Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 19

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KIEWIT-John. Aucust a, ag4 77 rar.
month. 22 days.
Funeral ftunrtay afternoon it 4 o'rioc.
from hla lata tsldenc. 1"4 South Twn
tlath snrat. Friends Invited to arrloaa.
Interment private. Ksovuk, la., paper
plea cory. i
Ore at 'VYeitem Granite Co.
Douglas SKZL
M 43 124
LOST A pair of spectaclea, between Thlr
tleth and Twentieth on L St., So. Omaha.
Return and receive reward. F. McMahon,
610 N. ioth. St. -w; tt
LOST Coat containing pocket book wit
small amount of money, tMt, and soma
valuable papers between 7Ui Ara and
Broadway. Finder will be rewarded It
t they return aama to M. C. Lennon, Tit
Jth Ava., Council Bluffa. Lost UHi II
LOUT A day book, return to J. T. McVlt
tie. 15(77 Harney street, and receive re
ward. Lost Mm 7a
STRAY ED Jersey cow, fawn color, dark
points, ithell off ona horn. Reward for
recovery. E. L. Morrow, im Hamilton.
Lost M3M x
LOST Dark sable collie bitch, whlta spot
on neck, expect her to whelp about
August 23. Liberal reward for Informa
tion. M. Stoner. 878 N. 27th Are.
Loet-MJ Vtx
BEST nerra bracer for men. "amy's Nerr
Food I'M" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman t$
McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 774
DR. FP.IES, specialist, women's diseases,
weaknesses, discharges. Irregularities,
cured painleasl and safely. Wlthneli
block, lith and' Harney, room 1 Omaha.
PILES Most obstinate
Kyrames Pile Remedy,
box 872, Cincinnati. O.
cases cured.
By mall too.
MJ67 St
16th. room 2, second floor.
M 127 s24
DR. HUTCHINSON", specialist of womti
and children. Office, Cuming. 'Phone
lxniglas 8S67.
IIITY blumblns aiiDnllea dlretrt. WAlaaala
pi Ices. Save, on every article. Only first
i mnmm hnnrflM tJMiinnt .ll.ntiini
A1' to vry order. Bend for catalogue. B. J".
Karol. itb HarrUon Bt. Chicago, IIL
J v 721
IOHNBON Institute, 418 N. T. L. Tel
Doug. 1SK4. 7S8
DR. "W. W. BOWSER, over 1500 Farnam.
Tel. Doug.-oi0. M365 S22
WANTED To borrow 1500 or $1,000 home
money on ample, well rented residence
property in Boutti Omaha, at 7 per cent.
Adiirews N-57. Bee. V 247
Vnioa Paciao.
Overland Limit.' 9:40 am
The China and Japan
Faat Mall a 4:15 pm
Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm
California Ore. Ex..a4 2tpm
Loa Angelea Limited. ...aU:) am
Fast Mall a 1 66 pm
Colorado Special a 7:46 am
North Platte Local a 8:10 am
a 8:18 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 8:80 am
a 6:10 pm
al0:45 pra
a 8:80 pm
a 7:44 am
a 4 50 pm
., i Beatrice Local ..b 2:16 pm
D i:w pm
Chicago Limited ...... .a 8:2s am
Iowa nocai a?:Uvsm
Chicago Mail ...... .a 8:1 am
Iowa Local ..bll-.u pm
Chicago tttas'.ern Kxp.l. 4:u pm
Chicago tlowa Limited). a : put
Rocky Mountain Li in... a 7:20 am
Colo. 4c Gal.' xpies..a 2:01 pm
Okl. Texas Exp a 4:40 pm
Colorado Fast Mall ....al0:10 pin
a 7 :10 am
a 4:JW pm
al0:10 pm
b (:6a pm
a 1:46 pm
aii:iO pm
8:18 am
a 846 pm
ait. pm
a 746 am
a dally, b daily except Sunday.
Calcaao Great Wuitri,
6U Paul Jc Minneapolis. 8:80 pm
Bt. Paul at Minneapolis. 7:t am
Chicago Limited . i:o pm
Chicago Express 7:46 am
Chlcso Express 8:80 pm
. 7:1 am
UM pm
.t am
11. M pm
8:80 pm
St. Louis Express . f JO pm
bL Loiiia !Aei tlrom
Couuuil Blurts; .. ...., a am
blaiibeiiy Local (from
Council tUuiu b 6:00 pm
a 8:40 am
al0:80 pm
bU;0 am
Chicago. A t. Paal.
Chi. as Colo. Special.... a 7 am a 7:80 am
Cauiornia at i. iux...a s:4 pm
Overland Limited a :So pin
Marlon tt Cdar K. Loc.b .4i am
Miaatiarl PaciMo.
. 8:lo pm
a s.M am
bli.uO pm
BU Louis Ibxpresa a 1:00 am a (:80 pm
n v. at si. utiiw,.iu:u ptu a s.uv pia
tkleaie A Mortkwestera.
Cedar Kapida Pans. ...a t :w am
a 6:06 pm
alu.w pin
aii:u piu
a t .o ym
a :jo am
1 la city n.xpiei
...a i. so am
...a k.uu miu urn
...b i.uifpM
...a piu
Chicago uayufci'l
Cincaao LovAi
eioux City iocal .,
warroU LucmI
bioux Cuy ixioal ,
,'tiicago juxpieas ...
tUl MMli
Vast Mail
i'wm City Limited
Uieiiaud Limned ,
Clilcai Liiniled ...
Nuriuia-Konesleel .
i-iucui-ioiig fine
Caper-biioaUtui ..,
Fiuuioiil-Aioiuo ....
a :Jo aiu
o :a put
a :w am
..a 6:au pin
..a .u pux
"a V:Jdpin
..a : piu
..all.uu put
..a i:40 miu
. .b V:s am
..a 8:uo put
..a c.tM piu
a :M am
a 2:vo piu
a l.uo aiu
a am
Mil: 16 am
aio.uo am
blu:oo aiu
a : oin
a :v6 pm
o .uu yia
.0 t.u ptu
d put
bU:40 put
a Ualiy. b Dully except Jsuiiday.
iuiuau CaairaL
Cbicagit a.&pi'k a 8:00 ara a 1 66 pm
VMtcMga muuiiu ......... .w yu a ii9t mm
HaStlKtt BkfOl-isiM da WkUSTaJH.
tkieaaa, MU Vumi, Miaaeavatla
Twin City Passenger.. .b :i am . b 800 pta
Sioux ciu tuMi'uicr... i.un put aUuu am
kinai aon Local It .l put b aia
Knifcraua Local miu kw put
Aiieaaairt raalMe
V epmg Nater tM pat bUJ po)
IHLtftUTOa SI ATtoaotai MA809.
Denver t Callforn'a....a au pm
black. U'lla a 4:lu put
Kuriuocai apvcial a 4.1U put
Nurutcai ikpicas aU.ieviu
Nuia r.j.i a v.a am
Esbiaaaa Local.. a : aia
iucolu Local
incuiu 'i Mail b i.Cv put
a i . pm
a i.tu pm
a k.u ain
a t:M put
a ):i pm
a :u am
SLU.aa aia
. t -r t- Croon a riaiuni a..u -m pia
- Vbcilavue at f lailaiu'U..a lua miu
buuie aia
a .M tin
Liiivsr Uiiiuua
Lelievue at June. ..a .0 am
buevu fae June.. .a .i am
Clucagu a'pccial a "iui am
Cliicaj i.iiiia M : piu
Clncaaa 'lr a k.u piu
. Iowa Local a :1 am
t. Lua. fcxpiea a 4.s p:it
Kaiia.ia City-bi. Joe. ...alo. 4k put
Kansas City-sit. Joe.. ..a Mia
Kaiaaa Ciiy-at. JvS a 4:k put
a 1M
a 8.10 am
a 1 o pm
a 7:ia am
a 4.t pm
a 1:A a.n
alw.i p
aii.ju am
a .4i anv
a k.tu pat
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally
except baturuay. e auutiay ubi. LtUj
except Monday.
nriruT Clark's Bta Asaaal Cxalse, Feb.
UniCHI 'o. 70 day, by cliartered Ha "Ara
bic." 14.000 tons. K Tours Hound the orld.
r . C t'UKK. so tl way, is. x
Want a
A Ban Wast AA rfl
get yoo on qokkty
at small cKMt
(Continued frsra Third Page.)
seemed that the Northwestern preferred
to hare the eon tract ge te seme CIDeago
For the Bret week In aereraL no ealea
of cheap Omaha suburban property were
xtenslvely adrartlaed Id the Friday even
ing and Saturday morning paper. But
Council Bluff earn Into the limelight with
the announcement by Everest gt Oreen
shleld of a big Saturday eale of too lot
In Council Bluffs, not far east of the Doug
la street bridge, and only eight minute
rid from Fourteenth and Douglas. The
compelling argument of this realty firm wa
the proximity of the land te this city.
By one thing, and another, the letting of
the contract for the new Item hotel at
Sixteenth and Jackson street ha been
delayed, but final bid are now in the pos
session of Architect John La tenser and the
contract will be disposed of shortly Rapid
headway la plaolng the concrete pile for
the building I being made, and the pro
cess of pile-driving I so unique la Omaha,
that a large crowd gather each day to
watch the operation.
The Omaha A Council Bluff Street Rail
way company ha bought from Mrs. EHxa
Burdett ratrlck for 17,600 a blook of ground
adjoining It present shop and store
ground at Twenty-sixth and Lake streets.
The block I between Ohio and Miami, and
Twenty-sixth and Twenty-eerenth, and 1
directly north of the block already occu
pied by the company. For the present
use of the street car company the present
quarter are large enough, but th com
pany has made th purchase with the Idea
that Omaha will one day be considerably
larger than It If now.
Work ha been started by John Prende-
gast, who secured the contract on the new
briok business block for T. D. Parmer A
Co., wholesale dealer In tea, coffee and
pice. It I located en Eleventh street
between Dodge and Douglas. The building
will be 72x68 feet, two stories and base
ment. It will be duplicated In the near
future by another building on the same
Philip Kun has secured the contract for
the ereotion of a brick store and flat build
ing at Nineteenth and Vinton street for
P. Straabaugh, th nruggtst Work Is now
well under way. The building will be
two stories, 29x68 feet, and will oot about
F. D. Wead report the following sales:
W. W. Mors man to O. ML Druse, recently
of Lincoln, large double brick building at
(01-608 South Twenty-eighth street, for In
vestment; Mr. Nellie Sauter to H. Olick
man, house and lot on wast side of Twen
tieth near Mason, $3,10; Effla D. Wead to
Abraham Labovlti, house and lot at 1720
Casa street, 12,100; J. H. Lcnlhan to K.
Gross, house and lot on Seventeenth street
near Nicholas; Carrie F. Sherwood to
Louis Helsberg, house and lot at 4008 Sew
ard street, 82,608. ,
Border Fwlks ( Mala Oatwlt
Reveaa Officers Wke Tkey
Heed the Good.
Any person that lives on the border be
tween Maine and New Brunswick and
doesn't know anything about smuggling
must be deaf and dumb and blind. There
are many way to evade the officer.
Jn the Madawaaka country, between Van
Buren and Fort Kent, the settler are th
French Acadian, and all the custom offi
cer ot Maine, with the Sturgi deputies
thrown In If they were there, eould not
prevent them from getting their gin from
across th river.
. I was there once when the good women
of Aroostook, backed by the law, sent a
band of offloera to Prevent the poor
Frenchman from spending hi money for
The water was high; there was no ford-
lng and every boat and ferry ror mtua
was watched. It happened that Xavler
wa out of gin. Be kept a public
houae and nothing for hla guests to drink
did not suit him at alL
But he had something up hi aleev to
fool the officer. A barrel of gin from
the Canadian aid was hauled through
the woods to the river, lashed to the un
derside of a log with hay wire and sent
adrift with a man on the log.
Now, a log can be held at a certain
angle In the river and the current wtU
carry it acroa as it doe a ferry boat--
river men often cross In this manner
and It excite no suspicion. There was
plenty of gin and molasses at Xavisr'a
that day for dinner.
In one place th line run eeveral mile
along a aide MIL I one saw a gang of
boys coaaxtng on the crust some forty
rod from th road. At th foot of th
hill on th American aid was a wood
lot and a big pile of sawed wood.
The boy had an old pung and a close
observer would have noticed that they
always went In behind an eld barn on th
Canadian side to etartj then they would
go Ilk th wind clear down to th wood
pile In behind th fir trees.
And that very morning a man with a
double team was there loading wood; th
blue Jay In th tree probably v notlcoj
that ha wa building a funny load la his
big sled box; It was hollow In th middle.
with wood pile at th aide and ends.
ana pernap mey noticed tnat every time
th pung load of shooting boy cam down
th hill they brought a cheet of tea.
Th load was carefully covered with
wood, taken to a village merchant, drlvt.
In th back yard and deposited tn lha
One of my neighbor one suddenly had
a call to preach a anally went over Into
New Brunswick and spread the gospel.
In three weeks he returned and when
be cam back he hitched his old bore
In th village atreet, near the custom
house, and had a prayer meeting la th
street, but no on mistrusted that he had
fifty costly silk dress pattern in th
bottom of hi old wagon.
Mr. A had a farm that aa te th sturnl
ary Una HI building were forty rot
from the line, but hi granary was only
forty feet Mr. B'a farm building were
close by en th Canadian side; a road ran
between th granary and B'a building)
th road was an th Uaa
A raised about (00 bushels of oats each
summer and put them In hla granary. Each
winter h sold about 8,000 bushel. Of
eourse, thing looked very suspicious. Th
custom officer hid behind fence and rock
pile and shivered many a winter night.
Spottera and spies were hired and a gov
eminent detective loafed around the line
saloons for a month In plain sight of th
magic little granary, but dlseovr4 noth
ing. It was dark and deserted nights, but
la the moral og A would com and help load
hi team. '
The detective would sometime saunter
over and ask foolish questions, peek Into
the bins and look for tracks In th anow
and than go back more pusaled than ever.
I will tell you how the government was
outwitted. Between th granary and B'
building was a culvert under the road. A
wooden spout was mad of board about a
foot squar aad boss dark, stormy night
at th Beginning of winter the anow was
cleared away and th spout laid close on th
ground is th culvert, under th road, under
fence and la A' granary.
A belt with cup attached ran inside the
spout and a erank la B'a barn wa turned
to carry th grain. As It wa down hill
vary little effort would carry a stream of
oats Into A's granary a foot square. A
blustery night would obliterate all tracks.
A ptl of brush out from apple treee
wa plied between th granary and th
road fence; this, covered with a drift of
snow, hid the place where the spout entered
th granary on th outside and on the
Insld It was covered by sliding back a
wooden window.
This wa always pushed over the hole la
th wall whan they were loading oats,
te admit light, there being no other window.
When It wa closed th bin was In darkness.
Of eourse, the oats were delivered in
B'a barn In New Brunswick. When the
snow began to melt In the spring th
pout wa removed and packed away until
the nest winter.
At one time a certain village planted to
have a great Fourth of July celebration and
It was planned to hare it dry.
Th local officers warned th saloon keep
er that any attempt to sell liquor In any
form on that day would be punished to th
full extent of the law and the custom
offloera gave notice to all that an extra
force would guard the road leading from
New Brunswick and all persons caught
with liquor on that day would have their
team taken and be sent to Portland to
settle with a United States commissioner.
The day dawned bright and clear and by
I o'clock the trotting park at th lower end
of th town waa swarming with people
to see the races. Halt a mile away across
th field was a saloon on th' boundary
Th thirsty looked at It with wistful eye.
but to walk there for a drink through th
grass and grain wa too much and to go
around by th road by team where officer
war thick as files was not to be thought of.
Behind the park fence, close to a little
brook shaded by thick alders, was a dance
floor and a little booth where lemonade and
oft beer were cold. There was aoon a
noisy crowd at this place and by hooif'jh
town and lockup were full of drunks.
More officer were sworn In, the saloon
were Marched and men sent through the
crowd to look for pocket peddlers, but
none was found.
The guard on th line road reported all
quiet In their direction and th drunks
when questioned where they got their
boose' refused to telL
It was a nine-day wonder, but at last It
leaked out. Some fanner near th line
were preparing to lay an aqueduct. They
had piled up several large rolls of half -Inch
lead pipe.
.The conspirators had taken this and with
th aid of a plumber had laid It in the grain
and grass from th line saloon to th danc
floor and booth near the race course.
The pip came out under the counter In
the booth and served both as a conduotor
and speaking tub. Th night before a
Jigger . oad of empty bottle had been
smuggled into the alders and In lean than
twenty-four hours 1,000 of them filled with
liquor had been distributed among the
1,000 people at the celebration, besides all
that was sold by the glass. Lewlston
Thrllllag Rights aad Stirring lacl-
. deate Noted by a Tenderfoot
1st th Old Days.
Did you ever wske up In th chill dawn
of an October morning to find the hope
and longings of a lifetime suddenly tak
ing on form and substance and all crea
tion harmoniously responding to youthful
heart throb?
It was with something of this sensation
that, at the age of 14, I looked from my
bedroom window in the Northwestern ho
tel at Pierre. S. D., back In the '80s, and
beheld the lifeless form of a man sus
pended from th top of a flagpole.
Tea, thing really happened on the out
skirts of the Bloux reservation. Here wa
no longer a dreary grind of grammar and
geographies, with ' organised society, espe
cially th severe-faced school mistress, per
petually challenging and thwarting a boy's
right to life, dim novels snd truant fish
ing excursions.
And on this very day, aye, within two
hours, I was to penetrate the great reser
vation Itself, striking off -across the trail
In the Deadwood stage.
The lifeless form suspended from th
flagpole, a I soon learned, waa that of a
lawyer named Bell, who some weeks pre
vious had had a misunderstanding with a
fallow attorney from Blunt.
Bell finally had written to the man from
Blunt; "Meet me tomorrow at noon, halt
way between Pierre and Blunt, and we
will amicably discuss and settle our dif
ferences." Th next day, after the forwarding ot
this peaceful missive, the lawyer from
Pierre and the lawyer from Blunt had each
set out toward the appointed tryatmg place.
Bel, It seems, took with him an ax and
a spade. The discussion wss advanced, on
his aide, with the ax, and he aettled th
matter, so far aa he could, by burying,
with the apade, the body of hla opponent.
and with it hla own blood-stained over
Th overcoat, discovered with the body
after a diligent search, disclosed the hor
rible secret to the searchers for Blunt.
The dead lawyer was a popular favorite In
hla town, and by night every available
buck board and saddl horse had been re
quisitioned In th causs of summary Jus
tice. So quietly did the Blunt delegation do
Its work that It waa not till broad day.
light that Bell'a body waa discovered by
hla fellow eltlsens, hanging from the flag
pole In the center of the town, where I
had seen It from th hotel window.
From this sudden foretaste of real ad
venture I was soon brought to earth. Boy
like, I had spent all bat 76 cents of my
traveling money. I had my stage ticket,
but my hotel bill waa 83 60, and I learned
that every meal of baoon and potatoes at
the etnge station would cost 21. I appealed
to the first man I met. who happened to
be a former postmaster at Custer. When
I told htm my brother was cashier of a
bank In the Hill aad gave him my name
he eetdt "Oh, that's all right. I'll give yon
the money and draw on your brother for
It." And with that, without further ques
tioning, a put me In funds.
The trip across th reservation was long
and tedloua. Finally even the prairie dog
town and the paaalng Indians lost their
Interest. At this Juncture we met a buck
board, driven by a tall, powerful-looking
fellow, In a white sombrero, chap, and all
th rest of the typical frontier make-up.
He waa greeted In cordial fashion by both
th etage driver and the Wells-Fargo ex
press messenger, between whom I was per
mitted to sit on the front seat.
It was Bill Souter, th first sheriff of
Meade county, recently seceded from Law.
renc county, and created Into a self-taxing
hnd self-governing bailiwick, with "Scoop
town" as Its aeat of government. In the
face of bitter and contemptuous opposition
from the good taxpayers of Deadwood.
Bill waa looking for a soldier from Fort
Meade who had secured his discbarge,
drawn his pay aad skipped without paying
his bills at 'Scooptown."
When Bin waa told who "th kid" waa
he promptly Invited m to com with him
In th buokboard.
TU heat th stag Into th hills by eight
hours," h said, "and youll be a durned
Sight more comfortable."
Attracted partl by this promised short
ening of th Journey, but more, aa I belter,
by the romantl fascination of Bill's pres.
nee. I promptly accepted the Invitation.
BUI had not yet secured hi man, bat be
had learned his whereabout, and we cam
upon him at th very next stage statloo.
The man was standing In f rent of the sta
tion as we drove up. Bill laid a short.
smooth-bore gun across my knee and
asked m to hold tt while he got out and
Interviewed him. The Interview was brief
and to the point. Bill whipped out hi two
large six-shooters, poked them In the ex
soldier face, and told him he had com to
collect a few bill for some people la
"Scooptown." There wa not a shadow of
a criminal charge against the ma and, ac
cording to eastern codes, no ground what
ever for the Intervention ot a sheriff. Th
man demurred, but Bill told him If he
didn't pay up h would shoot him full of
hole, and Bill looked a If he meant It.
The man had the money with him, and
after a very brief delay he produced and
paid over the required amount.
Then RIM Jumped Into the buckboard and
It waa "llcketty split for 'Scoop.' "
In th new county ot Meade there were
busy days In prospect for Sheriff Souter.
New York Time.
Bow New York aad London 81a Cs
la Area aad Varloa
It I said of London In praise of Its great
ness that:
In London a child la bom every three min
utes snd a death Is recorded every five min
utes. The city contains 700 railway sta
tions, 8,000 omnibuses, 7,000 hansoms, 14,000
cabs and 7.000 tram cars. Dally 1,000,000
persona travel on underground rallwaya.
Eleven railway bridges span the Thames.
Four thousand postmen deliver 10.000,000
letter weekly, walking a distance equal to
rwlce the circumference of the globe. There
are 10,000 miles of overhead telegraph wires.
and the number of telegraph messages
received In London In a year la 6,000,000.
Ninety million gallons of water are con
sumed dally. The railways, omnibuses.
cabs and steamboats convey 1,272,000,000
passengers yearly and the underground
railways 263,000,000 passengers.
The 111 square mllea ot London are lighted
by 1874 electrio arc lights, 1,185 electric In
candescent lights, 66.000 tnoandesoent gas
lamps and 18,248 flat flams gas burners.
Well, New Tork can do something in the
same lines of municipal greatness.
With a smaller number of Inhabitants
than London It exceeds It In the volume of
travel. In the amount paid for work. In th
volume of work don and In th Increase In
the number of buildings, oocupante of a
a building and population.
Where London consume 80,000,000 gallons
of water a day. New Tork consumes 500,
000,000. Where London has an area of lit
square mile, New Tork has 826.
In New Tork every minute two Immi
grants arrive more than 1,000,000 In a year,
Every six minutes a child Is born. Every
seven minutes there Is a funeral. Every
hour a new building Is erected.
New Tork has more children at Its public
schools than London, fewer pauper, a
lower death rate fewer uninhabited houses,
more parks, more bridges, fewer Jails, a
better distributed atreet traffic and a higher
standard of health. ,
New York's subway, carries more paaaen
gera In a day than London's underground.
The number of crimes of violence la twice
aa large In London aa In New Tork and the
number of arrest for drunkenness In Lon
don Is four times as great as the number of
arrests for the same cause In New Tork,
New Tork has more fires In a year than
London and they entail greater loss. It
has leas ahlpplpg aa a port than London,
fewer clerks to" the whole population em
ployed, but more bosses or employers. Now
Tork Sun.
. Umlti.
The train was called the limited, but what
was limited about it? It ran at an unlimited
speed,1 the Incivility of the conductor and
the brakeman was unlimited, aa was th
rapacity of th porter.
"If a mystery." exclaimed the little
party of foreigner.
But In a moment they entered the draw.
Ing room car, and their wonder vanished.
"Of course. It' th good taste of the
decoration," they whispered, and, remem
bering their manners, pretended not to
notice. Puck.
Consequence ot a Hash Ant.
"Our wife," wrote the editor of the Spike
town BUssard, "la sick from overwork.
While she waa snooping around our sanc
tum yesterday morning ahe found the office
towi-1 and insisted on taking it home and
washln- It. Such a thing never happened
before, enu with the help of the Lord It
shall never happen again!" Chicago Tribune.
Missouri, Arkansas,
Oklahoma,. Texas,
Established for the purpose of saying young men, mlddlo aired and old men from the evil results of their own
follies, or misfortune, and to save them the disappointment of failure, loss of time and money often spent in experi
menting with Incompetent specialists,
ious other misleading statements often used by unscrupulous and unreliable medical concerns or doctors for the sole
purpose of obtaining patronage. The State Medical Institute has been the salvation of multitudes of men, and by lta
conservative, honest, upright and clean business methods, together with its unexcelled equipment and high character,
long experience and scientific attainments of its specialists, it has established a reputation as a place where all
weak, suffering men can go with full confidence, knowing that they will be fairly dealt with, skillfuly treated and
promptly cured.
Xm potency
Bleed Folsoa
Bnptur ,
Men, if you want successful treatment knd honest deal
ings, why not go to the reliable State Medical Institute,
where you are not deceived by the many misleading
statements, such aa three day cures, no pay until cured,
no money to begin treatment, money refunded if not
cured, etc, etc Such statement are misleading and are
used for the purpose of obtaining patronage. Honest
doctors of recognized ability do not resort to such meth
ods.. We do not say that we will treat you without any
money in advance for the purpose ot securing patronage,
and then when you call demand money payments and
notes signed tar in advance of reasonable charges; neither
do we promise to cure you in three or four days, know
ing it will take longer; nor do we try to secure patronage
by offering to refund money paid if a cure la not effected
as we do not accept any cases we cannot cu'-e. We guar-
Consultation and Examination Free,
Practical Painter and Paper Hanger.
2418 Cianlng Street. 'Phone Red 2062.
After eighteen years connection with the old-time paint and wall
paper house of Henry A. Kosters, who has now retired from business,
I beg to announce to my friends and the general public that I am now
established at the above number with a full line of paint, wall paper,
and decorative materials, and am In position to fill all orders In the
above lines promptly.
None but the best cf mechanics employed, and all work guaran
teed. Estimates cheerfully furnished and satisfaction assured.
n. C TOffSSFAT), Genersl Passenaer and Ticket Aaent,
Farnam St.
Between I3tli and 14th
Omaha, Nebraska
new methods, quick cure delusions, no
KIDNEY AND URINARY diseases and all diseases and Weak
ness of MEN due to abuses, excesses or the result ot neglected,
unskillful or improper treatment of diseases, which cause drains.
Impairs the mind and destroys men's Mental and Physical Powers,
reducing the Bufferer to that deplorable state known as Nefvo-Vltal
Debility, making social duties and obligations a hardship and the
enjoyment ot life impossible.
Indian Territory,
New Mexico,
Republic of Mexico
-v il
- a
pay until cured deceptions and the var
antee a safe and lasting cure In the quickest possible
time, without leaving injurious after-effects In the system
and at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and
successful! treatment. Any man who is in need of special
medical atfentlon and unable to pay, will find the Stato
Medical Institute ready to commence treatment without
We accept no man's cam without giving him value
received for every dollar paid us. That is the guiding
rale of the business side of our work, and we abide by
It every time. The great work we are doing in coring
men of their diseases makes the State Medical lnstlta to
famous s the salvation of every weak, sick, suffering
man. Oar special methods are guaranteed to be cura
tive In cases we accept for treatment.
Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays,
10 to 1 only. If you cannot call, write.
eMieMrsTtn's knausM
ff VjJ hMm MahMitatlm ui Twit.
rill. I.. .Ibk 1 .L 1 1
MaM kr FartWaUr, Vwtta,mUU
M " KaUcT fer lataa,' blur, r.
arm Mali. 1 S.eaO TmUanUi. artj M
all Drajgltu. C'aUhaaaar l aawlaal O.
rap. M artl.a aarai fallLA-,
jtesoLvrBLY sjtrm
LaSlra. wrlta fall aartUalara. Onlr
bomat'ramost; rall'f In ttaoniands of
aa whan all alaafalU. Kxaart Saa
rlallM. aa.allaU.a I'RCE. PricaSK a
ffflea r by mall. l'a. I.iwii CbkmvcaL
Cttn JSJ-B. kaataara Hv, Chlcaso, III