Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Otoartl Bairn in Horthweit Bit Itrlj
1 btotdjisc Tendency.
Uoverasaeat Mar Forbid Expur
tatloa at Wlt fraai teeatrr
Cora Wtk Early, bat Close
trons at Hlgker Level.
OMAHA. Aug. tt,
Ths whest was Heady in the early
murium under tna influence of general
rains in (he northwest, but as there nu no
auoa buying demand this soon ensnged to
'i price were off o, tne mar
ket being exceed.ngly dull. A report tnel
. tne Humim government ou about to for-
Lid tn expoi tation ol wheat caused shorts
to tei fx.-rvoua and prices went up to s
lev above yeetsraay, closing at ti.e hlgn
point. . Llvetpooi WM a s.nail fraction
wwer, but los at other European
maraets was considerably mora. stecoipts
were larger than, last yer.
Ve early, tav corn market turned
stone wkh woeat and closed o aoove yes
terday, there were ecaue.ed showeia
tnruughout the corn belt. Receipts werf
cona,aerabiy smaller tnan last year and
s. nailer than last ween. Elevator Inter
esis I sported good acceptances on last
tugiits bids.
ft unary wheat receipts were 666.000 bush
sis ana shipments W,4 bushcis, against
receipts laat year of 466, uoo buslieis and
slnpments of )Mrt,tM bushels. Corn receipts
were sU.tMU busnels and shipments r.6,u00
bushels, against receipts last year of 4os,iw0
. busneia and soipineni of 6,a bushels.
Clearances were 404, YO0 busnels Wheat,
ki.ooi barrels flour, iiu,uu0 buaneia corn ouu
t,iM buslieis oats.
Liverpool closed HBJid lower on wheat
and Via higher to d lower on corn,
'the .ortn western jsiliier, out today, says:
"Today the largest milling capacity in a
loii- time was In operation, and the week's
output should approximate teu.Ouu barrels.
Considerably less flour was sold by Min
neapolis mills last week than In 'tne pre
ceding week. This was probably dus to
w neat being on the decline moat of the
time. W niie the majority of mills
a quiet business, there were a few excep
tions, where a god business was dona. On
one or two days, when wheat was strong,
uues were pretty large, but at old prices,
l his seems to sustain the belief that with
wheat snows strength and steadiness buy
ers are pretty surs to take flour. Reports
from outside mills say home trade lair;
nothing doing for export. Owing to all
the mills observing Wednesday as a hell
uay the Mlneapolla flour output last week
decreased 60,uti0 barrels."
Local range of options: .
Articlss. Open. High.) Low. Glo- Tss y
Wheat- I I
Sept... 64A MtftAI MS I4A 64HA
Dec... sJA 7a MVA 7VA 61A
Corn' ;
Sept... 44HA 44AI 44A 44AA 44HA
Iec... MA lWA t 8B 34A
May .T. Zm NA
A asked. B bid.
Oashs Cash galas.
WHEAT No. S hard, 1 oar, (ike; 1
car, Kttc
OATS No. I, 1 car, 17 c
Oasakav Cask Prices.
WHEAT No. t hard, I4ys0lie: No.
I hard. life Jt4 fee; No. 4 hard, 0io;
Ne. spring, ii4o.
CORN No. , 41 c; No. t ysllow, 44?
'44 He; No. t white. 46a.
OATS No. I mixed. 27 HO 18c; no. j
white, IIVso; No. 4 white. 270210.
RYE No. 1, !7o; No. i. 41 He
Carlot Heeelpta.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 88 126 215
Kansas City 117 71 64
,linna.nnlts lit ..
Omaha II 24 M
Duluth (
St. Umls 40 1 S3
Featare of tko TrsvalasT Closing
' " " Prices osi Board af Trade.
CHICAGO. Aug. 23. A reported loss of JO
per cent In the wheat crop of Russia caused
a sharp advance In the price of wheat lo
; day on the local exchange. Ah the close
wheat for September delivery was up a.
Corn advanced &io. Oata ware practic
ally unchanged. Provisions were sta&lOc
The rally In the wheat market came about
.- the middle of the session. Previous to that
time sentiment had Inclined to the bear aide
of the market because of easy cables and
an Increase In the receipts of new wheat at
Minneapolis, arrivals at that point being 26
. cars. The message from Russia declared
that the crop had suffered fully 20 per cent
because of recent heavy rains In the south
ern part of the country. It was also inti
mated that an official ukase probably will
bs Issued prohibiting the export of any
grain from Russia. The report, although
.. generally discredited, caused a lively de
mand by shorts, and aa the market had
apparently been oversold early In- the day
offerings were hard to find. Wet weather
In the northwest aided the quick upturn.
The market was strong during the laat half
' of the session and trading was fairly active.
The close was strong, with prices at the
highest point of the day. September opened
a shade lower, at 704(8'7o;c. sold ' off to
70Hc and then advanced to 71 He. where It
closed. Clearances of wheat and flour were
qua! to 626,000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 504.0UO bushels, compared with 641.000
bushels for ths corresponding dsy ons year
ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago rs-
ported receipts of 110 cars, against 466 oars
" iHKt week and 174 cars a year ago.
Riiln 1n Khrska WMlrfnRd the nrlcea of
corn early In the session, but later senti
ment became bullish, chiefly because of the
advance In wheet. Local longs were mod
erate sellers early in the day. while com
mission houses were the chief buyers. The
. lute, upturn waa aided to some extent by
light country acceptances and ths continued
small stocks of contract corn. Ths mar
ket closed strong, with prices at the high,
est point of the dsy. September opened Ha
to H" lower,' at fia to 48c. sold oft to 47o
and then advanced to 48H84c. Final
- quotations were 48HT4Mtc. Local receipts
i we-e 126 cars, with 61 of contract grade.
i The course of the oats market waa guided
mainly by that of wheat and corn. Senti
ment early In the day waa bearish, but the
market later became milte firm. Trading
was very OuteL September ooened a shad
to He hle-her, at 8So to JPSifae. sold oft
to r, and then rallied to 2Mtc. The
rinse was at 39&2Mo. Local receipts ware
Jl cars. .
Provision were easlef becsnss of a 10c
decline In the prloe of live hoes. Trading
wn. onlet and rtrtres flucfeted within a
narrow range. . At the close September pork
-was nn 6c, at 117. (W. lrd was down IHc.
at M 7H. Hlba were off 10c. at 68.86.
Ntlmatet receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
IS7 ears: com, 1TO ears;. oats, 151 ears; hogs,
IB W hand. .. .
The leading AiSurea rai.ged as fellows:
Artlclcs.t Open. Hi;-w. Close. Yes y
Corn 1
71hI 71h1
7Sl ' JH74WHl
7.i M
oepi. ,
' Oats
si Hi '4
Sept... Jan...
Sept... Oct...,
17 00
U 40
17 00 17 06 17 U
It 40 It 46 12 to
t 66 6 67H 6 6)
I -'H t 66 6 47H
(40 I 40 6 t'H
T 60 7 6i.
I I7H t K I I K
I 67 H 6 66 I 70
T 16 7 CHI 1 22H
U 4S
I 6VH!
6 40
T 621
6 66
7 16
No. t.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR 4teady; winter patents. 23-609
ISO; strsights. 66.2066 40; spring patents.
23.603; bakers. tZ-MVLtk,
WHEAT No. -2 rprmg. 7476c; No. 2,
71 7V: No. I red. 7th,71Hs,
CORN No. t Hc; No. t yellow. Do.
OATS No. 2. tfi 2vo; No. t white. 109
Dc: No. I white, fcxillc.
RTE No. 2, 64c.
BhR LEY Fair to choice malting. 4104c
SEEDS Flax. No. 1. 21 10; No. 1 north
western. 1614; timothy, Vlme. 627V(J.J6;
clever, contract grade, til st.
PROVISIONS Short libs, sides (loose).
66.7W16 ; mess pork, per bbl., 617.00; lard,
per too lbs., I8 43H; short clear sldi-s
(boxed). 114 17H .
The ffllwwlog were the receipts of flojr
and gralu:
Receipts, Shipments.
Flour, bWa a. N. 42.604
Wheat, bus 166.IX4 - 17 0
Corn. DM. ..i, , r0 4v ' MJ.'O)
Oats. bu.'i ...3 147,r
Rye. bu- 2.U ti0
Bariey, b. X4. 6.20U
On die I'roduce exchange today the '. .
tar market waa flrnvr ore merles. txtHa:
dslrles. 1 7 0 Jftc. Eggs steady, at mark, cases
Included. 1201c; flrMs, lHc; pilme firsts.
lc; extras, 2CHc. Cheese. Arm. liHUc.
4aotatloas of the Hay 'arloas
NEW TORK. Aug 23 -KLOT 'R-R-'lpt,
p.M bhls. ; exports. 4.M bbls. Marstt
"iy ana uncnangM; Minnesota pini,; Jdlnnesnta bakers. iSl N win
'er patents, ti frnM.lS: winter straiirnts, .
j4Vio; winter extra, ti Vn3.; winter low
grades. M7:3 3w. Rys flmir, steady; fair ta
guod, 3 siua.r6. choice to fancy. M W
v.ukamii,al-Steady; fine wnue, i.ra
126; coarse, ll.lii.U; kiln dnew,
RTEV-Nominal; No. t western. 6Sc. -nominal,
c. I. ., New York.
WHilAT-keionli k-.OO hu Bnot Arm:
No. red, 7c In nevnlor; No. X, .Sc, f. o.
b., afloat; No. 1 northern lJuluth. eHc I.
o. b.. afluat; No. hard winter, (w"c. f. o.
b., afloat, during the forenoon wueat re
acted and lost Vu-Hc per lu., unier bearish
foreign marxet news, recoveries loiioweu
end after midday tne unaertune waa rirui
on bull s Russian and Manitooa crop news.
closing H"uic lower; Msy closed at 4 t:;
September, is 7-l','.'C,c, closing at 5 c;
Lecember, tlubc, closing at !.
COitN Receipts, ut.kil ou. ; No. X, 6c In
elevator and 6. Sc. f. o. b, afloat; No. t
yeliow, (lc; No. i wnlte, 2o. option mar
ket waa weaK early, but recovered with
wheat and closed fc net higher; Septemiior,
bkuvrc. closlna at buc : December. eoC.
OATSRece.pts, ti.ouv bu ; exports, ,W
du. bpot niarKei oarely steady; mixed oats,
10 to Ju lus., toe, naiursi white. 60 to U
lbs.. 3"aiHc; clipped wuite, M to 40 lbs.,
4uH41Hc .
hAj-viulet; shipping. G6476c; good 10
choice, 6c 61.(4.
hot-a Luil; state, coaimon to choice;
1, llij-l7c; 14 and olds, nominaJ; aciito
coast liA, 13'alac; lie; oida, aominal.
HIDES-Stsndy; Oslveston, 10 to 60 lbs.,
X0c: Csllfornla, 21 to 26 lbs., tic; Texas, 2
to 17 lbs., lko.
LKATHKH-rirm; acid, XC27Vic.
PROVIbloNS beef, steady; famlly,tl0 00
0(10.60; mess, s 0u4.ii0; beef hams, fcn Mi
2i60; packets, .i.00; city extra India
niess, ll.i(l60. Cut meats, quiet;
mess, 6i6.0016.S. Cut meats, stsudy;
pickled bellies, IU.004JU.00; pickled should
ers, 68.5C.7ii; pickled hams, tlXOOU. jU.
Lard, steady; western steamed, !H.iu.S
Henned lard steady; continent, 630; south
American. 110.00; compound, H'So. Pork,
steady; family, llJ.ou l m; snort clear,
61i.ovti6.i; mess, tlsOvodis.
TALLOW Steady; city, 6ftc; Oountr',
tit-iTER Firm; street prices, extra
creamery, UH4c. omcisl prices, cream
ery, common to extra, loyjiHc; state dairy,
common to fancy, liitunc; renovated,
common to extra, HHuwH-'. western fac
tory, common to nrsis, nH'il'0; western
Imitation creamery, extras, ittc; western,
firsts, l81Hc.
CHKKBhr-strong; state, full eream, large
fancy, IX He; fair to good, 12 14c; snu.ll
fancy, ISHc; fair to good, HHtJUc; iu
ferlors, 10i10c
KGOS Klrm; state. Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white, 262ic; choice,
24fc; mixed, extras, 24'b2c; western til bis,
lHfc; seconds, liylHc.
POULTRY Alive: Steady; western spring
chickens, 16c; fowls ana turkeys, 13Hc.
Dressed Irregular: western spring chickens.
14616c; turkeys, 13fel4o, fowls, 13H'lc.
St. Lowls General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. a.-WHEAT-Hlgher;
trsck. No. 2 red cash, 70 71 Vie; No. 2 hard,
4H4i2c; September, 8c; December. 71 o
CORN Firm; track. No. 2 cssh. 48c; Sep
tember, 47c; December, 414elHc; No. 2
white. GOViQtlc.
OATS Steady; track. No. 2 cash, B0H9
20c; September, toe; December, 4c; No.
2 white, 32Hc.
FIX1UR Steady; red winter patents, 23.36
63-60; extra fancy and straight, J2.9oiQ3.36;
clear, 1202.76. v
BEED Steady; timothy, 23.60i34.00.
CORNMEAL Steady ; $2.00.
BRAN-Oood demand; sacked, east track.
HA Y Steady; timothy, 6115017.00; prai
rie, 67.60$ 10.60.
BAOOINO l-16o.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing,
flti.80. Lard, steady: prime steam, 17.22 H
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts,
1 3?H; clear ribs. y.ZH; short clears, 19.76.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 210.12H;
clear ribs. 210.J7H; short clear, 610.60.
POULTRY Slow ; chickens. Vie; springs,
12c; turkeys, 14Hc; ducks. SHo; geese, 6c.
BUTTER Steady; . creamery, 19a4c;
dairy, lC2c. -
tXHJM Hteaay at c case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bhls 6,000 14.000
Wheat, bu. 41.006 , 2,000
Corn, bu 109. 000,. 126,000
Oats, bu 62.000 26.000
Mlaaeapells Orala Market.
r stents, 64.00tjH.10; second patents, 63.8649
N: first clears, $3.23.46; second clears,
BRAN In bulk, tlt.60Sl2.7S.
(Superior Board of Trade quotations for
Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The
rauge.of prices, aa reported by F. t. Day
at Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, waa:
Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. ( Tes'y
I l I I
l7Vtfl T7U1 tlU T7UI 76V.
mxSi7214S,l 71HI TiQ 71
1 11V 1 16i 1 18H1 1 1VI 1 4
1 I3i 1 14 I 1 12SI 1 14 1 12
1 13 1 1 13H 1 121 1 13HI 1 U
111 112HI 1U I.112HI
Kasissus City Orala s4 Pro-rlalons.
tember, 66c; December, 67s; Msy, 714c.
Cash: No. 2 hard, 8,'e7Hc; No. 2. 6tH
(7c; No. 2 red, 0j68Hr; No. 2, 07c.
CORN September, 4214c: December, S9Tc;
Mey, 40HC. Cash: No. 2 mlxod, 42Hj'44c;
No. 2. 4SW4Jc; No. t white, 4Hc; No. 2,
OATS No. t white, I1081ttc; No. t mixed,
nilv-L'nchanged; No. 2. 68340c.
HAY Steady. Choice timothy, 11.26(3U.60;
choice prairie, 28.36. '
BUTTER Creamery, 22c; packing, 16c.
aVUOS Firm. Extra, )8c; firsts, cases in
cluded, 17c; seconds, 10c.
. Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu...... lM.OOO . 34.000
Corn, bu 61.000 .
Oats, bu 77,000 6,000
MUwaakee Grala Market.
No. 1 northern. T7tj0c; No. 1
northern, 74Q7tHc; September, 71 Ho.
RYE Steady; No. L 60c.
BARLEY Dull; Now 2. S6o; sample,
OATS Steady; standard, tlH4)32c.
CeRN-Steady ; No. I cash, 4Htf46Hc;
.September, 46H3-Cc ' ,
Pklladelpbla Prexlwee Market.
Flrm; prints lc higher; extra western
creamery. He; extra nearby prints, 27c.
EOOS Firm; good demand; nearby fresh
and western fresh.. 21c at mark.
CHEESE Firm, good demand; New York
full creams, choice, Uo; New York full
creams, fair to good, liV&12Vc.
Peerl Market. '
PEORIA. Aug. 22 CORN Firm ; No. (
yenow sno io. s, Mtc, no. 4, Be; no
grsds, 47.
OATS 8tesdy; No. 2 whits. S30Hc; No
t whits, iwoc; No. 4 white. 27Vs.o.
RYB-Flrm; No. 2. 67Ha
WHISKY-Oa ths basis of 61.20 for fin
ished goods.
Llrera-eel Grala Market.
steady; No. t rsd western winter, 6s lovd'
Futures. Arm; September, 6s2Hd; Decem
ber. 6s Jfed.
CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, new,
4s id 1 American mixed, old. 4s (Hd. . Fu
tures, quiet; September, 4s 6d; December,
4s td; January, new. 4a 214.
Teleae See Market.
TOLEDO, O., Aug. 22. SEED Clover,
cash, (7.20; October and December, (7.40;
alsiks. I7.0S; timothy, Rye, No. I,
Cettee Market.
NEW i YORK, Aug. 22. COTTON Spot
closed quiet, 26 points lower: middling
uplands, 6.60c; middling gulf, 10.10c
Sales, 600 bales.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 22 COTTON
Dull; unchanged; middling, 10c Kcce.yis.
16 bales: shipments, in balsa; Sloe.
16,108 balss.
small buslnees done; prices 10 po'nts
lowsr; American middling lair, 6.64d; good
middling, 6.66d; good middling. 6 4uu
middling, 6.1 4d; good ordinary, tJ4d;
ordinary. 4 Sd. The sales of ths us,
were 6.000 bales, of which Jflt) were for
speculation and exrort, and I wl tided 4 600
balss A mart, an. Receipts. T.000 bales ' in
cluding 6.700 bales American.
Spot etoaed Quiet; sales. 26 bales. Low
ordinary. 6c, nominal: prdlnary. -good
ordinary. T 11-Kc; low middling
tc; mlddlli g, me; go ,d middlt-g. 10c;
middling fair. lSc nominal;, fair, l.c
nominal, heeelpta, 418 iMkles; sunk, 20
128 baJM - ,
Iftrket Opeai Irrtrnlar oa Eard4nin of
Est for Call loans.
Traders Take- Cae rem Loadoa,
Where Demand fer These Shares
Is Active Raak Sltaatlea
Derelepr, Weakness.
NEW TORK. Aug. 2S.-Wlth call loans
opening at per cent, a further hardening
of the rates lor time accommodations arm
no material change for Uie ben, r in the
wek ban position. It was entirely natural
tmu tody s stock market snould develop
an tone.
I'rud.i.g at tne outset was very hesvy,
especially In the Hill and Harrlman Issues
and at generally higner prices, the rnaikct
appftiei.ny taking us cue irom London,
wnere a keen demand for American securi
ties WSS reported, it woul.I he Interesting.
however, to know just how much of this
"demand" was tor New York account, 'toe
most lnterestlna feature of tna dav de
vested with sn alleged plan of the secre
tary of the treasury 10 reiund, at an early
day, the four per cent bonus of 19o7. This
Issue amounts to almost u;.0oo,0u0 and
rumors nad It that the government, as a
reilef measure, might anticipate the re
tirement of these bonds wltn ths proceeds
of the new 2 per cent issue. The pos
sibilities of tills plan opened the way to
mucn discussion. Trustworthy Informa
tion shows that there is absolutely no
foundation for the notion that the secre
tary contemplates renewing his "gold an
ticipation" order of last spring. Pressure
on the local banks were sllgntly reduted
by the secretary s action in depositing
63,000.000 in interior banks. Foreign ex
change developed Increased weakness, but
the situation, with regard to gold imports
Is still without change. Auvices irotn
London indicate that Russia is negotla
ting for the next consignment of the meta.
from South Africa and may outbid Ameri
can bankers.
Ths return of the most conspicuous figure
in tne Great Northern and Northern Paclnc
properties was the signal for a renewed
upward movement In thess issues, which
shared honors at the opening with Union
Psclllo and United States Bteel. The Hill
stocks fell back later, however, upon au
thoritative statements that no Immediate
announcement la likely concerning Ureat
Northern or its or lands. The early rise
lu Steel common, whlcn carried It Into
high record for Uhie movement, savors
strongly of manipulation, though trade
conditions, according to competent authori
ties, are better for tne current month than
at any time In tne history of the Industry.
Msnipulation was also a marked feature
of the movement In the Copper shares, the
strength and activity of Amalgamated and
Anaconda being accompanied by reports of
larger dividends. -Incident, these issues
were helped by an increased dividend In
the shares of a minor oompany and the
flmness of the metal In London. A cursory
glance over the list shows that the day's
business was limited In large part to half
a score of the more active stocks. They
included United States Steel, Union PaclAc,
Reading, Amalgamated and Anaconda Cop
per, Si. Paul and Colorado Fuel. Trading
In the afternoon was hsrdly In keeping
with the pace set during the morning ses
sion, business falling to relatively small
proportions, thougn prices were holding
well. In the final hour call money was
freely offered at 3H Pr cent, but this was
hardly sufficient to offset the steady sell
ing, much of which was presumably In
duced by fears of an unfavorable bank
return at the week's end. Aside from the
further rise in Ansconda Copper, the list
was reactionary and loner. Great Northern
losing practically all Its gain and the
granger group as a whole selling lower.
The closing was active but Irregular. Some
ground was recovered by the banks in
their operations with the sub-treasury, but
their loss Is still In excess of 64,&00,OuO. The
only railway return of Importsnce was that
of Chicago A Northwestern, showing an
increase in g;oss for July of 6662.000.
Bonds were easy. Total rales per value,
Jl, 166,0(0. United States bonds were all
unchanged on call.
Following was the range of prices on the
New York 8tock exchange:
Ssiss. Hick. Uo. Close,
Afsms Bipm
AaMlgamad Copper ..
IM P 11 10746 iaH
. 4.400 41 40U 40
Sue 141 1ST. 1044
. too lit , n xi
, .... lt
Amr. Car and rsusery....
ds p(d
Amsr. Cettos Oil
do pld
Amer. Bxpross , , ,
600 Sti Ml
).. 1 MI4 . .
.Amu. Hid A Lastksr ptt.
Asmtv lo gosurillae
Amer. Ubsm4 Oil
do ptd
LM . 7716
1ST '
LAmer. Leoeawtlv
6,60 10 70
do pie
11,10 lMti 147 U
lot 117Vl UTS 111
I, M0 141 Ti U4 140
IM 11 11 1MI4
M.104 ieOH 171 HON
U.tOO 101 1SV4
lu 101 le 100
sot 147 144 4 Ui
4,K 1174 1144k l"1
4,100 .71 77 i7)e
400 14 1M4 1U4
4.M0 6144 41 41
l.u0 lti 1144 i4
li.eO ill 104V tll
84.S04 1116 1 1P0
1 1 U 11
'do Ml Ihit M44
Id.loO tV4 6. .. n
id 87 874. 11
. 8,400 141 m4 141
10 1 14 II
1.000 illt 21 lllV
1.10 444 414 44 '
2.000 tlVe o euv
1.100 454 441s 4tv
174 J7j ti.
1.W0 114 11 U4
80 Itln 141 14
10 171 171 114 U
80 UK it It
O0 4T. 4ti4 4141
8tH) 6 M St
800 u4 t M
lot k u u
6tlt It U MS
l.4 It 48 6
.4Vt U114 144H 14H4
IM 8116 81V n
100 IM IM Ml
U.eoo 174, tt t64
8.40 Mw, U t
l.toe iv s ii 11,4
t.0 i 414 41
14.1IM 144 e I4i1 IU
1.IUK 474 414 4i
8.tVH) 411 tl
6 114 64 Si
iv WT ' 814
44,ut V41 14:4 lli I
8.100 44V, 84 44
do ptd
Asier. Sugar R6nlng
Amer. Tob. ptd otta
Auacoada Mlslsg Ce
do pfll
Atlantis Coast Uo
kallimor A Ohio
do ptd
Brookiys Rapid Traailt....
Cansdlas FsciS
Central of N. J
Cbeaapoakks A Ohle
Chicago Ureal Weetero....
Chicago A Northwestern...
C, M. A St. Paai
Chicago Terminal A Trans.
do pld
C, C, C. A 61. Louis....
Colorado, Puel and Iron....
Colorado A Southern
do 1st ptd
do U ptd.:
Consolidated1 Oas
Cars Products rfg
do pld
Delaware A Hudson
Del.. Lack. A W.aiern....
Iwuror A Rio Orsnds
ds pld
Distiller- Securities
do 1st ptd
So d pid
0nrsl lctnc
Hocking Valley
Illinois Casual
lntr. Paper
do pfd
Inter. Pump
do pld
lows (.astral
do ptd
K. C. southern
do pfd
Louisville A Nsskrllls
alcxMan Central
Minn. A St. Louis
M.. u P. A aauii at, at.
ee pfd
M.eseurt Pael6c ...'
M-, kUaeas A Texas
ao pld ,
Natiousl Load
N. M. K. of Mexlee pfd....
Ms York Cei-iral
New tors. On A W
h'orlolk A Wee tern
do pfd
North Anioricso
Paciac Mall
People s Uas
Pitts.. C C. A 81 L. ...
Prsad Siswi car
do pfd
Pullman Palaos Car.
s lat pfd
.... 17V
.... 611
187 V 1444
..114.80 14
ds Ivl pid
Republic Steal
a pld
Rock leland Co
du piu
Ruocmr Oooda pfd
hi. L. A San s ras. M ptd
St. L. souihwesisrs
do old
80 V
l.liM Kill 1144 1
44 V
u 8444
kouthera Paciac
so pfd t..,
Svwihira Rallwsy
do ptd
Tenueea Cual ssd Irsa. ..
Texas A Pec He
Tel., lit. L. A Waetsra...
la pid
Uslou raciSo
do pfd
V. . Ksproas ,
V. . kuaiir
t. 6. auousr
do sfd
, 11, r
841 W1
, 841,
w 4 iw i
uans) iw i-, it.
4 lit
.... 14
4 4,4
lu Ivsw.
4 ein
1'H lull
8 81
u t1
tun liiei
.I4J 44.
Ij. 8
do sfd
IX IM loae.
Virginia-Carolina t hemicai.
4.SIW 1,14
dtf pid
do p.d ,
Woi.s-taxgo kxproaa ....
Wssiisguouaa kiactrls ...
Healers tsioe
Wbewllug A Lake grle....
Wiacoasis Coklrsl
do pld
Korth.ra Paclk
Central Lssikar
IO14 Wi,
4. 4,
10v 18
IM S144
17 S
ut 61
U.aau 11;
lv 4
Ivt IM '
u T
18.VWU I,W
. 8.4
i Oraa Nonsors r4
aaurooraugs asuopollus
d sld
f etsi seat lor tne aajr. 1. a. awe ahjs.
a.wu 1,
Forelaa Fiaaaelsvl.
I IXNDON Aug. 23,-Money was In fair
. doaiaud todav h,.i ih. ...Kn " " ll,r
o abundanL bucounts haFJed owing to
the manetnry outlook. Trading on the
s ock eschangs was still quiet, bin the de!
cline in price waa checked, the quoutloas
In some Instances showing a harden-ng "'
1 . w""w ainiained. For-
1 eigners felt the effect of parts buying Kus
islans and rallied sharply, but Kaffirs wire
1 still on the dun rra t. . .
w . vMomesa In
Amencana waa restricted, being confined te
professional trading. After a weak open
ing an Improvement occurred which car
lied quotations well over parity. Calon Fa
cilia aud Juris received the tuust altenUun.
Later the New Tortt opening prices disap
pointed the market which saved snd flowed
dull sfter a moderate amount of buslnes.
Japanese Imperial sixes of 1904 were quoted
toJy at loJH
BERLIN, Aug. 22 Prices on the Bourse
today were wesk upon New York sdvices.
Americans were depressed. Russians wer
1'AKIS. Aug. 23. The tnne on the bourse
todsy improved on a denlsl that chsnses
were contempts ted In the Russian state
hank. Irices were Arm throughout. Rus
sian bonds of 1904 were quoted st 471
Neve York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2S.-MONEY-On call,
strong at tWi.' per cent; ruling rate, 6H
per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered si
3H per cent. Tirre loans. Arm; sixty days,
4 per cent; ninety dsys, 6H Ir cent; six
months, 6 per cent.
per cent.
21 6446 for demand snd at 14 8136 for sixty
dsy bills; posted rates, 24. iH and 34 SoHl
commercial bills, 24 80 snd 64.Cfl4 SO1.
SILVER Bar, 6tc; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Quotations on New fork bonds today
were as follows:
C. It rrf. 6s. t 1N Jtpin . ti series.... t
do eoiiMn co 4Hs. ttts
. .10.-H o id Sfrlra "S
. 1MH as 4s. ctft kJ4
..111 I.. A N. uat. lOS
. .1C"4 fcunhat. e. sol 4I....10.H
.110 Ontnl 4s 74
..1 I do In inc ID
.. Tf 14 Minn 4 St U 4.... H
1 iS M . K. T. 4s ISO
..lot do U HW
.. h'lK. it. of M. 1. 4.. HI
..1'1I4 N. T. C. tea. IHa.... '
..1"H K 1 C. gen. l!kt
.. tl' No. Firllc 4s 10SH
.. tl da 8 ;s
..ill (Norfolk (k W. c. 4s.. 10t
.. r7 Or. 6. L. rff. 4s... M
.. M 'Ptnn. ft. iHt 10114
Mfi RftSdtn Bet,, im... ' M4k
t t. 3s. reg
4o eoupsn
t'. 6. n,d 4s, rg
4o eoaoos
V. 8 new ts, reg
da eonpoa . . . ,
Am. Tub. 4s ...
Ateklros gss. 4s..,
do sdj. 4a
Atlantic C. L. 4s.
B A (V 4t
do la
t Bra. k. T. er. 44.
Lentrsl of Os. ta.
do 1st Is
do id In
do 6d Inc
Cne. Ohls,T' at L. I. M e. U .1:1.
rhino a A. IH .-. 71 It. L. A 6. P. (g 4s. t:
C, B. A Q. n. 4s... HSlt. L 8. W. eon 4s. 77
C. R I. A P. 4s 78V4itnard A. L. 4s.... M4
da col. 11 80. f-:nc 4s r.
COC. A St. L. g. 41..101 da 1st 4 rtft
Colo. Ind. ts, str. A.. '44 outhern Ity ( lis
1 Colo. Mid 4
Tim A ' P. Is. ill
Ststj T . 81. U A W. 4s.. n
lex t'nlon PsciSc 4s 101U
Colo. A 3outhnt 4
rb la
D A R Q 4a
.. I I'. 8. Steel Id .... v,
.. I 1 Whsh Is 1:414
..10114! da db. B l
.. o Western Md. 4
..IM jW. A L. E. 4s WO
..100S Wit. Central 4s M
DIM. Bees, t
ErI prior lies 4s..
do fn ts
tiark. Val. 4V4a
Japan ti
Boston Storks and Bonds.
BOSTON, Aug. 2S.-Call loans, 66 per
cent; time loans. oVW1 per cent. Closing
"Htlot.s on stocI'S nnd bonds:
AtohlMiR sdj. 4s.... KH Atlantic
do 4t 10O Blnnham
Meilcan Central 4a... 754 ( al. A Hocla..
Alchisos 16J44 Centennial
do p(d IOC Copper Rang ...
. 14
2 S
. M '
. 74-4
. II
. 12 "4
. HVk
. II
. V4
. 41
. M
. 8
. H
. 44H
. im
. 10
. MT4
. 7
. 8
. II
. 81V
wmon a a pair west
( Bnitoa A Me 147 Franklin
g Boston Clvtd l&d Oanby
1 Pltchbsrg prd ll'H sin Royal ....
i Mexican Central .... Kt lint Mining ....
1 . r n. a'i aiftiinn
Per Marnuette .... 91 i Mohawk
Uaton PaclAc UttVt Mont. Coal A C.
Am. Args. Chemical., i, Old Domlnlaa ....
do pfd m4.0ereola .. ,
Am. Pnee. Tube IS I Parrot
Am. 8ugar 110 j'qulney
' do pld 1114 Khennon
Am. Tel. A Tel......UI ITamsrack ,
Am. Woolen ,.. liiVTrlnltr ,
do pfd ....llt United Copper ...
Dom. Iran A BrVnl.. ' t'. 8. Mining
Maas. Blectrl 14 1 . 8. Oil ,
do pfd totaj Utah ,
Maes. Gee it r'Virtorls
t'Dltrd Kruit nl4Winona
I'nltcd Shoe Itsch.... lo Wolverine
do prd Is. North Butt
V. 8. Stool.., '
do pfd 107a
Allouet 54
Amalgamated 10944
AsKed. Bid. .
Dutta Coal it I os
la I. A Arliona 111
Teeumssh 11
Urn Conaolldatd..'86"6
London Closlnsr Stocks.
LONDON, Aug. 22. Closing quotations
on the block exchnno were:
Coneola, money KVi M., K. A T II
In IMMM It II . V r .!
Anaroada H, Norfolk A Vi 46 M,
Atcklaon ....104U do pfd tl
do Pfd 104H;OM. A Wostsrs.... 41V
B. A O.. 1J0H Penney iTanle 11
Canadian Pacta
Chea. A Ohio...
Chicago Ot. W.
C. M. A St. P.
D. A R. O
do pfd
ds lot pfd
do id pfd
Illlnola Central .
...1-4 Rand Mines
... H4 Reading
... lit Southern Ry
...1111! do pfd .....
... law'go. ParlSa -
. 71K
. 41H
. tl
. IH
. 44
... 4ftt'nlon PaelSs
... Sett
do sfd ...
... 444,
... II
... 7-
0. 8. Sisal...
dO Dfd ....
Wahah .......
. ... 161 Vt
do nfd ....
A N ,144V I'vanleh 4s :'.
SILVFR-Ttoe er- (i7i A vi-
MONliV-a.'a2i jP cent.
The rate of disodun. In Jbe o pert-market
for short bills Is ,Jv per cent; for three
months' bills, 1 6'iat&3 per cent.
Boston Copper Market.
Closing quotation on Boston copper mar
ket, reported by Logan & Ilryan. 2 Board
of Trade building, Omaha:
Adventure u uirhlras lit
Allooes m Mohawk 41V,
Atlantis UI Nevada Consolidated.. 1D4
Bingham lis. North Butt II4
Black Moastalo t01d Dominion 41 14
Boatos Consolidated.. H14 Otoeols Ill
Butts Coalition Ill Pneu Sarrlco 16
Calumet A Arliona. .11 Pneu. Service, pfd... Jovi
Cslumet A Heels.... til Qulnrp
Centennial ISV, Shannon IV
Cor per Rang TTV, Tamarark ts
Dsltr West H Trinity
Beet Butt ,.. It fnlted Fruit 110
Franklin 1144 t'nlted State, 00m... i
Oroans Capper is, lulled States, pfd... 41V
Oranbv lti! th Consolidated ... 00
Hslsetla luh Copper t
Kls Roral V4 Valor's 7vl
L. 8. A Pittsburg.. 17 Winona i.
Kssssehusatu IH Wolverine IM
New York Mining Stocks. ,
NEW TORK, Aug. 23. Closing quota
tions on mining stocks were: .
Adasu Cos to Little Chief 6
Alice 171 ' Ortarto 878
Droeo Jo . Ophlr 17
Brunswick Cos 0 ' PnDonts 1
Coaastock Tunnel .... 16 '.Potoel 11
Con. Cal. ssd Vs.. ..100 Bavags 100
Hors Silver it sierra Nevada tt
Iron Silver 600 ,:8mall Hopes M
Loedvills Cos 8 IStasdard IM
Bank of Eaglaad Statemeet.
LONDON. Aug. 23. The weekly statement
of the bank of England shows the follow
ing changes: Votal reserve. Increased
1,036,000; circulation, decreased 272.0O0;
bullion Increased 764.212; other securities
Increased 766,000; other deposits Increased
161,ui0; public deposits. Increased 1.631.000.
Notes reserve. Increased 1,004,000; govern
ment securities unchanged.
The proportion of the bank's liabilities
this week Is 60.36 as compared with 60.07
last week.
Bssk of France Statement.
PARIS. Aug. 22 The weekly statement
of the Dank of France shows ths following
changes: Notes in circulation, decrease,
6J.3J6.uW) francs; treasury deposits. Increase,
24.076.000 franca; general deposits, Increase,
21,860.000 francs; gold In hand, increase,
6,600 francs; silver In hand, decrease, 8,b26,
0U) francs; bills discounted, decrease,
0 francs; advances, decrease, 2,4uO,OuO
francs. .
Treasery Statesaeat.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23.-Todars state
ment of ths treasury balance In the general
fund exclusive of the 81uG.(m),ia0 gold
reserve shows: ' Available rash balance,
HHl.i60.746", gold coin and bullion, $110,60.146;
gold certificates, 248,666,200.
Wool Market.
I BOSTON, Aug. 22. The wool market Is
; firm, following a period of gradual Improve
1 ment. Manufacturers srs in ths market,
I especlslly those producing dress goods and
; clothing woolen, and some fair-sued orders
j have been placed. Demands for quick de
: livery continued to be noted, making cer
. tain that ths supply of raw muterial of
1 the mill ia low. In the fleeces washed
dslalne has been In trading, with medium
I grsdes In demand. A liberal samnle busl
. ness is being done in the territory, both
I worsted affairs and woolen manufacturers
showing Interest. The leading quotations
follow: Ohio, Pennsylvania and above. S4
I 3lc: fine unwashed, 2b'u27c; half blood un-
I washed, 1 8ij34c; three-eighths blood un.
waanea. sttBac; quarter-Mood unwashed,
32ti38; delnine washed. 3&336VC; delaine un
washed, 27-10. Kentucky, Indiana and
Missouri: Combing three-eighths blood, 32
3c; combing, quarter blood, aStJtc, Texas
scoured basis, fine twelve months. 717j73c:
fine six to eight months., 6'aT0c, fine f ill
clean, ff?S8o. California, scoured basis,
good. f i0c: middle counter. 6j-;.ii-- iniuh.
j ern. ufi6o; fall free oo4u7c. Oregon.
Bw-i'urea nusiw. eeieirn rvi. i. staple. 7s74C"
eastern No. 2 clothing, 67tjCSc; valley. No l'
4t!2c. Territory staple, scoured Irhiia"
fine. mrc; fine medium. SitfToc: medium
ttiJW;-. Trrltory ordinary, scoured basis,
fins VWic; fine mellum. Mr76c: medium!
wofKWc. Colorado and New Mlco srrlng
scoured. X. f-VjiTnc: No. 1. 64J-:. Pullel
wools scoured basis, extra. 7Jti74c; fine A
SMip-, A UT. t74o: B supers Slffjo
RT. LOI'IB Aug 21--VOOI-teadv: me
dluin grsdes. combing and ciothlne J4Jf
light fine ijt7-?2c; heavy One, 14lh7c; tub-
waslied, tZtyiVc.
Iteletk Gratia Market.
DI'LITH, Aug. 23. WHEAT No. 1
northern. ?Fc; No. 2 -northern. 76c, Sep
tember. 73T4)0.
t'.Tw ta rrv aVc; on track, 10c.
bABX-i--Si2a ,
Caul Trade (low, but Ho Gnat Chanco
ia Prices.
rat Skeew Tea te Fifteen) Lower,
wltk Feeders Steady Fat Lasaks
Very Scarce asxal Feellag
Felly Steady.
BOCTH OMAHA, Aug. 22, 1206.
Receipts nm. caiU. aaoga b.i'p.
Olncini Monuoy e.101 a,, li,A6
OMiClul lueeuny ti.tU D.IWS l,Ue vtai.esuay 4,11-4 ,u ,w
Uiuuai Tuuisuuy s,vvtf i.hai i.vmI
Four days this week. ..18.1
Sa.tie das lust vveen....l.,.ol
eaine two weeas s go . . . . lo,'
oaiiiS tin ee weeas o..ii.jw
esuie lour weens aau...l,ie
bains uets last yer....i,ie
ttttsir, vli I11K t cAlt to UAiu
me iuiwAu.4 latue aliuws in rucwip.s ol
caitis, buss and auewp at (Vouih Outaua ter
ytar iu bate, ,uiupia ouli last yeari
18a. iW
Cattle .. 6w,la2 6e,oi3 40,U?
og l.tUS.IM l,Si,.ld lai,4Ki
"-P i,Ul,41 We,uv ve,lo
CATi'LJC UuUlAiiOl.s.
i he fuiioMi., wi, Ahuw Uaw eu psni
or the aifiercnt kiiuis wt isau uo tn
u-niu ou,,,, iiiarkwt;
UOod t.) choice, coin-ted Steers.... of"!,
rair to guod coin-led steers .ta
-oaililon tu tail- vurn-teu .i'S.. 4.vrt.
uoou tu tango stoers 4.
air to guod range. le. 8 iire-4 4
-unimun o iir rauge steers .0iN,4.
Uxuo to cnoic cows and ueiters., .. 40
'etir to guou cows ann betters.. 2.tsJw.l
cummon to lair cons and heilei.. 1. o)1"'
Oubtl to choice Sluckera as (eeuets. 8. 1044-4.4
fair to good Blockers and feedars.. 8.41x4V.
Common to slocaers 8.T5jJ.4v
Bulls. stg, eto 2uuJ.;i
Veal calves .7i6.73
. iw.ow.nig table stos ths aveiatg
pike of hogs at liouth Omaha for ths last
several days with comparison:
Dole. ) 1206. UWa. 11804. 18J..180:. 1101. llhW.
4 94; 6 16!
I 6 211
6 01 t 2i
6 fi I
6 82 6 -7 i
6 6 il, 4 M
t 8 i Ttl 4 87
6 60. 6 77 4 r8
i 4U u v
6 67 4
.1 6l
n ku, 6 ki; 6 03
I 87, 6 78 6 02
7 t 6 Vi ( 01
8 B tT t 7
6 82
I 68
t to
Aug. 16.
Aug. 16.
I 80
6 U
a sn,
t 84
6 60
J. il...
Aug. 18...
Aug. 18...
A u,;. &.,,
Aug. il..
Aug. Zi..
Aug. il...
4 l 8 21
4 69
6 10
6 13
6 17
6 12
6 02
6 lo,
6 4,
t 4
6 64
6 64
6 03
6 03
6 8O1
6 84!
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha $1.76ir.00 &.76y45.06
ChiOHgo ..' 1.4jiu.6& 6 vni 60
Kansas City l.wi.lo 6 bui.o
St. Louis t-OUi w) 6.0U4iii.6
Hioux City 2.6U44O.00' 6.664.M
The following snows ths number of cars
of stockers and feeders snipped to the
country and their points of destination:
O. E. Lundberg, iynn centsr. 111. Q.... 2
G. 8. Mills, Lewis, la. it. I I
Randall Bros., Dallas Center, Ia. R. I.. 2
A. Barrett, Dallas Center,. Ia. R. 1 2
G. S. Mills, Lewis, la.-K. 1 1
Leonard & Carson, Webster City, la.
I. C 2
P. Mark well. North English, Ia. Mil.. 2
F. S. Hayes, Oeneseo, IlH-R. 1 1
C. I. Ford, Oeneseo, 111. R. I ,.. 2
P. W. Voorhus. Lewis, Is.-R. 1 2
E. F. Albers. wlsner N. W 2
John Wallace, Phillips Q 1
William J. Otley, Waverly Q 2
A. Dowdlng, Palmyra Q 1
Herman Jacobson, Calhoun M. 6 O..,. 1
Thomas bradlng, Malvern, Is. Wab..... 2
Joe Wallace Rosendale, ,rlo. Q 1
Mack Mayberry, Pactnc Junction, la. Q. 1
Charles Luts, Tabor, Ia. J 1
Christian Bros , Rockport, Mo Q 1
Joe O Connor, Imogene, la. Wab... 1
Pat Maker, Imogene, la. Wab I
Nick Perter, Buckingham N. W 1
H. C. Schrader, Schleswlg, Ia. N. W.... 2
C. 8. Fulton, Lewis, la R. 1 6
W. P. Hume, Des Moines, la. R. 1 2
H. A. Goff 6Y Son, Oakland, la. R. 1 1
T. O. Barnam, L'nlon Mo. P...., 1
William -Taylor, Tekamah M. 4 0 1
Sam Story, Tekamah M. & O... I
J. Raster. Wyoming M. 6V O.... 4
VhWIpe 4- Langlordr Wsrtthlll 4..,,..,. 6
Bowlshy Bros., Adams M 2
W. & Cook. Wekefleld-M. at 0 1
' , . HORSES
C.i H. Colly, Willlarrs, la. L C 1
Slgnall Bros., Manning, Ia. Mil 1
Frertly ic Locktvrd, Coon Rapids, Ia.
Mil...: 1
Edwin Zameh. Malone, Wis. N. W 1
J. C. Anderson, David Clty-0 1
R. W. Caper, Audubon, la. N. W 1
Hodgden Bros., Woodard. Okl. Q 1
William Dunn, Weeping Water Mo. P.. 1
John Heldelh, Falrbury R. I .' 1
N. J. Casler, Otega. Kan. R. I t
S. O. Bhonkwller, Hartley, Ia, Mil 1
Hem an & Hauk, Delta, la. R. I 1
E. B. Holderman, Madison. Kan. Q 1
Christian oY Davis. Rockport. Mo. Q.... 1
C. M. Larsen, Crescent, la N. W 1
A. L. Ley, Loveland. la.-N. W 1
Lylle ft Buckles, Stewartsville, Mo.Q.. 1
C. B. Chamberlain, Maywood Q 1
Slgnall Bros., Dedham, Ia. Mil 1
J. B. Dowler, Murray. Ia. 4J 1
N. J. McOlnley, Douglas Mo. P 1
John Tlneran, Denlson, Is. I. C 1
Nik Oason. Audubon, Is. I. C 1
A. Benjamin, Arapahoe Q 1
John Boss, Uradllls-Q 1
F C. Udell. Oeoua, Wls-N. W 1
William Vastlne, Falls Ctty-Mo. P 1
Orsnt Lines. Cook Mo. P 1
Hodgen Bros.. Woodward. Okl. Q 1
The official number or cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
C. M. A St. P. Ry.... 8 6
Wabash 2 1 .. ..
Missouri Pacific 8.2 ..
L'nlon Paclflo System. It 1 IT I
C. A N. W., east "!
C. & N. W., west 23 2B t
C, St. P., M. & O... 4
C, B. V Q. east It
C.I B. & Q , west 76 24 1
C, IR. I. 6V. R. P.. east. ... 10
C. P. I. P.. wsst.. 11..
Illinois Central I ..
Chicago Q. W t 4
Total receipts 124 114 80 t
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing; the
number of bead Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co.... 162 1,147 6M
Swift and Company.... 601 1,667 713
Cudahy Packing Co.... LSoO . 2,14 8,4
Armour Co 3S3 1,2.4 1.476
Vansant A Co 16
Carey 61
Lobman A Co lot
McCTeary II
W. I. Stephen 17
Hill A Son 7
Huston A Co 26
Klngan A Co 166
Wolf A Murnan 7 .....
Mike Haggerty 20
J. B. Root Co 11
Bullan A Kilne 12
Nelson N orris Co 286
Bodden 286
Other Buyers 141 1063
Totals) Ton 7078 Ti
CATTLE Thers was a fair run of cattle
here for a Thursday, but when the market
opened only half of the receipts were In,
the balance being reported back. It was
long after 10 o'clock before all the cattle
were finally yarded. This means that the
ii.urkcl waa very much delayed and was
slow and dull out of necessity, as buyers
will never take bold free.y until the day's
receipts are all In eight.
Every one seemed to want good corn fed
steers this mnring and the market on the
better grades waa fully steady, as high as being paid for .the best on sale.
Orass steers were slow and dull throughout
and no one appeared to be at all anxious
for the common to medium grades of
ealemen who were fortunate In having
cows and heifers that lust happened te
suit buyers reported their transactions as
being made on a steady basis, but the
general tendency of the nisrket was wsak
and in some places positively lowsr. In
addition to that the movement was very
dull, some of the buyers appearing to
have very small orders and not being at
all anxioim for supplies.
Not many stockers or foedsrs were In
cluded among the day's receipts, but the
demand during the tatter half of the week
Is never very brisk. While the best kinds
may have sold about steady, there was a
loner feeling on the medium to common
Representative sales-
He. A Pr. No. 4. Pr.
1 119 I 0 1 171 4 78
3 14 8 it 1 110 6
4 Kl 8 II ' 17 i;t M
11M 4 Id lwt 8
1 lis 4 U tt 1111 6 I
41 tal 4 t in 1 t
ti fit 4 t M 147 st
1 at 1 ti f tti t m
8 7 I 4 1 ts I a
6.... lad I 1 68 1U IM
t ..
11 8
.ie i u
. l I 71
.174 IN
. ui
1 1M I 4
4 14 I W
I Iltt I M
I I 8 Tt t n IM
1 IM IN I UK 4 'i
1 PI IN 1 It I 1
1 14 IM
1 IS I 0 8 Mi I 41
t 40 I M 1 M I M
8 114 I U 8 4oj I 44
4 471 I 4 t 444 I U
1 ti: a 1 18M t n
1 UX I 14
I ito N ttl 1 40 M 4 86
1 47 I it U :.'. I It
4 WlK1 1 70 I at
It IV4 I 71 II 44 8 40
3 400 I Kl
1 bull.. ...14-0 ,i 4 ouil 8J0 . j6
1 Hag 4 ev ' 1 m ium
1 Co ..... It 18 OuWS..,.. uU In
1 COW vv wO
18 steers.... U I 8v s.eera.... 806 I li
4 steers,... kti J W 4 cows lu 4 Ijj
1 vow Ilia) 8 os lielieigr. vt a u
46 feeders.. 1100 2 no 1 calves... V)l 2 SO
ju waives... U k ou 17 cows luo 2 so '
, roes Ivl 8 16 6 cows ti I u
ew vows ii4 8 16 kcoas lwu 2 JO
1 buils Iim 8 43 tetu4.ia..iv n I
bOL I'll DAKUiA,
17 strer....104 8 70 U sn-e.s.... 06 120
U costs ioe 1 6j 6 heifers... 1,1 lei
2 hellers... 47s 2 00
2 steers. ...1012 2 v
J. U. ltlchards-Neb.
68 OOWS 659 2 80
Campoell A Clabaugh Wyo.
27 cows Iii0 I 16 11 cows lJOt 2 66
2 cows 1oh2 2 00
W. A. Lester Wyo.
II feeders.. 176 1 00
J. A. Johns Wyo.
T cows 104 I 10 16 cows J I 70
11 feeders.. 728 2
V. V. Hayes-Wyo.
29 steers.. ..1246 4 76 2 steers.. ..1218 4 79
Ogllne A Co.-Neb.
83 cow .... Ki ! 16 27 cows Zt 2 70
2 Lulls 1280 I 26
T. W. Mathews Wyo.
12 stesrs,...13T5 4 70 13 steers ... 1130 4 00
2 Steers.. ..1!16 110 2 steers . ..1426 4 60
1 steer 1130 4 36 I steers.. ..IM 4 jO
16 steers.... 6"-'4 8 46 11 heifers. .Wil , 0 .
S. P. Young-Neb.
I cows 104o 8 26 IH cows 881 2 6v
George Lamoureux South Dukota,
It steers.. ..1391 4 80 1 steer liW 4 SO
4 cows H77 t 16 18 cows Uo 3 00
1 COW 1040 1 30 1 bull 10 2 60
II. Cundall-Nehraska.
13 cows WW 2 :t 81 cows t2 2 10
II cows 891 2 60
R. H. Fowles-Nebraska.
89 uteers.... 7S6 136 cows 7 2 60
43 cows i5 2 66 21 cows U6 I 65
28 rows i84 2 06
HOGS s of hog are running
somewhat behind last week's record, but
that fact Is not sufhclrnt to stop the de
cline in the market. In fact prices at all
points are steadily go'" lower and the
break which Let in airesh on Tuesday and
which continued yefterday was still
strongly in evidence today. The market
this morning was generally 6l0o lower
than yesterday and rather dull at the de
cline. As has been the case almost every
flay of late prices were very uneven, some
loads showing more loss than others of
the same kind and quality. The quality
of the offering was nothing to brag of
today, which helped to . make sales on
paper '.00k even worse than they would
otherwise. .
There was a fair shipping demand, but
even that waa not siifflclent to maintain
prices, although It helped the demand very
materially. As will be noted from the
sales below, heavy hogs sold largely at
!..4i0.86. with the mixed and butcher
weights around 2&.6O06.OO and lighter loads
at fc.90tii.05.
Representative tales:
No. Av. 8b, Pr Me. At. 86. Pr.
tt Ill ... I 174 47 HI 180 t U
40 10 ... I TO It Wo M l II
II ill at I 70 Tl tM ... I II
It ...176 160 170 11 Lit 10 I M
14 104 ... 6 10 II 11 40 t It
t Il ... I It tO W4 ... I t
1 171 ... I n 41 141 l IN
t 100 ... I 1 11 844 8 I
II 101 ... 6 1 1 Kl 8 tO
1., 101 ... II It MO ... It
11., tt Mil 0 UO 40 I to
41 Il ... I 71 . It i!7 ... I tO
II 81 lit I 71 It 14 It I t
'44 811 ... 6 71 71 Ill 144 I M
41 IN ... Ill 18 ... IN
44..' tt 40 6 11 41 841 ... IMS
tt Ill ' 40 tit 44 rod I III
It HI 10 I Ti 14 til 40 I 114
I... tti'... 171 T I3t 40 Ills
ti lot te I 18 i4l ... iv
4 l St 6 71 41 Ill 140 I It
1 tM - 80 I II II Ml 10 I H
64 It ...'111 tt Ill ... 8 N
4 M M 18 10.w...m 86 6 II
a. -17. 4 6 1 , 44. 1W '-.m 14. .
It 17 ... 6 71 64 104 ... I H
11 11 I It tt til 10 I H
It.. ...... 170 114 I 74 14 TH ... IM
44 11 M I 10 71 Rl 86 I tl
11 844 ... IN 4 10 ... Ill
11.. .....801 8 IN 78 817 ... IN
1 81 ... I N 41 141 ... I M
44 871 ... 6 N It 141 ... 6N
41 IM WIN II ill N 6 M
1.......I44 ... 6 10 11 IH ... IN
M 106 66 I 14 II Ml WIN
4.. 14 ... ID 14 lA 140 I N
41 141 ... Ill 44 ill ... IN
il 874 ... try, M 114 ... I 17 V,
II Ml 44 4 III N Ill ... I 04
44 Ill to I 44 N 11 4 I 0
41 144 40 I M II til ... I W
II 847 ... IN U. ...... .IN 80. 4 04
41., Ml 10 I M
SHEEP Receipts of sheep were quite
liberal for a Thursday, there being thirty
cars reported In. This was mors than
doubl ths receipts of yesteraay and almost
three times as large as a week ago. Several
trains were late In arriving, which delayed
the trade somewhat. All the early arrivals
sold very quickly, the pens being cleared
up as fast as the stuff was ready to- be
Fat abeep were 10Q15O lower than yester
day, but It will be borne In mind that
yesterday's market, owing to ths very
good demsnd and to the light run waa very
strong. In fsct some sales yesterday were
actually 20o higher, so that after taking off
10416c today the market waa still In very
good condition. Quite a long string of
Montana and Wyoming wethers sold at
86.10. Some of these sheep sold as high as
86.25 yesterday, but In the opinion of some
they were hardly as good today.
There were no good lambs here, In fact
there were very few of any kind in sight.
Hence It was Impossible to make a test
of the market on that kind of stock. The
feeling, however, was that a few right good
killers would bring fully steady prices.
Feeding sheep and lambs were In good
demand snd the offerings of everything de
sirable along that line sold very readily
at steady price. As will have been noted
from the sales this week feeder are com
manding very strong prices, but still buyers
continue to take everything coming.
Quotations on killers: Good to choice
spring lambs. pi.7W7.60; fair to good spring
lambs. 86.1644t.7t; good to choice yearlings.
85.6O4iti.0O; fair to good yearlings, tS 26&U.50:
good to choice wethers, tl.6094.6O; good
to choice ewes, l4.3oC4.60; fair to good ewes,
Quotations en feeders: I .am be, t3.7o4K.60;
yearlings, 35.25416.60; wethers, I4.65a4.80;
ewes, fc.kG4.14,
No. Av. ' Pr.
4 Nebraska ewe feeders 11 I 00
M Nebraska ewe feeders II 4 16
22 Nebraska ewe feeders II 4 26
220 Nebraska wether feeders 83 4 SO
S23 Wyoming wethers 100 10
) Wyoming wethers 100 6 10
276 Wyoming wethers 100 f 10
276 Wyoming wethers 100 t 10
2a6 Nebraska yearling feeders.. 68 6 4t)
4 South Dakota swe culls 72 t 00
1 South Dakota ewe cu!l 80 t 00
20 South Dakota aws culls 80 4 00
48 South Dakota ewe culls 80 4 10
46 Wyoming ewe culls 100 4 10
Tt South Dakota wether and
feeders 67 4 75
UI South Dakota wethers and
feeders 86 4 71
128 Wyoming ewes .'...$ 6 76
t Wyoming ewes 72 4 76
22 South Dakota yearlings and
feeders 76 t 20
116 South . Dakota yearlings and
feeders 72 I 20
266 Wyoming yearllnss 77 t 26
Cattle Steady to Dell Hogs Five Cents
Lower Skees) Stroasj.
ceipts. 7,006 head; market sesdv hut -lull,
common to prime steers, tl 76&I.76; cows,
62.lttH.76; heifers, IHUuj Jj, oui..
I2.60O4 60; calvn Moatff.60. stock, r
feeders. 12 16414 16.
toqs Receipts, 21.000 head; msrWet
10c lower; choice to prime h-avy, l
(.66: medium to good hesvy. 4 00 j C.
butcher weight. 1630150; good ta
rholce heavy, mixed, M Aft' tit; packing.
16 1008 10; pigs. It IOO 60.
SHEEP AND LAM ().- receipts, 18,-i lO
head: market strong: lambs dull;
14.2626.76; yearling, ts.00tf 10; Iambi!
MOOt) 6.00.
I. Louis Live Stock Market.
rr. LOT'IS, Mo, Aug. it. CATTLE Re
ceipts. 4.600 head. Including 2.260 Texsns.
Market s'eaily; native shipping and export
steers. 84 7ttM 60; dressed beef and butcher
steers, ?,'; 16; steers under l.ftJO lbs ,
IJfxrUtlO: stockers snd feeders, ItuOQlt;
rnws and heifers, I2 7VJ6, 75; canners. II 28
t2T6; bulls. t2 2ff4 30; calves, IOG,4JO;
Texas nnd Indian steers, tl.60t3t.10; cows
and heifers. tI0'J.60
HOGS Receipts. 4. 600 head Market to
lower; pigs and lights, 62d4-60; packers,
at 1 t
I?! 40; butchers snd best heavy, sifc-tf
6 60.
, PlIEFP AND I.AM B" -Receipts. ,500
hes.,1. Market sieedv; native muttons, 1166
ti6.Mi; lambs. . V"tf7 n.; culls and bucks,
H..ow3', stockers. 12 (0773.60.
Kansas "Ity Live Sleek Market.
Recelfis. ..on head. Including 1.6 south
etn; market steady to lor lower. Calve.
Birong; entice export and dressed kerf
tterre. 66vtit6; fair to gnori, 14 i ot;
wealern steers, 8 o. euckers and
Irener. I..00J94.JA; southern steeis. 8'J.6st
4 .tt); sunt hern cows, 4. 0,-vi 2f; native cowa,
t.'Ati4Aj; native heifers, 6J.irttH.&6; bull".
ivi.i :o. raivra. U.0iti(l 60.
lit KE hrreipta, Um head; market
steidy to r loer; hesvy, kftlty lower.
Top. tUiJA; hulk ot sates. 8t orn,.i6; heavy,
6MftuAi; packers, 60. ("... pigs anil
lights. 6o.5ii.3A
(HEM1 A.M LAMBS-Reoelpts. 1.000
heau: market steady; active. Iaimka. 4 00
t7.e0; native shrep and yearling. M.tolioO;
western cllrped ye.iriings, tnixuiit; west
ern clipped sheep, 4.i6u&.16; stockers anil
feeders, 43 6rU6.6.
t Jnsepb Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 22.-CATTLB-Receipts.
ei8 head. Market slesoy; na
tives, n t4.IO; cows and heiiers, II 6tJ
4 8f; stockers and ferdere, 88 04I4 .
HOtlS Receipt, 8,ki head. Market 69
lc lower; top, 60. 26; bulk ot sales, t0t4
BlIEBP AND I.AMBSRecelpts, 1.600
head. Market for lambs and sheep strong.
loas City Live Stork Market.
SIOCX CITY, Aug. 23 tSpeclal Tele
gia.n.i CA'tTLH Receipts, tut) head; mar
set steauy to weak, stockers slow; beeves,
64.SVM1I rj.iai; cos and heifers, 61.i4.46:
stockers snd fenders, 21.0tf-4.1O; calves and
yc.u iltii. tw .otrrj'tio.
HOtiH-Receipts, 2,406 head; market to
lower, selling at 86.4J100; bulk ot sales,
o. rt.4yo.8M.
flock la Sight,
live stock at the sis ptln-
clpal western market yeterdy:
cattle, nogs, oteep.
South Omaha
bioux City ,.
Kansas City
tt. josepn . . .
tt. L.OUIS ....
I 0
6,000 .
I 600
.23,061 61,468 4t..w
Metol Market
NEW YORK. Aug. 23.-METAL8 There
waa sit nuv.ince in the London tin mar
ket with spot closing 16 j and future
at ixK'Aiiy, nowever, the market
wan lower in the expectation ef ln
ciAasAu supplies; . wito - spot quoted at
i0.itov41.UM. cupper was Higher In Lon
atm witii xpot uiul futuiesiiuoted at .4
lis ui. Lfcaily the maiaet waa un
changed: Lbko la.7i: electrolytic, tin W
ana casting, li.2o. Lead was unchanged
in tiiu Kichi mraeL In Loudon the mar
ket was is ed higher at ail? 6s. Spelter
was utichetiged at 27 in London and at
8ai4i6.iv locailyv lion ' was blgner in the
Kngusn maiael with standard foundry
quoted 6M od and Cleveland warrants at
iios 8l. Locally "ho further change was
lepoited wnu - No. 1 foundry northern
quoted at tit'ixtj'Ai.oe; No. 8 foundry north
tru at ilO.autiBv.iu; No. 1 foundry southern
at i.iNueu.i and No. 2 foundry southern
ai 4i8.eui,i8.iB. t
Coadltloa ef Trade aed aetatloas e
Staple aed Faney Prodeee.
ECUS -receipts, liberal; fresh stook. 10.
Llvb. Poci'itX ileus, k)V4Vluc; roosteis,
ic; tuikeys, ittfiiac; uucas. 4)o; spring
uiiicKcns, LDiJu per lb.
ULi'l it.R racn.ii' slock, 16c; choice
fancy duiry, lawec. creamery, ittt'ilo.
HAY I'riccs quoted by Omlia Feed com
pany: Choice upiand, if 60; medium, 9.0v;
cuise. .w.n.ov. Ry straw, fl.Wh
li HAN lei ton, 6x6 0.
' TOMATOES liouis grwwn, per basket of
26 lUS., 04iWC.
WAX BuiANS Psr market basket of
about 16 lbs., 60c.
LEAF LETT U C E Ho Iho use, pt dos.
Iiesds, 20c
CELERy Per dos., 20e,
ClX'OMBERar iloiria grown, psr dos.,
ONIONS Home grown, SHe per lb.; Span
ish, 8-.0U per crate.
ORF.EN ONIONS Per dos bunches, 20a.
RADltiHEo Per uos. bunches, 16a.
NAVY BEANS Per bu. 81.v; No, 1 11.71
LIMA BEANM Per lb., 6V0.
GREEN PEPPERS-Per market bask!,
ORANtiEU Valeucefc. aU slses. Ho.
LEMONS Uinoulers.. extra fancy, 24t
else, li.Bw: sou sise, I. 76; 160 sis. U.bQi uthsr
brands, 21.00 less.
BANANAS Per medium-alsed bunob, lumboa, W.Mul.wU
POTATOES-Pea ou.. 6c,
PEACHES Tellow freestone, fl.10; Mis-sou-1,
per -basxi crate, 61.uu4jl.i6; Call
tornia s.iuerus, per box, tl.80.
PLCMo tMeilfornIa, 3i.eO1.76. ,
PEARS-Bartietl, per boa, 21 2J4J2.60.
UitAPEb Moms gtown, per 6-lb. basket,
WATERMELONS i-r lb.. lo, or about
lOlioc each.
CAN'llkLOUPES Colorado and Arlsona,
per crate tstajidard), ts.6u; ponisa, te.60.
No. 1 ribs, lc; 4x0. t rios, ioe; No. I ribs,
Vnc; No. 1 10m, leic; No. i loin, UVso:
.iu. 8 loin, kc; No. 1 chuck, c; Ne. 2
ciiuck, c; No. 8 chuck, Ic; 414. 1 round, 6u:
No. rounu, 7c; No. i round, 6c; No. i
plate, o ; 4o. I plat. Meo; No. i plate, so.
graiiulated cane, in sacas, 66.31) granulated
u4l, iu feevcas, 66.21.
btRwP-lu eibia., .c per gal.; In cases,
6 lu-ib. cans, ll.'iO; cases, 11 4-10, catue, l6v,
cases, 24 JW-lb. can, 81.66.
CHEESE Swiss, new, ic; Wisconsin
brick, Iduldc; Wisconsin ilHbergsr, itoj
twins, 1-c; young Ainerioans, I60.
COFFEi AiMtsiuu, No. , 41,440 per lb ;
No.-V, ;; per ib.s No. iJ, iWc per lb.; No.
20, 16t4Q per lb.; No. il, 12 per lb.
Ac 4 d Walnut, No. 1, sou shells, new
crop, per lb., loc; hard shells, psr lb
14c. 1 eoans, large, per lb., 14c; smaiL per
lb., Uo. Chlil aluuta, per lb., Lllo.
Aiuionii. suti sheila, per lb., 17c; bard
shells, per lb., lie. tvcoanuts, 64.0(1 per gang
of luo.
CURED riBH-Famliy whltsftsh, per
quarter bbl.. loo lbs., 64 00: Nurway mack
erel. No. 1. lai.oo; No. 2, gJii.OO; No. 2. 830.0O1
Irish, No. 2, 116 00; herring. In bpl., M in,
each, Norway, 4k. IxJ.tW; Norway, 2k, 616.00;
Holland, mixed. U.vO; Holland herring, In
kega. milkers, too; kegs, mixed. oa.
CANNED OOOUS-Corn, standard west
ern, 664? oOo; Maine, 61.1. Tomatoes, 6-lb.
csns, 21.0S1.40; 2-1 b, 8.Vtcjll.O0. Pin p.
rles, grater). !-lb 2.061.30, sliced. tl.wi
ifO: gallon apples, fany, 83 00: CallfornlA
tprlcot. 1.7Upe.60; pears, tl 762.M; peaches,
fancy, il.75flf.4u; A. C. pren, 2.00tb2IO.
Alaska salmon, red. 21 26; fancy Chinook. T
62.10; fancy nockeye. F.. II st sardines.
oil. 1260; mustard. 12.6034 10 Sweet po
tatoes, 31 lvbl.26; sauerkraut, 110; pump
kins, 80cJ 11.00: was beans, l-lb 7Hvc;
lima beans, Mb., 76c tl. 86; , spinach, 61.86:'
rhf1 7?a"' '"lb ' 0C' txXrm' 'aJMy,
"HIDES AND TALLOW-Oreea salud.
No. 1. 12VW!; No. I, live; full bides, VMmCl
green hides, No. 1, 10c; No X trj: horse!
Il 6-as 26; sheep pelts. 60c U.S. Tallow. Ne.
I, 4c; No. I. 2c,
WOOI. Per th.. 114 tea
Frank Cltta and wlfs to South Omaha
A Western Railroad company, 66
feet adjoining soutn right ot way of
the South Omaha A Western Rail
road company $ 150
William U. Whltmore at al. to Union
paclnc Railroad company, 60 feel
on each side of tbe main track of
Beatrice branch of Union PaclAc
Railroad company j,
Vailcy Stock xsra and Grain com
pany to L'nlon Paclltc Railroad com
pany, east Jt feet west V northeast
4 section 80-16-6...
P. E. Her to L'nlon Paclnc Railroad
company, 17-luv acres in section
23-16-13 , L3S0
Sarah H. Benton to A. L. Tamlslca,
south lot 6 and south west 26 -feet
lot 10, block 2, Paddock s place., LHt
John W- McDonald to Louis K. Hug
gins, north 60 feet lots 7 and 6, block
i, Hlllaids 4647
Frank Tnampeon to John A. Rln.
lots 14 and 21. block 8. and lot I,
block 4. Cotnsr A Archsr's, SoutA
Sarah L. Calkin to John J. Toms,
lot 2, block 4. Klrkwood 260
Frederick H. Jordsa and wlfs to C.
I A. Kenner. lots 7 and 6, block 7,
Kendall 660
1 Harry A Wo!.' to John C. Vissard.
lot I. Hill's place 1,126
Bridget t:gne 10 Bernard Hughe.
south H suuthwest 8-14-11 1,260
B F. Thomas and wife to Edward
Rissl snd wife, lots IB. 20 and 21,
Mock 11, Sanders A Hlinebaugh's.... ' 860
Jtili.i A. Roaiiee and husband to
Thomas R. Porter, lot 2. block 12,
Kountse piece 4,600
Frank A. Helmer and wife to Charles
T Johnson, weet V kit 2, block;
2!"H ,1.100
L. F. Crofoot and wife to Thomas O.
nersn. lot I. block 10, Halcyon
, 417,44