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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
r .THE OMAHA' SUNDAY'" BEE:- AUGUST 26, 1.006. 11 t r ;i - I ) - NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl MI0t -MKMTIO. - . - .., .- Iavls, "drug. CI arks.' soda. . ' ' fitockert Sells carpet. ' ' f Finn engraving at Leftert's . Eil Rogers' Tony Faust beer.- -17 Get those new photo at Schmidt'. Plumbing and heating, Blxby Son. I,ewts Cutler, funeral dtrector.'Phone T. . Woodrtng Undertaking company. Tel III. DIAMONDS AH AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFKTrr ABOUT IT. Oeorg Hoagland ha the Kansaa Shall brick. All hard brick. Oet bla price. Bee Stephen Bro. for Are brick and fire oay, sewer pipe, nttlng and garden hose, Fate R. Morrison of First aen.wa railed to Onawa. la., yesterday morning by the critical nine of hi father. V " OET YOUR OIBSON . PICTURG FRAMED WITH BEAUTIFUL FRAMEb; IS TO 60 CENTS. BORW1CK, ill 80. George H. Stlllman, formerly of ..this city, was . in - OottncU ' Bluffs yesterday 011 his, way horn-to-Kansas Clt from 0s Moines. v . An Important "meeting tif 'Cobncll Bluff Bricklayers' Protective union will b held Wednesday evening when all memb- are requested, to attend. I 'pay 111 Mr ton for cast Iron- mlimA ?10; stove, 18: rag, 1 Helper lb.: rubber, Ve;. copper. 14c per lb. J. Katelman,' 808 Main, both 'phonea 160. We wholesale Ice cream. .Shipped to any part of the state. Special price to the i tatl trade. I Muocl, ill West Broadway, Council Bluff, la,,. Tel. I4. We have the flneat line of sample monu ment to select from in the west. Sheeley A Lane Marble and Oranlte Works, ill - East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. AH member or John Huu caatle. Royal Highlander, and the team in uniform, r requeated to meet at Danish hall at I 16 a. rn. sharp to attend th funeral of Fair Lady Turner. Fay opening Western Iowa college, Mtr rlam block. Council Bluffs. ,1a., Alondav, August 17. Englleh. Normal, Bookkeeping" and Shorthand department. Send for n catalpuguea. Both 'phones. Mr. Camilla. Simpson, the white wife of "i'1' -Simpson, tn colored Janitor' of the First National bank, was adjudged liv sana yesterday and ordered committed to the state asylum at Clarinda. Ivan R. Chapman has resigned his po ?J"n with the Rock Island railroad tn Chicago to accept one with Pax ton ft Oal- Council Bluff hi permanent home. ' Judge Whaeler yesi ,r overruled ' the motion for a. transfer to the United States court, of the personal Injury damage ult of Blevert Rlef against the Nebraska Tel ephone company and I. A. Hyde, foreman of. the line gang. ..... v , . i Congressman Walter I. Smith will speak Tuesday before the Cass County Veteran s association at Atlantic; Wednesday he will address-the old settler reunion at Oak land 'and Thursday he to booked for speech at Paclfio Junction. rThe following Iced drinks' and lee cream Will ba served all this week at the Cla-k irug company': Madja. froseh phoephald; Siberian flip, ejdorado sundae, tropical -sun Jaef .Carmenclta. kiss,, southern " beauty; American sundae and Greenland Iceberg" Harry Stahl, aged 14, and Charle Bagi aged ik two. lad, from, Clarinda, were or. dered. committed 't the-crefornv-scsoot-iat EMora.tty-Judge' Wheeler oh complaint of the authorities, of-Page county. . The boys were, charged with thtevlng and, Incorrliil ..Mlttr ..-"-; ' i -tx . .., The" funeral of ht4 liter M.a. herwlll Jse held this morning at a, o'clock frtlnf the- fnmljy residence; 7a East- pierce sir anaiounai wlir be In Walnut Hill Cetwrery; Rev. Jame O May, pastor of Broadway Methodist church, will conduct the services. ' ' ' , The, sale, of Ipts. conducted by tha irirrri of Grfenf-hfelds tk Mayne lit the "western part of the city yesterday attracted,. a Jarie nunfbpr of bujrf rs, xiiany being frorh Omaha. Over one hundred lot were disposed of, to persons who announced tbjtlr. liateollpAj Of '. building house -on-ihen: - m ' -Frd .C. Hooker, who conducts' grocery : tare1 'on High' street. -was before- Judge Wheeler In district court yesterday on a ban; trwrtnstacy.' -Me.-'was.aeTUenoea-tu eighteen month In the state hospital for dipsomaniacs "at' KnoxvlUe, the commltt Nnent. however, not to issue pending good behavior. Alexander C. Clark. 1804 Avenue D. died eeterday morning aged - tt vears.i . Ha eaves a wife. The funeral will hm hoM Monday at i:J0' p. m from the People ohurch, Omaha. Rev. Charles Savtdge con ductlnar the -service and tHlrlal .will- be In Forest Lawn cemetery. . Deceased wa a member of the Independent Order of Forester of Omaha. "'' A mas meeting of the citizen of the West end wHI be held Tuesday evening- at he c'ub house of the West Council Blurts Improvement club, Broadway and Thirty Fourth street. There will be a musical program and add reuse by Mayor Macraa, President Keller, J. H. Swart and J. J. ClKtoa, editor of "The Booster,'.' Refresh ments will be served and every one Inter ested tn the welfare of that portion of the city. la. cordially invited to attend. GREEN AND NORFOLK FURNACES OIVB THE BEST SATISFACTION. ASK PEOPLE THAT USE THEM. THEY WILL TELL YOU WHAT THEY ARE. P. . A. SPENCER. 1U BROADWAY. .' 8,100 acre good farm, land In eastern Colo rado, t& par acre and up: no irrigation re quired. Can rata all kind of am all grain and corn.' A few good homesteads Join our lands; Send for printed matter. V C Louge. 134 Main atreet; Council Bluff '!, . -CENTRAL ' FK)UR-1.15, Every . sack Warranted. Central Qrocery and Meat. Mar ks!. Both 'phone H. - , ..,fwaiton Musla company, 407 West Broad way th plao ,. Wher you . will ., find .a ' splendid aasortmsat . of ' piano ' to - select from. Cooover, , CablM, Schubert and Klngbury'a All clean,, new,. good. '.Prioe and term t suit vry person. W think 'It voo4.jbo.uaf to deal with. ' n Watek gplal. S Leffert' west . window display for a fin dlfolay of men' Jewelry 0ntlmn' k.ll ala. 1-year, ' hand-ehgraved. gold-filled hunting ca with good Waltham - new . model movement, f IS. ' On aale for ' on 'wk only at Leffert', . ' . . If you are looking forward' to your um mr' outing yu -will need a Tw vacation oaitl: It yott, ar going camping with a ntJl party you will want fw" delloa . ct;'lf you ar going to a ptenhryou will s,want your baskst filled with "good thing to eat." , Sandwich, olive, plcklea, cakes, -Che, fruits, a cold bottle of ginger el t er root beer in tact VeAt has every thing neceaaary to fill a dainty' lunch basket ma& th beet th market affords.- f Mast B !. , vrMust aU waiting Hm ftxr- rooms, city water. I on car Un and rent for ts per month; always rented.- TL a. Chart T. Officer, Gl Broadway. Wher gha.ll Bay Mr -43rrtt WE ANSWER THIS QUESTION, FIRST. WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT; SEO OND. WHERE TUB OOODfl ARE FRESH AND FIRST CLASS; . THIRD. . WHERE YOU WILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS AND HONEST TREATMENT. WE FULLFIL ,;THB ABOVJB REQUIREMENTS IN EV ERY RESPECT. GIVE US A TRIAL OR DER AND-WS) ARB SXIRB YOU WILL BB OUR RBOULA9X CUSTOMER. JOHN OLSON. TM W. BROAXWAY.i "" QCAVEtlCCR . WORK I haul 4 anlreala, tj. par 4mo. , Oarba, !, ma.aur and. all rwa tMah: dean vault an resimut.- AM work do la guranUeA r- 1 . a - reiupUy attend , 'Phen. R4 UM, , ( a. J. H. H K ft L QCK j BLUFFS St, Tel, 43, BOOSTS FOR THE ;CARSlUL . ladicatiom Parade on Opsninr Vtj Will .- Eclipig All PriTiom EfforU. . LABOR. ORGANIZATIONS . JOINING IN Mayer Prealdeat f oaaaaerelal tlab Is PrelaiRatloas Call la; a Everybody Help IsMtCfSstliMtfi. Present Indication r that: the parade of th morning of the opening day of th atreet fair and. carnival, which I also La bor day, will be one of the biggest ever see a In ' Council Bluff: It will not be the fault of the Commercial club or the oarnlval committee If It I not, a both organisation are- working "hard to make .It a great event, At the meeting yesterday of .the executive committee of the Commer cial club and the officers of the Carnival company Secretary Reed of the Commer- I clal club reported that a number off ra I'ternal societies and several of the labor I organisation had' notified hrm of their In tention to. participate. ,A letter of regret from th president of. the Railroad Switch men' .union, which wa read. In .which he stated that owing .to the railroad at present toeing so busy th member of the organisation would be unable to take part in , t)ie parade, but would otherwise do their hare to make the week' Zcstlvl- ties g ucCes. . " I Th original plan of having Jnerely a foot I parade has been abandoned and the mer 1 chahtt are to be requested to have all their I delivery teama and other wagons in line. I The atatomoblle section promise 40. be quite g feature of the. pageartt. The big whole sale .Implement. Arm have signified their I Intention of having all th wagons in their I service tn the parade and many Will be oc I cupled by the targe army of young women tenographers on Implement row. Id' connection With the parade Mayor Macrae Issued "the following official proc lamation: yesterday : . 'To "the People of Council Bluffs: Begin ning on Monday, September I, a fair and carnival Is' to b held lo this city under the Joint--ausploe of the Council Bluff Commercial club and the Fair and Carnival company. -'. . .,. There is every reason to bolleV that this occasion will be a memorable one," perhaps the' most Important of I th kind ever held In this -city. " ' - - The" object and purpose of the carnival I primarily to' give' Council Bluff a wider pulrfidty as -a itrtde ;center and as a city of utatntial acklevementa and eaoeptnnal promise. : ' By reason' of the"efforts put forth by th Commercial club Council' Bluffs baa- made rapid advance during the. last few year and the fair and carnival regarded a a celebration given In honor of th achievements of that organisation. A great parade I to- he held on the -morning of September I. The parade 1 to be 1 the opening number 01 tne program 01. in I week. I The lucres of ubsequent event wnt de- thuslnslam, will) whlchx the . cittaens par ticipate in the parade. Realising the lm- rrtarrr-e? of thlainitlal feator of th week, hereby request the member of. the city participate In the, parade In a body that, all city officer likewise present themselves for place tn th.line of march and that the, head of all departments. In eluding the fire department, marshal all mploye)un,nr, ther supervision aqdt ptac iitemselve -t-the disposal of-the grand marshal of th day. ' -' Furtrmrmore. I call upon an cltlsena to enter Info and -become part of this worthy movement for a greater carnival, Ji greater Council Bluff and consequently a greater clUaanahlp-.-. ;.;..-' ' .- --.' : -Commercial 1ab .Call. C. W. ! 'McDonald,-presideVit of' th'Cdm rherclal .' club, also issued a proclamation; in part as fallow: It la the duty and privilege of every business: man, professional man, manufac turer and Jobber In. th city to join, In this popular movement to promote th city' Interests. Therefore as president of the Council Bluffs Commercial club, I urge ?ll such to enter Into ' this great fall estlval with spirit and enthusiasm, ajid to mak every effort to be represented, in the parade In a way that' wll) be a credit to themselves and to the city. At no time In th history of Council Bluffs ha there been an occasion In the success of which so many people were Interested. 4nd In th promotion of which so many people were ready to lend a hand. . Th flr.t Installment ' of the carnival badge arrived yesterday, .They. are In the shape of a Maltese cross with red center, bordered with 'yellow and bearing -the In orlption, "Council Bluff Carnival, - Sep tember t to I!'...' . '. Foe Sal. MEDIUM AND HIOH GRADE BEWINO Machines. I carry a large line OF THE LATEST IMPROVED MA CHINES. I HAVE. MACHINES RANG ING "Ui PRICES FROM ftl.tO UP. CAN FURNISH MACHINES THAT MAKE BOTH LOCK AND, CHAIN STITCH I SELL. THE FINEST , AND QNLY PER FECT,. ROTARY SHUTTLE MACHINE, NOW-ON THE MARKET. I SELL MA CHINES ON EASY PAYMENTS WITH LIBERAL .DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ALL MACHINES TAKEN TO TOUR HOME FOR TRIAL. I REPAIR ALL MAKES OF MACHINES ; "KEEP NEEDLES, ' OILS AND' PARTS OF MACHINES, HAVE HAD- TWENTY-8IX YEARS' EXPERI ENCE IN SEWING MACHINES. ALL IN COTDNCIL'BLUFFS. COMB IN AKD SEE rY OOODS AND "FIGURE WITH ME. SELL EDISON AND VICTOR TALK ING MACHINES AND CARRY A LARGE STOCK' OF" RECORDS.' 'IND.- 'PHONE 10T-RBD'; BELL "PHONE, RED '11117. fl. M. WILLIAMSON,- 17 SOUTH MAIN. SPECIAL' ROCKER SALE.. SEE SAM PLES 'IN OUR WINDOW. KELLER FARNS WORTH ' FURNITURE CO. Oa Wlc gpeclats. t Solid gold scarf pina, a An assortment, at fl. for on weak only.. Lsffsrt'a. Ral Estate Transfer. These , transfer were reported to Th Be August 3 by the. Pottawattamie Abr tract Title company of Council' Bluffs: Richard O'Connall and wife to Henry ' Bonne,- part northwest quarter of northwest quarter 10-W-41 w. d....L7I.H Charle M. Burke a ad wife to Sarah J. Hardesty, lota and 10 In block 4 In Walnut. Ia., sr. d 800.00 Richard E. Turner to William Hay food, lot In block I In Hughea A onlphan' , addition to. Council Bluff. Ia.. w. d XX) 46 Zoe'M. Rost to F. L. Reed, lot I tn block 1 in Perry addition to Couu- . ' ell, Bluff. Ia.. w. d W 00 Matilda Baar to Bertha Allls. A. F. Saar and Ada A. Jones, part south ' half of north half 1-74-41 q. c. d.... Flv transfer, total ..t2.K! B Travis Case ftetl4. The criminal preoeedlng against William F. Travta, th farm-hand, charged with a tatutery pffena against Netti Both well, th 14-year-old daughter of Frank Snethen of Lewis.townshlp, were dismissed In Jus tice Field' Court yesterday. After a week In .th county . Jail Travia.. who Is but. yeaot age, prevailed, on th girt s parent to permit jilra t compromise matter by marrying her.,- Juatle Flf Id performed th ceremony, the mother of the girl and th father of th .young maa being present Travis met th yowqg girt At G ten wood, where h wa visiting friends. - It was sajid io De a cas of love af first light -Wtfejt the girt returned home ah wa accom panied by Travta, whom little Mis Both well Introduced her husband. Mr. Boethen, although surprised, decided 1 to take the matter philosophically, until after several day of the honeymoon had passed, when she .discovered' that her' daughter had hoaxed her and that' no' marriage ceremony had been performed. Mr.. Snethen then caused th arrest of young Travis. DESERTED WIFB AFTER GIFFOR0 Take Her Mwey ad Leave with a ! Yc Olrl. . A warrant wa. Issued yesterday from th superior court "for the arrest of Clarence fiifford, until recently a waiter .in a Broad-, way restaurant, on complaint of Mrs. Mary Qifford, claiming to be hi wife. The .com plaint charge Olfford with maintaining Il licit, relation with Mary Fefnrey,; a young woman IS year of age who. was untll re cently employed In a local candy' factory. Mrr. Olfford also accuse her husband -of taking; fl.OOO of her money when he left the city, presumably In company with Miss Fernley. The warrant for Gilford's arrest was Issued yesterday after Mr. Olfford had consulted with County Attorney Hess and Chief of .Police Richmond. If . the stry of Mrs. -Thomas Fernley, mother of the young woman 'said -to hav accompanied ..Gilford Yrom thi , city, - I true,' her daughter I a victim of -Olfford' duplicity, and Olfford If arrested wilt have t answer a mora serious charge, than that preferred against htm In the superior court yestefday. According to Mrs. Fernley. who resides at 1509 Flrtt avenue, -5lfford commenced pay ing attention' to her daughter last December.- with the. result that they were miw tied In Omaha August 6, Mrs. Fernley re celvlhg -word of their marriage from her daughter at Denver. , The daughter wrote" at the time they were leaving Denver that Mr. Fernley need not wrft them until she heard- from ,them again. Since then Mrs, Farnley ha not heard from her daughter. .Last March a baby was born to Glfford and hi wlf and, Mrs, Fernley eaw the notice In the papers. She called the man attention to It but he laughed it off, de claring that Clarence Glfford ' was hi brother. . '., . . . ' . Gilford la thohght to be at present In Se attle, Wah., or vicinity. . FIT Watch Specials. Gentlemen' 17-Jewel WaJtham. nickel movement, patent mlcrometto regulator. In S0-yer Ttold-fllld' icaae, 114. " Gentlemen'' 1? Ie Elgin, new: -model mpvement, tn a 26-year gold-filled case, monograraed free of charge, til. . " Gentlemen' 20-year, gold-filled, engraved can, with good Elgin or Waltham nickel movement, IJO. '. . Gentlemen' popular 11 else, JOyear gold filled case, with Waltham new model move mentj tli . '.",'' : 'V.'"'; ' ' Gentlemen'gS., ais. -28-year hand en grave). '" gold-fined hunting case, .with la Jewel new model patent "regular Elgin moven ent. HI. V - , . ; ' On ai.le for one' week, and all shewn-in our men's display .In . west wlndow ... :,-.'. ll j-lilCSTBaT'.eV -. , A, Hetesar ' -.. . New location of'" Who)esIe" ' Bakery!, Ill Myntt Sfreef, Co. BlorT. Ia. Home-mad Bread Speelalty. Visitors "Welcome. , Sawelay- Bervlcea. There wMl be, holy communion- at 8 aV.m. at St. Psul s Eicopal. church. , t FVst Church , f Chrt'st (Scientist) will hold services at It a. m. In Temple Emman uel on'.North Sev inth street, when -the .sub ject will be "Man." Sunday School will he at 12:18 p. m. and th regular -mid-week service Wednesday evening, at I p. m. 1 Second Church of Christ Sclantistt wlH hold service In Woodman hall tn the Mee rlara block at 10:4S a. m", wlen. the upjet will be "Man.", The. usual mid-week testi mony meeting will be Wednesday evening at 7:45 p. m. Sunday school will be at 11:45 a. in. today. . ' " ! ' At the 'Swedish 'Lutheran church! Rev1. P.-. N". Glim pastor, there' will be" service at 10:10 s, m. and I p'm.'8uh4ay 'school will be at noon In the evening the pastor will take a th subject of hla sermon "The Death of God's Saints Preclvu In HI Sight" . ... St. John' English Lutheran church. Rev. G. W. Snyder, pastor. Preaching service at 11 a. m., when th aubject of the pastpr's Sermon' will be, "The Gospel and Its Effects." ' Ther"wUt . be no evening ser ylcea. - Sunday school will be at 1:45 a. m. ' There will be preaching services at the Union Christian . church, Broadway and Thirty-fifth atreet, at I p. m., when Rev. O. W. Bnydef. pastor of St.' John' English Lutheran church, will preach. ' . ' ". There wfll be no preaching services today at the Second Presbyterian church. Sunday school 'will be held at. noon. ' AM persona knowing themselves to b In. debted to Dunoaa dt Dean or th. Duncan Sho company ar requested to call sad sttl at ono. .' . - -, MALONET'fi . , NEW , LOCATJOW. M PEARL ST . ; . .. Big Cwt Qlaaa Hal a LeSert'a. ' Until September' i V. Will sell bur entire lna of fine cut glass, at one-nfth off the regular price. ' v- , For Bale Furniture of twenty-room hotel In good railroad division point. Price, ISO. Will rent hotel for $38 on account of -sickness. 1 1 full 'of board era ' Quick sal. Address D. 6.. Kerr,' M.&roadway, Council Bluffs. - .- . ' . -. - - -'.. ' -. THE MO8T -TTP-TO-DATw RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. GOOD SA. VICE AND HOME-COOKING. Th Calif met restaurant. ISO Broaaway. Marrtag Lleeasea. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to th following: , v' ' Nam and Residence. . . Age. Thomas Cerovac, Omaha... J3 Mary Brodoiich. Omaha u William F. Travis, -Bartlett Ia U Finettl H. Bptbwell, Council Bluff .... 14 Albert F1el-t Council Bluff 14 Arvllla Cheiney. Council Bluff U For Imported wtne. liquor ' . and . Bud wler beer go ta L. Rosanfeld. wholal liquor dealer. II South Main atreet Cut price on trained picture. C. E. AUsander, M Broadway. . MALONET t NK e EARL ST. LOCATION, M Democrats Wasa Twwashls) Ticket. For Justice of th Pear's J. K. Cooper, S- A. Oreene. For Cbnatables Frapk, Edgar, Chris Jen- . . For Township Clerk Harry Lushaw.' For Township Trustees . L. Garretson, Henry Lueben- ' ' - rvr Auwnaiiip AiKiavr Y . uuncan This township ticket wa .placed In nom ination by the democrat, of Council Bluffs and Kan township, outside th city, at th city hall last night : , Harvey a Ouren, th party nominee for Judge cf th superior court, presided, with Charles F. Paachel as secretary; There was a full representation of tba various' pre cincts. ' : H ' Th flrat iormal balloi '.aufflc4 to naia th Candidate a fortjuaticee of the-peace and constables. ; Th township nominee - we r elect by acclamation. . - . For Justice of : th peace, besides to nominees, Gaorg Hunter. C Wesley, B..B. Den tier -and W.- W. Cone were candidate. N r. Bether ws an -unsucosefnl candi date for nomination for constable. - . t)e Week apeelala t l.eer's. 3olld gold, scarf pins, a frne assortment at H, for one week only. Nobby scarf pln; best quality; gold fllled: lor;-for on week. only. Gentlemen' ribbon fob, elegant styles, on sale st from P.J8 op. 8ee Leffert' west window. Everything In the' wlmtow for men.. It will Interest you men. so don't fill to see It. , ' LEFFERT'S. Have .your rooms papered and yoir house painted In' and outside. This Is Just the time of the year. You will get It done right and at the right price. Bnrwtck..Zll South Main St Wejrfl Depart are In stove construction.--. Have yod seen It? On exhibition at our store. -Cole's new high oven range. Price. SS.tO. It will In terest you. Don't fall to see this wonder ful stove. .Paddock Handschy Hdw. Co., (1 So. Main St. -Both 'phones 87. .N. T.. Plumbing Co. ml. 60. Night MM. PAT WEEK ; I! BI.VFF8 SOCIETY Mlgsantmer Heat Ceases a Drop In Activity. Miss Harriett Walker -1 visiting -friends In IOgan, la. ' Miss L-u DeHaven Is visiting relative In Albany. Mo. Mr. Laurence Woodford hat arrived home from a two. weeks1' visit in Chicago. - Mr. Harry Longstfeet " of Chics go I9 tn the city renewing old acquaintances. Mr. J. Gerke left last week for a two weeks' vacation In Grand Rapids, Mloh. 'Charlotte McCuskey left Friday for a visit with relatives neat- Duluth. Minn. Mr. Clarence Frederlckson left . "Friday for a visit with relative In De Moines. Mr. Raymond Rissee of Ksnsair City Is visiting Mr. John McAteet of First. avenue. Mr. W. F. Sspp will leave today. for a visit at hla old home at Mount Vernon, O. The Misses Mabel 1 Lacy and Madge Walker are visiting friends In Des Moines. The Council Bluffs Dramatic club -wilt give a box party at the iiurwood TuesdaT evening. . . - . ' Mrs. Charles Norcntt of Chlosgo Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred Carlson, on Avenue D. Misses Mollis' and' "Ella Huss 'returned' Friday from a five weeks' sojourn in Colo rado Springs. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Allen of Chicago ar the guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Woodbury Of Bluff street. ; . Mrs. T. Si Davis and daughter, Maud, are home from an outing at Jefferson lake,-Minnesota. - Rev, H. W. Starr and Jam 11 y have ar rived home from a seven weeks' -outing at Lake OkoboJI. Miss Maude Norcott left Friday' for an extended visit with relatives and friend in Lo Angeles,-.Cat .. .-.. Mr. Charle J. Sayles and eon, Jackson, left Wednesday for a trip to Denver, and other Colorado points, ' '''' Mrs. Will Heiser of Glen avenue will en tertain the member of. the Flower mis sion Thursday- afternoon. litre. C. Hi ' Cherry of South Seventh street haa gone for a two weeks' visit with relatives In FalfDury, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. W. .R. Orchard of GTidden. Ia are guest of Mr. a ad Mrs. Dennis O'Leary of Mynster street- ' . Mr. L. 1. Butler and. daughter, Joy, 'of Woodbine., Ia., . are visiting Mra. Jam Storing of .223 North Twelfth atreet- Mrs. Donald .Macrae, Jr., and .children and mother, Mr. H. C. Miller, arrived homq Friday from their Michigan trip. Miss Faye Brown entertained about twenty friends at her country home Thur' day evening. , Light refreshments were served. :Dr. T. - J. Cokers pastor of the First Methodist church of Clianuie, Kan., J the f uent of hi brother, C. W.Coker, and amlly. ,..-, ..... Mr. and' Mr. "A. O. Grahari of Graham avenue have gone to Manltnj, C0J0., with the hope of , benefiting Mrs. .Graham' health. ' - Mra Charles Fulmer and children of 801 Eighth avenue -ar home from a two month' visit with relative In Grand Val ley, Colo. ... 'Miss Lottie MeConnell of 107 Charle street arrived home from Valparaiso, Ind where she lately, graduated from the col lege there. , Mr. W. D. Durfe 1 horn from a lx weeks' outing in. the northesstern part of the state, where; he was a member of a camping party. , - . Mr. and Mrs. - Charles Langmad and daughtera, Florence : an1 Cecil, are home from -.t wo weeks" -visit with. Mrs. Lang made'a sister in Chicago.' Mr. and Mrs. Irk F,' Hasaad of Lo An galea, Cal., who ' have been visiting Mr. Hasead's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bone of Washington avenue, have returned home. ' . - 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Harding, en routs to their home at Deniaon, la., from an . ex tended trip to British Columbia, are th guests of Mr. Harding's father at 10U7 Sixth avenue. Mrs. Mary E. Brown of Seattle, Wash., who has been the guest of her sister, Mr. Clara G. Brown, of First avenue, ha left for her hem and will stop en route st St Paul to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Smith entertained at dinner Saturday. Cover were laid for Mr. Nlchenoc, Mrs. Schannon of Washing ton D. C, Mr. Frank Cleaver and Dr. J. H. Cleaver and Ml, snd Mr. Smith. Th Sorority of th Council Bluff High school entertained Saturday evening at a trolling party at the home of Mis Ruth Felt, 1133 'Bast Pierce street. Light re freshments wer served on the lawn. . Mrs. Pag E. Morrison of First avenue entertained a number of young folks and their escorts Wednesday at a picnic lunch at Lake Manawa for her son, Donald Page, n celebration ot hi birthday anniversary. Th member of the Little Bridge club met at the horn of Mrs. F. R. Da Vis; on South Eighth street, Tueaday afternoon. The prise wa won b Mr. Charles A. Bradley. Mis Bullard will be the next hostess. Mrs. 8. 8. Chapmsn of 1.118 South Sixth street left Saturday for a month's visit In Virginia. Bh was accompanied by her daughter. Mr. W. A. Joseph, and son, Tom of Chicago, who hav been visiting In Council bluffs for the last two month. The comic opera "Pinafore" will be given at th Casino at Lak Manawa next Thurs day and Friday evening for th benefit of the Qjuncli Bluff Improvement club. There are to be several box parties. Be sides the regular cast there will be several specialties. Th pupil of Mia Maude G. Bell and Mr. Edna Hen Stroop will give a series of musicals at their studio, 14 Stutsman street, Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday afternoon, the latter being for the entertainment of th pupil only and will be private. Messrs. Georse Allen of Harlan. Ia.. and Austin Hopewell of Tekamah, Neb., son of the republican nominee for lieutenant governor, ar th guests of Messrs. Carle ton Woodward and Heed Fllcklnaer. The four are members of the Kappa Sigma iraiemity at tn lowa otate university. Th Mlaae Georgia Mitchell. Opal Good man. Ellen Organ, Evylene Thomas, Cher Tie Wells and Edith Butler of Omaha and the Messrs. Roy DeVol, Roy Wilcox, Bert Clsrk, Will Schnoor, Morgan Cutler, and Paul Beaton of Omaha formed a merry party of picnicker at Lake Manawa Fri day evening, who afterwards attended the tioii ciuo aance. Miss Margaret Keelin of Glen avenue entertained at an elaborate four course luncheon Tuesday. The dining room was tastefully aecorateo wttn garden nowers. After lunch th guests were amased by a paper culling contest. Miss rrwncis Keeiine won tne prise lor the prettiest tissue - paper bonnet, while Miss Nellie Ber.ton won th prise for th funniest. The Jolly Member Kensington club was entertained at the home of Mra. White of baugnn street Wednesday afternoon. Th room wer prettily decorated with white aud purple asters. The Aral prise was awarded to Mra Jonee and the consolation pna to' Mra. -O. C. Brown. Mrs. Whits, Mrs. Cons and Mra. Hitchcock wer host, tsaes. Light refreshments were served. There will be no mors meeting of the club until September M. Paaa. A set of four ha ad soma Japans fan only IS cent. Iaqulr or writ Th Northwestern Un." City efllce. 101-1401 Famam St DIAMONDS Premier, jjtn acd Dodm ta, IOWA'S COAL -MINE' OUTPUT shsBBgaBas Orsr Sotoo Million Toni Taken Out Puriiur tho Put Yar. - MONROE COUNTY IS AT HEAD OF THE LIST Thtry-va Fatalities aaa" Tare Tlsaes that Maay InJared. Fall ol R( Belag Prtatsal Case la Both Cases. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, . Aug. 24.-iSpecll.)-Tha stat mine Inspectors today filed their re port with Governor A. B. Cummins and It shows that for the yean ending June 80, IN, there was 7.017MK6 ton of coal mined In tha state of Iowa, while " for the year before there was '1,908.011- tons mined. Monro county continue to lead the stat In the amount" of coal mined, having' I 443.8R7 tons, with Polk second with 1JD4.224 tons, and Appanoose third with - l,054,gi. Mahaska mined 670.178 tons, Jasper I3S.S07. Marlon 324.9M. Boone 271.505. Wapello 21,0. 704, - Lucas 151.432, Wayne 12J.288. .Webster 112.223, Adams, Warren, Guthrie, Greene, Taylor, Page, Dallas. Keokuk, Van Buren and Scott have each less than t&.ooo tons to their credit. .Appanoose, Monroe. Wsyne, Taylor, Pag. Adams, Warren, Jasper, Polk and Greene counties each show an increased amount of coal mined over the year before. . The other counties show :a loss. There were . thirty-seven - fatalities attendant upon th production of the coal and the report give a table showing that for every 1J,H tons of coal mined In the stat there la one death and three and one seventh accidents. The state Is divided Into three 'districts, th southern-part, of the coal region., which Is In the southern part of the state, 'making two districts, and the counties In th northern part of the. district making the third district There I one mine Inspector to-each dis trict Th thirty-seven death were caused, twenty-four by fall of slate roof or coal, three by flying coal, five by being ron oyer by cars, three by premature ex plosions, One by being crushed between cars, and one by fall In vat of hot Water. , Children A boat Mlae. "According to an opinion given by Attor ney General Mullen to the mine Inspectors, children, between the ages of 14 and IS ar not excluded from working about mines, except In that feature of the work where explosives or 1 powder Is used. The law prohibit chlluren under 14 from doing any work In or about mines and prohibit chil dren under IS working 'where 'there Are ex plosives. It was thought for a time that a construction could be put on the law that would, prohibit children under II work ing about rAlnei because of the' explosives, but tba attorney general decides that tbl 1 applicable only, to those parts of the mine wher the explosives are used.. Hvrlnar an .Walker Reqalsltleta. Oovrnor Cummins ha been 'asked to grant a requisition for the return of C. H. Walker, the president of the Omaha 'I'm- brena, Manufacturing company, to . that city. . Walker Is now at Sioux City and Is under arrest held on the charge of em- bexillng 12,000 of the -funds, of the com pany. Hla attorney today Informed Gov ernor Cutrimln that they desired, to be heard before th requisition Is granted ,nd the govemdr ha set Monday forenqon as the tlm for the hearing. It Is understood' they will claim that he did nothing with th funds-of the company more than -h had a legal right to do as president pf the company. County Attorney Slabaugh of Omaha will be here to represent the state of Nebraska. ... Moae-y far Clarlada, ;' V Th regular report filed by the. superin tendent of the Insane hospital at Clarinda Vlth the Board of Control today make the request for appropriation by th next general assembly for 8100,000 for Improve ments and new buildings about th hos pital. The request Includes 878.000 for a cottage for women, 17,000 for a dynamo, 110.000 for contingent fund and repairs, 84,009 for painting, 12.000 for plumbing and fixtures, $4,000 for sewer and tunnel, $4,000 ror chimney, 84.000 for milk cows, and asks the purchase of adjoining land.' ' ' Iowa's Rlfl Teasa. The twenty men who wllj represent Iowa at the national rifle shoot at Sea Girt next month. were decided upon late laat night as a result of th four days' shooting at the Fort De Molnea rifle range. ' The men and ' their regiments and their scores out of a possible 1,000 at various distances are as follows: Lieutenant Bowen, Fifty-third 851 Private Hjldeman. Fifty-sixth ,794 Sergeant Carlson, Fifty-third.... 778 Captain Hlrd, Fifty-fifth; .778 Sergeant Hlldebrand. Fifty-sixth 774 Private Hennesay. Fifty-third 789 Sergeant A. R. Ruehle, Fifty-sixth 77 Lieutenant Gelst Fifty-third , 781 Sergesnt C. N.' Boss, Fifty-fifth." 761 Private Flnkel, Fifty-sixth ; 750 Sergeant Ellsworth, Fifty-sixth 741 Sergeant Johnson. Flftv-fourth .......744 Sergeant Mayo. Flftv-slxth. 739 Sergeant Harms, Fifty-third........ 788 Major Fisher, Fifty-third 78l Sergeant Gantt. Fifty-sixth 73 Lieutenant Bever, Fifty-fourth 730 Sergeant T. F. Ruehle. Fifty-sixth 71 Sergeant Glenn, Fifty-sixth. 71 Captain Stanley, Fifty-fifth , 71$ 1 Candidate tajared. . Information ha reached thl city that Joe Allen, senatorial nominee of th repub lican party in the Pocahontaa-Humboldt-Buena .Vlata district and a resident of Po cahontas county, had his leg broken a fsw days ago In a runaway. ' Contract la Few Days. . It Is expectod by the But Board of Con trol that th contract for th erection of th custodial hall for boys at th Glen- wood School for Feeble Minded will be let In a" few days. Th bids ar all In and opened and th figures tabulated and con tract drawn up. Bower la Literary Bareaa. Chairman Woods of th republican state central committee today appointed G. E Bower, editor of th Sioux County Her ald, published at Orange City, to hav charge ef th literary bureau for the cam paign. Mr. Bowers Is one of th mot forceful writer among th republican edl tor of th state. 1 Mtstot Ceaveatlea Called. ONAWA. Ia.. Aug. 26. (Special.) The republican county convention of Monona county waa called yesterday by J. A Prltchard. county chairman. Th conven tion 1 to meet at Onawa September II at 1:80 p. m. to nominate candldatea for representative, auditor, treasurer, clerk, re corder, sheriff, superintendent, coroner, sur veyor, three members of th board of su pervisor. There ar 174 delegates in all, and already a lively scramble Is develop ing for th nomination. Th only promt nent candidate for representative men tlo-led are Wlll.C. Whiting, democrat, the present incumbent and E. M. Ca seedy hla business partner, and brother-in-law, who th republican ar disposed to select. In the event of Csssady nomination Whiting will not be a candidate. It looks as though th firm of Casaady A Whiting controlled both end of th representative gati thl year.- -. Alt . . T . ALBIA, la.. Aug. 26 Two men. were ar rested, for the alleged ' forgery of three checks 00 th Black Diamond Jtor of Ol tumwav A. eearrh of th house of on of tb man brought to light $200 worth ot the alleged purlou ; .checks. ;Tr, 1 JjbOO worth -of almHar check tn the hand ot Oyumwa merchants. lwa Jleve Kate. CBDAR RAPIDfl-Chrlstlan Springer died here yesterday from the effects of the heot. Thorn ss tiksla was also rendered uncntv sclous for twenty-four hours. ATLAKTIC -Crickets and mosqultoe are So thick here that It is almost impossible to stsy out of doofs st night, and the mnsouito bites ere proving very poisoning. especially to children, severs! esses of local blood poisoning developing from their bites. I.KWIB Two serious accidents-are re ported he-e. John' loty ran a flsh hook Into his hand and had to have th Instru ment cut out by .a doctor. There Is fear of blood poisoning. Rernlre Elliott was seri ously -alded by the overturning f a ketMe of water with, which- she was going to pics a cmcsen. OTTUMWA Heart-broken river thevcon- duct of her lover, H. R. Sargent, Miss Hsrn. nouser, sn is-year-oia gin. sutmpteo sui cide yesterday by shooting herself with a revolver. Sargent is under arrest charged with obtaining money under false pre tenses. He Is said tn hare pawned a watch belonging to Jils sweetheart. IOWA CITY Blanche Krall - a -vear-old girl In Newport township, was sccMentslly stkh yesterusy oy ner nrotner, r rnnx, wno discharged a shotgun's contents at her. Fortunately the shell contained bowder alone, or her head would have been blown off. As it wasahe wss burned behind the T-nr niiu io nt-pn waa uurneu uu ner iru hand. . " HAMBURG While Mr. and Mrs. John Dmikoff were riding with several of their grandchildren the harness broke as they were Journeying down a hill. The tongue of the carrlnge ran Into the ground nd threw the, cafrlhg completely over. The carriage was badly broken and all of the occupants were injured, none seriously ex cepting John Dnukoff, who is very low. HAMBURG While Walter Hirkley was bony putting corn in the crib from a wagon his-Iltfle boy met with an accident that msy cripple him for life. Mr. Blrkly was using an elevator to handle the corn and the little boy was playing around on the platform, when his trouser leg wa canght on a nut of the tumbling rod, breaking and crushing the bone of his foot, ankle and lower part Of hla leg. Th lea mav be saved. 1 . ATLANTIC Firebugs are undoubtedly at work in Atlantic. . There have been three barn fires In a week, and all In the same neighborhood. Before two of the fires a smsll boy was seen to hsve left the barns that were burned. The first attempt at arson did not prove successful, the Doll bnrn being discovered on fire In time to put It out. The next day the Cfirlstenson hern, right across the alley, humed to the ground and the day following the Lvons' bnrn, next to thl one, was badly damaged. Arrests msy follow soon. SIOUX CITY Because Gustav Dreger, a witness, who came from Pierce. Neb., with Relnhold Maass and Ena Maass, cousins, to help them marry, declared he wouldn't take anybody' word to how old the girl was, the wedding was stopped. Gustave grit to thinking about the wedding and the words of his father, who told him never to swear to anything of which he wasn't absolutely sure, cs me back tn him nnrt he doggedly refused to swear slthnugb he said ne naa known ner -for th last thirteen years. . "I couldn't know how old she-was unless I was there when she was born," in sisted the boy. 80 the wedding was post poned, as no other person here knew the couple. The Gentle Cynic The trouble about being rich Is 'that you are apt to have a. pate de fold grae appe tite, and one of those milk-toast stomachs. Love, like a kitten. Is born blind, but It soon gets Its. eyes Opened... . - There wouldn't! be so many sinners, tt people struggled - to get- Into heaven as they do to get Into society. When 'prosperity with us the pessi mist goes ahead announcing . that this, is positively the farewell appearance. ' ' Four-fifth of the human body I water. and in woman It consist of unshed tears. Many a man would rather be on the level than climb upward. . Egotism aod discontent are not on speak ing terms. None are. so- blind as those who have no object In View. It Is pretty tough on the fatted calf that It should hav to suffer for the sins of the prodigal son,. - Treat '4 man like a dog and he will act like one. t Even marriage doesn't take the conceit out of some men. A woman haa lets logic than a man, but more Instinct, Th fellow who-courts trouble generally ends by marrying It. ' x' The social climber prefers a family tree. A bad penny always turn up, and then It generally costs - us a pretty penny. New York Times.. Ftshlagr sal Camaiaa Rate to Clear ' . Lake, la.. Via Chicago Great Westera Railway, For parties of ten or more, on far and one-third for th round trip, good for ten days.' Tickets on sal dally until Septem ber 80. ' For further Information apply to IL II. Churchill, O. A., Ul$ Farnam St Balked. 'Doctor," asked the caller with th badly Inflamed eye, "what will It coat to take this grain of sand out of my yT" 1 shall probably hav to Charge you $6 for the operation,"' said th eminent oculist. m I The Easy To Chicago The easiest way to be sure y of a comfortable trip is to get a ticket for one of the j Rock Island's ; fine through v trains leaving Omaha. - . 3:25 A. M. Iowa Limited - "J can earn" It chewier than that," re Joined; the; either, turning tn his ' heel anif . walking out'' 1 Thus, owing to the greed of both parties, another prospective desl In real estate cam to naught Chicago Tribune. WEST SMASHES TOMATO RING yadleate Absorbed More Tha a It Coald Carry and Fatal Rap tar Follow!. Only the commercial resource of th middle west which the promoter of the syndicate did not think worthy of consid eration, prevented the success of a daring attempt to corner the tomato market which was started several -months ggo -In th heart of the tomatexrannlng section. Hart ford county. Maryland.' St. ioula Would have been vitally affected by the cornet, had it been successful, as two of the largest dealers In tomatoes tn the city had stored in their warehouse vast surplus storks af, the vegetable, which they held ln expec.tsv tlon of a raise,"-" ' The output of, nerby canneries was con tracted for for some time to come, and had the corner1 been tffected the prlc t.f the canned product to the consumer would hav wone from 10 rents a can, th present price to a muob higher figure,- When, a short, time ego, JI was Seen "by the local operators that the corner .would not be a success, the stocks ' were thrown on, the market. As 'a result,, th. present wholesale prtce of tomatoes I low. It Is estimated that 48.000,000 cans of to matoes wer held by the firm la th syn dicate. The principal Arm Interested was Smith, Rause Webster "of ' Belatr, Hart ford county. Md. With them wer asso ciated th largest dealers of the cities of the country. The capital Invested at on time In th attempt was In excess of $4,500, 000. . Estimates of th loss suffered by th trms Involved range from $750,000 to $1,000. 000. The larger part Of this lost will b born by th cannerlsa, which war Induced to enter the syndl.-a'.. Financial ivthorl tles predict that several failures will fol low the breaking tt the coiner. The headquarters if the ytnll'a; wer In Maryland. When the firms thought that the stock whl-n they held wer large enough to give them the control f f the market they ra'sed (hn price.! in th east. Almost Immediately the wetrn canneries who were rot -n tk eyndlcat made large 1 h'.pment to the' enet and. forced the the price heck to '. former point. The syn.llcnte In need of ctsh to meet the obllritlois which had tien Incurred, snd wss forc-jd t-i sell Its sur plus at the prov.iilin.t market prices. Dealers well In touch wttn the situation predict that a lirje tnv-:M in th num ber of western -mnnerlM uiU follow th failure of the corner-Kt IjiuIs Republic. If you have anything to trade kdvertrs It In the For Exchange column of Th Be Want Ad page.' - OCT OF THE ORDINARY. ' The smallest of all European bird 1 th golden-crested wren of Fngland. It tske about seventy-two of them to weigh a. pound. It Is estimated thnt there are 77n,W,tt postal cards used annually In the United States, while Oermsny uses 1.161,000,000 and Great Britain 818.000,000. Jacob Berg of Philadelphia has Just taken out the first set ot.nstiirallxation papers In order to become a cltlsen. Mr. Berg is 78 yesrs old and ha lived In this country thirty-eight years, but has not wanted to be a voter until now.' . . . The liquidator appointed by the French government to manage the property of tha Carthusian monks sold by suction recently the trade mark of the Grande Chartreuse, together with the right to reproduc th form of the bottle.- The trade mark real ised $125,000. - The oldest Mason In years and In point Of membership in the United State will cele brate on September 6 his lOSth birthday and the eighty-first anniversary of his en trsnce Into Mssonry. Always carrying his cane and wearing a high hat, which gives him the appearance of a venerabi om preacher. James Bellows McGregor Is a familiar figure on the streets of Newport, N "H i - - On the Kabakon. a email Island" In th Bismarck archipelago In the South e may be seen two German professor, atlng Zr cocoanut and olad only n lolii elhi Th founder of this simple life colony I Prof. Hnsleheart of .Munich and Erlangen universities. A chronic Invalid from his childhood, he determined to trv the fruit cure He was Joined fifteen month aga by his companion. Dr. A. Bethmann. Evidently the weather in Mexico is vary hot This alone can account for th story which comss from there ot the discovert of a Ink of quicksilver three acres in extent Snd from fifteen to fifty feet deep. Th Take conveniently located on a mountain ton and th mountain will be tunneled and he nulcksllver allowed to run out. ' It ta accounted for by th theory that volonlo Eon .melted great beds of cinnabar .ora and the quicksilver settled In a depression. This discovery ought to cheapen the prlc of thermometers. - ' . . BCD A. 'M. P. M. 4:0? - - 6:35 P. M, Tickets 'and full information at this office. F. P.: Rutherford M Div. Pass. Agt. , . - 1323 famam St.