Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Ladles' Silk Salts
Dressy styles,
worth up to $35,
IJJ!2:0 9.98
$4, $5 and $3
This is nn entirely new lot of high class shirt waist suits, bought
, from J. Braverman. All are fresh, new and clean. The wide fluffy
skirts and the dainty trimmed waists. Trimmings are panels
of embroidery, rows of fine laces and inser
tions. Plain lawns, floral lawns, dotted and
white Swisses, chambrays, batistes, etc., are
the popular fabrics used in the making. This
exceptional price for one day only
Ladies' $S and $10 Wash Jacket Suits at $1.
Hundreds of styles Etons,
Coat styles linens, Indian
duck many with eyelet embroidery, etc,
worth up to $10,
Ladies' Stunning Separate Skirts at $2.93
These dressy effects are in shadow plaids, grey mixtures,
mohairs -and Panamas, colors blues and. Q O
blacks, etc., values up to $7.50, at
New Walking Skirts Including the new fall 6kirts,
with the popular plaiting, tans, grays, blues
and blacks,1 $12.50 value, at
Ladies' Walking Skirts,
worth up to S5, at. . . .
910 Lace and Pongee
Coats, silk etona, etc.
The Big Sale
Fine Lace Curtains at
Golf Cracks Who Will Flay Cff Champion
ship of Stats Today,
Wwn'i Putting Conteat Is Great
Fvatnr at the Coaatrr Clab
Sua Conttnuca to. B
a Factor.
Prutrfun for Today.
9 40 a. m. First half final round Nebraska
amateur championship; It hulea, muted
1:4s a. m. Final round for consolation
prlsa; U holes, match play.
I0:0u a. m. Final round for directors' prise;
IS holes, match play.
10:10 a. m. Nebraska ciub team champion
ship; 18 hulea, match play against bogey;
teams of four! cup to becuiae property
of winning club; no limit to number of
team entries; scores of finalists may bo
used in team match.
. p. m. Second half final round Ne
braska amateur championship; is hoiea,
match flay; cup to become property of
Winner; runner-up to receive prize.
Jerome Mag-ee and Sprague Abbott will
play oft today at the Country club for the
golf championship of Nebraska, as theae
two were the winners in the semi-finals of
the tournament of the Nebraska Qolf as
sociation which Is now On at the Country
club. Both these players had a hard fight
for the honor of being in the finals and
both were down to their' men at different
times during their matches and looked ai
If they were to lose out, but strong rallies
in each Instance saved the day.
The putting contest for the women In the
afternoon was well attend d, especially by
the women of the Field club. Considerable
Interest was attached to this feature ot
the tournament and the' women divided
honors with the men. The Country club
(rounds were beautiful and the improve
ments which have been made were of great
help In handling a large tournament. The
links were put in splendid condition for
the tournament, ennechilly the greens, which
were about perfect. The bull ring, or circus
hole, as No. T has come to be called, was a
great favorite, although few could drive
the ring with the wind which, was blowing
In the afternoon.
road Day Opens Brlaht.
The second day of the tournament opened
bright and clear Friday as had the first
day and the contestants In the different
flights appeared at the tees nicely burned
The) real cause for Eczema is the presence of humors and soar acids ia
the blood. Thcs impurities get Into the circulation because of imperfect
action of those members of the system whose d uty it is to collect and Ciry
of! tha refuse and waste of the bo Iv. As this effete matter lies ia the
system it ferments and generates acrid humors which are absorbed into the
blood, overcharjrinw this vital fluid with acid. In its effort to keep the system
healthy the blood throws off the humors through the pores and glands
of the skin, causing this tormenting skin disease. The escape) of acids and
humors through the pores and glands irritates and burns the skin, producing
pustules filled with a cleaf sticky fluid, which dries in crusts and patches
causing the most intense itching, and often pain. The trouble is in. the blood,
and S. S. 3 is the remedy for Eczexna, because it is a real bipod purifier. It
Eoes down into the circulation, removes all acids and humors and makes the
lood rich, pur and healthy. When S. S. S, has done this the symptoms
Kss away, the blood is cooled and the disease cured permanently, Nothing
ts so promptly or pleasantly in all skin diseases as 8. 3. S., and it is at
" the same time a fine tonic to the entire system. Book oo ,Skia piseascs'snd
tatdkal advice free. 172 SWiFT SPCIflQ CO ATLANTA, GA
Mrt Waist Setts - $F
Bolero, Pony, Prince Chap and
Head muslins and
White duck and Indian head QO a
muslin skirts, worth f 2, at. OC
The Stunnino Silk Peter
popular of all summer styles, cool
and striped effects, also linen
$3, $4 and $5,
Sheer White Summery Waists at 69c, 95c
are all pretty new styles the waists are freshed ftP
desirable, worth up to $2.50,
Ladles' 60c Muslin Night Gowns,
Drawers and Corset Covert. . . LoK
Ladles' 75c Dark1 Lawn Wrappers
Ladies' 19c Corset Covers, Saturday
for each
Ladles' 11 Sateen arid wash striped
and checked petticoats -.,
of Lace Curtains is Monday
amazing bargains. See the window display.
from the biasing sun of the day before,
which was the hottest Of the year. Flayers
hardly knew how to dress, as the sun cut
right through a thin shirt and the heavier
ones were uncomfortable.
No gallery was present In the forenoon,
as the day was too hot to follow the play
ers, and the enthusiasts seemed to prefer
to wait for the semi-finals In the afternoon.
The course got faster as the tournament
progressed and the hot sun dried out the
moisture until the, links wers as fast as
possible. A fine breese came up about noon,
which was quite a help to the players, al
though it made some of the drives hard.
The happiest man on the grounds at noon
whs E. H. Bprague, who won from It. R.
"I thought the sun would never set on
the day I could beat Pick Kimball," said
Mr. iBprague, "for I have tried for Just
five years to do that very thing."
Bprague lost the first hole by a poor putt
and won the second by a ten-foot putt.
Kimball lost the third by driving into the
rough and then won 4 by going one un
der bogey. They see-sawed back and forth
until the ninth, when Bprague, was i up.
Kimball laid himself stymie on the tenth
and Bprague won the eleventh In 3 with
a fifteen-foot putt. Kimball won the twelfth
In 4 and the thirteenth In I. Bprague
halved the fourteenth and fifteenth and
won the match by a good putt on the six
teenth. Fairfield defaulted to McClure, as ha said
busiuta reasons held him in the city.
Klusler-Abbott Match.
in the Klusler-Abbott match both made
;ood drives at the first tee and botu
.tubbed second. Klnsler overran his ap
proach and halved hole one. Klnaler's putt
saved hole. On the second both drove well
'hen Abbott got Into rough, got out well,
but Klnsler won hole bjr another good
putt. On the third Abbott topped his
drive, which practically lost the hole for
him. On the fourth Klnsler lost by top
ping his drive- Both drove well on fifth,
Abbott on his second landed In tbe ditch
and lost the hole, making Klnsler two up.
Both drove well on the sixth, but Klna
ler's second lie put him to the bad and
cost him the hole, which was halved. The
seventh was k st by Klnsler's failure to
l-tnd In the circus ring. The eighth was
badly played and Abbott laid him a stymie
after a poor putt, which cost Klnsler the
hole all even.
Two beautiful drives characterised tho
ninth and Klnsler overran t' putt, while
Abbott made It in three, hetpnd by a de
fect In the hole.
Some Reaalta of the D ty.
Sprague Abbott beat A. A. McClure J up.
Ladies' Silk and
Wool Soils A
splendid variety,
worth up to $45.
each. . . . 14.85
Pan Waists, $1.98
and 'Very stylish, taffetas,
so $rm&
and lingeries,
fH P.H Tt I !
1 Children's Dresses Children's
dresses, in whites and col- f Qa
ors, a good variety DrC
Dressing Barques Ladles' $1.00
and $1.25 dressing sacques and
short kimonas,
Jerome Mageo beat W. D. Bancker ' 4
up and 3 to play.
L. li. Hpiague beat James Allen up ami
1 to piay.
hi. M. Martin beat H. C. Sumney i up
and 1 to piay.
W. A. KeUlck beat W. U. Butler t up
and 1 to pmy.
E. M. Moraman, Jr., beat W. E. Pal
matier i up and I to piay.
Amateur Championship, Second Round
Jerry Magee beat A. L. Reed, S up and 2
to play. McClure beat Fairfield by default.
Abbott beat Klnsler, 2 up and 1 to play.
Bancker beat J. R. Lemlat, 2 up and 1 to
Consolation Prize, Second Roiyid J. Allen
beat V. V. Sholes. S up and 2 to play. E. H.
Sprague beat Dick Kimball, 3 up and 2 to
play. H. B. Sumney beat J. B. Porter, 7 up
and 5 to play. E. M. Martin beat O. Hut
ford, 4 up and 3 to play.
Directors' Prize, Second Round W. A.
Redtck beat N. F. Reckard, 2 up. Mors
man beat Burns, I up (nineteen holes). Pal
matler beat F. 8. Hoel, 3 up and 2 to play.
W. Q. Butler beat J. W. Tlllson. 2 up and
1 to play.
In the blind bogey match the players
were allowed to state their own handicap,
not knowing what bogey was. After the
scores had been turned in all numbers from
80 to 88 were put in the hat and No. 96 wus
drawn as bogey. W. 8. Cornutt of Ne
braska City was winner, with 7, and W. H,
Cowgill of Holdrege and E. V. Arthur were
second, with 94. Following was the sum
mary; Gross. Handicap. Net.
W. H. Cowgill...
John Rees
J. W, Thomas....
John Pan lab
O. J. Schneider....
J. V. Redlck
W. 8. Cornutt....
BjLtn Reynolds ....
, 116
1 J. L. Turner
I O. 11. Titus
' U. V. Shields
J. W. Hughes...-.
! H. T. Lemtst
V. W. Magco
K. W. Arthur
F. M. Hoel
J. W. Hia, Jr.
Two Bla Matches.
Interest in tha afternoon, Friday, was
centered in the Magee-Bancker and
McClure-Abbott matches, tbe largest gal
lery following McClure and Abbott, us
Abbott as generally picked as the win
ner, although Magee has been playing
some fast golf.
McClure won the thirteenth bole from
Abbott rn 3, which was 1 under bogey,
and made him 3 up. Abbott won 14 in
bogey i and 15 In bogey t, which made
them all even.
Both drove to the green on It, with
MoClure awiy. H made a remarkable
thirty-foot putt in 1 on a bogey of 4 and
the gallery was wild. Abbott was not to
be outdone, so he made his putt for 3,
leaving them still all even. Abbott won
17 In bogey t, making him 1 up and 1 to
play. Abbott then made the game a
cinch by winning the eighteenth hole in
3, or I unJer bogey. Abbott's medal play
was 31, while McClure s was 85.
In- the Bancker-Magee match the first
bole was halved In five as Magee missed
an easy putt. For the second Bancker
sliced his drive Into the rough and It
looked as If tbe hole was lost, as he
missed his second. Magee was Into the
bunker in two and lost another getting
out, which gave the hole to Bancker.
Bancker was in the ditch on his drive for
the third hole and both missed easy putts,
giving the hole to Magee and making
them al! even.
Magee was one up when they came to
tho bull ring, where each drove outside.
Bancker made a fine approaoh and made
the hole In three, making them even.
Bancker won the long 8th bole In a pretty
Ova, Umm being m Uie rough all Ue wy
This - hosiery was especially
bought by our buyer io Chemnlts
and Imported direct. 600 dozen
pairs of high class hosiery In this
purchase. Here are all over lace
hose, also plain lisle in black,
white and colors all the lisle
thread of the finest quality Herms
dorf dye every pair perfect and
worth up to 65c per pair, at pair
This neckwear Is made in
dainty patterns, a hundred styles
and all of them new, worth up
to 25c each, at, each
Ladles' and men's
all linen hem
stitched effects,
some corded linen,
others plain, many
ineer quality, at..
Sainrriav the blK Sheet Music
event of the 'season. The latest
in. ' 1 ne latesi
Sheet Music, both
vocal and Instru
mental, scores ot
hits', will go-at..
By moil 1c extra.
Piano going all the time. Your
last chance to get these hita at a
reduction. Special prices on Music
Rolls. - ' '
up. "The. nlntn was halved In four.. That
was tha last show .Bancker had. as Magee
started out at a clip which was almost
unbeatable. He made the tenth In three,
the eleventh in four, the twelfth In four,
which was pretty golf. Magee made the
thirteenth in four and the fourteenth In five
and they halved the fifteenth In five which
gave Magee tha match in 4 up and 3 to
Women's Pntttnsr Contest.
in the nuttlnsr contest for women In the
afternoon Miss Kimball was winner, 1 up
on 18 holes. The play for this event Is over
- w.. -.... ....... In front of the rlUb
a 9-hole putting course in front of the ciub
houie. The game Is the same as tne reg
ular golf game except that It Is all put
ting. All the matches were at 9 holes ex
cept the final, which was 18 holes.
The finals between Miss Redlck and Miss
Kimball was by far the most Interesting.
Miss Redlck lost 5 holes of the first 9 and
then braced until the 17th, when M's
Kimball was Just 1 up on Miss Redlck.
They halved the 17th and 18th. which gave
the prize, a splendid cut glass mirror, to
Miss Kimball, sister to R. K. and T, R..
who for years have been recognised as
among the best golfers of the city.
The putting contest attracted considerable
interest and was most successful. It was
played while the major portion of the gal
lery was watchln tho Magee-Bancaer ana
the Abbott-McClure contests. The feature
ot the putting contest was the early defeat
of Mrs. E. H. Bprague by Miss Belle
Dewey. Mrs. Sprague is the holder of the
. . . i - i n
western cnampionsnip aim m f""'""-'
player, but was decidedly on in ner put-
ting Friday. t
Results of putting contest, first round:
Miss Dewey, Country club, beat Mrs. O.
H. Shields, Field club.
Mrs. E. tl. Bprague, country ciuo, wi'
Mrx. Bancker, Country ciuo.
Mrs. Redic-k, Country ciud, oeat miss b
llnu'lfltirl. Kield Club.
Miss Rees FUld club, beat Mrs. Herbert,
Country club. .
Miss Kimball. Country club, beat Mrs.
TIIIbob. Field club. . , U1
MIks Doane, Country sJub, beat Miss
Welsh. Field club. ...
Mrs. Foye, Country club, beat Miss F.
Howland, Field club. ,
Becond round:
Miss Dewey beat Mrs. Sprague.
Mrs. Redlck beat Ml.-s Hers.
Miss Kimball beat Miss Duans.
Mrs. Redlck beat Miss Dewey.
Miss Kimball beat Mrs. Foye.
Miss Kimball beat Mrs. Redlck 1 up. 18
HafTord Wins Handicap.
Tom Hufford of Holdrege won the medal
handicap, with a gross score of 4 and a
7a hi. h.nillcv.n h.lna- is
Following 1st the score of ths handicap
Gross H
E. H. Sprigue, Country club.. 87
James Allen. Field club 93
B. M. Martin. Field club M
H. C. Sumney, Field club M
A. A. McClure, Country club.. 88
8. Abbott. Country club 81
J. W. Parish. Field club 7
J. W. Thomas. Field club 8
J. Redii'k. Country club 92
W. A. Reddlck, Country club.. 96
W. Butlnr. Country club 9
N. F. Reckard. Field club Iu0
J. R. Lem'st, Country club.... 94
11. T. Lemlt, Country :-Jb....l04
K. W. Arthur, Field club...... 96
8. Reynolds. Field club 94
Tom HurTord, Holdrege 94
C. V. McConaughy. Holdrege.. 99
J. 8. Turner. Lincoln 97
K. II .Tilus. Nebraska City.. ..114
W. J. Beausang. Neb. City....l6
O.'J. Schneider. Nsbraaka City. 98
W. W. Matte, Country club.... 97
B. P. Boyle. Field club 89
W. H. Cowgill. Holdrege Ill
J. A. Rees. Hastings loS
Oeorge Shields. Field club 1"!
J. W. Tlllson, Field club 103
cp.Net. I
3 3
4 W
7 89
3 94
t 83
IS 84
1 91 J
3 tn
8 M
8 8..
15 7
17 82
IS 84
18 98
14 91
It 82
4 85
18 94
18 S5
8 94
I 94
Xicaols Pnttlasr fltaauplon.
Ths putting contest, brgun Thursday
evening, was concluded last evening. Out
cf thirty-four which Isf.ed over from the
first evening, which was half of ths num.
Monday the
Great Sale
of Lace
Great Sale Saturday
Long Gloves and Mills j j
mL .... 1 a 1 l
j.nese are new iuis jusi
counter at ia r-
1 50c, 1
sK-fLWxc-c-a Picj
3 UUI i. ill 13 UUHC, AJUCC lUlim, IJVlli, (Olirt (-h y
y Gloves, Silk Taffeta Gloves and Long Lisl3 $ $j 1Itti8.i
q Gloves blacks, whites, grays, browns and are Lnce Hats for even
h creams. A splendid nrrav at our Glove c' $ ing, others are Neopoiitan
fcj LADIES' WASH BELTS Embroidered on mull.
S3 batiste and linen lawn, with tine
pearl buckles, twenty styles to se
lect from, worth 60c each
PETEIl PAN PI'RSKS Are nil thn
- -
P, everywhere In the east white, cream,
(j red, blue and black, at
P In colors worth twenty-flve cents
New model Yan
kee Incersoll
Watch at,
& 25c Cuff Pina
Five-cent King- Col
lar Buttons at
two on a card
M a pair
W Beautiful Mounted Comb
the "Hold Fast" design worth up
$1.60. at
M Manufacturer's samples Work Shirts
v at each h". All our men's three
S Clearing all our Wellington. Manhattan and Orlf- faS t0
k fon high grade Shirts all these
9 $2.50 Shirts at
n (1.70 tiniria III l.ime underwear, n IF.
ber entered; Abbott, W." A. Redlck. Foye
and Nicholas lasted until the semi-finals.
Nichols and Redlck were in the finals, and
the former won 2 up and 1 to play. Nich
ols Is a Field club man.
The Nebraska Golf association held its
annusl meeting last night at the Country
club and elected officers for the coming
year. C. W. McConaughy of Holdrege was
chosen president, W. 8. Cornutt of Ne
braska City vice president and F. J. Hoel
of the Field club, Omaha, secretary and
treasurer. These directors were elected:
C. F. Morey, Hastings; 8. H. Burnham,
, L)ncoln; Jonn p,riBh, Field club, Omaha
I . . A ...... n v.
Frank H. Oalnes, Country club, Omaha.
The association passed resolutions thank
ing the Omaha Country club for its hos
pitality. GAMES
Milwankee Wins Two Interesting
Conteata from Indianapolis.
H1LWAL KU WIS., Aug:. Il.-iuiluncc
won two interesting games irom me vis-
ltors today. In the first game Goodwin was
invincible In the pinches, while Sage was
found for only two hits In the last eight
Innings of the second contest. The feature
was the neldlna- or fltcner ijougneny in
renter field. Score, first game:
Onm, rf I
Hnu If.... 4
0 DunlavT. rf . 4
t 1
SA'horton, lb.. 4
4 CHlme. cf.... 4
1 tCtrr, lb 4
I William, u. 4
I 4 Ktllum, If... 4
I 1 Mama, ib... 4
1 0 Holmes, a. ... 4
I OThialmau, p.. 4
1 4
1 t
t I
I i
l l
4 I
4 0
BHiinu, lb.. 4 1 ID
BtTiu. e.... I
Hrmpklll, tb. I
McChu'ir, ID. I
: McCorm k.
i DoiiKhsrty.. el 4
ooodwln. .. 4
- - - - - ; - - - -j
Milwaukee . .. ....0 1030000 4
I indlanapoii, i 0000000 0-1
i Two-base hits: Dunleavy, Kellum, Ather-
ton. Three-buse hit: Williams, liases on
Dans: un rnieiman, . nun putn; unou
i will. Diiuin umv. u , . . . . , v. .- - - - ;
o 1 1,1 nn., r,"i n tn Wlllluma I
man, c. i-'uuinr ...... ...... .. -
to Carr: Douarherty to McCormick; Bute-
man, unassiHted. Sacrifice hit: Hemphill.
ieri on oases; muwaunvr, o, jinuunaiua,
1 I'mplres: Egan and Owes. Time: 1:35.
Score second gams:
Oreen. rf 1 4 1 4 4PunlaTr, rf.,1 1 t 4 ,
Hynea. If 4 1 4
Bateman, lb. 4 1 11
a OAinanea. in., a i i
4 4 lilmea. cf.... 4 1 1 4 0
4 orarr, lb 4 4 1 4 0 !
1 OWIIItante, si. 4 4 4 1 0 I
0 OKellum, If.... 4 1 1 4 0 1
t Maroan, tb... 1 4 1 4 4 t
4 4 Kaooe, e 1 1 1 4 4 J
1 tCromlar, p.. 1 4 4 1 4 :
BeTllla. e.... 4 4 1
' Hemphill, 2b. 4 10
1 klr( hi'. th 4 a 1
MrCoria'k. aa I 1 1
Dougherty, cf 1 4 4
Sage, p 114
Total It 1 It 14 4 Total. It t U t 4
Milwaukee 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 4
Indianapolis 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 03
Two-base hits: Dunleavy, Hemphill,
Hynes. Three-base hit: Atherton. Home
run: Hemphill. Stolen bases: Hlmea,
Kellum. Bases on balls: on Bag, 1; on
Cromley, 1. Biruck out: By Sage 3; by
V romity, . i. on
Indianapolis. 3. Umpires: gan and Owens.
lime: 1:50.'
Minneapolis Shnts Ont Toledo.
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. ll.-Cadwsllader al
lowed only four hits today und easily shut
out Toledo, 3 to 0. SutthofT was hit by s
batted -ball and forced to retire alter the
first Inning. Score:
Devts. cf 4 1 1 4 4 Cllngman. aa 4 4 4 1 1
Sullivan, rf.. 1
1 4 II J. t iara. If. 4 1 1 1 4
Orrmlnger. la 4
Han. If 4
Praaman, lb.. I
Oyler. aa 1
Orahaa. lb... 1
feagar, a t
Cadwal'sr. p. 1
110 OOdvell, cf 4 1 1 t
114 0 Nance, rf 1 4 1 4 - 0 !
4 II 4 4 Krueger, ib.. 1 4 1 1 4 i
4 114 Knabe. tb. ... 1 4 1 1 1 i
114 0 VV. Clarke, lb I 1 14 4 4 I
4 4 14 Land, a 10 4 1 4 j
0 1 4 OS'.uhuf, p.... 0 0 0 1 0 i
caeca, p 1 0 4 1 0 1
M 4 17 It t '
Total! n 4 ! 11 1
Minneapolis 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 -8 i
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base bits: Davis, J. Clarke, VV.
Clarke. Stolen baaea: W. Clarke. Sacrifice
hits: Freeman, Sullivan, Chech. Double
plays: Oyler to Oraham to Freeman; Gra
ham to Oyler to Freeman. Hit by pitched
ball: Sullivan. Baaes oil balls: Off Cad
wallader, 3. Struck out: By Cadwallader,
8; by Chech. 3. Base hits: Off Sutthoff t
In one Inning. Left on baea: Mlnntapolia.
3: Toledo, 1 Umpire: Sullivan. Time:
St. ral Defeats Colnmhsia.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 17. The locals
got te Flaherty for flfteau hits today and
won by a score of to 5. Prultt was hit
Models from Leading
5th Ave. Designer, at
ft SsC ThfA hflta ara)
J r . V - .
rereivtu uum v . ;
jWj M illU b I f I'.OV inuiiuvi; bps, a a?
v .
!5 Braids, etc., beautifully
trimmed with ribbons,
ornaments, etc. all are
stunning and right up to
date hats that a few
weeks earlier would read
oaa $
ily bring up to
fi 9 A seriBaUonal offer at ,
25c 1 1
High Shoes
More shoes brought for
ward from the Immense
bankrupt stock. Bargains
almost beyond belief.
0 s S
All the ladles' fine
All the ladles' high
worth $3.60 to
and f jS m r t
- ...29c Cut Prices on Men s Oxfords
$2 and f r A r M
l.jU V f
All our men's $3.50
safely six times in the .sixth Inning, but
was effective St all other times. Score:
Oaler, as 4 I 1 1 0 Hlncbman, ill I I 1
Sugden, lb... I 11 1 a Coulter, If..., I 114 4
Van Sandt, cf 4 1 1 S picturing , ct. 4 I 1 4
Prtak, If 4 114 1 Frlel, 3b 4 1114
Wheeler, 3b.. I I J 4 4 Klnm, lb.... t 114
Meyer, rf.... 4 110 Ryan, as 4 14 8 4
Paddan. lb... 4 0 4 4 4 Wriglay, lb.. 4 1114
Drill, e 1 1 4 1 4 Blua. e 4 1 4 4
Prultt. p I 1 4 8 ariaaertjr, p.. 4 4 1 4 1
Total It 1(M 14 1 Total! 17 11 14 17 1
Flaherty out on bunted third strike.
8t. Paul .0 2130001 -
Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0-5
Two-base hits: Frisk, Meyers, Hinchman,
Blue, Frlel. Stolen base: Drill. Double
play: Ryan to Wrlgley to Klhm. Bases on
balls: OK Flaherty, 2 Struck out: By
Prultt, 6: by Flahef 3. Sacrlflcs hits
Klhm. Wheeler. Lfl bases: Bt. Paul.
8; Columbus, 6. Time: . Umpire: Kane.
Packers Win .'row Distillers.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 17.-Kansas
miv rirsiterl tiiiavllle In the third Inning
today wtven by making successive hits they
scored five runs. The score:
Waldron, rf.. I 4 4 4 OHallman. rf.. 4 1 I 1
MrBrld . .
1 1 4
0 4 1
4 11 1
0 wooarun, sd. a v .
1 Braahrar, tb.. 4 1 4 1
1 8. Sullivan lb 4 1 11 0
1 Storall, cf.... 4 111
4Kerwlo. If.... 4 4 1 0
0 Shaw, o 4 1 4 1
p.rr. ji,..,
HU, ,j 4
; Burkl, bi... i, lb ... 4
; Boh.onon, cf. 4
OQulnlan. as... 4 1 1 4
Swann, p
.114 1
1 Elliott, p...
14 11
14 4 0
.11 1 17 It 4
14 4 14 It I
Batted for Elliott in ninth.
t.-.. -, noKlOOlO 7
I-nnlHville 0 0 0 9 0 0 1-2
Two-base hit: Shaw. Three-base hit
t - : ,
To restore a man to health, strength and vigor and give him his rightful
place among hU fXw men I. worthy of the noblest effort, of a Pl-''"
hfe and ev'ry good physician works earnestly to this end. We offtr ou
this eTd this "elpTthli a-surance of restoration, and If you will come to u.
we will 'spare you the penalties associated with private diseases and weak
nessWa of mVn We will help you to escape from the shivery that is hoidl ,.g
you captive and impeding your progress, both commercially and socially. Do
no" bV deluded with the Idea that diseases and weaknesses ot men will correct ,
themselves (hey never do.
It is iBltss to worry about the past caui after tho disease or weakness
become once established. The fact that the trouble now exists makes It n.-c
esaary that there should be no apathy, no delay, no deferring matu-rs until
later on Sexuul diseases, or sffectlons j-esulilng therefrom, should not be
tampered with, owing to the natural tendency of every disease to Insidiously
proKreaa and tenaciously fasten lts if upon the system If proper treatment
not secured to bring aJout a prompt cure.
We curs safuly and thoroughly: ''
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debilit
Impoteny, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases, '
and all diseases and weaknesses of
abuse, or the result of speunc-private aiseaacs.
CDZC OOHSTJI-TATlOaT and Office hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.: Sundays,
rnCC sxAaUaTATIOH. I 10 to 1 only. If you cannot call, write.
1S08 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha. Neb.
See the
Pattern Hats p
$15, $20 and $2.5
the show room ..o en from o
i , ,,
. .
They are Dress
Hats and flue Street Shapes. Manv
$25 each.
Shoes and Oxfords that
3.60 go at
class Shoes and Oxfords,
$5, will go at-
- dollar Oxtoras reaucea y J
and $4 Oxfords reduced
All our Men's Florsheim Shoes best I 7 C
shoes made for men worth $5 and $6, at. J I
Hill. Eases on balls: Off Elliott, 4. Struck
out: By Klllott, 6: by Swann. 4. Double
plays: Burke to Perrlne; Elliott to Shaw to
Sullivan. Passed ball: Shaw. Left on
bases: Kansas City. 4; Loulwvllle, 8. Stolen
bases: Hill. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Werden.
Standing of tho Teams. .
Played. Won. Lost Pet.
Columbus 12"
Milwaukee U0
Toledo US
Louisville 119
Minneapolis US
Kansas City 120
St. Paul H
Indianapolis 119
a,ma. tnriav: fnliimhl
75 4X .625
7 53 .5:S
64 52 . 5T2
60 59 . 5ii4
6? 59 . 50il
bi 62 .4rd
49 67 , .423
42 77 .353
at St. Paul, To-
ledo at Minneapolis, Indianapolis at Mil
waukee, Louisville at Kansas city.
late Accepts Challenae.
OMAHA. Aug. 17. To the 8portlng Ed
itor of The Bee: In answer to the pit's
Athletic association to acceptance of iny
challenge to meet my team on Pemb?r
23 at their park for a purse of $600,
a side, it looks very well for them to take
us on their own grounds for nuoh mon'iy,
but nevertheless, we will not tuss over
that, so as we may meet them for the
above purse, the money to be placed in
the hands of Mr. McCullough of Th
Bee, not later than September 15, and '.o
per cent of the gate receipts to the win
ner and 40 per cent to the loser, Mi
umpire to be selected by the Diets mat.,
ager and myself by September 23. Wo
are to use our same line-up as In last
Sunday's game, with the exception of me
pitchers, with the Diets to use one or
lhe4r three pitchers. Mathews, Rice or
Young, while I will use Webb with Chris
tension In rwrve. I l ope that tn.s will
meet with their approval.RRT
Manager Sterling Busc Bull Club.
men clue to evil .habits,
. excesses, ' .
4 4
u r