Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1906, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Kebraiaan Says right Against Illinois Via
ii Inspired bj No On Eioept Himself.
1 Ballirsn and Hopkins Accused of Bobbins
Democrat of Political Bights.
Manipulation of Organisation in Interest
' Corporations Penonncsd.
He says Mr. Br)a U Fighting
the Political Battle of
Mun, DaaUp and
PARI8. Aug. U-WiUlr
day save out . a statemer.
f- Bryan to-
,y -una- me
controversy respecting the ,
cratlc national committeema
troveriy has grown out of a
, n'
letter demanding the realgnatlo
which demand Mr. Sullivan retui '4.
prompt refusal and stated that Mr. fc 4J,V
had been misinformed respecting the si 'V
atlon by M. F. Dunlap. .
Mr. Bryan's rejoinder says that no one
but himself Is responsible for the Informa- J
tlon contained In his letter and that he
had Intended to ask Mr. Sullivan to resign
before he should sec Mr. Dunlap.
Mr. Bryan added:
"I entered Into this contest because 1
believed that Roger Bulllvan and John
Hopkins had deliberately robbed the demo
crats of Illinois of their political right and
I still believe so. To secure political power
by force or by fraud ought to be as dis
graceful In the eyea of the public as to
secure money by force or by fraud. I
cannot conceive of any plausible defense
which Mr. Bulllvan can make for remaining
on the national committee. If that body
Is unable to rid itself of the leadership of
men like Bulllvan, who seek to control the
. party organisation to advance their cor
porate Interest, it might as well dissolve.
While I was anxious to give Sullivan a
chance to retire without a fight. It is prob
ably Just as well that he refused, for If
we must fight to purify the party organ
isation, trie sooner it begins the better."
The statement adds an expression of con
fidence and approval of the work of the
majority rule league and of Msr. Dun
lap, Raloey, Thompson and Nelson.
Jour. Sullivan Comes Back.
CHICAGO, Aug. IS. National Committee
man Bulllvan when Interviewed today as to
Mr. loan's latest utterances declared
ther'j was no truth In them. "Mr. Bryan
got U1 of Ms Information from Mr. Dunlap
and .'.a doing what Mr. Dunlap wants him
to do. All the Information he has about
the Illinois situation he has received from
Dunlap and Thompson. He is fighting their
bat tie battle; that they -cannot fight for
. tnamaelveev . Hi' statement is not ' true a
to tho control of the sate convention two
years ago, a to the national committee or
as to the committee on credentials. Mr.
Bryan 1 not bigger than the entire dem
ocratic party."
Mr. Bulllvan referred to a letter which he
said Mr. Bryan had written to Ben M. Cald
well, democratic nominee for congress in
the Twenty-first district. In which letter
. he said Mr. Bryan admitted that he had
received all of his Information from Dun
lap. "That letter," aald Mr. Bulllvan, "was
proof of hi assertion."
The letter from Mr. Bryan to Mr. caM
well follow:
Aug. . My Dear Caldwell: Mr. Dunlap
has brought me your message and I hasten
to say that I shall be glad to come into
your district If engagements will permit,
and I shall try to so arrange them that
they will permit. In promising this I as
sume, of course, that the rank and file will
retrain control of the organisation, as I
hare not felt that I could consistently apeak
there under the auspices of a state organi
sation that foisted Itself upon the party,
mrougn lorce ana iniua. i m uonnaeni,
however, that your coming state convention
will, tn spite of the harmony cry, purify
the organisation and make the party de
ferring of public confidence. With best
' Owing to the absence of Mr. Hopkins In
Europe no statement ceroid be secured from
The controversy between Mr. Bryan and
Mr. BulUvan grows out of a contest for
seat In the national democratic conven
tion at St. Louis In JS04, when, against the
p.. "est of Mr. Bryan, tbe Illinois delega
tion, lea. uy Messrs. Hopkins and Bulllvan,
was seated.
All But Oa of Victims Drown ta
effort to Save Lives of
DAVXNPORT. Wuli., Aug. li Five per
son prominent In the social life of Daven
port, who had been enjoying an outing on
Uas banks of the i Spokane river, about
twelve tnllaa northeast of here, were
drowned today. The dead are:
. A. L. BOIUETT, aged about 40.
MRS. A, L. BOIGETT. aged about 85.
A. L INMAN. aged 84.
Four of the drowned heroically aacrifloed
their live tn an attempt to save others.
On after another they plunged into the
river, only to be seised by the undercut
rent and drawn down either by the whirl
pool or the undercurrent.
L. P. Moore returned to Davenport to
night with the body of Mra Bolgett. the
only on recovered.
A. L Inman, m of the victims In the
Davenport W' ,i disaster Sunday, 'was
a son of Harr iiimin, formerly proprietor
of the PaclAu bouse at Council Bluffa Ths
dead man was horn and raised in Council
Bluffs and worked for year for the
Illinois Central company.
Thirteen Men Who Wastes to
. , Panama President Are la
WASHINGTON, Aug. IS Governor Ma
goon Of Panama advlaed the State depart
ment today of the arrest of thirteen men
on the Isthmus charged with plotting to
ef w w saee, K sis vui aaa-
ana, ou la a Mexican aud the other a
Nicaragua n. All are Id Jail Governor
Magoon say tbe Incident caused but little
excitement and that pone of the men are
suspected of having been la the siufloy
of oLhee governments.
While In Germany F.dwnrd and Uer-
man Fmpernr May Advise
the Tsar.
LONDON". Aug. U King Edward and
Queen Alexandra returned today from
Cowcs to prepare for the king' annual
trip to Marlenbad. on which he will start
tomorrow. The king will cross the channel
In the royal yacht, Victoria and Albert,
to Flushing, whence a special train will
convey him to Frledrlchhof, where he will
meet Emperor William, August 15.
There has been endless speculation on
the political significance of the meeting
of the monarchs. The Pall Mall Gasette
say that recently an autograph letter from
Emperor Nicholas to King Edward was
brought by special messenger to the Rus
sian embassy here and delivered to the
king personally by the ambassador, and
that al the same time other personal let
ter from the Russian empress, were re
ceived by relatives In this country. The
Russian emperor's letter to the king Is
known to have been a request for advice
on the situation In Russia! A reply Is
said to have been sent and almost Im
mediately afterward the meeting between
King Edward and Emperor William was
arranged. After the conference at Frled
richshof, a Joint letter, it Is expected, will
be sent to Emperor Nicholas, containing
the advice of King Edward and Emperor
Grand Duke Alexis Is staying at Homburg
nd probably will represent the Russian
neror at a further royal conference.
p.. If necessary, will take place,
.mg Edward will be the guest of Prince
nd Princess Frederic Charles of Hesse
nt Friedrichshof, for twenty-four hours,
leaving on the morning of August H for
Marlenbad. where he will stay till Sep
tember . then going to Dresden or Vienna.
Panamerlcan Congress Recommend
General Statute Embodying; a
New Principal.
RIO DE JANEIRO. Aug. 12. At today1
session of the International American con
ference the report on reorganization of the
Bureau of American Republics was unani
mously adopted, except for the Peruvian
amendment, declaring that "no maps be
published or authorized by the bureau with
out the approval of the bordering coun
tries," which was sent to committee.
The conference adopted a declaration In
favor of the conclusion of a convention
embodying the principle that a naturalised
cltlsen in one of the contracting countries,
who renews his residence In the country
of his orltftn without the Intention of re
turning to the country where he was
naturalized, be considered to have re
nounced his naturalisation in the said
country, and the Intention not to return
shell he presumed to exist when the
naturalized person resides for over two
years In the country of hi origin. An
amendment would make the provision of
such naturalization treaty retroactive.
A resolution recommending to the repub
lic the extension for a further period of
five years of the "treaty of arbitration for
pecuniary claims" agreed upon at the Mexi
can conference was adopted. -
Assembly Will Advise Shah and Pro
pose Law for Welfare
of People.
THHERAN, Persia. Aug. IS. The shah'
rescript to the grand vizier as finally
amended August 10, orders the formation
of a national consultative assembly com
posed of representatives of all classes from
the prince downward.
The assembly will advise the shah on im
portant state and publlo affairs and will
propose reforms conducive to the welfare
of the people. Justice will be "administered
In accordance with the saored law. The
grand vtsier 1 to draw up the rules of
procedure for the assembly and these are
to be approved by the assembly itself.
Comment on Root's Speech.
PARIS, Aug. IS. The Temps today de
votee a leading article to Secretary Root's
speeches in South America and the Monroe
doctrine. It says: "Latin America feel
the need of guarantee against the United
Btatea as well aa against Europe. The
Monroe doctrine protects the republic
against Europe, but ' It leaves them de
fenseless against ths United States."
The Tempo says that Brazil favors the
United Statee owing to its coffee and rub
ber export, adding:
"But it I to be hoped that the Brazilian
statesmen will not aaorlflce Panamerican
lam to Monroeism except compatibly with
what the Latin republics owe to Europe
and owe to their own destinies."
Saltan la Improving.
atated that the sultan passed a good night
and that his condition this morning is
somewhat improved. Hla reluctance to
submit to treatment has hitherto com
plicated the situation, but one of the palace
doctor haa induced him to allow the use
of a simp'.' appliance which gave im
mediate reilef. Tha doctor. In recognition
of hla serv'ces, haa been promoted to the
rank of general.
Steamship Firemen Arrested.
ORAVE35ND. Eng., Aug. It. Nine fire
men of the steamer Mlnnetonka, which
arrived today, were charged in police
court with cot-eptring to Impede the ves
sel' passage from New York. The men
complained of Ihe quality of their food
and a representative of the company al
leged that as a protest they deliberately
reduced the steam pressure.
King Greet Indiana,
LONDON, Eng., Aug. Three Canad
ian Indian chiefs In their picturesque
dress were received by King Edward at
Buckingham palace today. The Indiana
came to plead for the restoration of their
hunting rights and certain native customs
which have been curtailed by the Do
minion government.
Moroccan Capital May Move.
TANGIER. Aug. IS tt is reported her
in official quarter that the sultan intends
to transfer the capital from Fea to Mo
rocco City, owing to the strategic Inse
curity of the former and by the earuest
advice of the leading
Autos on Ardennes Course.
BASTOGNE, Belgium, Aug. 11. The in
ternational automobile race over the Ar
dennes course, U0 kilometer, divided Into
seven laps, began today. There were twen
ty-one starters. At - the end of the third
Americans Lanrh with Kaiser.
BERLIN. Aug. 11. -Prof. Nicholas Mur
ray Butler of Columbia university. New
York, and Prof. William Burgess, dean
of that university, lunched yesterday with
Emperoc wujam at CasssJ.
Chicago Clearing House Offers $5,000 for
Arrest of Fugitive Banker.
Jadge Gibbon Appoint Chteago
Title and Trnst Company, anal
Legal Battle I In
CHICAGO. Aug. 1A-The bank of the
Chicago Clearing House association have
offered a reward of $5,000 for the appre
hension of Paul O. Btensland. fugitive
president of the Milwaukee Avenue State
bank. Bo anxious are the bankers to cap
ture the accused official that' a conference
wa held thla afternoon to decide upon
ome action to assist the police authorities
In their search for Btensland, and the
passage of a resolution to pay this reward
was the result.
The failed bank has two receivers to
night. Judge Gibbons, In the circuit court,
this afternoon appointed the Chicago Title
and Trust company as receiver, the appoint
ment being made on petition of one of
the creditors of the Institution. Following
the appointment of the trust company, a
demand was made on John C. Fetser, who
was appointed receiver of the bank by
Judge Bretano in the superior court last
week, that he turn over all books and pa
pers to the new receiver. Attorneys for
Receiver Fetter advised him to refuse to
comply with 'the request, and a bitter con
test as to who shall be receiver Is sure
to follow.
It is declared by the attorneys who
asked for the new receiver today that Fet
ter's appointment in the superior court wa
illegal, because Judge Bretano was with
out proper Jurisdiction when he made the
Secret Room InS tenalnnd's Honse.
Inspector Shlppy and two dectivea went
to the house of President Stensland at
Irving Pork, today to seek further evi
dence against the missing bank president.
In the house they found what they believe
to be a secret room. The room, which has
a hidden entrance to Stensland's den, waa
discovered after a search of nearly one
hour. The room is large enough to admit
a man. The entrance is concealed by a
panel In the wall which opens with a
spring. Nothing was found which would
Indicate that the room had recently been
Vice President Stensland waived examin
ation at the suggestion of his counsel.
His bonds charging conspiracy were fixed
at I10.0U0 and were furnished by A. 11.
Matson and Attorney Kern. When asked
about his father Vice President Stensland
said: "I do not know where my father Is
but It t my belief that he is dead. I know
his temperament and I do not believe he
will stand this. I believe he ha ended It
Young Stensland Talks.
The Tribune today say that Treodore
Stensland, son of the fugitive Milwaukee
avenue bank president, made, last night,
a full statement of his knowledge of the
circumstance surrounding the flight of hi
father and touching the colossal forgery
fraud In the bank.
' In- a frank narration of tbe manner tn
which tha great scandal wa made known
to hiru, young Stensland not only flatly
denied that he ever had knowledge of tne
plot before August S last, but submitted
various proofs with which he expect to
substantiate bla story when told before a
Jury. He declares absolutely that he was
not only Ignorant of the steals perpe
trated, but that he never protlted in any
way from them.
The young man advanced the belief that
his father has not fled the country, but
has committed suicide. He also advanced
the theory that his father could not him
self have committed the forgeries of notes,
because of an impediment in hi control
of the pen in recent years.
Lay Blame on Herlng.
He thinks also that Cashier Henry W.
Herlng could not have sufficiently dis
guised his own distinctive chtrography to
perform the Imitations and that therefore
an outside expert wss employed for the
purpose of copying signatures on blank
It became known late last night that
young Stensland late on Baturday had
given to Receiver John C. Fetzer for the
benefit of the bank depositors a deed to all
the Cook county real estate held by his
father, who had given htm power of at
torney. The property Is estimated to be
worth 1650.000.
The fugitive banker' son wa found at
a downtown hotel, where he Is staying
preparatory to surrendering himself today
to the sheriff on the bench warrant for
conspiracy, In which he was Included with
Paul O. 8tensland and Cashier Herlng.
When investigation into the affair of
the Milwaukee Avenue State bank was re
sumed today it waa expected that Theo
dore Stensland, son of the missing pres
ident of the bank, would surrender on the
warrant for conspiracy in which he, with
his father and Cashier Herlng, were In
cluded. Young Stensland, who was vice
president of the bank, was accused of re
ceiving deposits after he knew the bank to
be insolvent. He was located at a down
town hotel last night.
Labor Leader Ag-ala gay Chairman
Promised Not to I'se Chinese
Labor on Canal.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. lS.-President
dumpers jf the American Federation of
lAbor In an authorised statement today
takes Issue with Chairman Shonts of ths
Isthmian Canal commission on some of the
latter'a statements aa to the employment
of coolie labor in the construction of the
Panama canal. Mr. Gompers character
ises as an absurdity the contention of
Chairman Shonts that the law with respect
to the exclusion of Chinese Is only appli
cable to territory at that time subject to
the authority of the United State, and that
the canal was acquired subsequent to that
There is no such provision, say. Mr.
Gompers, in the law referred to, and he cites
the various publication of law In this
Gompers declares that neither he nor
Jams O'Connell, president of the Interna
tional Association of Machinists, who vis
ited Mr. Shonts were able to persuade him
from hi position on the eight-hour ques
tion, snd they devoted little attention to
the subject of Chinese coolies because he
says Mr. Shonts emphatically declared It
waa not his Intention to employ them.
The charge la specifically made by Mr.
Gompers that Chairman Bhonta "had suf
ficient Influence with congress to secure
the annulment of not only the eight-hour
law, but the eight-hour principle In the
construction of ths Panama canal." The
future, he say, "will determine the Judg
ment of the people of our country upon
that subjeot"
President's Report Shows that Mem
bership of Order Is Qenrter
of a Million.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 13. Upwards
of 10.000 of the Fraternal Order of Eagles
arrived in this city today and every train
and boat arriving swells th multitude of
visitors who come either as delegates to
attend tbe national convention which opens
tomorrow or to take part in the festivities
which will continue throughout the week.
Grand Worthy President H. D. Davl or
the Order gave out hi annual report for
publication tonight. President Davis notes
an Increase In membership during the pat
year of 35,000, making a total membership
of 230,000 at the end of the Order's eighth
year. He calls attention to the fact that
SW.000 was contributed by the Order to the
San Francisco relief fund and that "Mother
aerie No. I, Seattle, Wash., headed the list
with 13.550." He recommends urgent need
for the formation of state aeries that It
may not be necesnary tor the grand aerie
officers to keep so mlmitejy in touch with
the smaller aeries. .
Continuing the report says:
During the year the way has opened up
for the advance it our work Into Canada,
and within a shot time we should spread
our benevolence to the people of those
Mayor Dahti..n received this message
from Milwaukee Monday:
"Convention a cinch. AU we want is
your presence.
The mayor wired back that J. M. Guild
would represent him at the convention aid
would present the city's invitation to the
Eagles to soar here next year.
Commissioner J. M. Guild of the Commer
cial club left Monday afternoon for Mil
waukee to Join ths party which Is boost
ing for Omaha for the 1907 convention of
Eagles. He goes as a representative of
the club, which ha promised the local
Eagles' financial support in case the con
vention Is held here next year. He - will
work with the committee of local Eagles
headed by Colonel John J. Ryder.
Head of Panama Canal Commission
Tells President of Work
Being; Done.
OYSTER BAY. N. Y., Aug. 13. Chairman
Shonts of the Isthmian Canal commission
said after a visit to the president at Saga
more Hill today, that he had given the
president a report up to date of the progress
of the canal work In Panama. The ques
tion of most Importance now confronting
the commission, he said, was that of ob
taining labor.
"We shall advertise at onoe for 2.500
Chinese laborers In China,'.' he said, "and
give laborers of that nationality a thor
ough trial at the work. It has been repre
sented to us that they will be more satis
factory than any class of laborer we have
yet tried.
"The Jamaica negroes whom we have
given an extensive trial have not proved
satisfactory. The Spanish laborers whom
we are working now to a great extent are
very much better than the Jamaica negroes.
We shall endeavor o JHvtff laborers of as
many nationalities a w can get to work
on tha canal, as It Is better than having
a large force of one nationality."
Chairman Bhonts said that the new ateam
shovels ordered some time ago were ar
riving on the isthmus and were being im
mediately installed. The dirt was coming
out of Culebra cut so rapidly that gTeat
difficulty was being found In disposing of it.
The president's November trip to Panama
was not discussed today.
Chairman Shonts says that conditions on
the isthmus were very much improved
and that both Secretary Taft and himself
would go with the president when he
makes his inspection of the work In
Representative Sherman Spends Soms
Time at Sagamore Hill with
the President.
OYSTER BAT. L. I., Aug. IS. When
Representative Sherman left Sagamore
Hill this afternoon he said that while he
had gone over the congressional campaign
with the president thoroughly, the prin
cipal object of his visit was to review the
campaign text-book, which la to be issued
next week.
When Speaker Cannon and Mr. Sherman
and other members of the congressional
committee visited the president several
weeks ago several matters to be handled in
the text-book were discussed in detail.
Mr. Sherman said it waa desirable to go
over these matters again with the presi
dent before the book should be given to
the public. He said the president had ap
proved of the way in which the matter
had been handled.
The book will be a standpat document,
with word-pictures of the record of the
republican party, and reasona why that
party should be kept In power," said Mr.
Mr. Sherman spoke appreciatively of the
president's Interest In the campaign. Tbe
outlook, he aald, was good. "Of course,"
he remarked, "the republicans are not go
ing to retain all the seats they now have
in the house, but we will remain In actual
control of the Sixtieth congress. That we
are sure of.
"At the last election, we had President
Roosevelt on the ticket and no real demo
crat against him. For this reason we car
ried a number of strictly democratic dis
tricts that we had no more right to than
some one besides the president bad to Sag
amore Hill. . While we expect to lose tome
of these, districts, the republican members
who hold them now are confident in every
Instance of their re-election."
Police Commissioner Revokes Com
missions of Private Policemen and
Company Disregard Conrt.
NEW YORK. Aug. IS. Aa a result of
the disturbances, amounting to almost a
riot, on the Coney Island cars of the
Brooklyn Rapid Transit company yester
day when several thousand person were
ejected from car when they refused to
pay 10 rents fare, acting Police Commis
sioner Waldo today revoked permits grant.
Ing the company power to employ sixty
special policemen, who assisted tn putting
off the cars passengers who refused to
pay the double fare. These special po
licemen wore uniforms almost Identical
with those of regular policemen.
J. F. Calderwood, general manager of
j the company, said today that the company
will do business the same as before tha
court's ruling that ths company had no
right to demand a doubla far was male.
Ths company will collect the second fai
hs declared. Mr. Waldo asserted the i
cents tars ruling would ho satoroad.
Eees t Bsttls Bojal Comic? Up for
Supremacy in Missouri.
Sot Inclined to Talk Mneh on town
Matters, hat Make tio Secret
of Being Pnt Oat by
Dolllver's Course.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.-(Speclal Te'.e
gram.) Secretary Shaw today brought
word to Washington that Missouri Is likely
to be the hottest battle ground of all of
this year a political campaigning. He came
In on an early morning train from Spring
field, where he spoke Saturday along with
Senator Warren. The conditions in Mis
souri, a well as in Iowa, Interested him
beyond the politic of all the other states
traversed since he left Washington three
week ago for the Chatauqua.cireult.
Missouri republicans, the secretary says,
are bent on carrying the state again this
year. They argue that only Folk, of the
democratic candidates, was a winner in
1904 and they believe they can muster the
vote to repeat the performance. As there
Is no other state where the democrats are
more committed to Bryan, the republicans
assert they would be administering a body
blow to Bryan should they now take Mis
souri out of the democratic column again
two years In advance of the time when
he is to be a presidential candidate.
Sore on Dolliver.
The secretary was silent on the Iowa sit
uation. It Is no secret that he Is dis
pleased, not only with the outcome of the
recent state convention, but with the atti
tude of 8enator Dolliver and several repub
lican members of national reputation. It
was reported around the Treasury depart
ment this morning that the secretary had
nothing to say about Dolliver, but If any
one would go up to his house Jhls evening,
when nobody else waa around, he would
lay 4 to 1 that Dolliver would not be
re-elected. The secretary however, denied
that he contemplated placing any such
wager. It was Mr. Shaw who made Dolli
ver senator and it was notable that Uie
men who led In hissing ths secretary in
the state convention came from Senator
Dolllver's neck of Iowa woods.
Secretary Shaw thinks there is little
doubt that Mr. Bryan will identify him
self with the Missouri organization. Hi
supporters In Missouri expect It and seem
willing to stake the Issue on their cham
pionship of Bryan and hla principles. The
magnitude of the prise, from a party stand
point. 1 stimulating the Missouri repub
licans to their utmost. If they should elect
the minor state officers and a good share
of congressmen In November, they think
this would convince the country that Mis
souri is republican for good and can be
counted aa a republcan state In 1908, there
by making the democratic cause well nigh
Blsr Contract for Cement.
The secretary of the Interior has
awarded the contract to the Illinois Steel
company of Chicago for furnishing 40,000
barrels of Portland cement for use in the
construction of the North - Platte Irriga
tion project, Nebraska and Shoshone pro
ject, Wyoming, for $1.40 per barrel f. o. b.
cars at mill of thecontractlng company,
all deliveries to be completed before Feb
ruary 1, next.
Postal Pao Iltles for Soldiers.
Senator Warren and Clark telegraphed
asking the postolfice department to es
tablish a temporary postofflce at the camp
alte near Fort Russell where the troops
are now mobilized, In order that army
mall can be more readily handled and dis
tributed. The department finds it Im
possible ' to establish a postofflce, for if
that were done, the office could not be
opened until the postmaster was ap
pointed, his commission made out and
forwarded, and his bond returned to
Washington and approved, which would
occupy several weeks. First Assistant
Postmaster General Hitchcock, however,
today directed the establishment of a
subpostofllce at Dale Creek, only ten miles
from camp, and will order one or more
postal clerks from Cheyenne to take
charge, it being understood the military
authorities will send over every day for
the mails.
Minor Matters at Capital.
The application of George E. Lean, Lars
Larsen, Thomas Bryan, L. T. Bryan and
W. A. Rath sack . to organise the First
National bank of Wolbach, Neb., with
S2&.000 capita! has been approved by the
comptroller of the currency.
Jacob Wesch has been appointed post
master at Banksville, Red Willow county.
Neb., vies B. W. Benjamin, resigned.
lows, rural routes ordered established
October 16: Granville, Sioux county, route
3; population, f; houses, eighty-one.
Hawarden, Sioux county, route 3; popula
tion, 360; houses, seventy. Orange City,
Sioux county, route 3; population, 610;
houses, 102. Perkins,' Sioux county, route
1; population, 430; houses, eighty-four.
Sheldon, O'Brien county, route 4; popula
tion, too; houaes, 110.
Joseph L. Barr has been appointed reg
ular and Dewey M. Barr, substitute rural
carrier for route No. 1, at Dexter, la.
Civil service examinations will be held
August SS at Nebraska City, Neb.; August
29. at Brookings, B. D., and September 6, at
Cheyenne, Wyo., for positions of clerk and
carrier in the postofflce service.
Nothing for Legal Department.
Acting Attorney General Robb waa shown
a paragraph today from The Bee, in which
It waa stated "that there is strong likeli
hood that the Department of Juatice may
yet conclude to look Into the matter of the
North Platte forest reserve," and said that It
was all news to him. He hati not beard
of the matter at all. In fact, he said. It
Is not the business of the Department Of
Justice to look into such matters. His
department deals with legal questions and
not administrative ones and naturally
would not pry Into the motives of action
on tbe part of any administrative branch
of the government. Should any legal
technicalities arise through this withdrawal
and ths agricultural department or the
forestry bureau which recommended the
withdrawal should ask for an opinion, the
Department of Justice would be bound to
supply such Information. No such request
has been made, however, and the forestry
bureau la apparently satisfied with It
action in withdrawing 300.000 acres In the
North Platte country for forest experi
mentation. Wyoming Lands Withdrawn.
The secretary of the Interior has ordered
tha withdrawal from entry of 84, WO acres
of publlo land In ths Sundance, Wyo., dis
trict, the withdrawal being on account
of the Cheyenne Irrigation project. The
lands withdraws are all of sections one to
sightaen. In township forty-one north,
range sixty-one west, and all of township
forty-two north, raogs slaty -on west.
Partly Clondy.
Shower nnd Cooler Tneedny After
noon nnd Night. Wednesday FnJr
and Cooler.
Honr. Dog. Honr. Deg.
a. m ...... M I p. m Ml
a. nt fid a p. m Ml
T n. m,...., KIH a p. m Hrt
8 n. m Tl 4 p. m...... "T
a. m T4 5 D. n "4
10 a. an 7H 8 p. m H.1
11 n. nt Nl T p. m Kt
1JS m 3 8 p. m fit
p. m Tff
Demented Mnn Rnn Amnrk on a
Mllwnnkee Train Sear
Sparta. Wis.
LA CROSSE, Wis., Aug. 13. Seven men
were seriously injured, two probably fatally.
In a shooting and stabbing affray today on
a Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul train at
Sparta, Wis. Louis Felt, who said he
lived at Milwaukee, apparently becoming
demented after leaving the parlor car,
where he had been the object of comment
on account of his unkempt appearance,
drew a knife and attacked the conductor.
A struggle followed, during which these
were injured:
Louis Feltt, Milwaukee, shot eleven times;
may die.
V. W. Huhbell. vlllsge marshal of Sparta,
stabbed six times; may die.
H. Cunningham, Ocunnmowoc. Wis., pas
senger conductor, stabbed.
Jihn Chrlstlanson, brakem:in, stabbed In
Harry English, hand wounded by stray
Alfred Johnson, braken an, stabbed twice
In the brick.
Felt boarded the train at La Crosse to
go to Milwaukee. When he attacked Con
ductor Cunningham Brakenian Johnaon
went to the aid of Cunningham. Felt was
pressing these men so hard that Brakeman
Chrlstlanson went to their assistance. As
the train stopped at Sparta Flt Jumped
from the car. An encounter with tho
marshal of the village followed and Felt
was arrested.
Boston Grand Jury Retnrns Trne Bills
Against Seventeen Individuals
and Six Corporntlons.
BOSTON, Mass.. Aug. 13.-Secret Indict
ments against seventeen Ice dealers and
six Ice companies, which were returned
by the Suffolk county grand Jury on Satur
day last, were made public In the superior
court today.
The ice dealers are charged with having
unlawfully conspired "to regulate, advance
and fix the price of ice for publlo sale,"
and the Ico companies are charged as cor
porations with conspiracy.
The dealera indicted Include President
Lewis G. White of the Massachusetts Ice
Dealers' association and Secretary Charles
W. Hallustram of the association.
The companies Indicted are the Boston,
Independent, Union, Fresh Pond. Cam
bridge and Highland County Operative
The dealers, when arraigned, pleaded not
guilty and were held In bonds of II .000 each.
After ThtTty-Ono Years' A bee nee
Chicago Man Kenppears with
' Roll of Cash.
CHICAGO, Aug. IS. After an unexplained
absence of thirty-one year Prof. Charles
H. Frye, former superintendent of the Ghl
r.igo Normal school, haa returned home.
One of his first act upon arrival at -his
horn was to hand a roll of crisp $100 bills,
totaling $5,000. to his wife with the remark,
"Ask me no question."
Fry was 31 years old when he disap
peared. Since that day no word had been
received from him by hla wife. He was
recognized Immediately in spite of his years
and altered appearance.
He Is said to have made money in the
Philippine Islands, where he resided for
several years. His wish that no questions
be asked him regarding his wanderings
baa been respected and he haa settled down
at home as though nothing had happened.
Former Secretary Treasurer Rdward
L. Tor ley for Working Agnlnst
Interests of I'nlon.
CHICAGO, Aug. IS. The last official act
of the International Brotherhood of Team
sters' convention, which closed today wa
to expel Edward L. Turley, formerly secretary-treasurer.
The contention decided
that Turley had worked against the best
Interests of the brotherhood.
The Cab Drivers' union of which Turley
la a member, when asked to try the chargea
against him, referred the matter to the
national executive board.
That body referred It In turn to the con
vention with the result that Turley wss
The convention of the seceding faction,
known as the United Teamsters of America,
is still In session and the delegates expect
to elect officers tomorrow.
-MM-- '
On Mnn Killed and Ten Persons
Injurea In Wreck on Rock
Island Near Fprt Worth.
FORT WORTH, Tex.. Aug. 13 -As a re
sult of a collision between an Incoming
and outgoing passenger of the Chicago,
Rock Island as Gulf railroad on the out
skirts of thla dty today one man Is dead
and ten persons are more or less seriously
The dead:
William M. Trlppett, Fort Worth, died in
Sorloualy injured:
Rev. A. P. Hlghtower, Boyd, Teg., In
ternal. Brlnke Poo re, Bridgeport, head out and
T. F. Knight, engineer of Incoming train.
J. A. White, negro, Jacksboro, Internal.
Great Northern Magnate Says Ho is
Not Negotiating for Dakota
NEW YORK, Aug. 11 James J. Hill,
prealdtet of the Great Northern railroad,
was in New York today, after an absenoe
of several weeks In the west. Mr. Hill said
the Interest he represented had no inten
tion of buying up ths Dakota Midland rail
way, which it had been reported was to
be secured for the purpose of invading the
St. Paul territory.
Longwortha Visit President.
OYSTER BAY, Aug. IS Representative
and Mrs. Lonawerh will remain aa gueets
of the nreftliient until Friday, when t Imv
iJoava tor Washington and Claolnitati.
Annual Bsnnion of tho Grand Army Begins
- in Minneapolis.
Complete Arrangements for Comfort of tho
Old Coldiers.
Friends of Captain Conor of Kansas Making
an Aggreuiva Campaign.
Reception to Veterans hy Governor
Johnson at the New Capitol la
St. Paul Nebraska Man
Dies of Fatigue.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. lt-Th
rush of visitors to this city for the annual
encampment of the Grand Army of the
Republic continues unabated, and the pres
ent prospect Is that the meeting will be on
of tho most successful ever held by the
Grand Army. According to the estimate
of railroad men, fully KO.OOft people have so
far arrived, and" dozena of trains running
In two and throe aectlons are still on tne
Minneapolis has risen to the occasion in
magnificent fashion, and it is difficult to
mention anything that could be done for
the entertainment and comfort of her visit
ors which has not already been provided.
Numerous committees have been appointed
to receive the veterans at the depots, and
a man haa but to mention who he Is and
declare his desires. At nearly every cor
ner In the business section of the city 1
situated an "Information booth." A fea
ture of the thoughtfulneas that underlies
the entire work done by the local enter
tainment committee Is found In the numer
ous benches that are stretched along both
sides of all the downtown streets. They
are rough affairs, fashioned crudely out of
unplaned planks, but they afford a rest
ing place for tens of thousands of wearied
pedestrians. No feature of the encamp
ment hss been so productive of comfort
and satisfaction.
City Elaborately Decorated.
The city Itself is decorated as though
every man had made It hla personal busi
ness to see that Minneapolis looked her
bravest and best. Flags and bunting are
everywhere from roofs to sidewalks, and
banners are swung In endless profusion
across the streets. The decorations, lav
ish as they now seem, are still In prog
ress, and they will be increased until ths
morning of Wednesday, when all the busi
ness houses of the city will close in honor
of the great parade.
The contest for national commander is
growing warmer, although no great amount
of electioneering tins so far been done.
The friends of Captain P. H. Coney of
Kansas are making what 1 outwardly tha
most aggreaslv campaign, and claim to
he fairly confident of A he election of their
man. Other candidates whose names are
being strongly pushed are R. B. Brown of
Zanesvllle, O., and Charles G. Burton of
Missouri. There is no contest worth men
tioning for any of the minor offices.
Canteen Question to Come I p.
A meeting of the executive committee
of the Grand Army of the Republic was
held today to determine mutters of routine
relative to the business meeting of the en
campment which commences on Thursday
It Is expected that considerable debate
will result over the rocent law, paased
by congress driving tho canteen out of the
old soldiers' homes. Commander-in-Chief
Tanner is in favor of tha passage of a
resolutions deprecating the purpose of this
law, but a strong elotnent In the organiza
tion Is against such action.
Another feature that may crop up, is tho
old fight over ths proposed erection by the
women of the south of a atatue of Henry
Wirz, notorious for his atrocities whtls la
command at Andersonvllle prison. This
matter came up in 1901 and haa been mora
or less alive ever since. All members of
the Grand Army are vehemently opposed
to the erection of a statue to Wlrs, who
was hanged for his crimes, but many of
them declare that in their opinion the in
tention to erect the statue Is not serious,
and a the matter now stands, not worth
the consideration which some are disposed
to give It.
Reception By the Governor.
The several features of the encampment
which are numbered by the hundred com
menced today with regimental reunions
and a reception given by Governor John
son at the new capltol in St. Paul to tha
visiting veterans. A grand patriotic con
cert was the evening, feature in this city.
E. V. Tildan of Antelope county, Ne
braska, an old soldier, died today of fatigue
induoed by the Journey from his home.
The program for tomorrow consist
largely of receptions and business meeting
by numerous affiliated societies and re
union of various regiment.
Clara Barton, the famous Red Cross
worker, arrived in Minneapolis today to
attend the encampment and wlU remain
during the week to enjoy being with the
soldiers for whom she worked so Industri
ously during ths great war. Miss Barton
came with the Massachusetts department.
A , number of veterans were overcome by
the heat today and taken to hospitals.
Philippine Veternns Meet.
DES MOINES, Aug. 13. The seventh an
nual reunion of the Army of the Philippine
convened here today. A reception wa
tendered the visiting delegate by the local
association preliminary to the opening ad
dress of the oommander'-in-chlef, Alfred S.
Frost. Prominent Philippine veterans, in
cluding Generals Hale and Green,, ars ar
riving from every section of ths country.
A campflre was one of the feature of
Explosion Follows Attempt of Blaok
MiUs Woman lo Regll Gaso
line Tank.
LEAD. S. D., Aug. U. (Special Telegram )
Mr. Ray Btrohm, a young married
woman of this city,' while preparing dinner
on Sunday attempted tu refill the tank of
a gasoline stove while the burners were lit.
An explosion followed and in a minute she
was shrouded In names. Two men paating
her house went tu her assistance and after
being severely burned themselves succeeded
In putting out the fire on the unfortunate
woman's clothing.
Mrs. Strohm was burned from her nack
to her feet, only her face escaping tho
flame. EL died last evening In great