THE OMAHA 1' DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST. 22, '1906. I",- i i ! a tha f P 7 - COUNCIL Office, 10 Pewrl dtrige, MINOR StEftTIOK. Davie, Clark'. iodu, Stockert sells tarpstk. Hrn engraving at LefferlV. .... Ed Rogers'- Tony Faust br. Plumbing an keatlng'Bisby. Son. Souvenir poatale," Alexender'a, S3S B'way. Uwli Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone tT. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. iti. Tall yotir troublea to Hater, the Lumber man, If they are In bin line. DIAMONDS AS AN jS'VESTMENf. TALK. TO LEFFERT-ABOUT IT. ' a, Oeorge Hoagland ha the. Kanaaa BbaU . di-li k. All hard, brick. : Get hie price. . Se Stephen Broa. for lira brick and fire clay, sewer pipe, fittings and garden hone SRICTLT CASH FOR ALL SHOES AT DUNCAN A DBANg GREAT CLOSING OUT SHOE SALE. .--. .v, Tom RobrrMftfti- a 'MtrA.wn(di u. n. v.. tor the theft ol ault of clothes, waa picked up by the pollc last evening. f J:UBT JlOy: ' OIBSON" PICTCRE8 FRAMET WfTM BEAUTIFUL FRAMFi &,VJ 40 CJSAJU.. BORWICK, m SO. i MAIN. . '. Mr. and. Mr.' F..!, ilagb-erty of Mlna. guest of Sir. and Mia. F. B. Hahan of .Washington,, avenue, en . route noma twin IlJIaola. I pay (12 per ton for- cast. Iron; mixed, 110; stave, la;: raga, per 1b.; . rubber, , c; copaer a, per lb.- .iT Ketelmaa, mi Maln. potrj'phenee eMu-r, r. Wa wholesale Ice cream, Shipped to Any part if thaatkte.. Special iirlcea to the re tail trade. . . I. Mucct 311 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la Tel. 864. We have the finest line of .earn pie monu ment a to aaleet from In the Wear. Jheeley Lana . Marble . and . Granite Works, 217 East Broadway, Council. Uluffs, la, l.-- Mra. Waltea C. Joseph -an. Mra. Arthur Pickering will entertain the women of the Second Presbyterian eiroh Friday after-, noon at the liomev of Mra.- Pickering, KX "North Fir Street' I. M Kail opening Western Iowa college, Mer rlam. block .Council ,Brufr, la.. Monday, August 27. English,' Normal, Bookkeeping ' and Shorthand departmental Send for new catalogue.,! Loth phones. " The following Iced drinks and Ice cream will be served ell this -week at the Clark Drug company's?. Madja, frosen phosphate, Siberian fllh, eld0rda -aundae. tropical sun-i dae, Carrdendte klaa, southern beauty. American sundae and Greenland Iceberg. Mary At Gregory brought ault tn the dis trict court to have ,j temporary guardian V ' Oregory,- who la over W years of age and ' appninieu inr ner nusnana, ueorge A alleged to- be ot unsound jnlnd. Oregory la aia 10 own .property valued at over M.wn. The receipts In the general fund of the Christian -home last; week were $140.45, be ing f.S.66 below the needs ot the week and decreasing the balance In this fund to 7f.66. In' the manager's fund the reeelpta were tit. being lt below the needa ot the week, and Increasing the deficiency tn this fund to dat to ri.2i An Information WS" filed In Justice Oardlner'a court yesterday charging Charles .Nelson and Dan Karrell with as saulting Leonard Noyes' with a piece of lead gaae pipe, ,. They gave bonds tor their appearance today. Nelson went 'before Justice jField and idled ' an information charging Leonard i anil Jesae Noyea with aesaultlng him with brass knucklea. The offices in the county court house will close 'this afternoon at. 1 o'clock on ac count, of the -base ball game between the officials of Pottawattamie and Harrison counties. . .The contest, which Is for the edlflcatlpn and probable amuaement of tha visiting county, officials from all parte of tha ttaJe, will be pulled oft on tha Six teenth avenue grounds. Tha Title. Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs will henceforth be known a the Pottawattamie County Abstract romDany. an Amendment to thla effect to tha article's of Incorporation having been Jlled for record yesterday. It la understood tnai' sum .iruiikaniuii - vxivitru ml iiinew. ing. to another .enmpany entitled the Ab stract' Title Ouaranty company, which, la also doing buslnees In Council Bluffs. -i . - k ".". Matssaa- Ca. . . New t Location ' of Wholesale , Bakary. ' IK Mynater Street. Co. Bluffs. la. "IIothe-mad Bread a Specialty. ;. Visitors Welcome, - Wm9 gala--... Meolam andhfgn-grade sewing machines. I carry a . large llmi . of . the latest Im proved machines. I have maehlnee ranging In prices from tZliA up.- Can furnlah ma chines -that make both lock and chain stitch. . I the Qneat and only perfect rotary, shuttle machines now on tha mar ket. . ' t Bell maehlnee on easy paymente With iibsral discount for cash. Ail ma chines taken to your home for trial. I re pair allj makes of machines; keep needles, oils and, paras ,6f machines, have had twonty-slx years' experience in sewing ma chines," all in Council 'Bluffs. Coma in and see my good arul figure with me. I sell Edleon. and Victor talking machlnaa and carry a. large stock of records. Ind. 'Phone 107-Red; Bell 'Phone; Red 11167. 8, M. WIU Uamson, X7. South'; Main. , GOOD PIAJVOa AT TUJ1 CLOSEST POS SIBLE PRICES AT BOURICIUS PIANO HOU8B;l.a38 BJUAJ?WAT. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. .. . , Eighty jsnr cwot of the-vehicles around Council Bluffs Are Van Brunt's .work. There some good reasons (or thla. Call around and Van Brunt will give you the reason' 'why. At the Big Repository, 11 and 14 "Fourth treat " M. B. Clawaon and family wish to extend sincere thanks to their many trionde and nelghoore aad ea peel ally to a treat railway employee of Division M, during the sick nea And lose of the- lata i& T. Clawaon. Wsm tkaU I Bay My Groceries r ' WB ANSWER THIS QOESTION, FIRST WMERB PRICES ARB - RIGHT. ' SEC. OND, WHERE THE OOOD8 ARB FRK8H AND FIRST CLASS. THIRD, WUEE1 TOU WILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS AND HONEST TREATMENT. WB FULLFTL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS ' IN EV". XRT RESPECT. OIVB US A TRIAL OR DER AND WB ARB SURE TOU WILL BB OUR REGULAR CUSTOMER. JOHN OLSON. 7i W. BROADWAT. Bee' Want Ada for Buaineee Boosters. Have your Vooone papered and your house painted In and outside." Thla la Juet rbe time of the-Veae; TbawtU get it done right and at the right priee. Borwlok. til South Main St. . " - LEFFliRT'S The Only Perfect . tXUBLH VTSIOX WEH a , , POME IN AND 8KB TlltM. i 1 1 " EXPERT OPTICIANS, . . . ..... . . . -J . as g99EBBSSBBI SCAVENGER WORK ''haul dead a&lraais, fig per bead.' Oarbaaa, asuea, manure and all rub cleAa vaului'ana- cesspool As) work dene le atarantaeeV a ' Caiia promptly atlanded ta ... -Woo. Ke4tWji.. ( y. ., J. M. SHERLOCK . , er-::" BLUFFS St. Tel. 4S. OFFICIALS- TAKE THE 111 Fit. 0ooTntiDi Assemble at Pam Time far Tint Time in Hirtorj. " WELCOMtD TO CITY BY MAYOR MACRAE . - .'' Little la Way f Bastaaae Attempted by Aay af the Aesoelatloaa a fa ' OseBjnft- Day Afteoo aad, ' Becmlaiaj fee Pleasare. . - .. .... ; . Fur the first time tn their history the Bute Associations of County Supesvlaora, County Treasurers, County Recorders, County Audltora and Clerks of the District Court are holding their annual conventions at the same time and In (he same city. Although yesterday was the' opening day of the five meetings,' the attendance .waa not aa large as had been predicted' but It was sufficient to 'make things Interesting. . Utile business waa transected yesterday by any of ther orgamiiaflons," although the recorders and clerka of the court , and treasurers ' tielT 'forenoon; eessterta. Tie principal meeting of the day waa In' the arternoon. when the eupervleora,, auditors and treasurera gathered" in "the large- ball room at the Grand hotel,' which' was1 "as signed to the supervisors in which-to hold their sessions, And liatened to' an kddresa of welcome from Mayor -Macrae.. Xr. .Mac, rae made One of hla "characteristic talks, saying In part:. . . v. ; ... , . . WelcAmed rfcy 'Mayee. " In expatiating upon '.tyie .beautloi Of my city aad. telling you of the nice thlnga we. have here-eo that you. may want . to stay In Council Bluffs. I am at a disadvantage in lacking the power ot picturesque ora tory, ao I must set forth, these .things In .a simple manner. Our cithiens have sent me here to bid you welcome and to Invite you to partske of the good things we have, and the bad things, too, If you choose; we have both. . - t . , We hope that while you eolourn In our town you will not fall to visit our various places of interest, not only for -he? sake of the pleasure you will have in doing so, but for the nenent you would orive in looking up our magnificent Institutions. We think we have some of the finest factorlea in the United States. ' As ettlaetis we do not brag much, but as mayor of the'clty that is a part of my business. We want you to go through some of them and go home and tell your people that Council iluffa la not behind the tlmee. I want to aay-'-that meetings of this character, composed of supervisors through out the state, are most excellent In their results. Some counties are advanced hi anme things, some In other Hnea; these con ventions give you the benefit of an ex change of Ideaa. .'.- I notice one number on your program for dlscufulort the matter of .concrete culverts. Aa a city official thlr matter Ir Ot Interest to me In relation to our various problems ka to Indian creek in this city: ' we have had the old wooden bridges and Iron bridges,, costing thousands of dollars every year to maintain. Every year It Is neces sary to build new ones; others are being constantly , torn Up and money expended on them, and the money that haa been thrown away In the last fifteen years In repairs of our bridges. It seems to me, would pay for solid silver bridges. The manner tn which public money Is not taken care of would be m a .private business behooves us to look into these things In a serious manner. . I hope the time Is not far-distant when every culvert In Pottawattamie' county, .If not in Iowa, will be made of concrete. We think we have anything you want, al though we are very particular about some things. We watch the mulct law with an Argua eye' and aee that It is carried out. However, If we are pushed hard. We might loosen up A IUM6 while you.kre with ua. F. T. Morrla Replies. i JT. T. Morris of Polk county, president i of i the ' supervisors" aajkttlatkm,, whai pre sided ' at thla ' Joint meeting, ' 'replied to Mayor Macrae on behalf of his organisa tion and the other -two aseoclatloos, ' He atated that owlrig to sickness and death In his family he had not expected to be able to be present 'uritll the last moment 'and consequently had' hot' prepared any ad drees. During the course of hla remarks Mr. Morris said: Any man who-win "attend ' these meet ings,, pay attention, and listen, will, get Information that will be of great assist- nee to him in .performing his duties aa a member of hla board of supervisors. Wa ara men who are chosen by the people, end tha various counties of the State, to trans act the entire business if the county In our line or wora, ana we Rave a great reepon- nihility reatlnx uoon" us. We have . the handling of the funds of the county, and It behooves ua aa representatlvea of the reo- ?le to use It right and to adopt method hat are to the- beet interest of the pub lic, entailing the least expense and artora Ing the greatest gain possible. ';'' Tke Sopervleof'eV'. ; V ''."'. ' . The opening session of the tenth annual convention of the State Association ot County Supervisors waa called to order by President Morris of Polk county but be yond the registration of members, and the payment of dues no baslnees Waa ..trans acted. . - After the joint session In the . afternoon to listen . to Mayor ' Macrae's , addreaa of welcome' the aupervlMora' adjourned until thla morning, moat of the member, go ing with the, pther-viattors to; Lake Man awe. -This la the program for today: ,. , :30 a. m, Meeting called to -order by the president ' " " - ."''' Reading and approving of minutes ot pre vious meeting. Appointment of railroad andi'flnanoe com ml t lees by the president . DlsousBloh New and Changes, pf Laws, B, A. ' Wilson of Scott county. ' II. CI Brandea of Pottawatamle county. . John O. Smith of Algona. T. H. McQuillan of Dubuque. Godfrey Durst of Woodbury county. .' ' Frank H. Plumer of Mills county. ' A. H. Hosbrook ot Harrison county. - L. H. DeFord of Polk county. . iioe p. m Election of off) cere. Selection of place for holding ,net con vention. ., " Referring" of bill. Supervlaors from the' following' counties were registered yesterday afternoon, but thla number waa added to by. late are rlvAla: ' " - . i-.-. Boone H: D. Hone)'Yi t). Ko)corn,' '': Cedar Fred GoldamUH. John Banfilck. ' Cherokee W. MurrunerL Jatnea Dajton, J. R. Nelk - . . ' " : ..'., , .. . . Clarke-R. R. Chapman," ' t .'" ', " Clinton T. B. Uauke. . ' v. L ' Crawford Thoma Ahart, C." H. Mdlter. ' Davie Harvey W ray, M.-F. Patterson. - Dubuque J. L Cooney, E. P. Lande, Martin Byrne. A. H. Plliard..T. H. McQuil lan, H. Boholllan, Jonri Andre. ' - Fremont T. J. Morgan, Qeorge' Gtlmore H. L. Vanatta, M. Grave. Harrison J. 8. Hall. M. Murray.'. Koasuth-John Q. Bwlth. W. T. Hall. Lyon M. Priester. - - v. Madison M., O. Brkdjr, Jamek BreckenV ride. A J. Jones' Mills E. B. Bogart, A. J. Chantry. Muscatine F.. P. Day, R. T. Shannon. O'Brien Georxe J. Bmlth. .- Page J. H. Abbott. 1. H. Taggkrt. Palo Alto John Angtum, J. A. Hughea. T.i . . i , r. i i . . . Pocahontaa H. R. Weber frank Whftf, J. Wtnegarden. Polk Ff T. MOrris. - ..... ' PTttawattamle Allen Bullla, Felix. Seta. O. W. Spenoer. H. P. Brahdee.'- Poweshiek J. C. Maney, - Sac H. C. Goodman. A. MoCOrklndale. Tama, C. S Winders. - Unlon-W. W. J3urnat P.- C. HollaiuJ.-JT. 8. Shade. ' ' ' Van Queen T. L. Work man'. v Albert Bowles. .. ...'.-- Woodbury E.' C. " Copelend, Godfrey Durst. " '..,. Wrlght-Q. H. Jameson.. J. K. MiUer J. K. Shepler. R; Franoee. ... t.-i'i Clerka af Dlatrtet Co art a- , : B. F. Corna of Polk county, president of the organisation, called i the sixth annual oonvaptjoi) of the State Aaeoc4-.tlon - of Clerka ' of Vhe" district court to' order yeJ terday morning, about an hour later than tha acheduled time. ' which : was o'clock. Mayor Macrae was on hand aad did-.he- honor en behalf of ths city. bMdlmf- th visitors weloorae la a neat, ahort addreaa. anion waa responded to by C B. Clovi ol Atlantlo, Caaa county. In the absence of K." M. Nelson of -Clarion. . ' Judge O. D.-Wheeler delivered 1 aa In isVestlrig addreaa, hla subject being "The Clerk and the Court." saying In part: The title of the office of clerk Is a mis nomer'. Hla duties are an many and varied that If would be easier to telf w hat he dnea not have to do than to, tell what he des. Little of public importance . transpires which ,does not leave Its Impress on the pages In., hie office. He l the official biographer of his community iM from lilt reoords might be gleaned material of every omj who had been bom or had lived or died In hla bailiwick. Here Is to be found the advent Into the .vale of tears, the guardianship through which matured Into manhood, the momentous time when he takea unto himself a partner of Joys and sorrows, for better or for worse, and if for wotre, here will be found the record 6f the decree absolving him from the bur densome hymeneal knot. Here, too. will be found the record of his worldly success, when the time comes to administer hie sstale. H's duties' .comprise all those" handed down by our forefathers,' together with those added from time to time by legisla tive wisdom or caprice, until now they well nigh embrsce the three constitutional' departments of atate executive, legislative and Judicial. And the legislature atll.1 aits from time to time. , "The ,Clerk'e Duties" was the subject' pf a paper by C. B. Clovla ot Caaa county. . . In the afternoon the vlnltlng clerka went to Lake-Manawa. Thla la the 'program for today'a session ''Relationship' of Attorney and Clerks," E. H: Addison, Nevada. . : ."Hiatory ot Clerka," C. M. Soper, Ne-. vada. "New Legislation Effecting Clerka." H. V. Beattey, Council Bluffs. .' "Bonds," Thomas' Hlckenjoopef,' Albia. i General discussion.' ' " ' Election of offlcera - .'.''.'". :Among the clerks who reglatred''yesier-' Lday wre: . ' " '. C. B. Clovla. Case county: Charles Benesh, Tame;.E. W. Hoyer, Ida; A. 8. Thftrp. Decatur; J. A. White, Iowa; R. B, Harper, Monona'; B. F. Coffin, Polk; H. G. Barnes, Montgomery J. A. .Way. Madlnar); A! P. Msy. O'Brien; H. V. Battey and J, N. Tolllnger, Petta wattamle; C. Stephen Son, Buchanan; O. G. Pelniger, Sioux; H. W. Borg. Boone; W. C. Dewal, Kossuth; Thomas Hlckenlooper. Monroe.. - " ' Coanty Reeoffdera. The .fifth, ennual convention, pf the State Association of County Recorders was called to order by the president, F, H. Wells of Eh-imf tsburg, and the delegates were made welcome to Council Bluffs by City Clerk W. F. Sapp on behalf of the municipal ad ministration and the Commercial club. J. 8. Hall Id ay of Boone responded in a neat little speech. ' ' ' Itt hla annual address- President Wells said It was most gratifying to see the In terest that waa being taken In the organ ization by the recorders throughout ' the entire state. He said he regretted that many of the members were unable to at tend owing to the supervisors of thelr re. spective" counties declining to -'help bear part of the burden of expense.. "May the benefit "derived by ua,' more fortunate in this respect than our brothers, be to con-' aplcueus as will oauae tha county fathers, whom we believe to be short-sighted- re garding thla matter,' to alt up and take notice. . Mr. Wells' addreaa In the main dealt bri matters of . Interest particularly . to . the member. Secretary Ole Lengtand of Nevada took occasion to express 'regret that the legis lature had failed to pass the law endorsed by the recorders, providing for a four year term fo county offices.' After the Appointment of committees the recorders adjourned - until thla morning, most of the members enjoying" the after noon and evening at Lake.Manawa, ' Thla Is the. program for this morning :: Paper Method of Indexing and "Record ing Instruments Filed "tor ' Record, J.y E. Webb of ElkadeY. . ' J h . General discussion.. . ... Paper Deeda; warranty,. Special 'War ranty and Quit Claim, (a) when Entered for Taxation. -b) . When- FlledJVW When Refused: '(d) Authority for So-Doln in Each IiBtance, K. ,E. Stephens v of ; Bed General discussion. ' v- " Adjournment for lunch. ."' Conaty Aadltorsrr The audltora did not convene until trie afternoon- and then onhy a very' brlel 'ses sion for the purpose of organising waa held the -member adjourning to- hear Mayor Macrae'e address, . President Jr W, Dalley of Cherokee county called the meeting i to order and Audltotv Hoxle of Bueha Vista county "Was selected as secretary. Thla la the twentieth annual meeting ' ot the organisation, and at the opening session yesterday about thirty were In attendance. This la the programme for to-day: MORNING 4) :K O'CLOCK. President's address. Enrollment of new .. members and collec- non or annual auea.'. . ., , . . , ... . Reports of offlcera., . . . , . - Reports of conimltteee. . Discussion of new laws passed br the last general assembly, in ao far aa they pertain to the work and duty of tha count v audit. ore, led by Audltora A. S. Lawrence, Mus, K.uuijr, nnu w. xv. Hamilton, uuth- ne i-uunijr, fc ; ; General dlscuseion. " .' ' AFTERNOON. Paper or addresa-WubJect: "Asaessment and Classification of Taxable Property and the Relative Value of Taxable Pronertv Compared with the Real Value," Auditor tt . r-t. ntueiMu, jnarstiaji county. General discussion. . ... Cosmty Treasarera, ... The convention of the. Bute Association of County Treasurers la being ' held in the rooms of the Commercial 'club but the organisation, like the others, has ta head quartara at the Grand hotet The opening eeaslon yesterday morning was called to order by I. N. Shearer of Ida . county, president of the aaoclatlon. Treasurer Kellogg of Audubon county was' selected as secretary. . . ";1 The session waa devoted to the discussion ot the methods ot keeping cash account in the county treasurers' office.' A- uniform ayatem ot bookkeeping ia favored by the organisation and thla matter will receive considerable attention. It is expected,' at the -convention. - - - - The attendance yesterday was small, leas than twenty members being present, but a larger number is looked -for today, -This la the program: 10 a. m. Judge Macy'a decision in the Monona-Harrison ditch controversy In the rase of Bolter et al. against Chicago Canal Construction 'company' et al., aa the aama affects warrants Issued for' the construc tion thereof) prior to the rendition, of eald decision, and other matters, ot Interest In connection therewith. , . tl a. m. Legislation that would be bene flclal to the county treasurer, atate - and any taxing district. 11:30 a. m.1 County depositories, and as to: the payment of Interest on county de- poena.- . . ,. Recesa. 1 SO p. m. Bonds furnished by the-county treasurer, corporate end personal. . . , I p. m Duties of auditing committee and their relations to the county treasurer. 110 n. nt. Special asaessment: Who shall enter same on their tax list, or shall U be kent In a separate book? Who pays for collecting same? All persona knowing themselves te he In. dsbted to Duncan Dean or the Dunes Shoe company are requeated te call and settle at once. f.KO acres good farm land in eastern Cole rs,do. It per acre and up; no Irrigation re quired Can raise all klnda pf small grain and oorn. A few good homeateada Jola our lands. Send tor printed matter, F. C Leugee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs, la. MALONET'S PEARL ST. NSW LOCATION. M . Ouarlea rherret Die tat Hespltal. Charle. Cherrett. a resident of Council Bluff for nineteen years, died Monday a St. Joseph' hospital la. OrmUit. -assd t years. He waa burn la England, and cam direct front that country to Cpuncll Bluffe. For the last twelve-years he-waa -oustodla -of tbe Cornel) .Bluffs 'Rowing etatlort. ' He leave a 'wita and a number of ''near' relative Uvlqf la Omaha, The f us'?J I ' ,--. ... , Ji revolution in cigar production as great as the evolution in rail 'I way transportation from the days' of Stephenson's first locomotive to the Twentieth Century Limited The American Cigar Company has perfected at a cost -of millions of dollars a scientific and heretofore unknown method of thoroughly fermenting and truly blending the tobacco leaf. T,hq fermenting process alone would produce from the same tobacco a cigar, that you would recognize as twice as good. It removes every last lingering trace of- the rawness that spoils the aroma, the harshness that , burns the tongue and the bitterness that ruins the flavor. The. new blending process thoroughly combines' the aromatic qualities of the various tobaccos required for each cigar before they go to the cigar-maker's table. The ordinary factory-operation, miscalled " blending," is only a mixing by the cigar-maker of tobacco taken from two or three small piles of cured leaf a mixing which' The Anna Held cigar Is rolled from blended tobaccos selected according to a formula that, if made by an? other system, would make the same cigar cost 10 cents instead of five. - . It is a smooth, even-burning cigar of faultless workmanship. and of delightful and distinctive flavor regularly 1 smoked by thousands of men who know what they like and why they like it. wil be held Thursday morning at Nebraska City, but friends may--view the remadna at Heafey & Heeieyfr morgue, GrtiaKa, Wednea- ! . .-" Real Betate Transfers. .""--These transfera were. tepr.ffd tg The Bee August 21,' by t the Pottawattamlw, County Abstract company of Con'ncl) BluffsV.- Mafgaretta Wtgrnan ahdt husband 16 V. WllllamH. Thomas, lots l to 28 In block 16. in Potter & George's addlr . tlon to Eaot Omaha, w d... (S1.K00.00 H. ;P. Hansen and -wife W' Charles- ( Bne, s4 of lot 7 Ib' block & In Hall's addition to . Council Bluffs, -loW. w d ... .... 1.700.00 Lotjle Btenler, guardian. Ai 'Benja- ; mn-renr Real estate company, 2-8 Interest In, part nW . tte nwli, Sl-76'43.- d.. A... 1.133.84 Adglph : Matthleneen and wife to F. . H. weeiy, lot in pioc li in Beni--4ev.- lewa. w d ......;...t.-.; 185.00 lob.oo 95.00 , 50.00 ' 1.00 1,00 Ihteratate Realty company to Hilda liftman, lot B, in oiock i. in Evan's second adilltron te Council Bluffs. Iowa, w d Benjamln-Fehr Real Kutaie company to tlarence F.- Howman, iov zb, in block Si, In Fnry- addition to Council Bluffs, lowa.-rW -d.. BanJamln-JTehf Real Estate company to Mamie J. weal, urai , iu, u nd 12, In' block' 7,-In Mayne's first addition to Council Bluffs,. Iowa, C. S. .Lefferts and wife to, Margar- etta Wagrhan, lots I to a, inr diock 18, In' Potter, at George's' addition to East Omaha, q c d A. O. Gilbert and wife to Ernest E. Hart,' 62 lota In Council uiuas, Iowa, w d Nine transfers,, total.. ..'.1'.' $5,115.34 We are agents for the best wheel chairs for invalids. C. E. Alexander, 831 B'way. ".V : Mast Be Bold. Must .sell dwelling. Has five rooms, city water. Ia oh car line and rente for per month; alwaya rented. Tel.' M. Charles T. Officer, 419 Broadway. . ., 4 Miss McKeown gave a good description of the brute, which was furnished the po lice here by -Mr. Hough. . The fellow had either a gray beard or 'whiskers, which showed beneath the mask. He waa dreaaed In overalla and wors e atraw hat.. OREEN AND NORFOLK . FURNACES GIVE THE BEST SATISFACTION. ASK PEOPLE, THAT t'SE THEM. THET WILL TELL TOU WHAT THET' ARK. F. A. SPENCER. 1M Broadway,,, i For Sale-Furnlttire pf twentyroom hotel in good, rajlroad division point. Price; $300. Wilt rent hotel for $38 Ion account of atek neaa. Is full ot boardera Quick sale. Addreaa J. 8. Kerr, 64 Broadway Council Bluff. ' ' 1 ' CENTRAL FLOUR B ll. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar kst Both phonea 24. . .,, , THE MOST UP-TO-DAThi RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. . QOOI BSR VICE AND HOME COOKING. The Calu met restaurant, 630 Broadway. MALONET'S PEARL ST. NEW LOCATION, Swanaon Music company, 407 West Croad way the r place wharf you will find a splendid assortment ' of pianos to select from. Conovera, Cables, Schubert and Kingsbury's. All clean, new goods. Prices and term to auit every person.. We think It a good house to deal with. For Imported wines,' liquors and Bud welaer beer go 'to L. Rosenfeld, wholeaale lluuor .dealer. 611 South Main atreet Weddlag Qfes 1 Stolea. Anni E. "Lowrey of this city was mar rled Saturday evening to Roy Wilcox, the ceremony being, performed by Rev. G. W. Snyder, pastor of St. John's English Luth. eran church.- ' For some reason . Miaa Lewrcy at the laat moment decided not to be married In ' the white diea she had bought for the wd4'nX and she now re grets her change of mind.' Following the eererrtony r when she returned to her home she dlicotered that her room had been ransacked by aum tic who had carried og THE IMEUST WAY IU1 nl a ii in will it si in M ii 5 Cents Sold-by all dealers Trade Supplied by J. & B. J. her wedding gowrv together with a table cloth valued at $12.60, one of her wedding present. ' .. ' ' ' ' . -1 , OLD HIGH SCHOOL IS TO-. BE lOLD Board-Inst rncts Secretary lo Invite - . Btda. The JBoard of Education last night de' elded to place the -old high school, prop erty ort the- market and Secretary. Ross waa Instructed to advertise for caah'offere for the building -and grounda. Mqat ,of..lhe land adjoining the old high school waa disposed of a few years ago for building lots, but no one appeared willing at that time to make an offer for the building Itself. . Chairman Anderson ot the commit tee on buildings and grounds brought the matter up and recommended that the prop Did If possible. The old bufhirfig ! Inneed of repalra and la natur- ' erty be sold ia badly In need of re pat ally getting worse every year. The contract for supplying the schools with Centervllle lump coal, for the ensuing year was awarded to the Bluff City Coal and Lumber .company on Its bid of $3.66 per ton. Tho other bidders were the Ken-lon-Wlckham Coal company, $4.01; the Council Bluffs Coal and Ice company, $4.07; Ralph Williams, $3.64; the Carbon Coal company, $3.74, and Brldenateln A Smith, $4.20. - . The resignations of the following teach era were accepted: Viola Whistler, Emma Thomas, Clara Eyre, Catherine 'White and Miss Horton. The latter waa but recently elected. In filling the vacancies the board elected four teachers from out of Council Bluffs, or Pottawattamie county. The teachera elected and their salaries were: Mabel Toye, Northwood, $60; Florence Cady, Stuart, $50; M. LOuise Eddy, Marengo, $60; Mary Mohler. Sheldon, $60; Margaret McNamara, . Council Bluffs, $40; Edith FUcklnger, i Council Bluffs, $75. Miss Fllcktnger, who will become a member of the high school faculty, la a graduate of the Council Bluffs High school and re cently of Wellealey college. Reuben Hemer waa reappointed truant officer and hla salary placed at $30 a month as before. The board ordered all Bell 'phones taken out of the schools and tn place will Install thirteen Independent 'phones of whlcH thejt will get ten free of charge and will pay only for three. If yon are looking torwara to yotir sum mer's outing -you will need ' few v. ea'lon necessities; if you are going camp? Ing with a amalL party you. will want few delicacies; If you are going to a plcnto you. will. want, your basket filled with "good thing to eat" Sandwiches, olives, pickles, cakes, cheese, fruits, a cold bottle of ginger ale or. root beer in fact McAtee haa everything necessary to fill a dainty lunch' basket and the best tbe market afford. ', , The Title Guaranty and Truat company, abstracters of titles. Books date back to 1S53. Books are all up to date. Work ac curately and promptly done at lowest prices. Office opposite court house, 235 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, Ia. ' . K. T. Plumbing Co. 1-eL J60. Night IM Favorite gaa atovea, from $12.50 to $36. See them. Tha finest line made. Paddock de Handnchey Hardware Co. ' Bloffa Resldeat Dead. A telegram from W. F. Speakman at Danville, 111., to Chief of Polite Richmond last evening contained the following "Frank Carl In 1 dead.. Notify friends at I70 Hayea atreet What disposition to be made of bodyT' The directory gives the name of a Hugh Carlln living at 170 South Eighth atreet. -. Spaniard at Maneuvers FORT RILEY, Kan.. Aug. 21 Lieutenant Colonel Mv'nteverde of the Spanish army, suit luned at Waaiiing'.on as a mllltiiiy at tache, is expected to errl"e h-re tonU-ht to inspect ti e camp of instruction and to oiwrn the work of regulars aud NatkiOal tiuard at tbe (uaaeuveia. - AWD THE OLD results in nothing in the world but a raw "tobacco sandwich.!' 1 - ' ' 1 ' The American Cigar Company's system provides not only for. making better cigars but for keeping thenv good. After careful inspection at the factories, the , finished cigars are stored in great "humidors" under the ideal Cuban climatic conditions, where their quality is constantly improving like rare old wine, till they are ready to go to the dealer. And when these thoroughly seasoned cigars are ready to be shipped, not only arc they boxed and sealed in the usual way, but the boxes are cfofifcC'sealed, a tough waer-proof parchment wrapper with the " Triangle A" seal in red on each end. ' One of the best examples of this new way of pro ducing cigars is tho in good cigars MOOS, Des Moines, Iowa. SYSTEM OF CITY ACCOUNTS Dorrtmiuion Adjourns to Await Soma further ' Information. REPORT ON INSURANCE INVESTIGATION Fight . ' Ove Fraternities ' la Des Moines High School Likely to Cause a Suspension of Athletics. (From a Staff Correspondent) DE3 MOINES. Aug. a.-(Speclal.)-The nmiUslon appointed by Auditor B. r. c.Vro1.1 to Revise a uniform system of rnV nlcipal accounts has adjourned till Septem ber 18 to await the collection of informa tion and statistics without which It cannot do its work. . In addition, when the com mission comes' together again, an expert from the census bureau at Washington, D. C, will be present to meet with the com mission and explain the system by which the census ' bureau clasainea the various items of municipal expenditure and receipt The Information that will be collected for the commission's use consists of the blanks used by the statea of Wyoming and Ohio, the only two other atatea In the union that have a uniform municipal account law. The American . League of Municipalities haa also been asked to aeslat in the work and will furnlah the Iowa commlsalon with Ita recommendations and the results of Its Investigations In the various line of mu nicipal affairs. Auditor B. T. Carroll will leave tomorrow for St. Paul, where he will meet with the committee of fifteen, of which he is a JAPM I I ., .'A A. . r member,' to prepare the report on the - Irj- veatlgatlon of. the Insurance question. ;A conference ot governor, Attorney . gen- ' era Is and "Insurance commissioners from.-' western- tateara Jield ra Chkwn Jebru. . . ary 12 last' to discuss the questions Qf in surance legislation. - At that Ume tt Wa , decided to appoint Tcommltfeo' of fifteen' ' to carry the Investigation, further Atad.. J ,.w report. The committee of fifteen haa been awaiting the results pf th- investigation toy , " the legislature of New York sad also the , results of Investigations which have been made of New Tork companies by insurance ,' commissioners of western state. ThUwork having beep concluded?- the committee will meet In St. Paul to prepare. Its report, which report will be made to the entire conference at Washington, D. C, ' next October. '". " . The fight over hlgti school fraternltle started In the West Des Moinea High school last Kprlng by the Board of Education order. Ing them out has not been settled.' It seem now a though there waa liable' ta ,. athletics and no school publication because ." of the action of the board. The order I that thoae who are member of fraternltle In the High school wfll not be allowed to participate In athletic. As practically everyone in the High' school la a member of a high school fraternity they trgve the deciding, and thue far are seemingly In favor of maintaining the fraternltle. Tha Board of Education and superintendent have determined, however, to break' up the fraternities, and may be depended upon to take some further action. - II; " John Spring of $34 South Bixtb. atreet. in thla city, Is at the Methodist hospital with, -a crushed akull becauae he refused to make ' a amall loanof cash to eome acquaintances. They attacked him, and there la now dan ger that be will not recover, HI assailant have been arreeted. . . . The enlightening sun of cleanliness is H.:, ; Jap Rose (Trees Mark) Soap Its exquisite! odor of natural flowers, Its; transparent purity, it cleansing and soothing qualities make it the choice of discriminat ing users. For Uiltt 04 tali. James S. Kirk & Co., Chicago P ' T J I.