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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1906)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1906. Optical Dept Uilo Floor WWffi Friday, Grand Sale of (3 P P P Expert Antletaa Main I Floor ii n n u n p n u ri 1 Mannish Suitings at 39c Yard The finest men's suitings P H P HEMNANTS M tjSwm tha TT R fSist m Kamnlps ononch Ifincrthn nlikn for skirts swip II from one of the best woolen manufacturers in the coun try gray euitings that sell at $1 yard and up, for skirts and suits, 27 inches wide, 100 lengths, 38-inch gray mixtures, checks and stripes included, at, yard. ... P IMPORTERS' SAMPLES AT 3SC EACH P "39c 8 P P P P 35c B samples enough lengths alike for skirts and suits black and all colors of the lat est fashionable weaves, at, eacn P ri Danish cloth remnants, single widths, per yard 10c J p All double widths, (cream, black and all colors,) yard 19c jj 0 P ri p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p n p p p p p p EXTRA SPECIAL IMPORTERS' SAMPLES Hundreds of fine pieces, you can match them waists, etc, an entirely new lot just re ceived positively the best remnant sale of sample pieces we ever had, each Final clearing sale of odd lota of plain and fancy silks, the accumu lation of short ends, 24 to 18 yards, from our recent big silk Bales SILKS n up for 25c a P P P P P P EMBR0IDERIB5 Sample strips of nainsook and cambric embroideries, lnBer tlnga and beadlngs up to 12 Inches wide many match sets, at.,, per yard 5c-10c-15c many 75c and $1.00 silks, good variety, Ifl- TO- P per yard , J-UJs p P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Wid Corset Cover Embroid eries ind floune- ff rf Ings. at, yard . .aWCOZC laces 31c-5c Yard French Valenciennes Laces, Torchons and Normandy Vals. In all widths neat fine pat terns, easily worth up to 15c a yard, at, per 2IA yard DaCOC WASH GOODS Bt tht casement tSc Dress Ginghams at 8 He yd. In lengths suitable for ladles' and children's dresses, boys' waists, men s shirts, etc.. solid colors. I I strides ana checks, lnclud U ing large black checks, VOI JttlU Sic A. F. C. Solle du Nord and Red Seal Ginghams these well known brands sell elsewhere at 10c and 1 J V4 c per yard thousands of p pieces up to one yard rj lengths, at, each ( P mm w a remnant Long lengths cotton Beige, in the new shad ow plaids, rwgu- f lar price lBo yard, 1 1 1 fs at. yard W Remnants fancy Art licking, drapery . ere tonne, worth up to 26c off the bolt, at, yard MB" 8lc SS-lnch Wlilte worth up t o 15o aa long aa they last, will go at per yard Best yard 3lc a n p p t Hemmed Towels, some of., -I them Imperfect, each aC P Sample pieces of Table Damask will make napkins, tray f g-j cloths, etc., each ........... lC E! : J rannnnnijJ grade SUkoltne. fig ured and plain colors, in long mill lengths, will go at, per yard looks E"3 10c n washes splendlly, iiae regular ODQ quality, at, per yard lawns that sold up f O to 16o yard, at 1 per yard ...... P a fnl Tilt? I ivru vr n a n rwru'r M 3Jc utwns wmce uresa B Winn with im emoroiaered figures. s P I All linen lunch nankins P nicely hemmed, each ..- 1C tl Table damask remnants in ta- pargaia P ri nnnnnnn n p Die cioin isngtns. on square at less than cost. School Qolhes-t, P P At a Third to a Half Less Than Usual Price p Every mother In Omaha should see these f clothes for boys. Never such well made, M stylish suits at such prices. We made an Immense purchase and are selling far be 11 low regular price. - IJUIll Rnvi' ftr-hnnl flu Ha neon 3 Ia IK rears Scotch tweeds, chev iots and cassimeres, $3.00 and $3.50 values; on sale, In basement, at M D I -1 P 00 Bloomer M Pants, aM i - to unwi tl 39o p 4,000 Boys' School Suits Knickerbocker suns, worroiKs and Russians, strlcUy sui woot materials; on sale on main floor, $3.50 to $5.00 vaJues . 1! kerbocker s, strictly 198 Boys So Waists 10c tl regular knes Pants, all wool 39c Boys Soo Waists 19c Boys' H.B0 Waahable Waists, at. and U-00 ...60c Boys iOo knee Pants 24c Bora 81.00 Walts, at 33c Boys' 60c at 7Bo Wash able Knee SKi Pants at OC n p u CRUSADE FOR SANITATION Health Osmmlniensr Confiscates Mors Milk Found to Impure. PAIDS ALLEYS WHERE REFUSE IS FOUND tmjm All Diseaae-Breealag Tratah Mst Be HsaW4 hv Partlva Re. aposalble Will B Ph. 1 Ubed by the Law. In their persistent crusada for batter aanitattoa. Health Commissioner Connell and tianltary Inspector Wooldrtdga mada a raid on a milk depot operated by B. Monnell at litis Cass atreat Wednesday afternoon smd dumped fifty gallons of milk Into tha gutter. ; ' . v' . "We found tha loa cries where the milk was kept in an unspeakably filthy con dition," amid the health coinmluioner. "The water In which tha milk cans stood waa Stagnant and stank with great vigor. The milk waa being kept fairly cool, bui the place was too dirty.- Surveillance of tha milk In wagons to sea that It to delivered Dot warmer than M dsgrve Is being continued and a gen eral Improvement Is noted, together with a cleaning up process among milkmen and dairymen. The city health department has started aa effort to cleaa out dirty and disease breeding alleys, which tha officers say are numerous all over town. Ia a district bounded by Dodre and Leavenworth streets and east of Nineteenth, mure than 100 bad caees were found by an Inspector, who has bean assigned to thl duty until he has covered all of tha thickly populated terri tory. 'The ci art conditions will be re ported to tha police department and notices iseued and served ' ' to property owners directing cleaning up prooeaaea. Failure will incur the praarrlrMd penalties of arrest, trial la polios court ao4 probable Aaes. As - . the health department , has but two In spectoral they are unable to serve the large number of notices that will be Issued and the polios force will be called upon for the duty. CAMPAIGN F0RPR0P0SED LAW Mass Metlaa f IToaeete Ialtiatlve aad Befereadam Are to Be Held. To secure votes for the Initiative and referendum law, adopted at the November election, the . Omaha Federation of Im provement clubs haa decided to hold four small and one general mass meeting. Aa tha council haa agreed to submit the question to the voters, the federation pro poses to campaign actively for ita suc cess. Tha first meeting will be held Fri day evening In Krug hall, 18SS Vinton street Addresses will be made by Park Commissioner Cornish. City Engineer Roeewater and L. J. Qulnby. SATURDAY CANDY TOMORROW Saturday, August 25. 106, will be another day on which we shall sell a 60c assortment of Chocolate Nuts, Fruits and Creams for SOe. No such bargain in candy is offered In the whole, United States aa that afforded the patrons of the Rexall Drug Stores. This candy Is sold In one store only In each city and one day In the week only, Saturday. Enough candy is ordered for this day's aUe only. The candy Is absolutely pure and fresh and sold $atui lay only for 5te. Sherman & KcConnsH Drug Co, TMM SSVMIttt Cor. lOUt ' ad pvdK bun , Omxajuk. MILK IS COLD Alamlto Milk Is kept cold from the time . of milking until It reaches the customer. Alamlto Milk is bottled In cold bottles la a cold room. Alamlto Milk is packed In ice while being delivered during the cool morning hours. Our custom ers always get sanitary milk and at this season milk must be kept cold to be sanitary. AMMITO PHONE DOUG. 411 (5$&' j 1 W w I ' fins' " w 11 ffJ j u Fancy Socks We have Just Tecelved our new line of, 1907 patterns of fancy socks. Over 60 styles which we place on sale at 2 pair for 25c Goods on display in our windows. If you need Socks take a look, as we have all the new things. A small lot of those China Dishes at 10c each. This is a rare bargain. Ladies' Underwear for this hot weather at 6c and 10c each. All the new things in fancy goods. A complete line. Ulve us a call. Agency for Pictorial Review . Patterns. . Jos. F. Bilz 022 So. 16th St. Omaha, Neb. ooooooo OO0OOCe" Wnen You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tha fact that yon saw tba ad. la The Bee. " " THE ALMIGHTY Dollar tells. a story. Here's a chance to save a few. 25c Bag Sea 10 a Salt ...lilC (10 pounds.) 25o Babe Skin 11a Powaer 11C 25c Palmer's Talcora 19a Powder lv (Friday and Saturday only.) 25c Lyons' Tooth 1 Ca Powder , IDC 25c Bradley's Tooth n Powder VIC 60c full pints Demar'a Disinfectant, for Sinks, Toilet Rooms, BEATON DRUG CO. 13th and Far nam. The Noted-for-Accuracy Drug Store. $30.75 OMAHA TO HEW YORK CITY AND RETURN VIA Illinois Central Railroad TICKETS ON SALE AUG. 24 RETURN LIMIT AUG, 31 Fast trains leave Omaha at 1:00 a. m. and 6:0v p. m., connecting In Chi cago with all eastbound trains. Tickets and Information at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1401 PARNAM STRUT, OMAHA HOTELS. 'C OHFOBT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE" St the New Transient. 8tel Built. Fireproof HOTEL WOODSTOCK. Ut-Mt W. M St. sn Bn4var. M. T. Ctt. t.otk. m t Onm4 C.atrJ aa rut e lm ot TUbm aewin. th. i .ry hMit 1 u. 1U. la ta. auiat et U. Uaun nS elub. aud tMi U. eketos atMrlot. Set. aa4 "L" ro.(U end BrMewKjf eira tUmctut. MoAmb in... wUtiaM lor tM. ttoewa mm mm tats. II. M. Lw. aU llskl Maw u4 eau witk snrai. buk. U a. CkMc nMaurmM. Suit. W. M. VAUQUSTTa lie Hetol Swwica. ae taae. Vemeat. Tho Evans Hotel Hot Springs, So. Dak. BeautUully situated la tha vale of Mia ajekahta. Tlie health and pleasura reeort of the Sorthwest. Only a aisht'a rids from Omaha. Quit, tennis, swlinmins. ooachlnc horse back and burro rldea and oih.r amuse pi. nts. Excellent orchestra la attendanoa Visit woiul.rful wind care. Exceptionally low rates on both CAN. W. and Burllnaton. For rates and Information, address! ROY M. bCOTT. Manager. SUMMER BOARD Beilevue College Dormitories July 7 to September 7. nrferencee required. Addrees BkLIKVUK COLJaXiK. BeUetrue. Nek. . ThvuM bed (J. Avulk Omaha. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Friday Sbowm and CooW. Tn)TclTO j J Store Closes Erery Ertnin, 'cept Saturday it 6 The Economy Fruit Jar SUM SEAL Sanitary WtDEMotTH Airtight Smooth Bxz fH4 TOUAKAIKAHO Vflrt rut contents mm aMweil teeiMMenas-ef 1 The cheapest, most economical jar made soon pays for itself in tho fruit it saves. Thirty green trading stamps with each dozen Friday. Ten green trading stamps with every dosen fruit Jar rub bers, dosen 10c and Be. Thirty green trading stamps with each doxen Mason Jars sold Friday. Twenty green trading stamps with every dozen Jelly Turn biers sold Friday. Visit Our China. Dept. When you're down town. The new things are interesting, and prices are lowest. Glad to show goods. , Always plenty of specials. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Bennett's Exceptor Flour, sack $1.50 And fifty green trading stamps. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-pound can for 48c And thirty green trading stamps. Uneeda Biscuits, four packages for 15c And ten green trading stamps. JCST RECEIVED A FINE LOT New York Full Cream Cheese, white or yellow, pound .20c And twenty green trading stamps.- Baked Beans, three large cans 25c And ten green trading stamps. Castile Toilet Soap, cake . 2Hc Bayles' Boneless Herring, jar 10c Peanut Butter, Jar 10c Imported 8ardlnes, per can 10c Pickles, assorted, per bottle 8c Corn, two-pound can ........... 5c Peas, two-pound can 6c Pure Honey, Jar 12Hc And ten green trading stamps. Diamond "S" Chill Sauce, pint botUe .' 25c . i And ten green trading stamps. New Potatoes, peck. 15c FROM CHICAGO u NEW YORK VIA AD AND RETURN August 28th and 29th Good to return until September 4th, inclusive. Apply to ' Local Ticket Agents, or J. A. D'OLAH, 555 Railroad Exchange, CHICAGO LOW ONE-WAY RATES UI1I0H PACIFIC FROM OMAHA EVERY DAY AUGUST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 14 (AP ftf to 8(10 Francisco, Los An VfaUiUU geles, San Diego, and many other California points. Q9R flfi to Everette, Fairhaven, VfcUiUU Whatcom, Vancouver and Victoria. to Portland, Astoria, Ta coma and Seattle. 'COC to Ashland, Roseburg sCUiUU Eugene, Albany and Sa lem, Including So. Pac. branch lines in Oregon. MA to Spokane and interme- QsCsaS JU diate O. R. ft N. points. to Wenatchee and Inter mediate points. AAA Eft to Butte, Anaconda, Hele UCCiUU na, and all intermediate T" $25.00 main line points. $22 pa to Ogden and Bait Lake aUU City, and Intermediate main line points. For full information inquire at City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam St PHONE DOUGLAS 834 3 Want a Servant Be Waal A4 vfll st fmm on qsAdUy at i Gray's Nerve Food Pills WILL Sis S2" Wtll rlTe reetfVl alee, saaka siiaa Ikeades. staf aev eas srAoaas, reetera yen ..nlU. UnUtltlt ! tk roalo kee ease. Aoaiu yeua fe work, restore Ttrer, krlas yea saDacsvr aaaly aaS wesiss) nsj ss yeava. CorTeepondenea confldentlal Oreular free. ILM boa. lrHiU oouree I boxes tiW br mail a reoeipt of prtoa. Reoemmarnl ey ail users. SHCRMAX & McCCXXEU OXUQ CO. t uiu .'!faM.jiwaiAviu.. Mint Fridir Specials Ladles' Suits. y THK WKLIBLK TW1 Greatest 1 Shoe ; Bargains Ever Known. Splendid Friday Bargains YOU MUSTSU THESE OFFERINGS TO APPRECIATE THEIR REAL MERIT. Wash Goods Sale Final wind-up of our high (trade Wash Ooode French Oranndlps that sold at f. rtfnch Zephyrs that sold at t9r, 18.000 yards of One Wa.h Goods that sold at 26o entire lot will be sold at, Kr a yard OC pieces of White Goods, 40-Inch Lawns. Piques, Fancies, etc., that sold up to tto a ysrd Wl" " " thl" ' ' IOC Pieces or Cotton'droadciothtnat sold at 35o yard, all colors, fine for waists, children's dresses, at, IOC 100 pieces of Fine 'FiannelVtteai''sVngle fold and double fold, at, tln a yard , IUW Curtains & Draperies Clnslna out sll odds and ends 811k Mixed fringe that Hold at l&o vard. Pillow Cord thnt xnlrl at IKo vuH Wmil rrlnii that sold at 36c, will go at. yara , Cords and Tassels, S5c and 25c a 70 . onbccRTAiNS.'", 15c. worth 6c each. p, worth each. 2fic, worth 1100 each, tec, worth ll.SO each. 60c. worth 12.00 each. M.000 yards of the finest patterns !n lllko llne for comforts and draperies; regular price, 16c yard on sole all day ul r at. a yard Great Sale of Silk Mill Ends An Immense assortment of hlah srada novelty and plain silks, In short I.KNUTHS OF FROM l- T O 4 YARDS-worth reg ularly up to 11.60 a yard will be placed on sale Friday, at CO C. choice, per piece " EVERT PIECE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. FANCY HABUTAI BILKS to close sum mer habutals we .will sell all white ground figured, 22-Inch habutals, limit of one pattern to a customer ?t)n . BILKS at, yard Pl-AIN WHITE JAP 20-in wide. at. yard BLACK TAFFETA 19-ln: chiffon finish, Friday, at, yard .......... . 19c .35c FINE BLACK TAFFETA, SS-lrf TQc wltifk. man. ait. rtpp ernrvl ....... -'W Wool Dress Goods Just Opened Up Two cases of 89c Plaids at Two cases 69c Plaids at , 25c 50c 1,000 pieces of all wool Challls, all wool Walstlnga, Mohair Waist ings, iona rlsn- nel. etc., that sold from 40c to 11.26 yard, all will go In this sale at a 25C 46-Inch black Broadcloth , at And 1,000 other bargains In Wool Dress Goods. 39c Remarkable Opportunities, Friday in Our New Bargain Room Every Item a winning value. Read caiefully this list then oome prepared to ...4c profit All kinds of Wash Goods, worth up to 100 yard, on bargain square at fir! yard ai Ail kinds of Wash Goods, worth up to 16o yard, on bargain square at fir. yard ow" 12c Sllkoline, 36 Inches wide, on bargain square a yard 12Ho Percales, In light and dark .great assormem ai yard 6Ho Shaker Flannel, good quality, at per yarn ALL WOOL BLANKETS, In any w PRICE. .33c colors, ..4ic ..4ic 10o Sheer India Llnon, 10 to 30 yard lengths, at oer yard 10c OutJng Flannels, great values. fln at yard SPLENDID BLANKET BARGAINS. 85c Cotton Blankets, slightly soiled, OQfl lightly soiled each sarw 86c Coton Blankets, slightly soiled, 4QfJ $1.26 Cotton Blankets, 11-4 else, slightly soiled, at L86 Cotton Blankets, 12-4 Slse, slightly soiled, at ay soiled, will go Friday at JUST HALF 75c 1.00 Greatest Umbrella Sale on Record Several areat lines of samole Umbrcll limited assortment of plain and fancy ha ON SALE FRIDAY IN THREE LOTS 68c, Men's and ladles' Umbrellas, in black or colors, with taped edge, values up QUn to 12.60. at choice Men's Umbrellas, with taped edge, fancy handles, wortn up 10 iw fSllr. rhnlce CVW Ladies' Silk and Linen Umbrellas, with . tape edge, handsome piain wooa UNr ' handlnn. regular 82 values, at VJ Ladles' Umbrellaa, mercerised covers, tape edged, strictly rain ana eunprooi, fl c , S1.60 values www . in Dlain black or colors almost un- ndles. WORTH UP TO 82.60 , 60o AND Men's and ladles' Umbrellas, absolutely rainproof covers, neat, strong handles, worth 76c and 81.00 10r choice Ow MEN'S AND BOYS' SHIRTS In light or dark colors, with collars to match, worth up to $1.00 OCn Friday aSOW. BOYS' SCHOOL WAISTS In blouse or tlaht-flttlna- styles, llaht or dark ors, regular 60c values, R - at Friday's Great Notion Sale STAPLE NOTIONS AT ONE-HALF TO ONE-FIFTH REGULAR PRICES. Our weekly Notion . Sales have become a feature in our great bargain giving sales standard quality and unmatched assortment at so great a saving you cannot afford.. to miss them Friday. I pkga. best Hair . Pins for w .lc lc 2 Pkga Best Gold eye Kieeaies iur..... 1 spool ot Black Uaj-ninr Cotton for 8-yard roll of Tape, n all siaee. for w 1 card Hump Hooks 4 and Eyes for 1 ckgs. ' good Pins 1 spools Bilk Thread 4n for 2 spools Basting fr Thread I dos. Hooks and f - Eyes at lw I yards Baby Ribbon at I doc. Nursery Pins lur Odd ball Crochet Cotton, each 1 doa. Pearl Buttons 1 n for 2 Thimbles, beat qual- ln lty. for lc lc nirvnom. 'nrnira ir! ARTICLES ON THIS COUNTER. ALSO 2C 44C VAC AND 1VC TABLES, ON WHICH THE VALUES MEAN FROM ONE HALF TO FOUR-FIFTHS SAVING TO OUR CUSTOMERS. Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings HOT WEATHER BARGAINS AT HALF PRICE. Dover Egg Beater sell from 10c. to 15c for... 5c 2 boxes Gas Tapers usu ally sell 10c each lor.. 6c 1,800 Sheets Toilet Paper (worth 30c).... 17c 10c Wire Handle Tack Hammer 5o 20c Butcher Knives bol stered for 10c 15c Toilet Paper Holders for 5c 5c 103 5o 10c Patent Pants Holders Three wood Coat Hangers (worth IOo each) for. . . 1 dozen Wire Coat Hooks (worth 15c) for.......i 1 0 c Perfection Door Springs for 5o 100 feet 12-strand Wire Clothes Line for 29o Best Sealing Wax pound 3o GROCERIESI GR0CERIESII HAYDEN'S THE GREATEST GROCERY DEPARTMENT IN OMAHA. 5c 6c 20 pounds best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar $1.00 8 pounds best hand picked Navy Beans.. 25c 8 pounds best Rolled Oat meal 25c 1-pound can Condensed Cream 7aC -pound can Condensed Cream c X-Celo Breakfast Food per package The best Soda Crackers per pound Bromangelon or Jello per package 74 1-pound can Condensed Soup 5c Potted JMeats per can.. 3c Oil Sardines per can... 3c l-pound can Fancy Alaska Salmon IOo Large bottle Assorted Pickles 81-3c Fancy Sour Pickles per quart IOo Fancy Sweet Pickles per quart. 15c Large Glasses Pure Fruit Jelly 7,c Peanut Batter per jar.. 9c Fancy B. F. Japan Tea per pound 25o Fancy Sun Dried Japan Tea per pound 25o Fancy Tea Siftings per pound I2V3O Fancy Santos Coffee per pound 15o Fancy Porto Bica Blend Coffee per pound 20o EGGS! EGGS!! EGGS!!! Strictly Fresh No. 1 Eggs per dozen-'. 18o 1 FRUIT! FRUIT!! FRUIT!!! Large baskets of Fancy Table Peaches... 15c Fancy Grapes for Jelly per basket 15c 1-3 bushel baskets Fancy Ripe Tomatoes 15c Large Ripe Bananas per dozen 10c Two measures of Fresh Roasted Peanuts 5c ORANGES for ORANGEADE. Cheaper Than Lemons. Fancy, Juicy Oranges, as long as they last doz. , 12o Wild Cherry Phosphate 1 bottle makes 5 gallons per bottle. . 12Va0 tr il fo)fo)i