1 if I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE i D. V. Sholes ;721-22 N. T. life Bldg, W-no Ohio St.. eoxin feet, with r-a -room house, sewer, water and gaa; H.40O Nearly new B-ronm hnua. sewer. water, gas and porcelain bath; lot Vk1U f et. three blocka eouth at tX7O0-7ia Bancroft St.. rooms, water and ra, lot 40xll7H fact, on tha boule. TaTC 82,000-Near 86th and Caldwell, nearly new -room t-etorjr frame, modem except fun,V.! h!h ,nd 'htlr and cloaa Thla la a bargain. e-.600-6exU0 feat, on 8. loth, near Center aaanft&VM,2:,rt'l ,a Pf month. R800-W18 Charles St.. all modern, 8-room rance. good hard wood finish oowmiiiri nna shade: lot 60x130 feet V,tl.750-N?ar 16th and Plnkney sts Bluff y'"'.6011"4 w'h en excellent k!. k ?.m JT1x1rn house, with plendld property. INVESTMENT. 4,RX"i'?!!r fff J iB1 8an Are., and ... inn di., aounie irontaga, with two house, renting $42 per month; room for three more; cloaa In; car Una passes one aide; both atreeta pared and paid. Certainly a bar gain. 4.oo-Corner 27th and Woolworth Are., VACANT. 41600-48x94 feet, on Dewey Are., near lath; room for two flata or a modern I aqua re house; right In town; cheap. : B,J0n-Oxl77 feet, west front on 83d. 200 ' feet north ef Poppleton; very cheap. iUMO-0x20O feet, north front on Central Boulevard, 166 feet east of 24th, on South Omaha car line; lies beautl I ful; very cheap. eW0O-ftxl4O feet, west front on lth, second . lot aeuth ef Caetellar; paving paid; big ana p. 1.600 44x80 feet, bualneaa lot, southeast MONTHLY t ISO Choice of three lota, 4U198 feet, east fronts, on 16th, block aouth of Vln . ton; 'no down and $5 per month, f 17560x130 feet, northwest corner 84th and ELEGANT SOUTH FRONT LOT At 48th and Grant Sts., in Orammercy park, " one block from car line and in splendid neigh borhood. We can sell it . this week for f 225, $25 cash, balance $5 monthly without interest. See us today. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. . Tel. Doug. 1781. RB-M563 J8 LIST your property with Carson Co. N. T. L. RE- WANT OFFER On t houses, two of I rooms each, modern except furnace; one of 4 rooms, 17th, near Nicholas; lot 75x140; monthly rental, $64. F. D. Wead, 1624 DOUGLAS. RE IT) R BALES An elegant colonial residence; new and modern built; one of the hand somest and finest arranged - tnedium alsed houses In the West Farnam dis trict; price for quick sale only (12,600. For particulars see ; HICKB REAL. E8TATFJ CO., ' 439 Board of Trade Bldg. "Tel. Douglas 1169. RB-607 26X B&rgainsl We Still Have a Fewl Look These Upl They Are All, "All Rightr 1 1017 South 80th At. 60x130 modern, 2-"tory frame dwelling:, 8 rooms, electric light and gas, bard wood ! floors, mantel and grate.Beautlful home In a desirable neighborhood. Price. 14.250.00 2214 Lake St 2717 Dodge St. Denise's Add. ' Lot 9. block 2. Drake's Add. Lot 6. blk. 8. Arlington, Lot 8. ' Fairmont Place, Lot 21. Shall's Sub, Lot 8. Capitol Add. Foster's Add., Lot 2. blk. 4. A. 8. Patrick's Add., Lot . blk. 8. 60x sou. . These properties are bound to la the market for either improved or BENSON 818 N. T. CHEAP LOTS etna A. skrA W t mm na - 1 1 vmr aww vv iw awu via uwjr fw.w wwa 1 &a fxw pr roonw. BEMIS. Pax ton Block. RH W. L. SELBY Real Estate and Insurance. Baker Place lot. $100. " Koster's Addition. $800. Clarendon, $660. Lake's addition. $1,650. Brookllne, two acres, $900. Dundee, $600. Albright and Aylesworth, $71. Cprlng Valley (1 1-4 acres), want of fer. Wise A Parmalee, want offer. 47th and Leavenworth, $400. Oxford Place. $800. Swift Place, want offer, llth and Ames Ave., $600. t lota, Hanseom Flaee. $6,000. Auburn Hill. $100. -2 acres, F. B. M. V. trackage, IMOO. Ooburn s Bub. want offer. 8 6 to and Leaves we rth, want offer. Lincoln Place, i860. Western land, per acre, $8. ;W. L. SELBY, ! 440 Board, ef Trade. XB-OtM FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Company, Tel. Douglas 49. M.SO lOxia feet, with 7-story (-room mod ern house, on Webster St., near 22d; walking distance. 64.260 On nh Are., near Mason, 601 J feet, g-room f-story pioilern hous, oaV floor, choice location, cheap; owner wanta to aell nulck. $4,750 Near 26th and Bt. Mary's Are., well built T-room house, nenrly new, all modern, oak flnleb downstaiae; lot 83x133 feet; very choice. $6,680 Near Sith and Farnam Sta., a beau tiful nearly new (-room thoroughly modern 1-eiory house, built by owner for a home; vary choice. $8,500 ma Park Are.; price on thla re duced for Immediate ante; 10 room a, ateam heated, thoroughly modern, elegant barn coating $4,000; lot 61x140 feet, houaa finished In oak, beauti fully arranged; three mantels. Tha blcgest bargain In a realdence prop erty In Omaha. Not a dollar lees buya It, but If you want an' actual bargain, here It la two 2-story 7-room houses, thor oughly modern; only l yeara old; renting $o&8 per year; about 13 per cent Investment. $7,250-1111-1113-1116 B. 28th Bt., 110x160 feet, three houses, renting $900 per year; all modern. Certainly a bargain. corner 16th and Vinton 8ts.; very cneap at tnia price, t 750-50x132 feet, north front on Vinton. 100 feet west of 15th, with large oak . trees, atone pavement, permanent wain, aewer, .water and gas. f 600 40x120 foot lota, west fronts on lftth. Immediately south of Vinton, In Bhole'a subdivision; best lots for the money in the aouth part of town: all lota numbered: look at them: make your selection quick before tney are all gone. , SPECIALS. Boyd Sts., beautiful corner, high and sightly, two blocks from car. sewer and water; t down and $10 per month. Can't beat this anywhere In town for the price and location. RE For Trackage See BEMIS, Paxton Block. -EH THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 BEE BUILDING. Nearly new 7-room home, on full lot, pared street, close to car; fine neighborhood; email barn, fine trees. Reasonable terma. Price, $$,3u0. Northslde. A good 8-room, modern home. rooms down, S up; full lot. To get a quick aale nave a price oi aoov. Nearly new, rooms and reception room, modern home: line arrangement for com fort and convenience; very pretty lot, full else; near to car ana Douievara. rnce. $2,800. Have you aeen those fine lota on Main Bt. Benson? Right downtown and the price la right lor buying, nee tne Dig sign. Two line modern homes in WEST .FAR' NAM DISTRICT. Ask about them If In tereeted. THOS. F.' PAYTON, 410 BEE BUILDING. ' RE $490 34th and California, vacant lot 65x150: per manent walk, aewer, alt paid; must, be soia tnia weea. F. C. BEST, 821 N. Y. LIFE RE 50x140 2-story, frame dwelling, 8 rooms, all modern except furnace, good barn, desira ble location. Price 13,000.00 88x122 4 room cottage, a good renter, paved street, walking distance. Price 11,250.00 VACANT ' 60x122, . nice residence lots, well located, ln good neighborhood, close to car, street being paved. ' Price $800.00 60x182, nice residence lot, In good loca tion, convenient to car. f Price $700.00. 51x100, nice . residence' lot for medium priced cottage. Price $300.00 60x121. .nice lot and convenient to car line. A bargain. r - . , Price $300.00. 60x138, fronting on two streets, one of which la pared. Desirable neighborhood. - " Price $800.00. 66x132, north side Harney St., between - 20th and 24th. Opposite Metropolitan Club. Price $3,600.00. 60x130, south side Burdette St., just west of 21st. A bargain. Price $600.00. 120, south side Maple St, Just west of cneap Price $600.00." move at the prices named. If you are vacant stuff, do not fall to see us. , & MYERS, Life Bldg. HE HOMES I room brick house, partly modern, paved street. 83th and Parker. 12.000. t rooms, modern, 26th and Ohio St., oor- BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE WANT OFFER oa seven-rorn cottare. 0iT N. Hat Bt . F. D. Wead, 1624 DOUQLdUS. SUBURBAN HOMES AND -FARMS. acres) with fine 10-room house, beautifully ,w-"" uiijr, f,wM. Aajominf lana ' sores north oi Ivrug Park for 16 acrae in same locality for $250 per acre. lMt acree with good Improvements, In cluding 7-room modern house, fruit trees an under cultivation. $4,000. Owner leav ing state and must aell. It acres, all In fruit planted twenty years i:. .92? Improvement. Income from fruit, 11,10 per year. $11,600. 109 acrea Improved en Weat Center street paved read. $160 per acre. 118 acree near Benson, with 7-room house, barn and other good Improvements. $ax per acre. We have ether choice acre traota J. H. DUMONT & SON, 80- N. T. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Deuglaa su. BE-467M FOR IALD-M0 aoree fine Nebraska farm land, can ralae three erepe alfalfa $6 it) per aerv Jaqulre O. W. Killer. 10$ Ho. Mala fit, Ca Wails, la. iix-iLUl is FOR SALE REAL ESTATE George & 1601 Farnam St HOMES $10,000 for 153 S. d St., 10 rooms, mod em, lot RxH4 feet, fronting Hanseom Park; very desirable. S9.Q00 for new -roora modern house, close In, good neighborhood, full lot. S9.000 for -room modern house. In West Farnam district, east front, lot, 60xl. 18.180 for 152 Oeore a Ave.. 10 room a. modern, In best of condition; want offer; lot WxliO feet. U&ro for new' 7-room J-story modern squire house, In Dundee, quarter sawed onk finish, well built and up to date In every respect; H,7j0 cash, balance monthly. lees than rent; Immediate possession; spe cial reduction price for quick eale. 14.600 for new 7-room modern ami a re house, oak finish, one bloek B. Bemls Park; tot suxieu. XS.7C0 for 7-room modern house, with barn. full lot, pared street. In nrst-class condi tion, convenient to gooa scnooi ana iin street car line, near Kountae Place; part cash, balance monthly. IX. 400 for new 7-room modern eauare house. In Marysvllle Add., near 26th and Manderson. $3,100 for -room modern house, nearly new, near 28th and Poppleton Ave. 12.860 for 811 N. Kd St.. South Omaha, 7 rooms, modern except furnace, nice lawn ana ynaae treea, lot tuxuu. 12.660 for 6-room house, modern except heat, on N. 26th St., near Davenport, cloee law 12,600 for 7-room 1-story modern house, on corner lot, ono block south of Kountie Place, between Sherman Ave. and 20th St. 12,260 for 7-room modern house, In aame location. $2,260 for S-room cot&ge and corner lot, 60x160 feet. In Hanseom Park district; $500 cash, balance monthly. $1,860 for 2-story 6-room house, modern, except furnace, nearly new, near 24th and Burt. $1,700 for 2026 Elm St., S-room cottapre; $500 cash, balance payable $100 every six months at per cent. $1,700 for 6-room cottage on Grand Ave., near 22d; $ti00 cash, balance monthly. $1,600 for 6-room cottage on N. ISth St., near Clark, lot 30x140; easy terma. $1,260 for 4-room cottage In same loca tion, lot 30x140 feet; terms; will sell the above two together for Investment If de sired. GoodBuildinjsLots $6,000 for MxlOO foot corner. West Far nam district. $3,000 for 60x130 foot, 7th and Jonea St. $1,000 for 80x160 foot corner, near $8th and Jones St. $1,600 for 60x18814 feet, nicely terraced. In Bemls park. $700 for 60x132 foot corner, one block north of Bemis park. $fi00 for 60x132 feet, two blocka north of Bemls park. $600 for 79x120 feet near 25th and Blondo Sta. $10 per foot front on cither aide of iondo between 2ith and 27th Sta. $1,000 south front lot on Chicago, near 30th, paved street, all Improvements In. $225. Sightly lot on Patrick Ave., near Military Ave., water and aewer. $200. Corner lot block .from car line. Urammercy park, 1 $100. Two elegant lota corner 40th and Corby. $175. Fine building site on Burdette, be tween 35th and 3tith, eouth front. If you want to buy aee BEMIS If you want to sell aee BEMIS. BEMIS. , . .' Paxton Block. ' -RH The Kerr-ShallcrossCo. 1614 FARNAM ST. ' OFFER TIIE FOLLOWING: $5.600 On 36th &t, near Farnam, S rooms. all modern, paved street, large lot. $4.500 On North 24th St.. 7 rooms, all mod ern, large lot, 132x132 feet. $4.000 On West Farnam. near 83d St., 80x138 feet, vacant. $4.000 In Bemls park, 8 rooms, all mod ern, paved street. $4,000 In Dundee, 7 rooms, all modern and new, 60x135 feet. $3,750 In Dundee, 8 rooms, all modern, 100x136 feet, $3,750, In Bemls park, 7 rooms, all modern; paved street. $3,600, In Bemls park, 8 rooms, all modern. $3,000, In Bemls park, 7 rooms, all modern. $3,000 on California St. near 83d St, I rooms, all modern; 62x140 feet. 12.800. oa Parker St.. near 24th. rooms, all modern except furnace; paved atreet. - $2,700. on Bpauldlng St., near 24th, 7 rooms all modern except furnace; 60x148 feet; cor ner lot, on paved street. $2,600, on Templeton St., near 24th, I rooms all modern. $2,300, In Bemla Park, 6-room cotag-e, all modern except furnace, paved street. $2,100. In Bemls park. 6-room cotagre, all modern except furnace, paved street. $2,000. In Bellevue. the beautiful suburb aouth of Omaha. New car line, 6-roora cottag-e. Lares (rounds. $1,250. On N. 27th Ave., 6-room cottage, 80x10 feet. The Kerr-ShallcrossCo; 1614 Farnam Bt. Phone Douglas $487. RE A GOOD HOME OR INVEST MENT. Large house and large grounds in the eholoest part of Farnam street district Ground worth at least $7,600. House well built and modern in every respect Hard wood nnlab on first floor. $13,000. J. II. DUMONT & SON, $05-6 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 680. RK 460 8$ SILAS ROBBINS, 6-room cottage, large lot. Burdette, near Military Ave.: good' well, cellar, barn, much fruit; $l,lux (-room new cottage, with full brick base ment, city water, near North 24ih street car line, easy payments; $l,uO. 6-room cottage, on beautiful Templeton St., gaa. city water, oil hnlah, cement walka, near two car lines; $l,06u, 6-room cottage, 28th and Miami, full lot. gas. well, cistern, barn, new sidewalk, furnace, easy terms, city water and sewer in street; $1.40. 80 vacant lota, near 24th street car line; $3u) to $6o0 each. I have more than 100 houees for sale In Omaha and South Omaha; many on very easy terms. See me at once and take your choice. Silas Robbins, Frenaer Block. RB 640 Mx SOUTHEAST CORNER 81st and Ame, Ave., with 6-room bouse and barn and tore room: on car. All of above must be sold at once. See . F. D. Wead, THE OMATTA' SUNDAY BEE: 'AUGUST FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Company, Phone Doug. 756. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY 6 000 for all of block 7, A. S Patrlck i addition, between 2Mb and 27th, Miami and Corby Sts., with" three houees, renting for $30 per month; something to subdivide and cot far out. . $4,000 far Kxlia feet, aouth front, on How ard, near 13th. . $3,600 for 17txlK feet, northeast corner U and Nicholas 8ta.; bouse on property, rents for $10 per rqoath; special reduction price for quick sale. $3,600 for ipx13$ feet, northeast corner 31st and Chicago; want offer. $3,000 for 64 feet frontage on paved street, two- blocks west of High School, with sufficient depth to build row of brick flats. $3,000 for 23x132 feet, north front on Doug laa St., near 22d. $1,600 for 61.xl$5 feet, south front, on Uncoln Boulevard, (Bemls Park), near 36th, (two choice lots.) $1,000 for 32x4 feet, west front, on Trth St.. one block eouth of Dewey Ave.; paved treat. . ... $00-60xl60 feet, north front, on Burt, iw feet west of 30th. toio racii, lur tnwivw uunumn .v.o v.. Pratt, between 26th and 27th, city water, sewer ana gas in auvvi. uii-c ,iwu. n LAND NEAR OMAHA $260 to $300 per acre for choice tracts In FLORENCE HEIGHTS, containing from $ to 10 acres each; 4 cash, balance on easy terms, per cent. This land la located - v.-... a. Vit-wV nririh frnm Pnrl of UUUl BO C Uiv-nn ........ . . ----- street car line in Florence and afrordfl a moat beautiful view of the river, city and aurrounaing couiuir. icn wi u f , l ..J -. K n aiii alffn Mirdi. V-umuiMi I i iiui.il w o . ITiio per acre for 30 acres, close In, on vteat uoage os. , r - m-m 1 .nr.. ilfrhlV lm flOO L'CI 1W v- .vno, ... r .-. j .... . rAM. fit 1 nttv rn.it. 4t4 miles southwest of court house. Thla la a special price lor quion aaie. $160 per acre for 20 acres, high and Slgniiy, on vveei luu0o. $150 per acre for 20 acres, Improved, ad $160 per acre for 480 acres on Test Dodge, paved road runs through land. Many sightly locations for suburban homes. . paved road, reduced from $125 per acre for one ween oniy. ' ... , $W) per acre for 155 acres, well Improved tbit per acre for 100 acres, unimproved, 2V4 77 . . . . n.ft..n mucs Bouineaav ui RE LOANS Lowest Rates BEMIS. Paxton Block. RH FARNAM ST., CLOSE IN A chance to secure a fine home, which Is certain to rlee In value." Large 10-room house, strictly modern, fitted with njany extra convenience. Hard wood finish on first floor. Within walking distance. $15,000. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 905-6 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 690. RE 159 28 THOMAS BRENNAN REAL ESTATE 'PHONE DOUG. 1264 Brick Block 8 stores and rooms over head rents fo.r $180 a month. Will sell for $13,500. Modern house on Farnam St., near 85th St., and lot 57x132, $8,000 Two modern frame residences and one barn, with lot 75x150. East front, oh paved street, north oi Hanseom Park. $8,000. Modern house and lot 60x87, fronting Hanseom Park. $4,000. Eight room modern brick residence and full lot In West Farnam Street district. $4,000. VACANT 18 lots in Becker & Frederick's addl tlon, east of 30 th St., and north of Fowler Ave. Bewer and water con nectlons.' Will sell on small cash payment and easy terms. Monthly payment it desired. ' Call and get plat Thomas Brennan Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. REV- W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., ' CLOSE IN Big bargain on North 17th St., near Nicholas, good 6 room cottage with city water. Mouse rented to good ten ant. Price It sold this week, $1,200. On North 24th St. south of Lake, and a half block from car, 4-room cottage with city water, gaa, toilet, and full sised basement. Rooms all good sire and all In excellent repair. Has permanent walk and is a snap at $1,200. On Bristol St, 8-room house, full lot, has city water only, but has a room that could be finished for bath. Rooms are large and con veniently arranged, and house Is full two stories. Pavement, sidewalk and aewer tax all paid. Price it sold at once, $2,360. On Seward St, four (-room cottages, rent for $32 per month, on ground $0x122. With a little repairing these housea will bring an income of $4$ per month. City water In each house. Price U.3M, VACANT Don't buy a lot until yon have aeen our eouth front lota on Fowler Ave, west of Florence boulevard; slightly above grade. Blse, 60x18$. Nothing nicer In the north end of town. Price $600 to $700. 76xl60 on California near 25th; on grade; $760. 60x128 on Fort St., between 84th and Florence boulevard; $160 .Easy terma. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1116 Farnam St "Phone Douglae-1064, RE FINE new cottage, three blocks from Al bright car line; lota, 126x126; fruit trees and chicken yard; all flrst-claas; price, $r0; little cash; balance easv. Address M 64, ear of Bee, fiS-M 86a 26, lfHW. ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. Peters & Co. ILVNSCOM PARK DISTRICT On Pacinr, near 80th, 8-room, all modern house, nearly new; oak nn Ish and floors, full basement, combi nation light fixtures, lot 40X125H. all In fine condition. Price $4,600, $2,600 cash, balance as arranged. On Georgia Ave., near Mason, large 8-room, all modern house, hard wood finish and In prime con dition. Price $6,000. On Bo. 80th Ave. (No. 1836). Is an 8-room. all modern houso with hot water heat, recently put In prime condition and now offered for the first time. Price $$.600. Poasession can be given at once. On 81st Bt., between Poppleton and Woolworth. we offer an 8-room all modern house, with full ce mented basement, east front, lot 40x100. Price $6,200. WEST FARNAM On 86th Ave., near Farnam, an 8-room. all modern house, with full lot Price $6,600. On ravenport. west of 41st, we offer a bran new and thoroughly modern 8-room house of the latest and most convenient arrangement Price $7,600. On 84th St., south of Pod re, an 8-room modern house, with elegant decorations and convenient arrange ment; about 4 yeara old. Price $7,000. MISCELLANEOUS On North 27th St., between Plnk ney and Pratt Sts., 9-room, modern house, in good repair; has cistern and shade. Price $2,660. On North 28th Pt., we offer an 8-room house, modern except fur nace; stable, chicken house, etc; lot 62x120. Price $2,626. On Nicholas St, Just west of 40th, we have a house of 6 room, mod ern except furnace, all In first class conditlcm. This is a nice home and will bear Inspection. The owner has been asking $2,400 for this, but Is anxious to close It out See it and make as an offer. At Nor 8609 Jackson St., we offer an all-modern 7-room house In gpod condition, with cemented cellar and lerroanent walks, f rice ij.auu, ana s worth the money as a home or for Investment VACANT LOTS In Grammercy Park, two blocka from Benson car line, we offer two good lots for $200 each. Near So. 24th and the Boulevard we offer 4 lots for $2,400. This Is an extremely good location on which to erect tenant houses. On 20th, second lot south of Por cas, we offer an east front lot 47x 4 for $600. In Park Forest, we offer a cor ner lot 40x100 for $300. In Dundee we have a large num ber of very choice lots which we shall be glad to submit upon re quest INVESTMENT ' Nos. 418-416 North 26th St., a two-story double house, the moat substantial and costly constructed building in the city. The exterior of finest limestone, the interior modern in every respect and of a superior hard wood finish. If you are looking for something that will last for ages and require little re pair, this is It Price $14,000. SUBURBAN Adjoining Nebraska Clty, In Otoe county, we offer a new 8-room brick house and 11 acres of ground, this Is In the Nebraska City acbool district and offers the advantagea of graded schools. It - adjoins Arbor Lodge, the beautiful home of the late J. Sterling Morton, on the east, and Morton Park on the North. All kinds of berries and fruit for home use. The location is all that could be wished. Price $5,000. R. C. Peters & Co. 220 & 17th St., Bee Bldg. RE- SACRIFICE SALE Ten-room house, beautiful lot close to boulevard, walk ing distance; must sell before September 1, sacrifice price. Five-room house and two lots a great bargain at $1,000. Bix-room house, walking dis tance; good home $1,400. National Investment Co. DOUGLAS BLOCK. RE 611 27 Investments 8R.5O0. 2 story brick store and two houses. 10 blocks to P. O. Annual rental. Ijli. $7,600. 2 story brick cornering on two paved streets. $6,000. 8 story brick store and flats above. 11 blocks from P. O. s.0uo. 8 room house, lot 120x133 ft. on Chicago and 21st St.. both streets paved. $3,5. 1 story frame store. Good car line. 6 room house, 2 lots and good barn. $2,700. 8 hcusee on lot 64x1 SO ft, rents for $34 per month, near 16th and Corby Sta BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE GUARANTEED PRICES I guarantee that the piicee on the fol lowing lots are lower than any similar lota can be bought for In the same Tlolnlty. Prices good lor mis week oniy: 2tt acres garden land two blocks north west 42d and Amea $700 100x125, northwest corner Bin and Kt.Aiilrilnir uvd BflO 100-ft. south front, $ lota east of above kOO lOoxlM, on southeast corner 8uth and Vntt, paved 850 60x101, on southwest corner 15th Bt. and gprague 400 A 4-room house and corner lot. four blocks from car tU) Sesond lot facing east on Military Ave.. north of Franklin 750 Northwest corner 20th and Elm, third lot north, 40x118 TOO On B. 15th, grade lot, near boulevard.... 8U MODERN HOME 10 rooms, large lot, shade treea, parked atreet; house alone coat the price of the whole; 604 8. 2Sth Bt. Price, $7,000. DAVID C. PATTERSON, 1G23 Farnam St. RE no M BEAUTIFUL HOME Beautiful 8-room house, modern except furnace, on Lake St., one block from 24th BL Best bargain In the city of Omaha for the money $1,800. Terms. National Investment Co. DOUGLAS BLOCK. RE-412 17 CALIFORNIA fruit, raisin, poultry, dairy farms, 6 acree4 up. Write for catalogue Subset Realty Co., Fresno. Cel. Bft 0I !( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WATCH FOR OPENING OF BOULEVARD PARK Located on the site of Midway section of exposition ground. Tne finest, largest. Inside addition plnced on the market In 20 rears. NO OTHER ADDI TION HAS HAD ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AT THE OUTSET grsded and macadamized streets, cement walks, city water, sewer, gas. electric light, trees. Sherman Ave. electric car runs along; entire east side, more than 1,000 feet frontage on 20th street boulevard. Inside S Vs mile limit from post office, and less than 20 minutes ride on electric car or auto. Every lot 1H to 1 feet above street grade. Improvements not quite completed. OPENING SALE WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN NEXT FEW DAYS. RESIDENCE PROPERTY $4,260.00 7-room, all modern house, south front lot on west Farnam. I3.9S0.OO 8-room all modern house, oak finish, north and east front corner lot, Blvd. Park. $3,760.00 8-room all modern house, oak finish, south and east front, corner lot Blvd. Park. $2,700.00 6-room all modern house, Just being completed, full east front lot Blvd. Park. $2,600.00 7-room, partly modern house, walking distance. $1,900.00 8-room all modern house, near 42nd and Farnam. $1,700.00 New 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, east , front. VACANT 1 acre lot near Florence car line, $200.00. S one-acre lots one block from Florence car line, on easy pay ments. . TRACKAGE block of trackage near 24th and Ames Ave., $2,000.00, oa easy payments. SHIMER'& CHASE CO. Builders of Modern nouses. Ground Floor 1609 Farnam St ABSTRACTS REM 13 makes them, better than the aver age, and perfect titles aa good aa gold. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE who exnect to buy gold dollars for fifty cents. If you're one of them, please excuse us we re not in tne gold-brick business. BUT HERE'S THE POINT: If you want a mighty good buy In Omaha property, it means money In your pocket to TALK WITH US. 81.500.00 buys 6-room house on Blondo, near 27th. Now being thoroughly . repaired. City water and gaa Room for an other house. Put $000 on this end it Will return $275 a year. 81,800.00 Brand new 6-room cottage near 80th and Man derson. Has bath room, sewer In street. City water. Wired for electric light and piped for gas. Good cellar. Lot 40x128. One block from car. This will be taken soon. Would take Omaha lot In part payment. $1,600.00600 cash, balance easy, takes 6-room cottage, In good repair. Bath, cistern, city water, gas, trees, big barn. Ohio, near 87th. Fine 8-room modern ' house with three lots,' 50x150. On Park Wilde Ave. Prlee right. 82,250.00 for good 8-room house with gaa. city water, large barn. Lot 40x147ft. Near 27th and Hickory. $2.500.00 Very good 6-room house on N. S4th, near Parker. Modern except furnace. Lot 45x120. A fine place; $1,000 cash. A good 6-room house at 820 N. 26th Bt. All fenced. Good barn. Look thla over and make us an offer. Easy terms. $l.S0O.0O-Here,s a dandy on Burdette. near 46th; 4-room house, in good condition; good well; lot 50x13. Lots of fruit. Cemented cellar and coal house. House well painted and papered Two good lots, west front, on Kth Ave., near Bprague. Each lot 26x100; $150 each. 1480 N. 23d Bt., South Omaha; 8-room strictly modern house, ' with 8-room house in rear. Lot (0x150. Both houses together. Over $500 worth of furniture at right price. These are only a few of the ' good ones we have. CIIAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 1201 FARNAM ST.. U. S. National Bank Building. OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS TILL 8:80. RE- Five adjoining lots at 46th, and , Orand Are., ft B0. Easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Doug. 1781. . " ' RE M663 27 LI8T your property with Carson Co. N. T. I RE SNAPS 6-room cottage on Lindsay Ave., with full lot. near SOth Bt. $150 caahibalance monthly; payments, 812.60; price, f.bu. F. D. Wead, UU DOUGLAS. RE- LIST your property with Carson Co. N. T. L. RE f WANT TO BELL a very attractive small . home, house of six soonis, modern ex. nrr.t furnaoe. meat excellent nelahbur- hood, naif block from car, meet desirable part . ot city, soutn iron, permaoeni walk In front. A. B. Carpenter. 4tl Nicholas BL KB- FOR BALE A 8 room residence property on N. th Bt. Price and terms reason- eble. Globe Land and Investment Co. Room 2. Patterson Blk RB U5 Have Just Sold One 6 room, new, all modern cottage on Kth St.. one block eouth of Ames Ave. V. " " VU WW ww.w w.w.. wa. vwv eupliuete next to - It; house has double floors, latest and beet plumbing. All flemish oak finish. Attlo fleered with good stairway leading up to U. 60 foot east front lot, only one block te car. Ixok at It today, buy It tomorrow. Only $1,600 $500 caab. balance to suit. BEMIS, Pax to. Block. " RE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Douglas 8867 RE NEW HOMES 8230 and 3220 Bernard Bt., on Harney car line, modern 6 room houses, Just com pleted. 8 more rooms can be added above. $2,250. Only $-'W down and $-6-u4 per month on balance, same as rent. BEMIS. Paxton Block. Rfl FOR INVESTMENT OR SPECULATION. ' 1408 Douglas street. Owner will sell lot and 1-story building, Including party walla on both aides three stories high,, or will build for tenant or purchaser. We also offer one-half lot opposP new North western Terminals,' $3,400; and one full lot one block east for $8,300. Both have small Improvements. J. Ii. DUMONT & SON, 06- N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 690. RE 458 28 TWO HOUSES, 2S13-2S16 Douglas, of 6 and 6 rooms each; for both, $2,300. F. D. Wead. 1524 DOUGLAS. RE N. P. Dodge & Co. $2,500 Buys 8-room, all modern house and barn, double cemented basement, front and back stairs. Inside and out side entrance to basement; large. nice rooms; mantel and grate In back - parlor; north part, south of Lake BU $2,250 8-room, all modern, in Walnut Hlllj hardwood finish, east front; belongs to nonresident arid anxious to sell. Can make terma $3,000 6-room modern cottage and 86 feet south front on corner, on Cuming St. room for three stores besides tha cot tags; vacant ground alone worth. $2,600. 1,600 10-room, all modern, elegant home In Hanseom Place, H block north of park; hardwood finish and beautiful hardwood pillars In reception hall; 20-foot porch around front and side. See us about this and make an offer. $8,800 4-room, all modern new bouse la Bemls park; south front lot 60x1501 nice square reception hall; S-lnch ma- pie floor in kitchen; basement under entire house; outside entrance to ',' basement and Cartan furnace ; pared street and cement walks; on Haw thorne Ave. ' 81.500 6-room cottage and full lot on Miami) near 20th; water, gas and sewer, and soft water in house. ACRES. $1,500 for new 8-room bouse and two acres of high, sightly-ground, all fenced and cistern and pump In house, or can put In 6 acres for $8,000. This Is the cheapest acre property around Omaha, Sold one of the houses and two acres this week. Can make terms. $3,0006 acres and (-room house, barn, well and cistern; 250 fruit trees; 800 grape vinas; one acre pastnret I blocks from ear, In Benson; $1,600 cash, bal- monthly. . , N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 Farnam BL BD4 FOR farm and city loans go to Car eon Co. N. T. U RB . Tr., V - Jt ...1, n. Vnktla near 40th, neat home, $2,100; must be sola before September 1. F. D. Wead, 1134 DOUGLAS. RE- For Sale in Benaon I sores, with good Improvements. $ blocks south of school; will divide. Boe owner on premises, eta Martinson. RB 645 2SS Near High School and Creighton College 8X000 for cottage. 814 N. 26th 8U Imme diate peaaasaion. Easy tenna. $3,600 for etxttl ft B. W, corner TBih and Chicago Bts. tz.Ttu for St ft. en 22ad, between CaEW fornla and Webster Bts. U.uuO for 60 ft., on California St, erpo site Creighton College. $3,000 for S3 ft. on Webster Bt-. wtth sure barn, suitable for livery, ranting fur tie. IftORQB ft CO, BO. rmrm m.