Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
Yemr Morg Worth
' Best t&" West
Pages 1. to 12.
BumUij VmDodmII Oauie Flutter f
Exoitement in Recent Bemarki.
f Measures . in Direction of Heat
Bale by Installment.
Belief Expressed that Cbancoa Will
Vide in lyitem.
Irish Times Make Bitter Comment m
peach ot Pcraaaaoat
Secretary, Saying It Waa
DUBLIN, Aug. 56. tSpeclal Cablegram to
i ' Th Bee.) Something of a flutter ha been
Caused by the rather cryptlo utterances of
, Sir Antony MacDonnell, permanent under
secretary for Ireland, at a recent banquet
here. What. It is being asked, did Sir An
tony mean when he expressed "his firm
belief thai the next session of Parliament
would see the fruition of many of tboso
hope which the best Irishmen ' had for
years entertained T" Many there are who
think the answer is to be found In the an
nouncement made by ministers in the
'jfP'C" l th opening of Parlla-
"J wouplan for lmprovlnt" and effecting
, jo no mice In the government of Ireland
and introducing: into It means for associ
ating the people 'with the conduct of Irish
It Is known that since . that time In
quirt have bfeen on foot, and It la now
quite certain that an Irish government bill
will be the principal measure before Par
liament In the session of 1907. Unionists
profess u believe that this may be the
first of the "home rule Installment" sys
tem. More than once, however, the prime
minister has stated that no attempt will
be made to psse home rule without first
appealing to the country and that what
the government has In view Is "to give
Ireland a large measure of management In
local affairs" in other words, a develop
ment of the policy which the unionists
have themselves pursued.
Bill Being- Prepared.
There Is good ground for supposing that
the bill Is In an advanced state of prepara-
tjnn, by the responsible heads of the Ir'.ah
office. Nothing Is known about tne char
acter i of the measure, but the Impression
Is that a bold assault will 'be made upon
Mthat known as castle government In
Areiana. At jjumin casue mere are, n
stated, ni fewer than forty-one different
govern) X departments. Some of these
are comvaratively unimportant, but many
of ibem are Important. What la believed
it be in. contemplation Is the co-ordination
Of most of these, 'departments, placing them
Under the control of ' some kind of popularly-elected1
central councth-. Tba nstUn
list leaders themselves do not hesitate to
say that sooner or later they will be' able
. to force large alxed home rule concessions
- out of 'the government. . . ... -. . .
Freeman's Journal thus anticipates the
action of the government: "The current of
events points to the Introduction next ses
t alon of an 'Irish measure at least In the
j direction of home, rule. The larger the
I measure the better, not merely for Ire
land, but for the government. The cabinet
needs only a little courage to settle the
' question. The precedent of South Africa
' may be followed with advantage."
Comment Speech. '
Commenting on Sir Antony MacDonnell'
speech, the Irish Times says: "A good
many people are certain to take Sir An
tony as meaning that next year Is to give
us home rule, or, at least, something so
very near it that the Irish people enn
turn It Into home rule without difficulty
In fact, a sort of Transvaal constitution.
Blr Antony's cryptic pronouncement will
fill Irish unionists with uneasy suspicion,
and If that suspicion should prove to have
been groundless, then there Is all the lees
Justification for the speech. If it should also
fill the nationalists with hopes which are
doomed to be disappointed, then the speech
will have to be condemned as a really
grave error both of taste and Judgment."
There Is considerable alarm over the
possibilities of a potato famine and some
of the farmers fear that the situation will
gradually become In another season as bad
as that nf more than half a oentury ago.
The potato bright Is bad, especially among
th fields and gardens In the counties of
Wexford and Waterford. Along the sea-
, coast more especially has the blight shown
Itself unmistakably In the withered stalks
nd decaying leave, and. In some In
stances, the baneful smell that la given out
by the decaying tubers. Heavy sea fogs
. Iisv bee .prevalent for th last three
wee re, and more Inland even, th dense
vapor have not lifted until 1st In the
morning, and to this cause some of th
mischief I attributed.
Spraying steps Blight.
Where spraying ba been resorted to, the
blight ha not shown Itself so markedly,
and In many Inst a noes wher a portion
only ot the field ba been aprayed and
another part not, the former has escaped
while the latter ha not. Potatoes th
ordinary growth ar now selling freely In
. the market towns from pence to prase
l S A ... - . k. . A.W ,
7 tne svoiie wmiii. viunr crrups, However,
. p. rinlnv well.
The new town nail In Belfast was for
mally opened by Lord Aberdeen, the lord
lieutenant of Jreland. The new building,
which Is such a oontrsat to the old red
brick town ball near the river, msrks the
mergence of the northern capital from
that of a more er less provincial town Into
th position of on of th grout cities of
th world. When th plan and expense of
th building were first adumbrated, there
were loud cries from many quarter that
th scheme wss too Urge for Belfast, but
fts promoter very wisely proceeded with
ft. and Uiey have worked It out to 'he
permanent credit of the town. The poet
tie of the aew building th finest now la
Belfast Is on the site of the old Linen
Hall library, the beat sit In th etty.
Firemen Killed Whoa Train
Com Together , HmI-Oi
Iteor Mllltowa.
prrrSBURa. Aug. Two trainmen
wer killed and three Injured In a hesd-oa
oolllsloa of heavy or train today near
Mllltowa, on the Bessemer aV Lake Erie
railroad. Th dead:
Traffic wn delayed Ova hour. . Th
jgjry loa to large. m . -
Froovob. Inspector Cause Deteatloa
of Has Wha DUeerded Old
Egyptlaa Body.
PARTS, Aug. . (Special Cablegram to
Th Bee.) An old gentleman at Ter
N' -
ha been ' oharged with murder
curious circumstances.
ra nicker rushed Into the''
tkn and threw down a bag ' ?'
taring that they bad beeft jfN 0 him
to make away with, but he ItP discovered
them to be human.
Scenting a terrible crime, the Inspector
had th man locked up and then telephoned
to a magistrate. Soon after the magis
trate. Inspector and two policemen called
t the house where the bag had been
handed to the rag picker and Were received
by an old gentleman In gold-rimmed spec
tacles. The magistrate locked the door behind
him, laid a calcined bone on the table and
aid, 'Tou gave this and other human re
mains to a rag picker." "I did," said the
old gentleman. ."I arrest you for murder,"
aid the magistrate solemnly; "who was
your vletlrarr
In reply th eld gentlemen in the gold
peeteeles burst out Isughlng. "The vic
tim." he said, "is th eon of the Grand
Priest Dlophta, who died In Egypt moro
than 1.000 years before th birth of Christ.
I bought him recently, but he did not keep
well, so I preferred to get rid of him."
Exhaustive Inquiries eventually led to the
release of th rag picker and an apology
to the mummy purchaser.
Am erica a Financial Wo ma a Ray She
Still Expect fa leeare Domini
can Concessions.
LONDON, Aig. 25. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The greatest business woman In
the world Mr. Ella Rawls Reader of New
Tork, aged 811 at present paying a visit
to London and negotiating a scheme with
which she hopes to astonish' the financiers
of th world.
She organised a tlO.000.0OD railway In op
position to Mr. Plerpont Morgan, Induced
the House of Lord to adopt the Sprague
system on the Central London "tube,"
wrested from powerful rivals a concession
for a railway through the dominions of the
ultan of.Johore, settled a South American
revolution at her breakfast table, entered
Into competition with Wall street to control
the copper Interests of Peru and is lighting
President Roosevelt over th question of
Santo Domingo finance, winning the
friendship of powerful men Ilk Senator
Morgan of Alabama
'I am over here," she said, "principally
to look after the Interests of the Cerro de
Pasco Mining company, of which ' I am
chairman. My fight with President Roose
velt over the Santo Domingo finances I tUl
going on. I am not beaten," and then In a
very low voice Mr. Reader added, "and I
don't think I shall be."
Prussia Minister , of . Agriculture
Charged with Feathering HI
' BERLIN, Aug. ((.-(Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Th coll of publio cenmire in
connection with th "graft" scandal In th
colonial department ar tightening around
General von Podblelskl, th Prussian minister-
for agriculture. HI wife's heavy
financial Interest In th firm of Tlppelsklreh
A Co., accused of corrupting Major Fischer,
and th consequent supporitlon that he
must have had knowledge of that officer
relation with th firm, excite Increasing
disapproval. - (
The latest development affecting Herr
Podblelskl Is th revelation that while he
waa postmaster general In Germany a few
year ago Tlppelsklreh at Co. rented to th
government two floor of their new building
In Kiauchau for postofflc purposes, th
payment being so exorbitant that a several
years' rental, would have sufficed for the
construction of a whole new building.
It la announced that the minister's resig
nation will soon be placed In the hands of
th kaiser. One of the leading German
dailies commenting upon this report says
that Germany has Its "graft" trouble as
well as th United St tea
Peking Government May Be Looking
. to Colonists for Aid la
PEKING, Aug. 28. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The reception accorded by th
Penang Chinese to Tuan Fang's traveling
commission when passing through Penang
by th Gorman mall steamer Prins Regent
Lultpold la worthy of not. Not only did
th leading Chinese turn out for th re
ception, but' sixty boy ot th newly
formed Mandarin school wr lined up on
th jetty, all carrying small dragon flags.
There baa been 4 remarkable revival of
Interest In- all matter pertaining to China
of late throughout th whol of th strait
Chines. Th revival of Interest In 'China
Is marked by th formation throughout
Malaya, both British and Dutch, of Man
darin la and school, where an edu
cation upon western line 1 given In th
Mandarin dialect. This look a though
th Peking government wer looking for
ward to recruiting In the near future a
large body -of etralt and Malayan Chinese,
who, having been born and bred under
European governments, may prove of the
utmost value In various reaponetbl posi
tions when one th reform scheme be
gin to make headway.'
First Oatpat froua the Belgian Coloay
Beaches Earopo After Con
alterable Work.
BRUSSELS, Aug. U. (Special Cablegram
to The Be.) Th first ahipment of . gold
from a mine In th Congo atat baa reached
Belgium. It I not vary large, but It rep
resent the commencement of an enterprise
hat may attain considerable dimensions. .
In 1901 two Australian, prospectors,
M sears. Hannam and O'Brien, wer seat
-tat by th Congo government to study
:he mineral resources of this part of their
territory, and after seven months' re
search they fixed on a point near Kilo,
a th Upper Hurt west of Lake Albert,
wher they discovered sufficient alluvial
gold to Justify expenditure on exploitation.
At the end of 19M, work wa first taken la
hand, and Mr. O'Brien took charge of tb
mining operation In March, IM.
Th outpot for some months peat ha
averaged u ounce per month, but owing
to th den forest and thick undergrom tii
It baa not yet been possible to ascertain
th extent of the gold field. New machin
ery Is now on its way to Kilo, proceeding
to It destination by tb British railway In
Uganda j
Rul- if Germany Findi Himself Out f
Nioh with Publio Opinioi.
Kaiser leadi Only Thoie Article Hi
Beriewer Thinks He Should.
Beanlt ii that He Does Hot Enow Trend of
Criticises Writers and I Called
Sharply to Areeast hy InSaeutlal
newspaper Which Qaestl...
His Knowledge.
BERLIN, Aug. hV-(8pecial Cablegram.)
Jutt at present the German emperor I
havirg sll kinds of trouble with the news
papers and the newspaper ar having all
sorts of trouble with the German emperor.
At the present moment the discontent
with the fashion In' which the kaiser Is
kept Informed of th trend of public opin
ion, both In Germany and abroad. Is be
coming more and more accentuated. For
Ms knowledge of the press opinion In Eu
rope and In Germany his mJety Is de
pendent on th pre bureau of the Foreign
office and the ministry of the Interior, in
each ministry there I a special official
whose business it Is to go through the
pnpers and cut out all that he thinks would
Interest the kaiser or that It Is advisable
he should read. If, however, this official,
as Is likely, develop Into a sort of censor,
who decide what the kaiser should or
should not read, his majesty ends by having
a completely false Idea of what la happen
ing In the world. '
fo Good In Office,
Tour correspondent used to watch the
process of the preparation of the kaiser's
mentsl pabulum in the Wllbelmftrase a
matter of a doien years ago. At that time
supervision was entrusted to a Herr On
brlel, one of the assistants of Gehelmrath
Lindau, and later of Lindau's successor,
Gehelmrath Rossler. Tour correspondent
first met Herr Gabriel In Bofla, In Bulgaria,
when he was German vie consul In that
principality, t He was a- young and pushful
German diplomatist of considerable Intelli
gence, Intelligent enough, at least, to give
the kaiser a fair selection from the Euro
pean press. He I now back In the east
as consul In Varna. His successors are
distinctly Inferior, Just a Gehelmrath Ham
matin, the preeent chief of the prep bureau.
Is a far Inferior to hi predecessor,
Gehelmrath Rossler, as the latter was to
Gehelmrath Lindau. Under these circum
stances It I not to be wondered at If the
kaiser occasionally goes off at a tangent.
Hi knowledge of th trend of . European
public opinion Is poisoned at th source.
Recently the German emperor ha given
indication that he to- breaking- through this
false environment "klcllng over the
traces,; as you would say In America. For
Instanet, there Waa the remarkable .Inter'
view with M. ' Gaston Menler of chocolate
fame. While on a cruise In northern water
on board his yacht Arian he met the
kaiser and wa Imperially entertained by
blm. Tb kaiser, talking French all the
time, showed that he knew Parts and its
latest fashion or fads to hi linger tip
H discussed' th theater hat question with
keen Interest, and proved an uncompro-'
mlsing opponent of big millinery.. He did
not talk much politics, but did not avoid
them. On the contrary, touching upon the
Franco-Germs n Inrtdent of last year, he
said that "his Intention had been mis
understood end misconstrued," and accused
the press In the matter.
Kateor as Critic.
Th Irresponsibility prevailing In Journal
ism the-kaiser considered moat stnmilar.
In ' other professions - certain conditions
must be fulfilled. Journalist require neither
study nor examination. A young man of
22 can write In the greatest and most re
spected Journal in the world article which
make th deepest Impression on his contem
porarle. f
Whtl employing all th necessary
courtesy of language In criticising the
kaiser' views, there Is much, indignation
expressed her that his majesty should re
sort to these regrettable generalisations cn
such insufficient evidence. .The Berliner
Tageblatt, for example, want to know
wher those 22-year-old leader writers are.
According to the Hamburger Nachrichten,
the kaiser, early In his reign, did really
try to understand the press, but relin
quished th idea after he had set on foot
and Qualification of the men who wrote
for It. HI Inquiries at the time were con
ducted by military men, and It is believed
that th kaiser lingering dislike to the
fourth estate la largely due to th influ
ence of hi military advisers, who nourish
traditional suspicion of newspaper men
and their work.
Geraaaa Traveler. Say Rebellloa
Acatast White Will Cosao la
Sooth Africa.
BERLIN, Aug. 28. (Special Cablegram to
The Be.) Dr. Karl Peter, back from a
tour of South Africa, say he ha com to
the conclusion that a negro rebellion against
whit rule In Africa Is only question of
time. The Ethiopian movement. In partic
ular, ha been greatly strengthened during
tb present year and Its adherents already
posses six dally paper. In which hatred
against the white Is assiduously preached
to the Kaffir. .
Dr. Peter doe hot believe that th dream
of ths Afrikander to constitute a United
Btatea of Sooth Africa will ever be real
ised, on th ground that South Africa can
not nourish Itself, and will always b de
pendent on European capital
Head of Haaa-artaa Convent Becosae
Wlf After Serving lias
la Prison.
BUDAPEST, Aug. V ("Special Cablegram
to Th Be.) Th auperior of a convent
here, who baa keen a nun for twenty years,
ha Just married a tonemaaon, 25 year of
While th mason was engaged In repair
tag the convent last year the superior fell
desperately in love with him and she made
no secret of her naasion. The. authorities
removed her from her position and con
demned her to lx month confinement In
her eolL
A soon a her liberty waa restored ah
Itoft th ota.vat to marry, th workman.
Vic President of Tutted State Ad
dresses an F.dnctlnal
Meeting In Ohio.
COLUMBUS. O., Aug. 2B.-Vlce President
Charles W. Fairbanks nd Booker T. Wash
ington, the colored leder nd president of
Tuskcgee college, today addressed the Ohio
State Colored Industrial and Educational
exposition at Grove City, a suburb.
Mr. Fairbanks attended. a reception at
the state house at 10. o'clock and Governor
Harris stood In line with him, a committee
of prominent rltlsens having been ap
pointed to receive him. He then lunched
at the Columbus club and spoke at Grov
City In the afternoon with Mr. Washing
ton, saying In part:
Vice President Fairbanks congratulated
the colored people upon the successful In
auguration of th exposition, saying that
their sucr ens was not surprising to him,
a he knew something of the tenacity of
their purpose. The Importance of the work
in which they were engaged could be better
appreciated when the fact waa recalled that
the black race now conatltutts more than
10 per cent of the population of the United
States. The exposition, he said. Is a hope
ful sign, not only because It Illustrate
what the negro ha been able to accomplish
In the industrial arts In a comparatively
few years, but It shows that he appreciates
the value of co-operation. The exposition
Is an admirable object lesson, full of en
ooursgement and Inspiration to the col
ored people. To advance education and ln
dustry is to encourage two of th might
iest factors In th upbuilding of any race.
To prosper to th utmost and mak th
greatest advance In life th colored people
must reach the virtue of sobriety, honesty.
frugality. Industry and fair play. Their
advance had been accomplished against
tremendous obstacles, one of their greatest
difficulties being prejudice.
A broad opportunity, he say, lies before
the colored race. What It will become will
depend on what It does. In the final hnaly-
sis people advance only by virtu of their
own efforts. The future of tb colored rac
waa In It own hand.
"Mak It worthy of yourselves; make It
worthy of your country."
Mis Mood Knickerbocker of Lead to
Marry Man 1st loath
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D... Aug. 25. (Special.)
Mis Maud Knickerbocker, a South Dakota
belle, sailed from New Tork today en route
to South Africa, where she will be married
to J. F. Pyles, a prominent young American
mining man. Pyles was formerly a mining
man in th Black Hill. Before his de
parture to Africa be was enamored of Mis
Knickerbocker, but lacked th courage to
propose marrUge. A month or two ago.
unable to longer bear the auspenae, he
wrote his sweetheart a letter containing a
proposal of marriage, asking that if th
proposal wer accepted she should cable at
one th single word "September." In the
vent that hi proposal did not meet with
the favor of hi sweetheart, ah waa to
cable him .the word "January." Tb answer
wa "September." -Ml Kntekerbortktrf
left the Black Hill several day ago and
visited with a sister, who resides In Chi
cago. Bha will make the Journey to South
Africa with Mr. and Mr. Charles Price,
former resident of the Black Hills, who
ar ' returning to that pert of the world
after a vacation of several week spent
in the Black Hills. ' ' '
They expect to reach their destination
Labout October 1, and Immediately upon
their arrival the marriage of Mr. Pyles
and Miss Knickerbocker will take place
at Durbln. For years Miss Knickerbocker
was employed as a teaoher In the publio
schools of Lead, one of th principal town
of th Black Hills.
Secretary Taft Gain Mention
Comlo Papers of tho Civil
ised World.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 28-Seoretary Tft
ha found hi way Into comic papers all
over the world s the reault of the Joke
Associate Justice Brewer of tlie United
States supreme court told on the rotund
secretary of war at th recent Tale com
mencement. Th pleasantry of th distinguished Jurist,
it will be remembered wa baaed on a
compliment he doslred to pay to th
chivalry ' of Tale, men. "Tale men are
polite," said Justice Brewer, "but Secre
tary Taft la the most polite man I ever
saw In my life. .Why," the other day I
was In a street oar with him and he got
up and gav hi seat to three women."
Scores of clippings based on this Joke
reach tho War department every day. It
ha found It way Into many language,
but th ' Oerman aeetn to appreciate It
posts; may be visited
New Order Regarding Artillery Poets
Not Pally "Understood hy
People Affected.
WASHINGTON. Aug. , 26.-Letter re
ceived by the War department from com
mander of artillery posts and person who
desire to visit such post Indicate that th
recent order regarding order to command
ers of post ba not been fully understood
by the commanders.
For many years admission to posts wa
denied all civilian who did not have an
order from the secretary of war. This pre
caution seemed ridiculous in many cases.
and especially at post where th fortifi
cations could easily be seen from hotel
and from passing ships. Consequently the
order waa o amended that commandant
ot artillery poets are permitted to exercise
their discretion and issue order to visitor
whom they do not deem objectionable.
Cable Sblp Captain Report that He
Can Hold Vessel I'attl
NEW TORK, Aug. 26-Th Commercial
Pacific Cable company today received a
cable meaaage from the commander of it
cable steamer Restorer, which is standing
by th steamer Manchuria, ashore near
Honolulu. The Rratorer reported that the
revenue cutter Manning bad gone to Hono
lulu. leaving only the Restorer at th scene
of tbe wreck. Tbe remainder of the mes
sage read aa follows:
Manchuria tsnks been filled. The Reatorer
haa Arm grip with cable grspnels and
heavy grapnel rope. Think can hold Man
churia In present position until heavy
wrecking gear arrive from San Pranciaoo
on Tuesday. Manchuria la in twenty-one
feet of water a soft ad and coral, an
American 8ayi Government Troops Fled at
Eiht of Isenrceitg.
ho Order Given After Tint Olath Eetweti
Rival Force
Detachment of Mounted Folioe Buooeed in
Oooupjinc Arroje Noranjo.
Town Harrtedly Vacated hy Rebel
Whea Moaated Troop Eater-
Cabinet Crisis Arranged
ea Temporary Basis.
HAVANA. Aug. 2&.-A band of fifty in
surgents-last night entered the village of
Colorro. South Havana, took all the horses.
ammunition &nd supplies, and rode away,
later Joining a larger band, said to num
ber ISO men.
HAVANA, Aug. 26. An American, de
scribing the rout of the government re
cruits near Guinea, province of Havana,
yesterday,' aays that no orders wer given
fter th government force encountered the
rebels, except' "every man for himself,"
nd that the rout became In reality a race
for Havana.
Th village of Arroyo Naranjo, flv mile
from Havana, was occupied by a fore of
eventy Insurgents last night.
A detachment of mounted city and provin
cial pollc proceeded to Arroyo Naranjo
early this morning and the Insurgent who
had occupied the place scattered th
government fore approached.
Batxalao with SfiO artillerymen . and fifty
recruit, left San Juan d Martlnes this
morning, moving in th direction - ef
Giianea, Pinar del Rio, in the expectation
of giving battle to Pino Querra, the Insur
gent leader, who wa reported to be only
flv mile distant.
A sever engagement to expected.
Cabinet Crist Arranged.
The cabinet crisis, It I officially an
nounced; .has been satisfactorily arranged.
Senor O'Fariill, th acting minister of th
interior end secretary of state and Justice,
ha consented to retain hi own poaltlons
(secretary of state and Justice), withdraw.
Ing only from th Interior department.
Senor Font Sterling and General Montalvo
will continue ad Interim In charge of th
ministry of the interior. When General
Rul Rivera, Cuban minister to Central and
South American countries, who ha beoq
caDiea to return Immediately to Cuba
reaches this city he will resume charge of
th Interior ministry.
aaarestlna for Compromise. .
Among th suggestions mad - with th
view to bringing about a peaceful settle
ment of th 'it "--1 rl tirnpsS
Ing to th liberal th annullment of the
December election and holding new ones,
in which both political parties, th moder
ates and the liberals, shall participate
fairly and freely.. Another .is that a com
mission be appointed by President Roose
velt to investigate the matter In dispute
and It I also proposed that a commission
composed of government supporter and in
surgents, of which the American minister
her shall be chairman, be appointed to de
cide on a basis of settlement. None of th
plan appear practical. Th government
Is wholly unlikely to begin negotiations of
any sort at this stage.
It wa announced at the palace this
afternoon that Colonel Bacallao' force
operating against Pino Guerra, had a skir
mish with a band of. rebels near San Luis
station, Pinar del Rio, today, with the re
sult that the rebela were dispersed and the
troop captured flv horse.
The enlistment of. recruits progressed
much more rapidly today and many as
pirants for enrollment In the rural guards
are now being turned away owing to
their youth or lack of physical capacity
to undergq the hardships of a campaign.
Congressman Boat of Havana Is or
ganising a special battalion of revolu
tionary revolutionist to take part In th
work of suppressing th rebellion.
Gaard Clash with Rebels.
A detachement of rural guard from
Batabano had a skirmish this morning
with a large Insurgent band commanded
by Asburt. The insurgents, who were en
camped at a place called Rio Blanco, ac
cording to the report from Batabano, dis
banded and fled, leaving four men dead and
a dosen wounded on the field. Colonel
Asburt to believed to have been slightly
wounded. Two rural guard were wounded.
A dispatch from Remldloe, province of
Santa Clara this afternoon announced that
another insurgent band, commanded by
Colonel Zeveriano Garcia and Captain
Cepeda, who formerly wa a captain ot
th rural gulrda. had taken tho field against
the government forces.
Tb dispatch added that Quentln Bravo,
th famous leader of th Buena Vista and
Remldo patriot which operated against
th Spaniard during the war for Inde
pendence, had started to Join th in
surgent force with a band of forty men.
He was last heard from between Remldo
and Calbarien, about flv and a half mile
from Remldo.
Americans Watch Co bo.
WASHINGTON. Aug. a. The Cuban
situation I receiving much attention
from stat official, who are keeping
carefully in touch with th development in
tb little republic. The department received
no dispatches today throwing any new
light on tbe situation. Officials believe
from th general character of the revolution
1 that It ha good financial support and is
thoroughly organised. -
St. . Louis Maa Ha Privet
Aadleac with Edward VII at
MARIENBAD. Aug. 26--King Edward to
day received David R. Francis, president
of th St. Lout exposition, and Nelson
O'Shaughnessy, third secretary of tb
American embassy at Berlin, In private
audience. Mr. Francis Informed hi majesty
that th medal and diploma awarded him
by tbe exposition were at th American
embassy In London, whereupon th king
said ha desired that they ba presented to
him personally . by Ambassador Reld. He
was much gratified when Mr. Franc! told
him of th public Interest In and appreci
ation of the Jubilee present of Queen
Victoria, which wer exhibited at the ex
position. Before leaving Mr. Franoi waa
Invited to din with King Edward on Moo-
day night- .
Forecast for Ttebraaka Fair
Cooler Saaday, Monday Fair.
NEWS SECTIOt Twelve Pnges.
1 Hope for Fntare of Ireland.
Emperor (1st of Touch with People
Root of Cnbnn Troop la Complete.
Bomb for Rnsslaa Fremler.
Kennedy la Renominated.
Labor Men Satisfied with Kennedy,
S News from All Parts of Nebraska.
tlarrlman Storks Still Going I p.
4 Business rlesamed at dentin.
Bryan Special Late at Chicago.
5 Ooveraor Meet Police Bonrd.
Ire Trost oa the nock Agala.
Feet Week la Omaha Society.
T Affairs at Soath Omaha.
8 Resnlts of Contests oa Diamond.
Snorting Brents of the Day.
lO Financial aad Commercial.
11 Coaacll Bluffs aad Iowa News.
12 Women Farmers oa tho Rosebud.
1 Tnrkey aad Perela Near to War.
B Editorial.
8 Modern Homes la Omaha.
Rod and Gaa Clab Is a Success.
Rcballdlaa of San Francisco.
Timely Real Estate Topics.
4 Want Ads.
B Want Ads.
6 Want Ads.
5 Condltloa of Omaha' Trade.
Mllkmca Reseat Health Officer.
1 Bryaa oa Turkish Institutions,
From Jaffa to Jerusalem.
Vale of Paradise Shaken.
8 Goaelp of Plays and Players.
Masle aad Musical Matters.
4 Golf aad Tennis Tournaments.
8 Iowa's Great State Fair.
Bell's New Breed of Sheep.
6 Woman I Her Ways and Her World,
r Weekly Grist of Sporting Gossip.
Tempcratare at Omaha Vcetcrdayi
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. De.
D a. m AT 1 p. at TS
6 a. m T g p. m TT
T a. at OT H p. m NO
a. m IT 4 p. ra Kf
A a. m ..... . 6T ft p. m ..... . o
lO a. an ...... tM ) p. m TT
It a. m tt T p. m 7b
IS at 78
Maa Supposed to Have Been Dead Is
Discovered la Mlchlgaa '
CHICAGO. Aug. . Last April Mrs. P. J.
Kempler of this city reported to the police
that her husband had disappeared and
later she Identified as hi body the corpse
of a man which was found floating In the
drainage canal. The body waa taken to
the home of Mr. Kempler. a funeral wa
held and Mr. Kompler collected on In
surance, policy amounting to 12,000 and
another small policy, which Kempler held
in a fraternal organisation. In the latter
part of May the body of a man was found
floating in Lake Michigan and Mrs. Kemp
ler, while not being abe to identify the
feature, declared positively th suit of
clothe found on the body wa that worn
by br jUbpd whetj he disappeared. To
dav ahe ' Informed the police that her
husbands 1 alive and reeldlng In Ellagan
Mich. She declared that she received In
formation some time ago that caused her
to think Kempler was living In ill lagan and
ehe went there In disguise. She says that
she saw her husband and talked with him
without-him discovering her Identity.
Two detectives have been ent to Ella gun
to arrest Kempler and. If poasible. unrvel
th mystery concerning nla disappearance.
Oa Maa Killed aad Three Injured
Whea Runaway Freight
Strikes Train.
PITTSFIELD, Maine, Aug. 25. One man
wa killed nd three others slightly hv
lured today In a collision between a run
away frejght car and the Knickerbocker
Limited on the Maine Central railroad
bound from New Tork to Bar Harbor.
The victim wa Louis A. Gilbert of
Bangor, a traveling engineer employed by
the road. The injured men wer train
A number of prominent New Tork peopl
were passenger on th train among them
being District Attorney W. T. Jerom. nd
Fulton Cutting. These, with many other
passenger were badly haken up but non
wa injured.
Eight Hundred Men Employed la
Kansa and Missouri Demand
Iacreaeo la Pay.
KANSAS CITT. Mo., Aug. 26 Th strlk
of 200 linemen cable splicers employed by
th Missouri 4 Ksnsa Telephone com
pany, which began on Thursday had today
spread until 100 employes were Involved.
Of this number about 000 ar in Kansas.
Th others are employed at nearby point.
Th strike waa ordered by the National
Brotherhood of Electrical worker. Th
linemen want K9 for eight hour work in
stead of 12.76 a now; the cable splicers
want $4 for eight hours Instead of nine
aa now. . They also ask for a year Agree
Secretary of Agriculture Call oa
Local Inspector aad Will
See Houses.
MILWAUKEE Aug. 26.-Scretary of Ag
riculture Jame Wilson visited Milwaukee
today and during th forenoon, accom
panied by Dr.. Behnke, chief of the local
meat inspection bureau, visited several of
th packing bouses In tb city.
After luncheon the secretary left, pre
sumably for Cudahy.
(Secretary Wilson vstd he found some
of th Milwaukee packing houses in fin
condition, other not quit so good and
till other making change that will
greatly improve condition.
Governor of Kansas aad Stag Inspect
State Troope la Camp at
Fort Riley.
FORT RILET, Kan., Aug. 2S.-Govemor
E. W. Hoch this afternoon reviewed the
two regiments of Kansas National guard
now her. A governor's salute was fired
a he entered the camp. Governor Hoch
wa accompanied by several member of
hi staff, the Kansas representative In
congress, stat offlcar and Mr. Hoch and
a party of women. There wer several
thousand, visitor at la cauijt
Dastardly Attempt to Auairinst If. 8toly
pis, Head of Bueeian Cabinet.
Twenty-Be Ten Persons Were Killed and
Twenty Four Injured.
Among the Viotimi Are General Zameatia
and M. KhoitoToff.
Two of tho Four Conspirators Were
Instantly Killed aad Two Who
Arc Injured Wcro
8T. PETERSBURG, Aug. 2f. Twenty- '
seven persons are dead and twenty-four
wounded as the result of a dastardly at
tempt this afternoon to assassinate Premier
Stolypln with a bomb while he wa hold
ing a public reception at hla country houe
on Aptekaasky island. The premier wa -
slightly wounded on the face and neck by
flying splinter. Among the dead ar th
prcntler'a 16-year-old daughter, who had
both legs broken by the explosion and sub
sequently succumbed to her Injuries; Gen
erl Zameatln. the premier's pcreonnl sec
retary; M. Khostovoff, former. governor of
the of Pens; Colonel Fodoroff,-
chief of the premier's personal guard;
Prince Nakaahldge, Police Officer Konuseff,
Court Chamberlain Davldoff, Court Cham
berlain Voronin and Aid Doubassoff, 1'our
women, two children, several guard and
several servants.
The wounded Include M. Stolypln's 1-year-
old eon. who Is seriously though not fa
tally injured, and a number of person
prominent In the social and official worlds.
Two of tho Assassin Killed. -
Of the four conspirator who engineered
the outrage two were killed with their
victims, while the third, who acted a
coachman for the party, and the fourth,
who remained inside the carriage, wer
badly wounded and ar now In th St.
Peter and Bu Taut fortress.
Whether the - aesasslns who entered th
crowded reception hall threw the bomb
or accidentally drorped It probably never
will be know, as all the Immediate eye
witnesses were killed. The tremendous
force pf the explosion absolutely blew out
the front of the premier's residence aad
carried away the ceilings above and. the.
floor beneath and the wall of th ad
Joining room.
People were literally blown to piece.
Thoe who wcrevnot killed Instantly were
horribly maimed or lacerated and all the
other preeent- wer) prostrated by th
Th premier's escape was miraculous, for
only a moment befor the explosion took
place he had stepped InFlde his study at
the rear of the salon to speak to Prince
Shakovsky. Although he was but slightly
Injured, he 1 completely prostrated by tho
" Bodies Torn aad Mangled.
The havoc wrought by the explosion 1
Indescribable. Bodies were so torn or
mangled a to mak Identification Impos
sible, some of them heedless, armies or
legless. " lying among the blood-dripping
wreckage. Pieces of flesh and clothing
clung to the shattered rafter overhead
and some lodged In the branche of th'
elm trees which border the roadway sepa
rating the premier's residence from th
river. When the Associated Press this
evening succeeded In securing permission
to pass the cavalry ' guarding the p
prosche to the house, the dead and
wounded already had been removed to a
neighboring hospital, but by the light of
flaring torches the police still were picking
out from the wreckage bits of flesh and
placing them in towel for transportation
by ambulances (o the morgue. .
At the hospital the correspondent aaw
frantic attendant trying to arrange th
shattered, bodies Into some semblance of
human form for Identification by weeping
and walling relative outside.
Th terrorist who carried tb explosive .
Into the house wa literally converted Into
pulp by the force of the explosion. In
side the gendarme officer's coat, which he.
had on. wa found the death sentence of.
Premier Stolypln that he had tried to ex
ecute. The police refuse to mak publio
tb content of this document
Tragedy Creates Scaaatloa. '
Th tragedy created a tremendous sensa
tion here, and -extra edition of th newa
pspers wer sold In th street until mid
night. In th club, where offlolala and
officer gather, the moat Indignation pre
vailed end th prediction was freely mad
that th revolutionaries would pay dearly
for suoh senseless crimes, and no doubt
wa entertained that their only effect would
be to drive tbe government to mor severe
methods of repression.
From information obtained from re vol u- -'
tlonary sources It Is certain that th
crime waa committed by th fighting or
ganisation of th social revolutionists In r-'
teliation for the war wheh th govern
ment ha been waging against them. Sine
M. Stolypln's accession to the premiership,
over 1,000 of their member ljave been ar
rested, too in St. Petersburg atone, and
many of these have been deported.
To fight this crusade th lighting or
ganisation, which Is composed of a wing
knowu u matlnmasts and who believe in
setting up a purely socialistic stat upon
th ruins of th autocracy, have deliber
ately entered upon a duel with the gov
ernment such as that which characterised
th famous fight of th nlhallst In th
1st seventies and which ended In th
ass us! nation of Emperor Alexander II.
Within a single year at that time a little
coterie of nihallsta under the direction of
Jeriaboff made twenty-eight attempts
against the emperor and high officials,
fourteen of which wer successful. At th
head of th present organisation la a
prominent revolutionary, who is considered
to be an organiser equal If not superior,
to Jeriaboff. All the member of th or
ganlsation had du noticethat today' at
tempt on the premier would be made and
want Into hiding.
It ha become known that an attempt
on M. Stolypln wa fustrated ten day ago
by th discovery of th beginning of a
ubterarnean passage from the wall of
the Grandler church adjoining hla resi
dence. The mining of palaces and resi
dences formerly waa a favorite method of
th nihilists, but ha not been used of
recent year.
Iusror Nlcaolaa when, PliraLssl. S4 fat
J. - -