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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1906)
the omatta DAILY REE:' 'TUESDAY, AIWST 1 14, I90ti. Telephone Douglas 61.. Your confidence in us is not misplaced, every statement we make is fulfilled. Each season we show that which is newest and best. Every article, we sell you is reliable, fcnd our prices are alwajs the lowest that reliable merchandise can Te old for,. . , . At Infants' .Wear Department, i Deserving ef t1sl notice today In the, Infant' wear department I recently ax- rived lot of cWldren's white dresses from six months ,tu three yea is. Children' Jretty ' hort dresses, with round yoke, oiede of row of lac Inser tion a,nd" -feather stitching, lace . trimmed neck and sleeves-31.00 each. Children- pretty dresses, with square yoke of embroidery and lace trimmed neck and sleeves 11. SO each. , . . Children' pretty dresses of India linen or nainsook, with round, aquare or pointed yokes, made of lace or embroidery, with feather stitching and French knot, $1. $1.60, $1.78 and $1.00 each. Little nainsook slips,, especially for boy, 6 montp er:l yer old. msde with, lay down 'oollaf- and titrn-bsek cuffs, trimmed with hem stitching- and lace edge. Main' flow.- - i 'fltunmer' Shawls. Very essential are theae dainty shawl. We close LIBERALS LOSE , ZEMSTfOS " Eeactionarj ffcelinat U Shown in Elections Where Landlord Vots. LANDED INTERESTS DRAWING TOGETHER Wear of sreca Expropriation of, Laaa Ceases ' Change 'in Sentiment -',' Many V , :.V ; . ('Raataj ' ST. PBTERSBL'RO, Aug.. 11. The gov ernment attache much Importance to the defeat of the constitutional democrat In the lemstvo election now .under way. For year the provincial lemstvos have been the centers , of the liberal movement and practically all the constitutional democratic leadera have been prominent in temstvo work. Now,' a candidate for re-election, they are going down to defeat. M. Kakoshkene, -next to M. Rodltcheff. the most brilliant of the constitutional demo cratic orators in the outlawed Parliament,, ha been defeated by-Count Sheremetleff, the notorious, Reactionary, and yesterday two constitutional aenpocrats were de feated at Samara, .-Vf While these, .results Certainly indicate a reaction of sentiment against the advanced program of the constitutional democrats. It should be pointed out that the nobility and landed proprietor have the dominant in fluence In ,Centstvo ej eotlee.. 'and the de feat of the constitutional 'democrats prob ably represents more,, their1 hostility to the principle of the" forced "expropriation' of land, to which the constitutional demo-, era ts are committed," than enmity toward the purely political . part'of their program, v landlords Are I'nltlna. , . t Nevertheless the tmporUuit landed Inter est,, reactionary or liberal, are uniting and lining up In favor of. the, government as against the Parliament' radical agra rian program. There are strong reasons to 'believe that It ts the Intention 'of. the Stolypln mtr Isliy, If thing move normally, to support the candidate of 'the regenera tlonlats, who are expected to amalgamate with the Octoberlsts, whether the co-operation, of the right wing of the constitu tional democrats Is secured or not. ' A significant symptom of the radical change n the situation produced by the miserable failure of the general strike is the fact that the majority of the social democratlo leaders who, a fortnight agq, were Its most active promoters, are now In 'favor of turning their attention to the coming 'elec tion. They have already begun- to can vas the situation for their candidates. The first Issue 'of the Ponledlelntk. Svhbse motto Is,' "Labor and liberty,"- was con fiscated today.: s . Last flight three policemen 'were' mur dered In St. Petersburg-, one In Moscow and three In Kazan. , Spanish Royalty la Scotland. FY VIE.. Scotland, Aug. 11. The king-, and queen of Spain arrived at Kyvie caatle today to visit Lord and Lady Loltu for the opening . days of the shooting season. Japan Ready for Collectors. PEKIN, Aug. It. The Japanese min ister has informed China that Japan la ready to establish a customs service at Do Yon Want to Know What You Swallow r There) ta growing sentiment In thi country in favor of mkdicimb or known ooMPoamoi. It Is but natural that on should bare some interest in the compo sition of that which he or she is expected to swallow, whether It be food, drink or medicine. RexJuarnUliut .this . crowing disposition on Hie part of the public, and satlsned that the fullest publicity can only add to the well-oamed reputation of hi medi cine Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y ha taken time by the forelock,' as It were, and is pablUnlng broadcast a list of all the ingredients coloring Into bis folding modicinea, the 'Ooldon Medicai Discovery the popular liver lnvtgurator. Stomach tonic, blood purifier and heart regulator; also of his "Favorite Prescrip tion tor weak, over worked, broken. own. nervous and Invalid women. This bold and onV-spoken saovesaent on the part of Dr. Pierce, has, by showing exactly what hti weU-knowa mwaioiae ar com posed of, eonipletalv disarmed all harptag critics who have here to lor bb Justlv attacked them, A lltUe pamphlet has soen eompiled, from aha standard medical authorities of all the several schools of praotiott. showing the strongest endorsements by tea. 1 r g nndtaal writers of the several Inzredlenu which enter Into Dr. Pierce's medicines. A oopy of this little book is mailed frm to any one de siring to learn more concerning the valu able, native, medicinal plants which enter Into the eompualtion of Dr. Fierce' mad Iclne. Address Dr. Pierre as above. Dr. Fierce' Pleasant Pal let are tiny, ar-ooeied am4-bUkxia rranuloa Tbx nlauand invWorate vtoaiach. Liva ai.d bovtala Do at Wet U " ptU habit," bu eure conattpaskuo. One or two a day tut a lssaure and rasalasor. thrae or tuor ftr aa acUve oatBartsa Ouco irted alnay In favue Rf nnfl ,VEN AWAY. In oopleeof 9UMUUU Ta People' Oonuutio Sens Mdla) advtser. a baeh that suld lo lae ex soot ei wMa eoptes a iw fear aou. a CLa r cow. am - year w gave away worth of goes srvaJwa U kouka. Tbni year 4kall give taw ay too 00 mrU ef tuan3 WU1 yexa auare b tbts ii aa, aoua euly Si otio-vent stassp to of mtllnT eulr arr seek Mff BMreovfm.arSl huh kir eh' ilrbousia. kaArmm Us, . , 3 mMP&i Emmery m0 Look to is for proper styles, depend .able merchaiVdlsc and lowest prices, ,",ly w,,fn :ttln on rte rch th'M cool evening. - . : . , Th newf,t BtyiM ,t no,. $175, $3. $3 50 an(J 'H w Mcn- White and black allk shawls, from $2.00 to $6.51 each. Main floor. , A - ' ' Dependable Notions at Little Prices. IN BAGEMBNT. .'John J. Clark's spool cotton, In black and white. No. 1 to 100 two spool 6c, or Vc a dosen. Mohair braid, all the staple colorings, In five-yerd roll 10c roll." ,- " Silk feather bone, black and whit only, sxtra value, at 10c a yard. ' Women's Gloves. THE3 NEEDED STYLES AT PRICES THAT SHOULD APPEAL. TO TOU. SPECIAL VALUE. Long Kayaer silk gloves, made with evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. (a Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth, Port Dalny and urges China to tniKe similar arrangements at this frontier sta tion In northern Manchuria, so a to place the traffic on the Japanese and Itus Blan railways on an equality. ' ' .' ALABAMA BANKER IS SHORT Paying; Teller of Birmingham Insti tution Sink BftO.OOO In Cotton ".' Fotores. BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. Aug. '13. Within twelve hours today Alexander R. Chlsolm, paying teller of the First Nations;' bank, was arrested, charged with, the embexzle ment of $97,000 of the tank's funds, :g1ven a preliminary hearing before United Sfhtes Commissioner R. B. Wilson, put ;under bond of $S0,00O, and failing to make It to night is In the custody of th United- States official at oneof the .principal hotels of the city. During-the, afternoon W. L. Sim and C. M. Hays, manager and assistant manager of a stock nd epjton, brockerage. house, were Treated, charged with aiding and abetting the embexalement of, national bank funds. They were also given a pre liminary hearing this evening. apd Sim's bond was fixed at $SO,000 and Hays' at $10,000. Both furnished bonds. , The shortage at the First National bank was discovered while Chlsolm was on his annual, vacation. The bank' has a far; reserve fund on hand, and (t.wa from this that the amount was taken. Officials de cided to wait and allow Chlsolm to return voluntarily. When jte stepped from the train this morning ha was confronted by the federal officials ,a,nd- several director of the bank, , I at-first stoutly 'denied any knowledge of and shortage, "but later In the presence -of the director made" a full confession. - . ', .i., W. P. O. Harding, president o he Flrat National' bank,' said this afternoon, 'that the bank would not lose the whole, amount and that the defalcation would not affect the Institution. The bank has a capital of $1,000,000 and a surplus of $400,000. When Chlsolm was arrested $3,000 was taken from hit suit case. He was bonded by' one of. the large bond companies for $30,000. The difterencebetween these amount and the shortage has already been taken from the undivided profits of the bank and charged to profit and loss. Young Chlsolm was one of the most popu lar young 'men socially and personally In Birmingham: He. comes from one of the best families In-the south. ' It I raid that practically art. of the. money emjieszled ' by Chlselm has been used In speculation In- oottoo- future nd- that Tils losses have1 extended ' ovw a- period of several months; It Is .said that $e traded under an aaauraed. Mama. made all his -payments for margins in carth-rfnd that nrtt'one of Ms intimate frlepda Jcnew'aught of the transaction .. . ,V; -v" , ,'.'.' , . KANSAS v DEFEND TRICKETT ' . .. i -.i i y ! e. Man Who Closes Kaasas Clty Salooaa - Will Be Sapported by State. '' KANSAS CITY Aug. U-The saloon raids at Kansas City, Kan., waged so persist ently a month ago by C. W. Trlekett, the assistant attorney general appointed by Governor Hoch to enforce the prohibitory law, were resumed yesterday, when that official made the rounds of the Joints in an automobile and arrested the proprietor of three place where liquor -w being sold. Attorney Trickett la In receipt of the fol lowing message from Attorney General Coleman at Topeka, which refers to several dajftage suits recently brought ' by saloon keepers whose property. had been destroyed by Trk-kett's order: . i . ; , Pay no attention damaae suits: alL tha power and resources of the state are pledged to defend you and vindicate the supremacy of the law. GOVERNMENT MAY DO WORK Geological Swrvey Is Taking; Steps to Bulla Irrigation Works la Wyoaalaar. WASHINGTON, Aug. U -As soon as in ventories hsve been taken of the contrac tors' outfits seised by the geological survey at Corbett tunnel and Shoshone dam, on Irrigation projects of northern Wyoming, consideration' will be given to plans of com pleting these great contracts. The failure of Charles Speer at Corbett tunnel and Prendcgaat ft Clarkson at Shoshone dam to live up to the terms of their contracts is being, investigated and may have some bearing on the method of completing the works. It is likely the geo logical survey will Continue the works with the equipment and supplies seised rather than let a new contract. More than 11.000, 000 is Involved. THROWS BLAME ON PROVIDENCE Rklne and MeaeUe Insarskne Com pany Refaaee to Par San Prss clseo Ftro Loaaea. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug, The Rhine and Moselle Insurance company of Germany has decided, that It will mot pa its C000. 000 of liabilities arising from tha fir. A cablegram to that effect was received today by General Manager Matthi of the home office, ' The company's policies so not carry aa eu-theuak cUaae, jtad ft Is -sreapmed at tli local efflos that- tbe bead 'afflrjal are. tmtifm im Jim jls:i.ri. Act mi Bee, Aug. 13, 1906. double tips, which maria durability biark nd whit, only. 'equal to a great . many Clove that sell for f-.Op, special value at $1.60 per pair. Ixng allk mitts. In black and white only. t $1.00, $1.25, $2.76 and $3 00 per pair. Long glove armlet, to be worn with thort gloves, in black only, $1.00 per pair. Main floor. Out Size Hose. Our excellent assortments of every kind of woman's hose leaves nothing to be de sired. In out sixes, as well a the regular Ite. we can pleaae you, whether you want a line or medium quality. . Black cotton hose, out else, double soles, heel and toes, 26o per pair. Black cotton hose, rib- top, - out slsn, high spliced heels and double soles,, 35o per pair, or three pair for $1.00. Black lisle hose, with or without rib top, out aiae, light weight, double soles, heel and toes, 60c per pair. Main 8)oor. - providence." Manager Matthis has made vigorous efforts to have his company pay their claims to policyholders, particularly the smaller destitute ones. He said the cablegram was not. clear and he has de manded a more specific rsply. PRINTERS READY FOR BUSINESS Fifty-Second Aasasl Convention of I'nlon Called to Order at Colorado Springs. - COLORADO SPRINGS, - Colo.. Aug. 13. The fifty-second annual convention of the International. Typographical union opened this morning. Mayor Henry C. Hall and six other prominent clttsens welcomed the 300 delegates --who represent 46,000 union printers,' and -President James; M. Lynch of the union responded.- The chief event of today was the format -presentation of booke to' the Amb M. CummlngS library1 at the Union -Printers' home, which-1 located here. ' - ' ' ; '; "'The chief business before the conven tion, which win continue alt this week,' I the conelderatldn' of plans for further car rying on the fight 'of the union fof- an "JtJht-hour day. The orgranliaflop has ex ponded up to date' about $800,000 in con ducting this fight. The convention. also affords representa tives of "all the unions of the Interna tional organisation an opportunity to In spect the building and the work of the union home, which has been maintained In thi -city; for the last thirteen years: Excursion to Cripple Creek . and other point . of -Interest In the Pike's Peak region ''.will - ba. an Important feature of lite, convention week. ,, . . ... SELECTING JURY F0R LYNCHER Excitement at Sprlaarneld 1a Sabald Ins? and 'Start I Made on Trial, SPRINGFIELD, Mo.. Aug. 13,-The se lection of a Jury was begun today In the trial of Doss Galbralth, one of the alleged leaders of the mob which hanged three negroes here last April. The court room was crowded, but order was strictly main tained by numerous deputy sheriffs. Since recent rumors of threats having 'been made against Governor Folk and officials of the trial were found to have been groundless excitement has quieted down. Today witnesses and spectators were sep arated by rbp Stretched across the court room and the special panel of talesmen was under' guard In a roped oft space. OMAHA GIRL GAINS HONOR Mis 'Roberta Wilson Will Sins; Prima Donna JRole n "The , Tenderfoot." ' Miss Roberta Wilson, who Is an Omaha girl, but who has lived In Chicago for two yeara, will make her stage debut In Mil waukee, September t, when she will sing the prima donna role In "The Tenderfoot." Miss Wilson is a graduate of the Omaha high school class of 1902, and is the daugh ter of Mrs. C. M. Wilson. 311 California street. 8he studied with Mrs. Millie Ryan of Omaha, and completed her musical edu cation under Signor Marescalchl, of Chi cago. The Chicago Trlbunt makea mention of her In Its musical columns last Sunday. FORECAST OF. THE WEATHER Shower and Cooler In Nebraska and South Dakota This Afternoon and Tonight. .Washington, Aug. 13. Forecast of the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday: For Nebraska, Kansas, North and South Dakota Showers and cooler Tuesday after noon and night; Wednesday fair, cooler. For Iowa and Missouri Fair and' warmer Tuesday: shower and cooler Wednesday. For Montana Fair In west,- showers and cooler In east portion Tuesday; Wednesday fair. For Colorado Showers Tuesday, cooler In south portion: Wednesday fair. Loral Record. . OFFICE OF TUB WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Aug. 13. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding uay or tne last three s: . . 1U4. 106. 1904. 19u3. years: Mail imum temperature.... 87 it Kl . W Minimum temperature.... 66 70 71 Men temperature 74 71 k2 71 Precipitation .. . 00 .31 .00 .00 Temperature .-nd precipitation departures from the norma at Oniaiia since March 1, and comparison with h last two years: Normal temperature 7S Kxcees for tb day i Total deficiency slnoe March 1 ViA Normal precipitation 11 inch DetlcUncy for the day u jnch Precipitation since March L 190S..18.O7 Inches Deficiency since March 1....' IH Inches Deficiency for cor. period In 1906.. 1.19 Inches Deficiency for cor. period In lsui.. IJB tnchea Report front Station at T P. M. Station and State of Weather. Bismarck, clear Cheyenne, cloudy..;.., Chicago, clear Davenport, clear...... Denver, raining-.. ...... Havre, cloudy.... ...... Helena, clear........... Huron, clear...-. Kansas City, clear...., North Plane. rlnr... tnnaha. io.n cloudy.... Rapid Cliy, clear St. Louts, clear......;., 8U Paul, clear. Salt Lak City, clouif Valentine, clear T nAicala trace ot L. A. ELL Temp. Max. Rain- 7 p. in. Temp. . tail. M $i .00 M U .01 ....... It w .06 7 M .00 ....... TS" 8S' .14 74 St T n- 71 .11 ....... n .00 S2 U .00 , M !', ...... U 81 Ss ' M ' .00 - so ' 84 ' -,uu SI 84 , ' 80 84 .1 4: 81 ' .00 preeinliatian... ... MRS. DISS DEBAR. RELEASED Notorious Adrsctulesi finishst Er Tsrm ili VMl LoTj4a Prisoo. . CRIMES .COMMITTED 11 THREE CONTINENTS Large Soma of Money Extorted - front t'rednloos Men by Means of Pretended Oeenlt Powers. LONDON. Aug. ll-Ann. O'Della Diss Debar who under the nam "of Laura Jack eon waa sentenced on December 20. Jul, to seven years penal? servitude for connec tion with an Immoral i (Pblt, known as "the theocratic onfty' of 'which her rcpntcd husband, Theodore- Jackson was the head, has been liberated from Aylus bury prison under ticket of leave, having obtained ihe maximum reduction of sent ence by good behavior. Mme. Diss Debar has been known under many names In the L'nlted States and Great Britain, but her greatest notoriety waa achieved as the perpetrator of a so called spiritualistic deception by which Luther R. Marsh, of New York, was In his old age stripped of lUs fortune he had accumulated In the practice of law. Though claiming to be. the daughter of King IxjuIs I, of Bavaria and Lola Montcx, she was In fact the daughter of Prof. John C. F. Salamon, once jof Washington and Kentucky. V .- t She became the WlfS of Joseph M. Diss Debar In the seventies and later traveled about the country representing herself as the personification ot joccult powers and tne revealer of -hidden truths, spiritualis tic and other, and in this way, -while liv ing Jn Washington square, New York, she met Marsh and by meana of alleged spirit materialisations and spirit painted pictures so Infatuated htm that he gave her large sums of money and deeded to her his home in Madison avenue. About this time General Diss Debar . left the adven turess, who went to live at the Marsh home, and also hired apartments where she officiated as a priestess, of spiritualism and won great notoriety.' Suit was brought to show her up a an Imposter, and ehe wa charged js-itb con spiring te defraud -Marsh. ' -Her trial re sulted In her conviction and she was sentenced to a tern of imprisonment. On her release she went to Europe, then re turned to this country and going to the west, got Into more difficulties through her representations of bogua spiritualism. I'nder the name of Vera P. Ava she fell Into the hands of the Chicago police, who sent her to the ipArtibentlary at Jollet for two years Released from that Institution she married William J. -McGown In WH6 at Chicago. Mr. McGowYi.'like Marsh, was a man of wealth, but this did not deter her from the practice of fraud. In 1899 she Was run out of New Orleans with Theo dore Jackson, whose wife she then said she was. A year later .she turned up In Cape Town. South 'Africa, where she called herself Helena and . Jaokson called himself Horos. OccultUrrt and. -hypnotic perform ances were the -order there, and one of her South African dupes, a wealthy contractor, gave his money to the woman to establish a colony of - brotherly love. Soon after wards the couple went to London where they promoted the Theocratic ' I'nlty or ganization, scandals vTB connection with which led to their arrest in September, 1901. The trial, which continued at intervals through three months, developed facts of such loathsome character-that several of the London paper excluded from their column all reports -of the proceeding In court. .- . ..-''- . Mr. Justice Blgham summed up strongly agalpst the prisoners,;-saying It was diffi cult to conceive of tnofe,-revolting and abominable conduct vUxVn that which had been attributed to tJh!m, The Jury returned a verdict of gullr-I-,wNrupon -the Justice sentenced Jackson to fifteen , years penal servitude and his reputed wife to seven yeara penal servitude. KAWVILLE'S PLAN TO GROW - ; . Kansas City Will, rGront No Saloon . License Intll'. Population la . Poor Hand'eeh'Thonaaad. "Kansas Ctf ffasYftlcen si peculiar method to Increase It population," aald County At torney Slabaygh Monday. He has Just re turned from a brlef Visit to the Missouri city. 'The dry cotiticU tias passed an or dinance providing that the number of sa loons shall not be increased until the city has. by' an official census, ' 400,000 popula tion. After that an 'additional license may be granted ' for each Increase of 1,000 In the population. Thli has the appearance of throwing out an Inducement to the peo ple to get out and work for an increase In the number of Inhabitants. The ordinance also provides the licenses can be transferred by the owner and they may be renewed until there has been a violation of the law. when the license Is cancelled. As new licenses cannot bo Issued to take the place of those cancelled, they become very valuable and It Is believed saloon keepers will be very careful not to disobey the law, as the cancellation of the license would not only put them out 'of business -altogether,' but would ' cause a large financial loss." ' " The commercial interests of Kansas City are also taking considerable Interest- in a project to Navigate the Missouri river from Sioux City to the' Mississippi and an asso ciation composed of business men has been formed for the purpose of securing aid in dredging the channel-to make 11 navigable. The Missouri congressmen have been inter ested and an effort will be made to secure 8 M H S Children m 5 Thrive H 0 H on 4 GrapeNuts A Mas. Physician has found a cure for constipation In children citing fifteen case by feeding them. Grape-Nuts. "Some time ago," he write. 'T becam interested In your food, Grape-Nut, a a cure for constipation in children. Hav ing tried It In my own family, I have ad vised It In fifteen case In which all suf fered with constipation more or less severe. The result has been absolute relief In all. "I write this that other children may be benefited." ' ' ' 'How' much better it I thu to bring about a healthy action In the bowel of growing children by natural mean, than to feed them with Improper food, requir ing some kind of cathartic st Intervals to overcome constipation. Orape-Nuts gives energy to the entire nervous system Including the nerves that cause the natural contraction and relaxa tion of the bowel muscles, that propel (h food mas along. It I predlgeated also, and th blood easily absorb tha food it goes throug-h the body, atorlng up vitality and force for the functlona of all th organ. Children, especially, -should get the right start aa to habits of living-. They should grow Into bright, strong, cheerful men and - women, . Grape-Nuts solves the question of the start; a wholesome' ap petite will do the rest Children's teeth are I benefited by chew G rape. Huts, .alao. Tour dentist will till you that . a certain amount, of exercise in ohewlnaT firm food is penes ary te gr&m strong, beautiful teeth. ' JTeeth jtsed exercise i Just th same a muscles, if they r te grow strong and firm aa nature Intended. Grape-Nuta grvea :ha eierdse and also give material from which good teeth are tnada. ' 'There's a reason." Road the brtln -lbs Bead is WsUrifls," ss f. gwernmenl assistance. Judge Plsbsyugh suggests that It might be profitable for Omaha business men lo take up this mat ter, as the river would afford a valuable waterway for grain to New Orleans. He was greatly Interested In the boule vard system, which he thinks Is ons of th (lnet In the country. , . FAMOUS SONNET SCOFFED AT Ina-alU "Opportunity" Pronoaaeed Rank Nonsense by a College President. President Edmund J. James of the Uni versity of Illinois, In hi address to th graduating class, sharply criticised the sentiment of "Opportunity," the famous son net of John J. Ingalls. The sonnet follows: Master of human destinies am I! Fame, love and fortune on my footsteps wait. Cities and fields t walk; I penetrate Deserts and seas remote, and, passing by Hovel and mart and palace, soon or late 1 knock unbidden once at every gate! If sleeping, wake if feasting, rise before I turn away. It is the hour of fate, And they who follow me reach every state Mortals desire, and conquer every foe Save death; but those who doubt or hesi tate. Condemned to failure, penury and woe. Seek me in vain and uselessly Implore. I answer not and I return no more. "I do not believe," said President James, "there is an equal number of beautiful llnea In tha English language which contain more unmitigated nonsense than ' Ingalls' 'Opportunity.' If you take up each Job as you come to It, opportunity will be chasing after you Instead of your chasHs; after opportunity. "It I not a single opportunity which comes to a man, it Is a train. It Is a never ending procession, some small, some large, growing perhaps smaller and more insig nificant as the years flow on, but ever and always opportunities too numerous, too great and too large for us to utilise fully, "It is not opportunity that Is lacking. It Is Isck of power on our part. If you take up each Job as you come to It, throw yourself Into It with your full powers, be fore long you will be getting ready for the next higher opportunity, before long you will find yourself among the most efficient people of your generation. Opportunity will be chasing after you Instead of your chasing 'after opportunity." BERGE STRONGEST DEMOCRAT Leader for Governor Over the State, ' Says A. A. Arter of Omaha. A. A. Arter, who has Just returned from a trip over the state selling sddlng ma chines, says he found the sentiment for Berge for governor very ' strong among democrats and populists alike. "It looks to me as though Berge will be nominated, unless the Thompson and Shal lenberger forces combine, on one man," says he. "A great many of the Bergs people Would accept Thompson ss a second choice. That Is the undercurrent, but they are for Berge first, if he can be- nominated. There is much Interest among the demo crats In politics this year and . they be lieve they have a good show -to win." . . OLD SOLDIERS TO REUNION Delegation of Forty Veterans from Grand Island Home on Way ' to Minneapolis. A delegation of about forty old soldiers from , the Grand Island Soldiers' home passed through Omaha' Monday morning for Minneapolis to attend .-the National Grand Army encampment which convenes there ' Monday, to continue- for the re mainder of the week. . . 1 'A -number of tha Omaha- contingent left for Minneapolis Sunday evening. Including several of the members of th Ladle of the Grand Army. The greater part of the Omaha delegations will leave Monday even ing snd Tuesday morning, though some will not go Until Wednesday. BITULITHIC . JPLANT . STAYS Nebraska Company Enjoined from Movlnar Its Machinery Ont ' of Omaha. Judge Troup Monday morning granted a temporary Injunction to prevent the Ne braska Bitullthlo company from moving any of the machinery of its asphalt plant from the city of Omaha. Hugh Murpily, wh" asked for the Injunction, complained that he had a contract with the company under the terms of which It waa to mix the asphalt required to fulfill hi contract with the city of Omaha. He asserted he would be greatly damaged if the plant were removed, as there Is no other In the city he could utilise. The ' company was or dered to permit Murphy to use the plant during th remainder' of the asphalt season. BIG DAY FOR NEBRASKA FIRST Eight Year Ago Antelope State Troops Led Americana Into Manila. Monday, August U, 1 the eighth anni versary of the capture of the city of Ma nila, Philippine Islands, by the First rcal ment, Nebrsska volunteer. The regiment was the first of the Vnlted States forces that entered the city, having marched around tha sea wall of the fortified city, and during the march had to wade In the sea through the surf for nearly a mile. Company L, First Nebraska, Just returned from the encampment at Fort Riley, was one of the companies that wss present on thst occasion. INCREASE OF TEN MILLIONS Mlasoarl Board of Eeoallsatloo Raises Assessment of Pebllo Service Corporations. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Aug. 13.-The 8tata Board of Equalisation today an nounced the results of Its lsbora equalising ths assessments on railway, bridge, tele graph snd telephone companies for taxes for ISM. Ths totsl Increase this year Is $10,090,836.82 over laat year. - AS IMPORTANT DECISION. Fine of f rOtt Imposed for SBbatitalleST Label. Jacob, sllss James Goldgraber, a saloon keeper of 2300 Market street. St. Luuts, Mo., recently Indicted by the Grsnd Jury for using Anheuser-Busch Budwelser labels,' taken from empty bottles and put ting them on bottles containing beer brewed by other brewers and selling same as Budwelser, waa convicted snd fined $100.00 In Judge Moore's court. Ths case was vigorously prosecuted by Campbell Cummlngs and ts ths first of several similar proceedings In which be will appear for the brewery.' Tbe ease was begun Mondsy and continued T new lay until the Jury went out at 1:30 p. m. Within an hour and a half a verdict of guilty was returned against Goldgraber, but Henry Stelman. who waa a co-defendant was dis charged. The evidence shewed that Ooldgraber owns tbe saloon and that Stelman Is employed as a bartender. ' Ths contention ef tbe Anheneer-Bosrh Brewing Associa tion's attorney was that bis client suffered much snsoyaaoe and pecuniary loss by th practice of some saloonkeepers of SubsU tuttng "Badvefeker" labels tat Ihss si UnoaoT graaos ef Oonohoc - The hrcwd 6i Omaha: so Monday tjiat our, department men were too busy. 'to, prepare their usual list of bargains f6r"TueSday in time for tfie newspapers. Our Great Successful . Removal Sale is the talk of the town. - In abseneo of a new list for Tuesday, we announce that all' the SPECIAL PRICES advertised TOR MONDAY will , be IN EFFECT TUESDAY as well. : W Will Soon Move to Our New Bulling on Sixteenth and Howard Streets. O'Dotiolioe - Redmond Co. Owners of the Cloak and Suit DREYFUS' COUSIN AS A WAITER fttraaare Career of '.Relative ' ef Freneb Officer How la Chieago. Louis Dreyfus, a cousin of Captain Al fred Dreyfus, Is employed as head waiter at the Coliseum In Chicago. The fortunes of the Dreyfus faintly, ss relsted by the Chlcagoan,' prove that the celebrated pris oner of Devil's Island. If the most unfor tunate. Is not the' only one of his name to experience strange vicissitudes Louis Drerfus was bom Snd educated in the town' of Mllhauaen In the province of Alsace, where his father was a wealthy manufacturer of cordials, the town was slso the birthplace and home of his more famous cousin snd the two families grew up side by side until war and fortune or dained for them widely different fates. Al fred Dreyfus was early In liZt destined for" a military career and with that end in view was entered ss a pupil In a French military school. His -cousin snd the let ter's three brothers were educated along commercial lines. Then came the war of 172 and the province of Alsace became a portion of the German empire. The two families took different sides. -Alfred Drey fus, as sn embryo officer of the .French army, carried the sympathies of his peo ple to France,. Louis Dreyfus' family adopted the eagle of th conquerer. It would appear that, the dominant trait of the Dreyfua family, wa militarism, for on reaching manhood Louis Dreyfus snd his brothers, Carl and Emit, entered th German army,, abandoning the peaceful commercial career which their father had planned for them. .. They soon found that the bitter snd Ignorant prejudice which was st a . to . martyrise their French cousin and cause such a foul blot on the military escutcheon of France, ex isted to a far greater extent In the Ger man army. "The French peopl are not naturally bigoted or narrow-minded." Is Louis Drey fu' comment, ' ''but -fn- Ihe Oermari ' army' It I absolutely Impossible for a Jew to became an officer. Of course the law of fers no objection, but his brother officers would hound a Hebrew from their' ranks. Recently the son of one of the wealthiest Jewish bankers In Berlin entered the Ger man army aa an officer. He was com pletely ostracised and treated with So much contumely that-he was forced to resign." ' ' ' Louis Dreyfus fourth brother1 served with distinction lit the Boer army In the South African campaign and was created adjutant general.- Louis himself finding German army life far from congenial left Germany to seek his fortune In America, of which country he has become a natural ised cltlsen. A Jew by blood and religion, a Frenchman by birth,-- German by the stern law of ths conqueror and an Ameri can by 'choice, a French merchant, a Ger man aoldier and an American waiter, such is the epitomised -career of the Chicago cousin of . Captain1 Dreyfus. Chlaago Chronicle. . .' .-...- KNOCK FOR, BUSINESS. LIARS Plata Case "of Cneatlsigr ' Handled Wltkoat Glove by Mlsseerl Bapreme Court, Liars In business matters are vitally In terested In a decision . handed down by the supreme court of Missouri. A man may lie In a business deal, and If the lie Is ' so absurd that common sense readily would .disclose the false representa tion he may. escape ,the penitentiary. If he misrepresents the facts and obtains monoy through methods not readily com prehended he . Is guilty of felony and will have to serve a sentence In prison. He cannot plead that If t';s person defrauded had Investigated thoroughly the manner of parting the victim from, his money he would not have been deceived. Repreeents tlon msde with a design to cheat Is felony. The case In point 'was th prosecution by the state at St. I.011I1 of Thoma p. Keyes, chsrged with' obtaining monsy under fals pretenses. II waa sentenced to the peni tentiary for' two year. July . 1905, Keyes old twenty shares of the St. Louis Brick Cement Manufacturing company to William Perry, a farmvr from Michigan, for $2,000, half of which was paid In cash and th remainder hi notes snd property. He repre sented ths plant was operated by steam power snd had a capacity of 60,000 brick dally. Keyes had an office at 801 Chestnut street and had samples of the brick tbe company was supposed to' manufacture. The evi dence showed thets was a little machine at 1130 Chestnut street operated by band power which turned oat sample brick purported to be produced by the- company In which Perry invested. Keyes Is known ss an old offender. H baa been prosecuted In Kansas City and various other parts of the stats several times for sur.h scheme.' Ths stock com pany he purported to represent In St. Lout had no valu whatever. Of the purported capital Of $0,000 some 148.000 . was In S patent of no. value. Keyes Is now In ths penitentiary. - The opinion In this ease Is deemed by the attorney general as being of great Importance and will put an end to the com mon practice of obtaining money by fraudu lent representations. Ths. feature of ths opinion follows: , "We are aware ef the extent to whleh some courts have gone la announcing tbe rule that It s no part of. the duty of a court to Interpose and protect ths unduly credu lous whs are willing t give eredeno te tbe as ittniis of parties seeking to acquire money or property. If the rule Is to be annotmoed that money or property may be obtained from a el Us an of this state by another by means ef false or trend ulent Uttstks sab with a eVsstsa t sVs- RedmoHdCo. and economical filled ihc store on Depts. in the Bennett Store. fraud unless the party to whom such false . and fraudulent representations are made makes an Investigation, we. confess that such a rule would approach the abolishment of the true purpose and spirit of, the pro vision of the statute." Quoting a New York opinion, Judge Fox: declared: - ' ' "Th statute Is designed to furnish pro tection of those who from undue confidence In others or Inexperience are liable to be come victims of dishonest or designing dealers." Chicago Tribune.'1 ' ' ll in Cor Causes Salt. The increase In the prlr-e'of corn during; the last three or four monthr Is the basis of a suit brought in district court Monday by the Von Dorn Grain company against Otto Bros. The petition asserts the plaintiff, acting under orders from Otto Bros, made contracts' to soil July No. J born In four lots of 10,000 bushels each at prlcea ranging from 4 to 47 cents. When time came to make the delivery it la asserted the nefendanta refused to make good and the plaintiff had to buy corn at from 4H to 87t cents .to flu the con tracts. This entailed a loss of S33.ot) and In addition the plaintiff demands $100 as commission. . Articles of Incorporation. The Midland Manufacturing company. , organised to do a general wholesale and . retail Jewelry business, has filed article of Incorporation with the. county- clerk. The capital atock is $160,000. The Incor porators and board of directors are Robert n. ioacnary, Mwarn K. Benson, Edwin A. Phillips, Aaron P, Hartneman and Eugene G. Fatrl-sk. Marder ad Selclde la Teaneeseei ST. IjOUIS. Aug. II. A special to the Post-Dispatch from Union City, Tenn., says Just before daylight -today Joseph Castle-' man, living In W'eakeley county, called at the home of his divorced wife and killed her with a shotgun and then killed him self with a sun. He waa SO veara old an. I she waa 80. The tragedy resulted from her suit for divorce, which was recently granted. ' Strikers Get More Pay. EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 13 -All strikers On the Mexican railroad returned to work to- . day.- They get . increase In pay, but no'..' other concessions. Mexican Conaul Mullen says there la absolutory no danger from -an'., uprising In Me x loo, as his government' is prepared to protect all foreigners Snd na- ' lives alike. Man'a Assailant Killed. ' T WINFIELD, Kan., Aug.. 13 In a res taurant here early today Frank Cochran, armed with a butcher knife, aaaaulted and dangerously wounded Shorty Myers and drove every one from the place. Cochran then viciously attacked Officer Kreuger and was shot and killed by the latter. . . . Wreck at Fort Worth. FORT WORTH, Aug. 13. Two passenger trains on the Chicago, Rock Island ft Gulf railroad collded in the yards today. Injuring fifteen peraona. Two of them, W. O. Stev ens, a tanker of Bridgeport, Tex., and Brlnke Poore of the same place, were-sen-oualy Injured. Rich Food ; Value of Pabst Beer Good Reason Whjr the Finest Bottled Beer Should Be la Every Home. t - There Is no beverage itiore healthful Snd none more satisfying '.snd refreshing than good beer. That is why we ssy Mtat Pabet Blue Ribbon Beer, the choicest of all bot tled beersr should be Jn. every home., where things to eat and drink era valued .accord ing to their purity, cleanness .and) actual food strength. Before or with your meals It is appetising and Invigorating and at all times It Is a, cool, refreshing drink .; Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Is the superior of all - beers In cleanness 'and purity and also in food value.. This Is because of th Pabst exclusive eight-day method, of mak ing malt. Malt 'la the soul and 'body of beer, and the richer the! malt ihe more wholesome the beer. Malt Is mad from barley by a progress of growth snd perfect malt, Pabst eight-day matt, contains all the food elements tt barley In predlgested form.. ... --; More brewers g.-ow their 'malt In four days, but four-day malt. Is sn unnatural development gt4 necessity , Inferior be cause. In the rushed growth .of the grata, Its vital food value Is thrown oft and lost.. By scientific experiments and sixty years of practical brewing Pabet has proved that eight days are .required to make perfect malt. This gives the barley slow growth, snd sll the food value of the gram 1s re tained In Pabst eight-day malt. That ta why Pabet Beer is so nourishing and strengthening.. : ..- ' ' '' rAJBarr aacwna co. rsM . mtr Lnmwtrti trtreet, Omsk, Web. Pabst Bin BIbbon Beer i . '.. WREST ORTJERUTG ASK FOB PAJBtft HAND S A POLIO ' FOR TOILET AND BATH ;; Deltcate enough for the softest kin, and yet efficacious lo removing any stain. KeeM the skin jo perfect condition. In the bath gives all the desirable after-effect of Turkish bath. It should be oo every-wash-stand. ; ;. r -i ALL QROCBt AND pRU&UfTS , Baked Individual Chicken Pie -TUESDAY DIKMH V m CAtUMET