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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 190(5. SPECIAL NOTICES AaH rtiseaatata far rneee eetesaa t.ill be takes aalll 19 a, fa the rr tains; tOllin and 111 . mm. far f snarnlns; l4r edition. itntes 1 l-a a war first Insertion. it war thea-eaf tar. Detains; lakaa -r less lk na far tka flrat Inser- 4aa. These e4 vertleesaents aaaat ka mm eeaaeeuttvely. advertisers, ay rea nesting! a be red aback, ca have aaawara aa. in4 ta a numbered lattar la aara if Tka Baa. Aaawara aa addressed will ka delivered aa nresentntlea at hack. , MISCELLANEOUS 1906 , FALL. TERM BOYLE3 . BUSINESS COLLEGE ' - AND ' SCHOOL Or TELEGRAPH If OPEN 9 JUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. DAT AND NIGHT.' Kw Catalog Free. TeL Dougla 19S4. Address II. B. Boyles, Prril.-nt. 3yles- Building. Omaha, Neb. R 707 3MAHA Safe and Iron Work! make a spe cialty of Are escapes, nutters, doors and MfH, a. Andreen, prop., 102 6. 10th St. K 708 SIGN PAINTING 8, H. Cola, 1301 Douglas. .i R-709 THY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. Ii30. It 710 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., Ills Farnam. R-711 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., Kll N. 18th. Tel. Doug. 1779. Res. 'phone Doug. Tlnl. ' R-711 EL8ASSER A BRICE, Machinists. W7 South Uth at. Tel. 6S37. it-ru WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADS. Trunk, suit cases and shopping baits. Old tiunka taken in exchange. Repairing. FRELINQ at BiEINLE. 410 N. 16th Bt 'Phone Douglas 43 jo. R Mail AA MN'li '.Minnesota Ice, In carload lot. Cry. :1 Ire Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. R i TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes, $2. SO. i ox Typewriter Co., 182 Farnum. R M 947 Sltj. IiOFLIN Locksmith moved up stairs entrance IMA Farnam. Tel. Doug. 2974. R-9til BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change. if you have a farm, home, business or prop erty you want lu sell or exchange GLOBEULAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb., or Kloux City, la. Y-M172 Ag31 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomer; good location. Address O 64, care of Bvn. Y-714 BEST drug stock In southeast Nebraska; uoout to.iKU cash required; sales $22,000; profit $6,000. Address K. 47, Be. ; ' Y Mio5 Augil FOA SALE A first class job office with A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub lishing three papers In. surrounding towns; Job type all new; doing good business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings. Neb. Write now, or coma, as this snap will not last long. Prices low. Address Box sUti. Haatings, Neb. Y-M14S FOR BALE 14,000 drug- Stock In central Nebraska; will pay for Itself In one year. For particulars write K-41, Bee. i Y M582 19 FOR BALE Cheap for cash, at once. In terest good general mdsa. business; In voice about 3,40; for particulars write R. K. Kuhlinan, Eddyvlll, Neb. . . Y-M722 13 BUY YOUR HOME ON THE EASfY;Vy PLAN PA i for It by monthly payments. ' No money required until house la ready for occupancy. .'Agents wanted In every town in iteoraaka; ' Call br write for particu lars. W. U. Templeton. Mgr. for Neb. Bldg., Omaha. ' - Y Mall ' FOR BALE Clean . up-to-date stock of nurd war in good town central Nebraska, Invoice about ' e4.IMi.uu; good reason for selling.' Will bear .investigation. Address care of.'ie, . Y Maoi Ux HARDWARE stock. In Omaba; eatablislied uiiu paying; oeai reasons for disposing. Audresa N J, oea. Y MftW 2lx Vv ANTED Architects,' engineers and super ImeiiuenM of construction of lallroaus, biuciiera, packing houses and power plants lu kee uia ICain sonieiiiing of (merest. titht 8. UUt. Open evenings. v Y-M852 19x GREAT BARGAIN In stock of groceries, lurnislilng good and anoes. In good town. ; Auureaa at once. A. E. Bwltt, iUtx s, Cuiu. la. Y MSil 21x WANTED: A MAN WITH tto.OCM. To buy a stock laim worth 176,000, la Weswrn North Dakota. This beau- tifui larm and home of the Here ' lords is la miles from tbe main line tit the NArthrn Palfln. It rnn. tains S.S6U acres, deeded lands, besides two patented water claims of 120 acres, a. spacious dwelling house, three . large barns all well painted and In good i.j,e, 11 mliea of good fence, 7u0 tons ,ot nay in stock, - 70 acres of elegant crop, qeudy to. harvest, 475 head of Here? ' Cora o&ule, the best herd In the state, ' and i toaad of Una horaea. together with at, neceaaary farm machinery. The en ure farm, ' utenails, and everything men l.onel worth Ia,wu0, will be sold within tbe next twenty aays for li.ouo, one- . hair cash, balance in nve annual puy ments at i ptr cent. If you are Inter ested start immediately to Dickinson. N V. Wire us that you are coming, ao that we may be prepared to take you to the property at once. Owner has made - enough on this rancn to retire ana will sell at tnis price It taken before harvest. - unjcttCi 4fc bkudih, Dickinson, M. Dak. Y-MIT78 1 x A NICE little restaurant for sals for 1460; aooui sjlw casn, Balance montaiy pay menu. Address N ta, aara Bee. Y-M964 1 PROFITS Its AND 1160 "PER MONTH. Two restaurants In aood rutnina towns: . prices 11.000 and tl.iOu caan. dend for statemenla. Must sell account of serious aliment. Address While House Cafe, fAi , 'l v umi .k FOR -SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SODA FOUNTAIN, any siaa, 1111 Farnam. ns SHERWIN-WILL1AM8 COM bast mixed umaaa. ' us MALL'S safes, ixsw, sd-band. 1111 Farnam, FOR SALE New an second-hand billiard and pool tables; wa lead tha world in ; car bxiuixs; easy liayisauu. uvw .. wwa-aau(a-ciui4ecaera ev a. iwa si. M 2i WE buy everything In tha furniture Una , Chicago J urniiura ves, nia voaga. .. O 711 mR 8ALE4team house haatina- koilar: . was used to heat 1-roora house; will be sold caaap. W. U. Bridges, auglneer Baa ' Drag. stmwtmm end US roar mail order for drugs: i freight paid oa (14 lota. Myere-Di'ioa. - Uiug co., vwnana. tav FINE Mlanasota ice for sale In aarioU. A. FINE uprirht plana, ebaap; must be sold i -1 mm .1,1 v ii mMi is. U.NI gas stove. . Welch folding bed, oak hMlnudn aultA- HutmaJcer. aii Chsriae SC Q-MM0 llx jUA-Ot for a early aew plana player; gaaulne . .mahogany case; cost lau; owner leaving iw Ijfll rtavnK.irl . I 1W FOR SALE 4,000 tons of first class lake ; ire. good shipping point. M. C. Camp- r aaii, Xw itrixntoa, ailaa. WANTED MALE HELP CARDS FREE Bend us the names of five young persons who should be Interested In a commercial education and ws will mall yon frea of cost six visiting cards with your name written thereon by our expert penman. Addreas PKNMAN, OMAHA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE. B 149 100 TOL'NO MEN to prepare for firemen and brakemen; experience unnecessary; Bremen, 1100, brakemen, 180 per mentis, with rapid promotion to engineer or con ductor; hundreds of positions open. Call or write for particulars at oooa. National Railway Training Assn. Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. B M10I aepU WANTED Cigar maker; 8 rollers and 1 bunch breakers; will pay the beat of prices to go out of town; will sand tickets. Address fl 12, care of Bee. B 73 DRUG STORES bought snd sold; drug clelks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. T. L. B 724 YOUNG MAN, Al references, to sell type writers on road. Address Kaillrut, 1321 Farnam. B M424 lug la WANT B,D Brick handlers and laborers at the Avery brick yard, two miles south Of Albright; boarding house at plant. B M451 WANTED 43ood marble cutter: good wages; steady employment. Glldea Glldea, Norfolk. Marble Works, Norfolk, Neb. B-M47I WANTED For the U. B. marine corps, men between ages 21 kid Dei an oppor tunity to see the world. For further In formation see poeter In postofflce of any county seat In the state of Nebraska, giving address of recruiting office located therein. B M846 830X WANTED Five boys, rood wagce, per manent job. A. D. T. Co.. 211 8. l!th St B Mai WANTED Two first-class tinner, with experience, on furnace work. Milton Rogers at Eon Co. B Mill WANTED Laborers for Illinois, Wiscon sin, Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, city work, -harvest rates. Ed. Rothery, 111 8. 14th. B MS10 1X WANTED A flrsl-clasa baker. J. A. Beck, So. Auburn. Neb. B M862 24x WANTED One hundred laborers for trench work. Apply' on the works to Foreman W. 1. Hurry, at 24th and Elm St. B M8G6 1SX WANTED Man or woman for meat and paatry; Hint class references requited. Perkins Hotel, David City, Neb. BM923 19 WANTED hardware clerk; young man Willi experience ana references; miiiou Rogers at Soiib. B M 61 WANTED An experienced proof reader at gooii wages to rau caienuur aaver tlsementa, r'lie Thomas l). Murphy Co., Red Uuk, la, 11 Al in WANTED An experienced ' cattle feeder that can give good rtrerences. Married man preferred. Theo. Relmers, Fullmon, Neb. - - ( B M336 SO Plasterers Wanted To work on Brandeis bulldinsr. ISth and Douglas. Enquire on premises. WANTED Two boys, planer man and lumber man. oraana Hox Co., East Omaha. B 6 19 WANTED Iron bridge workers, carpenters ana neipers; gooa a-ages; also teamsters for Montana. Ed Rothery, 111 8. 14th St. B-867 It STRONG boy, abdut IS years old. who la not arraia to work; cnanca or advance ment for the right sort: laxy ones need not apply. Guarantee Clothing Co., 161 1521 Douglas St. . . . B 964 19x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Graduates paid 112 to 120 weekly. Can nearly earn ex penses before completion. Tools given, positions waiting, little expense. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116 Far nam Bt . , B M976 24x . 'WANTED Bookkeeper who Is also stenograpner lor sixty days, if satis factory. Give age, experience, reference and salary required, address N 41 In oars of Bee. B M 987 19 WANTED FEMALE HELP' WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies xor ran season; none outer need apply. Address K 6 Baa, .... C 4sl WANTED Woman cook, 136 per month; must iuriusn recommonaattona. Address L 7, Be. . .. . .. C M&s GIRL for generU housework; good wages. a -11-. 1 c n . i . . WANTED Competent dining room girl at once, i n nose, namey. c-suu i(x WANTED Cook for mall family; good wages, sai Doage kl c etft WANTED Thoroughly . experienced and competent saiesiaaies lor bargain squares. Apply J. L, Brandeis A Bons. C 886 17 WANTED First-class rirl for general nousewora. iiwf rua n. l- VJi u GIRL for general housework. Mr. J. L Baker, rarx Avea c bo 17 WANTED A competent girl for second wfirik. oiiv. tv. a. uwuani, iwat r DU, Lincoln, Neb. C M928 19 WANTED Immediately, first-class cook and second girl; Dest oi wagea paid; Ger man or Bohemian preferred. Apply lit So. 32d Ave. C 928 W ANTE! J A good laundress at the Creche, win ana numey, jsx GIRL for general house work in small family, bwede or German preferred. Call 608 8. 16th Ave. C M 942 1 WANTED SITUATION YOUNG lady stenographer with varied ex perience wants temporary stenographic position. Address N 21, car Bee. A-W7 Ux MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper for widower with on or two cmiaren. Aaaresa in to, new. A M989 Ux EXPERIENCED office clerk and stenog rapher desires position. Can furnish best of references. Address C Ik Eaton, Dil ler. Neb. A 971 Ux WANTED Man wants position evenings alter :u. Aaaress ix 17, me nee. , A MW9 20X SALESMEN WANTED CIGAR ssjeman wanted in your locality, . city and country trade," commission; enclose stamp for particulars. L. Denebeim A Son, 4th and Grand. Kansas city, mo. i 4 lix WANTED On partner with 110.000. or two with aaoh, or four with 12.100 eacn: sure, sare proposition that win make 140,000 Inside of one year; no void-brick schema Writ N, 40, car Bee. 1. Mam 20 FENCING WIRE AND IRON FENCING. For lawn, garden poultry and farm. Send for Urge frea c&tulofua. Get our priuea. Omaha Wire and Iron Works, 4V7 Bee Building. Tel. Red BUS. M Jl BU ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing o per root, xua i. iitn bu lei. nea nit, Male 811 CHAMPION fences best. (11 g. 16th. Doug, B0. . 34 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want in this column, put aa ad In and you will oa get it. ui 0,000 stock of merchandise ta exchange lor Clear lana. SCREW LAND CO.- . Kit Bo. 13th SU. Omaha. Z-M961 n PRINTING LYNGSTAD Higa Grade 1907 Calendars, a wn. 8 . ornr l 8t. and juu capltol Ave. - . 74 TfPg WRITTEN LETTERS. CENTRAL PRINTING CO., U S. ITT it aw mat It's A Great and it's a good thing through BEE' WANT FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E 721 Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E-72 Thurston hotel; rooms 11.60 up per week. . E 729 CAPITOL HOTEL, Uth and Capitol Ave., south front; rooms with or without board E 730 EXCELLENT modern furnished or unfur nished room for housekeeping. 2674 Har ney 8L E 574 LARGE, modern roomi private family, l: 8. 26th St. x E 892 17x 120 1 NICELT furnished room for light house keeping, HS Davenport St. E M041 19x A LARGE ground floor front room fur nished for house keeping, 112, 122 8. 26th St. E 966 18x ' ONE large front room, ground floor, fur nished, for housekeeping, steam heat, 111. 122 S, 26th St. E 966 lSx FURNISHED Nice front room, modern. 1813 Capitol Ave. E 963 19x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-731 VIENNA hotel: private dining rooms, cafe. F-731 NICELT furnished cool room, excellent . board rates reasonable. The Rose, 2o20 Harney St. F M607 A27x NICE, cool, airy rooms, close in, with home cooking. 202 8. 25th St. F M721 11 BOARD and room. 1001 Park Ave. F-904 20 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving ut lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. gchmolier & Mueller riano i-u., uu-uu varnam. D-V33 HriTTF5? m PrU of the city. R. D 14 IinTTRFS In all paru ot the city. The liUUOHiD 0. ip iSavis Co.. 08 Bee Bldg. D Je HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Bk. i ia OMAHA Van A Storage Co., pack, move, store H. M. goods; storenouse, luu-t n. Uth. Office, lull Farnam. Tel. Doug. 165a. D Tl WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van Stor age lo. lei. uoug. itm. vuruv, " ster 6L D 731 See us when shipping household goods to large ciues weau in tmi money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVER V CO., 214 N. Sixteenth 8U Tel. Doug. lite. D iSi SEVERAL at 12 to 126. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Bt. f none iaiu. rrtTTvaUlV. VAN TJ T T T? 1-1 Pfl Storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city, immeaiaie aiwnuuu 1529-U-33 N. 161U St. TeL I)ouglas . 4U9. " P M1C0 Ag31 FOR RENT Six-room cottage, 22d and waiiiornia oia., ft r-. St. D-6, FOR RENT A room house, well located. Glob Ijana ana vunsni Patterson Blk. D-Mo91 in in u.-iwjvm,n'"i vutiu , - ished house. 2M7 Pact no Hi H0.A.J1. D-&3. Elllok,- o. sui - AM. TRAN8. CO.--Hou8ehold and other good torea. xau " ,7, nam. v . FOUR-ROOM cottage. . U14 Bancroft St. TWENTIETH CENTURY. FLATS Just what tne name impure, w JT" ments in Omaha; only one left; 29th Ave. and Harney. William K. . rr. A Brown Blk. D-M96 f rooms, modern 'MPtfurnl;..Sfi Bristol; 11 ana waior. vun Cuming8ts. 1 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Be offlc. city Omaha. Apply to manager. 11 FOR RENT On 4-tory brtck tore with cement basement .ana guuu oiih i Douglas. Building will be put In good nrrini at onoa. mature aw wu, John Linder. I Moil STORE for rent on Farnaai Bt between 13th and 14th, 22x132, fine locatfpn. Ad. dress N 20. Be. 1127 U n-SK roonf- in stenographer' office. 'Phona DouBlas-66S6. I M9 'Phone Pouglaa-66S6. FOR SALE FARMS FINE FAEMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC BAILROAD CO. ta dosing ont its land in woe tern Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From 13.00 to 16.00 per acre. Take advantag of the low price and easy terms otTered, the opportunity will soon be pons. Special excursion rata to the land. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, tu South uth Bt, Omaha, Neb. - H-MSUU Western Kansas Wheat Lands 10,000 aorta of fine wheat lands, 14.00 t lis. 00 per acre. Special excursion every Tuesday. Writ for particulars. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha, Neb., and Sioux City. la. HM tl All EXCURSION TO COLORADO. EXCURSION TO SOUTH DAKOTA On Tuesday. August 11, we will hav low rate excursion from Omaha t Akron, Colo., and return for less than on fare. On tbe same date we have an excursion to Pierre and Huron, 8. D, for less than on far for the round trip. Wa hav good farm land for sale cheap In these and other states. The last crop of cheap land has been harvested. Prices cannot go any way but UP. The only way you can lose money on land Is to wait. BUY IT NOW. Call early Monday or Tuesday forenoon and arrange for tickets if you are going with us. CONTINENTAL. REALTY CO-11-11 U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. H M91S It LOST LOST Red pocket book and red covered lodge ritual Finder will be handsomely rewarded If returned to Woodman lin seed oil works. Lost 4Vi& lx LOST Lady's its gold brooch with small diamond and p-arl settings. Reward for return to Bea offlca. Lost 967 19x LOST ' between Bennett's barn and South Omaha, a bag containing considerable money; reward for return to Bee office. Lost 068 17x LOOT Lady's gold watch. Elgin, hunting case; inscription, Muriel: on Fort Crook road, between South Omaha and Bellevue. Liberal reward. Return to Sarah Powell, Cudahy Packing Co. Lost-WO 17 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes, pay lbs bast prices. TeL Douglas laU. N-461 Be Thing To Be President, to know that you can make money easily ADS. :: :: :: FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Tukey's Saturday Sale. rUKEY HEIGHTS AND EPWORTH PLACE $10 Down and Per Month. On Saturday, August 18th, from 2 to 6 p. m., we will put on sale the above addition. Prices range from $100 to $300. All these lots aro worthy of good houses and no old shacks will be allowed. You know just what your surroundings will be. The Boulevard has been located between the two additions. City water in front of a good many of the lots. Complete abstract furnished with eacjh lot sold on Saturday. This property is sure to please you. Some of the lots are almost full acres. This property is on the east edge of Central Park Addition, which is well built up. Go to the end of the Ames Avenue car line and walk north on Thirty-sixth to the top of the hill, not quite four blocks. A. P. TUKEY & SON 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phones: Office, Douglas 2181; Residence, Harney 2176. RE M933-U TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x2234, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Bt.; 112,000 will take It for Immediate sal. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. RC-53J SPECIAL . HIGH SIGHTLY ACRES at southeast corner of 48th and Brown. Fine shade trees, el ( gant place for a home. 1300. EASY TERMS. Let us show It to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. TeL Doug. 1781. . . RE M918 IS RARE BARGAINS 160 acres, 12,000 worth new Improvements, price !4,8u0. Eighty acres, Jsoo worth improvement, price 11.400. These are snaps. 10,000 acres rich and fertile Improved farms In Sherman and Custer counties. J. T. Campbell, Utchfleld, Neb. . REM9l2 ta U. S. Bala Bureau. KM Neville block. Real . Estate and Investments. RE M121 S4 FOR SALE A 9 room residence property . on N. 29th St , Price and term reason able. Globe Land and Invastment Co., Room 2, Patterson Blk. . RE M69 VA LOT. 75x124, 4-room house, good barn, well and cistern ' water, 3 block from California St.' oar line, 2,000; 1M0 cash, , balance on easy terms. , CHRIS BOYBR, 22d and Cuming St. Terepbos Doug. 204. . Rfi- THE MrDLANTJ GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Has the reputation of making th beat . abstracts in Omaha. Always get figure from them before ordering. Call at our office, 1714 Farnam 8t, or telephan Doug la 829.- v N. P. DODGE. JR., President. PETER JE83EN. Secretary, 7 . RE-938 17 TWO partially modern Druid Hill cottage of five room each, full eaat front lot, rental 120.00. A genuine snap, 11,850 far both. Call mornings 601 So. 10th St, or phone Doug. 6130. John N. Crawford. REW-M937 30 FOR SALE My store property on 14th Bt and B'dway, consisting of five lots, with all buildings, including coal sheds and scale a Inquire of Tom Rlchton, 120 Har rison St., Council Bluff. Ia. RE M954 23 MUST SELL QUICK. Elegant. -new and modern built residence in the upper Farnam district, only 112,100. Address N SC. Omaha Bee. RE 968 17x KERR-SHALLCROSS CO.'S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a 110,000 . bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you hay a "Kerr" abstract 1614 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6487. RE- GUARDIAN SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Parts of following real estate will be offered for sale, east door of court house 10 a. m., August 21, 1906: E ne4 sec. 6; neS4 of nwK 21 nw4 of nw4 except railroad, of sec 11 f all In township IS, range 11, Douglas county. Lots 22 and 23 Auburn Hill add.. In block 6. In Cunningham's sub-dlvlslon; lot t In Forbes' add., north 24 th; lots I. 9, 10, 11 and 12, block II. Morse A Bru. ner's add., all city of Omaha. Lot T. block 21; lots 6 and (. block 22; lots 6 and I, block 27; lot 2, block 13; lot 4, block 68; lots 1 and , block 81, all.' in Flor- BC PAULENA GLEASON. Ouardlin". RE M979 19. A FEW SNAPS No. 1100. A' l0-acr farm, U miles southeast of Orchard, Antelope county. Neb. Good level land, good soli, adap-ed to alfalfa- and all kinds of grain. About 60 acres under cultivation; all tillable; price 112.60 per acre. Incumbrance $600. No. 1101. A 120-acre farm, miles southwest of O'Neill, Holt county, Ne braska; 100 acres under cultivation; all good tillable land; a good 6-room house, barn, granary, corn crib, well, windmill, etc.; price $lt per acre. No. (3. An 80-acre farm, located S mil from Bloux City, Woodbury county, Iowa; sixty acres under cultivation; good new buildings; good soil, all tillable; price !! per acre. Incumbrance $3,000. No. 1102. An 80-acre farm, 1H mile from . three good town in Crawford county, Iowa; about 65 acres under culti vation, balance pasture with scattered timber; all fenced and cross fenced; lair buildings, well, etc.; price $66 per acre. Incumbrance 13,100. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Room 3, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RE Milt PATENTS F. J. LutRSON A CO.. patent lawyer; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nab. 74 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patent procured. Inventions developed, drawings, Patterns, castings, machine work. s04-12 . 10th St. 747 Patents procured and sold, 1 fee. Tlati In vestment Co., Douglas Blk., ltth A Dodge. M471 bo PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholeaai price. Save on every article. Only Brat class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Sand for catalogue. B. F. Karol. 216 Harrison St. Chicago, I1L 716 LAW & COLLECTIONS J. M Msrfarlaad. N. Y. L. Bldg. TeL Doug. taiX. -TM Many do know it, too. I 3 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, I and fyj per cent loans on rea eaiaie; no aeiay, W-iyi MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-764 WANTED City loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. U4 Faruam St. W 7o6 BUILDING loans on residence property; ( n , la, U U.(l,l. 13. UIL. ini vum i. a hi..., vwua)V Ul.t W-75 LOWEST RATES-Bemls, Paxton Block. PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1620 Doug. W-777 SL 000.000 TO LOAN on bualnesa and real dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no aeiay . a noma Drennan, it. i, n. x Life. W-7M WANTED City loan. R. C Pater A Co. w 1 City A farm loan. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. , W MI LOANS on Improved city property. W. PL Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. W 11 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS YOU CAN do without but what' th us? None at all. . BORROW MONEY en your furniture, pianos, Hv stock and other chattel. We also loan to person kteadily employed on their plain not without endorser. ' NO ONE WILL KNOW. you ever had a loan, beside you hav use of both money and security at tha same time. EASY PAYMENTS arranged to'iuit your purse. I IBERAL REBATE if paid before due. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., Ill Board of Trade Bldg- Tel. Douglas 223C (Established 1892) 106 SO. 16TH ST. X M561 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, 1504 Farnam St- X 785 VACATION MONEY And thia I th place to coma and get it Don't let money -stand in in way of n keying yourseit when it can be ao eaauy obuaued al this olnc on HOUSEHOLD) GOODS, PIANOS. HORSES, WAUOttS, ETC SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. W have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 107-101 Paxton Block. X-M639 13 DR. PRIBENOW'B PRIVATE MONEY loaned on . furniture, pianoa, aaiary, boraes, etc., in any amount, at less than bait the rate; no red tape perfect pri vacy; immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In case of . sickness or out of employment Room 214 Karbacb block, 309 8. Uth St. X 7U I Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg, . salary; easy to get; no red tape; you get money earn day asked for at small ouat Open evenings till 7. X 779 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy puy- wnts. Offices In 61 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. . X-iel EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all business confidential, uoi Douglas. X-7&1 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loana Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. X-74 MONEY loaned en pianos, furniture, lew. eiry, norses, cows, eio. v. . tea. uu B. 13th J71 Phoenix X-7M1 CHATTEL and salary loana Credit Co., 633 Paxton block. CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA Eventful and truthful predictions given. Call 111 8. 14th St, Opp. Boston Store. S Ml 91 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE detective service; 'phone Red 7401. Rooms 11 and 14. Union Blk.. lilb and Farnam. 671 SSx DRESSMAKING PATTERNS cut to measure, McDowell system of dressmaking taught 1A23 Far nam. -ML36 87 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. Y. L. TeL Doug. 1164. 711 When You WTrite -to Advertisers two of tha pen to mention th fact thai remember it takes only an extra stroke or you saw thalr ad in Th Be. DEATH NOTICES Hamilton Chester m., August is, wo. iim m year. Funeral from residence. North Sixteenth atreetand Mlftnourl river bank, August 18, m a. m., to r crest uwn cemetery. LIEHR Bwtha. August' 17, ln, aged 10 yfnrs, i mnmns, at nays. Funeral service from home nf naranta. Mr. and Mrs. Jullu I.lehr. southeast corner Thirty-first an.t A streets. South Omaha, ."-.HI .... J , n-JMni. . V, V H " N , I T 1 . Ia terment, Formt Lawn. Friends Invited. , MONUMENTS Oreat Western Granite Co, Doucrlas 704 Aug 24 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. Dong. 1258. 769 PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION ALL kinds of piles' ,cu d Internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching piles. A guarantee given In every case treated by lr. Max well, who has had twenty-Ova years' ex- fierience In treating piles. Hundreds of estlmonials given on application. 624 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb, Plione Douglas 1424. U-M174 Ag31 ANY POOR GIRL In need of friend call or write to the matron ot th 8alvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 4ih St., O-naha, Neb. U MlOw TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas K20. U 763 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. ill 1606 Farn'm. U 7(4 PRIVATE confinement home; Mra Dr. King. 2018 N. list St Tel. Doug. 3669. U 761 PLEATING BuUonsKRuchlng. a-a-rallHV- Embroidering. Dyeins; and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only fco per yard. Bend fur price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 100 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1934. U 766 1 AIIMnnVC I T Y S T E A M. LMU V U rv I Doug. a, unuituixi allS. 11th Bt U-767 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mra Garden, 2216 Charles. TeL Doug. 6311. U-761 THE Salvation Army solicit cast-off clothing; In fuct, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th Bt., for erst of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 nnd wagon will cait u en WIDOW with some money. 38 yrs., wishes to' correspond with widower. Must have money or good busmen ana nonorame. Address, Surah Siginan, Hastings, Men. U-977 18x FREE medical and surgical treatment .it Crelgbton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sis. Special attention' paid to confinement cases. All treatment su pervised by college proteaaore. 'Phone uoug. ifii. ians answered aay or nigni. , - . u us THE City Garbage Co Office, 14th and W.UWUIiU sua. a vi -wuaiwi U 769 PRIVATE heme during confinement; ba- Diea aaoptea. rue uooa eainantan Bin Itarium, 728 Flrat Ave., Council BlutTa, la. Tel. 774. . U-J22 SURVEYING, BUckensderfer, 311 Bee Bldg U 770 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Bldg. U-771 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myerr- inuon urug Co., omaba. U in WE RENT sewina machines at 11 rxr week; we sell second-hand machines U up. xMeDruaka cycle Co., coruer Lth and tiarney. xei. uuugias IbW. s u 7il CHIROPODIST Dr. Dunbar, 20 Neville oioca; naurareasing, etc Douglas mllik - r W JB1W aUfdW DRS. VOGEL, private hospital for women ana lor males before and during confine ment, ttuy if. ui n Bt., umaba, Men. . U M970 817 ' ARCHITECT O. L. Broil ne, (It Bee Bldg. ' U-43J Sa ACOKN PT1ESS 1610 Howard. -aULtlX 1 JUjOO Tt)U Douglas 3162. U-6D3 69 SHOULD BLANCHARD'S ECZEMA LO TION not give speedy or satlafaclory re sults, notify Prof. I. Blanchard. skin specialist, Minneapolis, Minn. Whole salers supply all druggists. U-M610 SlOx f A n'M'P'rTn treatment and bath. Mme, Bmith. 118 N. 16. 2d floor. U M8D1 814x MEDICAL niTflT M&VlUA V. AAA-. A- . . .. Food Pills" 21 box, postpaid, bhefman & h..wiiuwi ji ua wu., unuiiK, it DR. PRIES, specialist women' disease, weaknesses, irresrulMrltiea. cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnell block, iLth and Harney, room 2, Omaha. 457 WANTED AGENTS ifclO FOR YOTT OUR Embroidered spiv run xJU 8nlrt WaUt Patteru, and other novelties are the easiest sellers on the market. You can make tlo to ! a day and have nofrilng Invested. Splendid opportunity for either ladles or gentlemen. Mall orders answered. Call or write U. 8. Embroidery Works, 111V 8. Uth St.. up stairs. J id 561 18 WANTED Agents to represent us In th sale of our western Kansas lands. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb, . and Sioux City, la. J -il446 19 $50 A MONTH and extras; I will give for a man of good character as my agent; . either salesman, farmer, merchant or banker may upply. Write Lock Hnx 1S25, Lincoln, Neb. J Maol 31 WANTED Ladles and gentlemen solici tors, work pleasant, good salaries guaran teed. Call at Murray hotel on Saturday from 9 to 12 o'clock. W. F. Keller. J-M903 11 WANTED Party to sell treasury stock of a southern Nevada gold mining com. pany. The property la one ot the beat - In that remarkable country. The stock is easily sold; a good thing for the in vestor, snd party who sells it. It will pay you to Investigate this offer. Ad dress N 23, Bee. J M836 20 SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, and needed by everybody; our 82.000 Combina tion Policies, covering sll accidents, dls eaaes and occupations; costing only 16 per annum each, payable quarterly; issued by this Society only. Over ISuO.OOO already paid in benefits. AGENTS WANTED large commissions and exclusive terri tory given. Address NATIONAL ACCI DENT SOCIETY. 120 Broadway, Nsw York. ESTABLISHED 21 YEARS. J AGENTS Salesmen: Rapid seller; large profits. Automatic self-cleaning curry comb. Write for Introductory offer to . first from each locality. Clean Comb Co., Racine. Wis. . J 974 lax Wnen You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes ao extra stroke at two of the pen to mention th fact that yon saw the ad. In The Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES Denver. Colo., August 9, 19o6. Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 11 a in. August 20, 1906 for the ' supply at Dale Creek or Inlay, Wyoming, during the months of August and Beutember, UKaJ. of 1.uj,'i0 pounds graded white oats, beat Quality, or equal, and 2.0u0.0H0 pound baled hay, timothy or equal preferred. Proposal lor Quantities leas man the total quanti ties required, or for delivery at points other than those named, will be entertained. Bidder'a auaranty or certified check to be ten per cent of bid. U. 8. reserves the right to accept or reject any or ail bids or ar.y part of any bid. Information furnished on application to tbi office. Envelope to be marked: ' Propose la for Forage at Dale Creek or Islay, Wyoming." C. A. H. Mc Cm n lair. Chief Quartermaster. AUg ID U U avas. RAILWAY TIME CARD UKIOl TATIOH TBHTIl AND MARCY Vaiaa Paelge, ' Leave. Arrita Overland Limit, a 9:40 am a a:ll pra Tfia China and Japan Fast Mall a 4.11 pm a 119 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a 9 90 am California A Or. Ex. .a 4 96 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all JO am alO pm Faat Mall a 1 :M pm a I 10 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 810 am a 4 M pm Beatrice Locai! b 1:16 pm b 1.00 pre letiraa Ureal Wester. Bt Paul A Minneapolis. 1:10 pm 7:10 em 8t. Paul aa Minneapolis. I:6 am 11.60 pto Chicago Limited $:40 pm 9 t am Chicago Express '7:46 am 1160 put Chicago Express 1:90 pra 1.10 pra Chlcaao Tt Karikneitera, Cedar Rapids Pass.... 7:06 am a I .-06 pm Twin City press ....a 7:60 am alo w pm Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am all: 15 pm ChicRKO Local all 30 am a 1:46 pm tSKHix City Local b 1 .50 pm a 9:36 am Carroll Lc- 1 a 4.13 pm a 9:o0 pm bloux City Local b 1:46 pin Chicago k-xpress a 6:60 pm a 7:30 s v. Fast Mall a -aJ pm a Faat Mall a 2:00 pm Twin City Limited ....a 8:2 pm a 7:06 am Overland Limited a 1:38 pin a 9:16 am thlcao Limited all:u0 pm all:16 am Norfolk-Ronesteel a 7:40 am al0:26 am Lincolir-Long Pine b 7:40 am bl:d am Deadwood-Ltncoln a 3:00 pm a 6:05 pm Casper-Shoshonl a 8:00 pin a 1:06 pm Hastings-Superior bl liipm b 6:06 pm remont-Aibion b 6:02 pm bU:40 pm a Daily, b Daily except Sunday. Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 1:00 ant a 166 pm Chicago Limited a t.Oo pm a 7:10 an LaiuaUj ttstia lalaart mx .-aolaa. KAT. .. . Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited .a am a 70o am Iowa Local a?:uvm a 4:30 am Chicago Mail a 6:1. am al0:10 pin Iowa Local bll:l pm l 9.56 pin Chicago lEasUra Exp.). a 4.g6 pm a 1:46 pin Chicago tlowa Limited). a : pm allaa una WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim... 7:20 am . 1:11 am Colo. A Car. Express. ..a 1:01 pin a 1:56 pm Okl. A Texas Exp a 4:40 pm pm Colorado Faat MaU ....al0:10 pin a J:i am a dally, b dally except Sunday. Chicago, HllitaakM ax gt. faaL Chi. 4V Colo. Special. ...a 7:5 am a 7 Jo am California A Ore. Ex... a 6:4 pm a l:lw pnt Overland Limited a :36 pm a am Marlon A Cedar R. Loc.b (:4s am bU:o0 pm aliaaearl a'aoiho. Bt Louis Lxpresa a 9.-00 am a 6:30 pm K. C A St 1 axvreav.all;la pm a i.uv pm v abash. St Louis Express 6.80 pm a 1:40 am bi. Louis laical tlrom Council Blurts; .a 9:16 am al0.10 pis biunutiry laicmI tirom wuiiavu smuii v e;uv pm olximM am WEBSTER DH'OTlOlh at WKBSTUlt. Chicago, St. Paul, Mlaaeapolla sa Omaba. Lear. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..b 6:j am b 9:lo pm Bioux City Pasanuger...a l:oo pn all. i j am EmerBun Local b 6:U pin b 9;lu u,a Emerson Local a e;e am e 6.w pm Missouri Paul do. Nebraska Local, via W eepuig W aier b 1.-60 pm bl2:l0 pa BLRL1XGTON STATlOfl 101U MA9UX. Borllagtoa. 1 Leave. Denver A California. ...a 4:10 pm Black Hills a4:iopm Northwest Special a 4.10 pm Northwest Expres all:lOvra Nebraska Kxpreus ......a 9.'m am Nebraska Local 8:oo am Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mail b 1:00 pin Ft.. Crook 4a PlatUm h..b l.M pm Bellevue ai Plstum h..a 7;0 am Denver Limited Believue t Pac. June. .a 1:30 am Bellevue A Pao. Juno.. .a 9:10 am Chicago Special t 1:4 am Chicago Express a 1:46 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:05 pm Iowa Local a 9:1a am Bt. Louis Express a 4:4a pm Kansas City-tit. Jo....al0:4 pra Kansas City-St Jo. ...a 9:16 am KaLsaa City-St Jo a 4:46 pm Arrivd a 4:30 pm a 6. aw pm a 9:u am a 6:30 pm ' a 7 :40 pm a'i'oi'a'm mlivm pm b!0:3 am a :) am a 7:10 am a 8: am a l:6w pm a 7: um a 1:66 put a 7:a am alO:W pirt 11:30 ant a 6:46 am a 6:10 pni a T , , 1 K riAllw D I h rl .. A T-v 1 1 xcept Saturday, c Sunday only. Dally xcept Monday. OMAHA UP AS GRAIN MARKET Jumps from Twelfth to Fourth Place , . Sa Period of Twa ' ' Years..'. From twelfth place to fourth place in two year In point of total grain receipt of primary market 1 the record Omaha has made. That fourth place was at' talned in the month of June Is shown by the monthly report ot the Department of Commerce and Labor, just received at the office of the Omaha Grain exchange. Of course, this Is only one month and another month may show Omaha in a lower position; in fact, the market's place for the flrat six months of the year 1 sixth. . In June, 1904, Omaha was twelfth In total grain receipts; in June, 1906, sixth, and June, 1904, fourth. Receipt for this month of the three year were 499,700 bushels, 1,682,600 bushels and 1.108,200 bushels. The market was sixth in point of ship ments for the month and fourth fdr th six months ending June 10. St Louis distanced .Omaha In" the race for second place in corn receipts and shipment, both for June and for the six month ending with June. HOW THE NEW LEVY WILL WORK Solomoa Flgrnres It Really Amount to an Increase Rathe Than Decree. , County Commissioner Solomon, who op posed a levy for county purpose of roor than 14 mill, has figured that th levy of 1S.4 mills made by the county board will raise $333.12 more than the levy of 15.$ mills last year, the Increase being due to the increased valuation this year. He figure that this is In reality a raise in th levy Instead of a decrease. His own proposal, 14 mills, would hive raised $42,861.77 less than last year, and he till contend thl would b sufficient to satisfy the needs of the county. . Instead of paying off all of the back bills of tha county at one, he would have th collec tion from the scavenger department ap plied to th reduction of -th debt. He be lieve th time for reducing th levy was this year. Th other commissioners favored the higher levy this year on th grounds It would enable them to pay off back bill and put th county practically oa a cash bad. PET GOAT CAUSES TROUBLE, Caught by DogeateAars and Own Appeals Directly to Paakti Millard. ' ' Th addition of the duties of- goat oatcner to his otner duties caused Poundmas tar Alfred Millard considerable trouble a day or two ago. Nannie, th victim, was the mainstay of i Mrs. Max, who run a small feed store on Park avenue, but because Bha was allowed to graze over the side walk apace the dog catcher got her and she was thrown Into the big wagon with the common cura and hauled to the city pound. Mra. Max appealed to M. Lbgasa to get her pet for her, but as it requited 12.S1 to get the animal out of th pound and Mr.' Max was unable to psy this sum, Mc Logasa took the appeal directly to Mr. Millard. He wa unable to remit th fees, but he solved the problem by donating $1 toward the payment. Mr. Logasa con tributed a like amount, and Nannie wa given her liberty. t Trea.-rr S....-...A WASHINGTON. Aug. I7 TodVy-s tate ment of the treasury balances an tha sen! eral fund, exclusive of the 1160,00,00o gold reserve shows: Available cash bal-j anre, $114,160,801; gold coin and bullion! Illt.oo.6i; gold rtlncata, al,37.Jg