Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 20

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fi j i i i x i 1 . vm :rrr: t zzzzzTmmm i
tltltlfflfflfflflf Iflflf If iTlflTITI'B!!' I A
MVM.H.MTB.M.M'W. - M 1 V
vTarsuarh Thslr Association. Thsj FrtpoM
1 to FUbt FnblU Inipectisa.
rerslstent Effort ( Health Cnnsmle
loaer to Compel Dealer to Sell
rare Milk rota Them
oa Warpath.
i The Omaha Milk talerr aaaoclatlon baa
fdaeidd to Uaht Health Commissioner con
(nail In hu attempt to make them deliver
milk not warmer than M degree and to
'advance the wholesale price of milk and
I oream to retailer. Action toward thl end
I waa taken at a meeting held Friday night.
t which an attorney waa present. It la
unoraiood that the dairymen agreed to
Ichi In fa apiece on a fund to be uaed for
the securing of an Injunction aeeklng to
rulnin tha health Commissioner from"
I confiscating milk and cream from wagon
'and milk depot. Inaamucb a Commi
sloner ConneU ha been proceeding without
anv sneclfio ordinance at hi back, the
' milkman believe they will have .but llttl
' trouble In crippling hi effort. During the
j last day or two the war oa warm milk has
been leaaened considerably, both because of
' cooler weather and the disinclination of
' sanitary Inspector to throw milk In tha
' aewer and become Uable for damage be
' cause of the lack ef ordinances seeming
' to warrant tha action. v
A men at of lacreaae.
The first Increase In price Is to be from
' to IS cents a gallon on milk and from
60 to 70 centa a gallon on cream. The
prevailing retail price of milk at grocery
' tores and milk depots has been 6' cents,
,' cream, according to rule, being twice as
'muoh. Now It Is said the retailers will
'have to Jump to I cents. In order to make
'a profitable margin.
Beside thl It i understood the assocl
iatlon will raise the retail price of wagon
deliveries on September 1. selling seven
teen quart tickets for a dollar. Instead of
from eighteen to twenty, as Is now the
I custom. The higher clasa milk purveyor
have had the higher rate In vogue for a
long time, but the other have not.
A marked scarcity In milk and cream and
high Ice price are given as reason for
the Increases decided upon and prospective.
tain a taousa of 111 repute at to, capitoi
Declare Machine Incapable of
ceaslvo Speed, hot Fall to
Convince the Coart.
Some severe Jolts to a 2-year-old Cadil
lac motor car were administered in. po
Vice court Saturday morning, when Chauf
feur W. H. Bruner declared that the par
ticular type of car . referred to after
lta quota of service, could not be driven
faster than fifteen milts an hour. Brunor
wa arrested for scorching on North Six
teenth street, near Plnkney, the auto hav
ing been hired from the Fredrtckion
garage, by a bevy of women from tho
After listening t6 Bruner for a whllo
Jadge Crawford aaked the chauffeur If
the car, at full speed, couldn't run dowi
hill faster than fifteen mile an hour.
'"No, Judge," said Bruner, "the street
car could beat It."
Ten and costs," responded the magistrate.
Cloh formed to Proteet and InerenfS
the Beaatlea of tho Pretty
Body of Water. '
Th "West Side Cut Off tke Improve
ment club" waa organised Friday evening
laat at th "Big Five Shack" on th lake.
The club waa organised for business and.
Judging from the enthusiasm at last night'
meeting, it mean business. Robert Btein
called the meeting to order and stated tho
object of the call. The following officer
were elected to enr until the flrat Tues
day In March next, at which time the an
nual election of officer take place: W. O.
Shrlver, president; C. A. Peterson, Ylae
president; Theodore O. Baumer, secretary;
Robert Stein, treasurer.
After the elecUon of officers bylaw were
The object of the club Is th betterment
of conditions of Cut Off Ink a to fishing,
hunting, boating; bathing and pleasure; th
Improvement and beautifying of th street
and shore around the lake and other neces.
sory Improvements, such aa boulevard
around the lake, street car facilities, light
ing, police protection and to encourage the
building of cottages, bout houses and camp
ing on the shore of the lake; In faot. to
make Cut Off lake the moat popular pleas
ure resort In the vicinity of Omaha.
Any cltlten of Omaha having the interest
of the lake at heart can become a member
of the club. No admission fee or dues are
charged; free worker are what the club
Two subjects of importance to th lake
were generally discussed. On wa the
parking of Ames avenue from Sixteenth
treet to Tenth street; the other was th
taking of two feet of water out of the
lake. It wa rumored that some of the
property owners on th east end of the
lake were going to try and have two feet
of water drained out of the lake In order
that some of the low land along the lake
on that side could be farmed. By a unanl
mous vote the club emphatically put Itself
on, record as not standing for that for one
minute. The Bod and Oun club and other
organizations on the lake will be asked to
co-operate with the West End club in pre
venting any water being taken out of the
lake in the manner proposed.
Membership books will be opened In
day or two, and it is hoped that within
thirty days the club will have 1,000 mem
bers. There are ten or twelve cottazes on
th weat aide and. a number of other will
be built next year. A number of new
launches and sailboat will be put On the
lake next spring also.
The next meeting of the club will be held
at the Big Five Shack, on the west side
of the lake, on Saturday evening, Septem
ber I, at t o'clock. A cordial Invitation to
all is given to attend thl meeting.
DIAMANDS Edholm, 16th and Harney.
What the Pleasant Resort Offer to
the City Dweller Dnrlnar
the Week.
Retnra to Omaha After Extensive
Test ef several of tho European
Con a trie.
Mr. and Mr. John Roslcky arrived -home
Saturday morning after an extended
European tour of several , months. They
traveled extensively In Germany, Russia,
Bohemia, Austria and France, visiting
Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Pilsen, Vienna,
Carlsbad, Munich, Paris and many other
points of Interest. Mr. Roslcky wa born
near Prague, in Bohemia, from whence he
came to America forty-two years ago. A
pleasant incident of the tour was an en
thusiastic Fourth of July celebration In
Prague, in which some forty Americans
participated, and which waa written up and
illustrated in an elaborate manner In the
Prague newspapers. Mr. Roslcky says.
"there Is no place like home,'" and home
Is Omaha.
Lake Manawa has been the scene of much
life and activity during the last week, tho
largest attendance of the season visiting
the rcsprt dally. -' The bathing facilities
havo been overtaxed, so that the spacious
Kursaal, can scarcely accommodate the
thousands who desire a. refreshing plunge
in the water of Manhattan beach. Th
Ideal evenings for boating make this fea
ture a most popular one, many taking ad
vantage of the cool lake breeze by a row.
The roller coaster receives a capacity pat
ronage dally, this aerial achievement al
ways attracting rnany of Manawa's visitors.
At the Vaudeville theater Bonnie Dee
will slag the late song "In the Spring
time When the Roses Bloom Again"
with beautiful illustrations.
Director Nordln promises to make the
last few Sunday concert one long to be
remembered and today his talented organi
sation will render a musical program con
sisting of classical and operatic selection.
Bsooad Fall Merchant' Meeting; Brian
Mora Dealers Than First.
Activity Especially HotleenMs la Dry
Goods flenses, Whera Floor galea
Are Larse Condition la Conn
try Generally Favorable.
The second fall merchant meeting of
this season has been the means of bring
ing more dealers to th city than came for
tlie first meeting, and aa they have proven
very active In selecting stock, many of the
local wholesaler report sales whlcn oreaa
their record for the third week of August.
In addition mall orders and salesmen s or
ders are reported fair, and. generally
peaking, the week ha been a prosperous
on ror crniana jonoing woria. rue ory
roods nous nave tne teaa in point or aa.
vantage derived from the merchant' meet
ing, and numerous orders or several thou
sand dollars from single dealers have been
reported. Visitors speak of conditions
throughout the territory aa extremely fa
vorable and all are expecting a good fall
Omaha a dry good houses have done a
record business the laat week. The second
merchants' meeting brought a large Influx
of buyers and purchasers have extended to
all departments. Sales of dress goods,
cloaks and underwear have been particu
larly large and domestto business also has
greatly Improved, which added a strong
tone to the market. The leading brands of
bleached goods were advanced H to U cent.
Many popular brands of cotton goods are
scatce In first hands, which makes It a lit
tle hard for Jobbers to fill order promptly.
Collections are reported an satisfactory.
The carpet trade has had a large fait
business. AH mills are busy, except the
ingrain plants. A remarkable Impetus has
been given to the domestic rug manufac
turing Industry. This has occurred in
spite of the heavy demand for oriental
?;ooda. The demand is steadily increasing
n volume each week.
Improved Trade la Shoe.
Jobber in boot and shoes reported the
improved trade which they have predicted
for the last of the month, and which is
mainly due to the presence of merchants
from the country. Business has been good
on the floor, some mall order business has
been done and the traveling salesmen are
turning in a aatisractory number or order.
The local Jobbers are preparing their sam
ples of spring styles ami expect to send
them out the first week In September.
Prospects are good - for a large trade this
fall and winter. No changes n price in the
local snoe market nave been named, and
tne leather market remain unchanged
irum a weea ago.
Changes la Hardware Prices.
Th manufacturers of wood bench plane
have advanced the price from 10 to per
cent the last week. This I the only change
vi importance announced, sheet iron, steel.
wire ana nans maintaining the old quota
tions. There seems to pe a tendency
toward higher price over the country, but
the Omaha market has hot yet been af
fected. Jobbers say that they will again
probably experience difficulty - In securing
deliveries from tho mill and manufac
tories, due to the enormous demand. Man-
uiaciurera in one or two lines have writ
ten local jobbers that they cannot accept
further orders tor their specialties for the
iime oeing. .Business continues to be un
diminished in volume and a splendid fall
and winter trade is anticipated. Late or
ders are being received for fall lines from
retailers who did nt ria thoi,- rH.
for early delivery for such articles as bas
kets, lanterns, axes, etc. Builder' ha'd-
is aiso selling rreeiy.
The surar market In trnna mil th inh
bers have been surprised that the refined
article has not advanced, as raw are up
again, and in fact the highest price of
the season was paid for raws Friday on
W test, at 4 cents. Refiners are still over
sold and the Em-ODeaji mirlmt ( I.IlI.u,
Tho demand for the week In this section
was not as heavy aa It might have been
owing to the intense heat.
Cheese la higher, twin being up 14 to
fuunj Americas were orrerea on
ilia DlWKet,
Conntr Commissioner
Salary to
Allow Fall
Engineer Who
Serve oa Jan,
Th county commissioners departed Sat
urday fro... th rule laid down some time
ago providing that county employe who
receive money for Jury service must sub
mit to a corresponding cut In their regu
lar salaries by allowing the claim of Al
bert 8wanson, engineer at the court house,
for $42. Several of the clerical help at the
court house have had their claim cut
down because they were receiving money
from the county for service aa Juror, and
In accordance with this rule County Au
dltor Smith scaled Swanaon'a salary. Swan
son, who wa a Juror at th May term of
court, put In hi bill for th amount, as
sorting he had don his work mornings and
evenings, and th commissioners voted to
allow it.
Daughter of Westmlater Pnator Sink
and Parent Defer Retnra
from Scotland.
Only sad news comes from Rev. and
Mrs. T. V. Moore; who are In Scotland with
their sick daughter, Grace. She has been
steadily growing worse and Dr. Moore has
given up hope of ever being able to cross
the ocean with his daughter. Dr. Moore
had made arrangements to sail with his
family August 11, but gave up his ship pas
Jy let
Free Furnace Inspection i
Uave you booked your order! If not you ought to got
in line. Only about 20 days more until it will be cool enough
for a light fire mornings and evenings. Be one of the Far
Sighted people who avoid the Fall rush and delay by an
ticipating their wants a little in advance.
2,000,000 lbs. of Stove, Range and Furnace Repairs
in stock. i
100,000 pounds of Water Fronts,
Workmen, Furnace Men, Repair Men. Our inspectors
will examine anything that heats or cooks. We furnish
skilled men to do your work.
- Excelsior Furnaces will heat your home perfectly and
never give you the least trouble and heat it for less money
than any furnace on the market. Don't put in a furnace
and then look at our Excelsior. Be far-sighted and exam
ine our furnace first.
Omaha Stove Repair Works,
R. Uhllg, Prea
Hugo Schmidt. V. Pres.
rw A Wilcox. Trees.
C. M. Eaton, Becy. . Tat Douglas 960. 12 1)6-1208 Douglas St.
Boys' School
Clothes of
Style Leaders
In Men's
and Boys'
, i n ,n,i in i .i .nil ii i jiiijwmwii ."!., " .' " " ISTr
, .....iu.i. .ii i. im. i .""' I ;
Special Sale Boys' Clothing
School time is almost here and the boy's wardrobe certainly
needs replenishing. We sell only standard makes and our prices,
quality of offerings considered, we believe the lowest to bo found
anywhere. All goods offered are from our own regular stocks.
Boys' Suits Worth up to $3.50
in double-breasted and Norfolk
styles in all the latest fabrics,
both fancy mixed and plain col
ors, greatly underpriced for this
sale, it $1.50 and $1.95.
Boys' Eneo Pant Suits In fine
cheviots, cassimeres, worsted,
serges, gray and brown mix
tures, fancy plaids and plain col
orssingle or double-breasted
Norfolks or plain double-breast
ed styles worth regularly up to
$5 special, at $2.50 and $2.95.
Boys' Odd Knee Pants In great
assortment of materials, colors
and patterns made with doublo
seat and knees, taped seams and
patent elastic waist band worth
75c to $1 special sale prices,
35c and 50c.
Youth's Long Pant Suits in great
variety of shades and patterns.
all the newest materials, single or double breasted styles, splendid
styles, perfect fitting greatly underpriced, at $5.00 and $7.50.
We are showing a complete line of Hart, Schaffner & Marx
hand-tailored clothing perfection in style highest in quality.
See them.
Frank Gibson Drops from Broltea
Scaffolding and Break
Foar Rib.
Prank Gibson, a carpenter, got a hard
fall from the building on which he wa at
work at Thirteenth and Jones streets? The
scaffolding broke and threw Gibson to the
ground. It waa found that four ribs had
been broken. Gibson was taken to his
horn at 2S1S Dodge street.
Have Root print It.
saaksa Flak's. Cigar Be for He
Kasw What Had Really
Councilman McGovern and John Grant
Pegg, inspector of weights and measures,
wee conversing in the city hall rotunda,
when Treasurer Fink Joined them. Mr.
Fegg offered congratulation and Mr. Ho.
Govern did likewise, although b had no
clear idea . what for.
"Come In boys and have a olgar," ald th
Nothing loth the two other city officials
fronted. .
Whan the cigars were produced Mo-
Qovern queried. "What 1 ttr
"Great heaven," ejaculated Fink and
Fegg la unison, and both hastily explained
that Mr. Fink had Just been wed the second
time. McGovern led the way to a suitable
plaes of apology for not having read Th
Take Hew Cosapaalaa ana Maltreat
On Nat Sa Yeaag ana
Frank Fukaya, a Jap, wa given thirty
' 4ay on a vagrancy charge by Police Judge
! Crawford. Th testimony of police officer
was y th street that Fukay had thrown
! out In a back ahed to starve an aced and
infirm Japan woman, having taken to
himself a pretty and younger woman of
hi owa race named Jole Beyma. Th
eflloers found th old woman had been de
prived of all her elothlag and had had no
food for two days. Nevertheless, h and
Josla seemed to be oa fair terms of friend
ship when they appeared in polio court
deals was fined (S an coats, as she main-
Wert. Dentist. ?Q4-a. Pmton block.
F. N. Ross, dentist, 406 Paxton Mock.
Omaha Gtrl a Author.
Mis Elisabeth Hlcrlns. dsurhter of Mrs.
Annie O. Hlgg'n. (44 South Thirtieth
treet) Omaha, is the author of a story
entitled "Pharooh's Daughter," which will
appear In the Sunday magazine of the
Chicago Record-Herald. In commenting
en this eiory the Reoord-Herald says.
'Now and again a writer seeing to crasn
the real significance of the romantic side
or tne Indian and Poraer lire of tills coun
try. One is spellbound in the peruital when
It Is done skillfully. Furh a story Is
Pharoah's Daughter.' " Mlra Hieains has
written several stories that have attracted
undue attention. She la now residing in
Douglas (644) Printing Co.. 1&0S Howard.
Railway Note and Personals.
' C. T. Mlley. train master of th North
western, I in th city.
W. C. Barnes, with the Missouri Pullln
at 81 Louis. Is in the city. .
W. M. Wilkinson, lumber contracting
agent of the Illinois Central, la. In th city.
W. H. Cundy, traveling passenger agent
of th Denver. & Rio Grande, waa in the
city Friday.
R. C. Cullen haa been engaged a stenov.
rapher In the city freight omce of the
Jk'iLre Cornish, second vice nresldant ,
the Union Pacific, passed through Omaha
Saturday enroute east.
Division Passenger Agent F. P. Ruther
; island
haa returned from
trip out along that
ford of th Rock
two or three days
The Pike centennial exhibition, to tv
held in Colorado Springs September 2S-2. la
wiw ,uujm.i u luLUBiuni i urn or now
being distributed by the pasuenger depart
ment of the Denver tc Rio Uranda railroad.
The atory of Ptke'e Journey from St. Louis
aniu mountain since named Tor
him is brleity but entertainingly told.
Handsome half-tonea. Illustrative of Pike
Peak, embellish the publication.
James Rothwell. contracting frlh
of th Northwestern, haa .tendered his
reclaim imjji,
Will U
i.unMu vmin. mt. rtomweu aaa bees
with the Northwestern alnce and until
a year ago, waen he went on the street, h
wa cashier at th Webster street station.
Ho will be succeeded by Andrew Christian
sen, now chief clerk In the city freight
office, i.
nunuweaiern. naa rendered his
it ion, to take effect September L and
ike a position in Omaha outaida nt
id circles. Mr. Rotbweii haa been
Effect of Valorisation BUI.
Paxton tk Gallarher. In their we1rl
ter, speak thus of the valorization hill-
"We know that all nf vm . i, ,,.. a
in the present situation, and particularly
as to the effect tha passing of the valori
sation bill will have, and In order that
you may do ame to present the matter
intelligently to your customers we give
you herewith the effect that the valorisa
tion bill, or scheme, will have on the
market. Out understanding Is that the
mmiinum price ror wo. 7 grade coffee will
m inureis ana tne maximum 36 mllrels,
being an average of 34 mllrels per bag
which Is equivalent to AO frano nor h
York1"11 t0 ,U 04' C0" 811(1 frel8"h to Ne
VWe believe that these figures are about
correct. 11 win require some time to ar
range the details. W hen this is arranged,
and 'the Brazilian government has the
money In hand, we should think that there
will be at least 2-cent per pound advance
from present prices. There certainly is
nothing ahead, of ua but an active, ori
vancins market and prices look perfectly
safe to ua without valorization; and, while
It is reported that the government ha the
reports of the money necessary to carry
out this project. It being about 15.000,000
pounds. It Is also stated that full ri.toil.
as to supplying the necessary funds have
not as yet been consumated. Of course,
you understand thl Is the actual net cash
l"V i"1"" importer, lo this cost must be
added literage, at the port of New York to
warehouse; warehouse charges. Insurance,
brokerage and carrying charges."
With Canned Goods Jobbers.
The conditions surrounding the tnnum
puc-K are not-at all suildiuctory, ard al-
muugu me conaiuons in sonto repica are
mom tavoraoie, yet there ate very few can
ners that care to name nrlcea.,in Mr.
In string position and have been advanced
in uoin luaiana ana Maryland. The next
two or three weeka will probably settle the
question as to whether tnere will be a nor
mal pack or whether It will be short.
There Is no change in the situation so far
aa future corn la concerned. Reports from
a large number of canner iiiuicate that
their i acreage I materially less than ,ast
t:iBuu nnu umi me pruuuoiiun per acre
will not exceed 75 per cent of that of last
season. There la very little trading anJ
probably will be little until the final out
come of the pack la ascertained.
Reports from some of the largest packers
In California Indicate that It will be impos
sible for them to All their order complete
and they are already figuring on prorating
oa a considerable number of the articles
packed. Apricots, cherries, lemons and
cilng peaches will all be prorated, while
the packers report it is difficult to obtain
either yellow Crawford peaches or Bart. sit
pear of desirable quality for their extra
The packer are all determined ito take
advantage of the situation on pea and al
most without exception have advanced their
prices on surplus stock from 10 to 20 cent
above opening price, according , to the
The oyster packers of the gulf were ex
pectlng to name price on their fall pack
mis ween, a wiro irom tne soutn indicates
that they are unable to make terms with
their shuckers and other experienced help
which they usually get from Baltimore, and
therefore the naming of prices Is indefl
nltely postponed. It looks now u If it
would be Impossible to put many oysters on
the market before the middle of November,
and even then the supply will not be large.
Qvaporoated raspberries are Increasing
In value week by week. Some of the short
sellers report that the crop has been bought
On evaporated apples the market Is de
clining, aa supplies are becoming liberal not
only from the south, but from Michigan
and New Tork. It looka now aa If new
prune would be available earlier than
usual, and the first shipments will come on
to sn absolutely bare market so far as the
best selling sizes are concerned. The price
of new irult will rule considerably less
than the prices which have been ruling
during the last six months.
Paints, Oils and Glass.
The paint market continues activa and In
dications are that there will be an exceed
ingly heavy demand thl fall. OH la up thl
week, being quoted today at 17 cents for
the raw and cents for tha boiled product.
Carter s lead sells for cents, wltn soutn
arn auoted at 74a cents.
The plat glass market is'ths ara aa at
th last report. Deliveries are now heavy
on old contract, however; that la con
tract mad earlier In th year, bu not
called. The window glass market Is strong.
There is a probability that all the factories
In the United Stales, both machine and
hand, will come to an agreement not to
tart their plants until November 1, Instead
ef September L a usual. It this ocour
atocka In the hand of Jobbers will b light,
aa It take thirty day to get glass on th
market after th factories start. The de
mand (or window gis la now excellent.
ladies' aulta, iklrts. millinery, etc., cash or
credit. People's store. l'n and rarnam.
WATCHES Frenaer, Ma and Dedg.
Boys Shoe Question
Boys will be boys, and the av
erage boy Is always boy enough
to be bard on his shoes.
Boys' shoes should be well made
from good stock, In order that they
will not wear out until they have
done their duty well,'
Our steel shod "Drexel Special,"
patterned after our men's special,
is the Ideal boys' shoe. We guar
antee them to outwear any two
pairs of the ordinary boys' shoes.
Boys' sixes, 2M to 64, 25Q
Youths' sizes, 1 to 2, ' C
for. mtO
Little Gents' sizes, 10 to ) flrt
13H. for ..d-.UU
Try a pair of the shoes and you
will have no other make.
- 1419 Farnam SI.
We take pleasure In announcing
that our modern method' of selling
cigars , has Increased our business to
such an extent that we nave Deen
obliged to employ an expert cigar man
to take charge ol that department.
which will enable us to give you better
service then ever. Our prices speak
for themselves.
10c Hoffman House Cigars. .... .6c
or S2.S0 per box of 60.
10c Elefecto Cigars Be
or 12.50 per box of 60.
10c Flor DeOounod Panatellas. . . . .5c
or S2.60 per box of 60.
10c Flor De Oounod Invinclbles. . . .5c
or $2.50 per box of 50.
10c Flor De Gounod Perfectos. . . ,5c
or J2.B0 per box of 50.
10c Haxel Kirks Club House.... 6c
or $3.00 per box of 60.
16c Flor DeRodrlgo Fernandei, clear
Havana 10c
or $2.50 per box of 60.'
We are In th cut rate clear business
to stsy this time, vve are offering better
values than any cut rate cigar house In
the United State. Tne more support you
can give us the cheaper we can sell you.
Thus in turn we can give you th beat
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
16th and Farnam St.
Cool Colorado Scenic Utah
Beautiful California.
All reached via the
Midland Route
Much Joy and Many Servants ol tne
reople Will Be at
Politician from both sides of the river
In large quantities and many candidatea at
the county primaries are expected to swell
th crowd that will , attend the . kqual
Right club picnic at Ascot, la., to larg
number Sunday. Special train will de
part over the Illinois Central at o'cloclc
and 11:30, and the fare 1 H for the round
trip. Much entertainment ha been pro
vided, but the chief dish is to be the final
base ball game between the Cow Puncher
from the city hall and the Cliff Dweller
from the court house, h-acn team naa
won a game, and a M cash prlxe hangs In
th balance.
S12.&0 to St. Panl and Mlnnsappll
and Retnra
From Omaha, via Chicago Great Western
Railway. Tickets oa sals daily after May
II to September 30 Final rteurn limit,
October SL Eeually low rates to other
points in Mlnneaota, North Dakota, Wis
consin and lower Michigan. For further in
formation apply to II. H. Churchill, general
agent, 1512 Farnam street, Omaha.
Will buy your boy or girl a
pair of shoes at this store
that will surprise you with
their good wearing qualities
and with their good style
and comfort.
Musle at the I'arka.
With a large orchestra playing Sunday
afternoon at Klvervlew para, this program
will be rendered by Green s band at liana
com park;
March Arabia Larry Buck
Poppies A Japanese Romance Moret
Czardas Last Love Hungarian Theme..
' Braham
Policy King Charactertstlc. Brown
Duet for Cornets La Belle Creole).. Dalbey
(By Dr. A. D. Laird and Charles Neopodal.)
Overture Celestial ( Religious) . . .Prendl villa
Xlycphone Solo Peter Piper
Arranged by 8. B. Letovsky
(By George Green, Jr., 12 year of age.)
Musicians' Btiike tCoralo Tat Too)
March The Beau Ideal Eouoa
The Mill In the Forest ( Idyll Ellenberg
A Southern Reverie (Characteristic)
Walues From Lady Alice Loot)
March National Fenclble , Souaa
Msrtallty Statistics.
The following births and deatha have
been reported to the Board of Health dur.
ing the twenty-four hours ending at non
Births-George H. B. Hall. 110 Maple,
girl; Lars Jensen. 230S South Forty-second,
boy; 8. A. Wood, Twenty-tint and Man-
Oerson, gin; i nomas irocaer, itu Jones,
girl; Frank Moyer, U22 South Fourteenth,
boy; momes ration. jNortn sixteenth.
girl; narvey 4. weem. urant, girl.
Deaths Mrs. Bentlne M. Larsen. SM
North Twenty-third, C; Infant Hamilton,
14ot North Seventeenth. 10 days; June H.
Ingram, general hospital, S.
Class In china painting every Saturday
afternoon from t to I o'clock. Mrs. A.
Neble, studio at fit! South Tenth street
j"lephon Douglas iU t
Will buy your boy or girl a
pair of shoes at this store
that will wear longer, look
nicer and feel better thau
any other shoe you can buy
at the same price or even a
little more.
School begins soon, buy
them now.
16th and Douglas Street.
James Crosby Caognt by Detectives
Admits Stealing Frelgnt .
front Depots.
Jame Crosby, caught by Detective
Mitchell and Shepard stealing . boxes of
merchandise from around the freight
depots, confessed to Captain Mostya that
he bad been operating for some Urn. Flv
cases of whisky, two case of rubber hoa
and two more case of shirts hav been
recovered from place where h had hid
them. It waa ascertained that he had sold
G5 of whisky for 115. Crosby ha been
working as a driver for a transfer company,
Very Low Rate Tuesday. '
Every Tuesday, balance of the year, th
Chicago Great Western railroad will ell
homeseeker' ticket to Minnesota, North
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
halt rate; to other territory, first and third
Tuesdaya Writ W. H. Churchill, G. A.,
1513 Farnam street Stat number la party
and when going.
Make a Snceesa ( Tear Talents.
Th opportunity of your 11 f la awaiting
you la th new towns on th Chicago Great
Western railway. Openings la nearly all
line of business Writ today to EX B.
Maglll, Mgr. Townalt Department, Omaha,
for full laformatloa and cod of "Town
Talk," VJ
Hits the Bull's Eye of the Rockies."
Through Pullman Observation Cars.
Best Dining Cars in America.
Descriptive Literature and Full
Information at
219 So. 14th St.
iDnjiijjsii u rn slllmaisnTrTaTrf'"
A Beautiful S
pjr Vacation Trip
1 " L .tkdiaa AND RETURN
Tuesday, Aug. 28, 19
lack Hills Excursion Train
From Omaha 3:00 P. M.
behind the unsurpassed home circulation of
The Omaha Bee
is what makes advertisers know that it pays to use
The Bee advertising columns liberally,
1 1