Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1906, Page 11, Image 11
u 1 COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl CARNIVAL PUNS ; PROGRESS TTaiDterr Vest and Check Up and Find Booth! About AH Tsksa, ' , FJENCt TO BE. DpNE BY MIPU OF WEEK Or I vat Pip Baroale aa 8aU ' Be SemethlBsT Entirely- New i Likr laleas. te Valte la Bl Parade. "the. Street Fair and Carnival company held an important -, meeting yesterday . to check up On wtr that ha bean dona In the way of . providing fot,'.lhe big event tbat la to open September tv It was ound that practically every detail haa been pro vided, for. - .A. report from manufacturer! on the bl hte fence was-to the effect that It wotila bt completed about the mid dle of next week and would be delivered on the aroinjfls'jyit later than 'August 29. Notice wa. recelVjtdfonj " the manutac- turers ot the carnival sin saying that the i pins were on the. way and would probably reach'- CoWcrf Tstiiftt today.-1 : The. phi Is ! on .an, orlglaarf design, and wilt be a hand some souvenir" oY fhe carplval. i 3$ waa 'deijtdei x6 start CMf bAlloong to night and the first ascension will be made from- the- roof If the ink's club at about i s-.Vcidck.'' . -V: f ' 1 A communlWlon-was received from the '. Central return onlorr opening negotiations for the Wg Joint labor -and "Industrial pa rage to te 'jield pA the. riWnlnf of Sep tember,'. -V, , . " , The secretary of -.the. carnival Committee reported that all but three of the' booths ! ha'd been" takW and juj further effort will ! ! ninuo io aispnss 01 as there Is , always a. call for a half dozen booths after the lists have been practically closed. The beoth' diagram sTiows . that they will' be occupied as follows:' Booth No. 1, headquarters of the Car nival confnao jr.. . At thsioint some member ot the eernlval committee will lie found at all hours- of-he afternoon and evening and, an heretofore. It will be the admin istration booth. Booth NoJ'VllI be occupied by the New-Nortpar.jil, company; 1 Booth No. 31 Will be occupied by the glrla of the Flower Mission, who will sell pea nuts and popcorn. ' Booth No. 4 has been taken by the Met ealf company. Booth No. 6 haa been assigned to B. M. Sargent and his reliable old bear will be ttie: first wild .beast that patrons of the carnival will encounter on their way down he Midway. Booth No.., will glitter with the artistic SlHiilay tlwtf, wUl be made, by the H. W. , Letlert company.. BoQtb . I has-been secured by Joe Jmlth a;co.' ,' ... v Booths, Nos, ( and wUl be occupied by the C'ltlzena'. Wna- and Electric company. Boo ilj No.'lO has been taken by the Pio neer Imple ment -"Company. - The company 111 use" the booth as headquarters for their frienda, . :j, ..- .-, - Booth No, ll has been engaged by the Mortem IVoodmen and it will, he headauar- lers for, then, order during the fair. I uooin iJN,.j naa neen assigned io me Nebraska Telephone company. This com pany wUl muke an exhibit of all the mod era conveniences and Appliances. In the telephone business. Booth Nos, -13 nnd 14 will be the head 9uarters,i,for' the John Beno company. - Booth., N. i 14 4ias bem secured by the Peregoy & Moore company, .'.' -Booth Ko,. U ,hS'.bti. taken by W, A Maurer. ,vt.c -.-xi'.rr. . . ., Booths Nos. IS and 19 have been taken by M. !.. Vn Brunt. Sooth-No; ; at the northeast comer of First avenue eiyl Sixth street, will be In chnr'ge 6f lhAacatd Charities, ; Booth No. 21 has been- assigned to a catrrur who will fumlKh sandwiches and Other 'refreshments -durln the- t-arnlvat- llooth Noi bas,be?n taken by the Qrocers' ana Butchers association, to be used as they deem. -best' to advertise their jrganisHtlon and what It represents. Booth No. 23 will be In charge of the rrlrtfiy. rhureh women. - - .. Booths No. U and 25 have been taken ay the Christian Endeavorers. who will Ifillxe It to the advuntuge of their organisa Jon. '; ; - ' - - ' , Booth No, K Avilt be made, attractive and aiusli-al by ,Mr; Bourtclus. Boothsos. 'it,- 28 and 29 tiave been sat tslde fof ' the eacluslve- occupancy of that kiBtly ruinous , emporium, known as the J'Kentry" store. . 1 Booth No. 80 has been Uken by the Coun cil Bluff- Qcnera! hospital and will be fur nished like a model hospital room. , Booth No. 81 will be of especial construc tion and built with reference to the ac commodation of the "big bat." - -r Booth No. U baa been taken by Koaenfeld k Co., the house furnishers. . , Booth No. 83 will be occupied by models bf the Meyer's Iceless refrigerators. Booth Wo.- 84' has been assigned to the Kretchmer Manufacturing company, where that conoern will exhibit an Interesting variety of bee supplies. : Booth-Jeo SS headquarter! of CENTRAL GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET BOTH PHONES 24. y 2 " A rW OF OUR SATURDAY SPECIALS: Rex Br.eakfaat Bacon. f It per lb. 1JC per lb .aC .JMlana,; :-. :. . jier lb.. v. . ,y ...... . V Radre4 tr4, '-'25 C Leaf L&rdr . -., 1 f( - Fresh.' Drees ed ' . .1 Chickens, par lb. . . . .lasC - Our machine aHced Dried Beef, Bacofl nd Boiled Ham costs no rrtore than those cut' some time ago that Is stle and unpalatable. Oar meat Is cut the day you buy It and cut thin aa a wafer. - tr'y otfR Central flour, r per sack .-. ,.. v v . tj 'V ' " - "utL" . 1, .... , - a n - - .. ... . i !! i ThcWewLeadcrGroccry Any, fatent Flour.' per sack $1.05 Granulated Cane Sugar, SO lbs. for. . , . r . . . ..v. ; .ixo Fancy Potatoes, per bushel . . . 50c Besf 20e Coffee, per lb.'. . . .13He Swetjt Water Melons, each. . . . J5c Fancy 'Bananas, per dot. 10c Half bushel baske Tomatoes 15c Any .Laundry Soap,- 10 bars.. 25c One lb. package Currants,, ..7 H Bolh Phones 499.' : e; V -1 r e. - t - - :.. '... mt:- :t Prompt BLUFFS St. Tel. 49. John R. Long, painter, paper hanger and decorator. Booth No. M will again be occupied by C. Gelse tk Son. Booth No. 87 will be occupied by the New York Plumbing company. Booths Nes. 88 and 39 will be occupied by the ladles' Aid society, and booths Nos. 40, 41 and 41 have again been taken by the firm of Petersen Hchoenlng. Booth No. 48 has been taken by the West ern Iowa college. ' Booths Nos. 44 and 46 wilt be occupied by the Are department. Booths Nos 4H, 47 and 48 have been re tained by the carnival company In which to display te grand prises that will be offered during the fair. Booths Nos. 4 and 60 will be occupied by the exhibit Of the Council Bluffs Qrape Orowera' association. Booth No. 61 haa been taken by the Inde pendent Telephone company, where It will make an exhibit of modern methods and appliances In telephoning. Booth No. 58 has been aecured by the Alfalfa Meal company. Booths Nos. 63 and 64 will be taken by J. F. Wilcox for an artistic floral display. Booths Nos. 65 and 56 will contain con cession of the Japahese ball game . and ruby glass engravers. Booth No. 57 will he occupied -by the Council Bluffs Commsrcial club. This leaves only three booths unoccu pied. While the different attractions of Par ker's famous white city on wheels have no been assigned their places on the grounds. In all probability . "Beautiful Bag dad": will- be located on the Woodbury lots at the corner of First avenue and Sev enth street. . Thla attraction Is a .bla", show In Itself. The tent has a dapacity of 1.800 people; the stage Is thirty-two feet wide and twenty feet deep, and forty people are In the cast. Matters In District Court. In the district court yesterday Mrs. Julia F. Burnett brought suit against John Under, a wholesale liquor dealer, to re-' cover damages placed at 10,W0 for the al leged sale bf liquor to Iter husband. Ac cording to the petition the husband of the plaintiff, who la a carpenter by' trade, earned 82.500 a year and had succeeded In accumulating property valued at over J10.000 when In 1904 and 1905 he lost all through his Indulgence In strong liquor which the defendant Is alleged to have sup plied him with. Etta Gilbert has brought suit against the street railway company to recover dam ages placed at 81.000 for Injuries alleged to have been received while alighting from a motor at Broadway and Seventh streets on May 6 of last year. Viola Rablln seeks a divorce from William Rablln. to whom she was married In Omaha on March 6, 1906. She accuses her husband with cruel and Inhuman treatment and ha bitual drunkenness. In addition to the di vorce she asks the custody of their minor child and such other relief as the court may decide she is entitled to. Mary Margaret Hooker filed original no tice of suit for divorce from Frederick C. Hooker, alleging cruel and Inhuman treatment, the particulars of. which will appear in the petition to be filed today. Henry A. Schuh began suit to enjoin Ira S. Wllklns from re-engaging In the pool mom business.' The plaintiff states tie purchased a pool room from Wllklns at 713 West Broadway and that Wllklns has reopened a few doors, away In a similar business contrary to agreement. Judge Wheeler . yesterday lasued a temporary In junction against Wllklns. .- ' Bird & Smith are plalritiffs In a suit filed yesterday against the real estate firm of Squire oe'Annls of this city In. which they seek ,;V . recover 12,800 alleged to be due them as commission on the- sale of cer tain real estate. In 'a second, suit Bird & Smith ask judgment agaliist, ,A. D. Annls Individually for I94H.64 for money alleged to hnve been, paid putljy them at, Annie' jre qtiest and order.' '" - -- , J- Bey'iRHspet rtrora Officer. W. LV Kuser, assistant superintendent of the stats Industrial school at Eldora, ar rived In Council Bluffs Wednesday to take back to the institution John Hatfield, alias John' Goff, who escaped from the school last April., but he returned home last even ing without the . youth. . Yaung Goff, which Is said to be the boy's right name, waa turned over to Mr. Kuser shortly after 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. As the young fellow expressed a wish to change his clothes before being taken away Mr. Kuser took him to "the home of his mother, Mrs. Sylvia Hatfield, 16 First avenue. Once Inside the house-the boy made a dash for the upstairs and Jumped out, of a second story window. In the confusion that followed young Goff succeeded In mak ing his escape and despite 'the" efforts of 1C 600-602 BROADWAY Large Fancy Watermelons f each JOc aad. 17C Comb Honey, comb per Cane Sugar, ' SO lbs Extra Fancy ppjaa. , . per peek. ...... .-' 1.00 15c Fresh CoantryButtar,-Irtv per lb. ...,,. AH V Evergreen Sugar Corn, ' per dos i 5c 1.15 One lb. package Raisins, . . . 7Je Ginger Snaps, per lb .5c Any Crackers, per lb. , .5c Good Japan Rice, per lb. ..... :5e Sweet Cookies, 3 lbs .sac S lbs. good Lard .......... .25c Sngar cured Bacon, per lb.. . 18 He Uneeda BlsoulU, 3 pkgs. . .. . ,10c Ground Pepper, per lb. .. . .lSHe Syrup, per gallon ,80c HOW. Broadwav Delivery THE OMAHA the police had not been recaptured up to last nbfht: ' ' ' Mrs. Hatfield was much aggrieved over the rapture of her son by the police Wednesday. She said he was SO years of age and since his escape from Eldora he had been a good boy and worked steadily as his employer would testify. She dented that he had been going under an assumed name as Qoff was hie light name, his father having died eighteen years ago 'In Chamberlain, 8. D. COSVEJITIO OF LITHER I.EAOIB Klae Ckarekes Represented Oatherlaa-. The fifth annual convention Stanton District Luther league la the of of the the Swedish Lutheran church, will open this afternoon at Immanuel church, corner of Seventh and Mill streets and last over Sunday. Nine churches located at Council Bluffs, Red Oak, Stanton, Creston, Fre mont, Bethesda, Bssex, Shenandoah and Tabor, comprise the district and about eighty delegates are expected to be In at tendance at the convention. Rev. B. N. Qllm, pastor of the local church, will deliver the "address of. welcome at the opening session this afternoon and Rev. F. V. Hanson of Red Oak will make the response. This evening there will be a miscellaneous program and the con vention will close Bunday evening with a sacred concert. ' ' ".'' This Is the program: SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 8 O'CLOCK. Devotional service. Speech of Welcome Re. ' B. -' N. Oltm, Council Bluffs. Response Rev. F.. V. Hanson, Red, Oak.. Piano Solo Edna Anderson, Stanton. Business. SATURDAY EVENING; 8 O'CLOCK. ;. Choir Bethesda, , Recitation Victoria Hildur, Tabor. .i Choir Red Oak. - Select Reading Josle Nelson, Council Bluffs. Reading Agnes Samuelson. Bhensndosh. Ladles' Quartet Elisabeth BJorkgren, Anna Veak, Gertrude Veak, Anna Ander son, Fremont. Declamation Halite Johnson, Creston. Recitation Laura Olson, Stanton. Aldress Rev. P. M. Ltndberg. Omaha. Plan-o Solo Rev. B. N. Glim, Council Bluffs. Grand chorus. Remarks. THE MOST UP-TO-DAT -RESTAURANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. GOOD SER. VICE AND HOME COOKING. The Calu met restaurant, 620 Broadway. The Title Guaranty and Trust company, abstracters of titles. Books date back to 1S53. Books are all up to date. Work ac curately and promptly done at lowest prices. Office opposite court house, 233 pearl street, Council Bluffs, la. Have your rooms papered and your house painted In and outside. This Is just the time of the year. You will get it done right and at the right price, South Main St. Borwtck 211 Democratic Primaries Called. The democrats will hold precinct pri maries this evening at 8 o'clock In the several wards of the city to select dele gates to attend the county convention to be held at Mlnden next Friday, at which time a county ticket will'be plabed In nomination and the county central com mittee reorganised. The places for holding the primaries and the number of delegates alotted each pre cinct are as follows: First Ward First precinct, five deegatea, Jennings' barn- First Ward Second precinct, nve aele- gatea, William Gall's blacksmith shop Second Warri First precinct, nve ae gates, city building. ' - ' ; -.'-.. Second Ward Second precinct, four del egate. L. F. ServlssV store Third Warn First precinct. .. lour, aeie- gates, Hotel Martens. , ... Third Ward Second precinct, -four dele gates, No. 1 hose1 house. ' ' Fourrn wara-First precinct, tout aeie- gates. Farmers' hall, ..coynty houaa.,. Fourth wara-etecona precinct, tnree aei- egates, Emm el htus, StaXeeifui avenue and Slth street.-- , . ... . Finn, wara-tFjrst precinct, six, qeiegaies, county building, corner Fifth avenue and Twelfth street ' Fifth Ward Second' precinct,' four dele gates, county bulldlQgv 'Dixtesntho avenue and Fourteenth street. Sixth Ward First precinct nve delegates. county . building, corner . Avenue v B and Twenty-fourth street. Blxtn wara Becona precinct, two aeie- gates, corner Fifth and Locust streets. The announcement that Claude R. Por ter, the democratic nominee for governor, would bsrpresent at the convention In Mln den and make an address appears to have been somewhat premature. J. J, Hughes, chairman 'of the ' dty "central committee and member of the state commutes, from the Ninth district,' received yesterday a letter from Mr. Porter In which he states that he will be unable to attend the con vention, as he had already promised to deliver an address ' at Farragut. on' that day. It Is also suggested that Mr. Por ter does not desire to make any political addresses In advance of the opening of the campaign proper. MALONEY'8 PEARL ST. NEW LOCATION, - W Cloalaa- Oat Sale ea Summer Goods. 20 per cent dlsoount on Gasoline Stoves, Hammocks, Garden Hose, Ice Cream Freesers and Water Cooler. . Don't forget ,we sell Ender's Dollar Razor.' SWAINE A MAUER, SM and 838 Broadway. A. Metscar Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery. 516 Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs. Ia., Home-made Bread a . Specialty.. Visitors Welcome. CENTRAL. FLOUR -1U. , Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phones 24... Stolesnaa Boy to ale Tots, Sehsel. . 'Ckarlle Celeman, the lVyear-ia bey who with an snaha lad aamed Kelly pre-saspted Mrs. Anton Florl's horse and -phaeton and dTOve to Crescent where they - were' cap'. tured, was ordered committed to -the 'In dustrial school at Eldora. yesterday v-by Judge Wheeler. .The .boy, despite his youth, has'. been la. miichlet. a- number of times before. His father Is- dead and his mother had. married again. The boy, an SCAVENGER WORK I haul 4ea4 animals, U N per head. Garbage, aenas, manure and all rub bish; cleaa vaults-and cesstKwla. All work done Is guaranteed Ce4ls prompliy attended te . . 'Phone,- Re4 Wl ' ' J. H. SHERkOGK gj The Only Perfect H I - DOUBLE VISION LENS. . I COME IN AND 8EB THEM. R I ' . EXPERT OPTICIANS. I - 400 Broadway. - - II DAILY UKE: SATURDAY, espeelally bright, and good looking lad. bdhst Into tears when he learned he was to be sent to Eldora, -but when -told he would wear a uniform like a soldier there he wiped away the tears and appeared quite contented and happy. Thomas Row bet ham, the lad ordered sent to Eldora 'Wednesday, baa been given an other opportunity to behave himself. The boy's mother pleaded with the court and Judge Wheeler decided' to give the lad an other chance. - N. T. Plumbing Co. let. SA. Night UN. Owner Needs 9foaer. I can sell l-room modern dwelling at big discount. If sold at once. It Is in fine neighborhood and on paved street. Call soon. There are several smaller dwellings, too. Tel. d. Charles T. Officer, 413 Broad way. All persons knowing themselves to be in. debted to Duncan 4k Dean or the Duncan Shoe company are requested to call and settle at once. We are agents for the best wheel chairs for Invalids. C. E. Alexander, 331 'B'way. Where Shall I Tiny Mr Groceries f - WB ANSWER THIS QUESTION, FIRST WHERE PRICES ARE RIOHT, SEC OND, WHERE THE GOODS ARE FRESH AND FIRST CLASS. THIRD, WHKRS f OU WILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS AND HONE6T TREATMENT. WE FtTLLFIL' THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS IN EV ERT RESPECT. GIVE US A TRIAL OR DER AND WE ARE SURE TOU "WILL BE OUn REGULAR CUSTOMER. JOHN OLSON. 789 W. BROADWAY. . - Aadttora Annoance Proa-ram. The program for the convention of the State Association ot County Auditors, to be held In this city August 21, 21 and li, at the game, time as the conventions of the state associations of county super visors, treasurers, recorders and lerka of the district court, has been Issued by Secretary E. A. Larson of Red Oak. Liki the other associations the auditors will make their headquarters at tho Grand hotel. This Is the program: TUESDAY. AUGUST 21 AFTERNOON. Convention will be called to order by President Dai ley. President's address. ' . Enrollment of new members and collec tion of annual dues. Report of ofneers Report of committees.' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 FORENOON. Discussion of new laws passed by the last general assembly In so far as they pertain to the work and duty of the county auditors, led by Auditors A. H. Lawrence, Muscatine county, and W. K. Hamilton of Guthrie county. General discussion. AFTERNOON. Paper on Address Subject: Assess ment and classification of taxable prop erty and the relative value of taxable property as compared with the real value. Auditor W. E. McLeland, Marshall county. General discussion. THURSDAY. AUGUST 23 FORENOON. Uniformity of records and blanks. Au ditor Lew Burnett, Polk county. General discussion." AFTERNOON. Election of officers. Adjournment. If you are looking torwara to your sum mer's outing you will need a few va cation necessities; If you sre going camp ing with a small party you will want few -delicacies; if you are going to a plcnlo yon ' will want your basket filled with 'good, things to eat.",'' Sandwiches, olives. pickles, cakes, cheese, fruits, a cold bottle of ginger ale or root beer In fact MoAtee has, everything. hecessary" to nil a -dainty lunch., basket and the. , -best the market affords. - - VT. fj"" aa d. Ranees. We, have the Favorite OaaStOvee In a variety-of sizes and styles..- Prices from W,00 for ithrpQj6ufe't--sise. . , v wuu vti? m "I" nwin?ii nrsi, seeing the Favorites. PaddooM "ad -Handschey Hardware Co.;; ' . ,f , dpEEN AND NORFOLK , FURNACES GIVE THE BEST SATISFACTION.- ABJ PEOPLE THAT USE THEM: THEY WIIJ, TElyL'; "yOU . WHAT TWET: ARB.' F. A. BPEKCER.. ISa Broadway, . ' , Ranaway Boys Captured. . Bruno Simroth and Fried Traulsen, two runaway boys from the orphan asylum at Fremont, Neb., were picked up In this city yesterday morning by- Officer Crum.,; The boys bad been on the otyd since Saturday last and were In' a , ragged and pitiable condition. - ' ' "- " The Traulsen boy Is the. son of a. barber who. formerly owned a shop on Broadway and lived neighbor-to Judge Wheeler. The father went to Washington after his wife's death. Intending,- It Is said.- to send for his family later. He Is said to have become insane and Is now In an asylum In the west somewhere. Freddie was plaecd In the caYe of an aunt In Omaha, but eventually found his way to the orphan asylum In Fremont. ' -i - When the boys were brought before Judge Wheeler yesterday morning young . Traul sen Instantly recognized the judge as the latter did the boy. .' . f'WelL Ffreddie, have , you found any place you like better than Fremont since you ran away?" asked Judge Wheeler of the lad. '"'''.. "I'd like awfuily to go back to that house next yours; that was a good place to live," sobbed the youngster.' The boy's tears touched. a soft spot In the- judge's heart and he took the little ragged lad home with him to lunoh and see what could be done for him. , No dispo sition will be made, of the. boys uutll the suthorlties ot the Fremont home are heard from.; ' Everything of enduring quality must have a deep, solid feundation; r. A large part of every successful business' man. must be spent In preparation- . The success, of "Van Brunt. vehicles" Is set the result of luck or1 accident, but the product ef hard and conscientious effort extending over' wenty Ive years.. . Call at my repository, II to 'Fourth street. .,... r ' A FINE 80-ACRK FARM .' ' V five miles from Council ' Bluffs poptofflce, Veil Improved. Will take 4 12.000 residence toward it. .' Address D. 8. Ksrr. MS Broad way, Council . Bluffs. 'Phones i? and tot Red. ' ' k .' ' - (,300 acres good farm land la eastern Colo, redo, S per acre and up; no Irrigation re quired-. Can raise all kinds of small grain and corn. A . few good homestead join our lands. Bend for printed matter F. C Lougee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs, la. For- Imported wines, liquors and Bud welscr beer go to L. Rossnfeld. -wholesale liquor dealsr, fit South Main street MALONEY'8 PEARL ET. NEW LOCATION. M MIJOK MENTION. Davis, drugs. Clark's, sodas. Stockty-t sells carpets. Fine engraving at LefTert's. 1 Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Plumbing and heating, BlKby Bon. Souvenir postals. Alexander's. 333 B'way Woodring Undertaking connany. Tel. Sat. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone T. Buy your building material from C. Hafer. Big stock and little prices. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. Xleorga Hoagland haa the Kansas Shall Brick. All hard brick. Get his prices. Sea Stephen Bros, for fire brick and fire clay, sewer pipe, fittings and garden hose. Miss. Anna Nelson, 1H . Washington ave nue, who waa recently before tUe oommls eioiers for the Insane snd Disced In charae j'.ot her guardian, li. Q. McCice, was y rater- AUGUST 19, 190G. SjTT-.T . . ?"7wv- day sent to.SL Bernard's hospital. Mine Nelson is said to1 have made threats nltnlnsV the children of a woman who occupied a portion of her house. , Born, to Mr. and Mrs. K M. Overmyef,,' 2311 South Seventh avenue, yesterday morn ing, a son. 8RICTLY CASH FOR ALL SHOM AT DUNCAN A DEAN 8 GREAT CLOSING OUT SHOE SALE, A marriage license was Issued yesterday to C. P. Ureen, aged 82, of Omaha and Sophia Nleman, aged 40. of, Minneapolis. For Sale Fine, wide shell phaeton: will trede with t-seated runabout, paving the difference. 335 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. GET YOUR GIBSON PICTURES FRAMED WITH BEAUTIFUL FRAMES; SS TO 60 CENTS. BORWICK, 211 SO. MAIN. I pay 112 per ton for cast Iron; mixed, llfl; stove, ; rags, l"4c per lb.; rubber, 7c: copper, ltc per lh. J. Katelman, . Main, both 'phones 660. We wholesale Ice cream. Shipped to any part of the stste. Special prices to the re tail trade. I. Muccl. 218 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 801. When the Board of Education mcets"next Tuesday It will be called upon to elect four teachers to fill vacnnles which have occurred since the board met in July. We have the finest line of sample monu ments to select from in the west. Bhecley ft Lane Marble and Granite Work, 217 East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Fall opening Western Iowa college, 'Mer Viam block. Council Bluffs, la., Monday, August 27. English, Normal, Bookkeeping and Shorthand departments. Send for new catalogue. Both phones. C. F. Fox til Dcs Moines, superintend ent of the Eighth district of the western division of the Tostal Telegraph ron, pany, was In the city yesterday on a tour of inspection of the offices under his Juris diction. ... OWING TO THE LARGE CROWDS THAT ARE ATTENDING OUR SALE DURING THE DAY WE HAVE DK CIDED TO KEEP OPEN UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK EACH EVENING HEREAF TER. DUNCAN & DEAN, 23 MAIN ST. The following Iced drinks and Ic? cream will be served all this. Week at . the Clark Drug company's; Mfldjn, frozen phoHphate, Siberian flip, eldorado sundae, tropical sun dae. Carmenplte kiss, southern beauty, American sundae and Greenland Iceberg. . Doug. McClelland, who recently returned from the state hospital' for Inebriates .Bt Knoxvllle, was arrested late Thursday night for brutally assaulting his aged father end mother at their home,' Six teenth avenue and Eighth street. His hearing In police court yesterday was con tinued to Monday.. - Frank Kopora filed yesterday In' the court of Justice Gardiner an Information charging his brothers-in-law, Jny and John Prendergast. with assaulting him. The charge was the result of a family row at the home, of Mrs. Anna Prender- . l; V-r-:--.--.:v-i tj,. j . ..'":.,;'; ... wtiwJ KAllf Vl ,;.fVi i&wli? " ' ' - - 'Wrlm Mm mm Mi mmmviiY t$$m h i m-;' fmli fdDir; Trill Hi- ' Ealiii! That's a good start toward pleasure and profitabje vacation. Whether you are going to the seashore re' sorts of the Atlantic, to the White Mountains of Nawv ; England; the eise,iiiasi;,pr torsuropo,your iicKcisnuuiu reau viu wiu'j ; ..i . Extremely low rotind trip rates in effect daily? . until September 30 to Canadian points and Western - New York, and to many New England points on : August 8, 22, September 5 and 19. -;. Throe Trains Daily to Chicago . Leave Union Station, Omaha, . . 7:55 a. m., 5:45 p. m., 8:35 p. m. ' 1 Leave Main St. Depot, Co. Bluffs, 8:20 a. m., 6:10 p. m 9:00 p. , Arrive Union Station, Chicago, . . 9:30 p. m 8:35 a. a, 9:25 a. mw T1CHC F. A. ET8 when Kopora, It Is said, wss badly beaten by his brothers-in-law. Henry Green, who was before the com missioners on Insanity yesterday morn ing, was discharged. It being shown thst his queer sctlons, which led to hit! arrest early yesterday morning, were due to his being affected by the heat. Green wss picked up on a country road near the city on complaint of some farmers, who Judged from his strange actions that he was Insane. Mrs. Mary L. Anderson, widow of Will lam P. Anderson, died yesterday after noon at the home of her son, C E. Ander son, 1410 Fslrmount avenue, aged 77 years. Besides the eon, with whom she made her home, Mra. Anderson has three sons 11. A. Anderson of Hnrrls, ' Colo. ', Ralph F. Anderson of Pittsburg. Pa., and C. W. Reed of Omaha. Ieceased was born In Wilkesbsrre, Pa., February 17, 1K3. She came to Iowa In 1SW and had been a resi dent of Council Bluffs for ten years. The funeral, will he held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Francis Xavlcr's church gast Thursday night. Carload Georgia Watermelons Just received, extra large, special for Saturday i f fi only, each, 15c and t- . . , AH Melons iinrnntH'd. - f, ,. ,. . ... - , .- t i Ivxtra fancy larjro Basket Poaches, per basket. . . .;vci . 4 . , i.2Ae Kxtra fancy Home-Grown Qrnpes, per fl-pound bucket. v. . . .2Ac. Kxtra fancy Home-Grown Grapes, per 4-pouud buwktit. . . S60 Tomatoes, bushel basket IHc Kxtra fine large Sweet rotatora, n ponnds, 10c; .'or per peck.'. . . .ajJ Sugar, 20 lbs .$1.00 Beat WlscpnslA. Cream or Urlcs; . CheeBC, per lb. .. ..iric Extra, fine large Potatoes, per bushel ............... ... HOc Extra' line large Spring Chickens. each ; 80c Extra fine Country Butter, per Jb. . . ' .aoc Extra fine large Cooking Apples, per peck 10c Glen Avenue Grocery 236 Broadway. Adirondacks of New York, or ariy whro 1 :: rn n 1524 FARM AM OTREET, OMAHA. V , i 25 PEARL. OT., COUNCIL OLULPO, IA. NASH I General Western Agents 11 and Interment will bo In 8i, Joseph ceuis- tery.- . ', f , ". f Twrt women of the town, giving tfia' nnmes of May and Minnie Reed, and their escort, Harry Whlttaker, were arreeted shortly before midnight St 'the Manhattan restaurant, where, it wss ssld, they were drinking. The girls were released on 110 bonds and Whlttaker Is to, have a hearing In police court this morning- on a charge of vsgrsncy. Since the ralj.on the, Man hattan by Mayor Macrae Cfilef of Police Richmond gave orders to the pollcfto ar rest all women found lit the "restaurant at night. " aii Francisco Bank Cleartoa's ' SAN FRANCISCO." Aug. lf.-The. ' bank; clearings of San Franchisee, show much activity during the Isst Week. The In creeee over last year wss I per cent and the totals were well above the ItAOOft.OuO mark. For the week - ending Thursday noon, August IS. 190. the clearings were 14.1.914.147 M, as sgalhst l4044S.swa.50 for the same week of l-5. The Increase la S,7t4, 164 43. All Patent Flour, per sack. 91.07 K . Extra fancy 'Sao Tickles, ' peYA dos. -Be . MflQrtrajMii'7'' i:;-':',; H -gallon site, per dos. . .'. '. .' .tac 1-quart site, per do. . , . , ., .68c 1-plnt size, per do. . . .... . ...45c Jelly Glasses, per dos. .iSAe Celery, Sweet Corn," Roekyford Melons, all kinds' of frulU and ; Vegetables at lowest prices. h Telephone 103 n " 1 riXf ,T ; . 1 ll