Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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, nannnane. P
CnV.i Win Aaotker Earr Victory front tha
, . ', : , Trolley Dodeers.
Both Brooklyn I'ltehers Arc Hit
Hard nasi Errors Help
with tt Ran Get
' tin.
1 -.- ,
r66kLT. N. Y.. Aug. 13. The Chi
cago learn scored It fourth successive vic
tory over the ftrooklj ni today 11 to I.
Score;. . ,
H O A B. B.H.O.A.E.
Stasis, ef.... 4 0 1 Maimer. c.. 101
Shacara. .. ill Caee. ib I 0 I I 1
Scbulte. rf... 4 til .Jord.n. lb ... I 111
(haoee, Ik... I I Ik Alpermen. lb i I I I I
Horan, a 4 I 4 McCarthy. If. 4 I 0
Tinker. e.... 111 1 Lewi,, ,e I 0 a 0
Keen, M.....4 11 . tUuromell. rf.. 4 1 t 0 0
Hoffman, rt..4 tit 1 Ritter, e I 1444
Taylor, p..,.. 110 1 rnn, r 14 0 10
Overa.ll, I 14 1 IPailorlua. p..l 0 0 0
Do no ran .... 1 4 0 S 0
' Totals 11 II M ft 1 '
Totata N It II I
Batted for I'aatorlua in ninth.
C'hlcsfJ " ...... 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 3 211
Brooklyn 2 010000003
Two-base hit: Hummel. Hits: Off Tay
lor, 6 tn two and one-third Innings; off
Overall, in six an two-thirds Inning- o(T
Eason. t In five and one-third Innings. Sac
rifice hits: Schulte. Moran, Jordan, Lewis.
Stolen bases: Chance, Moran, Evera (2),
Bitter. Double piay: Bvers to Chance.
Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Brooklyn, 8.
First base on bells: . Off Tsylor, 3; off
Overall, 1; off Eason, 2; off 1'asiorlus, i.
Tlra base on errors: Chicago, 2: Brook
lyn, I.- Struck out: By Taylor, 1; by Over
all, 2; by Pantorlus, i. Wild pitch: Eason.
CTime: , 1:64. Umpires: Johnstons and
Philadelphia ghats Oat Cincinnati.
PHILADELPHIA." Aug. 13.-lnablllty to
hit Sparks' delivery was the main cause
for tho defeat of Cincinnati today. Score:
D H O A B B.H.O.A.B.
Thomas, ' ef. .. 1 r 4 .Htiaalne. ib.. 4 Oil
Oleeon. b. . . 4 111 BKellry, If.... 4 11
lanaoelA. lb 4 10 'Cjmie. rf 4 lit t
Tltiia. rt 41 tftmoot, cf 111
MiM, If 4 lit telehant,, lb I 11 t
ixioiin. ee.... 1 4 S:Deal. lb I I 1 0
Courtney, lb. I I I I .(orenrao, aa.. 141
Doflln. e..,....J IT srnlel, e I 0 1 I
fparka, p..... i 1 1 0 Wicker, p.... 1111
Totals .....I 1 17 10 Totala to I 14 I 1
Cincinnati ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Ihlladoph1a ......... 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 4
Left,, on bases: Cincinnati, 3; Phllndel
Mila, 3. Earned runs: Philadelphia, 3.
stolen base: ' Thomas. Two-base hits:
Courtney, Sparks. .Sacrifice hlta: Thomas.
Doolin. 8(ruck out: By Sparks, 6; by
Wicker, J.- -Bases on .balls: Off Wicker, 2.
Time: . :i6. L'mplre: Carpenter. ,
flew York Wlaii Both nasaes.
NEW YORK, Aug. M. Pittsburg was
beaten twice by the New York team on the
Polo groupda . today. Bowerman was put
out of the second game for disputing with
the umpire.'. Score, first game:
, J.H.O.A.e. ' B.H.O.A.B.
flhansen. If. I . I I 0 orl.rke, If.... 4 110
Browne, rf... I 1 I Mayor, rf I I I 0.
BreenaheoV a I I. I eBeautnont, rf. 4 3 I 0
Seymour, cf.. t 10 OWacner. aa... I 0 14 1
fwrlio, lb ..J 4 11 ON-. Ion. lb... I II 1 1
Mrflann, lb,;' 110 1 0 Sheehan, Ib. . I 0 10 0
rblon, ..'.. 4 1 0 4 emtrhey. lb... I 0 I 1 l
Plranf. 2b.:.. 4 11 OOlbann. o I 0 0 I 0
rVlltar, p 1 I 0 W illi-, p 1 0 1 1 0
, . Phllllppe. p.. 1 0 1 0
Totala M 11 OT 11 tLearh 1 0 0 0 0
. , J . Total.. .....I 4 14 11 I
New York 0 0 2 0 4 '0 0 0 6
Pittsburg 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Batted for Willis in the sixth.
First base on errors: ;Nw York, 2. First
base on balls:- Off Willis. 1. Struck out:
. By Wlltse, 7. Two-base hit: Clarke. Sacri
fice hits: Browne, Seymour, Meier. Stolon
tases: Browne, Beaumont. Double play:
Sresnahan to Strang. Hit with pitched ball:
By Wilt, I Hits: Off Willis. 8 In five
Innings; off Phllllppe, 3 In three Innings.
Times 1:40. Umpires; .Conway and Kleni.
Score, second game:
B.H.O.A.K. . . B.H.O.A.B.
hannoa. ?;. l 1 0, .rtarka. If.;-. 4 I '
Browne. rf...4 1 t 0 0 Malar, rf 4 0 0 0 0
Bnwerneen, . I e '1 4r- Raatrmnftc. of: 4 0 I 0
Sreeoanan, e. I I J 0 (Waaaar, aa... 4
r, T. . ' 1
1 Nraln.' lb..
Davllo. to.... I 11 I tgbeahas. lb.. I 01
lMcOana, lb.. 1 11 0 Rllchy, lb... I 0 4 1
Dablaa. ss.... t 4 I Pkatpa I 14 1
. Blrui. lb.. .4 I 1 1 . OLalfttl. p.... I 0 0 1
MaLbavao. p 1 ' 4 . ,
" Totata 10 ran 1
Totala. .... Hill lc.
New York... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-11
Pittsburg 0 000001001
One out when winning run scored.
First base on errors: 'New York, 1. First
ase on balls: Off Lelfleld.' 5. Struck out:
By Mathewsonk 6; by Lelfleld. 3. Sacrifice
hlta: Seymour, MeGann (2), IIMpM. Stolen
base: McGatin. Double plays: Nealon to
Wagne, Xelnetd t6 Phelps to Nealon. Wild
pitches: Mathe-wson, LeMeld. Hit with
bitched ball: By Lelfleld. 1. Time: 1:45.
Umpires: Klem and Conway.
Standing; of the Teams.
.'... . Plaved. Won. Iist. pri
i mcago .,,...n
New York ....101
Pittsburg r,... J02.
Philadelphia (M--
Clnclnnatl ,.,wl0& -.
Brooklyn 101 .
ft. Loula .1(16
lloston- .. .)wa104 .'
Games today: Boston at Pittsburg.
. Ia thar Western Uasar, . .
Games' today: Omaha at Des Moines,
'Denver at, Lincoln, Pueblo at Sioux City.
. Radiators Beat. Brewers.
The American- Radiator company' .base
hall team defeated the . Willow Springs
Brewing company team. & to 1 Sunday after-
Friend . in Need Al
ways with You. .
rHEN you havo Heartburn,
Colic, Coaled Toprxe., Sus
pected Breath, Aold-r'sine-ln
throat,! Cw-belchlnr. or an
Innlptent Cod, taV Cascaret.
Remember, ail Iheso are not merely
- 'l!22Ill'?ri: W indications of a serious
Cause. ' ''
Nip ihem f n the bud eat a Ckndy Caa
aret. ' Cascarets don't purfe, nor punish
the st6fnaoh: like VBUe-drivlnf1 'Physics.
" Thy act ike Exercise on the Bowel
. MuacTea that propel Food, and that squeeie
the natural Digestfve Juices of the body
Into Pood. - :- ..'
L . ;
' Cascarets warI off, or cure, the followina;
' diseases:
Cfnstipation '. Bad Breath
n-HUioustuit tfeadackt
Intiigtstie Diarrkct
Ihfsf-efsi Flatu'enci
t Torpid Live x JaundUt
Apftnuicttit Aausta
Colic . i Vtrtizj
Womu 7 Pimi let
Piles . - i . Blotches
1fi',tici cases little Cascaret In time Is
rorrh fifty dollars worth of Treatment later
on. to say gothing of the sufferlnp;, cliscom
fort, loss of Business Energy, and loss of
Sooial Sunshine it saves. ' . .
Headaches, Heartburn, Cas-belchln;,
Acld-rUln In the throat, and Colicky feel-V-t
U'.ura sins ol bowel trouble from
food polsong, and ahould be' dealt with
. promptly.- "
Or-.Ctcarat will top the fcominf
trouble, and move on the Bowel load. If
taken at the first lrns.
Don't fail to carry the Vest Pocket Boa
U Cfscaretn wbh you constantly. ' ,
t k W;
urelsta'aell them over tea milllea
boxes a year.
Be very caroM to (et the jenuin.
J"4 or ry Sterling Remedy Corrii
pany and never aold In bulk. Every
tablet atamped "CCC". tM
The "reason why of
Foot-Schulze Shoes,
t tnown to ver taao or woman wno
ever bought pair.
There'. EXPERIENCE and tW
li-M l ttaKJ 1 Y in the maltrag.
There-. VALUE and there SAT-
lor ACTION in tha wearing.
BEST DEAIXRS Doalrra who
rtuay their cyrtomrr, neerla-will be glad
to .how you the "REASON WHY of
f-OOT . SCHULZE Shoer-fcr men
and women.
S3, to $8.
noon. Tho radiator company team played
all around the Willow Springs team. Tho
feature of the game was (he pitching of
Johnston for the radiator company.
Chlraao aad New York Play a Nlne
Inalac Tie Shntoat.
CHICAGO, Aug. 13-Chicago and New
York played a nine-Inning tie shutout game
today, both teams agreeing to stop playing
at 6 o'clock to allow New York to catch a
train. - White allowed the visitors only
three scattered hits. Chicago had the bases
full in the sixth Inning, .but splendid field
ing by New York kept the home club from
scoring. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. - BJ4.0 A.E.
Hahn. rf 4 0 0 0 Kaelrr. rf 4 lit
Jon.,, rf 4 0 3 0 0 Ellwrf-ld. aa. 4
Wh.ll, lb 4 14 4 OChwee, lb.... I
0 11
1 4
Davla. aa 4 11 OConroy. cf ... I
Dnnohue. lb. I 1 IS 0 0 La port-, lb... I
Doufh-rty. If. 4 0 0 Wllllama. 2b. X
Sullivan. C...4 0 4 1 0 Dalehanty, If. I
Tannehlll. lb. I 1 OThomaa. C....I
White, p I 11 tCbeabro, p.... I
1 4 1
0 10
ToUla 11 4 17 14 TeUla. .,... I IT 1 I
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
New York '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Sacrifice hits: Donahue (2), White, Dele
hsnty. Double play: Isbell to Davis.
Struck out: By White, 4; by Chesbro. 3.
Buses on balls: Off Chesbro, 1. Time:
1:16. Umpire: Hurst.
Even Break tn St. Loafs. ,
8T. LOUIS, Mo., Aug U. Before the
largest week-day crowd that has attended
a local ball game In recent years, St. Louis
and Philadelphia broke even In a double-
header, the home team losing the first
8 to 0 and winning tie second a to 1.
Waddell essayed to pilch both games, but
continuous hitting drove him from the slab
In the second inning of the second game.
During the first game a spectator In the
grandstand rushed onto the field and at
tempted to strike Umplr O'Laughlin. He
was quickly surrounded by St. Louis play
ers and led from the Held. Score:
First game:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
Hartael, If... I 11 Nllea. Ib 4 114
Lord, cf 4 Of OJon-n, lb 4 I 1
Davla. lb 4 I 10 1 Stona. If 4 001
Baybnld, rf... I 0 1 H-mpblll. rf. 4 1
Murphy, lb... III! 0 Wallace, aa.. I 1 I I 1
Brbrark. o I 0 11 0O'Brln. lb... 4 111
Oldrln. Ib... 4 4 11 SKrwhler. cf... I till
( roaa, as 4 114 OO'Cooaor, .. I 14 1
WaddalL p... 4 10 1 VPosall. p..... 1 s I
Jacobaan. p.. 1 6.0
Totals.. ..,.1 10 V II
Totala.. ....11 4 IT 14 4
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 38
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 00
Earned runs: Philadelphia, 3., Two-base
hit: Cross, 3. Three-base hit; Waddell.
Sacrifice hits: Lord. Seybold, Powell.
Passed ball: Schreck. - Stolen - bases:
O Brlen, Paris (2). Wild pitch: Jacobsen.
Bases on balls: Oft Powell, 8; off Wad
dell, 2 off Jacobsen, 2. Struck ut: By
Powell, 2; by Waddell, 3; by .acobsen, L
Pitching record: Off Powell, S hits, i runs
In 8 2-8 Innings off Jacobsen, 6 hits, 4 runs
in 2 1-8 Innings.' Left on bases: St. Louis,
T; Philadelphia, ,7 Time: 1:65. Umpire:
O'Laughlin. ' . . ;
Score second game: , - ' .
. .B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
Nllea, ib. I 1 I I 1 Hartarl, If... 4 1 1
Jonaa. lb I 0 12 I 0 Lord, cf.t. . . . 4 I I
Stone. If 4 0 1 0 0 Davla. lb I I
Hemphill, rf. I 1 I OSeybold. rf..,4 1 1 0
Wallace, aa;.l lit XIMurpby, lb.,, 4 1110
O'Brien, 2b... 4 14 1 iSchrerk, c...l' 11
Koebler, cf... 4 10 OPnwera, c... I 041.
Rickey, e..... 0 0 11 irOldrtn, Jo... I 1 1 I
Spencer c... I 0 I 1 OCroaa. aa A I I
Huweli, p.... I 111 0 Waddell, p... 0 0 0 4
. 4?ooniba, p.... I S
Total....... 21 7 7 16 I .
Totala 13 24 10 I
St. Louis 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Earnd runs: St. Louis. 1; Philadelphia,
1. Two-base hits: Hartsel, Lord. Three
basevhlt: Hemphill. Sacrifice hits: Spen
cer, Miles. Stolen base: Oldrtng. Hit by
pitched ball: By Coombs, 1; by Howell; 1.
Bases on balls: Off Waddell, 1; off Howell,
1; off Coombs. 8. Struck out:" By Waa
dell, 1; by Howell. ; by Coombs, 4. Pitch
ing record: Off Waddell, 4 hits, 4 runs in
1 1-3 Innings; off Coombs. 3' hits, 1 run in
6 2-3 Innings. Left on bases: St. Louis, 8;
Philadelphia, 7. Time! 1:55. Umpire:
O'Laughlin. '
C leveland Beats Washlnatoet.'
CLEVELAND, Aug. lS.-Moore pitched his
first game of the season today, holding
Washington down to five hits and one run.
Fulkenberg was put out of tlx; game tor
deputing a decision. Washington tried an
amateur from Masai lion, O., on third base.
B.H.O.A.E. . B.H.O.A.E.
J!hk, cf .... 4 SStanlay, cf... 41 11
Jackaon, If... I t (Altiaer. aa... 1 I 4 I e
Turner, aa... 4 114 0 Hick nun. rf.,4 111
Lajoie, lb.... 4 I I Anderson. If. 4
Storall. b...4 1 1 4'08tahl, lb..... 4 II
Ciin.altoa. rf I t I tVhalny. Ib... 111
Hoainan, lb.. I I 11 4 Bha'brook, Ib 8 1
Bemla, Ill Waketeld. 0..4 1
Moore, p 10 I 0 Palketiber, pi
KHaoa, p s
Totala W I IT II 1 SiBltn, p I 1 t o
'Totsls'...;..t 114 11
Cleveland 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 02
Washington 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 01
Hits: Off Falkenberg, 3 in one and two--thltdS
innings; off Smith, 4 in six Innings.
First base on errors: Cleveland, 1; Wash
ingt6n. 1. Sacrifice hlta: Jackson. (Toiigal
ton. Shanuabrook, Altixer. Stolen bases:
Turnr, Congaltoiv Benils. Altlter. Double
plays: Bemla to Turner, Stovall to Turner
t Kossman. First base on balls: Off
Moore. 4. ' Struck out: By Moore, ;' by
FarVenberg, 2; by Kltson. 1;-by 'Smith, 3.
Time: 1:35. Umpires: Evans and Sheridan.
Boston Wis. from Detroit.
DETROIT. Aug. 13. Slever weakened In
the ninth and two singles, an error of omls. 1
slon by Schaefer, an Intentional pass and
Sttihl's double gave Boston two runs and
the game.. Young was pounded for a triple
and four singles in the opening inning, but
held Detroit safe aftef that. Boston left
for home tonight. Score:
. B H O A . ..- , B.H.O.A.E.
Haydea. rf... II Jonea.'ef 4 tit
Pa-reot, aa.,.,4,1 1 I 01.iaday, lb . 4 11
Ht.hl. cf t'l I atMmyre, If.'. 4 14
Ferria, lb ... 1 I I ('rw(ord. rf., 4 I a
Ooewin. If... 4 I 1 9rharer. lb.. 4 I
Onmabaw, lb 4 t Ceufklla. Ib. 4 111
Morsan, lb... 4 14 1 1 Lowe, aa...... 4 I 1
ivtereon. .. 1 4 1 SPayae. e...... 4 1 I
louns, p 4 11 Rlcrar, I
Schmidt ....1
Touu n ii n Ji i . : J '
, .' Totals M 10 n II
Batted for Sieve in ninth.
Boston I 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 t-8
Detroit .. 0 0 1 0 0 0 04
Two-basa hits: Parent. Sih,-rer ' ti,...
bave hits: Sohaefsr, Hayden, Young. Sac
ritlos hit: Slahl. Stolen bases: Jones,
Mclntyre, Coiigtilln. Bases on balls: Off
l lever, 1. Left on buses: Detroit, 6; Bos
tun, . Struck out: By Siever. 1; by Young
'.'. Double play: Lowe to Schaefer to Lind
say. Ps.srd ball: Peterson. Time: 1 87
. iiipire: yonnQiiy.,
tanallnar of tho Taaaaa.
Plaved. Won. Laat. T,
Chicago 1)4 . U. . 48 .. .6S7
Ptilladelphla : 1"J 60 a " tl3
New York t. "'87 ' 41
Cleveldii im 65 48 - .6S1
St. l-ouls He. 03 ,i oJij
Detroit ....-htj ' v 0 , M .45
Washington Jw , tl
Boston 1M- 31 78 .teii
Games today : Washington at Cleveland,
Buton .at Dstroil. - ,
Calhona Meats Two lrawery Klnea-'
FORT OALHOUNM Neb Aug. 18 8p.
clai Tleratn. Tb Furt Calhoun Uan
defeated two of the Omaha brewery teams
here tnrlay, the Krug tram 14 to 3. and the
Meta Bros, team, 9 to 8. Score by Innings:
R. H. K.
Ft. Calhoun. 24003222 -14 H 7
Krug 00000200O 2 4 4
Base on balls: Off Gusion. 2; Struck out:
Br Oiistnn, 12; by Kelley, 1. Batteries:
W. Kellev and T. Kelley fort t'Hllioun;
Oustnn and Mathews for Krugs. Umpire,
T. Powell.
R. H. E.
Fort Calhoun.... 0 1 0 2 0 1 00 4 o l- 12 7
Mets 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0-8 6 8
Bass on balls: Off Clark, 1; off Guston. 2.
Struck out: By Clark, 6: by Guston. 16.
Bntterles: Clark snd McGrath for Meta;
Guston and Mathews for Calhoun. Umpire,
William Sievers.
No men out when winning soore In the
eleventh Inning was made.
Indianapolis Wins from Minneapolis
One to Kothlng.
INDIANAPOLIS, Aug.MS. Although out
batted, Indianapolis succeeded in scoring
the only run of the game in the sixth in
ning today, shutting Minneapolis out, 1 to
0. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Dunleary. rf. I 0 4 1 ODala. cf I 110
Atherton. Ib. I 0 0 t OBulllvan. rf.. 4 110 0
Hlmea, ct....l 1 1 0 Uremln('r, Sb 4 t 1 I 0
c.rr, Ib I 0 11 1 OOraham. If... 4 0 4 0 1
Wlllteme, aa. I 1 1 Kreeman. lb.. I 0 II 0
Perry. If 1 OOvler, aa 10 14 1
Marcan. 2b... I 2 I 1 Fox, 2b I 110
Hnlmea. c... 10 11 lYeacrr, e I 0 T 1 0
Thl-lman, p.. I 1 2 0 OUehrln. p... 3 0 0 1 0
Kellum, cf... 100
Totala 10 I 24 12 I
Totala 21 t IT It 8
Indlsnapolt 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Bases on halls: Off Thiejman, 1; off
Gehrlng, 1. Struck out: By Thlelman. 4;
by Gehrlng, 6. Two-base hit: Gremlnger.
Three-base hit: Thlelman. Sacrifice hit:
Atherton: Left on bases: Indianapolis, 8;
Minneapolis, 8. Time: 1:46. Umpire:
Even Break In Loolsvllle.
roriSVILT-E, Aug. 13. Louisville and
St. Paul broke even here today In a double
header. The visitors won the first game
by batting Dunkle at opportune times,
while Pruitt "kept the locals' hits well
scattered. In the second game Rodebaugh
was easv for the locals. Score, first game:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Oeler. as I 1 1 I I Hallman. 110 0
Kutdrrt, lb... 4 1 11 OWnodruff, Sb. 4 1 t I
Myers, rf 4 lit ft Braahear, 2b. I 1 1 I 1
Prlak. rt I 1 OSullUan. lb.. 4 1 14 0 0
Wheeler, lb.. 4 1 1 Ogtorall. cf... I 0 0
f'oy, If 4 110 OKerwin, rf.... 4 110 0
Padden, 2b... 4 14 OStnner. c 414 2 1
Drill, c 4 14 1 OQulnlan. aa... 4 till)
Prultt. p 4 10 OPunkle, p.... I 1 o o o
Elliott, p 1 1 0
Totala M 27 IT 2Kenna 1 0 0 0
Totala 14 I IT II 1
Batted for Elliott In ninth.
St. Paul 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 0-4
Louisville , 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 .0 02
Two-base hit: Dunkle. Three-base hits:
Coy, Padden. Sacrifice hit: Stigden.
Stolen bases: Woodruff, Geier, Hallman.
Bases on balls: Off Dunkle, 8; off Prultt,
1. Struck out: By Dunkle, 1; by Elliott, 2;
by Prultt, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Stovsll.
Double plays: (Julnlan, Brashear to Sulli
van. Balk: Dunkle. Left on bases: Louis
ville. 0; LU Paul, 7. Time: 2:00. Umpire:
Score, second game:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Hallman, If.. 4 I 0 1 Oeler. aa 6 I 1 1 0
Woodruff, lb. 4 I 1 1 8uden. lb... 1 110 0
Braabear, 2b.. I 1 4 4 1 M-yera, cf.... 4 0 4 0 0
Sullivan,, lb. . I 1 10 I OFrlak, rf...... 4 2 111
Storall. rt....t 110 1 Wheeler, lb.. I 0 110
Kerwln, rf....4 I I 0 OCoy, If 4 0 10 0
Shaw, o 4 1 4 0 0 Padden, 2b... 4 0 12 0
Uulnlas, as... 4 1 1 I 0 Drill, c 4 0 4 1 1
Elliott, p 4 0 0 I 0 Rodebaugh, p 4 1 1 0 0
Totala 11 1) IT 11 4 Tola la 81 I 24 I 2
Louisville 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 -5
St. Paul 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0-3
Two-basa hits: Hallman, Woodruff,
Frisk. Stolen bases) Kerwln, Sullivan.
Sacrifice hits: Sugden, Brashear, Wheeler.
First base on balls: Off Kodebaugh, 2.
Struck out: By Elliott. 2; by Kodebaugh, 1.
Hit by pitched. ball: Stovall. Passed balls:
Shaw (2). Left on bases: Louisville, 6;
tit. Paul, 6. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Werden.
Easy Victory for Colambns.
COLUMBUS, O., Aug. IS. Berger was
sent in against Milwaukee today and
Columbus had no trouble winning. HInch'
man's batting was a feature. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Hlnrhman. rt. 4 4 4 0 ORnblnaon, ss. 4 1 1 0
Coulter. If.... J V I I'Ooreen. rf 8 1 10
Plrkerlss, -cC 1 I I, 0 0Hynea. ...... 4 0 11
Prlel.. lb...... 4 111 ORaleman, lb. 4 0 7 0 0
Klhm, lb I 0 i 0 IBevllle. c I 0 4 t 0
Hulawitt. aa..t lit 1 Hemphill, cf. 4 2 0 .0 0
Wrl.ley. 2b.. 4 114 SMci'h'an'?. Sb 4 0 2 1 0
Ryan, c. 1170 McCorm'k. 2b 4 1 2 6 0
Berger, p 4 0 .Goodwin, p... 4 1 0 I
Totals J II 27 7 I Totals 14 24 15
Columbus ..0 11110 10 8
Milwaukee 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 1--2
Stolen bases: Pickering (2), Htnchman.
Two-base hits: Wriglcy (2). Three.bnse
hit: Hulswltt. Double play: Hulswit to
Wrlgley to Kinm. Struck out: Beige.-,
6. Sacrifice lilts: Coulter (2). First buse
on halls: Off Berger, 2; off Goodwin, 3,
Hit by pitched ball: Klhm. Passed ball:
Beville. Umpires: Egan and Sullivan.
Time: 1:35.
Packers Win In Moth,
TOLEDO, O., Aug. 18. Kansas City made
It an oven break by a batting rally in the
ninth which gave them today's game.
B.H.O.A.Bi B.H.O.A.B.
Waldroii, rt . 4 I I t rilngman, aa. I I 0 I 0
McBrlde, as., i 1 4 0 J. Clarke, If. 4 1 0 0 0
Perrlne. lb.. .6 14 1 OOdwell, cf.... 4 4 10
Hill, cf 4 4 I 0 OKnabe. 2b 1-0 4 4
Burke. Sb.... 4 111 OKrueger. 3b.. 4 012
fc-.. , .., V . ........
I , .-, ,, - w a v ..-u , ,, , w V V
' I 1 1 . . A .. 1L' "-I 1. . ,k , . . n
. j -r j , ...... m m v w . v tm I , , u ... v V
Leahy, c 4 I i 1 0 Land, o 4 0 4 t
Bohannon. lb. I I O.ochech,. p I 0 14
Sullivan, lb.. 181 0Demont .... 1000
Totala 14 II IT Total. I 10 IT 14 0
Batted for Chech in ninth.
Kansas City 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 48
Toledo 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 0-6
Home run: Odwell. Three-base hit:
Nance. . Two-base hits: Odwell, Hill (2).
Struck but: By Chech. S; by Frants, 4.
First base on balls: Off Chech, 1; off
Frantz. 1. Stolen bases: Clingman. Hit by
pitched ball: Hill. Sacrifice hits: Frantz,
Sullivan. Passed ball: Land. Wild pitch:
Chech. Umpire: Owen. Time: 1:50.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Frt.
Columbus 117 73 44 .624
Milwaukee 116 bl 61 .657
Toledo 113 ii 61 .549
Louisville lib' 69 67 .609
Minneapolis ...116 f8 57 .boi
Kansas City 117 to til .749
St. Paul 113 48 ' (J5 .4J5
Indianapolis 114 40 74 . 351
No games today.
Manager of Minneapolis Team Takes
Exception to O'Brien's ' Coarse.
INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 13 Manager Kelly
of the Minneapolis base ball team today
received a telegram from President O'Brien
of the American association notifying him
of his -indefinite suspension, pending an in
vestigation of his share in the recent
charges of gambling against Umpire Owens.
Kelly immediately answered by wire, as
"You have no grounds for suspending mo
as manager of the Minneapolis club except
personal prejuaice. jour action in this
matter la in Una with your decisions in
other cases In which the Minneapolis club
was. Interested. In suspending me be
fore trial you are taking advantage as
president of the American association, and
you are hereby notified that 1 shall take
action immediately to protect my Interests.
Hard Hlttlaaj Center Fielder of Wehb
rt.ty is Signed.
President Rourke was not slow In se
curing an outfielder to take the place of
Carter, who leaves at once for Memphis.
He baa bought Autrey, the crack center
fielder of the Webb City team, who has
been setting the Western association on
tire with his hitting. In tha game with
Leavenworth Sunday he made a triplet, a
double, a single and sacrince. - Rourke is
burnnlng up the wires to have him reasn
Des Moines Tuesday in time for the rino
at the Iowa capital on that date. Weub
City Is in the Western association with
Topeka, Wichita, joplin, ripntigneld,
Hutchison, Leavenworth and Oklahoma
City. ,
Haattacs Wins la ninth.
HASTINGS, Neb.. Aug IS. (Special Tele
gram.! Hastings won from Bertrand to
day, 7 to 8. With the score 8 to 3, Hertrand
tied tha score in th ninth, but Hastings
brought In the winning run In the lust
half. Batteries: Hastings, Reugee and
Poteet; Bert rand. Masters and Masters.
Aetnra Detent Tailors. '
The Bijou theater team defeated the Dun
ham Dunham team Sunday in eleven in
nings by the scots of 11 to 10. The hatting
of Sampson and the fielding of Pickett mere
the features. Batteries. Bijou, Andrews
and Arnstln; Dunham ft Dunham, Irving
ana Miiuen.
Beatrlee Onthlta the tengnera, hot
the, Latter Win.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Aim. 13.-(8peclsl Tele
grsm.) Ducky Holmes' Lincoln league ball
tea-n played Beatrice this afternoon, the
leaguers taking the game by the score of
10 to 8. A number of ex-league players
were picked up from several Kansas teams
by Beatrice and everything considered the
locals made a good showing against the
professionals. Burget, the crack amateur
pitcher from Pickrell, pitched part of the
gjme for Lincoln. There was a large at
tendance, many fans from neighboring
towns ocing present, score:
R. H. E.
Lincoln 43001011 0-10 7 3
Beatrice .... 101002302 8 12 4
Batteries: HeAtrtce. Richards and Grltras:
Lincoln, Burget, Jones and Wolfe. Three
base hits: Fenlon, Richards, Orl&gs. Two-
oase nit: Randall. Home run, GrlndeU.
Umpire: Edlnger.
Stars C'ontlnne to Shine.
The Hardin Colts, from Armours, and a
nine picKeci up In South omana. and dubbed
the Malnne Stars, played Sunday at the
uuny para, ana tne rjtars waixea on wnn
the game by a score of to 2. Following
wss the line-up:
Harden Colts Malone's Stars
II. Williams c Bohner
G. Wlllinms p.' Gurness
H. Hinkle lb Davla
M. Collier 2b Carey
E. Lismond 3b McMnnn
Mcline ss D. Shanahan
Paxton If Bunker
Rhumstrlver of R. Shanahan
Tuttle rf Smith
Konntse Additions Win.
The Kountse Additions defeated the Lit
tle Omahas by a score of 12 to 1. Gnnb
pitched a fine game, allowing onlv three
nits. The features were the batting of
Chrlstensen and Wherry. Score:
Kountse Add.. .4 0 6 0 0 1 0 1 1-12 15 0
Lie Omahas... 0 001000001 33
Batteries: Grleh and Lewis; Waterman
and Jackson. The Kountse Additions would
like to hear from the W. G. Clark Juniors.
Address L. B. Wherry. 2419 Spencer street.
Sterling; Defeats Tecnmaeh.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. Aug. 13 (Special
Telegram.) Sterling defeated Tecumsoh In
the base ball game here today. Score: R.H.
Sterling 0 0 5 0 4 0 0 0 0-9 10
Tecumseh 3 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0- 11
Batteries: Sterling, Sabln and Bagley;
Tecumseh, Calbo.rt. larrless and Cooks.
4inmes In Three-I League.
At Rock Island, 111. Decatur, 1; Rock
Island, 0. ,
At Cedsr Rapids. Ia. Cedar Rapids, 6;
Springfield. 6. .
At Peoria, 111. Peoria, 13; Davenport, 5.
At Bloonilngton, 111. Dubuque, 16; Bloom
Ington, 4.
Diets Spava Beat Eaales.
The Diets Spazlns defested the Eagle
team yesterday by the score 4 to 6. at
Diets park. The game was a pitchers'
battle from start to finish Bartley of the
Diets team striking out nine men while
Pierson of the Eagles struck out 10. A
feature was the batting of Wilson.'
Iowa Leasrne Reanlts.
MARSHALLTOWN, la.. Aug. 13. (Special
Telegram.) Following are the results in
the Iowa league: i
Oskaloosa, i; Marshalltown, 0. .
Ottumwa, 6; Clinton, 0.
Main Sheet, Favorite In i?tOT Trot, Is
Defeated by Anglola. ,
POUGHKEEP81E. N. Y.. Aug. 13.-The
Grand Circuit- meeting opened here today
with fine weather and a good attendance.
Tho surprise of the- day was the defeat
of Main Sheet, In the 2:07 trot. This horse,
which has won every previous start this
sea eon, was made favorite at STA to 337 for
the field and he justified the choice tn the
first heat. In the second, however. Anglola
gave a remarkable exhibition of what she
can do, when her erratic tendency does not
lead her to break, by going the mile in
2: (Hi, the fastest mile trotted in a race
this year. This being a slow track, it was
regarded as equal to 2:01; and the mare
trotted under the" wire so easily that she
could probably have done It a second faster
If pressed. She hrtlk the track record of
2:04 held by Crescesss.
The 2:15 trot W;is;an easy winning for
Nutboy In every teat, defeating Ann Di
rect, winner of the- M. & M. as easily as
he did In Buffalo,, but in better time.
Gratt's winning, -of -the 2:06 pace was a
surprise to the bettors, who msde Ecstatic
favorite because of her fast performance
last week.' The mare, however, proved to
bo ailing and Graft took both races.
Trotting. 2:15 class, purse 81.600; 3 tn 6:
Nutboy, b. g., by Nut Pine (Mc-
Henry) 1 1 1
Dr. Chase, ch. g. (T. Murphy) 4 2 2
Imperial Allerton. b. n. (now) z
Belle Issue, br. m. (Ray)
Klnst'ress. b. m. tClarke)
Bowcatcher, b. g. ((McCarthy)...
Wilteeri, b. h. (Benyon)
.8 8 4
5 4 6
7 7 S
8 5 b
v.. .6 9
9 8 7
Ann Direct, blk. m, (Walker)..
Lord tjuex, b. g. (Baker)
Time: 2:09, 2:11. 2:11.
2:U6 pacing, purse 2 In 8:
Gratt. blk. h., by Grattan (Spencer).... 1
Citation, b. m. (McMahonl 4
The Friend, blk. h. (McCargo) 2
Texas Hooker, b. g. (Snow).
Edwin S., ch. g. (Curry)
Ecstatic, b. m. (Lang)
Bolivar, b. g. (Walker)
Geary, ch. g. (McEwen)
Hal Chaffin, br. h. (Geers)...
Peruna, b. h. (L. Murpby).
Red Bird. b. h. (Cox)
Time: 2:05tt. 2:08.
. 3
... 6
... 9
... 7
... 8
...11 10
...10 dis
2:07 trot, purse 31,300; 2 In 3:
Anglola. b. m., by Gregory the Great
(Ames) 4 i i
Main Sheet, blk. h., by Director Gen
eral (Thomas) i j 4
Leonardo, ro.- g. (Dlckerson).. 5 2 2
Turiey, o. n. (oeers )...., 6 4
Tuna, b. m. (Churrv) 2 6
Aristo, b. g. (Walker) . 8 6
Kid Shay. h. g. (Rosemire). .'..die
Time: j:o, z:wi.
Merry Lark Wins the Cntaklll Selling
Stakes at Hsrstags,
SARATOGA. N. Y.. Aug. 13,-Merry Lark,
backed down from 6 to 6 to 9 to 10, won the
Catsklll selling stake, seven furlongs, st
Saratoga today. Fustian made the pace
for three-quarters of a mile, when Miller
sent the favorite to the front, winning
by one and a half lengths. Disobedient
was second. Results:
First race, seven furlongs: Zlenpa won,
Sanfara second. Belle of Pequest third.
Time: 1:26..
Second race, about two miles: Champ's
Elvsees won, Waterford second, Pirate
third. Time: 4:26.
Third race, five and a half furlongs: Ken
tucky Beau won, Altuda-second, Dulclnea
third. Time: 1:07.
Fourth race, the Catsklll stakes, selling,
seven furlongs: Merry Lark won. Dis
obedient second. Red Leaf third. Time:
1 :.
Fifth race, selling, one mile: New Mown
Hay won, Yorkshire Lad second, Woolwich
third. Time: 1:39.
Sixth race, five and a half furlongs: Killl
crankie won, Beldemo second. Smiling Tom
third. Time: 1:08.
CINCINNATI. Aug. 13. Reaulta at La
toniat First race, alx furlongs: Black Mantilla
won, Orllne second. Lady Ethel third.
Time: 1:14V,.
Second race, flv furlongs: Frlenshlp
won. Montalban second, Decklaw third.
Time: 1014k.
Third race, six furlongs: Lacene won,
Mlladl Love second. Inspector Girl third.
Time: 1:14.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Odeletta
won. Red Thistle second. The Only Way
third. Time: 1:28.
Fifth race, seven furlongs: Lady Lavish
won, Labor second, Layson third, lime;
l.'2Ss. ' -
Sixth race, one mile: Ambeslta won.
Docile second. Bull Finch thlrdM Time:
1:404. '
Free to All to Participate la state
' Golf Tonrnament.
The directors of the Omaha Country
club have thrown open their links to all
who Intend to participate In the coming
tournament of the Stale Golf association.
Secretary Hoel says the entry list is large,
although he thinks many have entered
for the privilege of donating their 82. He
says this will be a mistake, aa no tourna
ment ever offered more prises or flights
and there are plenty of prises to induce
all to play out the tournament.
One week remains before the big Middle
West tennis meet and the entries are flow
ing In to the great delight of the officers.
The directors of the Field club will make
an especial effort In the way of entertain
ment, for which funds will not be lacking.
An effort is being made to have aa many
towns of the state represented as possible.
If there are any clubs in Nebraska which
would Ilk to send some players to this
national event they should communicate
at once with Will Wood of Swift and Com
pany. Tbe entertainment to be furnished
will alone be worth the price and time
and tennis players should not miss this
oportunlty to become acquainted and to
mingle with some of the best players In the
Aspirants for National Honors Begin
Preliminary Tonrnament.
SOUTHAMPTON. L. I., Aug. 18 Aspir
ants for the national championship honors
at lawn tennis are gathered here for the
tournament on the courts of the Mesdow
club, which Is a preliminary to the cham
pionship events at Newport next week.
In the singles learned defeated Amend,
8-1, 0-0; Slocum, the ex-champlon, de
feated H. H. Boyesan, Harvard, 8-1. 5-7,
6- 2. The Williams college player, B. B. V.
Lyon, defeated O. Atterbury, 6-3, 8-3. E. R.
Dewhurst. the Inter-collegiate champion of
the University of Pennsylvania, and F. C.
Colson. Csttnne Country club, Baltimore,
both won In easy fashion.
Trl-State Tennis Tonrnament.
BIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 13. With fast
grounds and most favorable weather the
annuel tournament of th' Trl-State Lawn
Tennis association began this afternoon
on the courts of the Sioux City and River
side boat clubs. About fifty players are
entered. Walter Hayes,' Iowa tennis cham
pion, who holds the singles cup, Is here
to defend the trophy. Today's matches
resulted as follows:
O. B. Huntington. Colorado Springs,
Colo., defeated H. Dale, Sioux City, 6-4,
7- 5.
W. E. Blstherwlck, Rock Valley, de
feated J. O. Hammer, Sioux City, 6-1,
Charles Carey, Sioux City, defeated C. EX
Westwood. Washta, 6-3. 6-2.
H. A. Oldham, IjrMara, defeated Carle
ton Toy. Ploux City, 6-2, 6-0.
J. Murphy, Ida Grove, won from F. Kirk,
Sioux City, by default.
J. E. Arthur defeated W. P. Scott, 6-3,
J. P. Bailey, Tallhna. Okl., defeated E.
H. Kelly, Sioux City, 6-1, 6-1.
John van Dyke .defeated John Kelly,
6-1. 6-0.
Preliminary Yarbt Use..
MARBLEHEAD, Mass., Aug. It Ideal
yachting weather prevailed this morning
for the trial races for the selection of
three American boats which are to sail
against a like number of German yachts
for the possession of the Roosevelt cup.
For the first time In many weeks the fog
had completely disappeared. Mingled
nmonr. the. schooners, steam yachts, the
racers of others days and several old coast
ers 1.,.' the latest creations In the small
boat line. There were seventeen In all.
Each n stubby little bowsprit, a twenty,
foot mast and a cook pit barely sufficient
to hold the three men to which each boat
Is limited.
The race was started at 11:10. Tho course
was triangular, flfteeen miles In length.
The time limit was fixed at six hours. At
the start the wind had dropped to about
seven miles an hour.
Th Spokane of the Eastern Yacht club,
which Is reported as the western represen
tative in the contest, won the race, finish
ing 1 minute and 40 seconds ahead of the
Hayseed III. Wlndrlm Kid was third, Man
chester II fourth and the Vim fifth. The
Spokane crossed the line at 3:53:09.
City Hall Bowllnar Team.
The latest sporting proposition at the
city hall is for the organisation of a
bowling team to take its place In one or
more of the local associations and strive
for the pennants and other Incidental
prizes. A number of the expert bowlers
would be eligible, and efforts are being
msde to organize a team composed of
County and City Assessor Reed, City Ab
stractor Wood Hartley, City Clerk Butler,
Councilman Sheldon, Dick Grotte of the
building department and Harry Prlmeau of
the city clerk's office.
, Kehrnska Players Entered.
SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 13 (Special Tele
gram.) Forty-eight men figured In the
drawings for the singles In the tournament
In the Trlstate Tennis association which
opened at Riverside park today. Among
the out-of-town players are: C. M. Mathew
son. Wakefield. Neb., and M. E. Eby,
Hartlngton, Neb. The winner of the tour
nament will meet Hayes of Toledo, la.,
who holds the championship from last
year, who is also champion of Iowa.
Nebraska Horses at Readrllle.
BOSTON. Mass., Aug. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Amoflg the entries announced for
the first week of the Read vi lie grand cir
cuit meeting, which opens August 20, are
two from Nebraska, as follows: Norfolk
stake 2:08 pace, $3,000, A. L. Thomas of
Benson, bay gelding Bonanza; Massachus
etts stake, 2:14 trot. 19,000, A. L, Thomas,
black horse Mainsheet.
gportlnar Brevities.
Imagine two Chicago teams contending
at the end of the season for the cham
pionship of the world.
A boxing contest has been arranged for
Frldny night on board the steamer Susan
between Clarence English and Wedge.
The Middle West tournament Is recog-
nixed by the United States National Golf
association and Is played under its rules.
There's about as much interest in the
present Western league so-called race as
there would be in a flgnt between a butcher
and a lame calf.
Davis again ruled the roost and put
Hoggle and Doyle off the field at Pueblo.
This probably will be cause for another
complaint against Davis.
From next to last to first place is the
gamut Comlskey has run since the opening
of the season. There never was a better
finisher than the Old Roman.
What mind reader can name the teams
that will compose the Western le.igue next
season? Some sage has It that Topeka
and Wichita will be In tha bunch.
Stone still leads the American league in
batting. His percentage up to Sundiy was
.376. an increase over one week previous.
Donlln continues to head off the National
Walsh, Dougherty, Donohue, Sullivan
who could win with such an aggregation
of courageous Teutons? Comlskey doubt
less formed his fondness for the Germans
when he was with old Chris Von Der Ahe.
With the new surface hea'er and the
tarpaulin to keep the courts dry,-the Field
club should have better success than did
Kansas City in pulling oif the tournament
of the Middle West Tennis association, even
though it should rain.
Dougherty has been quite a help to the
White Box and the whole team has Men
r .laying marvelous ball. Commie is work
net Patterson more and the boy has been
winning his gam-'s H always was effec
tive against the i-'hillles.
Comlskey, by one of the most phenomenal
spurts of modern base ball, has Jurvped
Into llrst place In the American ltugue lth
his White Pox. In fourth place on August
4, with a percentage of panics won of .647,
he has beaten the teams shead of bim,
winning five straight from Philadelphia and
three straight from New York, until he
landed at the top of the ladder Sunday. ,
Government to Send Greek and
Syrian Lads to School
or Home.
Numbers of Greek and Syrian boys who
have been brought to Omaha to black
hoes and sell papers by employers, re
sembling the Italian padrone, are to re
ceive attention from the Immigration
bureau authorities.
The Greeks and Syrians work for about
$13- per month and are required to turn
all their saving, and earning over to
their employers, who have been the means
of bringing them to thia country.
An effort will be made to have sucb of
these youngsters aa are of school age aent
to school, and in the event of the refusal of
their contract guardians to permit them
to attend school under tbe compulsory ed
ucation laws, the alien immigration and
contract labor laws will be invoked against
them. - An Investigation was made Into
some of these cases several months ago,
but the Oreeka to a boy Insisted they had
been sent to this country by their parents,
who were well-to-do farmers In Greece, and
that they aent their eamlnfce above their
expenses back home. It waa learned, how
ever, that tbe boys were required to turn
their wages over to their contract em
ployers and were given barely enough to
buy clothes and food, and that then requt
altea were furnished them by their employ
ers, and that In fact they rarely saw any
ready cash.
A. representative of the immigration
bureau, recently la the city for the pur
pose of investigating this matter, said:
"While we are abundantly satisfied that
these little Greeks and Syrians are kept
In a system of peonage here, the young
ster are so Intimidated by their em
ployers that they are afraid to tell the
. .W - - . . k.l .M-tMAn Urh.l ha
irillu mm IV . 1 1 1 1 . 1 l at 1u1.11,. mw. rt ,
now, propose to do is to call the auto !
laws te our assistance, and If these child-1
ren are In the country legitimately thiy
will have to abide by the compulsory
education laws. Truant officers not alone.
In Omaha, but elsewhere throughout the
country will be asked to enforce the tru
ant laws against them with the santo
stringency aa against American children.
JTen of These t'ndeslrahle Subjects
Are Sent from Nebraska
to Rnrnpe,
Immigrant Inspector W. R. Mansfield will
leave next Monday for Yankton, 8. D.,
to take on Aanen Thortensen, a Nor
wegian and Insane pauper, back to New
York for deportation to King Haakon's do
minions. During the last year ten Insane paupers
have been deported frorp Nebraska alone
to Europe, thus effecting a saving to the
state of about 12.000. The state Is put to
no expense In the deportation of Insnnc
paupers, but Is relieved of the care of the
paupers, which approximates JC'JO per year
to the Individual pauper.
Safety Appliance Salt.
A suit for the violation of the safety
appliance act was filed In the United State's
district court Monday morning by the
United States against the Burlington. There
are seventeen counts in th hill, chir-nii
that many violations of the law, which at
tl"0 per case means $1,700. for which amount
the government ssks Judgment. The spe
cific charges are for failure to use safety
The first outward sign of Contagious: Blood Poison is a small sore or
blister. As the poisonous virus becomes more firmly entrenched in the blood
a red eruption appears on the body, the mouth and throat ulcerate,' the hair
begins to come out, glands in the neck and groin swell, copper-rolored spots
appear on the breast, back, etc., and the unfortunate victim finds himself
diseased from head to foot. Mercury and potash do not cure Contagious
Blood Poison; they shut the disease up in the system and remove the out
ward symptoms for awhile, but when the treatment is left oS the trouble
returns. , Then the system being weakened from the action of these strong
minerals the disease makes more rapid headway than before. S S. S. is tbe
antidote for Contagious Blood Poison. " It cures permanently and certainly
by going down into the blood and removing every vestige of the virus. It
is free from all minerals, and while purifying the blood it builds up the entire)
system by its fine tonic effects. S. S. S. destroys every particle of the poison
and removes all danger of transmitting it to others. S. S. S. cures Con
tagious Blood Poison because it is a perfect blood purifier. Book with
instructions for self treatment and any medical advice free. -
V " :-f'-.-''1Vie4.V 2
frr ' 4 'l ' j
-"!. f ' -; !
A " : Gv7
Perhaps you are suffering- In silenoe; perhaps' you have heen unsuccessfully
treated; perhaps you anticipate f hat relief can be secured only through radical
surgery; but more likely you consider your case hopeless, or at least suscepti
ble to only temporary relief. Don't despair even though you have -not been :
successful heretofore. There may be health in store for you yet a -useful life
of happiness and prosperity. A visit to our office will tell. Surely it Is worth
the trouble, as health Is a prime necessity, a most valuable asset, and para
mount to almost anything a human being can possess.
Do not be satisfied until you have been examined by the best specialists In
the country. You may be sent away happy, without treatment, but with advtce
that will save you time and money, aa well as mental suffering. If you require
trestment, and your case Is a curable one, you will be treated honestly snd
skillfully and restored to health within the briefest possible period and at the
least possible expense: We will make a thorough, searching and scientific ex
amination of your ailments, an examination that will disclose your true physical
condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark and with
out a thorough understanding of which no physician w specialist should treat
We Cure Safely and Thoroughly
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, self-abuse,
or the result of specific or private diseases.
We make no misleading statement, no deceptive or unbusinesslike pro
positions to the afflicted, neither do we promise to cure them In a few
days, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment in order to secure) their pat
ronage. . Honest doctors of recognized ability do not ronort to such
methods. We guarantee a safe and lasting cure in the quickest possi- -hie
time, without, leaving injurious after effects In the syMtem, and at
the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment.
fprr OOWSTJT.TATI01T and I Office
10 to
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
We Never
We Cure Our Patients
C e-TC latir" iSP- Jr
We Tittat All Chronic and Special Diseases.
Nerthwaat Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Nab.
in-, . ,..n ii in i i
V&. gKr.Rl.ra 8EARLKN. ltb
',Vt ' ' . .. . r -
couplings, airbrakes and for defective draw
Ticket Brokers Are f inal ear Shop
Since the Injnnrtlon leaned
Against' Them.
Pursuant to the Injunction Issued Inst,
week by the United Stales court tor this
district the local ticket brokers are going
out of business. The signs are being taken
from the windows and the agents will seek
other occupations, ' J. J. Phllbln will travel
for his health for some time.
The formal writ of temporary Injunction
directing tho ticket brokers to cease buy.
Ing, selllng'or otherwise dealing In" non
transferable railway and special tlckete was
Issued Mnn.iny by Judge Carland In' tho
iimm ,-iniri. 1 ne orosers navsi
thirty days In which to appeal, but It Tj
not likely that they will take any formal
appeal, preferring to leave th matter In
statu quo pending the decision of the United
States supreme court lit a stmllar- ease
carried up from the Fifth United State
Judicial circuit. The fact that tho brokers
are not appealing the case and are closing
their places of business gives the impr
sion tney an not nope to win.
Kentirkl.n'a Horty Found.
MIDDLESBORO, Ky.. Amr 13 The body
Of Abner Junes. aMd to hnve been s mem
ber of Frank Ball's gsng, wns fntind yes
terday evening nenr the ceno of the' re
cent battle between Ball and the Ken
tucky officers et Rose Hill, Vs.
hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays,
1 only. If you cannot call, write.
Fail You!
c-et w
Jmmi am ntwintiui ,vM:
You must come to as sooner or later; why not
now? Refuse to Buffer longer on promises of
ethers. , i
Oar Methods Zasnr Zvery Kan a Xilfe- -long
Core for Varicocele, Hydrocele,
Urethral Obstruction, Chronic Slsohargss,
Blood Poison, Vrostatlo Troubles, Kidney
and Bladder Special Diseases.
There is not a case of weakness In exlsten-4
that w cannot rebuilt and strengthen with
our NEW IDEAL TKEaTMUNT, and bring back
to robust, vigorous condition, and there will
never again be a sign ef weakness unless
brought on by imprudence.
OUR CURE Is a thorough and scientific course
of treatment, which ai ts at once upon tbe nerve
force, stopping the drain and replacing to worn
out and run down tlssuoe. It Increases the weight
in sound healthy flesh and muscles that' give
strength, and fills '.he brain and nerves with
fresh vitality, building up the entire system and
transforming the sufferer in a type f perfect
"" " iy .1 i t 1 rv
- V '-'-'T-- - ;-- )- -
By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles.
Established in Omaha for IS years. The many thousands
of casaa cured by us make us the most experienced Spec
ialists in the West, In all diseases and ailments of roaa.
We know Just what will cure you and cure quickly.
We make no misleading or false statements, or offer yoo
cheap, worthless treatment. Our ..reputation and name
are too favorably known, every case we treat, our reputa
tion Is at stake. Your health, life and bapplaeee Is too
aerloue a matter to place In the hands of a "NAME
LEH8" DOOTOR. Honest doctors of -ability us their
OWN NAME IN THEIR BUoIN&HS. W c.a .effect to
everyone a life-long CURB for Weak. Nervous MV
Varicocele troubles. Nervous Debility, Rlnod Poison,
Prostatic troubles. Kidney. Uladder. WASTING WEAK
NESS, Hydroc-i. Chronlo Diseases, Contracted Piseasea,
Stomach and Skin Disease.
Pin p Wi examination and consultation. Write to
-. gyrnutom blank for home treatment.
aad DouUe bUcrU, OiuaAo. 2teicaaka