Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Becomes Evident Hitch cock nijniompoo
Made a Tienp,
Hitchcock at Oae Time Baal? Frlaht-
eaea at Raw He Hag Stlrrea I t
aaa Called for II el a ta ttalet
the Paawllsta.
O'Donohoe - Redmond Co.
nanta of fino wash goods and
big lot of white gtxxl.
worth from 13c to 75c
yard, at, yard
FROM 7 P. M. TO 9 P. M.
5,000 yards of pretty wash
lawns, worth 10c, T
at, yard
FROM 7 P. M. TO 9 P. M.
Every white and colored
Paranoia not sold before
7 p. ni. will go at
Pretty light and airy dresses for these hot days, In
fine white batistes, small, neat figures, some lace
trimmed, otters., neatly tailored, plain effects, In
light colors, also nary blues and dark colors, for
office or street wear, jaunty little suits that sold
at $4.06. $6.60 and $8.00, all In one large 1 Oft
lot Saturday, at lZJO
LA DIES' fill I RT WAISTS Realizing that price Is the
greatest salesman on tarth. we are going to break
ail former records Saturday.
AN our finest lingerie waists that sold up to f CI O
$5.00, Saturday, at I, JO
Waist that were sold up to $2.60, J A g
Waists that were sold up to $1.76,
Waists that were sold up to $1.26,
Bargain No. 1 Lace trimmed batiste chemisettes that
sold for 26c each fire doien on sale f r
Saturday each IDC
Bargain No. 2 All our lace Half Sleeves, cream and
white, that sold for 60c and 76c pair )
three dozen on sale Saturday, at, pair a DC
Bargain No. 8 Twenty-Are dozen pieces of fancy
high class novelty neckwear, Including the Peter
Pan collars, and collar and cuff sets, coat collar
and cuff sets, and" a fine line of pretty chemisettes,
worth from 60c to $2.00 each.
60c to $1.00 -JC-I $1.00 to $2.00 PA.
value,, only, each kJC . value, only, eachJUC
, Bargain No. 4 -Ten. dozen real princess lace stocks,
with or without tabs, black and white, sold for
$1.25, $1.60 and $2.00 each to go Satur- n C
day In one lot regardless of cost only, each. I Jv
LONG SILK GLOVES, $l.BO. a 16-button length pure silk glove, with double
finger tips and clasp wrist, in black or CA
white, only, a pair I.JU
Be sure and accept this offer as It Is the greatest in
many years. Your choice of any short C rj
glove worth up to $1.25 pair, only, a pair. . . JUC
Counter full of ladles' fancy colored plain and lace
hose, that sold for 25c to 60c pair for
this sale, a' pair 1ZC
Ladles' fine gauze vests, low neck, no sleeves, sizes 4
to 9; high neck, long -sleeve gauze vests, umbrella
and tight knee drawers and gauze union suits, low
neck, no sleeves, umbrella knee, In sizes 6 and 6;
sold from 35c to 48c a garment all go )C
Saturday, each s3C
Finewhite Swiss mull, very sheer, pretty quality for
dresses, regular 16c, 25c and 35c quality f
'Removal Sale price, a yard. DC
100 pieces of fine dress ginghams, in light and dark
colors, worth to 12 He Removal Sale 7i
price, a yard vC
All our silk lustre, Simla Silks and German llnensx
that sold at 25c and 35c Removal Sale f
price, a yard IsVC
1,000 yards of 7-4 and 8-4 unbleached sheeting, "in
lengths from ,2 to 6 yards, regular price fj
21c yard Removal Sale price, a yard I JC
90 dozen 42 and 45-in. pillow slips, made of a fine
quality of pillow casing, free from dressing, worth
to 17c Removal Sale price, .
each lJic
We Will Soon Move to Our New Building, Corner 16th and Howard St.
0?Donohoe-Rcdmond Co. SfK
Oreaon Man ' Retorns to Webraska
with the Bam Waeroa He
' Took Oat.
FREMONT. Neb.. Aug. 17. (Special.)
Mr. Meeker, the old gentlemen who la mak
ing the trip rrom tba Paciflo coast to Ohio
with an ox team and tha same wagon
with which ho first crossed the plains to
Oregon fifty years ago, wilt be In Fremont'
in September I, and take part in the semi
centennial celebration of the founding of
the city. He .writes the committee that
he will have ta lengthen his schedule a
little, but will be. on time. He camped
here over night fiftf years ago and Is re
turning over 'the same route he took at
the time. Ha Is collecting material for a
book on the old overland trail which he
expects to publish next winter and on ac
count of his interviews as far as possible
with the old pioneers atlll living along
Ih4.;itd,ltm '.undoubtedly be great
historical 'value. " -'
' Mr. Meeker's return along the old route
has been somewhat m the nature of a
continuous reception and at many points
along- the route stone tablets have been
erected suitably inscribed marking the
location of the old route. This city was
laid out by Honorable E. H. Barnard, who
Is now living here- and will take part In
the exercises of the day. With the old
military road as a base line and at some
point on It within the limits a stone
marker will probably be placed.
Yaaaat Man Injured a Loatsvtll.
LOUISVTLXJJ, Aug. 17. - (Special.) A
young man who gives his name as C. E.
Negus and , home VHl .State street, Des
Moines. Ia., was accidentally run over by
an eastbounS Burlington freight at 10:30
last evening. .The wheels cut oft one limb
above the knee and bruised the other badly.
Negua haa been working In the printing
office at Weeping Water and came from
that place on the freight last evening. It
la supposed that he Intended to board the
train and missed his footing. Negus died
tonight. v
, .
' Sheriff Called la Family Troahle.
PILGER, Neb., Aug. IT. (Special Tele
gram.) D. C. Cole and family, formerly
of South Omaha, but who moved here this
laat spring and has been working for C.
H. Chase on one of his ranches, causod
no little excitement In the neighborhood
this afternoon. While Mr. Cole was In
the field at work hla wife took what tew
earthly belongings they had and left. He
overtook her before ahe got to Pllger and
took the baby, their only child, .away from
her and threatened to kill her. She came
on to town and secured a warrant for his
arrest, and Sheriff Stucher is after him.
News of Nebraska.
8EWARD-B. Baake and William Mile
kelson of Seward have opened a bakery at
TEKAMAH The Infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. M. 8. McOrew of this place died
yesterday morning.
PLATTSMOUTH A number of Cass
county young men have gone to Dakota to
assist In the wheat harvest.
SEWARD Miss Unthank of Lincoln haa
been engaged by the school board as music
Instructor In the Seward schools.
TECUMSEH Mrs. Sarah Townsend of
Tecumseh and James E. Amos of Maquo-
keta, la., were married in Lincoln yester
day. BEATRICE The Barneaton ball team
won from Blue Springs yesterday after
noon. Score, 17 to 7. The Barneston team
will play at Beatrice Saturday evening.
BEATRICE Luther Boyd has purchased
of Joseph Hanks, who lives near Virginia,
three eighty-acre tracts of land for which
ia paid $17,000.
. SEWARD A little girl of E. S. Row.
bottom ef Utlca had the misfortune to get
her elbow Joint caught In a little wagon
In which she waa playing and badly
BEATRICE The Farmers' Elevator
company at Blue Springs has purchased
$.006 bushels of corn from Peter Hurst,
which Is now being delivered at the
BEATRICE Yesterday afternoon at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and G. W.
Hill, waa solemnised the marriage of Miss
Ida B. Hill to Mr. Mllo Morton, Judge
Inman officiating.
SEWARD-Wllllam Fields of near Utlca.
who was robbed of t&.OOO In the B. & M.
depot at Council Bluffs, Ia., recovered (4.700
of his papers, but considers the 1400 of
money font to him.
BEATRICE R. N. Fulton returned last
evening with the Fulton blood-hounds from
Neola, Ia., where he succeeded in running
down the parties who robbed a store at
that place the other night.
BEATRICE Corn In this locality Is
needing rain badly and unless It comes in
a few days the crop will be badly damaged.
Thursday was the hottest day of the sea
son, the temperature being 104 In the shade.
COLUMBUS Rev. L. R, DeWolfe. pastor
of the First Methodist Episcopal church,
performed the wedding ceremony that
united Mr. William Snider of Ewlng and
Miss Mary Burner of Seattle. Wash.
PLATTSMOUTH-The little daughter of
Julius Retake was shot In the back of the
head with a rifle In the hands of her 10-year-old
brother. The wound Is not con
sidered serious.
TECITMSEH During the performance of
a circus here yesteid.' afternoon a sneak-
thlef entered the nomu or ur. u. j. kudpi
man and made away with a very fine
watch, the property of Miss Julia Rubel-
the Congregational church. Rev. Paxton
officiating. Mr. Day enlisted in 1862, In
Company I, . joth Wisconsin, and was
mustered out at the expiration of the war.
LINWOOD This Is one of the hottest
days of the year-102 In the shade at 12:30
p. m. corn is making a wonderful growth
and if the right kind of weather prevails
there will be one of the largest crops ever
rained here.
TECUMSEH-Dlllon A Oder of Tecumseh
have sold to a Kansas City firm several
thousand feet of black walnut lumber, the
same to be taken from their grove JuM
west of town. The lumber will be con
verted into furniture.
TEKAMAH Word was received here
yesterday announcing the death of Mrs.
Charles A. Darling of Lyons, Neb., In
California, where she had gone for her
health. Mrs. Darling Is a daughter of
J. T. Blackstone of this place.
HUMBOLDT The Nebraska City presby
tery la called to meet In Humboldt me
first Tuesday In September and the local
church Is preparing to entertain a large
crowd of delegates. The session will con
tinue over one day and night.
HUMBOLDT Oardens and fruit as well
as the grain in this section are badly in
need of rain. Pastures are. drying up and
It Is said the late corn will be materially
reduced If we do .not get moisture soon.
The fruit crop has been the largest known
In this section for years.
BEATRICE Fifty-two wolf bounty
claims on file In the county clerk's ottice
amounting to 1U5 have been rejected by
the board of supervisors upon the advice
of County Attorney Klllen. The levy for
the coming year contains no item for the
payment of such claims.
BEATD1CE Jostah H. Ford, and old
resident of this city, died yesterday morn
ing at his home in Olenover, aged oO years.
He leaves a widow and five children. Tlie
funeral service were held this afternoon
at 1:38 from the home, conducted by Rev.
J. E. Davis. Interment In Evergreen Home
FREMONT John Ledgerwood, the Union
Psclrlc brakeman who had his left leg cut
off by a train near the Union depot yes
terday, died last night from the effects of
his injuries. He never rallied from the
shock of the amputation. His wife, who
lives in Omaha, waa visiting relatives in
Minneapolis and has been notified.
BEATRICE The case against Marlon
Bcnstucr of Adams, charged with deserting
his wife, was called In county court yester
day and continued thirty days. Bess
mer was released on his own recognisance,
and he left last evening for Adnma In com
pany with his wife and two children. It
Is thought the case will be settled by Besa
mer returning to his family.
BEATRICE The ground selected for the
new packing plant Is a ten-acre tract on
Mr. Blakely'a farm about a mile south
east ot town. It Is south of the railroad
tracks and extends from the right-of-way
to the river. The ground Is ao situated
as to afford good drainage from the puck,
lng houses and the stock yards to the river.
The location will tend to Increase values In
this purl of the city.
TABLE ROCK-As Dr. E. L. McCrea was
AINSWORTH At t p. m. Tuesday, I ""ving in iroin me country yesterday, ac-
Lewis French Day died at nis nome m . "-"""""". "..."" '"'""",u ixjrani,
the west part of town at tho age of S
mm He .leaves a wife.
three daughters to survive him. The
funeral took place at 10 o'clock today at
A Saturday Reductions
V ' " Samples of carpets and mattings, used by our traveling
men, made into rugs that are attractive, durable and cbeap.
.. Spastd ten minutes in our basement tomorrow and see what
a Mule money will do.
. .7' ' lH-Vard Ram pica.
v, 65c yard quality, heavy Brussels, 1 yard, for. . ..... .OSe
85c to $1.00 yard quality, heavy Brussels, 14 yard, for. 75c
, $1.10 yard quality, heavy Brussels, 14 yard, for 88c
$1.65 yard quality. Wilton Velvet, 14 yard, for. ... .91.00
$1.26 yard quality, Wilton Velvet, 14 yard, for 91.25
' $1.65 yard quality, Wilton Velvet. 14 yard, for... ..91-83
t Ingrain Samples 1 Yard Square.
All wool 18c I'uloa
;14 yfd lengths, best grade, finished with fringe on
; ends , ioc, 10c and 20c
Remnants of Linoleum 4 to 10-Yard Lengths.
$1.10 Inlaid for OCc 60c printed for. .2tfc and 80c
$1.66 Inlaid for 9130 70c printed tor. .40c and 43c
' . ' Folding Table.
' Light, strong and serviceable, hard wood, good durable fin
ish, full yard measure stamped on top, folds up compactly,
( regular price $1.00; Saturday. ;.83c
Ruffled Swlas Curtain.
'. Good quality, wall made, full site,, nsual price 60c;
Saturday ...85c
. " Elite Mixing Bowls.
White enamal, genuine Imported Austrian ware, every bowl
guaranteed, regular price 10c; Saturday. . 10c
Saturday Evening T to 9:90.
. Imported German Steins, attractively decorated with gro
tesque figures, inscribed with famous Heldelbnrg toasts,
every one worth $1.16 to $1.00; Saturday evening ... 95c
A Orchard & Wilhclm Carpet Co.
TV - 414-16-18 South Sixteentt.
and Charlie Wood, the 10-year-old son at
two sons andic J. wood, tne team becume frlgntened
ana upset tne ouggy, tnrowtng out the oc
cupants) The doctor sustained a revere
cut to the bone over the left eye and was
otherwise bruised. His son sustained a
fractured arm. while Charlie Wood escaped
with slight bruises.
TEKAMAH Hainan O. Blackstone. age
74, died at his home In this city this morn
ing. V- Blackstone was born August
IH!C a.1. larmuny. Me. In 1844 he moved to
WUuoiibin and In lk.9 canle to this county,
locating about six nillus aoutheaat of
Decatur, which locality he named "Fair
view" and by which it Is known today.
In 19ul,h gave up farming and came to
this place; lie was united in marriugo May
&, 1&3, te Miss Amelia K. Arlington, who
survives him.
HUMBOLDT Rev. Arnold of this city
was seriously Injured while loading a car
of wheat at the mill yesterday. A frelgnt
backed onto the sidetrack and bumped Into
the car In which he was working, break
ing the Iron loader and causing two heavy
Iron rods to strike him with terrible force
acioas teh nee breaM. ''iue injured
man was removed to hla home and has
Buffered Intense pain. Physiclanf are un
able as yet to ascertain Just how serious
his Internal Injuries are.
TABLE ROCK An accident occurred
Wednesday evening to train No. 64, east
bound freight, at the uptown switch be
tween and 10 p. m. The train waa a
very heavy one and was drawn by two en
gines, the head one, cutting off from the
train, went ahead to make a switch, but
while on the main line the air refused to
work and the engine with the train
crashed into it. The front wheels were de
railed, the pilot demolished and a couple
ot cars were slightly damaged.
ALBURN Thursday, the sixth day of the
Auburn Chautauqua, was a good one. The
lecture In the morning of Dr. Pnil C. Band,
"The l iifoldlng of the Rose of 8hari.n,"
was well rendered and duly appreciated by
all. Superintendent J. L. McBrUn delivered
an instructive lecture in tbe azternoon,
"The Uospel of Optimism," to a lsrgc audi
ence. In the evening Frank R. Robertson
delivered one of his many pleasing and in
structive lectures, "A Tour Through Eu
rope," to one of the largest audiences that
has yet participated.
ALBION The old settlers picnic held In
Atwood's grove west of town was largely
attended. The program ot - the day con
sisted of short addresses, recitatluns and
music. The Albion band was present and
rendered several fine . selections. Perma
nent county organisation was effected.
E. At wood waa selected president; V. C.
Weltsel, secretary; and Arthur Halre,
treasurer. Sports of various kinds were
Indulged In. Notwithstanding the excessive
heat, the large crowd seemed to enjoy the
oocaalon. It Is the Intention ' hereafter
to have an annual picnic and meeting of
the old settlera
DIAMOND Ft ens er, Ulh aad Dodge Us.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. ITj (Special.)
"Neither populists nor democrats will ever
be satisfied with the ticket named here
last Thursday morning." This is the gen
eral exclamation "of both democrats and
populists In Lincoln and some even go
so far as to say when Bryan comes home
he should try and have Shallenbergor
withdraw and let the committee name
some good man with an aatl-corporatlon
record. That Thompson and Hitchcock
tied up at the laat moment to defeat
Berge there la no doubt among the rank
and file In thla county, and it Is supposed
most of the leaders knew it all the time.
Hitchcock Is blamed by both democrats
and populists. Metcalfe's defense of
Berge on the convention floor haa
strengthened him. While Berge haa gained
friends and admirers among the demo
crats by his magnlflcant conduct after
his defeat, ha haa loat the political friend
ship of a number of the old-time popu
lists. A half-dosen of them bade him
good-bye Thursday night and told him
hereafter they would travel- different
roads in politics, not because Bergo re
fused the populist nomination, but
cause he advised the populists to endorse
Hitchcock became badly frightened when
he realised what a storm the nomination
of Shallenberger raised, and once during
the proceedings he advised getting somo
one to go over to pacify them. Home one
suggested Hall and Metcalfe.
"Tee, they are the men to' go," said
Hitchcock, "they can do It."
"Let Hitchcock go himself," retorted
Metcalfe. "He got us into this trouble.
Let him get us out." i,.
But Hitchcock wouldn't go. Ha pre
ferred to let the democrats get out of
the hole Into which he put them the best
way they could, but he didn't intend to
risk being hissed and Jeered by crossing
the street himself.
Like the Platform.
The proposed platform drawn by a com
mittee appointed fof that purpose to be
submitted to the republican state conven
tion next Wednesday, has taken the wind
out of the sails of the Lincoln "fake re
formers" and their cohorts.
"I have not had time to read the plat
form ' carefully," said Governor Mickey,
"but It looks like It .covers the ground
pretty thoroughly. I can hardly see how
the anti-pass and freight clauses could be
any stronger. I think It is clear cut."
Attorney General Brown said: "The
platform Is good.'. It Is clear cut and to
the point. It covers the ground all right."
"The platform la a good one. It la dig
nified and speaks on .all the Issues, state
and national. I think It la what the con
vention wanta," said Superintendent Mc
Brlen. .
"I have not read the platform carefully,"
said Land Commissioner Eaton, "but from
glancing over it I think It speaks out
plainly on all the issues."
Secretary, of Bute Gelueha eaid: "The
platform Is a dandy. it covers every
thing and I think the invention will adopt
it Just aa It was published.''
' Mr. Mortensen aatd-heaad not yet had
an opportunity to read the platform and
Auditor Searle ls0t.f the city so no ex
pressions could Ve, secured from them.
It Is understood soma of these who have
been objecting to the personnel of the reso
lutions committee, which was appointed by
the executive committee upon authority
given it by the republican state committee,
will Insist that the platform should have
been more specific In regard to the assess
ment of railroad property.
George S. Rouse, candidate for governor,
came In tonight and will remain until after
the convention next Wednesday. Speak
ing of the proposed platform aa prepared
by the committee on resolutions he said:
"The platform looks all right, though I.
mignt suggest some changes."
"What changes would you suggest?" was
"Well, I don't know: you people might
use different language."
He would suggest no definite change.
Speaking of he Dodge delegation Mr.
Rouse said the delegation was for Rouse
and probably Brown would ' have half
of It.
Chance for Governor to Invest.
Governor Mickey has received the follow
ing letter from Clarkson, addressed "Tho
Stato Capitol:" . ,
WH you please let' ma know what the
governor pays for pocket gonhersT T hv
shot one with s shotgun and It waa alls
tun m noies ana torn up rrom the ahot, so
I think It won't he worth shipping it. So
let me know what the governor pays for
them and send me a few shipping tags,
and does the governor want the hides or
the whole gopher?
The governor has always figured the
"tall goes with the hide," but as gophers
are a drug on the market, so far as the
state house is concerned, he Is not now
offering any premiums for this kind of a
pelt, though he has been after a few other
scalps lately.
More Investments Needed.
Treasurer Mortensen has figured up that
since December tl, 1904, the counties of the
state have Issued (450,000 school bonds. The
treasurer was figuring to see if the con
stitution was amended so that the per
manent school fund could be used for in
vestment In school district bonds, whether
the result would remove the pressure. He
concludes the amendment should also give
the treasurer the right to buy good mu
nicipal bonds, as well as school district
Stat Hons Briefs.
General Manager Bishop of the corn con
test to be pulled off in Lincoln next De
cember has received a letter from the sec
retary of agriculture stating that Dick J.
Crosby will represent the department st
the meeting. Mr. Croaby la expected to
remain throughout the session.
Superintendent McBrlen received a let
ter todsy from Superintendent Koch of
Sewsrd county ststlng that all of his
teachers had passed the examination under
the new certification law, or would pass
within the next few days, as those who
had not finished their examinations were
the older teachers. ) who would hsve no
trouble. Mr. Koch said his teachers found
no trouble with the new law.
James D. Phetan. chairman of the San
Francisco relief committee, haa written
Governor Mickey asking him for a state
ment of the money -sent and yet to be
sent by the various committees organised
In Nebraska for the relief of the Cali
fornia sufferers. Governor Mickey desires
the chslrman of the various committees
to notify him at once of the money they
have on band and have sent west.
Superintendent McBrlen addressed ths
teachers' Institutes at Auburn and Weep,
lng Water yesterdsy. He reports good
Institutes, managed by capable educatora.
Much Interest, he said, la being taken In
the meetings. "
Two Victims ( Car a.
John McCoy, a guard employed at the
atats penitentiary, was run ever and killed
If you have been indifferent regarding the savings possible
here during our Half Price Sales, or have thought yon could tide
over the heated term with the clothes you have and now realize the
error of your reasoning, let us remind you that perhaps ,
"We still have quite an assortment to choose from; but Satur
day will about finish them!
Has been the greatest everno doubt due to the remarkable values
in down-to-the-minute merchandise, together with the ;fact that'
every assertion made by us bears the "ear-marks" of veracity.
Light Weight 3-Piece Suits at Half Price
About 150 of those Spring and Summer Suits that sold for from O nr t( il CA
$7.50 to $35, sizes mostly 33, 34, 35, 3G, 42, at from Oe I O IU 1 1 etfV
Outing or Coat and Pants Suits at Half Price
About 100 Two-Piece Suits that sold for from $7.50 to $20-sizes O nr f ft 4 A A A
mostly 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 42-at from del 0 III AUeUV
" Men's Pants at Half Price - . ,
We have left about 500 pants, sizes 29 to 42 waist, 30 to 36 length, nr I A I 9fJ
You're welcome to any that will fit you at, from tit lv leAd
35 Coats and Vests
Sizes 33, 34, 35, worth anywhere from
$6.50 to $12 can you use t HP
one for. ; - w
Boys' Knee Pants
Wool and Corduroy, regular 75c and
(1.50 values while
they last, at
25c 50c
Shirts at Half Price
Star, Manhattan, Berg-Swanson Special
and E. & W:, regular price HEn l0 1 7C
up to $3.50, for from IUV lei U
Neckwear at Half Price
A couple hundred of those regular 50c
four-in-hands, 9'tl
for..v .udi.
365 days in every year are Black and Blue Clothes days a fact for you to weigh well, no matter how
extensive your apparel outfit may be. .
Our showing of these always popular garments is unusually complete and Includes every style of fabric
that has been accepted by the fashion authorities. .
10.00, $12.00, $18.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 and $:?0.00
No matter how surprised you may be at the comprehensiveness of this display, remember It is Just
We will soon be ready to show you what is what In Fall Garments every new idea originated by the
master minds of clothes-craft will be here.
by a car In' the Burlington yards last
night. The man had relative's residing at
NehawVa and they have been notified of
his death.
The body of John Waters, the delegate
to the democratic state convention from
Hall county, has been sent to his rela
tives there. Waters. -Is years of age
and was run over by a Rock Island trait)
ths morning after the convention.
Candidate la Poor Health.
E. I. Root, the socialist candidate for
congress in this district, has been making
a living by guessing the weight of people
on the streets of Lincoln. He has lung
trouble and recently built a wagon and
started for Colorado, being provided with
funds by charitable people. He returned
In order to attend the socialist conven
tion and to his own surprise was nom
inated for congress. He Is In poor health
and has been under the care of a physi
cian here for some months.
Labyr Day Proclamailoa.
Governor Mickey has named Monday,
September S, as Labor Day and hss
Issued the following Labor Day pro
clamation: In keeping with the custom and laws
of our stste. I, John H. Mickey, governor
of the state of Nebraska do hereby
designate Monday, September 3, next, as
Labor Day.
It Is desired that the day be generally
observed and that, as far as possible, the
working people throughout our state be
encouraged to tske a respite from their
dally labors and spend the day In rest and
wholesome amusements.
We are all laborers In the world's vine
yard and our success or failure Is deter
mined by the manner In which we perform
our dally tasks. We cannot tell by the
clothes that a man wears what kind of a
r1tlsn he Is; the homespun and the over
all take rank with the finest of broadcloth
when measured by the true test of citizen
ship. Labor la ennobllnr; it Is dignified; and
the debt this country owes to labor can
never be estimated. The excellence of our
nation and of our own commonwealth is
due to labor, backed by brains and capital,
and guided by the hand of providence.
Labor and capital must of necessity dwell
together. Both are needed by each; One
neither "Is good or fair alone." Then,
may they go hand In hand and peaceably,
for the future development of our great
nation depends largely upon the attitude
these two great factors hold toward each
Today we are enjoying an unprecedented
period of prosperity. The mills and the
factories are turning out their products
both day and night. All kinds of labor Is
in urgent demand. Enterprises of great
moment are lagging because of the lack
of help. , Wages are higher than ever be
fore and so much Ketter than In any other
country In the world.
Let Jis not be unmindful of tbe blessings
that we enjoy, nor. In our restless natures,
forget the hard times of the psst when
thousands upon- thousands of our people
were tramping across these United States
withaut funds snd without employment.
In this time of peace and plenty let us
pause for a moment and reflect.
Given under my hand and the great seal
of the state, at the capltol In the city
of Lincoln, this 17th day of August, In the
year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and
six, and In the forleth year of the state.
Nebraska Makes Rood Sbowlnar.
"Nebraska made a good showing at the
Grand Army of the Republic encamp
ment," said .Governor Mickey this morning
on his return from the national meeting
of veterana at Minneapolis. "Nearly 400
of our people were there, making oneof
the largest delegations In attendance. I
was on General J. R. Tanner's staff, but
was permitted to be with the Nebraska
section In the parade. We marched be
hind the first banner of Nebraska float
ing beside the state flag and the stars
and stripes."
The encampment was larger thla year.
Governor Mickey atated, than the one at
Denver In 1806. He pralaed the hospital
ity displayed by Minneapolis, which went
to the length of furnishing cold water
and coffee In abundance all along the line
of march. The beverages were passed
among the vetersns with bucketa and
cupa. Everything that could possibly be
done for the comfort of the Grand Army
boys was done.
While at Minneapolis, Governor Mickey
attended the reunion of the Eighth Iowa
cavalry which took place at the Hawkeye
state headquarters. He also saw many
of his comrades In Croxton'a old brigade,
with which he fought In the civil war,
which Included the Second Michigan and
the Eighth 'Iowa cavalry.
the fruit train stopped to receive coal and
water William' Prater, Vermine Trater.
Mark Whetael, Willie Whltsel, Nathan
Carpenter and Harry Splcer were caught
in the act, each grabbed a bunch and ran.
It coat them W each for their petty thiev
ing. Henry Jackson, who has been in the
habit nf buying the bananaa from the boys,
'paid W and cost a .
Vsssg Car Robbera Caaarat.
KULO, Neb.. Aug. IT. (Special.) Much
stealing has been going on from the fruit
cars ss they pasa through here. Boya
have been making large haula for three
weeks. The business haa been carried on
ao successfully that a railroad detective
was put on their trail and last night as
Delegates Selected to tbe Repnbllcaa
State Convention.
TRENTON, Neb., Aug. 17 (Special Tele
gram.) The republican county convention
was held in Trenton today. Chairman J.
W. Smith presided anat C. L. Allen waa
aecretary. The nomination for county at
torney came first and Hiram Powell of
Palisade waa nominated. J. H. Ritchie of
Straiton was the unanimous choice of the
contention for county commissioner of ths
Third district. . Delegates at large and ono
from' each commissioner's district to the
state convention were chosen as follows:
T. B. McClelland of Strittton and Clark
Marsh of Trenton; C. L. Little of Culbert
son, of the First district; A. L. Taylor of
Trenton, of the Second district, and J. 11.
Smith of Stratton, from the Third district.
Delegates were then named for the sena
torial convention In McCook September
20 as follows: W. V. Vanpelten of Strat
ton, J. C. Thompson of Trenton, at large;
from districts, C. O. 8 weed berg of Cul
bertson, F. M. Flansburg of Trenton and
George Gallagher of Stratton.
Representative convention delegates were
named, but the date for the convention has
not yet been set. They were: Howard
Brlstow of Stratton, James Ferrler, sr., ot
Culbertson, at large; 8. E. Soleman of Cul.
bertson, 8. HHI of Trenton and' J. J. Al
shlre of Stratton.
The delegates were none of them In.
structed. The names of state candidates
were not mentioned In the convention.
Fnaeral f 8. M. Rector.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Aug. 17. (Special.V
The funeral of Samuel M. Rector, held
from hla parents residence yesterday at
1:10, was conducted by Rev. Q. A. Munro,
the pastor of the First Congregational
church, and was attended by a large cosy
course of our cltlaens.
Consider the
Soda Cracker
Science has proved and eitabliihcd the fact that the
loda cracker ii the most nutritious and healthful article
of food made from flour. -
When it is considered that Uneeda BlsCUlt
are the perfect soda crackers it Is no wonder that
nearly 400,000,000 packages have been sold the only
wonder being that any one can go a day without
Unoedav Biscuit.