1 The Omaha Daily Bee r VOL. XXXVI-NO. 57. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 190G-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. .3 i Wl th( ( w. f Wl s. as ( .1 BDCKEYESFOPRYAS Cbio Ctmcoratio Convention Endorses Boom of Hebraikea. C0UKTY OPTION FIGHT COMES IP Proposition to Amend Eeport 6a Platform Etarts Trouble. PATTISON'S FRIENDS RAISE THE QUESTION Viaorit Eeport PpeoiflollT AppwineHis Position Is Yoted Down, ORATORY AS WARM AS THE WEATHER tea of the Convention) ia Heated ta Afore . Ways ' Than Oae taeaktaa Heads State Tteltet. The Tlekat. . For Secretary of Btete Samuel A. Hr klna. ,. i or Dcaia eonooi commissioner um. W. Haupert. - W ' For blate Dairy and rood Commlsslonel tf'y Rodney J, DlegL . ,' COLUMBUS. O.. Aug. 21-The OMo dem ooratlo oonvantlon - today nominated the above tioket In a session somewhat fervid ta temperature. In oratory and In methods of voting. The day wti close and aultry, few delegates wore coatt ard many sought cooler) places outalda the hall before nnal adjournment, this fact making possible the casting of votes ot aeveral delegates by unauthorised persona during the laat few ballots. A number of counties were chal lenged and aeveral persona put out of the ball for Improper voting, but It did not aeem to affect the rosult materially In any ease. During the first hour gnd a half of to day's session the question of an endorse ment of county option In temperance leg islation waa under discussion, an attempt to amend die platform and give such an endorsement being defeated on a roll call. The discussion developed opposition to the general Idea of county option, while some delegates Insisted that In having "approved, unqualifiedly, Governor Pettlson's policies" the platform already waa strong enough on the point for which Mr. Flnley con tended. Aside from these features the defeat of Mayor Tom L. Johnson Jn the state cen tral committee, a feature of yesterday, was till the subject of comment. Counts- Option Cones C'p. When the Ohio democratic convention as sembled today It waa with the knowledge that a, fight on county option In temperance legislation as a part of a declaration of principles was assured. . , A protracted night session of the com mittee on the platform had been insuffi cient to bring the different opinions to gether and the issues were clearly Joined. Many of the temperance advocates, among them the leader-of the Anti-Saloon lea sue, werdertKwI-fli'l wlIling to accept i eomprotnlW,' but W. L. CTniey had all along maintained that no compromise which left the ocrunty option Idea at all obsourcd would be acceptable to him, and the dele gates were not surprised at the prospect of a minority report. Fight oa Floor. The day was excessively hot and few coats were In evidence. Chairman Cannon called the onnventlou to order and asked for the report of the committee on platform. The proposition of Mr. Flnley for local option by counties, the present laws provid ing only for township and residence dis trict option, came before the convention as an amendment to the report of the platform committee. Mr. Flnley and thoae with him on the county option voted for the balance of the platform and tlicio wag no dlsaent from Its views. The pro posal made by Mr.. Flnley to the commutes was rejected, but waa submitted by lm.i amendment to the report of the committee on resolutions when It was pre sented to the convention today. Thomas E. Powell, chairman of the plat form committee, read the report, the read ing being followed with close attention, frequent applause greeting fawrlte planks. Bryaa Endorsed. William J. Bryan waa endorsed tor the presidency In 1Mb in the following language: It is with feelings of pride that the (00,000 democrats of Ohio note the pre pac tions making to receive tne most .tun- Sulshed private ctlisen of America upon Is return from a tour of foreign land. Ills Intellectual endowments, his puruy ol morals, las high ideais, have ai rested the attention and compelled the aumlraiiun vt the peoples ot a.t u.i.ues. Ha iiu, ..a u the United btales ttpienuldly equippeu to grappls with tne gic.it prooieius ol siato. The Ohio democracy renews Us allegiance to bla brilliant and matcnless leadership. Ho other name appeala to us for prealdeu tlal reference. Vt cordially endorse our f reat commoner, William Jennings tiyan, or the democratio nomination for the presidency In 1 and impatiently await he summons to battle under his banner. Mr. Powell moved the adoption of the re port, but before a vote W, U. Flnley offered Ida amendment as a substitute for tb ini tiative and referendum plank and moved It adoption. 3. 8. McMahon of Dayton, also a member Of the resolutions committee, presented the views of the majority of that committee. Rev. Herbert . Bigelow of Cindnnv.l. followed in support of the substitute plank. On a roll call the substitute plank was lost and the majority report was then adopted. S. A. Hosklns of Auglalse county was nominated for secretary of state. Charles W. Haupert of Wayne county was nominated for state school commis sioner. . Hoke smith Wlas la Oeorala. ATLANTA. Oa.. Aug. Z One of the most Strenuous political campaigns In ths history of Qeorgla waa concluded today by the state democratio primaries, which were held throughout the state to nominate complete state and county tickets, candidates for su preme court Justices, United States senator to succeed A. O. Bacon and to nam con gressional candidate ia each of the eleven districts of the elate. At this hour (10 p. m.) the returns seera to indicate that Hoke Smith, candidate for governor, has carried not only a majority of the 14S countiea of the state, but haa a majority ever all opposing candidates, which will Insure hi -nomination on the first ballot In the state convention. James Smith la reported to have carried McDuffle county, the home 'county of Tom Watson, who has been allied with Hoke Smith in the present oampelgn. Hoke Smith car ried this (Fulton) county, the home of hlmJ elf and Clark Howell, by more than l.sOO majority.' The particular Interest of ths campaign WM between Clark Howell, editor of the Atlanta Constitution, and Hoke Smith. The lOouUnuea est lair Paga Nominated for --!N, yJrr ' HON. NORMS BROWN. ACTION ON DRAGO DOCTRINE America Coeferenee Refers It to The Hague Trlbanal without Recommeiidatlo. RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 22. The Inter national American conference - today adopted, with a slight technical modifica tion, the Mexican convention relative to the exerrlee of the liberal professions. ' The resolution recommending the submis sion of the Drago dootrlne on the matter of the use of force for the collection of publlo debts to The Hague tribunal was Adopted unanimously. The preamble states that no definite conclusion - was proposed by this conference, composed exclusively of representatives of American countries, but that the principles In question should be passed on by an assembly composed of representatives of all nation. as the prin ciple affects the Internal sovereignty and rights to notions. It further expresses the opinion that the declaration should be ex tended to cover all' controversies having pecuniary origin. The resolution recom mends "that the governments represented in this conference consider the" point' of Inviting the "scio'd ' conference of The Hague tribunal to' consider the question of the compulsory collection of public debts, and In fceneral means tending to diminish between nations conflicts having ex clusively pecuniary origin." The report of the committee On location of the next conference will adhere to the proposition for the choice of Mexico City for the next conference, but It will be accompanied by a recommendation in favor of Buenos Ayres for the conference of 1910, the centenary of the several South American republics. MANCHURIA FAST ON REEF Little Prospect ef Getting; the . Bl Liner ' Off the Rocks. - HONOLULU. Aug. 22. The Manchuria remains on the reef where It struck. An chors are being put out to prevent It from drifting further toward ' the shore. The revenue cutter Mantling Is the only -vessel now tugging st the big steamer. The ca bleshlp Jtestorer. which has powerful en gine, has gone to the scene end will ren der all the assistance possible.' The Man churia's compartments have purposely been Ailed with water tn mk It rt tnnre I firmly and prevont further damage. It Is believed . that it cannot be floated before the arrival of assistance from the American coast. If ever. II. H. Wodehouse.. representing Lloyds, has gdne to the scene. The steamer' Ala-med-i, which started for San Francisco to ri -iv. la now passing quite close to the stranded stesmer. ' , EMPRESS WANTS CONSTITUTION Ruler of Chtaa Calls' Conference o Disease Adeptlosrof Hew '' Srstem. . '. '. . N 'PEKINO. Aug. 22. The dowager empress of China plans to summon a conference of high officials, including several viceroys, to discuss the adoption ot a constitution. The Chinese commissioners who recently visited the United States and Europe and who have returned from their tours rec ommend a gradual change to a constitu tional government, taking ten to fifteen years to educate the people thereto. Russians Consider Chinese Qaestlon. ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. S.-At the For. elgn office today it waa admitted the Japa nese had made the Installation of a Japa nese customs houso at Port Dalny condi tional upon a similar' Inauguration of the Chinese tariff on the Munchurian frontier. The question- is now the subject of negotia tions between the THwtlun mlnl.iteT at Peking and the dunes Fiiielgn office. Difficulties are presented, owing to the Rus. sian occupation of northern Manchuria, but it is understood that no definite refusal has been given. Sqeabele Over easterns Haairi, PEKING. "Aug. 22. Japan's consent to the establishment of a custom house si Port Dalny ie apparently conditional on Russia's consent to establish customs houses on the Manchurlan border. H;im.la appears unwilling to bind Itself to make the Manchurlan arrangements, desired by Japan. If Port Dalny remains a Ire port it will greatly damage the business of New Chwang. heretofore the base of all British and American trade In Manchuria, American Ship Agreeed. VANCOUVER. B. C. Aug. Sl-Whlls coming Into the harbor here laat evening the American man of war Princeton ran ashore In the narrow a. After remaining aground four hours it was floated off un harmed. The Princeton will take the body of the late Admiral Train from the Em press liner to BeatUe for IraaaaUyawut to Ne Tor ... U.S.. Senator. VALPARAISO IS IN RUINS All Hospitals, Theateri and All Church ei Ent One rcstrojed. SHOCK LASTS OVER FOUR MINUTES Loss of Life Kow Placed at Two Thousand and Property Damage at Three nendred Millions. VALPARAISO. Aug. 22. From the Plaza de la Victoria as far the Plasa D section. called Las Dellclos, four-fifths of the houses are completely destroyed and the remaining fifth are badly damaged. From the Plasa de la Victoria down to the cus tom house only about , one-third of the houses sustained damage. The - hanks ot the city and the customs warehouse were not damaged,- With the exception of E plrltu Santo all the churches in the city were destroyed, as.wers the. hosptlals and the theaters. The number of dead is more than 2,000. The offices of the Havas agency, although seriously damaged, are still being used for the company's business. The tragic scenes of the -San -Francisco disaster were reproduced here. There was the fight against fire, the lack of water and the roboery and- pillage. The authori ties are now beginning to- get in provisions and water Is again being supplied. All the fires have been extinguished. hoek Lasts Vonr Minutes. The first shock lasted four minutes and a half and the second two minutes. Most of the houses were thrown dowrr by the sec nnd shock. Estimates of the damage range from 2DO.0OO,O0O to O0,C00,O0O. The Almeiv dral quarter has been absolutely destroyed The peoplei are still' camping on the stir rounding hills and In the streets and plages and are calm and courageous. The declara tion is made that S.0OO persons will leave the city. The lack of food Is not yet se rlous. Telegraphic communication with Santiago was resumed yesterdsy. A num ber of steamers are engaged in removing the people of the city to points to the north and south. , Hhoeks and Ffres Contlane. LONDON. Aug. 22. A cable dispatch filed late last night by the asent at Valparaiso of Huth & Co. says that slight shocks con tlnue and that further large Area have oc curred there. NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Wessel, Duval Co. to-day received from their branch In Valparaiso the following cablegram, which has been delayed In transmission: u.r.tijuw ... .luiicilltaotuil. . Is tlrstroyed and the balance damaged. Our office apparently iu!te asfe. More than 2.0"0 l:IU.d or injured. Populace camping out. Our steamers safe. WASH TNGTON, Aug. 23. The state de partment received the following dispatch to. day from Mr. Hicks, the American minister to Chile, dated Santiago, August 21 : Anxiety over earthquake decreases. ' al though mild shocks still continue. Finan cial and business conditions serious. De struction of Valparaiso produces fear of fianlc. Subscriptions being rslsed for re let of sufferers. RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. tt. The Brull. tan congress hss voted an appropriation of SflM.ono for the relief of the sufferers by the earthquake at Valparaiso. RAILWAY BLOCKADE LIFTED Southern Paclfle and Santa Fe Repair Damage by Floods la California. LOS ANGELES, Cel., Aug. 21-Both the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe were clear today on their transcontinental Hnes east ward from Los Angeles and delayed west bound trains are arriving. The Salt Lake road Is not so fortunate. The washouta between Calelnte and Las Vegas are worse titan first reported and no trains will be in over the lines from Salt Lake before Saturday. Three eastbound trains, sent out over the Suit Lake road from here yesterday and the day before, returned to this city today, bringing their passengers. These were sent on to Salt Iike by way of San Francisco. PREPARING TO MEET BRYAN Mr. Mcllea Will Offer His Private Car tor New Hints Trip. NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Aug. 22.-Arrangs-gients for the reception of William J. Bryan, August ' SI. were begun today. President Melle'n of the New York. New Haven tt Hartford railroad will offer II r. Biyan the use of his private car for his trip from New York to this City and return. Governor Roberta, being unable to rep resent ths state, has selected Lieutenant Governor Woodruff to act In that capacity at the luacaeoa t be given Hi. Sryaa. HARRIMAN STOCKS 1 INACTIVE Hill Lines Oeesfr Center ( stage Id Operations on Walt tract. . i NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Considerably less excitement marked the opening of the stock market today. Initial quotations were g n erally lower, but the market speedily re versed itself under the lead . of the . Mill stocks. Oreat Northern selling s points above yesterday's closing figure. Improve ment waa also shown by Northern Pacific. Amalgamated Copper and Pennsylvania. The Harrlman stocks and other recently active issues were comparatively negiecea In the early trading, which was In fairly large volume, though much below that at the opening yesterday and previous day. The general list recovered by the end of the first half hour, but heavy realising, pre- umably for profit, brought further Irregu larities. v London, which reported a reactionary tone for American Securities, waa said to have sold hers at the opening. Commission houses reported' a continuance of the re cent activity, but trading was largely pro fessional. The market showed further Improvement on circumstantial reports that gold imports are being arranged. Coll money opened at per cent, which Is only 1 per cent belt n eeterday'a high rate. The first hour's business- aggregated 449,700 shares. , Business In the second hour was smaller than for. any similar period since last Friday. The market was dull at frequent moments and prices generally showed a tendency to sag. Call money was s per cent bid and there was stiffening of rates for time loans, 'i per cent being paid for several short time loans. The sales to noon were 736,000 shares. The feature of the noon hour was an advance In call .money to 7 per cent, -the highest for some time. The market con tinued dull and reactionary, practically all the early gains being lost. Sales to 1 o'clock were 696,700 shares. HOT TIME AMONG FRATERNALS Speakers at Detroit Coeferenee Charge that Rates ' Are Tea ' Lew. DETROIT, Aug. 22. Intimating that the society Is guilty of breach of confidence. Is obtaining money under false pretenses and Is pursuing a dishonest policy, dele gates to the convention of the Associated Fraternities of America fought through an Intense discussion on the matter of lnsur ance rates In their afternoon session. Judge Pfelst of Kansas CUy furnished the sen sation of the meeting, declaring: There Is not a ' Society hi' the United States that can carry, out its' Insurance contracts In full., ' The substance of his short speech was that while societies are constantly Increas ing their liabilities, they are not Increasing their asset. Other'- speakers condemned Insurance procedure of their' , respective societies as dishonest, dishonorable and Ms- Chainnan-of the Convention HON. W, graceful. The convention was spilt into two factions, led by ex-President George F. McKay of Cleveland, who declared Jor the presentation of a minimum rate bill to the legislatures, and Thomas B. Hanley of Tipton, Ia., who opposed such action. The general spirit of the convention was that amalgamation movement between the Associated Fraternities and the national fraternal congress, which waa decided on at a morning session, never would be con summated. Those officers were unanimously elected: Edmund Jackson of Fulton, 111., president; George A. Bcott of New York City, vice president; C. R. Robinson of Washington. D. C, secretary and treasurer; ThJtnaa B. Hanley of Tipton. Ia.. and J. C. Root of Omaha, members of executive committee. CUT-OFF SAVESJIEAVY GRADES Santa Fe Misses Oae Tsssel by Eleven-Mile fbsu'f, Cost lea il,uoo,oo. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 22.-J. W. Ken drlck. seoond vice president. In cbargu i( operation for the Santa Fe railway, who la now here, says (he Santa Fe's new over land route between Chicago and San Fran cisco and Los Angeles will be opened for traffic in November. The new route ta being made by means of the Beleu cut-off, where work being done will cost tll,uuu,000. While the cut-off saves only eleven miles of distance, it cuts out the Raton and Glorletta grades on the present route east of Albuquerque. It is expected that the new low grade line will enable a saving of at least ons day In the time of fast freight trains, because at present It la neu esaary to break up freight trains Into sec-ttona. Republican Nominee for Governor. y 1 ; .-;: r. ;aV. il . . ' 4 , . y - -. - t ' . . ' . it t t i s 4f' 1 1 , ' t . , . I X -.-.'-v yuy I ' .7r v v HON. GEORGE L. SHELDON. CUBANS PUT ON BOLD FRONT Officials. Eay They ' Are Competent to Contend with Iniurreotian. INSURGENTS CAPTURE CITY OF SAN LUIS Disaffection Seems to Be Widespread and Seattered Bands Are lowly Increasing; la Members. BIXLETI. HAVANA. Aug. 22. An attempt was made this evening to assassinate General Emilio Nunes, governor of the province of Havana. A man ' had a revolver leveled at the governor as he was entering his home Another man, who was passing, saw the would-be assassin and cried out, where trpon Governor Nunes turned and, drawing E. ANDREWS. his revolver, fired over-, the miscreant's head. The latter, was so surprised that he dropped his revolvsr. He was promptly ar rested. His identity is not known, but he Is a white man and was well dressed. HAVANA, Aug. 22.-General Rodrlgucs, commander ot the Rural guard, , tonight, after relating the incidents of the day, said to the Associated Press: "You can tell the American people that Cuba la entirely competent to contend with the Insurrection. So far as can be learned by the facts, ths bands ars not large, but It is known that we inflicted some losses on the enemy. The much talked of movement in Santa Clara province has not been encountered, and no lnsurrecetionlsts have been seen there by our forces. "We have today equipped and aent out In various directions too volunteers under competent ofHct-is. We have plenty of rliies and ammunition for all who enlist at present and more have been ordered from the United Btatea. We believe the loyal people are taking up arms for the aovern merit." neve It Is Spreading. .While, the foregoing is typical of the utterances of government officials, there are evidences of the scattering Increases in the numbers of ths insurgents. In the province of Santa Clara the disaffection Is wide spread, and in the province of Havana a great many people are In sympathy with ths Insurgents. In some cases whole com munities appear to have been carried away by the recrudescence of Insurrectionary times. The extent to which this will lead to open rebellion la still uncertain. J gentleman who just returned from Agu acate, wbere he spent several days, stated to the Associated Press this afternoon that aa many as 600 men, moat of them armed. (Continued on ' Third Page) "'rt'.V''r - ' Si ' 1 X?- yy "''' N , . it, -i?Tir jr NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Showers Thursday and Friday Cooler ' Thursday Tesaperatare at Omaha Yesterday! Hoar. Desr. Hoar. De. S a. m 73 1 p. na a. ta...... TJI 4 p. m M Ta. m ..... . T3 8 p. m Wt 8 a. m TS 4 p. m Bit 9 Sk. m Tt Bp. m...... KM 10 a m f0 A p. m ..... . 11 a. m 84 T p. m eHI ia m hit H p. m 1 9 p. m. . . . St TWO GET RICHQUICK SCHEMES Promoters of Alleged Mexican Con cern Charaea with Getting fHOO, OOO by False Pretenses. CHICAGO, Aug. 22. Operations of the Tabaeoo -Chiapas Trading St Transportation company and the Lu Me Ha Mills com pany,' Mexican Investment ooncerna, with offices at 16-20 River street, were stopped today by the United States postal author! ties. Henry D. Bushnell. president, and L st.. .Miller., eoretary treasurer, ware arrested and arraigned before United States Commissioner Foots, who held them in bonds of 12,000 each and continued the oaoe until August 20. j It Is declared by the postal authorities that the operations of Bushnell and Miller, which have covered a period of five years, have netted them (850,000 from Innocent In vestors. - The two companies together were capitalised for $2,000,000,. and according to their literature they operated large coffee plantations and owned several lines of steamers. The postal authorities declare that such Is not the com, and that Miller and Bushnell have been paying dividends to investors from the money taken in for stock in the concerns. PROTEST FROM CULBERSON Texas Senator Objects to the Proposed Abandonment of Fort Browa. DALLAS, Teg., Aug. 22. United States Senator Charles A. Culberson of Texas sent the following telegram today, to which up to a late hour tonight no reply had been re ceived : DALLAS. Tex.. Aug. 22 General F. C, Alnsworth. the Military Secretary. Wash Ington. D. C. : In the morning papers here the Associated Press states that Fort Brown will be abandoned, and I will thank vou to wire me If this course has been de termlned upon. It Is due of the United States to Drotert the frontier, and as Texas borders on Mexico It has always been deemed advisable to police the frontier with rea-ular trooDS. Including a station st Fort Brown. While conditions on the bor der have Improved very much within re cent years, this course is still ad visa Die, snd it would be regrettable that this fort should be abandoned because the people of a border city like KrownHvine ooject to nerro troos under circumstances of raid and murder such aa recently nrcurred there, 8 arnertt C A. CTll LBKKMON. Senator Culberson declined to discuss the matter tonight. STENSLAND NOT IN MEXICO Report ef Arrest of Baa pent Near El Paso ts Officially Denied. FL,' PASO, Texas. Aug. XL At I o'clock today Chief of Police Antonio Ponde de Leon of Cludad Juares, opposite El Paso, received the following message from Aguas Calientes, Mexico: "No truth In report of arrest here of Paul O. Stensland, embessling Chicago banker. No man that description here.' CHICAGO. Aug. 22.-Chlef of Police Col Uns is awaiting Information from Governor Deneen concerning a man said to renemble Paul O. Stensland. who was seen at Aguas Calientes. Mex.. last night Chief Collins communicated with Governor Deneen, ask Ing him to order the arrest of the man. "I expect to receive an answer at any moment," said Chief Collins. "My Infor mallon seems to be good and I believe that the 'man Is Stensland. The governot haa promised to communicate with me he obtained any Information concerning the man." Movements of Oeeaa ea-ls Ana. SE. At New York Arrived: Madonna from Naples; (tilt dl Palermo, from Oenna. Sailed: Teutonic, for Liverpool; Staten dam. for Rotterdam; Slcllla, for Genoa Calannn. for Naplea At Queenstown Sailed: Avernla, for Boa ton. At Southampton Balled: Kron Prlns Wit helm, for New York. At Genoa Arrived : Crerlc, from New York. Bulled: Romanic, for Boston. At Hamburg Sailed: Deutschland, for New York. At Plymouth Arrived: Orosser Kur fuerst. from New York. . At Cherbourg Arrived: Graf Waldersee, from New Ifork. Bslled: Kron Prtns Wll. lirli.i for New York. At Boston Arrived: Rostonlan. from Man churia. tnild: Wlnlfredlsn. for Liverpool. At IJverpool Arrived : Tamltvan, from Portland, Msl; faroula. from New York; Oceanic, from New York. bailed: Bo hemian, for Boston; Malestio, for New iork; Noordland. for Philadelphia, BROWN AND SHELDON WIN Buffalo Oountj Haa llamed for Esuttor oa the Sixth Billot. NEMAHA STARTS BREAK THAT LANDS HIM our Hon Votes Than Neoesiarj to Q:t Him nomination. HANKS CONVENTION FOR THE HONOR Winner Expresses His Appreciation of th Votes that Hade Him. R0SEWATER ASKS FOR A CLEAN TICKET Defeated Leader Gets Oration as He Takes Platform on Call. SHELION NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR Hopewell of Dart Named for Lieu tenant Governor, Robert Cowell ot Omaha for One of Hall way Commissioners. THE TICKET. v snato aTOKXUS BBOWH, Bnflalov Oovsrnor OEOB.OX2 x SHELDON, Cms a - XUsutsnaat Oovsrnor w n WnWBtVKIT.V. B.rt ' eoretary of State OIOSUB O. JDBKtfl, WOpiI Auditor .... B. SC. SJXABXtB, Kslta. Treasurer.... x.. J. BBIAJf, Boons) atwnv weaerai i W. T. THOMPSON, Hall 1 Bnllwey Commissioners I u. j. wijvnbtt, x,aucast BOBSBT OOWSLL, Douglas J. A. WIT.fclAMB, Pierce Xiaad Commissioner H. at. EATOH, Dodge Bupsrlatondsat of Instruction J. I af'Bjl.B, raimore (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. fr tSpuclul Tele gram.) Aa will be seen from this ticket the Brown-Sheldon-Wlnnett forces won out In today's convention, but not until after titanlo struggle, seldom If ever before witnessed In the political history ot -Nebraska For six sucoesalve ballots the , lines were sharply drawn between the ele ments that had been gathered together be hind Norrls Brown for senator and thos who opposed him, represented by a held In which Edward Kosewater was iha principal figure. At times it looked ai if the Brown strength would be haimmred to pieces, with a certainty that If liiey should break the nomination of Rosewlter would be assured, but by i a course of trades f 1 1th the weakening 1 to be antagonists 1 0 build hla vote! up J over fhe line vAtfl and barters, together with of certain lines supposed to Brown, he managed to unrif- finally be pushed over only four votes to spare. A great many explanations and slide lights oould be given; the repudiation of pledges, and. the use of questionable methods, but the vote tells the tale, bit the final' ballot Norrla Brown received 43 votes and Edward Rosewater 290. It Vas plain from the start that the minor caijidl- dates had been simply planted to Hold certain delegates away from, the lesiiors and were never at any time posslbllltlesyor the nomination. The predictions of BrJwn and the Brown boosters that he would! be nominated on the first ballot were dlrkp- polnted and his failure to show up this claimed strength was to his disadvantage. At the same time he did muster a little bit more than he had been credited with and held his own with rantarkable tenacity. There were comparatively few changes on the ballots. Butler, Seward and Saunders breaking, but carrying only a few votes away from Brown. How ft Was Done. In the meantime the Rosewater column Was gradually gaining, until Nemaha county, which had been dividing In the interest of good, threw Its entire vote to Brown on the sixth ballot. I,t Is' said this waa the work of Tom Majors, but whether true or not, it would not have been enough to have changed the result had It not been followed by the defection ot Pierce county. Instructed for Mr. Rosewater, for whioh treachery the chairman, Mr. Williams, wis I A V. ( U V. .... .... I ) way commission at the hands of the BrownJ people. A few other changes followed chiefly in the Fourth district, where Con gressman Hlnshaw had been oulte busy as a Brown floor manager, and when the 1 vote was announced the convention turned Into an uproar, aa might be expected. In his speech of acceptance Mr. Brow expressed his thank for those who mad him and aaid he had no feeling of resent ment against those who fought him. H discussed In a humorous way the last denf ocratlo state convention and Impressed ' upon the convention that the prelim Ui ar'sssn- Of the fight only had been settled and YstrioL real fight waa now to begin. Cmory, Following the speech of Mr. Brown, ) all ward Kosewater, amid a perfect bed' of applause, was called to the platfcPt Mt where for several minutes he was gfysnm, an ovation. Mr. Rosewater said: " "I need hardly say to you that 1 afyr. ! elate your hearty reception to ma atVthU F time. . We have come to the parting of the ways. I wanted to go to Washington! , for the good of Nebraska, but I expect lo resume my place In Omaha arid again take u up the pen, which Is sometimes mightier than the sword. "Whenever a republican la nominated legitimately, who Is a clean man. I will support and do what I can to eleot him, I have had no personal differences with Mr. Brown In this contest and he has no cause to compluln ot the way I have treated him or to ssy that I have treated him harshly in the fight that U over. Neither will I treat him any more harshly in ths fight to come. 1 have no Intention to foreshadow the momentous questions we must meet. As a life-long republican I will do what 1 can to help meet them. Ever slnoe I first en tered .public life In Nebraska 1 have tried to keep our party clean and keep our state house free from graf'ers. . "I want to see you nominate good, Clean men. I want you to nominate a clean ticket that will give ua a new deal and have no man on It for whom you will have 1 1 to apologise; nominate only men whom j you can depend upon; men of honest, so i that ws can place the word integrity above m( the slats house door." Ii Tumultuous aplnuss followed the talk of Mr. Reef water, and u;:cn slopping from the platform be was at onre surround 1 by his friends, and thort who ovpased his Bomlnstlon, esrer to shake his Ttanfa. i The contrast between the two senatorial 1 i