Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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IaiIj Cabltt from LiTtrpool Pit Cm
TJipectd Hiehtr.
Minneapolis Reports Desaaaa Poor for
Arrivals RarlatT Wknl, loatlt.
wast U balt-Cara Iwv aa
Free Aceag-taaaaa,
There was an unexpected strength la
Liverpool .cables this Morning and Argen
tina amprnenis were small, me result tie
li.g thai cany prices were up He The
iikikul became easier alter the mere ana-
V .1. - ....... .. L. . . I . . .
)"" "Hwiti i-vvnno, ana lost most or
tvei auvance, closing He above yesterday.
. iir weather was lueal for harvusu Atln-
eapolis reported new wheat arriving,
wmi a poor rash demand, and the demand
lor eiun stud in the southwest was also
puor. bespit higher cables, foreign bids not so a nee any, and export business
was poor. The volume of trade was light.
Coin was firm early In sympathy witn
wheat, but later beptember lost Sc. that
opiiun being sold freely by elevator in
lereats. Cash corn Is not In heavy de
mand and acceptances are larger than they
have been running. Deferred options lost
also, December closing la down from
Primary wheat receipts were M,nrj
hustiels and shipments 39,000 bushels,
against receipts last yesr of iiAi.OOO trusheis
and shipments of 467 000 bushels. Corn
receipts were A004 bushels and shipments
444.0W bushels, against receipts last year
of (nt.000 bushels and shipments of 41.000
bushel. Clearances were 161.000 bushels
wheat, 1,434 barrels floor, IBM bushels corn,
and 2,71 bushels wheet.
Liverpool closed Mu"rd higher on wheat,
and d higher on corn.
The moaern miller, out today, says:
The movement of winter wheat continues
umall. as farmers are too busy to haul
to market. Numerooi farmers refuse to
accept present market prices and will hold
. trelr grain, flowing fur all crops baa be
gun." 1'farrlus of New Tork wired: "IJverpool,
like last week, caught a few shorts and
ttdvanced option prices. We on this side
,Hiy too much attention to the small 1.1 v.
erpool option trade. In cash wheat they
co not come up and London la deplorably
Cull. Continent sends . very poor wheat
Local range of opuonst
Articles. Open.) High.) Low. Close. Tas'y.
v.ko ud! hua'
tolal! 46B sHB
44HI3 4i,B 43HA
A asked,. Q bid. ...
Omaha Cask Sales.
Wirt" AT No. 1 bard, a cars, 3o; l car,
63c; 1 car, 42V4C
OATS-No. 4 white. 1 car, to.
OmaUa Cash Prices.
WHKAT-No- tard. 44Vae44ej No. 1
hard. toViHiHifcc; N,ci 4 hard, ibtt2o, No. 1
spring, boVtc.
COKN i.o. 8, tStfCHe: No. I yellow,
ttVsC No. 11 white, 44 H 46c
uATS No. 3 mixed, .2"c: No. I white,
Si4c; No. 4 white, KvittlBHc.
KVB-NO. 1, 60c; No. C to.
Carlo Heceipis.
. . Wheat. Corn. Oat.
Chicago If . Ill .161
Kunsas City 1M 44 . 3J
ftilnneapolls sw..n 110 ,
umaiia 44 - 12 it
1 ,.,I,..K A ...
bt. touts : n in 71
i'estares vf the Trail
Keatare-a w( the Traalas; sad Cloelas;
Pr-lees'em Board of Trade.
s. rniPirm An it a -t.i.. .-.a 4 - -
rreasud shipments from Argentina caused
strength today In the local wheat market.
At - the close wheat for Beptember de
livery waa up HoOve. Corn was off 4C
Oats showed a loss of o. Provisions
veie IVto to ZiHc lower.
Tli wheat market opened strong on a
uve.y demand oy snnrui ana commission
houses. A sharp advance In the price of
wheat at Liverpool came as a surprise to
tne majority oi pit traders, many oi wnom
liud sold short the previous session and in
. a attempt- to corer'toe short' sales- prtees
were forced up materially, the September
tiellvery showing a gnln of He to 14c. on
l.illiat transactions. The strength of t
Liverpool market was said to have been
due to a continuance of wet weather in
lii-eat Britain and- to small shipments of
wheat troin Argentina. The whole move
nent for the week from the South Amer
can republic was- 866,000 bushels, com
pared wllh l.JTii.OO bushels tha previous
week. As the session advanced the mar
ket wus further strengthened by a report
from St. Petersburg to the effect that
wheat was being Imported Into "Russia
i'om Germany. Late In the day sentl
ment lost much of Its bullishness owing to
sharp decline In he price of corn. The
close, however, was Arm. Beptember
opened He to o higher at TOHo to 71c,
sold off to Wic and olosed at TOMJ'OHc
Clearances of wheat and flour wvre equal
to 41S.W0 bushels.- Primary receipts were
B81.0U0 bushels compared with 696,000 buahels
the corresponding day one year aso. Min
neapolis, iMiluth and Chicago reported re
ceipts of 196 cars against 424 cars last week
and al cars a year ago.
Likelihood of a material Increase In
movement caused liberal profit taking In
September corn and resulted In a break of
over lc a bushel In the nrlce of that de
livery. Weather was entirely favorable to
the rapid development of the new crop.
Although raelt houses disagreed as to the
amount of acceptances, indications pointed
to larger receipts In (the near futere. The
rharket olosed wsafc. ' September opened a
ansae to B"to nigner, at tsnc to c,
old off'' to 4fo and closed at 49V4JHo.
Local receipts were 111 cars with it cms of
contract grade.
Clear weather and Urge receipts both
local and at other primary points had
a weanemng enect on tne oats market.
casn houses were the Diincloal sellers.
Beptember opened unchanged to He higher
at WHo to JOHo. sold oft to 2o and closed
at IMk. Local receipts were toi cars.'
The feature of trading In provisions was
profit taking In pork by local longs. This
had H depressing effect on the entire list.
A 4d advance In tHe price of live hogs had
a steadying effect early In the day. At
the close September pork waa oft 77 He at
ri.oo. i a ra was crown 3nc at 4j.0th
Riba were &c lower at HM
Eatlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
3e2 cars; corn, 148 cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs.
jq.iaw new.
.!'! lesding fuures rsmged as follows
Articles,! Open. I Hlgh- Low. Close. Tes y
Wheat I
' Sept.. (70S
' 1 1
a . T
1 -i.
Sept. Dec.
Sept. Oct.
4444j4itl44H- 44
. HHi
17 14
U40 I
to '
17 14
17 64
17 40
17 nv
U 60
4 74
4 40
1 M
U I'til
' 47H
i rn hhj 74
t no. a,
Cash quots lions war as fallows:
FLOrR-Easy; winter patents. $t!04)4
straights. Ui40; spring patents, tlu
t 0; straights. $4.10444 44; bakers, 4-Cl.0. .
WUKAT-No. aprtng, 71c; No, 1 red, 4H
CORN-No. 1 4tl No. I yellow, 40He.
OATS No. t 11H; No. 1 whits, livitc;
No. 4 white. Hi44c ,
Hit-No. 2. 64c.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 429480,
8CEDB No. 1 flax, $1.04; No. 1 northweet-
am, 41. UH- Clover, oontraot grades, 111.74.
I'ltOVlMiONa anort ribs sides ioos),
IIMIN. Mesa pork, par bbl., 417.00, Lard.
per 10 lbs.. 4 tfTH- Short clsar tldas tboxed).
$ 1JV01
Following were tha receipts ad ship
mets at flour aad grain:
r Suoelpts. Shipment a
Flour, bbls. .1...... 17, M I6.I04
Wheat, ba 404.000 49.M4
Corn, bu,.,,.., M U ) , 23 tlw
fiats, bu. , 4A4.OO0 lidiwO
Pye. ba .,, ld t4.04
Bartsy. ba to.WO I.j4
On tha Produoa exchange today tha but
ter anarket waa firm; creameries, 14422CS
aalrtea, l'tfc Fss. steady: at .mark,
eas Included. 10 ::; firsts, HVI pnms
iw. Isc: extras. tvH. Chaaaa. Arm, DH
Ursel Grata stark at.
-teadi Na. t fad, wstr winter, 4s;
futures, aulet: Sebtember. 4s 1T44: De
cern hr, 4s 4Hd.
corn spot, steady; American mixed
new 4s iHd; American mixed, old. s
iHd; futures, auleW September, 44 THd;
Lecamber, 4s 7d.
Qaotatleaa of the Day Varlews
NEW TDStW. ln 17 -nll'B-Rwfloll.
k..4 bbls. ; exports, 1,160 bbis.; market
stesay, witn better demsnd; Minnesota
patents, 44 iOS4 40; Mlnneioia bakers, ti 40
44t0; winter pstents, 34-16; winter
straights. 4S 8a4.?t: winter extras, 4i ftf
l tb, winter low grades, fi.ittfi.f- Kje
nour. steady: fair to good, 4J.Joari.i6;
choice to fancy, 4J.40Q4.00.
CuRNMEAL Quiet; hne whits and yel
low, $1 2o1.4i coarse, $1.1043 LLi; kiln dried.
U 6 W.
RVE-Nominal; No. I western, 4Cc e. I.
t. New York.
V HEAT Receipts. 111,100 bu.; exports,
tS.V'i bu.; spot market firm; No. 1 red, 77c,
elevator; No. I red. 74HC t. o. b, afloat;
mo. l northern uuiutn, Kc, i. o. o.,
afloat; No. 1 hsrd winter, ic, f. o. b.,
afloat. Tha wheat opening was Arm and
higher on reports of rains In England,
firm cables and small Argentina ship
ments. After shorts had covered, flow
ever, prices lost a good part of the lin-
firovementa, owing to fine harvest weather
n the northwest snd a poor export de
mand, closing H6Hc net higher. May,
kJS 14-16C. closed at SJHc; September,
77 16-liic, closed st 7Sc; December, 10 11-lso
4414C cloned at 40c.
COKN-Recelpts. W.OOO bu.j exports, 4
bu.; spot market easy; No. 1, UVo, to ar
rive, elevator, and boHc, f. o. b., afloat;
imo. x yetiow, sic; mo. I wnits, kc option
market ODened firmer, with wheat, but
turned weak because of good weather and
Increasing receipts and closed Vdlc net
lower; September. Miiofcc, cioaed at
444c: December. Irtk&Ao. closed at
oatb Receipts, S4.nn ou.; exports, x.u
bu. ; spot msrket eaay. Quotations, new
and old: Mixed oats, to 1 pounds, ftHt;
natural white, SO to S3 pounds, fit),MC
clipped white, 41 to 40 pounds, 41(&ic.
FKED Dull; spring bran, W.O0, August
shipment. Middlings, 120.00, August ship
ment. HAT-Steady: shipping, (67&c; good to
choice, c'a1.04
HOPS Quiet, state, common to choice,
1106, lllci 1404, nominal; olds, nominal;
racino coast, iMt, .noise; jan, w, m,
HiriKJl Firm: Taleatoa. SO to 25 pounds.
20c; California, 21 to )rt pounds, 21oi Txa
dry, 14 to pounds, mc.
iKATHE:R-teaay; acta, vavtc
phivi AinNa Hear. steadv: fam
ily, 110.00tU.; mess, H.Ontl.M; beef hams.
121 004JS2.40; packet. 4.00iiJ0.U); city extra
IndlA tneaa. f.t fcnaiSW. Cut meats, steady;
tickled bellies. 110.0vijli.00; pickled shoulder
I.S4VCS.76: pickled hams. IttOOflll R0. Lard
steady; western steamed, t70&4.76; refined,
steady; continent. I: Sotith America,
110.00; compound, IT.UHib'i.liH. Pork,
stesdy; famUy, 111 Bftfili.OOi short clsar. $17.00
mi no. n a Ktil 7K '
TAliiAl w Bteaay ; cny jm per is ;.
country (pkgs. free). ',tUc.
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra,
iHiil'tc; Japan, nominal. ,
BUTTF.R Steady; street prices for extra
creamery, 22Hj23c; official prices, cream
ery, common to extra. 17H5Hc: reno
vated, oommon to extra, lS'-Wc; western
factory, common to firsts, lslSHc; western
firsts. nntllKc.
CHEESIi Strong; receipts, 4, KM; stats
full creams, large fancy, 12c; stste fair to
good. UHtfUfcc; small fancy, 12c; state,
fair to good, UieilHo; inferior, H10Hc.
KOUS Firm: state, Pennsylvania ana
nesrhv fnnrv selected white. io&Hc: State.
choice. 23i4c; do, mixed extra, 2324c;
western firsts, western seconds,
LTRT Live, steady: western spring
chickens, 14Ho; fowls, 13c; turkeys. 14c.
Dreased firm; western spring chickens,
14SPlc; turkeys, upim; lowia, iuwuho.
: ' ' St. Loala Geaeral Market.
BT '. TIUR. Ana ' 17. WHEAT Futuresv
higher; cash, steady; on track, "No. 1 red,
cash, $70H.-. No. 2 hard, wafoW ; Sep
tember. 47He; December, 70Hc '
CORN Lower: on trsck. No. 1 cash, 4.V4
CiSe: September, 4Sc; .. December, 41C; ,Nj.
UAl-LOWtr; on irt, - v
tlHc; September. BOei December, H4f31Hc;
MO I wnite, . .
vtttO flteadv: red winter patents, 14.36
4 60; extra fancy and straight, 41754.10;
clear. 1X7MI3.O0.
SEED Timothy; steaoy; ss.bu0.w.
CORNM KAL Steady ; . 42.40.
BRAN Dull; sacked east track, 74fr75e.1
HAY-etendy; timothy, U.SOi14.00
BAOOINO-4 1-16C.
PROVISION-Pork, lower: lobbing. 414.76.
trd. steadv: nrlms steam. $8.40. Dry
salt meats, steady; boxed shorts, . $9 17H1
clear ribs, 4482H; short clears, $10.7u.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, $10.12A;
clear ribs, 410J7H: short clear. $10.60.
POULT RT Weak; chickens, Hi springs,
12c; turkeys, 13Hc;. ducks, SHc; geese, lc.
BUTTER Stesdy at iwztshc; dairy, via
EGO 8 Firm at 14HO. case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Oata. bu. 76,000 44.OUO
Flour, bbl i.uw s.viu
Wheat, bu -. 71.000 27,000
Corn, bu. 212,000 88,000
.Mlaaaaplls. Grata. Markat.
r stents. $4 0044.10; second patents, K-Hii
96; first clears, $S.2&3.46; second dears.
B HAN in DUla, xi-ojru-m
fSunerlor Board of Trade quotations for
Minneapolis and Chicago- delivery). The
range of prices, as reportea py . u. Lay
4s C., 110-111 Board Of Trade, was:
Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y
:- nil
t it
l ion
1 10V4
Ill 1
1 10H
1 US'
1 US
1 10
1 10
I lOHj 1 10
1 10H 1 104
1 14
4 10
I 10 1 1 10
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1
northern, 7$So; to arrive, 7JHe; No. t 71
7 J He; No. 1 durum, 47Hc; No. 1 durum,
46HC. Corn: No. 4 yellow. 41o; No. 1
41HO. Oats: No I white, 80Ho; No. I, 27H9
n$L Barley; I1646o. Ryai 61&62Jo.
Flax, tl.ll. . . .
' Kaasas Ciy Ovala aad Pro-rlsloaa.
KANSAS CITT. Aug. 17-WHEAT-Sep-tember,
C4Ho; December, 44Sc; May, 70Vc;
cash. No. 1 hard. 47SHc; No. 1. 4&Oti7c;
No. 1 red. Co; No. 4, c.
CORN September, 43c; December, He;
Msy. SV: cash. No. 1 mixed. 4Jt44c; No.
1 white. 47H87c; No. 1, 47c.
OATS No. 1 whits, MH43060, No. 1 mixed,
HAT 2fj60o hlgheri- n4oa - timothy,
$11 00rt'11.6i; choice prairie, $8.6094.76.
nK-Steady; 640c.
EXJOS Firm: Missouri and Kansas, firsts,
17c; seconds, 10c; extras, lso. ,
BUTTBR Creamsry, nc; pacung. we,
Receipts. Shipments
126. 000 ItOOO
4 OuO 44.000
12,000 1,000
Wheat, bu..
Sorn, bu....
ata, bu..i.
Mllwaakea Grata Market.
MlLWAt'KEE. Aug. 17. WHEAT
Steady: No. 1 northern. 77978c; Na 1
northern, 74 7 He; September, 7044c bid.
RIB eieaay; mo. 1, iiniic.
BARLEY Dull; No. 2. 16 064c; sample,
404) 640,
CORN Strom: No. t cash. 604411c:
September, 4764740. , '
Peoria Market. "
PEORIA. Aug- 17. CORN Lower; No.
t yellow. 6O0: No, I, 60c; No. 4. 44c; no
grade. 4H0 4lc.
OATS Lower; No. t white. l4HOt4e:
No. 1 white, lt4V10He; No. 4 white, 21
RtsV-vSteady; Na 1, lift,
WHI8K.I Oa ths basis of $1.14.
' ' Dalatk Grata Market.
DULTJTH, Aug. 17-WHETVNo. 1 north
ern. ic; mo. 1 nortnern, mhc; cteptsmoar,
7lc: neoembsr. I7c; May. 77a
OATS On track, Ho; new, to arrive and
August, 280.
TWleda Seed Market.
TOLEDO, O., Aug. 17 SEEDS Cash
clover. $7.14: October and December, $7.10;
ttraotny, II. 00; aislke, 41. so. .
Cattaa Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Auk 17,-COTTON-Dull;
middling. loHc; aales none; receipts none;
Shipments. 47 bales: stock 1LU0 bales.
opot ootton closed quiet. Bales HO balsa
Low ordinary 4 7-ltc, nominal; ordinary
4 U-lSc. nominal; good ordinary IHc; low
middling, 4 l-lc; middling, 4 4-14c; good
middling. 14 7-14c; middling fair 10 11-14c
nominal; fair, 11 7-lte, nominal lieoeiptx
lae oairs; stoca H.I1S Dales.
julet; . prices 6 points lower;, American
middling fair. 4.01d; good middling. MM;
middling. 4.60d; low middling, 4.13d; good
ordinary. l..l; ordinary. 4.8M. Ths sales
of the day wars ifta) bales of which 4u0
were tor speculation ana export and In
cluded 4. 404 A mertca u. Receipts, 2.0W baiae
ibwwmiis 4W. aviuerscaa. -
Uiioi Pgoifio tod (suthera Fsoifio
Contnl ficurai in MaikaV
Ceaeral List Moves" Ipward Rapidly
OwtasT ta Isaprosslaa tbat Other
Cosapaales Will Dlatrlbato -Praflts.
NEW YORK, Aug. 17,-Unlon Psclfle. on
a In per cent dividend ousts, and southern
Pacluc on a 4 per cent uividend baais.
OniciaJ announceinent ot this result of me
meeting of the executive committee of ths
two companies yesterday eiectrined Wall
street aimust Immediately after iterations
In the stock market had begun today.
Speculative excitement picked up of a sud
uen and Instead of burning ttssif Out In a
flash as is not ununuai on sucn an out
break after a period of continued specula
tion, the flame thus kindled increased- and
spread until practically all parts of the
block exchange Hat were embraced In ths
fervent demand to buy stocks.
Wall street unquestionably was taken by
surprise. Wall street surprises commonly
are not due to under estimation of cominrf
events. The usual rule Is that a period of
speculative excitement, such as occurrud
this week In the Harrlman Pacifies, gives
rise to so many excited conjectures, partly
voluntary and partly Incited for a purpose,
that the actual event on which a speculation
has been based brings disappointment, and
more likely a rush to sell than, an extension
of the buvlng movement. Yenterday rumor
mongers who alleged that Southern Pa
cific was to receive a semi-annual dividend
of 2H Pr cent rather than the expected 2
per cent were regarded as extravagant.
As for the prospects of Union Pacific stock
holders, the most hopeful prophet offered
no siiRgrstlon that more than 1H per c'nt
for the half year would be disbursed on that
stock, opinion being divided only as to
whether the Increase over the preceding 1
per rent rata would be Incorporated In a
res-ulnr 1H por cent dividend or dis
tinguished as H extra In addition to the
rnalntalncd 1 per cent regular rate. The
dassling effect of the announcement of a
regular 6 per rent semi-annual dividend on
the speculative Imagination was thus mag
nified many fold. Opinion leaped to the
conclusion that hers was a decision rep
resenting financial power and authority of
the first magnitude and likely to affect by
Its Influence and example tho control ' of
corporate management as a whole, that the
period making desirable strict retrench
ment In the disbursement of corporate
fronts for the expansion of facilities and
he Improvement of plant and equipment
had reached Its completion and that the
way Is now open for the enjoyment by
stockholders of a fuller share of sarnlrigs.
The movement elsewhere was Irregular for
a time. The general deductions drawn from
the dividend action on the Pacifies wss too
Important and far-reaching, however, to
allow the general advance to be long re
strained. The new Income basis offered by
the Paclflcs themselves, especially Union
Pacific, left auch wide room for adjuatment
In the price that the rise was vigorously
extended by spasmodic movements. Other
stocks most acutely affected naturally were
those In which conditions bore the closest
analogy to the Union Pacific. Pennsyl
vania and New Tork Central were the prin
cipal examples by reason of their la r ire
stockholdings of controlled companies. The
Increase In the Union Pacific dividend waa
definitely assigned to the resources of Its
Income from Investments. Hence the
The strength of the market, however,
became fairly comprehensive. The con
tinued rise In Interest rstes on time loans
and the testimony of the' currency move
ment of the growth In interior demand for
hsrvestlng purposes were forced out of
sight almost completely In the speculative,
enthusiasm of the day. Union Paclfici
extretne high price was 175. compared
with 12H last night. Bouthern Pacific rose
to Pt earlv In the day, an extreme advance
of Ti, but did not rise again to that level
later. Pennsylvania gained 4, New York
Central 4 and the active list generally from
1 to 1. The irregular closing below the best
of the day waa the natural result of real
ising the day'B Inviting proflti. .
Bonds were Irregular. Tho total sales, par
vdlue, 12.930.000.
The rollowing ata the quotations on the
Stock exchange:
Beits. Huth. Lew. Glow.
Aaamt Kxpreas
Am.licm.tM Capper WT.KW W IM W
American Car A Foundry-- 1.400 ' "
do preferred .... 1004
Aawrinan Cotton Oil 1 11
do prtramd 10 MH. H
American BipreM s0
Amor. Hid A Leather ptd 100 M 10 It
Am.rtPSB In. cur. ........ 10,400 UH KH 7S4
Amcrlcaa Unaeed -Oil..'...-. 1H
do praramd 1 1 41 41 41 H
America Locomotive , 1,100 It' St 44
do preferred lit
AmorietB Smelt. RTg.. l4.0 1WH IM 1MH
do preferred v...i tot 1114 11T HT
Amero. Sug.r RT 4.100 117 INVt ITT
American Tobacco, pfd. e.. too lot . 100 10H
Anaconda Mining Co K.400 141 KM tfi"d
Atrhtaon 11.100 7H 1444 HH
do preferred l.too lOOtt 100 H 100
Atl.ntlo Coast Line l.too 144 141 143
Baltimore A Ohio 44,Sao lit 11$ lit
do preferred ." tl
Brooklyn Rapid II 100 1S TS 17
Canadian P.clBc I.SOt ltl 144 147
Oenlrar of Now Jersey..'...' Ue .
Cheaapeake dr. Ohio t.tftt tl 10 41 H
Chlcaso Oraat Weetern 1,000. It 1 11
Chloaso A Northwaatara... 4.10 lie tel il
Chlcaso. Mil. A 81. P 41.400 144 1M 117
Chlcaso Term. A Trana It
da preferred ..; let 11 11 11
C, C. C. A St. Loula .... 1,400 H H H
Colorado Fuel A Iron tt.tu M 4 14
Colorado A Southern l.too 11 t7 M
do let preferred 10
do Id preferred k
Consolidated Gaa 100 Ut 1M 1M
Cora Producta, rfg too II lt It
do preferred 74
Delaware A Hudson Mr ttt !M 121
Dele.. Lack. A Wert loo
Denver A . Rio .Gra&de .... 1.40 44. 43 41
do preferred 400 t u u
DlaUlere' securities l.too 41 ,s 41 '4
Kria JJ.I00 it a 44
do preferred. e-dlT... l.bM II 17 17
da td preferred 1100 7! 71 II
General felectrle lot 14 1ft 14
Hocking Valley, offered..., 117
llllnole central ino 174 174 114
International Paper t,100 It II It
da preferred too u SI 14
International Pump 1,100 II 10 tl
da preferred let M M It
Iowa Central tot SI IS it
do preferred too U It 11
Kanaaa City Soothers ..... tot 21 tl 17
do preferred 17 e 64
Loulerllle A Naehellle.... 11,100 147 141 14
Mexleaa Central 1.100 II il fi
Mlnnoapolla A St. Louis... tilt , 17 47 47
.. oi. r. m a. a. at 1M
do preferred , 14
Mleeourl P. cine 1 40 M tt M
Ma., Kaa. Tax I.40 14 14 li'.
do prefer re l.put 10 70 7U
National Load 1.40 10 . It .71
N. a. . of Mex. pfd , 41
Hew Tork Central tt,S let ' 141 141
N. T. OnU W l.tu 4 47 41
Norfolk A WoaUra t.lot M tt 11
do prof erred , so
North Aaerioaa 1.100 liu ul aau
Paclfta Mall 40 M ta
Pennertvanla Jit. 400 1444b lliu Mm.
People' Caa , 1 a
P., C. C, A St. L ' ' i
Preeee Steel Car , l.lOt 14 tl IS14
ve pivierrea IUU es Pi f
Puliaaa Palao Car ' la IIT t7 tsl
keadinf ...14.100 1K 133 in
ao let preferred 100 II M f
so td .referred , m
Repahlle Stool -. 1.40 14 II
ao prorerred 101 p loo
Beck C til 14 id M
do preferred , u H u
St. L. A S. P. Id pfd.... lo 4 4 44
St. Lou Souiaweetera .... tu 14 14 ti
prelorred l.tu i:v 7 asu
Southern PacIS 41. KH) jiv
do .referred too mu. m i,.
Southora Railway u U,tut It . II 17
do preferred s
Teaa. Coal Iron - Mt lie i ut
Teiaa A Paclde 1 70 - 14 nit ,.
Toledo, tt. L. A W 40 It 11 ri
da preferred ao M 41w
Uaiaa Pacta .M1,1 171 11 I7i2
. feTed 404 St M 4
Y.m 5tU 114
t'nlted Statea Realty ltu
l"td Sistaa Kahkar ... let 4 W 4t
do preferred u o I0 ks"
Halted Stares Steel m.lot 43 41 41a
do prefarrad 4 eO 10 lee 1t3
Vlrslale Oar. Caaaleel ... 40 M 17 17
?h too to to a
da preferred e 47 4, J 4Tu
Wella-Farsa Etpreea ...... 1M po aoi JM
weatlnfhouaa Elaouia .... 10 le 1M uou
Weatara tales 5
WhMln Lake Brie .... 10 11 u" u
Wlaoeaala Coaual o 4 14 m
do protarred u liu ,.
Nartkera Padss U.I to Mf. ant
Central Leather
we ( U
Sloaa-4heroeld o 77 J 74 n
ureal nonaafB. pis T.tu 00 17 J7U.
Inter Met pr ,7 M J
do preferred Mo jiet eju, Ta
Tntal fafklau reaaw Ike a a mM .
Hew York BMalagr Stack a.
NEW TORIC Aug. 17.-Cloaln quoU-
. v wvr.1
Adaau Oaa
, 10
, tt
Ul Chlat
. 4
. I
,. 14
Pkeests ....
Braaevtck Coa M
Ceaaataek Tuaaet .... 14
Caa. Cal. 4k Va. tt Saees
Hera Silver .........lit Siena Mermda
tree Stlvw Oa Saall Haaea
Offered. """
Baak at Garsaaay StatasaaaC
nvni tar . .. , - . . . . .
. ............. aus,. n. ine wwiy atate-
JmBt of tha Bank of Qermany shows It
following rhanres: Cash In hand, la
rreaaed ft, 100,004 marks; treasury note.
Incressed 1. mark a; other seottTtttes,
decreased 4,700.000 mark: notes In cir
culation, decreased 11, 140,000 marks.
Ttevr fork Money Market.
NEW TORK. Aug 17.-MONET-On call
steady, 3 per cent,:, ruling rate, tu per
cent; closing bid, I per cent! offered, IH
per cent. Time loan very strong; sixty
days, 1 per cent; ninety dsys, 4ti6H Pr
cent: six months, 1 per cent.
per cent. .. .
I4.M7& for demand and at 14 tl6 for sixty
day bills: posted rates. M ,5fl SS snd 4.16H
tjl6; commercial bills. Mxiflam
SILVER Bar, 6Hai Mexican dollars,
. BONDSOovernment itendy; railroad Ir
regular. Quotations on New fork bonds todsy
wr a follows!
C. S. new a, rea....1t Japan v t eerlea..
do eoupoa ..l!i do 4e rtf. t. tl
V. S. ret. U. fag 1041 do 4a rtte 1 ..... ti
do coupon I'M do 4 a. ctf. tl
V. S. le, reg 10.t Man. r 4 101
do eoupoa 101 Mn. central 4a 7
U. B. old 4a, rag.. ..!' do in Inc.,
da eoopnn ....
,.10i Ulna. St. L. 4.... 44
Am. Tabaceo 4a..
Atchleoa pen. 4a.
Atrhlaoa ten. 4a. .
do ad. 4a
Atlantla C. t. 4a
Bel Okie 4a...
do la
B rk. R. T. e.
Central of O. ta..
do 1st hm
do id Inc
... 77 .It., K A T. 4. 14
..Hi! do la
..1"1 N R. R. of M. .
.. N. T. C. (. I..
..10 N. J. C. (. I...
..I0j No. Parlflc 4....
.. 14 do 3a
.. 3 N. A W. . 4a....
..lit O 8. L. rfd 4a.
.. Penn. c.
.. 41 Reedlna a.
4a M
.... 14 I
... 1M
.... Tl
.... M
.. tl
So Id Isc
..17 II L A L H. (. ta.114
Chear. A Ohio 4... ..107 St. L. A S. F. fa. 4a II I
t.nicao a A. ..., 76 St. l,. b. w. a 4a.... ft
C. B. A Q, s. 4a... tt Seaboard A. L 4a te
C, K. I. a P. 4a.... Tl to. Pacltc 4a II
do col. ti.,.., 12 do let 4a ctf 4
tXC.'dr St. L. t So Railway I lit
Colo. lnd. ta. Mr. A. 77 Tex.. A P. 1. Ill
Colorado Mid. 4a
... 72 T.. It. L. W 4a...
... tl t'aion Panic 4. loi
...104 V . B. tteel td la.... it
Ola. a: So. 4a
Cuba im
D. A R. O 4...
M Wabe.h le
. tl
. 4
. tl
binillera' Sacur. ta . 17 do deb. B
Brie p. L 4e 100W.tern Md 4..
- aa sea. a M.w. a u a
Horkln Valley 4... 101 Wis Central 4a..
Japan la 100
Boatoa Stocks and Boada.
BOSTON, Aug. 17. Call loans, tH'S P"
cent; time loans, btd per cent. Closing
quotations on stocks
snd bonds:
Atchisoa ad). 4a...
Mei. Cnou-al 4a
da pfd
Boeton, A Albany...
Botton a Malaa ...
Boston Kaleated ...
PHchbura pfd
It Bll
re'l Ca,
.. II
.. if,
.. 77
.. II
.. It
.. 1
.. I
.. 11
.. tu
.. S
.. 41
.. tl
.. I
.. 9
.. 1
.. 43 ,
.. 14
,. 10
.. II
.. I
.. tl
.. II
.. It
,. II
.. II
.. H
K Centennial, ex-dlv.
.lot vepper Ran
Kb Uair Weat
.11' -Franklla
.141 Oranby
.117 lei koyalo
Mex. Central ...
It .Mate. Mining
74 T, N. H. A H..ll' Michigan ...
-rare ererqueile u (Mohawk
t'nlon Pacltc
.17J Mont C. A d
Amor. Arte. Cham... 14. Old Dominion
do pfd....
. tl lOereola
Amor. pnea. Tuba..
Amer. Suxar .......
do pfd
Amer. T. A T
Amer. Woolen
. 11 Parrot
.116 Wuoncy
..114 Shannon
..121 Tamarack
.. 17 Trinity
..103U United Conner
do pfd
nonunion I. a B.. 18 U. B. Mining .
Eriieon Elee. Ilium. ..Ml it'. 8. Oil
Maaa, Biectric
. to Utah
da pld
Maaa. Oaa
t'nlted Fruit
United ghee Mach..
do pfd
V. B. Btoal
do pfd
Amalsamated ,
Bid. Asked.
. 70 Victoria
. eiWlnona
..114 iWolvorlaa
. 2 North Butta
. ti' Butte Coalition ....
. 41 Nevada
.107 t al. A Arlioo. ....
. aVArl.. Commercial..
.lOoSjGraena Con
14 1
Londoa Claslaa- Stocks.
LONDON, Aug. 17.-Closlng Quotations
on the Block exchange were:
Con tola, money 17 M., K. A T
do account 17 15-1 N.. T.' Central .,
... ti ,
... 14
... 48
... Tt
... 4
... tl
... Id
... u
... Ill
... 42
... tl
... 41
... Bi
Anaconda IV, Norfolk Weat
.. tt
do pfd.
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canad4aa Paclto .
Ckea. A Ohio .....
Oraat Waatern' ....
C. M. A St. f...
t)e Boora
D. a r. o
da pfd...
do- lot pfd
do td Bid
., 13
.. II
.. la
.. 45
.. M
Ont. a Weet
Hand Mlnea ..
HotOhern Railway.
do pfd
8outhern Paolllc ..
Uolon Pacinc
do pfd.
43 V. B. Steel
to. do pfd..
71 I W. bean
10 I An nfd
Illnola Central
Lou an I lea Naah....lV paaia 4a
mm e-jv wuiet, 30 t-lud per ounce.
MUNEK-ii(gJi4 per cent.
The rate or discount in the open market
for short bills Is 1 1-14 par cent; tor three
niuatns duis, 3H per cent.
Forela-a Flaaaelal.
LONDON. Aur. 17 Monev wna In fair
demand and supply today;. Discounts weie
a shads higher. On I tha Stock exchange
the dealings were restricted owing to to
morrow's holiday and further pront-taklng.
causing an easing- of prlcra f British se
curities generally, but the undertone re
roalned steady. Foreigners- were main
tained on Paris support, f Americans. wer4
depressed on the postponement of the dec
laration of Union Pacific and Bouthern Pa
clflo dividends. The market 'opened easy
and hardened during the first hour on mod
erate covering operations, but the Improve
ment disappeared till the. new- York ad
vices were received, when a sharp rise of
h points In Southern Parlflo and 4 points
in union pacinc on reports tnat tne divi
dends had been announced steadied the
whole market, which closed firm after some
excitement. The hlrhest and lowest nrlces
were Union Pacific, 15tH and 147H. and
Southern Pacific, 91 and 84H. Imperial Jap
anese 4s of 1904 were quoted at 10314.
BERLIN. Aug. 17. Trading on the Bourse
today was stagnant. Russians wers slightly
Boatoa Copper Market.
Closing quotations on Boston copper mar
ket, reported by Imogen A Bryan, 2 Board
of Trade building. Omaha:
adventure IS Mlrhlsaa HH
Alloue 17) Mehaark MH
Atlaolle IB Nada Coo.olldaled. 1
Blnsbam , 3a "4 North Butta 114
Black Moaatata tu. Old Domlnloa 41H
Boatoa Conulldatad.. t' Oattaola 104
Butta Coalltloa tl Pneu. Servlos 1144
Ceramet st Arleona. llt . do prefarrad 17 14
Calumet A Hela....14t 1 Oalacy to
Coateanlal ' PS 4 Shannon 1
Copper Ranga 7 Tamarack too
Dally Weet 11 Trinity 1
Beat Butte Ituj (Jolted fruit 101V.
rranklln II V. B. oaaamoa MS
Oreeae Copper ...... t II. I. preferred 4iH
Oranby llti Vtah Conaolldatad ... 11
Helreti flan Copper I74
lale Royal to Vl.torla 1
L S. A Plt.bsrg.... UH Wtaona t
kUeeachueetta 11 Wolverine 114
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Aug. 17. METALS There
was an advance of 10s In the London tin
market, with spot clrmlng at lbl 6s and
futures at 181 10s. Locally tho market was
Lqulet apd a little lower on the average.
wan quotations ranging from 4i.zu to tti.ju,
ths Inside, price representing the views of
buyers. Copper was firm and tunchanged
on the local market wllh lake quoted at
$18.2H818.75. electrolytic at 418.4718.60 and
casting at $14.00$ IS. 2b. The London market
waa 6s higher at H3 17s 4d for and '4
14s for futures. Lead was higher In the
London market at 17 Is Id. Locally It v. as
unchanged .at 45.76. , Spelter waa unchanged
at K.0".10 locally and at 2tr Via In Lon
don. Iron waa higher abroad with standard
foundry quoted at 62s 8d and Cleveland war
rants at 63 3d In the E nor I tun market. Lo
cally the' market was reported active and
firm. No. 1 foundry, nortnern. Is quoted at
419 754120 00; No. foundry, southern, 419-i
14.80; No. 1 foundry, southern, 414 .6019.76;
No. t foundry, southern, 419 Owgl4.:6.
ST. LOU 1 3, Aug. 17. M ETALS Lead,
steady at 4i.MJ5.67H- Speller, steady at
CofTea Market. '
NEW TORK. Aug. 17. COFFEE Market
for futures opened steady at a decline of
6910 points and a.t one ' time dur
ing too session was about ' 10 to If
points net lower. owing to lower
EuroDean markets and realising- which may
have been Inspired to some extent by ru
mors thst wra-ll waa navir.g troume to
raise the money reaulred for valorisation.
Tbese rumors were denied by local author
Itlea supposed to be well Informed on the
ubject. however, and the market did a
little better In the late trading with the
cloae steady at a net decline of tValO point.
Sales were reported of 88.250 bass. Includ
ing neptemoer at KHigtsu; Decern ner, j tu
43 7.16; January, $7.20; March. 47. tfXT7.40;
May. - I7.4o437.hv July. t7.0043f.8O. Spot,
steady, 11.10, ard Klo Sc.
Oils mm Raala.
OIL CITT. Pa.. Aug 17.-OUv-Credlt
k.l.nn 41 U. BhlnmAnfa Kff tli . . r
I. lPv. -runs, 41. ae; average, b,442; ship
msnts, Lima,' ta.tbt; average, 41,900; runs,
, 1 -.. . . .
Mine, t,tvj,, od,jv.
SAVANNAH. Oa., Aug. 17. OIL Tur
pentlna, 69ao; sales, 474 bbls,
ROSIN-Flrm; sales, 2.177 bbla Quote:
A. B. C, . U SOtfd 70; O, E. 44 10; F
44.1&41410; O, 44 mfiH ; H, $4 tt34.S2H; I
44.4u54 4JH; K, 44 : M. 44.74); N, 4 ; W
O.. 44.14; W. ejML
laiar aad Malaaaaa.
NEW TORK, Aug. 17 BUOAR Raw,
quiat; rair rennmg. 144c; centrifugal, tt
teat, like: molasses sugar. 11-lteiUc:
refined, ateady; oruahed, l.40o; powdered,
4 m ra n , , 1 1 A A 14a
strong; opaa ketue centrifugal, 10 7-lao;
centrifugal yellow, 7a47. aaaoods.
J oVKUP-&830t
Vot Eooutta ftUU Htrs tedtj to ttUb-
litb QaoUtiorn
Lanabs la Very Oaod Desaand, with
Chair? Killers Desldedly Hlgksr
' 4'at Sheep aad Feeders
Aettra aad Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 17, 1904.
Receipt (i; came. tiui. ttup.
Olnclai Aionaay .n (im1 Ium!
Oltlciai Uueaddy U.ast ll.euj
Official Wednesday 1.70:'. .7U
Oftiolal Thursuuy ........ tt,a
Offltiiai Friday 4 ' t.SoO t.bil
Flvs days this week. ...13.01 47,vc 17.4DU
Sam days lost week..,.lo,o4 4-!.viM 4.,.
bame two weeks,i0 u,i -ii.Po
oHiiie inree weess,a Xi,i6i
bams tour weens ag.i. . . . 4n,x4 th o.
Same days last year... tal.lia ti,ii 4t.l
The following labia shows In tclpt ol
cattle, hogs and sueep at South Omaha (or,
ths year to Oatv. t umpired with last ytsr:
Catll 6 4,475 4Jb,94 40,617
Hogs l.lHi.Hi l,Wl.i) 16ii'i4
Sheep Vut.474 14,lu4 5O,r70
CA T I LK Wliui Ai lONM.
Tha following will show ths pries paid
for the diftercnt kinds of catue on tl.a
bjiiin uu.i..i market.
tiood to choice corn-fed steers 4S.SOSii.00
rail- to guiMl coin-leu steeia
Common to fair coin-fed aisers.. t.aa4.M
ouuu to cnuice cowa and heiters.. 4aur4.ia
I1 air to good cows and hellvta.. i.'n-
common to fair cows and hellers.. l.Wt.iO
Uouu tu clioica Blockers A feeders. .u4 4
r alr to good Blockers and feeders.. .J6(J.t0
Common lo fair stocUer i.a-ti '
Bulls, stags, eto t&u;) 54
Veal calves S.75iy4.76
4.e iwiuaiii; labia shows lue
prlc oi nugs at buutl. Uniana (or the last
aevural days with ueiiipariauoi
Data. Uu4. UW4.18t)4.lw.1l9ot.lyl.lX.
til I
4 v.Hl
4 2 4 4
t , 4 (Ml
4 74 6 M
' l
i 44' 6 111
4 M) 4 ifl
bO 4 Ve
4 741 6 14
I 4 Iv
ill e 44
4 ttoi 4 It
4 tu I It
4 74 4 04
a iB VI
4 ill 4 H
4 i3, 4 I'K
( 74 4 47
5 7? 4 91
4 Ki 5 00
4 4Uf 7 44
6 01 J U
4 , 1 4
4 04i J tlx
1U 1 IS;
1 I
4 14 7 01,
4 Kl, 4 It,
4 lo 4 J
4 Zl I 'Mi
I 24 4 C4
I j
t 211
Aug 11..
1 t 4
4 s 4 kl
Aug. Ii...
AtieT- Id...
Aug. 14...
Aug. 15...
Aug. It...
Aug. 17...
I 4 4i
I 43
4 M
4 r.
t HH 01
5 021
4 b
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha $Z.lwou.i4 J1.W l-"4
Chicago l.ji4ju..& 6.:mai-o
KaiKas City 2.ut-ip.4t) s..'u i
St. Louis 4.10111.
Sioux City g.MKutf.OO . ... 4.0J
The following 'shows tlia nuiuuer of cart
of stockers and feeaers snipped to the coun
try and their point of destination:
Fred Stelbcr, Bennett Q... 1
H. A. Hansen, aiiknorn U. P 1
In oiuciai iiumuer of cars of stock
brought la today by sach road was:
Cattle. Hogs. She p. H'r'B.
C, M. dV St. P 1 7
Wabash I
Missouri Pacitic 4 1 .. ..
Union Pacific 4 11 14
C. A N. V. teast) 10 .. .
C. N. W. (weat).... 1 J6 t
C, tit P., M. at U.... 1 8
C, li. & Q. teas,) 7 .. ..
C, B. & W. (west) 7 - 14
C, It. 1. at P. (east) Z
C K. 1. &. P. (west.. .. 4
Illinois Central 1 ,.
Chi. Great Westsrn.. 1 ' t
Total RecelDts .... 41
The alspositiun of the day's- receipts
as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheet
Omaha Packing Co 44 . 476 - ti
Swift and Company....
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Company
Swift and Company, from
Kansas City
Hill A Son
Hamilton A Rothschild ..
1.40 4ho
2,K9 . bl
1,804 L2M
L. F. Huss
Klngan 4c Co
.144 ,
Mike - Haggerty
St. Louis Dressed Beef
CO -
Other Buyers 9 .... 1697
Total 64 S.8 6,074
CATTLE Receipts of cattle ever ex
tremely light looay, thera not being enqush
of anything to make a market, in tact it
seemed like a Saturday or a noiiday iatntr
than a irlday in the yarns today, as
usual when there Is so Utile stuff in a. got,
the market was dull and without interest
ing features, btlll the offerings sold in fair
season. Aside from a tew ouds and euus
the receipts consisted almost entirely of
corn-fed cattle, which sold principally at
There have been too many corn-rea cat tie
all tills week for the good of the market
and not enough of other kinds to kill out
with thorn. Tne general feeling Is that bad
there been more grassers here the corn cat
tle would have sold mors reaauy, at least.
If at no better prices. As It la. corn-fed
cattle are selling now about where they
were a week ago, any advance tnat may
have been made during the first two days
of the .week having been practically all lost.
Cows and heifers under tne influence ot
moderate receipt and good demand hare
steadily tended upward and are now lfxuk0
higher than on wee a ago, or lewouc niguer
than tha low time two weeks ago.
Stockers and feeders have been ngnt ail
the week and they have shown some little
Improvement so far as Duymg-irom nrat
hands was concerned. It might be safe to
call the general market loloc higher than
a week ago. The faot Is. however, that the
country has not been inclined to put on
and speculators today had a good many of
the cattle purchaaed early In the week stilt
on hand, with the prospect that they would
have to sen mem lower iuuuy vm vumur
row In order to get rid of them.
Representative sales:
1 ...
A. Pv. "a. A. Ft. .
....... tit I II . . I lilt t 4
171 I 15 It 102S 4 It
..10M I M 11...
...... Ill IW . 41...
....... Ut I to II...
IM I fa t ..
4.1141 I 0
1161 t 10
Ill I 4
.1141 IH
., Ill t 4
1110" I 4i
IIP I to
.......1147 t Vt
.ttt t II . . I...,.
104 t 40 . 1
....... 120 t 75, , 1
171 i 0 " 4
170 I U
tit I it
104 It 1
1100. I K 1
10 I 10 4
..140 t 4
..1170 I M
tu IS
m m
Ut I Tt f 01 I 40
tut I 16 . t
34 steers.... 474 I 66 1 steer 1000 I 00
9 cows Kt lot 11 cows...
.1011 4 96
I cowa 947 3 as
W. Moncrleffe Wyo.
14 cows....) 447 1 00 21 calves.
171 I 60
16 4 40
Icow 9A 100 I cows...
HOGS There was not very much In the
hog trad tnls morning to encouiage sell
ers. Fackers evidently wanted a few good
liaht hose and on auch loada as mat their
views prices were about 4c higher. In otner
words lignt nogs soia largely at ea e. ii..iu
whereas auite a good many yesterday sold
down to 6.904e.i?Y. The top today was
I6.UV4 against 4-0i yesterday. So.-na of ihs
very t at neavy noga -may poaatoiy nave
sold a trtfl better than yesterday, but ths
Improvement, If any, wss not enough to
talk about. On ths other hand, It was very
certain that heavy packers were no mors
than steady and trie trade waa slow snd
dull. In fact the general market was at no
Urns very active.
It Is very apparent that packer ar de
termined that the market shall not get
away from them and they can be depended
upon to use every effort to maintain the
advsntace which they havs secure In ths
matter of prices during the lsst two weeks
or more. Ths feeling among buyers that
hogs are too high exists, which means that
they will miss no opportunity to force
values to a lower basis.
Representative sales:
Na A. Sk p. Na, A, n. py
It IH let 1 11 at ut Ui Ik)
I7T ... I Tl I la H IM
t 161 ... I t 1 XI ... I a
It lot ... I a an rt it I a
H HI ta I to to tut ... ft
M t ... let 71 It. 4 I tt
tl to tt I t IT la 0 I a
71 It It i I 44 Ml Ml
tt Ill It) I .,.111 M IM
1 UI t I tt tl 171 4 4
tt UI 404 I M I 71 4 t Ml
ta t 4 it. U4 ii 1 m
47 0I ... 11114 11 Hi ... I tt
ft mi 4 I ii - t in im
to l it t Hi ee m lea p
4 ., 107 12 I U a tU ... IN
I M I7t i tt at tad 1st I tt
4 .tab 14a I It
T7 trt ... M
II 171 4 I M
4 '10 I SI
44. IM ... 4U
41 T If N
II ! 14 I It
II I'l ... IH
ta I7 Ma
It 14 ... I I
at tt I at
17 IS ... U
tl I'4 ... I 48
?! .144 4 I I7t
4 14 ... 117
tl tot I tlw,
ti if a i:j i aits
17 t 40 I llx
It tit I IN
T, II as I at
ii i4 ... in
tl lit It I N
1 101 ... IU
ft ft a m
I . n I tt
44 1.4 P0 I 7V
77 Ill ... I tTNa
M ... I -
I HI ... I l?H
10 1.11 t I I7
71 Ill 40 (I
I 100 40 t
II IK. . . I Ot
7 j:u mo do
Tl lit t t 0
H 1 ... I
e lie
!!..... Ml
I i.A. tt a.i7 ... t to
40 t . M ill ... 4 0
Alia ... I Di, Ii I.I SO I 0
; mi t tv ii in ... t of
fc-i . I1 M no ID IK
14 lei K IH U I"0 ... 4 0!
44, lit ... IPO K lit ... f 11 H
I tot to t It
8Hi:o,'-K-elpis or shvrp while heavlef
than yesteiuay aerc ligul, ao that iht
lotai tor the mh to uuiv shows a Heavy
tailing oft an cultivated witn tne tr De
lete, out a gam as cuiiipaieil - witn
a year ago. i ..e rrteipta lor tne inutith
to (late nave lietn 4Uuc l.utr.i, hiiig
a gain til' Ju.ha- naau its cuuifaieu witn
the corresponding .period of Wat year and
ot ciuae to ucttl as cj.npa. d wiwi
lo years ago.
'l ne tuuikei this morning was In very
aatisiaciory condition ana the general
tun ut tne la.r tu meinii.n a.uff wnkn
teedt'is Comd u.-e sold u,uite readily st
steady pi let a. Keedeis pa... v.4t lui iamts
and fct.Ui fur yeaiiiiiaa. mi teener mar
ket has been in a er he.tuhy toml.t.on
all the Weea and vtnne rtccrita have tiea.i
quite liberal on ao,ne uaa ti.t i.avv In-on
none louo larse lo supiy tne ue.uaiid and
tne truue n.ia oeen aa a ruie liiny active.
Vvni.e teeutr la.uba are ai i.i,. n ai.ei
than a year ago they are not as nigti com
pared to the way tat lamb ate selling
as liey were last year.
There was mw u good demand for fat
ptuu especially latuuj. hour more cais
of the, Idaho lambs which solo al ei.JU
yesterday were imivtd ivday and
i.u0. ii,ey were voiy guou and evidently
tne kind thai tiuyois especially wanted.
UuuiauuiiN on a-iiiers: Guou to cliolc
spring iambs, tu.i4:.j0; law- to guutl
fclilli lalilua, u. w . i ti , guod to choico
canmga, u 0v, lair to good yuur
iiugs, ao.i6tiiB.ou, ooJ tu clioiv.u wethera,
4l.boiu4.25; fair to good wetheis, 4.tAu
t.ih, guod lo clioica ewti,, i.aUlbv.bu;
lair to good ewen, id koiuv 4. JO.
Wuo'aliuns on lexers: Lambs, 16.75 4y
4.4u; yearlings. 46.004(6.10; wetners, 4.a0
V4W; ewta o.6utu4..
rtepreseutative sales:
No. Ave. Pr.
11 Idaho cull lambs 71 1 60
-4 loalio cull lambs and bucks.. 44 too
44 Idaho ewes lip 4 2
ii Idaho wethers 87 1 70
llw idaho wethers , D 4 70
t 1 ilano yeaning feeders 0 4 16
to.4 Idaiio yeurling feeder 76 S -6
2t8 Idaho yearling feedira 74 6 2b
Mi idaho yearling feeders 70 6 60
l."9 Idaho lamb leedeia 2 6 40
Kin Idaho lamb feeders oi 6 40
luO Idaho lamb cuils 63 4 60
8.X lilatio laiiiba txl 7 o0
Jul idaho lambs 7 ' 7 60
ixi luahu lambs to 7 60
Cattle and Sheep steady Hosts Fire to
Tea Cents lllaher.
CHICAGO, Aug. 17,-CATTLE-Recelpt.
3,600 head; maihec steady; common to prune
steers, 4.7itMi.l6; cowa, 4z.BVa4.7ti; heifers,
V-'.o-hM j.ia,; buha, li.lWti4.6u; calves, J.(H(
I.Iaj; stockers and fecuers, 2.uOs4.&.
ilCXIb Ket-rlpts, 12, 'XO nead; market, 5
10c higher; choice to prime heavy. to.2o
0 Si); luedtuin to good heavy, to.tHijii. la ;
butcher weights, j.20(,6.3o; good to cnolce
heavy mixed, to.OO44ti.l6; pacKing, tb.vXa
6.9o: nigs, 4o.iC(lit.. ANU LAMBS Receipts. 4.000
head; market sieuay; sheep. 44.6.i6;
yearlings, 6.00t.3o; iambs, 4o.iX)ii7.86.
Kaasas City Llva Stock Slarket.
Receipts, -2,cw head, inciuaing l.uuo south
en.s;. market slow, steady, choice export
and dressed beef steers, lo.ttatfoilO; fair
to good, tl.tMjui.oO; western fed ateers, 43.60
tj-C.ou; stocKers and feeders, e-l.6uvij-4.iu;
southern steers, X2-6.10; southern cows,; native cowo, z.0u-(; native
helfifa, 42.i6tjio.00; bulls, U-OOUa-iu; calves,
.ttnuti uO. -
HiAiB Receipts, 6.000 hesd; market S lo
ltc hlaher; top, d.2u; bulk of sales. 44.00te
4.1a; neavy, u.9utfiitiu; packers, I6.0ji.ii;
Hants, tllugii.i0;. pigs, o.woo.7a.
UllKEP AiU LA Ad I18 Met.eipls, 60 head;
market steady; tamos, uuv,.u; native
sheep and yearilngs, 44.4a.uu; western fed
yeaning. ea.tA.vuuu; western led slienp,
tt.eetdo.ap; ttocaois and feeders, 2.7tti.ou.
St. Loals Llva Srock Market.
' ST,. LOUIS. Aug. 17. CATT LB Receipts,
l,6to head, including TOO Texana. Market
steady; native snipping and export steers,
44.76iv6.40; dressed . beef and butcher steers,
44.ouo.a6; steers under l.oUO lbs., 4i.O ejt tit);
stockers and feedeis. I2.6v434.2j; cows and
halters, eiixu4.A; canners, l.uujl.76; bulla,
12.WnaH.00; calves, 44.0ii4ja.00; Texas and In
dian steers, I3.u0tva.10; cows and heifers,
HOGSRecetpts, 4.000 -head. Market 10c
higher; plga and lights, W. loft 4. So; packers,
J5.764r.25; batchers and best heavy, 4a,10tff
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head.
Market steady; native muttons, $i.W(i.60;
lambs, t3.0ofa7.25; cuhs and bucks, 42.6tna3.Oo;
stockers, 43.60tu6.0O.
Btooa City Live Stock Market.
BIOUX CITT, Aug. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 160 heau;
market steady; beeves, 14.00000; cows
and heifers, 13.60(24.60; - stockers ind
feeders, $ J.OOHj 4.00; calve and yearlings,
42.16 3.86.
HOciS Receipts, 1,400 head; market
6c higher; selling at $5.76 6 4.00; bulk of
sales, 6.86ti6.96.
St. Joseph Llva Stack Market.
ceipts, l.m head. Market ateady; natives,
44.6n4jHi.C0; cows and heifers, ll.6O4r6.tO; stock
era and feeders, i.0(04.i6.
HUUH Keceipts. ,mi nrad. Market tYU
:0c higher; light, M.oo'uti.16; medium and
neavy, w.wfls.iv.
SrllEP ANU LAMBS Receipts, none.
. Stoek In Sight
Receipts of live stock at the six prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hobs. - Sheep.
Kouth Omaha 4T0 4.860 4.911
Sioux City ....... 160 1.400 ....
Kansas City'' 2,000 4.000 60
St. Joseph 1,100 3.831 ....
Bt, Louis 1,600 6,000 200
Chicago .2,601 11,000
.7,700 37.081 11.141
Caadltloa of Trade aad ilaotatlaaa ea
Staple Bad Fancy
EOUS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, lie'
LiVrJ PoLit.iitV Hen. 9'Ac; roosters.
5c; turkeys, UiuviJc; ducks, ikc; spring
chickens, IJuVii- per lb
BUlTKH l acKirg stoctt, iimc; cnolce
fancy dulry, 16'ui4c: creamery, 2iKi21l)c.
HAY I'ricea yuoltd by Omaha Keed cum-
pony.. Choice upland. ts.oO; medium, 48.00;
t'oarne, ..kuh.w. rtye atraw, ii.uw.
BUAN Per ton, ila-OO.
' TOMATOES lioina ruu, per basket ot
10 lbs., eVynOC.
WAX bLa.nS Per market basket of
about 15 lbs., boc
bu., 76c.
LEAF LETTUCE Hothous. par dns.
heada, 20c.
CELERY Per dos., too.
Cl'CL'MBEKb tiomit grown, par dos,
ONIONS Horns grown, 2Vo per Ib.
HADIdHLA Per dos. bunches. 14c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., tl.oo; No. X tl.76.
LIMA BEANS Per lb., 6VkC.
GKlCtN PiLPPEKs-pfr inarkst basktl,
ORANQKb V aieiins, an sues, 14.00,
LEMONS Liiuor.lcia, extra fancy, 244
Bute, 67.60; JoO slue, 47.7; Sou slx. to.uu. other
brands, II. Ou lc.
BANANAS Per medium-Sised bunch.
(l.tal 'S; li.mbos, t2.atni3.uu.
POTATOES-P. ju.. 060.
PEACUES-Tellow fieealon. 41.10: Mia-
soun, per 4-basaet crate, i.ut;i.j; Call-
101 nia rruenae. per uox, 11. io.
PI.l ila :ofo. ma, tl jtai..i.
PEAKS Baulett. per box, 12.2412.60.
WATERMELO.o iu ib., lVc, or about
avajoc eacn.
t'ANlaiajt'PES Colorado and Aritoni
per crut tstandard;, 4d au; p jnies. Iiu.
CUT tft-t-K PKlCliS.
No. 1 ribs. 12c: No. 'i ribs, luv: No. 1 riba
c; No. 1 loin, 1670; Ao - i loin, UWo:
fo. loin, e; JNo. 1 cnuck, ac; No. 3
cnuctc, 40; o. cnuca, c: to. I round, c,
No. I round, 7c; No. 8 round, iic; No. 1
piats, c; io. 1 piate, ic. no. 8 plats, 80.
iiot,i.iji.ji n cut,..
CIDER Per kex, el.7t. per bbL, 4u76.
HON E Y New, per 24 lba tl.b.
CHEi.BE Swiss, new. lac; W'laeoasia
brick, U'altu; Wisconsin llinbergcr, lie;
twins. uc , jrouug Amu icani, ic.
ILGAH Onuiuiated cans In bbls.. IS st
granulated cane, lu sacks, 14.11; granulated
beet, in aeu-ka, 46 21.
SYRUP-ln bbla. re par gal.; U cases.
S 10-lb. cans, i.(U. cases, 11 s-lb. cans, 1.40;
caaea. 24 2',-lb can. 11.44.
COFFEE Roasted, No. ao, 2&Ho por lb.;
No. 40. foc per lb.; No. &, l4o per lb. I No.
tu, ISs per 1 0.1 No. II, ie per lb
il, tm Walnut. No. I, soit shall. MW
crop, per lb., lao, hard shells, per lb.,
Uo. reeana latga, r ib.. 14c, small, pet
lb., lie' Chlit iali.ii, a. per lb., 1-aj.lio.
Almond., soft aheiia. er lb.. I.e. herd
shells, ptr lb., 14c. tiiroiimu, 14 Ou or aaea
uf liu.
CI RED FlBM-ramlly whlteflah, pet
quarter bbl., low lbs.. 44 '.Oi Nor-vay ma k
errl. No. 1, I- Ut; No. 4. I.'e 00; No. 4. 4J0 M;
Irian, No 3. tlttM; henlng, In bills., .VO a
eaoti, Norway, 4k, 6 1 - w". Nurway. tk, IM.uv;
Holland, mixed, lll.uo; Holland herring, ta
kess. milkers, otK). kegs, miked. 70s.
CANNKll ut n il'H -Corn, standard wet
ern, 6.Siiik; Maine, 4116. Tomato, lib.
cans, 41 0fajl.40: J-ll , t. WDl t0. Plneap-
fle. !-,! .'h., liJ0. alloed, Hu$
.11; gallon apples, fan-'y, 41 00; California
1 pi loots, M Tf-tf 00; pea: a, ll.Tt-OlV), peaches,
l.tiity, ll.7."i'iii to; ft. peaches, ti.aute2.oi.
Alaska mlmon. red. II S; fancy Chinook, F.,
t: 10. f ncy anckeve. ' . tl fc,, sardines,
oil, S3 60; muetard, HVthtlO "weet po
tntoeo, '1''"I .j: 'irritaut, tl 90; pump
kins. WVifi 11.00; wa hna S-lb., 7(liit!;
lima bean. 2-lb . Trx-fi II 45; pinch, 41.16;
rhjf reaa. 3-lb.. t"ic; rxtrs. iJuajc! fancy,
lurM. 1 TO.
ut nr.-t a vn tat r nwn.. --ta
I No. 1. t?He; Nv !. Ilue; f..i' hlnes.
1 green hides. No. J. 10r: No i, 4c; horse.
n..- ti.i7i: Kiie-n jen. ji-aji.;a TauoW, INO.
1. 4c: No. ;. !r
WOOL Per lh.. IsfSo,
Wool Market.'
BO8TON. Aug. 17.-WOOL-Th Cotn bulletin of this rlty, Its ra
poi t upon rtHiiatirs gathered tor tne gov
eiiimtiit, lil say tomorrow: The Improve
miit in the wool market continues and
that trade In gt neral reports a derldeuly
better tone. It is felt that pi lev have now
paaeed ti.o cnlical point and thst the pres
ent basis will be maintained. Manufacturers
are snowing rurtiier Interest and soma
transni uoua, pending a week ago, have
bteu llnaily concluded. Although wors.ed
mills are buying, their recent activity h.ts
resulted In allowing dress goods snd woolen
mllis to ahsumo a mure Important position
on the market. New England and Penn
sylvania are quite well represented hre
and buyers from the latter section are tsk
Ing lets of territory wool, ranging from
6ti,ouo to lou.OOu pounds.
A suD'tantiai volume of orders for goods
and the generally admitted bar stale of
the majority of the mills are expected to
produce a aatlsfactory demand for wool
within a short time. All merchants are
xtremely firm In regard to values, as they
consider the statistical position ot the mar
ket a sufficient reason for their attitude.
A feature of the week Is the rail for
clothing, territory, Texas and California
stock, vine and medium cunning is sen
na at ii.4c. or about (Miuvc clean. Texas
eight months Is movlnf at 13WHP. or Hi
tl iuc clean secured, wnua twelve montns is
bring taken at 72c, scoured, or fie In the
grease. Sales of northern California ar
belns: made on a similar grease basis or
70c clean. Middle rountry la in request at 21
i;4c, or CS'iG6o clean. Medium clips of
staple territory are being bought . In orig
inal bags at S6T128HC, or at 70c scourea.
The shlDments of wool from Moetrn to
date from December 27, 1906, according to
the same authority, are l&b.iov.uw ids..
against 144.424.606 lbs. at the same time 1a4
vear. The receipts to date are
lbs., against 2.. 46. 066 lbs. for tha earn
period last year.
ST. LOI I8. Aug. 17 WOOL Steady; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, -8 c;
light fine. lW22c; heavy fine, I4tjiic; tun
washed, S2S3$Vc.
Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frntta.
Mi-ur -vctDU- A,,o- 17 ITVAPOTtATED
APPLES The market is unchanged. Sup
plies for December delivery are quote at
6c; prime, 11h11V4c; choice, UVitylHaO;
fancy, 12ea '
are firm on spot, with California 70s and
40s quoted at 7VMic; Oregon 40b to 30s at
Mattie B.. Stone, et al., to James EV
a i - ... t . m V.lflla a, A . 1
raiuren, iui , u tv-.
John A. BwanMn and wife to Mar
Buret K. wauoroin. m n. n w- i
lot 1, tax iot 41, aw t w 4, aec.
IV-Ut-kV, RIIU Winn gttttv V-.!...
Alfred Hoaglund ana wife to Wt.llam
Mwicn, n 41 11., w.
a a-. I .... i't XM 'ormifb's
at IHUl-R aV4i 111 VVWi imvn -
Georce T. Morton and wife to William
a, i is ia Klwi IH fstrtskhk V is W
John W. McDonald to William O. Ura,
George T. Mllla and wife to Arthur
L. Hoover, toia is anu ii,
Via I ciimuii tu - -
POra Fitch to Joseph Burna, lot
. , , ,, on..W f I " V, r. ...
Oioca el, puuiii
James W. Squire and wife to Ellaa-
petn. w. vrigni, 10 1 a, mm.. ,
Anna Ti'lri'uist' and husband to Ellta.
betn W. tvngnt, 101 ao, euiiujm.
Marshall' 'Moker' and" "wlfo to John
Wtlght, lOt If, DIOCK H. mrawi
George P. Benila Real Estate Co. to
. 1 env r t i I nA 4 4 rale!
Artnur w. cni, w 71 ""v?
"A," Prospect Place, and w H lot
M I n . ' a. al1
Ol, JA1 11UBHA. V VVS e . . a - " -
Edward U. Benson to Byron TL Haat-
Hia-a, ei ai., ioib b, jo aim , wivr ,
a a,L..l.nan
una uwirr itri . - -. -
Georgia A. Merrltt and husband to
Thomaa rrnny, ia x, auioct, v uim-
t. . . j .
mercy rtii i;"".". 1
Jamea H. Boutelk to Patrick H. l-ana.
lot 1, MOCK ' iJ. Baunaen m, n.iuic
Grace U Relchlnberg and h unhand to
Ahrnnam uooaion, 9m t ?
lA A anrl thsf lot a
rnited States to Daniel D. Cnrr. s V4, ,
. . st A m li traam 1Z BttW
ae sec. t ttu 79 -
a r .
Adam hV k erst 'snd wife to Thomas
Janda, lot s. diock a, orean i-e.i
ana to nnum viii.nm i-
Louisa Flnursch to Anna VmschierJ,
et al., lot . ana w 101
J l. . Klwtr i
eo, mini iui : mI,
Thomas J. Fltsmnrrls. et al.. to Chi
cago Nortnwesiern n. n y.. y "
W. O. Shrlver and wife to Chicago
A Northwestern ri. iv to., i it
. . u j. . eo e inl r,ln.k KA
Clinton L. Barnes and wife to Ffnk
W. carmicnaei, joi, a, mw.. .
Dundee ,....'
Lvman fl. Barnes to Clinton I
Barnes, lot , diock lit, viinue...,.,.
Total ....,...'.;.........'..
of Ohleafa, SatabUsasd Utt
CHARLES L. rUREV, Vise fra.ltaat.
LBWIS W. PITTHKR, Seoratarp.
JAMS L B10SUOW, Treaaursr.
OAFITAX - - 5OO,0O0.00
Surplus aad Undivided
.fronts - - 77,4ta.l1
AtBtunss Tonr Class of Oo.
porat QbUgatloBSi
let The payment ot tha prladpal et Beeta
td Tha payment at tntereat aa peata
Id l h. redepipilon at corporate stark.
4th Tha payment of tlvldaeaa ea redeema
ble preferred Stork. t
It alee perform, the lallewlog aerrtce la
lie clleata:
First socarea the eervtoae af s pepsUkle
truet company la act aa trueiee far the bead
holdura aad lo certify la the fenalaeseea f
the bonda.
Second Prep.ree tha seoseaary tee mt
truet in conformity vita the reaulresveats st
Third Haa tha bonda aa asvpaa ea
gravid er Itihugrapbet. layln aaa-a befoee the
offlrere of the corporatloa ready for eieoaltoa.
Koorth Attend, ta all tha detail, at aa
luue of pond., rellevtn tha sfBoart mt ta
annoyance lacldental thereto, t
Klffh Vuraiehea eairavedvar llthotrapked
eeniftraica af alack bearln proper enaerae
ment of suaraaly aa ready for laaaaaea.
Btalh Preparaa an eubmlta tha torsi at
aeoetetry aautlone an raaoiailaae la he .!
.7 the aiockhaiuera aa diraetara taa l.i
aia euperv.ete all ork la aay si.aa-tr at
leoiln, lh lesalliy at the iaauasaa at ta
CurreepeodeDO la. tied. Istarvtaws BataMtsd,
0neral O-ffloas, '
171 X-a Salle tract, ttlaara, ,
Before buying or selling any stock
aecure our quotationa Vfa sSst Sahjaol
to pi lor sal.
Taylor Mountain (Colorado) want, titds
and ofterlugB.
An.erlran DeKorest Wireless (com.). f 1.10
Con. Jertorion Gold and Copper lis
Golden Treasure Placer UCShO; Sua
Merganthaler Baaket ,,itH
Mogul Preferred tU-H.) Is
bears, Koebuck, Preferred 94.00
Kar. Hnehuck, Common,, 46.O0
Standard Con. (Oregon) 114i
Taylor aionntain n o.oi. W want to iu
J. S. Graphite Preferred T4a
Offer us any stocks or bonds yea have
for sal. VV want Taylor Mountain,
Arltona-Colorado Copper Belt, Night,
lawk, Htanilard Conaolidaled, Coronad
Gold, Konora Bonansa, aiarsanlfeAlef
Baaket and Script, Amason Gold. Oraal
Western (Henderson), Hsnltol Chsrolcal
Columbus Conaolldatad (B. H ), Habkard
Kllloll. German American Coffee. .
T"i'K BKOKKfttl, - i
i 1101 Stock Kachaug BUg, Chicago. .
.o '
.' I
1 ' i
1.S70 :
1.104 J
150 j
' 1