AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA CtrnntcD9.of Bcipit&I to Bt Laid at 2 Tbi Afternoon. GOVERNOR MCKtY TO MAKE ADDRESS Omaha and (loath Dmaba C'oaarllatca, to.Vley (ikne f Ball for tha BrneOt of la Hospital Feed. Work on the construction of tha new ho f pltal far progressed aa to mske, pos sible the laying of .the corner atrme thia afternoon at i o'clock. The services con nected llh tho event will be imonf the "Si ,ml""Melv held In Couth Omaha, "na will be tlM program: Mriale Mat quartet, IV-ndlng l Scripture and prayer Rev. wpl Vv. Liver ddres Oovernor Mickey. . Mtiele Quartet. , T ,'!f"?Ty,f 8ou" Omaha hospital-! ra C. Address-Rev. Robert Wheeler.'' -huhic juartet. Kenedlctlrm-Kev. T. F. O'Calliihan. Taveader to BUM. , Harry Tavender, tha shoe miw, completed I a deal FtJday, whereby he 'becomee the owner of. the. Augusta "J. Chirk property, 1417 N street, , the consaWstion being 14,000. It la the purpose -of Mr. Tavender to sell the old. building hat at present la located there and In It- stead erect a new and up-to-dn,te brick building. The old building win be sold, and moved away to make room for the iww structure, and this will be done .as soi as possible. drain Rash n Rnllrofid Tarda. Iase."u'h of r'n through the South he r ' wl'"h ysrde this year Is In excess Die- 'or a number of years. Bo heavy ( ua been the, rush that the .yard men have been worked, to the limit and the stock yard nnd jmcbij house business, has fallen to ; second third placee, respectively, where. In the past they have always held llret nrei second places. ., ' Cnasellmea to I'lay Ball, A, game of bass ball between the coun cil men of Oruaha and South Omaha Is now v an assured act, arid Arrangements are well unrier way, . The South, Omaha council will Ue given a communication, at Its meeting tomorrow ' night,. In , Which tho challenge ent to the Qroaha officials some time ago t Is accepted. The game will be pulled off Id the-near future p.nd already' the mem bers of lhe council are speculating aa to the amount eX money that will be in the till for the benefit pf the hospital, aa it Is for that the'game is to be played. When It waa learned at the atock yards that the fgtvaa would be played a subscription list '. wai started and already many have sig a'ried their Intention Of ..contributing lib erally. Bpeaklng of the :game last night t Councilman Bulla said: "I believe that It la possible for this game to turn Into the coffers of the hospital fund far more than at first thought would seem possible. I iwant to see the game come off and will do (everything within my power to bring it. about." t Country dab Is Popalar. . That the Bouth Omaha Country club is becoming more popular, as the summer ad . vencea la evidenced by the fact that hardly g an evening passes when some sort of a i party or reception is not held on the lawns and later In the evening dancing Is en SJoyed. The last of these parties was a very pretty dinner, which was given Fri day evening by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mo JCullough In honor of Miss MeCullough of Minneapolis, a cousin of Mr. MoCullough. who is visiting In the 'city. Those present . were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MeCullough, Miss MoCullough of Minneapolis, Messrs. and Mesdames'W. B. Cheek,. A. L. Lott, C. M. Schlndle E. B. Shugart, Howard . Meyers sod Mr. L. R. Pennall 'and Mr. 1 W. B. Tagg. .Tha necessary arrangements' have been ' mada for the giving of a concert at the ; Country club grounds, next Tuesday even ! Ing. i AH of the members are looking for ward to the treat In stored for them on that night.. Following Is. the program, which. Is to he followed by a dance: OpeningPreeldent Cheek. Piano Selection Mies Eva Crandall. Vocal Solo Mlsa Edith Dennis. Racltstlon Miss Offerman. . Vooal Solo Mr. Cecil Francisco. , Piano Selection Miss Sarah Martin. Bolo Mrs. Ed Munshaw. Heading Mies Hilda Condon. Vocal Solo Mrs. Earl Brown. Violin Duet Tha Misses Flynn. Vocal Solo Mrs. E. B. Bhugart. Remarks Mr. Bruce MeCullough. Carnival Dates Fixed. At a meeting of the A. O. U. W. carnival committee held at the temple Friday night It mas decided that the carnival would be held from September I to I, Inclusive. Committees have been appointed, attrac tions procurred and every member Is work ing for .the best Interests of the affair. A mammoth parade wlU be held on the first day of the carnival. A communlcav tlon from the Eagles Informed the com mittee that there would be no Eagle carni val, but In lieu thereof wished that the A. O. V. W. committee would designate 'one of their days as Eagle day. Thia was done. Following U the list of the days as they have been designated: Monday. Labor days Tuesday.- Eagles;. Wednesday. Fra ternal Beneficiary Society; Thursday, Ak-Sar-Ben, Red Men; Friday, Children and A. O. U. W.; Saturday, everybody. Holdes) rase Reported. Frank McLaughlin, who Uvea at 301 ft street, was held up last evening at Twenty-ninth and Q streets. The Job was done by two men, one of them large and the other small. They grabbed hold of Mo Laughlln, choked him and at the same time went through his pockets. The thieves se cured only 1140. j !' . War -os) Weeds. At a meeting of the Highland Park Im provement club Friday, night the question of weeds was "again ' discussed and an agreement finally reached that the 'club used by Milllo T HOTEL. 'CCaFORTWITHOOT EXTIUYABAICE. at the New Transient. Steel Built. Fireproof HOTEL WOODSTOCK. US-IK Mfaaamaf, N. r. CM. 4 at OtasS Caatnl VIM Sawn, tka at laa mar. t taa auaat at U aa4 -X ' roll mat BraaSva aMi mia U)mc MaSain i -, SMaatlaa lar MS kM.11 raaaw saw feats, ai t. Lata, arwas all Iim rn j aa aaikaa WK areata Wia. M as. IfeMce nataaiaat. W. H. taUgi'urTa ( ualumo! jipowflor? i (VwIIm with ta M S Wmod Law at wx i . f - ' ! .v- - ' ' should use Its erTrru to tne end that the city council pass an ordinance tp the effect that all ury cuplM property In th city should have, the weeds cut therefrom and the riper. charged to the property. This action vsas taken in view of the fact that every Resident In the northeast part of the cHj- has tsken eepeclal pride In kepln (-vn the eye sore. An, ordinance will aleo be aeked for that all terracing and parking be restricted wfthln the limits of the curb line. The following standing committees were sppolnud: Municipal affairs. J. Bam Oos ney, Al Powell, 3. J. Fldgersld. William Oulgcat and Q. T. Clase. School commit tee, r. J. Copenharve, Fred O. Cockrell and J. J. Markey. Made City Roealo. Miss Adil oisss is visiting for a few days with friends In Avoca. la. Jotter's Oold Top Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. (. The city pay roll for the street gang during lsst week smounted to $-3 91. Dr. W. M. Davis has returned from an extended trip In the Big Horn mountains. fttore building for sale cheap. Apply at once. C. R. Wilcox. 1415 N St., So. Omaha. A daughter Is reported St the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Henderson, Thirty third and Q streets. Miss Maud MncDowell leaves for Mine spoils today for sn extended visit with friends Slid relatives. Dr. O. E. Llndburg of tha- local bureau of snlninl Industry left last night for Chi cago, to be gone a week. Joseph, the 1-year-old son of Detlef Bi'hwel, died at the home of his parents, SSn X street, Friday afternoon. Some time yesterday afternoon Will John son, colored, escaped from the county Jail, where he was serving a sentence for sn assault upon two white men with whom he was working at the Cudahy plnnt. Vpchurch lodge No. 2, Degree of Honor, will give an Ice cream social next Wed nee ds y evening at Workmen temple. William Burns, Twenty-fourth ' end P street. Is In the hospital suffering with a severe attack of typhoid fever.- Ira A. Kellogg, local representative of The Omaha Bee, left last night for Chicago and eastern points, to be absent a week. James Barren and Mike Reldy were sen tenced to four days' cutting weeds on the street by Judge King yesterday morning. Ed Wrenn, who for the last few months has been managing the Hlnchey laundry, will visit for a few days at Og&lalla. Neb. Mlsa Mabel Tobias and Miss -Susie Cas sidy leave this evening for Lake Okobojl, where they will spend the next two weeks. Councilman Heftlinger and family have returned to the city after having spent an enjoyaiile two weeks visiting with friends and relativea at Maywood, Neb. Charles Femlarid will leave tomorrow for Lincoln, where he will visit for a few days before attending the democratic state con vention, to which be will be a delegate. Make an offer on the northwest corner of 18th and Misaouri Ave. a nearly new house, esst front, snd neat cottage, south front; two new lots. Room for two more bouses. Will sell on easy terms. Price, 2.;50. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1714 Farnam St. Chief Brlggs yesterday afternoon cap tured two of the toughest characters that It has been bis lot to get . in some time. They were James Wright and George E. Boesse, two lsds who a short time ago escaped from the reform school at Topeka. Yesterday afternoon Chief Brlggs picked up Ed Mitchell, colored, said to have robbed a boarding house In the vicinity of Twenty sixth and P streets about (wo weeks ago. Mitchell bad some of the stolen properly in his possession at the time of his cap ture. A charge of burglary , will be placed against him. ' t City Treasurer Melcher lias made ar rangements whereby it will be possible for persons so desiring to pay any scav enger, regular or special real eotare taxes that may. be due and unpaid at the olAce of he city treasurer as .la l e aa September L After that date tbeae taxes will be paid In Omaha, with accrued interest. ' Two big specials starting tomorrow morn ing. Special 1 men's odd undershirts, in aU sorts of colors,' 14 cents each, worth 25 snd SS cents. Special 2 men's soft shirts, with collars attached and neckties to match, the Ideal brand, manufactured by M. F. Smith tt Co Omaha, to be retailed for $2.50- aale price, K cents. Nebraska Shoe and Clothing House, Bouth Omaha, B V RXIS O TO-1' S . IMPROVED . BERVICK Between Oaaathm, Uaeola and Beatrice Pullman parlor cars ax .how fn scrvioe between Omaha, Lincoln and' Beatrice, on westbound' Trains Tfori) Qma&i,' at.t;l$ a. ra, and 2 p. m. Eastbotrod from Beatrice at, 1:20 a. m. and from Lincoln at 10:25 a. nv, also from Beatrice at 2:30 p. ' m. and from Lincoln at 8 p. m. Seat fare, 2So between Omaha and Lincoln, 26c between ' Lincoln and Beatrice, too between Omaha and Bea trice. ; Tf yem have anything to trade advertise It in the For Exchange column- of The Bee Want At SEAS01ASU FASHIONS. KO. i08AN EXCELLENT ' SCHOOL . FROCK. The change in- the fashion of children's clothes are never at any time so marked r' sudden aa la aometlmee the case wUn the fashions of their elders. We. hear very Often theate days that the Utile folks were never so well dressed and surely good taste baa mada Itself evident everywhere in the simplicity which characterises these small garments. For general weaf mothers find that the simple mode of dressing aurvives tha longest and a gown which will Serve excellently for the daughter's school gown la shown. The square yoke and panels are very becoming . and afford -. enough' adornment for a dress of thia kind'. Made of a co at resting material or color together with the cufTs and belt, the dreas is one that any girl will like. The tucks at the side In front and back relieve any tandencr. to plainness and add fullness to the small figure. The skirt is one jit unusual merit, being a circular one and Of excel Is at shap ing. The pleats at Itched 'tp yoke- depth give extra fullness and grace to the light woratada may serve for the dress. For the mediums slaa, two and one-half yards of forty-four-inch material are needed. e9Hs Nine sixes, lit 14 years. For the accommodation, of Tha Omaha Baa readers these patterns, which- usually retail at from 21 te M .osnta, wU4 be fur. Jabed St a nomlral price (M cents), which severs all expenses, in order to get pat Urn enclose 10 oenU,' giving number and name f pattern wanted and bust measure. As tha patterns are mailed direct from the publishers In New, York.- It wlU require aboat a week' time to All th order. Ad raeac Fatter Department. The ' Osaan. Bee. Omaha, Neb. '' ; - THE. OMAHA IEWS FROM CfcUHA SUBURBS ' Diss. Miss Edith Anderson Is a gusat at the Wiley ranch near Cody, Wyo. Mls Aneta Talmer entertained a few young friends Wednesday afternoon. Mr. E. H. Wright of Ksneas City Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John O. Yelsr. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Curtis and daughters have returned from a trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. O. U Hsrt will leave Mon day evening for a week s pleasure trip to Chicago. Mr. James W. Hamilton was In Chicago during the week on a combined business and. pleasure trip. Mrs. Mary M. Anderson and daughter, Margaret, have been visiting at Manlluu and Cripple Creek. , Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters entertained a number of friends from Omaha and Council bluff at dinner Wednesday evening. Mrs. Reed and children of Greensville, Idaho, who have been visiting Mr. H. c. Peters, returned, to their home on Monday. Miss Mae Hat he way, sister of Mrs. Charles O. Talniage, and Miss Ruth Has kell of Lincoln were visiting Mrs. Talmage the early part of the week. " " Mrs. T. S. Estsbrook and daughter, Dor othy, returned last week to Chicago after a visit of several weeks with, Mrs. Esta brnok's mother, Mr. Dolan. , Miss Lucy Thurston and the Misses Vlele cf Notth Carolina, who have been the guests for severs! weeks of Mr. and Mia. P. J. Barr, left for home on Wednesday. Memorial services for the late Mrs. Emma Lampe, wife of Rev. Joeeph J. Lampe, will be Conducted this fnornlng by Rev. T. K. Hunter at the Dundee Presby terian church. For her guest. Miss Lucy .Thurston of Taylorsvllln, N. C, Mlsa Margaret Barr entertained about twelve young women on Monday afternoon, and Tuesday evening Miss Karr entertuinrd a younger set for the Misses Vlele of Salisbury, N. C. Mr. and Mrs, John O. Yelser entertained about a hundred guest Tuesday evening In honor of Mrs. Yeiser's sister, Mrs. E. H. Wright of Kansas City, Mo. On Wednes day Mrs. Yelser entertained her assisting women st luncheon, snd a number of young people In the evening at a marshmallow roast." The assisting women at the recep tion were: Mrs. T. L. Combs, Mrs. E. R. Hume. Mrs. P. J. Bare, Mrs. 8. R. Rush, Mrs. D. L. Johnson, Mrs. J. M. Alkjn, Mrs. J. II. Itarte and Mrs. Noah Perry. For Miss Barr's guests Miss Van Oleson entertained Monday evening the following young people: Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Rich, Dr. F. S. Whitman, the Misses Marshall, the Misses Renson, the Misses Vlele, Miss Thurston, Miss Barr and Messrs. LeavHt, Lampe, Palmer and Selby. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Talmag will leave next Tuesdsy evening for a trip east. They will visit Chicago, Buffalo and New York City, returning to Chicago by iot from Buffalo. Miss Emma Hatha way of Lincoln, sister of Mrs. Talmago, will accompany them on the trip. ... Benson. Mrs. J. MoCombs left Saturday for a few weeks' visit in Chicago. Mrs. W. T. Springmeyer haa gone for a two weeks' visit In Chicago. Mrs. John .MiGutre has returned home frpm a few days visit In Blair. Will and Ernest Tlndell have gone to St. Louis to vlHlt with their uncle: Rev. Mr. Reldy has returned after a few days spent In Oakdale and Geneva Mr. O .W. Btlger entertained her mother of I'lattarnouth on last Wednesday. Mass at 9 o'clock at St. Bernard's Cath olic church today by Father McCarthy. D. E. Smith entertained Mrs. Smith of Ridge way, Mo., during the past week. Ms. J. M. Leldy left last week for a two weeks' visit with relatives In Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. R E. Bos worth have moved Into their new residence on Maine street. 'Ellesmere Morgan, ' formerly of Benson, .has returned for a visit, from California. - English Lutheran services at 11 a. m., Sunday school at 10 a, m. at the town hall. Miss Llna Washburn eentertalned Miss Lou Bliss and Miss Eda Hughes of Schuy ler. Mr. and Mrs. A. & Lesch have returned home from a pleasant visit In Cedar Creel, Neb-, . ' Mrs." Arthur Merman has gone 'to Ben nington where she will open a dressmaking shop. . Miss Mary Butler returned home on Fri day from Scnuyler, where she haa been visiting. . fMlss Anna Bellls left " lasl " Wednesday for a three weeks' -visit with relativea in Missouri. Mra E. A. Heyden and Mrs. Anderson of Omaha were guests of Mrs. A. H. Heyden last week. ' Linn McQuIre ot St Joseph, Mo., spent last -Wednesday -at the home of his parents In Benson. ,- Miss Culbertsop picnicked with a number of her scholars at Hanscom park on Thurs day afternoon. ' Mrs. A. H. Heyden entertained the ladles' aid society of. Florence last Thurs day afternoon. About ten of tlie Benson people held a picnic party at Hanscom park last Wednes day afternoon. June Grove, accompanied Lula Prior to her home in Homer, Neb., where she will visit for a time. The M. E. Ladies' Aid society will meet at the church Wednesday afternoon, for Important business.. ... i Miss Minnie Chapman, Mrs. Johnson's sister, has gone to Los Angeles where slie will spend a month. Mrs. James Walsh snd son Ward and father, Mr. Hopper, left Saturday , for a visit in Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson entertained at a lawn party at their home on West Mc Kinley street, a week ago. Charles Burmelster has gone with the Thurston Rlflei to Fort Riley, Kan., to participate In the maneuvers. Charles Johnson entertained the members ofxtha Boys' gym. on Thursday evening, when a pleasant time waa had. Presbyterlafl services today at Odd Fel lows hall at 2:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 2:30 p. m., by Rev. Mr. Braden. .Miss Alice Culbertson haa returned from a few days' visit In Elk horn. Bhe was accompanied home by Rose Witte. A Swedish school will open on Monday to continue during the coming month. Rev. Mr. Zedren will be the Instructor, Mra Klrkland and son have returned to their borne in Chicago, being called- here by the death of her sister, Mrs. Caminxlnd. Methodist services today at 11 a. m. and I p. m. ; Suuday school st 14 a. m. ; tp. worth league at 7 p. m. Rev. Mr. Leidy, pastor. The Baptists will have services in the tent today at 11 a. in. Sunday school st 10 a. ra. Rsv. B. F. Fellrrutn of Omaha will preach. There will be no Swedish Lutheran ser vices today on account of the laying of the Eton Bwedlah church corner atone in Omaha. Mra. A. Z. Leach turned over her home to the Presbyterian women last Tuesday even ing for a lawn aocud. which waa largely attended. Mlas Schlrer and Mlsa Jennie of Amaw soma. Via, and Dr. Marie Kaufman of Cedar Creek, were gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker last week. The team of the aerie of Benson Be glee leave Unlay for the grand aerie meeting la Milwaukee. They will be accompanied by otner tjieoiDera oi tne toage. Bona were barn to Mr. and Mrs. L. L N. Goodta en August t. to Mr. and Mra. Ed Rous a on August 1 to Mr. and M.-a. Will lam Hnckman on August L Mr. and Mra George Wsrren weje pleas antly surprised by S number of their friends snd neighbors, st tbalr borne last Satur day evening. Luncheon was served. Mrs. MoCoy entertained the women of the rresoyterian church at her borne last Fri day, when a Ladles' Aid society as or ganised with twenty-one members. The regular meeting of the Benooii fire department wae held last Monday evening, when testa were made of all working op para tua. A drill was held during the evening. - The regular business meeting of the totvn board was held Saturday, August 4. V number of ordlnanoes were passed which will soon be published. The routine of business was tranaanted. ROBBER KNOCKS VICTIM DOWN J. E. ayder Headered Caooaeeloae r tke Blow, bat Utu eeovera. While crossing the corner of Nineteenth and Eraklne streets at 1:10 last night J. E. Bnyder was held up and knocked u neon solo as by a footpad. Tha robber came running down a clay bank on the corner and thrusting a revolver In .Mr. Snyder s face demanded that he throw up hia hands and because of ntowneag la complying with these demands, struck him over the- head DAILY DEE: MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1006. with his pistol. I'porf' regaining consciou nes MY. Bnyder found that he had been robbed of his money. The matter Is being looked after by the police. OUR LETTER BOX. That F.pwertk Resolatloa. OMAHA, Aug. 11. -To the Editor of The Bee: For some time I have been battling with myself as to the advisability of mak ing known thst of which the public lias been erroneously Informed, vis. : the antl Rneewater resolution which was adopted at a recent aenibly of the Epworth league. This resolution In the most, vehement language denounced, defamed, censured and condemned Mr. Rosewater as being a most unfit and Improper person to represent the state of Nebraska at the nation's capital. Far be It from me to assume that the gen tleman In question Is totally lacking In those Imperfections which constitute world Uness. But I do assert that n body of people claiming to believe In a God who distinguishes not between persons and Whose highest law is that of love, and assembled In t fie nsme and through the grace of Him who tsught us, saying "Love them that hate ye." and "Judge not that ye be not Judged," and when so assembled they become the -prey of a few men who for purely personal reasons vllllfy and denounce publicly a fellow cltlxen who had no chance to ssy a word In his own defence or In any manner to remove the malicious slander heaped against him. It la high time that the world became Informed of the despicable manner In which the resolu tion was railroaded through. It was by no means the voice of the assembly, hut was a purely personal affair, prompted by the most ulterior motives, cut and dried from Its Inception and proposed at the psychological moment when the audience wss wrought to an Intense nervous pitch by the oratorical Dr. Banks, In addi tion to this, the audience had been sitting on rough, hard benches for two long hours, and so when the resolution was proposed they rose to their feet without seriously considering the propriety of their action. Scarcely hd they risen when a unanimous vote was announced In favor ot adoption. Fully one-third of those voting did so without knowing what they voted for or why they voted. A hurried canvass later In the evening revealed the fact that hnd the people been aware that such a resolu tion was to have been presented not only would the measure have been fought, but It would have "been 1 overwhelmingly de feated. The unutterable nerve with which these high-handed proceedings were con ducted was more becoming to the unblush ing, unprincipled ward heeler than to the meek and pious follower of the lowly Naiarene. 11 To the gentlemen concerned who may take exceptions to my way of presenting facts to the public I can say that I am prepared to back up 'my position to the uttermost, and further, there Is no place In holy writ which would In the leaet de fend or even' excuse this utterly Irreligious action. L. M. HORR. Young Men's Christian Association Rooms. Thought on Legislative Halls. OMAHA, Aug. ll.-To the Editor of The Bee: As the time npproaches when an other legislature will convene. It may not be out of order to call the attention of our state authorities to the condition of tho legtHlatlve hall when the last legislature met. It looked as if it had not been touched since the preceding legislature adjourned, ft had all the appearance of a "rough house. T The old. rickety furniture, pot fit for a secpnd class lodge room, was covered with dust and rdlrt and the light was barely visible through the windows. The- matting -on the,'lkmr "was so well loaded that It Was dangerous to attempt to sweep It. That good old clock over the speaker's desk always ready to move for ward or backwards aa Occasion required could hardly tell the time through the dirt on Its face. It was no Uncommon thing to see a venerable 'legislator drop through the eane bottom of his chair, and the old desks looked as If they had ' served since Ne braska was admitted to the union. Our stats officials have lived too long In Lin coln and other country, (owns. They oaght to come snd visit the council chamber of a great metropolitan city like Omaha and get' some pointers on legislative elegance, and how to keep- things dean. The lobby was the only part of the Institution that wjis In .good repair, and ready for busi ness. It was - clean and neat and well led. and decked with flowers and win ning smiles. , MICHAEL LEE. Bee Want Ada for Business Boosters. -J T 4 t H" Remington Typewriters look durable and are as durable as they look. tt at Remington 327 Broadway, New SCHOOLS AXD (v a HILS0 COLLEGE f OR WOMEN ta the beautiful Cumberland Valley. Courses leading to degrees of A-. B. and Mua. i Classics. Muslo, Art. A moat excellent fac. ally. Campus so acres; 14 buildings; rata moderate. M. H. REASCR, Ph. D-, Pres'L S College Ava. CHAMBCRBUURO, PA. HELP TO ADVERTISE OMAHA Ben Tke Bee ta sou means. Tt I. JlJentvorth DHL DAYS IN THE CANTEEN Sailor Are Not Hopelessly Addicted to th SoJa Water Habit JACK SHUNS THE SOFT DRINK - STORE Sergeant ef Marine Telia of Good Old Days vtkea Real Beer Might Be Had at the Brooklyn Kavy Yard. Morning drill wss over, and the mem bers of the squad of marines thst had been marching, presenting arm, shouldering arms, and otherwise acquiring a temper and a thirst, filed Into the locker room of the building on the Cob Dock, st the Brooklyn navy yard, tore off their heavy uniform shirts and swore continuously and fluently as they scrambled Into thin white tunica. "There," said the sergeant who had served In the Philippines, ss he Jerked his head hack from his chair on the porch, "there Is the temperance brigade as yeu wss ssklng about." Inquiry hsd been made concerning a re port that Pundsy "mixologists" and pro prietors of thirst parlors on Sands street were threatened In bankruptcy on ac count of a sudden passion for canteen soda water with chocolate snd pineapple flavor ing which had developed among the men. Reelpe foe l.emoeade. "I remember." continued the sergeant, "that when I was younger, about the time I Joined the service, they were singing a song which about described the present situation In the navy. It went something like this: , For you tnke the whisky thin. An' vou squeese the llmon In, Hhure. they call It Umonade In Bally hooly; And whin the timperance brigade Olta out upon pnrade. There's not a sober man In Ballyhooly. "I'd heard all about this big. wave of re form and soda water before you mentioned the matter. Two men were seen in tho canteen consuming lemon pie and drink ing orangeade In huge qusntities last Fri day. Suppose you see If they've come back; canteen's only two doors to the light along this path." The man In civilian dress, dosing behind the soda fountain, awoke at the fourth cough. He rubbed his eyes, then hurriedly wiped off the counter. "Yes, sir," he, said; "what'll tt be; choc olate, vanilla, pineapple or., ginger? The ginger Is very much favored, because It has a grip to It, and " "Thank you, I do not belong to the post. I wss merely seeking Information." ' "Yes, sir; certainly, sir. But won't rou let me serve youT t'd Just like to hnvo you try our plain soda with ginger. It's in great demand somet'lmes." "Are the bluejackets drinking much, these daa-s? "Drinking much? Well, say, don't you think there'd be something doing in wet goods this weather? What, this stuff I mean soda water? Not much. OnIy when they have to. and that Isn't very often." Said the Sergeant. The sergeant raised his eyebrows, f Well," he said, "ain't a whole lot doing, iV there? Won't be, either, vif you anchor in the place all day long. But they're doing busy on Sands street and Navy street, ain't they? Perhaps they're "not boiling some of Our fellows this very minute with colored wood alcohol and diluted vitriol, "There was a time beforevthe Water Cart Travelers undertook to run the army and navy of the United States, when a man could go to the canteen and get a scoop of beer that was beer. Perhaps he -had two, and maybe a little later in the day he hod two more. Suppose the laai scoop before he '.turned in made him feel a bit happy; what of It? Wasn't hs right In barracks, turning Into his own bunk, safe from all harm and on hand to answer to rollca.ll in the morning? . No headache, no empty pocket. "Well, they changed all that. The morala of the army and navy was telng destroyed by the demOn rum In the 4 per cent lager and a parade thirst called aloud for choco late Ice cream." . . While he was talking the whole squad had hurried to the, tiny ferry boat that con nects the Cob dock with the main section of tho reservation. "Did you notice that wild rush for the canteen? Now, what do you think those boys will do when they get outside the gates? I'll tell you, because I know, and because I've been there too often myself; they'll make first class, special diploma, blue ribbon Idiots of ' themselves. They a; I! Typewriter Co y York. COLLEGES. Military Academy Lesietea)1e. 0!dateia Laraaat atUluTry aouooll lb Middle Wtak Claa A ' ti ratanl Unf of Wr ljt. On at . rf. ft. only ouela Mlmaih. Sjaag fir ealaJoi oe. " 7 YOUR BOY'S FUTURE aaeaaa lajftly aa ta Ualslag a inn hat U at U as M. Nkr ca fee fae fcattar tralalat lor tha araat abllHla at u kao taan at taa K'UHICI MtLITAHf At A life. kf V. lMaloaat at . aUM aa4 kj, aall wsnut aa4 laluallr at Ua tTimi aatat aacf. Lamatata eallaea eJrBralrr i traia Uis llUa Ian lajtracuaa aad Sitalia laaraaak. ifceaak sat hvot. AtSlatlfe, Bar aU aae a4w)Ua4 aaaitar am Vru tar Cat. a- aauaay aUUUary nit i. aaanMs, a W ' - a aC will onty have a short time to do It In, so they'll tank lip Just as Quick ss the barkeep will fill m up for them. "Nert thing, too late te get bark. Next thkig, a day, two days overdue. Next thing desertion. And that s no Idle dream: that'a the story ever since the water wagon drivers undertook -to run the I'nlted States army and navy." New York Post. SOMETHING NEW AT THE DEN Special Brew la f'oneoeted by Royal Jester Renae and HIS Conferees. In connection with Initiation exercises at the Ak-Par-Ben den Monday evening something entirely new will be offered as an extra "stunt" by Gun Rense and his conferees. The roysl Jesters have con cocted a special brew which promises to give a real thrill to those who are present Monday evening. Only two persons In the realm of Qulvera know anything about this special effort which Mr. Rense oe Clares will dispel the old Idea that there Is nothing new tinder the sun. Excursionists from along the lines of the Northwestern railroad will be In at tendance. Doc Breed, carnival manager If GIBSON! Most famous of all Artists in Pen : and Ink, whose pictures have made him' rich. Wouldn't you like to draw as well as Gibson ? ;;. , ' Probably you never can; but perhaps - .. . : : ; lie can start you right. It contains a Series of Instruc tive Articles on 'Ten and. Ink Drawing," each article supplement ed by A DRAWING BY Charles A CASTLi. V!V r'A." a - ' -?; !, y : J. y.' ' -1 1' t) ' w i -"X?i'Yr fjny' r ' ff I Tills Picture Size 10 x 15 inches, Printed on heavy art paper, each on a separate sheet, in black upon tinted background, ARSO MJIELY HE w;th every copy of . Tae Seiiiy Dee: ORDER NOW! has been out through the country working up Interest In the fall festivities. Arlsona Harry, who will appear here this fall In "North America," one of the big features of the Ak-Sar-lten rarnlvll has a saddle with an unurual history. This Intrepid rider 'ha used the saddle for sixteen years lit many parts of the world. One cf the most noted bandits who ever terrorised the wet once owned this saddle. Home year sgo while pros pecting In the Funeral mountain of Arlxona Harry's horse fell over a aoO-fcot . precipice Into a river.. The rider escaped by leaping from the saddle and clinging to some bushes on the verge of the precipice. For six days and nights the saddle lay with the dead horse In the depths of the stresm. When Anally re covered the saddle was Intact. John la Webster and Chsrles J. Greene will be the principal speaker at the fountain of youth Monday night. ' Cheaper lee, Wo will sell our surplus arteslsn ice st tt per ton at our building or $1 for a X Ib. cake. Come and get tt. HARDING CREAM CO., 810 Harney. It Is no trouble to recover a lost article -Put an ad In the "Lost" column ot The Pee. . i arm ' - jtk'i t, li)-ui- .:! t.i li-jui- Olil IK THE AIR. B COT.T.TTK'S WEEKf CejiyrigUt 101, P. f, CelUar a s. 'mmm ' A-