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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1906)
OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1906. The Omaha Daily Dee T ROSTSWATBR, EDITOR. r- Entered in ' mh Poatofflcs aa second eless mail, r. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. Pnlly Hee (without Sunday), on year. .14. Op ballr and Sunday, ona year I CO lunnay Be, ona year I M Saturday Bee, ona year l.H DEUVIRBD BT CARRIER, pallv Baa (including Sunday), per week,.17o Daily Baa ("without Sunday), par week. .12c venlng Baa (without unday, per week to ventng Be (with Sunday), per week. ...10c Sunday Baa. per Onpy Addreea complaint a of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. . OmOii The Bea Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chlcsgo 1M0. Unity Building. New York lk Homa Life Ins. Building. . Washington Wl Fourteenth Street. CORR E8 PONDENCE. Communication relating to new and edi torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha Boa, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft-express or postal order payable to The Be Publishing Company. Only Ncent stamps received aa payment ot mail accounts. Personal checka, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not ecoeptitd TUB BRB PUBUBH1NO COMPAN I . STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Dour las County, as: C. C. Rosewater, general manager of The Bea Publishing company, being du.'y worn, aaya that the actual number of full and complete coplee of The Dally Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of July, l0i, was follows: I so,i4o it si,eao S 11,710 It 11,1(30 I tajso it i,o 4 33,300 20 '.. 31,680 t sa.soo si 3a,o sioo tt so,aco T ta,oao ts 31,750 1 30,300 14 31,380 ...,, 81,330 tt 31,830 10.......... 31,580 2 31,870 II 31,830 . IT 31,780 11 33,830 21 33,130 It 33,300 2t 30,889 14 34,080 tO 81,830 It...; 30,400 11 31,610 It 33,300 TOU1 887,880 Less unsold copies, 10,868 Net total sales 370,834 Pally average 81,518 C. a ROSE WATER, General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before, me this Hist day of July. 1906. (Seal.) M. B. HUNOaTE, Notary Public. VHE1 OCT Or TOWH. Sabaerlbera leaving; the city tem porarily shoal, have The Bee tailed tm them. Address will be ehaaged aus oftea aa reqaeateA. Advices from Cuba indicate that the "race" question has ceased to be one of politics and has become one of war. Legislative candidates bearing the brass collar will hare to be plowed under, no matter what party label they wear. Having selected his new guard from the Cossacks the csar may feel it neces sary to appoint Tartars to watch the guards. It is safe to say that' the Iowa state campaign managers of either party will import few "spellblnde'rs" from Illinois. Whenever & jaaoiholdlng n office ot honoi.aad. trust-Is-tried and found wanting, be should be retired from public life. Candidate Shallenberfer may as well get off the track. There is no room in the state capltol for a Burling ton railroad governor. Having served their purposes the senatorial stalking horses have been taken to the corporation stables from which they had been projected. ' The report that 1,000 Kansas farm ers will attend a convention In Chi cago is proof that Kansas is safely in the republican column this year. Now that "Mr. Stensland" has been arrested and released in Mexico and Canada, he is probably safe nntll he decides to return to active life. The traditional inability of a woman to keep a secret was evidently forgot ten by the man who offered a bribe to a Colorado woman Judge of election. Should the "Drago doctrine" prevail at The Hague, a long step would be taken in the direction ot international peace it not in the exploitation of weak nations. The editor of The Bee is out ot the senatorial contest, but he is in the con test for popular self-government and against corporate nomination more than ever. General Trepoff has probably be come so accustomed to the plots of revolutionists that he would, feel ' in real danger did not a new plot de velqp every month. Senator Burkett veryi discreetly viewed the battle in Nebraska at long range. Four years from now he will confront a Hon in his path, and his name spells "Omaha." . The municipal taxation plank In the republican platform hits the nail squarely, on the head, but platform planks amount to nothing unless they are vitalised by legislation. Utah asks tor a copy of the rules nnder which the Kansas Bute Agricul tural society ts maintained and will probably be surprised to find that the first essential is: "Cut out politics." Uls excellency. ! Oovernor Mickey, did not evoke any more enthusiasm In 'the state convention than did his seddeacy. Governor Savage, la the fa. mous convention that demanded the revocation of the Bartley pardon. President Ripley of the Santa Fe aaya his road will continue Its ac tivity la Kansas' politics, but aa he taUmstee that he will be willing to have his corporation assessed on the basis of Its capitalisation It may be that the political activity will be no ioag er pernicious. WORK or THE CONTENTION. The republicans ot Nebraska enter the campaign of 1106 on a much higher plane than In any preceding contest In recent years. While disap pointing In some respects, the ticket as a whole will commend Itself not only to republicans but to cltlsens of all parties who desire to work out the regeneration of the state and its liber ation from corporate misrule. Like Saul of old, George L. Sheldon for governor stands head and shoul ders above all the men who have oc cupied the executive chair of Nebraska within late years. Mentally and mor ally, as well as physically, he has the elements of strength and force to with stand pressure from whatever source. He will be broad enough to do Justice to all Interests without injury to any. In the nomination of Sheldon, re publicans of the state for the first time have a native son ot its soil, reared on Its prairies and educated In its public schools and university. To his credit, it may be truthfully said also that he will come to his office without any entangling alliances with corporations or scheming rlngsters. Judge M. R. Hopewell, who has been named for lieutenant governor, is a pioneer with an enviable reputation as a cltlsen and public officer who. too. can be trusted implicitly to hew to the line whenever and wherever duty may call him. Lawson O. Brian, the candidate for treasurer, comes recommended by the people of his own county as a man of high standing and as an excellent choice to succeed Treasurer Morten sen in the responsible task of man aging the state's most sacred trust funds and the still more responsible duty of protecting the great mus of the taxpayers from railroad tax eva sion. For secretary of state, George C. Junkln has a record in the legislature of Independence of the corporation lobby and conscientious discharge ot official obligations. It wss natural for the convention to promote to the attorney generalship the present efficient chief deputy, W. T. Thompson, whose familiarity with the litigation in land should enable him to protect the state's Interests and enforce the rights of the people. The weak spots In the make-up of the ticket are the renominated candi dates for auditor and land commis sioner and one of the candidates for railroad commissioner. Auditor Searle and Land Commissioner Eaton have failed to stand up straight as members of the State Board of Rail way Assessment and are known for their subserviency to the railroad bosses. Candidate Williams for rail road commissioner got his place solely as a reward for treachery to the re publicans of his county, and a man who would thus seek personal profit cannot be regarded, as trustworthy. The other two nominees for rail road commisslonersMessrs.' r- Cowell and Wlnnett, are ideal men for 'the po sitions add may be depended on to per form faithfully the functions which the legislature will devolve upon them- State Superintendent . McBrlen is renominated as a recognition of satis factory service In his first term. . It was a foregone conclusion that one of the two leading candidates for United States senator would be in dorsed by the convention. The choice fell to Attorney General Norris Brown, whose persistent campaign was ably managed to benefit by the resentment of the great mass of taxpayers against the railroad tax shippers, and the in cidental popular feeling against trusts in general and the grain trust in par ticular.. Though entirely new to the field ot national . politics. Mr. Brown will measure up well with the men who have recently represented Ne braska there. He will doubtless wage a vigorous campaign to carry a repub lican legislature that will ratify the convention's choice. The platform as originally drawn has been materially changed for the bet ter and its main features will be fur ther discussed by The Bee as the cam paign progresses. BANKING LAW AMENDMENTS. Recent bad bank failures occurring almost under the very eyes of the bank examiners are commanding the at tention ot government officers to the necessity of action at the earliest pos slble opportunity with reference to the present system ot bank examina tion. Emphasis Is ut on the defects of the national lw, which falls In many cases . or improper manage ment to give the comptroller authority to require correction under penalty 'of closing the bank, and In other cases, perhaps not requiring so extreme a penalty, provides no other. In the case of the Chelsea National bank which failed recently the federal authorities knew from the examiner's report near two months before that there were excessive loans to officers and directors, and had promptly but nnavatllngly brought pressure to bear to have them reduced. In addition to a more adequate sys tem of penalties, the comptroller, It Is announced, will urge both a large In crease In the number ot examiners and that they shall be paid sufficient sal aries, Instead of fees, to secure the ser vices oNeompetent men. . The exami nation safeguards against Illegal bank methods Is In this respect Incompara bly leas efficient than those which are provided In the posto flics department for Inspection ot poatofflces. and the suggestion la that effort Is to he made to assimilate the former to the latter While tt Is admitted that It la not practical to require examiners to per form the proper functions of bank di rectors. It is believed that they can be brought Into more direct responsl bllity to and co-operation with the comptroller's department, and a meas- are will be submitted to congress at the next session, with earnest recom mendation ot the president, under which it can be more certainly known to the authorities whether directors are actually doing their duty In keep ing an oversight upon their banks. REFERRED TO THK HAGUE TRIBUNAL. The action of the Panamerlcan conference, unanimously referring to the Hague tribunal for consideration the Drago doctrine against the em ployment of foreign armies and navies for the collection ot debts owed by American republics or their cltliens, shows that wisdom and conservatism rule the deliberations of the confer ence and will impress the world's opinion more deeply than any prac ticable affirmation of that doctrine at this time would be likely to do. .For the European governments that have been most aggressive and arbitrary In dealing with weak American republics will not fail to note, not only that the nations of the new world are rapidly drawing more closely together in sym pathy and interest, but also that senti ment is being consolidated in favor of setting up the Drago doctrine as an application of the Monroe principle. The submission of It to the Hague tri bunal affords an opportunity to European nations to accept the coming rule gracefully and to adjust them selves to it, but their failure to do so will probably In no wise prevent the substance of that rule from being es tablished in one form or another at no very distant day. The exclusion from the new world of force in International debt collec tions will come the instant the United States proclaims as to its sister re publics the rule which it hits always enforced as to itself, and its rapidly in creasing material interests among them will strengthen sentiment in favor of such proclamation. Improve ment of order and financial credit, which are even yet none too good in some of them, will also smooth the way. The fact is that the real basis ot ex tensive credits In some of the South American countries has in large part rested on the virtual assurance that the creditor governments would em ploy force against repudiation of debts, and unnumbered millions of obliga tions, munlcfpal and corporate, guar anteed by national and state govern ments, are today held by European creditors. The debtors of course pay enormously for such insurance, involv ing the possibility of war. and the chance of repudiation embarrasses the United States 'in committing Itself as yet. unequivocally against European in terference. When force shall be finally forbid den, the credit of any republic and Its cltlsens will have to stand absolutely on Its own merits. They will for gen erations be dependent on the old world and the United States for capital, which they can' secure only on terms satisfactory to its owners, and it the latter cannot have the protection of their governments in forcible collec tion of repudiated debts they will either not lend at all or only on terms proportionate to the hazard. It is well therefore that the Panamerlcan conference has used moderation and foresight In presenting the Drago doc trine, however resolved its members may be to set it up in due time and maintain it. BREAKER3 AHEAD. The San Francisco, and Valparaiso catastrophes are a forcible admonition to all cities, whether they are liable to earthquakes or not,' to duplicate as far as possible their water supply con nections. The loss ot life and prop orty in both San Francisco snd Val paraiso would have been compara tively insignificant had it not been for the breakages In their water mains and the consequent inability of their fire departments to render efficient service. While Omaha, by reason of its loca tlon in the heart of the continent, is not subject to earthquakes, it has for years been exposed to the danger ot being cut off from its water supply by the breakage of the principal main be tween the city and Its source of water supply. Prudence and foresight should long since have dictated the laying of a second main between Omaha and Florence, so that any acci dent to the present main would not expose the city to danger from con flagration. It goes without saying that the city is growing too large to be adequately protected by the Burt street reservoir in case ot Interrupted service from Florence, and, ot course, this is a dlf ferent condition from that which ex isted a few years ago, when a small reservoir could supply ' a sufficient quantity of water for the fire fighting force in an emergency. A striking in stance occurred ten days ago, when a break occurred In the thlrty-slx-lnch Florence main on Lake street, in con sequence ot which the high districts supplied from Walnut Hill narrowly escaped from being deprived of. water for twenty-four hours or more, be cause the reservoir could not be re plenished until the main was repaired. The Water board has paid no at tention to this matter, except to say that If the present .main has been suf ficient for seventeen years it ought to still be sufficient for the next genera tion. There is very little comfort In the assurance that the Water board Is prepared to take the responsibility for any disaster that may come to the city from the belief that a duplicate main is unnecessary. Attention has been repeatedly directed by The Bee to this precarious situation, but for some rea son the public bodies that have mani fested so much anxiety for the enact ment of the compulsory water works purchase bills and the creation of a do- nothing Water board have turned a deaf ear to all these warnings. Secretary Wilson Is altogether too sanguine about the stamp ot the bureau of animal Industry. Every thing depends upon the capacity and integrity of the Inspectors. In other words, on the man behind the gun. Inspection that does not Inspect has been a farce and will continue to be a farce unless the bureau of animal Industry is rejuvenated. It Is perfectly natural to ascribe the turning of the solid vote of Nemaha county over to Norris Brown at the critical moment to Tom Majors, when as a matter of fact the trick was turned by the Burlington csar, who sought to foist Majors upon the people of Ne braska against all remonstrance twelve years ago. With the general government of Chile . advancing $4,000,000 to Val paraiso within a week of the earth quake it would seem that the United States might take a lesson In national generosity from the southern republic. With the election of delegates to a constitutional convention In Oklahoma called for November 6. residents of the territories can no longer occupy a sest In the spectators' gallery while the national fight Is In progress. Senator Culbertson's protest against the abandonment ot Fort Brown would be more effective if it contained as surance that negro troops would not be molested as long as they behave themselves. In spending $11,000,000 to save oleven miles of grades the Santa Fe Railroad company shows Its belief In the new system of railroad building which considers a grade a financial In. The Indian Territory part of the new state of Oklahoma is starting out In a way to discourage Its friends "Illy white" and "black and tan" re publicans holding rival conventions. A New Pateh. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Six pops are Included In what Is called the Nebraska democratic state ticket. But why should a new patch on an old pair of trousers be called a fresh boom? Preached, hot Hot Practiced. Boston Transcript. The Chinese minister tells us that the doctrine of the consent of the governed was enunciated In China 2,000 years before Jefferson. That is Jong enough to forgot the theory In the opposite practioe. Shaken Brothers. Baltimore American. The bond of sympathy between the north ern and southern hemispheres has been strengthened Hn many ways lately, notably by a realization , tht each Is liable to earthquake shocks. . Postal Card Profits. Boston Gloue. The Postofflce department seems to be Inclined - to cofrlplam about the flood ' of souvenir postal sards, but the Postoffloe department gets a cent apiece for carrying them, not to mention the entertainment of looking at the pictures. Race Track Wrecks. St. Louis Republic. Michael F. Dwyer, noted turfman, died penniless after a career of thirty years on the race tracks of America and Europe. In that time he - made and lost several fortunes In wagering on the speed "of hones. Taking chances, however. Is a poor substitute for careful Investment. Col. Watteraon's Platform Whoop. Louisville Courier-Journal. There is but one way to secure any firm footing, and that Is to do right. Be who sees this and arts upon It will most of all In the long run commend himself. And so we say. with prejudice to no one, down with the piratical black flag of dog-eat-dog practical politics, and up with the banners of democracy, both Untarnished and unter rifled, bearing not the names of greedy, self-seeking men, but of great, enduring measures; the restoration of the States to their proper place In the national orbit, and the stay of the inward sweep of federal centralization and absolutism; the tola! subjection of the money power; wherever It projects Its head above the horlson which Justly bounds the fairly granted franohlse and protects the rights of property, to the law; the reduction of the tariff schedules to a revenue basis for the support, and only the support, of the general govern ment, economically administered. TRtB BASIS FOR PROFITS. Isaportaat RatlasT a Ceatest (or Cheaper Gas, ' " Chicago News. The Consolidated OaS oompany of New Tork, Id resisting the mandamus proceed ings brought to compel it to sell gas at SO cents a thousand feet, has attacked the state law making that the maximum price chargeable for gas. It alleges that the 80 cent rate does not give the stockholders a reasonable Income on their property and Is therefore confiscatory and unconstitu tional. Justice Olegerlch of the state supreme court has granted the writ of mandamus. thus upholding the statutory rate. The oompany, he points out, is earning enough to cover costs of manufacture, distribution. depreciation and replacement of plant and still provide eonsldarble profit on the fair value of Its property. Its real grievance is that the to-cent rate does not cover all theae amounts and In addition provide for a return on the original capitalisation. The court says: "I hold against the contention of the re spondent that It is entitled to charge such rata aa to pay in perpetuity a return on the original capitalisation, which, so far as Is alleged, may no longer be baaed upon either tangible or real value. Its stockholders are entitled to a reasonable profit on the actual value of the plant and property of the com pany, but not on such value plus ths amount of some former capitalisation." The practice of estimating profits on the basis of former capitalisation and Axln? charges accordingly Is ona from which the people have long suffered at the hands of public-service corporations. Moneys ex pended for plants that long ago served their end and became obsolete and for franchises that never were utilised for any. thing but sandbagging purposes thus figure In the estimated capitalisation as a basis on which the present profits of the stock holders are computed- The Chicago gas trust, originally formed of a number of ostensibly competing companies, has af forded a brilUant example of this policy. The principle that profits should he esti mated on the present value of the 'property owned and used la sound. It should be accepted as the true principle In dealing with all business enterprises. ROfSD ABOUT SEW YORK. Ripples the Correal ( Life la the ' Metropolis. The summer temperature of Hew Tork just now Is altogether too high and pene trating for comfort. Tet many of the na tives are unwilling to let the mercury climb' down naturally. To them It looks better at the top notch. And they are doing the trick handily by lighting political pitch fires un der the bulb. As soon aa District Attorney Jerome an nounced his readiness to run for governor on the democratic ticket a flock of reporters pounced upon Charley Murphy, leader of Tammany hail, to measure his affection for Jerome. It didn't take more than a minute to .discover that Charley loved William Travera aa enthusiastically as an Omaha Ice consumer loves the Ice combine. Char ley acknowledged that his heart beat for Hearst and Intimated that Jerome was a political parachute supported by his own wind. These remarks were carried to Jerome and there was something doing right off. In Ave minutes ths boys received Mils bunch of hot stuff from the district attorney: "It Is no surprise to me to And Murphy practically declaring for Hearst," said Mr. Jerome. "The only reason for my taking an active part In politics this year Is to carry on the flght of last year, which was a flght to free the people and parties from the dominations of Just such political pan handlers. . 'Birds of a feather flock together.' and when a person Intellectually sterile, socially vulgar and morally obtuse Insults the de cent people of the state. Irrespective of party, by seeking the nom!r.i.tlon of a po litical party by advancing dollars and not Ideas, and by methods akin to those of the blackmailer, no thinking man could doubt where Murphy would be found. "I should fear I had lost all my Ideals If I found men of this type supporting me ex cept under absolute compulsion. If I ever come to have any Influence in the demo cratic party it will be used to drive out of It base bosses of this type. Both the dem ocratic and republican parties have lone- enough been disgraced and dominated by men of this type controlling party organisa tion." The New Tork Bun would give more for Jerome's oath of office than for all the I platforms that could be erected from now till doomsday The Time t..vt "(f the Buffalo convention Is not absolutely I bent upon the destruction of the demo cratic party In New Tork, It wilt nominate Mr. Jerome for governor." The World says that "his failure thus far effectually ! to prosecute the greater criminals, who In . wealth wax arrogant, and In power feel themselves Immune from the dork, the prison barber and the felon's stripes, has lessened somewhat his great strength among the .people of the metropolis. One effect of the hot spell has beento raise up an unusually large number of false weather prophets. Some of these have not been a thousand miles away from the weather bureau. The officials there would Ilka to predict the weather the people would like to have, but during the hot spell the predicting business got to be so uncertain that soon an ominous silence took place as regards the question Whether It would be hot, hot ter, or cool, cooler the next day. That was what the people wanted to know. They got predictions about showers In stead. Everybody knew rain was likely, for didn't It rain on St. Bwlthln's day? The amateurs got busy and became angry when the weather man Intimated that It was not really not; the trouble was that it was humid. Well, there were twenty-four or twenty-five days of excessive humidity and only once or twice was It really hot that la. with -the .thermometer above 3). All the amateurs, however, knew it was hot, for when New Tork perspires It is hot, whether the thermometer shows It or not. Certain aspects of New Tork life which ee perfectly familiar to residents some times strikes strangers as very odd. To those Who appreciate the nuisance and danger caused by the practice of hoodlums Jumping through the car windows at the Brooklyn bridge in order to get seats go ing down Jo Coney Island there Is nothing out of the way in the signs that have been An uri waraln najmnera against thin short cut. To strangers unfamiliar with the history behind these signs It is dif ferent. "I have always beard that New Torkers were In a hurry," remarked a visitor as he waited on ths bridge for a car the other day, "but I never supposed they were In such a rush as that" "What do you mean?" Inquired his companion, an old New Torker, seeing no cause for the comment. "Why, over there," replied the stranger as he pointed to one of the big signs which read: "Avoid Arrest- Do Not Enter or Leave Cars Through Windows." This year coaching parties in New Tork are mere popular than ever. Apart from Its, exclualveness from a , social point of view It Is not a pleasure in which the laity can Indulge. Though It does not run &s deep Into ths coin of the realm as yachting It takes a big sum to meet the Initial coat. A good four is easily worth ttOOO, and some, for Instance, Alfred Van- derbllt's raagnlfloent quartet, are worth double that amount. Next must be con sidered ths coach. One cannot be bought for less than 13,000. This la for the coach alone and does not take Into account the fittings. As only the top of the wagon Is used for riding purposes owners gener ally fit out the interior with a dining service, and many of them carry quite a sideboard of ths finest liquors, as well sa provisions for a cold lunch, pate da fol gras. ete. A set of hsrness runs Into an other thoussnd. The cost of maintenance la a fourth big Item. It takes Ave men to look out for the coaching outfit. The grooms and footmen are entirely separate matters. The finely dressed retainers who sound the picturesque horn and do duty In the rear of the ooaeh would fall dead from amasement If, at the end of a ride, they were told It was their work to wash the wagon and take care of the horses. That la an entirely separate branch. This little glanee at the queatlon of coat, which shows that to be really successful at coaching, a man must spend HO. 000 before he tskes his first ride. Is confined entirely to what the vehicle and the outfit are worth. It would run Into the hundreds of thousands of dollars to estimate the out lay for costumes. Jewels and decorations. While the average man cannot survive more than 1.000 Intoxications, steady drinkers of a certain powerful, mssslve type can get drunk as much ss tone times before giving away. In an alcoholic career of ten to fifteen years they can put away about t.oW gallons of whiskey, or thirty two barrels of pure sriiits. Pot this ts really the human limit. All records to date are held by a man of fifty, who ad miffed, tinder treatment at Be'levue hos nltat. New Tork, that he had been drunk rtolly for six months In the yesr since he was seventeen, s total of over 1,000 Intoxication. lr w-.. r- fives. St. I.ouls rHobe-Demoerat. Last year the trade of the Un'ted States with Its outlying possessions reached tut - Ano.noe, the growth In our exnorts amounting to 3) per cent Porto Rico shows up especially well, which proves that the Island Is getting Its share In American prosperity. THS ROOT Or THK Ql'KSTIO. Soceeea of Roosevelt Poller Reejalres Reoohlleaa Heats, PhllsdHphla Press. President Roosevelt, In his letter on the election of the next house, goes to the root of the whole 'matter In the present cam paignthe regulation of trusts, railroads and great corporation This work has begun. It was commenced In the legislation of the last session regu lating rates, providing for the Investigation of the relation between coal, oil and Iron corporations sod railroads, requtring the Inspection and purity of the people's food In the mest and pure food acts and making investigation more drastic by limiting ths Immunity of witnesses. This legislation, with what had gone be fore, has already done much, though Its work has but just begun. It Is part of President Roosevelt's campaign against trusts and railroads through the courts. Exposure, Indictment, trial and conviction have accompanied legislation. This work In all Us parts Is In full pro gress. President Roosevelt. In terms to which ths whole country wilt listen, ap proves what has been done. As he points out, the present congress and Its predeces sors have addressed themselves to laws which would regulate corporations without destroying prosperity, neither listening to the "tmst-buster" nor the "trust magnate," but legislating for the sober advance and prosperity of the people under the reign of Impartial law. The president appeals now for the election next November of a house and senate favorable to this policy the reg ulation of trusts and railroads by new leg islation where old laws are Inadequate and the unsparing prosecution of these corpora tions where they have violated law. A vote for a republican congressman la a vote for this policy. A vote against a re publican congressman Is a vote against Oils policy. By this great Issue alt other Issues are Insignificant. The tariff, aa President Roosevelt succinctly points out will be re vised In part and In whole when revision will do more good than harm. On every other Issue the Panama canal, our foreign policy or Internal affairs the republican party now and always ts for enlightenment education, equality and the rights of man. But the one paramount Issue this year Is the Roosevelt plan and policy of regulating corporations and railroads by new law whr ried"i? snd by cuforclns f!d law Trvhuu f1m is violated. Tills fundamental vital Issue faces every voter aa he casts his bal lot for congressman. If he Is for this Roosevelt plan and pol icy, now in triumphant progress, let him vote for a republican representative of the party and the policy of Roosevelt. Every vote for a democratic representative will weaken President Roosevelt's hands. Every vote for a republican representative ' vlll strengthen them. Olve President Roosevelt In his great work a party majority In the next house of hie own eholce as laid down by him In the published letter. PKRSOSAb NOTES. A Philadelphia policeman arrested a man and his wife for kissing on the street. The couple Indignantly denied the charge. Many New Yorkers are frantic to have Jerome run for governor, and he seems to be listening to the call of the wild. An actor has1 been arrested as Stensland. but he proved that he was not so bad an actor as the Chicago banker, and they let him go, Prof. Calvin Fried, an associate of Ed ison, has completed an Invention which ha claims will startle the world as to serial navigation. ... Prof. L. O. Emerson, whose hymns are famous the world over, recently celebrated his eighty-sixth birthday at Hyde Park, Mass.. .'."Guide lie. O Thou Oreat Jehovah," la one of hla hymns most sung. Solomon Gompers, father of Samuel Gompers, the president of the American Federation of Labor, lives at Roxbury, Mass. Hs Is 73 -years old and baa been totally blind for nine years. He was born In London, where he joined a trade union in IMS. , f The equestrial statue of George Wash ington, the gift to New Tork of former Congressman James R. Howe of Brook lyn, is to be' paid for by Mr. Howe from some of the fees he collected while he was register of Kings county. It will be un veiled on Saturday, September 26. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of' the United States supreme court tells the' fol lowing story of a certain prolific author, whose nove(s were anything but popular, who once consulted the elder Holmes. "I am not In ths ' best of health," said the author. 'T have thought, Dr. Holmes, that perhaps I write too mutt' for my constitu tion." "Not for your constitution, my dear man," replied the genial doctor, "but for your reputation !, . Toe Aaxloaa to laload. Buffalo Express. Ths city of Omsha voted U. 000,000 to buy the plant of the water supply company. The appraisers fixed ths value of the plant at $6,300,000 and the city concluded it did not want the property at that figure." The company has, therefore, brought suit In a United States court to compel the city to buy. Bo It sppears there are certain con ditions under : which sven a corporation favors municipal ownership. Refasa to Lt Go. Philadelphia frees. When Bryan arrive home he will still And Roger Sullivan making faces at him and refusing to resign as a member of the democratic national committee. Why any democrat should resign snythlng will have to be mde clear before either Sullivan or Tom Taggart will get out No Secrets ToHide We have nothing to conceal; no secrets to hide! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. You ttyill find these in Ayer's Almanac": for 1906; or write us and we will send them to you. Then show the formulas to your doctor, and ask him what he thinks of them. If he says; they are good medicines, then use them. If he has anything better, 'jhen . use his. "Get. well as soon as 'you -can, that's the point! ' CRIMES 1ft TR VNITKD KTATF.8. CeaaparatlT Shawl ralealated is II am hie Ratlawatl Pride. Philadelphia Record. Official statistics are exhibited to show the great Increase of crimes In the United States especially crimes SI violence that are any thing but favorable to the country -when compared with the, reeortla of other clv. Used natlona. Thus It la seen that whllt the average number of murders and man slaughters In Canada la i( per cent, or three for a million Inhebilanta, the nnm ber In the United States la or 1 to the million Inhabitants. In Germany the averase annual number of these crimes Is ::4.'or nearly five to a million Inhabi tants; In England tel. or ten per million; In France, 63S, or fourteen per million, and In Belgium M, or slxtee per -million In habitants. ,. ( These data. If correct fcveal a gree disparity as to this class of crimes amtfig the nations having the highest claims to clvllliatlon. But. assumtna t the correct ness of the data In regard I Uiese crimes) In the United States, they would lead to erroneous conclusions as to the law-abiding character of the Amerk'an without a care ful analysis. While the average annual number of murders and manslaughters is Rl In New England, or lag 10o,ooo in habitants. In the middle states 8.60 to 100,000 and In the central west 10 to 100,000, It Mses to B.S0 to 100,000 rn the southern states and ts 2.43 In the Taelfle coaet states. To the Pacific coaet flock desperate adventurers from every land In search of Its gold and to many ot them the life of a human creature Is aa cheap as thst ot a robin. The country has little responsibility for this class of malefactors. - Statistics of Mississippi and Louisiana Indicate at the same time that most of the crimes of violence In the south are committed by the blacks on each other, or are -the processes of lynch law for shameless assaults upon women. A review of the statistics of the lower orders of crime In the United States would take us too far afield, but they unquestion ably Indicate an Increase in spite of the spread of popular education. ' Aa to the Increase of the crimes of manslaughter and murder, the chief explanation Is In the uncertainties and delays In the execution of the laws. This condition Is due for the mest part to the legttativ8 extensions of the power of carrying appeals and writs of error to the higher courts for almost all offenses. Whoever has the means of em ploying skillful counsel can postpone his punishment for yeara or finally defeat the ends of Justice. LIGHT AND BRIGHT. Miss Qullpen (poetess of nssslon) Have you seen my "Lines on August t" Vflaa Canalrum No: Aii,mi wt,Al "hi. cago Tribune. . "Gracious!" she exclaimed, after reading the acoount of a shipwreck, "only one man left to tell the tale. Isn't that awful T" "I should say It was awful," her hus band replied, "what an Insufferable bore he'll become." Philadelphia Press. "Could you give me an appropriate motto for a wedding Invitation?'' "Why not take 'Know ye, all .men, by these presents?' "Baltimore American. "I never met a man so happy as he Is when he's looking for work. ' ; "You surprise me. I always considered mm lasy "That's what I mean.' When he's looking for work, of course, hs hasn't any." Philadelphia Ledger. - - i t "Do you believe the railroads could make money by charging passengers 1 cent a mile for transportation?" "What would It matter whether they did or not so long as most of the railroads make their money in Wall street, any how? Chicago Record-Herald. Customer Anything ' that -Ms-'.warranted pure la always clean. Isn't It? ' , - Conscientious Dealer Certainly not air. I know thla to be pure cider, but 1 can't warrant it to be clean. Chicago Tribune. "Tou are fortunate In bringing your con stituents to your way of thinking." said the friend. "That Isn't It," answered Senator Sor ghum. "I have merely berm successful In convincing them that I think the same way they do." Washington . Star. "Let me see," said she, "what Is it you call theae men who run automobiles?" "Pardon me." replied the gallant man, "I'm too much of a gentleman to tell you what I call them." Philadelphia Ledger. PICTIRES OP MEMORY, Alice Cary. Among the beautiful pictures That hang on Memory's wall Is one of a dim old forest That seemeth best of all; ' Not tor Its gnarled oaks olden. Dark with the mistletoe, Not for the violets golden That sprinkle the vale below; Not for the mUk-whlte llllea That lean from the fragrant ledge, Coquetting all day with sunbeams And stealing their gulden edge; Not for the vines on the upland Where the bright red berries rest, Nor the pinks nor the pale. s west cowslip. It seemeth to me best. I once had a little brother. With eyes that were dark and deep; In the lap of that oH dim forest He lieth in peace asleep; Light as the down of the thistle, Free as the winds that blow. We roved there the beautiful summers. The summers of long ago; -But his feet on the hills grew weary And one of the autumn eves I made for my little brother ' A bed of the yellow leaves. . Sweetly his pale arms folded My neck In meek embrace, - . 11-l.t m l n . 1 I f. m tnr tigiri v. ,,,ii..i.t imuij Btlently covered his face; . And when the arrows of sunset Lodged In the tree tops bright He fell In his aalnt-ilke beauty Asleep by lea gates of Ught Therefore of all the pictures That, hang on Memory's wall Ths one ol the dim old forest " Seemeth the best ot all. ''. f.O. AyerOo, , . LeweU, Vase. Let, t