Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Jwnal-KiWB-Brown- Cotnbiiation Will
Hart ft Hard Time Explaining.
Rallroa Politicians Have Don a
Little tho assootheet Work of Their
Long Career la "eoroska
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Au. . Special.) "The
ell out of the Joumal-News-Brown com
bi nation to the Burlington machine In
11 Lancaster county In order to vet an en
dorsement for Norrls Brown In the county
convention for United Btatee senator,"
aid a Lancaster politician, "has risen up
as a mighty embarrassment for the fake
"By the time' the Burlington machine
landed the old time railroad wire-pullers,
"4 j John McKesson and Joe Burns, for state
senators. Ever since the Journal-News
began to pump hot air reform the two
Lancaster senatorial candidates have been
held up as shining examples of what the
republicans of Lancaster should not tol
erate. , Since the tie-up, kowever, by
which Brown got the Lancaster delega
tion, the two papers have endorsed these
two men. whom they themselves stamped
as railroad tools and agents.
"To epdorse them further or work for
their election stamps the News-Journal
as Insincere In Its alleged work for the
elimination of the railroads from the
control of Nebraska politics. Another
thing the fake reformers are worrying
about Is the fact that McKeuson and
Burns are not Instructed to .vote for the
convention nominee for ' senator, and If
tin Burlington' concludes to change Its
mind and not send Brown to the senate.
Of course It can depend upon McKesson
and Burns voting for some one elie.
"In thu meantime It will be Impossible
for Norrls Brown to come Into Lancaster
county and ask the republicans to vote
' for - reform, as personified by McKesson
"ft and Burns. The columns of the Journal
V would be pulled on him the first rattle
4" oitf.of the box.
at' ' "The "railroads never before played poli
tics so smoothly. If you will take a look
over the counties Instructed for Brown you
will, in many cases, find railroad agents
nominated for the legislature. This Is
the deal through which the Burlington
let Norrls Brown be the convention nomi
nee for senator."
Lighting Daring; Fair.
Cltlsens of Lincoln will spend some
money this year for the first time on street
lighting during the state fair. Lights will
be strung along O street out to Twenty
seventh from the postofflce and In several
Instances along the side streets. The rea
son of this Is the homecoming reception
to William J. Bryan, which Is set for
September i. The lights, however, will be
run every night during the state fair.
Lincoln Is looking for the biggest crowd
ever assembled here on the occasion of
the Bryan reception, as thousands of peo
ple from the state and outside of the stated
have signified their Intention of coming.
The railroads are preparing to handle the
Immense crowds by putting on extra
Nebraskans to Sea Girl.
The Nebraska team of sharpshooters who
will go to Bea Girt on September I has
been chosen by the umpires with the camp
at Columbus. B. B. Bridges of Alma and
William Duffy of Stanton made the high
. est score 'of the thirty-six men In camp.
The score of each was SO. At Baa Olrt
tba team wlir be In charge of Lieutenant
. B.-H. Mullowney, inspector of small arms
practice la the Nebraska National Guard.
Following Is a list of the names of the
successful contestants?
Sergeant B. E. Bridges, Company L,
Second regiment. Alma 210
Private William Duffy, Company B,
Becond regiment, Stanton 210
Sergeant Jacob Balderson, Company E.
First regiment. Wllber 204
CaDtaln J. B. Hunsate. staff. First reg
iment. Weeping Water 1S4
Private J. Mohr, Company K, Becond
rcglinvili, Dtuuywr ,
SexKeant O. 8. Joyce. Company L. Bee
regiment, Bcnuyier
ond regiment. Alma 18S
Lieutenant J. H. Brock. Company K.
First regiment, Columbus 1S2
Private J.. K. Lane. Company M. Sec
ond regiment, Albion 181
Lieutenant H. B. Heath. Company B,
First regiment, Btanton 181
Private A. F. Felscher. Company B,
First regiment, Btanton 181
Private ' John a. Ulbnon, company I
Becond regiment. Alma. ITS
Captain M. C. Bhallenberger, Company
L, Second regiment. Alma ..' 179
Lieutenant Colonel Fred Oagner. First
regiment, Madison lit
Private Bert Melaenbach, Company El
First regiment. Wllber 171
Sergeant F. F. Wlllott. Company M.
- Second regiment, Albion ITS
War on liSstk Wagons.
Lincoln city authorities are liable to
make it hot for the' lunch wagons which
adorn the principal streets of the town.
As BU Joseph has orderee' the portable
hasberles off the streets, Lincoln probably
will follow suit. It to said the Lincoln
corner lunch wagons are about the worst
looking specimens and smell the loudest of
any in the United States.
Live Stock Shlpssoats.
The following table shows the shipments
of live stock for the year as reported to the
labor bureau by the railroad companies.
The Total shipments for 1904 were: Cattlo,
KC791; hogs, 2.742.M8; horses and mules,
si,az; sneep, 8a,oos:
Horses A
County. Cattle. Hogs. Mules. Sheep.
Antelope .
Manner ...
Wlalne ....
Box Butte
v 76
. 70.3S4
' 1.KJ6
i M
. 1,400
. 14.608
. 7.000
. M
t& '
. 7.
. 6&
106, V
Brown ......... .-
ihjm . .
buffalo 1(.J
Kurt 16.771
Butler (.728
Cass ' lit. JO
OUar 2iM0
Chase 4.176
Cherry I3.976
Cheyenne-, 8.638
Clay &.K61
Colfax 62.u7
Cuming 18.1100
Custer M.tftil
Dakota 10.132
Laves 12.6U)
Uwn 16.044
Deuel 4.114
Dodge 26.270
Dundy 4.(3
Franklin 18.475
Frontier 4,62
Furnas 11.161
LKte s.tKl
Uarneld 3.kJ0
(iitaper 1.&0
Grant 1S.SO
Creeley U.0MT .
Hall li.S--7
Hamilton .67
Harlan 10.861
Hayes - 76
Hitchcock 2.1T6
Holt , is.ra
Hooker (.few
Howard ....... 10.146
Jrffonoa 10.'4
Johnson ....... a.
Keer&ey ...... t,1lMi
Keith .?47
Keya Paha . , ....
Kimball ......
Lancaster ..... ,U1
IJnoolo . Uul
tLvgaii .........
tLvo ....
W o.ijb ...... I1,M4
hereon ...
Verruk JS.244
Nsnre U.
Nemaha .ri
Kut-kolla 4.e
Otoe 0,Ml
pawnee "
Perkiua ....... L.
Wj V
" $
. 7
ieii '
tl.KSl 1.0M 1.871
$2,437 .
17 64
14. 4
41 7'i .
4 6"!
1.2 6
' 4,a
Pierce I46 21. r 1 (7(
Pistte Xi. m imi l.i
Polk t.ltt 2&.4 1p7 4.4.4
lied Willow ... 4.50 11. 0 2) b,
hirhardson ... ia.."7 62.044 7W 21.X0J
Itork (.126 I.Ctl 2tw) $76
Ballne ' 1.4.1 Si.? 1.
Bsrpy , t7 12,674 121 Lia
Saunders 14.S)A 77.3. 2M 1.21
ficott s Bluff .. S 0 1.661 1.2-1 41.447
Pewsrd 1.6.6 60. 1M M
Bherldsn 22.871 1.200 1.648 4. ill
Sherman 6.(4 22,711 It L216
Bloux I960 160 69C 4
Btanton 13 32.641 , .... I.XjO
Thayer 7.241 61,049 1.012
Thomas ....... 4.2.6 l.n 150 2.430
Thurston ,i.26 19,fO 71 ....
Volley 12.648 i:.968 62
Washington .. 14.72S 64.7A4 113-0
Wsyne 1H.W0 -61,h7 120 2.
Weh-ter 12. M 4 4T1 (71 6.2u
Wheeler 700 1.W0 .... i
Tfork s.982 1H.6U 7S1 L2.
The state ...984.120 2.7W.746 6J.171 746.6
V ,, llrn. atatlnna In muntT. Not
given becaue of reahipments In Omaha
and South Omaha.
Delegates to Conventions Ckosea and
Resolatloas Adopted.
FULLERTON. Neb-.. Aug. 25.-(Spclal
Telegram.) The domocrats of Nance
county met In mass convention this after
noon at theourt house. , O. C. Green was
chaser, chairman and Albert 'Tnompson
secretary. Albert Thompson was unani
mously nomlnsted for county attorney.
John Weems. S. L. Sturtevant, I. A. Nlles,
A. Edglnton, T. J. Minor, E. Eddy and J.
W. Turner were elected delegstes to the
senatorial convention. William Smith, O.
E. Oreen, O. W. Ellsworth, Dan Cahlll,
Martin Patterson and J. R. Shields were
chosen delegates to the representative
convention. Resolutions renewing allegi
ance to the party of Jefferson. Jackson and
Bryan, extending a . welcome home to
America's distinguished stateman," and
rejoicing In "the apparent certainty of his
election to the presidency In 1901," con
demning the present state adminlstrstion
tor extravagance and Inefficiency and for
cruelties Imposed upon inmates of the
Norfolk asylum and suggesting the Investi
gation of all state Institutions, forbidding
the granting of free passes, favoring the
reduction of passenger rates to 2 cents per
mile and denouncing the present revenue
law were adopted by the convention with
great enthuslssm.
FAIRMONT. Neb., Aug 28. Delegates to
tho Twenty-first senatorial district conven
tion met today at Fairmont to name the
senatorial candidate for York and Fillmore
counties. The honor fell to Fillmore county
this year, Lewis Goodrich of Fairmont
being the choice of the republican dele
gates. Mr. Goodrich Is a prosperous Fair
mont citlsen. He formerly served as prin
cipal Of the Fairmont schools and Is widely
known and respected. Tork delegates re
turned home Saturday evening ' highly
pleased with the work accomplished. The
convention was harmonious and Its action
satisfactory to the republicans of the two
Woodellffo Resldeaee Retained ky
Owner for. His Owa Use.
BLAIR, Neb., Aug. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) The largest land deal ever trans
acted In this county was closed up yester
day, all except a few minor details, be
tween Mr. J. K. Market, owner, of the
Woodollffe farm at Desoto, and Mr. Law
rence D. Spalding of Omaha, secretary and
treasurer of the Omaha Safe Deposit and
Trust company. Mr. Market sold 321 acres
of his upper farm at $100 per acre and over
(00 acre of his lower farm at (SO per acre.
The transfer carries with It about 1,100
acres. Including some accretion land added
to the lower farm by the Missouri river,
the cash amount Of the sale being 183,000.
Mr. Markel reserves his beautiful residence
property, with sixty-three' acres of land
adjoining It, and retains possession of the
farm sold until March In order-to dispose
of some $26,000 worth of high-bred cattle,
horses and hogs.'
This property was bought some eighteen
years ago and at that time was very little
Improved and had only the ordinary farm
buildings on It, but today It brings the
top notch paid for farm land In this oounty.
1 i'
Aaplraat froaa Hemaha Tells of tke
Convention Incident. .
PERU, Neb.. Aug. 28. (Special.) Ellis
E. Good, Nemaha's candidate for state
treasurer, returned home last evening
from the state convention and when seen
this morning at the OUienr State bank
expressed himself as well pleased with
the ticket and said there were no sore
spots on him. He said: "I suppose It Is
the natural thing for the reporter to
charge Tom Majors with throwing the
Nemaha vote to Norrls Brown In order to
even up with his old-time enemy. Editor
Rosewater, but the facts are Colonel
Majors never so much as requested the
delegation to vote for Brown, but was In
harmony with the delegation on every
vote. In Justloe to all I feel that I should
say that I am responsible for Nemaha
going to Brown. I recommended It to our
delegation, believing that a large ma
jority of the republicans of Nemaha county
are Brown men, and not because I had It
In for Mr. Rosewater, for personally 1
think there la no peer of Rosewater In the
Oroand Is Soaked: for Plowing and
Wkeat Acreage Will Bo Largo.
REPUBLICAN C1TT, Neb,, Aug. 26.
(Special.) One of the heaviest rains of the
season felt last night The ground was
thoroughly soaked and will now be In ex
cellent condition for fall plowing. A large
acreage of wheat will be sown. Ths rain
was general and extended over a large
territory. During the storm the barn of
J. H. Frasee was struck by lightning, kill
Ing two horses.
MINDEN. Neb., Aug. 28. (8peclat) One
and one-third Inches of rain fell Friday
morning to the delight and satisfaction of
the farmers. The recent hot and windy
weather makes the advent of this rain
fully appreciated.
HARVARD. Neb., Aug. 2. (Special.)
A light, misty rain la falling today, ths
weather having been cloudy since the fine
rain , forty-eight hours ago, which ha
given the beet possibls results to corn and
general cop conditions. '
Party of Foorteea Mea Ran Llaea
" Taeoosrk Clay Coonty.
HARVARD. Neb., Aug. 2S.-(8pec1al.)-A
party of sttreevors. with profiles Indicating
they are vitrktng In the Interest of the
Omaha A Denver Short Line, went Into
eamp In ti.e north part of this city yester
day. ;
TiJe are fourteen men In the party and
they are now working on their 'line a few
miles east from here. As yet no Intimation
aa to what direction they wish to lake
through the cits has come out. '
While Harvard people are making no
specid demonstration of their approval they
will welcome any road or number of roads
that wish to eome to the city and give
hearty support to those that give to them
what they are entitled to receive.
Id Bottlers of t'aloa.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Aug. .-8pae!al
Telegram.) The old settlers reunion of
Cass and 'adjoining eountles, which was
held In Union Friday and Saturday, was
largely attended and highly enjoyed. Among
the speakers were Captain L W. Blllingaley
f Lincoln, Judge Hayward of Nebraska
City. J. C Frank of kUdiaoa, Mo and
County Attorney Rawla and County Judge
H. D. Travis of Pltittsmouth. The ex
cellent music wss furnished by the girl
band from Hamburg, la. The Nebraska
City team defeated the Union team Frldsy
by a score of 14 to 6. The Dentals of
Omaha won from the Union team Saturday
afternoon, score I to L
Denied Lear to Draw Water, ld
Seeks to Wreck Trnla.
BROKEN BOW, Net. Aug. 25. Special
Telegrsm.) Towner Wachter, the 17-yenr-old
boy who placed a tie on the track of
the Union Pacific road last Saturday pear
Iximax and came near wrecking a train,
was brought to this city Frldsy night from
Oconto by Deputy Sheriff Lowe and De
tective Eowers of Grand Island. Wachier
was driving a wster wagon for the Brown
thresher and asked leave to fill the cart
from the railroad tafek at- Lomax, which
was refused. It Is supposed he placed the
tie on the track out of revenge. The boy
admitted his guilt and afterwards denied It.
Judge Humphrey bound him over for a
hearing next month.
Special Grand Jary to Hear Ckarses
Against Hospital Employee.
NORFOLK, Neb.. Aug. 28. (Special.)
In accordance with the request of County
Attorney Koenlgnteln that a grand Jury be
summoned for the purpose of Investigating
complaints agslnst attendsnts or other of
ficials and employes at the Norfolk Insane
hospital. Judge J. F. Boyd has Issued a
call for a special grand Jury to Investigate
any and all complaints which may be
brought up against any persons on any
charges whatever. The grand Jury will
meet In Madison on Monday, September IT.
Dakota Coaaty Mass Convention.
DAKOTA CITT, Neb., Aug. 2S.-(Speclal.)
The .Dakota county cltlsens' mass con
vention fo the selection of candidates for
county attorney and commissioner of the
Third district met Saturday afternoon and
was attended by over 100 voters, for ths
most part coming from the western dis
tricts of the county which comprise the
Third commissioner district. The Conven
tion was called to order by the chairman of
the central committee, J. P. Rockwell. John
Holer was elected chairman and J. J.
Elmers secretary of the meeting, which
organisation was made permanent and an
adjournment was taken to the court house
yard to accommodate the crowd. Fred S.
Berry of Emerson was the unanimous
jcholre of the convention for county at
torney. Mr. Berry at first refuse! the nomi
nation owing to business reasons, but lster
was persuaded Into taking the nomination
for the present at least, with the hope that
hs may change his mind. J. T. Dalef of
Jackson and John Bierk of Pigeon Creek
precinct were plaoed In nomination for com
missioner. An Informal ballot was taken
which resulted In Daley receiving 117 votes
and Slerk 1st votes. After the announce
ment of he ballot Mr. Daley withdrew his
name and Mr. Slerk was made the unani
mous choice of the convention. H. C. Dora
was chosen chairman and A. Ira Davis
secretary of the county central committee.
Motor Cars to Beatrleo.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 28. (8peclal.
The union Pacific company Is making
plans to establish motor ear service on 'Its
tins between Beatrice and Lincoln within
a short time. It Is ths Intention of the
company to run a car from this point In
ths morning to the capital city, returning
In the evening.
This move is made on the part of the
company. It is understood, to Improve the
passenger service In this section and with
a view of reaching out after more buat-
nsns.' The car to be used will be strictly
a passenger car and will not carry bag
gage or freight
The Beatrice Commercial club, alive to the
interests of Beatrice, will request the com
pany to have the car run from Maryevllle,
Kan.,, to Uncolrt, so as to bring people
from the northern part of Kansas and
towns along the route to Beatrice to trade.
The present service betwen Marysvllle and
Beatrice Is not what It should be, as
people living south of here cannot come
to Beatrice In the morning; and return the
some day. The club will urge the Union
Pacific officials to establish thut service,
which will improve trade conditions at
this point and make business for the road.
Heavy Rain at Ralo.
RULO. Neb., Aug. 2B.-(Speclal.) The
heaviest rain and at the same time the moat
general down pour of rain of this season
began here about 2 o'clock Thursday
morning and continued almost without tn
teruption until 1:30 a. m.the same day. .The
vain gage here registered two and three-
eighth inches of water fall. About 3 p. m.
Friday morning another heavy shower of
about one and ons-fourth inches fell here.
Distant thunder1 la now audible In the west
and Indications point to more rain before
morning. In the vicinity of Fargo and
Barada the reports arc that between three
and five Inches of water fell there. Deep
ditches sometimes two and one-halt feet
deep and two feet wide are washed In
ths. track of the hilly roads. Small bridges
and culverts are made Impassabls by recent
heavy rains. Road overseers are out with
their men repairing ditches, bridges, cul
verts and placing signals condemning roads
to use. In low places at the foot of hills
mud has been deposited to ths depth of a
foot and traveling is nsarly as bad as It
becomes In the spring of the year.
Keanaka Baptist Association.
TECUM 8 EH, Neb., Aug. 2S.-(Speclal.)
The members of the Nemaha Baptist asso
ciation. In convention In this city, yester
day morning elected the following officers:
Moderator, C. A. Sehapnel of Pawnee City;
clerk. Rev. W. H. Hamilton of Burchard;
treasurer. N. M. Cstlln of Peru.
Following the election of officers the read
ing of the letters from the various churches
In the district was taken up.
In lha afternoon Rev. D. D. Proper of
Dea Mclnes. Is., district secretary of home
nMsalona, spoke on the subject "Our
Heritage snd Cur Duty." ' A Sunday school
session followed, which was led by Rev. L.
C. Biggs of Omaha. Many matters of Im
portance to the work were discussed.
The evening session was opened with a
song service, followed hy the annual ser
mon by P.ev. I. D. Wood of Pawnee City.
Subject: "The Parable of the Pounds."
T!ie attendance at the convention Is good
aniT the meetings are fully up to the ex
pectations of the leaders In the work.
Accident at PSenle.
SEWARD, Neb., Aug. 'So. (Special.)
The two days' fraternal picnic at Beaver
Crossing yesterday and today Was attended
by Immenae crowds. Prof. Maygt of the
State unlveraity and Rev. Ludden were
the speakers.' Ths Kensington wom?n
were In charge of the' beiutlful parade
each day. A Mr. Martin, a liveryman,
while getting a float ready for the parade,
was kicked in the head by a horse, fractur
ing his skull.
Hews of Nebraska.
SEWARD The largest yield of peers ever
known Is reported this year.
ARLINGTON Tke recent heavy' rains
Insure a bumper corn crop in this part of
the stats.
BEATRICE Imogcne, the young d ligh
ter of Mr. sud Mrs. James Coon, died yea.
trrdmy after a brief Illness.
BEATRICE Newton Burroughs, a horse
buer of this city, was thrown from a
honH and severely injured.
HUM BO LDT Claude J. Drake and wife
were called thla week to Belnit. Kan., by
the death of the letter's mother.
SEWARD The Oerman I-utheran picnic,
August H promises to bring to town ths
Isrgest crowd of snythlng this seaaon. A 1
balloon ascension will be one of the amuse
ments. PLATTSMOUTH Henry C. Brlnkmsn,
who wss so badly Injured In the Burling
ton shop yards. Is able to be down town.
HARVARD Rev. Mr. Hunt, who was
seriously injured s few dsys sgo In a run
away, Is now thought to be out of dsnger.
SEWARD On account of the Intense heat
a number of valuable farm horses have
keen overcome with the heat and rendered
Li HA TRICE The democrstlc Judicial
convention will be held in this city next
Thursday, 30. The convention will
convene st 1 o'clock.
SEWARD John Wllken of Utlra had the
misfortune to hsve a bad cut over the eye
by tripping over a wheelbarrow. Several
stitches had .o be taken.
HEATKICE Cal Carpenter, while work
ing at the Farmers' elevstor at Diiler, fell
from a scaffold, a distance of alxteen feet
and was quite badly Injured.
HUMBOLDT H. E. Boyd of thla city
was call to Coshocton, O.. by the death
of his younger brother, who has been In
falling health for some time.
BEATRICE Ed. King, an employe ot
the Dempster factory, had a finger taken
off yesterday by getting It caught in a
machine which he was operating.
WEST POINT-Chrla Sctrinstock of the
firm of 8chinstock Bros, hss Just returned
from Wyoming and western Nebraska,
where he purchased $50 head of cattle.
WOOD RIVER The Bheiton marshal Is
on the track of a young man of Sheltun
who was accused of beating hia wife, tak
ing all of her money and selling mortgaged
ARLINGTON The Northwestern railroad
has Just finished soms Improvements on
Its depot In this city. Besides remodeling
the building a brick walk was laid around
the depot.
LEIGH A heavy rain fell here yester
day afternoon, which seemed to break the
sweltering heat. The weather Is delight
ful, and the change from excessive heat Is
very welcome.
WE8T POINT Miss Ellen Bllck, one of
Cuming county's most popular teachers,
has accepted a position as school superin
tendent at Nelson, Neb., leaving for that
place this week.
of Beatrice hsd the honor of presenting
a windmill and pump, as well aa drilling
the well to be used on the property. An
Interesting report was made on. the Min
neapolis encampment
BEATRICE Lang's canning factory la
running night and day -at present with a
force of two hundred hands. Yesterday the
factory had a record breaking day in can
ning corn, disposing of 88.000 cans.
WEST POINT St. Paul's German
Rutheran church will be reopened Sunday
after elaborate decorations have been made
to the edifice. An organ recital will be
conducted by Prof. C. H. Hasse of Seward.
NEBRASKA CITY-E1I Mitchell, colored,
wss arrested this afternoon charged with a
aertous crime. The alleged offenne la said
to have occurred last Wednesday. He will
be given a preliminary hearing on Monday.
ARLINGTON Shock threshing Is pro
gressing nicely. The yield Is good, winter
wheat going from twenty to forty bushels,
spring wheat from twelve to twenty bush
els and oats from thirty to sixty bushels
per acre.
HUMBOLDT The Indications are that
thla part of the state will be well repre
sented at the coming state fair, the recent
rain having Inaured a large com crop and
made the farmers feel more like taking a
HUMBOLDT Frank Mullen, one of the
leading wealthy farmers and, stockmen ot
this section, returned yesterdnv from Chi
cago, with his bride, formei?o Mrs. May
L. Dobyns, daughter ot Dr. J. L. Candy
of this city.
WYMOREWork Is progressing rapidly
on the Greenwood brick business block.
This building Is to be only one story high,
26 feet front and 140 feet loYig. It will be
occupied by the Newton clothing company
when completed.
WYMORK Next Tuesday the Farmers
and Merchants Lumber and Coal company
will sell its stock. It Is Incoroorated for
$26,000. The company will build yarda and
buildings here this fall. Wymore is to be
Its headquarters.
COLUMBUS The funeral of Mrs. Sarah
Hudson was held Friday morning from the
residence of her daughter, Mra. Charles E.
Pollock, on West Fourteenth street. Rev.
G. A. Morno, pastor of the First Congre
gational church, preaching the sermon.
WEST POINT As sn evidence of agri
cultural prosperity in Cuming county, It Is
announced that one firm of Implement
dealers In West Point has sold during the
past sesson fifty manurs spreaders, an ar
ticle which, a few years ago, was entirely
unknown. ,
" TECUMSEH Johnson county wag visited
by a timely rain during last tilghx. At this
point the precipitation waa one-half of an
Inch. Everything was very dry and now
the corn and pastures have taken a now
lease of life. Indications tonight point to
more rain.
PLATTSMOUTH A gang of fifteen sur
veyors has been running a line through
this county from South Bend to beyond
Murdock, paralleling ' the Rock Island
tracka at a distance of about one mile.
It la believed to be the work of the North
western rosd.
ARLINGTON The Wsshlngton county
reunion will be held In this city from Au
gust 28 to 30. , A big time Is being planned
and a big crowd la expected. Among the
speakers will be Congressman Kennedy
and A. C. Shallenbergor, fusion candidate
for governor.
PLATTSMOUTH While in Omaha yes
terday Gernle Thomaa got so close to the
street .car trsck that the fender of one
of the cars lifted him from the pavement
and threw him to one aide of the street,
but fortunately he escaped without any
serious Injury.
HUMBOLDT Mayor R. E. Wetxke and
Jamea B. Davis, both stalwart democratic
warhorses, left last evening to Join the
Nebraska delegation for New York, where
they will participate In the reception to
William Jennings Bryan upon the lattor's
return to thla country.
WYMOREJ The reunion of tho south
eastern Nebraska district of the Grand
Army of the Republic and Woman's Relief
Corps closed Friday evening after a suc
cessful four days' session. Excellent pro
grams were given each day and the crowds
were the largest ever attending. ,
TECUMSEH The Johnson County Fair
association 111 erect a $2,600 swine shed on
the grounds here for the purpose of giving
hog breeders a better opportunity to dis
play their stock. It Is proposed to begin
the erection of the building at once and to
have It ready for the coming fair.
ARLINGTON This town Is much worked
up over the presence of railroad aurveyora.
who are running a line from here to Nlck
eraon. Neb. Rumors have It that the
Northwestern will build a cut-off, thus
saving ten miles. Others claim It Is the
Burlington, surveying a lins to Omaha.
BEATRICE The Women's Relief corps
held a largely-attended meeting yesterday
afternoon. Among the reports submitted
waa one from Mrs. Treadwell of this city,
which,' stated that Andcrsonvllle prison waa
the property of the National Women's Re
lief corps, and that the Dempster company
HUMBOLDT The local Baptist congrega
tion, whlph has been without a paator for
a yesr or more, has issued a call to Rev. W .
N. Hamilton, st present pastor of the
Pure hard church, and the latter nas ac- ,
cepted the call, announcing his Intention
of removing to this city In the very near
ARLINGTON The democrats of Arling
ton precinct have nominated the follow
ing ticket: Clerk, J. C. Blackburn: treas
urer, H. W. Bchoettger; constable. Jay
Blackburn; Justice of the peace, O. E. 11
zen: road overseers, district No. 1, J. J.
Million: No. 2, C. P. Masters; No. L How
srd Crlnk.
MINDEN A man named Mungereon, em
ployed here g month ago by the Minden
tCdlson Light and Power company, who
left for parta unkn.iwn. taking a lot of
toola. besldea aelling several pounds of cop
per belonging to tna company, has been
captured at Galesburg, 111. Bheria Wyatt
haa gone after him. .
BEATRICE George Knnpp, the fifte'-n-year-old
son of Mr. and Mra. Jacob KnAnp,
ran away from home the other day. He
left a note addreacd to his mother stntlng
that he waa poing to ths Pacific ooat. Ths
officers huve been unable to apprehend t'le
Ind, and his mother, who is an invalid, li
pro.trated over her son's conduct .
UEATRICE Some psrls of Gage county
received s thorough soaking Friday morn
Injr. A rainfall of nearly two Inches Is re
ported from Ellis snd vicinity, and Wy
more reports a rainfall of sbout two snd
a half Inchea Many farmers, who were
forced to quit plowing ten days sgo be
csvte of the dry weather, reauiied work
in the fields yesterday.
HUMBOLDT This section was visited
lart night by a drenching rain, which In
so-e sections amounted to alinoat three
inchea. and did Immeasurable good to ths
corn and pastures. In this vicinity the
crops had rot suffered frreaMy hy means
of the drouth, although farmers were be.
ginnlnr to rnt'ertaln feara aa to the result.
LEIGH Miss Clara Smith cf this
rises and Mr. Georse Johnecn, f l-..t
Srrtngs, 8. D., were united In marrlag a I,
the home of ths bride's ps rents. Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Smith, yesterdsv at ( o'clock.
Rev. O. C. Fhull. raetor of the Consreta
t'onsl church, officiating. Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson left this morning for Hot Springs,
where they will reside.
WILSONVILLE At a rosso meeting rtti
sens of this place hsvs decided to hold
ths annual Harvest Home exposition on
1 September 11 and 14. There will ha sneak-
New Goods. New Design. At our ever popular prices. A
combination of quality and finish hard to equal, Impossible to ex
cel. If you'll but taVa the time to look, you will readily see the ad
vantage In trading here.
Golden Oak Drcascru Pretty patterns made ot quartersawed
oak, piano polish; fitted with large French bevel mirrors; base con
tains two large and two small drawers, all bird's-eye maple lined.
Some with straight front, others with swell. Dressers of superior
quality and considerably under priced, at 920, 922, 923, 920.R0.
Bird's-eye Maple Dressers Princess and aegular designs. Just
the thing tor a dainty bedroom 922, 923, 920, 933.
Mahogany Finish Dreasers
mahogany polished finish. Some
regular, at 917.50, 919.75 and 922.00.
Toon a mahogany and curley birch are popularflnlshes. We're now showing a superior line of both
woods at tempting prices. Toona Mahogany Dressers, 922 up. Curley Birch Dressers, 924 up.
When ordering our season's Importation ot
Irish Point Curtains from the manufacturers in
St. Gall, Switzerland, our buyer was offered a
special lot of curtains made up from a vast
quantity of accumulated remnants of nets ot
various weights. These were figured at such
extremely low prices that we contracted tor the
entire lot. We have Just received them all and
have opened the greater part of them, and find
the best values we have ever seen In Irish Point
laces. Not less than six pair alike, and an in
finite variety of patterns and qualities of net.
These have been shown in our windows Friday
and Saturday and go on sale Monday morning
at prices ( extremely low.
Irish Point Curtains that are an excellent
value, at $6.60 to $7.00 a pair on sale Mon
day, at, per pair, 94.75.
Duchess Point Curtains that ahold ordi
narily sell tor $10.00 on sale Monday 90.75.
We are headquarters for Window 8hades
and 'should like to, measure your house and give
you an estimate. All Prices and qualities up
from 25c.
Orchard : Wilhelm earpet CBo.
414-416-418 South Sixteenth Street.
rs ot state snd national reputation. Ball
games every day, races, amusements of all
kinds. In addition to an sxtenaiv display
Of ths products of this section, both agri
cultural and live stock.
PLATTSMOUTH Ths steamboat R. C.
Ountsr finally succeeded In getting off of
the sandbar between Omaha and Platts
mouth and Is now anchored near ths Tur
lington bridge, about one mile south ot
this city. . Two excursions are advertised
from this city Sunday, one In ths after
noon and one In the evening, down the
Missouri river and return.
COL.UMBUH People were greatly
shocked at the sudden death of C W.
Jenkins last evening. He was a son-in-law
of the late M. K. Turner. He had lived In
Columbus nearly twenty years and was en
gaged In every good work. He was a great
friend of the soldier, blng a member of
th Sons of Vetersn Camp here and the
senior vice commander of the order in the
WEST POINT-J., VT. Mitchell and L.
Renner of Bancroft have been commis
sioned by the county board to collect ma
terial for the Cuming county exhibit at the
Nebraska state fair. They are meeting
wltn flattering suocess In securing mag
nillcant specimens of fruits, grains, grasses
and other products of the soil. Cuming
county expects to be close to the top lu
the state exhibits.
HUMBOLDT A farm houss belonging to
J. Wlltse, a few miles south ot tus c.ty,
was burned tc the ground together wltn
the contents, property of James Uedtlsen
4.nd wife, tent & ts. Mrs. UedUsen was
s.sleep when ths fire broke out and barely
escaped with her life, saving nun of th4
belongings. Ths family Is left practically
destitute, and help was tendered by the
business men and cltlsens of Humboldt.
TECLMSS.H Deputy Sheriff Phlpps left
for Decatur this morning to get Scott R eli
ding, who is In Jail at that place chargeJ
with burglary. A year ago last June,
Redding broke into the house of Muse Car
penter and stole two watches and before
a warrant could be gotten, aklpped. He
came back to Decatur ths first of the week
and wss Immediately arrested by ths mar
shal of that place at the request of lha
TABLE ROCK-A fine rain of a little
mote than an Inch fell last night, which will
do much good, as everything was vsry dry.
We had had no rainfall for between two
and three weeks, and corn was suffering
badly and the pastures had become very
dry, and water In them was scarce. Plow
ing for winter wheat, which had csssed,
will sgsln bs the order of the day. The
rain seemed to be a general one, Instead of
merely a local shower.
TECUMSEH Ths attendance at the
thirty-third annual session of the Nemaltu
Baptist association. In session In this city,
is very good. The first program was givuii
last evening when a song and devotional
service wss led by Rev. W. F. Smith of
Sterling. The Tecumseh church letter and
greeting was by Rev. F. M. Sturdevant,
nuina. nf the Inrnl Ttantist church, and
the response was by C. A. Echappet cf
Pawnee City. Rev. C. R. Wheldon ot Peru
delivered an evangelistic sermon.
WOOD RIV12R A gang of buffis got Into
a fight among themselves In the railroad
yaras and one of them had his throat
slashed with a rasor, barely missing the
Jugular vein. Hs was taken to Drs. Red-
held at Earers omce, woero nis wuunui
were dressed, requiring eighteen studies.
He was sent to the hospital at Grand
Island. Marshal Ryan landed the rest of
the bunch in the Jil and they were taken
to Grand Island. Ths Grand Island police
believe all seven In the gong are criminals
and are wanted somewhere for more seri
ous crimes.
Baaapest Will lavell Statae la Sep
tember la Pieieses of Maay
BUDAPEST. Hungary, Aug. S.-The au
thorities of the city of Budapest have de
cided to unveil the Wsshlngton statue now
under erection on September 14 and have
sent out Invitations to the mayors of
American cities, presidents of American
universities and many notable public men
of the United States to attend. The Idea
of raising this status arose out of the
erection in Cleveland some years ago of
a statue of Kossuth.
Tbe Hungarian-Americans, who jrere in
strumental In bringing about the erection
of the Kossuth monument were so cordially
supported by Americans that they decided
as a mark of gratitude to rtlse a Washing
ton monument In the -apltal of their native
country. The statue which la to be full
slsed will stand In a prominent position In
the city park and will be one of the Inter
esting sights of that place A large contl
gent of Hungarian-Americans are expected,
the official party sailing from New York
August s U4 Hjmoasa,
Cool, Comfortable, Convenient
That's our store. A pleasant retreat from
the heat and glare of the sun. Even if you
don't care to purchase, come in and rest a
bit. You'll enjoy it and so will we. Many
conveniences are at your disposal, and the
most courteous attention given you.
These are made of birch and maple,
have quite a bit of mahogany facing.
The best of Its kind and everything of the
kind. Our fall Importation Is received; a very
large line of the newest and prettiest patterns.
Greenwich Inlaid is Imported by us from
England. A splendid quality ot linoleum in
beautiful designs and colors 1.33, 91.5f and
91.65 pep square yard.
Rixdorfer in marblo and Inlaid effects,
which we import direct from Germany. Makes
beautiful floors. The best linoleum made, at
prices that are reasonable.
Granfte Inlaid In blues, greens and tans.
Pretty and very cheap, at 91.00 per square yard.
Printed Linoleum A practical, economi
cal, sanitary floor covering
6 ftfet BOc and 05c per yard.
12 feet 75c per yard.
Remnants of Linoleum Bath-room size,
'at 91.00, 92.00, 93.00, 94.00.
Remnants of Matting 5 to 20 yard lengtha
at 10c to 23c per yard.
. Miter Mat Velvet, axmlnster, body brus
sels, at 91.00 each.
Union aad Southern Facifio Each Vakt tfw
High Eeoorda
eawal mt Rasaor that Brokers Are
Baying This Issue for Harrlmaa
Interests Seods It Up
ward. NEW TORK. Auk. 2B. Ths stock m.rU.t
opened with a fresh outburst of bullish
enuiusiasm, which carried the Harriman
stocks to . further hiah records. Twentv
thousand shares of Union Pacino changed
lianas at the outset at ltOVi to 1894 against
1SS. yesterday's Close Five thousand
Southern Pacific came out at an utvuina n
93, half a point above the previous high
ngure. while 7,600 United Btates Steel com
mon sold at 47 to 7H. the top price since
1906. St. Paul, however, was the real
feature of the early trading, advancing M
points on large transaction to 196Vs. The
movement In St, Paul was accompanied by
the rumor so frequently heard recently
that control of lu property are being
sought by Harriman Interests. Gains of
a point or more were made by tbe Hill
Issues, Reading, New York Central and
Smelting. The market bename com
paratively dull by the enr of the first half
hour and prices fell off from substantial
fractions to a point or more. There were
some exceptions to this, chief of wblah
waa St. Paul.
After the appearance of the bank state
ment the market, which bed moved con
servatively, began to advance, but near
tbe close this waa halted by heavy sell
lng, which caused recessions of a point
generally. Ths closing was Irregular.
Mrs. Myers Appeals, s
PARIS, Mo., Aug. !S. Application for a
writ of error to the United btates supreme
court In tbe case of Mrs. Agnes Myers,
sentenced to be hanged September 1, was
made here today to Judge Brace, of the
state supreme court. If tne writ is granted
Is Yo u r
Hair Sick?
That's too bad! We had noticed it
was looking pretty thin and faded of
late, but naturally did not like to speak
of it. By the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor
is a regular hair grower, a perfect hair
restorer. It keeps the scalp clean and,
healthy; and stops falling hair.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty years."
Mass by 4hs . O. Arse Ca., LsweM. Mass.
Aise Maaalaotursrs sf gAlfUFAWlLA-Fer the Most. ATBB'S PILLS Fer eeastisatioa.
ATBa CJUaftT PMTOgAL Vat oosgao. ATKA't AGUa CURS Per aulamasaan.
at ?r u; kit
nviTt mm "A I'll'.
New stylet, prices much below
it will operate as a stay of execution. If
It be refused the case will be tsken direct
to the United States supreme court. Judge
Fowler, Mrs Myers' attorney, said today:
"I do not believe Missouri or ths governor
wanta to make a precedent for hanging
women on holidays.'' September S Is Labor
Appointments by President.
OYSTER BAY. Aug. .-President Roose
velt today appointed the following post
Colorado Ouray, Mabel E. . Strout. IUU
nols Eureka, P. E. Low; Georgetown,
Luranan Haworth; Hinsdale, Wi B. Carl
ston. Missouri Pattonsburg, George N.
Cromer. South Dakota Watertown, Cyrus
B. Williamson..
Sterling Silver Frenser, 16th and Dodge.
Fair and Cooler In Nebraska Today,
Fair Tomorrow Showers In
Iowa Today.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. Forecast ot
the weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair and
cooler Sunday; Monday fair.
For Iowa and Missouri Showers and
cooler Sunday; Monday fair.
For South Dakota Fair Sunday and
Monday; warmer Monday.
For Montana Fair and warmer Sunday
and Monday.
For Wyoming and Colorado Showers
in east, fair in wesf portions Sunday;
Monday fair. ,
Local Record.
OMAHA, Aug. 28. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature
Mean temperature ....
1106. 1905. 1904. 1903.
81 81 SO is
87 66 62 8
74 78 71 7
T .00 T 1.44
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March L
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 7J
Excess for the day .' 1
Total deficiency since March 1 M
Normal precipitation 10 Inch
Deficiency for the day 10 lneh
Total rainfall since March 1 ...,18.09 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4 07 Inches
Deficiency for cor. perlrwl, lflOG.... 7. B Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1904.... t.43 Inches