Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1906, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-NO. 59. OMAIIA, SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 25, 1906 -TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. ( vL. i 1 J" ! i 11 RISING FROM RUINS i Yarpaxaiao Will Ba Eebuilt m Finer and Kara Beautiful Lines. i ORDER IS COMING OUT OF CHAOS ' FrtTiiicni Art Plentiful and Belief i Beinc By itomatioally Distributed. ONE THOUSAND BODIES BURIED At Leut a Tnonaand Mora Lie Beieath the Debris, RAIN ADDS TO THE DISCOMFORT SBBBsssnsmnas Authorities Fear Ealdcmto tf It Doe Hat Ceas aeoa All I'asafe ' Btrnetares Art Ordered .... Palled Dow. VALPARAISO. Aug. S4.-Aa tha result of the splendid courage of tha people and with the co-operation of the city govern neat, Valparaiso will be rebull within a fnw yaars on finer and more br "ul llnee than before the disaster of Aug. '. The rain laal night caused mok. 4 he people to desert the tenta which the-,, , OCCUpieo Since ma eannquime ana re to their housee. Almost all cracked, but there wee no tremor during the night or today. Many of the people had to walk long distances, carrying their bed clothes on their shoul ders. There are no conflagrations, but the blowing up of damaged and dangerous structures with dynamite continues. Other wise the town has assumed an almost nor mal appearance. Many business houses have been reopened. The residences on Afegre and Victoria hills, which are occupied principally by Americana, Englishmen and Germans, suf fered comparatively little damage. In the quarter of the city which suffered most severely entire streets have been practically wiped out. Thonsaad BAdlea Rarled. One thouaand of tljoee who were killed by the earthquake already have been burled and there are more . than 1.000 oorpses beneath the ruins. For relief purposes the city has been di vided Into ten sections, so that assistance may be extended systematically to those who require it. Provisions are abundant. The foreign merchants of the city have appointed a committee to assist In the relief work. Several of the consuls here have received ordere from their govern ments to send home such of their country men as have not the means to re-establish -Jemselves here, or to pay their own passage to their native countries. Bheds are being constructed for the ehelterlog of the destitute. The railway service Is being re-established. President Rlesco is expected to . arrive here tomorrow. Government engineers from other provinces, have been ordered to eome .ts.yaJjMire.tao, to -aastet In making plans for the reconstruction of the etty. The summary punishment meted out to those who were caught stealing haa put a stop to robberies.. Tha Import duties on foodstuffs have - "been temporarily suspended. 8treet traffic was paralixed today by a heavy fain, which also caused much dam age to buildings weakened by the earth quake. Many refugees have been taken on board ships of the Pacific Steam Navigation com pany at Santiago. Rata Adds to Dlseomfort. Rain began falling again thla morning, Increasing tha suffering of thousands who are flvlng In tent. Many sought refuge in houses whose walla are in a dangerous state of ruin1. It la believed that If the rain continues much longer a serious epi demlo is sure to break ont. The warship Aim! rant Cochrane arrived at Talcahuana, province of Concepclon, to day with a large number of people from Valparaiso on board. A committee of prom inent women took charge of the refugees. providing them with food and clothing, Tie garrisons In the southern part of Chile continue eendlng detachments of troops here to assist in maintaining order, Suggestions have been made that the alts Of Valparaiso be changed, but President elect Montt today declared that the idea of rebuilding Valparaiso at some other point on the eoast was not feasible and that, in his opinion, . the city should be reconstructed where its ruins now stand. One of the worst features of the sltua tlon is the fact that the supplies of chlo ride of lime used in the disinfection of the ruins are exhausted and some time must elapse before fresh supplies can be obtained. A committee composed of englneere has been appointed to examine all the buildings now standing and to report upon their con dltion, - so that thoae which are In a dan gerous state may be pulled down. The men engaged in the work of search lug the ruins are working eighteen hours a day, and on all sides everything possible Is being done to ameliorate the situation. In view of the crowded state of the tented districts in this city camps are being formed outside the town. Sailors from the Chilean warships are assisting the bakers ashore In making bread for the homeless people. - STOCK MARKET IS STRONGER raited Btates Steel Coaaaaoa Reaches New Blah Polat aa Pres. at Nartatst. NEW YORK. Aug. M.-Further activity and strength waa ahown by the stock mar ket at Ita opening today. There waa an absence of the sensational features of the , , early part of the week, the most note worthy feature being heavy trading In ' United States Steel common, which opened on a lot of lft.00 shares, soon touching 47, a new high record for this movement. The Copper stocks were also In large demand at higher prtora and substantial early gains were shown by Atchison, Reading, St. Paul, Louisville tt Nashville. Canadian Pacific, the Hill issue. Pressed Steel Car and . American Locomotive. Prtoee yielded gen. rally at the end of the first hour. Call . money waa quoted at 4VW per Sent, with no loans in the first hour. - Kow Comet IiUeevered. ' CAMBRIDGE, Ka . Aug. M.-A cable gram has been received at the Harvard college observatory from Prof. Kreuta at the Kiel observatory announcing that a comet, visible through a small tlescope was discovert by Pi of. KopfT at Heidel berg university August tt. 1:71 Greenwich ' mean time (Wednesday evening In eastern standard time) in light ascension twenty, two hours forty-nine minutes, thirty-two seconds and declination plua 10 degrees. ' twenty-three minute. The dally motion In riaht ascension was alven aa minus, forty four avconde and In declination plus two END OF INSURANCE HEARINGS Iowa Legislative Committee Abaot Ready to Commence aa Its Restart. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Aug. 24. (Speclal.)-Open healings by the legislative Insurance com mission will be continued but three or four days longer, after which the work of pre paring the report will be taken up. Some work has already bee a-done on the report, particularly the preparation of a form of policy for a uniform policy bill. Thla has been discussed and will be submitted to Auditor Carroll before finally decided upon. The executive sessions of the commission for work In preparing the report will be continued till abdut September 10. at which time district courts over the state open. Three of the members of the commission are lawyers and will necessarily be absent during September. The commission will meet again In October and finish the re port, which will then be filed with the stats auditor. ' Committee Beg-las Camps Ian Work. Chairman Woods of the republican state committee today opened the quarters In the Observatory block. Furnlturs and runs were put Into the rooms and stenographers were engaged. Committeeman Converse, in charge of the speakers' bureau, waa in stalled behind a desk with a big calendar and railroad mape and the campaign of 1906 can now be said to have started. The speakers' bureau Is asking each congress man to give them ten days. This will allow te ana re tje UM ot Mcn congressman at least once the walla a. ,cn ot tms congressional districts out violent earth o ,f h own Bom of the congrell8. n.vv ? have no particular fights on may be t, o give more time. Both Chnlr- n Js and Committeeman Converse will remain permanently In the city from this time till the close of' the- campaign. Though the speaking campaign on the part of the republicans does not open till the first of October the committee headquarters will do a great deal of work before that time and the literary bureau will be started at once, probably next week. In addition a number of speeches will be made before October I. Governor Cummins is scheduled to deliver one address at Missouri Valley before that time and may make other speeches. The governor will leave the first Of next week for a vacation outside the state. Whether he will go to Colorado, Minnesota or Michigan to the lakes and summer resorts has not been definitely de cided. He will be absent about a week or two. Miller fa New York. Chairman C. W. Miller of the democratic state central committee left today with Mrs. Miller for New York City to welcome Bryan. He will return with Mr. Bryan aad expects on the trip to take up the matter of his speaking In Iowa. Mr. Mil ler hopes to secure an address from Mr. Bryan in each of the four or five congres sional districts which the democrats this year are counting on carrying. During Mr. Miller's absence in New York Clint Price of Indlanola, the secretary of the committee, will be rn charge of the cam palgn here. Three Gold Badges fOI. Guardsmen. Three gold pendant badges, each of a value of GO were presented today to three members of tho Iowa National Guard, who have -been In guard ffrk -for "twenty-five years and over. One of trie" badges was presented to , Adjutant General W. H. Thrift, another to W. H. Evans of Red Oak, and a third to Colonel James Rush Lincoln, colonel of the Fifty-fifth, who Uvea at Ames. The bodges are given by act of the legislature. The bronso badges an4 bars to be given to members of the guard who have completed five years service or over have not been finally determined upon yet. As soon as they are decided upon by the committee they will be made and mailed to the members entitled to them, Print Eleetloa Laws Because of the demand there will be for copies of the election law at the coming general election In November the executive council has ordered printed 4.0O0 copies of the election lawe of Iowa and will dis tribute them to the election Judges a short time before the election. They will prob ably be distributed through the county sud Itors. Physlelaa at Fair Groaads. A hospital and a competent physician will be maintained at the state fair grounds all next week during the state fair. The di rectors will uae the same building that was used last year for the hospital and Dr. Granville Ryan has been engaged as the physician to be In charge. It la the expectation that more old soldiers will be present this year on old soldiers' day, which will be Tuesday, than the fair haa ever known before. Old soldiers and their wives and widows, and their children under fifteen years of age will be admitted free. Arrangements have been made for 1,000 seats in and about the tent where the reunion will be held. Wasted for Kldaaplaar. A charge of kidnaping haa been sworn to In the Justice court of ZeJI Roe In thla city agalrlst Mrs. Clara Thompson. She Is charged with kidnaping Rosle Dearth, a li-year-old girl. Officers are also looking for her husband, Ferd Thompson, and they are suspected of being at some place in southern Iowa. GIRL FAVORS HER ABDUCTOR Xellle Ralney Bays Bha Will Testify Ag-alast Maa 1'ader ' Arrest. Not KVANSVILLE. Inc., Aug. 24. Ernst Tanksley of Bedford, Ind., and Miss Nellie Ralney, a school girl of Heltonsville. Ind., a small town near Bedford, were taken to Bedford today by Bedford ofnoers. Though the present charge against Tanksley is the abduction of Miss Ralney, the police will seek to learn If he haa any knowledge as to who murdered Miss Sarah Bchaefer, the young school teacher, more than two yeara ago, and whose slayer Is unknown to the police. When charged by the police with guilty knowledge of Mlaa Bchaefer's murder Tanksley stoutly pro claimed hla Innocence. -Miss Ralney aaya ahe will commit suicide rather than testify against Tanksley. BEDFORD, Ind., Aug. 14. Prosecutor Fletcher said today that he had no Inten tion of securing a warrant foe the arrest of Ernst Tanksley on the charge of mur dering Sarah Bchaefer, who was found dead in a shed here on the night of January 71. 1904. Mr. Fletcher la preserving silence as to what evidence. If any, he has in his pos session. Teleghoao l.laemea Btrlks. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug. 14. At Kan sas City and Independence, Mo., four hun dred linemen and construction men .of the Missouri Kansas Telephone company are on atrlk for Increased wages. At Sedalla forty men are oat. Coadrey Reaomlaatsd. ST. LOUIS, Aug. M. Obngreasma'n Harry K. Ceudrey waa yesterday Tenotnloated for congress or the republicans of the Twelfth dlsirw-t at a oif-.. 1 '." There was do apposition. PLENTY OF CASH IN SIGHT Cabinet Minister Eaji Buatia Doe Not Need te Hake Foreign Loan. DETAILS OF LAND DISTRIBUTION SCHEME Owaers ta Be Paid with laterest Bearing Scrip Which Is ta Be Redeemed by Payments Mads by Peasants. ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. M. Finance Minister K6kovsoff today ' authorised the Associated Press to deny categorically the constantly recurring reports that Russia in tends to enter the foreign market for a new loan this autum. "The government," said the minister. "has ample funds In sight to tide over the present year. The only loan operation con templated, namely, the $25,000,000 Imperial loan for famine relief, waa consummated today by the signature of the emperor. Thla loan Is already being taken by the gov ernment's savings banks. Even If we de sired It, we realise that no foreign - lonn could be advantageously floated without the assent of parliament, and you may state emphatically that the government will not again try to contract a foreign loan until parliament approves It. The surplus for the first six months of the current year will exceed the estimates by t30.000.000 and as the last alx months always are the best from the revenue standpoint, the excess for the year should . exceed 100,000,000, more than sufficient to meet the extraordinary expen ditures in connection with the suppression of the revolution, which directly and in directly has cost nearly $6,000,000 a month. "There la nothing alarming In the finan cial situation, although In the final analysts everything depends on political develop ments." . Details of Land Scheme", It was further explained by U. kokov soft that the big project for the distribu tion of 25,000,000 acres of land among the peasants, on which the government has de cided immediately to embark, and from which great hopes of measureably appealing to ths discontented peasantry have been built, does not Involve any charge on the treasury. The peasant bank will Issue in exchange for land two species of script. With a view of preventing a flood of paper breaking the money market , too heavily before It can be absorbed, .a nominative script hearing six per cent Interest will be Issued, the vendors agreeing not to place it on the market before five years, while only five per cent debentures will be Issued payable to bearer. The emperor .and the grand dukes will accept the nominative script, and In effect the imperial family will simply convert their land holdings Into six per cent securities and be relieved of all the expense of management of crown lands and appendages, which at present absorbs a large share of their revenues. The period 'of amortization through Installment payment by the peasants has not yet been fixed. Until redeemed the debentures and script will constitute a blanket mortgage. In the process of the distribution of these lands all the energy of the government will be devoted to the dissolution of the exist ing communistic system, which now covers two-thirds ot the peasant holdings, and cl lotments to the peasantry In severalty In order to Instill respect for the principles of private-property. . If successful, the gov ernment confidently expects the peasantry will become conservative and set their faces against socialistic dreams of the na tionalisation of land. All' Elections oa Same Day. At a protracted session of the cabinet this evening the conclusion was reached that, In view of the existing conditions, any re taxation In the rigor of the government's policy Is utterly out of the question and that It Is necessary to continue the battle against the revolutionary forces with all the means at command. It also was decided that ' the elections for members of parlia ment should be held on the same date throughout the empire instead of over period- of several weeks, as was the case In the former . elections. In order to pre vent the opponents of the government from concentrating their efforts In various dls trlots In succession. All the ministers were Instructed to pre pare and have ready for submission not later than September 14 the projeots of iwc essary legislation, which will be divided Into two categories, the first, those which are urgent and should be enacted Imme diately In the form of temporary laws or administrative edicts, and the second such aa will require to be polished by the cab inet before submission to parliament when it assembles. LAWLESSNESS AT ODESSA Clttaeas Ask that Goards Be Doabled and Police Force Be Iaereased. ODESSA. Aug. 24. Robberies and mur- dera have become frequent here. The cltl sens have petitioned the government to double the police force and compel every house owner to maintain three armed por ters Instaad of one. Alleged Fraad Arrested. BERLIN, Aug. 84. The Lokal Anseiger today announced the arrest at Hamburg yesterday of a man who described himself aa "Baron Santoa von Dobroabakl-Donnsrs mark," but who Is said to be a metal worker named Konrad, who married an American girl of, good family in Manila May 4 last The man la charged with hav lng deserted his wife in Parts, taking with him her Jewelry valued at $S.000 and a sum of money. Hla arrest la reported to be due to the American consul at Hamburg. A great part of the Jewels. It la said, had already been disposed of by the "baron," but th police seised the remainder. Fatal Wreck la Canada. ST. THOMAS. Ont, Aug. M A Wabash special train carrying two theatrical com panies to Chicago and on to Detroit, and the Canadian Pacific regular passenger train from Toronto, collided at the croaslng Juat east of this city today. Canadian Pa cific Engineer McKay ot Toronto Junction was killed. Fireman Patterson of this city was probably fatally Injured and Baggage man Alex Wiley of thla city was probably fatally Injured. None of the passenger on either train was Injured. Amerleaa Protests Agalast Boycott. HONG KONG. Aug. 24. Th American consul his sent a dispatch to the viceroy of Canton requesting him to suppress the boycott association for th hindrance of American commerce. Th. association re cent held several meeting. Archbishop Keaaa Balls for Home. SOUTHAMPTON. Aug. 4.-Archblshop Keane of Dubuqu sailed for New York today on the Bluecher. Kaaaas City Htm Boaapart. KANSAS CITY, Aug. M.-Charles J. Bonaparte, secretary of th navy, has been invltrd to attend th Be salon of the Trans mUaiwiiipi Commercial congress to b heUt la UUs city. November tu. TWO BATTLES AT FORT RILEY Kansas Army Defeats tha eath Dakota Army la aa Extended Flaak Movement. FORT RILEY. Kan., Aug. rt.-Todeys maneuvers waa the biggest affair of the kind that the troops have participated In this year. In it the regular and national guard troops were divided Into four armies. Two of the armies were composed entirely of regular troops and In each wss repre sented all arms of the service. One was a blue and the other was brown army. These two forces Were engaged apart from the other forcee. In the other engage ment Colonel Wilder Metcalf of the First regiment, Kansas National guard, com manded the blue army, composed of a regiment and two battalions of Kansas Na tional guard Infantry, the first squadron of the Thirteenth United Statee cavalry and a battery, of United States field ar tillery. The other army was commanded by Major Aldrtch. who Is in command of the South Dakota forces at the camp, and hla army was made up of the two battalions of North Dakota National guard, one bat talion of the Kansas National guard, the first squadron of the Ninth United States cavalry and a battery of United States field artillery.- The Kansans marched from Morris Hill and the South Dakota army marched from Three-Mile creek and they came together on Sheridan heights. Just above Fort Riley, where the engagement took place. Each man had been issued fifty rounds of blank ammunition and there was heavy firing by the artillery, as well as by the Infantry and cavalry. The problem was one in flank movement by the cavalry, the In fantry engaging the enemy while the cav alry performed the maneuver specified In the problem. First the flank of one army would be driven back to cover, then the flank of the other army would be com pelled to perform a similar movement. The decisions of the umpires favored the Kan sas army and the umpires and officers are settling the matter at a Joint meeting at the camp tonight. Governor Hoch will be here tomorrow and review the .troops. The governor's sa lute of seventeen guns will be fired upon the Arrival of Governor Hoch at the camp. The Kansas troops will have almost a whole day's work tomorrow. Senators Long and Benson, the Kansas congressmen and state officers will be present. DEPOSITORS ANXIOUS FOR CASH Policemen Overwhelmed la Mad Rash of People at Defunct CM cago Bank. CHICAGO, Aug. 24. Sixty poHcemen were overwhelmed today by a mad rush of men and women, who were determined to get the first money p'd out of the vaults of the ruined Milwaukee Avenue State bank. Receiver Fetter had made arrangements to pay 20 per cent to 8,000 of the 22,000 depos itors and everybody was anxious to be among the B.ona At daybreak the crowds swarmed around the bank and by 8 o'clock the bank waa surrounded by 15,000 people. Sixty policemen had been sent to the bank, but, they were unable to handle' the crowd, the greater part of which "were unable te understand the English language. Forty more officers were na.07y sent to the bank and order was even then restored . with difficulty. It seemed impossible to make the depositors comprehend that, although only B.000 were to be paid today,, the others would be paid Just as much.. .within the next few days. At one time the crowd threatened to fairly storm the bank, . as, waving their passbooks In . the air, they rushed for the doors, shouting ii Bohemian, Polish, Norwegian and Italian. The re ceiver wss all day paying the 5,000 and will pay as many more tomorrow. MADISON. Wis., Aug. 24. That Paul O. Stensland, the misalng president of the Milwaukee Avenue State bank of Chicago, was In London August 10. Is the statement made In a letter from the English capital received today by Madison relatives of Peer O. Stromme, a former' Chicago news paper man. Stromme, who knew Stenaland well, writes that he met the banker in London and went to call on him later In Stensland's apartments. The banker had left In the meantime for Flushing and the south of Europe. Stromme says that Stens land apparently had plenty of money. MORTON HOWE FROM EUROPE Head of Eqaltable Society laveatl gates French Insaraaee Laws While Abroad. NEW YORK, Aug. 24. President Paul Morton, of the Equitable Life Insurrance Society, was a passenger on the steamship Lucania which arrived here tonight from Llverviool. Mr. Morton returns from a six week's stay In Paris where he investigated the French lisurance lawa and aought to determine the .effect of the recent agita tion In this country over Insurance matters on th French public. H said tonight that he had found the French Insurance laws a little partial to home companlea, but not markedly so and that foreign companies are given a fair chance to do buatneas. While In Europe Mr. Morton met the heads of the large foreign Insurance com panies all of whom agreed, he said, that the Insurance exposures In ths United Btates had resulted In strengthening the position of the companies. While In Lon don Mr. Morton attended the Fourth of July celebration by the American society, at which William Jennings Bryan delivered an address In conversation with Mr. Mor ton on that occasion Mr. Bryan said that he was glad that the American public at leaat recognised him as a conservative. Other passengers on the Lucania were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mackey of San Fran cisco. Mr. Mackey's knee was sprained by a fall from pony In a polo game near Londen this summer. PULLIAM FEARS C0MST0CK Presldeat May Not Tell Laag-aag I'sed by MeGraw Be for His Bospeasloa. NEW YORK. Aug. it. In announcing; today that the suspension of JlaniLr McOraw of th New York National la;ua base ball team la lifted, to tak effect .to morrow at Cincinnati, President Pulllam of tha National league furtner approved th action of Umpire Johnston In SQspendVijr tha New York manager. MeGraw was suspended for using Im proper language, directed at ths umpire during a game between New York and Chicago, at the Polo grounds In this city several weeks ago. In the statement President, Pulllam says that MeGraw utal the most villainous languag on mortal could use to another to tJmptr Johnstone. "I regret," he adds, "that I am una'l te tax th baa ball patrons into my confidence and give them the cvldenc i-e. fore me, but the laws of th I'nirul States and tha vigilance of one Authouy Coustock jrevent me doing: so." SIDELIGHTS ON CONVENTION Burlinrten Politician Tun a heat Triok on Voter of State. HAND THAT DEALS CARDS CONCEALED Prejadlco of Voters Two Stress; to Coma Oat la the Opes, hat Xorrl Brawa Is Made Whea tha Time Comes. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 24. (Special.) Th smoke of battle has cleared awuy and -the hotel corridors are deserted, but the political veterans who witnessed the engagement aro still sitting around the camp-fires talking over the strategic moves of the .contending hosts and tl,s Impending political revolution, that ha placed Nebraska by the side of Kansas as a free and Independent state. "It was a superb piece of strategy." exclaimed one of the veterans who trained with the Lincoln machine, "the way the Burlington handled Ita forces before and after the battle. It was given out at headquarters and all along the Burling ton line that" its preference waa for Rose water over Brown, and Ita agenta, lawyera and passholders Industriously spread the report among Rosewater's former sup. porters, who were Incensed and disgust-! over what they thought was the treacheiy and desertion of the cause of the peopla on the part of the editor. Very naturally, they rallied around the standard of Nortls Brown, who made roaring campaign speeches against the Burlington and Union Pacific tax shirkers and filled every village and farm with lnflaihmato-y literature. It was an easy thing for the Burlington politicians to lose out In al most every county In the Republican val ley as well as In the First and Fourth districts, where they knew public senti ment was running high against the rail roads and particularly the Grain trust. In all these counties no serious resistance was made to instructions for Norrls Brown." That's so," chimed in a Nebraska City merchant "I was on the train that car ried our delegation to the county con vention that was held at Syracuse. Whn the conductor paaaed Judge Jeaaen, who waa a presumed candidate for congress against Pollard, the Judge gave a wink, and the conductor passed by. When the Judge was called on to address the con ventlon. after he had been unanimously endorsed for the empty honor, he mado the most rantankerous antl-pasa "and anti- railroad speech I have ever heard In many a day, and his Me too,' Major Hayward. pushed through an Instruction for-Norris Brown, although four-fifths of the people of Otoe county were for Rosewater." Fooled by Prese Bnrean. "That is about the way It went In other counties," said a commercial traveler, who happened to be within the circle durlni; this discussion. "I stopped over in sev eral towns in Hamilton and Seward coun ties Just before the frensled farmers In structed for Brown on the strength of the. report elrculatad. by Brown's press bu reau that Rosewater was tied up, with the Burlington." "By the same signs." said a grlsxly pol itical vet. "the republicans of Butler county were led by the nose Into the bull ring. The amusing part of It was that the anti pass shouters In Wahoo and David City were notorious political pasa distributers and corporation attorneys." "You have broken the thread of my story," exclaimed the first strategist. "The real aim of the Burlington waa to defeat both Brown and Rosewater by pitting them against each other so as to flnalry prevent the nomination of a senator In- the con vention. At any rate the password to the passholders on every railroad line was to stop instructions, except where the coun ties could be rounded up for the stalking horses, who were expected to hold back votes enough to make Impossible the nom ination of any senatorial candidate. This was the role of Currle, Melkeljohn, Crounse and Dr. Evans, hone of whom stood a ghost of a chance of being nominated." Millard - la Overlooked. "You forgot to name Millard." exclaimed another vet. "Didn't he present a most humiliating and pitiful spectacle? Have any of you ever aeeti a United States aen ator walk through the alales of a great convention nnd take a seat on the stage without being noticed and without a single man raising his hand to applaud or calling him by nameT" "I happened to know," said another vet, "that nearly all the votes for supporters of the dummy candidates were nominated to vote for Rosewater after the first compli mentary vote, but they were held back pur posely with the Idea of creating a deadlock and finally preventing any , nomination. Had they been voted in accordance with their pledges and instructions, Rosewater would have won hands down." "That may or may not be so," said tho man at the head of the campfire, "but I happen to know that the knife - was put Into Roaewater by the order of Holdrege. You remember that the Gage county dele gation, which had promised to deliver from fifteen to twenty votes to Rosewater, by some mysterious agency only gave him four, while Brown got sixteen from the start. You remember that Instructions were prevented In Saline county, which Is Burlington territory, through the quiet bul effective pressure from Foss, the Burling ton boss, but at the same time it was given out that the delegation would be solid for Rosewater, and It was solid up to within a few hours before th meeting of the con vention. Then four or five of the delegates who always do the bidding of the Bur lington became attached to Brown and would not budge. You probably also re member that Good named hla own dele gation In Nemaha. Every one of those votes. Including Tom Majors, was at the disposal of the Burlington. Tom Majors himself had confidentially admitted that he would vot for Roaewater, if he waa re quested to do so tor th sake of Good. It isn't likely that Tom threw the delegation to Brown on hla own motion. I happen to know that h threw It only after Jim Kelny had appeared on th floor of the conven tion a few minute before th final ballot." Lcta Cat Oat of tha Rag. "That reminds me," said the commercial traveler, "that one of the Omaha Fontanelle men predicted the nomination of Brown th day before the convent'on. He said Kelby was talking out loud i.i Ed Maurer's Omaha saloon Monday - night and be tween drinks said the Burlington would throw to Brown, if ther was any danger of Roaewater making It." "You've hit it exactly," aald th first re lator. "It was a piece of superb strategy and it waa neatly executed. Don't givu all the credit to the Burlington and Tom Majora. I happen to know that Congressman Hinahaw had a hand In forc ing the nomination of Norrls Brown. He (Continued oa Second Page.) . NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Batarday aad Sunday. Hoar. . Pes. Hoar, Ueg. ft a. m u l p. ra TT 8 a. m 4B a p. m T T a. m Oil S p. m TA Ra. m ..... . " 4 a. an T a. m ..... . no 8 a. m TS 10 a. m ..... TO II p. m TS 11 a. m Ta T p. m T9 lis TT N p. ra TO O p. a TO TROUBLE IN THE BRYAN CAMP Frletloa Develops Betweea Factions la the Sew York Receptloa Committee. NEW YORK. Aug. 24.-Harry W. Wal ker, who has had an active part in arrang ing the receptlcn to be given to W. J. Bryan by the Commercial Travelera' Anti Trust league on August 30, today gav out a statement to the effect that politicians headed by Alexander Troupe of Connecticut and Norman E. Mack of Buffalo are trying to control the movement and that the league will control the arrangementa for the reception, even If It has to tell the politicians to retire. "Mr. Bryan accepted the invitation from the Commercial Travelers' Anti-Trust league," said Mr! Walker, "and we think thst he will appear there, as stated." Mr. Mack, who is the democratic na tional committeeman from this state, sold In reply to the statement that there Is a popular Impression that the Bryan recep tion Is a political affair and than Mr. Bryan regards It thst way. "Why shouldn't politicians take part in It?" he asked. Mr. Mack said he Id not making trouble In the committee and that there Is no talk of Hearst In the arrange ments. LANE PLEASED WITH ROADS New Commissioner Says Companies Show Disposition to Observe New Itate Iaw. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. By Tuesday, August 28, when the new railroad rate law shall become effective. It Is expected that practically all members of the Interstate Commerce commission will be In Washing ton. Commissioner Franklin K. Lane of California arrived today and shortly after ward was In his office at the commission's building. He did little during the day ex cept to have a conference with Secretary Edward A. Mosely of the commission and attend to his personal mall. Speaking of the new rate law. Commis sioner Lane said: "So far as my observations have extended a disposition is manifested by all railroad companies to comply with tho act. In the west, particularly on the Pacific coast, the railroads are making their arrangements to conform to the new provisions as soon as possible." Commissioner Lane brought to Washing ton with him' the members ot his family and they. will' be located permanently In a few days. CONSIDER LIFE INSURANCE Cammlttaa ait Plfteea". Hears , at. , aorta from gnbeommlttees oa Proposed Laws. ST. PAUL, Aug. 4. The "committee of fifteen" Insurance commissioners of various states now holding a meeting :t the state capltol here, today received re ports of sub-committees and approved drafts and bills for uniform legislation, which If adopted, will make a very ma terial dlfforence. In the opinion of the big old-line Insurance companlea. The report of the committee on m's representations. Including the draft cf a bill, waa approved. The draft, as pre sented today, Included (the following im portant section: No life Insurance corporation, officer, director or agent shall issue or circulate any estimate. Illustration, circular or statement In any part misrepresenting the terms of any policy Issued by it, or the benefits or advantages promised, or the dividends or shares of surplus to ue received thereon; nor shall any company use any title of policy, or class of poli cies, misrepresenting the true nature thereof. NEW YORK CENTRAL INDICTED Federal Oraad Jsry Charges It with arantlaa; Illegal Favor to Standard Oil Com pa ay. JAMESTOWN. N. Y., Aug. W.-The New York Central railroad company was In dicted by the western New York federal grand Jury this afternoon on a charge of giving discriminating and unlawful freight ratca on shipments of oil by the Standard Oil company and of unlawfully falling to file a achedule of such ratea with th in terstate commerce commission at Waahln ton. The Standard Oil company waa again In dicted, on a charge of accepting unlawful and discriminating freight rates on ship ment of oil over th Pennsylvania, tha New York Central and th Vermont Cen tral railroad companies. Th indictments are cloaely related to thoae found by th same jury two week ago against the Standard Oil company and the Pennsylvania In the matter of discrim inating rates for oil shipped by the Stand ard from Olean to Burlington, Vt. ' NO VERDICT INLYNCHING CASE Jary at Sarlaarfleld, Mo., Is Discharged After Betas; Oat Tweaty Fair Hoars. SPRINGFIELD. Mo.. Aug. 24.-The Jury In the case of Doss Galbralth, the alleged leader of the mob which lynched and burned three negroes in April last, and who waa on' trial charged with aecond degree murder, was discharged by the court today when It reported that its members were unable to agree. The Jury had considered the caae for more than twenty-four hours. After the jury waa discharged I fa members freely admitted that the vote stood ten for acquittal and two for conviction. Twenty ballots were taken and there waa no change after the first ballot. The defenae an nounced that It was ready for a new trial Immediately. It ia not believed, however, that the state will try the case again. Gov ernor Folk and Attorney General Hadley asalated the proaecutlon, the attorney gen eral and hla assistant taking an active part in the proceedings. Aatomotilllsta Take Trala. SALT LAKE CITY. Aug. 14 -Christian Hagerty and Richard Little, who are at tempting to break the transcontinental automobile record, arrived her last night on a Union Pacific passenger train which they hoarded at Julesburg. Colo. They are recuperating at a meal hotel while their chauffeurs are bringlug up their machine. The car Is expected to arriv here tomor row. . . . REVOLT 1SSPREADIKC Insurrection in Cuba Reaches Formidabla Proportions. GUERRA HAS NEARLY TWO THOUSAND MEN The Are Well Supplied with Ammunition and Tents. ENLISTMENT OF TROOPS PROCEEDS SLOW People Not Ball jin: to Support of OoTera ment with Enthusiasm. GENERAL JOSE M'GULL GOMEZ ARRAIGNED He Denies All Ceaaeetloa with Aay Conspiracy Raral Guards Aro Said ta Be Desert- HAVANA, Aug. 24.-Unofnetol advices re ceived from the western province of Plnar del Rio tonight are to the effect that tho Insurgent forces now concentrating west of San Juan de Marlines are far more for midable than had been supposed and also are better supplied for camping and a long and aggressive campaign. . A prominent resident of Havana whoa word la beyond question returned this even ing from a three days' tour In the vicinity of Snn Luis and San Juan de Martin es. He Informed the Aasoclated Press that lino Guerra's following in Plnar del Rio now is certainly from 1.500 to 1,000 men. Ho said the Idea of his not having sufficient ammunition was ridiculous and that he la abundantly supplied with every possible ne cessity. The behavior of hla forcee la excellent. All the tobacco plantations owned by Americans and American propertlca fly ing the American flag, this gentlemsn de clared, are not being molested. He aald the Insurrectionists had einlil mutes Ioadd with dynamite and tluU lately they had re ceived supplies from unknown sources. He positively declared that fully a hundred members of the rural guard had deserted and Joined the Insurrectionist since the trouble began and that practically all tha Cubans In western Cuba were sympathizers with the movement. Word has been received here from San tiago, that General Jesus Rabl with 2,000 veterans will come to the Vuelta Abajo to help put down the Insurrection. This, however, is not confirmed. The government's extra expensee since August 19 have been 1270,000. Government Plans Itldlealed. ' The critics of the government privately ridicule the plans of the government to bring rapid fire guns to the Island, assert ing that the experiences of the Spentarda with these guns In Cuba proved their uso lessness In the field. They admit, how veer, their value for the protection of cities and highways. . The government. It is understood, has sent to Texas to buy 2,000 horses for the 'army. - It haa already bought M0 horses The government hes cabled to General Rlus Rivera, minister lo Centra! and South American countries, to return immediately to Cuba. The report of the arrest of Orestee Fer rara is denied, but It is admitted that he is under surveillance. General .Jose Miguel Gomes, at his formal arraignment today, denied the al legation that he had engaged In a" con spiracy against the government. There is no foundation. In fact, for the rumor In circulation tonight that the government haa begun negotiations with Pino Guerre. More troQps will be forwarded to the western districts tomorrow. While the troops were being conveyed by railroad trains from Plnar del Rio to San Juan de Marlines ordinary traffic on the railroad was suspended. There hss been no Interruption of railroad communication by Insurrectionists. There Is grave doubt if the force cf gov ernment troops now at San Juan da Martlnes would be able to withstand an attack by the forces ot Pino Guerra. Aside from slight encounters In the pro vinces of Havana and Banta Clara nothing of Importmce has transpired there. Enlistments Proceed Slowly. The enlistment of rural guards and vol unteers is going on very slowly In the provinces, but In the city of Havana en listments are somewhat better. ' The city council this afternoon appropriated $60,000 for the support of the city militia, of which the.r are two divisions, ths Interior snd the exlunor, under command of Gen eral Sanchei Agramonte. Tho government expects that the steamer Mexico, which will sail from New York on Saturday, will bring eighteen rapid-fire guns. 16,000,000 cartridge and 13,000 Leo rifles. Tomaa Estrada Palma, jr., Joined tho Havana city militia today. The Insurgents have been absent from San Luis since early this morning, but no troops have yet occupied the place. The sturbed situation of the country Is Interfering grestly with commeroa. The transportation of merchandise by railroad has practically ceased, shippers fearing the aelsure of their goods. Gomes at Capital. Jose Miguel Gomes, who was a candidate for the presidency last fall, and who was arrested August 11 at his resldertc near Banctl Spirltus, province of Santa Clara, arrived here from Batabano on a apeclal train early this morning and had been escorted to the city Jail before his arrival In this city became known. Th traffic manager of the Weatern rail way reporta that tralna are running and the telegraph line operating to San Juan de Martlnes today without any Interruption anywhere Gomes, In an Interview with the corre spondent of th Associated Prtas, la tl city Jail, later in th day, aald: 'I declare that I have never had any knowledge of thle unfortunate conflict and that If I had conspired against Presi dent Palms' administration, I hav mora than sufficient pride to boldly admit It now. You may assure the peopls of the Lotted Syue that I have not conspired to disturb the peace and prosperity of the country. The government regards Guerra's mof ment on Guanes as being a retreat be fore the forcee eent against him from the city of Plnar del Rto. Baa Jaaa ds Martlaes Retakea. SAN JUAN DE MARTINEZ, Cuba, Aug. 14. This town, which on Thursday was occupied by a band of Insurgents under command of Pino Ouerra, Is again in pos session of the constituted forces of the r public At 5:30 o'clock this evening the troops under command of Colonels Bac callao and Avalo arrived here from Plnar del Rio, but news of their coming had pre ceded them by several heura and by book 5v