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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1906)
THE UMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 25,' 1906. GRAIN AND PRODUCE M1RLET Wheat Prioca Bee-Bur, Clonic with Con idanbl toss. I UE TO LACK OF DEMAND FROM SHORTS Bid Ar Cant sad Usjf Oat of Mas and liMrt nsinosa la II 11 Corn Losee Asoat Tares Qaarters Coat. OMAHA. August 24.180. Wbutt price vwrod back and forth, being generally lower and closing Ho under yesterday' cloee. Rain In tha northwaat and firmer Liverpool cable influenced a firm ATMknlna Kut awI ' . . k. - . short had covered freely on yeaterday a Ruaalan news, trada waa light, and price dropped off. Numerous interest found they had oversold themselves and prices rallied at the cloaa. Recelpta were small again thla mornlnf and caeh price were batter. Bida for ex port were reported lVko out of Una, and trade la that quarter waa a standstill. There waa so morn corn for sals this morning, after general rains In the corn belt last night, that prices went off about e la the first hour, deterred futures suffer ing most heavily. Receipts were a llttl larger this morning and cash trade waa alow. Primary wheat receipts wr 477.000 bueh ala and shipments 356,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 443,000 bushels and shipments of 48,000 bushels. Corn receipts were 424,000 bushels and shipments 600,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 479,000 huahele and shipments of 423,000 bushels. Clearanree were 1S8.0OO bushels wheat, 8,159 barrels flour, 10,000 bushels corn and tOuO buhels oats. Liverpool closed Hd higher on wheat and V4-Hd higher on oorn.- Argentlna wheat shipments were 1,200,000 bushels, where only 800,000 bushels were expected. Pfarrlu. the New York exporter, wired: "Of course the Russian ukase turns out to have been an Invention. According to beat authorltlea, who own land snd elevator, the Manitoba crop Is expected to be 10 per cent larger than last year, 10 per cant more land having been planted. No ex port business possible." Local range of options: Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat I Sept... 4UA MSB 4UA M.A 7SB 4a 67HB: 67B Corn Sept. Dec. May., i 44VB 44HA 44B 44HA 18WB 39V.B 8A 1914A A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Bales. WHEAT No. hard, 1 car at 8414c; No. S spring, 1 car at 6a CORN-No. t, 1 car at 43Vc. OATS-No. 4 white, 1 car at 27Hc Omaha vatsf Prices. WHEAT-No. 3 hard, t4S7io; No. t hard, &V&Vtc; No. 4 hard, u&63c; No. t pi Ing wyUoftc. COhN-No. i, iXhic; Ko, yellow, 44 44c; No. t, white,. 46SH5WO. OATS No. 4 white, 1 cars at 7o. Carlot Receipt. - Wheat. Com. Oats. Chicago .............121 168 239 Kansas City 94 17 26 MtlllMt-lDOll (7 Omaha 22 41 88 Puluth 6 St. Louis 4? 182 CHICAGO GRAIX AND PROVISIONS Featares af tha Trading- and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. 24. An estimated gain of It) per cent In the wheat yield of Can ada was the chief reason for weakness In Lite wheat market here today. At the close Ina September deliverv-was off Corn was down Hff'Vio. Oat showed a loss of Jifff-fra.- I'rOvlslon "were unchanged: to 22fcc The wheat market waa Inclined to be weak all day, but In the early put of the esslon prices were held fairly steady by the firmness of Liverpool cables. Towsrd tho noon hour ' the market became weak on ' selling caused by the absence of ex port demand and excellent report' of the :ondJUoa of. the spring crop. Advices re- , carding tha Canadian crop were especially optimistic, one report claiming the total yield of wheat for the Dominion would show a gain of 10 per cent over that of last year. Late In the day, however, a large part of the loss was regained on covering by shorta. Damage reports from the southwest, where wheat waa reported to be sprouting In shocks, were Instrumen tal In creating a steadier undertone. There was much changing during the day from the September delivery to the December option kud trading In the Utter month snowed a liberal Increase. The market slosed easy. September opened a shade to ric higher at ilVai&lJHc to 7 IV:. sold off to foio and closed at 71 Vic December ranged between 73,tC and 74c and closed at 74Hc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 210.600 bu. Exports for tha week, a shown by Uradslreets. were equal to 3,200,. compared with 643,000 bu. for the corre sponding day a year ago. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago-reported receipts of 191 cars, against S& .car last week and 233 oar a year ago. Rain over a large portion of the corn belt caused weakness today In the corn market Reports from tha southwest wero to . the effect that the crop is almont safe from damage and that the yield will be very large. The first hour's selling in the pit was quite general. The close . was weak. September opened VaS'aO lower to ft shade higher at 4XVic to 4M.C, sold off to ITJo and closed at 48o. December ranged between 43He and HWa and closed at 43e. Local receipts were , i cars, with 98 of contract grade. Oat were week on selling by cash houses, . liberal local receipts snd an increased pri mary movement. September opened a shade lower to a shade higher at 29Ho to c. Bold off to ttVio and closed at &c. December sold between 80Hc and 81c and closed at 30o. Local receipts were 238 ear. . Buying of lard by packers was the fea ture of trading In provisions. Because of this demand lard mad a substantial ad vance. Other products were about steady. At the close September- lard was up 224c at $8.80. Pork waa unchanged , at $17.05 Rib were lVx36o higher at $8.S7V:&8.0. Eatlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat n cars; corn, 189 oars; oat. 237 car: hogs U ,000 head. Th leading future ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Clcae. Ye y Whest Sept... , lieo.... May... Corn Sept... Ieo.... May... Oats Sept... Iec.... May... Pork Sept... Jan.... Lard Sept... Oct.... Nov... Jan.... Ribs Bept... Oct.... Jan.... 71HS T1H 70 T1H 74. 7 78 I 48 47) . 4?H SI 43 44144H&H 44 C 4SH4TV A A' 46V 29 2V4 2SH 2SSfTH si SSH'tfH 31 ? 3H H 17 07H 17 06 17 06 13 40 17 08 U 46 8 80 IT 06 13 48 14 42W 14 4 8 89 8 (7H! 8 66 57H fa 8 44 T 80 186 I 0 1 10 8 87U 8 87W a so 8 40 8 4-H T H ,K I 66 7 IJta 7 8JV 8 80 8 40 8 10 8 66 8 86 6 66 7 Zi 7 17H 1 22Vt! 7 22H .No. 1. - - Caeh quotation were a follow: FLOUR Fairly active; winter patents. tZM& 60; ' atralghta, - 83.30fi3 40; aprlng patents,; osssrs, vh EAT No, 1 spring, 73rJ4c; No. 1 red, CORN-No. 1 4Uc: No. t ysllow. 80e. OATS No. t 2rHc; No. 2 whit. V3 glHc: no. i white. 27H-0V0-RTE No. 1, 060. -BARLEr Fair to choice malting. 409480. SKUa-No. 1 flax. $l.ttH; No. 1 north western, $1.13e: prim timothy, 8176; clover, contract grade, $11 PROVISIONS Short rib. lde (loose), MSCbhl tO. VIei pork, per bbl., $17.00417 66. Lard.-per 100 lbs. $8.82Hw Short clear lde tboxad. $8.8PO.87H. Tho following vera th receipt of flour and grain: Recelpte, Shipments. Fkur. bbla. . to. 900 12.M Wheat, bit ..121.009 lit ou Corn, bu. .., HO.80O $34.0u0 Oats, bti ....331.600 W.tu) Ry. bu. ..v 14,000 Barley, bu. 10.8u0 . 1S.0OU Oa the Produraleachanga today tha bu: ter market was firm; creameries, IkzJc; dairies, lTIOHc. F-, steady; at mark, eases Included, UVl": Brsts, 16c; prim flrsia las? extra. feHsc. Cheese, stsjpng; 1H'6130. 1 , Uverpeal Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 84.-WH EAT-Spot, r Nov I red, wesUra wluter. t iu4; futures, steady; September, Pd. De cember, ta 4VkI. CORN 8 pot, firm; American mixed, new, 4a 6d; American mixed, old, 4e d; futures, steady; September, 4a 8Hd; December, s 7Vd; January, 4s 8d. HEW YORK OKSERAI, MARKJCT atatla of tha Day V ariose Caaasnadltlea. NEW YORK, int 84. FLOUR Receipt. 17,41 bbl.; export. bbla. Market quiet Dtil stesoy; siinne"oi i-m, 84 S4 40; Minnesota bskers, 3 4f9 80; win ter natenta. winter strsights, 8 50 e.7t; winter extra, 81 K&; winter low grsdes. 82.7Nja 30. Ry flour, steady; fair to good, W 8f4.76; choice to fancy. -4.o. CORN MlvAL Steady j nne wnite, 128; coarse, SLloei.U; "Jin arted too. RTB Nominal ; No. 1 western, c nom inal, c. I. f., New York. WHEAT Receipts, 66.000 bu.: export. l.(rl bu. Spot market eteady; No. I red, TKc; elevator. No. 8 red. 7Hc; f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Puluth. 8;VkCi t. o. b. afleat; No. 1 hard winter, 80'4c; L "-float. After a steady opening on cable wheat weakened under bear pressure, commission house eelllng and better northwest news. This was succeeded by afternoon rallle on nig weekly clearance and covering, th closing being Vac lower to Ho net higher. May, MVrf&c; closed at 84c; September, 78V3T 7-lSc; closed at 7fco; December, SlVpfto, closed at 824c. CORN Receipts, 72,035 bu.: sxports. 10.371 bu. Spot market easy: No. 1 elevator, and f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 yellqsr, tic; No. I white, 43c Option market was generally weak all day under report of good rain In th belt, closing Ho net lower. Septem ber, HTttJHc closed at KVfcc; December Closed at 82Sc OATS Receipt, 100,000 bu.; exports, 2.055 bu. Spot market easy; mixed oats, 24 to 81 pounds pounds. 36 Vi natural white, 30 to 83 pounds, 3VrC; clipped white, 30 to 40 pounds, 393-420. HATfctendy; shipping, 657Bc; good to CboVe. 86cfc31.05. HOP Dull; state, common to choice, 1506, Ui917c: 1904 and olds, nominal: Pacllia coast 1906, 13fi'18c; iso4, 12c; olds, nominal. HIDES Steady; Galveston, to to 80 lbs.. 20c; California, 21 to 24 lb., 21c; Texas, X to 27 lbs., lc. LEATHER-Firm; acid. !27Hc PROVISIONS beef, steady; fsmlly, 810.00 10 50; mess, 88.0co SO; beef hams, $21,009 22 60; packets, 88 fr.ffS) 00: city extra India mess, 816.0016.60. Cut meats, quiet; mess, 8)6. 0fjl6.M. Cut meats, leady; pickled bellies, 3il.0ft8U.O0: pickled should erB, 88e.7B; pickled hams. tl2.0n12.5. Ijerd. firm; western steamed, ."('" ffleflned lard quiet; continent, .; South American, $9 85; compound, 7HCIH". Pork, steady; family, $18 6C& l.oo; short clear, $17.(alS.76; mesa, $l.0oll9.2S. TALLOW 8taady; . city, 61o; counln". SC6Hc BUTTER Firm. Street prlcea: Extra creamery, 23H24c Official prlcea: Cream ery, common to extra, 18fa23Hc; state dairy, common to extra, lsivc; reno vated, common to extra, l&2"c; western factory, common to firsts, l4Hlfec; western Imitation creamery, extras, aoc; western firsts, lttl8Hc CHEESE Firm; state full cream, large fancy, 12Hc; fslr to good, 11014c; smalt fancy, llttc; fair to good, 11 Vs 12c; in. ferlors, 10&104C EOOS Firm; stste, Penneylvanfa - and nearby fancy selected white, to&Tlc; choice. 240: mixed, extrss, U'tr' western ft rati, 20c; western seconds, l7319e. POULTRY Alive, quiet; western spring chickens, 15c; fowls and ' turkeys, 13VrC. Dressed, Irregular: western spring chickens, MWiOc; turkeys, 1&&14C; fowl,. lo14o. , St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 24.-WHEAT-Flrm; on track. No. 2 red, cash, 7oVJlHc; No. 2 hard, 6ST3c; September, uBHc; December, 71Sc CORN Lower; on track. No. 1 cash, 47 tjpiitoc; September, 46c; December, 41Vc; No. 2 white, 60(ff60Hc. OATS Lower; on track. No. 2 cash. 30Mc; September, 29 c; December, 31 HO w He; Ko. 3 white, iWsihc. FLOUR Steady: red winter patents, 83.8S 63.50; extra fancy and straight, M.Mi3.36; clear, $2.2.7. SEED Timothy, teady, 13.504i4.00. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.60. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 73&76c. HAY Steady; timothy, $12.SO&17.00; prai rie, $7.6010.60. IRON COTTON TIES-W.OOVi BAOGINO 1 16c. i .HEMP TWINE 7Hc -.' , ' PROVISIONS Pork, steady; jobbing, $16.80. Lard, higher; prime steam, 8S.&L Dry salt meets, steady; boxed extra shorts. x.3.H; clear noe,; snort clears, 'J.7j. Bacon, steady: boxed extra short, $10.Uit; clear ribs, 310.87H;. short clear. 810.60. POULTRY Firm; chickens, Hc; springs, 12c; turkeys, 14HC; ducks, thic; geese, c. BUTTER Firm: creamery. UM4c: dairy. tuus-rlrm, 160 case count. ReceiDta. Shlnments. Flour, barrels 6,000 : 12,00 Wbuat, bushels 47,000 - 64,0,0 Corn, bushels 182.000 - 96.J00 Oats, bushels 43.000 40,000 s1 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Auav 24. FLOUR First patents, $4.00rft4.10; second patents, $3. toft 3.96; flrst clears, $3.(33.46; second clears. BRAN In bulk, $13.HVffl3.75. (Superior Boaru of trade Quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). Ths of prices, as reported by F. D. Day at Co., 110-111 board of Trade, was: Articles.? Open. Hlgh. Loir. Closs. Yes'y Whest-I May... 77mm1 O.K. 7W4. T7Vi 74 7J 72S 711 ,72 iJec. Flax- 73 73373 iTJW'iUs 1 1' Sept... Oct.... Nov... Lee... 1 16 1 14'. 1 15H I 16 1 13 U 1 1 1 14 1 14 1 14S. 1 13 1 141 1 UH 1 i4' 1 12Vi 1 li 1 12 1 121 Kansas City Grain aad Provision. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 24. WHEAT September, 64c; - December, 7o; May, 71c; cash No. 2 hard, tfigi&c; No. 3, 64p tf7c; No. 2 ri-d, 6S('(b8c; No. 3, 67c. CORN September, 43c; December, 3940; May, wc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 44o; Na i white, 4o3H64c. OATS No. t white, 3111c; No. 2 mixed. 2D430e. RYE Unchanged, No. 2, ttG&)c. HAY Steady ; choice timothy. IU.2EU.G0; Choice prairie, 88.76. fcOOS Firm; extras, 18c; firsts, cases In cluded, 17c; seconds, 10c. BUTTER Creamery, 2e; packing, 16c. Receipt. Shipments.- Wheat, bushel 172.000 43.000 Corn, bushel 47,000 88.000 Oat, bushel 29.000 17,000 Mllwaake Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 24. WHEAT Steady: No. 1 northern. fJQflOc; No. 1 north ern, 7M?77c. RYE Steady; No. 1. 69c. BARLEY Steady; No. 1, K3c; sample. 88flMc. C()RN-Pull; No. 8 cash, tS-tc; Sep tember. 48c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Aug. 14. CORN Firm; No. 1 yellow, 49o: No. 1, 4c; No. 4, 4c, no grade, 44 47c. OATS Strong; No. 1 white, tOOlOVjc; No. 1 whit. liIOc; No. 4 whit. 18 18e. Kit B taady; No. 1. 87HOte. Dmlntk Grain Market. DULUTH, Aug. H. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 77c; No. '1 northern, 76c; Sep tember, 73c. . OATS-New, 10c; August, tSVA ' RYE 63c. . . . BARLEY 85543c V, " Toledo- Seed Market. TOLEDO. Aug. 24 8EEDS Cash clover, $7.26; October and Iteoenioer t'.li Timothy, $1.$, AVslke, $7.98. - , . Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. M. COTTON 8 pot, cloeed quiet; middling uplands, 9.90c; middling gulf, lO.lSo; no sales. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 24.-COTTON-Spot, quiet; prices 6 pulnts lower; American middling fair, 6.79d; good middling, 6.81d; good middling, i.91d; good ordinary, 4.$7d; ordinary. 4.i3d. The sales of ths dsy wer 4.0 bslea of which 600 wer for speculation and export and Included $.400 American. Receipts, 1,000 bales, Including 600 Ameri can. ST. LOUIS. Aug. K-COTTON Dull; middling 10c;. sales. 336 bales; shipments, 179 balsa; stock, 18J29 balsa. , Oils and RhIi. OIL CITY, Pa..- Aug. lt-OIL-Cred!t balance 81 68. Shipment. 68. 14 bbla; average, 67. W bbla.; runa. 80,3I bbla.; average. 62.761 bbla. Shipments, Lima 64.140 bbla; average, 62.218 bbla.; runa, Lima. 41. W bbla; average, 16, TOO bbla. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Aug. 24.-OIL-Tur-pentlne, firm; 41 c. . . ROSIN-FIrm; A. B. C. 84.6t; ' D, $4 10; E. 34-14 26r F, $4AlW'l$2C; O, $4 16414 40; H. 84 4.'A4; I.' $480; K. $4 40; M. 14.86; N. $6.16; WO. $6.20; WW. $6.48. T . luar and Malaasaa. NEW YORK. Aug. 24. SUO A R-Raw, firm; fair refining. 3 7-lc; centrifugal. 98 test. 144c ; molaksr sugar. I l-lo; re fined firm; crushed, .fc; podrd. c: granulated. 4.900. NEWYORK STOCKS AND B05DS Earrimts Iistied An Actio, th Leading rcattn of Mirket. BWBWBnwXSl NEW HIGH RECORD FOR UNION. PACIFIC Raasar f Increased Dlvldead la talted State Steel Send that Isaa t a Maner. Is firmer. NEW YORK, Aug. 14. In th main, to day' stock market was largely a repeti tion of the previous day a pretty mucn the same stocks were used as marset lenders and for th greater part of the aay the same degre of irregularity prevallea. 'lo round out th analogy,-trading was al most in th same proportions. The movement took In a number of pe ctaitlea not especially prominent In tne re rent activity, such a National Lead snd International Pump, but a treah upward movement In tha Pacifies the Harriman Issues was again th most prominent fea ture. Theae stocks, together with United States Steel common, wnich early distln- ?:ulahed Itself by scoring a new high record or the movement, tha Hill Issues, Amain mated Copper, Atchison. St. Paul and Read ing comprised the bulk of the business. In fact sales of steel and copper overshadowed all else In th first hour. Fears of a flurry In call loans, which opened at 6 per cent, seemed to vanlah In tha early afternoon when price wer at their highest. Fore casts showing bank losses for the week approximating $9,000,000 wer received with apparent Indifference, In spite of the low state of reserves and surplus. Those who had looked for some measure of financial relief from Washington must have had their hopes rudely dashed by the pro nouncement of the secretary of the trea sury that present condition call - for no government assistance. The early boom In steel bore all the ear mark of yesterday' open manipulation and was accompanied by rumor that a large pool had been formed at one of the western industrial centers to accumulate the stock. The Increased dividend rumor In connec tion with this stock was again Industri ously circulated, while veiled suggeatlona of a further distribution in Union Pacific were given as th reason for th new movement In that Issue. This stock waa used as the market leader In the early afternoon rise, but trading soon fall off to more moderate volume and the effort to sustain the market w for a time aban doned. The market gathered fresh impetus In the last hour when call money fell to SH per cent. In spite of the popular belief that th bank reserve on the known move, menta of money would ahow a deficit to morrow. The bull element trotted out an old ru mor about thl time the purchase of Ft. Paul by Union Pacific. St. Paul sold within a fraction of Its high price of the week and the buying todsy seemed to come from brokers frequently ernployed by Harri man Interests. Mtirh of today's trading In that stock vii believed to be for account of a belated hort Interest. The sale of a small block of American Express stock at ?, the fcfsrhest price In four ysrs, was a feature of the special grout. The market grew dull In the 1st trading with no marked tendency In either direction. Prices had vlelded fractionally, however, and the market became almost Inert when In the last fifteen minutes a new movement csme In the Harriman storks which were traded In verv heavllv. Union Pacific wnt to a new high fesord. and Bouthern Paclflo to WS. a fraction below Its ton t'ice Steel common 8lo made a new htrh record for the movement and the remainder of the lint opened tbouirh not in the same desree. There was absolutely no news to account for the advance, other thn etpantatlons of irold Imports and as Previously stated. Intimations of further dlvMenrt dNbur menta In Union Pacific. The cloalnv was active and strons-. Amrtet! securities held well In London where the general merkets seemed undisturbed over ths prob able rhena-e In the rabtTt. Tjonrton was not a facto here tho'ta-h thit market nrn. eblv nartlclnatd In the late buvlng of the Pnelfloe. Time money w firmer and In more limited a alf nr cent mlsslon araln olnr with most nlnetv-day and four-months loans, while for over-rear accommodation th rate mi equivalent to 7 ner cent. Ponds were, Irregular. Total sale par value 8t.16S.nno. United State bond were all unchanged on call. Following waa the range of prices on the Nw York Stock exchange: BelM. HlgQ. lw. Cinae. Adams Tereaa 84 Amalgamated Cetieer .lit an ill Amar. Car aa4 reea4rt.... 41H 4o s(4 Ie ian44 Amar. Qottoa Oil... 100 II do pfd .... ... Amar. Ersreaa Ml ; Amar. Hi4a A leather pfd IN II1 Amar. Ice Securities ....... tide ' 71 ' 114 1104 ui" ! 74 -4Kl 40 10OU M 1 141 14 TK 1H 41 Tl 111 Aim. Unaaed Oil.... do ptd Amar. LoeemoUca I, KM 71 70 do pfd Amar. tmelttn A Retain 84,oe 141 140 111 117 40 Bfd IM 111 Amar. Suaar RaOnln.. tmar. Tobaivn ld clta naronda Mlaln Co.... Atchlaon do rtd Atlantic Coaat Lino.... Baltlmor A Ohio...... do ofd U.tOO 14IH 144 141H 101 nt 104 101 141 117 t T no tit 41 IH? Ill II 10 UK) 10144 101 , n.ies v a,H 1,100 fb4 1014 400 m m 00 144 144 , 4,100 117 117 Brooklra Rapid Tranalt .. 11,400 T Canadian Paclflc 170 Central of New Jeraer 400 124 Chcaapaake A Ohio l.too 41 Chlcata Oraat Waatarn 1.400 1 Chtcato 4t Narthwaatars... 11.400 Hi C. M. A St. Paul 14.104 111 Chicago Term. A Trana do pld C, C, C St. Loula.... 2.104 17 Colorado fuel and Iron... 14400 W Colorado A Southern 8.00 17 77 14a at 41 11 111 lr M 41 rt 74 11 140 It II til 114 44 4 II 4 77 71 do lat pre 4a Id pfd Coneolldated Oaa. a-dlT Cora Products, rft. ....... l,M0 141 144 do pfd 104 74 Pel. A Hudson, ai-el'.... 400 ! Dal.. Lack 4t Woatara II til 44 4 40 4 tanrar A Rle Orande 1.704 4o pt4 100 Matlll.ra' aactuiUaa 604 Erie 17,o 44 4 II 44 4o lat pf4 do id pfd .... flanaral Klaetrle Hocking valley llltneta C antral Inter. Paper .... do pfd , Intar. Pump ... BOO Tl 404 71 404 144 17 11 141 laa 117 m It 14 11 171 ITS 14 U 14 44 10 I.104 64 11 H 14 II l 140 II 1 in 174 M M 11 W 141 3 s 1 44 141 11 K 7 S4 141 ao pra Iowa Central 104 14 I do I4 K. C. Souihara 4o PI4 Laulatlila A Naahdlla.... Mazlaaa Cantral , Minn. A St. Loula M . It. P. A saull gta. M da pfl Mlaaoort Paclte al . Kaa. A Toiaa do pfd National Lead N. R. R. ef at , pld New York Central Na York. Ont. A W ! M 111 11 14 41 'SeS 40 1.104 70 144 11.10 I.H4 aa 7.100 1.144 1,400 no 171 II II II 41 143 . M M 149 II 171 N 14 Tl 71 41 141 47 II ii 141 1 Norfolk A Waaler a pfl North Americas Pacific Mall Peanaylvaala People' e Oa PRta.. C C. A St. L 41.100 1.104 rraaee4 Steal Car 1,104 14 14 e sfd Pullman Palace Car Raadln do 1st pfd. aa-eiv, da Id pfd Republic Steal do pfd Rock leland Co 10 117 M.400 141 'to ii 1.104 tl 1.104 141 1M it' 10 140 ri 4 44 14 s 114 M 44 14 11 112 ii" 44 SO II ft 8.404 r do pfd 1,104 Bt L. A San Fran, tl pfd. 14 St. Loula eaikeeatera.... t.oo do pfd 1,104 Southern Paclte in, laO 4a pfd 100 Southern Railway I. toe 4o pfd 404 Tasaa Paclftc so To!., St. L A Wut era... la 4 Pf4 44 44 44 s M 114 14 144 14 4 at 44 IU4 II n ! ; 14 1 44 114 11 44 141 ' 14T 104 10 44 IM 141 1 IT ft 117 101 ao al .844.1M 141 Vnloa PaelBc 4a pfd V. S. Bipraea V. A Raaltr 144 TT V. g. Rubber 40 47 de pf4 U. S. Steal 1H.404 141,404 41 44 ll.Pul 144 17 a Chaaloal. 14 40 44 pfd Vlrttala-Carellaa 4 pf4 too iot Wabaah t4 M 4o pfd 1.144 44 Welle-Farfe Cipraaa Hit 400 Waatlnthouaa klaotrle Weatara Unlea a Wneelln A Lake Erl Wlaeonala Caatral 144 14 44 4a p!4 404 Narthara Pacini II. ace Central Leather I. MO do pf 04 Sloee-Sbemeld S4 1 811 44 141 I 115 101 .! II Oraat Northern pld ILK in 1JS, letarbbrouth MatropeilUa.. I7.an4 41 It teZ 4e pi4 l.rM (4 nZ Tout aalae far Ua ear. L4e4,ae aharaa - Foreign Flaanelal. LONDON. Aug. 14 Money was in good demand today and rate had a hardening tendency. Discounts were a shade easier, bualness of tha Stock exchange tvaa dull, tha approach ef th settlement rettl. t Ing businsss, while Investment purchase larked, . causing 4 slight relapse tn British securities. Foreigners were quiet and Irregular. American opaaed hesitatingly, but Improved t aver parity in tha forenoon on good local support. Union Racine and Southern Paclflo lead, log. Th rest oX te mars l moved up and the market closed firm. Amer.-an copper shares were Improved. Kaffir were dull. Jspancee Imperial 48 Of Jt.'i wer quoted at 10$. Raw Yark Manes-. Market. NEW YORK, Aug. U r-MONEY--Or call, strong, at 40 6 per cnt; ruling rate, 6 per cent; ciaalng bid, $H per cent; of fered at 4 per rent. Time loans, strong! sixty days,. 6 pet cent; ninety days. 6'j IH per cent; six months, 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAFKK 4H4 p;r cent , . - STERLINO EXCHANGE Weak. at $4 448id4.44 for demand, and at 4.Mi) for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.$2'i MDV; commercial bills, $4.804. SILVER Bar, 4Hc; Mexican dollars, 61 He- BONDS Oovernment, steady; railroad, steady. ' Quotation on New fork bonds todsy were aa follow! 0. a. ret. 8a. 1 .... I Jpb ta. 14 tortM... H1 4a eeusea ...wV, 4a Vm. t fl 0. a. la, ng-.. H 4a 14 earlee II So causes Ilt. 4 4a. cut U V. a ei4 4a, r....l L. A N. ual. 4 It 4 eoa . iv M.nbat. . tola w. .in V. 8. bw 4a, re. 4e eeupoa Am. Tek. 4a da AlehMea m. .. 4a adj. 4a Atlantic C. U 4a... B A O. 4i 4a 4 Ha Br. R. T. . 4a. Ventral af Oa. to. 4s let tae as M la 4a Id Ise Chaa. A Ohio 44a. Chlcato st A. !. W 1 li.t. caatrai ..110 4a lat inc..'. .. II iMlnn. 41 St. L 4a ..lirV;al., K. A T. 4a.. ..m, 4o ta .. N. R. af M a. 4a ..IOIS N. T. C. fan. Ilea ..KM N. 8. C. aa .. WH No. Paclftc aa.... .. list da la ..Ul Nor. A W. a. 4a. .. 7 Ora. A U tit. 4a .. 114 .. H ..KM .. .. 44 .. ..ion .. 14 ..IMI4 .. Na ..ll sH rmn. a. Ista RaadlB t tos. 4a irvt A 1. N. a. la.Ut4 ..1044 St. TT 84. l. a t. r. ft. St. L. 8. W. e. 1 Baakear4 A. U 4a. 114 t.Sa C, B. A Q. a. n C, R 1. A P. 4a.... Tl 14 do col. t fact 4a n CCC. A St L. f. 4a.. 101 I da let 4a. ct(a M Colo. In4. ear. A T4 SauttMra Rr 4a. Ill Colo. Midland ta...... 71 iTeiae Paclte le..lil Colo. So. 4a 11 T., Bu L. A W. 4a.. II Cuba la 104 ll'nlon Pacific 4a 104 V. R. a 4a., 4 'U. S. Staol 14 ta.... Dietlllere' Bee la.;.. ulWabatk It 114 Kne prior lien 4a... .101 I 4o det B 11 aa fan. aa vw"trn M4. 4e 44 Hark. Val. 4a. ...... Hi4 'W. A L! E. 4a tau. Japan 4a 0uWia. Central 4a l vUfciea. ' Boston itocka and Honda. BOSTON, Aug.. ,24. Call loan. 64 per cent; time loans, b$H per cent, closing quotations on storks and bonds: Atchlaon ad). 4a.,.. M Bingham ..... . H .774 . U 1 . ll . 11 . 10 . 1 . It . : . 41 .111 . 5 . U I . 44 . . 44 . 44 . 10 . 40 . 4 1 .134 . 11 . H . 18 . II .117 i! . 84 do 4a 100 cat. ft Heela. Mri. Central 4a. Tl' Ontennlal ... Atchlaon ....141 Dalr Want .... ...101 Kranklln .... ....! Ornnhr ....147 I. la Rnrele .. ....m Maae. Mining ....111 Michigan ... 4 fd Boatoo A A.. Baaton A Ma. Boaton Blamed FHchburg pfd ., mci. central .... iMonaa N. Y., N. H. A H. Para Marauatta . Am. Arga. Cham. 1H Mont. Coal A C... Old Demloton ... Oeceela Parrot . II ! 4o pfd . ii . 11 141 Am. Pnau. Tuba... Am. Sugar Qulncr Shannon . Tamarack 4o pfd .1M Am. Tel. A Tel... Ul fTrlnltr .. Am. woolen do Dfd t7 Vnltad Copear U. A M.alng. l. 8. Oil ..104 .. .. J Pom. Iron A Steal. Mara. Elcclrld Utah do pfd Maaa. Oaa I'nltad Fruit I'altad 6hoe Mac. do pfd r. S. Sim). do pfd Adventure 70 Victoria it Winona ..104 .. M .. M .. 47 ..101 .. I .. M ..uc Wolrerina North Butte Butta Coalition ... Ncraaa , Cel. ft Artione..... Arlsona Tacumaab Oraan Caeaelldatad Allouea Amalgamated Atlantic 14 Asaed. , Bld. London Cloatna; Stocks. LONDON, Aug. 24. Closing quotation on th Stock exchange were: Console, moner....47 11-14 !. Y. Central .- 147 so account n u-i rorioi a weatara.. Anaconda 104 do pfd . 16 . 41 . 7S . 4 . 71 . 40 .103 . 44 .184 . II . 44 .111 . 11 . 41 do pfd 100 loot, ft Weatara. B. ft Ohio 111 IPenhartTanla Canadian PactSe ....174 I Hand Mlaca Chen, ft Ohio 3a Heading Chicago o. w.... HVr'outharn Rr C, M. ft St. P. DeBaara D. A R. O da pfd Brie .., do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlaola Central . L. ft N ...Ill do pfd ... II- ,-. Pacific .... 4...V.ilan PaclSe ..... ... Ii do pfd ... 47 It. S. Steal ... II I da pfd ... 14 Wabaah ...Ill do pfd ...Iff. 'paaUb. 4a W M . K. A T r, SILVER Bar, stet. ,y; 30 16-18 per cent. ' MONEY-282 per cent. The rat of discount In th open market for short bills Is 1 per cent; for thre months' bill. 8 6-16tf3 per cent. " Hew" York Mining; Stocks. , NEW YORK. Aug. 24. Closing quota, tlona on mining atecka war: Adams Coa te- Ltttla Chief I Alloa r.. lit Ontario ..,.171 Breere M-Ophlr ,....,.144 Bninewlck Coa 40 Phoenix 3 Coraatock Tunnel .... II Potoal 11 Can. Cel. and Vs.... lit' Seiaae 100 ' Horn .-.It rierm Nrrada ....... it Iroa Stiver 404 ' Small Hepae 44 Laadrllla Coa... 6- Standard 144 Treaaarr SMateanaat. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In th gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, M,m.W: gold coin and bullion, $110, tit, -203; gold certificate. $43,070,670. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Aug. 24. Bank clearings today were $l,a&2,66&.37, and tor the corresponding day of last year clearances were $1,4, 401.31 Boston Copper Market. Closing quotations en' Boston copper mar ket, rtixirted by Log as A llryan. 2 Board of Trad building. Omaha: Adventure 4 Mohawk II Ailouaa MNarada Coneolldte.. 1 Atlantic 14 North Butta ..a II Bingham U Old Dominion 41 Black Mountain I Oeoeola ill Boaton Coneolldated.. II Pnau. Berries ,11 Bulla CoaltUea 14 Pnaa. Service, pfd... 8 Calumet A Arlaoa..lW qulacr M Calumet A Heela. ...14 Shannon 1 Centennial M Tamarack 104 Copper Range ;.' II Tana. Copper 46 Dallr Went 17 Trtnltf 4 Bast Butte 14 I'altad Fruit 144 rrankUa 14 United Bute, eon... tt Oreaaa Copper M t'nlled 4 la lea. pfd... 44 Oraabr 11 Utah Cooeolldated... 44 Helvetia 4 I'tah Copper lata Roval te Victoria 1 L. a. APItaburg 14 Winona 1 Maeeechueette lWsivar1ne 1M Mieaisas 11 I Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 24.-WOOL-The Commer cial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the wool situation: Although the largest fao tore In tha wool market have not yet atarted Important operations, th medium and smaller mills are buying combing and clothing wool In lots ranging from fki.uOO to loO.oov pounds. Consumers, who hsd been holding off, are receiving no encouragement from merchant In regard to obtaining lower price, for today basis of values will ba sustained aa far as possible. Even though full present rates may be paid, th profit to dealer will not be large. All Staple wool from quarter blood up are In a strong position. Among the terri tory transactions are fine and fine me dium Utah and Wyoming st !34J-?:4Vc. or &84;0o scoured; several hundred bags of fin and floe medium Idaho, In original bags, at 233C4C. or 4'?0o clean; original bags of fin Montana at 21 e and medium at 28c, the clean cost of which I about 70c. Half-blood staple are movlnar at 704r71c. Fine stsple 1 worth 7tr76o and An me- dlum 70o. Fin clothing I quoted at 7ia,"lc: nn medium. 6?W7o: half blood. 7 Cilc; three-eighth and quarter blood, 06 &j8c. Several hundred baga of fine acoored have been aold at t65ao and No. 1 New Mexican ha been taken at 6&C6o. Tn territory sales aggregate a considerable quantity, worsted dress goods and over coating mills being steady purchasers. Fleeces ere In good demand, with a spe cial call for three-eighths and half blood. For tho former - grade. Ohio at 00k, 860 Is auoted, while th latter ta selling at 83 C4c. Th shipments of wool from Boston to dat frem December 87, 194, according t the aame authority, are 168 9?1.3SS pounda, against 150,(174,641 pounda at Ua same time last year. . BT. LOUIS. Aug. 24.-WOOL-teady; me dium gradea. Combing and clothing, 240 2sc; light One. ISferc; heavy fine. IrffUc; tub wahd, tt&VtC . ' Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 24. M ETALB Ther waa a further advance of about 10 In th London tin market, with soot cloatna- . t 181 16 end future at 184 10a; locally li.v inraei cuminuei nrm, Dut sngntiy higher, owing to th improvement abroad; $40 80 was ottered for siot suDtillea with holder aaking $41. 2a Copper waa un changed at AM 12 6d for both spot and future In th London mirket; locally no roanga wsa reponsa, wun laxe quoted at $1876, electrolytic al $1860 and casting st $1817. Lead was higher at 17 ha M In London; locally the market waa firmer, with quotations ranging from $6,75666. outside price being aaked for deliveries out of stores. Spelter waa 2a 6d higher at 17 2 Id In th London market: locally It waa unchanged at KOOfrUO. Iran waa higher abroad, with atandard foundry quoted at 83a lOd and Cleveland warranta at Ua iiLA In tha English market; locally price wer flr-n and generally higher, with Na. t foundry northern quoted at $30 004)30.60. No, 1 foundry northern at $nt6i$30 00. No. J foundry southern st $2092n6o and No. 1 lounary souinernat gia attorn tie. ST. LOUIS. Aug. K -MET ALA- Lead. mini a. iv. Dinner, waa, ss.sig. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Vrr Light Son of CsUls GsaersJIf 6llisc tsdj. NO VERY ' IMPOftlANf CHANCE IN HOGS Ltttht Rfreelnte of Sheep aal La rati a, with I anal Active Demand me Everything telllag Freely at Abeat Steady Prices, SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 24, 1908. Receipts weie: Cacti. Mega otieep. OIIicihI Moooay , .lu 3a4 li,.4 OIuCihI lueadsy .1.) .! la,lM8 Olhclal Wedneaday 1034 8,vW 8,kA) utlicial Thursday 3,ti; '1,403 i,i ulnclal Friday too AiaXt 20,tw Plv days thl week.. 18, 118 sZlti 4S,lev Same days last wek....l4.it2 li.Mv lY.Ui bame two weess, 4i.u4 4o.M bama three weeks ago..l8.It4 44,a 24. M earn four wer a a,27$ $,. lu.Ml Same days lst yer....H,ai &l.t to,., itKCfi.iilo FOR THK YS.AR TO DAl'B. Th following table shoes tne receipt of catti. hog iid sheep at oouln Oinana for toe year to data, coinpeieu with lat r. 1U4. 1904. inc. Cattl tj.ycM k,l Hogs l,t,ot4 I, Im.144 oneep 1,014,33 ku6,6ol 68,831 ' CATTLK QUOiAilONti. lb following will snow tne price paid for th dlflerent Kind of catti On tn touth omatta market: Uood to choice corn-ied steers. ...$5.loilf slr to good corn-ted tr Common to fair corn-fed alter.. 4avw4.i Uood to choice range steera 4.aV6.1l r air-10 goog range ateura .,v- common to fair range steer f.oul-i' Oood to choice cows And beifer.. i.Jouj-4 4 .... jVvil !.0j1i .sO'Slil ra . 1.7M2.6U 'ajr to good cows snd heifers., t.wat Common 10 fair rows and heifers Oood to choice atonker A feeder. $76 at. 4; Fair to good stockar and feedor.. 14vf Common to fair Blockers 1 7Vt 4.1 6 40 Bulls, stars, ate 16MM 71 Veal calves t778 The following table shows the averego price of hogs at South Omaha for th Ust several tdays with comparisons Pat. I 180$. IU05.I1804. 11801. 11802. 1.100. Aug. 13.. Aug. 14... Aug. 18.. Aug. 14... Aug. i... Aug. 18.., Aug. 18... Aug. 20... Aug. 21... Aug. 23.. Aug. 23.. Aug. 24.. 4 84! I t6 771 4 A 73 4 8$ 781 4 87 771 4 88 fcii 6 u In t 88 8 K 1 $ n $ 26 J 4.1 $ 82 a H 8 Ml a "4 4 Sei 1 211 ft I rj $7 I 4 85 6 I i 10 11 $ 12 t 02 6 13 ( 03 t 03 i 04 6 1& $ 24 $ 01 t 02 ( 96 $ rV.U S 84 178 6 84 t 301 T 001 $b 6 01 6 K a I 46 6 M VI I 4 87 111 8 ul lIJi Bundsy. RANGE OF PRICE 8. . fstt'.e. Hops Omaha $1.75iy.9S t4.0o4S.5 Chicago l 4ff 60 5.4ft ry Kansas City i03 25 6.76. $0 6t. loul $ m Vi ' 6 74 41 Sioux City .60r5.00 lfjftj6. THURSDAT'S SHII'MENTS. Tha following shows the number of ear of atocker and feeder shipped to th country and their points of destination: m CATTLE. Car. W. Charlton. Carlo..-M. 0 4 I. A. Crawford, Hsstlngs, la. Q. W.... 1 L. C. Davi. McClelland. Ia. O." W 2 Bothell. Phelp A Co., Iowa City, Ia R. I M 1 Henry Carl. Oeneseo. III. R. 1 2 John Ely, Webster City, la. I. C 1 O. Paters, Panama, Ia. Mil 4 Davlason Bros., Earlvllle, 111 Q Peter Engel, McClelland. Ia. G. W 1 D. F. Barnes, Bennett Q 1 H. Schwepel, Council Bluffs, Ia. R. I.... 1 ben An Id, Oreswold, la. Q 1 J. A. Dieter, Vail, la.-N. W 1 D. M. Oogerty, Zearlng. Ia. N. W.... 1 W. M. Baker. Blair M. A O I O. Warden burg, Creston N. W J. I. Norton. Btockham N. W 1 Ed Long, Atlantic, Ia. R. I , 2 O. P. Nafti. Fairfax. Mo.-Q. 1 J. 8. Athen, Hamburg, la. ij I A. H. Gooa, Council HlufTs, Ia. R, I.... 1 SHEEP. . . D.-D. George Sulton, Carson, Ia. 0 1 8. J. Taylor, Lexington U. P 1 A. L. Price, Thayer-N. W 1 O. E. Nichols, Bevlngton, Ii. R. I 1 C. N. Carson. Logan, Is. I. C 1 8. J. Tayler, Bevlngton R. I 1 C. W. Bird. Council Bluffs, la.-R. I...... 1 Th official number or cars of . stock brought in today by each road waa: - Cattl. Hog. Sheep, C, M. A St. P. Ry 1 Wabash I- - ' Mo. P. Ry. 1 1 ' t .. U. P. system M ' 6 ' .. C. A N. W. (east) ....... I . C. A N. W. (West! ...... I . 26 C, St. P., M. A O. '.:. T .. C, B. A Q- (east) 6 C, B. A y. (west) I 18 I C. R. 1. (east) 10 1 C, R. I. A P. (west) 1 Illinois Central .. I Chicago Great Western.. .. 1 Total receipt 40 101 1 Tke disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hog. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 68 &4 ..... Swift and Company .... 411 1.63 l,iS Cudahy PackingCo 4b8 i.722 44 Armour A Co 212 2.238 146 Cudahy Pkg. Co.. K. C. 80 Carey A Burton 14 ...... Lobman A Co 16 McCreary A Cain 2 Hill A Son S6 Hamilton 1 Kii)an A Co 241 Mike Haggerty 34 Other buyer 103 64 Total . -730 L77S r8.TTi.l3 Recelot of cattle were very light, only about forty oars being reported in and part of them wer lat In arriving at tha yams. A 11 ioiu, nownnr, me re ceipts thla week ahow a very large gain over tha previoua week, with tha total only slightly under th record for a year ago. Th market aa a whole did not show any material -chang In any direction, price for tha most part being generally steady. ' ' . ... ' Tner wer a lew more 01 me suiter, field corn-fed teer her, which sold at $6 26, the same price that was paid for them yeaterday and Tueaday. There were no good western on sal, but the feeling was about steady- For th week corn-fed oaula ar generally quoted as fully steady, with the medium to pretty decent kinds of western a little lower. There have been no right good or choice western here thi week, ail told there wer only about seven ears of cows on sale this morning and they sold In practically tne same noicnes aa yeater day. Th tendency of the cow market thl week na oeen aownwara ana price today ar right at 1015 lower than a week ago on th general run of a tuft, some ef the best light not showing quit that much loss, while th mor common kind might be even lower than the figure men- tlonea. There were na fresh receipt of stackers or feeders to speak of and th supply lo th hand of speculators was pretty welt elesned up for at Friday. Th feeling to day was tteaay, out tor in wee a tne me dium kind and lighter cattle ar a llttl lower, with the best heavy feeders richt clos to steady. Representative eaiea: BEEF STEERA. Na A- rr. Na Ay. Pa IT I M 44 1IU I 40 , 144 I 14 It 1174 I I 11M I 4 II 1444 I 14 1414 I 44 11 1411 I 84 COWS. 144 1 71 I IM I M , 441 1 14 1 10 $ 44 Ill I 44 $ M 111 T 10 I 44 1 434 S 74 Ill I II 18 1444 I M 414 8 1 . 1 41 I 44 14 I 14 St M IN 444 I 1 1 1111 I 14 14 I S4 8... 110 i 4 144 I 14 M4 I kt HEIFERS. 418 $ 41 48 186 $ IS tWLLfl. M4 I 40 1 81 I I CALVES. St I le I 118 1 44 STOCK CALVES. , 114 I II 1 SM 4 M STOCKKRS AND FEEDERS. I.... 1.... I.... 1.... 1.... I.... 1.... 1... 1..., I... I... I... I... I. 1. rut I HI I II f 441 I 14 1 114 I 44 II Ill IK 1 44 8 44 1 471 $ SI 1 M I 44 NEBRASKA. 14 feeder.. 11(2 146 IS feeder. .IMS 80 84 eowa....l037 1 80 $ cow. 81$ 77$ 1 cowa....l14 1 86 II 1 feeder.. 80 8 06 ' 12 1 11 cow 840 1 16 1 4 heifer.. 400 f 40 1 feeders fowl.. $26 calve... 12 heifer.. 406 IT feeder.. 608 $ tf $ etocker 8v4 WYOMING. H cow 1080 $66 $ cow., M heifer... 814 I 08 Ul teer 106 steers.. .153 4 IS . 8M I 28 .1221 4U a. L. Tayior-NSB. J sows.. COWS.. I cows.. 1 cow... i bull... 1 cow.,, 8U 1 80 4 COW. ..1000 1 8 ..1040 1 00 800 8 66 ..121 I 2 ..1040 8 8 .. 811 2 66 ... 816 I 8$ .. te 1 10 ..U 1 26 .. 61 18 $ steers, t cows.., 1 steer.. 1 feeder. 1 COW 70 1 SB 1 cow,..-. 80 I 86 cow . .. 41 is 1 Cow 860 Hff man Bros. Neb. $7 Cow 8 1 86 64 cows (74 1 66 1 cow lo) t 26 V. P. Mature Neb. I feeder.. 88 4 COWS 83 l$0 1 cow 11 1 M T. McurNeh. ,KM I 86 1 teer I ( I feeder. 4 oew 10M I 81 trow ITS 1 J H. J. Lowe-Neb. 43 eows 841 I m I steer U"0 4 10 1 steer 1(80 I 60 H. Cralne Neb. I bulla 1178 I 26 10 feeders.. 841 1 86 It COWS IM III 16 cow 8a4 1 SO G. W. Brawnier Wyo. steer.... 1170 4 10 20 steers.. ..1167 4 00 G. W. Brewster Wyo. 71 Steers.. ..I Ml 4 00 . 8 steers.. ..1261 180 t steer.... 1J&1 4 OA I meers. ...1173 4 00 O. B. Miller 8. D. It cow 1038 1 20 17 steera... .1311 4 06 HOGS Hogs may go up or they may go down, but tney are forever uneven; at least that Is tn way it ha seemed for th Isat two week or mor. This morn ing sfforded no exception to the rule, the uneven of the market being one of its most . noticeable feature. Thus some of th hog old at price (hat actually looknl t.ironger and there were aotne that aold fully lower, but the general maiket i.t fot very much different from yesterday, n fact, most operator wer quoting It a Juat about steady with yeaterday. al though buyers as a rule were reporting their droves as costing not quite so murn toda. Heavy hogs sold Isrgely at $.VVfrt IM, th am aa yetrdy. with mixed kind at $6.8v66.t0 and light weights at iVitOd. Th trade was very slow throughout. Buyers did not at ny time seem very anxious for supplies and there was a good deal of see-s.iwlng back and forth. Buyer would bid on (tuft and then go bark on their bid; thus the trade was prolonged a good share of the forenoon. While ther hv been up and downs, th market at the present time Is not over 6$7Hc lower than It was on Friday Of last week. The advance on Saturday and Monday was sufficient to offset a good desl of the decline thla week. Representative aalee: He. Av. Ba. rr, Ha r. II Kl M I ITUj 44 141 44 I M M. 04 I I 14 44 1I ...-III II. ...-.. .14 44 1 14 41......:u ... II 44 44 ... I It 4 84 40 I M I IM ... I II 17 til IB It 84 44 6 11 14 IM 144 I W 14....... IM 44 I It II 141 ... I ', 44 171 H III . 41 VA ... I I7H ' II 114 ... I II 14 Ml 10 I 1 ;ie a 111 u 111 10 I rrvt II Kt 40 I 7tt4 14 f!l 44 I ITH 44 .tn HO IN 44 Ill 11 I Ifn 41 1:1 14 I 10 44 204 ... I 10 M tM 44 I M 44 Ill 44 4 44 44 14 ... 1 10 44 141 ... I 10 10 ?4 ... I II II l' 10 I 0 1 157 44 I 40 44 101 140 I 44 v 44 XI M a 71 Ii 120 I 40 44 14 44 I 10 44 ISO 44 I 14 44 1(0 ... I la II 40 I 40 44 144 M 140 71 m 40 I 4 14 11 111 IK 111 Ill M I UH 44 ill ... 4 10 -. IN 40 I llVa 14 tT ..: I 40 M Ill ... ID 11 hi 44 t 10 4? to 10 I N 41 rS 4 t1 It 102 IM I 1 a Ill ... I Ilia Hi 114 I 14 4 141 40 4 nil It KH IM iH II 344 MO I 42 , 14 t'4 44 I I7 40 -.11 ... 1111. (1 101 ... I ITH 78 ...444 40 Mil, I? 114 120 140 44. ...... .144 14 I 44 '. !l Ill 14ft I 44 41. ...... .141 ... I 44 STAG. 1 404 40 4 M SHEEP There waa only a small run of sheen here today, eight eera being reported in, of which three cars were single decks. The receipt for Ihe week to dale show a very conaidsrabl gain over lat week and over, a year ago, as will be noted from the table of receipt. Th arrival for th month to date show a gain of over 40,000, a compared with the aame period a year ago. Of th receipt today five car consisted of Montana wethers, the same as have been coming here for some lit tie time back. The sold readily at $6.10, the same price as was paid for them yesterday. Aside trom that ther were only a few little unches of native lamba on sale, the most of them not very good. About all that oonld be said of the market Is to call It fully steady with yesterday. As a rule operator on tne market are looking for a liberal run the coming week. What the market will be will depend largely upon the (Ize of the run and the character of the receipts. Prices are very high, especially on lambs and there seems tu be a well denned feeling at ail marhets, that they ought to sell lower, but on th other hand the buying demand 1 of such pro portion that It has been Impossible for the bulls so far to have very much Influence. Quotations oo killer: Good to chnlue spring lambs, $6.7Stj7.&0; fair to good aprlng lambs, $n 26u.76; good to choice yearllngd, $&.6O6.00; fair to good yearlings, $5.26(36.60; good to choice wether, $4.404.80; good to choice ewe. $!3oj4-$0.; fair to good wea, l3.80tj4.SO. , Quotations on feeder: Lambs, $3.747.60; yearllnstt.6.60; wether. S4.ae4j4.B0; No. Av, pr. 230 Nebraska wethers 105 4 76 thi Nebraska wether 83 4 80 372 Wyoming wethers, feeder.... 82 4 8 138 Wyoming awes, breeding .... 83 6 00, 260 Wyoming wether 95 8 15 81 Wyoming wethers 9o I 15 Ua Wyoming ewe, breeding 95 6 15 276 Wyoming ewes, breeding 89 6 40 204 Idaho yearling feeder 82 t 40 116 Wyoming wether ana ewes culls 64 t 36 107 native lamb . 69 (00 102 Wyoming lamba 69 80 81 Wyoming lambs 69 6 80 (1 Wyoming lamba 68 t 80 67 Wyoming lamb it 6 80 22 native ewes 74 4 25 28 native ewea 83 4 23 16 native lambs 42 6 0) 1,127 Montana wethers...'. 104 6 10 64 Idaho wethers 103 6 25 4 Idaho yearling ewes 72 8 25 210 Idaho yearlings.. 83 6 75 42 natlv lamb 68 6 00 CHICAGO LIVE, STOCK MARKET Cattle Doll nasi Steady Sheep and . Lamb Firm. CHICAGO, Aug. 24.-CATTL-Recetnt, 2.500 head: market dull; common to pilme steers. 83.7S4l4S.75; cow. $2.8664.85: heifers. $2.60416.36; bulls, $2.O0ft4.0O; calves, $3.007.60; toe Iters and feeder, $2,ft54.35. HOOS Keeelnts. 17.000 head: msrket steady; choice to prime heavy, $S.30ff.40; medium to good heavy, $6.0004.20; butcher weights, K85in.S0; good to choice hesvy 4it,Vei4lA- navl,!.. SR MwfrA I A rl.a SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 8.000 heed; market firm; sheep, $4.26i.75; year lings. $5.00414.60: lambs, $6.0t3.00. Haw York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. Aug. M. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,170 heed; common and ' medium steers, steady; others, 103150 lower; bulls snd eows, stesdy; steers, $4.00ft.80- no choice here; bulls, $2.60014.00; cows. $1.10 166. lilverpool snd London cables quoted live cattle steaoy at iowua per pound, dressed weight. Exports, 1,200 qusrters of beef. Tomorrow, t head of cattle and 6.700 quarters of beef. CALVES rleceiols. 10 need: Drtme handy veals, steady; hesvy vests, slow; buttermilks, steady: veals, 86.0OJi9.00; throw outs, $4.76; butermllka, $4.26; dreened calves, steady; elty dressed veals, $vai3tc per founa; country aressea, vfi.c, rew cnoica, 2VaC dressed grassers and buttermilks. 7C, OG8 RecelDts. 1.485 head: market loweri good slate hog. 86.80. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt. 4,1 head; good sheep, strong; others, steady; lamb, active and unevenly higher: ton gradea,' 26c higher: Bheen, $3.5C-tfjo,l0; culla, $18048.00; lamba, $7.004 25; cull. $6.006.2S. Kaaiu City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Aug. 24. CATTLE Re ceipt. $.000 head, Inoludlng 1.500 head of southerna Market steaoy to weak, calves, 28o higher. Cholc export and dressed bref steera. $6.600.; fair t good. I4.0"5.(0; western steers.' 83.60414.00: Blockers and feed. rs. 81.404J4.8O; southern steers, S2.704S4 1; outnarn cow, iz.oona.oo nativ cow, C-8.7S; natlv belferA $1.75j6.00; bulla, $3.10 63 26; caivea. HUOB- rieceipta, ,oon neaa; market teady, cloeed etrong. Top. 8.!?'; bulk of Bales. 88.6M14.80; heavy, Si-SOCM Oft : packer, 86 St Die and light. 86. 86.8ik, bnKr Anil I1BM-Iteceipts, I.iort headt market steady. Lambs, $100(97.60; natlv aheep and yearlings, $4 8ott6.60; west era yearlings, clipped, 15 006.75; western clipped sheep, $4.2ll.2t; Blocker and feed ers, $ St. Lonla Live Sleek Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Aug. 24 CATTLE- Re eeltit. 2.600 head, including L450 Texans. Market steady. Nstlvs shipping and export Steers, $4 1544.10; dresetd beef and buich-r steers. 83 SW14.10; steera unai-r i.oou pound. 11 60.14-15: (locker and feeder. $2 Vii 4. 25 ; eowa and heifer. n.7M5 75: canner. ll.M'tt 185; hulls. $3.26413 60; caivea. $3 0036 W; Texas and Indlto steer. $3.60435.10; cow and hrlfera. $10078 60. HOOS Receipt a. 1600 head; market siren. Pic and light. M.O0C4.4O: backer. 88 7f5.85; butcher and beet heavy, $.i6Ti .ft. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.000 VimA: market eteerlv. Natlv mutton. $607 4o; lamba. $8 60T7K: cull and bucks, ll TgM so; stockar. ' Sloas CMy Llva Sloolt Marks. SIOITC CITT. Ia.. Aug. M-fSpoclJ Tela- aram 1 CATTIr-r!eceiPt. 600 head: mnr. ket steady; torkera. slow; beeves, 4 604T too: eows and heifer. $26094.88; atocker and feenera, 81 otM ; caivea ana yearling, SI A TS. - - HOaa-Rclaia, , ksad, stark t I lower, selling at tStAffif; bulk of ale. $.4f'.r.8. M. Jneenh l ive Mock Market. BT. J03K.rH. Mo. Aug. 24.-CATTLE Receipts. 3i,7 head; market ate.idy. Nallvc.t, $4oi.10; cons and hrlfrra. $1444..; torkr and feeders, tl 'Mi4 ' IKkIP Receipts. l."o head; market 5 lower. Top, I ?fi; bulk of sales, 1ft ii.W FHKFP AM LAMHS-ReceipU, $.087 head; market steady.- Stock In lkt. Receipts of live stork at th six principal western markets ytaleroay: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Pouth Omaha Sioiiv City ... Kanoae t'lty . fit. Joseph .... t. Uiula ChlCRRO Total 4.r rX 80,10 f.6.0 4..V") l.SfA I.M 17,000 87 IM 2.500 11.767 8,2oO 14.(67 OMAHA WHOLESALE MAKKKT. Condition of Trade aal 4)notatlona aa Staple anil Fancy Prodnxo. EOOS -Receipt, liberal: freh stock. 10. LIVE PUULTHV-Hens. laioc: roostera, ic, turkeys. WOlSoj ducks, Mao spring cnirkens, 1-ijlio per lb. . BUTTER fucking 'stock, W; cholca fancy dairy, Ui6o; creamery,, HtfUVkc. HAY-i rlce quoted by Omaha Fd com. pany: CIkuc upland, i8 60; medium. $9,09. coarse, Hye draw, $i.0A - BRAN Per ton, $16.60. YEaSlABLSa. TOMATOES Horn grown, pa baakt et 20 lbs., iumUc. " . WAX BlvANS Pr market basket, of about 16 lbs., 60c. ' ' TURNIi'a. B1.KT3 AND CARROTS Pf bu., 7-oc. . . LEAF LETTUCE-Hothouss, par do, heada, 20o. CUl.ERV-Per dos., 80c, Cl CUMBEKb Home grown, per dos, 20c. UNIONS Horn gtown, 2V$o par lb.; Spaa isli, .00 per crate. GRKEN ONIONS rer do buncheA 0o, UADliiilfcS-Per dos. bunches, loo. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 41.1; No. 2. $1.74, LIMA BEANS Per lb., Vric. . . UKEEN PEPPltlUS-Per market basket, 75a. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANUES-Vslenclae, all aUes. $6.00. - LEaluNS Llmonlera, extra fancy, 148 sac, li.uu; sise, v6; 360 sise, 89.40; other l-iSBdM, 11. 00 Iras. BANANAS Par medlum-sised - bunch. $1..4)2.&: lumboa, t..utiu3.0u. POTATOEa-Pe on.. Hoc. FRUITS. PEACHES Yellow freestone, $1.10; Ml. sOu i, per e-oas,et crate, $l.uual.8o; CaU' lu ui ivtoei las, tr uox, ll.iO. . PLC Ma t:ei,toi nla, 8'k.ARo Bartlett, per bux, $..2150. OUA-k tuS Aaonie giown, per -lb, basket, 25o. ' - MEIX1NS. ATLRilELON-ptr lb.. Ifce, or about UOtiu cacn. . A.'ia.iAUPE& Colorado and Ariiona, per crute (standard), $3.6-.'; ponies, $1.50. CUT BEIlF PRXCE8. No. I ribs, He; iso. i rios, lOu; No. I.rlbav. ii No. 1 iuiu, loHo; XNO. 8 lout, LVjui .so. 8 loin, kc, No. 1 ciiuca, c; N. chuck, 4c; i'o, cuuuk, 8c; N0. 1 round, ici No. t round, it; iiu. i rounu, oc; No. I plate, 8c; Xso. 2 plat. ic; No. 1 putt, 80. MibCli.LLAN cuUo. granulateU cane. In back, $6.31; granulated ueet, in aaciss. cilUf-m u.i 2io per gai.i la oases, 6 lo-lu. cade, li.iv, ci:, ii -io. oaoa, H-au; cases, 24 .W-lb. cans, $1.8. t-HEKSh. h elus, new. too; Wlseonsta brick, U14c; Wlsvunsin liixaergsr, 3iO( tains, 1jvc; ouu Amejicane, UC t,ur r An, ivoai.uti, No. 4, tiftv per lb.; No. ativic tor ib.; No. ii, iVc per lb.; No. 10, lta per lo.; No. ii, 13no per ib. is'c o Walnuit, No. i, Boil shells, new crop, per 10., loc; hard shells, per lb., 14c. Pecans, Huge. pr lb., 14c; small, pet lb., 12u. Chlil aluum, per 10., i-wllo. Aimonds, son aneiis, per lb., l'o, bard ehelu, per ib., 16a cocoa uuu, $4.0v par aok of luu. CURED FISH Family whltensh. pel quarter bbl.. loo lb.. 84.00: Norway mack erel, No. L $ uo; No. 3, IMM; No. A $30.00; . Irlsn. No. 2, $16 uo; herring, In bbls.. 200 lbs. -each. Norway, 4k, $12.00; Norway, 8k, 18.0o; Holland, mixed, $U.M; Holland herring, la kea, milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed. 70a. CANNED o 'Old -corn, stanaard wst- ern, 66ft 0c; Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, 8-lb. can. I1.0&41.40; 2-lb , 85 HoJl 00. Plneap ple. gratea. 2-lb., $Z.06&80; alleed, tl.kvd '' 2.20: gallon nppleA fancy. $3.00; Callfornl apricots, II 7tji..uo; peats, $l.7bt2.60; peSxba. fancy, $1.7oJ2.40; H. C pesches, Ii.0u-u3.6u. Alaska salmon, red, $1.26: fancy Chinook, ; $310; fancy sockeye. K II. Mv sai-dinea, V4 - All tttn- at mn.tarrl 15 6Yllfi2.1n. fiwxot tww t a toes,'io; sauerkraut, 11.00; pump, v kins, 60eill.00;- wax' beans, 1Mb.. Tit) Sue; lima beans, Mb., 75c$ 11.85; spinach, $1.88; -rhenp peaa, 2-lb 80c; extra, ijfyuc; f aiioy, . fi.ffcClTC. . HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1. l?ttc; No. 2, lle; full hlilt-s, 6VialVto;' green hides. No. 1, 10c; No. 2. 8c; horse, $1.5tHh3 2fi; sheep pells, SOcftlLUA Tallow. No. I, 4o; No. i. c. WOOL-Per Ib.. 18.525a. ' Coffee Market. NEW TORK, Aug. 14. COFFEE Mar. ket for coffee future opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 point k, which was lower than due on the st.dy European cabloa At flrat, prices allowed little movement, with trsdlng largely lit the way of switching from near lu Ii 4 months, but business for fresh accout t . was a little more active later and price worked up on covering and bull support, which waa probably encouraged by further reports of unfavorable condition of trees and the confidence expressed by some trade Interests in th valorisation plan. The market closed steady net un changed to 10 point higher. Sale for the day were reported of 114,000 bags. In cluding September, .670c; Ociober, 6.80c; December, t.80i$.95e; February, 77.05e; March, 7.107J0ci May, 7.10t 7.30c; July, 7.367.46c. Spot Rio, teady; No. 7 Rio, 8 c. Evaporated Apple and Dried Frolta. ' NEW YORK. 'Aug. 24.-EVAPORATF5D ' APPLES Market quiet. Supplies tor No vember delivery are quoted t 6c. But little business Is reported for future de livery. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune for future delivery are esld to ba a ltttla easier, but the spot market continue Arm. California 70 to 80s ar quoted at 1if 8Vc and Oregon 20 to 40 at i4Ho. Apri cot are without freah feature, choice be ing quoted at 16c; extra choice, 17c: rancy, lft&nc. Peaches sre unchanged, with, choice quoted st lr$jlle; xtra choice, 11 ti-UHe; fancy, HTliac; extra tanoy, iaauo. Umialn are unchanxed. - with loose mua- . catel quoted at t767c; seeded raisin, 6149 80; London layer, nominal. California Lines Prosper. . vB.umapn ' Ana- 91 TH arwtM A. .v,A anil - ITnton Pi. . clflo roada and of tha Santa F for July nd th nrSl IWO wwai Ul uu. uvw mn Increase In th overland traffic, alao in th state and Coast Business 01 m nuia re ' .. .:.Tw... u.ninn .11 nf which, in tha . H J l X OUUiilOi Ii a, v, ... , w- - , - - - " oDlnlon of th official, reveal rmarkabl business viiavnir w ... a -tlcular and California in general. REAL BBTATB TRANSFERS. Alva M. Peyton to William and John Westerlana, 101 it, cioca 1, uuwn vim 81.600 Harry J. Hackett and wife to Arnold D. Hansen, lot ana , otoca s, o aa-rr Place 260 Christian Nelson nd wife to Nl Ramusen, lot u ana is, Dioca s, Reunion Place CO Frank E. Meyers to Maggie A. Meyer. lot 1. block ea, n.ouni t-iace 4 James S. Gilbert to William Radeckl and wife, lot 8. Selby's sub 780 Mary V. Z. Cortelyou to Parkway Real Eniat On., lot 21 and 22, block L Lancaster Place 88 H. M. Hart to auie, lot 11, diock t, Kllby Place ) Alfred Millard and wife to aame, lota 6 and , block 15. Omaha Heights sub ' lsabslla Penny and husband to same, west 32 ft., esst 132 ft., south 10l ft. lot 4, block 12, West Omaha...... I John A. Rine to John E. McKarUnd, . lots 1 and 14. block 2. and tot 8, block 8. Lincoln Place 18 Charles A. Baldwin and wifs to same, lot 8 and 10, block 6, Myers, Rich, ards A Ttlden' add M Omaha Loan and Trust Savings Bank Co. to Charles A. Baldwin, lots 8 and 10. block 6, Myera, Hlcharda A Tll den's add 1 Carrie F. Sherwood and husband to Luls L. lielsberg, lot 1, block 8, Or chard Hill - James A. Howard and wife to Dartu 11 art son, lot 4. block 6, Grammercy Park 200 Laura Beott to Westland Realty Co., lot 1, Hawe's add., and other lots 1 Kstherlne Scott to sams, lot 80 and east tl ft. lot 18, llewes add., and c.lher lots I Atlantic Reslty easociatlnn to Pean 8. Efner. south 130 ft. lot $, block . 1. sub. Bernls Park 100 Total ...1, jUu