THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY,, AUGUST 13, JQ06V SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaemt ata for the eoiasaa Wrllt ba laka til IS aa. for tk-a -rewlaT edttlie a4 alU S f. aa. for the enormia aaal laaftf edltloa. Hates t 1-Ss war Bra Insertion, 1 a word tkeraaftar. Netfalag takea for lao thaw aoo for ho fleet laser tloa. These advertleesaeata aaaat to raa beaaecatlrely. Advertisers, by rcoaeatla a bob,. rod cheek, caa kart answers ad dressed lo a aaatborod latter la cart ol The Bee. Aaswers ao addreeaed arUl be dallrored aa roeeatatloa of efcoek. MISCELLANEOUS 1906 FALL TERM BOTLE3 BUSINESS COLLEGE AND 8CUOOL OF TELEGRAPHY OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. DAY AND NIGHT. New Catalog Free. Tel. Douglas 181 Addreea H. B. Boyle, President, Boyle Building, Omaha, Neb. R-707 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of Ore escapes, shutters, doors and pales. O. Andreen, prop., 102 8. 10th St. R JOS TON PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1802 Douglas. . . r-iu THT Kelly's Towel Supply.' Tel. Doug. 3&30. R 710 , ; 1 .IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1B18 Farnara, I R 711 UnTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co., sa N. 18th. TeL Doug. 1779, Res. -'phone Doug. 70hi. ' R 713 EL8A8SER A BRICE, Machinist. U7 South 12th St. Tel., 6837. R-713 TYPEWRITERS rented, til makes, 12.60. Pox Typewriter Co., 182J Farnam. R M367 Auglt WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunka, suit cases and shopping bags. Old trunks taken in exchange. Repairing. FRELING & 8TEINLE. 410 N. 18th St. 'Phone Iwuglas 4995. R Mlul Ag2 FINE Minnesota Ice, In carload lots. Crys tal Ice Co., Minneapolis, Minn. R 538 BUSINESS CHANCES Dp You Wish to Make a Change. If you have a farm, home, business or prop erty that you want to sell or exchange write us. OLOBB LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. Y-M172 Ag31 '0-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good location. Address O 64, care of Bee. y-7i4 BEST drug stock In southeast Nebraska; about 6,000 cash required; sales $;; profit 16,000. Address K. 47. Bee. . Y-M565 Aug21 FOA SALE A first class lab office with A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub lishing three papers In surrounding towns; job type all new; doing good business, excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or come, as thia snap will not last long. Prices low. Address Box 616, Hastings, Neb. Y M146 FOR BALE-$4.000 drug stock In central Nebraska; will pay for Itself In one year. For particulars write K-41, Bee. . .' Y-M583 19 PROFITS $300 and $350 per month Two restaurants in good mining towns; prices fl.votj and $1,600 caah. Bond for state ments. Must sell, account of serious ail ment. Address White House Cafe, Crip ple Creek, Colo. Y M6i4 13x NEWSPAPER for sale located In western Iowa, In a good ''town and fine farming community.' Owner has -other Interests and will sell at about one-half the cost of-tho outfit; a snap for . a rustler. Ad dress L-6i cars Bee Y MSU 13 , TOR SALE Cheap for cash, at once, H In lei tat , good general mdse.. business; In voice , about 8.i0; for particulars write R-.K. Kuhlman,. Eddy vllle,,. Neb. I-- - ." , Y-M7S2 18 FOR SALE Hardware and Implement bus iness In one of the bust southern coun ties In Nebraska; good reasons for sell. Ing. Address N 7, care Bee. Y M716 ux BUY YOUR HOME ON THE EASY WAY PLAN FAY for It by monthly payments. No money required untrl house la ready for occupancy. Agents wanted In every town In Nebraska. Call or write for particu lars. W. O. Templeton, Mgr. for Neb. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Y MSU IWANTKD Architects, engineer and superintendents of construction of rail ro.o, smelters, packing houses and power plants, to ee and learn some thing ot Interest. $17 So. 12th. Open evenlnge. Y M792 16x GOOD cigar, - confectionery. Ice cream, newsstand and laundry office, connected with a substation poet office, for sale cheap; parties leaving the city. Address K-4, Be. Y-M741 13x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any else, 1818 Farnara. .... Q-716 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., beat mixed paint. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, o 716 HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. ... Q ill" FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool - table; we lead the world lu cheap bar fixture; easy payment. Uruna-wlck-Balke-Coiiender. 407 8. ih Bt M.-21I WE buy everything in the furniture line. ' Chicago Furniture Co., 1110 Dodge, ' Q 71 rOR SALE 8lam house eating boiler; was used lo beat 8-room house; will l sold cheap. - W. U. Bridge, anglnaer be Bldg. - U-iim SEND US your mail order for drug; freight paid on $10 iota- Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha.- Q 730 PINE Minnesota lee- for sale in c riots. A. Q. Gilbert Co., Council Bluffs. (J-MS64 - tQUICK: r fins cow, none better. Tele phone Douglas 2600. - Q M467 13x GOOD riding and driving pony, also fine runabout and harness. 413 N. 20th St. '. , . ... . . tl-'ISti " - - ICE FOR SALE. W have for sale In carload lota good res ' ervolr ice. Address Kelrle Ice Co., N. i'. Ufa Bldg, Omaha, . Nebraska. , Q-6G9 16x UPRIGHT piano; fine shape; unredeemed; cheap. Handle Bros. 808 No. 16th. Q M784 ISs PC PIANO CREDIT for sals cheap Call at 2416 Harney. Q-M789 13x PRINTING LYNG3TAD Hlfn Orede 1907 Calendars, i, inni-P -S' E. corner Uln St. and tt JOK Capitol Av. 748 TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.,-110 S. 17TH. ... -400 810 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not And what you want In this column, put an ad in and you will soon get U. Z-J WANTED To trade, desirable one-acre lot for good city brokt horse. Address N 18. Omaha Dally Bee. kV T7J 13 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. ' LEAD! N1 PALMIST OK OMAHA. , Eventful and truthful predictions given. I . Call 111 at. I lib. bt. Ojp. Boston Store. WANTED MALE HELP CARPS FREE Bend us the tiitnei of Ave young persons who should b interested In a commercial educstlon and wa will mall you free of coat tlx visit Inn card with your name written thereon by our expert penman. Address PENMAN. OMAHA COM MEBC1AL COLLEGE. B-249 tOO YOUNG MEN to prepare for firemen and brakemen; experience tirneMfMrv; firemen, tlOO; brakemen, ISO per month, with rapid promotion to engineer or con ductor; hundreds of positions open, tall or write for particulars at '.no. National Railway Training Ass'n. k(U Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. B M20S aeotl WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 10 positions for every graduate; top wages paid; few weeks completes; course in cludes tools and positions: ran nearly earn expenses. Call or write Moler Bar. ber College, 111 Fa mam St. B-Mtfll 17x WANTED Cigar maker; t rollers and I bunch breakers; will pay the best of prices to go out of town; wilt send tickets. Address H 13, care of Bee. B 723 DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. B 724 CIVIL SFRVICE Want young men to pre pare. Sue Underbill, 3320 North 24th. B M2S6augH YOUNG MAN, Al references, to sell type writers on road. Address Hading. 1833 Farnam. . B M424 auglS WANTED Brick handler and laborers at the Avery brick yard, two miles south of Albright; "boarding house at plant. a. M431 WANTED Good , marble outter: good wages; steady employment. Glldea & Glldea. Norfolk Marble Works, Norfolk, Neb. B M478 WANTED For the U. 8. marine corps, men between ages 21 and 36; an oppor tunity to see the world. For further In formation see poster in postofDce of any county seat in the atate o? Nebraska, giving address jf recruiting office located therein. B MS4G B30x WANTED Five boy, good wages, per manent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St. B M213 WANTED Two first-class tinners, with experience, on furnace work. Milton Rogers St Sons Co. B M282 BLACKSMITH, Iron worker, wire worker and boys 17 to 19 to learn trade. Apply at Iron Works, 611 S. 16th Bt. ', B-M268 17 AN OLD LINE LIFE INSURANCE AGENT WANTED One with experience capable of writing business himself and managing men; salary and com mission. Address, Lock Box 1625, Lin coln, Neb. B 484 IS WANTED 8 new stenographers, salary $60 to $75, and 8 stenographers and book keepers, $65 to $76. Call Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 1625 Farnam St. B-M616 13 $25 PER month for farm hand; a good hand with stork wanted. Address H. L. McKelvle, Fairfield. Neb. B 687 COLLECTOR age under 30, salary $65; per manent position. Hixenbaugh A Co., Ware block. B 630 WANTED Traveling man; must be sober and an energetic pusher after business; position permanent with an assured good Income; state experience and where last employed; references required. Address N 16, Bee office. B M815 14x WANTED Laborers for Illinois, Wiscon sin, Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, city work, harvest rates. Ed. Rothery, 111 8. 14th. i B M810 18x 1 Private secretary, $75. 6 stenographers, $60 to $75. 4 bookkeepers, SoO to $76. -, 5 ofllce clerks, 50. 2 general merchandise clerks, $50. Cashier for country bank, German, $75 to $100. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. (INC.). Dept. B., 840-1-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' B-MS20 13 WANTED Two students to work 'for their board. Apply Boston Lunch. B-M818 15 ' " WANTED FEMALE HELP ; WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies for fall season; none other need apply. Address K t. Be. C 481 WANTED Woman cook, ' $35 per month; must furnish recommendations. Address L 7, Bee. C M866 GIRL for general housework; good wage. 116 8. 36th St. . C M4u6 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 104 S. 36th St. 'Phone Har ney-a-,06. C-M605 13 GOOD girl for general housework. 15 per week. 1S08 wenster Bt. C 34 13x GIRL for general housework. St. 1333 So. 31st C-624 13 GENERAL housework. $5 for a good, ex perienced girl, $4 for a good inexperienced girl; references; small family, small house. Mrs. C. F. Stebblna, 1230 Park Wild Ave. Telephone. C 636 WANTED A Cook, small family and good wage. 1120 Park eve. C M813 15 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Hardware salesman; an ener getic young man with at least 6 years' experience. Address, with references, L 67, Bee, stating salary expected. L 217 WANTED Salesmen for choice nursery stock; liberal cash payments weekly. Write for full particular. Willis Nur series, Ottawa, Kan. L M613 IS WANTED AGENTS L $10 FOR YOU s Embroidered Shirt Waist Patterns and other novelties are the easiest sellers on the market. You can make J10 to (15 s day and have nothing Invested. Splendid opportunity for either ladies or gentlemen. Mall orders answered. Call or write U. S. Embroidery Works, 11M 8. 15th Ft.. ip stairs. J-M563 is WANTED Agenta to represent us In th sle of our western Kansa lands. UUhx . Land and Investment Co., Omaha, N0, and Sioux City, la. J 44445 19 WANTED Three wideewake solicitors; work pleasant and a muney-maker. be sober and furnish good reference. Ad dreea N 17, Bee J Mm4 14x T PATENTS F. J. LaRSON 4 CO., patent lawyer; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha. N-b. 74i SHARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Invention developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. tt4-tili o. lotn at. 747 Patents procured and sold, 1 fee. Nat'l In vestment Co., Douglas Blk., 16lh & Dodge. ! M471 hi PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale pilces. Save on eveYy article. Only 6rt class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Send for catalogue. B. F. KaroL 236 Harrison St., Chicago. 111. 72tx LOST BOOK of Worship, Sunday morning. Re ward. 'Phone Douglas S999. or N 19, care Bee. Lost M83 14x LOST Gold brooch, to shape of a knot. Reward on return to Bee office. Lost M$76x LOST Lady' rose gold brooch with small diamond and pearl settings. Reward for return to Bee office. Lost M4U7 14x FLORISTS I HENDERSON. 1619 Famam. TeV Doug. HA ' 750 FOR RENT ACREAGE TWENTY acre wUh houee and barn ( A Doctor or a Dentist Often Sells His Business Through BEE BUSINESS CHANCE ADS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 727 Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E-72S Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 up per week. E 729 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave., south front; rooms with or without board. E 730 EXCELLENT modern furnished or unfur nished rooms for housekeeping. S74 Har ney St. . E 674 ONE larre south room, modern, hot water heat. 1HU8 Capitol Ave. E MS26 13x FRONT room, new furniture, private fam ily, $H.0O. MS 8. Wth Ave. E M742 14x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-731 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. w 733 NICELY furnished cool room, excellent ooara rates reasonable. Tnre Rose, 2020 Harney St F M607 A27x MODERN room, home cooking, reasonable rnoe. sua Howard Bt. 'Phone Dougla 3568. . F-626 ONE large pleasant front room with board, reasonable. 813 0. 26th St. Telephone Dougla 4211 F M768 13 NICE, cool, airy rooms, close In, with home cooking. 302 S. 36th Bt. F M728 IS UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL. I rooms; bath. Tlsard, 220 N. 3d. G M131 TWO unfurnished rooms, close In, hot water heat, references. 418 N. 25ih Hl. G 485 2 ROOMS for housekeeping, $7.00. Tel. Douglas 5309. G M809 13x FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rlces. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller & ueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D-733 TTnTTSTTS l parts of the city. R. UUUOIjO c peter, 4 Co.. Bee Bldg. O 734 tJrnTTSTTSt In all parts ot the city. The UUUOHiO 0- F Davls Co., 508 Bee Bldg. D 730 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk: D-736 OMAHA Van A Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. TeL Doug. 1559. D Til WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Cci Tel. Doug. 1496. Office, 1713 Web ster Si. D-738 See us when shipping household good to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1193. ... , D 739 CENTRAL. 4 or 6-room flat. N. 23d ' Tlzard, 220 D-M611 SEVERAL at $12 to $26. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming St. 'Phone Doug. 2040. D flu 414 S. 29th ST., 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. John N. Frenser. Opp. old P. O. D-M414 - COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO. Storage and transfer. Best storage house In th city.' Immediate at.tentiou given. li29-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 4619. D M169 Ag31 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., household goods stored; dry rooms, low prices. 'Phone lost.'. 1106 Famam. D M131 10-ROOM modern house, 114 N. i6th St. Keys on Dremlses. D M2 lx FOR ' RENT Six-room cottage, 22d and California Sis., $22. Apply at 607 No. 19th SU D-9 FOR RENT A 9 room house, well located. Globe Land ond Investment Co., Room 3, Patterson Blk. D-M591 FOR RENT. 7-ROOM, all-modern, new dwelling, walking distance high school. $35. SHIM ER A CHASE CO., 109 Farnam, Ground Floor. Douglas oSul D M747 14 TWO newlv remodeled 6-room cottage on S. Zlst St., rlose In. 'Phone "D" 2224. Clinton H. Brlggs, 13i0 Farnam St. D M709 13 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT De!c room In Be office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St., Soutn Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug tore. Tisard, 220 N. 23d. - I-MB09 STORE ROOM for rent, 406 8. 15th, Or pheum Theater Bldg. Dyball, 118 Doug la. 1-73 DESK roor.i for rent. 644 Bee Bldg. I 4!S FOR RENT One 4-tory brick store with cement basement end good elevator; liOi Douglas. Building will be put In goid order at once. Inquire at la Douglas. John Llnder. . I-Mu23 ROOM 'Or 50. 'enr 317 B. 1S'h St I Sa MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ,. , ,m . . .. 1 . UARVIN BROS., 1601 Farnam, i and f'J per cent tuans on real utile; no delay. V r i W-753 1 1 MONEY TO LOAN Pay b Investment Co. W 75t WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam 8mltn at Co., 1320 Fatnuin St. W 755 BUILDING loans on residence prcperty; t per cent. W. B. Melkle, IUmiti Blk. " W 754 LOWEST RATES Benils, Paxton Block. W 767 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Douj. W 777 $1,(00,000 TO LOAN on bualneaa and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rate; no delay- Thomas Brennan, R. 1. N. Y. Life. W-758 WANTED City loans. R. C, Peters it Co. City fc farm loans. O. F. Carapn Co., N.Y.L. w W 760 LOANS on Improved city property W. II. Thomas, 5u First National Bank Bldg. Wf 7i l WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY Preferably, but not necesaarllv, from owner, good building lot. ranging in price from $0 lo 'iiX; must need no filling and not be a filled lot; located around Walnut Hill, Bemt Park, west or southwest part of cliy. Address N 6. Care Bee. N-350 16x WANTED TO BUt S kA ND-HAND FURNITURE, atovea, carpets, cloth'ng and ahoee. Pay the beat prl-e Tel. Douglas 897L N468 Ba WANTED To buy, s good second-hand tvnewiiter. Also second-hand typewriter desk. Phone Douglas 6502 N M5M WANTED To rent a furnished hotel for one rear, with privilege of buing furni ture If suited. Box 86. Broken Bow. Neb. N M 738 13x OSTEOPATHY IOHNSON InaiUt4 41$ N. T, U Tel. Devs. ISt - - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SAMPSON & SONS Have n 8-room entirely mod ern house, with large barn on lot, 55x150, near 34th and Burt, at $6,500. An 8-room modern, except furnace, nearly new house, near Yates and Sherman Ave., with beautiful lawn, shade trees and garden, at $4,000.. 1 A 6-room cottage at 27th and Templeton. modern except fur nace, at $2,500. Make us an offer on 2918 and 2920 Grant St., and call at th office for list of other proper ties, vacant lot and farm land. SAMPSON & SONS 608 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Dotig. 8S90. RE M756 IS F. D. WEAD, Three S-room cottages, 8106-8-10 Maple, with summer kitchens, with city water, In food repair, newly painted and repaired, nr nil three $1,800. or would Bell the west one for $700. 5- room new cottage In Walnut Hill, full lot, $260 cah, bal, $15.00 per month, $l,4fo. 6- room house. S424 Blondo, lot 60x126, $150 cash, bal. $16.00 per month, $K0O. 6 rooms, 1118 N. 17th St.. lot 26x140, $1,260. Three houses on 17th, north of NIcholaH, two of 6 rooms each, modern ex, fur nace, one of 4 rooms, monthly rental, $56.00; else of lot, 76x140; for all, $5,200. Three new houses. 26th and Patrick Ave., owner moving out of city, property mod ern, rent for $62.00 per month; for all three, $5,760. 7-room cottage, good repair, neat home; 8400 cash, bf.l. monthly, $2,100. 6-room modem cottage on Charles St., near 26th St., porcelain bath, marble wash bowl, gas, good cement cellar, house rents at $18.00 per month; easy terms, $1800. F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. RE 807 14 A BARGAIN In a rpodern, two-story, six-room dwelling with furnace; convenient to West Farnam car line; papered throughout; cemented Cel lar under whole; purchaser can occupy at any time. For price and terms apply to HENRY F. WYMAN, 1003 N. Y. Life Bldg. RB-623 13 2,000 ACRES AT $4 AN ACRE In western.-. Nebraska; soil I black loam on a heavy clay sub-soil; Is very rich and easily worked; no atone. . The owner I anxious to sell. The same kt,nd of land, under ' , Irrlgatlon.i -sell a high a $100 an acre. PAYNE1N$ESTMENT CO., lt Floor N Y. Life Bldg. Tel.-Douglas.1781. l RE M748 It A REDHOT SNAP. 600-acre ranch in Richardson county, Ne braska; 100 bottom land, balance upland and quite rough, but the best of timber; pasture well set to bluegrass and white clover; bottom land all in corn; house of 6 rooms and a fair set of outbuildings; never falling water running through pas ture. A first-class stock and grain farm and best bargain- In southeast Nebraska. Price, If taken soon, $20 per acre. Act quick. J. R. ADKIN8. Craig. Mo. RE-M730 14x 1H LOT. 75x124. -rcom house, good barn, well and cistern water, 2 blocks from California St. ce.r line, $2,000; $800 cash, balance on enRy terms. CHRIS BOYER. ' 22d and Cuming Sts. Telephone Doug. 2049. HE 546 $3,000 AND IT'S CHEAP , 6-room house! well built and strictly modern, has gas, elec tric light, porcelain bath, mar ble wash stand, good furnace, cemented cellar, laundry. Owner ha left the city, will not rent; must be sold. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. P.E-643 14 EXCELLENT HOME AND INVESTMENT. 9-room house, modern, overlooking nark, large barn 83.10 ' 7-roni hou. e. fu.tly mcderrnlce home l.otO 6-ro'm cottige, cloae In, good home and lnves ment 1,50 , National Investment Co., ' Douglas Block. RE M791 IS NEW HOME IN BENSON h rooms, electric light. Full , lot. Terms, 8100 cash; balance easy. Price .'. $1,400. R. II. LANDER YOU, BOARD OF TRADE. Tel. Doug. 2151. RE-M7S5 13 FINE LOT at northwest corner of 31st Ave. and Evans; paved street, one block from car; $200; easy term. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE-442 14 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property. 147x1234, on U. P. track, at 5th aud Jones Bis.; will take It for immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New Yore Life Bldg. RE-7S3 FOR BALE North pert of city, one block from car line, 6-room cottage. In excel lent condition; fine lawn, shade trees, sewer now being laid on street. If inter ested address N 11. Bee. RE M760 14x FOR BALE Ixt on Shermsn Ave., 50 feet front, suitable for a brick flat. Address N . Bee. - RE M7u2 14x LIST your property wtfr. ut, we have the buyers. O. Jr. Larson Co.- , RE -717 11 J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A 9 room residence property on N. Zth St. Price and terms reason able. Globe t-ajid and Investment Co., Room 2, Patterson Blk. RE M5H3 150x180 trackage property, near 7th and Leavenworth; I . P. and B. M , r sons We offer considered. Address L-63 Bee. RE M620 13x V. 8. Sale Bureau. 804 Neville block. Real Estate and Investments. RE M475 84 THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Hn over lO.ofln copies of title . which en ables! It to fi?ure lower than anv other abstract company In Omaha and turn out work quickly. Tel. Douglaa-829, or call Ml offices, . 114 Farnrmi; RE Mxl7 13 FOR SALE FARMS GRAIN AND STOCK FARM 4 SO acres level land, soil I of black vegetable mold on a heavy clay sub-soil; Is very rich, works fine, having no rocks or stones; 200 acres In cultivation, balance pas ture and hay land;, good fences, sheds and other out building and wind mills; neat 6 room dwelling. Price onl7 $10 an acre. It would make an ideal home. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., lt Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.,. Tel. Dougla-l781. H M750 14 FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. I closing out It land In western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $6.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low prices and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rates to the lands. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. 118 South 15th St, Omaha, Neb. ' H M819 1S Western Kansas Wheat Lands 60,000 acres of fine wheat land. $4-00 to $15.00 per sere. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb., and Sioux City. la. HM421 A18 , FOR QUICK LOANS on farm or city prop erty, call on or address O. F. Carson A Co. H-M786 IS 640 ACRES ONLY $4 AN ACRE Five miles from Sidney, county seat J. of Cheyenne county; soil ia black vegeta- v ble mold on. a heavy clay sub-soil; is very rich ' and works fine; no atone. PAYNE INVESTMENT. CO., 1st'. Floor N. T. Life Bldg.. " ; x Tel. Douglf-178K -.. H-M749 14 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEED IT. ' . And this 1 the place to come and gat It. Don't let money stand in toe way of en Joying yourself when it can bo so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD OOODS, PIANOS, HORSES. WAGONS, ETC SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. $07-808 Paxton Block. - X-M639 18 YOU CAN do without, but what's the use? None at all. BORROW MONEY on your furniture, piano, live stock and other .chattels. We also loan to person steadily employed on their" plain not without endorser. NO ONE WTILL KNOW you ever had a jan, beside you have use of both money and security at the same time. ' EASY PAYMENTS arranged to suit your purse. LIBERAL REBATE if paid before due. . Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg.. Tel. Dduglas 229S. (Established 1892) -, lot SO. 16TH ST. - X-M661 MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, jew elry, horse, com, etc. C. F. Read, SiO u. 13th. . X-778 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private " money on chattel or alary; easy to get; no red tape; you get money same day asked for a l small cute Open evenings till 7. - . X 7J9 CHATTiOL and salary loans. Credit Co.. 683 Paxton block. . Phoenix X-7bu EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all business confidential, isol Douglas. . X 751 FURNITURE, llv stock, salary loan. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, - Barker block. . X-764 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONUY loaned on furniture, piano, salary, horse, etc.. in any amount, at less than half tho rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In case .of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach block. ST 8. 16th St. X-782 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ment. Office In 58 principal clUe. Tol man, room 714, New York Lit Bidg. . X-VU CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loan. Foley Loan Co.. 154 Farnam Bt X 7 . DETECTIVE SERVICE WSTMORK detectlv ervlce; 'phon Red 74(4. Room 13 and 14. Union Brk . 16th and Farnam. 871 BSx LAW & COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland, SC9 N. Doug Y. I Bldg. Tel. DRESSMAKING PATTERNS eut to. measure. McDowell system of dressmaking taught, 123 Far nam. S7 MONUMENTS Great Westers Oraolt Co. Dougla 6821. -7.M Au24 PERSONAL PILES CURED . , WITHOUT AN OPERATION ALL kinds of piles cured internal, external, blind, bleeding, or Itching piles. A guarantee given In every case treated by Xr. Max well, -ho naa had twenty-five years' ex perience In treating plies. Hundreds of testimonials given on application. 524 Be Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Phone Dousla 1424. U-M174 Aril ANY POOR GIRL in need ot a friend call or write to th matron of th Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 74th St., O-naha, Neb. U-M100 . TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 8520. 'Phone Douglas U 763 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 $. 1505 Farn m, , . . V 74 PRIVATE confinement home; Mrs Dr. King. 2018 N. list St. Tel. Doug, , PLEATING Buttons. Ruchi'ng. 1 LLH I 1MVJ Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink ing, only tc per yard. Bend for price list and sample. . GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Dougla Block. Tel. Dougla 1936. . U-T66 I A I I N Pi R Y C Tel. Doug. 264. a- w a- t -v a , a nth Rt. U 767 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. THE Snlvstlon Army solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. - 11th St., for cost of collecting to th worthy poor. Call "Pbon Doug. 4136 end wagon will call. U ell Ivf AnNRTTf! OSTEOLOGY. Mr. Rl-JM-AUINr-A-l-Vy tenhouae. 410 N. lth St. Room 2, 2d floor. . U-M361 316 FREE medical and surgical treatment nt Creigbton Medical College. 14th and Davenport Sta. Special attention paid to- confinement cases. All treatment su pervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. ... U-129 THE City Garbage Co Office, 14th and Leavenworth But. Tel. Douglu 1887. , v ' U 709 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluff. Ia. Tel. 774. U-322 . SURVEYING. BUokensderfer, 812 Bee Bldg. .. . . U-770 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Bldg. U 771 SYRINGES, rubber good, by mall; cut rices. Send for free catalogue. Myer 'lllon Drug Co., Omaha. U 775 WE RENT - sewing machines at $1 per week; we sell second-hand machines f& up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 16th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. U 773 DRS. VOGELi' privets hospital for women and for ladle before and during confine ment, 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb . U M397 AuglT MAGNETIC . it w. ith su lUlumuilVy second floor, room U. U M800 augSt CHIROPODI8T-Dr. Dunbar,' 208 NsvlUs block; halrdressing, tc Douglas 6170k U M14V Augav ARCHITECT O.' L. Broline, fit Bee Bldg. . . U 4U Bt BUSINESS lunch fifteen cent. Regular dinner twenty-fire cent. ' Short order at all hours. Ed Rothery, 111 8. 14th. D. H. Rump, Manager-prop. . J Mt I s ia- ACORN PRESS VLl7r , Tel. -Douglas 3783. U-698 89 SHOULD BLAM CHARD'S - ECZEMA' LO TION not give speedy or satisfactory-results, ' notify Prof. I. Blanchard, akin -specialist, Minneapolis, Minn. Whole- Baler supply. all druggists. , . v U-Mtno S10x MEDICAL BEST nerre bracer for men.- "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" 11- box, postpaid, i Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.,' Omaha.- - 774 DR. PRIES, ' specialist, women' diseases, weaknesses, discharges, irregularities .cured painlessly and .safely.- .Wlthnell .block, loth and Harney, room X. Omaha. . -467 DR. HTTTCHINSON.SSTieelallst ,of women and children. Office, 2206 , Cuming. ,'Phon LWUglS smy. GOVERNMENT-NOTICES.. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office. Fort Crook, Nebraska. August 10, 1906. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, sub ject to tne usual conditions,, win t re ceived here until 10 o'clock s, . m.. central standard time, August 26, 1906, for making repairs to swimming pool and-accessories thereto, at this post. Full information will be furnished and drawings and. specifica tions may be seen at this office. Proposal to be marked '.'Proposals for 'repairs to swimming pool" and addressed to Captain R. R. Stogadall, Quartermaster, 30th In fantry, Constructing Quartermaster. A-10-U-13-14-38-24 CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S office, r'ert Des Moines, Ia., July 26, 1906. Se'iied proposals, in triplicate, will be re- ceivea nere until . p. m., stanaara time, August 14, 1906, for constructing macadam roads aid granolithic side walks, at Fort Des Moines, Iowa.- Information furnished on application heie. United Stttc reserve right to accept or reject any or .in pro posals, or pert thereof. Envelope con taining propcsal shouM be endorsed "Proposal for" and addreased M. W. Rowell. Q. M. RAILWAY TIME CARD, l MOM iTATIONTEMTH AND aLtRC) laiom Paclslo. . . - Leave. , Overland Limited ......a 9.4u am The China nd Japao Fast Mall a 4:16 pm Colo, it Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:36 pm Los Angele Limited. ...allJO am Fast Mall a 1:56 pro Colorado Special a 7:46 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am Beatrice Local ,....b 8:16 pm ArrlT. a feOS pr a 6:10 pm a 9:80 am a 6:10 pm al0:45 pro a 8:30 pm a 7:44 am a 4:50 pm b 2:00 pm Chlea'sTO Great W'exera. SL Paul efc Minneapolis bL Paul Minueapoll Chicago Limited ....... Chicago Dxpress ' Cnlcsgo Express ...... 840 pm ' 7:46 am . 6:e pm 7:46 am 3.30 pm 11 :6o pm - 8:.0 atn U-M fr . t M pm Chicago Hort fcweatera. Local Cedar Rapids a 7:0i am Chicago uayliaut a l am Ciucasu Limited a 8 .41 pra crrou Local a :u pm Bi. Paul Fast Jdull a .2 pm bioux C bt f . umM.o IM put Fast Mall Chicagu Express -t pm Chicaao LiuUted .......ail:ow put Norfoia Bonesteel .r.aT:40ani Lincoln tk Long Pine... a 7:40 am Casner ' Wxomlng... S.-OO pm a 1:00 pm U.v pin 9:1s am 9 .is) am a am a 9:8o aiit 2:l pm a fj am : llis alii lw:8s am 10:6 am a 66 pm a.ii ..i 66 pm bl3:0 pm 3:46 pm A 640 am IV Ml pm Deadwood t Uiiuun... : Hasting A BuimrWr, Fremont-Albion Chioagc Local Shoshonl Express .., Twin City Limited.., illlaole CeatraL. Chicago Express Chicago Limited .b 8:00 pm .b tM pm ..slldO am .al2.a am . t M am .a 3:60 am .a 4:00 pis a 8:6 pm a 1JM sm tkleage, Keek lalaad Fact. Leave. Arrive, a 7 Jo ant I pm pm 0 .W pin a l:i pm al3:lw pm 8:16 am a J j pm al2:u pm i:at am Chicago Limited ; a 9. a am Iowa Local- .a 5 .uu am Chicago Mail a 8:16 am Iowa Local bli:16 pro Chicago (Eastern Kxp.J.a 4.1 pm Chicago iioa Liiniied.a :4 pui WEST. ' Rocky Mountain Lira... T; atn Colo. & Cal- Kxprea...a 1M put Okl. A Texas Exp a 4:40 pm rlordo Fast Moll ....alO 10 bin a dally, b dally except Sunday. CkleM Mllwaakes t Bt. Paal. A T-JU mwtm m T-M - Chi. A Colo. Special. California it Ore. Ex A....1. n .4 Limited .... 8 4 pra a 3 lu pro .a 6:86 pm a 9:90 am Marlon Cedar R. Loc am tU:M pm Misaoart PaelAa. St. Louis Express K. CT A St. L. txpress. Wabaaa. a 9 00 am a 4 10 pm .all:16 pm a t.dv pm j mt I jiula EisrslS...... .a 6 80 pm 6:49 am a $:U am alO.SO prs SU Louts Local (irora rAiinrll niuftal Burib.iry Local tfrom tM pm $0140 ant J fcauacu aiunaj RAILWAY TIME CARD Bl'RLISOTO!! BTATlOH lot A MA 90 51. (tarllngtoa. Denver eV Csllfornla... Plsrk Hills Northwest Speclsl ..... Northwest fcapress .... Nebraska Exprtes Nebraska Local Lincoln Loi-il l.lnr-oln Fsst Mai! Ft. CTook PlatUnVh, Bellevue U Plaitsm'h. Denver Llnilt-d ...rt... Believu ee Pt. June. fellevue A Fao June, hlcsgo Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local St. Louie Express Kansss C1ty-6t. Joe... Kansas Clty-Pt. Joe... Kama Clty-St. Joe.... Leave. .a 10 pm .a 4:10 pm .a 4.10 pm .all:10 tm .a 9.iv am a 8.-00 am .VVioV pm .b 3.5o pm .a 7.60 am' .a 8.80 am .a am .a 7:26 am .u 8:45 pm .a 9:06 pm .a 9:15 am .a 4:45 pm .al0:46 pm .a 9:16 sm .a 4:45 pra Arrive, a 3 lu pm a t:M pm 9:06 ir a :3tf pro a t.J pm a 9:06 all blO 26 a 8 j a 7:10 a S.W a 1 W a 7:26 a $:56 s 7:26 S 10:14 Sll:30 a I 46 a 10 m pm ant sm m ans pra am pm am pra am am pn W RBSTEn DEPOT loth WEBSTER. Chlraae. St. Paal. Mlaaeapolla ' Onsaha. Lear. Arrive. Twin Cly Passenger. ,.b am b 9:10 ptn ' Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:00 pm all :90 am Emerson Ixical b :20 pm b 9:10 an Kmerson luteal e 8:46 am e 6.50 pra Missouri Pavlfle. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 3:60 pm bl2: pre) a Dally. h Dally except Sunday, except Ssturdsy. c Sunday only, eyrenr Vonds-v d Dally e Dally TO ELECT THE "BLACK POPE" American Delegates Chosen 4o At tend Convention Whleti Cltonses Geaeral of h Jesnlts. Th two Jesuit province In thl country hsve Just named the delegate who are ta take part In the election of a new general for th order, which I to he held t."". tember. The two provincial, 'ery Joseph F. Hanselmann of the New Tota Maryland province, and Very Rev. Henry Moeller of the Missouri province will taks part in the election by right accorded ts their positions. The provincial of every Jesuit provlnre fn the world has a vote in the election of fhe general, and each pr6V Ince is entitled to two additional votes. The other American delegate are: From the New York-Maryland province. Rev, . William O'Brien Pardow nd Rev. Thoma J. Gannon, and from the M1ouri province, Rev. Joseph Grlmmelsman and Rev. W. R. Roger. The meeting of the Jesuit? songregaliotl to elect a general rank In Importance I ft the Roman Cathollo church next to th conclave which elect a pope, for th Jesuit general I elected for life and en Joys a position second in Importance only to that of the pontiff. H usually Is un derstood to wield much Influence with th pope, and for year it ha been customary to speak of the general of this great order as the "black pope," the first word re ferring to the sombre garb which he wears, a distinguished from the white garments of the pope, and the second to his great power and influence in the church. . It is generally believed that the congre gation of next month will be held in or near Rome, but the place of meeting is A secret, which is said not to be known, a yet, even to the delegates. It has always been the custom-to. keep the meeting place secret, and It is ssld that sometime the place I not publicly known until after the selection ha taken - place. The late general of th order,- Father Martin, who died In April, was elected in 1892, at a congregation held at Loyola. Spain. It is understood thai the delegates to the coming congregation have been ordered to proceed to Rom, but' that I - held to be no sure Indication that the congregation will be held In that city, as the -membera of the order may be there Instructed to 'go somewhere else, even out' lde of Italy. Beside the - provincial and the two del egates from each province. thosev having a -vote In the election of the new general are the five "assistants" of th late gen-' eral, and the vicar general of the order. Father Roger Freddl, who was appointed by the lata - general - to administer Us af fair until the congregation' shall be held. In Cathollo circles, both In this country and .In Rome.-It 1 held to be poaalbl that an American may be chosen general, and - the . name of Father Rudolph Meyer has been mentioned In this connection. Father Meyer ' la prominent In the order, and has been resident In Rome for many years, connected with the German college there. About 100 wilt attend the , congregation and the election ot the general require a majority of two-thirds. It Is 'believed by those familiar with Jesuit affairs that there Is little or no likelihood thst the new gen eral will be of Italian birth, for the reason that the interest of th ordr ax much greater outside of Italy than In It. The last six geskrals wer not Italian. The lat Father Martin wa a Spaniard. It I be cause the Interest of th order have o greatly increased In this country In th last decads that knowing ones look for the election of an American. Botoo Transcript. .Gold Dollars for Orssisesli. "Got a gold dollar, havs youT" said ths Jeweler. "Certainly, I'll giv you some thing for It. It's worth a dollar to pend and a dollar and a halt to selL, That' th fixed price for them, and practically any Jeweler who make use of them at all will give you. $160 aptec for as many as you happen to have about you. "What do we" us them forT Oh, In 1 variety of way; for bangle and pin and ornament ot one ort and another. Thar are more of them used In thl -way thaa are taken up by collector. Of course, ther re certain date that ar worth mors than th regular market prlc to collector. Th war year Issue, for Instance, 163, 1864 snd 1S65. bring from $2.(0 to $6, accord. Ing to condition. There are other date that bring still higher prices. But for our purpose one date 1 as good a another, and a gold dollar is ss good as gold' lof $1.50 nt sny time. , Yes they're growing carcer all tne time, of course. The government stopped coining them some six years ago, but I believe tliat something like 19.000,000 or 30,000.000 of tbem had been put into circulation up to that time, so that there are stlU a good many tucked away In old pocket books and carried M a pocket piece." Providence Journal. 1 - w Dlamoad la the Halted Btstos. Never before in the history of the United State ha ther been' uch a demand, fol diamond a there wa in 1906. Largs quan tities were Imported, but the country pro duced none. In 1903 It produced diamonds to th value of $60. In 1901 It had an out put worth $100, In 1900 It production wa valued at - $150, and In 1899 th country boasted native diamond to th value ol $306. Diamond hv been discovered fn tha United State In four different region, but their artusl plsce of origin Is In every ease unknown. All have been found lr) loos and superfldsl deposit and all accident ally. It Is not t all improbable, how. ever, thst come day the original source of this queen of gems Jnay be discovered. The hlsh price of diamond has mad the recent search for these precious stone In the United States and Canada keener than ever before. , A careful watch for dia mond wa kept during the examination by the United States geological urvy ot many samples of gold and platinum ssnds st the Lewis snd Clark exposition ia Port land, Ore. A lookout for diamonds baa also been kept by a number of people who have bees) dredging for gold on sn extensive seals In the rivers of California. In neither case has sny finds btn reported. BcUatlOa Amerlcaa - . , . . ... , i V ! J