The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-NO. 48. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1906. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Va CALENDAR FOR. WEEK Beunion of the 0. A. B. at Minneapolii the Premier Erect PHILIPPINE VETERANS AT DES MOINES -,tn)tional Typoeraptioel Union in Betaion at Colorado Eprint. MANY OTHER CONVENTIONS SCHEDULED Trial Eeati to Select Competitor! for International Yacht Eace. COLORED MEN MEET AT HARPER'S FERRY Celebrate Hundredth Analvereary ef Birth of John Brw and Jnbllec at Battle of Oseawartamle. , WASHINGTON. Aug. It Tho- . veterans of the civil war wll. M. .-. ;..'T Monday to attend U V ase. . wmnment of the Granv of he !lUDlio. xne enciuuimiaui wi. He-. rnnrh tha entire week, and 06.'a an elaborate program of social func tion! In addition to the many business af fair whlob will receive attention. The na tional convention of the Worn on ' Press as sociation also will be held In Minneapolis beginning Monday, and the Union Vet erans' union national encampment will be gin at Bt Paul the same day- This en eampment will continue until Wednesday. W Political meetings during the week in- i . elude the Texas republican convention ai r V El Paso on Tuesday, the Nebraska Popu list state convention at Lincoln on Wednes day and a meeting of the New Tork re , publican state committee In New Tork ' city on Wednesday. Among other Important conventions scheduled for the week are the following: VV Monday Convention National Brother hood of Stationary Firemen Colorado Bprlngs International conven ' tlon Typograpbloal union of America. Buffalo National Harness Manufactur ers' and Dealers Protective association. Pes MoUea National convention Society of the Army of the Philippines. New Tork Convention International Ster eotypers and Electrotype' union. Boston National convention American iphllatello association. Bt. Louis National convention American Apple Growers' congress. . Poughkeepsle, N. T. Improved , i-der 'Sled Men, Great council. Rldgeway, Pa.Natlonal convention Scandinavian Brotherhood of America. Roanoke, Va, National convention Flre- t" teen's association. , PuMD-Bay National convention MefJo- V JooBtan PhMateUo asaodatt cm. 1 Wednesday l Wow Haven International eonvntloB 'jMniacJpel Electrlolane' association. , Vunlnel TTstlrmrl Fraternal congress. , J(ew TorTa National convention TJniver BaS Oattstnen's council engineers. i.' JaCermatlomeJ Yacht Raee. i TSitf-wa ale wOl witnsaa an fttereethj 1 OerW ( raoaa oft MarWehead. MaaaJ be .gum yachtsman deatroas of having! the j honor of revreaenUnsT the United Btates j etgntast tha. German yachts, which will .contest for the Boocovctt oujx The Oor f inan-Amerleaa raoas will open September I I. Three of tha nineteen boats entered for the r. ellmtoaxr competition will be selected to part In the International races, Tt--' nts are greatly diverse as regarda I . s. the smallest being only thlrty-ona feet, -ix tnoaoa over aU and tha largest forty teat ever all. The boats entered Una asset the work of nine yaoht designers. The trial races will open Monday and prob ably will continue through the week. The Niagara movement, an organisation composed of members of the negro race In the United Btates, will commemorate at Harpers Ferry,' W. Va., August. 16-10, the one hundredth anniversary of ths birth of John Brawn and the Jubilee of the battle of Osaawattamle. The Niagara movement, which was organised at Niagara Fails, N. Y-, la July 1A is composed of negroes In eighteen states, among them being. John F. Cook of the District of Columbia! W. M. Trotter, - editor of the Boston Guardian; William A. Sinclair, author Rev. Charles S. Morris of New Tork: Dr. O. M. Waller of Brooklyn; C CL Morgan of Cambridge. Mass., the first Harvard class day orator of his racet Dr. Henry X Bailey, supervising principal of the colored schools In the District ef Columbia J. Max Barber of Atlanta, On,, editor of The Voice of the Negroes, and W, H. Hart, attorney at law. of Washington, D. C. Tha exercises will be held at Btorer col lege and will include a number of addresses ' relating to the purposes of the organism- tlon and the future of the negro In Amer , tea. During the meeting trips will be made j to Charlsatown, where John Brown was ! triad, and to the place where Brown made Us defense, and where his sons were killed. sttbg SMward Is to visit Emperor William this week, the ofnoiaf anouncement having i been made that the meeting will ocour at ' Frtedrtahakron caatls, near Hamburg, Au gust J. Much Importance Is attached to the meeting between ths two monaroha. Tha British Motor Boat club Is arranging a sweepetskee for auxiliaries and cruisers from Southampton to Dover on August 18, when the boats will be taken to Dover after racing In Southampton waters to be ta. readiness for the atart of the Dovcr Oatend racea. August JO. PRINTERS FLOCK TO COLORADO Tare trend sod Delegates te Cosns. tlom Already ea the Onasa. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.. Aug. 11 The flfty-oeoond annual convention of, the International Typographical union opeas In : Colorado Bprlngs tomorrow. Three hun dred delegates. SOO ex-delegates and several hundred members of the women's auxiliary arc here to attend the sessions. Consideration of the fight for the eight hour day now being waged, will be one of the principal topics before the convention, preetdeat J. M. Lynch expresses satisfac tion With the progress already made by the printers and saye there la no doubt that thy will be victorious. Trailer (ar Jaaaaa lata road. CLKVElND, Aug. 11-A car contain ing Pfty persons on the Cleveland Kaat rn traction line Jumped the track tonight eight mllee suuthweei of Chsrdou. O.. Ui Jtirtug eluht. stiiiia tT them seriously, snd iinrly drowning a dusen others In a larre itagnant pool Into which tha oar plungfd The car was headed toward this viTy and frolng at moderate speetl, but the ancldent iarpend su ulokl- that none of The pa eeiiavrs real law. I what had hapfjened until they were Imtmnwt In the -ater. The Inaeiigera and erew of a tier following else behind went giilokly t- the reeoua aua atesft g aueea ar ai Uimh deate). BONAPARTE TALKS ON ANARCHY loaie .Ueaaarea Advaaeed for the Sappreaaloa of the , Evil. CUMBERLAND. Md., Aug. 12. Secretary of the Navy tj'harle J. Hnna parte deliv ered an address this evening st the Alle gheny Chautauqua, nedr Cumberland, be fore a large gathering;, his subject being: "Anarchism and Its Remedy." He said. In part: There wa and Is much to bp snfd In favor of thow; restrictions on Immigration which are Intended to shut out foreign anarchists from our shores, and II was undoubtedly well to arm the federal executive with wider powers to deport or otherwise rid the country of disloyal or turbulent aliens, whether thone call themselves "anarchist" or not. The fewer of such people we hve In our midst the better, snd. although I do not believe it will ever prove practicable to slam the door In the face of anything like all of them, all that we can bar out will be so much gain. But. while we may thus reduce the number of our anarchists, it Is sadly certain that we cannot thus get rid of anarchism. We hsve now a home made brand of the article, and, although the original "plnnt" of this "Infant Indus try" was undoubtedly Imported, the do mestic product Is large enough to gravely trouble us. It Is sometimes ssld that anarchism and socialism, as systems, sre mutually antip odal and destructiye. 1 should be very sorry to diminish whatever hostility the adherents of either "system" may feel for i other, for the old adage as to the con ' ences of such strife to honest men -Mes no small measure of truth: but, w mind, this view of their relations fd 'her superficial. They are two dl- tm growing from the same root, 'i the doctrine that all men of rig. iff A be, and should therefore be mad. ept, precisely ennui. 9o K .t or the evil: How can It be cured? lf we mean cured In a day, a month, a year, a decade, I answer un hesitatingly, not at all. Anarchy will not be removed wl'.hln a given time, or throuah a special measure or set of measures, per hxa will not be wholly removed In any time or by any means. In the first place, the unlawful acts prompted by anarchism should be made crimes. Insofar as they are not, strictly speaking, crimes already, and, as crimes, they should be visited wHth such penalties as sre particularly distasteful to the crim inals and therefore the most Ineffective deterrants to crime. In dealing with a convicted anarchist two facts may well be remembered, the chances of his resl re formation are so small that they may be safely neglected, and we can appeal, for practical purpoaee, to but one motive on his part to discourage a repetition of his offence, namely, the fear of physical pain and death. On anarchists the death penalty should be unequivocally Imposed by law and In flexibly executed whenever the prisoner has sought directly or indirectly, to take Ufa; for offences of less gravity, I advise a comparatively brief, but very rigorous Imprisonment, characterised by complete seclusion, deprivation of all comfort and denial of any form of distraction, and which could be, to my mind, advantage ously supplemented by a savere, but not a public whipping: the lash, of all punish ments, most clearly shows the culprit that he Buffers for what his fellow men hold odious and disgraceful, and not merely for reasons of public policy. An abridgment from fear of the anarch ists of that freedom of speech and of the rress guaranteed us by our state and ederal constitutions would be neither a wise nor a worthy policy; but theee privll egee in nowise shield councilors of crime nor instigators of disorder and rebellion. TWO TROLLEY CARSCOLLIDE ITwrnber of People Iajared, Among; Theen Members ef Ball OAKXJun. CaL. Aug. 11-A Telegraph avenue trolley nax packed with -pleasure crowds from - Berkeley agd ' Iddra park crashed Into a' Key . Route electric train. bound -from Piedmont to the ferry mole,' at Fortieth street crossing this afternoon, and a score of persona were badly Injured, at least two of whom are so severely hurt that they may die. The Injured were nearly ail riding in the street car. On this car ware most of the members of the Ban Francisco and Los Angeles ball teams, who had Just finished a game at the park. Among the Injured are: James St. Johns, Oakland, pinned under car, left arm broken, ribs broken, ankle oruahed. . . L. Bloom. Oakland. Vibs fractured, left side. Internal Injuries. 9. F. Dillon, Los Angel ball t earn, deep gash over eye, contusion on body. Oeorge Hodson, base ball umpire, thrown twenty feet through car window, scalp wount'. ... CV. L. Wheeler, Ban Francisco ball team, contusions on body. Albert Sauberg. Alameda, ribs broken. Mrs. Margaret Welch. Oakland, ear torn off, face gashed. Edith Parker, Oakland, arm torn. Mrs. Henry Diem all. Oakland, arm torostWe . C Cheney, Point Richmond, nose torn William Ptttman. motorman1 of wrecked street car, deep scalp wound, leg crushed. A defective air brake on the atreet car la said to have caused the accident. SHORTAGE AB0UT A MILLION laepewtor Coaanletea Work of Check las; Cp Failed Chicago ' Bank. CHICAGO, Aug. 11 State Bank Exam iner C. C. Jones completed hie Inspection of the affairs of the defunct Milwaukee Avenue Btate bank today and will forward his report on It to the authorities at Springfield tomorrow. The official was reti cent concerning the exsct results of his Investigations, but Intimated that the total shortage discovered is between SMO.000 and 11,600,000. Tjhe local police and the state's attorney's office continued their inquisitions. Inspec tor Bhlppy questioned more than a do sen Institution employes, seeking information from watchmen, bookkeepers, assistant (toilers and other minor , officials. Ono bookkeeper was positive that President Stensland's son was cognisant of the shaky oondltlon of the bank previous to July It the date on which young Stenaland claims be first suspected irregularltlea on the part of his father. Other employes told the Inspector of midnight trips to the bank by President Stensland and Cashier Hertng. EAGLES FLY INTO MILWAUKEE Kaaaaa City leleattaa the First One ta Reach the Crease OMy. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug. li. -Large del egationa to the national convention of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, which will open In this city on Tuesday, began to arrive in Milwaukee today. The first delegation to reach the city came from -Kansas City. Twenty-five thousand visitors are expected. The city has put on a gala appearance for the occasion. Fight far Ceveraer la Texas. HOUSTON, Teiaa. Aug. it. The demo cratic etate convention will assemble at Dallas Tuesday to nominate a full tloket. nominating being equivalent to election. The only ooiiteel Is over the gubernatorial nomination, all others having been settled In the primaries two weeks ago. The pri mary vote for governor, which will cm rlally be declared by the state chairman, was: T. II. Campbell, O. B. Col quitt, tf8S'-H; M. M. Brooke, 70,04; C. K. Hell, rt.ltia. There having been no selection, the choice of a candidate Ilea with the convention. They are bound by tuelr In etructinn un the first ballot, whlob will be follow: Campbell. 112 40: ColauitL 1st l BeU, 1.M4 Stacks. VAJa, " NICHOLAS DECLINES PLACE Grand Duke Does Not resin to Be Com mander of the Army. - SVEABORG MUTINELRS ARE CONVICTED Two Officers and Five Privates Seateaeed ta Be Shot at tha First Sitting of the C oort ' Martial. 8T. PETERSBURG, Aug. lt-Orand Duke Nicholas Nlcholalevltch, the Associated Press is Informed by a member of his En tourage, has declined to accept the poet of commander-in-chief of all the troops of the empire, "where martial law exists," which was tendered to him August 4. Whether this was decided before or after the attempt on the life of the grand duke at Krasnoyae-Selo on August 10 Is not known, but the ostensible reason Is that Grand Duke Nicholas believes such a poet should not be given to a grand duke but to a purely military man. He advocates the appointment of General Linevltch, for merly commander-in-chief of the Man churlan army, but the emperor has not finally decided the matter. Today, the second birthday of the ctare vltch, was observed with the usual display of flags and illuminations, but there was no enthusiasm In the celebration. In fact few persons seemed even to know what was the occasion of the decorations. The day was quiet In the capital. The activity of the terrorists' In the provinces Include, besides the usual harvest of assas sinations in Warsaw, an attempt on the life of eQneral Karateleff, chief of the gen darmeries of Samara province, and the wounding of Captain of Police Ivan off of Libau by a youth who fired thrloe at him In the street. The assailant of General Karateleff mounted the stairs of the gen eral's chancellory and threw a bomb at random. The missile failed to explode and the miscreant escaped in spite of hot pur suit. Governor of Warsaw Relieved. General Btrljoff, acting governor general of Warsaw city and province, has been re lieved of his office and will be succeeded by General Von Lanky. It Is conjectured that the change Is due to General Strl JofTs order with reference to the, responsi bility of towns, wbfch General Bkallon, be fore his transfer to Helslngfors as gov ernor general of Finland, waa obliged to cancel. The police today surprised thieves as they ware entering a priest's house In Dol goroukoffsky street, a fight ensued, and the thieves escaped after killing two policemen and wounding a passerby. iTMkorg Matlneers sentenced. HELSINGFORS, Finland. Aug. lt-The trial by court martial of the Bveaborg mu tineers commenced Saturday and Lieutenant Kochanovsky and EmilianoS. aged re spectively 10 and a years, and five soldiers were at tha first sitting found guilty and condemned to death. 'All were shot and buried In a common grave without cere mony, Kochanoxaky'a father is a colonel of the Guards at St. Petersburg. Bmlltanoff's mother appealed to the em peror for a reprieve, but lucoesefully, EmlltanofTs Canoe's arrest A promising hid case. . y ; ' ' ' '. . Drawing Una Tighter. KIEV, Aug. 11. The governor general here has Issued an order transferring from the civil Jurisdiction all offenses In con nection with the promulgation or publica tion of false reports with reference to the government. Its officials or troops, as news tending to exalte a hostile sentiment against them, or to cause general alarm, which hereafter shall be Judged and punished by administrative order. The same treatment is to be accorded to speakers exciting one class of the population against another. SULTAN'S HEALTH IMPROVES Ko Foundation tor Sensational Stories Of realated Regarding Hlaa. CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. lt-Ths' offi cials Inform callers at the palace that the sultan was suffering from the effects of a chill during the last week, but that he has now oompletely recovered. His physlclana, however, advised' his majesty not to risk exposure to the open air, and hence the abandonment of the Seta milk Friday. Todny his majesty's condition was Im proved sufficiently to enable him to attend to various affairs. , The local press Is forbidden to publish anything concerning the state of the sul tan's health or of the abandonment of the Selamllk. Sensational stories of the sultan's Illness are-In circulation here, but In best In formed circles confirmation la given the statement that there is a slight Improve ment in his condition and that he Is In no immediate danger. PARIS, Aug. 12. The Temps' Constan tinople correspondent reports that the sul tan la suffering from hemorrhages. Gov ernment affairs, be adds, are at a complete standstill and the ambassadors are Inquir ing at the palace daily regarding his majesty's condition. ENTERTAINMENTS FOR ROOT Secretary ef State Makca Goad Impression ta Bonth Aaerlea, MONTEVIDEO. Aug. lt-With a general desire to make the entertainments In honor of Secretary Root as numerous and 'varied as possible during his brief visit here there was an Incessant round of functions today, at each of which cordial speeches were heard. The entertainments were brought to a close tonight by a banquet given by Mr. O'Brien, the American min ister, and a grand ball at the Uruguay club, both of which were highly success ful. The guests at the banquet,- which was on a magnificent scale. Included Pres ident Ordonez and all the cabinet ministers and their wives, the leading citizens -of Montevideo and officials. Mr. Root's speeches here have won tha sympathies of the people and the principal newspapers express their gratification at ths secretary's visit and frank declara tion of the true policy of the United States toward the Latin American republic. Weaderfal Mirage nt Cleveland CIJiVBIJlNfJ, O.. Aug. 12 Residents of the helfghts in the eastern part of the city today witneeaed the moat remarkable mirage of which there is any record in sny record In thia part of the country. Wonderfully clear and distinct, the Ca nadian shore of Lake Erie, sixty miles dis tant, was. spread out before them in the akv. The phenomenon lasted for mora than hour and attracted the notice of people before It faded. The Inverted at niOHpheretc picture waa so clear that the city of Rondeau could be plainly seen, the church spire and principal business houses standing cat in bold relief. Tail tree and a river emptying tatc the , r r owuid gig s sees. . MISS ESAC CREATES SCENE Goes ta Chart h and Insists l awn Talking with President Roosevelt. OYSTER BAT. N. T.. Aug. i:.-Mlss Asl L. Case, who Is summering In Oyster Bay for the purpose of Interviewing the presi dent, or Mrs. Roosevelt on what she de. cle&res is "a matter of life and .death," created a scene during the service In Christ's Episcopal church today Miss Esaa or Miss Case, as her name Is sup posed to be, has attended every church meeting ths president has, since his arrival here In July. She has climbed Sagamore hill on foot several times only to be turned away by the secret service men. She pre sented herself early at the church today and took a seat' directly behind the pew usually occupied by the Roosevelt family. When usher James Duffy requested her to relinquish this seat she refused. Duffy forcibly removed her to the roar of the church and MlssEsaa says he tore her gown In so doing. Per this act she later applied for a warrant for Duffy but was refused.' In the rear of the church Miss Eaca refused to sit down. A seoret ser vice agent stood behind her and during tha service she made no less thsn a dosen attempts to get past him. As the presl- k rvioe men surrounaea hiss ixio out sne shouted: "Mr. President, Mr. President, President Roosevelt, wont you speak to me a moment." The president turned his head as he passed but he did not pause. Miss Esac says her watch chain was broken in this sorlmmage with the secret service men and her watch fell to the floor. The president was accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt and Quentln and Representative and Mrs. Longworth. Miss Eeaa has stated to acquaintances she has made while here, she was to have been married In the Whrte House at ths time Miss Alice Roosevelt became Mrs. Longworth; that she was to have married a high government official and that It was this werng she seeks tc redress. When the president's carriage had departed Miss Esao was allowed to go. It wag then she sought a warrant for Duffy. She says she will stay in Oystaer- Bay until she accomp lishes her purpose. Representative and Mrs, Nicholas Long. Forth expect to leave for Washington and Cincinnati tomorrow. . 1 HOW "G. M. H." IS FOR BRYAN Prominent Democrat Reveals Bitch oock-Tlbbles Alliance to Knock the Peerless Leader. MAT GO TO CONGRESS, Gilbert M. Hltchqock. editor of the Omaha World Herald and for years an associate of William Jennings Bryan, has been elected a member of the committee In charge of the reception to be tenderd to Mr. Bryan at the Madison Square Gar den, New York, on his return from Europe. Mr. Hitchcock says he cannot attend the reception, because he desires to be present at the congressional convention of the Second Nebraska district August 30. It is possible that Mr. Hitchcock will be nominated to Congress. This dipping is from the Fourth Estate of New .Tork. It wac shown to a promi nent democrat of Omaha yesterday and he smiled and said: ."Tea, b"; those people are fooled if they think the only thing that keeps HHoboock from going to New York and aiding in the reception to Bryan Is his desire to at tend the (Congressional convention. Ho .Is anxious enough to attend that convention, of course, bat Hitchcock Is always looking out for Hitchcock and nobody . else but welcoming Bryan Is the last thing In the world he want to do and this convention furnishes a fine excuse. They never heard of that immortal 'Sting of Ingratitude,' I reckon. They never heard that while pre tending to support Bryan through the col umns of his paper, Hitchcock is furnishing transportation to Tom Tibbies to go down to Topeka and urge tbe populist convention in Kansas to stick to th 'middle of the road and not be led off by Bryan. Tou see, . those fellows In the east don't- know so much about these things as we do at home. We know that Tibbies, who la railing against Bryan, has his office In the World-Herald office and has been editing some sort of pop sheet which Hitchcock Is back of and we also know that June 23, Tibbies got transportation from a cer tain road in Omaha on 'account of the World-Herald and went to St. Louis and also to Topeka and made speeches against Bryan. , ' "Oh, yes, we know these things. We know, you bet, that Hitchcock is lying awake nights trying to figure out new ways to boost Mr. Bryan. ' Mr. Bryan knows f." CHINESE TO BE PROTECTED Government te Sogervlse the . Con " tracts Between Agents and the Laborers. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 12. Care will be taken by the United States government to prevent contractors from doing injustice to the Chinese laborers employed for work on the Panama canal. The specifications advertising for proposals to supply 2,900 Chinese to the canal commission will stip ulate that the secretary of war shall have the privilege of passing on contracts which labor f gents make with Chinese who are to be sent to the Isthmus. . This provision will meke It possible for Secretary Taft to prevent discrimination against the coolies by unscrupulous contractors. Un der this arrangement the United States will know exactly what the Chlneee are paid by the labor agents and the Chinese gov ernment will be able to afford its subjects protection on the Isthmus because of tha ease with which this government will; be able to regulate the relations between the Chlneee laborers and the contractors. Some labor agents believe that with the many restrictions . the canal commission purposes placing on contractors. It will not be able to supply the Chinamen at lesa than H a day. Other agents are of the opinion that the eoollee can be supplied for 60 or 00 cents a day with a fair margin of profit to the contractors. Salelde Dae te Flaaaetal Treable. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 12.-W. H H vera, whose dead body was found In a . field here Saturday afternoon, and who I waa reponea rrom papers round In his pocket to have been a resident of St. Paul, was secretary of the National Board of Trade of Kanaaa City. His suicide is said to have been due to financial difficulties. Killed by Trolley Car. TAMAQU. Pa., Aug. It -Milton Whet stone, aged IS, cashier of the Citisens' Na tional bank of Lansford, - killed and Daniel McGeehan, aged 17, aae-ant cashier of tbe same Institution, was fatally Injured late last night by their carriage being struck by a trolley car. Whetstone waa terribly crushed and McGeehan'a back was broken. Farmer Kills His Wife. SHKRMAN. Texas, Aug. 11 J. C. W. Wilder, a farmer residing near 'Tom Bean. a small town six miles frorn Sherman, beat out his wife's brains with a fiatlron this afternoon and then shot himself faulty with a shotgun. Three small children of tha oou0ie nluttsaed LUe deed. . PROGRESS OF THE CAMPAIGN Barlow ef Republican Conreatloae and Calendar of Those to Come. BROWN LEADS, R0SEWATER CLOSE SECOND Several New Flames Arc Entered for Varices Places to Be Filled at the Meeting; at LI a eel a Seat Week.) Republican Inetrnctlcas to Date. Total delegates In state convention HT Total delegates already elected ttfl Total delegates still to be elected lt( FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR. Delegates Instructed for senator S Delegates unlnstructed for senator Instructed for Brown 213 Unlnstructed for .Brown (estimated) at Total for Brown 2M Inatructed for Rosewater 113M Unlnstructed for Rosewater (esti mated) , 124 Total for Rosewater 23TH Instructed for Currle 1 Instructed for Millard 1H Inatructed for Evans 12 Instructed for Crounse 11 Unlnstructed preference still unknown. 1 Instructed for Sheldon 107 Instructed for Conaway 1 Instructed for Rouse li Instructed for Steele 14 Instructed for Wall 14 Instructed for Miles 13 Instructed for Harsh 9 Instructed for Weston t FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. Instructed for Wllsey 7 FOR RAILROAu COMMISSIONERS. Instructed for Winnett .34 Instructed for Ssdllek .1 Instructed for Caldwell . 14 FOR TREASURER. Instructed for Kyd 23 Instructed for Good 23 Instructed for Bothwell t 12 Instructed for Brian 11 FOR LAND COMMISSIONER. Instructed for Linn FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. Inatructed for Galusha '. U FOR STATE SUPERINTENDENT. Instructed for McBrlen No Instructions on candidates.. 127 The table here given shows the line up of the delegates to the coming republican state convention so far and by-comparison with the table . printed a week ago, tells the story of the weekn changes. The close approach of the convention, now only ten days off, is indicated by the fact that (91 delegates, out of the total of 8S7, have al ready been chosen, leaving only IS still to be elected. Of the delegates so far commissioned kit have been Instructed as to the preference of their constituents for United States sen ator, while 308 ars unlnstructed . on sen ator although of these all but 127 arc In structed for candidates for some other of fice. The results of what has been called Norrts Brown's . field i day . last Monday brought him Into the lead in point of sup port, raising his list of Instructions from 110 to 213. The Rosewater - column - was carried up during. the week by .instructions tn Knox for half the delegation, with the rest of it to followi and second choice in structions in Washington county. '..The In dian land ring In Thurston .county came out for Millard, while Currle also secured two votes in one - of - the smaller counties. D. Crounse was Injected ss a stalking horse for Millard in Washington county. 'Outside' of the senatorshlp, Sheldon tot governor nas gone - to 107. - - Weston: made his debut with the five votes of his home county.- Frontier county brought out Sen ator Wllsey for lieutenant governor, and Clay county 'introduced Representative Caldwell for railway commissioner.' Railroads Against Semination. The maneuvers in a number of the county conventions showed that the railroad poli ticians are still clinging to the plan of preventing Instructions and using the un lnstructed delegates to vote down the whole proposition for convention nomination of a candidate for senator. The railroad co horts have been playing for unlnstructed delegations 'wherever possible, and where unable to avoid Instructions, . they have been trying to pack the delegations with men who can be used for other purposes and voted to down action by the. conven tion on the senatorshlp altogether. To combat the railroad program, resolutions have been adopted in a large number of counties not Instructing for a preferred candidate for senator, binding the delegates not only to vote for the nomination of a senator In convention, but" also to vote against any change in the order of nomina tions as provided for in the call, or any other slelght-of-hand trick by which the senatorshlp might be sidetracked. It is essenttnl to protect the right of the people to a voice In the selection of their senator that .resolutions of similar Import be adopted by all the county conventions yet to be held, Irrespective of their action in structing for some ' particular candidate. The activity of agents of Senator Millard la connection with the railroad runners In dicates that concerted work Is being done to carry out thia part of the corporation program, and that extra vigilance is nec essary on the part oft the people to pre vent its consummation. The Convention Calendar. The list of convention dates for the period remaining, prior to the meeting in Lincoln, is as follows, embracing all the counties that have not yet spoken, with the excep tion of Blaine, Hooker, Logan and Wheeler, each having two delegatea, which have not called formal conventions: August 1J Pierce at Plalnvlew.'..,. T Nance at Fullerton I August 14 Burt at Decatur 10 Greeley at Greeley Dodge st Fremont M Colfax at Schuyler 7 Merrick at Central City t August It Brown at Alnsworth.., 4 Dawes at Crawford t August 17 Hitchcock at Trenton f August la Lincoln at North Platte Sarpy at PapiUlon 7 Box Butte at Alliance I Howard at St. Paul 7 Chase at Imperial t Dawson at Lexington 11 Holt at O'Neill 12 Dundy at Benkleman I Keya Paha at Spring view.... 4 Keith at Ogallala Rock at Newport 4 August 80 Fillmore at Geneva It Only One Coaa-reesloaal Fight. v In moat of these counties the primaries have already been held, several of them precipitating sharp factional fights, the ' josest lineup Is In Dodge county, where both sides arc claiming to have the controll ing majority, and the actual masters of ths situation .will not be disclosed until after the convention has been called to order tomorrow. Ths last convention of the season to select delegates to ths stats convention will be that of Fillmore county, scheduled for next week, Monday. The renomtnatlon of Congressman Pollard in the First district and Congressman Non-U in the Fifth district has left the only contest In sight for congressional hoaors In the Third district Here Judge Boyd still leads, having added Instructions from Knox county to his Hat, while Mc Carthy came out With his own. Dixon county, snd Thurston county, while Cuming and Dakota, also tn the Third district, left tha congressional dalegstions unln- Continued eg Second Page.) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST fair and Warmer Monday. Showers aad Cooler Tuesday. Deg. Hear. Beg. . A3 1 n. m Tg .Ml S 9- m TV .HI S . m...... M AS 4 a. m M . M SI . TS p. m SI TA T . m...... ( . TT 9. m T S,p. m TS S a. a. T a. sa, S n. as. 11 TROUBLE WITH TELEGRAPHERS Secretary Marr Isaaea Statement Concerning Cam of Bla ospeaslon. 1 PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 11-Lewls K. Marr, the suspended secretary of the In ternational Order of Railroad Telegra phers', who yesterday secured a temporary Injunction in the St Louis courts restrain ing the order 1 from proceeding with the trial of the charges against him, tonight made a statement explaining his action. A number of the officials of the order con ferred with Mr. Marr at his home here today and after the meeting It waa stated to be the Intention to carry the controversy into the next annual convention of tha order. Mr. Marr asserts that his suspension was Illegal and was caused by the dominant faction of the board of directors ,ln an effort to prevent him from presenting at the next convention a minority report criticising what he termed Improper ma nipulation of the organisation's "funds." The statement Issued tonight says that when In "April of the present year, Mr. Marr went to St. Louis, the, headquarters of the order, to audit the accounts of L. W. Quick, treasurer, he found Mr. Quick to be vice president and director of a bank In that city In which $50,000 of the organisa tion's money Is deposited. He called the attention of the directors, of the order to tbg. fact'that Treasurer Quick is receiving tt.OOO a year from the union and should de vote his e' it Ire services to the organisation. "Scarcely had he voiced this protest," the statement proceeds, "when he was con fronted with the accusation that he opposed the passage of the railroad telegraphers' eight-hour law at the last session of the Maryland legislature and that he offered a bribe to have It withdrawn. 'The . suspension of Mr. Marr has been made on charges which have only a shred of fact for their basis, which have been Improperly tried aid have been prosecuted from no desire for the welfare of the order." Mr. Marr has been train dispatcher for the Pennsylvania. Railroad company since liXS. FLOODS REACH LOWER RIVER Great Damage to Crops Anticipated fa VlelnHy of Anstla. Texas. HOUSTON, Tex.. Aug. ll-The flood In the Colorado river, which started from the torrential rains !n the San Angelo country a week ago. Is now reaching the lower val leys, and the farmers are endeavoring to save what they can of theif crops. De-aplto-every effort, the foes will be heavy, as there .are .many farms In the bottoms from Austin' to the river's mouth. . Additional rains around Anstln make it certain that the flood period will' last f6r at least two weeks and that the river will leave its banks at many points. EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 11-Torrentlal rains In the mountains east of here and north of the Southern Paclflo track In the vicinity of Sanderson have washed out twenty miles of track and trains will not be able to get through for several ' days. Trains are being detoured from San An tonio by way of Dallas and Into El Paso over the -Texas Pacific road. This Is the most serious vraahout on the Southern Pacific In thls section for many years. AUSTIN, Te., Aug. 11 A terrific rain storm' visited this section this morning, badly wrecktrtg the federal military camp at Camp Mafary. High wind attended the rain and b'w down many tents. Captain Walker F.Mis of the Fourth Texas Infantry was stunned by lightning while crossing the review ground, TROUBLE OVER TROLLEY FARES , Tboae Who Refnse to Pay Tea Cents . BjM'ted from ' ' v the Cars. ' NEW TORK, Aug. ll.-Scenes of dis order were witnessed on a number of the trolley and elevated roads leading to Coney Island today when passengers, guided by an opinion handed down by Supreme Court Justice Gaynor yesterday, refused to pay a second fare. At one period during the afternoon the Brooklyn Rapid Transit company refused to convey its passengers beyond Neck road, the second fare bound ary, so long as any of the passengers re fused to pay the additional t cents. The result was a blockade of cars and trains a mile long. Great crowds of ejected pas sengers gathered at these condensed points, held Indignation meetings and promised to bring many suits for damages against the company. The police authori ties had taken precautions to prevent se rious trouble at the place, although tha police were instructed not to interfere in disputes' between passengers and employes on the second fare question. Several pas sengers were injured today In being thrown from the oars. r. DEATH RECORD. Mra. t. A. Emerson. Mrs. S. A. Emerson, widow of Thomas Emerson, died Bunday morning at her home, toOS Dodge street, from heart dis ease. Although Mrs. .Emerson had been afflicted with heart trouble for some time, the end came suddenly, .In her sixtieth yesr. The funeral service will be held at o'clock Tuesday morning at the residence. Rev. Bryon H. Stauffer, paator of the First ' Methodist church, officiating. Mrs. Emerson was for years closely identified with that church. The mother Is survived by three daughters. Mrs. O. B. Welty, Mrs. David Trail and Miss Nora Emerson, and two sons,' Wllber and George. Mrs. Emer son lived In Omaha twenty-flve years. Burial will be private at Forest Lawn cemetery. - John Lovett. BOSTON. Mass.. Aug. lt.-John Lovett. known to every Harvard man and through out the college world generally aa "John the Orangeman," died at the Masaacbusetts general hospital today. At the first of the present month he waa taken seriously sick and an operation waa performed. Lovett was bom in Ireland and came to this coun try when a , lad. He became a peddler of fruit among the Harvard students. He began with a basket but In later yeara peddled his wares from a donkey cart, the gift of lhe students. ' Por years be wss Harvard's favorite mascot at Inter 00 Ue glatc athletic events, VETERANS LINING UP Eailroadj Eatimate Fifty Thousand Visitors Are Already in gilnitapolia. MONDAY WILL AID LARGELY TO CROWOS Fortieth Annnal Encampment of the 0. A. B. Opens Today. REAL PROGRAM TO BE TAKEN UP TUESDAY Lively Contort in Sight for the Position ef Commander-in-Chief. , HALF DOZEN CANDIDATES FOR PLACE arvivors of First Minnesota to Hold the First Formal Reanlon of the Enoampment Coaceri In Evening. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. lt-Fully 60.000 people, according to railroad estimates, have poured Into this city during the last forty-eight , hours for the fortieth annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, which will commence tomorrow. It Is believed that by Monday night the visitors will reach a total of 76,000. Although the encampment officially com mences tomorrow, the program will not become really active until Tuesdsy morning snd from that time until the close of the week it promises to be one of the most stirring encampments ever held by the grand army. There are at lesst a hslf dosen candidates for the honor of being the next commander of the organisation and the contest promises to become warm be fore It la decided. Aside from the work of the encampment, there will be many social functions, and these will continue throughout the week. The first of this kind will be held to morrow night, when Mrs. H. H. Kimball will give a reception In honor of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution. . The first reunion of the veterans of the civil war will be that of the survivors of the First Minnesota volunteers,' who assert that they were the first troops to offer their services for the civil war. They will meet tomorrow morning. In the evening a grand patriotic concert will be given In tha auditorium. Kansas Boomers Earonte. TOPEKA, Kan., Aug. 12.-A special train carrying Department Commander P. H. Coney and 400 Coney "boomers" left Topeka over the Rock Island railroad this morn ing for Minneapolis, where the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Re public will take place this week. Com mander Coney Is a candidate for national commander of the. Grand Army of ths Re public. ' Nebraska Delegates Start. AINS WORTH, Neb., Aug. 12.-t Special Telegram.)-Hon. J. G. Ackerman and his estimable wife, Nella Ackerman, and Mlas Stella M. Daniels left here this morning to go to Minneapolis, Minn., to attend ths national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Woman's Relief' Corps of the Nation.' Mrs, Nella Ackerman Js senior .vice president of th Woman's Relief Corps of Nebraska, and has gone there to represent "Nebraska Iri the na tional encampment of Nebraska Woman's Relief Corps. Miss Daniels Is county super intendent of Brown county and has gone for her health. NEBRASKANS START FOR HOME Gnardagien Break Camp at Fort Riley Encampment Sunday Evening. FORT RILET, Kan., Aug. 12.-The 1 A -.,-., K V..M.FV nt A.M n ... 111 I .u.,.,, j jl I Iv IV, m 1,11,71 J I I IVCTJ ! at the camp of Instruction today with Its big five Inch siege guns. It came here under the command of Captain Clint C. Hearn, by marching from Fort Leaven 'worth, making the trip In ten days. There are now ten batteries of field artillery at the camp, and this number represents one-third of all the United States flefd bat teries. The Nebraska National Guard brigade break camp here this evening after a week's Instruction and left for home by rail. 'The last train bringing In the Arkansas regl. ment arrived at the camp this morning. The Arkansans will commence their work at the camp tomorrow. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Aug. lt-The first week of Joint maneuvers between the regu lar and state militiamen ended yesterday with the departure of the Michigan troops. The Michigan mnn made a very good lm presslon, and Brigade General Carter 111 command of Fort Benjamin Harrison said It waa his opinion- that the "Michigan Na tional guard could easily take the field ag a very effective body along with the regu. lars." The Indiana National guard will go lot ramp at Fort Benjamin Harrison tomorrow for ten days Instruction with the regulars. RELIEVES FREIGHT CONGESTION anthem PaciSo to Take Drastic) Measores to Help Oat aitaatlen. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 11 The offlntalg of the Southern Pacific will Issue tooiorrow morning a statement to tha consignees hav ing freight on the tracks of the company that It will be unloaded at onoc and stored at tha cost of the consignees. This action has been decided upon after a long con ference among the local officials. If the goods are not taken from the warehouse within a reasonable time they will be gold to .pay the expenses incurred by the rail road. Every method tried up to date to relieve the freight congestion has either proved a failure or works' with painful slowness. CHRISTIAN WORKERS CONFER Largest Attendance la the History of the Meetings at Herth. eld. NORTH FI ELD, Mass.. Aug. ll.-The second Sunday of the conference for Christian workers which is now in session here, was marked by ths largest attend ance In the history of Northfield confer ences. Rev. R. H. Torrey of Chicago, president of the Moody Bible Institute, delivered an address this morning and the evening ser vice was conducted by the Rev. Charles R. Erdmand, of Germantown, Pa. The evening pieetlng at Round Top waa In charge ef Rev. Mr. Totter of Organ Rapids, Mich.