10 TUB. OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1906. SPECIAL IIOTICES A4TnlHwi ata tar raeae rotwaaae will be taJka watU 1 a, fa the vealaaT aAitlaei a4 wattl B p. m. (at the aawreilaaT aa Ia4tr edltlea. Rate 1 X'm m werA A rat laaertjaa, le a ward tbvraatfter. Nwthlaa; take for Iowa tkaa MM fa tbe Ar4 Iwf tie a. Tbvee ad nillwtali aaaat be r 4eiiUmfi Advertlaeva, by ee,aatlaeT bred oAaelx, eai have aaawera ad dreeaeA ta A aaaabered latter la aare of The Bp, aaiwtri aa addreaaed ' will be delivered aa pmeatatlea af check. MJSCELUNEOUS FALL TERM BOYLE3 BUSINESS COLLEQB SCHOOL OPTELEORAPHT OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. DAT AND NIGHT. New Catalog Free. ' Tel. Doueiaa U81 Addreea H B. Boylaa. PreekTent. Boylea building. Ornate, Neb. It j -70J OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make A spe cially of fire eecapea, ehuttere, doora and aafea. G. Andreen. prep, 104 8. loth St. I ' ' r-70 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, UM Douglas. TKT Keliye Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. KM. It 710 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., liUS Farnam. H JU tiNTI-MON'OPOLT Garbage Co, 61 N. Mth. Tel. Lu. 177. Boa. 'phone Doug. 7ul. R-711 GL8ASSER At BRICE, MachlnlatA, aU Boutb. Lth St. Tel. 6&37. H1U WHERE TRUNKS AJtK MADS. Trunks, suit caeea and shopping bas. Old trunks vaken in exchange. Repairing. FRkiLlNG 4k BltlNLK (10 N. 16th St. 'Phone Louglaa Via. R Uul AMi FINK Minnesota Ice, In carload lota. Crys tal Ice Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. R 6 TYPEWRITERS rented, all mAkw, 2.tfc Fox Typewriter Co., Xili Farnam, B M 47 Bit. HEFLIN Locksmith moved up stairs entrance U34 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 274. R vol BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change. It you have a farm, Lome, buslnees or prop erty that you want to sell or exchange write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb., or HIoua City, la. T -2172 Ag31 10-BOOM rooming bouse, full of roomers; good location. Address O 64. care of bee. V 714 FOit SALE A first class Job offlce with A-l newspaper plant in connection, pub llahlng three papers In surrounding towns; job type all new; doing good business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings. Neb. Write now, or come, as this snap will not last long. 'Prices low. Address box 616, Hastings, Neb. . Y-Mltti FOR SALE Crystal Park, at 18th and Douglas St, in Omaha; complete with seats and furnishings. Address Z02 Lylle block, Sioux City, la. Y M35S M FOR SALE Newspaper and Job offlce; good buHiness; must sell. Address "Bea con." Eagle. Neb. Y 305 26x FOR SALE A good restaurant, doing a fine business. In county seat town of ?,0O, must sell within 10 days.. Address N 67, care Bee. Y M419 61 x FOR SALE An excellent racket stock, one year old, In a county seat town in southwestern I. Address R. 8. Roberts, Corning, la. . Y-M 420 2Sx PROFITS WOO AND 1360 TPER MONTH Two restaurants In good mining towns. Prices $1,000 and $1,600 cash. Send for statements. Must sell account of serious aliment. Address White Houe Cafe, Cripple Creek, Colo. Y M 422 27 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any ala. 1818 Farntm. Q 715 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman et McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q-714 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam, Q-JU FOR BALE New And second-hand billlAid And pool tables; we lead the world In cheap bar fixture; easy payments, bruns-wlck-Baike-CoUender, 407 S. 10th Bt, M-21$ WE buy everything In the furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 718 FOR BALE Steam house haaUng boiler; wa used to heat 8-room bouse; will be sold cheap. W. U. Bridges, engineer Bee Bids- Q Mile BEND US your mall order for drug; freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Dillon Drug Co, Omaha. 0,-720 FINE Minnesota loe for sale In ca riots. A. G. Gilbert Co, Council bluffs. Q-M864 OOOD horse, 8 year old, for sale At reason able price. Call 3108 Dew.r Ave. Q 867 26 FINE iron bedsprtng And mattress, piano, halltree, brussell rugs, washstand, etc. Call at once, 41S N. 23d. Q 407 26x WANTED AGENTS SOMETHING ENTIRJELT NEW, ao needed by evi-rv body; our $2.0u0 Combiiia tlon Poliolea, covering ail accldeuta, dla eases and occupations; .costing only 16 per annum each, payable quarterly; issued by this Society only. Over $300,ouo already paid In benefits. AGENTS WANTED large commissions ana exclusive terri tory given. Address NATIONAL ACCI DENT SOCIETY. S26 Broadway, New York. ESTABLISHED 21 YEARS. J NEW Sloeve Protector for office and house. work. Writ today. Get territory: other new .gooos. i-auiea ouppiy co., h-rairia Ave, O, Chicago. J M2U Blx AN old line life Insurance agent wanted; one with experience, capable of writing business himself and mauasinc men: aui- ary and commission. Address Lock Box iz, L4noout, reQ. w J MS61 $1 .WANTED Party to sell treasury stock of a southern Nevada gold mining company. The property is. one of the best in that remarkable country. The stock Is easily sold: a good thing for the investor and party who sells it. It will pay you to In- vesugaie uus oner. Address ri a, Be. J-ai $1 130 WEEKLY can be made by live agenu selling new, qmca-seiung necessity. Ap ply ThurstoA hotel. Foster, Maxson A Co. J-sSt 26x FOR EXCHANGE lF YOU do oot And what you want In this column, put ad Ad In And you will soon get It. 4r-A 89 ACRES Near Roewell. New Mexico, In ma iainus recoa vaiiey; excellent, smooth land easily irriaated: finest ell. mate and no better land in the world for iniu ana otner crops; aiutude 8.6u0 fret. This land la growing valuable faat. W ill exchange tor good Income proprety In city or country. W. . Da via. N. Xtn oi, Doum uniana. z AtZUl rix WANTED TQ BUY WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. Moves, oarpeta. clothing ana enoes. ray toe beat pricee. Tel. UOUAIA ay.t. ri 46s b WANTED SITUATION POflTlON wanted by experienced young staiirase a smi a sv ahi aa WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED For the V. marine rorpe. men between ages u and K; an oppor tunlty to see the world. For further In. formation see poster In petofoV of any county eeat In the etate of Nebraska giving addreea of recruiting oftlre located therein. B-MM Slox WANTED Five boys, good wages, per nanent ob. A. D. T. Co.. 2U 8. 12th St. B Mill WANTED Brlrk handler and laborer at the Avery brick yard, two mile south of Albright; boarding heasa at giant. WANTED Oood marble cntter; good wages; steady employment. Olldea A Glide. Norfolk Marble Works, Norfolk. Neb. &-A147S CARDS FREE Send us the names of five young person who should be Interested In A commercial education and we will mall you tree of cost six visiting cards with your nam wrltun thereon by our expert penman. Address PENMAN, OMAHA COM MERCIAL CULLJlUE. B 240 100 YOUNG MEN to prepare for Bremen And brakenien; experience unnecesaary; firemen, tloo; brakemen, 110 per month, with rapid promotion to enginuer or con ductor; hundreds of positions opeav Call or write for particulars At uaaa, National Railway Training Aas'n, 640 Paxuin block, Omaha, Neb. At Ml 01 MPU WANTED CUjar maker; t roller and bunch breakers; will pay the best of prices to go out of town; will send tickets. A duress n u, care oi see. -721 DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug cleika wanted. F. V. Knleet, S24 N. Y. L. B 724 WANT El Laborer for Montana. Wyo ming, Nebraska, Dakota. Iron workers, carpenters and helpers. Harvest rate. Kd. RoUiery, 111 S. 14th. . B 250 'A WANTED An experienced catUe feeder that can give good retarencea. Married man preferred. Tbeo. Reimera, Fullerton, Neb. B MM W TEAMS can make from 14 to M Per day. V Steady work. C. B. Haven Ac Co. yArda, 14lh and Webster. o BRICKLAYERS wanted. Inquire R. W. Baker, superintendent. Bee bldg. B 286 WANTED Two blacksmith who can ho horses and do general wag-on repair work; wagea 13.60 per day; stesdy job; young men preferred. In aawering wire at my expense. C. W. Morgan, Rawlins, Wyo. B M331 28x WANTED Oood, All-around man for stew ard, country clubhouse: must give best of references; reasonable bond required. Ad dress P. O. Box 402, Sioux City, la. B M321 21 DRUG clerk with one or two years' ex perience. W. A. PleU 18th and Farnam. v B 346 24 WANTED An All-around laundry man: wnl pay good salary; send letters of recommendation, state experience And salary expected. N. M. Friesen, Albion, Neb. B M249 it MEN Light work and $8 00 will take you from New York to London or Liverpool. Agents wanted in your oity. Boston Ship ping Agency, 18 Norfolk St., New York. CONTRACTORS We furnish men of all nationalities aa laborers, roies, Italians, Hungs or Slavs. We have satisfied others and can satisfy you. Boston Shipping Agency, 18 Norfolk St., New York. B M362 29 TOUNG man for offlce work. Apply 423 8. lath St. 13 j, s m WANTED AT ONCE. Experienced salesmen and salesladies for new Dry uooas, Daaies cioaxs ana ouus. Notions, Ribbons, Lace, etc. Attractive, permanent positions for the right people. See Mr. A. L. Schantx. General Offices, Id floor. THE BENNETT COMPANY. B S69 26 . WANTED Young man for stenographer and shipping; clerk; state age. experience and salary desired. Address N 61, car Bee. B M387 26x MOULDERS wanted; thirty cent an hour. euoux tJity ruunary flt jaig. v,u. muux City, la. , . B M379 80 . WANTED Experienced bill clerk. Must be well recommended, preter marrtaa man. State age and salary. ' .' B 406 WANTED Furnace and etove repair men; Omaha i Stove Repair work. B 408 26 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Splendid time to befrfn. Busy season now. Few week completes. Top wages paid graduates. Positions waiting. Little cup. ltal starts business. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B M418 65x - WANTED Four male stenographers "' at once. 116 Bo. 16th Bt. b M414 28 WANTED A first class cutter. Appiy Nicoll the Tailor, 211 Bo. 15th St. t B Mill 27 WANTED 'Registered pharmacist In . Ne braska, mate age, salary aesirea ana give references. Address N 6. In rare of . Bee. B M 421 26x WANTED Men to put up hay by the ton for cash. Apply to Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, la. B-M432 27 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies lor tall season: none otner need apply. Address K 6, Bee. C 411 WANTED Woman cook. $36 per month; muat turnlsn recommenaaiiona. Aadress L 7, Bee. C-Mul WANTED Immediately, first-class cook and second girl; best oi wages paid; Ger man or Bohemian preferred. Apply 118 So. m Ave. C-028 WANTED Immediately, first-class cook; best ot wages; none else need apply, lei. Harney 680. C-v$i WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Lawara nosewater, liu Dougias. C-26J WANTED Good cook; email family, 1128 Park Ave. c M 281 MTKD Girl for general housework; good wages; German or Bohemian pre ferred. Apply Mrs. H. H. Hrandela. 2970 Pacinc St. C M361 24 AT ONCE, girl for' general housework. 1219 Leavenwortn. c mju x A GIRL for housework; good wages. 13-9 B. 31st St. . C 873 ZaX WANTED Experienced salesladies for Art department. Apply Mr. cnaim, za noor. The Bennett Company.. C 371 IS GOOD girl for general housework; small family. Mrs. L. D. Bpaiaing, 724 Bmitn 3bt h St. C-377 25 WANTED Mangle girl. Laundry. , Model Steam C M3i9 30 WANTED Girl for general houeework; family of two. 1921 Cass. C 403 26 WANTED at once. Competent woman, or maid for general housework. Mrs. Charles W. Pearsall. . iia Park Ave. C 401 8$ THREE lady stenographer at once. 118 bo. utn su c MU 3u LAUNDRY WORKERS who can polish shirts; good wages. H. B. B, 2? Funke bldg, Lincoln, Neb. C M428 36x SALESMEN WANTED THREE salesmen wanted, who can spend a few days' time In familiarising them selves with a line of samples. Call be tween 9 and 10 a. m. and 4 to 6 p. m. Du- gai ire, rax ton Motel. 14 M410 ki SALESMAN WANTED A New York manufacturer, having a thoroughly established business in olumbine annda In nearby, territory, will pay $1.2i6 per annum ana expenses, witn an Additional commission over a stipulated amount of sales, for the services of a high grade, experienced traveling salesman; ac quaintance with this line not nweisary; a permanent well paying position for the right man willing to work. Ad.lresa with full particulars, references' strictly con fidential, N eft. In CAT of bee. L-M 424 88 Go your way and be ' t 1 T r" t men ure FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWET European hotel, Utb and Farnam. Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks E "2$ Thurston hotel; room $160 up per week. E 729 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave., eoutn front; room with or without board. E 710 TWO beautiful clean room for light house keeping. 1536 N. 20th. E 400 26 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F-781 NICELT furnished cool rooms, excellent board rates reasonable. The Rose, 2020 Harney Bt. F-MU07 A17x VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 732 LAROE, cheerful steam-heated rooms; ex cellent meals. 617 S. 18th St. F 336 26x MODERN rooms, home cooking; reasonable price, 2216 Howard St. Tel. Douglas 3668. F MiU TWO large rooms, furnished or un furnished, with or without board. 1812 Park Ave. F M41S 26x FURNISHED rooms with board. 2423 Cass, telephone Red 6196. F M 426 31 FURNISHED room Stnd board, 609 So. 25th ' Ave. Good board, neat, clean rooms. Private family. Modern conveniences. Phone. F M431 26x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Four nice modern unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping, (M S. 14th Ave. G 404 26 FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE 10 rooms, barn and all conveniences. 1113 South Win Ave. C. F. Breckenridge, 711 N. Y. Life bldg. J - M 113 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Scbmoller At Mueller Piano Co, 1311-1318 Farnam. DV3J IIOTTSKS ,n " 'rt" ot tne c,tT-. 1 UUUOXiO c. Peters & Jo, Bee Bldg. D 734 ITOTTSF.S ll All parts ot the city. The UUUOLO u F vi. Co- tog bee Bldg. D Tiit HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk. D 736 OMAHA Van & Storage Co, pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. . 19th. Offlce. 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. D 737 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14SM. Office. 17U Web ster SL D-738 Bee us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVER V CO.. 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 111. D 739 SEVERAL At $18 to $25. Chris Bojer, 22d and Cumins St. 'Phone Doug. 3Cm COUNBMAN-VAN BURGH CO. Storage and transfer. Best storage house in the oity. Immediate attention given. 1629-ai-3a N. Mta Bt. TeL Douglas 4619. ' D M163 AA31 AM. TRANS. CO. Household and other good stored. Tel. Doug. 1052. 1106 r nani. D 9J room, modern except furnnce. 1814 tsrisuu; ii ana waicr. tv Q kf; and Cuming St FOR RENT Store room. 2668 S. , 16th.. ..$16 4 rooms, city water, 1621 N. 18th St...... $12 C. M. bACilMAXMItl. rw iJ-ai MODERN house, near park. Apply 1609 8. gain. 4-ROOM modern HaU. 1112 8. 11th. LARGE $-room house; Park ave.; newly painted ana aecoratea inrousnuui, w.w. W. L. 8elby, 440 Board of Trade. Phone Douglas 1610 Ply3-. WANTED TO RENT WANTED House of 9 or more rooms; fur nished or uniurrusnea; cnuru Farnam district. 2708 Farnam. Phone Harney 872. K-M32a8ox WANTED To rent, furnished house of 7 or 8 rooms ior lour mouuii, mui m able location; best references furnished. Address N 64, car Bee. K-M3J3 SMALL furnished house or flat for winter tor two persons; aesiraoie kkhuuu. w Bee. K-337 24x FURNISHED house seven or eight rooms In West Farnam districts by uciooer t. Address N 60. care Bee. K 872 23x WANTED For two gentelmen, three light, 1 clean, well aired rooms, with two clothes closets. All on same floor with bath room, hot and cold water. BreakfaM (7:15 a. m.) and evening dinner; two of the room furnished aa bed rooms, will furnish third room ourselves; also rooms must be well healed In winter and convenent to. cars. Address N (2, care of Bee. . K M 390 25x DESK ROOM wanted. Give location, price wanted. Also If desk can be furn'sned. Address O 3. Bee. K-M417 :6x WANTED TO RENT Furnished house. Address O z. Bee. n. m FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bt offlce, city haU building. 417 N. 26lh 81,. South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1184 FOR RENT One 4-story 'brick store wllh cement basement and good elevator; L0.' Douglas. Building will be put In good order at once. Inquire at Uuv Douglas. John- Linder . I Mo2J MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam, 8 and per cent loans on rsal estate; no delay. W 74 MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. - W-764 WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith Co, UM Faruam SL . W 7m BUILDING loans on residence property;-4 per cenL W. B. Melkie. Kaluga Blk. W-764 LOWEST RATES Be oils, Paxlon Block. W i7 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1620 Doug. W-I7J tl.doo.OOO TO LOAN on business and vest, dence property in Gmaiia; lowest r.:c, no delay. Thomas Lieuuan. K. 1, N. V. Life. W-768 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters Co. W-7 City A farm loane. O. F. Carson Co, N.Y L W 7w LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 6u6 First National toauk BUg. W $6,000, In $600 and $600 lots. Come and ae us. M. .J. Kennard A Co, 809-10 Brown Block. W 261 LAW & COLLECTIONS I. M. Marfarland. 8u N. T. U Bldg. Tel. Doug, teys, U lucky Go the Want er w w- "w-x w v t t r its l tit. turn wain 1 au way. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A FEW SNATS No. 110. ' A 160-scre farm; t mile south east of Orchard, Antelope county, Neb. Good level land, good soil, adapted to alfalfa and all kinds of grain. About 00 acres under cultivation; all tillable; price $12.M per acre. Incumbrance $600. No. 1101. A 820-acre farm, ( mile south west of O'Nell, Holt county Nebraska; 100 acres under cultivation; all good till able land; a good 6-room house, barn, granary, corn crib, well, windmill, etc.; 16 per acre. No. 63. An 80-acr farm, located $ miles from Bloux City, Woodbury county, Iowa; sixty acres under cultivation; good new building; good soil, all tillable; price $66 per Acre, Incumbrance, $3,000. No. 1102. An Do-acre farm, 2Vi miles from three good towns In Crawford county, Iowa; about 66 acres under cultivation, balance pasture with scattered timber; all fenced and cross fenced; fair buildings, wed, etc; price too per acre. Incumbrance $3,100. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Room 2, Patterson Bldg, Omaha. Neb. RE M 279 TUKEY'S SATURDAY SALE will be held at 36th and Orand Ave. (Tukey Heights) on next Saturday aft ernoon from 1 to $ p. m. W shall offer the best lots unsold for $100 each. Term: $6 down and $6 per month. ' A. P. Tukey & Son, Board of Trade. RE 474 24 Best "West Farnam Bargains on Market Five 12-room modern residences, 1 lots, east front, shade, fruit, etc, choice location, near 41st and Davenport. Only $4,700. See us et once for terms and particulars. YOUR CHANCE Good 12-room dwelling, in best repair, city water, lot 26x142,. eoxt front, barn, etc Well situated near 28th Ave. and Grant. Price $1,700 for quick sale. Rental terms. $1,600 Neat 6-room cottage, closet, sewer, water, gas, etc. Walking distance from business center, near 25th and Pacific Very easy terms of payment. Russell & M'Kitrick Co. 432-33-84 Ramge Building. 16th and Harney RE 301-24 Best Bargain in Hans com,Park District 10-room house, furnace, two bath rooms, barn, fine shade trees, ground 100x150. No. 1314 So. 29th Ave. $7,000 Alfred G., .Kennedy N 209 First Natioiial Bank Bldg. : Telephone, Doug. 722. . RE 101-14 i t v HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. I will offer for sale a .few days, only, two tracts of ground At the corner of 83d and Farnam, at a price that will justify their use for medium priced comes. TON1EST LOCATION IN THE CITY. William K. Potter, .301 Brown Blk. ' RE-406 HERE 18 A'BARGAIN. New 6-room house full lot, fruit, location; owner must sell at once. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO, Douglas Blk, liith and Dodge. RE 402 24 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x2234, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Bts.; $12,000 will take It for immediate sale. THOMAS B BEN NAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. K 761 FOR SALE 160 acres fine Nebraska farm land, can raise three crops s'faita. OJ er acre. Inquire D.. W. Keller, 103 So. lain St, Co. Bluffs, la. RE M332 28 FOR SALE A 9 room residence property on N. 29th St. Price and terms reason able. Globe Land and Investment Co, Room 2. Patterson Blk RE M592 A GOOD business lot for sale. Best loca . tlon in town. - Address J. J. F, Fremont, Neb. RE MJta 842 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. We own our lands and sell It for 87 per acre: other ask $16; avoid the agent and the heavy commissions; mall order so licited; terms and full particulars on ap plication. F. A. Parker Land Co, Spen cer, la. RE M384 b21 KERR-Sf 1ALLCR08S CO.'S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a $10,C0u bond against loss by . errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "KerrT Abstract. 1614 Fsmam. . Tel. Doug. $487. "I RE HNear High' School and Creighton College $2,000 for cottage, 314 N. 26th St. Imme diate possession. - Easy terms. i $3,600 for 6xo8 ft. 8. W. corner 26th And Chicago fits. $2,76o for 66 ft. on 22nd. between Cali fornia and Webster Sts. $3,000 fur 60 ft, on California St, oppo site Creighton College. $3,000 for 33 ft. on Webster St, with large bain, suitable for livery, renting for $ln0 SeORGB A CO, 1601 F.MMi RANCH. 1,380 acre all stocked In Rock County, Nebraska, Complete, $35,000; on EASY TERMS. Can take land. Clear property for part . , 8-room house and twe lota on paved street, $1,01)0. Bjmall cash payment and balance monthly. 8-room modern bouse, full lot on paved street; one block from car, $3,30081.001) cash and time on balance. 6-room house" and lot on 19th St. boule vard, $1,760; terms reasonable. SEARS. Room 8. N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas 133. - RE M 426 18 WE CAN OFFER FOR SALE The elegant colonial residence number, 219 south 3Mh Ave, new and modern built; one of the handsoim st and finest arranged houses In the west Fumam district. Price for nuitk sale, only $12,5ou. For particular see HICK'S REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Board of Trade Bldg. , RE 406 24X U. B. Bale Bureau. 804 Neville block. Real Estate and Investments. REU42 84 PRINTING LYNGSTAD N'"11 Grade 1907 Calendar, i 4 JORVE. capitol Ave. -748 WE HAVE a new press-no Job too large or too email, central rtmuni yo. iui tsstUt 1A A AT ' ay Ad way and be sure! 1 a v 1 a i v w r a w FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. I closing out It land In western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $6.00 per acre. 1'ake advantage of the low price and easy term offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rate to the lands. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AOENCT. 818 South 16th St., Omaha, Neb. H-M 360 26 160 ACRE8 No. 1 farm land In Burt county, 1 mile west and 6 miles south of CralK. Including 2,000 bushels of oats, 40 seres of corn, 9 hesd of horses, 3n head of fl.torthorn cattle, farm machinery, etc., $100 per acre; can give possession any time. 'Phone L 8, Craig, Neb. H-M430 27 $52 ACRE 80 acres, nicely Improved, fine farming land, near Missouri Vaiiey, la. Just le duced from $60 to close an estate. Great snap. Particular by request. b C. Beet, 821 N. T. L. Bldg., Omaha. H 370 Western Kansas Wheat Land: 60,000 acre of fine wheat lands, $4.00 to $16.00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb., and Sioux City. Ia. H-M421 B18 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS YOU CAN 'do without, but what' the use? None At all. BORROW MONEY on your furniture, pianos, live stock and Other chattela We also loan to person steadily employed on their plain note without endorser, NO ONE WILL KNOW you ever had a loan, beside you have use of both money And security at the same time. EASY PAYMENTS Arranged to suit . rout purse. LIBERAL REBATE If paid before due. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., US Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Do us: la 221. (EstAblUhed 182) s lub SO. 161 H ST. X-M661 CHATTELS, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, 1604 Farnam St X 788 DR PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc. In any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perleot pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any term wanted; payment auspendad In case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach block, 309 S. 16th Bu X 762 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg, Advances private money on chattels ot salary; easy to get; no red tapu; you get money same day asked for attimall cose. Open evenings till I. X 779 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 68 principal cities. Tot man,, room 711 New York Life Bldg. . ; ; x--.3 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-7&1 FURNITURE,' live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co, room 8, Barker block. X X-764 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, ilew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 810 & Utb. X-778 CHATTEL and salary loans. Phoenix Credit Co. 633 Par ton block. X TW PATENTS T. J. LaRSON & CO, patent lawyer; patent book free. Bee Bldg, Omaha, Neb. -744 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patent procured. Inventions developed, drawings, gatterns, castings, machine work. 604-612 . 10th St. 747 Patents procured and sold, 1 fee. Nat'l In vestment Co, Douglas Blk., 16th & Dodge, . -M471 66 LOST LOST Coat containing pocketbook with small amount of money, $9.00, and some valuable papers between 7th Ave and Broadway. Finder will be rewarded if they return same to M. C. Lennon, 726 7th Ave, Council Bluffs. Lost M784 83 LOST A day book, return to J. T. McVit tie, 1507 Harney ereet, and receive re. ward. Lost M281 17x STRAYED Jersey cow, lwn color, dark points, shell off one hori. Reward for recovery. K. L. Morrow, 2721 Hamilton. Lost-M398 2a. LOST Dark h! collie Mtch. white spot on neck, expert tier to whelp about August 2S. Liberal reward for informa tion. M. Btoner, 978 N. 27th Ave. Lost M 413 26x FENCING WIRE AND IRON FENCING. For lswn, garden poultry and farm. Send for large free catalogue. Get our Price. Orosha Wire and Iron Work. 933-36-37 N. 24th. Tel. Doug.-8702. MK37 618 ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 6e per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814. M636 613. CHAMPION fence best. (U 8. 16th. Doug. 1690. 634 DANCING MORAND'S classes for adults reopen Tuesday, September 4. at 1 p. m. A reduc tion of $2 on all tickets bought on or be fore opening night. Call 16th and Harney. Open all day and evening; Sunday I to 6. Telephone Douglas 1041. Opening assem bly September I. M 112 Bix PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Only Aral class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Send for catalogue. B F. Karol. 23$ Harrison. St, Chicago, I1L 726A CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. Eventful and truthful predictions given. Call 118 b. istn bt, opp. Boston Ktore. in CSTECPATHT JOHNSON Institute. 411 N. T. L, Tel. Doug. 16C4. 788 DR. W. W. BOWSER, over 1600 Farnam. Tel. Doug.-370. MU S22 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $600 or Sl,ft horn mony on ample, well rented r?tdnc t?roDrtV in South DmahA. avl f nar rnt. AaJu VI " ' " 4a- IAWIUaw Y -JMa AWI .f A j DEATH NOTICES KIEWIT John, August O. sged 77 year, 9 months, 21 days, at his late residence, 1046 South Twentieth street. Funeral notice later MONUMENTS Oreat Western Granite Co. Douglas wa. M-428 si4 FLORISTS L HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. TeL Doug. 12S8. 760 PERSONAL PILES CUBED WITHOUT AN OPERATION-ALL kinds of plies cured-lnternal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching piles. A guarantee given In every rase treated by Dr. Max well, who haa had twenty-five years' f'erience In treating plies. Hundred of estlmonlala given on application. 624 Be Bldg, Omaha, Neb. Phone IHjukIss lit I. U-M174 AgU ANY POOR GIRL In need ot A friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 324 N. 2ib Bt, O nana. Neb. U ADOs TRY KELLY'A Laundry. 'Phone Douf la 8620. ' U-fvl DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 8 8. 160 Farn m. . U 764 PRIVATE confinement home; Mrs. Dr. King. 2016 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 3669. VJ-701 PLEATING BuuonsRuchlng. "l-riilltw Embroidering, Dyeing and feitaniiia. Sponging snd Shrink ing, only 6c per yard. Send fur pile list snd sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO, 800 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1936. U 764 LAUNDRY0 VIJiAS. LTIUIILIIV 1 XUB.llth6t. U-787 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs. Garden, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6811. U-768 THE Salvation Army solicits cast -oft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell. At 114 N. ilth Bt, for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4138 and wagon will call. U-U FREE medical and surgical treatment nt Crelghtou Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sis. Special attention paid to conllnement cases. All treatment su pervised by college proiessors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Call answered day or night. U-129 THE City Garbage Co Offlce, 14th and Leavenworth Sue, Tel. Douglus 187. , U-769 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 7L' First Ave., Council Blurt, la. Tel 774. U-122 SURVEYING. BUckensderfer, $12 Bee Bldg. U-770 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Bldg. U-771 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; tut rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myer illon Drug Co, Omaha. U 77k WE RENT sewing maohinea at $1 per week; we sell second-ham. machines $6 up. Nebraska Cycle Co, coruer loth and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. U 778 DRS. VOGEL, private hospital for women and for ladies before and during confine ment, liltf S. Uth St., Omaha, Neb. U M970 S17 ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne. $11 Be Bldg. U 43i b ACORN PRESS 1610 Howard. Tel. Douglas 35 62. XJ-i'Jt S9 SHOULD BLANCHARDS ECZEMA LO TION not give speedy or satisfactory re sult, notify Prof. I. Blanchard, akin specialist. Minneapolis, Minn. Whole salers supply all druggists. U-M610 S10X f A n'NTf'.TTn treatment and bath. Mm. U-MSkl S14x WANTED Sewing to do by hour. Write. 618 Bancroft St. ' U 899 26x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pill" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co, Omaha. 774 DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases. Weaknesses, discharge. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnell block, lith and Harney, room 8, Omaha. -467 PILES Most obstinate case cured. Symme Pile Remedy. By mall 60a box 872, Cincinnati, O. M367 84 M ArTNFYTTn osteology Mr. Rit- jM.X.KJ1. XJ ,nhnn. lift N 1lh room 2, second floor. M 427 824 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORK detective service; 'phone Red 7401. Kooms ii ana 14. union xsik, iota and Farnam. in Six DRESSMAKING PATTERNS cut to measure, McDowell system of dressmaking taught. 1623 Far nam. -AU38 87 GOVERNMENT NOTICES "PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHING AND equipage: Depot quartermaster's ofllce. Third and Olive streets. St. Louis, Mo, August 22, 1906. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon, Sep tember 11, 1906, and then opened for fur nishing and delivering at the St. Louis depot of the quartermaster's department. United States army, 6.000 corn brooms and 4,800 scrubbing brushes. The right Is reserved to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Preference will be given to articles ot domestlo manufacture, condi tions of quality and price (Including In price of foreign productions or manufac tures the duty thereon) being equal. Standard samples to be seen at, and blanks for proposals and full Information will be furnished upon application to this ofllce. Envelopes containing proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for clothing and equipage to be opened at 12 o'clock noon, September 11. 19u0, Lieutenant Colonel F. Von Schrader, depot quartermaster. United States army. The following in formation I furnished in connection with the foregoing advertisement. Bids are In vited for furnishing and delivering at depot of the quartermaster's department at St. jouis. tne lonowing articles. A24S7- OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- master, ineyenne, Wyoming, August a). 1914. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this omce until 11:30 a. m. September 10. 1904, at which time they will be opened in public, for furnishing all ma terial and labor required and laying ap proximately 9,666 square feet of concrete sidewalk and 160 square feet of stone road crossings at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming. In accordance with plans and specifications on tile si the above named office. Blank forms of proposals and full Information furnished on application. The right 1 re served to reject any and all bids or part of blAa. Envelopes containing; proposal hould be endorsed. "Proposals for Con crete Walks and Stone Crossings," and ad dressed V. K. Hart, Quartermaster. U. 8. Army, in cnarge ot construction, t heyenna, Wyoming. . A23-24-2&-17-B18-19. . CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTERS Omce, Omaha, Nebraska, August 7. 106. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until lu o'clock a. m, central standard lime, August 27, 1, for Installing a water system at Fort Omaha, Nebruska. Fu,l Information furnished on application to this office, where plsns and specifications may be seen. Proposals to be marked "Pro posals for Installing a Water System," and addressed to Major M. GRAY ZALINHKL, Constructing Otiartermaster, Armv Huild Ing, Omaha. Nebraska. AS-9-10-11-24-26 Business Boosters Try the Want Afl Oniiimm o( Hi B RAILWAY TIME CARD Union 1TAT1QW-TKWTM AMD MAHCI aiea Paella. I. Arrive, d Overland LlmlteC $: Am A 61IS pm The china and Japan rut Matt A :1 Pm 1? pm Colo. Calif. Em a 4 16 pm I t) am California A Ore. Ex. .a 4 28 pm A 6:10 pm Lo Angele Li ml ted.. ..ail :W am ale 44 pm Fast Mall alfpm i I pm Colorado Special A 7:48 am A 1:44 am North Plait Local a 8:10 am A 4 M pm Beatrice Lore.! b I 15 P 1:00 pm CAlow, Mnk leiaad at, $la. EAr. Laev. Arrive. Chicago Limited il.AM a 7.10 am low AjOcaI a7:0vam a 4: pro Chicago Mall a l:lft am al0:l pm Iowa Local bil l pm t 9.6e pm Chicago (Ear.ern Kxp. . 4u4 pm a 1:46 pm Chicago dowa Limite.lt a pm alia pm WEST Rorky Mountain Llm... a 7:20 am 118 am x ' " " "t'.n,.. a.wt fail f M . . . " ' . . unt tti - T' ' 1 1 1 miS i 1 ,'I If Colorado Fast Mall ,...al0:10 nm i!:Sin' A dally, b dally except Sunday. C klcafco Great Weetera. St- Paul & Minneapolis. :30 pm t:lt am Bt. I'aul Mtnneapolla. J. 44 am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited 6.0 pm 9.t0am Chicago Express 7:46 am 11:60 pm Chicago Express 1:30 pm 1:30 pm tvabasb. eu ouia upiw i:pm A 1:40 tvm t bi ixui. LAicai urom Couiw.1 Bluita; ..a 9.1a am alO.80 pm 6tanbeuy Local (from Council bluft b 8:00 pm bU:Mam thteauo. taUwaakee Ac hi. 1'aeL Chi. ft Colo. Special. ...a 7 am a 7:10 Am California Or. kJi...a 6. to pm a Ho pm Oveiiauu Limited a b.io pin a k.ju am Marlon & Cedar R. Loc.b 6:46 am bll.uo pm Missouri PaclMo. 6t. Louis Express a 9:09 am a 4:30 pm K.C. A VLU Exprea..aU:16 pm a 6:N pia tuiuao et ,Nitawncra Ituax cupida ru.,..m,wiin a 6:uS pm xwin City ixpiess ....a7.au aiu elu.uj pm Chicago uayuul a s.im tun ai.,o wi liucaeu Luui aU.Ju aill a . yiu bluux City Local o 4:ow put a : m Cut I oil LAlOmi I l. iiui A K.M tuu tuoux City LAJcai u : pm CQicaKO ikxpi coa a o pm a am laal iUUII a ptu t M ml 1- adl Altul n:w pm 'i'wtn City limited, :t pm t i:u m Uveriand Limited A a:H pm a tt.it aiu Cliicaa LiniiibU ali:uu pm ali.iu am lNorioiK-iioiieeieel ai:4Uam aiu:o atu Lincuiu-i.oiiK riue ,....b i:4u am blo:w am ' Ueddwuud-iinuuin A .w put a :u pia Cuepvr-biioaiioiu a t:vu pm a s:u pm HamlnK-bupei tor b S:uu pin b b:u pm t-'reiiioiil-Albion b pui bU.w put a Daily, b Daily except bunday. lluavu Icalrak Chluio iLXUi tka a I :JQ am a l:tt nm . Calcaga L.uiiutu a k:o pm a 7.W aw Ckleasa, at. Paoi, UlaaeapolU UKka. rtare Arrive, Twin City Paasenr...b . am b V;10 pm bloux Cay fr'aaaenaer.a i.w pm aii.w am femei Bun lcal b 4:ju pm U ;li am Kmeraon Local i b;t aiu i lw put uvurl i'aaiAe. jsebraaaa Localt VIA Weepnuf W acar o 1:60 pm bU:ki pm BIHUNUTOX STATIOM XOth A MAA02I. BarllBKtoa. Leave. Arrive, Denver 4k California.... a 4.1U pm a 4.3u pm black Uilla A 4:10 pm a . pm NurtUwem Bpeclal a 4.10 pm a K:uo tun Northweat Lxpreaa all:10 m a 40 pm Neuraaka k.xpisa a am a :40 pm hebraaka Local A 1:00 Am v Lincoln Ldcal A V:u6 am Lincoln Kaai Mall b i:0o pm aU:vu pin Ft. Crook PlatUnt'h..b :6u pm blo.i am belle vu Jt f latlam'h..A J .60 am A e:M am Denver Limited i 1:10 4a believue i'au. June... A i.M am a :tt) am bellevue 4k Fao Juno... A :10 am a l:6u pm Chicago bpeclal A 7:e am a 7:Ai am r-hirMuo luxuieaa a 1:46 Dm a l.ixi ma Chicago Flyer a 11:06 pm a 7:6 am ' Iowa Local A :16 am al0:W pm ' 1 bt. Louia Uxpreaa A 4.46 pm all: A) am lf Kanaaa City-SC Joe....al0:46 pm a 0:46 am ' Kanaaa City-tJt. Joe.. ..a 0:16 am a 0:10 pm a arena uiaau av...w .w yw a Dally, b Dally except Bunday. 4 Dally except Saturday, c bunday only. Lauy except Monday. CATTLEMEN ASK FOR TIME Want Longer Period to Baaaaww Their Fences, bat They Do Not Get It. A number of the cattlemen and other who have had suit brought against them In the United State courts for failure to comply with the order of Judge Munger to remove their fence from publlo land hav been In the city recently to look Into their cases and see If some compromise may be effected that will give them more time to remove the unlawful fence. Judg Munger I not at present In the city and will not return until August 28, hence noth ing can be done In the matter other than to obey the order of the court Or take the consequence. Renewed activity I already manifest In the office of the secret service official, not merely In the preparation for the trial of the criminal cases for which indictments have already been found, but other evidence I being assembled against the Illegal fencers In the civil cases. Special District Attorney Rush and Spe cial Examiner D. W. Dickinson are now In the cattl country, taking depositions In t he land fencing cases, while special agent of the government nr In the field, riding the fence line on the big ranches, to see how the court orders are being enforced. SENATOR FOR BIG MUDDY, TOO Millard Hot Favorable to Appropria tion for Mississippi I'nless Mlssoari Geta la. Benator Millard 1 In receipt of an Invita tion from the Business . Men's league of Bt. Louis to attend a convention in that city some time during November, the ob ject of which I to secure the co-operation of senators and congressmen throughout the middle west for appropriations for th Improvement of the Mississippi river. Senator Millard, being of the opinion thai the objects of the league are not Identical with the object of th Missouri River Im provement association, has so written th 8t, Loulsana. He said In reference to tho matter: "At Washington In recent year the mem bers of the river and harbor committee have steadfastly refused to appropriate money for the Improvement of the Missouri river, giving a on of the reason the fact that such sppropriatlon would rive rise to clamor on behalf of the advocates for Im provements of other rivers." Holding these views Senator Millard con cludes that unless the convention at Bt, Louis would Include the Missouri' liver tn It plan of campaign, he could not In Justice to hi constituent participate In H de liberation. MOTHER MOURNS FAMILY W'oiaaa Stands Beslda Grave and gee Hoabaad ssi Tws Ckll. ' drea Burled. i One of the saddest burial ever held at Holy Bepulcher cemetery took place Fri day morning, when the bodies of A father and two children were Vald in the giave, a wife and mother, : Mrs. Surah Gllleran, being the chief mourner. The family lived In Grand Island and within six months suffered th three deaths. Th head of the family, Francis D. Gllleran, aged 40, died My 13 of pneu monia. August 3 Agnes, an Infant t month old, died from Intestine, trouble, and on August 17 Martin, a 10-fear-old son. was thrown from a horse and killed. Mr. Gllleran decided to com to Omaha to live and reached her Thursday, the1 custodk n . of three corpses, repvaentlng the greater part of the earthly thing dear to her. The funeral service were held at AUIinea, I Y .1 - ,