Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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vMt Iricu town and Op', Oloeintr With
LiuU Gait. '
Korthweet Talks Use Day at WMkr
Taa Dry, Seat Day Taa Wet
eared? Eaaagk Cora Trade
Malta Market.
OMAHA, Auk. U.
tJLtf cables were uiaappotn jog, th r
Su.t oelng titer wu considerable selling,
t..e met act remaining ' atrady lor a wlin
ac a detune of ibuui Vc. atrcngth devei
oped later, advanoing price aoout 40,
vLL'oun lrd light, one o tnc in-
"sy..eiices in yesterday advance u talk
t. not diy weather In the northwest, and
In the taoe of this, the nortnweat tiila
morning ent. reports of too mucn rein,
receipts were much smaller today than
fur some time, and the cash demand was
firmer, In kplte of the fact thst there wee
II U CXDOrt bualneaB . rmuf r.,.nv I railur.
aie looking for a rally and eentlment seems
to b- changing to the bull side. Bred
sireets' report of a wheat Increase of 8,6u4.
(xu bushels Was a bearish feature. The
close, waa ft a slight advance over yester
day. There waa eeracely enough trade In corn
to market. Prices were a trifle higher at
the clone, being held steady by a few scat
tered com plalnn of damage, and the fact
that there was no rain In the corn beit.
Receipts were a llttl larger, but accept
ances were reported very light, the cash
market showing strength In consequence.
The forecast Is for showers, which will be
a great Influence to lower prices.
Primary wheat receipts were 611,000 bush
el and shipments 666.000 bushels, against
receipts . last year of 661,000 bushels and
shipments of 436.000 bushels. Corn receipts
were 411,000 bushels and -shipments 4X1.000
bushels, against receipts last year of 606,000
Dunhels and shipments ef 48X.00Q bushels.
Clearances were 4.000 bushels wheat. 26.631
barrel flour, 18,000 bushel corn and t.OOO
ouaneis osts.
Liverpool closed d higher on wheat and
tVtd nlgher on corn.
A message from Fremont, Neb., waa
received this morning, as follows: "The
samples growing corn coming to office yes
terday and today show they are the best
we ever had at thle time. Kernels are
between milk and dough and are filled
to the tip and very heavy. With con
tinuation of warm weather and no frost
or rain for two weeks, bulk of our corn
crop Is made."
Local rang of options:
4s 7V1;. American mld old. 4s t;
futures steady; September. 4a i; Decern- .
ber. 4s t&. I
i t
At-tlcieS. Open. I High.) Low. Close. Yes y
7HA 671
Corn , , A
pt... ...... :.r.:...
Dec.... .
May.-..,,. ......
i 4 M 4V4A
5 67V4 67 HA
44H 44 vU
tlB 8SB
' A asked. B .bid. ... ,. . .
Omaha Cask galea.
' WHEAT No. I hart. 1 oar at SMlc
CORN No. 4, 4 cars at 43c.
OaaoUaa Cask Prlee.
W HEAT No. hard, Mc:' No. I hart,
63drMVvc; Now. 4 .bard, dVsW6Ho; No. 1
spring, W'4c ;
t'OKM-MV ' , . sitter NO. 4. 9o! No. . 1
No, t white.
yellow . Utter' Nov t white, 46c.
uajb-m). mixed, isc;
-orcc; na. wnite, ate
RYK No, t Mo; No. I, 4ro. ,
- '(arllt KMilvtt.
' . . .,, ;. Wheat, Com. Oats
Chicago ...... i.......214 161 444
Kansas City ) 12 41
, Minneapolis. ........ M ...
Omaha ........... 88- ' 80 . 17
ajuiutn .... gg
f St Louis 71 ' 81
Featares of (he Trlaa; ssi Closing;
va Price on Board of Trad.
CHICAGO, Aug. XI. Wet weather In the
northwest and a decreased movement In
. the southwest esused strength today In the
locsl wheat market. At the oloss wheat
for. eeptorn ber delivery was up H4j4o.
Corn was up Ho. Oats were off Ho. Pro
vlRlona were unchanged to bSHo lower.
Following an easier tone early in the
any tne wneat market ruled nrm the re
" malnder of the day. The heavy feellns- at
'Miis start was'dua to foreign advices, which,
wore conaMWeS'i nvorgbtr o the - beara.
i as trading progressed he market yielded
ti a number of bullish Influences, sentiment
becoming quite strong. Weather in the
northwest was wet, which. It was claimed,
, would Interfere with harvest operations;
' acceiitances from the country were aald to
. be light and indications pointed to much
. receipts of wheat at Kansas City
' and St. Louis from now on. Toward, tha
end of the first hour the demand by oom-
'raissinn nouses ana snorts Became quite
' active and prices made a substantial ad
vance. The market closed Arm. Septem
ber opened a shade lower, at TlUo, sold
Oft to TOvktfTle and then sdvanced to TISo.
Final quotations were at 71Ho. Clearances
of wheat and flour were equal to 140,200
bu. The world's visible supply Increased
S.694.000 bu. Primary receipts were 611.-
Ow bu., compared with 161,000 bu. the eorre-
ago. Minneapolis,
receipted reoelpt . of
last week and Z40
lalatlos ' of the Day ou Ta'rleas I
-.'.?W YORK. Aug. a.-rLOVR-Reeelpts,
MM i bbl.; export. 1.921 bbla; market
e'cncly, but dull; Ulnnesots ' patents,
s4"64 40; Minnesota bakers, 11.4093 DO; win
ter patents, tf4 16; winter strsirhts,
.7&; winter f strs. 17 Sfr&J ; winter low
grsdes. 2 7rS Jo. Rye flour, steady; fair to
tood. $3 Ko-a .75; choice to fancy. B SOS1
. kal Firm; line white, i
l.: coarse tl intfM I, kiln ArlrA. 12 .SCKJ
1.10. " '
RrE-Nnmlml Nn 1 western. Sic. noTnr
Inal. c. I. f.. New Tork.
V. H BAT Receipts, 46,700 bu.: spot market
stesdy; No. 1 red. 7?Vo. elevstor; No. 1
red. Mic, t. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern
Huluth, Suq, f. o. to., afloat; No. 1 hard
Manitoba, &c f. o. b , aflost. Slight de
cline In wheat around the opening, due 19
poor rabies and bear pressure, was suc
ceeded by sharp advsnces on rains In the
northwest, light country accepts nres and
bnll support. Later resctlons occurred
tnrougn realising ana the Dig increase in
the world's storks. The market closed "itf
He net higher. Msy. S4tr4Vo. closed at
USc; September, 7HMTt i-lic, closed at
' CORN RecelDts. bu.: exports.
1,211 bu.j spot market firm; No. 1, 7o. ele
vator, ana 7Ha. o. b, afloat; no. I yel
low, tic; No. 1 white, 62c. Option market
waa quiet, but aenerally firmer on . bull
support, and with wheat, closing Hi'c net
higher. September, 6j66Hc, closed at
0Hc; December, 63c, closed at 63c.
oath Receipts. 3,000 bu.; exports, 4.JMJ
bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to
12 pounds, 6c; natural white, H to 12
pounds. Xii4t)37Hc; clipped white, 38 to 40
pounds, HU4iHc.
HAY-Firm: snlDDlns. etaTOc: good to
choice, (6rStl.06.
HOPS Steady; state common to choice,
1M6, HO17c: !A and olds, nominal; Pactlic
coat r.. 39isc; 1804, lc; oias, nominal.
HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to lbs.,
Kc; California, 21 to 26 lbs.. He; Texas, It
to n lbs., lfcj.
leather-Firm; SCid. WlffZTC.
PROVISIONS-Heef. steady; family, $10.00
E1060; mess, 1A.WtiHb0; beef bams, $21.u9
.60; packets, t.60.00; . city extra India
mess, l.y-t?16.. Cut meats, steady;
pickled bellies, lll.OOff U.0O; pickled should
er, 8.16H.7S; pickled hams, H2.0i$12.iO.
Lard, steady; western steamed. JH.7irU8.SO.
Reflned Isrd. quiet; continent, $910; South
American. 110.00; compound, 7H'S''Hc. Pork,
rfeady; family, $11 5ofiI.00: short dear,
W7.OUrdll.76; mess, $19.00& 19.26.
TALLOW Firm; city (12 per package;,
1HC4? :Japan, nominal.
BL'TTER- Firm; street price, extra
creamery, 2323Hc. Official prices:
Creamery, common to extra, 18'a23c; state
dairy, common to fancy, 16H422c; reno
vated, common to extra, lty:fc; wetern
factory, common to firsts, 14"al7Sc; west
ern imitation creamery, extras, l&SUHc;
western firsts, liH'ijlW.
CHEESE Strong; stste full cream, large
fancy, 12Hu; fair to good. 12iQ14c; small
fancy, MiHc; fair to good, llHi&llc; In
feriors, 10(81040.
EOOS Firm; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white, 2f$26c; state,
choice, mixed extra, 2340; west
ern firsts, 18Hijin8c; seconds, 16HS11
1 POULTRY Live, steady;, western spring
dressed, slow; Western spring chickens, 149
16c; turkeys, lac; towis, utvt. ,
t. Loala Oeaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. O. WHEAT Higher;
...1. fjn rA 7(Vny7IU.n- Ma UmrA
&H-i72c: September, He. December, I1S1
ii-vc oia.
CORN-Higher; cash, track, No. t, 47HJI
47Hci September, 47c; December, 41c; No.
1 white tUKouc
OATS Steady; cash, traok. No. I. tOtyff
Bo; Beptsmoer, wiaz'c; uecemoer, una;
io. M Willi, eTyw j
FLOUR Lower; red winter patents. p.
extra rancy, ana siraigni, it.vvoi.m;
BofeD-fmothy, steady: I3.6O&M.00. ,. ...
CORNMEAL Steady ; $l0.
ntLAN Firm: sacked, east track. T3376&
HAY Good demand; timothy, $;
prulrle, $7.6010.W.
BAQOINO-9 l-16c.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing,
'$16.80. Lard. lower; prime steam, 18.32H-
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra snorts,
$9.17H; clear ribs. $9.62H; short clears, $9.76.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 110.UH;
1 . , : A J . .!... 1A KA
POULTRY Dull; chickens, Hc; springs,
12c; turkeys,. 14o; ducks,, liHc; geese, 6c.
BUTTER Higher; oreamery, 1Kb24c;
dairy, 17i&21Hc. " - '
BOOS Higher. 16o case count. .
WjMielntM dhlnmenta.
fViour, -bbti rfR. .iooo ' 10.000
wheat. DU hvw
CornTW ..I W.O00 4.000
Oats, bu. K......... 16.000 70.000
' Mlaaeapolts Oralw Market.
rktents. $4.0004.10; second ' patents, 13.1, )
96; first clears, H.2&433.46; second clear,
$2.bOC160. "
BRAN In toulk, llJ.609U.7a,
(Superior Board of' Trade quotations for
Minneapolis and Chicago dslivery). The
range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day
A Co., U0-1U Board of Trade, was:
1 I sponaing aay a yeal
I , buluth and Chicago
j' 1 . am cars, against tui cars
j cars a year ago. '
ft Small primary receipt 1
V esslvely hot weather
ind continued ex.
were factors that
created bulllan sentiment In the corn mar
ket. There waa a lively demand by several
leading oomml salon houses, but offerings
irere not large, jrresn complaints were re
ceived today of corn being damaged by hot
wind In Nebraska and central Kansas.
The market closed strong. September
Opened unchanged at 48c, advanced to 4sHo
and closed at 48HO. Local receipts war
3M oars, witn 134 cars or contract grade.
. Liberal local receipts of oats caused free
selling by cash houses and resulted In
weak undertone In the oats market. Sep
tember opened Ho higher, at 10c. sold off
. to 29H end closed at &c Local receipts
,were 44 cars. -
IJberal receipts of live hogs at western
packing centers had a weakening affect on
.(he local provision market. The market
was also affected by a 6-oent decline In
tne price of uv nog at tha yerds. The
principal trading waa in lard. - The demand
-came largely rrora snorts. At the oloe
Lard was 67Ho lower, at $t.2H- Rib
. were unchanged, at $9.
i'V Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat,
ill car; cor a, m cars; aais, iu oar; nogs,
zs.u.'g neaa.
The leading furure ranged as follow:
Articles.) Open.t Hlgh. Lew. Close. Tes'y.
Tredine oo Wall Strait Iicbttci Aotir
tnd Ercwdcr ia Ten.
Harrlaaaa Itseki Heavy El
teaelve Pro at Taklag ClwelagT
la Irregalar and
NEW YORK. lu. tl. Tradlna' on the
Stock exohanve waa aa-aln remarkably
heavy today, although somewhat below
yesterday s large volume. The market
manifested a broader tone, operations em
bracing a number of minor Issues In the
railway and Industrial groups. The Harrl-
man aiocas were sgain oeciaeuiy acuvs
with a tendency toward heaviness, the
result apparently of further heavy proht-,
taaing. i nis samo cause prooucea a
similar effect among certain other issues,
which were prominent In last week's ad
vance. There waa renewed talk of In
creased dividends in a number of Issues,
namely Atchison, Resdlng, Pennsylvania
and the latter's affiliated line. Extra
dividends were anounced by Federal Min
ing and Smelting, control of which I held
by the American Smelting company and
by the Republic Iron and Steel company.
The disbursement by the latter company
was In the nature of a deferred payment on
the preferred stock. Indications pointed
to an awakening of Interest on the,
hut this interest has not yet assumed suf
ficiently large proportions to be reckoned
as a factor. Buying orders were onoe
more numerous at the opening and 'from
all accounts stock were well taken. Save
for the Initial dealings In the United
States Steel stocks, there was an absencs
of the previous days' "wide" openings. The
opinion of shrewd observers was that the
advance had gone far enough for the time
and a moderate reaction was looked for.
Tho money situation came In for more
serious consideration, ths rate for call
loans advancing to 6 per cent, yesterday's
high rate, early In the afternoon and to
t- per cent in the final hour, when the list
in general showed further recessions.
Practically all over-year loans were
negotiated at t per cent. The confirmed
statement was made that one of the
ftrominent insurance companies had availed
lee'f of the loom to unloal sonic ,f Its
securities and other selling of a like sort
was reported.
An llustratlon of the speculative charac
ter of the day's' operation waa aflorded
by the formation of a number of pools
In stock, which were regarded with
suspicion. In fact the utter recklessness
with which most of the trading was con
ducted was perhaps the moat favorable
feature of the day. A ' sensational rise
In Great Northern preferred was accom
panied by reports that the deal with (the
Lnlted States Steel corporation for
possession of the Hill ore propertle in
the northwest was in process of consum
mation. No confirmation of the story
wsa obtainable during the market session.
The great bulk of the day's buslne waa
made up of half a doten Issues, Amal
gamated Copper, Colorado Fuel, Great
Northern preferred, Pensylvanla, Reading
and Union Paclflc. A number of high
records for the year were made In - the
course of the day, but there was a marked
decrease In the volume of business In the
late seeslon. This was attributed In part
to report of heavy floods In Arisona and
southern . California, though they were
later found to be somewhat exaggerated.
The closing was active and weak,, many
of ths day s gains being wiped out and
number of net losses established. London.
which reported a reactionary tone for our
securities, traaea actively on ootn sides
here, purchases and sales. the latter
predominating, amounting to about 70,600
shares. Local monetary conditions die
close a loss by the banks to the United
State sub-treasury thus far this week of
about $4,100,000. the result chiefly of
Panama bond payments. The sub-treasury
made a tranerer of ax),ooo to Mew Orleans
and reports from the middle west sneers t
Increased demands on the bank of that
section for croo movlns toumoses.
Railroad boruii were Irregular. In govern
ments, tne new is advanced 14 per cent on
call. Total sales of bonds, par value,
The following was the range of prices on
tne flew xorg Btock exchange:
ale, Hlca. Low. Cloa.
A4ama Kxpnas 144
Amalomated Copper ltt.400 110H 107 107
Amer. Car aae roandrr.... 4,700 4114 40U - to
do pM 400 101 100 KXH
Amer. Cdttoa Oil 6,004 M14 , HH 11
do DM t tiv.
Amer, Expraae , 1.100 . 1S 144 .. 61 .
Amer. Hid Leather pf l.t" ' . Jtu, .
Amer. Ice SecsrltiM 11.400 ' 1K T6 T
Amer. LIdsm4 (Ml ..... 11
do pt4 41
Amar. LeemttTe It, 404 n 4 1
4e sf Ill
Amer. malting A Ratalng 41.100 144 140 10
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tea y
Wheat-I I
77 76H
i71H'872Hl'iiH 7
i I.
1 14
1 11
116HI 114 I
1 li I 11HI
1 11H .1 11
1111 1 11
1 l&H
1 u
111 Hi
7115 H
1 13H
1 U H
1 11
L ' Leo...
( Msy...
. Poi k-
t ' . Sept...
I jn....
I Laid
J , S Klba
Ji Sept...
i- . uoi....
Wheat f ' ' I - I
oept...f h(. nsrwiffn
ic...iirl '"tl
torn- I r "
Sept... 41 4H
uec...44H'iTf " 44S7
11 H
17 16
it m
I 60
1 7HI
I 72H1
7 HI
17 IS
I 70
I 60
I 76
1 at
17 02Hj
U 4
f7W TliHI
17 OS
II to
a as
I 71
T at
1T 06
t r.'H
I 76
f nn
-.Cash aaotatlona war as follows:
euul tKay; winter patent $3,604
I to: stralghta, $1.1 40; apiing paunta,
$3.6W.0. taksrs, $.lu4.A-
v Ut AT Ao. 1 spritig, 744T6H; No. t,
ITbc; No. 1 red, TvHaHo.
04HN-N. 1 4o: No. 1 yellow, le.
oats-no. i, atvc; NO- 1 whit. 11 H. No.
$ whHe,'a.jviS3. . , ...
RYE No. 1 46C ' '
BAKLLi iood feeding, rti; fair to
tlioKe malting, 441610.
SEED -No. 1, Aas, Lat; No. I northweat-
"pROVrsiONS-Short 'rlb aide (loose),
it KV 0. Mess poi kv per bbl., $17.01. Lard.
tr KO lb . $6 62 . Short clear Ida
tboxedt. ta.16Ct.17H, '
Following were the receipts and ship
ment of Adur and grain:
, Receipt. Shipment.
Flour, bbl. 19.6-W ,V
Wheat, bu. , - 1.0 M.OuO
Corn, -be. ..,174 - til.
Oats, bu. .61 1.0 JO I ".' t34.
Rye. bU. t.OuO i 4.4U0
Harley. bu. 41.70 l.OuO
n ths Produo eaohana todar the but
ter market waa Ann; creameries, lrfl-BHc;
dairies. liVW -( . steady; at niara.
case Included. UH-ici Arsis. lHi; prime
flrsis. lev; . exlfas, IVHa , Cbacs. gtroivg;
. . t i
Vlverpaed tlraUa Market. ...
LiVERPOOL. Asg. fl WHBAT-Spot,
steady; No. 4 red weatera Inter. 6s lo4;
futures, steadr; Septomber, 6 IHd; Deoem
b r 4 IS4d: Marvh,. nominal. -tX)KN-Sp.
vuj AVierluaa mixed new.
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1
hard, 77Hc; No. 1 northern, 7tHo; to arrive,
new, TlHo; No. 1'northern, 74Hc; to arrive,
new, TlHo; No. $, tlc; No. 1 durum, t.Hc;
to arrive, 64c: No. I durum, 6Hc; to arrive,
lOHo. Corn: No. a yellow, 47o; No. I, 47Hc.
Oats: No. a white, ic; No. 1, 26Hi&lHc,
Barley l lXSo. Rye; 60Uo. Flax:
W-ls. . ,
Kaasas City Grata aad Provlstoas.
tember, 4Hc; Deoember. Ti4o; May, 714;
cash. No. hard. H8o : No. 1, 6tt,o;
No. I red. 7c; No. 1 tioVWfc,
CORN Be pt amber, 43Hc December, tHo:
May, 40H: cash, No. I mixed, 44c; No. i.
4Jc: No. i, white. 4Hci No. 4H. .
OATS No. I white, llgSlHo; No. I mixed,
RYE Unchanged. No. X 614J60O.
HAY Steady- Choice timothy, IU.2M
11.60; choice prairie, $8.76. ' ' '
BUTTER One-half cent higher; cream-
EbaS-Flrm. "firsts, case Included, 17o;
seconds, 10c; extras, Uo.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat ,bu 170.0 li.uw
Corn, bu
Oats, bu 64.0U0 ; 1,000
Visible 8aly of Orsls.
NEW YORK. Aug. a. Special cable and
telegraphic communlcatlona received by
Bratlstreets show ths following changes
In ths available supplies a compared with
previous account:
Wheat. United State - and Canada
east of the Rocklee, Increase, 1.894,000 bu.:
afloat for and In Europe. Increase. 1.800.0CO
bu , total supply, increase. l,4s,0M bu.
Corn. United Statee and Canada east of
ths Rockies, deoreaaed. 1 234,uu bu. Oats.
United Statee and Canada east of the
Rockies, Increased T4.000 bu. -
Ths leading Increase In wheat reported
this week: M.000 bu. at Chicago private
elevators; 13U.0U0 In Manitoba. llk,00 bu. In
Lincoln, Neb., and vicinity; at.ttw bu. at
Nswport. News; 76.0m bu. at Chattanooga,
and (10U0 bu. at Portapd, Ma.
Phlladelabla Prodaee Market.
Firm; good demand. Extra weetera cream
ery, 2IHc; extra nearby print. Mc
EQUSUnchanged. 'Nearby fresh .and
western freeh, luc at mark. ,
CHEEBB Firm; good demand. ''New
York full creams, suoloe, 12c; New York
full cream, fair to good. UxyliHo.
Mllwaake Grata Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern, 7v91c; No. I north
ern. 74J7c: September. -7,o bid. ,
RYE Steady; No. 1. tsHtJWc. . .
KARLEY Steady; HkX J6c; sample,
CORN--Steady; No. I otiAljWtOoj Sep
tember, 4SC. ...-. ;
Peart Market.
PEORIA. Aug. n.-CORN-Hlgher; No. I
yellow and No. 8. 49c; No 4, tec; oo grade,
47o. '
OATS Higher; Ne. 1 white. tuHo; No. I
white. f; No. 4 white, rVtc.
WHISKY-Oo the basi of l.I9 for Aa
tshed goods. . . .., i
Dalatk Grata Market. '
.VvtVTli. Aug. H. WHEAT No. J
northern, 77Hc; No. I northern, 75 He; Sep
tember, 71He.
asm aad Msta ea. .
firm; fair refining. )S8 7-16c; ceatrtfugal.
M teat, tU-ltc; molaase uar, ! 1-ltc.
Refined steady; eruihed, t.tvc; powdered,
6.UK:; granulated, 4.9m.
- ...... ...
rewerve, show: Available cash balances.
tlM.168.s2S; gmld mm and bullion. $ill..U.
gold cerUflcates, $37,eVt,in.
Sew York Heaey Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 11 MONEY-On call.
Strong and higher at 4H46 per cent; ruling
rate at 4H per cent; closing bid st 6H per
rent; offered at 8 per cent; time loans,
strong; sixty days, 6H per rent; ninety
days, 6 tM per cent; six months, 8 per cent;
prime mercantile paper, 6Hit per cent.
C4A4&0 for demand and at $4 1160 for sixty
day bills: posted rates, $4.MHt4.teH: com
mercial bills, $4tl4.UH
SILVER Rar, 66 c: Mexican dollars, lie.
BONDS Government, firm; railroad. Ir
regular. Wtiotatlone on New fork bond today
were a follow: .
U. . rot. is, lf leljapaa 4a. etra tl
te eovsea H 4n N eariea 41
V. 6. la. rg.... li' 4s ta, etrt ir
..!" u. m ti. ani ta ir"
..ioi aanaat. a M 4e....iui Mieaa rontral a.
..14 I let Inc
..1M Minn. A It. L 4a..
.. 71 M , K A T. a
..1111, do ia
..lot N. . ef M. c. a
.. 44 N Y. O. oa. ..
M. i. l'. soa,
de eouaoa .....
0. . old 4a. re
Se eeeaes
V. t. now 4a, re
do eoapea
A. Tek. 4a
do 4.
Atohlaen (on, 4a.,
da adj. a
Atlantlo C. L 4a
B. a O. 4a ! No. Faslftc 4a 104
do la N de lo Tl
Bra. R. T. e. 4i . Norfolk A W. . 4a. 141
Central o( Ua. 6a. .. .111 Ore. 6. U rf. 4a M
do Ut laa rt iPonir. t. to 101
do Id la 1 Readies (on 4a 44
do Id lee II St.' LAI. M. e. ta.114
Cboa. Ohio L. A 8. P. f. 4o. 41
T St. W. s. w a 4.... T7
llrSaboard A L 4a.... I
71 ISo. FaclBc 4a !-.
41 do lit it, otfa H
nnutnorn rtr bt iiit
Tun 4V P. la 111
-i . st. u. a w. 4a.. ii
Caicato a A. l
C , B. A Q. s.
C. R. I. A P. .
do col. lo
WJCC. A St. L . 4e.Kl
ueio. ins. la, oar. A. 1
Colo. Mid. 4a .74 I
Colo. A Bodlhorn 4a. M
Cuba lo .....104 -
D A K. O. 4a II I
trie prior lion 4a.. ..101
do (tn. 4a 4u
B.k. Vallor 1U4
Japan ta
do Id aorloa r
Union Pnelflc 4a KH
V. A Btrol Id 6a.... I
Wabaak la 114
do dob. B 11
Woatom ltd. 4a 14
W. ALB. 4i 11
Wlacooala Oontral 4a. 11
Bostoa Stock aad Boad.
BOSTON, Aug. 21 Call loans, 3 per
Cent; time loana, 636 per cent. Closing
aootstions on stocks snn bonds:
Atchlooa sdj. 4a HAtantle
...100fBlnsham ...
... T fal. A Heel
,..K21roatennlal ...
..101 I opirr Range
do 4i
Mil. Central 4a .
do pld
Boston A Albany
Boatoa A Malna
Booton BlOTated 110
... Hit
... 1.
. 11
. 14
. 34
. tl
ritchburt rtd
Mix. Central
n. y , n. n. a h
Pore Morqaotta ..
Union Pitlflo .......
Am. Arga. Ctaonv....
de prd
Am. Pnou. Tuba...
Am. Sugar M.140
do pfd 117
A.m. Tol. A Tel 111
Am. Woolen 17
do pfd 161
Dos. Iron A 8.... II
El I ion Eloo. Ill Ul
atata. Kloctrle y
do pfd 71
woe. oaa .......
United Fruit .....
United gboe Mach
do fd
V. 8.
do pfd ,
Adventure ,
.147 Daly Weil 1
..1(7 iFranklla 11
.Oranor II
Iilo RoTalo 10
Mua. Mining
Mtchlgaa 11
Mohawk 41
Mont. C. A Coke.. 1
Old dominion 41
Ovcaola Uu
Parrot r7
Quiut'r , 40
Shannon 1
Tamaratk tt
"frtnltT 4
United Copper ........ 64
U. S. 4
V 8. Oil 10
Utak 40
Victoria I
'Winona 7
.iuv wolverine ...16J
. 11 Nortk Butte !
. t Butte Coaillloa 41
! 14 Nevada it
.14734 Calumet A A Ill
4 Tecumsah II
If. Arliona Com 40
Asked. Bid.
...101 Oroone Conaolldatod.. U
Loadoa Cloalns; Stocks.
LONDON, Aug. A. Closing quotation
en the Stock exchange were:
Con to la, money....... 7 M., X. A T ..
da account ....... 44 t-il r. T. Central
An anon da
,ee pfd
B. A O
Canadlaa FarlAe
Tkoa.' A Ohio..,
tStcaga O.
de pfd :
1 do lat pfd.!.-....
do td pfd......
Illinois Central .
L. A Naihvllle.
.. 11
Norfolk A W.
de pfd ......
Ontario A W.
Kand allaea ..
. .eadln ,
44 0
do pfd
Amor. Buar Roftnlng.
Amor. Teb., pfd ctfa. ..
Anaconda Mining Co...
Atcklaon ,
de pfd
Atlantis Ceaet lane..
Baltimore A Ohio ,
400 111 111 117
41,404 141 114 140
. 100
. 64.104 III HI 14t
64.400 104 1 101
404 101 101 100
!,t04 141 147' 144
ii.toe 114 111 111
Brooklyn Rapid Traaalt.... It. 400 14 11 71
Canadian Facile 1,104 170 161 101!
Central of M. i ,. IM
Chooapeako A Ohio I.4O0 41 41 U
Chicago Oreat Weitora 4.104 11 11 11
Chloago A North wait. rn.... 4.404 111 14)7 lo7
C, Milwaukee A St. P.... 40.400 141 140 ' 140
Chloago Terminal A Trana.
so pro.
C. C. O. A it. Louie 1.640 44 47
Colorado Fuel and iron.... 44.404 41 17
Colorado A Southern 1,004 11 17
da lit pfd . to 70 T0
da id pfd 404 I 4tU
Ceneolldatad Oaa 1.404 114 114 Ml
Cera r rod acta, rfg 1,104 10 H 11
mm ., M TT 71
Delaware A Hadaoa 44 141 It!
IMI.. Lack. A Woatern..... 104 iJo lie
ienver a sue urane.... 4.1O0 el
do pfd 404 r
Olatlliara' Securltlsa 1.400 gg
Brie 11,400
de lat pfd 1,404
de M pfd
General Bmetrto-
Hocking Valley ,..
Illinois Central
In lor. Paper
de pfd ,
later. Pams
do pfd
Iowa Central
to ytd
K. O. Seutaera ,v
de pfd
Loulavllle A Naaarllle....
Mexican (Central
ainn. a at. uoaia
' 71
17 .
. la
171 111 174
11 II II
1.14 It
.... 1 ....
t.toe . ti
1.104 61
1.404 le
4.404 40
47.404 144 164
41 44
400 147 u
M.. 84. P. A Basil Bte. M.
de sfd
Mlaaourl FaclAc 14,404 10
M.. Kanaaa A Taaaa II
do pfd 1.4U0 11 Ii
National Load l.pu 41 ao
N. R. R. of hlailce, pfd.... 41 41
New Tork Central 4.4uO 11 li
Now York. Ont. A Weaura 1,144 44 a u
Nerfelk A Weatars 1444 44 11
de sfd
North Amorloaa
Faoito Mali
Poopia'a Oaa
Flttaburg. C. C. A Bi. L.
Proaaed Stool Car
de pfd ,
Pullman raises Car ,
de lot pfd
de M pfd
Aopubllo Steel
do pfd
Rook lolaad Co
do sfd
St. k I hi Proa. 14 ptd
St. L. Seutaweavera
da pfd
Southora Paatte
eiu eoa now 11a
"V! " ',0
Teanaoeee Coal sad lrea
604 44 44
. I.4u4 11 MU
.14.404 144 1U 141
av av tu
..100 11 11 n
.. lauO 11 14 ,
400 44 M 4
104 til in ur
.Ul.te 144 144 141
' 4t
. 1.104 44 44 44
.. U.14 11 1, W
.. 1.40. 101 10O M
let 14 17 74v
64 41
44 44
14 14
17 I)
fi u
Teaea A PaolSa
Tel.. St. U 4
de ptd .....
Dales PaolSa
do pfd
O. S. Biproae
U. A koa.llr .
U. A Ruebaf
da pfd
0. S. Steel...
14 It
1 704 41
404 104 141
"II 44 44
14 lue imu
VUdea-Carsltsa Csaaiaat AN 41 t
do pfd .... ..
"""T. 4.40 n
do pfd - aao 4
Wollo-Parse Bipreaa
Wootiagkeuoa Kloeuia
wootors tvalaa ,
vYheellef A lavke Brie
Wiaoeaoia Central ....
de pfd
Northers Facia
Central Leather
, . lev
404 141 II 14!
1.404 44 . 4 14
604 M M 14
' 604 44 44 41
11.104.144 141 11 i
lo 14 , M
10 tl tl
te 14 lli
t.to4 U 41 11
Mm 1UY. Ul guj
H.404 41 14 l
10 IOIU tm T .n."
Iloaa-tkeateld aaos at J H
Oreat Nonhor PreforroA... 44.0x0 U4 og .,!
laterhereuch Metaeaotliaa. . 1.4m r 141 17 u
do ptd - 1.W4 11 fTV 14
Total sales tor the say. 1.414.40 ahana ,
Mow Tork Mtalagr Staoka. x
NEW YOrUC. Aug. IX Closing quota.
I Una AM tnlnlna .l..k. . Ma-
Adaaas Cea
Allee 404
Breoee 14
Bruaawlok Cea 4
Compter Teasel .... 14
Cos. Cat. aad e....l4
Mora Sue la
lrea Stiver ,...Mt..As
Uedvilta Oaa. 8
lUttu .
oetarts .........,, ..gra
Ophlr .4
PheeaU . 1
rtB, 4 4ls(aM U
Tl eaaava-T tataasoat.
meat of the treesunr
erai fund, eaulualve of the tlH.m.M guld
g- B. Ta-dsr stare-
r oajaaoaa la the
ago v. w 'i , tuiaara a. ......... 40-
M A St, F Ill, I. lo pfd 101
era 14.4 : Paolto 13
aoia.tftae raeise ..
41, do pfd 44
4 U. A Stael 44
i v,r o pm no
14 Wabeeh a
161. i do pfd 41
HaWlfinanlah la 'J4.
Dmytn-mr, steaay, ad-ia per ounce.
MONEY I per cent.
The rste of discount In tha onen market
for short bills Is . 1 1-163V, per cent; lor
i oree montns Dins. iu-l per cent.
Bostoa Cenan Market.
Closing Quotation on Boston copper mar
ket, cepurted by I-nsan A llryao, i Board
01 i raae ouuaing, .umant
Adventure tJttohawk It
Allouoi I Nevada Ceaaolldated. 11
Atlantic 14, North. Jtuue .... 1
B; .,.,,. Olif Domlnlea 41
Bind Mountain V...V, Qecexle ..,...,.1U
bmwi onaotioaion. v ntau. sorrieo , 14
Botte Coalition tlttPae. Serrlca, pfd... M
calumet a Arteon..lll ' Vlulncr 14
Calumet 'a Heota. ...117- Shannon I
Cornfed Csttls
lUsd;, ill Cthtrt Clow
to Lowsr.
Sheep Iteeelpte Terr targe, wltk
Prleae Geaerallr A boat Steady
aak Slew, wltk Tead
eaey Dowaward.
BOUT OMAHA. Aug. U.. 1908.
Receipt wei: Catll. Hog. Bneep.
uincjai Monday I in
Official Tueeoay t.tvO
Two day tnl week ....Il eal
Bam day last week.... t.Ml
Sam two week ago.... t,6i7
Same three week ago...U.410
Sam four weeKS ago.. I.0t4
Sam day last year lXOn
Th following lan,a chow the receipt of
cattle, hog and sneep at South Omaba (or
the year ta oat, compared with last year:
IMA live. . ol
enitis' ;.; Wl.oil U4.S18 ,i7
Hogs 1,1886 LoJK.lM It, tat
Sheep .1,001,2,1 Mi, Ilk 84,vta)
The following will siiew Us pflo paid
for th different Kinds ut oaiue ua (us
auuli, oruaua market;-
Uood to choice corn-fed ateers.... $6.r8tl.2
4alr to good coru-tea steers 4.a4i.
Common to fair curu-teu sleer.. 4.aw4..s
Uoou to choice range steers 4.0041-0
air to good xange steers. l.ii14j
Common 10 fair rauge siesr 4.0u;
Oood to cnolce cow and heiler.. 4-.4Cl 4J
t'ali- to good cow ana nailer.. 2.a4.74
Common to fair oowa and neitaie.. l.teua-av
Uood to choice mocker A (eeucr. 8 iei4.4a
r'air to good atocaei and feeder. . l.4o?.j
Common to fal.- iocr 2.&41 0
Bulla, stag, eio. , X.avu37t
Veal calves fy6.7S
4110 loiiow.iig table Miov, s the avua
price of hogs at South Omaba fur Ui last
several day wltk conipiariaone:
I heifer., are I 4n 1 steer. ...1231
M feeders .101 4 20
B. B. Brook. Wjmmlng.
It feeders. .1(778 t M re A hfe 104
H. Bcnner, Wyoming.
48 belfer.. 162 1 40 1 heifer. ..1084
A. Crsndal), Wyoming.
I cow K'l 190 t en. 1068
B, E. Lowe-Nan.
tl feeder. .119 4 00 It row IK
A. U Zutkvem Neb.
It cows..,., m In trow tit
1 cow 109(1 I ft Jcow 1130
lcatf 178 I M
W. la. Ashbiwk-Neh.
tO feeder.. 1174 4 V 17 feeders .1111 4 13
J. Ia. MahafteyNeh.
t feeders.. 1U I to
C. A. Povr Kfb.
24 feeder.. !2 I Tt
H. U Houghaon Neh.
21 feeder.. 81 I SO t feeders.. ISO 100
UAntLJInNiana rtiaA m. 4ila? mlltilk In
! ! reporting the receipts thla morning. When I
VJ-? il'-iCi 1 h maraet opened only evnty-tht car !
t to
I 00
1 to
I It
1 66
' of hog, were reported for the uy.
! the atrength of such light report
U4e !
11.464 I
18.901 I
the strength of sueh light report tne
market opened just about steady. Light
hogs were especially In good demand and
quite a considerable proportion of the
early receipts sold on that basis, (suit
Date. I UUt. llaD.illM.llrJ8.ilaX2.!llMl.iliWV.
Aug. U... I 1 e j 4 S4 i 111 8 82) I 7i t 11
Aug. 14..
Aug. 16..
Aug. It..
A uv. 11..
Aug. 11..
Aug. It..
Au.'. at..
Aug. iil..
8 64
6 81
I 4
( TS
8 01
6 t I h 21 1 8 '.4 t il, 4 W
I M I VI I i H I 10 o at
8 81 8 ttt' 1 6 ho, 1 i7 4 VS
a aei 4 M I 21i 1 ai w
IHI t 8 1) 871 I 4 M
69 8 10 k 1 8 il UN
I 8 W 6 loi hoi 6 4. 1 V8
8 14 I 8 24 ft, 8 ih 4 vl
Cattle. Hog.
Omaha , $1. ivo.ou 14 to aj6.1D
Chicago 1.4(H)6.m 6.40 tiVW
Kansas City i.wM.4i) 6.M 6.3iH
he Louis t7tu.4V e-uu .iA
stoux city : 6mui 6.W u.u
Th following snows the number of car
of stockers ana feeder shipped to the coun
try and their points of ueatmatloo: .
CATTLai. Cars.
A. W. Schell. Polo, 111. 1. C 1
Longman A Bayara, Lie Moines R. I.... 1
William Cleary, Wsston, la. Alii 1
H. A. Johnson, N'atora, Wyo. N. W 1
Becker Bros., Duuiap, ia. I. C I
Wllll&un J. Kenton, Amboy. 111. X. C 1
8. C. N erf or, Amboy, III. I. C 1
Carl Berg, Oakland-BL AO 1
J. I. Prince, W Inside M. A O
Jas. Bantar, Magnolia, la.un. M. A O.... 1
J. M. Soden. Wiener N. W
Joe Wright, Potosl, Wis. Q.
Isham Bro.. Potol, Wl. Q
Th official number of car of
h roue-tit In today by each road wast
Cattl. Hog, oneep. n r a.
C, M. 4k St. P. By.. 1
Mo., Pac By 1
Union Pao. System.... 41
C. A N. W. tKast).... 1
8. A N. W. (West)... 47
., St., P., M. & O... 1
C.. B. & Q (Bast).... 1
C B. A U (West). .. .148 -
R. 1. A P. (fcast.. 2
C, R. I. A P. (West).. 2
Illinois Uentrsl ...... I
Chicago Gt Western. 1
number of the good lights bi ought 44.1 W
820, with $4)6 top. th sams as yesterday.
Light buteher weights sold down at It.tOtf
t.Wk A few heavy hogs also sold esrly
at prices that war not much different
from yciterday, but the trade on the beav
lest waa slow even at the opening.
Later on, when It became apparent that
receipts would reach 130 cars, or .about
double the early estimate, tne market
weakened very quickly. Although prices
have been advancing for the last four days,
still buyers have not given up their bearish
ideas and were very quick to take ad.
vantage of the big run and to squeeae val
ue. The result waa that from bring
steady on the opening the market became
5c lower, with buyers In aome casea bid
ding 63100 lower on the rough, heavy hogs.
Sellers were slow to maks any concession
and fought hard to maintain values, which
naturally made a slow and late market.
Instead of showing Improvement the mar
ket grew worse Toward the ' close, th
market being a big 10c lower at th time
of closing thla report.
Representative sales:
No. . th. Fr he. Ae. Se. FT.
44 4 ... 4 71 44 141 ... I 16
4 441 40 I II 44 Iil 40 I 44 .
42 til 44 40 74 IJ1 ... I 44
10 144 44 I 4 it 11 S III
44 171 ... I I" 44 14 ... I 4
44 144 ... I 44 44 Ill 4 I M
..... .44 44 I 4 47 147 140 t 44
14 114 0 4 1 71 Ill 1 I II
44 Tl 110 t IS Tl 141 4 1
44 I4 44 4 13 47 174 44 I 44
44 17 .r. H 44 144 114 1 14
70 144 ... t I" ' 41 HI 140 I 44
U 114 ... 1 34 44 144 IW 4 17
44. ...... .117 44 t M 44 144 ... 4 44
14. .114 ... 1 14 44 141 IK t 44
4. ...... .44 ... IN 74 114 40 I 44
44.'. 144 114 4 44 44 176 It 4 00
44 144 44 I 40 71 til ... t 40
44 144 44 I 94 41 Ill ... t 44
71 !H 14 t 40 44 14 N IS
17 MO ... 46 44 lit'... IN
111 Ill 44 I 44 14 11. 140 t 47
47 24 ... I 4 71 Ill 44 4 14 .
44 7 II I 40 44... 147 ... 4 14
74 Ill t04 t 40 41 Ill ... 114
44.'. til 4 I 11 13 Ml ... Ill
44 171 44 t 11 71 11 44 I II
41. ...... .14 ... 6 li 1 104 ... 4 14
40 HI 44 111 74. ...... .104 ... IU
67 114 60 6 46 17. .lot 144 4 11
It 141 ... IN 74 Ill ... 4 14
17. ....... 44 t 44 71 114 144 4 14
44 Ill N III 44 14 44 6 16
4 Ill ... H I II ... I 44
41 141 H 4 44
1. 14 40 4 K
Total recelDta 253
The disposition of th day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number. of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hog. Sheet:
Copper Rente .
Daily Woat ...
Cnot Butte ...
Franklin ......
Oroeno Copper
lile floral . ...
A Tamarack
... 71 TiiaHjr
... IT United Fruit
... 10 Veiled Itatra, eom..
...lSrnll4 Statee, sfd.,
...It t'Uh Conaolldatod..
... 11 Utah Copper .;
... .Victoria
... 21 Winona
... k Wolverine
...,14 - .
. 44
. 44
. 41
. M
. .74 '
f Forelga Fkuaaelal.
LONDON, Aug. 21. Supplies o -stock
wsre still large today but varlou calls
Oaused a hardening or. price. Discount
wer firmer. Trading' on tha stock ox
change waa quieter After the recent ex
citement In Americana., The general ton
was reactionary owing to the. possible f
.tt which the Chilean earthquake dis
aster might have on the money market
which tended to restore new ventures.
Consuls early In the day yielded to profit
taking but closed steady. Home rail
were full owing to a lull in Invest pur,
chasea, but Parla specialties, among for
eigners, hardened. American sec url tins
quieted considerably. They opened irreg
ular and the recently boomed iecialti.'S
yielded to profit taking, while Atchison,
St. Paul and a few pthers were Arm In
the forenoon. Later the trading became
generally steady and high priced Issues
were in good demand, especially Louisville
A Nashville. Prices ' closed steady and
quieter. Southern Pacific and Union Pa
cific were easier. Kaffirs Improved on
Paris support. Japanese Imperial six is
of 1104 were quoted at 101.
t . i Bank Clearing;.
OMAHA, Aug. tl. Bank clearing today
war 1,474,78A11 and for th correspond
ing day last, year th clearance were
Metal Market
There was a alight decline In the London
tin market with apot cloalng at 111, Its,
and futures at a? ill. Locally ths mar
ket wsa quiet and a ahad lower with bid
at $41.10 and holder asking $41. kv. cop
per was unchanged to a ahade lower with
apot quoted at 14 lta and futures st
Alt lis 4d. - Locally the market wa firm
and without further chvnge. Lake is
quoted at $11.76; electrolytic at $18.10 and
casting at $11.26. Lead was quiet and
unchanged, at 16.60 locally. The London
market waa alae unchanged at 17 2a !d.
Spelter was unchanged- at '27 In Lon
don and at tt.00tft.10 In the local mar
ket. Iron waa unchanged to a ahado
lower In the English market with stand
ard foundry closing a d and Cleve
land at 61s 7Hd. Locally prices were
again advanced and the tone was firm.
No. 1 foundry northern Is quotsd at tly.75
10.60; rio. i xounary nortnern at 119.60
.0 00; No. 1 foundry souinern at
20.26; No. 1 foundry southern at Ti.ii
ST. LOUIS. Aug. tl. METALS Lead.
ateady; $t.6IO 6.67 V; spelter quiet. 6.0.
Cottoa Market.
closed quiet; middling uplands, 10. luc; mid
dling gulf, 10.26c; no sales.
Sutet; prices 8 points nlgher; American mid
ling air, i.t-ld; good middling, 63J; mid
dling. 6.41d; low middling, 6.21d; good ordi
nary, t.Wd; ordinary, 4.7U. The sale of the
day were S.OuO bales, of which 800 were for
speculation and export, and Included 4,000
American. Receipts,- 1,400 bales, all Ameii-
"Vt. UOnS, Aug. .' CDTTON-Dull ;
middling, 10c Sales. 71 bale; shipments,
41 bales; stock. 11.628 bales.
Spot market cloasd Irregular; aalas, 60
bales. Low ordinary, 6e, nominal; ordi
nary. Site; good ordinary, 1 1-16c; low mid
dling, 8c; middling. c; good middling,
lOHe; middling fair. lOVs. nominal; fair.
USc Receipts, lot bales; stock. 11.74J.
rotTee Market.
ket for future opsned steady at un
changed prices to a decline of I points,
which was about as due on the cables.
Trading was quiet at Bret, but became
much more active later In the session,
owing to Kuropeon selling and liquidation,
under which price declined quite eharpry
on soma position and at on time were
about 10 to 10 point net lower. The
doe waa a little up from the lowest on
rajrvewed s a port. rot withstanding th eon
Plotlng minora ragrardlnir obstacles to th
alorteatloa piaa and th market wag
Bnally steady at a net decline of 44SL6
point. Bale far ifi day ware reported
of 167,800 hag. Including. September at
t W4 ; (Mooa at 4 luc; December at
lUc; March at t.1001 l&o. May at 7 tr7.4wc;
July at 7.C7.!Oo.
Omaha Packing, Co
Swift A Co..
C'udaby Packing Co....,
Armour A Co 1,
Vahsant 6 Co
W. 1. Stephen
Hill A Son
Hamilton A Rothschild
L. ft. Hues.......
Klngan A Co
Mine Haggerty
Wolf A Mumam
Bullan A Kline
St. L. Dressed Beef Co
O. McConnaughey ....
Other Buyers
Total 8,717 I.K8 .
CATTLE The receipt ot cattl
th largest they have been far a Tuesday
In two months and the largest of any day
sinus August I. Unfortunately, a good
many ot the train were late and the cat
tle kept atringiug in all the forenoon,
blocking the auea and making tne trade
very siow and late In opening. In fact, it
was well along toward nuaaay
much buslnsss was transacteo.
Th aupply ot good corn-fed cattle waa
very small, and as there waa a fair de
mand for good beef to kill out with the
graasers, toe market on that kind was
ruuy steady. Quod corn-fed cattle
tha first to sell and ths prlcss paid gen
erally steady, the best bringing as bigh a fcaily advioa from otner market
point wer not especially encouraging to
buyers, and that, together with the large
receipts, rendered tne market on range
atrera slow to lower than yesterday. a As
noted above, it was lata before buyers got
action and atlll later before very much
business waa don.
There were more cows and heifer than
have been teen at the yarda In a long time
and the trade accordingly waa alow, buyers
being In a position to lake their time In
filling orders. The prices paid wars on an
average quite a little lower than y eater
day, althougn soms of ths most desirable
cattle, which Just ''happened to suit a
buyer, brought price mat did not look
much different, borne very eholoe corn-fed
heifer were weighed up at lo.ta).
Considering the total receipts of cattle,
the supply of atockar and feeder waa
not particularly large, but atlll ther were
enough here ao tnat buyer could be a
little discriminating. As noted yesterday,
the country seems to fsel that prices on
feeding cattle are too high a compared
with beef and consequently there is a dis
position to squeese values a llttla as often
as the run la large enougn to permit It.
Hence feeders weie anywnero from weak
to a Utile lower today.
Representative sales:
SHEttP Th receipt ot sheep this morn
ing wer the heaviest of th season. As
usual with big runs. Several ot th trains
were late la arriving and atlll most every
thing reported was yarded by I o'clock or
aoou after.
There wre three features connected
with the market, all o which tended
toward lower prices. In the first place
Chicago was early reported a flat 10o
lower, then ther wer the large receipt
and iq th third plao waa th fading that
price are too high, especially on lambs,
fackers started out right from the nrst
talking lower price for lamb and th
I trad was slow throughout th day.
8 ' Fat sheep, on the other hand, did not
, show much change and were generally
quoted as ateady on the good klnda, with
8 outers possibly a little easier. One bunch
I of Montana wethers, the same as brought
8 yesterday, . sold at I6.1& today. The
trade, however, was not especially active,
I dua In part to the large receipts and to
tne time required In sorting up and put
ting the stuff In shape to be ahown.
The only thing that prevented the feeder
market from being extremely active waa
the- feeling noted yesterday as existing
among buvers that nricea are hlah Thara,
1. W7 I were plenty of buyers here. As one party
lt,--,0 put It thore- was a carload of buyers in th
2. K0 . barn, and at least a carload of orders In
l,,7th hand of commission men. A good
L7S7 many of them, though, war looking for
j feeder lamb, and th fact that they
seemed to have It In mind that prices
ought to be lower made them rather slow
buyers, with the result that the trade waa
..... considerably prolonged. The tendency of
uie maraet is utiaurstionabir lower, cbds.
oially on the medium klnda of lamb.
Quotations on killer: Good to choice
spring lambs, 88.76'7.60; fair to good
spring lamb. $4.26t6.76: good to eholca
yearling, 16.604i6.00; fair to good year
ling, 16.1108.68; good to cholo wethers,
$4.Kt64.26; fair to good wether. Ii.600
4.71; good to choice ewes, $4.$0O4.l0i
fair to good ewee, It tOtf 410i
Quotations on feeders: Lamia It Tit
aw- yearungs, S6.OP0O.4:
tj4.80; swes. 13.1064.26.
Representative sales:
1,010 Idaho feeder
278 South Dakota wether.
u south Dakota wether.
wether. KM
134 Montana wether...
1W Montana wether
100 Montana wether
88 Montana wether
101 Montana 'wether
M Montana wether
wet 1 117 Bouth Dakota wether feeder.
4 soutn LKota yearlings..
44 native ewe and feeders..
6 native yearlings, cull feeder M
l native wether, stag, feeder 98
.. Ill
.. Iil
H I 40
4M 1 tl
Ill 1 44
H4 t ft
644 I
4 14 II
I 14 14
1 Tl t
t 04 1
1 H t
I 10 II
144 I
1 44 4
in i
1 44
tit i
I 44 1
II .
. 44
. Ill
. 401
. 414
. 404
. rrj
t 44
I 44
I 41
I 44
I 44
t 4
t It
t 44
I 44
I 44
let It
Ill I it
444 1 44
441 I 44
711 I 46
... 84
... 110
... 120
... Ill
... Ill
I native ewe
21 Idaho wether
1 native wether
1078 South Dakota yearling.
72 Idaho yearling
28 Idaho lambs, cull
141 Idaho lambs
. 110
.. 78
.. 05
.. 68
4 M
8 10
I 16
i It
6 16
i ii
I 40
I 60
4 00
4 60
4 60
4 76
I 00
8 26
I 40
I 78
I 26
7 10
6 eows s?1)
11 steers 1171
24 feeder.. 1117
1 feeder.. 646
1 cow i 800
14 feeder.. n
1 steers.. ..1176
1 steer...
26 cows..,
I carves.
I eteer.,
1 steer..
8 cows...
1 cow...,
f cows..,
I bull....
I cows...
8 carte.
1 feeder.. 140
.. 4
.. 70
.. kvi
.. w:
.. ej't
1 cow..
1 cow....
8 feeders.
10 heifer.
14 cows
1 feeder...
I bull
7 eow
tt cewi
, to)
, 8o6
, 86
, "0
2 ateere.... 818
1 eteer 80
4 cow 16
18 Utie
1 40
1 26
4 06
I 40
1 40
1 30
I 26
1 to
I 00
1 16
1 6u
1 60
1 60
1 28
1 60
2 60
8 46
I 00
1 It
1 70
1 10
It 1 st
i to
t 80
t 80
4 cow.
78 feeder.
1 feeder.
11 feeder.
I cow....
i feeder.,
8 eow.,..
14 oowa...
4 feeder.
8 cow....
1 ateef...
1 cow,...
1 cow....
1 bull....
2 bulls. .
1 hsifer..
2 calve.
I feeders
12 heifers.. 761
I steers.... th
10 cows V
I heifer.. 171
1 10
. 141
. 77.
.. 400
. 7
1 80
1 10
I 20
! 71
1 28
i wo
1 60
I 28
1 71
1 M
i u
3 M
I 40
t 70
I 71
1 00
1 40
78 80
) eow. .....1400 $ 10
eow r.-t 1
eow W m
8 N.
I 60
I 40
4 ateere ... M! IS
14 eteer.. 171 j 10
8 eows.
1 saw..
Cattle 11 Hoars g trana- ta rt-v-e feats
La wer.
CHICAGO. Aug. n.-CATTLE RaoelpU,
4800 head; market dull; common to prim
teer. lS.96VjT.7S: cow $2.t&tr4.T6; heifer.
$2.6(145 .16; bull. $2.0004 60: calves, .0Ot7.0;
stockers and feeders, II 60 60.
HOGS Receipts, lO.OUO hesd; market
strong to tc lower; choice to prime hesvy,
$6.1Vtf4.40; medium to good heavy, HV
610; butcher weights, l4 46g4.6&; good to
choice heavy mixed. 64.164616; packing. B.40
r 26: pigs, $6 MA0. a. ew
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10000
head; market steady; sheen, 14 2M6.7;
yearlings, $8.0038.80; lambs, 16.OOiS8.0O.
Kaasas Cly Live Staek Market.
KANSAS CITT. Aug tl. CATTLE-Receipts,
2,600 hesd. Including lAtO southerns;
market stesdy to strong. Choice export and
dressed beef steers, 16.60fJ4.10; fair to gotd,
l4 0CHij6 60; western steers, $3.6066.00; stock:
and fdr. t2.t34.76; southern steer,
04 IS; southern cows. $2.(Vtjl 10; natlv cows,
f2-6t$400; netlv heifers. $2.766.U: bulla,
$2,004,1 W; calves, $1.00.2S.
HOGS Receipt a. 12,00 . heed; market
trong; close weak. Top, M 17H: bulk of
sales, !8 2o6.lH; heavy. .tx 26; packers,
$6.2u.i6 13Vs; pig and light. U.74Hi.7Vt.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000
head.. Lambs. 8600437.00; nalle sheep and
yearlings, K264uA.M; westsrn yearlings,
clipped, tSOOoJt.OO; wst4rn clipped sheep,
M.; atockira and feedera, $4.2t3.0w.
St. Lenin Lire StneU Market.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. n.-CATTLR-Raeelpta,
1,000 head. Including 2.6CO Texana; market
slew; natlv shipping and export steer.
$6.76470. 40; dressed beef and butcher steers,
Klidilio; steers under l.tvo lbs.. $l.)o
$4 26; stockers and feeder. $2.60t4.2S: cowi
and heifers, 12.2u5.76: canners, ll.fr04M.l0;
bulls. JlxfflSO, eslves, I4.CC416.2S; Tax
and Indian ateere, 1.6)&6.10; cow and
heifer. 1.564)8 60.
HOQS Receipt. 1,000 head; market ia
10c higher. Pig and lights, HU4U;
packsrs, is 0044 60; butcher and beat
' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.000
heed; market strong. Native muttons,
11 0436 80; lambs. 13 Oof? ?: Full and bucks,
itoufOO; stockers, 11.6OC-4 00.
Staek la fight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
markets yesterday:
steady to live higher. Ught. tAlPtjA;
medium and heavy, Itt-flefM .
811 K EH AND LAMltS-Recelpt. 1.311
head; lambs 10c higher; Idaho Ism be, $7. Ml;
sheep steady.
New Tork Live Stock Market.
NEW TORK. Aug. 21BEFA'K"-s-relpts,
K4 head; mainly for langhterers;
nothing doing In live catt'.e; market steady.
Dreaeed beef rather slow except for prim
quality at Tritfo per pound. Uverpool,
London rnblea quoted live cattl eelllng at
10uUc per pound dressed weight. Ex
ports today tai cattle and t.O0 ouarurt of
beef; tomorrow 1,(00 quarters Of beef.
CALVES-Receipte. 11 hesd; sll con
signed to slsughterers; none lor sale alive;
nominally steady; dressed calve firm; city
dressed vsale, Mil.tvfcc per pound; country
dtoased Ifcllo, with om sale of cholo
at Ur.
RHrfcP AND LAMBS Recslpts, I.OM
hrad; market opened alow; sheep steady;
lamb lower except for choice;
closed steady; aherp. tlotat.2; tops, 1&.60;
culls, 12 (nii.i.(i0; lambs, t;.(n."04.l7H, on car
chotre. U.: cull. .60. '
HOOS hereipts. 7.441 head; on deck on
ale; maiket. firm feeling.
glea City Live Stark Market. '
SIOUX CITY, Aug. l.-(Speolal Tela,
gram.) CA 1" I LhJ Receipts, ton heed mar
ket ateady; beeves, 4.iBtl.lO; oowa. bulla
and nilxea. UhQi.'&; smokers and feedeis,
4J.v-u4 tt; ralvea and yearling, la.6.i.i.
HuGS Receipts, 4i head;- market to
lower; selling, at $1.1004 16.
Coadltiaa ef Trade aad Qaotatlaaa oa
Staple and Faaar Pradaea.
EOOS-Kecelpts, liberal ; fresh stock. 16a.
LIVbl POULI'KY Hen, IHi rooatera,
6c; turkeys, 12-Ic; ducks, i4cj spring
(Milokena 11.. ir Ira.
ou t i i.u t acRir.g stoca, iswc, t"utua
fancy dairy, 16lc; creamery, tltrUHO-
HAY 1 rices quoted by Omaha Feed com
pany: Choice upland, $3 60; medium, $!.0u;
ooaise, $4.0..6o. Rye straw, $7.00.
BRAN Per ton, ie 60.
TOMATOES-lloine grown, per basket st
CI lb., .lBtIK3.
WAX BEANS Pr Bvarkkt baakst of
about 16 lb., 600.
LF.AP LETTUCE Hothouse, per dos.
heads, 20c
CELERY Ter doa., too,
Cl'C UMBERS Home grown. POP dotu
ONIONS Home grown. Jhko per uv; npan
ialt, $3.00 per crate.
OREEN ONION9-Per doa bunches. Me.
K A DISHES Per doa. bunches, l&o.
NAVY BEANS Per bu $1.86; No. t fLTk.
LIMA BEANS Per lb 6Va.
QHEEN PEPPERS Per market basket,
ORANUES-Valenclaa. all sites, $6.00.
LEMONS Umonlert.. extra fancy, 148
slse, 17.60 : 300 alae, $.;; Mt) sis, 18.60; other
luands, 11.00 lesa
BANANAS Per tnedium-alsed buaoh,
$1.7643. .; Jumbos. $2.60uvl.OO.
POTATOES-Pea au.. 660.
PEACHES Yellow freestone, $1 10; Mis.
sou.-l, per -baket crate, lLuujL; Call
lornia atlbeitas, per box, II. a).
l'LLMb-illfornla, li.Mjl.76. '
PEARS Bartlett, per box. $L16tlt.K
OKAPES Mutne grown, per 8-1 U. basket,
WATER TUELOlstt Par IU, ic or about
ICVdoo each.
CANTa. LOUPES Colorado and Arisona,
par erat (lULndard), tl t'.'i ponlaa, $2.60.
cut k.)Lr puIces.
No. 1 ribs, He; no. t ribs, loo. No. I ribs,
iVso; No. 1 loin, lMo; No. 1 loin, UVe;
No. loin. He: No. 1 chuck, to; No.
chuck, c; No. 8 chuolwtoi No. 1 round. oj
No. 1 round, 7o; No. 1 round, 6V; No. 1
plate, lo; No. 1 plat. 2ac; No. 1 plat, lb.
granulated cane. In saeka, 16.11; granulated
beet, In saveke, 46.21. ,
SYRUP In bblav, tie per gat; In cases,
t 10-lb. cans, $1.70; casss, 11 e-ib, cans, $1.10;
cases, 24 2V.-lb. can. tXM.
CHEESE Swiss, nsw. lec; Wlsoonsln
brick, U14u; Wlstionsin Jlmbargor, Uo;
twlnA LiVys; young Amer loans, loo.
CO ITFiiliT Roasted, No. ao. 2tVo par lb. 5
No. 10, 2tHc per lb.; No. 2S, 11 Ho per la.; No.
M, UVko per lb.; No. a. Ha per lb.
NUaSWalnuti, No. 1. soft hlls. BW
crop, per lb., lao; hard hll. per lb,
lie Pecans, large, per lb., 14c: small, pec
lb., Uo. Chill walnut, per lb., LsSIItsO.
Almond, aoft shells, psr lb., 17ei hArd
shells, par lb., Uo. Cocoaouta. $4.00 par sao
of 100. - -
CURED FISH Family whltsflsh, par
quarter bbl., 100 lbs.. 14.00; Norway maok
rel, No. i. 1 W; No. L $28.00; No. a. $20,001
lrlah, No. 2, 118.00; herring. In bbl.. 108 lb,
each, Norway. 4k, $12.00; Norway, tk, 818.80;
Holland, mixed. $11.00; Holland herring, la
kegs, milkers, 80oi kegs, mixed. 70c
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west
ern, t64?Ae; Main. $111. Tomato, s-la.
can. $T06til.4O; s-lb.. $7WctJ$a.00, Pineap
ples, grated, t-lb., $i06lO; siloed. U.ut
I'M; gallon apples, fanny, WOO; California
aprlcota, tl.764ia.00; pears, $1.76431.80; peacha
fancy, $1.76411 .40; if C. peach, llOOtJl 60.
Alaska salmon, red. $1.M fancy Chinook, F.,
$2.10: fancy aockeye, F., 11 96; sardines, Vt
oil, 11.60: mustard, ltt04jl 1& Sweet po
tatoea, $l.loS1.16; sauerkraut, 11 00; pump,
kins. 80c4J$1.00; wax beans, i-lb-r 7Vto;
lima bean. 8-lb., 76oC41 tt;. splnaeh, $1 14;
rheap peas, t-lb., 80c; extra, 7&t0o; fancy,
lHIDE8 ANT TALLOW-Oreen salted,
No. 1..12Hc; No. t. HHe: full hides. 8to.c;
green hides. No. 1. 10c; No 1 8oi horse,
tl.Kxeri 26; sheep pelts. &0cflH.2. TaUoW. No.
t 4c: No. 1. tc,
WOOL-Per ib.. 184480.
Waal Market.
BOSTON, Aug. n.-The wool market Is
firm, following a period of gradual Improve
ment. Manufacturer are In the market,
eapecially tho producing drea good and
oiothlng woolen, and om fair uted orders
have been placed. Demands for quick de
livery continued lo be noted,, making cer
tain that the supply of raw malarial at
the mills is low. In the fleece washed
delaine ha been In trading with medium
grade In demand. A liberal ssmpl busi
ness Is being done in the territory, both
worsted affair and woolen manufacturer
showing Interest. The leading quotations
follow; Ohio, Pennsylvania and above,
I4ftl6e; X, 11 32c; No. l, totjtlo; No. I
36$3c; fin unwashed, 2rVg27c; half blood
unwashed, Ufgltc; three-eighths - blood un
washed, 34t)16c; quarter-blood uawashed, tl)Q
Uo; delaine washed, !SftJ6Se; delaine an
warhed. rViCrKks. Michigan: Fin un
washed. KiiMc: half blood, unwashed. Kit
12c; three-eighths blood, unwashed, l2W23o;
quarter blooa, unwasnea, nfjsscf' oauuna,
unwashed, n28c. Kentucky. Indiana and
Missouri; Combing three-eighths blood, 11
t36o; combing, quarter blood, 836 840. Texas,
scoured basis, fine twelve months, 72471c;
fins six to eight months, 8t4r70c; fin fall
clean, KtftiSo. California, scoured basis,
good, 8M7IOC; middle country, s&g 8c; south
rn. 60S '78. fall free, 6Sfii7c. Oregon, scoured
basis, eastern No. 1. staple, TMilto', eastern
No. I clothing, 674168c; valley. No. L 9?o.
Territory staple, scoured basis, fine. 7!tr7o;
fine medium, 68j870o medium, t&ffesc. Ter
ritory ordinary, eooured beat, fin. T071o;
fine medium, 6S70c; medium, 163 Coo. Colo
rado and New Mexico spring, scoured, X,
llJrTOc; No. 1. 64i0p. Pulled wools, scoured
basis, extra, 72tr74e: fin A, 65c; A supers,
SOkvMc; B sSpers. Bltjtile.
ST. IaOUIS, Mo.. Aug. 21.-WOOL 8tady.
Medium grades, combing and clothing.' 144
ac; light fine. 187722c; heavy fine, 144tl7c; tub
washed, tS6t8ttc.
Joseph Shlrnek et al. to Anna Big
mund. tt of lot 12. block A Potter
A Cobb's. South Omaha $ 726
Warren Bwltsler and wife to El laa
beth B. OOiiey, lot 2. Bwltsler' a
sub of lot A Juhnaon'a add 6,600
Bait has Jatter to Henry Jourdan, lots
7 and 8. block 8, Drw Hill, South
Omaha I78
lCugen J. Sullivan to Elisabeth
Kulkman, lot 18, block 8. Marys
vllle (.IM
John S. Little to Elisabeth V. Little,
lot 4, DIock a, uouievara isrrmos..
Oeorge Forgsn and wife to Mary
Harper, lot 7, block U, Clifton Hllf.
Total ..
, l.ttrt
, t o
. l.PI
, AUa
South Omaha
Slous City ....
Kanaaa City ,
St. Loula
St- Joseph ....
St. Jaaepk Ur Stek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Me.. Aug H.-CATTLS-RroelptS,
$111 head: market steady to
strong. Natives, IttuttAlS; cow and
heifer. BiOtjAuw; tockee sad feeder.
$a''-4M at.
HOGS-Racpts, 8.02a head; market
-t.lil M.426 8O8I
irrHzif a awi ntBVSTmiAi. neou
Before buying or selling any etonk
cur our quotation. Ws attsa gabjast
to pilor sal.
Taylor Mountain (Colorado) want bills
and offerings.
An.eriian DeVorast Wirelea (com.). 91.10
Con. Jsffsrson Oold and Copper. ..... .11
Golden Treasure Placer tldwio) . . , . . .80
Merganthaler Basket 18 H
Mogul Preferred tat-H.) Vee
hear, Roebuck, Preferred SSS.oo
Keara. Roebuck, Ctinimun,,,, $63.00
Standard Cons. (Oregon) UVo
isytor Mountain tc'oio). W want to buy
V. S. Grsphlt Preferred ,....TJe
stocks WArrao.
Offsr us any stocks or bouus you hav
for aala. we want Taylor Mountain,
Arlsona-Colorado Copper Belt, Night,
haws, aSiandaru Conaolldated, Coronada
Gold. - Sonera Bonanza, MerganthAler
Baaket and Scrltt, Aotaaon Oold. Ureal
Western (Henderson), fcanlto! Chesaloal,
Columbus Consolidated (B. H L Hubk4vr
Elliott. Oerman AmHru Coffea.
MAJ4X T. S.a0.f AJU It 4p4X,
1101 Stock Kxchang Jbuaav. t7biaT. '