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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1906)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1906. s SPECIAL NOTICES A4?trtlunilt for taese colaaasie. will $ Uki in as. tmr fc trraUc 41tt mm mmtil B f. as. to the Mnl( lur edition. Rates t 1-S m wora Brat lasertlea, le a sear thereafter, nothla; takea for less thmm Oa for the krst laser, tloa. These ad-rrrtlaraiOBta aaast ran ooaseeatlvely. Advertisers, by raaestla fcerea cheek, eaa ae a camera ad. eJreeae to m smsnbered letter la eara af Taa Bee. Aaswers a aadreaeed will kt kellvered ea areaeatatloa af rhecU. MISCELLANEOUS 1906 FALL TERM BOTIXS BUSINESS COLLEOH AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPH If OPENS TUESDAY, BEHEMBER 4. . PAY AND NIGHT. ): CaUIog Free. Tel. Douglas 19S4. Address H U. EoylcJ. President. fk.y:e Building, OmuhaNeh. OMAHA Pafe and Iron Works mka a spa. cislty of fire escapee, abutter, door and sales. Q. Andreeu, prop., 102 H. 10th St. R 708 SIGN FAINTING S. L Cole, 1302 Douglas. TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. lei. Doug. 8640. K 71 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., W19 Farnam. R-711 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbag Co., 621 N. ISth. Tel.-Doug. 177. Ke. plion Doug. 7wl. R-713 ELSASSfcR & BRICK. Machinist. 817 South litu St. Tel, 6S37. WHERE THINKS AUK MADE. Trunk, suit case and stiupping bags. Old trunk UKeti in exchange. Repairing. FRKLINO & STEINL.U. (10 K. 16th tit. 'Puoue Douglas S'Ja. FINE Minnesota Ice, In carload lot. Cry, t il Ice Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. K iS TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes, $3.1. Pox Typewriter Co., 1822 Farnam. R M 47 SI I. HEFLIN Locksmith moved up stain entrance lytt Farnam. TeL Doug. 2974. R 961 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change. If you have a farm, Lome, business or prop erty that you want to sell or exchange o2oBBULAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. . Y-M172Ag31 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good location. Address O 64, care of Bee. Y-714 FOil SALE A first class Job office with A-l newspaper plant in connection, pub lishing three paper In surrounding towns; job type all new; doing good business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or come, as this snap will not last long. . Prices low. . Address Box 61. Hasting. Neb. Y-M146 IF THIS adv. Is read by an ambitious and energetic young man, who has . . na and aome money to invest in an established, paying real estate business, he stands a good show of securing a salaried position and a safe Investment for his time and money by writing to N. 66. care Boe, V 217 2 a FOR SALE Crystal Park, at 18th and Douglas St., in - Omaha; complete wKh seats and furnishings. Address 202 Lytle block, Sioux City, Iaj Y MI5I 2 FOR BALE Newspaper and Job office; good business; must sell. Address "Hea con." Eule, Neb. Y MB 26x FOR SALE 85.000 stock of ladles' cloaks, suit and furnishings in live Iowa town; If taken at once will sell at 83.500. Ad- dreBsN6S,Bee: Y M SMJ4x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BODA FOUNTAIN, any slss, 1S18 Farnaro. 45716 6HERWIN-W1LLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co Omaha. Q Tli HALL'B safes, new, id-hand, l&ll Farnam. 4J 717 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; . we lead the world In cheap bar fixture; easy payments. Bruns-wlck-Balke-CoUender. 407 8. 10th St M-Ill WE buy everything In the furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 718 FOR SALE-i8tam bouse heating boiler; was used to heat 8-room house; will be sold cheap. W. U. Bridges, engineer Bee Bid. Q M43 BEND US your mall order, for drugs; freight paid on 110 lot. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 720 FINE Minnesota loe for sale In carlots. A. G. Gilbert Co., Council Blurts. Q-M3G4 FOR sale or trade for bicycle, household Sewing machine, In grcid condition; also I C. Smith shotgun, double-barrelled and hammerless. D. H. Drotchle. 501 o Flor ence boulevard. Q M32S 24x GOOD horse, 8 years olrt. for sale at reason able price. Call 3209 Dew f Ave. ; Q-367 16 WANTED AGENTS NRW Sleeve Protector for office and house work. Write today. .Get territory; other rut goods. Ladles' Supply Co., Prairlo vs.. P., Chicago. J M212 6)8 AN old Hne life insurance agent wanted; one with experience, capuble of writing business hlmtwlf and managing men; sal ary and commission. Address Lock Box li'J, Lincoln. Neb. J-Mxil 31 WANTED Party to Bell treasury stock of a southern Nevada gold mining company. The proix.rty Is on of the best in that remarkable country. The stack I easily old; a g'od thing for the Investor and party who soils it. U will pay you to In vestigate this offer. Address N 23, Bee. J-2l 81 $10 WEEKLY can be made by live agents selling new, quick-selling necessity. Ap ply Thurston hotel. Foster, Maxaon & Co. J-366 I3x SALESMEN WANTED , TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa with a full Hue of soaps, pertumea nnd flavoring extructa, furnishing tne 13 for $1 selling plun to the retail dealer; tXi.Vf wenkly advance. F. F. Cook, Ivale Dept., Detroit. Mich. Lr-MiJ 24x CIGAR salesman wanted. In your locality, city and country trade; comuilton, en close i'.p for particular. L. Denenelm & Son. Fvurth and Grand, Kanaas City, Mo. , ..-) Lr-M 397 24X '. WANTED TO BUY WAKTBD- TO- BUY SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves, carpets, clothing and - ahoes. Fay the pest price. TeL Djuc1s rTl. - N 468 66 REAL," Eatate Man What factory altes have you near rallrnajsT Write before Sattarday. Marston, Millard hotel 1 N-M381 t4x . FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU dei not find what you want in this column, put an ad ia and you will soon get IV Z-44 120 ACRES Near Roswell, New Mexico, in the famous Per valley; axcetiont. eniofih kind easily Irrigated; finest cli mate, and no better land In the world for fritic-and other crops; altitude 8.uu0 feet. This' land le growing valuable fast. Will exchange lor good Income proprety in ully or country. Y. U. Davis. 4j5 N. 4tu St., '.$ouia Otuaha. fc-M2ul 27x JCIOIIT Tn'NDRExTeer cf land to ex cliskg for four of five thousand dollar sio.'k of gooes; price, 810.00 per acre; only four- piilee ' from good railroad town, aaattgluar 11 ad, Bvat.teel, S. D. Vi.,..,..,.-, WANTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE . OPENS SEPTEMBER 3RD AND 4TH. BOYD THEATRE BUILDING, OMAHA. Satisfaction Guaranteed. P. L. SMITHERS, M. A., President Day and Night School. B WANTED For the U. B. marine corps, men between ages 11 and 85; an oppor tunity to see the world. For further In formation see poster In poetofOce of any county seat in the atate ? Nebraska, giving address of recruiting office located therein. B-M846 830x WANTED Five boys, food wages, per manent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. 13th SU B M313 WANTED Men to lesrn bsrber trade. Few weeks completes. Oraduatea paid 112 to 2U weekly. Can nearly earn x pensea before completion. Toola Riven, positions waiting, little expense. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116 Far nam St. B-m 4x WANTED Brick handler and laborers at the Avery brick yard, two mllea south of Albrights boarding house kt plant-.. WANTED Good marble cutter; good wages; steady- employment. Glides, at Glides, Noffofk Marble Works, Norfolk, Neb. B M47 CARDS FREE Send us the names of five young persorJ who should be Interested In a commercial education and we will mail you free of cost six visiting cards with your name written thereon by our expert penman. Address PENMAN. OMAHA COM MERCIAL COliLEGlB. B-249 (00 YOUNG MEN to prepare for firemen and brakemen; experience unnecessary; firemen. 310; brakemen, 380 per month, with rapiu promotion to enginuer or con ductor; hundreds of positions open. Call or write . tor particulars at uuoe. National Railway Training Ass'n, 4 Pax ton block, Omaha, Neb. B M208 sepU WANTED Cigar maker; S rollers and 6 bunch breakers; will pay the boat of prices to go out of town; will send tickets. Address H 12, care of Bee. B 721 DRUG STOKES bought and sold; drug cleiks wanted. F. V. Knlost. 624 N. Y. L. B "24 WANTED A first-clas baker. J. A. Beck, So. Auburn. Neb. B-M862 24x WANTED Laborers for Montana, Wyo ming, Nebraska, Dakota. Iron workers, c.-truenters and helper. Harvest rat. Ed. Kothery, 111 S. 14th. B-250 A WANTED An experienced cattle feeder that can give good references. Married man preferred. Tlieo. Relmers, FuHerton, Neb. B-M936 80 TEAMS can make from 14 to 16 per day. Steady work. C. B. Haven ds Co. yard, 14th and Webster. B 286 WANTED A bright boy, about 18; high school graduate preferred. United State National Bank. x B 202 2iX BRICKLAYERS wanted. Inquire R. W. Baker, superintendent. Bee Bldg. B 5 PRINTER or pressman wanted; no boose or cigarettes.. Address Journal, David City. Neb. B-M330 24 WANTED Two blacksmith who can shoe horses and do general wagon repair work; wages J3.50 per day; steady Job; young men preferred. In aswerlng wire at my expense. C. W. Morgan, Rawlins, Wyo. B M231 28x WANTED Good, all-around man for stew ard, country clubhouse: must give best of references; reasonable bond required.- Ad dress P. O. Box 402, Sioux City, la. BM321 28 WANTED First-class drug , clerk, Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.,' Omaha. B 338 23 DRUG clerk with one or two years' ex perience. W. A. Plel, 18th and Farnam. B 346 U WANTED An all-around laundry man; will pay good salary; send letter of recommendation,' state experience and alary expected. N. M. Frleaen, Albion, Neb. B MS4 26 WANTED Bookkeeper, for 80 to 90 day: state age, experience, reference ana wages required. Address N 69, Bee. B M360 24 WILL gentleman from Walerbury. Conn., who was with party who missed train to Omaha Saturday please leave his ad dress at St. James hotel and oblige W. H. Buckley, Omaha. B-M364 23x. MEN Light work and 88 00 will take you from Now York to Ixindon or Liverpool. Agrnts wanted In your city. Boston Ship ping Agency, 18 Norfolk St., New York. ' B M361 'J CONTRACTORS We furnish men of all nationalities as laborers. Poles, Italian, 1 lungs or Slavs. "Ve have satisfied others and can sat'sfy you. ' Boston Shipping Agency. 18 Norfolk St.. New York. B M362 29 YOUNG man for office work. Apply 43 S. l&th St.. B 378 24 WANTED AT ONCE. Experienced salesmen and salesladie for new Dry Goods, Ladles' Cloaks and Suits, Notions. Ribbons, Ibices, etc. Attractive, permanent positions for the right people. Be Mr. A. I Schants. General Offices. 3d floor. THE BENNETT COMPANY. B-369 25 WANTED Four chorus girls; must have good voices; for week stand musical com eclv; stage experlnce unnecessary. Ad dress N 62. care Bee. B-M3S8 24x WANTED Young man for atenographer nnd shipping clerk: state age, experience and salary desired. Address N 61. care Bee. B M3S7 26x ( POSITION! POSITION! POSITION! See u at once or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN RKF. & BOND ASS'N. (INC.) . Dept. B, 840-1-t, N. Y. Life Bldg. B M 393 24 WANTED "Sand hogs." under compressed air. Bldg. men to work Apply, 614 Bee B-M 392 24 MOULDERS wanted, thirty cents an hour. Moux City Foundry at Mfg. Co. Sioux Ciiyjla. B-M379 30 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 14 Farnam, 6 and H per cut loans on real estate; no dalay. W-;ii MONEY TO LOAN Pay ne Investment Co. W 74 WANTED City loans and srsrranta. W. Faruaui SuuUi A Co., UJi Faruara St t vy-ias BUILDING kuuns on residence property; i per ceut. W. B. Meikle, Ranige Bla. . W 764 LOWEST RATES Bern is, Faxtoa Block. W-i7 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. IbM Doug. W-771 ICC-0,000 TO LOAN on business and real, deuce property in Omaha; lowest r.;s; no dtlay. Thvina Breuoaa, H. 1. N. K. Life. W W WANTED City loan. R. C Petar-s Co. W-7i City it farm loan. O. F. Car son Co.. N.Y.L. W-lt0 LOANS on improved city property. W. H. TLouias. sue ttrat KaUoual Bank Bldg. W .ill $S,u0O, In $600 and 6oo lota Come and aee us. M. J. Kennaxd Co., 9u-l Brown !Oca W DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORK detective service; 'phone Red 7i01. Rooms U and 14. Uulon Blk.. Uth ana jtaraant. ,i n& i Go your way and be -r-e -r-v - X 1 i nen tie bure its l nc tscc. wain i ajj way. b WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced nloak salesladie for fall season; none otuir need apply. Address M. i. Bee. O 411 WANTED Woman cook, 336 per month; must furnish recommendation, Address L, 7, Bee. C Mtes WANTED Immediately, first-class cook and second girl; beet of wages paid; Ger man or Bohemian preferred. Apply lis So. HA Ave. C-428 WANTED Immediately, nrst-class cook; best of wages; none else need apply. Tel. Harney 630. C m WANTED Girl for general housework, lira Edward Rosewater, 1711 Douglas. C 268 WANTED Good cook; small family, 112 Park Ave. C M 281 GIRL at 1808 Farnam, kitchen. VJAl ZiX 24X COOK wanted kt 222S Farnam. C-M324 N'TED Girl for general .housework; good wages; German or Bohemian pre ferred. Apply Mr. IL H. Urandls, J970 Pad tic St. C M361 2S AT ONCE, girl for general housework. 3218 Leavenworth. j jk'su ax A GIRL for housework; good wages. 13: 8. 31st St. c 373 s WANTED Experienced salesladies for Art department. Apply Mr. cnaim, la noor, The Bennett Company. C 371 25 GOOD girl for general housework; small family. Mrs. i u. spaiaing, ..'4 nouin 36th St. C 377 25 WANTED Mangle girl. Model Steam laundry. i C M3y9 30 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. 13th) and Farnam. E-727 Doug. 611 O.M.E.Haul Trunks E -28 Thurston hotel; room 81.60 up per week. 1 E-729 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Canltol Ave., south front; rooms with or without board. E 730 ONE large ground floor room, furnished for housekeeping; can also have use of kitchen; $12. 122 S. 26th St. E 290 23x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunka F-7S1 NICELY furnished cool rooms, excellent board rate reasonable. The Rose. 2020 Harney SL F M607 A27x VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 732 LARGE, cheerful steam-heated rooms; ex cellent meals. 617 S. 18 Lh St. F 336 26x MODERN rooms, home cooking; reasonable price, 2216 Howard St. Tel. Douglas 3568. F M3S0 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 1 ROOMS near 26th and Dodge, for house keeping, $7. Call at 722 S. 26th St. G 280 23x FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE 10 rooms, barn and all conveniences. 1113 South 30tii Ave. C F. Breckenridge, 711 M. Y. Life Bldg. M 113 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas U25i Schmoller di lueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D-V33 TTDTTSF.S ,n all part offche city. B, D 734 TTOTTSF.S ,n all part of the city. The I1U UO-EjO q F- Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. . D 73 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Bk. D (3 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, atora H. H. soodi: storehouse. 1120-24 N. K Uth. Olflce. llll Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. i Id! WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van - Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14S6. Oflice, 1718 Web ster Si. ' D-7S See us. when shipping household goods to largs cities west, we cau money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. cUxteentb St. Tel. Doug. lllo. 1 iSf SEVERAL at 3U to $26. Chri Boyer, 22d ana (.uriiing eu room U 740 Storage and transfer. Best storage house in the city, iinmeaiate iiuuuuu ; li.29-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 4t19. D Mi 69 Agil AM. TRANS. CO.-HousehoM and other poous stored. iei. ioug. "" nam. l)-VJt rooms, modern except furnace. trlstoi. .i ana water, wini ""i;:lt"r and Cuming St. D MJ86 . ... - ':r Q a 1 l.t h Slfi run nr.i own """"."' 4 rooms, city water, loll N. mil St.... ..$12 MODERN bouse, near park. Apply 1609 S. 28th. D-9S0 814 N. 26th St., 4-room cottage, excellent repair, cK-4 ca 1601 Farnam. , 6-ROOM modern flat. 1112 8. Uth. LARGE 8-room house; Park ave.; newly pointed ana oecoreira inru, V. L. Selby, 440 Board of Trade. Phone m Douglas 1510. Ijn-MLgL. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, til n. iu Omaha. Apply to manager. l-l FOR RENT On 4-story brick tore with cement basement snd good elevstor; 110. Douglas. Building win u pui in i"' order at once. Inquire at Doug-as. John Under. I Mo23 WANTED TO RENT WANTED House of 9 or more rooms; fur nished or unfurnished; central or west Farnam district. 3708 Farnanj. Phono Harney 872. K-M22 2x WANTED To rent, furnished houae of 7 or 8 rooms for four months; must be desir ; ablt location; best references furnished. ' Address N 64, car Bee. K-M3Z3 SMALL furnished house or flat for winter fur two persons; desirable location. N 66, Be. K 337 24x FURNISHED house seven or eight rooms In West Farnam district, by October L Address N 60. car Bee. K-372 2jx WANTED For two gentelmen. three light, clean, well aired rooms, with two clothes closets, all on same floor with bath room, hot and cold water. BreukfaJt (7:1 a. m.) and evening dinner; two of the rooms furnished as bed rooms, will furnish third room ourselves; also rooms must be well heated in winter and convenent to care. Address N 62, care of Bee K-M 396 26x DRESSMAKING PATTERNS cut 1o measure, McDowell yateiu ol tlmsainahlng taught. 1J I-'a-Baia, alaia k lucky Go the Want i r-r- T T T" 1" T"- T t T T FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS. NEW COTTAGE. $1,600 3322 Boyd St., brand new 5-room cottage, large attic,' cemented cellar and city water with one lot. Two blocks from Ames Ave. car line. Part on terms. ORCHARD HILL. 13,000 3830 Seward St, good 7 room house, modern but furnace; paved street; immediate possession. 2667 DOUGLAS ST. Large 8-room house, modern but heat; lot 60xl2; non-resident owner anxious to sell. Submit an offer. 2207 HOWARD ST. $3,000 Walking distance; non resident, must sell by Sept. 15th. Look at this property and submit an offer. A good 7-room cottage, modern but furnace. Specials all paid. x SUBURBAN ON EASY PAYMENTS. Benson lots, $100 to $150; $10 down and $1 a week. Benson acres (equal to six city lots), $500. Only $50 down. Benson half acres, $250 to $300; $25 down. Five acres, 62d and Grand, $1,200. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam. RE 843 it NEW DUNDEE HOME We offer subject to prior sale a well con structed 7-room, 2-story, modern, square house, known as 6010 Underwood Ave., having quarter-sawed oak finish, oak floors, combination fixtures, new open plumbing, full cement basement, laundry; lot 60x128 ft.; only H block from atreet car; built by owner for hi home, who will sell at a very reasonatjle price for immediate sale on account of leaving the city as result of change In business. House now vacant and can be seen any time by arranging with us. Only $1,760 cash down, balance monthly, less than rent. Very desirable. Investigate. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. RE 340 23 ACRES $3,00081,600 cai.h, balance monthly take t acres and 6-room house and bam, chicken house and well and cistern, all fenced; SiO fruit trees peach, pear, apple, plum, apricot 6uo grapes. This place is only 2 years old, so you are not getting old wornout buildings; only ' blocks from car In Benson. New houses all around. Lies ' high, so you Can see all around Bensbn. $L60u for 2 acres and new 6-room house north of Krug Park, cheapest acre around Omaha. Can' make terms. Get where you can raise- chickens and keep k cow and live independent. N. P. Dodge & Co.; 1714 FARNAM ST. .-an RE 344 23 A FEW SNAPS No. 110. A 160-acre farm; S mile south east of Orchard, Antelope county. Neb. Good level land, good soil, adapted to alfalfa and all kinds of grain. About Ml acre under cultivation; all tillable; price $12.50 per acre. Incumbrance 8u00. No. 1101. A 3Af-acre farm, 6 mile south west of O'Nell, Holt county, Nebraska; 100 acres under cultivation; all good till able land; a good 6-room house, barn, granary, corn crib, well, windmill, etc.; $16 per acre. No. 63. An 80-acre farm, located I miles from Sioux City, Woodbury county, Iowa; sixty acre , under cultivation; good new buildings; good soil, all tillable; pries $t per acre. Incumbrance, 83.000. No. 1102. An 80-acre farm, 2Vfc mile from three good town In Crawford county, Iowa; about 66 acre under cultivation balance pasture with scattered Umber; all fenced and cross fenced; fair buildings, well, etc. price ilA per acre. Incumbrance $3,100. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Room 2, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RE M 279 TWO FULL LOTS 5-ROOM COTTAGE S. W. corner 28th and Pink ney St., fruit and shade trees. Snap, $1,900. R. H. Landeryou TeL Doug. 2181 Board of Trad RE 806-28 Best West Farnam Bargains on Market Five 12-room modern residences, 1 lots. I east front, shade, fruit, etc., choice location, near 41st and Davenport. Only 84.700. See us at once for terms and particular. YOUR CILNCE Good 12-room dwelling, m best repair, city water, lot 26x142, east front, barn, etc. Well situated near 28;h Ave. and Grant. Price $1,700 for quick sale. Rental terms. $1,600 Neat 6-room cottage, closet, sewer, water, gas, etc. Walking distance from buslneas center, pear 26th and Pacific. Very easy terms of payment. Russell & M'Kitrick Co. 432-33-34 Ramge Building. 16thandHarney Best Bargain in Hans com Park District 10-room house, furnace, two bath rooms, barn, fine shade trees, ground 100x150. No. 1314 So. 29th Ave. $7,000 Alfred C. Kennedy 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone, Doug. 722. RE 302-34 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x1234, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones 8taj $12,000 will take It for Immediate sal. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room I New Yore Life Bldg. rlsWU BENSON COTTAGE $ rooms, new and up-to-, date, near car and school. Very easy terms, $1,400. R. H. Landeryou TeL Doug. 2161 Board of Trad RE $03-33 Ad way and be sure. I A X Tr A Tv T T r a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE F. D. WEAD Two 7-room modern houses, with fumac In each, on North 28th, near Parker; monthly rental $30; It sold this week $2,660. Three house of 8 room each, modern ex cept furnace; monthly rental $66; lot 76x 140; on North 17th, near Nicholas $6,300. 7-room house, good repair, large lot and shade, cement m-alka. on Franklin St.. hear 40th, very neat home; owner moving irom city; must Lie sola this week z,ouu. 7-room house, in good repair; owner live In San Francisco; needs money; msk me an offer on It No. 2017 N. 21st St. 6-room new cottar on Lafayette Ave.. In Walnut Hill; $376 cash, balance monthly 6-room house and store room and barn, corner of 81st and Ames Ave.: good lot: nan If taken at owner's price for this week only xoju. Three house of t room and summer kitchen each, with city water, on Maple St., near 3lst; monthly rental fn tor an $I.8W. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. RB-M348 24 REAL HOMES -room, nearly new, modern house, cor- l . acj.W I T 1. dm 1 A It 1 LCI 1UI, Ileal 6.1,1 MIU uua IU,. a,vvv, rooms, built last year, modern, cost front, B. 10th St., $2,700. 6-room house, built two year ago, I lull lots. West Leavenworth, $2,600. 6-room cottage, good new, modern. 10th and Bancroft, $2,600. 4-room cottage, partly modern, on 8. loth bi. car line, 31.210. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE $1$ tS 17 PER CENT INVESTMENT We have to offer the 2-story and bas ment brick building, with frame house in rear. The brick building, built about one year ago, has 12 rooms, two batn rooms, with nickel open plumbing fix tures and hot water heating plant. The 8-room frame house in rear Is modvjrn and is heated by plant in brick build ing. The rooms in both houses are ar ranged with a view to profitable renting and are now filled with roomer. Rental Income $1,260 per annum. Price, $7,600 aDOUt .i( per cent per annum vu .n vestment. R. C. PETERS & CO., 213 South 17th. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. RE 312 23. Fruit and Chickens 20 ACRES ON DODGE ST. 20 ACRES ON CENTER ST. Dodge atreet 30 ha good houae, c bani. chicken houae, other out buildings, orchard and lots of small fruit; pasture with running water, 4 acre alfalfa, corn; everything In good shape. You can buy the entire outfit if desired and move right on and do business at once. t Center street 30 ha fine orchard, 760 bearing trees, beside nice young orchard, 3 to 8 years old: with good building site. One year's crop of apple will pay for prop erty. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor N. Y. Life, Sole Agent. RE 311 13 CHEAP LOTS EASY TERMS ' Read this Hat and pick out what you want. Ersklne. between 29th and 30th $300 Lake, between 20th and 3t)th 350 N. E. corner 30th and Ersklne 350 8. E. corner 27th and Lake 460 2d, west of 28th and Spauldlng 460 Next west, 2808 Ames 460 29th. near Pratt 3M 8. W. corner 2Tth and Sahler 400 N. E. corner 28th and Sahler 400 All large lots; all cheap; In good neigh borhood; rinse to car Una. BARGAIN IN SMALL HOME 2832 Chlcaao: 4 rooms: In good repair walking distance of town; rents for $10.00; buv now. save rent and car fare: $900. 1614 N. 2d at.; 4 rooms; fine home; on block from car; good neighborhood. A snap ror X&&Q. WALLACE, 311 BROWN BLK. Phone Dougla I960. RE-308 23 THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 Bee Bldg t 800 A very fine lot on West Farnam St., So. front, full ise and nice chaoe tree. $ 160 A full lot In Orchard Hill, fin view, title perfect, Colorado party very anxlou to sell, nenc this low price. I 660 Benson business lots on Main St Look for the big sign. Will be worth 31,000 Inside two years. Terms 11 wanted. $3,300 Fine home on Manderson St. All mod. except furnace. This is worth looking at. $1.600 Nice cottage in Hanacom Park dis trict. Built two yeara ago. Close to car line. Title perfect. . I have many other good places. If you want to ml. 1, aaa ror my list. THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 Bee Bldg. RE 318 28 $1,20 On 9th St. only on block to the depot, w htv a good i-rooiu cvilage renting for $180 per year. This 1 just the place for some railroad man. 715 North 17th Street This 1 k good 8-room 2 tory house; three bed rooms and an alcove large enough for k bed. Good lsed rooms. City water and sewer; piped for gaa. ' Price $$,000. If you want something good close In her you are. THE BYRON REED CO. 'Phone Doug. 297. 213 8. 14th. RE 308 28 ATTRACTIVE HOME 8-rooma cottage. 3220 Seward St.; oom pletely modern except heat. $2,0U. IM down and balance $- per month. BE1 MIS. Paxton Block, RE 307 33 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TUKEY'S SATURDAY SALE will be held 4 36th and Grand Ave. (Tukey Heights) on next Saturday aft ernoon from 2 to 6 p. m. We shall offer the beat lota unsold for $100 each. Term: 3S down and $S per month, A. P. Tukey & Son, Board of Trad. RE $74 34 SUBURBAN HOME on Florence boulevard, oppo site Rom Miller' home, t block from street car; nearly modern houae of large rooms, extra well built and In good condition; ha barn, large ground with forest trees, the prettiest view In Omaha. Will ell or lease to good party. Owner's business compelled him to leave town. Let us show you this place, Harrison & Morton 913 N. Y. Life, Tel. Douglas-314. RE--376 23 ' A MODEL HOME Near North 24th street car, T-room house, modern except furnace; new plumbing, all best of hard pine finish; cor ner lot; plenty of shade and fruit trees- permanent walks Inside and out. Rooms In this house! are all large and conveniently arranged. It la a model home. Owner needs money In his business and will sell for $2,800. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. RE 368 23 South Side Lots $1,000 DfW 1 ft) .A4k wWk. V-s I .- mJt IsTT u east of 24th St.; lies fine, no special taxes. A snap. Snap it up. vatsfs iiui vii as VS I t. VII LSVS U IT7 V X VX , 1 1 $600 Payments 44x120 west front ' on 16th St. south of Vinton; best south side lot for money ever offered. Going fast. Plat on application. D..V. Sholes Co., 723 N. T. Life Bldg. Doug. 49. RE 340 23 ONLY ONE MORE A 7 r. mod. home on easy Davmenta. in fine neighborhood. Better look this up. It a line bargain. THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 Bee Bldg. RE 316 a BEST YET 3-etory brick (tore, one 8-room modern frame (cost $6,200 to build), one 6-room cottaa-e and full lot on 16th. Just 10 block.t from P. O., now rent for 8916 per year (will rent ror more). Must b quick saiu, therefor low price of 36,600. . BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE 114 II ELEGANT LOT At 4 th and Maple. Good neighborhood, close to school and car line. Cheap at $150. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., lat Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. RE 310 23 SOUTH OMAHA Three 7-room house, modern except heat; one ton building, with flats on second floor; lot 60x160 feet. This Is k great In vestment for $10,609. . McCague Inv. Co... 1606 Dodge St. RC-3SS 2 HANSCOM PARK HOMES $10,000 FOR JUDGE BALDWIN'S HOME, No. 1622 S. S2d St., 10 rooms, thoroughly modern,' In first-class condition, beauti fully located, good barn, large lot, 60x294 ft.; double frontage.. Can be soen after noon by arranging with us. $6,260 for 1626 Georgia Ave., 10 rooms, all modern. In best of condition, nicely fin ished; very desirable; lot 60x160 ft. Easy term. A reasonable offer will be consid ered for quick sale. GEORGE at CO., 1601 FARNAM. RE 342 23 ELEGANT BUILDING SITE Choice lot on 38th Ave., Just south of Dodge, one block from Farnam street motor, one of the finest location for a horn In city; perfect grade only $2,760. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Board of Trade Bldg. RE 376 23x Cheap Lot South Tenth Street 3rd lot south of Bancroft, east front, close to car and school. Easy' terms, $7.60.1 R. U. Landeryou' TeL Doug. 21(1 Board ef Trade RE 304-23 U. 8. Bale Bureau. 304 NevUle bloc. Real Estate arid Investments. RE 4426 84 FOR SALE 160 acre fin Nebraska farm land, can raise three crops allaila. Oi per acre. Inquire D. W. Keller, 103 So. Main St.. Co. Bluffs. Ia. RE M333 28 FOR 8ALE A 9 room residence property on N. 2th HU rnce ana terms reason able. Globe Land and Investment Co, Room 3. Patterson Blk KEMa98 A GOOD business lot for sal. Beat loca tion In town Address j. j. r., r remont. Neb. lUr-NM tui CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. W own our lands and aell It for 87 per acre: other ask 816: avoid the agent and the heavy commtsalona; mall order so licited; terms and full particular on ap plication. F. A. Parker Land Co., Spen cer, la. nEr.nwi o-. Tiipm unnp.BN not 'H KB One 7-room house fronting on Lincoln Boulevard, $3,000: term. Two (-room, new Snd modern In Bern! Park Addition, fronting on 84 lh St., $3,760 and 84,000, terms. Address N. car. of Bee. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE STRANGE THAT MEN will Invest all they have In this world In a home, and fall to require any evi dence from the party from whom they purchased to prove the title, when by calling on the MIDLAND GUARANTEE A TRUST CO. they could get a perfect abstract of the property, at a very reasonable price. N. P. DODGE. Jr., Pre. Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., 1714 Farnam fit. RE M 396 24 FIVE new cottages, three block front Al- .'I .an. v , line, ji'ia -xi K i .jv. . i . and chicken yard, ell first-clasa. Price tV.) 1 1 1 1 1 nH h.l..M .i.v A riri r.. N647, care of Bee. .RB-M Uq ll FOR SALE FARMS FARMS NEAR OMAHA $90 per acre for 168 acre adjoining town of irvington, with 7-room houae, barn, corn crib, hog house and all necessary out buildings, orchard, two well,' shad tree, etc. This l a special low price for aulck sale. $60 per acre for 100 acre, unimproved, H mile east of Calhoun; about 60 acres In corn, 30 in hay and 10 In pasture. Very reasonaoie terms, win consider good I or 8-room cottage in Omaha as part pay ment. GEORGE A CO., M01 FARNAM. H-341 23 FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIC . RAILROAD CO. is closing out It land In western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $100 to $6.00 per acre. . Take advantage of the low price and easy term offered, th opportunity will sooa be gone. , Special excursion rate to th lands. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. 318 South 16th St., Omaha, Neb. H-M 260 28 $52 ACRE 80 acre, nicely Improved, fine farming land, near Missouri Valley, la. Just ie duced from $60 to close an estate. Great nan. Particulars by request. F. C. Best, 821 N. Y. U Bldg., Omaha. H 370 Western Kansas Wheat Lands $0,000 acres of fine wheat lands. $4.00 t $16.00 per kor. Special excursion every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb and Sioux City, la. H M421 818 16,000 ACRES wheat land for sale In Trago county, Kan.; 9 to 12 mllea from rallrond. Charles H. Johnson. 314 New York IJ1 Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. H M3S6 24 x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY ciVUiikBUUY NKiuDfii IT. And this 1 the place to come and get It. Don't let money stand In the way of en Joying yourself when it can be so easily obtained kt this olflce on HOUSEHoLO GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES. WAGONS. ETC SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOAN 3. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. $07-308 Paxton Block, X-M218 24 YOU CAN . do without, but what' th use? None at alL BORROW. MONEY on your furniture, piano, llv stock and other chattel. W also loan to person steadily mployed on their plain not without endorser. NO ONE WILL KNOW, you ever had a loan, beside you have use of both money . and security at th same time. EASY PAYMENTS arranged to ault your purse. . LIBERAL REBATE If paid before due. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., U9 Board ef Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 22M, (Established 18t2J 1U SO. 16TU of. X-M661 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loan. Foley Loan Co- 1694 Farnam at X 716 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., in any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; immediate attention; on any term wanted; payment suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbacn block, 809 8. 16th SU X-782 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., . Advances private money on chattels or salary: easy to get; no red tape; you get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. . X 779 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and otnera wiinoui security; easy puy ment. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol maa, room 714, New York .Lite Bldg. X-iW EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 14 Dougla. X-781 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. X-J84 MONEY loaned on. pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, eto. C. F. Reed. 310 S. UtL X-778 CHATTEL and salary loana Phoenlg Credit Co.. 633 Paxton block. X 7 PATENTS F. J. LARSON CO.. patent lawyer; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. -744 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patent procured, Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-613 6. 10th St. 747 Patents procured and sold. 1 fa. Nat'l In vestment Co., Dougla Blk., 16th Dodge. -M471 64 LOST LOST Coat containing pocketbook with mall amount of money, $9 W), and some valuable papers between 7th Ave and Broadway. Finder will be rewarded If they return same to M, C. Lrnnon. 72$ 7th Ave.. Council Bluffs. Lost M784 33 LOST A day book, return to J. T. McVit rte. 1607 Harney treet. and rerlv 1 re ward. Lost M288 7x BTRAYED Jersey cow. fawn color, dark points, shell off one horn. Reward for recovery. E. L. Morrow, 2721 Hamilton. Lost-Mt to. FENCING WIRE AND IRON FENCING. For liwn. garden poultry snd farm. Send for large free catalogue. Get our prlcee Omsha Wire and Iron Works, 9M-36-37 N. 34th. Tel. Doug -3702. -M837 813 ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wlr Fencing $0 per foot, 205 N. 17lh St. Tel. Red 811 wl&3ti til 3 CHAMPION fence best. U 8. Uth. Doug. 1541. DANCING MORAND'S classes for adult reopen Tuesday, September 4. at 8 p. m. A reduc tion of 82 on all tickets bought on or be fore opening night. Call 16th and Harnt-y. Open all day and evening: Sunday 2 to 6.. Telephone Douglas 1041. Opening assem bly September I. M-192 Bo , 1 r 0 'I 1( 4 i 4