Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
- VOL. XXXVI-NO. 58.
Oriels f Beport that Cuba Asked lid of
United States.
'Death of Kem Leader Deals Hear Blew
to Insurrection.
Fierce Hand-to-Hand Conflict Between Ken
Armed with Machete.
Gaerra'a Band Captures Wter Tr
mlaal aad KotlSea Uutftr Ha
Will Blow la Bride it
Troops Ara Moved.
HAVANA. Aug. 28. Font Sterling, secre
tary of tha treasury, late tonight, cleere
up In a, statement to tha Associated Press,
a misleading announcement made at the
Palace tonight to the effect that tha Cuoan
government had asked the United States
tor eight rapid fir (una manned by Amer
ican artillerymen to be used In the sup
pression of the Insurrection. The facts
are, according to the secretary, that the
government has ordered from an Amer
ican arms company four rapid Are guns
and these will be manned by former mem
bers of the artillery branch of the Amer
ican army now here. If these guns prove
to be effective four or more additional will
be ardered and It Is expected that the
experienced gunners can be procured to
man them In the United States. The
United States has not been asked to do
anything In the premises.
The subject of American Intervention Is
much discussed here and Is regarded as a
remote possibility, there being general con
fidence that tha government will be able
to restore order in 'a short time.
The killing of the insurrectionary leader,
General Quentln Bandera, today In an en
gagement between rural guards and a band
of his followers Is regarded as dealing tha
Insurrection a heavy blow.
Captare of Saa Juan Martlae.
The government Is acting with energy
in sending rural guards and volunteers
against the Santa Clara rebels and in
dispatching 150 more men to'defand Plnar
del Rio against Pino Ouerr. The cap
ture of San Juan Martlnes by Guerra's band
was not a great surprise though It was
not expected to occur so soon. The place
was protected by a very small detachment
of rural guards, while Guerra's strength
was much greater. The taking of Plnar
' del Rio will be quite another matter, since
there are in that vicinity twice as many
troops as to Insurgent Pino Guerra can
muster. It Is regarded as more than
probable that the troops will take the of
fensive and If possible draw Guerra Into
an open fight.
While government reinforcements are be-fnC-ferwarued,
Guerra' following- Is not
believed' to have been greatly augmented
by his occupancy of the two Vuelta Abajo
Publlo opinion appears to vary according
to locality from enthusiastic adherence to
tha government to open rebellion.
In this oily the general attitude Is one of
loyalty. Tha opposition and Independent
newspapers discuss with analytical coldness
the cry that If the government Is not able
to squelch the Insurrection within two
months other forceful means must be em
ployed for the restoration of peace. There
are no ringing calls to arms. The moderate
newspapers print with approval the resolu
tions declaring adhesion to the government
by their padty organisations, but there
has been nothing which could fairly be
described as a general rising of the people
in defense of the government.
General Bandera Killed.
Tha body of the negro general, Quentln
'. Bandera, tha most daring Insurgent In Ha
vana province; lies In the morgue at Ha
.' vana today flanked by those of two mullato
comrades, all frightfully gashed by the
long, heavy machetes of the rural guards,
who ended their carrers. Across the street,
In Neptune park, a great crowd, mostly
negro ftiends of Bandera, are watching
the morgue with silent Interest. The ar
rival of Bandera's body here was the first
news of the fight In which he met his death.
The conflict occurred at the Sllviera farm,
near Punta Brave, fifteen miles from Ha
vana. A detachment of thirty-eight mounted
rural guards under Captain Ignatlo Del
gado and Lieutenant Martinea was search-
i4C throughout the night for Bandera.
A.t, I o'clock Tuesday the guards were
bricking through a wire fence at the edge
Of the Blrvarla farm, when they were sud
denly fired upon by Bandera's followers.
twenty la number. The guards rushed upon
the insurgents, but with the exception of
their chief and his two leading comrades
' they all succeeded in getting away. The
guards made the chief and his two com
panions a special object of attack and all
three reoeived several bullet wounds and
were horribly mutilated by maohet cuts.
Not one of the guards was wounded.
Killed by Blows.
' The bodies of Bandera and his compan
Ions were placed In a wagon and taken to
Havana. An examination of Bandera's
' body showed that his principal wound was
a severe machete blow on the head which
' cut off his left ear and made an ugly in-
clalon in his face. He also had bullet
wounds In his arms and breast. The eondl.
tlon of Bandera's two dead companions was
even more shocking. Their faces and heads
were terribly gashed and they also bad ma'
cbete wounds In their breasts and on their
arms. The clothes of all three men showed
every evidence of the hard life which thoy
had been leading while eluding their pur
suers. It .lias been an open secret among
the rural guards that Bandera would never
live to bo tried for treason, his death being
the main object of the government forces
operating in Havana province. The small
ness of the party accompanying Bandera
has caused surprise here, but It is believed
that he only had a portion of his band with
him. In any case It is believed the insur
rectionary movement In western Havana
has been broken up by Bandera's death.
Frlseaer Talks of Crtaae.
The man who yesterday evening at
tempted to assassinate General Emlle
Nunea, governor of Havana pro vino, as
the bitter was entering his home, gives tha
name of Luis Morales and says he is a
resident of Havana. He does not attempt
to Justify hi act. He said he had ridden
his horse for a dlstano near the governor's
earrlaga and wouk, have shot Into the
vohlole and escaped had the opportunity
Nunaa and his followers have always
(Continued on Second PaaaJ
Weald Bring MeKlaley Aaaaaslnatloa
lata Ceateet with Hears la .
Raw York.
NEW TORK, Aug. U. District Attor
ney William T. Jerome again talked of
the political situation In this state. He
said he believed the time was now i1k
for the many leaders of Tammany Hall
to state their positions. He also declare
that Mr. Hearst, as a man, did not figure
in the coming campaign.
"If Mr. Hearst was nominated by 'be
democratic convention, would . you sup
port hlmT" Mr. Jerome was asked.
"You will never face this situation."
he replied. "Let's discuss something
practical. The democratic party has hd
to swallow some bitter draughts In tae
post, but It will never stand for that
medicine. Hearst, the man. Is of no Im
portance and of no Ideas. He Is like Mur
phy: The question about Hearst resolves
Itself Into the persons who are about
him, whose Ideas, working on the addled
brain of Csolgoss. armed his hand to slay
a president and, working rlong those line.
Is reflected In the conduct of the greit
leader of the Independence league, Bor
President Bird Coler, who went
. 4the line of the Brooklyn Rapid
Jncltlng riot.
' .y - should not be severely critl
. Is a Christian world and a
Chi ' ' mple. This Is a campaign
of ti.
'ommandments' platform.
Hearst Ik, 1.. (s going to, and Ode!)
Is the gre.. ent of us all. Mr.
Hearst rnn i to be the prophet
who came dow. .om the mount like the
Ten Commandants. He haa habitually
been more Ilka Moses, who, on a certain
occasion,, when irritated, broke them all
at once.
The way to settle a fight Is to fight
The leaders might all lead. Murphy has
led, now let some one else lead.
"The democratic convention voices the
will of the people and there Is to be a
convention soon. I am for. seating ell
delegates, waiving every technicality. If
the democratic party has not vitality
enough to fight out Its own battles, then
what's the use? I am against a conven
tion when three or four little ducks go
In a back room and talk of the availa
bility of a man. Availability always
means how much money can he raise for
the . convention fund. This bunch then
report to the convention the name of the
man and there is a 'rah, rah, rah,' and
It is all over. No rotes follow such a
Goverament Medical Department Is
sues a Resort After In-restlga-tlng
Boascs at Berlin.
BERLIN. Aug. a The government
medical department has issued a report on
the sanitary condition of the Prussian
bakeries and slaughter houses to which the
newspapers are giving sensational prom
inence, one of them using . the caption
"America in Prussia "
The report seta forth that many of the
butchering establishment were found m a
vary andean oondltoiv'. Some -of tttetn
were located In data cellars where clean!
ness was Impossible and others had no
facilities for the employes to wash them
selves.' The government Inspectors found
particularly objectionable conditions In the
bakeries. In one town boys kneaded the
dough with their feet and one batvry
waa occupied by cats and bens. In another
town a baker's oven served, ad Interim,
as a goose pen. In .many places bakeries
were found In close proximity to the un
sanitary appurtenances of the house. One
baker admitted that bis floor and vats
were scrubbed only once a year.
Japaa Aaaaaaee Pre Trade far
Leased Use After First at
i i. , . i ,
LONDON, Aug. 23. A cable dispatch to
the Japanese embassy here explains that
Port Dslny will be open to the commerce
of all nations from September 1 and that
It will be a free port, so far aa the Imports
and exports of the "province of Kwang
Tung the leased territory on the Ltao
Tung peninsula through Port Dalny are
Japan has also decided to permit ships
of all nations to engage in trads and navi
gatlon between Port Dalny and. the vcrl
ous open porta of Japan from the same
Woald Cemblae Republics.
SAN SALVADOR, Aug. 2S.-A unionist
party has been organised here to work In
favor of the formation of a Central Amer
lean republic to , Include all the Central
American republics is . now constituted.
A central committee has been elected to
further the aims of the new party. A
number of prominent Central Americans
are Included in Its membership.
Saaalaa Strike Coatlauea.
BILBO A. Spain, Aug. Zt The military
governor here haa unsuccessfully attempted
to arbitrate the dispute between the env
ployers and the strikers. The latter, who
number over 60,000. firmly maintain their
demands for shorter hours.
Spanish Royalty at Home.
BAN 8BBASTIAN. Spain. Aug. 22. King
Alfonso and Queen . Victoria arrived here
from England today on the Spanish royal
yacht Glralda and proceeded to the Mlramar
Westera Parlia Rxaoets to . Eater
Callfarala Wltheat Gotoa
Over the Moaatalaa.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. la The Western
Pacific is perfecting plans to enter Cali
fornia, and when the road is completed it
will be one of the greatest railroad en
gineering feats in modern times.
The engineers In chsrge have Instructions
to keep one object In view; the stralghtest
line with the least grade. To accomplish
this forty-five tunnels will be bored In
eastern California, between Orlvllle and
Beckwtth Pass. Instead of going around
mountains the Western Pacific is going
through, them.
The longest of the tunnels is that at the
head of the 8prlng Garden, twelve mile
east of Qulncy. This Is cut under the
ridge dividing ths north and middle forks
of the Feather river. It . will be over
T.000 feet In length when, completed. The
next longest tunnel on thi road will be
the one under Beckwltb Pass. This will
be over 4.000 feet In length, and it le being
bored at both ends. Ths third tunnel will
probably be the moat difficult engineering
feat of all. aa it wilt cut . through solid
rock for a distance of 1.200 feet. This will
be aorta of Qulncy, on tpath creak,
Oetsaok RetimenU Fnrniih Soldiers for
Banian Holer's Personal Escort.
Central Oeverasseat ta Retala Ialtla
tire la Declaring Provinces t
Ba la "Exceptional State,"
Repairing Farce.
ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 23. A new regi
ment, selected from ths squadrons of the
different Cossack guard regiment, haa been
created to act aa the personal escort of
the emperor.
Some of the commissions which have
been engaged In drawing up projects of
law for submission to the new Parliament
giving out the results of their work.
One commission, which has been dealing
with the question of questionable laws, will
recommend for adoption the principle that
certain conditions alone . can Justify the
proclamation of martial law or other
stages of "exceptional severity."
When a province or locality is proclaimed
by the central government to be In an
"exceptional state" the conditions Justify
ing the step must be announced simul
taneously. The Initiative, however, will
rest, as heretofore, with the central gov
ernment or upon the application of local
military authorities.
The Russian government has definitely
decided to proceed with Its ortglnal plan
of settling the agrarian question by the
distribution of land, regardless of Parlia
ment, and to go to the country upon the
Issue at the coming elections.
An Important aeries of conferences began
last night at Peterhof on the question of
the Immediate distribution of the crown
lands and appendages to the teasanta. In
an attempt to find a partial solution of the
agrarian question by measurably appeasing
the land hunger of the peasantry.
soldiers Talk Rebellion.
After the dissolution of Parliament the
soldiers held meetings and marched to
the quarters of the commander. Colonel
Lemkoul, to present their demands. It
appears that Father Palmoff, the chaplain.
who was greatly beloved by the men,
sought to enact the role of peacemaker
and waa beseeching ' Colonel Lemkoul to
make some concessions, when the latter
shot him down. The soldiers thereupon
fired at the colonel, who fell, pierced by
fifty-two bullets. The officers fired on
the soldiers from the windows of their
quarters ' and the infurated men rushed
Into the building and killed six of the
A secret meeting of about 200 soldiers.
Including representatives of some of tho
guard regiments, has been . held in the
woods near the camp at Kraanoye-Selo.
It is reported that a large portion of the
men were ehown to be In entire sympathy
with the cause and would refuse to 3 re
on them when ordered to do so, but it
was also determined that the time was
not ripe for a general mutiny, as the ma
jority of the troops at the capital were
still nominally loyal. Without a geneial
rising of the people, which would offer a
prospect of sivceees. tha leaders declared,
it - waa hopeless . to expect ' any active sup
port from the army.. Insignificant muti
nies were characterised by the speakers
as useless sacrifices and the . agi
tators, who prematurely precipitated the
risings at Sveaborg and Cronstadt, were
severely criticised.
Treable la Caucasus.
The Associated Press learns by mail that
that strictest censorship is exercised over
press dispatches in the Caucasus to con
ceal the true state of affairs, both re
garding the true Inwardness of the Tartar
Armenian warfare and the fermentation
among the Russian troops In the - garri
soned towns of Transcaucasia. The corre
spondent of the Associated Press has not
been permitted to telegraph many items
of news, and in other cases (the censor
would only accept his dispatches when
supported by the official version of the
affair they reported.
The Armenian-Tartar situation Is worse
than la known to the outside world. Al
most ' all ths Russian military unit are
dlffaffected, and even the Cossacks are
rebelling against doing police duty. The
latest mutiny is that of the Pultava Cos
sacks, who several days ago at . Tiflla
formally demanded to be relieved from po
lice duty and asked for the discharge of
those who had served over three years.
The regiment was disarmed and confined
In their barracks under guard.
Another version of the Dsshlagar affair,
In which a number of officers were killed.
Is to the effect that the sailors of ths
Black sea fleet Implicated in the Knlas
Potemklne mutiny, who were attached to
a disciplinary battalion at the village of
Kusir, on the Caspian sea, near Nashlager,
had been in communication with the
Samur regiment, which constituted the gar
rison of Samur.
Caaeplrators aa Trial.
MOSCOW, Aug. .-The trial of three
persons charged with having been con
nected With the conSDlracr aaainat tha lit
of former Governor General Doubaasolf
began here today. One of the accused Is
a daughter of General Keller.
Chteaa-o Telephone Employes qbjeet
to Going Through Alley to
Their Work.
CHICAGO, Aug. 23. Two hundred tele
phone girls employed in the central ex
change of the Chicago Telephone company
struck today, badly crippling the service.
The cause of the strike was an order
Issued by the company directing the girls
.at "central" to enter the building through
a rear door, which. In order to reach they
were compelled to go through a passage
100 feet long. The glris declared that the
passage war Is muddy even In the day
time and dark, slimy and slippery at night.
There ara three saloon entrance on the
alley and the girls declared that they are
annoyed by the hangers-on of those places.
One hundred and fifty other' girls struck
within an hour of the first strike, making
a total of IB0 who went out. Seven thou
sand telephone in the business district
were put out of commission.
ttTta Deataa aad aeveateea Prestra
tloaa la Caleagra Before
Relief Caataa.
CHICAGO. Aug. tt.-A brisk northeast
wind brought relief this afternoon from the
hot spell that haa prevailed her since last
Monday and caused a drop in the tempera
ture of fourteen degrees. Seven deaths and
seventeen prostrations from the heat were
reported today. The mercury at 10:20 stood
at n degres, but soon after dropped.
Nearly tlx taehes at Water rails la
Tare aad Oae-Half
KANSAS CITT. Aug. 2S.-A terrific rain
storm prevailed In Kansas City and vicin
ity early today, causing more or less seri
ous damage. In Kansas City I.S2 Inches of i
water fell, a record far' tho time, three
hours and a half. Low-lying lands were
flooded and tho police and Are departments
were called upon to rescue persons from
basements In Little Italy, In the north end
of town, and fn tha east and west bottoms.
where the water entered- many small
Several down town basements were
flooded and good damaged. Trees were
stripped of their foliage and hundreds of
sparrows were killed. '
At Elm wood cemetery, five miles east of
the business district, serious damage was
done. Practically- the entire cemetery
grounds were flooded and In the - lower
ground a strong current was formed. This
resulted In the washing out of dosens of
graves. At least 20 bodies were exposed.
Monuments were wrecked and other dam
age done. Two brick buildings In the out
skirts of the city were undermined and col
lapsed. They were unoccupied and no one
was hurt. At Fifteenth and Indiana a lum
ber yard containing several thousand feet
of finished lumber was washed away and
partially damaged. "
At Kansas City, Kan., and at Armour!ale
and Argentine, Kan., across the line from
here, much damage was suffered by rail
roads, wholesale houses and packing
houses, and several families had to be
taken from their home by firemen.
At Kansas City, Kan., lightning wrecked
the front of the Slavonic Catholic church.
a small structure, and a small commission
house at-the ctty market waa undermined
and collapsed. In Northrup avenue, seven
blocks from the business center, three
families whose houses are on low ground
were surrounded by water. The freight
yards of the ' Missouri Pacific! the Rook
Island and the Union Pacific, in the west
bottoms, were . flooded and traffic tem
porarily stopped. The shops of these
roads also were flooded and work stopped
for an hour - or so. Water entered the
basements of the packing plants of Armour
&. Co., Swift and Company and Schwars
berg 4. Suliberger and It was necessary to
put men to work pumping out The water
drained off quickly, however, and the dam
age waa comparatively light. ' ,
At Argentine forty families were forced
from their homes In the bottoms, but re
turned to them soon.
Suburban street car traffic on the Kansas
side. waa tied jp for several hours.
EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 22. The heaviest
rain In nine years fen here lost night, the
total precipitation being 2.44 Inches In two
hours. Many Mexican houses collapsed
under last night tain and the street were
badly washed. The railroad are all
damaged. ' 1
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. a. Heavy rains
today broke a drouth that was doing con
siderable damage to corn 'and late fruit.
Railroads and bridges were washed out In
many place and buildings In process of
erection were damaged. Part of a wall of
the new Auditorium fell hi, entailing much
damage. . 'f
i . -
Chief of BrasT of Array Desire la
atraoftaaa Rearardlaa? Aetteas
at BrowavUle.
OYSTER BAT. N. T., Aug. 22. Brigadier
General J. Franklin Bell, chief of staff , of
the army, and Gilford Pincbot, chief of the
forestry bureau of the Agricultural depart,
ment, were In consultation with President
Roosevelt at Sagamore Hill today. Gen
eral Bell said he came at the suggestion of
General Ainsworth, military secretary. In
order that the War department might know
exactly the president's Ideas and desires
regarding the difficulty at Brownsville,
Tex., between United 8tates colored troops
and the resident of that place.
General- Bell ald the colored' troops at
Brownsville had been removed to Fort
Reno and replaced by a company of white
soldiers. This action had been taken In
compliance with telegraphic request from
the state officials. It waa desirable, be
said, to discuss the whole situation with
the president before any further action
was taken. Mr. Plnchot said he came to
Oyster Bay to discuss the forestry situa
tion with the president. Both expect to
return to Washington today... .
On leaving Sagamore Hill General Bell
said the army post at Brownsville, Tex.,
would ba temporarily abandoned aa soon
a orders to that effect. Issued yesterday by
the War department, could be .carried out.
The company of white troops now stationed
there will remain only so long as is neces
sary to guard government property.
Mr. Plnchot said that the president would
address a letter to the Irrigation congress
to ba held shortly at Boise City, Idaho.
This letter which Mr. Plnchot will take
to the congress, will be a hearty endorse
ment of the .plans for Irrigating the arid
landa of tha west.
President Roosevelt consulted today with
Postmaster General Cortelyou, who I also
chairman of the republican national com
mittee. Mr. Cortelyou has a summer lodge
at Huntington, L. I., and drove to Saga
more hill this morning. It Is believed that
the president's keen Interest In the con
gressional campaign has prompted him to
gather political Information from every
source and that Mr. Cortelyou's dlsousslon
with him was mainly on the political situ
Ohio Seaater Favora Kaatber of
Caaagee la Maaaer at Caadaet
laaT State Ooaveatlaa.
AKRON, O.. Aug. 2a.-In an Interview
given out tonight United States Senator
Charles Dick, who I also chairman oi the
republican state executive committee of
Ohio, outlined his position with reference
to the coming republican state convention.
Senator Dick declared in favor of the mak
Ing of a platform by the convention in
committee of the whole. In which ail Issues
are to be debated and without tho Inter
vention of a committee on resolutions.
As to the Issue of tha endorsement of
the two Ohio senators. Senator Dick says
he Is willing that two resolutions shall be
presented to the convention, one endorsing
and tha other censuring the senators and
the delegates choosing between them.
Tha administration of President Roose
velt and the work of congress, he says, will
be heartily and strongly endorsed unani
mously. Going further, the senator de
clared in favor of a change in the rules
of the party organisation and suggests
that the committee on rules bring in a
rule providing for the election of the chair
man of the stats executive committee by
the convention Itself In the same manner
that csndieata far sua off nor r r-ftrunl
ittorteji for Southeastern BocVli Give Ont
Beinlt of Deliberation!.
Resolatlea ressaaeads to the Fair aad
Loyal Ottservaaee at Carriera
la Spirit aad Par-aose.
NEW TORK. Aug. 22.-S. F. Parrott. vice
president of the Georgia Southern dt Florida
Railway company, who acted as chairman
at a meeting In this city July 37 of execu
tive officers, traffic officials and legal repre
sentatives of all the Important rail and
steamship lines operating to and from the
territory south of the Potomac and Ohio
rivers and east of the Mississippi river, to
day made an official statement regarding
the object and action taken by the conven.
tlon. as follows:
The object of the meetin was primarily
to consider the recent rhans-es made in the
act to regulate commerce, aroved June tf,
I!. As those matters Involved questions of
ww, me meeting aeterminea to appoint a
committee of attorneys, consisting of the
general counsel of most of the companies
represented st the meetin. and to refer to
said law committee certain printed ques
tions which had sugrnsted themselves to
the executive and traffic officials ss requir
ing Immediate consideration.
The law committee held its sessions st
Atlantic Cltv on Aus-ust 14 to 18. ln. In
clusive, and took np the questions aerlatum.
Most oi tne questions related to the street
of the changes made by the Hepburn bill.
diii a numner or tnem related to the con
struction of the act prior to the passsgs of
the Hepburn bill.
Resolution of lawyers.
At the conclusion of Its meeting the lsw
committee unanimously adopted the follow
ing resolution:
"Rpsolved, That, now having answered to
the best of our ability, with the lights be
fore us and with our opportunities for con
sideration, the questions which have been
suDmitted to us relating to the practical
operations of the carriers, we commend
this law to the fair and loval observance of
the carriers In a spirit of full and frank
recognition or Its spirit and purpose."
On the 2M day of A u rust. 1P06. the con
vention of the executive and traffic officiels
reconvened st the W&ldnrf.AstnrIn hotel.
when they received the report from the law
committee aoove referred to ana aaoptea
the following resolutions:
"Resolved, Thst this convention return
Its thanks to the law committee for the
labor bestowed by said committee upon the
question heretofore propounded to It by
this convention and that, aided by the ad
vice contained In the report of said law
committee, the executive and traffic offi
cials here present will. In the administra
tion of the properties confided to their
management, use their best endeavors to
comply to the fullest extent with all the
provisions of the act to reeulate commerce.
as amended in June. 1906."
Wyoming Militia Ordered ta Fremont
Couatr to Aid Sheriff la Pre
serving Order.
qHEYDNNE. Wyo., Aug. Upon re
quest of Sheriff "Stough of Fremont county
Governor Brooks Inst night ordered out
Company B, of the state national guard
stationed at Lander, to proceed to the
Shoshone reservation to aid the sheriff In
preserving order on . the new town ' site
on the reeervatlon. . . .. , . . i
The difficulty on- the reserve Won began
on the night "of August 14, the "dhy before
the reservation was opened, when about
200 sooner gathered on the border of the
reservation and - on the morning
of. the J6th every town lot on the
new townstte was occupied -by a squatter.
Indian Agent Wads worth held that the rule
restricting general settlement on the reser
vation homesteads until October 15 applied
to townstte settlements and drove the set
tlers off with federal troops. Commis
sioner of the General Land Office Richards
secured a contrary .ruling from the secre
tary of the Interior and It Is expected
Wadsworth- will receive It today and with
draw the troops, a his authority on the
reservation is ended. Militia I expected
to arrive on the scene before the with
drawal of federal troops and will aid In
preserving order. Some bad feeling exists
among squatters who have already been
driven off and who may have difficulty . In
regaining their .claims, but no serious
trouble Is expected.
Health Official at Three Oaks, Mica.,
Finally Discovers Caasa of
Typhoid Epidemic.
THREE OAKS, Mich.. Aug. 23-The cause
of an epidemic of typhcid fever among the
1,000 inhabitants of this place was discov
ered today when a member of the Board of
Health climbed to the top of the water
works etandplpe and found the dead bodies
of several thoussnd young sparrows In va
rious stages of decomposition covering the
surface of the water. Immediately the
mayor gave instructions to empty the
standplpe, scrub and paint It. Hundreds
of sparrows' nests havs been built on a
ledge that runs around the summit of the
standplpe snd the young bird are sup
posed to have fallen Into, the uncovered
standplpe while trying to learn to fly. The
cover made for tha standplpe when it was
constructed, was never put on. There are
now twenty-one cases of typhoid fever In'
the town.
Actio a Takes Look lag Toward a
I'alversal Gold Baals far
RIO DE JANEIRO. Aug. -The Inter
national American congress today con
cluded Its actual work, finally disposing of
the projects of sanitation, commercial rela
tions, patents and copyrights, the Pan
amerlcan railway and the codification of
International laws.
The Buchanan report waa adopted recom
mending that the several countries In the
conference prepare tables showing the fluc
tuations of exchange during the last twenty
years and the effect . thereof on commerce,
the idea being to facilitate the establish
ment of a universal gold basis.
Two more sessions of ths conference will
be held Sunday and Monday, August 21 and
27, to perfect certain details.
Oa Fereoa Killed aad Fear Iajared
Whoa Trala Itrlkee
LOB ANGELES, Aug. 23. One person
waa killed and four were more or less se
verely Injured late yesterday afternoon in
the running down of a mountain resort
stage at Asusa by a Santa Fe limited pas
tenser train. Ths dead:
MRS. D. RHODEN. Pasadena.
Mrs. Hunt, wife of J. S. Hunt of Santa
Monica, sustained concussion of the brain,
eontuetona about bead and shoulders. Her
eoaditlna is serieua
Fair la West. Showers and Cooler In
Rast Portloa Friday, gatarday Fair.
Hear. Dev. Hoar. Or.
B a. ra T4 1 p. ta
a. m m a a. at "M
T a. at T4 8 p. a "
a. as TO 4 a. at M
a. aa T5 B p. as
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11 a. at at T p. m. ..... TT
II n P4 p. m T4
0 p. m ..... . T3
"ebraskaa Will Laad Taarsday at
Foar O'clock la the
NEW TORK. Aug. 23.-At a meeting to
duy of the executive committee which has
charge bf the reception to William J.
Bryan it waa announced that Harry W.
Walker, chairman of the press committee,
had received a letter from Mr. Bryan,
mailed before he sailed from Gibraltar,
accepting an Invitation to dine with Uie
newspaper men at the Waldorf-Astoria on
the evening of Saturday, September 1. In
his letter Mr. Bryan said:
"Shall be delighted to meet the boys of
the press. I have not found any better
newspaper men anywhere than our own."
Lewis Nixon gave the program as at
present arranged for the 30th. Mr. Bryan
Is to land at 4 p. m. at the battery, where
he will be met by a small subcommittee
and welcomed by Acting Mayor McUowan.
Headed by a small police escort, Mr. Bryan
will be driven up Broadway to Fiftieth
street, thence to Fifth avenue and south
to the Victoria hotel. In the first carriage
with Mr. Bryan will be Acting Mayor Mc
Go wan, Governor Folk of Missouri and
William Hoge, president of the Commerolul
Travelers' Anti-Trust league, which started
the movement for the reception.
At the hotel Mr. Bryan will be received
by a delegation from the reception com
mittee consisting of five members from each
state. At 7:46 Mr. Bryan will be escorted
to the garden and the meeting will begin
at 8. After the meeting Inside. Mr. Bryan
will address an overflow meeting in Mad
ison Square.
Negro Who Attempts to Eater Girl's
Room Hanged to Tree by
COLUMBIA, S. C. Aug. & William
Spain, a negro, 21 year old, was shot to
death by a mob near St, Oeorge. DorcheJ
ter county, this afternoon. This Is the
third lynching In South Carolina within
tan days.
S. L. Connor, manager of the Dorchester
Lumber company's store at Badham, waa
notified by ' a negro that he saw another
negro attempting to enter a window of his
home aad then run away Into a nearby
cane patch. Connor Immediately started for
his home, going through the cane field, and
suddenly came upon Spain and grappled
with - the negro, striking him a severe
blow, breaking several bones In his hand.
The negro finally freed himself and ran
Into . nearby . wood. . Connor notified his
neighbor and about two hours later Spain
was saptured 'and locked up in Jnll.
Shortly afterward a posse of forty or fifty
men went to the sheriff and securing the
key to the ' Jail, took the negro to the
house ' of Connor, where his eleven-year-
old daughter positively Identified the negro
aa the one who had tried to climb through
the window. .
The mob then took the negro to a nearby
oak tree, strung him up to a limb and
fired about Boo shots Into his body. ,
Edward M. Amies of Altoona, Pa.,
la Elected Commander-in-Chief.
PEORIA, III., Aug. 23. The national con
vention of Sons of Veterans closed their
sessions today with the election of officers
and the selection of Dayton, Ohio, as the
next meeting place. Edward M. Amies, of
Altoona, Pa., was elected commander-in-
chief. Other officers elected were:
Senior Vice Commander F. M. Johnson
of Maryland.
Junior Vice commander J. K. wolfram.
San Francisco.
Secretary Horace K. Hammer, Reading,
Treasurer James I Rake, Feeding, Pa.
Council In Chief Thomas Hannon. Bos
ton; Ralph Sheldon, New York; Thomtfa
W. Blair, Heading, fa.
The ladles' auxiliary elected these of
ficer: President. Mrs. Julia Moynlhsn, New
Tork; vies president, Mrs. Ida Patterson,
Rockford. III. ; secretary, Mrs. Frances Fox,
Rochester, N. Y.; treasurer, Mrs. N. K.
Her bat. Canton, O. ; council, Mrs. Millie
Donnellson. Peterson, N. J.; Mrs. Stella
Rlchxrds, Mass.; Mrs. Katie Hardcastle,
Philadelphia; Judge advocate general, Wil
liam B. Moynlhan, New Tork.
Militia Given Work la Ma rr blag,
Gaard Work, Teat Pitching
aad Cooking.
FORT RILET. Kan., Aug. IJ.-The Kan
sas and South Dakota national guard
bad maneuver work in marching, advance,
flank . and rear guard, tent pitching and In
dividual cooking today and they worked
all day. The regular troops were divided
Into brigade and worked on a different
problem, but the work of tbe two forces
waa conducted as If tbey were the armies
of two countries at war. The men were
out all day under marching order. They
carried besides their arms, shelter tents,
haversacks containing uncooked food, can
teens filled with water and fifty rounds
of blank ammunition. The Kansas men
did especially good work and were fre
quently credited by the umpire aa hav
ing caused the enemy (the regulars) heavy
loss, while the Kansans suffered very lit
tle loss.
Postmastera aad Carriera Appelated
for Nebraska Rnral
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) Nebraska postmastera appointed:
Georgetown, Custer county, Peter P. Beck,
vice W. P. Wilson, resigned; Ray, Holt
county, C. O. Johnson, vice C. Vlqulst, re
signed. Rural carriers arpolnted for Nebraska
routes: Crofton, route I, Leroy Blrdsell,
carrier; Oeorge Steele, substitute; David
City, route X F. M. Klrby, carrier; James
Klrby. jr.. substitute.
Captain William H. Oury, signal corps,
I relieved from duty with company I, sig
nal corps, and ordered to Fort Omaha
for duty.
Army and Hary Takelharte ef Affairs in
Water Supply ii Tairly Adeqnare and
Kepairt Are Froresaine.
Fonr Million Dollars Appropriated for
Belief of Destitute.
Electric Cars Are Hnnoln oa Soma
streets Over sis Hundred Bodies
Burled 1'p to Taraday
VALPARAISO, Aug. 23. Ferdanea
Blanco, governor of the province of Val
paraiso, has proclaimed the city of Val
paraiso In a state of selge and has con
ferred supreme authority on Navy Cap
tain oOmii Carreno. The prefect of police
Is charged with the duty of collecting and
distributing food. One of the first acts
of the military governor was to issue on
order that all persons found breaking water
mains should be shot. The water supply la
fairly adequate, the repairs are actively
progressing at Baron Hill. Vina del
and Ramlditas, where a lrge number of
mains were broken during the earthquake.
The mayor's office now Is In Victoria
square, besides the governor's tent.
The whole of Vlctoris street tonight Is
illuminated by electric lamps. Two other
streets are also lighted and tomorrow night
Cerro street will lie lighted. Electric cars
already are running between Baron station
and Becreo and probably tomorrow the
operation of cars will be extended to Vina
del Mar.
Over Six Hundred Bodies.
The total number of corpses burled up to
Tuesday AugURt 21, was 648.
The main poatofliue has been reopened.
At LIbIUrI there is not a single wall in
good condition. There were thirty person
killed there.
At Cablldo the railroad ststlon waa
At Quillota many buildings were pros
trated. The earthquake waa very severe at Con
con and Colnio. The dead In those
number 25.
Telegrams of sympathy have been re
ceived' from Secretary Root, President
Barredo of Peru; M. Barrlgos. foreign
minister of France, and Rothschild A Son,
as well as from the city of Buenos Ay res.
Meat and bread are scarce. Meat Is now
being distributed by the authorities. The
grocer shops that were not destroyed by
the earthquake are now nenrly out of stock.
Canned meats, sardines, condensed milk
and biscuits are much needed.
The weather Is somewhat cloudy. Sani
tary conditions are being established In
the encampments and 'most of the people
are light hurted though four or five earth
quake shocks' of moderate violence are ex
perienced dally. The Red Cross la caring
for thousands of Injured.
Appropriation by Government.
Some of the business houses here re
opened 'today for the first time since the
Telephone and telegraph communication
has been re-establiuhed, but the lines are
used almotst exclusively by the government
officials. The city I still under martial
law. Traffic ceased at i o'clock in the
evening and everybody is compelled to
take some part In the work of restoring
normal conditions. As a first Installment
the government has appropriated 14,000,000
for the relief of the destitute. The cus
toms house was reopened today and traffic
by water and by rail has been resumed.
The postal service also Is in operation.
One of the greatest difficulties encoun
tered by the authorities Is In the Inter
ment of the bodies recovered from the
ruins, as all the cemeteries were de
stroyed. At the varloue temporary
morgues hesps of coffins have accumulated.
awaiting the designation of their place of
Kpldemlo to Ba Avoided.
The work of recovering the bodies 1
being pushed to the utmost. In order to
avoid an epidemic, In fear of which many
families are leaving the city. Through
the whole length of Brstll avenue and all
over Victoria square large shed have
been constructed to shelter th homeless
from the severe rains.
Survivors of the earthquake say that
during the shocks it was Impossible to
stand erect without support.
A movement Is on foot to organise a
company to facilitate the raising of the
money necessary to reconstruct the city.
It Is proposed to advance the sums needed
without Interest for ths first six months.
The plan Is to construct th new build
ing of light materials and to lay out the
streets so that they will have a uniform
width of twenty meters.
All the provinces of the north and south
which have not suffered from the earth
quake are sending supplies of food and
money to the stricken cities and town.
Baatlago Helpa Saffererk.
The department of pubtld works at San
tiago has appropriated 1 100,000 for the con
struction of sheds to shelter the refugees
from Valparaiso and elsewhere, who con
tinue to arrive at the Chilean capital Id
large numbers.
The railroad line between Llmache and
Qullpue, in addition to suffering sevsrely
from the earth shocks of August IS, Is
threatened by several enormous crevices
newly formed In Its vicinity.
Valparaiso Is still without street lights, '
but oidur is maintained owing to the se
verity of the authorities, who shoot all
persons caught committing robberies.
Among the buildings which fell at ths
time of the earthquake are the Palace of
Justice and the Maritime prefecture.
Oa Raad Slightly Damaged.
LONDON, Aug. 21. The Chilean Trans
Andlne railroad hue received a cable dis
patch from Us manager at Los Andes, say.
Ing that ths damage to the road is not
serious and that traffic will be resumed la '
a few weeks as far as Juncal.
tory of Deaths.
LIMA, Peru. Aug. 22 Further details re
ceived here today from Valparaiso Show
that out of forty employes of the telephone
company thirty-eight were killed.
When the house of President-elect Moutt
collapsed his wife fell from the balcony
In the street, and bandits who were pass
ing cut off her ears and fingers to rob ber
of her Jewelry. She was taken In a dying
state on board the Chilean warship O'ilig
gins. Among tbe dead at Valparaiso 1 Far' jrltja