THE . OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 190fl. Ste Our New Special Sale OMAHA WEATHER FOIUXAST WMnraday Shower. Fall Styles . t Men's Outing x Sc Ike Del! t la Deqgls Street Window Sec 0 GUsneysrt la Utk Strcl Window Hart, Schalfner 0 Marks Clothing 10 all ' Five Dollars I the rIluilb Ttm ' MaMMHHaaaaaMsssstaasssHssa" $1.25 lOd $2.03 THE HIT OF THE SUMMER Peter Pan Waists - 69c , . . COOL AND STYLISH These are the waists that are so popular, neatly made of striped and figured lawns, - plain white nainsook, dotted madras cloths etc., also embroidered and lace trimmed waists, with long ind ihbrt sleeves, pretty styles, worth up to 12, on bargain square, at... SHEET MUSIC SALE Hand reds of the late popular hits, both vocal and instrumental 1 or. I. . regular ou buw( jm. f music the popular TTj I at, Wednesday, per copy Ma ; Extra Special In Dress Goods Water Proof Suitings and Coatings 79c Yd Shoes Worth $1.80 and $1.71 a Yard 12,000 yards of 54-inch stylish waterproof Suiting, retail ' ing everywhere at $1.50 and$l. 75 yd. , new, fresh fall goods, the balance of a manufacturer s stock; have Hi-fty . been on display in one of our large win- if I U dowsandare wttnout doubt a great bargain It Jl for fall. Wednesday, at yard LA EMBROIDERY SALE The dainty sheer effects in fine Swiss and nainsooks, medium widths in match sets, the extra wide embroider ies and flouncings, with beading edges, pretty open work effects, etc, all on big bargain square for Wednesday, yard.... ....... 10t25c-39c TWO ADVANCE NOTICES BIG SALE OF DOLLS A whole carload of fine dolls bought at public auc tionthousands of dressed dolls, fine kid body dolls, bisque baby dolls, cloth dolls and unbreakable dolls. See the window displays. Sale is Saturday. ' Imported Italian Glassware Saturday . '. This exquisite hand engraved glass bought from cus tom house brokers beautiful vases, dishes, bowlar eta, at wunikrful price saving. WILSON HIDES HIS IDENTITY i ' " - - i EeoTiUry of Acrioultnre Etepi is and Ont f the Omaha. SATISFIED WITH THE BIG PACKING PLANTS Does Not Visit Inspectors of Depart ment of Aelsuad Iadeatry Re , . faaea to Relater t tho Hotel. "I am sain- to Omaha, but I don't want my Identity known," was the parting statement of Secretary Wilson of the De partment of Agriculture, as he left South Omaha In a carriage for Omaha shortly after noon yesterday. "I have inspected all the packing houaes and have found them hi good condition. I will go from Omaha to Minneapolis." The secretary, whose visit had been looked for for a long time, than got into a carriage and waa driven to Omaha. He arrived In Omaha ' from Iowa early this morning. .Notwithstanding the' mystery surround ing the movements of the secretary of ag riculture. It la definitely known that he parsed a part of the night at the Her Grand hotel. Ha arrived on an evening train and camo entirely unattended. As a further attempt at secrecy be did not subscribe his name on the hotel register. Early n the morning he ordered a car riage and started, alone for South Omaha. further than the fact of his visit the hotel management professes to know nothing of his movements nor his present where abouts. Front appearances no one would have bus peotg the importance of his visit as Mr. Wilson pulled up before the offices of Swift and Company at about a. m. Tues day. He soon made his errand known, however, a ad, was welcomed by the man agement most heartily, as If his visit had been a -matter 'of preparation for weeks. In a way, this is 'the case. Although the visit was entirely unexpected at this time, I the manager. Mr. Edwards, was of the opinion that the condition', of the plant left nothing but the most favorable impression on the mind of. the secretary. Once or twice, where, the effort at repair and Im provement was most apparent, a faint smile almost like amusement twinkled bis eyes. He offered no comment, however; but also gave no criticism of any existing condition. - Mr. Edwards is positive he waa entirely earJsaed. J 'Wilaem Almost Ipttka,' ; From the Swift packing- plant he visited the others in regular order. K. C. Howe of Armour A CO.- succeeded In getting something like a formal expression of ap proval out of the secretary, if a few com plimentary remarks could be construed as sveh. Fur the most . part the secretary preferred to keep, his Impressions to him self. Hs showed considerable latere In the Improvement of the lavatories and the conveniences of the killing floors. At Cudahy's plant practically the same ex perteBoo attended the visit of the secre tary. The On-aha Packing company got off easy, for the reason that they ars te move Into their new quarters within the next thirty days. Tbs plant In operation was not Inspected in a thorough' manner, feet after his visit there the secretary stopped for a short time at the Hammond plant to get an Idea of tbs conveniences of the company there. After visiting there be departed for Omaha, saying that he ex pected to leave the city' la the evening. He preferred not te be Interviewed and d'.tl not trash his ouurso of travel to become kdeewn. 11 dropped s reasark ss the ef fect, however, that he might go north. r-rom this it would sppear that Bloux City or Minneapolis Is his destination. During his visit hers he shunned en tirely tbs Offices of the bureau nf animal Industry at the postofflce building. Don u. Ayer had nothing to say of tho visit, in fact, his first knowledge of It came from the representatives of the press who visited him. He seemed pleased at the reports of the management of the packing houses, taking It ss a comcllment of man. Hon that there waa no criticism offered towsrd the packers or tne work of the inspectors. liOw Rate BiFinloa to Hew York City on August a and ZS tbs Nickel Plate road will sell tlcketa to Mew TnrW r-i... and return, at rats of one fara plus 1100, rrom Chicago. Return limit, September 4, leaving New Tork City. For detailed In formation call on or address John T. Cala- nan. general agent, no. 107 Adams street, Chicago. Oo to Hew Tork oa the Lehigh. '- Double track scenla blrhwar. Oimnui. st Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all Unas from ths west. Writs Mssena-er denartment. This. v.. toy R. R.. Ill South Clark St., Chicago, III Starling sliver trainer. 15th and Dodga. The Importance of SOUND NERVES seers The poaaaasloa at atmad nrr, tin Impair k any waskam. la 'ho Sraataat lasln( of- masainS. Braak owns sr. sura to com la vrju ana at tbls lint ths syataai damauda ropar aourtslioirat ta alt aatur to wars a the Ills. GRAY'S NERVE POOD PILLS Is a aarra loss n tool that aSsrda stick aaa nnoaiMat rlif at such a lima tor wak Mmory, rrooa srouratlon, loss ot ptlt ana aunlr aa4 wsmaalr lor. waakaetof of Miami pov.r and arloaa liMtm of to aarra arsaaa. Tk.r laTlgur. at tha arstam aaa rtor youthful THailtj to sack arfin. All uara raooaiaMoS iha. CfcrraasaaSmrs . circular, moa, aoa rail evwm i ooiw ai mi ay anil aa racalpt of srlo. Sherman & McGonnell DrugGo. loth and Dodge, Omaha. saUaasassai aaam - fatll & aT" nravtla.l'A. Dr. LEWIS' TADLET8 vmuiitiii, A n li tHKM LgjUi , hoaia raaaioti rIU( la Uioa.aad. of vha all 1 falls. IiMrt So. 4.IUl.laSaata4iM fBCL fcUttfZ V3 ffia or fcf a-all. la. Lawn CasaajAL- HOTELS. "COMFORT WITHOUT EXTBAVA8AHCE" st the New Transient. Eteel Built, tlreproof HOTEL WOODSTOCK. Isf-Mf W. Um m.. sm Sraaa. M. I. otr. lit aiscka aa at Or a CaaUai aa rat ag Immttm a TioMa aaar. tka larf haaxt of taa Uf. Ia tha auaat a ,k. 1alart aaS class aa4 aw tha okoov.oa sutrlat. Sukt aoa -V raate ao4 SroaSw.f sars asiaaaa. at4ra aoaaav awKUUuua lor Ma. ka.rt raaaas aaar hath, tl.ta. Ui. VMM aU light taaaM aa aarvM vtia pri.ala bata, u a taKa rniaaiaat, Kuala. w. n. wwina aiaa - atstai Vaiaaaal mm Are you satisfied with the boys' shoes you have been getting. School begins soon .the1 boys' must' have good shoes better come in and see what we can fit them in. We have a big. line in, just the leathers for boys'. 1 FRY SHOE CO. 16th and DougJss Sts. . , OMAHA'S EXHIBIT An sxclustvs showing of fall fash Ions In new . . SHOES for YOU We anticipated your early buying, and prepared with a complete stock of many styles. ' Rises 8 to 12, A, B, O, Z, B and BB Teat ritted by Keaeuremsnt Quality Extraordinary . $3 Prices Ordinary; $4' See Oar Windows f o - v' WALK-OVER STYLES Walk-Over Shoe Store, , 1521 Farum ffU, i..'. . 8. Thompson, the Walk-Over Man. WC TOP II TNI FEPFXC rSZEJt A cold bottle will just suit your taste on a hot day so refreshing. :: :: .: Order a Case. imiR BREWING CO. South Omaha. 'Phone I. Omaha . Headquarters, HUGO F. BILK, Fourteenth and Douglas. Telephone Douglas ltil. Co. Bluffs Headquarters, LEE MITCHELL, 1011 Main Street Tel. 10. YOUR PATRONAGE Is resnectfully solicited, for 'once a cus tomer, always a customer as our hobby Is to please and satisfy the most exacting. Our prices are the lowest, quality consid ered, for with us the best is none too good. 60c I'ltOR (the only guaranteed re medy for excessive persplra-. 90 a tlon, ask for sample ....... . ,00C 11.00 Rubber Gloves, 59c 26c Beaton's Violet Talcum' Powder 10c 26c Mum 20c 26c 8plro Powder 20c 76c 4711 Violet Water. 49c $2.60 Damar's Female Syringe f ?r . Douche lei 0 (The only practical Syringe made. Patented June 1st 1906. By mail 16c extra. BEATON DRUG CO. Ths up-to-date soda dispensers of ths west. lata and Fsmam. $30.75 OMAHA TO HEW YORK CITY AND RETURN VIA Illinois Central Railroad TICKETS ON SALE AUG. 24 RETURN LIMIT AUG. 31 Faat trains leave Omaha at 1:00 a. m. and ijuu p. m., connecting in Chi cago with all eaatbound trains. Tickets sod information st CITY TICKET OFFICE. 140 PARNAM STRICT, Oat AHA TWENTIETH CENTURY ; FARMER Oatty Oae Delia a Tear, JJ CSEIfl TCAC.S3 JTAI STAMPS EVE8T TUIE Bennett's Big Grocery. BEST VALUES IJf FIRST CLASS NEW GROCERIES LARGEST VA RIETY BEST SERVICE. LAUNDRY SOAP SPECIAL. BENNETT'S BARGAIN" LAUNDRY SOAP FINEST QUALITY PRO DUCED ONE DAY ONLY C TWELVE BARS FOR . ....aa9C (Not more than one dollar's worth to each customer). DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON SUGAR ALL DAY . WEDNESDAY. Just received a fine lot of NEW CREAM CHEESE 7 fin white or yellow per, pound atslIC And twenty green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Coffee per package 28c . And ten green trading stamps. . Basket Fired Japan Tea pound '.68c And fifty green trading stamps. REMEMBER THIS IS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY. Specials in Hardware--Wednesday l"-quart Tin Fruit Cans, per doz. 38c Hines Fruit Press, regular 25c value, special. ........ .15c Champion Jelly Sieve, 15c value, special ,10c Mrs. Vroman's Japanned Sink Strainer, 25c value, at. .15c Hardwood Floor Brushes, up from. . ..68o- And Forty Green Trading; Stamps.1 15 and 25 lb. Hardwood Floor Polishers, special $1,65, $1.25 And Thirty Greett Trading Stamps. 100-foot Wire Clothes Line. 35c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps 50-ft Cotton Braided Clothes Line, special. .20c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps 3-Burner Gasoline Stove, special $3.15 2-hole Gasoline Oven, special. .$1.65 , 1-hole Gasoline Oven, special. . .................... .$1.25 AdTaaoe Rale ea all Oas and Coal Baa gee. 10 Far Oent Discount oa all Orders gfrsm this week, daUrered waea yon want them. Order now. CROCKERY. A Wednesday Special That will Crowd Our China Deparmen!. 250 Dozen Fruit or Ice Cream Saucers WITH PLATES TO MATCH ' , . . pretty floral decorations on pink, green or bine . C ' ground work 10c and 16c values, dozen,' 60c , each ... . . . . DC s (Limit, two dozen to a customer). . jt THE GREATEST DINNERWARE SALE OF THE YEAR CON-' TINUES- A SPECIAL PRICE ON EVERY SET IN STOCK. NOTE - THESE . PRICES s ! iOO-PTECE SETS t Ifl VALUE-flB.OO FOR Z.U U ' . OTRT SS.98, f 10, 12, $20, $25 AND CP. , Our bIavILAND sets all under toe knife for another week's selling. JAPANESE" SALTS AND PEPPERS Pretty new shapes , I A , S for lo each, 20c, 15c and ,.1UC ENGLISH ROCK TEAPOTS Wonderful sales, greatest alues ever giren each, 68c, 46c, 28c, 26c and afctJC i FROM CHICAGO I? MEW YORK AND RETURN VIA August 28th and 29fh Good to return until September 4th, inclusive. Apply to Local Ticket argents, or J. A. DOLAII, 555 Railroad Exchange, CHICAGO Mew York City . mi Men, $30.75 OPEN TO EVERYBODY Tickets on sale August 24th, return limit August 31st, via the Chicago, Milwaxukee tH St. Paul Railway You don't have to be a democrat or a mem ber of the, reception committee to welcome Wm. J. Bryan, in order to get this rate. .. Three fast trains to Chicago every day, making close connections with trains for New York. ' TICKETS-1524 Farnam St.- r OMAHA No. 25 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. F. A. NASH, General Western Agt. Ml Wednesday's Bargain Bulletin Lace Curtains and Draperies. Orar 10,004 pairs ef Saes CnrtaJns still remain te bs disposed of In Our (rea rlrarloc sale. Never before have such bargain ofr.rlnis been known In O.naha. fXe these specials. Tsa Oelabrated Bonne SenuBe rioaaoed Onrtains, 60 Inches wide, that iolit up to Hi 00, will so on sale In three QQn lots. at. sh. tl 8. tl.Sl and .VOW $1.S8 I. so. Onrtalas, In white and ecru. .4 inches wine, limit or two pairs to customert Wednesday at Q7r pair w 150 Portieres, In assorted colore, 10 pairs from which1 to select, at g Portieres, assorted colors, SO pairs from which to select, at fi"T pair ....! VC Tine SUkollas for comforters and drsk-a pertee, 8 Inches wide, limit of 10 yards X- to customer, weoneeoay at Q Special Linen Sale, Wednesday. Bleached All XJnen Table Damask, SS Inches wide. Imported direct from mills In Ire land, regular 1.00 quality everywhere, on sale weaneeaay rmm s ini a Cll p. ro. limit of one pattern to a customer greatest bargain ever offered, JUC at per yard , (n. I Bad Spreads, extra weight, fine patterns, 1UC sixrt alse. eold at 11.15 limit of twe 75c Towels on sale at lie, 19o, 18c HiXi and Worth Just double, i Don't fall to see them. to a customer at each Splendid Furnishing Goods Bar gains, f; OhUdrea's Dresses, a manufactarer sur plus stock of colored dresses, newest styles, worth up to tl.(0. In slses 1 to 6, In three lots Wednesday at 9Ro 76c 60c and afiOU pedal T Bale 1,000 dosen handsomely- decorated Japanese Folding Fans, worth ' up to lie eavchvwill be on sals Re Wednesday at choice. Bxtra X,arrs Balm IVeaf Bass on sals s c Wednesday each , Men's and Bots Bhirts, in fins percales, light er oera colors, wun two separais , collars to match, 60c and 71c 2fSc values, choice., a. aa.. Men's Bonr-Fly Unsa Collars, all slses : and styles, sugntjy souea, at c each , Men's Taaiey Boee, worth up to X6o pair, Wednesday, special at three OSp nalre for.....;.'....,.. Mea's BOo aspeaders, special . ORc at pair saw. Mea's 8 So and SSa Baspenders. IRc Wednesday at, pair, lo ana rn- otTB BVCT OI.OTB DBBABTMB3TT we are showing tjus mosl somiplete tins t Bilk mores 1m Ossalta. All styles, all lengths, aU colors and, you'll nnd'eur price sYwest on rellabla qualities. j ' Hardware,, Stoves and House Furnishings Special Bargains Wednesday I -quart OrinlU Disbp&a lor - ................... O. K. Rotary Washers ror Brush Holding Mop Sticks . iur . . . ... . . . . . . nix-root Htep Ladders ivr - ........... . i...... Galvanised Washtuba , iQc ' w 2Qo 14-auart Granite IMahpan ACr for ZZL Covered Granite Chamber Pail , KQcj f for m jT f for ...lrw Quart Tin Cans per dosen ... QOO Granite Chambers ' ..... y lQCliV. Lrge oranlte uippers ...... . ...... IFffl 4. for Inch Granite Pie Plates . fLc f., . .... - . . - WW .4.95 5c 45c for .,.. Mmm. Oalvanlsed water vPaus ; Iff for The Beet Wire Cloth , fllrj per square foot '..... The best Spring Door Hinge, t t , Qn for I, 10 and tO D Nails 2tC per pound. ..... .. 1 In Omaha's Greatest Grocery Dept. B1VVMB BOB 4rB2AT Large grape baskets fancy Goose plums nothing J2lc finer, for Jelly per basket vwv. w QBABBS t6m JILLT Fancy Concord Grapes for Jelly . , ..14c . per basket . ......-.-..." 80 BOTODB BBST aBABTTXVATBS BVOAB ' " ;"' "AJ - for . . . , i . ,, .( V. v.v.r.' . CBAB AWBX.BS BOB JXUbT One-third tmshel baskets Fancy Siberian ' OXn Crab Apples for Jelly. TO MA YOBS BOB OABTfXBO One-third bushel baskets Fancy Belected. f Tl(3 Tomatoes for canning Laf BBAOBCZSI FBAOsriSI BBAOsTBSl Four-basket crates Fancy FreestOns '""" JKC f acne per cra-ie f , f . , 1 1 . . ... vl mm Bee Want Ads Bring Results wr ' y f 1 The Gulf of Texas it Goa si Bee Want A.ds Produce Resi'lt? That's the name of a new eighty-pago' illustrated book just published by Rock Island-Frisco Lines. r It is of vital importance to you that you secure and read it. ; v The region described is unparalleledau its possibili " ties tor home-getting and fortune-making Think of a country where the climate is just right; .where there are twelve months of "growing" weather per year; where the soil is naturally rich; where yon can get a good deal of land for little money and where hired help is plentiful and cheap. If you knew Southern Texas you would want to share in its tremendous wealth . .. . . and a small share would soon make you independently rich. There is nothing to prevent your achieving suc cess in this remarkable country. - - - The book will tell you about it aud a trip 'of inspec tion is cheaply. made. Are you interested. t f w t ' .V Your name and address on a rostal will bring yon ' full details and tha booic. WRITE TODAY. - -This is too good to pass by, especially since it eosts you nothing to Investigate. You wilt not regret having done so. - ,t-., JOliX SEBASTIAN, rasa. Traffic Mgr., .. Chicago of St. LosUa .;. ,- . . ROCK ISLAND-FRISCO LINES 1