THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: ' TUESDAY,' AUGUST 14, 1M6. K - - J. "V i r a. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL " "V Office, 10 Iar. "'. "HlHOR METlO. txir'ln, drug,"' ' ' n-v Clark' sodssY"'' ' ' Stockert sells tarprt. Fine engraving 'at Lefferfa. E4 Rogere' Tonfy ruiflwr. 'Plumbing- and lieatlng, Blxby Bon. Souvenir postals. Alexander's. 23) B'way. Woodilng Undertaking company. Tef. U9. lewis Cutler, funeral director.' 'Phone . rff iitnt in regumr session. '"fclchard Oromwri of 140 Went Washing ton avenue la visiting In Chicago. L-IAMONPS. AS XX INVESTMENT." talk to lefkert: about it. Qeorgt Hoagland baa the Kanaas Shall brick. All hard Jrlck. atl tli prices. Only ten dars mora for ihnu r ami Only ten days mora for at hicks', worth tio and up. Sea Stephen Bros, for Ar eloy, sewer -pipe, fitting an . Mn and Mrs. Jlarrr' Ji at Hicks', worth tio and up. K. H. Hick. Are brick and lira nd garden hose, lames left lo.ot evening tor a sojourn - at n IE tor a lAlnut-n - a r tlA bn.i . Mich. " Mrs. Bra y fiaa " the new corset covers, aprons and chrysanthemums In tha shallow work. bJti Broaaway, -'f r!, c"y lodge. Independent Order of Odd ellows win nmei tonight for work In the second dvgrce. Counotf Blurt Ceurt of Honor No. lffig will hold Its regular meeting Wednesday evening- in Oanisn ball. i;nv.ii,J CAbH uR ALL BHOK8 AT ykAH ljZAXJi. GREAT ClAMINti OUT SHOE BALK. . . Mayor Macrae wont. to Dee Moines last eveiuiig. to attend tlie reunlun of the noilai aociety. Army of the Philippines. Rev. James TtHiineoiv former pastor of tho. First Congregational cnurch, and wile, are In the city renewln aMtnim. a nets. i ni.O.esule Ice Cream. Shipped te any P.'i !' .mo stale, Special prices to the re- tail -irao. I. Mueci, 2is tvesi Broadway. ,"i:ci. uluitf. la. -.Tel. JiM. t'o'n'.racior Wii-kham ha atarted the pnv Ing of M nster ame., tri" contract for v.hlcj let several yeais uu, but. work was ue layed from una cause vr another. ve uava cue finest ooa u( -Mitipli mtnu menis to select trom ii, (lie west. aiheeiey Lane Marble and Orautte Works, ill V Eiiet AjroaUway, Council Bluffs, la. uaK Lar camp, - Royal Neighbors of America, will -mett la regular sesHlon this WWlt arZT Mrs L.Jeanett Stage Rica, wife of John B. Rrce. Xonrferly of this city, died a few aYSrVh two yours, ; . A numbtr, uf Counull Bluffs cltisens Of Bcotcn oinn have received lnviiat.u..o attend the- annual Kk-nlO. of-Clan roo,i, Order of Suottian clana, at Lake Maoawal neat Saturday, . . . Kail ODCnlMf 'Western rlam block. Council bluffs, la.. Monday, August iff.- 'Knglien, Normal, Bookkeeping anu Shorthand uepAitmeats. Send for new catalogue ixnh 'phones. ui tacefyed somuUilng in new ' and up-to-date ulclura moulding. Now la your chance tu gel that plcuue framed up you laid away.. Berwick. Ill South Main. lon t worr about Uie price; wa will matte that lighLr All members of the Dodge LJght guard are requested to nit at. tne armory. this evening at s:?u o clurK prompt, to takei ma tr iv r airmuum parK, to avi as guarua during1 the pfrtormanee of VA. MlUuuminer Night's Dream." . Hev. Henry DeLong performed the mar riage, rmQiiy yeateraayr at kla oBJca in fmi wtiuni y ifjuriliuuse, ioi- u, j. vveii anu Ora Bright, Both of Shenandoah, la., and A Henry ' k,. - Hoffman arui k.lla M. . Owens. T K. A. Lecfi,' the y i. the vounr man awult inr the action ot tha grand jury on a charge of passing a $1 bin raised to the denotu- Inauon oi $10. secured his reloaae m..ii umuit'H!' XltaiMn Mrs. Carrie Akeison. aged 78, died last " aa IT evening at her home, sty Commercial street, expended over $6,000 of the $10,000 appropria Three daughters Mrs. A. Norene and Mrs. I tlon. Councilman Wallace, chairman of. the V. M. Aiiuraoiv-of. this city,. and Mrs. A. committee Ainder Bra, said he was greatly, Oumha, and, one son, Peter AkeiMii of vhapperl, Neb.; survive her. ir.e' following Iced drinks and Ice Cream win be etrved all this week at the Clark Drug, company:.: Madja. froaan pnosphate, Siberian dip. eldorado sunuae, tropical sun Ue, Carmeni'lte ' kiss, southern beauty, American sundae and Greenland Iceberg. owis31 to ' thu l.aruu crowds thai' are attending our salk DL KING 1'HK DA If WkJ HAVE DE C1DH.D TO KEEP OPEN UNT1D NINE UULuC'K EaiI EVENING HEREAFTER-.. . DUNCAN. & DEAN. 23 MAIN 6V. Justice Oa:dlncr yesterday handed down his, ufi .Kloii In the null brought by j. C. ElknilUer against the Milwauaee railroad to recover 1 lor an overcoat stolen from Ins trunk while In live baggage room at tlie local ue-iut, finding for uie piauuiit In the amount sued for and costs. Sixty-one loaded and sixty-eight empty, making 128'cars, formed one train which was brought into Council liluffs yesterday morning .over the Milwaukee from Earllng by one of, the new hUndred-ton locomo tives. The weight of the train, exclusive of the engine, waa computed at $.300 tona. Ernest, David Reynolds, aged 84, died yes terday or neart -failure at the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David C. Reynold", 16$ Lincoln avenue. He was born in Quincy, Mich., August 28, W7I. Be tides his aannts, jhm leaves two brothera ind six sisters. Tha funeral announcement Will be made later. '-. Mary Ann Jackson yesterday began suit for divorce against .William Henry Jackson, to whom she was married in this city Jan uary M.ltMX' Or their children aged 6, 4 and 1 year -respectively she asks to be t warded, the .custody of the two youngest, he .bases her suit on charges ot cruol and Inhuman treatment. Everett Mathews,- charged with as saulting Hani - Friedman, a Broadway pawnbroker, . was fined $10 and costs in bailee court yesterday morning for dla lurbtng the peace. - Matthews accu.ei Friedman-of making an Insulting remark to his his sister Mabel .while the inner was negotiating , for, tha purchase ot a bracelet. ' Articles of Incorporation of the Council Bluffs Hydraullo Stone company were nled for record yesterday, y The pBrpeee of the Incorporation is to manufacture concrete building stone, etc. The capital stock Is placed at $10,000 and the Incorporators are C. R. Long, D. E. Kr aster, J. Fi Mlnear of Council Bluffs and C. F. Btough of Chi cago, but at present a resident of this city. ..... . . In' : district ; rourts yesterday Judge Wherter heard" the evldtnc In support of' r." .--;- ,...i-i.u u, n ii. ,! llam'Janea fur a modification of the cree dlvori'ltig him frori his former wue, Cora Janes, so that he be given the cus tody of their minor daughter now In pos session of the ni i..,ia court took the v..!? remain "5 11!! 1 u rase under advisement, the child to In the meantime in the custody tnothor. but not to be taken out jurisdiction of the court SCAVENGER WORK l haul' dsad aalsaalal H as nr tMii fUrhase. asaea, manure and all rus l-ih; cla vault a ao4 ceaspoola, . All work sou Is gmaraaleeeV vans promptly attendee to. ' - 'Pboae. Red U7$. . J. -H. SHERLOCK L atfiSSESSSSSBEBS&SsUBBBSSKhSK . I Thej.Oeity Prfcc ' i DOUBLE VISION LENS. 1 I COSIK IN AKD KEE THEM. ' I I . EXTERT OPTICIANS. , 1 i 409 CrMUtwj. 1 BLUFFS St. Tel. 44. LIGHT CONTRACT GOES OVER -bsenoe ef Mayor Given as Eeuos for Delay in Committee Report.. GREAT WESTERN ORDINANCE HELD UP Coaaellosaa Wallace laslsls on Read Complying with Agreements Before It la Granted Aay Farther FSTSri. Councilman Wallace did not hava the opportunity to voice his objections to tha proposed lighting contract with the Cltliens' Us and Electric company at tha meeting of tha city council last evening, as owing to tha absence of Mayor Macrae the com mittee on lira and light postponed Its re port until Monday, August 27. to which time tha council adjourned last night. Councilman Wallace, however, succeeded In blocking the passage of the. Ordinance granting the Great Western railroad a right-of-way at Fifteenth street across Ninth avenue to Eighth avenue, where it proposes to connect with the tracks of the Burlington. When the ordinance was brought up for passage .on the recommenda tion of the committee of tha whole, the councilman from the Third ward spoke at length In favor of side tracking the ordinance until such time as the railroad would carry out the requirements of the ordinance granting It a right-of-way Into the city, relative to the maintenance of arc lights at its crossings, and especially at Main street and Ninth avenue. The Company, he said, had utterly ignored this provision In its charter and In his opinion it would be a good thlnf to refuse to pass this ordinance until It compiled with tha orders of the city council. After some dla ' cusslon Councilman Wallace carried his ! P'nt nd ,h ,rt,n"C- WM U,d unt I ,ne .next meeting. Ustswsera Waaf a Dike. ; the council on behalf of the owner of tha land llng between the Illinois Central brldgw and Big lake with a view to secur- in, as.lstanra of the pltv In cnri.tnirt. tne assistance or the city in construct- Ing a dike an the south shor of tha lake. The proposed dike will be about a mile and I a half In length and. will extend from the southeast corner of tha lake, at what would be Fifteenth street, to the east end of the bridge, skirting the river bank for the last half mile. The estimated cost will be between $2,600 and $3,000. and Mr. Scott stated that his clients would be willing to pay their share of tha cost.' The matter was referred to the streets and alleys com mittee with Instructions to report at the next meeting of the council. ' '"l " ' Councilman. Maloney called attention to the depleted condition of the streets and alleys, fund, saying that the matter de manded prompt attention at the hands of tha council. During July, be said. $1,900 had been expended by. the committee, and If a halt was tint called ther wnuld h i .... . . ... ... ' mn m luna wnn wnicn to clean the streets when the street sweeper arrived. Further talk brought out the fact i that f0UE Innth of thU n1 ye" pieaw "to' hai'e' tne 'matter totiked into; "a It had '.been a cause of great ' worry .not only to him but to the other members of the committee. Vnlooked or conditions, he said, had demanded the .expenditure of a large proportion of the streets and alleys fund,' It was decided to meet Wednesday afternoon as a committee of the whole to look Into tha matter. - - . It was decided to transfer $16,000 from the police fund to the general fund. The City Water Works company sub mitted a proposition to pay $100 each for eight lots and part of another on , West Broadway, - now owned by tha city, but formerly tha property of the-water works company.' The' company Is not acquiring additional real estate but merely desires these, lata to take, the - place of others, which, It proposes: conveying to tha Alfalfa Meat- company Jot a site for Us new fac tory; The' proposition was' referred to the-' committee on' City property ' to ,'Te.port back .to, the council., . m 1 i ::. ' : .r ' i : . Mast Oa,: , Thirty-one tots belonging to an old estate, west of car house on Avenues. A, B and C. First. Second and Third avenues,' fifty, lots, $10 each, on monthly payments. . Wallace Benjamin,- room 1, -First National bank building. Both 'phones JOS. . ,': ... . Owner Heeds Moaejr, I can sell l-room modern .dwelling at big discount. If sold at. once. It Is In fine neighborhood and on paved street. Call soon. Hhsra are several smaller dwellings, too. TeL d. Charles T. Officer, 419 Broad- why.. - " MALONEY'S PEARL ST. NEW LOCATJON. $ Tell your troublea to Hafer, '.he lumber man. If they are In bis, Una. V N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. $60.. Night MM. - ,- '- ,- i . Real Batata Traasfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee August 11 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: John r..Mlni i4 tn OiH Dieirwn. n a rt of a X ft of lot 4, In block a. In Avoca, la., w d. $3,406 Freda- C. Lusk to Hermla A. Relmer. . part or lotll. In block , In Mill 'Wltioo to Council Bluffs, la., w-d.. I.600 Ehler Horst id wife to Chicago, Rock Island PaclAe Railway company, part of Jt L Auditors subdivision of 125 Thomaa fcurke and wife to Chicago, Rock Island it Paclflo Railway com pany, part ae ae hi. -77-, a c d.'. (0 Four transfers, total ........ .$6,176 We pay $11.00 per loa ror castlroa; mlaea, $0 per ton; stoves, 1760; rags, la a lb. rubber. Tc: copper, 146 per lb, X. KatUe maa, JM South Main. Both 'phooeg (jq, We are agents for the beet wheel chairs for Invalid C E. Alexander. $31 B' Way, TOT MOST UF-TO-DAThJ REST AU It. ANT N COUNCIL BLUFFS. GOOD. SEr. VICE AND HOME COOKING. The CaJu mst restaurant. (30 Broadway.-- 1 MALONEY'S PEARL ST. NEW LOCATION, .$00 acres good farm )aad in eastern Colo rsdo, $6 per acra and up; no irrigation re quired. Can raise all kinds ef small grata and corn, a few good homesteads jola our lands. Send for printed matter. T. C Lougoe, 124 Main atreet. Council Blvffa, la. 1 . , i - i . ' ' Rehearsal fer Play la Nrk,'., The dress rehearsal last evening; for tha presentation ol "A Mid-summer's Night Dream" tonight In Falrmount park wear moat smoothly. The spot selected' for the presentation of the play la almost Ideal and forms a moat effective natural stage setting. Nothing could be found more ap propriate than toe' natural aettlng for. the beautiful forest arena In which tha little (alriea carrying garlands of Co wars and miniature lampa formed a prominent feature. Indications are that all roads will lead to Fslrmoun- par this1 evening and 4he work of tha women of the Associated Chari ties will be rewarded with a handsome sum for the building of the creche. The performance Is billed to commence promptly at 7 .o'clock. City rr the Big Bad. According to the computation completed yesterday by E. E. Bowman of the city clerk'a office, the deficiency on the paving on Broadway between Thirteenth and Twentieth, whlchwlll have to be paid out Of the general Improvement fund, tha abutting property being unable to stand the entire assessment, amounts to 111,- (24C9. Tha total- cost ef tha paving was IK. 444 and all that tha city council found could be rightfully assessed against the abutting property Is IA.81IM. The sidewalk on the south side of tha street has yet to be assessed, but as there Is now no margin left to assess It against the abutting prof erty the city will hava to pay the entire coat out of tha general Improvement fund, with the sidewalk assessment added to that for tha paying two-thirds of tha oost of the Improvement on the seven blocks on Broadway from Thirteenth to Twentieth street will have to be borne by the city as against one-third by the property owners The assessment- for tha paving Is divided among 101 property owners, making an average assessment of about $67.62 a lot. A FINE 80-ACRE FARM five miles from Council Bluffs postofflce, well Improved. Will take a 12,000 residence toward it.' Address D. S. Kerr, MS Broad way, Council Bluffs. 'Phones 417 and 601 Red. For Imported wines, liquors snd Bud welser beer go to L. Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor dealer, tl South Main street. A, Metsejar A Co. New Loos tlon of Wholesale Bakery, lit Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs. Ia. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. CENTRAL FLOUR $11$. Every seek warranted, .Central. Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phones 24. Colored Maa gaes Rtstaarant. George Toung, a colored resident of this city, filed yesterday in the court of Justice E. B. Gardiner an Information charging Peter Hartwlg and L. Jensen, proprietors of the newly opened Calumet restaurant on Broadway, with "Infringement of civil rights." E. Watson, a waiter In the res taurant is also named as a defendant.. Young with his wife; who Is a graduate of the Council Bluffs High school, entered the Calumet restaurant Sunday evening with the purpose of eating supper, but were refused service on account of ihelr color. It was' stated yesterday that Mr. and Mrs. Young, who conduct a hair dressing and manicuring establishment on Pearl street, will also 'bring h' civil suit for damages against the proprietors of the res taurant. Where Shall I Bay My Groceries? WE ANSWER THIS QUESTION. FIRST WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT, SEC OND, WHERE THE GOODS ARE FRESH AND TIRST CLASS. THIRD, WHERE YOU WILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS AND HONEST TREATMENT. WB FULLFIL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS IN EV ERY RESPECT. GIVE US A TRIAL OR DER AND WE ARE SURE YOU WILL BE OUR REGULAR CUSTOMER. . JOHN OLSON. 73 W." BROADWAY. J . ' If you are looking: torwaro to your aura, mar's outing you will need a,, fey va cation necessities; if you are going camp. Ing with a email party you will want a few delicacies; If you are going to a picnic you will want your basket filled; with Vgood things to eat." Sandwiches, . olives, pickles, cakes, cheese, fruits, a cold bottle of ginger ale or root beer In' fact McAtee has everything- necessary to All a' dainty lunch basket and the beat tha market affords. Manhattan Caae Postponed. Martin Jensen, said to be one . of the proprietors of the Manhattan saloon and restaurant; was In police cburt yesterday morning charged with being "disorderly," or In other words, violating the midnight closing order of Mayor Macrae. The hear ing was continued until-Monday, August 20, as it is understood Chief of ' Police Richmond 'desires to make a '.thorough ' In vestigation of the case. . . . .Following the raid Saturday " midnight by Mayor, Macrae, the police entered the place at 4 o'clock Monday morning and are said to have found porsons drljiklng Jin tbe restaurant. This' Is said to- have been re sponsible "for Martin -Jensen's appearance In police court yesterday morning. Closing; Oat Bale oa Summer Goods. - 20 per cent discount on Gasoline Stoves, Hammocks, Garden Hose, Ice Cream Freeaers and Water Coolers.- Don't forget we sell Ender'a Dollar Rasor. SWAINE A MAUER, . . $38 and $38 Broadway. Gae Stoves aad Ranges. We have the Favorite Gas Stoves In a variety of . sixes and styles. Prices . from $1160 to $26.00 for the popular sixes. Don't buy a gas stove without first seeing the Favorites. Paddock and Handschey Hardware Co. . library Board Committees. At the monthly meeting of the Board of Free Public Library trustees last night President H. W. Binder named the follow ing standing committees for tha ensuing year: Building and Grounds: Balrd, Deanc, Stewart. Administration: Rphrer, Bender, Galvln. Books and Catalogues: Dean, Galvln, Bender. - Finance: Tyler, Rohrer, Cleaver, Stewart. Donations: Cleaver, ' Tyler. Balrd. AU persons knowing themselves to be In. debted to Duncan Dean or tha Duncan Shoe company are requested to call and nettle at once. Did it ever occur to you why there are so many "VanBrunt's Vehicles" down around the streets of Council Bluffsf It ia because ha Bella nothing ' but tha best quality, and If there la anything wrong he makes It good. That is worth some thing. Isn't Itr GREEN AND NORFOLK FURNACES GIVE THE BEST SATISFACTION. ASK PEOPLE THAT USB THEM. THEY WILL TELL YOU WHAT THEY ARE. F. A. SPENCER. 16$ Broadway. Marriage Lleeaaea. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Reaidenoe. Age. O. J. Welt. Shenandoah, Ia a Ora Blight. Shenandoah,. Ia l Henry L. Hoffman, Parkrtlle. Mo. ;.'$$ Ella M. Owens, Parkvllle. Mo......,,.. $4 Wllhelm Lunkwlts, Omaha.... ,......S4 Martha Betther, Omaha to . Cwagreealeaal Committee Celled. ' . ON AW A,- la.. Aug. 11 8peciaL-The republican congressional committee of tha Eleventh district will meet at Cherokee; Is.. August 1 to fix g data for tha eon- I fresalonal convention INSURANCE SCHEME NIPPED Indirect Plan ta Secnra th Rapetl of the . . . . Anti-Compha Law. , , REINSURANCE REGULATION THE MEDIUM Philippine Veteraas Meetlaa; at Dea Molaes Plaa to Hold the Session Two Years Heaee la Manila. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, Aug. 13. t8pecleX)-Flre insurance men of Iowa are accused of trying to work a repeal ol the Blanchard anti-compact law by recommending to the legislative commission, and endeavoring to get It to recommend to the legislature, that In tha proposed uniform policy bill there be a provision that where one insurance company reinsures a risk with another company they be required to charge the same rate. The recommendation la Innocent enough on Ita face, but the members ot the legislative commission were able to scent the ultimate results.-. The Blanchard anti-compact law prohibits Insurance com panies from conspiring to- fix rates. It prohibits what Is known as board rates on insurance. The fire Insurance men fought the law through the courts and the su preme court of the United States some months ago held It t6 be constitutional and since that time the. board has been abolished and the rates on Are Insurance have gone down at a sharp decline. The provision which the lire Insurance men are now urging upon the Insurance com mission Is that companies shall be com pelled to fix rates Instead of prohibited from doing so. In all Urge risks It Is the custom of In surance companies to reinsure a part of the risk In another company, and they wish the legislature to compel them to charge the company reinsuiig the same rate that the company getting the. business charges the person Insured.1 This Would, of course. require that they meet and agree on the rate, and the usual provision In all bills that "all acta and parts of acts In con filet herewith are hereby repealed" would do the rest towards completely repealing the Blanchard anti-compact law. During the past few days the Investigations be fore the legislative commission have dig closed that rates on the average are about 66 per cent. Of what they; were Just before the United States supreme court held the law prohibiting board-rains , to be consti tutional. This Is variously vxpiained by fire Insurance men as being due to the San Francisco losses, which have compelled In surance companies losing there to skirmish for new business In order" to raise ready cash and to the efforts of those not losing to hold their own with the companies los Ing- In California. Testimony given before the commission shows that where on dwell ing houses In Dea Moines the rate waa 60 cents per $1,000 per year, the rate Is now 60 and CO cents for five years, though In the business district the decline has not been so much, though It has been sharp. . Yoanar Philippine Veterans Here. The-young Philippine veterans are in the city and are In charge.. This, afternoon, at 3 o'clock they were welcomed to the city and state by Mayor Mattern and Governor Cummins. Commander-in-chief Alfred S. Frost of Evanston, III., reached the city at o'clock this mornlrllr tftid opened head quarters In Parlor G hi 'ithe 6avery, and after breakfast his parlor was visited by scpres..- General IrvlnfJIHAle ,f ,- Denver, founder ot the. order, reached the city at noon and Is also quarter at 'the Savery. Captain Charles B. Lewis of Denver, pay master general of the order;- Captain H. A. Crow of Connesvllle, Pa., vice commander; O. H. Plum of Fresno, and Major T. J.. Farrell of Chicago all" arrived during the afternoon. Two hundred of tha rank and file of the society were- In the city by i o clock this evening and it Is'expected I hat 600 in all will be' here by tomorrow morning. A smoker was given this evening at the Knights of Pythias hall. There Is talk of taking the next meeting to Kansas City. Kansas City people are here strong and working hard for the meeting' and are the only ones early In' the leld. There is also a movement' on to tske the meeting two yes re from now. to Manila., To do this It will be - necessary to enlist the aid of the government to-, furnish a transport free. Colonel J. C Loper of. the Fifty-first Iowa, which served In the Philippines from this state, and which waa the forerunner of tbe present Fifty-fifth regiment. Is being boosted for the position 6f Commander-in-chief. -"'.; 'Cammlae Organises Committee. At the meeting -of the .pew republican state central committee this afternoon at 1:30 at the very, the committee was organised by' the Cummlns'meh, McCoy of the Second district and Esta brook, of the Fifth district, voting for Prank Wood of Esthervllle, a strong Cummins ' man, for chairman of the committee. ; S. 8. Franke of the Third district, another Cummins man, was elected secretary of the com mittee. ' . . .jn. Two galrldee In Oaa Day. There were two suicides . in Des Molns today. Early this morning . at about 1 o'clock tha remains of J. W Brown a pro duce man of this city, was fount) In the bath room of his home with the gas Jet turned on. Mr. Brown was considered one of the wealthy merchants of East Des Moines. Since the death of Mrs. Brown recently he has, acted strangely, seemingly unable to recover from hie. grief and was constantly watched by the" family. Mrs. Clara Campbell, aged 14. Jumped head - first from the third story of the Mercy hospital this forenoon and was Instantly killed on' striking the pavement below. She had been In the hospital suf fering from neuralgia and was pronounced cured and arrangements were being made to take her to her home. " ' Reeeaes Three Girls. Toots" Keith, a lt-year old lad today rescued three girls who were members of a camping party north of this city and who had Ventured beyond their depth and were all but drowned. Only a few days ago the same boy rescued two other girls of ' the same camping party. Ssrlelde at Des Melnes. DES MOINES, Aug. 11,-Wrapplng a sheet about him so that Its folds mads a perfect shroud J.- W. Brown, an East Des Moines commission merchant, lay on tha floor of his bath room at an early hour today and Inserting a gas tube Into his mouth Inhaled- a ' sufficient quantity to ause death. Ha was found by one of the merchants. Despondency doe to the deatn of hia wife a year ago la supposed "to be the cause. He waa to years of age. Palls la Fit aad Drev-as. SIOUX CITY, Aug: U-riSpeclal Tele gram.) While bathing in McCook lake, Tpeodore Allen, aged $1 years, suffered an epileptic fit, fell face- 4a wn ward In the water and waa drowned. He was . son of H. W. Allen, formerly commander of Gen eral Hancock post. Grand. Army of tha Re public. - . . . Desaacrata Masae Uasalltoa, . OTTCMWA. Ia., Aug. l$.-(8peclaL The democrats of tha Sixth Iowa congressional district this afternoon nominated D. W. Hamilton of Sigourney, recent temporary chairman of the state convention, to oppose Major J. F. Lacey. Hamilton defeated General J. B. Weaver, who had been con ceded the nomination. Iowa Sotea. HOPKINTON-Dr. -E. E. Reed, the presl- "fit Of Burnt V I t a V. . - U offered the place of president of Lenox college here. Dr. Reed has had splendid success with Uuena Vista college and It was the unsnlmous wish of the directors that he should come here. It Is honed that he will accept the presidency here. . CEDAR FALLS Eight leading Iowa school men have laid down their honka ihiu summer and, donning overalls, have helped mJ'LJT,or,,ar nd carry bricks for the new $76,000 science hall going up at the state normal here. They are nearly all principals of high schools throughout th& state and, having nothlhg else to do thla eummer, took this chance for out of door employ ment. . WATERLOO Frederick Krles. ' nii committed suicide fiaturriav fiamn the home of his son, Rev. Wllllem Krles, near uenver, uremer county. He first shot himself In the head and afterward used rasor to cut his throat. When his son and Wife, whn wer ihianl m thm . 1 ... 1 , - - - - - . . . . ... tunc, ioiuiiicu Just as he was preparing to kill himself, " ni mem ana a rove inem irom the house. When they returned with, neighbors thev found the body on the floor In a pool of blood. . WAGES HIGHER LAST. YEAR Bareaa of Labor Issaea Comnarlsna With Bate of Pay Year Prevloas. WASHINGTON, Aug. 1S.-A report was ssued by the bureau of labor today of an Investigation into- wages and hours of labor In 1906 In the principal manufacturing nd mechanical' Industries of the united States. The report gives the average wages nd hours of labor and the number of employes In Identical establishments In both 1904 and 1906. While the nures pre sented are not exhaustive for the United States, the. report says: ... It Is believed they are fairly reoreaen- tauve or the Industries investigated." continuing,,. tha report says: Tne remttta n f ihi. i. . i . i i that -in 1tj6 the average wages, per hour in the DrlnClDal mhnill,ph,nn. onri ... chanical Industries of the Country were 1.6 kt. wriiv uignrr man in iwn. mat tne aver- iiours or leoor oer week remained tho same as In 1904, and that i t per cent more persons were employed In th. establish ments invest I Sated ll lhpa mraa ducdon In the average hours of labor per me average weekly earnings per em ploye WUB 1.6 IMr pent hla-hor than In 10,11 As there was an Increase In the number of employes as wen as in tne weekly earnings per employe, there was a considerable In crease In the Weeltlv earnlna-a nt all ployes, or, In other words. In the amount of the weekly pay roll. This Increase was 8 per cent in (he establishments invetlga ted. When -the fis-tlraa nt tMa artlla Mt.ilKtf 3 wages snd hours of labor and those of m succeeding article relating to retail prices of food are brought together, it s seen that the retail prices of food, due weight being given to the quantity and cost fferent commodities rnnanmed. were 8 8 per cent higher in 1905 than ' In 1904. As the averaae waaea Der hour in creased more than the retail prices of fooJ, mo purcnasing power ot-wages increased.. In 1906- .the Durchaslnsr nowsr of hnth hourly and weekly wages were 1 per cent higher than In 1904, or, expressed In other words, an hour's waaee in J90S would nur. chase 1 per cent more food than an hour's wages in The average wages Der hour In 1906 were 18.9 per cent, higher than, the average for the ten-year period from' 18S0 To" 1899 in elusive. The number of employee was 33 B per cent, greater and tne average Hours ot labor per week were 4.1 per cent, lower. The average earnings per week were in 19u6 14 per cent.' higher than the average earn ings per week during the ten years from 18:j to lfe9. The agcrexate weekly earn ings of all employes that is, the total amount of the pay-rolls were 61$ per cent, higher in 190o than the average during the ten-vear Derlod rnvned. The retail prl of the principal ar I articles of food, estimated according to family con sumption of the various articles, waa 12.4 per cent, higher In 19n& than was the aver se price tor tne ten years trom lsao to 199. Compared with tha average for the same ten-year period, the purchasing power f an hour s wages in is was s.s per cent. greater, and of a week's wages 1.4 per cent, greater, the Increase In purchasing power of the weekly wages being less than the In crease in purchasing power of hourly wages because of the reduction of hours of labor during the period. "The average wages per nnur in 1'Jn was .$ per cent, higher than lt-St. the year of lowest wages during the period covered, and weekly earnings were 16.7 per cent, higher. The purchasing power of an hour's wages was greater In if 16 than in any other year covered by this Investiga tion, being 7.7 per cent, greater than In 1894, the year of lowest wsaes, and 1.3 per cent, greater than In 1898, tne year of low est retail prices. The purchasing power of a week's wages In 1905 was $.6 per cent, greater than In 1694, but $.7 per cent. less than In lb96." In making tha Inquiry the labor bureau, attempted to cover only those Industries in which the wages paid In the United States In one year were $10,000,000 or over. - The data presented was- obtained In all cases by special agents of the bureau, through personal visits to the establishments represented. 11 TOR feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Everr woman thould know that the danger, pain and horror of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the M of Mother's Friend. scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and render tllakla, .11 tt,- 1 ' 0 stm iiv eaae it. f aetisla nature jn its sublime -work. By ita mid thousand of women have passed this great crisis in perfect safety and without pain. Sold at $1.00 per bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless alue to. all women-sent free. Address BMAOnaa lUtVLATOH CM, Aitmiim. a? at, -jsr n -nrv, jZ! ; ''..' III The Land o! Pini'edIcSil!ise(uiDfi The Modern Soda Cracker Bounded on the North by the Purity of tho Snows; on the South by the Nutritious Wealth of the Tropics; on the Hast by the Health fulness of Scientific Baking; on the West by the Energizing Power of the Mountains. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY It has befen definitely settled that Miss Jane Brownies will be present and speak at the convention of the Nebraska Feder ation of Women's clubs to be held at Kearney In October. There had besn some uncertainty ' regarding this, owing to other engagements that conflicted, but the program committee has learned defi nitely that Miss Brownlee will be present. She will speak In Lincoln Monday evening, October 8, and at Kearney Wednesday evening. An effort also will be made to bring Miss Brownlee to Nebraska for the meeting of the State . Teachers' associa tion to be held at Lincoln during the holi WOMAN IN CLUB AND CHARIT V days. Enoa Mills ot Estes Park, Colo., also will be a speaker at the state federation meeting, thla having been definitely ar ranged recently. An effort , will be made by the club women of Omaha to bring Rev. Anna Shaw ' to this city to speak Sunday, Sep. tember $0. . Miss Shaw comes to Ne braska In the Interest of the Nebraska Woman's ' Suffrage association as a speaker at Its annual convention to be held the last, of September. She Is pres ident of the National Woman's Suffrage association and is one of the prominent Americans at present attending the In ternational council of women In Copen- nagen. Miss Shaw la one of the most brilliant women public- speakers of the day and had an active part In the recent campaign for women suffrage In Oregon. . The following list of laws which have been enacted In Colorado during the last ten years through the influence of women afford- an . Interesting Illustration of the tendency of the legislative efforts of women noi..oply. In. the states where women have the franchise, but In nearly every state of the union where there are clubs or other organisations of women- 1. Making cruelty to or neglect of chil dren a criminal offense. ,,CB,PCl or cnl JL .MakJn, '"""re, refusal or neglect to frtaT offenee ' mlnr chlld a twlM.nJ, .fn!Ur,e t0 ena children be- Same f w .' Kl"1 aT,lial"l offense; the same from 14 to 16 un ess tha child has reached the eighth grade. " hU" der iirinril LnB'e to employ children un ' yerf 10 a"V'mlne. smelter, mill ur factory, or to employ them over eight hours bwf? h "s-es of 14 and Id. nif... . . ' n" ' and forfeiture of oe;ri0eryrsn7'g "Ve' f Ch"d"n Un- ir abused, neglected, reared In vice, or If dependent upon the public for support 7 Age or consent inr iria 10 f-ili-., of law. penitentiary offense. ' lo1boY.WUderb18t,n ,h "to f ci" a..'- "i.lnor, r allowed In saloons or W"!'-'!?' No liquor sold to minors, girls ''odur', schools for both boys and 11. School for deaf and blind. First kin. rterrarUn for blind children in theT'nltVl Stealer. .rt H' Tov,lon for feeble-minded children. 13. County enupta maa I,iV.m. . . - deal with child delinquents who are defined as thOSe Who Violate the lanra n-, visit places of Ill-repute, saloons, gambling '"i me m reeis a nifrnt, guilty of mmoral conduct, or use of vile or profane language. 14. It IS a criminal offense for anv nr. son, parent or otherwise, to encourage, cause or contribute to the delinquency of a child. ' 15. Probation officers in InAk n i.n dren of the Juvenile court. JR. 1 ruancv officers to enforce compul sory school laws- . ; I' f detention wherever needed 18. Parental schools wherever needed. 19. Humane education In the public schools. 30. Scientific temperance ' education I n the public schools. ' 21. State home for dependent children. 21 Mothers are now co-equal guardians cf their chlldrem 13. The humane society for the pro tec. tlon of children and dumb animals haa been made a stale Institution. 24. The state board of charities and cor rection has full power to enter and investi gate private charitable onstltoi bmb hm m gate private charitable Institutions. 28. Insurance companlea that hava to be sued to recover are compelled to stand the oost ot the suit. - ronrts-Martlal are Promised. - WASHINGTON. Aug. It-Secretary Bon aparte has. received the report of the court of Inquiry on the collision of the battleahips Illinois and Alabama off Bren ton's reef while sailing for New port har bor. It la understood several court-mar tials will result and officers charged with negligence by tha court . will be put on trial. mm IN CLU3 AND CHARITY. Is tne Joy ef the household, for without it no happinese cao be complete How weet the picture of mother and babe, angels smile at and commend the thought and aaplrationg of the mother bending6ver the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother mustpaM, bor CTer, it ao full of danger and uttering that he looka forward to the hour when aha shall nririr.nn miEM mm PROBES FREIGHT RATES ON ICE Government Ilrglna Investigation ef Relatione Between Toledo lee Trust and Carriers. . WASHINGTON, Aug. 13 An Investlga- tion of certain railroads will be begun In Toledo, O., tomorrow by the Interstate Commerce commission, representing , the Interstate transportation of Ice. to and from Toledo. The Investigation waa -au- ' thorlsed by President Roosevelt to, whom complaints had been made by shippers. It Is a part of the trouble over the handl ing of ice which the people of Toledo have experienced throughout the summer. Between forty and fifty witnesses, have, been subpoenaed and fourteen or fifteen railroad lines are Involved. The railroads mentioned In the complaint are the Ann, . Arbor Railroad company, the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton; the Cleveland, Cin cinnati, Chicago A St. Louis; the Detroit & Toledo Short Line; the Hocking tValley; . the Lake Shore A Michigan Southern; the ' Michigan Central; the Ohio Central lines; the Pennsylvania; the Pere Marquette; the Toledo Railway and Trmfnal company; the Toledo, St. Loula - &.. Western; the.' Wabash and the Wheeling & Lake Erie, DEATH RECORD. Funeral of Patrick Gleeson. OAKLAND, Neb., Aug. 13.-The body of Patrick Gleeson, who-was found dead In a room at the Koehier hotel, at Grand Island, Saturday afternoon, arrived here tonight, and was Immediately taken to lne First National bank parlors to remain until Tues. day morning, when it will be. taken to bis home, two miles north of town. The fu neral will take place Wednesday morning, leaving the home at 9 o'clock, reaching tha . Catholic church at Lyona at 10 - o'clock. Rev. Father Donahue of Bancroft will conduct the services, Interment will take place in the Cathollo cemetery at Ban croft. ; '"'''; .'"''-i 1 ;- , ,' ' . Mrs. Pearl rMBry Cralale. '.' LONDON. Aug; 13. Mrs. pearl Mary E. Teresa Craigle (John Oliver HobbS), 'the . authoress snd dramatist, died In her sleep some time during last. night of heart fall, ure. Her death was . totally - unexpected, she having been apparently perfectly well when she retired.- Mrs. Craigle had been spending a fortnight at her home, SteephlH ' castle, Ventmore, Isle ot Wight, wblch aba left Sunday afternoon to keep an engage ment In London. She waa 89 years of aga. Jadae W. H. Whltemas, LOS ANGELES, Cal Aug. 1$.-W.- H. Whlteman. former Judge of the. auprema ," court of Arlsona, and later adjutant gen- eral of tl)e territory Is dead at Terminal Island of softening of the bralri.' Judge Weilteman was a native of Ohio and about 80 years old. . '" ' '' .... . ,' T" WAKEFIELD'S Blackberry;, Balstkm is an baa been for 60 years a Bromnf and reliable cure for Diarrhoea, Dysea. W7, r iui, unoiara infantum, etc. '.Am these diseases oftan come in tha ntaht. every home ghoul 4 be prepared to check mem without delay by having a supply ot thla excellent retuedjr on hand. Ail, uruggigia geii 11. FOR 30 YEARS Dr. McGiew haa iB',e mrKC' IALTT of all forms of diseases and dis orders Of " ; MEN ONLY l 'V Hit iMllltlse for trwt I Sa Ins UlS slus st 41mm j are sslualtaa. His Pf I nsrksbls ttmm bars aafc HaalV SOB Ssaa squatee. Over 80,000 Cases On red . - srtmeals, Hrarooalo. Bleoe Poises. Strtctsr. Olaot, Xanswa Debility. Lass t StroacU aa Vitality. Ills Home Treatment ass sei msaoBtly ar thoamas si eases ef hraeU Karoos, Rectal, fclanao as tadaer ess la II 1 st small abat. time to 4 stvr ky sossnbtsa row ouo eae writs lor rSBg BOOK,! as 4 unM st IraalmasA. XostotM soot la Btaia i socsaso. ' cVara-se ta, Oonewltatloa sTree. Office Hours I a. m. to l:0 p. ro. 9ni days. I a. m. to I p. ra. Call or write. Box TS. Office at til South 14th Street. Omaha, Neb. - Evoiy Woman UlmlsrwsH4d Mid tHMlrl kMw aw darfat Spray Olftls MAaVuWlinrtW Srnaa. a., (OS yrnarilon-g Awerw If ha aannut auDal, NtSUL, aecaot ao othrr. but aona iiami far llliumioil bnrk U4. n girl full poniculsnssS inWumi la- ,iiibiKi uuiiaa. si a aval. rax. v4 JToi lull M ....... HKJtklAN -Jt MoCONNkiLtV VHXJQ CflW lth ana iJodse bts. stTEHe-DlLUN LRUJ CO.. U. at Cor. l(it aae Karaaai era. C i; . ''w oot-Muat rou sstotara. .' I thai W f WW. 1 sr -w,. JteL. SSt",n MEMJIIIOWOMEII. or yl L aiaX I lito Bis at forassManU M f la I taat SUcaorgaaJoftsoiaiattiMM. I , J HumM u Irrltouwss oc ul inllial okV M la Hrmn afsitaii Btasibraaas. r . 1 r. . r..iiatwi Psialoas, aad sot aatiia 7al'WEaCiaillC. f osl or sotaaaous. -llSCllllun,lt '1 ImbM ky Drwesteta. V 'ttl. j ee soat ia sloia eroaaor, TV V I ' OSSToaa, oroosid. (v4 VV 'jll SI as. Of bottlat 2 H- V Otooalaf tsal ea roamtl.