Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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i :
- . v-. .
W per"acre for 113 acrci adjoining town of
Irvlngton, with "-room houre. barn.oorn
. crlh, hog house and Jill necessary, out
building, orchard, . .Jwd,, ..'welle, , (had
tree, te This It a apectel low prlc
"for quick ale;.. .""'
$ pee aer for 1' aeresr .unimproved,-24
mile vast of Cnihoon! about V) acres In
corn, 30 In bar and 16 In pastured Very
'reasonable term-.-; svm consider . good
or (-room cotts.e in Omaha aa part pay.
f orient.- ' . . .:.. -OEOROE
A CO., 1801 FARNAM.
' . " ItAILROAtVCO. , .
la closing' 'out Kb land In western Ne
braska, Colorado,, and Wyoming.
". From 11.00 to per -acre.
Take advantage of th low price and eaay
term offered, the opportunity will aoon
ba tone1,-' '.. ; "
B peel Hi excursion ratea to the lands. '
Tor further information apply to
311 South 15th Bt.,'bmaha, Neb.
Y '..'." ' - - - H-M MO 26
i'.i Mi .tc,.-1 , 1
.Western. KaAsta ..Wheat Lands
10,000 acrea of fin hral Itudi, t.oo t
tlSOO par acre. Special excursion every
Tuesday. -Write -for particular. Oloba
Ind artif Investment C, Omaha. .Neb..
' and STonx Cl", la- ' Hi-M42t PH
"WANTBIV-Tot-borrow 1500 or l,X,home
' money o ,aniple, well rented renldence
. property a Ktiulh. Omaha, at 7 per .cent.
'. Addreea-W-7, Bee,, - , V S47
Oh first mortgage real estate; will pay t
per rent- for 6-year optional loan of
tSA.000 H 6, 0(19 acres, or 16 per arru;
clear, lavel Canadian land, near railroad,
J 5i miles from Winnipeg. A gilt edge
. loan. TW you want- lit N. D. Anthony,
Ruthvefr, la. 1 V M85 23x
JOHNSON Institute, 411 N. T. I TeU
Doua-. U04.
DR. W. N. BOWSER, over 1500 Farnam.
Tel, t70. " 13.66 828
' Tha following' proposed amendment to
- tha consUtutlua of the Slate of Nebraaka,
fi-aa hereinafter set forth In full. Is sub-
mltted to the electors of the State of Ne
braska, to be voted' upon at tha general
election to ba held Tuesday, November ,
- A. U, 1906
Bo it en Ac ted by the Legislature -of tha
BtaU 01 Nebraaka:
Section 1. That -at the general election
for .state and legislative oflicera to be held
oo thai Tueaday .aucceedlng the first Man
lay In November, 19U6, the following pro-
vision be propoaed and aubmltted to the
eJeciurt of the state as an amendment to
the constitution. ' :
- Becttoa 1. -There shall ba a State Railway
t-00mmialon, consisting- of 'three members,
who shall be drat elected" at. the general
eleation- In 1M6, whose terms of office, ex--cept
those chosen st the first election under
'this provision, ahsll be six years, and whose
compensation shall be fixed by tha legtsla
. jtare.
Of "the' three -oommtaalbners first elected,
tha one receiving, the highest number of
votes shall hold his office for six years,
the next highest four years and tha lowest
. t two wra. Tha powera and dutiea ef uch
coinnilsxlon alia II Inelude the regulation
-of. rates, service and general control of
- conunon carriers aa the lesialature may
provide -by law. But In the absence of
apeclflo legislation, tha commission-shall
.. t' exercise the powers and perform tha dutiea
enumerated lu this provision. -'
Section I. That at said eleation In the
.. year 1MM, on the ballot of each elector vot-
ing thereat there shall be printed or writ-..-ten
th words: "For Constitution Amend
ment, with reference to . Slate Railway
--Commission", -and "Against . Constitutional
AirwoaiMnt, -with raferenca to State Jtall
way aomnilseloii.v -And If a majority of
. all votes caat at aald electipn anall be for
such amendment, Ihe aama shall ba deemed
to be adopted. .
I. A. Oalusha. secretary, of the State ot
Nebraska, do hereby certify that tha fore
going proposed amendme'nt to tha constitu
tion off the State of .Nebraska la a true and
' .correct copy of the original enrolled and
ena-rossed bill, aa paased by the Twenty
j. ninth session of the legislature of the State
of Nebraska, aa appears from aald original
bill on file In this office, and that aald pro-
Suaod amendment la aubmltted to the quail
ed votera of the State of Nebraska . for
their adoption 'or rejection at the general
election to be held on Tuesday, tha tth day
- of November. A. D.. 1906.
In .testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the great seal ot
trie Mtare ot Nebraska.
Done at- Lincoln this Nth day of July.
In the year of our Lei a One Thousand Nine
Hundred and Six., of the Independence, cf
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-second, ana ot the state me
Fortieth - A. OALUSHA,
(Seal.K Secretary of State.
master.' Cheyenne, Wyoming, August Hi,
settled proposals, In triplicate, will be
received at mis omce unin u:av a. m.
September . Mud, at which time they will
be ooened In Dubllc. for furnishing all may
tealal'.aodo labor required and laying ap
proximately ,666 square feet Of concrete
sidewalk ahd. ltio square feet ot atone road
croealpga at Tort 13. A. Ruaaell, Wyoming,
In accordance with plana and specifications
on nip at, tna aoove namea omce. uiana
forma of proboaala' and full' Information
furnished on application. . The right la re
served to reject any .and all bids or part
of bids. Envelnpea containing proposals
should bo endorsed,. ."Propoaala for Con
crete Walka and Stone Croaaince, and ad
dressed V. K. Hart. Quartermaster. U. S.
Army, In charge of. construction, Cheyenne,
W yomiryr. Ai-a-o-r(-Bi-i,
- Otlca. Omaha, Nebraaka, Auguat 20, l$0t.
Beaiad proposals,' 'IA ' triplicate, subject to
the usual conditions, will ba received hero
' until ie o dock a, m.. . central standard
time; September 10, 1906, tor furnishing and
Installing fixtures, transformer, service
: wire and water meter for electric lighting
Soat exohange. and gymnasium, at Fort
rmaha, Nebraaka- Full. Information fur
nfahed oa application to thla office where
UUUH - VIM. wvum.viwiw IM-J mwut
ProDoaala to ba marked "Propoaala for -In
stalling a Water System," and addressed
to Major M. ORAT KAUN8KI, Construct-
tng Quartormaater, Army Building, Omaha,
Zebras as. - Aw-u-o-asi-i.
Office. Fort Crooks Nebraaka, Auguat 10,
llua. seaiea propoaaja, in triplicate, aub
Ject- to tha usual conaittona, will be re
ceived hare' until 10' o'clock a. m.. central
standard time. Auguat 26, UOO, for making
repair o swimming pool ang aeceaaories
. thereto, at thla puat. Full Information will
be furnished and drawings and specifica
tions may ba aeen at thla otfioe. 'Proposals
to bo- marked "Propoaala for repairs to
swimming pool" and addreaaed to Captain
R. R. Stogsdall, Quartartnaster, Xuh . In
fantry. Constructing vjuartermaater.
Urary thtnf yo have) .
t teolt U wantc4 fcy
: 1 ocootoodr If prlca a4
; , cjuajlty ar rUkt A ', r
Bee Vul id wffl v
'a. ,
.'j '4 -
. v' - .. . Office, Id t'earl
Tire of tho Ai'ooittioDl Ilect Cffioen for
the Eniuin Year.
Dea Molaea la Decided oa aa the Plare
for HoldlaaT tha leaalona Keat
Year .Too Hot lor Mach
.- - Work., : vi-.-v.
. .. ... '' . "'' . ' ' . ! several 'meetings. The supervisors held two
... ' particularly .Interesting sessions, at which
The Stale Association of County Treaa- a number of Important subjects were dls
orers. County Supervisors .and Clerks , ef I cased. The clerka contented themselves
tne District Court elected Offlcers for the wltn holding a .forenoon session and dovot
ensulng year at yesterday session. The the balance of tha dav to. oleasure and
, -- -
audltora and rcord-rB win elet, Uhilr ot-
fleers this morning. -
The. new officers' of the State Association
of County Supervisors are F. T. Morris of
Polk county, who - was -re-elected-president;"
vice president, J. C. Manley of Poweshiek; j
secretary. J. H. Taggarl of Page; treas-, .
brer. Oodfrey Durst of Woodbury.
H. V.,J3attey of Council Bluffs -was hon-
ored by being elected president of the State
Association of Clerks of the District Court.
The other officers are: Vice presidents, C.
B. Clovnr. of Atlantic, O.- O. Rc'lntger of
Orange City and W. C Dowel of Algona;
secretary, C. W. Hoyr,,Ida Orove; treas
urer, 11. O. Barnes, Red Oak; executive I
committee, besides the nrenldent n1 mt-
tary. J. W. Way, Winters B..F, Coffin,
Moines; James -Bishop, Manchester,
Legislative committee; J. M.' White,; Marcn-
go; C. M. Soper, Nevada i. John I. Mullany,
Dubuque; B. F. Coffin. Dea Moines; Charles
Benesh, Toledo W. G. Dewel, Algona, with
the president and secretary ex-offlclo mem
The Association of . County Treasurers
elected, these offlcera: Proaident, Qeorge
. The . Only. Perfect .
409 Broad war.
I haul dead animate, 11.00 per head.
Garbage, aahea, manure and all rub-'
blah; clean vaults and ce a poo la. All
work done la guaranteed.
Calls promptly attended to
' 'Phone. Red 1871 .-
Vaioa PBclBo. 1 ' r'- . ';
', . -. -. ... ' Leatra. Arrhra.
Overland LlmltaC ......a am a prs
The China ana Japan .-
Fast Mall ......... .va 4:16 pm a 6:10 pm
Colo. It Calif. Ex.. i... a :15pm a 1:10 am
California A Ore. Ex. .a 4:26 pm a 1:10 pm
Lob- Angelea Limited. ...alltlO am al0:4o pm
Faat Mall , pin a M pm
Colorado Special ...a 7:46-am a 7:44 are
North Platte Local a 10 am a 4 60 pm
Beatrice Local .b 1:15 pm b t.Ot pra
Cklcaao, ituok lilaae , raelflo.
eax. i
L. . , ' Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Li Baited .......a I2S am a 7:10 am
Iowa ic-l ., a7:0eam a 4:0 pin
Chicago , Mad ............ a :1 am 10:10 pm
Iowa Local ......b:t pm ' t t:K pat
Chlcaso (Eastern Exp..'a 4:( pm"a 1:46 pm
Chicago (Iowa Limited) a : pro alt: W Dm
WEST. ; '
Rocky MouoUln Llm..a l.X am l:tt am
f,nlM A. O I IT A. A.. . . - '
xr . - w.n pm a:oe pm
Okl. aV Texaa Kx. ...-.,.. 4:4 pm' all (4 ptn
Colorado Faat Mall ,...al0:10 bra" a 1:36 am
' a dally, b dally-except Sunda. ' .
.Chlua,o. Cieat. WeatoeavV.' ,.
St. Paul Minneapolis. 1:80 pm ,' 7:1 am
Bt. Paul .A MlnoeapoU. .7:45 am U:W pra
Chicago Limited ....... iAO pm 1:00 am
Chicago Express 7:45 am 11:50 pm
Chics go Exures ,v.i.., 1:30 pm :3j pm
St.' Louis Expreaa.....n :0 pis . 1:40 aia
bt. - Louts Local (from j
Council Bluffs) a :U am 10:M pm
Sianberry Local (from ' , t - ...
, Council tUtutaJ , b 110 pm . bUo am
Ckkeaao. UJaVee Jt u PaaL .
Chi. Colo. Special. .. ,a 7-4 am a 7 JO am
California Ore. Ex... a t:4e piu a pm
Overland Limited .a 1:1 pm -a :j0 aia
Marlon Cedar It. Loo.b :4i am bU :00 put
sitaaowri PaciJta.
St. Louts Sxprea a 9:00 am a t JO pm
U C. A 8U L. KAreea,.aUU pro a (:tw pia
Cleao A. Hortkweetora.
Cedar Rapids Paaa....a 7";o4 am a 6:06 pm
a win uinvH . f:svam -aio:w
1 pm
Cbloago Dayliaat.
Chlcaeo Local ....
aMoux City Local .
Carroll Local
Sioux City Local
Chicago Expreaa .,
a :UU am aii:l uin
all. jo am a :46 pm
b J.oO pin a am
a 4:ia pm a 9u0 pm
s 0 1:46 pin
a 6:60 pm a 7:30 am
A. ...a t:M Din. a t:M am
saat Mail
Fast Mail a t vO pin
Twin City Limited ....a 1:2 pin a J:o6 am
Overland Limited ......a t;M pm a 1:16 am
Chlcaao Limited
, .all :ou pm all: 16 am
..a i:40 am aiU:J6 am
Lincoln-Long i'lna
Dead wood-Lincoln
Fremont-Albion ..'.
..b 7:40 am em
..a l:oiXpia a 6 06 pm
..a 1'OiTpin a &:C6 pm
..b l:0u pin b 6:u6 pm
..b:wpm blA pm
' a Daily; b Dally except Sunday
llllaoia Ceatrai.
Chicago Expreaa ,...a 1:00 id, a 1:61 pm
Chicago Lluilud ........a :uu pm a J.W aia
WUMTak DarolVi. es VETk.ll.
Chloaca, : FaaA, Mlaasasall
( . Lea r a. ', Arrive.
Twin City Paaaenger.b .M am b 14 pa
Sioux City Paaeiiger...a l:vu pin all: a.o
Emeraon Local k....w....b .ai pm b l.ia sia
Kmarsoo Local .. .......a k: am 4-w pia
MAaaoasl FaalSo.
Nebraaka Local, via-.
Weepuig: Water ........ tM pm bll:M pm
Denver California.... a 10 pm
f to pm
ptatu tiuia .a 4 ID pro a I N im
a a
tortbsreat Kxprea .'....aH:W via a Im did
corn an a Exprea a l.wam. a 1.4ii put
ngi.M. uwm, ....... wtvm aoa
.lucola Local
a l:va am
aU-iw pm
inroln Faat Mall......B l:ub Din
ft. Crook Pialtam h..b I.m put U.e am
BetMtu U l'ltllUU i..! lill in, . m. m. - . ...
Kenvar Ltintttd ;.i..b,.i j-Jj
tnevu Pau Jub4jS 1J0 ia' 4 am
iieilevue 4k Pae. JuiM..-a 1:u)hi a l.os pm
, 11 u Kywam ,... SOI- S 1 : M
tx i ...... .m pna tun
Kaaaaa Cky-dt. Jo....aW.6 pm a l a am
Kanaae Clty-Sl. Jo.r.a f It ain a 6.1 out
ww. uif-im in,,,,., l a ru ...........
. a. Pulji'- 'DaHy ex cepV Sunday." 4 foal'ly
excaot Saturday. Huuday ouiy. itmul
axcepl Monday.
i.iuaM ....m a.t pasi a B-be du
Chlcaae Fler a I u4 ioi a I - 1 "
wa Local. a am alO.U pm
t. Tel. 13. .
I Kctlogg, Audubon; vice president. Colonel
Halgrtms. Humboldt; secretary. F. D. Carl
ton. Dickinson; Vaaurer, V, "t, Lundy,
Da Motaea Seat Year.
The supervisor selected Dea Molnea as
the place of meeting next year, as did the
treasurers and clerks of the district court.
It Is expected Des Moines will he the choice
of the auditors and recorders and that the
five aseorlatlona will meet at the sam
time. .
;The attendance at yesterday's aeeKlon was
somewhat larger than on Tuesday and con
siderable Interest was manifested In the
varlons papers and toplra dlscusaed at the
II1B. Ine nnianre or ine aay to pleasure
,i,ht seeing. The treasurers, auditors
recorder held two sessions eech. but
.afternoon meetings wer ahnrt aa the
visitors found Lake Manawa and the ball
game In Omaha too attractive .
,Th rive meetings will coma to a close to-
day. and nrohahlv a mnralni session will
eufflce to close up the business. Many of
the delegatea left for home last evenlns.
Proa-ram for Today.
These are vthe program for the closing
sessions! today:
t a. m. "Insane and Inebriate Matters,"
J. C. Hoyt, Greenfield.
Relationship of Clerks," Ed. Koser,
1 Iowa. City.
H. O ' RarnRnS Oak. '
i General discussion.
. lZSI-P
, may be made out before the taxpayer calls
' fnr fta m t n . v-,i I A In., nf .1mA Htit-lrtff Ik.
ty tr
10 a., m. Business meetina.
10:10 a. m. Distribution of taxes where
a taxing district Is composed of. two. or
more clll townships.
11 a. m. Question box.
Afternoon Social entertainment. V . ,
1:10 a. m. Discussion: "County Bridges,
Cement and Steel Culverts," William Daw.
son. Butler county; J.. O. Manley, Powe
shiek connty; A. J. Gardner, Wapello
county: W. S. Stokes. Black Hawk county:
Andrew Groves, Polk county: T...E. Mann,4
O'Brien county: A; Merchant, Guthrie
county. -
11 a. m. Allowance and payment of bill a
I p., m. General discussion, open for each
and every member of the association.
1:10 p. m. Miscellaneous business.
.4:30 p. .mrFinal adjournment. .
.,- . .. .RECORDERS. - . . .
Morning Paper; "What . I ' Find -In and
Out of Code Regulating Duties of ' Re
cbrder," E. E. -Rorenw of Webster -City.
: General discussion.!- .'
" Paper: "What I, b an Expert .Officer,
Bxpect of -the Pnblh: and What the Public
Demands-of Me-aa-ait ,Ofncer,V Qeorge
Chlfjuet of Fort -Dodge. : s- ;-. ---..
' T Amlres: "Shall We' Support ' a Journal
Published In the 'Interest -of, County Of
ficials fK-D: Steer of Iowa City-.
General discussion. -i-Round
Election ot officer. ' ' . s '
. . Adjournment, .
' . . . ' . AUDITORS. V " -
ForVnoon "Uniformity of Record and
Blanks," Auditor Lew Burnett of Polk
county. - .
- General fdlscusslon.
Afternoon Election Of officer.
. Adjournment. , -
I am going to place on. sale a .case of
mirrors, SHxU Inches, In ovale, oak framed,
worth 11.00, Friday andSaturdayvWc. A
few gilt. ovaf framed beVeled French plate
mirrors,' 18x20 Incheay wortli''-$.60; sal
price., 4jsov ' .. : m.-"-
Have you any photdgraph brburselt or
frlendg which you wlsli enlarged? Bring
them In; I have arranged' with a reliable
house to do the .work trr crayon,- septa,
pastel or water color. ' '' 'r
I am selling wall paper, room mouldings,
paints and' picture framing. W. S. Hewet
aon. Broadway' and Fourth street, Council
Bluffs. la. ' -'' '
- If you ar looking rorwaro. to your sum
mer' ' outing you will need a few va
cation necessities;. If you ar. going camp,
lug with-a email party you will want a
few delicacies; if you ar going -to a plcnlo
you will want your . basket Oiled wttb
"good thing to cat." ' Samjvlches, olives,
pickles, cakea, cheeae, fruits, a cold bottle
of ginger ale or root beer In tact MoAte
haa everything necessary to fill a dainty
hinch basket .and- tb beat the market
affords, ? '-. -
Real Eatate Traaafera.
-. These transfers wer reported to The Bee
August 12 by . the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company Of Council Bluffs:' '
Oeorga Richardson and wife ' to '
Charles gtrader, lot 10, In b,lock 15,
. In Grimes' addition,, and lot 7, In
- block ID, In Hall addition to
. Council Bluffs, Iowa, w d..... M.OOO.OO
Mary Knlnst and husband to Julius -
Jensen, part of lot 1, In block l, la
Hughes Doniphan a addition to
l-liitrha linn nh.n a airirillinn ta
Council Bluffs., Iowa, w d.
... 1.500.00
Frank E. Clifton And wife to Emma -. '
L. Helstand, lota , 1, 10. 11, 12 and
13, In block J, In Perry's second
addition to Council Bluffs. Iowa,
w d 100.W
Sarah Jane Murphy to James H.
Nelson, lot 1, In Bradley's sub
division of lot It. Auditor's aub of - -part
sV4 neVi, 86-76-44, w d 4i0.00
S. G. underwood and wife to J.
Kaaner, lot 1, In block 13, In Bent
ley, Iowa, w d 168.00
Jena C. Anderson snd wife to Ksth-
erlne Cook, part of original plat lot
228, In Council Bluffs, Ipwa, q c d..
Eddie L. Spencer to Leo A. Wlllard
and Brsden Drake, lot 7. In block 1."
In Bryant & Clark's sub-dlvlslon
In Council Bluffs. Iowa, w d
County Treasurer to A. J. Seaman,
lots 16 and 1. ln.blork 19, In Rid
dle's sub-dlvlslon In Council Bluffs,
Iowa, t d...,
Eight transfers, total.
Where Shall I Rut Sir Groceries f
A. Metsanr Ce
Nw - Location of Wholeaale Bakery.
Ill Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-mad Bread a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome-
Eighty per cent ot th vehicle around
Council Bluffs ar Van Brunt's work.
Thar must be some good reasons for this.
Call around and Van Brunt will give you
th reasons why. At th Big Repository,
11 and 24 Fourth street. . 1
Qaeea for Caralyal.
An Innovation at thla year' street fair
and carnival wilt be rhe crowning of om
young' woman queeri of th carnival. The
selection of th queen will be left to the
" roaV ov-tn stsry vsass
ini wixsiori sooratoro stbtt.
aaa Ma um4 (ar er BlXTf TBAKS bt nlLLIo.v
MUTUfcBl r tfctr CUlLDkCS WH11.B TeSTM.
CHILD, lOnitNl taa GUMS, ALLAYS all rAi.
CIHKS WixS t'OUC, ao i tka am usM) lot
piakHHuga. Bote k inacaina U a
th waria na aaaa aa aa la
at aaau a lent
people, who by ballot will Indicate thejr
preference. The coronation of the carnival
queei will take place on .ihe carnival
gritmds Saturday evening, the Inat day
of the fair. The lucky young woman who
will be Selected queen will be - presented
with a beautiful diamond stinburrt. fntll
the opening of the street fair the ballot
box will be In the LeiTert Jewlry store, on
Ha Revolver Handy a ad romnaenee
a koe I Bar.
O. K. Harden, tha saloonkeeper at Twenty-first
and Broadway, who waa held up
and robbed about a year aa-o by masked
bandits, had a somewhat similar experi
ence shortly after midnight Tuesday, but
ucceeded In saving his cash.
After closing the saloon shortly after
midnight and turning out all the tights
except one In the rear, .Harden, with the
day's receipts In a sack In one hand and a
revolver In the other, started for his living
apartments, on the second floor. To reach'
the stairway he had to pass behind a. par
tition and the Ice box: Aa he passed the
partition two negroes, whom he recognised
as having been In the saloon earlier In the
night. Jumped on hlm-and demanded that
he turn over the ensh to them. Harden
succeeded In shaking the fellow loose from
hi neck and opened . fire on them with his
revolver. At ihe first shot the negroea
started for the reaV door, which was open.
Harden fired four shot In rapid succession
and believes he hit one of the bandits, as
the fellow yelled as If with pain as he
darted through the floor. Three of the bul
lets were found Imbedded In the casing ot
the door.
The negroes, strangers to Harden, had
been In the saloon ahnrtly before midnight
and had left by the front door. It Is sup
posed that before leaving they unlocked
the rear door, which they had seen Harden
lock for the night, and that while Harden
wn In- the front of the saloon 'counting
his rash for the day they slipped In by
the back door and Md back of the parti
tion, presumably knowing that he would
have to pass It on. his way to his living
apartments upstairs.
' The negroes, aftvr running from the
saloon,, are thought to have boarded a car
for Omaha.
A year ago Harder) was robbed of $80 by
two masked bandits. . Arthur Levi and
Pat Crowe were Indicted for the robbery.
Levi waa trfed, but .acquitted, while the
case against Crowe H still pending.
Bonnie Fields and Austin Cuehenberry
were arrested last evening by the police
on suspicion of being the two negroes who
attempted to hold up and rob Harden.
Have your rooms papered and your house
painted In and outside: This Is just the
time of the year. - Tou will get n done
Tight and at the right pile. Berwick, 111
South Main St - '- -
We: ar agent for the best wheel chair
for Invalid. C. E. Alexander, ta B'way.
Ulatt Be Sold.
Must sell dwelling.'. .Has five rooms, city
water. I on car line and rent for IS per
month; alway rented., , Tel. 61.- Charles T.
Officer, 411 Broadway,, '.Vfc. -
SPENCER, 168 Broadway.
Salt Out of -4tkswi'i Disaster.
. The first damage suit growing out of
tha catastrophe af UbrXursaal at Lake
Manawa oft the Pburtof July was filed
In the district court her yesterday. The
plaintiff I Henry Rosenblum of Omaha,
father of Lena Roseablum, who waa one
of those drowned. He sues as adminis
trator of the estate! ot his deceased daugh
ter and asks that he be awarded 130,000.
The- Manawa Amusement company, - the
Omaha and Council Bluffs Street "Railway
company and the Omaha and Council
Bluffe Railway St Bridge company are
named aa defendants- ,
It la contended In the suit that the acci
dent took place on Iowa and not on Ne
braska soil, despite . .the claim that the
part of Lake Manawa on which the Kur
saal Is located la In Nebraska.
Smith 4 Smith and U D. H. Holmes
of Omaha appear as .attorney for - tha
plaintiff. - .
" A1J persons knowing themselves to be In.
debted to Duncan ft Dean or the Duncan
Shoe company are requested to call ' and
Battle at one. - -.
For Sal Furniture of twenty-room hotel
In good railroad division point. r-r!ce. 1300.
Will rent hotel for ts5 on account of sick
ness. Is full of bosrders. . Quick sale.
Address D. S. Kerr, 546 Broadway. Council
Bluffs. . . .
CENTRAL FLOUR 11.11. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phones 24.
met restaurant, 620 Broadway.
Warrlase Mrraaes.
License to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
same and Residence.
W. E. Sandstedt, Omaha
.... 22
Elisabeth Schroeder, Omaha
W. a. Black, Omaha...'
; Minerva Bergdocf, Omaha
. aioKnia-nt. found B uffa...
; Jennie Haskins, Fiscus, Mo.
! L. D. Cone. Onkalonsa. Ia.
Mary Shaw, Woodafleld, O.
28 1
J Amos Yochem, Weston. Ia.....
Emma M. Yocum, Weston. la.
Swanson Music company, 407 West Broad
waythe place where you will find a
splendid assortment of pianos to select
from. Conovers, Cables. Schubert and
Kingsbury's. ;, AH clean, hew goods. Price
and terms to suit every person.
We think
It- a good house to deal with.
For ' Imported wine, liquors snd Bud
aelser beer go to L. Roseafeld, wholeaale
liquor dealer. Sit South Main atreet.
Favorite gae tove. from 112 M to "34.
See tlfem. The flneet line made. Paddock
ft Handachey Hardware Co.
, acre good farm land In eastern Colo
redo, IS per acre and up; no Irrigation re
quired Can raise all kinds of small grata
and corn. A few good homestead Join
our lands. Bend for printed matter. F. C.
Lougee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs. Ia.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. -ret. 250. Night Lfci
Yoang rienaaaer' Body Heaa.
The body of Claude Clemmer- who a a
dromned Tuesday evening at NohI s lake,
waa brought to this city last evening. A
telegram from Rev. W. B. Clemmer, th
boy'a father, who, with Mrs. Clemmer, was
In Sterling. Colo., was received by Under
taker Cutler yesterday Instructing hint to
bring th body to their borne at 72 Willow
avenue. The dispatch added that th re
mains would be taken to Illinois for burial.
Rev. and Mrs. Clemmer are expected to
reach here this morning.
The Ministerial aeeorlatlon held a speclsl
meeting yesterday morning to take action
In regard to the funeral. The secretary.
Rev. Charles Mayne, ass Instructed to pre
pare suitable resolutions of condolence and
Davis, drug.
Clark', sodas.
Storkert sells carpets.
Fine engraving at Leffert'e.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Get those new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating, Blsby A Son.
Souvenir postals, Alexander's, 181 B'way.
Iwla Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 131.
Tell your troubles to Hater, the Lumber
man. If they are In hie line.
George- Hoagland ha tlie Kanaae Shall
Brick. All hard brick. Get hla price.
Be Stephen Bros, for fir brick and fir
clay, sewer pipe, fittings and garden hos.
86 TO 60 CENTS. BORW1CK, 111 SO.
E. P. Woodrlng of the Woodrlng Under
taking company returned yesterday from a
three days business trip in northwestern
City Auditor. McAneney received a tele
gram yesterday afternoon announcing the
death of his brother, William MeAne-.-r,
in New York city.
I pay 112 per ton for cast Iron; mixed,
$10; stove, t; rags. IHt. per lb., rubber,
ic; copper, 14o per lb.. J. Katelman, H4
Main, both 'phones 660, .
W wholesale 1c cream. SMpped to any
part of the state. Special prices to the re
tail trade. 1. Muccl, 211 West Broadway,
Council Bluffs. Ia. Tel. 164.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Union
Christian church will meet thla afternoon
at the residence of Mrs. Larson,, Thirty
fourth street and Avenue A.
Del Carey Smith, former grand worthy
president of the Order of Eagles for two
terms, was In the city yesterday, en route
to his home In Spokane, Wash.
We have the finest Una of sample monu
ments to select from In the wes'. Jheeley
ft Lane Marble and Granite Works, 117
East Broadway .Council Bluffe, la.
Jerry Lonnnecker of Walnut, la.i wae
J-esterday ordered committed to the state
lospltal for dipsomaniacs at Knoxvllle for
eighteen months by Judge Wheeler.
Ira Johnson, a youth from Clartnda, was
yesterday ordered committed to the reform
school at Eldora by Judge Wheeler, on
complaint of the authorities, of Pa-e
Fall opening Wesfern Iowa college, Mer
rlam block, - Council Bluffs, la.. Monday,
August 27. English, Normal, Bookkeeping
and Shorthand departments. Send for new
catalogue. Both phones.
' The Misses Helen and Margaret Fltckln
ger, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Flick
linger, will leave to-day for Palo Alto, Cal.,
where they will enter the freshman class at
the Letand Stanford-university.
William ' Boehnlng. aged 03 years, died
yesterday afternoon at .hla home, 1008 Ave
nue A. from organic heart disease, after
one day's sickness. Besides his wife, threo
daughters and one son survive him.
. Rev. Henry De Long performed the mar
riage ceremony yesterday for S. - M. Me
Knlght of Garner township and Jennie Haa
klns of Fiscus, Mo., snd L. D. Cone of
Oskalooaa, la., and Mary 8haw of Woqds
fleld, O.
- The following Iced drinks and Ice cream
will be served all this, week at the Clark
Drug company's-. Madja, frosen phosphate,
Siberian flip, eldoraiio aundae. tropical sun
dae. Carmenclt klae, aoutbern beauty,
American sundae and Greenland Iceberg.
Because his aged father,-whom he was
charged with brutally aaaaultlng, declined
to prosecute the case against Doug Mc
Clelland In Justice Gardiner' court,-' he
was dismissed yesterday. It 1 understood
that McClelland has consented to go backj
to the hospital for ineortates at Knoxvtue.
Coaatlea .Represented
at the
District Rennloa.
ATLANTIC. Ia-. ' Aug. -42. 8peclal.).e
Yesterday was th first day of the Bo tna
Valley veterans' reunion, to continue for
three days. . The program was carried
out on' the fair grounds and a largo
crowd was present from the counties cf
Pottawatamle, Guthrie, Audubon, Adair,
Montgomery- and Cass, that comprise the
association. Brigadier General Andrews iit
Extra was present and had command of
all the exercises. The Atlantic band met
all. Incoming trains snd conducted the visi
tors to the- grounds. .r
The program consisted of an address of
welcome by Mayor Ben U. Wood, a talk
by Judge Esra Wlllard and an address by
Hon. James B. Weaver In the afternoon,
that- was listened to by a large - crowd.
There waa a free-for-all trotting race,
merry-go-rounds and many other attrac
tions. The evening was devoted to a camp
fire, 'at which time old soldiers and othura
gave 'short talks. The city Is beautifully
decorated for the event, both the business
houses and the residences, and It gives
promts of being a most successful ' three
days' meeting. Congressman Lacy of the
Sixth' district. Is .to address, th - peo,iH
today. ' . .
clinton, ia .Aug.. !2.-Congressman
Albert F. Dawson was unanimously re -
nominated, by the Second district repub -
ltcan convention here this afternoon. Tho
convention met this morning .and heard
the speech of Temporary chairman Charles
rVm.rDTorrmWan J?.' K
chairman of the district comn,itte Oi ilk
waa one of the leaders or the L'ummini
convention In Scott county. At tha after
noon session of the congressional conven
tion Dawson was renominated by acclama
tion and resolutions adopted cordially
commending his brilliant record.
Strike at Gypaam Ml nee.
FORT DODGE, Ia., Aug. 21. A general
81 strike was declared this morning at all
11 the mines ot the United States Gypsum
64 l company here, five In number. Two hun
64 1 dred and fifty men are out. A smaller
25 j strike was started several days ago but It
was settled after seventy-five men had
been out three day. The present trouble
was the result of placing a gang of 150
Poles In the works. The miners refused
to work with them and a general strlko
was declared. A light demonstration was
started by strikers this morning but was
I Quietly quelled. Operator hav sent fyx.
100 more strike breakers.
Westerner at Eastern Heaevta.
BOSTON. Aug. 22. (Special Telegram.)
Following are among the latest arrivals of
westerner at New England resorts:
Swnmpscott, Mass., Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
Cudahy, Omaha, Ocean House; Cottage
City, Mass, Mrs. W. S. Oilman. Roland
M. King. Sioux City; Poland Sprlnga, Me.,
Mrs. M. F. Thompson, Davenport, la.,
Poland Spring house.
Sonth Daketa Ur4tlea.
SPRINGFIELD Elaborate preparations
have been mad for the apnual convention
of the Bon liomnt County Sunday School
aaaoctatlon, which will be held at Spring
field on Auguat 26 and 2.
SIOL'X FA LJ There now appeara little
doubt that the rxtenalon of the Chicago 4k
Northwestern railroad from Boneateel to
the Tripp county line will be completed by
the last of September.
SIOl'X FALLS As he atepped from th
door of the Sioux Fall penitentiary, after
having served a term of nine month for
horse "rustling" In Lyman county, '-Bob"
Nirkerson was rearrested by Deputy Sher
iff Lambert of Gregory county, on a charge
of grand larceny.
FAIRFAX An old man named Morrison
ha made a new record in th pedestrian
line, so far as age la conremed, by having
Juat walked the distance between Butte,
Neb., and Fairfax. 8. D. He was bom
March 11, 111. and therefore Is at yeara of
age. He waa on hla way to visit old
acquaintance who reside In ths ceded por
tion of the Rosebud Indian reservation. In
Oresrory county. Th old man Uvea in
North Dakota, where, notwithstanding hi
great -ajie. he fa "holding down" a home
stead. On hla breast he proudlv wear a
Grand Army of th Republic button.
FD1DATES 'homresce
All Bat Out of Bute OfSoers god Mott of
CoDcreumen Eipooted.
Stork Exhibit fr Stat Fair ftrala-
t Arrive aaa Most of It
Will Be on the (iroand
by Saturday.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DEB MOINES, Aug. W.-(Speolal.)-Kvery
candidate on the republican state ticket
exoept Auditor Carroll Is expected to be
lit the city tomorrow to attend the meet
ing of the candidate with the atate central
committee and all the congressmen are ex
pected to" be' present except' Ijtcey and
Hepburti. Congressman Lacey had already
made a -date to speak at Atlantic and
Congressman Hepburn at Afton. Senator
Allison will not be able to attend because
of his health, but Senator Dolllver will b
Senator Dolllver la deeply Interested In
the campaign that Is about to open and
the results of the ' election. While there
Is no doubt 4ut that th next Ions legis
lature will be republican. . the re-election
-f Senator Dolllver Will come up at that
time. Senator Dolllver la therefore as
much personally. Interested aa any of the
congressmen on the ticket. A number of
the members of the state, central com
mittee had reached the cltv tonight. Chair
man Wooda has been In the city for two
days. If Was made definite arrangements
foY a suite of. rooms oft the third floor
of the Observatory for the headquarters
for" the' Committee. ' The rooms were oceu
4led .nr. the local Perkins headquarters
before Ihe Polk county primaries. Furniture
has been, placed In the room and a ship
ment of papers, records and documents
from ex-Chairman Speno of Mount Ayr
haa arrived for the, new committee.
Demoeratle Conference.
Every democratic nominee on the state
ticket -and as many-of the congressional
candidates as have been nominated are ex
pected to meet . with' the democratic state
central committee tomorrow. It is Inti
mated .that for business . reasons one of
the democratic nomlnre will not be able to
serveV Thla Is II. M. Bartlett of Musca
Une, tlie nominee for supreme court re
porter. lz case he does 'not serve the
committee- at 1t meeting tomorrow will
name a successor. '
' Most Qualify aa Shooters.
Adjutant ' General W. H. Thrift of the
Iowa National Guard Is expecting soon
to' issue an order to the effect that , every
memlwr. of. the guard must qualify as a
marksman or sharpshooter during hie first
enlistment three years or he . will not
be. i.llb'wfcd to re-enllst. General Thrift
takes the ground that the big expenditure
by the; atat each - year should be pro
ductive Of the -moe-t possible result and
acting on the theory that a soldier who
cannot "qualify s a marksman would be a
poor, soldier In actual warfare he will Issue
the order against their re-enllstment.
,.Oevefser te Rlpey.
- Governor Cummins left at noon to-day for
Pepper's Grove, hear RIpey. Ia., to deliver
an address to the Old soldiers of that sec
tion.. ,.. .. . ... . ' ;
y ' Stock for State Fair.
', Directors of the State fair are in the city
and th first arrivals of stock came to
day. Several carloads of hogs are being
unloaded, four or five care of cattle and
some horses. ' It Is expected the great' bulk
of th stock will arrive to-morrow and
Friday, so that the- stock will become ac
custfuned ;to jjie, surroundings before the
crowds arrive. The directors are confi
dently, expecting the largest attendance ut
the fair this year there has ever been, pro
vided bad weather does' not spoil the con
ditions. The grounds are now In Ideal con
dition and every arrangement made.
- '- Split .on Co-Insurance.
Members of the legislative insurance com
mission are discussing the proposition of
recommending 'to the legislature that It
permit co-insurance, but that the permis
sion be hedged about with restrictions. The
insurance men are making a strong plea
for the co-Insurance clause, ion 'the ground
that ' owner, of big business block fre
quently Insure for - but a small Bum,
enough to cover any damage that la likely
to oecus In a business block where there Is
rarely a total destruction. Without co-Insurance
'the companies cannot compel the
owner to insure for the full amount of the
value, and thus when there Is a loss the
' v Catarrh cannot be washed away
, ment, nor can it be smoked out with medicated tobacco, cigarettes, etc.
1 when you attempt to cure Catarrh with Buch things you are wasting' time
allowing the impurities and poisons in the blood, which' produce the
'3- to get so firmly rooted as to become not only a disgusting trouble,
vVrv dngerous one. The annoying symptoms of ringing noises in the
2, h7wk and soitting.-Vheal mVus dipping W Into-the
throat, impairment of the senses of taste and smell, and a feeling ol general
1 uCDiiur, prove uiai iucic ut a
a polluted and unhealthy condition of the blood, and the disease cannot be
eured until this is removed. ' The only way to get rid of Catarrh permanently
Is to purify the blood, and 8. S. S. is the ideal remedy, for .this purpose. It
soon clears the system of all impurities, purges the blood of all catarrhal
matter and poisons, and effectually checks the progress of, this disgusting
and far-reaching disease. S. S. S. puts the blood. In perfect order, and as
this pure, healthy blood goes to every nook and cornt-r of the body Catarrh
is permanently cured. Book with information about Catarrh and medical
V" "'" """""1
l mm s
L. nTrm-l
Far West 2
TO Pugel Sound Clifrnia, " SpokatAc ( i
Country, Port- San Francisco, 'r
from land District Lo Angeles, etc 'District
Omaha.... $25.00 $25.00 $22.50 '
Lincoln... $25.00 $25.00 $22.50
' - "
Daily Through Tourist Ble4prs to Los Angeles via Denver, with -daylight
ride via the Rio Grande Route through gcenlo Colorado
and Salt Lake City, thence the Bait Lake Route; Tuesday and Ha tux
days personally conducted.
.Dally Through Tourist Nleeper to California via ' Denver, '
Whence the Rio Qrande Route through Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake
City; Southern Pacific beyond Ogden. Thursdays and FrliLiy per
soaally conducted.
. Two Dally Train to the Northwest From Omaha at 4:10 p.'m: '
. and at 11:10 p. nj. Chair Cars, Dlnln Cars, Standard and Tourist'
Sleepers via Billings, Montana, to Spokane, Seattle. Tacoma. Port
land. ' ' '
Folders and descriptive rnatter, rates, berths all information of
." .
J. B. REYNOLDS. Clti Pissnrer kttnl ISO) Farnam' St.. nmahi Unh
;,... .-,
-Ma.J ,..... ,
LLH - '61 the
Northv. c-storft Universi
ty ot Chicago, ways: "I
fully believe, , that , f,he
moderate use of rod
beer at meal times gets
aa a tornl-v and la there
for useful to adult per
sona." Rtors lVrr Is the em
bodiment of th" "floo
tor's Idea of ffoort beer
You order ens sent
home today snd drink
It with yonr mesK ' It
will not only add rest
to th meal, but tt will
build jou up. Try It
Stora Drtmlng Cd,
,x Omaha. D4
few companies injured must pay a larg
sum. This argument the Insurance .men
are prepared to bring out In ah the
trcnarth possible, being determined -to ccn
ter their strength on securing Mils' change
in the law.
One Death from Meat.
Henry llmkman, president of th Dewel
Backman Lumber company at Madrid, a
village a short distance' fiorth" of this city,
"keeled over In his .office chufr to-fl,a'' and
when picked up waa -deivd. His- death re
sulted from the Intense heat " .
Results of State Shoot.
As the results, of the.first day's target
shooting of the . Ipwa. National Ouard . at
the rifle rane yesterday Company I of
Waukon of the Fifty-third reglbjcnt . won
the Shnw trophy, Company A of the Fifty
sixth ot Mason City won the Clarke trophy
and the Fifty-fourth " regiment ciime off
best In the regimental contest. The beat
Individual shootlnk was by Lieutenant A
S. Bowen of Company I of the Fifty-third
at Waukon, whomade a record Vit 175 out
of a possible 20Q at ,200. 800, 600 and 600
yards. . .
Labor. Day Proclamation.
Governor Cummins has Issued his annual
Labor day proclamation,. setting aside Sep
tember 1 as the day to be observed.
Refuses to Chans; Assessments la
,r Black huls br'on Tele-
. ., u ifhonee. " '.'
PIERRE, sl:Aiik. 22.-8pecial Tele
gram.) The SLate Board of. Review met
thla afternoon., od after tcona'derlng com
plaints from the Crough line of railroad In
the Black Hills and. from the mining men
ef that section lo regard t assessment
of mineral lands, and numerous telephone
protests from all over the state, they de
cided to atand pat and make no changes
from their original figures.;
Blshoii" O'Gormata Busy, .j
SIOUX FALLS, S. D. Aug, 22. (Special.)
Rt. Rov. Thomas O'Gorman '.-of this city,
Catholic bishop of South Dakota, thla week
Is scheduled to- -make the principal ad
dresses at ' the , dedications, ot thre new
Catholic church building. Today Bishop
O Gorman. is ai Faulton.-where he dedicated
a ' new Catholic church building, which
recently, waa .completed .la.-that city, and
where he administered confirmation ta a
large class of - new members. Tomorrow
Bishop O'Gorman will vtsH Orient, where he
win dedicate the new St. Joseph's .church
building at that plane. The dedlcatoryex
errlses will commence at 9 o'clock In. tho
forenoon. At 1 o'cloek in the afternoon hi
alPO will dedicate St. Llblroua church, a
new edifice In that port of the state. Fol
lowing tho dedication exercises large
classes of new members will be confirmed
by thp bishop. The new church buildings
are among the finest structures of the kind
in the northern portion of the state.
MIlTvankee Files Papers.
ABERDEEN. S. D.. Aug- : 21-The Chl
cbko. Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad of
South Dakota has filed Incorporation papers
st Pierre. 8. D. The capital stock Is 147.
OOO.KiO and the object of the company Is to
build a line of railroad from the Missouri
river to the eastern border of Montana.
with sprays, inhalations and such treat-
uci-ocaim .aua wi v-uiaw... . -o.
One Way
Settlers' Rates
. ifl ai lam ii in