im proved. " Mrs. Henry RusHn will move Into, town from Florence tomorrow 'and occupy the house at 515 Dodge street. MVs. George A. Keeling of Council Bluffs underwent an operation -for anpendlcttls this week and la Improving rapidly. Mrs. George Tfi. Townsend will entertain the women of the Comls elub Wednesday afternoon at her home, 2MS Ohio street. Mr. and Mra. Kloke. who have been oe- cupytng the W. B. Clarke residence during their summer absence, will move next week I to 2323 Harney afreet. I Miss Carlta Curtis, who left for Europe laat week on the ateamshlp' Augusfa Vie- I toria. with Mrs. Frank M. Avery, reached I Cherbourg, Frar.ee, Saturday morning. I Mr. Henry T. Clarke received a message I Saturday announcing tha arrival at Boa- ton of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. WhltUl from Europe, where they have been travel-1 tng alnoe their marriage In June. Mrs. Whlttal was Mlsa Gertrude Clarke. ' Plea.aree Past. Mr. J. E. George gave' a dinner of eight covers at the Country club Thursday even ing. Tha girls of ths Paxton ' tt Gallagher company entertained the boys of the of- nc at a launcn ride at Cutoff lake. An elaborate luncheon waa served on board, In the evening the crowd went to Mlsa Coffeen'e, when the evening was spent with muaio and games. Mra. E. L. Potter nf Bemls park gave a VBrV nrettv .llnftnwee llinhnn Vriil. Ih "Onor of her guest, Mlaa Zlllah Anderson of Wheeling, W. Va. Covera were laid for MlM Eva Murphy. Miss Caesle Campbell. " " axiom mht onrer, mum uiea Mar in all, Mlaa Ethel Marshall, vri.. -- t.... t VkC" 7 w w .... . ! ..r- " t weanesday a number of .i wiiviv vuutu, b iiuiu. mui, HACIl evening novel idea were carried out' that brought back recollections of the happy school daya of Ann Arbor. Hla guests are Messrs. Harry Moaea. Louis Hlller, Joe Neuman and Walter Mandelberg. Mr. Jame Llddell gave a picnic at Hanacom park Wednesday. -Thoae present were: Mlaa Edna Bruning,' Mlaa May Cat- Un, Mlaa Irma Springer, Mlaa Florenoa Hathaway, Mlsa France. Hathaway, Miss Grace Shaffer, Miss Marion Harnlsh. Mlsa Beaale Munaon, Mlsa Maude Lenhart, Miss Liuian jncisonaiu, raise irene liaaeii, Mra. w. kj. natnaway, rt. jonn Cleveland and . jame. uautii.. ( -ne nign cnooi riaae or hob bad a re- union Saturday afternoon at Fairmont park. Mr. Curt la Lindsay aa prealdent of tha ! claaa inspired a great deal of class en thusiasm among thoae preaent -and an alumnae waa formed. Mr. Raymond Hay- ward, Mlaa Adelaide Clarke and Mlaa Nattle BKsb, were on tba amusement committee. Mr. Lyman Bryson acted aa toastmaater for the evening. Very original and witty toasts war responded to by Mr. George Wallace, whose subject waa tha "Past." Mr. Raymond Steel, tne "Preaent," and Mr. Mllea Btandum, the "Future." Among thoae giving dinners at the Country club Saturday evening were Mr. and Mra. Alfred Millard, who had alxteen guests ror tneir son. Mr. Bam Millard. There waa also a tab! of thirty covera made up oi tne party, wnien waa recently at Okobojl. Covera were laid for Mr. and Mra John S. Brady, Mr. and Mia. F. H. Davla, Mr. and Mra. J.' E. Baum. Mr. and Mr Bare Caldwell. Mr. and Mra. C. M. Wllhelm, Mr. asm Mra Men i-ottoo. Ml Beaale Hrady. Mlaa Mary L McShane, Mlaa Ada Kiraenaaii, uu tiavla. Mlaa Elisabeth luura, win r.iiaaoio iiavia. Mias M.llra lavis. Miss t-atnenne Baum. Mia Eater wuueim. Mr. isimer Cope, - Mr. Robert Burns. Mr. Tom Davla. Mr. Frank vouneini. .sr. a.e wcon.n.. Mr. Kit-hard oauui, aar. 4uiuiu oruwo, jar. nai ttreay and Mr. Walter Roberta. With Mr. and Mra. Chart H. Onto w.r Mr. and Mm Thomas 8ob and Mr. and Mra. T. A. IT. wins. Mra. Nathan Merrlam bad four aueats. Mr. McClure.' eeven: Mr. K.lley. .. . .... 1 rourt Mr. warren a bckwpil. tour; jir, rarriam Smith. ten. There were aotna of tha fonseet dinner Itsta of the season at the Field elub Satur. ir evenlna. but none er tnem were, Terr large. Dr. MrDlarmld had four guests: Dr. Frederick Lake, alt; Mr. A. E. Engllah, eight: Mr. Balrd, eight; Mr. F P. Loomls, six; Mr. C. R. Shaefer. two; Mr. A.. U Welsh. Mr. A. B. Hamilton, four; Mr. A. B. Roger, two; Mr. F. A. Naah. four; Mr. W. H. Garrett, three; Doctor Sherraden. four: Mr. El B. Carrlaan. four: Mr. J. Thoma. three: Mr. B. F. Marehail. hra; Mr. Jullua Kemter. two: Mr. J. Rlnehart. three; Mr. Carrier and Mr. Frank Furay. three A oartr of frienda aurcrlaed Hr. Clyde I Mlchaetla and Mr. Lewie F. Bhonlau by going to the home of Mr. Bhonlau Thura- day evening. Tha time waa event in carda and music. The prlaea were won by Mra. Faura, Mlse Zaffle. Mr. Leo Bhonlau and Mr. Clyde Mlchaella. Those preaant were: Mra. Mlchaella, Mra. Faura, Mra. Sands- burg, Mra. Bhonlau, Mra. ft. Stewart, Mr. Stewart. Mlaa Louisa Zasale. Mlea Ellao- beth Lee. Mlaa Nellie Bhonlau. Mlaa Alma tsnoniau, miss uiga Btewarc, Mr. h. nam mig, Mr. Fnnk Tonuon, Hr. U Bhonltii, Mr. A. Cummlpge. Mr. C. Mlchaella. Mr. iw snunwu, ear. xj. a. juitiiMiii, nr, i j. BtewaTt, Mr. b. Btewart. Mr. u. oanaa- burg and Mr.. U, Wllcohuaen Weddlnaja and Engrasjesaexta The engagement la announced of Mr. Albert Rosenthal of thle city to Mlaa I Lillian wildman or Baltimore. Mr. arid Mra. James Howe announce I the engagement of their daughter. Miss I Alice, to Mr. Franklin Haines Price of Philadelphia. - ' ir. v. j i issuea caros ror tne weaomg oi tnoir oaugn- ter. Gertrude Maud, to William Harrla Larson at their noma on Wednesday even- I lng, Beptember . Mr. and Mra. W. H. Oalllgan announce I hat am rekma- - tka ana Ma BVanr) I - tr., i wedding will take place Wednesday, ep- temner e, at a o'ciock, at aim iere i 7". streets. A reception will ba held In tha evening at the home of tha groom's par enta. 2m Castellar etreet. The marriage of Mlaa Ray Cohn.- daugh ter of Mrs. Bertha Cohn, to Mr. Carl lwl Mtolfini at o'clock Monday evening at Metropolitan dub. Rabbi Cohn will offlclato. There will be B,fnrtnt. .nd the nuti will he eon. RneA to memberS of tha family and a .... ... few out-of-town friends. A wedding sup- . , fn,,aw . rrmonv and will ba rr. Iaador B. Trostler. formerly of thla cUyi and M,B, Ruphell Luce of New vineyard. Me., were married August 1. At tne homa of tha brlde'a parents. Tha weaainp; waa .'very flulet, with only tha immediate family and near relatives t0 Orleans, Neb., where tha doctor ta located In the practice of medicine. . . Cobs aad Go Oesalp. Mrs. Blerbower has returned from Chl- cago. Mr. Byron H. Smith Is home from New York . . . - . I M- ungate is npme irom xsm- ...... Mr, Ben Murpny len irnaay evening xor I New York. . Mrs. Frank Boyd returned this week f rom Des Moines. Mrs. 'George C. Strahan has returned I from an eastern visit. I Mr. and Mrs. John Dougherty returned today from Bailey, Colo. I Mra B. G. MoGllton returned 8aturday from Camp Monarch. Colo. I Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peake are visiting I their old home In Illlnola. I Mr. Denlae Barkalow ta expected home ) from Colorado thla week. Mr. John A. Crelghton returned from Chicago and Lake Beulah. Dr. and Mra. Burt Christie have re- I turned from a visit ln the east Miss Lucille Hall returned today from a two weeks' visit ln Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baker are expected home tomorrow from Bait Lake City. Mrs. J. El F. McOee of Independence, I Kan., Is visiting Mrs. J. M. Met calf. Miss Mae Weeks of Chicago arrived to-I day to be the guest of Mlsa Jessie Nason. I Mr. and Mrs. Phil Aarona and daughter, Miss Essie, have gone east for a short visit. . ' Misses Llllle and Anna Rose have re-1 turned alttr a two weeks' vlait In New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whltmor. and daugh- ter. Mlaa Eugenie Whltmore. are ln Paria this week. Mra A. H. Lea and children returned Tuesday evening from a trio to Lake Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Clark and daugh. ter. Mlaa Dorothy Waller, returned Frldav from Chase. Colo. Mlsa Llllle Crummer will leave Tueadav for Vancouver, whence aha will sail on Sep- tember I for China. Mia. Laura Anderson left Friday for . I w. - -1 ' 4.l 1h fvl.na In .V.. m.,K era part of the state. Mlsa Frances Nash and her guest. Miss Emily Meyer, of Dubuque, left Friday for a oriet uimy m Mr. and Mra. C. H. Walroth and Master L -1! 1"T1 " ..u.i..wv "' - northwest Paclflo coast cities. Mrs. J. E. Jurgenaen departed Saturday I vrvnini lur iv.u, wuviv fu wilt v imi her eon, Mr. J. H. Jurgenaen Hon. J. S. Baume, Judge of the ap- pellute court of Illinois, is visiting his sis- ter, Mra. A. B. Andrew, of Omaha. w ""u "u" "l' J aTa. t. T i. a Tir.,A .a. . Tueaday from Dome Lake, Wyo., where I they have been spending two weeka. I Dr. and Mra. E. Comble Smith, formerly of the First Methodist Eptsooual church here, are spending the summer ln England. Mrs. George Patterson, Mra. George Squire and Master Clarence Squires are expectea nome toaay rrom uioucester, Mass. Mr. and Mra. William Tracy Burn re- turned thla week from a visit to Mr. I Burns' parenta at "Burnalde," near Annap- I oils, Md. Mr. Jame Cahow of Hamilton, Canada, and Mr. Frank Cahow of Kewanee, 111., are visiting their alater, Mra. George Btone, and family. Mlsa Margaret Garner returned Thura day, evening from an eight weeka' visit with her alater. Mra. L. O. Low of Lex ington. Neb. Mr. R. W. Hodder returned home this week from Minneapolis Minn., where he left Mra Hodder.. who will remain several I weeka longer. Miss Luella Allen and Miss Lillian Fitch I left Saturday for New York and later will go t Colorado. They will return about September 10. Mra. J. J. Brown and daughter. Miss Jeanie Brown, returned Thursday from a vlatt of several weeka on tha "P. K." ranch at Wolf. Wyo. Mr. Elisabeth Goodrich returned thi I week from aa extensive trip to he Pacific I coast. Ban Francisco, .Loa An rale, and Bait Lake City. . Mra. Joaeph P. Cohn of Spokine. Wash ; Mra. R. Oroateln of Lewiston. Idaho; Kr. A. B. Cohn of San Franclso and Mr. Phllln Btepo and daughter. Mlaa Led a Btepp, of Kansas City, are among the lout-oi-tewn gueat tor wa conn-rurta wea- dins. They are being entertained at the horn of, Mra.. Berth Cohn. 921 Pacific treet. Mra. A. U, Mohler, Mra. Ella Naah, MIm Maria Mohler, Mr. Jerome Hmm and Mr tli.lA ru.l. .. . Unnl. i upvm ,po Hot Spring. Mian Flora Webater leavea today with father. Mr. John U Webster, to attend lm'i"n ur ""- Ing at 8t. Paul. Minn. Mra. Ada Cotnlsh Herteche la now In Portland. Ore but will return the laat of October to apend tha winter with her father, Colonel J. M. Cornliih. Mra. Jennie M. Welndennall baa gone to Portland, Ore. She will atop at Pueblo, Colo., to vlait bar brother and will be Jo'hed there by her alater. Mlea Louise ration. r " ra. uiibert H. Money reiurnea Friday from an extended weatern trip ac- compelled by Mra. Morlry's mother, Mra, van. wmp or urana island, wno will be their gneet for a time, Among tha Omaha people who returned from Okobojl hl week were Mra. Robert Ql'more, Mlsa Amy Gilmore. Miss Ruth MooreheadJ Mra. Harry Waller, Mra. H. I Whitney atod daughter and Mr. and Mra. Charles Black. CONFIDENCE f GAME EXPOSED Assert.. Pro.ter ,f Me.lra. Co- pa ay la Bad I,la-ht Nebraska, la the Gaase. The police and poatofflce authorities of Chicago declare tha arrest of Henry D. Bunhnell and L. B. Miller, offlcera of the Tabasco - Chiapas Trading and Transport. Uon .company, has brought to light tha mna arlaantlo confidence aama ever worked ln th)i country. The authorities Bay they Uav, ev1d9nce that provea tha Mexican ! company a coloaeal . fraud and that tha omcera of tha company have organised a Bvatem of stock-tobblne: concerna. caDltal Ued atl mii0n8 of dollars, for the Bole purpose of fleecing the public. Detective Bergeant Wooldridge declared he had auffl cimt evidence to secure thirty Indictments against rreaioem . uusnneu tor nia opera . . . m . tiona in connecuon witn tne unitea Htatea Peat Fuel company, m Monroe street. "Thia mn nuahneil rvula.r N&nnlnn W Mdm: "Ha waa the head of a dosen 'ret- drldK. "He was the head of a doaen 'get rlcb,-qulck ' schemes,' or rather Jt waa one big scheme. under a. doaen names. When the grand jury convenes we expect to se cure thirty or. forty Indictments against him for his werk In tha TTnlted Statea Peat FueJ pmnf alone." According - to prospectuses Issued by Bu8hne.ll, Miller and . John R. . Markley, promoters of the Mexican Plantations com pany, the various concerns affiliated with tha Tabasco-Chiapas company are capltal lied at (200,000.000, The Mexican Planta tions company, the parent organisation of the Tabaaoo-Cb.lft.paa and .the Lu-Me-Ha Mills company, also la under Investigation by tha postal authorities. This corpora tion a one of the oldest of Its kind In the United States and haa S.000 stockholders. Postal authorities declare the plantation companies have paid dividends on tha esti mated profits) raised on tha Mexican land, although no record haa been found to shew that any of tha crops were uaed for any thing but feeding stock and employes oa the plantation. Markley and Miller are said to be the promoters of tha Mexican Plantations as- uwlaHiui mrtl nudinall nnul m...l , " JZ, ,ZZ 1 '; ".L. T. "ji imereatea in many; Mexican acnemes. among tnem being tne' international Lum. bar and Development company, which Is being investigated by the government; the Philadelphia company, a plantation concern, and several other corporations. All these companies, it is declared, have sprung from the purchase by the prc- moters of 6.000 acres of land In Mexloo at a price of n. per acre. The' association then capitalised at $1,000,000 and to develop the property stock certificates were sold at from $300 to 1400 a share, each share rep- resenting a cultivated acre or ground. wnicn waa to do tumea over to tne In veetor fully developed at the end of seven years. The association is said to have secured the Iveatment of $1,040,000 by this plan. "The scheme of Miller ana Bushnell (looks like one of those where fraud Is eov- ered up by a certain amount of honesty." declared Assistant District, Attorney Mar ston, who has the case In charge. The federal authorities say Bushnell and Miller were unable to explain bow dlvi 1 denda were paid to stockholders, declaring the vouchers hsd been destroyed by fire. In explaining the delay and neglect In I equipping agents which la charged against I the Lu-Me-Ha Mills company It la aald a clerk waa absent on his vacation and the correspondence was mislaid I The ' Peat Fuel compariy ' organised by Bushnell had five branch corporations scattered tnrougn the united states and I Canada. According to the prospectus of the company a new process was discovered or wnicn waste matter couia do manuiac I tured Into peat, malting a fuel far superior to coal. The company waa first organised m Chicago In 1905, with headquarters at Twenty-fourth and Wallace streets. Lator I It wa. removed to rrunham. Can.by Bu.h- null ana inwrjwnini iur ),iw,wv uio Imperial Heat and Power company. The Chicago company waa then reorganised as the-United State Peat Fuel company and branches were Incorporated at Macota, M.,nnV.. Bm' M"" ' l?"R!:'r Ullaed and stock waa .old to Investor Wh, the cm. of Bushnell and Miller Commiasloner Foot. Au- gust $1, it is probable that a further con tinuance will be granted to enable attor ney for the defendant to get books of h from MeJtlco. The law Arm nt u.thlfl. flhnn.. 7.nn A Wither la ren. resenting Bushnell and Miller and the at i torneya declare they will have no trouble In proving that the Tabasco-Chiapas com pany and the Lu-Me-Ha milla were ply ing venture. The postal author I tie. declare they will (w ..fled with nothlna leaa than twoer ,nowlng that the goods claimed to have i)fen produced were actually handled and that tne statement Issued by the com- rmnle to the investors were true. Bu.h I nell and Miller have been released on the I nominal bond of $2,000 each. Chicago Chronicle. Braslllaa Steamship LI a. WASHINGTON, Aug. $5. Th first im portant steamship lln owned by South American capital and connecting the United Statea and South America, will Inaugurate ita eervloe today with tb sailing of tha ateamer Goya from Ki Janeiro, Braall, for New York, Thla lln-, I connecting North and South America, Is tn tw, onerated bv tha Lloyd-Brasllolro combany. a corporation controlled by Bin. alllan capital, which now ha , aeveial I coast line, operating in Brasll! Th's will be the fourth operating between the United Statea and Braall. The offlcera and member of the Clan-na-Uael desire to empress their thanka to the following frienda and Individuals who so kindly furnished the prlaea for the ath- I letlc sports of the Clan-na-Gael held at Byndlcate park on laat Sunday, namely: Havden Brothera. J. L. Brandela A Bon I Mayor Dahlmaa. Btors Brewing eom- pany. Black, the Hatter, Kelley A Hey- tn Vat CuTv. pt. Bchroeder. Nick wri.M Owen McCaffrv. Dr. R1lev. CDon- l ahue A Redmond, Columbia Optical com i p.ay, nm II CLUB ARB CHARITY with only two general offlcera and four vice preeidents ef the Nebraska Federa tion of Women's oluba eligible to re-election, club women are naturally looking to ths election of officers as one of the Im portant features of the annual conven tion to be held at Kearney In October and In the mean time are casting about to find suitable candidates. Mrs. C. B. Let ton of Falrbury, recording secretary, and Mr. Nellie B. Miller of Omaha, auditor, of the general offlcera and Vice Presidents Mrs. Laura M. Woodford of Weeping Water, first district; Mrs. Charles Belleck of Blair, Second district; Mrs. N. 8. Clark of 8tromburg, Fourth district, and Mra. Delia Hartsough of Mlnden, Fifth district. are eligible for re-election. Naturally chief Interest centers In the successor to Mrs; H. M. Bushnell of Lincoln aa presi dent. Perhaps the most generally talked of woman for that office Is Mrs. H. L. Keefe of West Point. Mrs. Keefe has served aj vice president of the Third district for two yeara and has made a splendid record and It la said that the women of that district will be unanimous In asking the convention to elect her president. Mrs. Keefe Is one of the best Informed women In the federation In almost all the branches of work In which the clubs are Interested and haa demon strated exceptional executive lability dur ing her term aa vice president of the Third district. She haa attended the paat two atate conventlona and waa a member of the Nebraska delegation at the St. Paul biennial. There Is very little settled talk of other candidates snd Mrs. Keefe seems to be generally popular. Chief among the mat ters that the convention will be called upon to consider la an amendment to the constitution providing that the atate meet ing be held biennially Instead of annually. There Is a wide difference of opinion among club women regarding the advisability of thla change.. . Many" feel that the -biennial meeting would tend to decrease the Interest In state work, while others hold that a bi ennial meeting would make possible a much better and more helpful program and that the district meetings which are to be con tinued annually would keep tha Interest from flagging. Aa some of the ablest women of tho atate are arrayed on both sides It Is difficult 19 prophesy what the out come will be, but regardless of the outcome this particular bit of buaineaa will un doubtedly receive mora attention than any. thing elae that la ached uled to come be fore the convention, with the possible ex ception of the election of. officers. There Is' a possibility that Mrs: Emma Fox, parliamentarian of the General Fed' eratlon of Women'! Clubs, may be another attraction at the Kearney convention of the Nebraska Federation in October. Mra, Fox may come weat at that time and if satisfactory arrangements can be made. will contribute a talk on ' parliamentary practice to the already exceptionally fine program planned. Mra.. Fox waa formerly vie president of the General Federation and served as recording secretary under Mrs. Rebecca Douglas Low at the Mil waukee and Los Angeles biennials, and It is no secret among those who sat through those two atrenuoua sessions that her calm Judgment and quick de cisions were largely responsible for the admirable rulings of thoae two remarka ble meetings. If Mrs. Fox comes west she will visit Colorado aa well as Ne braska. The currefft topto department of the Omaha Woman's club will hold it annual plenlo In the park at Florence Wednesday afternoon and evening of thla week.. Tha gathering will begin at t o'clock and aup per will be served at o'clock. AU prea ent and former members of tha depart ment are Invited to com and bring their basket. Mrs. Emma Garrett Boyd, president of the Atlanta (Ga.) branch of the Southern Association of College Women, haa com piled aome very Interesting and valuable atatiatlcs regarding Illiteracy In Georgia, which have been presented to tha associa tion with a view of arousing the women of the atate to the necessity of educating public opinion to. the necessity of com pulsory education. The cenaua of 1600 showed the total per cent of illiterate votera ln Georgia to be $1.6. The illiteracy of the native white votera of native par ent .waa not greatly In excea of -tha average for the United Statea, being 1J.1 per cent, but thla vaat exceaa was mad up largely by the Illiteracy of the negro voter, which was 66.4 per cent. The club women will concentrate their energy thla year on an effort for a compulsory edu cation law to aupplement the new chllo labor law. Troop. Leave Fort Browa. ' WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. A dlapati-h waa received at tha War department today from Major Penrose, commanding the battalion of negro .troopa of the Twenty fifth infantry, which haa been stationed at Fort Brown, Tex., announcing that Lis command left Brownsville for Fort Rer.o at 6:10 o'clock this morning. Major Pen rose make no mention, in his dispatch of a number of troopers said to have been arrested by Texaa rangera in aontmctlon with tha recent disturbances at Browns ville. ttllllaga Like. Reformed Sp.lllag. OYBTER BAY. N. Y., Aug. 26. Public Printer Stllllngs responded to the preai- dent' phonetic spelling order In a letter Of hearty enaorsement reoeivva nere toaay, KRUG PARK OMAHA'S POLITE RESORT Sunday, August 26 At 8:00 P. M. and 7:00 P. M. ROYAL CANADIAN BAND At 8:80 P. M. WAR BALLOON Illustrating t. 8. Army Aerial War Signal and Method At 5:80 P. M. and :00 P. M. First Appearance U'eek Engagement LADE BROTHERS Famous Acrobats, Ring and Trapese Artiata. At rOO P. M. FIRE WORKS BALLOON With Aerial Hombartlment Monday, August 27 Special C. A. R. DAY RrcalUng tha "Day of '61." Five Days, Commencing Tues day, August 28 GRAND MILITARY TOURNAMENT By Co. I, N. N. G. Change of Program i or Military Movement iuy Fireworks Every Evening " (Vmrluding with the SIEGE OF THE OLD MILL Authoritative Modes For Women. Newest and Rarest Styles for Autumn. Doubtless you will be interested in a brief resume of what we have in store ftr you in new Autumn outer garment. Every express brings us advanced shipments of the latest conceits, hinting of the many stunning neto models which will find their best expression here this Fall. It is generally conceded thai our show ' ing of fashions and the models upon which we place our stamp of approval i a large de gree fixes the stylts for the season. Our constant relations with the best creative tal ent of the Eastern centers enables us to dis play a profusion of the rarest and latest types thmt will be worn this Fall. Our buyers for this department, who have been in the Eastern markets for the past six weeks, studying the style tendencies from a professional view-point, have just returned and are in a position to advise our customers, x knowingly and conscientiously. Our displays are now being carefully mr ringed and we request you, as soon as con venient, to visit our outer garment parlors, and get posted on the new styles for Autumn, H ' III ' iU . . EZK f.TT" .- iW irt .tl iv T-v rta ntlT. New Fall Suits Our early buying has been completed and we have a large assortment of splendidly tailored new fall suits in all the latest styles and fabrics. Coaii This week we will show in coats; some exclusive C l A sample line of fall skirts bought by our Mr. Orkln in New York will be on sale this week. They represent some very good values. 11F a ' Just arrived, a large consignment from New York's best waist manufacturer. They come in all the pretty plaids, stripes and colors. Both Bilk and lightweight wool. J 1 Our petticoats ItUfltfl obtainable, and The best values shown JTmfmpfionm 8 D see them REMODELED TCITTTO J REMODELED REPAIRED IT UJ iia.CS REPAIRED New garments in stock and to order. Let us send for your furs. This Week a Reduction of 25 on All Werk Get our prices before leaving your order. C. L. DeLONG, 2024 Farnam Street ICE CREAM IN Takt a barrel home with you they just fit your pocket If you try on of Balduff' little bar r.l. of lc cream you will know why they ar ao popular and why over 47.000 hava already been sold. Each barrel la filled with three fla vors of tea cream, vanilla, strawberry and chocolate, fresh frosen when you purchase It at the counter. The little barrel la ao constructed that It will keep the Ice cream hard fur a Ions time on a hot day and It la not neceaury to put It on Ice, you can take It to your home or office, keep and cat It later at your convenience. Bend and set one. Put up In two alsea. Quart else, ufflclent for alx Af" or lhl person. w Pint alse, sufficient for three 20c or four persona .."' BALDUFF 15!IFirnitnSt. 13 ;E PfcoaeDoofl.7U. mfsajRELo UIVcuMisnii some handsomely tailored noveltle models tn broadcloths and mixtures. i are made of the best Uffet silk they always please. Come In and In Omaha. Fur3hop YOUR. POCKET! n 1 Q umt . mil WMi iiJite m?'qfeW:Cxe& BASILi ... Pa ' . i".rni- WIM - " . lt1 u u I a -