THE OMATIA DAILY BEEl THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1906. 5 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS IiitfatlTt and !lefretdam to : Be - Pit Befbr th Voter V , ORDINANCE f A8SED BY BODY-LAST NIGHT City Eaclarrr'i Mat et AppelatsneatB Aala .Held Ua Somtlay by . the Mak , the , i ' Oeaacrl, ROTES CB OMAHA SCCIETT. T'nder the Inspiration of a iwb br 1 J. Quinby, representing the Federation of improvement viuds, in council iwwiay tilg nt passed an ordinance ac editing article I of the referendum lew, which Mr. Qutnby . says mniM iu, qumuun in jjuv- una; J3 , imw in lorra m viiiii" which wilt be submitted et the November election. Only Councllmen Funk- fhouser and McQovern ' voted agadnst the ordinance although Davis and Brueker . were lined up with them In a preliminary skirmish over the adoption of a report from Elsasser recommending the miure. The document beare Mr. Elsasser's name. There, wu no debate on . the matter after Mr. Julnby told the council that W. J. ' Bryan and Abraham Lincoln favored the Initiative and referendum. An ordinance war Introduced amending the duties of the city veterinarian by re lieving him of the Inspection of meat and. foods, requiring htm to Inspect dairies and eow and advancing the salary from $100 to IU6 a month. Viaduct ' Matter ' Goea Over. Action -On" a resolution declaring the ne- 'ceealtjtpf a Viaduct on Arbor street, from Twenty-sixth- ,to Twenty-eighth, was de- ' f erred, owing to defects In the document And the, statement of Councilman Bedford and Bheidon that If any viaduct waa to be constructed It should be on Bancroft street Instead of Arbor. ' City Electrician Mlcbaeleon notified the council that the time had come when the . fees in his office mora than paid expenses, and the business required the services of a second Inspector at 11,000 a year. He said that without the second Inspector electric Institutions would have to go into service without offlcUj scrutiny and approval. Engineer's kelp Held Va. v In delaying action on a number of ap- . polntees for teamsters and laborers In the sewer department and C. C. Waldo as an Inspector of public works, the council drew S w.atament from City Engineer Hosewater that he, bad received an opinion from City Attorney B-jrnam to the effect that employes already In the service do not have to be reconfirmed, br' the mayor and council. In view of this opinion, and on the urging of ooundlmen; the engineer said, some em ployes had remained on duty. As former City Attorney Wright had held differently , from i Mr.. Burnam, s according to the en gineer, he preferred to take the safe course and have employes approved. Ho said, the teamsters were needed, . but the counctlmen refused to confirm the men without Inquiry Into their personalities. Bids received for paving . district 870, vrwenty-third street, from Leavenworth to Mason, were as follows: Hugh Murphy, a-phalt, 1.8; brick block. 1215. C. E. Fan ning, brick block,, 12.01.' Barber Asphalt i Paving company, asphalt, 11.68. Wesley, W. Benieh of the Myers-Dillon Drug company explained that . on the morning of the Diets fire he had rendered valuable aid to Engineer Falconer of the . fire department, who was cut by a bursting ? water gauge. In the process he lost an ' umbrella and .while he does not wish re imbursement for his services, he desires i' that the city replace the rain stick.. The municipality , has. no precedents to guide It ' in such a' case., hut the aoDeal was referred Tto a eomfctttee.t M I .1 -4. . Ladles- day at the Field club was pop ular today, when several large luncheons were given. Mrs, 3. D. Foster had twelve guests In honor of Mrs. Buckingham of Bait Lake City ' and Mrs. Cora Mott of Los Angeles, Cat., who Is a sister of Mr, Foster. Mrs. H. 3. Bun-el! entertained Mrs. Al bert Edhotm, Mrs. Howland, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Bllck, Mrs. R. C. Patterson, Mrs. Rich and Miss Burrell. With Miss Mary Bedwell were Mies Mar tha Cllne of Lincoln, Mies Ena Brach of Ha 'tings. Miss Zola Dellecker. Miss Faith Hoel and Mrs. Bedwell. Miss May Welch had Miss Blanche How land, Miss Fannie Howland; Miss Nell Carey of Chicago, Miss Grace Allison, Miss Henrietta Reeee and Miss Grace Conant. Mrs. E. P. Smith had covers laid for six. - Wedneeday, ladies' day at the Country club, brought out the ' following hostesses with their guests: Miss Florence Lewis entertained In honor of Miss Bernendlng of Dayton, O., who Is the guest of Mrs. A. V. Klnaler. At her table were: Miss Ada Klrkendall, Miss Mary Lee McShane, Miss Oertrude Moorehead, Miss Edna Keellne of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Bam Burns, Jr., Mrs. A. V. Kinsler, Miss Bernendlng and Miss Lewis. In honor of her guests. Misses Ruth and Edna Baker of Lincoln, Miss Adele Me Hugh had Miss Mabel Christie, Miss Edith Butler, Miss Mona Kloke, Miss Ruth Baker and Miss Edna Baker. Complimentary to Mrs. Herbert of New York, Miss Daley Doane entertained Mrs. Herbert, Mrs. H. T. Lemlst, Mrs. . Arthur Oulou, Mra E. H. Bprague, Mlse Cartta Curtis, Miss Stewart of CouncH Bluffs and Mrs. W. E. Martin. Mrs. W. H. Tates had twelve guests.' Mrs. Cora Mott of Los Angeles, Cel., is visiting her brother, Mr. J. D. Foster. Miss Mabel Christie and Miss Edith But ler gave an Informal dance In the Majestlo apartment house Monday.. About forty guests were present. Miss Alice Buchanan gave an Informal card party Tuesday morning at her home. Mr. Horace Gregory will give a dinner at the Country club Saturday evening for the Misses Baker, who are visiting Miss Adele McHugh. Mr. and -Mrs. W. F. Gurly have moved into their new home on St. Mary's avenue. i The friends of Mra F. J. Andrews will be pleased to hear that she has almost fully recovered from the effects of the stroke of paralysis by which she stricken several months ago. Mrs. Alexander MacKensie has returned from a month's visit to Colorado accom panied by her daughter, Mrs. F. ' E Wlnegar who will be her guest for several weeks. Mies Alice McCullough Is home from Denver, where she spent last week. Miss Arietta Dam man and Miss Darmar Hansen leave today for Tellowstone park,' Denver and Salt Lake City. Mrs C. F. Behman Is visiting in Louis ville, Ky., aa the guest of her mother, Mr. A. E. Miller is home after a de lightful vacation spent In southern Call fomla. Mrs. Reba Morgan and daughter Miss Mary and Dorothy Morgan are expected home from the country Sunday. Miss Meniam Patterson, who has been spending the summer at Lake Okobojl, Is expected home In another week. Mlsa Ella Mae Brown leaves today for Camp Harding, Colo, The Misses Edna Ruth. Baker of. Lincoln are the guests of Miss Adele McHugh. HEAT IS FATAL IN CHICAGO Mr an1 .M"- ?a" "ndln i .. ii lew weens in oaueys, i;oio. Three Karnes Added to- Death List f Miss Emily Myers of Dubti f -Ja me?, tif ,v -ft. T.d. mm of Hlarfc I v,n,l"' Tesaperatare. I -Miss Pauline Schenck and brother. Mr. Robert Evans Schenck have been spending this week at Lake Manawa guesta at Snug Harbor cottage, Miss Charlotte Du Bota and cousin. Miss Mabel ' Du Bols have gone east for two weeka Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Meallo and Mrs. O A T-T 1 1 rH mrA ann sTl-art va4 nnta am Giiwa ' I day last from a two weeks' outing in the 4 , V , " ' , , mountains, spending a part of their time tin nt ih. nr,nlI-.n tnr th ni Knpih. ! In Denver with Mr. A. CHICAGO, 'Aug. 22. Three more names were esdd. today to the death ro'll caused - by hea Ftom midnight till sunrise the i temperature remained stationary, at 75 de ., greefj With the oomlng up of the sun ' the mercury began gradually to rise. At - 10 o'clock the official thermometer regis tered 81 degrees. . x Western freight depot In Omaha by an error In the specifications, which made It neoessary to send out the plans a second time for figures. The local railroad officials . do not know 'when the contraots are to be let. The bids are sent to the office of a Chicago architect. . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ' . 3. Mlghlll of Lake City, la., la in Oiaaha. - County Judge Leslie has returned from m short trip to Chicago. ' Chief Clerk Kknyoa of the Murray hotel , haa suftlolnntly recovered from his recent iiineae to be aule to returo to duty. Mlse Florence Moore, deputy United Btatea district . court clerk nns returned from a vacation visit of several weeka , Mr, 8. a mills, deputy clerk In office of the UulteJ States circuit court, . has return od froiu a visit of several weeks la Celoralo , W. E. Brown of Santa Rosa, Cal.i Oeorge SL Zimmerman of Condon, A. R. Ensign of North Platte, Outvies Chadwlck and Jemea Borland of Rapid City are at the Murray. H. . McCauley ,of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, A. J. MoKelvey of Bt. Kl wards, Olal John on Chares Conk. J. K. Mathews of Yank ton and U. 3. utafferd of Volln, B. D,,' are , at the Millard. . United Btatee district Clerk R. C. lloyt ' haa gone te Beatrice for a brief visit, lit ' will oe accompanied on his return by his In other, Mrs.' W, O. Hoyr, sister of ex preatdent itroves Cleveland, who will spend ' the fall and winter In Omaha. John B. Powers of Worlend. Wyo.; W. W. Brown. J. T. Coe of Crelghton; Miss Manllok of Broken Bow: Dr. J. A. Inks, Mrs. J. Inks, Mies Edith Inks of Brelby; .Miss Max Vhllg of Holdrege and R. T. v Cooper of Loe Angeles are at the Pexton, Denver with Mr. A. O. Rlddock and family, formerly of Omaha; as well several days in Salt Lake City. Mrs. E. II. Bprague leaves today for Chicago to play for the Woman's Western Golf championship, held on the Exmoor Country club links next week. Mr. Edwin Heaford has been visiting at the family summer home on Madeline Island. From there accompanied by his parents, he went down the Bt. Lawrence river to Quebec through Lakes Champlaln and George, up the CatsklU to Niagara Falls and the Boo. Mr . Edwin Heaford ' re turned home Tuesday.. Mr. and Mrs Heaford will not return until later. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Citj Engineer Complete! the Tabulation of Eidi on th Sower Construction. INJUNCTION SUITS ALREADY THREATENED Mad Creek aad Jetter Creek Se-wars, radar Preacat Bids, Will Afcaarh Practically All of Meaer la awr Fvad. ' Business propositions advertised In The Bee go Into the homes of the best people. PURSE, BUT NOT THE COIN Woraaa Leaves Valaablee . la Depot aad Flads Money Geae am Her Retara. Mrs. J. F. Smith of Ogden, Utah, while watting between trains at the Webster street station on a Journey to New Oxford, Pa., left her pocketbook In the toilet room and did not discover the loas until After a short time. When she returned to look for it the purse was gone. Later It was found on the, floor, but tlM had been re moved. A return ticket from New Ox ford to Ogden was unmolested. The mat- fter was reported to the police. Thai Package WakzsI2Ibund$ 1 pound a . whrf yea set out ot Jfit Story of peckkM of PulaVury's Beat Breakia t-ood- 0. 4 Yoo know TIIXSBURY" stands tor the "BST" la wheat loooa, VITOS.ataceto DceotaTbe seats asMMBd ci the ardiaaiv Eaiy-to esnre foods at tea ceatt a Decease would coal To about $1 J2. Tost sieani a Matinr at 91.1 aa every packase ol Pillsbary s Vitoa yoa aas. Pills. bury VitoeeaoUuMtwehillpovnck of the "white kesrt of tU wheat Whoa simply and ouiokly prepared ft Bakes 12 poeads et the atast eVhewea food. The ortkovy cookacl food, lOeeatia uAm Mnaltw HUWM Juad TL I I if, " ciepoaad. if pouock would ceel mji. a m only a Butter el aapk anthoMbe to pioes the .reel ecaaem o I t "V X. III III The city engineer completed the tabula tion of bids for the eewer contracts yester day and struck off blue prints for the same ready for the council meeting, which Is to be held tonight . According to the tabulation the National Construction com pany, represented by George Parks, wilt be awarded the greater portion of the con tracts. His bid on the Mud creek sewer amounted to 1166. 179. and on the Jetter creek aewer t46,t06.94, therefore his con tracts will amount to mZ.flRS.S.1 If this amount la paid It will leave 137,911.17 In the fund. According to the original appropria tion Incorporated In the election proclama tion, the amount available for the Mud creek sewer waa not to exceed 1141,000, and the present contracts would represents an Increase of over 121,000 -for the work. With the proposed modifications of the plans of construction it Is the Intention to use op the funds available as far aa they will go atid depend on the future for a so lution of the problem, , which, naturally hinges on an act of the legislature providing the authority to the city to Issue more bonds' and a subsequent Issue to cover the deficit According to the present ' senti ment so far as expressed, there Is con siderable doubt as to the popularity of another Issue, The serious question also arises, "Is It possible legally to make a contract involv ing the sum of 1300,000 while there Is but 1241,000 available?" It Is with this question that the city engineer and the parties In terested In the-enterprise have been strug gling for the last few weeks. There can be little doubt that the first move toward the construction of the sewers will be met with ' a determined opposition and injunc tions. The legal questions will have to be threshed out, no doubt, before the actual work 'can be done. It is positively asserted by some that an. Injunction club, or some such company of men, is already preparing to act directly on the first move of the council. The number of men In the com pany Is variously stated from twelve to seventy. It may be that this opposition will be mollified before there Is any - active measure inaugurated. 1 Charged with Bteallaa; Flae Dog. August Hellman waa arrested on sus picion yeeterday afternoon. It is stated that ths immediate charge against him Is the theft of a fine Scotch collie dog be. longing to M. B. Stoner of Omaha. Mr. Btoner Is a street Car conductor on the Benson line and his home is at 1207 North Twenty-seventh street. His floe collies are his particular pride and are known to a greater part of the dog lovers of the city. Yesterday he missed one of his best ani mals. He sot out in hot pursuit of the dog thief. On the way he enlisted the services of his motorman. W. C. Blake. They soon got a good clue because all the carmen knew the dogs and It waa found that some of them had seen the animal on the way to South Omaha. The arrest of Hellman followed. He claims to have a ranch near Red Oak. la.,. where he breeds blooded dogs', hogs and cattle. By i he use of' his advertisement he haa been in the habit of prevailing on parties In the tast to ship him their blooded stock. On receiving the consignment , bfrfeells .the same, but It Is stated, that "Afterward he falls to settle with the oroglnal owners. It Is alleged that he hsa no ranch at Red Oak. It Is likely that the charge of using the malia to defraud will be filed against htm. Maarte City Gossip. ' Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all pans or me city, leiepnone xmo. b. John Cuikm is about to build a new residence at Twenty-second and G streets, A neat, new, wall, and a cement sidewalk Is being built about the grounds of the Lincoln school. Frank Tvrdlck Is making extensive re pairs ui nis resiaence at ai Boutn Twenty second street. . ' . Mra Dore. a patient "of Dr. KouUky. underwent a euocesaful. operation at the boutn umana hospital. George Parks and wife will celebrate the twentieth anniversary , of their marriage. weanesaay. August a. Fred L. Scott, who haa been suffering for several days from an attack of qulnsey. is reporiea to oe improvea. Armour & Co. have taken out a permit tor me use oi a portion oi w eireet ready lor ma reconstruction oi tne oieo pianti John McCann waa fined 110 and costs for assault and battery on tne person of Anthony McGlnty, which look .place Aug ust ii. The American Peat and Artificial Fuel company has begun the erection of Us manufacturing plant north of the L street viaduct , The claim agent of the Manawa Amuse, meat company was In South Omaha yester. day paying up the claims of parties injured in tne piauorm aisaater. An expert chemist has arrived to estab lish a chemical department In the Bureau of Animal industry at this point In ac cordance with the new inspection laws. Joe Bodonka was arraigned before the police court on a charge ot beating his wife. On motion of the attorneys the man waa dismissed after agreeing to pay the court costs. Oeorge Dtga, a Polish laborer, who was Injured In a fight at one of the packing houses, had an operation performed Oa his head yeeterday forenoon, with the re. moval of a piece of bone his recovery is tnougnt to oe assurea. Mrs. Harry Dennis entertained a number of friends Moiulay evening In honor of Mist Grace Smith of Chicago. Today a number of friends of Miss Smith, in the I street neighborhoods. Intend giving a dinner In her honor at the Houth Omaha Country Club. Miss Young, Mtaa Dennis and Miss Rowley give a luncheon for Mlse Smith and Mrs. Button Thursday afternoon. Mlsa Cora Holmes and Miss Cora Lavertv returned yesterday morning from their summer abroad. They seera to have enjoyed every moment of the time of their voyage and travela Mlsa Holmes, among otner uunga, nrougni nome a Beautiful Parisian doll as a rresent to htr llnu neighbor. Marguerite Smith. It Is a lovely piece oi wuranmjiainp anu nas real nair and laanea. Council Bluffs police reported to the South Omaha department that they had succeeded in capturing Thomas Kobluson, who Is wanted here for the theft of a suit case belonging to Luther Tapp, Twenty-sixth and N streets. Tapp waa a lodgne at the place known as the House of All Nations, and while there was robbed of his suit case containing a full suit of clothing and shoes. Suspicion at once fell en Robinson and the police were notified. Robinson Is said to be willing to return to South Omaha without requisition papers. The larceny waa committed Monday even ing. Civil Service Caaaeas. The United States Civil Service com. mission announces th,ese examinations ta fill existing vacancies: September 14 For the position of as sistant examiner In the patent office. En trance salary. 11 JOO per annum. As the number of ellgiblea for thla position has always been Insufficient to meet the needs of the service, qualified persons are urged to enter this examination. Persons who enter thla examination end fall to pass may, upon Cling new applications In due time, enter the examination to be held October 17-11, ISO. Age limit, fcO years or over. September 11-11 For the positions of aid In the coast and geodcttc survey, at 1730 per annum. Age limit, 11 to 21 years. September 1 For the position ef econo mic botanist and rryeolngist in the bureau of science at Manila, P. I., at 11,400 per annum. Age limit, SO to 40 years. September 11 For the position of assist ant photographer (male), at 9t80 per' annum, in toe geological survey. Age limit. II te 26 yeara September le-For the position of plate printer la the bureau oi engravinc and printing. Salary bet stated.. Age limit i years or over. October 1 "or the position of construct ing engineer. In the reclamation service of the geulogioal sorvey, at U6i to l&O per montn. Ihe great majority of these posi tions are for Held service ra the western part of the United Staiee and In places re mote irom cittee ana orainary iinee ot transportation. Age limit, 1ft to 46 yeara CENTENNIAL 0F PIKE'S PEAK Historic Eveat ta Be Ftttlacly Oh- served fcy Colorado fee Progeausa. Colorado la trying to make the' Pike's Peak centennial the biggest memorial event ever held In the state. If not In the west It la now only a few montha short of UO years since the gallant young explorer, Sebuldn Pike, first laid eyes on the tower ing mountain that haa added so much to the fame of Colorado. . . Not ungrateful for ,the discovery of tier magnificent snow-crowned mountain, Colo rado Is going to pay fitting tribute to the daring explorer, and will .devote the week of September 21 to 20 to a remarkable clvio and military celebration. ' It will mark also a century of progress, for some featurea of the display will show what baa been accom plished in the golden west since Pike first forced his way through an unknown coun try. ; i , Pike never reached the summit of the peak. He saw Jt only from a- neighboring height and did not heetitate to make the prediction that "BO human being will ever reach Its summit. , t. If ' Pike could .return en anniversary day he would find a marvel being accomplished. Not only will nundreds of persons make the ascent on foot and by train, but also in automobiles, a form at locomotion that had not even been dreamed of in his day. The automobile, form of the celebration will be an endurance run of twelve hours to a height of three miles. The plan of a celebration was conceived ten years agowhen the monument associa tion waa formed. The ninetieth anniversary was ' signalised by a banquet at which plans' were laid for the big' event ofthls year. ' ;' r President Roosevelt, deeply Interested In all that pertains, to the pioneer of the west,' Is expected to- be present but, even should , he fall, the United' States govern ment will not lack representation. Secretary Taft bearing In mind that Pike waa In the United Btatea arnty when he discovered the peak, haa promised to send 10,000 soldiers. These Will hold maneuvers. Including a sham battle, and It will be the first occasion when all three brunches of the army Infantry, artillery and cavalry have been maneuvered together. Nor haa It ever happened before that maneuvers have been held In the mountains. The program is arranged as aa allegorical history of the past 100 years in Colorado. The name "Pike Peak" waa never offi cially sanctioned by the government, but was Informally, adopted after the early set tlers had refused to designate the moun tain as James Peak, the title first con ferred by the War department. The early maps never alluded to the sentinel of the Rockies as Pike's Peak, and It was not un til years after that the government finally followed the lead of the trappers and ac cepted Pike's Peak. . , , . . . Pike waa a lieutenant (of 26" years when he was chosen to head two exploring expe ditions, the. first .'to discover the head waters of - the Mississippi, and the second to report on the territory of Louisiana, which the United States government at the time contemplated buying from Bpaln. His first trip successfully -accomplished. in July, 1806, he set out from Bt Louis on the tperilous' Jpurnef. ""which 'ended In his capture by the Bpaniafds.- bat perpetuated his name and fame. ln ' - - Pike nil exne'ctM b ' allV the Indian tribes encounteiWlrn .the Unit ei States government to avoid International compli cations with the British and,. French trad ers In the' north and to avert any clash with the Spaniards In the south. He waa to make maps of the country, report on Its fauna and flora and topography and report to his government the desirability of buy ing the vast territory of Louisiana, Pike waa the son of General Zobulon Pike of revolutionary, fame, and entered his father's regiment as a cadet at the age of IB years. He waa rapidly promoted for meritorious and distinguished service and was but 84 years of age when, as a briga dier general, he commanded the forces that attacked York, Canada, April V, 181S. . The explosion of a powder magaslno mor tally wounded the young commander, who died as the cheers of his soldiers told of a victory The captured flag of the British was placed under his head ta ease his dying agony. . ' 7 ' . SWIMMERS MUST WEAR SUITS Bathers at Cat-OS Will Bo Compelled by Sheriff to Vso Clothes. ' . . Bathing suits must be worn by swimmers In Cut-Off lake, according to the ultimatum given out by the sheriff's office Wednes day. This Is the1 result of numerous com plaints from people who have been boating and camping on - the lake. Members of the Rod and Gun olub are among the oonv plalnants. County' Attorney Slabaugh has declared he would prosecute the cases if names and evidence are procured. "The swimmers might as well understand they must wear bathing suits," said Deputy Sheriff Steers Wedneeday. "We are going to swoop down on them and make some arrests some of these evenings." CURRY HAS.JTHIRD SESSION Maa Twice Arrestee, for Asaaalt ta Charged wtth, Violating Coart . t lajaaetloa. Joan Curry, the union printer, who has already been arrested twice on charges of assaulting nonunion men In violation of the court injunction has another session coming with Judge Kennedy. A new at tachment under the same charge haa bnen issued and the sheriff Is directed to bring him Into court He Is acoused of molesting nonunion printers, August J4. 91S.OO ta New Tark Ctty aad Retara. plus 12.09, from Chicago, on August a and 2, via the Nickel Plate road, with return limit of Septwnber . 4, leaving New York City. -Three tralna daily, with modern equipment Individual club meal ranging In price from X centa to tLOO; also, a la carta and midday luncheon, to cents, served In Nickel Plate dining cars. Call on or address John Y. Calahan. general agent. No. 107 Adams street Chicago. GIANT DOSES FOR A GIANT tory of a Raral Doctor, His Correct Dlagaosls aad tee ahaoejr'eBt Treataarat. "Generally speaking," said the old circus man. "the great giant was as well a man as I ever knew, and he enjoyed his good health e-mensely, , ... "Put like the wellest of well men, he did occasionally have his . off day. It was carious fact though, thkt he waa never I sick on the road. Whether It was the j constant excitement or what that' kept him keyed up in shape. I don't know, but In all the years he waa with ua there never waa a day when the great giant failed to show aa advertised. It was when we oot est the read, la our wtatar e,uat 0. Safe-Guarding An Advertising Investment You will grant that art investment in advertising, should be safe-guarded in every possible way its security as tare- : fully scrutinized as that of any other investment you make. BUT strange to relate, when i it comes to advertising, the average business man often accepts the mere judg-V ment" or "opinion", of some ad vertising man whom he becomes convinced is more or less "ex pert at the game." We do not ask the business man to accept alone the ripe judg . ment developed by our 34 years experience and the largest busi ness of its kind in the world. No Sir a tangible, definite basis underlies the advertising invest ment we ask the business man to. make. We want you to know what we do. to eliminate the waste in ad vertising due to the use of wrong copy and wrong mediums. We want an opportunity to ex plain to you in person our tan gible basis for advertising, L e., the Lord & Thomas Record of Results, the ONLY practical SAFE-GUARD FOR AN 5 AD VERTISING INVESTMENT, ! e ' We want to tell you how wo can infuse some of the Western Spirit Initiative, Energy, Ag gressiveness, backed by fact into YOUR advertising. We want to tell you how our unique position in the advertis ing world has brought ua the $5,000, $10,000. $20,000-a-year brains of the business to focus on your problems your entire, business. One otNrar representatives Is in your city every few days looking after the interests of some of our present clients. That Is why we are advertising in this news paper to you NOW. : A letter addressed to us, signify-' ing that you will grant us an in terview tn your office,, will not obligate you in any way. ' r - Wa art issuing a series of imall books (dotb bound) covering advertising in all its phases, which wo saiwf fret to interested advertiser. LORD 8s. Thomas CHICAGO NgWSPAJPEK. . MAOA7TNE - OTJTDOOR ADVERTISING Largest Advertxsxno Agency America MtOOOrOOUOO NEW 'YORK ters, where, he had nothing to do, that he would have these occasional little turns. "What I really set out to tell you about waa a f unnV, queer sort of a thing that did happen once when the giant really got sick when we were In winter quarters. "He waa good and sick this time, and, of course, the minute we realised thla fact we hustled for a doctor on the lump. And we had to get a doctor from town. Our own doctor, who traveled with the show and lived with' it,' - happened Just then to be away. attending to some personal matters. We got, of course, the star man there. and he came and - looked the giant over, going at It like a man who knew just what he was about, and then he Wrote ta prescription for him, which we got filled by our swiftest rider, snd so we began doctoring the giant, with that physician coming three times a day to look him over. "He seemed a wise man, sure enough, who knew just what he was doing, but the giant didn't Improve; ' tn fact, he got sicker, and then the old man telegraphed to the show's doctor to come and look alter the giant. " Why,' aald our own doctor, as soon aa he arrived, 1 can't go in and push the doctor that you've called right off ' the map. ToU might want him to call again any time, and It wouldn't do, anyway. Tou must observe the proprletiee. Tou muet get him to call me In consultation.' ; "The old man didn't fancy that much. but he did It, and the town doctor callnoN our doctor In. I don't think the town doc tor fancied this very much himself, but he did, and in about a minute our doe- tor gave him a jolt that must have made him change his opinion of circus doctors. "He listened with all due dignity and de corum, and even with a touch of defer ence, our doctor did,' to what the man from town bad prescribed, and then our doctor asked to see the prescription, and when he had scanend thla: " 'Doctor,' he said, gravely and politely, and he could be very grave and polite, 'doctor,' ho said, yonr dlagonsla of the ease, If ytm will permit me to say so, does credit to our profession, and the remedies you have prescribed are precisely those that I should have prescribed myself, but I think that you have perhaps overlooked one feature of the ease, and that is the patient's dimensions. - The quantities called for In your prescription are such as would be administered to a man -ot nor mal size, but this man Is approximately three times that sixe. I think lf you would multiply .the quantities In your pre scription by three you would find the pa tient readily responding to , your t treat ment.' , , "I could see the great gtant'a knees wrig gling under his blanket he enjoyed It all betU than the town doctor did, but the doctor prescribed on the spot In accord ance with the consulting physician's sug gestionthe two doctors became friends, as a matter of fact, after that and in three days the giant waa around again, as well as ever." Pittsburg Poet. Balldlaar Permits. The city has Issued the following build ing permits: A. A. Beranek, S2.40O frame dwelling at Sixteenth and Center: T. H. Lane, A, 000 frame dwelling at Parker and Military avenue; R. ' H. leuidsryoa, fsMOt frame dwelling at Twenty-eighth and Kug gles. .. .-. .. When you have anytblng ta treds a vertiss It la ths '"Tor, Exchange" columa of Ths Bee want ad pag , LOCAL BREVITIES. Henry' O. Meyer returnee Moo day from Chicago, where he spent three weeks oa legal business In the federal courts. The Oreat Bras d'Or Mining company Incorporated Wednesday by filing artiolee with the eounty dark. Ths- car!au stock B. I. Poster vice . president and C. V. Kedington secretary-treasurer. Pivs applicants for positions ' "to ths United States civil service were examined at the federal building Wednesday morn ing. Two of them were for the positions of tracers In tbs geolosioal aurvey and three for Positions in . ths Panama Canal commission service. Alnsworth, Black aV OllL a new commis sion firm, has (lied articles of incorpora tion with the county clerk. .The corpora tion la authorised to sell all kinds of con tractors' material and store furnishings on a commission basis. The -capital stock Is riS.OOO. Harry T. Black, hXigene O. Oill and H. W. Alnsworth are the Incorpora tors : . . Ths Diets Athletic association thst haa been conducting a ball park and team at Thirtieth and Spaulding streets has In corporated, the articles beingfiled Wednes day with the county clerk. ' Ths association Is authorised to maintain a olub house and grounds for the promotion of all klnda of athletlo ports. The capital stock Is 12,009, divided into shares of 110 each. C. B. Mo Donald la president, E. J. Hart vloe prosl- aent, Frana Harrison secretary, A. Ander son treasurer and Oall H. Johnson, B. Tracy, J. J. McMahon, W. H. Ptatuer and R. E. Cornwall directors. .'" 1 xSFWa 1 mmmflFi IMM IMA ficXt plecsartlyf Acts BerveiciaTlyi tsr irvily as a. Lajcaiiv. Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy, because its component . parts are simple and wholesome - and. because it acts without disturbing the natural functions, as it is wholly free from erery objectionable quality or substance. In J the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medici nal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most bene ficially. To get its beneficial effects buy ' he genuine rr. an ufactured by the YRW Swv frncUco,Cal. ( York.ftX 6- rar sale ky an leadlag SrarcWU, la erigiaal Bsckaget eoJy, ksailqr the Ml aaaat M the Company. PFwesv