HIK OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1900. TOTAL TAX LEVY IS FIXED V, 1 . ) f Char r r t 3 7 . "Pleasant and Enjoyable 99 M) to tpmS wta ksre Mm iiih 1 IklhttiMiraa etTlBaaa Ufa, Mrikl raallf oo Mil Saw II I bto, sarMcnavly It the tr' Jr comforts sad Gun&9 Peerless IBeeir are takes. Tale fHMM kw, brews wins sfrMns om , toaias wlta lit. sears las wtta strnirta aa tor ery IhW iBm pare Saitoh Imt WttU la umM U rtaad as? elhaet. betaa fully aa Maa. la eraaaauc tenf aa 4UfMua sallow fracrmM -Um TiailiM" ir-1'" T Taarli m' aoaa ao Basaral fnaIM (ka aaa koaa aa M tktrat rat aaaeaa II. barauaa It li bratrr hj taw ee karn-r la the trart. UaMMaraea airaa.alaai aba canrteJslrra.aKBicestloa.aseSoetof m ki aa .al- tioafaa eaod aMMH" far tttnaa ko art weak a4 raa Saw, bat la alaa at rabaMatlai tos ais wben saltf faoaa ara laadrMakla. It eeatalar bat H f skiehel eif"l tkna tralty a toaaraM Wn For at rear I baa rarpewr all Ita aaaaatllau aa nmaaik la saaat nterel mm "tha miHtl a h mart." Rattte at La Cma oalj. Sold Tarytrbrre y rapatabi Tka Iwejaaae family vraoe a specialty. Try aaaaaaauvOTvu inam-rmM. r - aaa para. Writeor 'aaaaeareall ir oa wast rar year UM tna aaaa aowea arrrtsaw aa iaa JOHN GUND BREWING CO., La Crosse. Wis. W. C. HEYDKX, Mgr., 13202224 Leavenworth St., Omulia, Xeb. Telephone Douglas 2344. BARXHART KLEIN. Wholesale Distributer. 162 West Broadway. Council Bluffs, Iowa. . , . MatJBa I0TES OX 6MARA SOCIETY. In bonof ' of her guest. Miss Ethel Up dike of Chicago, Miss Lucy Updike enter tained a few friends at a kenslngton after noon at. her home, 3612 Farnam street Prtxes were awarded Miss Ruble and Miss Anna Covel In one of ' the games. There were about twelve guests present. Mrs. Edward Updike entertained In formally at luncheon at the Omaha club Wednesday noon. Miss Ruble will entertain at luncheon at the Pas ton hotel Friday. Complimentary to Mrs. Corcoran of Seat tle, Mr. and Mrs. George Shields enter' talned at dinner at the Field club Monday evening and later . at bowling. Their guests were: Mrs. Corcoran, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gross and Mr. Clinton Smith of Madison, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rogers and Mrs. V. 11. Wheeler, Jr., and party sail for New York todsy or tomorrow. Mrs. Wheeler will go to her mother and sister at Burlington, Yt., before coming to Omaha. and Mrs. Vf. B. Melkle and Miss Inson expect to leave Thursday for rleroix. Mr. Arthur Crittenden Smltfr has gone cast to join Mrs. Smith and children, who have been summering In the Whits moun tains, y Mr. and Mrs. W. W. P. .Horns and chil dren, who have spent the summer in Parts and London, havs sailed for home. Mrs. Horns and children havs spent the -last 'tear abroad. - Mrs. C. H.' Blakeley and sister. Miss Impey, hsvs gone for a three weeks' visit with friends In Chicago and Wisconsin. , Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Doorly havs aa lielr guest Miss Young of Chicago,, who returned with them. Mrk. James De Bevols and Miss Edntt Fartlett, who havs been guests of Judge and Mrs. E. M. Bart let t, have returned to their old, home In Portland, Ore. , Miss Grace Sorenson left Wednesday m PSORIASIS L 35 YEARS Terrible Scaly .Humor In Patches All Over the Body Skin Cracked and Bleeding Itching Unbear ableCured by Cuticura in Thirty N Days at Cost of $4.75. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA I to Afflicted with pMriaaii lor thirty-five yean. It was In patches all var ny body. 1 ued three cake 01 oosp, six Dozes .Gutleura, Oiat tnent, and two . bottles of Cuti cura Resolvent. I bathed with the Soap, supplied tha Ointment once day. and took tho Kasolvent aa di rected. Ia thirty day 1 was completely cured, and I think permanently, aa it waa about five fear ago. " The psoriasis first made lta appear ance in red spots, generally forming a circle, leaving tit the center aapot about the sise of aUver dollar of sound flesh, la a short time the affected circle would form a heavy dry scale of a white silvery appearanee and: would gradually ' drop off. To remove the entire scales by bathing or using oil to soften them the fieah would be perfectly raw, and a light discharge of bloody substance Tcuid ocis cut. That scaly crust would form again la twenty-four hour. . It waa worse on tny arms and limbs, al though it was in spota all over my body, also on my scalp. If I let the scales remain too long without remov ing by bath or otherwise, the akin would crack and bleed. I suffered Intense Itching, worse at nlghta after getting warm In bed, or blood warm by exercise, when it would be almost unbearable. "To sura It ell up, I would not go through such another ordeal ef affl iction for tiurty-nve year lor the Bute of Kansas, (signed) Y. . M. Chid ester, Hutchinson, Kan., April 20, 1900." Qaaiaia Saaa, Otataaaal. aaa rtla, ata aa Swaataaaj laaa Xawafaaf auaa. lornlng for a fortnight's visit with elatlves In St. Paul and Minneapolis. Mrs. Frances Axtell la entertaining her ileces, the Misses Fensler of Missouri Val ey, at ths Madison. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Splesberger and liughters and Miss Rose' Bpiesberger re turned Monday from a trip to Colorado. Miss Blanche Cohn Is back from a two weeks' visit with friends In Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bertlg and daughter of Arkansas arrived Wednesdsy morning to be the guests of Mr. snd Mrs. N. A. Splesberger. Mrs. J. C. Hammond and son returned Wednesday morning from the- west. Miss Constance Perry left Tuesday for Bartlett, O., where she will spend several weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Perry, formerly of Omaha. Miss H. Estelle Brown left Tuesday for l.usk. Wyo., where shs will spend two weeks tha guest of Mrs. La Johnson on a ranch.. Dr. snd Mrs. A. ' If. HlppM'awd little daughter returned Tuesday morning from a visit In Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Hartham of Cleve land. O., are guests of Mrs. Hartham's mother, Mrs. Stella Baker. Miss Mildred Lawrence of Arbor, Miss., are spending the week with Omaha friends. this having formerly been their home. Mr. and Mrs. John Godfrey of Jackson, Miss., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns Monday, and Tuesday, en- route to Ond en. where tbey will visit Dr. nd Mra Eugene Smith. Miss Clyde Hopkins, of Lincoln spent Monday and Tuesday wtth friends In Omaha. ' " ' " ' , Miss Margaret Hamilton Is spending a short time with friends near Springfield. Neb.,. Mra. Ben Cotton returned the last of the week from Lake Okobojl. Mrs. Victor Caldwell has returned from stay of several weeks at Prior Lake, Minn. Mrs. W. C. Barnes of St. Louis Is the guest of her mother. Mrs.-McNamara. Mrs. A. M. Pinto has gone to Sault Ste. Marie, Canada, to spend the remainder of the summer. Mrs. Alfred Darlow and family have gone to Wlnthrop Beach, on the Massachu setts coast, near Boston, to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Epeneter and daugh ter are visiting in Chicago. Mrs. A. J.' Love, who has spent the sum mer traveling In Europe, will sail for home August IS. Mr. Lova will meet her In New York, and they will return to Omaha early In September Miss Katherln' Wade, Mias Nell Peyton and Miss Mary Schick of Canton, Mlsa., who have been the guests of Mr. and Mra R. T. Powers, leave todiy for their home. Miss Bessie Murphy and Miss Elisabeth Walsh leave tomorrow for, a trip to Kan sas City snd Excelsior Springs, Mo. , Mr. Russell Lemlst is expected ths mid dle of the week from Hutchinson., Kan., to top with Mr. snd Mrs. H. T. Lemlst, and play at the Nebraska state golf tourna ment at the Omaha Country club. Miss Clara Blumer Is spending ths week In St. Paul. Minn. Dr. and Mrs J. J. McMulleii bsve sa their guests Mr. and Mrs. John Davles of Spokane, Wash., the parents of. Dr. Mo-Mullen. Miss Beulsh Sharpa Is visiting Mrs. Eva Wallace at Laks OkWJbjt, Mr. and Mra Henry McDonald' have re turned from Parkersburg, W. Va., stop ping at Cincinnati. St. Louis snd Kansas City enroute. They will lesvs Sunday evening for Denver, where they will spend fortnight. Mra M. H. Cnnant and Miss Ethel Consnt will leave Wednesday night for a three weeks' trip through the Great Lakes, Maci- nae islands and to Buffalo. Bat aarta. rwut Draaa 0 aar- auuaa Jtaa. ba DENTISTRY Cleanly, Painless Operating for Particular Folks. - DR. FICKES KM bee BUI.' ' - fhooe Doug. In. COMMITTEES FOR FIREMEN Appointments Are Mad and Vote Takes to Bend Delegates to . Ena-lacera' MeetlasT. TWO FREIGHT TRAINS MEET Collide la Tarda, Telescope Baa Cars ss4 Dosaollaai Iaasoe tor's Uttls) CaMa. Two freight trains on the Vnlen Pacific collided on ths switch tracks nest to .tha river at the foot ef Douglas street a't 1) o'clock Wednesday morning, but no one was Injured. Engine No. 1130 waa. backing two empty box ears west and engine No. 1M was going east, backing a long string of cars. Neither train was moving fsst. but they came together with such force that two box rare were completely tele scoped and tha engine waa thrown off the track onto ths car Inspector's office, which was smashed to splinters. The car" in. a pec tor had lust come front his efflce and it waa lucky bs had. for there waa nothing left of It but kindling wood. One ether car loaded with coffee had tha end knocked off. Pastneata rraa Larger Place.' The Reynolds Refrigerator company hav ing eulgrowa Ks quarters at UK Jackson street has leased the factor ai Tklnunih aii4 Nlrholae streets formerly occupied by L. Q. Doup and wlU move there Thursday New machinery has keen entered and the "pacny 01 in. concern wui ke doubled. The company manufacturers refrigerators snd tireless cookers. It you havs anything te trade advertise it In the fr Exchann column el h Bee Want Ad P.-' The second days session or the Interna tional Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen began at S:1S a. m. Wednesday, with Presi dent Healy In the chair. The attendance was materially Increased over that of Tues day, belated delegates coming by way of Minneapolis arriving, where they had been detained by the rush of Grand Army trains. The naming of their committee took up the forenoon: ( Committee on Secretary-Treasurer's Re port J. B. Conroy, St. Louis, Mo.; T. Grif fin, New York City; Charles McGee, Kewa nee. II!.; F. W. Wall. Kansas City. Kan.; Thomas Musgrove, Berlin, N. H.; John Stevens. St. John, N. B. ; F. T. Jones, Mon treal, Canada. President's Report M. P. Flanagan, Boa- ton. Mass.; T. P. Shirley, Omaha, Neb.; T. L. Rlordan, Chicago, 111.; Thomas Mus grove, Berlin. -N. H.; P. N. Good, City of Mexico; J. C. Wilson, Fort Worth, Tex. G. P. Stewart, Los Angeles, Cat. Dues, Assessments and Benefits P. J. Bheehan, Boston, , Mass. ; J. McDonough, New Tork City; P. L. Farrelt St. Paul, Minn.; J. J. Brennan, Chicago, III.; J. P. Wlckhorst, Hammond, lnd.; N. N. Stafford. Seattle Wash,; A. D. Murry, Livermore Falls. Me. Appeals and Grievances J. Carroll, New York City; J. W. Morton, Chicago, U!.; C. R. Moreau, Holyoke, Mass.; G. O. Short, Des Moines, Ia.; W. H. Brooks, Kansas City, Mo. i J. Hogan, Detroit, Mich.; T. C. Brown,' Toronto; Canada. Constitutions J. Holland, New York City; T. F. Kane. Danbury, Conn.; William Rltsman, Columbus, O. ; I. 8. Smith, New ark, N. J.; Tom Wall, New Orleans, La.; Henry Buede, Cincinnati, O.; John Jones, Reno, Nev, Resolutions H. W, Bausch, Toledo, O.;' S. R. Rice. New York City; N. A. James, Washington, D. C; Tom Franks, Denver, Colo.; Ed Kehoe, Chicago. I1L; F. H. Dyer. Millinocket, Mo.; M. J. Stubbs, Vancouver, B. C Journal and Printing Thomas Kane, Danbury, Conn.; T. C. Ward, Kanaaa City, Mo.; J. Buchan, New York City; H. I. Spencer, Vancouver, B. C; C. F. Needham. Chicago, 111.; F. Scholx, South Omaha, Neb.; C. C. Dubrln, Galveston, Tex. Organizations M. C. Frlel, Chicago. I1U; 8. IL Rice. New York Clty;N William Rltiman, Columbus, O.i I. 8. Smith, New ark, N. J.; H. H. Huff, Rutland. Vt.; P. L. Farrell. St. Paul, Minn.; G. H. Stubbs. Coalgate, L T. executive Board and Delegates to American Federation of Labor N. A, James, Washington. D. C; P. P. Dunn, Providence, R. I.; Ed Kehoe, Chicago, III.; F. w. wall, Kansas City. Kan.; J. Mc Donough. New York City; H. Buede, Cin cinnati. O.; F. M. Franks, Memphis. Tenn It was decided to send delegates to the meeting of the International Brotherhood of Stationary Engineers at Milwaukee In September. The delegates will be elected Thursday. The more Important matters coming be fore the meeting is the question of the eight-hour day, and resolutions are now In tne hands of the resolutions committee strongly urging the enforcement of the eight-hour law in states where it Is al ready a law, and to have an eight-hour law paased in all states. The afternoon session waa devoted to the consideration of committee reports. Balldlasi Pern Ita. The city has issued the following build ing permits: R. P. Olsen. $1.5 .it), frame dwelling at Forty-third and Seward; How ard Bruno, n.bui frame dwelling at 31s North Forty-first; Elizabeth Kountie Reaj hTnTCiilalr (fttme PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mra Court Carrier and daughter left Wednesday morning for Lake Okobojl.. Mrs. M. F. Dempsey and daughter went to Chkgo Wednesday morning tor a visit with friends. J. P. White, general agent for the Pa cific Kxprea company, accompanied by his wife and two sons, left Wednesday for a trip through the easi to Includo Atlantic City. New York. Boston a id other cities. Rev. J. I. Strltch. S. J., ef Crelghton col lege. Is In York today, where fee will ad dreae the Chautaucua assembly on "The Power of Love." He fills a date for Father Vaughan of Wisconsin, who could not be C. P. Morlart of the rilairtrt r.l.rk'. vuliv una niuioni irom a two weeks va cation trip into the mountains of Wromlua. lie went to Lander and druva tmm , t. to his brother's ranch, tha luiru. . . . - - ing Ave day a Reformer John McKesson of Lancaster county, candidate on the republican ticket for the state senate, spent Wednesday in Omnha. conferring with certain well known political thought moulders as to the best uaitiuua V. aavmg (DC SlSca. Charles W. Pearsall has returned from a three weeks' visit at Eau Claire. Wis.. and Lake Superior points. Mr. Pearsall re. ports a most delightful visit. Mrs. Pear sail Is still vlviung In that section and will not return for about two weeks. Lee H. Utt. a' certified substitute raiiw. mail clerk, has reported fur duty at ths Omaha branch of the railway mail service and will be put to substitute work at .no.. Mr. I'tt has been employed in tha maiimu division of the Omaha euatofnee for tha eBsaaeaassaajsn Eeieaty-IacDt gad reur-Tenths Villi to Cover Everjthng. ' CITY, COUNTY AND STATE INCLUDED Coaamlealoaera Co a arm Action Taken la Committee, with Solomon Con tending for Lower Rate of ' Assessment. The total tax levy against property In the city of Omaha for the coming year will be n A mills. The county commissioners met yesterday afternoon and confirmed the ac tion taken In committee of the whole fixing ths levy for county purposes at 15.4 mills. A communication from the state board cer tifying a levy of T mills for state purposes and from the city council fixing the city levy at 5 mills were received by the board. The action of the board In fixing the county, levy was opposed by Commissioner Solomon who read a resolution to which he could not get a second, fixing the county levy at 14 mills and when he was called on to vote for the committee report he read a spirited protest against a levy of more than 14 mills. He demanded that this protest go In the record ss an expla nation of his vote, but this request was opposed by the other memtxirs and the discussion that followed was llvelyi Fi nally Chairman Hruniny said he was In clined to think the protest should not be spread upon the record, but reserved a final decision until Inter. Mr. Solomon favored a division of the levy among the funds as follows: General I mills, road I mills, bridge 1.5 mills, bond sinking fund IS mills, soldiers' relief .1 mills. He maintained that his resolution If adopted would raise enough money to pay all of the probable expenditures from the dif ferent funds baaed on the average for several years past. The original resolution signed by four of the members of the board was psssed, Mr. Solomon alone voting aganlst it. The reso lution fixed the levy for the various funds as follows: General milts, road 14 mills. bridge 15 mills, bond sinking !. mills, soldiers' relief .2 mill. Apportionment In City. Of the city lefy of M mills, 33 mills la devoted to the general fund, t mills to the sinking fund and It mills to the school district. The board also approved the levies mads by the (local bodies in the Incorporated villages and school districts of the county. By the adoption unanimously of a reso lution introduced by Mr. I re the board committed Itself to the policy of paying all bills monthly. The resolution provides that all bills filed on or before the 10th day of each month shall be passed on by the board Immediately. It is provided that thre shall be only one appropriation sheet a month for the general fund and thl shall be passed at a meeting to be held the third Saturday In the month. Creditors of tha county are to be notified to file their Halms monthly before the 10th of the month following the month In which the bill was Incurred. All bills not filed by that, time will go over to the next month. The commissioners- assert the prompt payment of bills will secure lower prices and will enable them to audit bills better. A report from ths finance committee il lowing the members of the board that can vassed the vote at the last primary 5 a day for their services was passed, I're voting against It. Two of the members were allowed $50 each -end one $46, he be ing absent one of the ten days the board sat. " The contract fori'.hfyl'djng and repair ing pile bridges was .let. 'to the Standard Bridge compary. Its bid being the lowest of those submitted. Claims to the amount of over flOS.OTO were allowed by the board. Owing lo the amount of work necessary to get out the warrants, they wiH not be available for payment until about August 25. Exclusive and Confidential Market Reports on the Value of Advertising The LQrd 8c Thomas Record of Results constitutes an exclusive and confidential "market report" on the VALUE to the advertiser of space in all newspapers and other good media y regardless of its current price. . k VERY day we receive confidential reports from our advertising: clients who sell their goods direct by mail or who have a direct check through retailers. These reports (compiled into our Record of Results) give us the actual returns in sales and Inquiries from hundreds of advertisements in thous ands of papers. And because no other commodity bought and sold fluctuates so violently in value without affecting its price, this direct check on the VALUE of adver tising space is as necessary to the advertiser as the "ticker" Is to the stock broker. a Ordinarily, conditions that control the REAL value of Space in publications are likely to change without the loss or gain at once becoming apparent. But we are ready to show you how the Lord & Thomas Record of Results gauges the rise and fall of media as accurately and quickly as the thermo meter records the rise and fall of temperature. . We will show you how every rise la value gives us an opportunity to secure greater returns for the adver tiser's money, and how every fall in value warns us to enter a stop-loss order if the fall -reaches the danger point. This is but one of the many exclusive features Of the Lord & Thomas service -that we want to tell you about. We want to explain to you, in detail, the workings of the Lord 8c Thomas Record of Results, the ONLY practical SAFE -GUARD FOR AN ADVER TISING INVESTMENT. One of our representatives is Id your city every few days looking after the interests of some of our present clients. That is why we are advertising in this newspaper to you NOW. A letter, granting us an interview in your office, will not obligate you in any way. We are Issuing a series of small books (cloth bound) covering advertising in all ita phases, which we send free to interested advertisers. Lord "& Thomas CHICAGO NEWSPAPER . MAGAZINE - OUTDOOR ADVERTISING IaAXtOKsr Advertising Agency in America AmrVAS.'VDil.VMat PXWaCKD fOB CLUNII, , 000,000.00 NEW TORK WILDMAN COMES TO OMAHA Captain Whet Han Been on Dnty on Paella Coast te Command -lann! Corps. Last evening- Senator Millard received a telegram from General J. F. Bell, chief of staff. l B. A., Washington, announcing that Captp.ln L. P. Wildman of the signal corps had been ordered to Fort Omaha. The order, dated Auanst 13, relieves Captain Wlldmnn from duty on the Paolflo roast snd directs him to report as commanding officer at Fort Omaha as soon as possible. Senator Millard Is advised that Captain Wildman is an accomplished officer who has been highly commended for- his meri torious service Immediately after the earth quake in Ban Francisco". Brls:ad!r General Oreely recently had this to say of Captain Wildman: "He performed th dtls of captain dur ing service In Cuba and the Philippines. He Is an officer of thorough education, fine character and aptitude of- command, ard is one of the most competent and efficient officers of the signal corps." Kreegr. 4013 North Twenty-sixth, tlrl; C. A. Larson, 2523 North Nineteenth, girl; Fred Majors. 1821 Miami, boy. Deaths-Philip F. Kobblns, 2621 Brsklne, t months; Maud Falbert, 1401 Jackson, 20. AGED TENANT CLAImTdAMAGE Old Maa Snes Repreaentattvfe Clarke anal Frank Heller for Foret . Me Eviction. Zackery. T. Turner in a suit filed in dis trict court Wednesday demands $10,000 damages from Frank Heller, an attorney, and Henry T. Clarke, Jr., becaiv of the violent methods he says were used to get him out of .t house belonirtng to' Mr. Clarke which he was occupying. He as. serfs that Mr. Heller, acting under the direction of Mr. Clarke, came to the house about 7:45 In the evening of August U and attempted to eject him from the premises. Turner is W years old and hs says during the process of removal several of his teeth were loosened and his lip was spilt. WILL CF LYMAN RICHARDSON Doeament File la Rrtef an 4 Leaves All Property to the Widow. i Had Hot Forgotten Gallagher. - After remaining in hiding for more than a month, Patrick Gallagher, Twenty-eighth and Dodge streets', was arrested Tuiday evening by Sergeants Vanous and Sigwurt and Detective Drummy. Gallagher was captured at his home and waa wanted on a charge of grand larceny. He was arrested In connection with the stealing of a quan 'itv of tobacco from tha Illinois Central ftighthouse last month. The goods were recovered by the police and Gallagher and another man who waa captured at that time were accused of the crime. Gallagher 4isspoenred and told the police when ar rested he bad only returned to Omaha the, day before. ' Prayer for Receiver. A petition for the appointment of ' -re ceiver for the property known aa ot 1. ' block 10, Omaha, was filed In the , Vnlted States circuit court Wednesday PTiprnnnn by Louis B. Prherb agaliwt John ,fi. Hart and others. The petitioners clalr.j the prop erty through the neglect of Ane lessees making a proper accounting for rental, etc., and for fallureto cnirdjfty with iht terms ef the lease. Hwue, the court is asked to appoint a receiver for the prop erty to collect the rents pay taxes and make a proper accountir. therefor to the pUintlfls. The will of the late Lyman Richardson wns filed for probste In county court Wed nesday morning. It Is short, occupying only a portion of one sheet of paper. It leaves all of the real estate and personal property belonging tol the estate to the widow, Mrs. Virginia If. Richardson. A petition for the appointment of Mrs. Rlrh ardxon as administratrix In accordance with the terms of the will waa. .filed slso The petition estimates the yalue of the real estite at t?ft,AO0 and of ths persons! property st $10,009. SEE THE WEST WITH ITS 1906 CROPS From Omnha end Council Bluffs to Western Nebraska and Kansas every Tuesday, round trip rate, one fare plus 12.00. minimum excursion rate f 9.00. To Eastern ColoradoBrush, Fort Morgan. Sterling, Haxtum, Holyoke, Wray, Yuma,. Akron and other, point, first and 'Third Tuesdays of each month, round trip rate one fare plus 15.00. To Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo, first and third Tuesday of each month, round trip rate $20.00. T(o South Dakota, Wyoming (Big Horn Basin), Mon tana 'first and third Tuesdays of each month, round trip rate) one. fare plus $2.00, maximum $20.00 from Omaha. ' Stop-overs allowed in homeseekers' territory in" either 'direction, final limit twenty-one days. The excellent 1906 crops along the Burlington's 'lines furnish a strong object lesson to homeseekers and Inves tors as to the permanent and increasing value of farm lands under modern and intelligent methods of farming. Send for the Burlington's list of Western Land Agents, or mention the locality about which you desire, to .inform yourself, and we will put you in touch with Land Agents. Folders free on application: "Free Home steads", Big Horn Basin", "Billings Pt-, tricf', "North Platte Valley", "Nebraska Book", also now on press, new folder, "Dry Land Farming Along the Burlington." BtRLIXGTON PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, 1004 Fanutm St., Omaha. ' ' ' IP I Business proposition sdvertlsed in The Bee go Into the horrs of the best people. Mortality statistic, The following births "d dth rarv been reported to ths Board of Health rlur. Ina the twenty-four hours ending at oon Wdnsdsv: Rlrh Charles I, Al'man, 11?? ' Bmitb Thirtieth nventie. Hrl; Charles C Rrda" 01 North Twntv-nffh avenue. A- (lenri. O. Casey, tm South Tblrty-Wrst Vov: Joh-i Johnson, 1927 Dupont. girl; Julius C. LOCAL. BREVITIES. Alfred Borens n hss bought a new home at 3M Harney street. It sold to him hy Isabella, 'jlchenberg, the Consideration being fti.0O. . Charles Kl Kuncl has bought from Mary Barta a l'j with seventv-flve-foot frontage on Pout Thirteenth street. Just north of WiMlarr. gtreet. for $fi,0O0. MlnrB A. Skelton charges her marital troubVs up to strong drink In her Petition for -vnrce from Iee F. Skelton. fl'h; In his cups she says he abuses her andvtses br language toward her. "The Aid society of Garfield Circle No. 11, t.adles of the Grand Armv, will hold Ms meeting at Hanaoom park Friday affrnoon at S o'clock. All members are asked to be present. It will be a picnic rrty and mem bers are asked to bring luncheon. ' Grace B. Swires baa filed a petition In district court for a divorce from Thomas McFsrlsnd Swires, to whom she was mar ried In Hayes City. Kan.. October t, WU. She says he spends most of his money for drink and abuses her when drunk. Ph aks for the restoration of her maiden name, Grace B. Dicker. mm two yrnro. Earl Mathews, marshal, has return in u n ,1 M .. , K ........ never seen tit conditions out there 2. good as they are this season. They Java id plenty of rain and corn and ail r, Mr.MaUwe!- '"A eaW deputy Vnlted States Bed from a oClcUl trl atiea. '1 ha. Is an ordeal which all wonjen approach with indescribable fear, for nothing comperes with the pain ana horror of child-birth. The thou aKt of the sufferag and danger in store for her, robs the expectant metier of all pleant anticipations of the coming event, and casta ever her a shadow gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands t wo meat have fund that the use of Mother's Friend daring pregnane robe coo firemen t ef a,li pain and danger, and insures safety to lite of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send te all women at the tir-, of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend Catrry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but ita awe gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning sickness," and other dis- chui bj aii, druggists at 11 li 1U ll.oo per bottle. Book containing valuable information free. Tht frsdhe i Rsfulsttr C:, Attests, t. !2D CHICAGO FROM tj NEW YORK AND RETURN VIA August 28th and 29th Good to return until September 4th, inclusive. Apply to Local Ticket Agents, or !. J. A. DQLAH, 555 Railroad Exchange, CHICAGO ST-Jl NO HATTER WHAT YOU WANT It Will Save you tJmo and monoy it yoa -Will 11 HO see. THE DEE WANT ; ADS :