Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 15

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Kaw Baridflnca of Gaora-e Vf. Plattnerie
Afohitocturalljr Uaiqua.
Ob of Oaaahn'B Han4sons Houses Im
Which tno Ubl Cs of Wo
work Affords th Oiriktnc
Distinctive Features of New Planner Home in West Famam District
Local Tatatio Flask in aUpnllloaa.
Platform la Popular.
aa Proas f Chnnit In th Rev
Real Kstnt Bulldlasj Cwsnnnn
WilkMl ATeetln Natnr
f PrejMi. . .
: - m& f ill: , v.' ;!
The home of Qoro W. PUtnr, 409 South
Thirty-sixth street, 1 another of tn mora
reaent addition to the Weat Farnain Ola
trlcl that baa attracted the admiration of
all who hare aeen It and la worthy of men
tion on the Hat of Omaha's handsome new
residences. It Is of frame and cost about
116,000, and, while Architecturally It follows
no particular atjrla, It Is commodious, sub
atantlai and artistic
The woodwork Is one of the most con
spicuous features of the house, not only
for Its unusual finish, but for Its liberal
use, which. If It were darker la color,
would five almost a somber effect. This
Is specially true In the hall, where the
even-foot walnacotlnc Is broken only by
the door openings and stairway. The wood
work is of whit oak, Its natural soft tray
color having1 the lack luster finish so much
admired In the Orman Tillage at the Bt.
Louis exposition. Its detail work is un
usually handsome, being- hand-oarved about
the aomlces and corbels.
In the front vestibule and hall the high
WaUUKXKins; IS nemvuy paneisu 111 ita
portion with a wide border at the top.
. Th doors hare the earn long panels, (It
Inc a htsrh, narrow appearance, and the
frames are topped with wide cornices. The
stairway Is free treatment of the Oothla
It rise against the west wall to a square
landing and crosses back ' to the floor
Opmfng off the hall and at the northeast
orner of the house Is a small reception
room and on the other side of the hall Is
the llrlng room, 11S feet. The opening
Into the hall I wide and ornamental. The
frame la wld at the sides and the heavy
cornlo above Is supported by two
octagonal columns. A graceful, narrow
cornloe extends around the top of the walls
and a few Inches below Is a molding of
the same, this, with the broad windows.
ttnlnr in emnhaalse the else of the aoart
ment. Directly opposite the doorway lead
ing to the hall Is an Inglenook that con
tributes a cosy feature to the big room.
This amounts practically to a shallow al
cove, but tittle wider than the opening
Into the room. The fireplace and ohlmneys
are of a smooth, soft, gray brick, the fire
place being about four feet wide and the
chimney breast eight. The mantle, which
extends only part way across. Is partially
reoeased. On either side of the chimney
Is a bookcase, with leaded doors and
drawers below, and at the ends of the re
cess are windows with seats below. The
nook la altogether inviting and artistic
and affords a substantial furnishing In
Itself. The light fixtures are of burnished
brass and art glass, the electrolier being
composed of five Individual drop lights, sua
pended from a square plat of the bn
mounted glass.
The dining room affords one of the
quaintest felts of architecture In Omaha,
and aald from Its artlstlo merits Is In
teres ting for Its hlstorio features. From
Abbotaford, the country place of Sir
Walter Scott, the architects. Fisher
Lawrla, have borrowed for this room,
the main hall of that hlstorio old house
affording the Immediate suggestion. The
woodwork here Is of dark weathered oak,
the heavy beams crossing the ceiling In
arches about three feat apart. These rest
on handsomely carved oorbejs that nav
the 'effect of being the end of the curved
beam. - Th affect Is much the same aa
that of a ship's cabin. A six-foot wain
ootlng extends around the room, having
th long panels below and the broad bor
der above, and topped by a plate rail
supported by earved blook brackets. The
on door of the room la heavily paneled
and topped with a wide cornloe, the same
cornlo occurring again above the wide
opening leading to the weat end of th
living room. Across the west side of the
room and above th wainscoting are four
windows and at th south are three more.
Th entire south end of the room below
the windows is occupied by a buffet,
equipped with drawers and closets, the
finish following the design of the paneling
In the walnsooting. On either side Of th
buffet Is a china cabinet with leaded
door These eabtneU are about three
feet wld and a little higher than th
Th floors throughout are hard wood
and th detail of th wood-work la un
usually One, being handsome without be
ing showy.
A unique feature of th upper floor la
aa elliptical ball at th bead of th stair
way and Into which th chambers open.
It Is larg and airy and lighted from th
large window at th stairway landing.
Throughout th upper floor th wood-work
la finished In whit enamel and th hall
la Ilk th rooms. Th same effoctlv
ernloea employed below are used abovo
th doors, although they are mora dell
oat and are curved, following th line of
' th wall. Th doors are paneled and the
wladow are wld and airy.
t Part eUasrhs Deter Ere-etlon f
( Their Additional ILraelar
This Fall.
t -
' Despite th taot that th Parlln. Ottn
i dorff Martin company will glv up do
laton of its present quarter some time
I la October ana auow raxtoa aauarher,
! wb bar bought th building, to move In,
, th latter Ann will not begin th erection
of IU sew building this fall. This odhoern
' find that th acquisition of th implement
. bouse will only provide for overflow bust'
ness and it will V necessary to secure ye
another warehouse hefor th old building
on th viaduct can be torn down to make
room for another. As no such warehouse
' Is available at present, it Is now certain
that nothing will be don toward the erec
tion of th grocery company's mammoth
warehouse this fall. .
BaDdlnc Parasite.
Th city baa Issued the following building
permits: Mr a etelle M. B tuner, K.ouO
frame dwelling at 144 Pinkney; Mrs. Irene
U. B- Futnara. tt.hJO frame dwelling at
Central oouievsr an Douglas; r. U Wll
tlams, I .010 brick dwelling at Twenty,
seventh and California; F. w. Juison, A too
brick and cement dwelling at Ttatrty-nrth
and Woeiworth avenue; F. D. Brown, U.sutt
fram aweiiing it i niny-nrsi ana Leaven
worth) B. Jspeea, t2.0u tram dwelling at
sae rtwxa Aweaiy-uiuk
Cleanly, - Painless Operating
for Particular Folks,
on. pickes .
tm tHm Bide Phone Doug. UU
Birth and Growth of aa Immtniely
Popular Organisation.
Horn on the Banks of Cat-Off Lake
is Os of the Most lavltlasj
f Omaha's Oatdoor
CI aba.
The disciples of Isaac Walton in Omaha
appear at last to have achieved In the
Omaha Rod and Oun club a long-cherished
ambition. In that they have succeeded In
establishing a club which has such a large
and enthusiastic membership, that only an
extraordinary succession of misfortune can
demolish the foundation upon which It now
In th past, attempts have been made by
various followers of the rod and reel In
Omaha to promote an organisation which
would have for Its main purpose the pro
tection of the fishing waters in the vicinity
of Omaa and more particularly the wa'tera
of C Jff lake, which la said by W. J.
O'Brftat, the superintendent of the State
Fish hatcheries, to be the only body" of
water of any considerable slie in the Mis
sour river valley country In which the
conditions necessary for the proposition of
black bass are so nearly perfect. For
various reasons theso attempts have all
resulted in failure, the principal reason
being that experience has demonstrated
that it is a physical Impossibility to hold
together an organisation which doea l.ot
guarantee to Its members some material
return for the money and effort which
they put Into It, and which in an organisa
tion of thla character would mean a club
house on the shore of a convenient body
of water, well protected from the poachers
who usually infest the lakes and rivers
near the cities, and. where members could
be provided with th various and neces
sary paraphernalia requisite to a proper
enjoyment of this species of recreation. .
' Birth of th Clab.
Early In th winter of 1, Deputy Game
Warden Henry . Pleraon of Omaha, who
had been a moving spirit In the previous
attempts to organise the flab, and game pro
tective associations, decided to make one
more effort In that direction and to that
end called a meeting of those interested in
the sport at the Merchants hotel, quarters
having been proffered Jay Herman Peters,
the proprietor. Contrary to expectations
the attendance at this meeting was some
what discouraging, but disregarding that,
those who did answer the call proceedea
to perfect an organization and at the con
clusion of their deliberations there was
launched on the tempestuous waters of the
sporting world the Omaha Rod and Oun
club, with that grand old navigator of
business seas. Dr. George L Miller, In com
mand and a crew containing within ita
numbers th flower of Omaha's fishing con
tingent. Fortunately for the voyagers, the
waters on which they Journeyed remained
calm until they were far from shore and
when th long anticipated storm at last
broke upon them, the good ship was far
from the reefs and shoals on which so many
of its predeoessors had been wrecked and
under th master hand of Its able com
mander and valiant crew safely weathered
th first blow and continued on Its course.
It was early realized by Dr. Miller and
his associate that If success was to be the
reward of their efforts It would be neces
sary to plan an organization which could
offer to prospective members a resort where
they could gather when their business du
ties would permit and spend a pleasant
hour in the pursuit of their favorite pas
time. To that end plans and conditions
were earneatly and carefully considered
and the conclusion reached that th club
must be provided with a suitable club
house on the shores of Cut-Off lake. It
was at this time that James A. Griffith,
manager of Courtland Beach, proposed that
th club house be erected within the beach
grounds, he agreeing to provide aul table
grounds and to admit to the grounds free
each member and one of his family. There
being nothing in view whloh offered so
many advantages as this proposal, the
board of dlreotors accepted Mr. Griffith's
proposition and plana were drawn by Mr.
Henry Vosa. th architect, for a club house.
It was Just at this period that th first
blow fU, In th shape of an unprecedented
overflowing of Cut-Off lake, occasioned by
the late rise In the watera of th river.
When th waters finally subsided ths sea
sou was so far advanced It was considered
unwise to proceed with the building that
yr. but rather to wait until th spring
of Mot and erect a larger and better build
ing than at first planned. Then began the
winter of discontent and only by th per
sonal efforts of those who had been en
trusted with th club's management was
th organisation held Intact.
CBrlea taeceeds HUltr.
At th annua meeting for election of
officer for the year ltua. President Miller
declined to be a candidate for re-election,
but urged th election of a younger mem
ber for that position, and after a- careful
consideration of th altuatloa th board of
directors placed In nomination David J.
O'Brien, and bis saleoUoe) was unanimously
approved by th larg number of members
present at this meeting. Th selection of
Mr. O'Brien has proved one of wisdom,
seldom displayed in such an organisation,
and under his genial direction substantial
progress ha been achieved. A assistant
to the president the member selected are
Jff W. Bedford. ,vlc pretldact; E. It.
Mathews, secretary, end H. C. Townaend,
treasurer, and as a board of dlreotors T.
R. Dufreae, William E. Magner, H. B
Crouoh, Al. J. Latey, Dr. F. F. Teal and
Henry Baumer.
Early In the season it waa learned that
Courtland Beach would not be opened
again, at least In 1906, and that unless ar
rangements could be made with the beach
management for the use of the grounds
for club purposes It appeared that the
plans of the club would meet the fate of
past endeavors. Various proposals were
made by the board of directors and con
sidered by the beach management, but for
business reasons a satisfactory agreement
could not be reached. Determined to make
one last effort to make good their prom
ises to the members, the officers and di
rectors st ones began looking about for a
suitable location outside of the beach
grounds, and by a favorable turn In events
were able to seoure a lease on the build
ing owned by the Jetter Brewing company
of South Omaha, at the west end of the
Courtland Beach fence. As soon aa this
deal was concluded Improvement of the
building end grounds was started and In
a short time the management had the satis
faction of extending an invitation to the
members to make use of the quarters
which had been secured, and the enthu
siasts manner In which the Invitation
was accepted has been a most gratifying
vindication of the wisdom of the officers
in their selection.
Clab House la Commission.
Surrounded by a beautiful grove of shade
trees the club house commands a broad
expanse of the most delightful portion of
the lake, and from the wire-screened
porch which surrounds the house the mem
bers and their visiting friends can spend
an afternoon or evening watching the en
thusiasts Indulge In rowing, sailing, swim
ming or fishing, and If the desire should
j Is him to indulge In th sport his wants
can be supplied by the mere asking.
Experience having taught that the de
sires of the Inner man have most to do
with the happiness of mankind, the house
committee early provided means to satisfy
these desires and there is always to be
had a tempting array of all that the mar
kets afford. That this feature has come
to be on of th most prized of any of the
accommodations offered Is attested by the
fact that It has become quite a problem to
supply the demand, but so far no one has
been turned away hungry.
Another feature which has appealed to
many of th business men who have tie
coma members of the organisation. Is the
opportunity to spend their evenings with
their families In pleasant recreation, away
from the strife and turmoil of th city
and at. th same time be in close touch
with their business should the occasion
arise. From the first day of the opening
of th club house the management baa In
sisted thnt as far as they could prevent,
there should be no rowdyism on the club
grounds, that objectionable characters and
actions should under no circumstances be
tolerated and that this should be a resort
where women and children would be aa
safe as In their own homes. That this
object has been attained is demonstrated
by the thirty or more tents now located
on th club grounds, the greater part of
th Inhabitant of which are women and
Plaaalaar for th Fntnr.
The officers and directors of the club are
planning for the future and they see be
fore them an organization which will rival
if not surpass the Field and Country clubs.
In the pleasures it will offer Its member
ship. When In addition to golf, tennis,
etc., there can be had th pleasures of
boating, bathing, sailing and that most in
comparable of all sports th pursuit of the
game and wily black basa, within half an
hour's ride of the city, surely the desire of
man is complete. Even at this time mem
bers who have lived on the club grounds
during th summer are considering plans
for cottage of a substantial character to
be erected on the grounds, and with the
additional Improvements In the way of
buildings, docks and boats by the club
itself. It Is beyond doubt that the manage
ment will be crowded to the limit of Ita
resources to provide quarters for those who
are clamoring to be admitted to member
ship. It has become a serious question
with the directors whether It would not
be wisdom to close th membership en
tirely after the close of this season, or at
least to Increase the Initiation to a prohib
itive figure, so that the club will not be
come of such size as to be unmanageable.
New Bekent to Annex Peeos Valley
and Hew Mxl.
Senator Millard is advised of a movement
to annex to Texas the Pecos valley, which
comprises a few counties of Ntw Mexico.
He has received a letter from that terri
tory stating that if the voters of Arizona
could be assured bf the annexation by
Texa of th famous Pecos valley, It Is
thought Arizona might vote with New
Mexico to become a stats.
Senator Millard has replied that be would
have to know that th people of Arizona
and New Mexico had decided to adopt the
advice of the president and make It pos
sible for congress to take theae two terri
tories In s a stat at no distant day before
be could approve the proposed plan of an
nexation by Texas. So far as th senator
la Informed. Texas baa expressed no In
terest in th matter. He aald further he
did not car to discuss new conditions upon
which Arisen and New Mexico might be
expected to vote for their admission as one
state, as he felt that congress had outlined
th proper sours to be pursued In that
MarrlasTO Uoeasea.
Th following marrlag Uosns ha bean
Nam and Residanoe. Age
Paul Armstrong. Omaha... 14
Ina Coeesnai Omaha. M
Initractiv Calculation, on th Cost of
Labor and Material.
Several Handred Millions to Be Ex
pended in Rearing n New
City Marked Activity tn
Business Lines.
The business of Ban Francisco since the
Mr has been almoBt up to the standard
achieved ' before that distaater. , Bank
clearings are constantly increasing, having
reached the high mark of 144,000,000 last
week, showing an lncreaee of 9 per cent
over the clearings of the same week of
1906, which at that time waa considered a
banner week. The retail stores ail report
better business than before the fire and
trade In all lines seems to be better thau
previously noted.
Building sites are being leased for long
terms of years in all parts of the city, and
this vmay be taken as a good Indication,
for the most prosperous cities in the world
have the bulk of their business done on
leased property.
San Francisco Is being rebuilt as fast aa
men and material can do so. The Indica
tions now are that the burned district will
all be under roof In three years. While
majority of these new buildings will be of
temporary character, It will give ths busi
ness men places In which to do business
while preparing for permanency. Already,
just four months after the fire, more than
300 permanent buildings are in course of
construction, and contracts have been let
for as many more. All temporary buildings
within the Are limits may be removed by
the city after sixty days' notice.
Cost of Rebuilding,
An instructive computation of th cost
of rebuilding San Francisco and labor's
share of th outlay Is made by th Call.
Four hundred million dolara la the huge
flgur set as the vost of rebuilding and
labor. Thirty thousand workmen are em
ployed, and this number probably will be
steadily increased, if the rehabilitation is
to make-the progress that Is expected.
Ordinarily the labor put into a building
costs about 83 per cent of the total con
struction charges. In San Francisco the
general average of wages for men of all
crafts, a well as the unskilled toller, is
at least SO per cent higher than the pre
vailing rates which are usually considered
In estimating the cost of building. This
will give to Ban Francisco's working forces
about 43 per cent of the total cost of re
construction, or a bo irt $176,000,000. No reck
oning is taken here of the cost of clearing
the ruin-piled area of the burned district.
This will amount to about $20,000,000, of
which sum laborers, derrick men and
teamsters will get more than $16,000,000,
making a final total of $190,000,000.
Labor leaders In San Francisco assert
that the minimum wage scales have not
been changed by the building trades coun
cils since the fire; they admit that th
minimum scale Is universally disregarded.
As a matter of fact, the wages paid to
the varloua classes of labor are from 60
cent to $2 more than the scale calls for.
Statistics show that the San Francisco
workman Is receiving the hlahest wmm
paid anywhere In the world at anv time,
and there is every prospect that the high
scaie wm continue mrougnout the
reconstruction period. There were 20,000
trades union men employed In San Fran
cisco before April 18. Secretary O. A.
Tveltmoe of the Building Trades Councils
says that more than 90,000 men are now
engaged in the rebuilding. Fully 10,000
workmen have been attracted to the city
during the last three months, and they are
still arriving in large numbers.
The thirty odd thousand men receive in
wages $108,000 a day, or almost $660,000 a
week, even when they do not work over
time and on Sunday.
Mason's Share la Rebuilding.
About 18,000 buildings were destroyed by
the All of this number, there Is every
reaaon to believe, will eventually be re
built. At least 15.000 structures will be
built of brick. Four thousand temporary
structures have been put up since the dis
aster at an average cost of about $1,000,
aggregating M.0C0.000.
Th only way of calculating th cost ,of
th reconstruction of the city Is to take
some building as a standard and flgur
from that. Engineers say that a four,
story brick building erected on a plot 44x110
feet Is as good a standard aa any. Tn the
construction of a four-story building of the
type mentioned 54R.0O0 bricks are used. Ten
years ago 1,000 brick could be bought and
laid for $11. Today, In San Francisco. It
costs almost aa much aa that for the labor.
A bricklayers' labor In laying 1,000 brick
coata $0.11 Then there la almost $4 for
hodcarrler and other labor to fl gure In on
the work, bringing the total up to about
$10 (new brick In Ban Francisco now costs
$9 a thousand). Therefore, the chargea of
labor In erecting a 548,000-brlck building
would be about $6,600. In 12,000 such build
ings the grand total would be more than
If the city Is to be rebuilt within ten
years, however, It will require the contin
uous service of at least 8,000 msons. If,
as has been estimated. e.STR.noo.OOO bricks
go Into th rebuilding of San Franrlson,
the aggregate earnings of the bricklayers
employed on th work during the recon
struction period will be something llko
$4S.OOO.0OOi Other labor will get out of the
work of hod carrying and preparing the
mortar $38,011,000.
'Part of Other Trades.
Undoubtedly $.000,000,000 feet of lumber will
go Into the rebuilding. A few years ago
this amount of lumber would have cost less
than M.too.OO. Th normal price of lumber
is $14 a thousand. There is little likelihood
that it will go below 130 a thousand. The
cost of labor will be about 80 per cent
of the cost of the material. Consequently
the carpenters and Joiners will share about
$20,000,000 of th money spent in the re
building. Plumbing is estimated at about 10 per
cent of the cost of the building. Conse
quently the plumbing In a brick building
of the sort used for a standard, presuming
it to cost when complete $35,000, would be
$3,600. Ordinarily the labor required to
Install th plumbing Is estimated at 25 per
cent of the cost of th material, so that
the plumbers would get $875 out of each
building. Then, before all of the 18,000
buildings were finished and ready for oc
cupancy, the plumbers would have acquired
$10,t00,000 In wages.
Every permanent, building that vwlll rise
over the burned district must be plastered,
and there would be laid on the wnlls of a
four-story brick building. 46 feet wide by 110
feet deep, 5,000 yards of plaster. In 12,000
buildings the walls would be covered with
80.000,000 yards. The average cost would be
about 40 cents a yard. Sixty million yards
would cost $24,000,000, labor, and all, the
plasterers getting at least 10 per cent of
the final ooet under normal conditions.
The labor situation, however. Is not normal
and the plasterer Is making almost 100 per
cent more than usual, bringing his share
up to 20 per cent. Then there will be $4,800,
000 as the plasterers' share of the recon
struction millions.
The following table was computed as
fairly conservative estimates:
Bricklayers '
Carpenter 'OyO'uu0
Hoacarners, moriar men mm
cider.tul lixbor
Cleaning debris
li, 000,000
10. 000. two
laborers (reconstruction)
Cement workers
Cement finishers
Iron workers
Foremen and superintendents.
Other trades and crafts 19,700,000
Total $190,000,000
Girls on Parade.
Th "beauty parade;" which In th days
before the great fire was A sight to delight
both gods and men between the hours of
$ and 6 o'clock along th middle blocks of
Market street, has been revived, reports
the Chronicle. The San Francisco girl,
whose name Is legion, and whose attrac
tions have been sung the world over, has
rehabilitated herself, and has chosen as
the most desirable promenade upon which
to saunter on Saturday afternoon, the west
side of Van Ness avenue, between Eddy
and California streets. There during the
accustomed hours you may behold her, In
all her charming types. Titian blond and
dashing brunette, the girl with the baby
smile and dazzling eyes, arrayed In all
the glory of the Jaunty summer styles.
Just as bewitching, merry and gay as If
nothing had happened In San Francisco
on April 18. Her wardrobe has been re
plenished with the very latest and swagger
clothes, khnki suitings, smart gowna of
linen, dazzling headwear and all that goes
with the summer girl.
Where the belles are, also come the
beaux. A stroll on the avenue Is quit
the thing. It Is quite as Inspiring aa was
the walk along Market, from Kearny to
Mason, in the old days. Even Nat Good
win, critical connoisseur of feminine love-
linens, was sstonlshed at the parade Sat-
urday afternoon, and remarked that the
San Francisco girl seemed to have bloomed
forth in these daya of reconstruction love
lier than ever. Among the thousands on
Van Ness avenue and Fillmore street It
wss quite noticeable that most of the fair
proraenadera appeared to have gained ad
dltlonal color. Wind and lime dust seem
to hav quite the same effect on the com
plexion as artificial beauty brlghteners.
Delicate rose pink is the proper, thing In
complexions nowadays. TWi eharmlng
color bears witness to the fact that the
Sin Francisco girl haa atayed in her city
during the rehabilitation period, and she
Is quite proud of It.
San Francisco Harbor.
Perhaps the most notable "bottle" har
bor in the world Is that at San Francisco,
says a writer In St. Nicholas. Here Is a
vast reach of water fifty-five miles long
and In some parts twelve In width. Into
this bay the tides of the Paciflo flow,
through the famous Golden Gate. This Is
a strait about a mile in width at its nar
rowest part, and very deep. The proud
Callfomlans look out over this serene ex
panse and tell you that here is anchorage
for the combined navlea of the world,
which. Indeed, seems a very mild statement
of the case. Aside from the immensity
of this harbor facility it Is Interesting to
note that California's two big rivers, after
traversing the great Interior valley, flow
Into this bay. Thus nature haa furnished
two serviceable water roads, leading from
a most notable natural harbor Into . the
Very heart of a rich farming, mining and
lumbering region. These rivers, ths Sacra
mento and San Joaquin, ar of the same
commercial significance to California that
the Hudson Is to New York,
The harbor at San Francisco Is the more
noteworthy because It Is the only one of
first magnitude south of Puget sound, and
It Is claimed by some that this is the
reason that the city Is sure to recover
from the recent earthquake and Are. Be
tweens these points California presents to
the orient sn inhospitable cliff coast, only
occasionally broken by a little beach or
minor Inlet. Little ooastlng steamers make
landings. It Is true, at several points along
this grim front, but It Is a matter of con
siderable hazard. In some -places along
this coast great cranes, fixed upon the
cliff, hoist people and freight ashore In
baskets. And the daring little skipper must
even then keep on eye to wlndwsrd lest
a crashing storm drive In upon him and
forever terminate hi servic on th a,
Thus it is that th two great harbors
mentioned muat for all time share a mo
nopoly of the Paciflo ooean commerce. One
familiar with the Atlantlo seaboard can
parallel the situation by blotting out, in
his mind's eye, all the ports between
Savannah and Portland, save only New
York. And between these, In place of the
numerous hospitable inlets, substitute a
scarecly broken sea cliff. He will then
have the conditions before him which glv
to San Francisco Its pre-eminence.
Reward Will Be Given by Par
Food Show to Woman Who
Bake Best.
Practtc up on your bread making, y
mnlda and matron of Omaha. At th food
show In th Auditorium next month a hand
some prise will be offered for the best loaf
of bread baked from the flour of the millers
who exhibit at the show, 'and nobody Is
barred from the contest. Even the men
are Invited to try their hand, and they
are promised an even chance with th
A committee of the (Retail Grocers as
sociation has charge of th pure food show
and Industrial exposition, which will be
held In th Auditorium September I to
15, and this committee Is now giving to
the retail grocers 150,000 tickets for distri
bution among their customers.
J. W. Dean, who had charge of th show
last year, has arrived In the city and is
assisting the committee In arranging for
the show. He says from an educational
standpoint the sl-ow will be far ahead of
last year's, while It will also eclipse th
former exposition In the matter of amuse
ments. There will be vaudeville exhibitions,
numerous contests and drills, and a novelty
musical program of great merit.
Several concerns who did not have floor
pace last year will exhibit this year, and
there are now only a few stalls left. On
company is said to be coming all the way
from Europe to show Its wares. The local
wholesalers have secured Increased space,
and will exhibit on, a larger scale than last
Marring of George P. Croak and
Cora Lathrop Pntterson Boon
to Take Plaee.
Th marriage of George P. Cronk and
Mrs. Cora Lathrop Patterson is on the
matrimonial tapis aa an event that will
transpire very soon. They will reside in
the Hanscom park district.
It has been the Intention not to have this
event known until It transpired, but Dan
Cupid recently fell Into a loquacious mood
and let go of the secret.
Mr. Cronk Is vice president and treasurer
of the C. B. Havens Co. coal firm and
Mrs. Patterson became known in Omaha
a few years ago when she came here from
Virginia, where her former husband's
father is a wealthy tobacco manufacturer.
Both the bride and groom-to-be have oc
cupied conspicuous places In th publlo In
Back le Remarkable Occupation
Prisoner Bny He la En
gaged In.
A. Hillman waa sentenced to thirty days
In police court Saturday morning on gen
eral principles. It was alleged that he had
Issued worthless checks, and Sergeant Gib
bons testified that he made a specialty of
posing aa a live stock owner and stealing
valuable dogs.
"Please put him In jail, then," said Pros
ecutor Lee. "I hav a valuable dog and
I want to keep him."
Hillman Is accused of obtaining money
on the checks from Nick Tager, but the
latter was toe ill to appear in police court
against him.
Fine Farm and
I closing out its l&ndi is
Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming
From $3 to $5 Per Acre
Take advantage of the low prices and ctuj; terms
offered. The opportunity will soon be gone. .
Special Excursion Bates to the Lands. ' "
i For further information apply to .'
union pacific land agency
318 South Fifteenth
Johnson Plumbing and Dealing Co.
1812 Earsey Street. Telephone DeagLu (999
"Tell me th fight of ths real estate fn
terests of Omaha and of all good cltlsena
of Omaha, for the Just taxation of rail
road properties has not bom fruit," said
a local realty dealer. "If you think that.
I would refer you to a plank In the plat
form adopted by the republican stat con
ventlon at Lincoln a few days ago. Her
Is the plank regarding ths taxation of
property, and I speak especially regarding
the latter half of It:
"We demand an Impartial enforcement f
the revenue law by county and etat of- .
ncinin, 10 ne ena mat an property, bvii
corporate and Individual, ahall be aaseased
at Its actual cash value, thereby assuring
a fair and equal assessment and the rals
Ing only of such revenue as Is needed to
meet the current expense of our stat
government under the most rigid economy.
"While we believe that the present,
method of assessing railroad property In
cities and villages, and distributing taxeg
therefrom through the various counties, I
juii aou inn . .1 mm it i.i.... w
county, state and school taxes, we demand
that the revenue law be so amended thai
the railroad property within cities and vil
lage shall also be asseased and taxed th
earn as other property for city and vtW
lags purposes."
This realty man called attention to th)
fact already brought out many times, that
the Union Paciflo Is In th habit f pyiflf
only about $1,000 taxes on 709 acre of
property in the city of Omaha, valued at
$43,660 an acre, on th avarag.
A meeting of stockholders of th Rnal
Estate Exchange Building company will b
held at the rooms of th Commercial eluk
at noon Monday to take a vote on th ro
tlon of a building on the property at ths)
southwest corner of Eighteenth and Far
nam streets, bought by the company tw
or three months ago. It Is talked that
there are some of the stockholders whs).
win not be reany to let loose 01 aooui
$1,000 each to put up a nw building, but
it Is said also there are other ready t
buy their Interest If they reel any nl
fancy In the matter. According to Presi
dent F. D. Wead and other leaders of th
movement for a real estate mn's buildlnei,
money In the proposed building ought to
prove a profitable Investment, for a numb
of firm outsido th realty business hav
asked for room In th structure. A seoond
duty of th stockholders, at their meeting,
will be to decide on th natur of th
Considerable activity ta building and
repair work may be seen on Dotlgla
street these days. At th southwest cor
ner of Fourteenth and Douglas th strong,
handsome, three-story Kennard building
is rapidly nearing completion, whil on
the next lot west th walls ar being
built for a three-story building for A. It,
Undeland, who will take possession with
his line of barbers' supplies when , th
structure Is completed. Just West of
Fifteenth street, th Kil Patrick oompaajp
Is having its quarters repaired. Jnd
last, but not least last becaus .away,
down toward th river Is th new wholes
sale building of M. E. Bmlth Jfc Co whloh
extends from Douglas to Famam on th
weat side of Ninth street. On entarlag
Omaha by car from Council Bluff natur
ally gets a good idea of th growth af
this city.
Some delay has been eaused ta th tt
ting of th oontraot for th Northwstm
freight depot by th fact that an error
In the specifications required a reflgurlng.
It Is said that hone of th Omaha con
tractors were asked for a second bid cm
th work. Thla is not surprising, fn
th light of th faat that th Omaha con
tractors had to make a strong protest
before they were given the plan in th
first place. Even then they received th
plans from th Chicago architect's fflo
only three of four days befor th con
tract was to hav been let, and after
getting a few days' extension of time,
they were utterly unable to cur a
copy of th specifications. Th result
was they oould not make a bid. It
(Continued on Seventh Pag.) .
. - 1 x .' .1 l-j- 11 .,l , it, mm
Shinier & Chase Ooj
Builders of Modern Housbs
"Be it ever to humble
There's no place like home."
Tour mean must detormln tM
ice of your InrMttncnt. HAnpi
neg and contantmont la tjtdt at)
often found la a cottac aa
palaca. Draw a pencil akotefe ft
th bona 70a would balld, 1ft)
fltvclop ideas and re Iter you
all U dotalla of cotttrvctloft,
Mlaas m amaM mimi
M,li7itK & Ui ASfc CU.
Balldlnc Sites, Suburbia AorMgi,
ISO Famam. around PUh
Douclaa serr
Ranch Lands B
Street, Omaha, Neb,