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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
.2- i TIIE OMAITA SUNDAY- BEE: AUGUST '26, -1006. 'X Telephone Douglas til. The Ideal Threc-in-One Gtxrment---The New Combined. on Suit in Muslin Underwear Corset Cover, Skirt, Drawers. . . ... , .. , . -. . - ' ;' , - " The practical features of this garment make it almost indispensable. ; In no part of the gar ment is there more than an extra thickness of the material.; Its comfort,, convenience, econ omy and numerous other points of superiority seen. Second floor. Toilet Goods . A full and complete line of toilet rood from the best makef wtll be found here In abundance, at tile lowest prlcea alwaye. talcum powtER.T ' ';. , Collate Violet, Culgate Caehmere Bo oklet. Mennen and Woodland Violet. FACE POWDERS. " ''' " The non-Injurious Vlnd L4 Blache, Pos soni's, Batln BkJn and Powder de Rl. ... ' TOILET 80APS.J , '.'.. ', We don't , handle, every rood kind, but every kind we handle I good. Packer'a Tar, Peart". ' Caafimor- BoquC "Wood bury's and Cutlcur. . . TOOTH POKDERS. Banltol In el.her powder, paate or liquid form; Sheffield'!, Dr. Lyon' and Boxodont, Alio a full line of cream, hair tonics o,nd other toilet requisites. Women's Ready-to-Wear Suits . FUOM THE FASH TON CENTERS OF THE WORLD. , Fashion il continually changing. Each day almost there la something- new. We are ever watchful for this newness, and every expreso brings us something a little different than before, something a little different than you will find elsewhere. Our garments are" rich In style, and our prices are always lowest, quality considered. Re member this Is the quality store. , SUITS. The fashion leaders are tjie Prince Chap, Etona, short fitting, Norfolk and short box styles. The season's newest In Waists are her, new plaid silk, lace and woolen, waists, all modestly priced. . day' disaster sen his personal congratula tions to Premier Btolypln on his escape and the cabinet ministers and many mem bers of the diplomatic corps including Mr. Eddy, American ' charge.; d'affaires, "ten dered expression of sympathy. ' A DEFENSE OF THE "GALLUS" Sabtle Problem la Sartorial7 Ethics Treated with Befitting- ' Dignity. Numerous public prints In the argumenta tive north are debating a subtle-problem in aestheflco-ethlce, vl':ir;f It .meet and fitting fpr','a gentleman,- in these. pestifer ous' days, to wear braces without a coat? In - other words, is It ' proper for' one of refined instinct and intellectual pretension to expose hi bracea 'to the gase of the crowd? Brtn word, bf "course. wllude to the harness, apparatus of tackle de nominated by' the vulgar, suspenders', and by tb bucolic, galluses. ,.''.'. A might be expected, theT bilious north ern critic place their ban upon the cus tom and Join In proclaiming the apparatus Itself a hissing and a loathing. Instills position we see little philosophy. Sophism and snobbery are responsible for whatever odium or opprobrium enmeshes the gallu. In Itself, subjectively, and as a machine or object of atttlre, per '. It I eminently I lnocuou and immaculate, It serve a use ful and an honorable purpose. It la modest and -retiring. It 1 not without a certain elusive beauty.. For these reasons, and many other, we hold that it haa proved it right to a place in our sorry scheme of thing.. Like the hair restorer and tooth pick. It may offend these whose fastidious ness I over-delicate, but in the view of healthy, freeborn . American citlaens there can be no evil in it and no cause for hostile demonstration in it frank display. Wil liam Waldrof Astor may palpitate at thought of It,, but to a self-respecting demo crat, born and raised south or Mason and Dixon's line, It 1 Inexpressibly dear. , The "gallus" mark, the freeman and the man of genuine, unpretending culture and clvllltatlon. Tour snob and. your aavugo abhor it. In Mesopotamia the wild Lashl basook wears a .belt; In Yucatan the In dian wears a girdle and shark's teeth; in. Benegambla the shameless cannibal sport . a gunny ackj' In Atlantic. City, a f, years back,' the dude used to wear sajhi But find a man who, when he throw od hi coat to begin his dally toll, lays bare sf'pais W heavy, sky-blue galluses, anJ you'll And a man Who pay hi way In the world, love hi wife, rears hi children In the fear of the Lord end Votes the straight ticket. . v. . . .' Tha. "gallu" 1 useful; It i graceful. ad. properly adorned with' band-pamtod flowers and brass buckle, It is beautiful. To be aahamed of It, to conoeal It or to abandon It. for a sombre belt la to fall In an essential of true manhood and fly In the t ace at. Baltimore ua.' . .it; Jeffrraoa i tae Star a. Tlis little story of Joseph Jefferson 1 sold io be new: In the staging of one of his e-ir:ier play a friend accompanied him to a Rehearsal, at which a lively disagree ment arose between two of the actresses as to the possession of the center of the stag during a certain scene. ...While the manager poured oil on the troubled water, Mr. Jefferson sat calmly swinging hi feet from the rail of an adjoining boa. The friend oouid stand it no longer. "Good Lord, Jefferson," he cried. In an excited aside, "this will ruin your play! Why don't you Interefere? Tou could settle matter If you only would!" Mr. Jefferson shook hi head with a gravity that completely veiled the Iwtnkl In hi rye. "No, George, he replied, soberly; "the Lord mad only on man who could ever manage the sun and moon, and you remember even he let the star alone." r "STARVED" DYSPEPTIC Oot right f alrj - Built up n Grape-Nuts .'. ' - ' -.- - ' ' ' New Colored and Black Chiffon Silk Finished Broadcloths. They possess new beauty In weave, In dye and finish and are es pecially adaptable to the mode of dress In vogue. All roughness and harshness is taken from them in the new chiffon finish, and the fabric rendered soft and pliable with a most beautiful silk luster. All col ors and black, at f 1.00 to $S.50 a yard. ' ' ' NOTE Sample nowfready for our out-of-town customers. The Great Special Sale of Haskell's Black Silks ' Starts Sept. 1st. - -, - . . . . . , There is always a reason for, special Bales. These special prices are not made to make 'money,' but' to introduce Haskell's silks. They are the best In the world black taffetas, black messages, black peau de sole, black peau de Cygnes, black modern taffetas, black armures, black faille, black pure dyed taffetas, etc. " NOTE Samples will be mailed to our out-of-toWn Customers at once If requested. -. " , New long loose swagger Coats. New silk Petticoats, 16.00 to 112.00.. New Cravenette Coatc 112.60, $15.00 and $16.60. Come and see the new garment, even It you are not ready to buy. Second floor. Long Kid Gloves THE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL AUTUMN 8TTLE8. Long kid gloves are now winning favor over the long silk glove for which the demand was o great. When cool weather come the demand will be large and the gloves hard to find. (Don't forget the silk glove famine we had this summer.) Thh Is Just a hint, better buy yeur kid glove now. We close evening, at 5 o'clock,' except Saturday at 9:30. Howard Street, KENNEDY'S LABOR PLATFORM SeobnJ FebraiiV Csncrcumaa Beptl'i'to "Bill of Qriavances."' SECURES ENDORSEMENT OF G0MPER3 r resides t of Amerlcaa Federation Publishes Letters from' Congren x - , '. o Tjbetr Vttltade 'oa ) .'.' Labor Policies. ..'.' ; r- .' - (From a Staff Correaf ondent.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 2S.-(Speclal Tele- gram.) President Gomper of the American Federation, ef Labor, lathe SpembeT um ber of the American Federation publlnea an Interesting aerie of letter from con- gressmen In repir to labors oiu or griev ances and In a snappy way comment on these replle. Out of thi lJst.Mr Oomper ingle -out those who stand O. K. with labor, those who are "Immune" and these who are marked for the "black cross." In the number of Federatlonlst Just put John 1 'Kennedy "of' the Second Nebraska dis trict 1 "Immune," his letter and his voes In congress on labor questions being en tirely satisfactory to' the president of the. American "Federation of Labor. In bis re ply to the so-called "bill of grlevanccjf, Mr. Kennedy says: ' ' "I favor the adoption tnd strict enforce-; ment of an eight-hour law and It appiica Hon to' American labor nstde 'ani outside of the govemlnent aerVlce; the-protection of elf-upport!ng lkbor from the.ebmpetf- l n, lninn.- Territory, sickened and longed Hon of convict labor! the'grantlng of relief for their former' home In Dakota. They from undesirable Immigration; the-granting , rB8cned a point In Nebraska' before tha of equal right to seamen: the passing of 4 'authorities took a hand. . The Indian, how law forbidding tbwlng of more than ever, upon being stopped, claimed that a vessel without sUfflcleht equipment ah ; cltlleni . of tn ignited States they had a crew to manage them when cut loose and Hnt to roam about at" wII, pro sent adrift; the regulation of corporations vWlnr they did, not molest tha oommunttles engaged In Interstate commeree ao a t nrougn which they, passed. Vpon being prevent all monopolies and discriminations; gtdpped they employed legal talent and a the correction or any ana an aousee oi me writ bf Injunction; the right of 'government employee to petition for redresa of. grlev- laboring men of the country a fair oppor tunity to improve themselves financially, mentally, .vmorally and , physically. : " I sup: ported the employers' liability bills wbirti recently passed the house." " DaWeoa la Also Approve. A. K; .-....-v.i, c j. t-: the Second Iowa" district, also meet with the approval of the president of the American Federation of ' Labor, and answered the communication as follower "I may -say briefly that I "favor th pYinciple of an eight-hour work day; that I am. a trlot eonstrucMoni.t on Chinese Immlaratlon: am opposed to th principle of competition of convict labor with- free- labor.-' Coining from the Interior of the country I am not familiar with the detail of th pilotage matter to whioh you refer, and, not being a lawyer, I am' not sure that I have mas tered all the Intricacies of th various antl-lnjunctlon bTlla which have been pre sented to congress, but I can see no reason why labor should not be treated with ab solute equality before the law. What in fluence I have shall b used toward Cor recting any existing abuse and Injus tices." O. N. Haugen of th Fourth Iowa ais- trlct wa. nbt a. happy as hi. collogue in hi. reply to th. b of particular, ot the exocuUve council, and ha .received an edl- tortal reference to M.1 letter which virtually amount to a blacklisting,. In re ply to the bill ef. grievance Mr. .Haugen wrote: "It haa gtven m pleasure at various times to vote for measure advo ca ted . by labor orgn1aatlona and my beat efforts will continue to secure fair, Ju dicious and -sound legislation, which will protect th right and .Interests and con tribute to the prosperity and happiness or the wage-earners to all rommunltle and to all legitimate and worthy enterprises." Mr. Oomper. In hi editorial comment on the letter of Mr. Haugen. aayk: "Delight fully vsgue and general Is Mr. Haugen's reply, and It I interesting to know that he voted to annul th elghHhour law on Panama oanal construction; also thtt there 1 not referano In .his reply to any que of tb measure enumerated In labor's bill of grievance." Mlsrratwrr Vtmn Art Watekes. ... . Indian Comoilaatoner Leupp I watching with great Intereat the migration of soma to Whit River Indians from their reserve, tlon In Utah.' apparently -having their ob Jeotlvo on n ol th-Ind4aa reservation la South Dakota, camping upon their broth- can best be appreciated after the garment is Trefousse and Valuer lt-button length black1, glare gldves, a cdmplete' Jlna of sixes at $1.(0 per pair. , It-button white kid gloves, either suede or glace. It per pair. It-button Trefousse kid glove In all the popular fall shade, navy, green, mode, tans, brown and delicate evening shades, $3.00 per pair. W (till have a very select assortment of the much desired long black and whlce Ilk "Kayser" gloves,' ranging ' in price from $1.60 to $$.00 per pair. ( Malt) floor. , New Fall Dress Trimmings FULL OF STYLE AND BEAUTY. .Our - new Importation of fall dress braids and appliques are now In stock and ready for Inspection. Corner Sixteenth. ren tlther of Pine Ridge, Black Hills or Rosebud agencle. Should the White River Ute reach the reservations of Any' one of 'tha South- Dakota, tribe mentioned it Is, 'of coarse, absolutely impossible to tell how they" may be welcomed. ' ' ' Tha .latest advice received by Commla oioner Leupp are to the effect that the migrating Ute have reached Douglas; Wyo., and that despite the protest of Cap tain Hall, the Indian agent of the Ute res ervatlon, they refuse to turn back and per sist in continuing their wandering. Com missioner. Leupp haa Instructed Agent Hal? to warn these ' Indians that 1f they persist In - disregarding' the wishe of the pVvrrt-. ment they must .assume all .responsibility,' and that , clt'Ueh'shlp.' by - which thejt ' e'et rueh treat store has Ita burdens and re- spbnslbnitle" wMch "musf be ; met. they hfiVe', been Infprmed. that" they are liable, to punishment by local authorities for any overt acts wfcictrrhey may 'commit on their Journey. Should they pursue their 'Way, as they hive done, so far, quietly and In order, paying their way, - they will not be mo- eBte(1. But should they forage, run off stock,, and commit similar depredation upon communities through which they pass, they will be hauled up-'by the Indian depart ment, backed by the aid of United Statfa troop, ...... - - " Case Similar to the Poacas. ' ' " Indian Commissioner Leupp says that so far a he know there 1 but one precedent for 'uch - a' ' movement. ' That waa In the case bf the Poncas who were removed from their reservation in Dakota territory In 1878 and taken to Indian territory.. 'Thi I mntMinAnt :ruv4irrit wrhtlji fhik IntA '' Carl i BchurB wag secretary' of the Interior. The ; PcmnM n-r nm month, of feaidenca wrlt 0e habeas corpus was brought before Judge 'Elmer 8.' Dundy,' then sluing upon the United State district bench Irt Ne braska., Judge Dundy held that these In dian., had a perfect right to roam - about - provided they adjusted themselves . to - the law. laid down for the government of the white .man In the, several . communities through which they might- pas. Ulti mately, . however, the vast majority of the migratory band , of .Poncas waa Induced to return to their reservation In Indian Ter ritory. - T. H. Tlbblea of Nebraska, .. who wag recently a candidate for vice president on the populist ticket, espoused the caq. of he Ponoaa. and later married a fair Indian maiaen ot me inoe nmm. Dn. H ' Tb movemant of the Whit River Utea 1 being carefully , watched by tha Indian bureau, and It 1 even yet hoped they may be persuaded to return to their reserva tion and take ,. up the cultivation of th farm which have been allotted to them. Peat masters aad Roral Carriers. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Alda, Hall county, Elll L. - Knox, vice 3. W. Modealtt, resigned." Wyoming Thornton, Weston county, Rose D. Jenkins, vioe It. G. Brooks, resigned. Rural carriers appointed for Nebraska route: Elmwqod, rout f, Frankk A. Raker carrier, Everett B. Horton aubatl- . "' ' m 0Mrte.r- f C. Pr" ub.tUut.: 4B-M"ut " J?f?? , TV" ., ' , ...k. ! - " " t stitute. MINISTERS' WAGES LOWER Coaaeotleat Ma Oat Statistics Re ' grareUasr Salaries of CaagreJ 'sjatioaal Clergy aaoa. i . HARTFORD. Conn., Aug. IS. A circular wa aent recently by Rev. W. F. English f East Windsor, Conn., to about .fifty Congregational college and seminary president and pastor who ar thought to be conversant with th situation concern ing candidate for the ministry, and" the deduction from their 'replle are made with special- reference to the ministry' of th ' Congregational denomination In the Hartford Seminary Record for' August. Dr. English say (hat, ' despite . general prosperity and higher wage in all' other calllnga, th salaries of Congregational ministers' hare been' actually reduced 10 per cent and the numbef of ministers without' tharge I Steadily 'Increasing. la hi article be say: ' - f The prcMage of Uteotoalcai student, to :. yvzt Be. Aug. J. 1108. Plain braid hi all desirable shade are much. . n, vogue, while fancies n most exquisite combination of colors are here With" price ranging from 60e to $6.00 a J"' - ' ' Make your fall selection early , while (he assortment' ire complete.. '.tUlk knife . plaiting, one inch wide, in all desirable shades, at He a yard. , Very marrow braid from 15c a yard up. Main floors Free. Lessons Art Embroidery ..We, would be pleased to have you Join- our class; all the lateat stitches are taught. (No charge for Instruction.) Mlsa Bteen strup, t expert needle artist, I 1n charge. Material mua be, purchased here. '.. Class meets every day from :0 to 4:30 p. m. near Art department. Second floor. V-v-'A" Decided Convenience 1 our Customer's Deposit Account Department. Tou buy your good in the usual' way and have them charged In the Unusual way (6 year money on deposit W pay 4 per cent Interest compounded every- three month. All or part of your money, may be withdrawn at a moment's notice.,,' W do no banking business. Ask about it.,;. : .' Rest Room . When you are deciding oh a meeting place, down town make that place Thompson,- Belden. A Company's rest room. Tou will find It quite,-coy, nice easy chairs, free telephone; writing desk and station ery all for . your convenience. Manicuring room in -connection.' Miss Dogan, etpert manicurist. Is In charge. Sanitary meth ods ar used. J.-'.- syi tha number of churchea has fallen from 12 in 1&92 to i t In 1W5. The source of min isterial aupply Id New England are rap idly drying up, and in the west the pastor supplying the smaller churches' are being Drawn from' ofher denominations, having little or no adequate training' or prepara tion for this work. One reason for the present, scarcity of minister I the loss of prestige and influence of the profes sion. . . . gATTLESHiPSv IN . BAD LUCK Sevea Vessel of Great Brltala Pat Oat of Actloa, by A eel- ,." '" ' eat.; ;'..- ' '' ' CHATHAM, England, Aug. 18. The tfials of the hew first das " battleship Africa' of 13,500' ton, which have been going on prey lou , to the vessel being placed, on Uie' active list of the navy,' have been postponed owing to some minor de- feeta liavlne- develoned. ." This i- the latfst rnlaad venture in' a run or extraordinary in luck which baa been attending tha British navy during the laat few months. Besides the Africa, no less than seven battleship have been placed out of action within a few months, It Is pointed out by the Navy league that thi record, pf misadventure emphasise tha necessity, for. the maintenance of an ample margin tf Great, Britain Is to con tinue to command the ' eaa. HEAT FATAL . .. AT CHICAGO Three Deaths ReportedBlttpre Eleven O'clock a nMlt of High , -'." Temperatare. CHICAGO. Aug. 8. The uncomfortable temperature of the earjy part of the week, which- -wa lessened somewhat yesterday, returned'-agatn today, with the result that there were three deaths before II o'clock In the morning. The actual temperature was not so high as to cause great discomfort by Itself, but it was accompanied by a high degree of humidity, which produced much suffering.' Nebraskan Fatally Iajarod. CHERNNE. Wyo., Aug. 8peclai.) C. CR... Williams, a young man 21 years of age, fell from a train In the west end ot the Cheyenne yards'at I o'clock, th wheel passing over his left teg at the. thigh, from ttie effects, of which he died about an hour later! He had been working for the past month a a painter' In the Union Pacific hop here. With two companion -h waa attempting ro steal a. ride to Laramie, when the accident which resulted fatally oc curred After being picked up, he wrote a letter to. his mother who Uvea in Norfolk, Neb., and .then begged the bystander to kill him. Before the ambulance arrived, he died from loss of blood. - , '' few Holding Compaay. BAN' FRANCISCO. Aug. 16. -Th South ern Paclflo railway I authorised to Issue a bonded debt of ilSO.OOO.Ono, but will prob ably not Issue, It I said, more than 172. 000. 000 of that amount during the next two or three year. Thi company wa organ ised about two year ago by a merger of the'Bouthern Paelflo Railroad of California, the Southern Pacific of Arlrona and the Southern Pacific of -New Mexico. - It in clude all the Southern Parlflo line In Ali son and New Mexico and all Harrlman properties Irt this state, except the South Paelflo Coast and Central Pacific. It la a California corporation. These roads have In the aggregate 172.000,000 of outstanding bonds bearing i, f and 7 per cent interest. It is proposed to reilre them with the new securities, which bear 4 per cent Interest. Haady Maa la aa Esaergaaoy. Colonel A. A. Pope, who became cele brated year ago a a bicycle manufac turer and of late haa become a builder of automobile, was In San Francisco during tb earthquake period. Driven from hi hotel, he sought other quarter, and And. Ing an auto standing In the street asked It Ion occupant to drive, him to another hotel. "Machine's busted," was th chauf feur' laconlo remark. "Oh, I know all about automobile," said Colonel Pope af fably, "let me ee " "Tou do, hey?" said a gruff voice at hie elbow. Colonel Pope turned to regard a burly aergeant of In fantry with a squad of leather faced aol dlers at hla back- They didn't look Ilk men who could be bribed, persuaded or bullied. - "W . need men Ilk you," con tinued the sergeant, "o you'll have to com Villi us. Step Along." Colonel Ppp stepped and spent the next six day .re pairing automobile for th military authorities. ' ' ' g?.00 CHICAGO TO .KW YORK Aad ltetara Via Lafco Shore! Tickets on sal August H and S. good re turning until September 4. - -. ' For full particulars call or write ' M. S. Olles. T. P. A, Chicago; W. I Lynch, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, KENNEDY IS NAMED AGAIN . .. .. t Ooacrsnmaa from Eecond District Giria Unanimoni and Heart Benomination. PREDICTS REPUBLICAN SUCCESS IN FALL asaasaaaw .... - Platforsa Adopted Badwrse Xatlanal Adsalaletratloa, Career of Mr. Keaaeay aad Reaews Alio- ' lance to Party. Unanimously and within ten minute after it wa called to order,- the 8ecorul district republican convention .yesterday afternoon renominated Congressman John L. Kennedy for a eecond term. Mr. Kennedy had no opposition, but darplte the lack of contest Washington hall waa fairly well filled with delegates from Douglas, Washington and Sarpy counties who displayed plenty of enthusiasm, In particular with reference to the congressman. Mr. Kennedy' made 'a speech thanking the convention for the honor and pointing out some of the virtues of recent republi can national rule. ' A platform brought in by a committee consisting of A. W. Jef ferls, ' A.. R. 1 Morrison, R. Blaco, Frank Whltamore, B. E. Wilcox, Beeches lllgby, Fred W. Flodman, NathaVi Bernstein, Frank A. Furay and George L. Hurst, waa unanimously adopted. Chairman Jefferla . of the ' congressional committee called the convention to order and suggested E. Z. Russell of Blair for temporary chairman. . Later the. temporary organisation waa made permanent. E, 8. Nlckerson of Gretna served as secretary and W. M. Mickey aa assistant aecretary. There were no contests, no roll calls and Mr. Kennedy's renomlnatlon waa made on motion of.M. L. Learned by acclamation. Kennedy Thank Convention. Mr. Kennedy thanked the convention, say ing that in these troubulou times, victory without a struggle seemed almost too good to be true. He said that when he waa nominated and elected two year ago In the face- of hearty opposition he esteemed the result a compliment, but that he con sidered the unopposed ' renomlnatlon a greater compliment. The contest of two years ago left a few sore spots, he said, but his opponents in the party had co-operated In hi election and made that fact possible, and there' were no sore spots remaining. He said the united condition of the party on the "congressional matter made his elec tion assured. "Why should the people of the United Etates want a change from republican principles and policies?" asked the con gressman, in referring to national affairs. "I would like to have that question an swered for I do not know. ' The domo: crattc leaders are doing much talking, but they always did that.. If language were legislation th democracy of this country would have written our statute .books full of. It long! ago. . , '.. . ."Against tl)f ir words we put republican works. "What has the democracy don to restore the confidence of the Amerlcaa people .in ItT I hear a great deal ot talk about the 'peerless leader,'; but It looks to me like .the same old ballpon -being inflated a It was twice before, and I tell, you that before the November election It will be punctured so badly it can never reach the goal. "The session of congress Juet -cloned Is probably the most, remarkable In the his tory of the oountry .in times ot peace, or times, of war, 'Never In any congress- at ang session have ao many measure "been pasd :f or. the upbuilding of the commerce. Industry and Institution of the' nation: Before thla congrena met there was a ques tion whether, the .corporation would con trol the government or the government control tha corporation i-felt .no -uncertainty of, th outcome, for I had expressed and felt the conviction that the creature never can become greater than -It creator. I know .the government Is strong enough to control all corporations no matter bow powerful. My confidence haa not been held In vain. Want All Protected. ' "Never before have I been associated with mf so Imbued with the spirit of fairness and the desire to do their full duty as I was in th last congress. I have no sympathy with, the cry against corpora tions and wealth 'if the power of the cor 1 po ration I properly exerted ' and the wealth honestly obtained. I have not and will not champion any special Industry, but believe In the protection - of them all In their legitimate rights. '''But In considering the republican admin istration the one thought that stands out above all others Is that' in the last year the people of the ' United Blates have learned obedience to law. ''The time' was when laws were placed on the statute books and It "was considered' proper tor the man In high' place tb sneer at them. He doe not' do It today,1 nor Will he do it tomor row. We cannot' maVe men equally rich or equally great.'' but we can give them equal opportunities to' pursue riches and greatness, an th greatest' levelling Influ ence that We have I Theodore Roosevelt. We never had a man ih the White House who' tried "harder to do right by the people than he doe. J ' -"; '"' ' ' l' Thi I an off year,' but the work Is only half done. We ought to make sure of this victory because" rn 'the' next ' presidential campaign there wilt be no real danger of losing th election. We must teach our ad versaries ' that we are watching. Let us stay by our gun."' ' ' . '' ..' - Coaa-resalonal Cosamlttee. .. . A resolution was Introduced by W. L Kleratead arranged in .accordance, with the Dodge law tor the selection of a con gressional . committee. The three county chairmen are to form the nucleu ot th committee, and with the, nomine choose a chairman and such , other members and officer a considered, .necessary. . A resolution, introduced by Richard Blaco of Washington county endorsed the republican state ticket and commended the platform on which It stands. . It developed that this resolution had been presented in the resolutions , 'committee without receiving favorable consideration because of a desire to. keep the con gressional contest on national lines. The delegates insisted- that It be read a second time before the motion wa put, and Just before the vote was taken Ed Moriarty called out, in audible tone, "Wa want It understood that thla doe., not Include the senatorshlp," which sentiment seemed to evoke acquiescence In several corners - of the hall. The Kennedy clan was out In full force. while Congressman John L. Kennedy wa peaking from the platform, fudge Howard Kennedy leaned up against, the back wall and William Kennedy occupied a seat near the center aisle. Test of the Resolatlea. Following 1 th full text of the platform resolution: W, the republican delegates of the Sec ond congressional district ot Nebraska -In conventtun assembled, renew our allegiance to th principle and policies of the re publican party, we commend uie ad ruin Istration of President Roosevelt and recog nlse his brilliant leadrrehlp In national af fairs. We commend the Nehraaka duleaa tlon In congreew for Its uowaverlna sod- port of the administration and regard th many measurea eiianea into law at tne last aesalun of vital Importance to the country. We esjwlally approve the rail road rat legiidatton. Including the pro hibitory pass provleioo, .the pure food law, the meat Inspection measure, the denatured a loo hoi art. and the employers' liability law, and favor ibe adoption ami enforce ment df the eight-hour lal-or law. i W delar anw vur alieglano to the Sltop Ihc Great Uric Acid Solvent First In purity . rtnt In effervescent life first In palatablenes First as a natural Ltthla Water First In the" estimation of all who have used :t When j-ou order a'spaik llrig water, be sure It Is A genuinely pure ' ITatnral Mtbia, botlWd ' at the aprlng. Call up and have a rase or- demijohn left at your' door. Hione Maple 1024 ' Thone Douglas 1083 Shogo Lithia Spring Co., iS".ord BRANCH OFFICE. NO. 1106 FAltXA.M ST., OMAHA principle of nrotectlon. 'which has broua-ht such a large meamire of prosneritv to our people, but we favor a change of schedule to meet changed conditions, yielding noth ing of the principle, but. rearranging the rates.- ue favor the nomination of candidates for congrex by direct vote of the people. We congratulate the countrv that all classes are being tnught the leanon of obe- aience to law. no man should be too high to be above Its provision, and no man too low to be beneath Its protection. We heartily approve the record made b our present representative in congress, lion: jonn i Kennedy, and cordially commenn him to the voter of the Bxcond congren eional district for re-election; we endorse nis postsi savings bank-bill, now pending, and congretulnte . him on his success In passing through the house Of representa tives aresoltition calling upon our repre sentatives ubroad for postal savings bank statistics from the several countries to which they are accredited. Believing aa we do that the establishment of postal sav ings banks would encourage thrift, diminish tne losses or tne- small -depositors- In in solvent banks and prevent suicides result ing therefrom, we. urge upon congress the early adoption of the system. witn run conndPtK-e we appeal to the people to endorse and sustain the president by electing to the next house of repre sentatives a majority commltteed to his support, -i - - - s GER MAN POLICY HOLDERS MEET Mas Who Visited Mew - York Bay " There Is No Danger la " . ." ," Pollclesi ' ' BERLIN, Aug. 26.--A meeting1, .of the policy: holders ot the.Mutuai J-lfe Insurance company of. New York and. pf the yNew York Llfeinurance mipany, called under the auspice f th German branch of the International -folley - -Holders' r-coniiitte; waa held her oday, an4 attend ed by about, 200 person. It waa decided not -to. recom mend a Qerraan candidate for.tnemberahlp on each. boaLas the International commit tee recommended, owing .-the-. Incon venience fn attending, meetings, .but the meeting -advised - the German .holders to content themselves with voting for the two German candidates, restdejit m New York. Herr Wlegand, director of the North Ger man Lloyd Steamship company, chairman of the committee, assured th policy holder that-there waa absolutely no ground tor nneaslnesa. . : - Director Dernburg, of tha Darmstaedter bank, who recently visited Nsw York, said the 'American Ufa Insurance companies were on a solid bast and tfrtit.- the . German policy holder were not Incurring any risk In continuing their policies. A representative of the Imperial - Insur- anee office -who waa present, said that th New York and tha Mutual had mad satis factory deposits- In Germany to safeguard their German Interests. -. , During the course of. the meeting It waa announced that . the New York Life In' Surance company .had 12,tOO polley ' holders In Germany and that the Mutual had from M0 to 1,000. i- GERMAN STRIKERS UNRULY Soldiers aaaV' Folic Ar I'aed to Ualet' Idle' Mea la" Bavaria. NUERMBfRQ, Bavaria, Aug, - M.-r-The striking workmen of an automobile factory committed excesses yesterday- afternoon and evening. , . Th police, mounted and on foot. Inter fered, to clear the street and were attacked by the rktara,.who hurled atone and bot tle at the officers. The polio emptied and ciosed th saloons and tha rioting continued until a lata hour. A battalion1 of- Infantry want to the aid of - th police at 10:90 p.m PURITY-EXCELLENCE 'I'L'X't'F IV &PJLIT9, ' .... ,r,-. . bOLII . v 601A KOLTAINS. DULU fULIMts Kt AUJ "Mt TP XYny TMC'SPWiYw 1. . -r r .fv rfxs-vi.j.ii, a iivui i. t m -t a . Mr 'i.jowB j k i in a i m and suspended the public use of the streets adjacent to the scene of the dlstn " 'eetW About thirty, civilians and. .ten jx9 had their uniforms completely torn o. A . DEATH RECORD. . j" Centcoarlnn Xebroskn Pioneer. BCOTIA. Nob.. Aug. S6.-(Speetal.) An drew J. Gillespie, .probably the oldest rnan In Nebraska, died at his home In Scotia, ind 101 years Mr. Gillespie wa one Of the first settlers of the North Loup valley and was beloved by the old pioneer In this part of the state. HI funeral-Was largely attended, and he, was burled at Coatsfleld, not far ' from his first home ptend, where' he settled tMrty-flve years ftg6. ' 'v y Burt Coanty's First White Child. ' LYONS, Neb., Aug. 2S. -(Special.) Tha Sad news of ..the death of " Mrs.'.' C. A. Dnrllpg. wfe '.of A. .Darling, cashier of the First n National v bank of' Lyon's, hi heen. received.. The deceased, who. WSS Well known In this vicinity, passed away In Los Angfles, Cal.,.at the age or 4 year. The cause of death, ' was n sffectlon .of ' th) lii'ng'.., Mrsvbsrllng enjoyed the distinc tion of being the flrtt white child boVn In Burt county. ' ' ' ' "" ' ' ' Early Tea"selj . Settler " .TECUM81uH, Neb., Aug. a.ispeclal.) Jason L. Phillips, a ploneerr settler . of Tecumseh, died at. his home In this city this tnqrplng after a, prolonged sick spell. He Jeeves a-widow and. several grown Chil dren. Th,ure,rai. arrfingemeps are tto yet nde. . . , . . ,.K r .(V "It 'jn'u have- anything 'tA -trsJdh aTvVrtts It In the For Exchange tolumn '-rf 'The Bee Want Xd page- " ' " ' '' . '' ' '""5 "Quality Tbat't tho watchword of very , gtep in the process of making the OPTIHOr It insure! a perfect drawing, aromatic and ' enjojable smoke.' ,' Try it. - - ' A. SANTAMLLA at CO Maker, Tampa, Fla Teregoy ai Moor Co, Distributers, ' Omaha and Council Blntfs., -ia. 1PIXT8 AND VJLAItTS. AT ALL aTtitfc& AMI jKOCKKIEB. I AIL I ir "; 'I ALL I . lnwiul ' As. . haujJ r