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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1906)
'is5k TTTB -OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. AUGUST 24, WANTED SITUATION POSITION wsnted by, axperlenoed rin( ihhv hnueekeeper; can five reference. Q'l 66. ca re Bet. A, M27 2 PERSONAL , , ' PILES CUBED WITHOUT AN OPERATION ALL kinds f piles cured internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching plica.- : A guarantee given In evary re treated bjr Dr. Mas well, who ts bad -twenty-five ri' ex rerlvnce In treating plU-e. Hundreds of testimonials siren on application. 6M Bee Lid., Umoliii We. Phone Doualaa J44. ai U M174 Agil ANY POOItaiWi In need of a friend call or write to the matron ol the Salvation Army llonw for" Women at, 3824 N. 24: B fit., OTish. Neb: U M10 Trtr kelli j Laundry. SG20. - 'Phone Douglas u-fa ."R. ROT, Chiropody, R, 8 8. 1606 Farn m. PRIVATE confinement home: Mra Dr. Klos. 201S uat 8L Tel. Doug. Z6it. V-7C6 PLEATING ALL KINDS. Bottom, Ruchlng, " Kmbrolderine. Jjeiii ami Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, ouly 6c. per yard. Band fur price Uit and satiiple. OOLDMAN PLEATING CO., iO0 Douglas Hn-dL. Tel. Douglas ISM. U 74 LAUNDRY CIT X 6 TEAM. Tel. Doug. 264. 211 8. lltb Bt. U-717 PRIVATE hoirie during confinement. Mra. Uardeli. Hit Charles. Tel. Doug. 8311. U 748 NOTICE All persona are warned against giving credit to my wife, Nettle Moore. a I will not be. responsible for any au counta contracted by her. C. F. Moor. 602 Pierce Bt, U M3J3 24 THB Salvation Army solicits cast-off, clothing; In fact, anything you do nut need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th. 6U, tor coat -of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 413 And wagon will call. ' U H FREE medical and -surgical treatment ni Crelgbtoa Medical College, 14th and Davenport ' fcls. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment su pervised by college prolessor. 'Pbone Doug. li7. Call answered day or n'u THB City Garbage Co --Office. 14th and Leaveoworlo, cits. Tel. DougU. DS7. U-76B PRIVATE home during confinement; ba biea adopted. The Uood Samaritan San itarium. 728 Flrat Avs.. Council Bluff, la. Tel, J74. : , U-822 SURVEYING, Blickanadarter, SU Bee Bids. ... . ;.. . . U-770 OMAUA, BUunmrrM Institute, Barnes Bldg. t- U 771 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prlcea. Bend for free catalogue. Myeri Dillon Drug Co., , Omaha. U 77ii WE3 RENT sewing machines at U per week; we -aell acond-band machines fi up. Nebraska Cycle Co., coauer 15th and Harney. .Teh Douglas itfi.. . . U 771. PRS. VOOEL, private hospital for women and (of Jndlea before and during confine ments . Ul &. Uth Bt.. Omaha, Neb. x . . U-MV70 S17 ARCHITECT O. I Brollne. Ill Bee Bldg. ACOKN PKESS rMa, tHOUU) BLANCH ARD'8 ECZEMA LO TION not glvi speedy or aatiefactonr re ulte, notify Prof. I.- Bianchard, akin pec)a.nst. ' Minneapolis, Minn. Whole Balers' aupply all uAiggleta. - . - ' . . " , U-MOOBlOx JUAUIN.X IV Smith! 118 N. ifc M floor U M8S1 814s MEDICAL BE8T nerve bracer for men. . "arny'a Nerve Food lJllle V-l, lo, poetpaid. boerman s, McConneil Cra . C'Jv,- Omaha. .-774 DR. PK1E3, epoc'iai'it, women's Mlseasea weuknessea, tUschargea, irregularities, curea patnleaiy and aafely, Wlthnell block. lLtti and llarney, room & Omaha. PILES Mast' Obstinate tiymmea .Pile Remedy, box 87 2. Cincinnati, 0, cases 6ured. By iiiall 60c. M367 84 WANTEDTO . BORROW VANTi;l)-To borrow . I jOQ or 11,000 home money on ample, well rented residence nrouurty In Bouth Omaha, at 7 per cent. Addres.;N-" Bee..- .. V-7 PRINTING I.VNnSTAn Htrh Grade 1807 Calendars. ,nnn " b.'S. oorner lMh St. and ul rfudve. capital AveC 741 WE HAVE i hew pres-rio )ob too large or uo-amau. central unrintlng to. t,. , soo Sept 16 PLUMBING BUT plumbing auppllaa direct. Wholesale prices, fcava on very article.-Only BrsU olaaa goods . handled. Prompt attention to avery order, Bead for catalogue.. B. 9. Karoi. rr uaxrison bu cnicago, in. ostecpAtkt ' n JOHNSON- Institute, ill N. I, L Tol. Douar. jea. . . . 7SI DR. W. W. BOWSER, over 1600 Famam, Tel. tong.-S70. MS6& 622 MONUMENTS Breat Weatarn -Orknlta Oe. Douplss tkl: - - - 7U4 Au: FLORISTS L- HENDERSON. l&LI Farnam. Tet Dong. LAW & COLLECTIONS J. M. MacfarUnd, 0 N. T, U Bldg. TeU Doug- ; : . -TK CLAIRVOYANTS - . MADAME BUDDHA, LBADINO PALMIST OF OMAHA. Eventful and truthful predictions given. (.all ill et. lata eui vcp. Boston mors. W Wen You ; Write, to V; ; Advertisers - iwxnber It only takes an extra stroks ot two of trae pan to meatioa the fact that yoa saw Abe ad. la The Baa. . ' GOVERNMENT NOTICES -PROPOSALS'- FOR CLOTHINO AND equipage: - Depot quartermaster's office. Third and Olive streets. St. Louis, Mo., Auruat 28, It i. Sealed . proposals. In trlpiloaAa, subject to usual conditions, will be received hera until 18 o'clock noon. Sep lember 11. lie., and then opened for f ur ulshlug and delivering at, the St. Louis de-pot of the quartrpiastr's denarUnent, United Btatea araiy 6 (wo rota brooms and 4,kt scrubblnaT brushes. The right Is reserved to rejeql or arcpt aiiy or all proposals or ny pari thereof. Preferjie,e will -be given to articles of domestic manufarture, condi tions of .duality, and. price (including In price, of foroign - Droduciiona or manufac tures the duly thereon) being eiul. Standard g,mp4ea-4o e- seen at, and li'stka for propoaala and full Information will be furnished upon -application to this Ihce. Envelope containing propoaala to .e endorsed "Proponals for clolhlng and t gulpuge to be ' opened at II o'clock noon. Scpteiiiber 11. KVij. IJeutenant Colonel V. Von Schrader, dpot quartermaster, I'nitsd Slates army." - Jha following In fcrmstlon is furnished In'mpneotlon with the foregoing .dvertlsemem. . Bids ste in vited for furnishing and delivering at depot Of 1 ho quartermasters department at St. Louis, Uia foUowlng articles. Ai4s7- GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFfCE CONSTRUOTrNtJ yi'ARTER- manier, neyenne. nvomlnf, AugtiM i, I. Pealed prxosnln, .In trfi4lcte, wjll be. received t tnU oftlce iinul a. m.' September JO. !. at which time they will be opened In piilMir, for furnishing all ma terial and lafnir required and laying ap- i'i AiriiiMtiy square reel hi -cmcreie sidewalk and leu sou ore feet of stone road croexlns at Fort L. A. Rncnell. WyntnlnK, in arroniance with plana and epclncatiorui on r.le at the above named oftlce. Blank forms of proposals- and fiifl 'Information furnished on appllcntlnn. The rlnht la re served to reject eny and all bids or part of bids. Envelopes con lain In ." proposals should be enrlorscd. "Proposals for Con crete Walks and Stone lroeelns;s," and ad dressed V. K. Hart, yuartermuster, U. 8. Army, in charge of construction, Cheyenne, yoming. AZ-4-25-7i -B1S-H. COKSTItfCTINO QUARTERMASTER'S Office. Fort Crook. Nebraska. August 10. If4 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, sub ject to the usual conditions, will be re ceived here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, August 25,. 19"., for making repairs to swimming pool and accessories thereto, at this post' Full Information will be furnished and drawings and specifica tions may be seen at this office. Proposal to be marked ' "Tropossla fn Yepafrs to swimming pool" and -addressed to -Captain It., R. Stogsdsll, Quartarmaater, 30th In fantry, Constructing Quartermaster. A-10-11-1J-14-23-24 CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER 8 Office, Omaha, Nebraska, August J, 1K08. 6ealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will he- received here until 10 o clock a. m., central atandard time, AuKust 27, 11, for Installing a water ystem at Fort Omaha:. Nebraska. Full information furnished on application to this onice, wnere pisns ana epeclncauons may be seen. Proposals to be marked "Pro posals for" Installing a Water System,"' and addressed to Major M. OR AY ZALlXSKk. Constructing Oosrtermnster, Armv ituild Ing, Omaha, Nebraska. A8-I-10-11-24-2S RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TCNTU ABO MARCT 'r i:; t'niom Paelao. Arrlva. a i:U pm a 6:10 pm a t:M am a 6:10 pm al0:43 pm a 2:80 pm a 7:44 am a 4:60 pm b 2:00 pm Overland Llmlte .;.... :to am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:1 nm Colo. e Calif Ex.... ..a 4:li pm California at Ore. Ex.. a 46 pm Los Angelea Limited. ...all: am Fast Mail a 1:56 nm Colorado Special. a 7:46 am Mortn fiatte uxai..-.,.s cm m Beatrice Local b 1:16 pm Cttlaase, stock lelaau m. raalaa. &AKT, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited ....";..a am a 7:10 am Iowa ixcai a 7 0o am a 4:30 pm Chicago Ma4 ...a 8:1 ao, al0;10 pm Iowa Local b!2:l pin b 8 66 pm Chicago (Eastern Exp.t. 4;u6 pm a 1.46 pm Chicago tlowa Limitedi a : pm ailaO pm Rocky Mountain Llm...a 7:20 am 8:16 am Colo. A Cal. Express... a 2:01 pm a 8:66 pm Okl. & Texae ExDv.t Ai.s 4:40 nm al2:06 tm Colorado Faat Mat) ...19:10 cm a 7:JS am a dally, b dally except Sunday. -lalcags Uireat Wcuni, 6U Paul A Minneapolis. 8:80 pnl 7:10 am St. Paul & Minneapolis- -3:46 am 11:60 pm Chicago Ltmited 6:40 pm Lie am Chicago Express 7:46 am 11:60 pm Cblcs9 Express 8:80 pm 8:80 pra uskiuk. St. Loula Exprss."...;.'a tM pm a 1:40 am bL Luuu Aocai tirom Councu iuRs a :)6 m alt JO pm Btanberry Local Irom - ' Couuoll Bluta b 6:00 pm ' bllJO am Chleaao. Ullwsaktt A lu Fill. Chi. A Colo. Special. ...a 7:66 am a 7:80 am California at Ore. Ex., .a 6:46 pm a 8:10 pra uvenanu &.uniiou- 9.09 pm am Marlon Cedar It. Loo.b 6:4i am bll:00 cm Mlssoarl Paollla. 6U Louis Express.. .;..:a 1:00 am ' a 1:80 pm K. U 1I. U pn) a 6:00 pa Chicago A Northwester. Cedar Rapids Aasa....a 7:06 am a 6:06 pm alu:w pm all: 16 pin Twin City fc.xpiesir-...'.a T.fru am 1 am Chicago fayngut Chicaao Local ... . 8 .uu am -allJU aiu- a. 4:46 pm Sluux City Local ,....b :60 put a am uarroii jociu .... Sioux City Local Chicago fc.x pries a i.U pm a ia am b a t Dm .:.f a 6:6u pSn' a 7:JU aia a :-i. pm a :M am f ast .vi au Fast. Alall , .....:. a t:V0 pin Twin City Limited .a 8:JS pro. 7.t am Overland Limited ......a 8:iS pm - a V:16 am ClilL-ag Limited all i(A pin all: 15 am Noi foik'-Bonesteel' fviiVa 7:40 am 'Hi:2Skm Lim-uin-Long T:40'am- hlU.Jo a to Uead wood-Lincoln ....a tlvo pm a 6.u& pm CasiM-r-Snoshoni a 3:U pin a f :06 pm Hastlnga-Supenot .;.. to 8:00 pm b 6:u5 pm Fremont-Aiolon b 0:u2 pm bU:40 pra a Dauy. to Daily except Sunday. -tlliuoia Central. Chicago Express , ...... .a 8:00 am a 8:66 pra Chicago Lluilted ........a 6:ow pm a 7p0 am wtUTEB DbPOT-UU. T WaUll'aH. 1 i l . . v c Chloaco, St. PaaU . tflnasapolls A Wasaaus. , .... , . Venvm. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. . .b ana bU0pm Eioux City Paasonger...a im pm aU:M am Eraoraon Local .......b :a0 pm to 8:10 am Emerson Locals,,, e am (Im pes siMuorl fullti - ... . .. Neoraaaa Local, , via - . , Weeping .Water,, .?,..& 8:6 prn bU4o pm BlRLlXOTOIf STAT1074 lOtb A MA 8014. BarUnatoa. ' " -'' ' - .'-cf. Leava. Denver it Calif 0rtta..7.a 4.10-tin Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special .a 4.10 pm' Northwest Express all .10 em Arrlva a 8 .8u pm a 6:o pm a i :v am a :M pm a 7;w pm a'tl'us'am ali:4 pm 'bio J m a :m am a 7:10 am a 1:80 am a 1:60 pm 7:26 am 166 pm a I . am 81048 pm all:) am a 1:46 am l-W pm r,eorasHa jwtprtsa Nebrasku Local a t;Wl aia ancoin iouai .incolu Fast Mall b 2:0b pin t. Crook -. pm ellevue Platum'h..a 7:60 ant utnvir Limited - lelievua 4k. Pau. Juna..,a8:80 am illviie A Pso. June. ..a B:16 am Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Exprcaa a 8.46 pm Chicago Flyer .....a 8:06 pm Iowa Local a 8-.16 am bt Louis Exprasa...,...a 4:46 pm Kansas. Clty-feu Je...,aJ0.a pm Kansas City-St. Joe... .a :1C am Kansas City-fit. Jo.....a 4:4 pin b Dally except Sunday, , A Dally except Saturday Bund hut omy. Dally xcept Monday. BRIGHTER DAYS FOR .ERIN Ttaaotkx F. . Healey Talks E.neonraaT laaly of (ho Prospect lor Hew Leal Laws. " NEW YORK, Aug, .23. Timothy F. Healey, member of Parliament, who arrived her yesterday enroute to Ctilcsgo,' said ha believed that within ten years the land question would be settled foe Ireland. He declared that a great Improvement over former conditions had been -brought about by the operations of -the purchase act. Half of the Small -farmers of Wexford had already aoqulred provlatonal title to their land. The condition was true in other- counties.' When 1h bond Issue au thorised to sustain the purchase act had been floated ha expected . to. see a tre mendous increase in the' number of fanners owning their lands. " .' " . " FREE RATIONS TO BE DROPPED All Aklebodled Residents ; of , Sam Fraaclsco Mast Kara Fosd- -After aatarday. BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. U-The relief corporation haa announced that .after August 26 no more prbvislbns ' wflf be sup plied to refugees that are Able-bodied. Those thst are worhty. 111 or suiTermg from old age may still draw 'rations, but men with, sound limbs and strong sinew and women able to care for themeelvaa will have to ahlft for themselves. - - ' ' Business propositions advertised In The Bee -go into the homes-of- the-best-peopla SCAVENGER WORK I haul dead animals, 27.00 er head. Garbage, ashes, manure aad aft rua biah;' clean vaults sod cesspools. aL work done Is guaranteed. Calls promptly attends t. 1 . P .Paone. Red U78. -' J. H. SHERLOCK NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 Perl MIXOR KEAT1UX. , Darls. druea. Clark's, eodas. - - Stockert sells carpets. . Fine engraving at Leffert'a. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Oet these new photos at Schmidt's. Plumbing and heating, Blxby aV Son. Souvenir postals, Alexander's, 83S B'way. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 87. W'oodring Undertaking company. Tel. 838. Tell your troubles to Hafer, the Lumber man, If they are In his line. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT, TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. George Hosgland has the Kansas Shall Brick. All hard brick. Oet his prices., See Stephen Bros, for Are irUk snd fire clsy, sewer pipe, fittings and garden hose. SR1CTLY CASH FOR ALL SHOES AT DUNCAN A DEAN 8 CHEAT CLOSING OUT SHOE SALE. The children at the Associated Charities' creche are to be given s picnic and outing at Lake Manawa this afternoon. Judge U. II. Scott Is home from a fishing trip to the Minnesota lakes and presided over police court yesterday morning. Justice Field performed the marriage ceremony yesterday for Estey Clevenger of Omaha and Ethel Crabb of Bedlson, Mo. OET YOUR U1BBON PICA OKta FRAMED WITH BEAUTIFUL FRAMED; 36 TO 0 CENTS. BORW1CK, 211 SO. MAIN. I pay 812 per ton for cast Iron;- mixed, $10; stove. !; rags, 1Mb per lb., rubber, 74kc; copper, 14c- per lb. J. Katelman,' M Main, both phones 660. Wa wholeaale Ice cream. Shinned to any part of the state. Special prices to the re- j tail trade. 1. Muccf. 213 West Broadway.' Council Hllifrn. Ia Tel 364. We have the finest line of sample monu ments to select from in tlte '. Jheeley at Lane Marble and (jfranlte Works, 217 Eaat Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. C. E. Blevert, the well known conductor on the Northwestern, who has been off duty for seven weeks on account of ill health, expects to resume his run In a few days. Fall opening Western Iowa college, Mer rtam block. Council Bluffs, la.. Monday, August 27. English, Normal, Bookkeeping and Shorthand departments. Send tor new catalogue. Both 'phones. The-Pottawattamie -County Veterans' as soclatiun and the Old Settlers' association of Mills, Fremont and Pottawattamie counties will hold their annual reunion at Oakland, August 29 and 30. The following Iced drinks and Ice cream , thanks for the kind reception and entertaln wlll be served all this week at-the Clark ment which they have provided for the ituk company oiauju. iiuwn pi,vuu-., memners or tnis association. Siberian flip, eldoraoo sundae, tropical sun- i yVe also desire to express our ' ftpprecln dae. Carmenclte kiss, southern beauty, ton OI (h. Knn arts nnd the great American sundae .and Greenland Iceberg. assistance given us by Mr. W. R. Reed, The funeral of the late William Bonhning ' secretary of the Council Bluffs Commercial will be held this afternoon at 2 p'clock ' club; for we know he has given a great Irt.n the family residence, 1W8 Avenue A. ( deal of time and nttentlon for the benefit of Uev. O. W, Snyder of St. John's English , our convention and the convenience and en Lutheran church will conduct the services ( tertalnment of Its members, and Interment will be In Walnut Hill We desire further to return our thanks cemetery. The finals In the golf tournament at ' Lake Manawa for the Jacquemln trophy, will be played Saturday afternoon, when William Coppock and William Helser will compete for the championship. Coppock . has a handicap of nine and Helser eleven. The first game In the woman's tournament for the W. A. Maurer trophy will also be played. Several entries are looked for. George O. Enyart, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3 p Knvurl. died yeBterday morning at M5rmeEnya"T..tTrnpfoyed"Kby .w. uMi.nd r.iiM A Paint company In Omaha. The funeral will be held Sunday ?"fj"" '4t&& Hill cemetery. Rev. James O May, pastor of Broadway Methodist church, will con duct the services. While driving a new horse, recently pur chased by the Cltlxens' Gas and Electrlo company, by wnicn ne is wniimiw man Pruell had two rlba broken In a run away accident yesterday morning. A tug became unhooked and the horse started to run away.- n ui vv with Bruell under It. The horse ran several blocks -but finally ; J, fturnbleatwrer ?hTbroken' hares. and fell. " the buggy wag badly smashed. . I am going to place on sale a case of mirrors, 8Vxl2 inches, In ovals, oak framed, worth $1.00, Friday and Saturday. 29c. A few" gilt oval framed beveled French plate mirrors, . 18x20 Inches, worth $8.60; sale price, 84.S0- Have you any photographs of yourself or friends which you wish enlarged? Bring them In. I have arranged with a reliable house to do the work In crayon, sepia, pastel or water color. I am selling wall paper, room mouldings, paints and picture framing. W. 8. Hewet son. Broadway and Fourth street, -Council Bluffs, I a. GREEN AND NORFOLK FURNACES OIVE THB BE8T SATISFACTION. ASK PEOPLE THAT USE THEM. THEY WILL TELL YOU WHAT THET ARE. F. ' BPENCEB. 1 Broadway. - Faaeral of Clyde Cleasaser. Funeral services over Clyde Clemmer, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Clemmer. who was drowned Tuesday evening In Noble's lake, were held yesterday afternoon at the fam ily residence on Willow avenue. The ser vices were conducted by. Rev. Mr,: Klrch stlne pastor of the Northside Christian church of Omahdl and Rev. S. J. Carter of this city. All of the members of the Minis terial association at present In the city at tended the services. Following the services the remains were taken to Lanark, 111., the former home of the family. ' , ' 6,800 acres good farm land In eastern Colo rado. $8 per acre and up; no Irrigation re quired Can raise all kinds of small grain sod corn. A few good homesteads Join our lands. Send for printed matter. F. C Lougee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs,, Is. Real Eatate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee August 23 by the Pottawattamie Abstract t.-onpany of Council Bluffs: Irving 8. Little and wife to Richard Licber southeast i 86-74-43 $1,000 Ernest E. Hurt and wife to Peter Donnelly, lot 24. In block S4. in Ferry addition to Council Bluffs. Ia.. w. d. 600 Charlotte Armour Ward and husband .. , to Andrew C. Petersen, lot 8, In block 14. In Crawford s addition to Council Bluffs. Ia., w. d.... ........... Heirs of Hardin James to H. M. Reel, 250 1 1 lot 1. in 1V-TI-. q. c. h. ........ Henry M. Reel to Laura Reel, In 19-77-44. q. C. d ; Five transfers, total.... lot 1, 814.S62 - If you are looking torwara to your sum mer's outing you will need a few va cation necessities; If you sre going camp ing with a small party yon will want few delicacies; if yon are going to a ptcnlo you will want your basket filled with "good things to eat" Sandwiches, olives, ptckiee, cakes, cheese, fruits, a cold bottle of ginger ale or root beer la fact MoAtee has everything necass.y to fill a dainty lunch basket and the beat the market affords. Maat Be Sold. Muat sell dwelling. Has five rooms, city water. Is on car tine and rents for $8 per month; always rented. Tel. 61. Charles T. pfflcer. 41$ Broadway. Marrtaae Ureases. Licenses to wed . were Issued yesterday to The following: -..., Name and residence. . Age. Estey Clevenger, Omaha. .........v.;......22 Ethel Crabb, Bedlaon. Mo : a Ole Nieison, Omaha m ...V..27 Met ha Schoemen. Council Bluffs, !l . Have your rooms papered and your house painted In and outside.. This Is Just the time of the year. You will get it done right and at the right price. Borwlck, 211 South Mala St. ' We ase agents for ths best wheel chairs for Invalids. C. li. Alexander, 231 B'way. MALONFY S fEARL ST. NEW LOCATION, 88 BLUFFS Bt. TeL 43. OFFICIALS FINISH UP WORK Fife Convention! Veet in Forenoon and After Ehort f esions Adjourn, EXTEND THEIR THANKS FOR COURTESIES Probability All Will Meet Rest Tear at the Saaaa Tlsae at Ike Capital City Sessions Are Profl table. The five conventions of the state associa. tlons of county supervisors, county tress, urers, county sudltors, county recorders and clerks of the district court were brought to a close yesterday with the morn ing sessions. While the attendance was not what had been expected, those who were prevent were unanimous In their declara tions that the session had not only been most enjoyable, but also most profitable. The plsn of holding the conventions at the same time and place met with general sp proval, and will. It Is expected, become permanent. While three of the organisations left the selection of the place In which to hold next I year s meetlns to their respective executive committees, It Is believed thst all five asso. ... ' A . . . ., i..i..i .u mm in ur. moinn, wmcn CKJ was selected by the supervisors for their next meeting. The supervisors before ad journing adopted the following resolutions, which express the sentiments of the other four associations: aperv-tsora Are Thankfal. Be It resolved by the state association of county supervisors of the state of Iowa, now In session assembled, that s We most sincerely extend to our worthy secretary, Mr. Felix Bets, the thanks of the association for his very efficient work In rendering the services he has given us. In making onr meeting a success, snd the en tertainment of the members of the associa tion satisfactory In every way. We also extend to the board of super- iHlnr. r, t pnllawallnmla 1 1 i .. m.. 1. , .. for the royal reception - and kind welcorre tendered to us by th honorable mavor of CouncP Bluffs. Dr. Donald Macrae: also to the Omnha Council Bluffs Street Rallwftv company, the Lake- Mans wa ' Amusement compsny. the Council Bluffs Rowing asso ciation and the Elks cluh for the favors si generously extended to the members of the association, and to the dally press for their courtesy In giving publicity to our matters. Recorders Elect . Officers. The recorders elected the following officers: President. J. S. Halllday. Boone; vice pres.- dent. G. G. Balrd. Counoll Bluffs: secretarv j 8nd treasurer. J. A: Murphy. Ida. Leglsla. committee, G,..G. ,Ba.rd. chairman; John P. Mercer,- Monroe; Mrs. Frank Dod son. Polk; Ole Langland? Story j J. 8. Halll day, Boone. , .,. ,""' Des Moines was selected sa the place for next year's meeting, but the dab? was left to the executive, committee to fix. The legislative . committee ' was Instructed to , "; an act providing for' a Tour-year term for ... officers, and ever. Individual member of the assodJtlcut'.was urged to press the matter upon trie attention of the senator and representatives . from ' his county." ' . ' - Old Officers Salt Aadltors. The auditors re-elected "the old officers as follows: Presldei.t. J Vj Dalley, Cherokee; secretary, E. A. Larson, Red Oak; treas urer, Frank W, Leedhairi, Clinton. The date and, place fat holding next year's meeting was left to .the executive commit tee, but It is generally 'dnderstood it will be held in Des Moines, with ths other state associations of county officers. " The clerks- of the district court before adjourning adopted a vote' of thanks .to Judge O. D. Wheeler of this city for his address before them pri. the opening day. While a, majority .of the visitor left for their' homes on the1 afternoon trains, quite' a number remained over to enjoy another - outing at Lake Manawa, while several went oyer. to Ornaha, to visit Krug park. t . ' . Where Shall I Bay My Groceries ANSWER THIS QUE8TION, FIRST WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT. SEC OND, WHERE THE GOODS ARE FRESH ivn rmaT rr.iBfl TUiun wuirna YOU WILL. RECEIVE COURTEOUS AND HONEST TREATMENT. WE FULLFIL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS IN EV ERY RE8PECT. GIVE US A TRIAL OR DER AND WE ARE SURE YOU WILL BE OUR REGULAR CU8TOMER. JOHN OLSON. 738 W. BROADWAY. A. Metsgar A Ca New Location of - Wholesale Bakery. 616 Mynster Street. Co. Bluffs. Ia. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. Permanent Hoase for Creeke. A permanent home for the Associated ChaiitieA' creche Is now sasured through the liberality of Mr. k- 8hugart. Yes terday Mr. Shugart notified the officers of the association that he would raise his original offer of 82,000 to $5,000 provided the association would purchase the site and pay him 4 per cent on the money for the remainder of his life. While no formal action has been taken yet, it wss stated that the association would be only too will ing to accept Mr. Shugart's proposition. The association also got another windfall yesterday. A friend of the organisation, who requested that his name be not made public, contributed $500 towards the ooat of the site for the creche building. The per formance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Falrmount park netted the asso ciation $706, permitting It to pay off all out standing Indebtedness and place $300 to wards the fund for the purchase of the site. Ihe association hope to secure a central site for the creche building, and when one la aelected will call upon the generously Inclined people of Council Bluffs to con tribute towards Its purchase. ATJ persons knowing themselves to be in. debted to Duncan Dean or the Dunces Shoe company are requested to call and settle at once. ' MALONEY'B PEARL ST. NEW LOCATION. 88 Eighty per cent of the vehicles around Council .Bluffs are Van Brunt's work. There must be some good reasons for this. Call around and Van Brunt will give you the reasons why. At the Big Repository, 12 and- 24 Fourth street Aeross Continent la Aata. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Devlne and young son of New York City, Dr. W. 8. De- vine of Marshalltown. Ia., and S. D. Rogers of San Francisco, chauffeur, en route to New York from San Francisco by auto mobile, passed through Council Bluffs yes. terday afternoon, making a short stop to eat supper at one of the restaurants. Edward T. Devlne haa been In charge of the Red Cross relief work In San Fran cisco for the last three months and Is now on- his way home. The rsrty left San Francisco August 4. On reaching Reno, Nev., they shipped the auto by rail to Laramie, the patty also making (hat part of the trip by rail. Mr. Devlne said that so far they had had a very pleasant trip and made on an average 1 miles a day. He expects to reach New Tork about the middle of September. He will visit for a few days with relatives at Marshall town and other points In Iowa en route. DEMOCRATIC CtHVESTIOS TODAY Xarahrr of Aspirants for Several Places an the Ticket. The democrats of Pottawattamie county will meet In convention today at Mlnden to place in nomination a county tlckrf. The prospects last night were that there would be several contests unless the ticket wss cut and, dried this morning before the oonventlon rs called to order. It Is generally conceded that Harvey Ouren will 'have no opposition for the nomination of Judge of the superior ccurt and the Indications sre that M. C. Good Win of this city will also land the nomina tion for counly treasurer without a fight. Frank B. Lefeber, Rock Island agent St Walnut, is a candidate for the nomination for clerk of the district court, as are A. B. Larlmnre of Avoca and Lee Evans of this city. Talk among the city delegates last night seemed to Indicate that Lefeber had the Inside track on the nomination. Captain Cal Shafer of the police force Is an avowed candidate for the nomination for sheriff as Is James Jensen of the grocery firm of Frank Peterson A Co. Jensen will go Into the convention with the deputations from two of the city precincts Instructed for him. A. W. Casady of this city. It Is expected, will be given the nomination' for tfounty auditor, while Roscoe Barton of Avoca. It is said, will likely be the rfty nominee for county attorney. Talk on the streets last night was lo the effect that there will probably lie quit a contest over the leglslstlve nomination as there Is quite a long list of asplrsnts. Dr. 8. D. Tobey of Oakland and John T. Haten, two democratic war horses, are most prominently talked of In this connec tion but they are only two of the several candidates. The convention Is to select a new county chalrmsn. F. W. MHIer, the present chair man, who hss held the position for four years Is anxious to surrender the reins. There wss some talk yesterday of Richard Organ, a younger member of the party, be ing given the place. . , For Sale Furniture of twenty-room hotel In good railroad division point. Price, 8300. Will rent hotel for $35 on account of sick ness. Is full of boarders. Quick sale. Address D, 8. Kerr, 646 Broadway,, Council r Bluffs. CENTRAL FLOUR fill. F.very sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phones 24. Matters In District Coart. In the district court yesterday Carolln Borner filed suit for a divorce from Charles Borner, to whom she was married In 18x2. She charges her husband . with having S bad temper and not treating her as a duti ful husband should. In addition to the divorce she asks the custody of their three minor children and half of her husband's property as alimony. An attachment for $1,600 upon the property, consisting of two houses In Ferry addition, to secure her claim pending the determination ot the suit was Issued by 'Judge Wheeler.. Blanche M. Walker seeks a divorce from Homer D. Walker, to whom she was mar ried In Schuyler. Neb., on December 27, 1901. According to her petition. Mrs. Walk er's experience of married life waa short and not of the happiest nature. She charges her husband with cruel and Inhuman treat ment, failure to provide and desertion about five months afters their marriage. THB MOST UP-TO-DATat RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. OOOD BER. VICE AND HOME COOKING. The Cslu met restaurant, 620 Broadway. Swanson Music company, 407 West Broad way ths place where you will And a splendid assortment of pianos to select from. Conovers, Cables, Schubert, and Kingsbury's. All clean, new goods. Prices and terms to suit every person. We think it a good house to deal with. Unable to Identify taapects. Bonnie Fields and Austin Cuahenberry, better known as "Happy Hooligan," the negroes suspected of attempting to hold up O. K. Harden In his saloon Tuesday night, and also charged with attempting to hold up George W. Adams, gatekeeper at Lake I Mana;a' on Flf,eenth "treet. near Avenue B, while he was on his way home at a late hour Monday night, were In police court yesterdsy morning. Harden failed to Iden tify them as the negroes who attempted to hold him up, but Adams recognised Cushen berry as one of the two who attacked him. Cushenberry claimed the hold-up of Adams wss nothing but a Joks snd there was no Intent to rob. The court, however, sent Cushenberry to the rock pile Tor twenty days, while Fields was permitted to go free. For Imported wines, liquors and Bud. welser beer go to L. Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor dealer. 611 South Main street Favorite gas stoves, from $12.60 to $35. See them. The finest line made. Paddock ft Handschey Hardware Co. GOOD PIANOS AT THE CLOSEST POS SIBLE PRICES AT BOURIC1U8 PIANO HOUSE, 836 BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night LSH eaatorlal Deadloek Ended. WEBSTER CITY, fa.. Aug. 22.-(Bpeolal Telegram.) Charles F. Peterson was Domi nated at Eagle Grove this afternoon on the first bsllot ss ths republican senatorial nominee- from the Thirty-seventh Iowa district. Hardin county deserted Candl. date Ward of Eldora, giving Peterson fifteen votes and D. C. Chase of this city four. Wright, of course, gsvs Its fifteen to Peterson, whils Hamilton voted solidly for Chare. This gave Chase twenty-one votes to thirty for Peterson. The conven--tlon had held four prior sessions and be- ' fore convening today had cast 8.8M ballots. I Hardin county feared a Wright-Hamilton combination and so bitterly were they op posed to Chase that they nominated Peter son as a preference, knowing Ward stood no show. Baes for EnaTlneer'a Life. IOWA FALLS. Ia.. Aug. 23.-(8peclal.)-Flfteen thousand dollars Is ths sum ssked In a dsmsgs suit against ths Rock Island road brought by Emma A. Sands, adminis tratrix of the eatate of Engineer Milo C. 8and. who was killed while In the dis charge of hla duties In a collision at Vin ton In October last. It Is cited In the petition that the deceased csme to his death while In charge of an engine pulling a freight train, that' Ms train was not equipped with a sufficient number of cars with air brakes so thst he could control his train and prevent a collision; also that the train with which he collided waa an extra freight that was running on the Urns of Engineer Sands' train. PLANNING TOR CAMPAIGN Democrats, ire to ftart in Early and the Bspnbliraoa Late. REPUBLICANS STAND PAT ON RECORD When start Is Made Plenty of Speakers Are to Be Kmploied I Fight Made a Sharp One to the Finish. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES. Aug. :3.-tSpeclal.-Whlle the cnndldates on the rrruMlcsnxetste and congressional tickets were meeting with the State central" committee in Parlor F of the Savery this afternoon discussing a late and short campaign, the democratic candidates were meeting with their state central committee In their headquarters In the Observatory .building discussing an early opening and long campaign. The democrat aro, of Ihe opinion that a vigor ous campaign will land' two or three con gressmen. As well as the head of the ticket. The republicans believe that the state Is worn out with. an all summer cam paign that started really with the last ses sion of the legislature and they believe the best results will follow front a short cam paign. A number of republicans who were expected to be In the city today to attend the conference were not ablo to attend. As a result the meeting confined Itself to a discussion as to the Issues of the cam paign and the means of raising funds. The party proposes to stand pat on its record in the state nnd the nation and preach the rlatform a the campaign Issue. The work of congress and the work of the legislature nnd the national and state rarty leaders will be defended In the campaign. If the democrats choose ' to make the tariff the main Issue the republicans will be prepared to meet h: It- Is the plan of the repub licans, and especially of Chairman Woods, to make the campaign an Inexpenolve one. There Is not a disposition to underestimate the fighting qualities of the opponents, however, and the liest speakers In the nation and state will he secured for the campaign. Committeeman Estabrook of the Fifth 'district was unable to attend to day on account . of the sickness of his mother. Copeland of the Eighth and Wright of the Ninth were also absent. Congressman Huohafd was not rresent, but all the other congressmen were In the city. The democratic committee was all present with the exception of Aex Miller of the First. Prnctlcajly every candidate was present, , The "committee proposes to raise the bulk of Its funds by dollar contribu tions. Ijite In Arriving;. Most of the candidates and many of the committeemen of both parties were late In coming to the city. Senator Gnrst, the re publican nominee for lieutenant governor, arrived at the Savery fifteen minutes before the time for the meeting to convene and the first person he shook hands with was Claude R. Porter, the democratic nominee for governor. They served In the legisla ture togethex. : Congressman Dawson, fresh from , renomlnatlon at Clinton yesterday, reached the city the middle of the fore noon. Blrdsnll, Kennedy and Connor came In about noon. As the candidates and com mitteemen of both parties were about the Savery lobby together It waa suggested, fa cetiously, a number of t'.mes that a Joint session be held. It went no farther than th? exchange' ot handshakes while the two sides were holding whispered conferences -about the corners of the lobby In discussing plans for the defeat of the other p"arty. The democratic conference today decided thai the campaign shall open with a speech by Porter, nominee for governor, at Ot tumwa, September 6, and Dennlson, nom inee for lleutenint governor, at Clarion, on the same date. Porter will speak on the 7th at Mpntlccllo ' and on the 8th at In dia nola. The republicans decided to open the cam paign about October 1. but no definite action was taken on anything. Cities Loan-Their Detectives. Fifteen detectives from neighboring cities will corns to Des Moines Sunday to assist in caring for the State fair crowd. Chicago will send two, Minneapolis one, Kansas City one and possibly Orriaha one or two, and in addition the Rock Island and other rail roads will send some of their force of de tectives to the city. . Kldaaps Ills Children. ' Mrs. Ida German of this city has asked the police. td assist her In locating her di vorced - husband on the charge that he has kidnapped her two children. When they were divorced the daughter, 4 years old, was given to the father and the son, 8 years old, was given to the mother. Both . children were kept af the Chil dren's home In this city. When the mother went to the home today to see INDIA AND There Is nothing more healthful and Invigorating than FUBB TBA. " Tetley's tea is known all over the world because of Its 2rUaUTT. Insist that -your grocer give It you. ....... McCOED-BRADY CO., Wholesale Agent, Omaha,. WE PERMANENT. 1 IlljOOn I'LCEIM, DROCELE, SPECIAL DISEASES Newly contracted and chronic eases cured. ATI burning. Itching and inflammation stopped In 84 hours. Cures effected tot daya. i TaTOSBl WHO kTATS BZXsT TJISArPOIaTTZB ST traTSKZUBO SrFBCIAaV. nrg AXI BAJtaTEBTZ.Y aCQVEITf D TO la VXSTIQATn ODB htSTKODSj AMD TEkHI WITlOvT ltiLAT. WaTICX BAB Till 2OaTB XM VatB txaW UUISUIU, WDHW IATI lATEP TatEat TIM ABB BIOBBT. If you have violated the laws of health and are conscious of constant drsln which Is undermining your system, come to us before you bsaoroe a nervous snd physical wreck. If you are weak, gloomy and despondent, have bad dreams, depressed, lack ambition and energy, unable te eonoMitraAa your thoughts, lack vimr vigor snd vitality, come to us at once. Our txaaUoent win stop ail drains ana overcome all i vireriein tna nrajiu. iti navs curvq mouaanas ok wsan vwn. NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL UNO SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Northwest Cor. 18th and them they.' were gene, the father having) ? taken them. The father hnd tnken them, I away last Saturday. Mrs. German clalmg he is under Injunction td" leave ' them at the home. ' ' Overcame hy Heat. . , W. W. Alnsworth. a prominent business man here, was today overcome by iha heat while In the poMoffice building arij is In a serious condition. ,,-., Des Molaes t hief Wew. Chief of Police J. .Jortes a'hd ' Mlsg Millie Seems of Mltchrllvllle are to te mar ried axon, after a courtship of twenty years. The story leaked out today when . the chief began Inquiring for flats end r gave his name as J. W. Jones, but with held his occupation. .". Raral Letter Carriers Several hundred rural mall carriers "are expected in this city to attend the an nual convention to he held here August 28 to 29 of the Iowa Rural Letter Car riers' association. Liquor Seised at Repot. SIDNEY, Ia., Aug. 2&.-8peclal Telegram.) County Attorney Chantry made A raid on the "Q" depot at Farragut and cap tnred twenty-one cases, ten barrels, three boxes and one keg of beer. A man giving the name of Lon J. Unger and who claimed to be from Council Bluffs was srreRted for Illegally engaging In the liquor Waffle His bond was fixed at $200, which he waa unable to give and was lodged In the county Jail In Sidney. . . s Pioneer Merchant Prowaea. FAIRBANKS. Is., Aug. 23.-8ud Miller, sged 5 years, a pioneer merchant taltor of this place, was drowned In Wapsle river tonight In the presence of his wife, who almost drowned In her effort to save hint The couple were bathing. DEATH NOTICE"" " n. K. Johnson. CARHON. Ia., Aug. 23. (Ppeclal.) R. K. Johnson of Valparaiso, Neb., died hero yesterday morning. He had Just, move here six weeks ago to. look after Ills mill ing Interests at this place. He had re sided at Valparaiso since 18(6. .the town being located on his homestead, lie was a life-long republican and took a prom inent part in pontics in saunaera county; was In the banking business there till '92, when he sold out. He had conducted a large elevator and general merchandise store and was well known to the grain men of .Omaha. He had been In rather poor health for the past eight years. The funeral will be held at Valparaiso, Friday, August 24. John Elchols. SCHUYLER, Neb.. Aug. 23.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Mr. John Elchols, one Of the old est settlers of this city,' died at his horn this morning, after a sickness of over a year. He has been Jn this city over thirty eight years, coming here when there were but few dwellings. He was 70 years old. His funeral will be held at the Lutheran church Monday. He was a member of ths Workmen lodge. . . - ' O. S. Aastla. . EL PASO. Tex,, Aur. 28. T. A. . Austin, district manager of the American Smelt ing and Refining company, in charge of the company's Mexican business and also of the El Paao Smelting company, died today of diabetes. He ' had been with the company for many years. Insane Man Deported. YANKTON. 8. D., Aug. 23. (Special.) A. Thorstcneen, a young man of about 20 years, who was committed to the 8tate hospital 'for the Insane here last May, has been taken to New York, from. Which city he will sail for Norway.. W. R. Mansfield of Omaha, Immigration Inspector for this district;" took charge of the -young man and was accompanied by Dr. G. S. Adams of the hospital force. Thorstensen . came to this country about a year ago last March and became a resident of Codington County, Soon after his ' arrival ' symptoms of In sanity developed and he was committed to the hospital. The-bospltal authorities con sulted with the Immigration officials and It was decided to deport Thorstensen. Ha will be deported at the expense of ths Bteamahlp company which brought him to this country. - - loath Dakota Brevities. SIOUX FALLS -Stewards of the Cotton Methodist church have decided to erect a new church building thirty-four by fifty feet In else, with basement, and modern. In every respect. SIOUX FALLS O. O. Warner, who for several months has been In charge of a land and loan agency at . Gregory; has purchased from W. E. Brtdgeman the plant of the Gregory Advocate, a weekly news paper published at that place. - - - SIOUX BALLS The annual "convention of the Aurora County Sunday School asso ciation, held at White Lake, recently, waa one of the moat Interesting -nd success, ful ever held In the county. The following officers were elected: President, B. F. Scott; vice president, Prof. W. H. Lucas; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. C. P. Gordon. , Oil Grand Jary Hears Witnesses. CHICAOO, Aug. 2S. The first grand Jury Investigating the Standard Oil company met early today and heard evidence from four witnesses, then adjourned untM Monday morning next. No Indictments were re turned. --LJ X CEYLON NEVER FAIL A MAN , Wo Promise Nothing bat What Wa Caa Fulfill. We Are Skillful Workers and Honor able ' Helpe-rs, Oar Practice la Found! oa Twenty-Four Years of Actual Experience t Bpeclal Private Work Among Men. OCR CTKEH ARK THOROUGH. CERTAIN AND POISON, SKIN DISEASE. CORES, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, HY NERVOUS DECLINE, WEAK' NE8S, PILES OR CHRONIC DISEASES OP THE KIDNEYS AND PROSTATE CURED weaknesses and positively restore you. Farnam Sts OMAHA, NEB,