- .w e3 Ti En pll Dail Bum 6at Deij Dall Eva Ev Bur . A llvej t Ot Be i torf Be t n ft Onl mal Oi Bt4 Th4 w full MN tut if 4 ( 4 J J TJ J i 10. in i i 16, 1. hm I ' J th in ch en ju: wl be a a 1 r f Wi td th r BC to b ot t U la ti 01 11 W Tj ci d h b- f( a tl L ii SPECIAL HOTICES AircniMHi uta ter tatese coiuwik mill be tnltta til 1 m. ts tke crtnliif ertliliet ad watll S tx as. fa he morning edition. Hetee 1 $- flrat laser le. le wfcrd thereafter. Mtkla tut en far less tbaa 9Xo (or tfe) flrst laser Ilaa. Thee dertlaaesrte mast k run eonseentlrely. advertisers, fcy reejaestlng a a am bered ekek, raa bavo wrri ad re4 ta a a am feared letter la vara of Th Bra. Answers). il4rii will be delivered aa preeesttetle of Mitrk. MISCELLANEOUS 1906 4 FALL TERit BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF TELEORAPUT OFEN8 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. DAT AND NIGHT. Haw Ca.ta.loa Free. Tel. Douglas 1984. Addreia II. B. Boyles. President, Boyles Building, Omaha. Net. H 70? .OMAHA Sara and Iron Worka maks a ape- elalty of fir escapes, shutters, doora and ( sefee. G. Andreen, prop., 102 8. 10th St. R 708 SIGN PAINTING 8. IL Cola, 1302 Douglas. 1US THT ICelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 160. h-no IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1J19 Farnam. R 711 lfcNTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., OX ti. 16th. Tel. Doug. 1771. Baa. 'phone Doug. 7iM. I B-713 EL8A8SER A BP. ICE, Machinists. 817 South 12th St. Tel, 6837. R 713 1 WHERE TRUNKS AUK MADS. Trunks, ault caaes and ahopplng baaa. Old trunk taken in excuause. Kepaiiing. FAULilNU U SitilNL& AO N. 16th SL 'Phone liuuglaa 9& 'FINIS Minnesota Ice. in carload lota, erra ta! Ice Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. R MS TTPISWRITKRS rented, all makes, 12.10. Fox Typewriter Co., 182 Farnam. R M 47 6U. HEFLIN Locksmith moved up atalr n trance 1324 Furnam. Tel. Doug. 2U74. R tl ATTENTION Yah-Nun-Dah-Siss. No. 2, meet Monday night at Fraternity hall, 17th and Furnam. John Nordman, Trustee. R 452 UX FURNISHED room for two gentlrmen; modern, private family, 2042 Capitol Ave. E-M4&3 27x WANTED MALE HELP .WANTED For the U. S. marina corps, men between ages 21 and 83; an oppor tunity to see the world. For further In formation sea poster In postofflca of any county seat In tha state ot Nebraska, giving address ot recruiting office located therein. B MS45 S30x .WANTED Five boys, good wages, per manent Job. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. 13th St. B M211 WANTED Brick, handlers and laborers at the Avery brick yard, two i miles south ot Albrlent; boarding house at plant. . B-M431 WANTETV-Good marble cutter: good wages; steady employment. Glldea it Glldea, Norfolk Marble Works. Norfolk, Neb, n B-U478 CARDS FREE Hand us the names of five young persons who should be Interested In a commercial education and we will mall you free of coat six visiting cards with your name written thereon by our expert penman. Address PENMAN. OMAHA COM MERCIAL. COLLEGE. B 848 600 YOUNG MEN to prepare for firemen and brakemen; experience unnecessary; . firemen, f lOo; brakemen, ISO per montav witn rapia promotion to enginoer or con . duotori huudreds ' of positions ' open. Call or write for particulars at oooa. National Railway Vralnlu Ass'n, 4d i raxton block, omana. xseo. B MI0I septl i WANTED Cigar maker; t rollers and I ; bunch breakers; will pay the best ot i pnoea to go out oi town; wiu aanu ucaeia, Address H 12. care of Bea. B 724 DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug WANTEI-Laborers for Montana, Wyo ming, Nebraska, Dakota, iron worker, carpenters and help re. Harvest rat. r.a. Roinery, ui h. I4tn. utno js WANTED An experienced cattle feedor . .. . ..... XJtawwmA mun preferred. Theo. Keimers, Fullcrton, TEAMS can make from 4 to l per day, Steady work. C. B. Havens A Co. yards, 14th. and Webster. U iuo BRICKLAYERS wanted. Inquire R. W, Uaker, superintendent, sea tilag. B 295 WANTED Two blacksmiths who can shoe horses and do general wagon repair work; wages um per day; ateaay jod; young men preferred. In aawering wire at my expense. C. W. Morgan, Rawlins, wyo. , a Mm ax WANTED Good, all-around man for stew ard, country clubhouse; must give best of J references; reasonable bond required. Ad- drees P. O. Box 402. Sioux City, la. ti Ml 321 MIT.MTVn Am all m . A 1 n y. r. wm pay good salary; -send letters of ( salary expected. N. M. Friesen, Albion, V .W. tl Uli, OA . u w. m Mi.i, a v V EN Light work and 18.00 will take you from New York to London or Liverpool. Agents wanted In your city. Boston Ship- SHiiSi -ngcuujr, Am .lonuia di., rsaw lor. .CONTRACTORS We furnish men of all ' nationalities aa laborers. Polea, Italian ( Huna or Slavs. We have satisfied others ., and caa satisfy you. boston Stopping Agency, is norcoiK ov., rvew iora. ; - B M36J It WANTED AT ONCE. Experienced salesmen and salesladies for Raw Dry uooua, LAOine tjioaaa ana kuus, otlona Rlbbena, Laces, etc. Attractive, ftermanent poaltlona for the right dpodIo. See Mr. A. L. Bchanta, General Ornoes. 34 BOOT. - . Tlili HIuNNK'l'T COMPANY. B SuJ 28 WANTED Young ms,n for stenographer 1 and shipping clerk; state age, experience , and salary .desired. Address N 61, care 1 , ki. a MJ, ZbX 1 MOULDERS wanted, thirty cents an hour, Sioux City Foundry & Mfg. Co. Sioux City. la. . mtt JU WANTEB Furnaca and stove repair men limana atova tepair works. B 408 It WANTED Man to learn barber trade. y Bulandid time to begin. Busy season now Few weeks computes. Top wagea paid arraduates. Positions waltinr. Little cud. H.l stajrta bualneaa. Call or wrlta. Molar ttartier couege, 1x11 ramam hi. B U41I SCx WANTED Four male stenographers at onoa. ix bo. utn Bt. u Mil 4 34 WANTED A ft rat class cutter. Apply N icon me lauor, ill bo. lain bt. B-Miii n WANTED Registered pharmacist In Na- praska, state age. aalary desired and give references. Address f4 ao, tn rare o Bee. B M 421 Kx WANTED Men to put up. hay by the ton for cash. Apply to Leonard Everett. It Pearl street. Council Blufls. la. . .. B-MtSi 21 WANTED Car builders, rrpalrers and truck men, c-uosny racking uo. B 49 OLICITOR WANTED New magasine de voted to credit men and retail dealers .who give oredlt: went canvassers; to per cent commission; hustlers make IS. 00 t air. A a areas ssercantsio moniuiy, rxa- ton. Mass. U-as ax WANTEJ-Flrst-class watch maker at a--AM7 1M4 Dodge. K 4M Z7 WANTED MALE HaP Look Before You Leap Into a Business College! The profession of stenography offers great opportunities TO THOR OUGHLY COMPETENT STENOGRAPHERS. . . Bookkeeping ! Ine line of work and offers splendid salaries to THOROUGHLY COMPETENT BOOKKEEPERS. Telegraphy pays well from the start and promises a rosy tuiure, in idi railway world. .... ... , Now, your ability as a stenographer, door Keeper or unegrapner uepeuun rmrtlallT on yourself and It depends largely on the ability of those who teach you stenography, bookkeeping or If your training In stenography, bookkeeping or teiegrayny is muruuju and your Instructors competent, successful stenographers, bookkeepers or telegraphers, you'll have little trouble in getting and filling a stenographic, bookkeeping or telegraphic position paying a fine salary. If your training Is not thorough and your Instructors are Incompetent, mn win kot ho a thorot'OHLY comnetent stenoeraDher. bookkeeper or telegrapher. NO MATTER HOW MUCH The thoroughly competent stenographer, Bookkeeper or teiegrapner gew from $50 to $100 and up per month. The Incompetent are iucky to get So. your own common sense will In selecting the business college you And careful Investigation of the thoroughness or our courses, me com pleteness of our training, the expert ability ot our Instructors (the largest ataff of anv business colleare in Omaha) will inevitably lead you to the con clusion that you will be doing yourself college on the OPENING DAY OF TUESDAY. Night school opens, the fall term, ber 5th. Get a catalogue. BOYLES H. B.-BOYLES, Pres. Look Over Your Wardrobe And you will find some article that needs cleaning, dyingr, pressing or repairing. Send it to us and be assured courteous treatment, good work and rea sonable prices. Our $1 a. Month Plan (for men) is to take care of your clothes sponge, press, call for and de liver them regularly. "We know you will be satisfied with this plan. THE WARDROBE (Expert Cleaners and Dyers.) Note change in address. 2016 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1729. Two young men in business. R. E. Corn well Leo Soukup B THE VAN SANT SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING 716, 717 and 718 N. Y. Life Building. The Fall Term Begins Monday, Sept. 3. This la a select specialty sc hool of shorthand,' typewrit ing and office practice. It a 1ms to fit young men and women for business- life. It admits only young people of Kood character, and of such e ducatlon as will probably tit them for business duties an d responsibilities. It is conducted by A. O. Van Bant and Elizabeth Van Snnt, both of whom have had large experience in aman uensis and reporting work- and also nave experience in teaching. The texts and methods used In the school nre strictly up-to-date and represent the best ideas of those wjio are working for the moral and Intel ectual deve opment of young people. A free trial week Is given that those who enter may see the character of the school, the class of attendants, and the spirit of teachers and students. Those who wish to do so muy pay tuition by monthly advance payments. If for any reason a student, parent or guardian Is not entirely satisfied, or If for any reason a student wishes to 1 esve the school, money for unexpired time will be prom ntly refunded. The students of this schoo 1 are in great demand at the highest prices paid to beglnn ers. There is a great demand f or well-educated young men of personal and moral purity. No other profession pays so well at the beginning or offers such opportunity for advancement as the profession of stenography. . The Fall Term begins Monday. September 3d. Students may enter at any time after th la date. E MEN Everywhere to distribute our sam ples, U dally, steady, no canvassing. r,OUver," Monroe Bldg., Chicago. B-491 26x WANTED Stained glass glaziers and cutters. Apply to Ford Bros. Glass. Co., Minneapolis. B 446 & ELEVATOR boy. Crane Co., 10th snd Harney. So WANTED A good all around man foe a general tin shop and clerk In store part of the time. All inside work. German preferred. State wages; give references. Gray Mercantile Co.. Columbus, .SOMETHING NEW m health and accident insurance. A leading company, with targe profits, to a good Omaha agent, and aluo for outslda agents. Great Western Acci dent. Des Moines. " MANAGER wanted. An Ohio corporation manufacturing household necessity de slras Nebraska manager. Demonstration In leading department store. Of"" fi nished. Three years' contract, balajy. II 000 and commissions. Good opening lor man of character and ability. Adaieas ' Manager. U Ontario Bldg.. Toledo. Ohio. ACTIVE man wanted to advertise, exhibit goods and manage branch of large mail order house; salary lis per week ex penses paid; permanent position wit h ad vancement; honeaty more experience. National Co.. 7a Chestnut GOVERNMENT P8ITIOS-Want bright vounk roan to prepare for railway man olerkf custom nouae clerk, carrier and others; gradual promotion. BeeUnder hlll. 3 N. 4lh. B M WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay. to distribute clrculara. adv., matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Addreaa. Na tl'nai Distributing Bureau. 1 Oak'ar.. Bank Bldg.. Chicago. 111. B 48 2x WHS WILL make you a preaent of flOO. give you a aplendld suit of clothes every alnety days, enlarge yourptctura free and pay you a aalary of tK per month and all traveling expenaea to take ordera for the greatest and moat reliable portrait house In the world. All thia will be guar antaed. Address, R. P. Mertei, Dept. 451, Chicago, 111. B 477 Kx WANTED Resident party with established business to represent locally an Important flim of New York disinfectant manufac turers. Address, with full particulars, Tba Baaltae" Co., Ltd., New York City. B 461 Kx WANTED MALE HELP telegraphy. NATURAL ABILITY YOU MAY HAVE! a position at an anywnere at any wge. point out the wisdom of being careful will attend. an Injustice if you fail to enter our BOYLES COLLEGE SEPT. 4TH. In the evening of Wednesday. Septem COLLEGE, BOYLES BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. B MACHINISTS wanted for light repair work, men from country towns pre ferred, 14th and Nicholas. R. Rumble 4k Son. B UK 27 IN SIX WEEKS we educate you in sales manship, secure you position as traveling salesman with responsible Arm. Address ins uraastreet system, uocuester, rs. 1 B Big 2Cx WANTED-Experlenced bill clerk. Must be well recommended. Prefer married man. State age and salary. B 105 YOUNG men for railroad service, as olerks. operators, etc. Experience unnecessary We teach and place you In position. Short course, low tuition, high salaries. Tuition returned by railroad to telegraph students . who take service witn tnem. write lor catalogue. Chicago Railway and Com mercial Institute, 96 and 87 Washington St., Chicago. a 02 vox MANAGER wanted, every section, to so lect agents for "Gameoselence," world's greatest new, lawful game for drinks or cigars; takes place of forbidden slot machines; played with nickels or quar ters; one to seven can play at once; I ...!.. 1 111.. .1, AtA. rented or sold on easy payments', 49,0' 0 now In use; sample sent free. Proposi tion will please you If we still navn opening in your section, tnnoa sport ing Googs Mfg. Co., Dept. 69, Chicago, 111. B 1)11 Cx GRAPE PICKERS; pay 2c per basket, at Paplo View farm; wagon leaves 49tn and Dooge bis. every morning at 1 a. r.i. for the farm. B M609 Septl WANTED Man with ability to take charge and manage collection department In our Chicago office: must have had experience In making implement settlements, a good knowledge of bookecplng and unassailable credentials: position permanent. Smith Mfg. Co. B-671 26x WANTED At once, man to clean and stack brick. Inquire CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. 1201 Farnam St. B-63026 i . WANTED Manager for branch offlce we contemplate opening here In Omaha. Ad. drtss, with reference. The Morris Whole. sale House, Cincinnati. O. B 12 2Cx GOOD opportunity to active man to mane from 13. oj to lo.UO per day taking orders for high grade portraits and frames. We give tun instructions una turnisn outnu W. E. McChrlstie Co., Camden, O. B-$u0 26x POSITIONS! " POSITIONS! POSITIONS! POSITIONS! Our business is to supply them. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Otlice clerks, Retail clerk and salesmen. We need from five to ten of each of the above, and hundreds ot other applicants to nil dinerent positions, at once. WESTERN RE fc BOND ASSN. (Inc.). Dept. B, S40-1-2, N. 1. Lite tilde. B-ti33 2 LAUNDRY help of all classes. Kimball launary ,ioitJ acasun. p WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies JOT 1 ail VtlVUIl. 1W. W VUb. A k must lurnlsh recommendations. Address 1a t, see. v aim WANTED Immediately,' first-class cook anO secona in, u,h ui wubci t"uu uw- man or Bonemlan preferred. Apply lis So. 24 Ave. C-4U WANTED Immediately, first-class cook best ot wages;, none else need apply. Tel. Harney (Jo. C S4 WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Edward Roaewater, 17U, Douglas. ' Q-2SS WANTED Good cook; small family, ll fark avi. as zu AT ONCE, girl for general housework. 111! Leaveaworin. aiao x A OIRL for housework; good wages. W 8. Hat Bt. zstx WANTED Experienced salesladies for Art Department. Apply Mr. cnaim, ia noor, The tiennen company. b GOOD girl for general houaework; amaB family. Mrs. U D, Spalding, 714 South MIA tx- V. i I s TIIE OMAIIA! SUNDAY BEE: 'AUOUST WANTED FEMALE HELP Omaha Commercial College FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 3 School Re-open Monday, August 27 Students Please Report ALL DEPARTMENTS DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS We Were Never Better To care for tudeta. W have abundant facilities ot every kind. While the fire hag caused us some Inconvenience and expense. It will in no war Interfere with the operation of the school. We orating, putting in metal ceiling on the ready Sept. 3rd. Our school rooms will Remington typewriters have been bought teachers in our Shorthand Department. teacn young people right business ideas, to the v INCREASED DEMAND FOR HIGH GRADE HELP. - For a long time we have been enlarging our courses of study and im proving our methods. We are prepared things progressive business men require, them done. We know the attainments that are earner. We teach him the right things WE WILL DO OUR UTMOST TO HELP YOU To the knowledge that will enable you to fill a high grade position. Pros perity has enlarged the opportunities of this generation of young people. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE A SAFE ANCHORAGE FOR THE FUTURE. Enroll September 3rd, and do your part as well as we do ours and you are sure to find lucrative employment. Pror.j. w. Lampman will be at the college offlce every evening this week and will be pleased to meet those who wish to attnd the night school. . ROHRBOUGH BROS., Props., 19th and Farnam Sts. Omaha, Nebraska. D WANTED Girl for general housework; r.,llv i wn 1 (, ) 1 f i , it e. WANTED at once. Competent woman, or maia ror general Housework. Mrs. Charles W. Pearsall, 1123 Park Ave. C 401 26 THREE lady stenographers at once. 118 BO. Ibtn bt. C M41B 36 LAUNDRY WORKERS who can polish enirts; gooa wagps. ti. a. a., Kunke Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. C M429 2x WANTED Lady clothes ironers. City Steam Laundry, Zll S. 11th. C 437 26 COMPETENT cook. Two In family. tl'... AOS . . i. , r , ,-, 05.1 aau yet iiiuiiLu. jurv. v. urrnn, 3623 Harney. C 436 27 WANTED Competent girl for general bousework. law Blnney. c 434 27 COMPETENT girt for general housework; must be good cook: no washing; refer ences required; good wages. 19! Daven port St. C MSGS 28x ' LADY to travel; references required; sal- An. . 1 . . . . . w n ary 1 per waea : expenses sovsncea. J. a. Zlegler & Co., 323 Dearborn St.. Chicago. C-C69 26x LADIES to Work on piecework; 3 per dozen; ail materials rurnlsned; no can vassing; steady work guaranteed; send stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co, Champlaln Bldg., Chicago. C Sll 2tx ENERGETIC ladles; ten dollars weekly. spare time; no canvassing; no money re quired; honest offer; send stamp. Oriental Co., Box 8. Homer, N. Y. C 480 28x LADIES to make sanitary bolts; material an cut ready to sew; 11.20 per dozen; particulars, stamped envelope. Lenox Co., Dept. M, Chicago. C 479 26x WANTED Lady bookkeeper. Must be ex perienced and ruuy atie to take lull charge of set of double entry books. State experience and salary wanted. Ad dress,. O 15, care Bee. C 696 26. WANTED Office assistant, educated, re- nned; one who nas bad experience in of flee work preferred; 27 to 85 years of age; must speak German. Address A. F. Grimm Co., Parkston. S. ' D. C-6S1 26 WANTED Glr 1 for general housework. Apply Tuesday, or after 1901 Don ire. C MOSS 27 WANTED Two first-class lady barbers at once, write C. A. oeborn, Beatrice. Neb. C M59S 27X t stenographers, $50. 1 stenographer, J8S. t stenographers, 140. 1 retail clerk. 131. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. (Inc.), Dept. B, 840-1-Z N. Y. la. HIdg. C623 26 WANTED A ceok. C32 S. 37th. C-675 WANTED Woman to work by the day. ISO. s, Davldge block. U (14 26 WANTED Mangle girls. Model Steam C M3SJ 30 launory. WANTED SITUATION POSITION wanted by experienced young iaay as nousexeeper; can give reierenoea. Address N 63, care Bee, A M327 26 x RESPONSIBLE position wanted by well eoucatea young man. correspondence solicited. Address Box 34, Blair, Neb. A-M461 six FIRST-CLASS, sober and up-to-date com mercial traveler, witn large Dullness ex perience, and also capable of managing men or branch house, desires position at once. Address O 14, Bee. A 67 26x A SKILLFUL stone carver wants perma nent work, nag designed and carved on wood and stone on some of the best estates and monuments In England. Ad dress, E, G., 4215 Lafayette Ave. A-M498 a WANTED By refined woman of experi ence, position as Housekeeper wnere mere Is one or more servants; best of refer ences to right party. 0-21, care Bee. A-626 S2x LAUNDRY help of all classes. Kimball laundry, 1511 Jackson. C C7K SALESMEN WANTED THREE salesmen wanted, who can spend a few days' time in familiarising tuem selvcs with a line of samples. Call be tween S ar.d 10 a. m. and 4 to 5 p. m. Du- I. gal Crae. Paxton Hotel. L M410 2tx SALESMAN WANTED-A New York manufacturer, having a thoroughly established buainess In plumbing goods In nearby territory, will pay 31,200 per annum and expenses, with an additional commission over a stipulated amount of sales, for the services of a high grade, experienced traveling ralesman; ac quaintance with this line not necessary; a permanent well paying position for the right man willing to work. Address with full particulars, reference strlcUy con fidential, N 6s, in care of Bee. L M C4 26 WANTED Experienced salesman to call on dry goods trade with our well known "Perfection Brand" ladlea' wrappers, dreaalng oacquea and klmonoa; compact . side line; commission; references re quired. M. B. Loewenstetn & Co.. 615-617 N. tth St.. St. Louis, Mo. L-&2 26x SALESMAN High grade patent medicine with record. Vp-to-date Inducement, to .drug trade on liberal salary and expense. Give facts for attention. Address C. W. B , W Union Park PI., Chicago. L 631 26 SALESMEN WANTED calling on the har nesa and Implement trade. State terri tory. Liberal compensation. Addreaa P. O. Box 2u6. Dallas City. 111. L 61A 'fix SALESMAN WANTED Now selling to dry goods and general stores; small towns; complete lace-embro.dery line. Merk & Co., (30 West Broadway, No York.' h 610 ifS SALESMAN Ftrst-claes, all-around hus tler to cover unoccupied territory selling tapis line to retail trade; technical knowledge unnecessary; permanent to right man: xju weekly, expenses ad vanced. Sales Manager. Box 7v5. Chicago, L-eia 26x CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality; city snd country trade; commission: en close stamp for particulars. L. Dene belm at Bon, '4th and Grand, Kansas City, Mo. L 44 Kx HOT SIDE LINB Pays hotel bills: con- signed goods; pocket samples; prompt commission. American Chawing Guin Co., EU Louis. L 26l'1900v SALESMEN WANTED Prepared Than Now hare many workmen employed In redec second flood, eto. Everything will be be more attractive than before. KO new and -we have employed additional We were sever so well prepared to we are and have been fully alive to teach our pupils bow to do the and to do them the way they want most valuable and needful to the salary the right way. WANTED At once for each state, one uihi'uaas expenencea roaa salesman; Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, established Jobbing house. Apply Room Ci o Ctn f ) I 1, , , , , , W.( gjAC, OIULA, iUlIltlCUpVllB. JX11I1I1. L-U32 MX SALESMEN WANTED Best and most profitable resular or side line on earth. for all classes of retailers; leather case witn samples, weighing 4ft lbs; straigrtt Commission: give present and previous lines and territory covered. Address Na tional Mercantile Co., Dept. E, Iowa City, ia. aj w a WANTED Experienced salesman to coll on drug aad general store trade; preference given to patent medicine- salesman; ex ceptional opportunity; special representa tive now In the west: can arrange for Interview; reply confidential. Box 555, cnicago. Li tuo ztut WANTED Salesman, by wholesale Jewelry house, to sell their line to general trade 1 special Inducements to merchants, which makes sales easy: hlirh commissions: per, manent position. McAUlster-Coman Co., sae Dearborn, Chicago. Lt u zux SALESMEN for Nebraska: experienced traveling men preferred: line stample for general trade; position permanent; 325 weemy advance witn commission, saw yer, Leslie & Co., Detroit, Mich. L 497 26x TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa with a full line of soaps, perfumes and flavoring extracts; furnishing the 32 ror (l selling plan to the retail deslor 330 weekly advance. F. F. Cook, Sales Dopt., Detroit. Mien. Lr- SALESMEN wanted to sell to rrocers druggists and confectioners: 3LG0 per month and expenses. California Cider and icxtract Co.. St. Louis. Mo. L 481 26x GROCERY salesmen wsnted; a few hon est, energetic men may secure exclusive territory selling hotels, restaurants, farm ers and other large consumers; perma nent and profitable employment; state present occupstlon and mention refer ences. John Sexton A Co., 16-18-20-23 State St., Chicago. L 483 26 SALESMEN or agenta to represent us among the merchant tailoring trade with fancy vestlngs and tailors' trimmings, on a good salary or commission basis. . J. Leewenstein, 323 North 9th St.. Philsdol- phla. Pa, L-519 2,6 WANTED AGENTS AGENTS TAKE NOTICE Gentlemen and ladles are making 325 to 340 per week aeillng our embroidered goods and other novelties direct to consumer. Good sellers in city or country, utiiere do it, wny net your can or write. U. 0. AullltltUlUUni WUkkB, 109 S. 16th. J M508 Sept 1 SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, and needed by everybody; our xz.uug combina tion Policies, covering all accidents, uls esses and occupations; coailng only 36 per annum each, payable quarterly; Isaued by this Society only. Over 1300,000 already paid In benefits. AGENTS WANTED large commissions and exclusive terri tory given. Address NATIONAL ACCI DENT SOCIETY. 320 Broadway, New York. ESTABLISHED a YEARS. J- NEW Sleeve Protector for office and house work. Write today. Uet territory; other new goods. Ladles' Supply Co., Prairie Ave., O.. Chicago. J-M212 8i8x AN old Una life -Insurance agent wanted; one witn experience, capable of writing business himself and managing men; sal ary and commission. Address Lock Box 1625, Lincoln. Neb. J M61 31 WANTED Party to sell treasury stock of a southern rsevaaa gold mining company. The property is one of the best in tnat remarkable country. The stock Is easily sold; a good thing for the Investor and party who sells It. It will pay you to In vestigate this offer. Address N 23, Bee. J-m 81 $20 WEEKLY can be made by live agents selling new, quicK-seuing necessity. Ap ply Thurston hotel. Foster, Maxson A Co. J 366 25x PICTURE AGENTS Handle our "Luie Medallions;" big seller. Send for "A. B. C." catalogue. Largest portrait and frame house In the world. Indiana Por trait and Frame Co., La Porte, Ind. J 607 26x AGENTS everywhere coin money selling tne lamous -war inverted us tramps; something new; Immense demand; large troflts; exclusive territory. Address Star iight Co., 28 State St., Chicago. J-614 26x FAKIRS and agents wanted for tho won. derrul aerial toy: sells at sight; exhibit ono and that sells the rest. Sample 10c, dozen 60c. lirszlle Supply Co., Station H, Cincinnati. O. J 521 26x NEW SPECIALTY It's allvo, it's hot. It sells; big profits; exclusive territory: writs for sample. Automatic potato peeler, peels 12 potatoes perfect In one minute. N. Edgren Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J-487 26x BRAND NEW necessity: sell on sight; agents' fortune. Colonial Factory, Wells vllle, N. Y. J AGENTS Learn to fit glasses. Our eye book with full Information free. Jack sonlan Optical College, 16 College Plaoe, Jackson, Michigan. J SEND ten cents for gallon sample package of Wheeler's lemonade. 100 per cent profit to agents. Agents Novelty Mfg. Co., Buffalo. N. Y. J- OUR wonderful premium offer just out; get next quick: wa have greatest Inducamenta ever offered agenta; write today tor ter ritory. Davis Soap W'orks, S3 Union Park Place. Chicago. J AGENTS wanted for the Leader Folding Sleeve Board. Big money for hustlera The J. O. Aten Co.. Monroevllle, Ohio. J 474 26x $5,000 YEARLY positively made selling am) appointing agents to sell our recently patented gasoline lamps and lighting sys tems; the moat beautiful made; needed In every store; exptrlence unnecessary; our demonstrating quint furnished free to agenta; makea failure lmpoaslble; we give agents exoluslve territory and co-operate with them In every way: extend credit and offer a grand opportunity to make a fortune. Security Light and Tank Co.. Dept. 16. 0 8. Clinton St., Chicago. IlL r J 473 2x WANTEI-Dlstrlet agents for largest sick and accident Insurance company In mid dle weat; big eommlaalon and aalary to producers. American Benevolent Associa tion, ot. Louis, Ua . t 47a 36 AGENTS WANTED HOW TO GET A JOB And work up to a fine position Is the thought of every young man and woman starting in life. Trained ability is always In demand, got the good places and big salaries. Ignorance, brswn and mtiPcle does the hard labor at the lowest wages. Learn Bookkeeping or Shorthand and you will always bo assured of steady work and good pay, gain the confidence of business men and work to higher positions anr larger salaries. Build yonr foundation on the rock of THOROUGHNESS. Study business methods under teachers experit iced In COM MERCIAL WORK. THE NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE, BOYD THEATRE BUILDING, OMAHA, offers you these advantages. The Presi dent and Instructor in Chief has bad 20 years' experience as a Reporter and Public Accountant. . He Is one of the most Expert Accountants In America. Write or call on P. L. Smlthers, President, Boyd Theatre Building. Omaha, Nob., for SPECIAL OFFER NO. 6 and he will tell you how he prepares young men and women for successful business careers. He will also make you a special reduced rate for tuition, the best offer ever made by a Bchool In the West. FALL TERM OPENS Sept 3d and 4th. New classes every week. Positions secured for graduates. Individual Instructions to each student. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. $76 WEEKLY and upward easily made fitting glasses; our eye book free: tells you now. Write National optical College, St. Louis, Mo. J 176 26x CANVASSERS and local agents wanted; quick seller; good money. Germo Mfg. Co., Sedalia, Mo. J SELL our reservoir ductless floor and carpet brushes outside of Omaha, in stores, schools, residences, public build ings, hotels, halls; Meld unlimited; re- . duce dust 97 per cent, actual test. Gold Medal at St. Louis world's fair; strictly guaranteed; big margin and great seller; opportunity tb build great trade; exclu sive territory; no competition. Milwaukee Dustless Brush Co., Milwaukee, Wis. . J 69u 26x PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION-ALL kinds of plies cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching piles. A guarantee given in every case treated by Dr. Max well, who haa had twenty-five years' ex- ferience In treating piles. Hundreds of ettlmonlals given on application. 624 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Phone Douglas 1421. U-M174 Ag31 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at ta24 N. 24th Bt., Onaha. Neb. U-MlOv TRY KELLY'3 Laundry. 'Phone Douglas 3520. , U-fii3 DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. 3 & 3, 1605 Farn m. U 784 PRIVATE confinement home; Mrs. Dr. King. 201S N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 3659. U-ICJ P L E AT I N G Buttons. Ruohlng. 1 i,l,llllitU Embroidering. Dyeir.g and Cleaning, Sponging and bhrlnk Ing, only 60 per yard. Send for price lit and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., M0 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1931 U 766 LAUNDRYc,AYMr U-767 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mra Garden, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. - - .... u :t .. THE Salvation Army solicits t cast-off clothing: In fact, anything you do not Deed. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th EC, for cost et collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4126 and wagon will calL U-6U FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelgbtoft Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment su pervised by college processors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or nighu U 123 THE City Garbage Co Offlce, 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. DougU.a 147. U 769 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First. Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel 771 U-322 FREE YOUR FORTUNE FREE. Send 3-cent stamp with birth date and I will send yeur fortune, past, present and future. Ail matters of business, love marriage and health plainly told. Prof. Larl Augent, 1016 Walnut St., Kansas City. Mo. U 614 26x WANTED To correspond with Merry-Go- Round lor M. w. a. picnic, oeptemoer 19, '06. Addreaa Box 2u5, Hamburg, la. U 6vl 26x WIDOW, good looking, wealthy, desires husband; only temperate man considered; am lonely; desire home. Address con fidentially, M. Hill, 120 Randolph St., Chicago. U 14 2dx A GENTLEMAN, aged 45, desires the ac quaintance ef a neat- uppearing, spectable' lady. Seal carefully and ad dress O 4, care Bee. . V 513 36x SURVEYING, BUokensderfcr, 313 Bee BUUs. OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blag. U ill CYRiNGES, rubber goods, by mall; tut trices. Send for free catalogue. Myers ilUuu Drug Co., Omaha. U 77a WE RENT sewing machines at $1 per Week: we sun aeuonu-nanu inucumw up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 15th and Lutn an U J18 Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. DBS. VOGEL, private hospital for women gnd for ladles before and during contiiie nitnu a31 S. 13lu St.. Omaha. Neb. ij-Mvo an SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation tree and confidential; ail work guaranteed. Miss Aliender, 42i N. X. Life. U OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuining. Tel. Doug. 4621. U MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit myself cured; will Inform you of lisrmlesa, permanent home cure. Mary Baldwin, Box 1212 Chicago. , U ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne, 618 Bee Bldg. U til Hi ACORN PRESS TJfti Tel. Doaglas 2763. SHOULD BLANCHARD'S ECZEMA LO TION not give speedy or satislaciory r. suits, notify Prof. I. Blanchaid, akin specialist, Minneapolis, Minn. Whoie aaier. supply ail 1luM610 Slflx Xf A iTMTTTTr! treatment and batb. Mme. Smith. 118 N. 16, 2d lloor. U MUKl B14X WANTED Sewing to do by hour. Write, 618 Bancroft St. U 399 26x MIDDLE AGED capitalist, lonesome, 1 sires companionship of loving wife; rich or poor makea no difference. Wri'.e Box 4i5,Bl Jossph, Mich. U 604 2x PRINTING LTNGSTAD H1" Orads 1907 Calendars, a. taduo. E. corner Wtb SO. aad fc JORVE. capliol Ave. -748 WE HAVE a new press no lob too' large er too small. Central Printing Co, UK) b Sept U DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMOBB detective service; 'phone Re4 7401. Rooms u ana 14, union kik., uta aad Farnani. -671 Baa FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS B- DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 727 Doug. 611 0. M. E. Ilaul Trunks E "23 TWO newly furnished south front rooms, connected by door; private family. 2564 Harney. 'Phone Douglas 5840. E Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 up per week. B-729 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and CapItoTAveJ south front; rooms with or without board. ' E 780 TWO beautiful clean rooms for light house) keeping. 1526 N. 20th. E 400 26 ONE large, well lighted south room, mod- ern, hot water heat, l&e Capitol Ave. nil Ave. E A1569 38 , FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, good location, very desirable, gentlemen only. 627 S. 26th Ave. E 663 26x NICELY furnished front room, south and east exposure; strictly modern. 624 S. litn St. ' E 664 26x TWO elegant rooms, south front, modern, clcse in; private family. 22U8 Douglas. E M534 27X TWO large, furnished front rooms, modern. 117 N. 20th St. E-642 26 LARGE front room, alcove, Hanscom Park district. 'Phone Iiarney-166. E M539 27x NICELY furnished rooms, all modern, 839 8. 24th St., upstairs. E M587 27x TWO newly furnished south front rooms: connected by door. Private family, 2664 Harney. 'Phone Douglas 6840. E M605 28x ' i ROOMS for housekeeping, near 26th and Davenport St. Tel. Douglas-6309. E M367 27x ROOMS Single or double, large and email, all modern. The Bosto.i," 101' South 17th. B- M618 7x 1 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Tninka , ..- F-731 NICELY furnished cool rborhs, excellent'" . board rates reasonable. The Rose, 2024 ' r : Harney Bt. F-MflOl A17x ' ft. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F-733 LARGE, cheerful steam-heated rooms; ex cellent meals. 017 S. 18th St. F 336 26x MODERN rooms, home cooking; reasonable price, 2215 Howard St. Tel. Douglas 8668. F M3a0 TWO large rooms, furnished or un- rurnlshed, with or witliout noaro. lati Park Ave. F M416 26x FURNISHED rooms with board. 2423 Cass, , telephone Red 6195. F-M 426 31 FURNISHED rooms and board, 609 80. 23th Ave. Good board, neat, clean rooms. Private family. Modern conveniences. 'Phone. - F-M431 26 x HOTEL LANGE On direct line to South Omaha. Amer ican and European, corner 13th and Jack son Sts. The beat modern and up-to-date medium priced hotel In the city, and th only -one that haa a long distance tela, phone, and a team heat In every room. Kit snnt rooms with private baths. Pub lic baths free to gueBts. We are now ready for permanent and transient guests. Call and see us and get satisfactory rates. R. A. Inge, props. Bam Bauman, M. A. Nagl, Manager. F UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Four nice modern unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping, 624 A. 24th Ave. G-404 26 THREE furnished rooms, with alcove, modern. 2670 Farnam. G 446 20x FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. We have three front rooms on second floor, brick building, suitable for lodge or living rooms. 315 per month; newly papered and in good condition. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam. O M575 28 FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE 10 rooms, barn and nil conveniences. 1113 South 3bth Ave. C F. Breckenrldge, 711 N. Y. Life Bldg. ; M-111 WANTED TO BUY WANTED A 6 or 6-room partly modern cottage In north or west part of city. Give price and terms. Address O 22, Bee. N 671 26x WANT to buy good brkk building In down town district for Investment, from $26,00A to $75,000. P. D. Wcad, REN- WANTED Good horse, wagon and harness. Omaha, Stove Repair Works. li- Doug las St. N-613 26x WANTED Engine, type, rewspeper or Job press. 14Vix22 or larger. Box 544, Stroma burg. Neb. N-6oi U WANTED TO Bl'i SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, etovea, carpets, clothing and ahoes. Pay tha beat prices. Tat Douglas 397L N453 S3 I WANT some trees taken off of lot at 1511 South 29th St. Enquire at above number at once. N 447 27x WE want 40 acrea near street car in Omaha; also 40 acres Council Bluffs, suitable for platting. Write full particulars at once to O 13. care Bee. N-582 26 FENCING WIRE AND IRON FENCING. For lawn, garden poultry ana farm. Sand for large free catalogue. Get our prices. Omsha Wire and Iron Works, 933-ii6-8t N. 34th. Tel. Doug.-I702. M837 61$ ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 60 per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Bed 811 M&J6 813 CHAMPION fences best! 611 8. 16th, Doujl u V 1 V n