Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Omaha- Daily Dee
. i . . i it
Entered at Omaha Postoffloe M second I .
class natter. .' I
ML? mUvn-'.'V0.,rr 'r.r::
lelivered Jif CARRIER. -
folly ttSM
fcvnine Bee (without Bunday), per week o
Omaha Tha Bca Hullding.
South Omaha City nui Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chlcaao 1M0 Unity building, lljr
New lork-lfi08 Homa Lite Ina. Building
Washington 601 Fourteenth Btraat.
Cnmmiinlxallnna rlilna to n.WS and KM"
tortal matter ahould b addressed: Oman
faee. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, axpreaa or poatal order
Payable to Tha Baa Publlenlng Company,
Oniir i-cnt stamps received as P"1 "
maA account. . Personal checks,, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, aa:
a C. feosewater, general "'
Tha Baa Publishing company, Bl"
Morning, Evening and unoay Bea print i
f.uUowr.,th " ,ul
1 BO.140
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aojoo .
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U....V.,.., tvsMt
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17..... S1.7S0
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Daily average. WU
cc! ros'ewater,
General Manager.
C IllV.Li ILHU ... .AAA
to before ma tnia llat day of July, l0a.
M. . HUNGAThi.
Notary Pubiio.
, Sabaeribere leTln tha elty tern,
porarlly aboald ba Tbe Baa
aaalled them. Addrcaa will ba
-ah.agad aa aa eeaalred.
' Affairs in Russia, are rapidly assum-
iig norjjjal conditlons-i-the slaughter but also that there is ample constitu
of Innocent Jews having been resumed, tlonal power therefor, Is reopening the
A sdc-ond volume bo the free pass
bribe and its pernicious effects upon
itate conventions will now be in order
from the pen of George W. Berge,
In spite of his investment in the
Steel Ball company President Stens-
land seems to have . been better
equipped for promoting soap bubble
concerns. 1 ' '
A 6 per cent semiannual dividend
on Union Pacific common stock should
not pass without attracting attention
of the tax bureaucrats who do the
poverty act. ' - .
Fortnnately . Nebraska and Iowa
farmers are In such excellent condition
that they will not call for all of those
240,000 cars to move their corn crop
at one time.
ine report is hardly credible that
Walter Wellman has postponed his
arctic exploring expedition. He surely
would not have done so were ha here
n the heated season.
"Uncle Joe's" response to the Invita
tion to become candidate for president
a as such as might have been expected
f an experienced farmer who knows
.he effect of early frost.
president uompers cannot accuse
Speaker Cannon of "dodging the Is-
lue." The veteran Illinois congress
man dates from the time before "dodg
ing" became bo popular.
Great Britain is said sUll to desire
to bring permanent peace to the Bal-
kans, but perhaps this desire goes band
In hand with Its hope to reduce the
standing armies of Europe to the basis
of militia.
Reports from Lincoln Indicate that
If the democrats had a real desire to
"eliminate the professional lobbyist" I
they had an excellent but unaccepted
opportunity to start work in their own
convention. ,
Tne condition or tne working bal-
ance of the United States treasury
proves tnat becretary Bhaw has not let But his appearance at this time Is
hla alleged ambition to be president 0f more immediate Import In ita bear
Interfere with the present performance ng on the political contest of which
Of Official duties.
If there Is anything that republican
officials have done In Nebraska about
1 uyiutuui luai
caped denunciation by the democratic
platform maker, it wa. by oversight
A. former treasurer of Kansas has
offered to make good a shortage dis
covered in hla account while axnerta
wera investigating the record of a sue-
cesser. Evidently Nebraska precedent
doea not hold good ever the line.
Aa; usual Mr. Hitchcock's tonsclen-
tlous scruples about running for twow,tn tn policy of Theodore Roosevelt
offices at the same time had a string
tied to them. He would have run for
senator aa well as congressman It the
democratic convention had only left
the door open for him by making no
senatorial nomination.
The first result of The Bee's protest
agalaat fifty-year franchises Is already
teen i in ui moaincauon oi mo pro -
posed telephone ordmanee cutting
low a the term from fifty year to thir -
ty-nie years. No one blamee the tele-
phon promoters tor trying to get a
franchise for tbe longest possible
period, but it la the duty of The. Bee
Toica) the pablie interest.
ln " democracy, tnrougu
stata convention, baa promulgated
.i.n. t,ih it tn .n.
' , r .
peaJ for tn popular support oi its
J..n4M.t Th nlatfnrm la nn all
four, with public sentiment and while
commend Itself to tha masses. Tbe
Poo1 of Nraska ar. most
jcaiT jn faTor of equitable assess-
ment. of all classes of property, the
abolition of railroad paases. direct
primary, reaucea passenger ana ireigm
rates, the electlre railroad commit
slon, equal opportunltlea for shippers,
the election of United States senators
by popular vote and home rule for
It goes without saying that If the
candidates nominated by the, demo-
ronvintlnn were In full
crauc convention were in tuu
with Its declarations and p
their chances of success would be fair,
but the voters of Nebraska are not to
be caught by high-sounding platform
promises. Experience has taught them"
Iv.t v, .
"other thing after Uklng. Tbey re-
member that only a few years ago
democratic and populist state officer.
elected on anti-monopoly railroad reg
Ceo ltlon platforms acted Just like rall
I0.!!"'t roai republicans. In spite of all their
(jne promises they not only accepted
passes for themselves, but solicited
ana ncceptea passes lur tueir whiqib,
cousins and aunts. They closed their
eyes to every remonstrance against
the under valuation of railroad prop
erty and utterly failed to toe the mark
In dlBlocatlng from the state payroll
tax-eating sinecures.
With a notorious corporation eham-
. . il. V 9 I V n I , .111
piuu l mo ucau ui lumi m-ivov i-
be very difficult to convince the peo-
pie of Nebraska that the reforms prom-
j8ed in the platform will materialize
A1 . . . . .
mo icaiLr-put puny ia iciurucu iu
power In the state house.
.The exhaustive report by a majority
of the members of the insurance .law
committee of the American Bar asso
ciation, holding not only that it is nec
essary for the national government to
rearulnta the llfn lnaurancA business.
whole sublect for discussion. Presl-
dent RooBeveit, m his message to con-
grese two-years ago and In other public
statements subsequently. Impressively
raised the question of national control
as the sole means of remedying the
abuses and protecting the public Inter
ests which have developed in life in
surance, and in response to popular de
mand numerous bills have Been Intro
duced in congress, at the same time
that Btate leglalation and investigation
were ,n Progress. But the result of the
work of the Judiciary committees of
boin tne Douse and tne senate, reach
Mn8 the conclusion at the last session
that natlpnal. control would be uncon-
stltutlonal, prevented action and put. a
quietus for a time on the discussion.
But no state legislation that has
been enacted, or, Indeed, that Is pos
sible, even approaches the root of the
difficulty of dealing with life insur
ance. Uniformity of regulation under
atata law la an iridescent dream, to
eay nothing of efficient enforcement.
Investigation of twenty of the biggest
companies discloses the fact that only
one-seventh of their; outstanding pol
icies were written in their home states,
showing the essentially Interstate
character of the business and tha Im
possibility of consistent regulation un
der state laws.
The deliberate Judgment of so im
portant an authority as the American
Bar association's committee, coupled
with the hopelessness of any other so
lution than the one it recommends, can
hardly fall to renew the demand for
lite insurance control under national
Whether he would have It so or not,
the effect of Speaker Cannon's appear
ance before the convention in his dls-
trlct, which renominated him for the
eighteenth consecutive time, necessarily
gives fresh impulse to general consider-
atlon of him In connection with the
presidency, for his abilities and public
services, his rugged character and
unique and piquant personality at
once attract public sympathy and chal
lenge interest and respect.
I hla addrnaa maT h mrIHiiH aa nr..
' -
tlrallv tha formal nnantn? Tt la marfa
ftft.p flllI nforBnM1. wl. Pri. . th n.-tv I.,. i hi.
I rpt rhararA nt tha ramnalcn an1 Ita
fc4MPft(- ,,., . ...
vance by reporU from tneBe confer.
stand by the record and trust the in
telligence of the people."
Speaker Cannon's powerful expos!
"uu Vl lu" revuru' weni
po,nU ot the tlon' unparalleled
prugrV.a aurmg me
aecaae since it toon over responsiDiiity
"T tM 'cuon ot McKlnley, especially
on T1"" iuea, mrows into noid relief
"e reasons why republicans should
DOW with confidence upon this
decisive reference to the people them
elves. There, Indeed, remains much
I to do to complete tbe policies in hand.
and when they shall have been com-
pleted new issues will arise, but what
I baa been accomplished constitutes
1 magnincept cnapier oi History, aa
I Speaker Cannon shows, and an uni al
1 peachable guarantee that the party ua
der President Roosevelt. It sustained
I by the election of a republican con
Kress, will go forward with his pro-
I gram and ia hla spirit,
I . The speaker's showlag furthermore
only emphasises the paramount duty
of the party everywhere at this Junc
ture to put to the front on its "tickets
none but tried and approved men,
whose very names and characters .will
be unqualifiedly accepted by the peo
ple as proof of their sympathy and loy
alty, and that they may be relied upon
through the latter , half of the presi
dent's term consistently to maintain
the record and hold up his hands.
The republicans of the Third dis
trict, alone of all the Nebraska dis-
iscta, will present a new candidate' for
congress in the person of Judge J. F.
Boyd, who has Just been given the
nomination over the present represen
tative. Hon. J. J. McCarthy. The en
dorsement of Mr. McCarthy and ap
proval of his record In the resolutions
adopted indicates that his failure of
rcucmination Is not a reflection upon
hlnj ond his public services, but a trib
ute to the popularity and energy of bis
successful competitor. Judge Boyd
now occupies a place on the beuh
for the district comprising Anteiope,
Knox, Madison, Pierce- and Wajue
coanties, and the fact that the repub
licans of every one of these counties
la their county conventions Instructed
their delegates for him attests tae
hcM he has upon the people who
know him best. Judge Boyd'a ability
and high standing are unquestionad.
He is thoroughly In line with popular
sentiment on the overshadowing is
sues of the day and it loes without
saving that he will make a Ultlifal
and serviceable representative fr Ne
braska In the next congress.
The grain rate adjustment, which
has been reached by the roads with a
view to permanency Is an official and
emphatic recognition of the substan
tial competitive advantage ofthe north
and south lines to gulf ports, the dif
ferential concession being 6 cents a
hundred below the rate on the east
lines. This deliberate settlement
marks an Important stage in the de
velopment of gulf line competition.
From the first it has been only grudg
ingly recognized by the old companies
occupying the route east to the Atlan
tic seaboard, as the new lines from
the south extended into the trans
mlsslsslppl grain fields and forced upon
their old competitors the, alternatives
of conceding a large differential or of
carrying grain east at a loss. While
there have thus been numerous temporary-
adjustments, now on one dif
ferential and now on another, this is
the first serious effort to put the mat
ter on a permanent basis.
The vital point Is that the gulf port
lines, because of shorter haul, better
grades and smaller operative expenses,
can carry the grain at a profit on a
lower rate than the Atlantic port lines
can possibly handle the freight. It
may well be questioned whether the 6
cent differential, large as it Is, and, al
though agreed upon for an abiding set
tlement, will long satisfy the north
and south lines, which are rapidly ex
tending and so far have only fairly be
gun to utilize the advantages of their
route. As their local and terminal fa
cilities Increase and the volume of
traffic both ways swells, as it is doing
so rapidly, they will Inevitably demand
not only further concessions as to
grain, but also extension of larger dif
ferentials as to other freights. The
measure that Is bound to be progres
sively reached Is the extreme limit of
the economic advantage of the new
route over the old.
As notably illustrated in the grain
nrbvement, this is fundamental compe
tition, the forces Interested in carrying
the freight south being irreconcilably
opposed to those Interested in carrying
it east. With reference to these, Ne
braska occupies precisely the highest
point of advantage, because here the
transportation lint a of the two com
peting routes meet and overlap. The
advantage is further immensely en
hanced by the recent extension and
connecting up of lines on the north
route, whose base is the Twin Cities
and the head of the lakes, a new route
also antagonistic both to the old route
east to the Atlantic and the new route
south to the gulf.
With these vast diverse transporta
tion interests coming steadily Into
closer competition for Nebraska
freights, the consumers and producers
of the state, but most especially for a
long time the farmers, are assured of
having bedrock rates ultimately, when
the 'legitimate effect Is worked out.
It is hardly worth while going
through the forms distinguishing be
tween the nominees on the fusion state
ticket, as to which are democrats and
which are populists. If the goats are
to be separated from the sheep it
should be noted that one of the nomi
nees led the fight against fusion the
first time it was proposed, but did not
screw up courage enough to walk out
with the other bolters, while another
nominee was one of the star perform
ers on the famous John P. Irish train
that circumnavigated Nebraska in &u
effort to take the state away from
Bryan. But all this, of course, is very
ancient history.
The Lincoln Star uses the demooratlc
and populist conventions as object les
sons on which to base a homily for
romlnating conventions to begin, their
sessions in the morning instead of in
the afternoon and thus save the mem
bers the wear and tear of sleepless
night wrangling. The Star does nut
realise that the night session has al
ways been the triphammer by which
fualon Is welded.. The fusion scheme
would have been shattered to pieces
long ago had not the delegates been
worn to weariness and stupefaction by
continuous sessions through the night
and Into the next morninc
Into the pliable condition, where the
pleas, threats and promises of the lead
ers could force a tacit acquiescence out
of sheer exhaustion. After the fusion
game has been adandoned the demo
crats will again do business by day
light la Nebraska.
A sharp competition for the water
board vacancy to be filled this year
la la sight. Inasmuch as this Is a
democratic membership to which dem
ocrats only are supposed to be quali
fied to aspire, the natural Inference
would be that the contest would bo a
tame one, but It must be remembered
that there will be no republican can
didate by petition for the democrats
to trade with.
The nomination of Judge Boyd for
congressman In the Third district
shows that a Judicial position Is not
necessarily a bar to future political
preferment, although some other Ne
braskan Judges have not had the same
good luck.
The cancellation of the free passes
granted to real estate dealers supposed
to be handling railroad lands may
make It easier for the Omaha Real Es
tate exchange to wage Ha next fight
for more equal assessment and taxa
tion. In calling the attention of Argentina
to the fact that In twenty years the
United States has changed from a
debtor to a creditor nation Secretary
Root Incidentally struck the "Drago
doctrine" a hard blow south of the
flame Old Voice.
Chicago News.
Nebraska democrats need not think them
selves entitled to great credit for Indorsing
Bryan, aa they have had ao much practice
In doing it.
"Here'a to Yea, John.
Brooklyn Eagle.
John D. Rockefeller says that newspaper
men are a charming class personally. Wa
know ha la right, but due regard for
modesty forbids us to say ao out loud.
A Hint from Home.
Chicago Record-Herald.
The Treasury department reports a
scarcity of silver In this country. Isn't It
rather Indelicate ot tha Treasury depart
ment to spread such a. report Just as Mr.
Bryan la starting for home?
Tainted Contrlhntlona Barred.
Philadelphia Press. '
Now that the republican contribution
plate la being passed around it la up to the
Brethren having it in charge to see that no
suspender buttons or plugged nlckela get
mixed up with the silver dollars.
A Pamoaa Peacemaker.
Baltimore American.
A new peacemaker .haa been discovered.
It is the. bullet recently adopted by tha
United States army, which la said to ba
able to penetrata fifteen men at a distance
of a mile and to nnd Ita way through thirty-
nine inches of seasoned oak.
Mlarhtr GooriV in Their Day,
St. Louis Globe Democrat. ' f
'A new, light, ah&rp-pointed bullet tested
in the government armories penetrate oak
blocks, well seasoned and plaoed crosa
gralnnd to the dflplb) of forty lnchea and la
said to double the efficiency of the Amer
ican army rifle, Tie. veterans assembled
at Minneapolis have lived to sea a wonder
ful Improvement on the old muzzle loaders,
yet the greatest war of modern tlmea was
fought with them.
Sugar-coated Oratory.
Philadelphia Record.
Secretary Root Ua a bUrneylngtongue,
At a farewell banquet In Montevideo, in
replying to a toast, he said that "he ad
mired especially tha beauty of Uruguayan
women and that there were momenia when
ha would have liked to discontinue his voy
age and stay In Uruguay forever." No
wonder the president of Uruguay effusively
embraced him when- he took his departure.
If the gay secretary shall keep on at this
rate ex-Ambassador Choate will have to
look to his laurels.
Hate Activities of 'the Most Favored
Land ladcr tha Son.
Washington Post.
The United States at the present time ia
the busiest region nn the globe and la
doing the biggest business of any nation
on earth. Iu mills and factories are work
ing so fast that producers ot raw materials
are hard pushed, its farma are loaded
with oropa. Ita railroads are rushed night
and duy. Ita cities and towna are pushing
outward and upward. Ita Immigrants are
greedily anapped up and put to work, and
on every hand the cry is "More men!"
Railroad earnlnga in July were 12 per
cent larger than la July, 1906. The rail
roads are placing heavy orders for cars,
rails and bridge material. Plttaburg re
ceived Inquiries last week as to the time
when 30.0UO additional steel cars could be
delivered. Tha reply was that tha pig
Iron famine must first be dlspoaed of.
Several pipe mills have been forced to close
down, through Inability to get raw ma
terial. One of the Plttaburg steel com
panlea received Inquiries laat week for
100,000 tona ot ateel ralla. Scarcity of labor
haa diminished the output of coke and
hampered tha operations of tha mills.
The demand for Iron ha led to an In
crease of the carrying capacity of shipping
on tha Great Lakes. Twenty-seven new
vesssela have 'been ordered for 1907, which
meana an addition of t.000,000 to 10.00u.C00
tons a sea on to the carrying capacity of
the Great Lakes fleet.
Tbe winter wheat crop, according to gov
ernment reporta. will reach 4Ui,tit,wO bush
els and the spring wheat crop la figured at
&O.0U0.0O0 to T8.Ou0.O0O bushels. The corn
crop, unless damaged by early frosts, will
equal the big yield ot laat year, experts
are revising and enlarging their estimates
of tha cotton crop, aoms of them predicting
a yield. of over U.000,000 bales. Prices of
wheat, corn and cotton are tending down
ward. The price of food la almost certain
to be lower this fall and winter, While
wagea are high and the demand for labor
stronger than ever. Tha laboring man,
therefore, will get his full share of proa
peri ty.
Building operations appear to ba limited
only by tha aupply of labor. Tha extension
of railroads and the gathering of cropa
have drained tha labor market. Real estate
operations are being conducted on an
enormous acale throughout tha country and
tha growth of trolley llnea la everywhere
Tha foreign commerce ot tha United
States continues to expand. Exports ot
breadaluffs are greater this summer than
bat aad tha big wheat movement la yet
to coma. Contrary to expecatlon, exports
of meat are Increasing. Indicating that
tha jungle horror was largely a nightmare,
after all.
Taken altogether, the United States Is
the most favored land under the sun.
England haa a royal commission at worlt
seeking meana to check, tha hltherte Irre
sistible Inroads of the ocean on the valuable
land of tha Inland. The attacks of Neptune
on Albion's rorkbound ahdrea are an old
story, and many thonsanda of pounds have
been expended In measures of defense. Pitt
they have been wasted. Between 1W1 and
la the British admiralty alone expended
H10,ono without satisfactory results. In 1WT
the British Board of Trade undertook to
supervise the work, but baa been unable
to do much on account ot lack of funds.
In the meantime the relentless sea has con
tinued to encroach." In Torkehlre, espe
cially, from Bridlington for a distance of
thirty miles, the sea has In the last ten
yeare absorbed thousands of acres of valu
able land. The effect haa been the same
In Essex and In Kent.
There are certain points on the roast
where the encroaching sea has left a traglo
and romantic spectacle. The cliffs at the
seaside renorta of Hornsea and Wlthernsea.
In Torkshlre, have completely collapsed.
Within the last ten years the chalk cliffs
at Peachy Head, Sussex, have been torn
asunder and pulverised for 100 yards in
land. On a cliff In Norfolk standa tha soli
tary tower of a ruined church, whose con
gregation onca came .from numerous vil
lages which are now beneath tha sea. But
possibly tha most traglo scene of all la
that prented Just beyond Eastbourne,
where Port Lang-try is situated. , The aea
has beaten down part of tha outer defenses
of the fort, great masses of brickwork
falling In every direction mora effectually
shattered than could have been done by the
explosion of twelve-Inch shells.
All this was brought - out at the flnt
meeting held at 'Westminster tha other
day of the royal commission on coast ero
sion. At subsequent sittings an attempt
will be made to fix tha responsibility of
permitting the continued encroachments of
the sea and to suggest legislation by which
the Board of Trade may be empowered
with the use of sufficient funda to stop the
A writer In the Review of Reviews says
that France Is now playing tha role of the
world'a banker. England lost its claim to
the title when It went to war In South
Africa. A generation ago one had to o
to' London to feel the pulse of the inter
national money market. Today one makes
a better diagnosis In Paris.
The strides toward financial supremacy
which France IS , making have been moat
rald In the last five years. In that time
French investora have taken up many
million francs of foreign obligations. They
furnished Great Britain with much of tha
capital that went to finance the Boer wnr;
they loaned enormous amounts 'to Russlai
practically supplying the money needed In
the struggle against' Japan; they provided
Germany with l.OOO.noO.ono marks In 1904-1
to carry on Its tremendous Industrial enter
prises; they took a liberal amount of the
last Japanese lon. more than half of the
Russian loan of last April, and finally they
aupplted borrowers In the United States
with fullv $150,nort,noo during the tight money
period of last winter and are now financing
tha bond and note Issues of coma of our
greatest corporations.
There. is a great reservoir of free capital
In France which Is being tapped by the
other thirsty natlona and which, In aplte
of tha drain on it, keeps well filled and
shows no sign of exhaustion. The Bank
of France, the largest hoarder of gold next
to the' United States treasury, haa In Itg
vaults today nearly $600,000,000 of the pre
cious fnetal; two years ago it had $460,000,000
and In 1900, when Paris began slowly to
forge ahead of London aa the . center of
largest money aupply, the institution held
only $375,000,000.
How haa France, a nation industrially In
ferior to Germany and with a commerce
much below that of Great Britain, gained
such a powr In world finance? The an
swer lir"hrough Its -domestic economy.
For frugality, thrift, lntenae application to
the work In hand and the commendable
ambition to carve from life's labors enough
to make bright the Inevitable rainy- day
and to cheer old age the Frenchman haa
no peer. To save Is an Inherited desire.
The poorest peasant In the leaat produc
tive parish of the republic managea to put
aside a little each year for a competency
and the fishermen down on the Brittany
coast would have "starved a few wlntcre
ago, when the catch waa almost nothing
had they not been able to draw from the
savings of more fruitful years. Tena of
thousands of small shopkeepers, Innkeepers,
scantily paid ' government employes are
Investors, and their combined savings have
provided the funda to finance many a na-
' tion and carry it through a lean period.
The population 0r t nnce is anout 4o,uuu,mo
people, the wealth of France la nearly $45,
000.000,000." This wraith la evenly distrib
uted. 'The number of estates administered
in 1904 waa S94.787, and of these one-half
were for values ranging from leas than
$10,000 to a little'under $100,000. Only three
were over $10,000,000.
American sojourners in Switzerland who
have for aome time noticed tha way In
which enterprising advertising agencies
have been "posting up" the Alps, will ap
preciate the following letter written by
Ernst Zahn of Goschenen, a member of
the Ligue pour la Conservation da la
Suisse Plttoresque: .
"In our ao beautiful land nature Is, alaa,
ever Increasingly disfigured In all klnda of
ways. How good it ia that here and there
a proteat from abroad, and especially from
England, excltea attention. No lover of
nature can fall sincerely to lament that
the mountain railways are gradually be
coming a national' plague. The Zlnal rail
way Is one of tha objectionable projects op
posed by many Swiss, who cannot aea in
railways the source of every blessing.
"Equally injurious and a real danger to
the scenery of a whole district la th line
which ia planned from Goachenen to An
dermatt, and. In aplte of all our resist
ance, unfortunately obtained a concession
some time ago. Andermatt Is not four
miles from Goschenen. A splendid road
leada thither through tha Imposing ravine
ot the Bchollenen, over the world renowned
Devil's bridge and through the Urnerloch.
In the frenzy of speculation and Inspired
by the patriotism of tha puraa ("Sack
patrtotlaroua,") the hotel keepers seek to
build a railway through thla ravine, dis
figuring the scenery and desecrating Its ma
jesty and solitude."
A German statistician haa made a careful
inveatlgation to dtacover in which coun
triea the greateat age is attained. The
German empire, with t6.0O0.OdO population,
haa but 78 subjects who are mora than 100
years old. Franca, with fewer than 40.000,
000, has CI persona who have paaaed their
hundredth birthday. England haa 1; Soot
land, 46; Denmark, $; Belgium, 6; Sweden,
10, and Norway, with $.000,000 inhabitants,
X Switzerland does nh.t boast a single cen
tenarian, but Spain, with about U.0OO.O00
population, haa 410. The most amazing fig
ures come from that troublesome and tur
bulent region known aa the Balkan penin
sula, Servia haa $7$ persons who are mora
than 100 years old; Roumanla, 1.0M, and
Bulgaria 1,883. In other words, Bulgaria
has a centenarian to every 1,000 Inhabltanta,
and thus holds tha International record for
old people. In 1891 alone there died In
Bulgaria 160 persons who had exceeded tha
To Baey Work.
Chicago Record-Herald.
From what wa are able to learn on tha
subject. It appears that tha Ruasjao group
of toil Is so busy doing other things that
it seldom has time to work.
Buy Hair
at Auction? '
, ' ':
, -
At any rate, you seem to be getting
rid of it on auction-sale : principles:
"going, going, g-o-n-e!" Stop the auc
tion with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks
falling hair, and always restores color to
gray hair. A splendid dressing, keeps,
the scalp clean. Sold. for over 60 years.
The best kind of a testimonial -
"SoW for over sixty ytars"
N .. - i .
SUe y the . O. Aye Oe., Lewetl, Sfase.
. . Alae Jtaaaiaatarsrs ef .
AWa'StAtSAPAirLLA-Far tketleoa.
AYSaVt CURRY PBCTO&Alr 74t en(U.
Tom Taggart exclaims, "Why ahould 1
resign?" Thomas will read the answer in
tha stars later on. ' , '
Alaska held Its first congressional elec
tion thla week. Complete returns are not
expected before anow fllee.
Tha fact that Hetty Green's son ia run
ning for governor of Texas awakens the
hope that the maternal ltd may be lifted.
Oregon's new senator, Jonathan Bourne
of Portland, represents a new order of
thlnga both In hla atate and In the nation.
Ha la tha flrat, senator, ever elected by a
popular 'vote. Senator Bourne will be a
business senator. He la a millionaire. Ha
will be one more Harvard senator and one
mora Bay stater, for he waa born In Boa
ton a little more than fifty yeara ago.
Thirty years ago he went to Oregon and
haa lived there ever since.
New York la putting on - the customary
assortment of .political squabbles a month
ahead ot the atate conventions. Former
Governor Odell ia out against the renomi
nating of Governor Hlgglns, and the lat
ter retorta that he doea not care what
Odell thinks or says.- A move to run Dis
trict Attorney Jerome for governor aa an
Independent In case the democratic con
vention does not take him up Is gathering
headway In quartera opposed to the am
bltlona of Hearat. .
The Democratic dub of New Tork City
announces that It will keep "open house"
and entertain all visiting democrats dur,
Ing the Bryan week.' An appropriation of
$6,000 haa been made for the necessaries to
stock the buffet. Everything goes. The
latch string will be on the outside at all
hours. Should the Nebraska delegation
honor the club with Its presence It Is un
derstood an extra appropriation will be
made. Colonel Drlnkwater of the general
reception corhimlttee will have nothing to
do with the club's entertainment.
One of the remarkable Incidents of the
present campaign In Texas la the with
drawal of J. W. Campbell, t who waa a
candidate for the legislature from Cooke
county. Mr. "Campbell and his opponent,
Mr. Blanton, were to make a talk' at
Burns, a little town In Mr. Campbell's
end of the county." Mr. Blanton led oft
with hla talk. In which he was highly com
pllmttntary to hla opponent, and In which
he confined himself to a discussion of the
Issues without Indulging In any aort of
personality save in compliment. At the
conclusion of Blanton'a talk Mr. Campbell
arose, and Instead of answering, ha Said:
"Gentlemen, I have listened attentively to
what Mr. Blanton haa had to aay. I ap
prove of what he standa for. He has had
experience, and I will ask you to return
htm to the legislature. I'm a pretty good
farmer and will go back to tha farm.
What I'm Interested In Is having a good
man In the legislature."
Waaderfal Dlaeoverles Reported by
Statistical Sharna,
Pittsburg Dispatch.
The bureau of labor baa been comparing
wagea and the cost of living in 1906 with
1904 and with tha decade 1890-$ with tha
astonishing result of coming to the con
clusion that tha purchasing power of
wagea have been lncreaaed. It figures that
wagea purchased 1 per cent more in IMS
than In the year previous, that the pur
chasing power of an hour's wagea In 1906
was 6 8 greater than In the decade men
tioned and of weekly wagea 1.4 per cent,
that an hour's' wages purchased T.7 more
than In 1884, the year of lowest wages, and
1.1 more than In 1898, the year of lowest
prices, while weekly wages purchased If
more than In 1894 and 2.7 more than In
The wondering public may ba pardoned
for recalling and amending In thla con
nection the famous definition embracing
"lies, damned lies" and atatlstlcs. It la
certain that no amount of statistical In
quiry, tabulation and comparison can ever
convince tha purchasing public of a state
Hot Weather '
Suits $10.00 and up. 1
Straw Hats ?0c. ;.'
Soft Shirts 75c, that were $1.00. t :,
Soft Shirts $1.0?. that were $1.5U,:,
Soft Shirts $1.4?, that were $2. $2.?0.
Boys' Blouses 7?c and $1.00. that were
$1.00 and $1.?0. ' :
Bathing Suits;$1.00 to $3.?0. . r ,
Browning, King & Co
' Ty S. WILCOX, Manor.
ATg'mi-VeraeBtlpatiM. .
ment that everyday -experience- has v-re
morselessly disproved: .' Tha, Increase la
wagea cited by the bureau .will be ao.
cepted, but there la a very general opinion
that the ooat of living has kept' pace with
it If not Indeed outatrlpped it.- Heat and
flour, two of the moat Important Items ot
food, have Increased in coat persistently;
within the period covered. Most other ar.
tides have been advanced proportionately.
But the practical tesf' ta-'iiopuMI' expert
ence. The Issue can be left to any house
keeper In the land, and when jt cornea to
domestic calculations' tha hOuee'wlves ara
not theorizing like the bureau bf labor,
but dealing In stern practical 'prohema
and solving them hot by atatlstlcs, but bj
tha test of actual experience. V
"He's got a new plan' to exterminate
znosqultoei." . ,
"t'oal oil, I suppose?"
"No, his Idea Is to cross them wltH
lightning bugs so that you may see them:
coming and thus swat them more easily
In the dark." Philadelphia Press.
"Say, Weary, wot s contemp' of wealth?
"It's de finest kind o' contemp' you can
feel. A man wot haa It would give up a
t'ouaan' dollars a day sooner., 'n work fof
It." Cleveland Plain Dealer. '
"Was there much life In the country;
town from which you came 1"
"Well, I guess! You ought to have Been
the gatherinas lr) our Cemetery of a Sun
day. Harper's Bazar.
"An Iron hand In a velvet glove may ba
all right among certain aoclal atrata,'1
murmured the footpad, na he prepared fop
his night's work, "hut In the plane of mjr
orbit, as It were. I find the brick In tha
stocking more admirably serves the pur
Thereupon he sallied forth to do soma,
body or die. Philadelphia Ledger.
t'pgardson What Impressed you most
during your trip abroad?
Atom The touches I got everywhere 1
went, of course. Chicago Tribune.
"Some of those financiers have great
political Influence."
"That Isn't the way to put It," remarked
ftanatnr Rnrffhum! "fh. nutation nnw la
whether a politician haa financial Influ
ence." Washington Stsr. v-
The Toung Man Dirk y, you think a good
deal of your sister, don't you?
Dicky (entertaining him) You bett So
does ma and pa. Ptie's been In the fam'ly
mighty near forty yeara." Chlcaga
"Shave, sir?" queried the barber. V
"Yes," snapped Grouchey, "and no cone
"All right, sir." replied the barber, good
naturedly; "you furnish the chin and I'll
do, the rest." Philadelphia Press..
"Do you really believe that whlaky will
cure the typhoid germ?"
"I'm not sure sbout It. But I'm per.
fectly willing to do a lot of personal ex
perimenting along that line. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Metropolitan Magazine.
Turning the secrets from her pack of cards,
Warning of sickness, tracing out a theft.
Guarding from danger as an omen guard.
Her hand grew withered aa It grew mora
Till In the stuffy parlor where ahe Ilea,
Now to these clients, neighbors, debtors,
Truest Is proven of her prophecies
"I shall be dead before December nda,'
Thst old man, facing ua, who many years
1 loan ted the subtle wonders of her art,
Now i ru him, how he tells ua with his
The simpler, larger wisdom ot her heart.
For she waa quick to share tha good that
So thai pala mothers turned at laat and
And loafers gruffly reverenced her name.
Yet more than all she gave away, aha
kept! . '
Kept red geraniums on her window sill,
Kept a gay garden In that narrow plot
Fenced In behind the houaa you'll find
there still
Her hoe, her rake, her rusty watering
Bright. In tha midst of all these dingy
Her rosea, hollyhocks and panslea frrewf
As though some happy Jester In the cards
Whispered tha sweetest secret that ha
' . V'