( A. ANDERSON OS CREAT'wEST Uiol Dan Tells of Coma Thtnn Hs En Esen Dnrinc Life. DEVELOPMENT OF WONDERFUL EM PIR Tkokti Saeeste4 kg Rid from Oiubt to Oc4a en the onrltol United HfU Mt Down. OOPKN. Utah, Aug. To the Editor of The Bee: One year a mo I penned an article Irom thl mountain city for publication to t"r valuable Journal In which I described man rtnn ana incidents In nninii. nt wy that occurred In my esDertinca while roughing It on the plains during "ye pioneer and freighting day" of nearly fifty j cars ago. Traveling- over the Union Fa cine railroad a few dayi since, on t;ie finest and beat equipped passenger train In America, the Oveland Limited, my thouglt , irreslstably ran back to those early day and scenes In an almost wlerd and Inco herent contraat to the present time-that was long before the advent of raj 1 roads beyond the Missouri river. When I first located on my homestead and ranch east of Columbus. In IS), that region was many trifles beyond the rain belt, and for ten or twelve long years of hardships and toll we experienced severe drouths and destructive grasshopper ralda. At present, and for the last two decaiea, a sufficient and even suprrflous amount of rainfall has abundantly extended aa far west as North Platte and far beyond to ward Colorado and Wyoming. This la ac counted for by the rapid settlement of the country, extensive turning up of the soil and the great stimulus of tree planting. The beautiful Wood river country, at one time deserted by Its few Inhabitants because of its dry atmosphere. Is now thickly settled, presenting a splendid dis play of agricultural succees and enterprise, the, farm lands selling at from $40 to W per acre. Tale of an Investor. in lf9 a Mr. Taft of Nntche. Miss., purchased with college scrip at 90 tenia per acre 2t.000 acres of virgin soil. lying between where Schuyler mow stands and the town of Columbus. The railroad now runs through the body of this valuable tract, every foot of which Is now valued at per acre. Mr. Taft and son took dinner at m ranch in isfil shortly after Fort Bumpier had born fired upon. He In formed us at that time that lie held large real estate Interests throughout Mississippi and he expected to have all his property confiscated by the rebel government on ac count of his union sentiment In 112 his prediction became verified. He waa arrested for disloyalty to the Bouthern cause, thrown Into a rebel prison at Jackson, Miss., and actually died from starvation, although worth IXO.Ofrt. Nebraska people of today, as a ruin, know but little by personal observation of tho present and future vast possibilities of the progressive giant commonwealth, traversing the "State by rail from east to west. One la amased and serenely gratified by the numerous magnificent farm homes, adorned and surrounded by larger bodies of stately timber, flower gnrdens, eveigrccns, elirubbery, etc., large, expansive grain and corn fields. Great herds of well bred cut ". hogs, horses anT sheep even and, anon attract the critical eye of the observant tourist, all of which Illustrates and fully denotes the general prosperity of our Ne braska sovereigns. All this Impels me to remind ouf young men, and poor men with families, of the Importance and necessity of obtaining a few acres of land While It may yet be had. The time- for securing desirable home steads and cheap binds will soon pass away. ' - .. . I tab's' Attraetlon. Kntertng the state of Utah by rail through Weber canyon, after an all-night ride over the desert sagebrush region, one will recognize at once their advent into Mormon settlements. On little farms of ten to twelve acres each are grown a lnrge amount of cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc., than is produced on the same tpace of land anywhere else In America. This successful system of small fnrmlng-prevails all over the state, with the same satisfactory results everywhere obtained, with the aid of Irrigation. I have oberved carefully the history and progress of Mormonlsnv since f first met Joseph Smith, the prophet and founder of that faith, at my boyhood home In Penn sylvania in IMS up to the present time, and I sincerely believe they are as indus trious, temperate and frugnt- a religious soct of people aa exists today In the V tilted Etates. When I visited Ogden and r1n.lt Lftke City nearly thirty years ago, when those people were In complete control, there were no distilleries, saloons, gambling dens or houses of prostitution. Being a gentile myself, I claim the privi lege of criticising moderately some of the political methods and unjust tendencies practiced In Utah cities of late years by the gentile population. The greater evils and vices that prevail come from the migration of discontents and political adventurers, who have In troduced and established nil the elements that create disorder and demoralization In a heterogenous community. The Mormons, The Best Guaranty of Merit Is Open Publicity. Every tottle of Dr. Pierce's vorld famed medicine leaving the great labo ratory at Buffalo, N. Y., has printed upon Its wrapper . all the Ingredient uteri rtf Into lU composition. This faot a) on placet Dr. Fiercest Family Medi cine in a cIom all by themselves.. They eaanot be clashed with pa Went or secret cnedlcio because they are neither. This U why so many unprejudiced phvtlrlans Breeorlb them end recommend them to lair patient. They know what they axe composed of, god that the Ingredient are those endorsed by tho tnoei emlueut Kdlcal authorities. Th furtW (act that neither Dr. .Jrierce's Oolden Medical Discovery, the Ket stomach tonic, liver lnvigorator, ,rt regulator and blood purifier, nor hi Favorite Prescription" for weak, over worked, broken-down, nervous woruem, contain any alcohol, also entitle therm to a place all by themanlve. Many year ago, lr. Pierce discovered that chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength, I a better solvent and preeorv tire of the medicinal principle resid ing In our Indlgeuoua, or native, medi cinal plant than 1 alcohol; and, further more, that It ptMMteaae valuhle medicinal pro peril ea of it own, being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, and a moot efficient an tl ferment. Neither of the above medicine eon tain alcohol, or anv harmful, habit forming drug, a wtl be seen from a tiance at the formula printed on each utile wrapper. They are safe to um and potent to cure. Not only do physician prescribe the above, non-eecret medicines largely, but the moat Intelligent people employ them people who would not think of using ihe ordinary patent, or secret inediclue. ilvery ingredient entering Into tho com position of Dr. Pierce' medicine hat the strongest kind of an endorsement from leading medical writer of th Mveral chool of practice. Mo other medicine put up for Ilk purpose ha any such prefturkmal endowment. ' Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellet cure con stipation. Canstlpatlon I the rants of many disease. Cure the canes and von ture the disease. One Pellet' Is a gentle native, and two a mild cathartic. Prog aist ll them, and nothing Is "lust a sjuud.' Kaay a teeut a candy. left to themselves, are an orderly, law- ahldlng. Ood-feartng people. Female SaaTra tn t tab. 1 have taken eonsteVrable pains to In vestigate th advantage and disad vantages ef w etna a suffrage as practiced here. By rater-viewing those opposed to snd favoring the taw. roost of the women I have conversed with oa the subject, while sometimes exereialng the privilege ef voting, freely admit that they cannot per ceive any particular benefit to themselves or to the community derived by this newly acquired privilege, as thetr vote usually duplicate the vote of their husbands, brothers or lover ; while the thought and discussion of political questions and can didates detract their time and attention more or les from their home and domes tic affairs, and If let alone by the office seekers and politicians, women would seldom participate In general or iocs', elec tions. Judging from the small amount of Interest manifested In political affairs by the female voters of Colorado, Wyemlng and Utah. I nplne thst universal suffrage In the United Ststes wfll be somewhat like that noted city In New Jersey earned long-a-comlng Since our sojourn here twelve months ago, a large spacious sanltorlum has been constructed near the entrance of the cele brated Ogden canyon. Ogden capital and enterprise own and controls this bene ficial acquisition, as well as the electric car line, which has been extended to the bsthing establishment. The "Hermltsge." a bontn-n American note, built entirely of mountain cedar and polished by the artistic hand of man. has alto been erected In the canyon at the crest of a beautiful mountain height, over looking the majestic meandering Ogden river. The streeta here are unusually wide, well macadamised and handsomely adorned on either side with tall poplsr shade trees, and seem to terminate north and east at the foot of a great mountain. The nights sre delightfully cool, while the pure mountain air and Water Invigorates and strengthens the young and old alike. Ice here retails at 25 cents per 100 pounds, while the city and county abounds with lucious fruits and berries of every flavor and variety. PA VID B. ANDERSON. GREAT ENGINEERING PROBLEM Building a Railroad Across the Ca nadian Rockies la !o Easy Task. The new Orand Trunk Pacific, the big gest and most Interesting of the new rail road projects, Is to pass through Edmonton on Its way from sea to sea. Edmonton. Indeed, practically .bisects the western half of the line. Between here and Winnipeg-, there are SOU miles of prairie; between here and Port Simpson, th terminal point on the Pacific, there are 1,000 miles of mountains. On the prairie active con struction work la today going forward: contractors" camps are swarming with Gallolan laborers; district and assistant engineers are riding back and forth over flat prairie and rolling prairie, sand hills and river bottoms; the pile driver and the steam shovel are driving back the an telope, the coyote and the Jack rabbit; the new line, changing Its form and sub stance before , each new obstacle now an embankment, now an excavation, now a trestle Is .pushing Inexorably westward". This much Is a plain story of constructive work. The plans have been worked out; the route has been stsrveyed end staked. The tssk of the engineers In charge Is mainly to see that the contractors live up to the specifications. Farther west It Is different. Open youi atlas again and glance at the thousand miles between Edmonton and Port Simpson, on the Pacific. It Is here that you find the lank spaces. Now try to Imagine that an unknown wilderness lies between Chicago and New York. Ima gine, too. that Instead of the hills of Pennsylvania and New York you have the Canadian Rockies, with a. doxen minor ranges thrown in for good measure. This means that you will be lucky to get through with a maximum altitude of five to six thousand feet. There ore lakes rivers and unbridgeable chasms In the wy; but you. at Chicago, aa division en gineer In charge of the survey work, are expected to find the one beet route to the ea-a thousand miles, remember, through the Imposslhle-not a route, but the best route. To complicate matters a bit. suppose hat another division engineer, with the Merest, of rva line deeply at heart. mt ? CUcKO- w,,n Precisely the same ebject In view. There Is very little doubt tha only one of you can have that best route. The man thst mi... it .. .. a lit, m nnxeiv conceivable that both may mlse t, wlil '" "P-ny in the way of dropping million. W dollar. I extra difficult . "ruction. All this muet be made uput of profits. Suppose, too. that, after the two roods are built, your grade. ,re engine' 'JT n'"-, Rmb" t-lh. same engine will haul exactly twice as much up a four-tenths ner ' ucn rZ r..une ? two-t-nth. per cent. "'"-prooaoiy turn out to be :7hrM,; th Jhe first, for your rival will be, able to haul more freight with the .m expenditure for motive powP and your looses will o . ' mm? r'medy ' ""lding-,nd millions more. In abort. It I. pret"v harply. as ,h. saying runs, up to you You must And that one best rout, wl.nout tain m.. you muM be very cer- labor An ivnismv. Rirminv tm - - . . beet sugar year v and ...J.?"0000 ton ' million ton. Plng more than mn.d.y:"nJ-!E,"r -'. ' grade. were worth ahou'"' ?.,?ur,n "d n n.Vi.lnrrw' ln number every ver ItofV" J" 1M they rtumbJfed year. Th.'I" "IV" ." 'he previous nd Vln 6 oc" in lm at. '"Donation of precious iuiSniiii r" lo ln""ae In 1!M u wa; ireas: Tey" uihiiiuiiub, Dai'i.l 1 W t k... ... across the continent. What the so-tiiuH lepeater' has done for telearranhv ii. Charles- Invent Ion. It la now ctaTmJd I.Ji done for the telephone. Th comb niia of ,ohfeahlul covery. view to tue ui- intenrilif',.!: hlch. of abaorbrng ton In ex.V T; .th"rt ,on ' .'.'0 iwa Pilorto the great strike of b7r?eu '.'.Vn',. ,. conaunw. .rj.TW It Went M hrn,. 1 r..r , i . , . jr lkM) ill .7.r '-.! "eri. in country 'wis of hon" ncn. 'U lT, -i.i fin iDrurn iii tills country, riututlcs recently gathered by the f,uro,f'mKnL'!,,"r lh"1 h.,con,hT?ejVuT! put of these two states amount to more irK ?!. h Product .. j ...... . ,jhii nve leauuuf Mlt-producUig states la.tVar were UicitT- vi. Wh-Cch,4u:n"'nrd M; harrelar.Ntif Jork, .3o.Vin barrels; Ohio. t2.&&S barrtl.- ii t L i nve atate con- i. V T v 1 . " . " ln" lo' quantity of .alt produce.! in the country during the REMINISCENCE OF GEN, LYON Brats and Loyal Soldier Whois Lift Went Cut in first Battle of War. LLAVCS HIS MARK IN THE NORTHWEST Tradltloas and Castoms Brashed Aside tVheai They CnnflKrten with Ills Sense of Right in Jeatlee. Nathaniel I.yon. who fell In the first real battle of the war for the union at Wilson Creek. Missouri. wa a son of Con necticut. He was well named, for as a soldier of lion-hearted resolution and cour age h proved himself the peer of .every other. A graduate of the fnlted Milltiry academy. It happened him to be stationed In Kansas during the struggle for supremacy between the free and skive state In that territory. He was an eut poken abolitionist and was personally un popular tn the army for that and Other reasons. Ho wrote snd published a book upon the subject, of which I lone; owned a copy ha sent to jne. but which was lost when "my heme at Seymour park was de stroyed by fire In 1S9P. My first meeting with' him was In the early months of 1S3. Tvlth the rank of captain In the old Beoond regiment of tnfantry. he was a part of te force of General W. S. Harney, the hero of Chapultepee, either during or Imme diately after the wanton butchery of peace able Indians at Ash Hollow lii lSS and waa stationed at Fort Kearny (this name Is properly spelt with one "e"). I think he did not participate In that battle. General Harney arranged to meet the peopl of the Sioux nation at Fort Pierre, a trading post of the American Fur company, and ln concentrating troops there (a locstlan opposite what Is now the town of Tlerre, 8. D ). and he march 1 across the barrens from Fort Kearny with the regiment in the later months of 1S56. It was told of him that, under the army regulations of that time, he was entitled to a horse on such a march, and that, refusing the lux ury on the ground that It was the duty of an officer of his rank to share the tolls of his soldiers, he walked at th head of his company every step of the way. It would ha-e been entirely characteristic of the man had he done this, and the story Is probably true, aJthouah I do not remem ber that I ever asked him to verify it. Drafted Into ervlee. Other troops were moving up (the Missouri on a flotilla of steamboats to Join those that wre soon to march from Kearny and "other outposts, under command of Ma jor H. W. Weesells. father ef the late Frank Weesells of this city, and one of the officers made a landing on the Omaha side of the river and called on Governor Mark W. Isard to Inquire about a yoiuiK physi cian from New York, of whom he had heard at the old Council Bluffs landing, fourteen miles down the river. The troops had cholera, and the surgeon had not re ported In time at Fort Leavenworth to Join the expedition. Governor Izard pointed my little home out to him, and Captain P. T. Turnley. quartermaster, drafted me, and also Mrs. Miller, whom It was Im possible for me to leave alone under x tetlr.g conditions. Into the medical service ef the army. It waa one early day In June, 1S65, that we sailed out upon an un known sea Into a vast, wild and practically unknown region of wilderness and sav agery upon the good ship William Balrd. William Chambers, who Is still with us, waa Captain Turnley' wagonmastef in those days, and the captain of that day Is living yet at Highland Park, a Ann suburb I of Chicago. The late Captain "BUly" Wilcox I was a pilot on the William Balrd and . there my long acquaintance with him be- j gan. At a later day he became a proml- I nent citizen and merchant of Omaha and ' held the rank of captain by promotion In ' after years In the navigation of the most treacherous and dangerous of all navi gable rivers. t ' (enrral 9wceey la rttrty. General Thomas W. Sweeney, who fought by the aide of Lyon at Wil sons Creek,; and who lost an arm at Churv ubusco, ' famous for gallantry of conduct on many desperate battlefields of the civil war, a polished gentleman and every inch a soldier, was one bright, particular star on the long and monotonous voyage to Ft. Pierre. His manliness, his quick Intelli gence, wit and bubbling- Jollity, often break ing out into song and story, were most en joyable. Thomas W. Sweeney was one ef th finest specimens of the Irish race I ever met. There were three boala which kept company on the trip, and I was fre quently transferred from one to anotbar as my medical service were required. Six thousand Indians, men, women and child ren, had gathered at Ft. Pierre to hold high council with the representative of General Harney, and It waa in their midst that I first learned to admire "the untu tored Indian." No finer specimens of phys ical manhood were ever seen on this earth, than those Indians presented, and when it come to debate on their . right and wrongs they were more than an even match for ouf own people. It was Red Cloud who made out such a cas with Generals Sher man and Sanborn that Shermau aban doned Ft. Clark, In sheer Justice to the compact of the government with the grand old chieftain. I met him twice only, but I was known to him as a fighting friend of his race, and for quite a long time I was In friendly correspondence with him. The Sioux nation contained more than one Red Cloud. General Lyon did not arrive at Ft. Pierre until after wa had left It on our return to civilization, and I did not meet him until ISM. This Is what happened. Lucrative Place Lost. . Fort Randall waa to be built at the mouth of the Running Water river.. Troop, wet sent to guid aud build the garrison, a seven-company cavalry post, and Lyon was among them. A post trader wa. to be chosen by three ranking officer on duty there Major Wesscls, Captain Lyon and another officer. Captain Todd, a cousin of Mrs. Liucoln, had resigned hla commission In the army to take the place, backud by a St. Louis firm of Frost & Atkinson. Lyon hated Todd he was a great hater and de termined to prevent his selection If he could. He had heaid of me, but, us previously stated, I had never seen Lyon. Bankrupt for any other candidate, he nominated me for lb place. There waa much discussion. Major Wessell was a warm friend of mine and officers generally at Fort Pierre bad a Id kind things of me. An unwritten law uf th army waa In vogue-tn those day ihat when an officer of the army resigned tu accept a post tradership it should b lei; him in preference to a civilian. Lyo'u didn't cars for any unwritten code but hi own. The vot of Major Wessell for Cap tain Todd lost to me one of the moat lucra tive place In the gift of the army or the government. That pluc with the fur trade at that day could nof have been wortU half managed, less than 160. CO) a year. Or, hi way to the state that fall Major W ea se Ua landed at Omaha and told me iti. tory as her related and explained lo uir how be was compelled, under his keu sense of obligation to a brother officer, lu vote against me for post trader ut Furt Randall. On what slender threads ihc for tunes of men sometime hang! !-ral sad Tree. Captain Lyon found me out In Omaha ii 15. PI wa her several time. From that tlaA e aw the closest ot frieud T1IE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST until t hat Important life was lost st Wil son Creek I tried to Join him. ln hi In vitation, at Springfield severs 1 days before the bait Is. but could not reach him. I received a letter from biia through a mes senger urging aie to ee President Lincoln and have him reinforced, and was on my mission of personal devottnn when news came of his death. Governor Tom Price, the union governor of Missouri, such weve the conditions of anarchy and war In Mis souri at that time, dM not even guess where either Lyon or Price were until 1 carried the letter to him giving Information of Lyon's desperal situation near Spring field. Nothing ws done to uccor the brave soldier, although three Idle regi ments lay at Holla for weeks without any conceivable object. Nathaniel Lyon was a small, lithe, spare man of medium height, blonde complexion and sand-colored hair and beard. His eye were bluish gray, the head was l.irge, the forehead high and broad. Hts tempera ment wnt intensely nervous, sanguine, which accounted for his remarkable men tal and physical energy. When he walked his heel appeared to hit the floor first. Clear of head, warm of heart and passionately patriotic In his devotion to the union, he was loyal and tfue to bis country, as to friends, and his death was mourned as a calamity In all the northern states. It Is a strange coincidence In this chap ter of our history that the man Frost, part ner of Captain Todd at Fort Randall, was the General Frost whom Lyon made prisoner of war at Camp Jackson when he struck the death blow to the confederate inva sion of Missouri for which that camp was believed by Lyon and Frank Blair to be a preparation. GEORGE L. MILLER. RAILS HIGH ABOVE SEA LEVEL Second Hlahest Point la the World Attained by a Rallrond A , Colorado Spectacle. The completion and opening for traffic of a railroad 14,000 feet above the sea level Is an event of moment In that kind of building, and the one Just finished, leading from the Colorado Southern line to the summit of Mount McC'lellan on Giay's Peak, Is the second in the world to reach that altitude. The other is In rem, lead ing through tbe passes of the Andes. Uulh line carry- the locomotive, with Its proud and conquering plume and It piercing note of triumph, half aa high as tho higheat peaks In the world, with somethtng to spare. No longer need It be said that Mountains Interposed make enemies of man, though It may have been true enough when. th poet wrote it There are high mountain pase yet left In the world for the railway to cleave through, though It may he doubted If inany of them will ever much exceed those named In altitude. The Himalayas, their peaks upholding the root of tbe world, are yet tu be grldlroned. So are the Thlan Shan ranges, and In general the whole mountain system of China; our Intercontinental lines, going on apace and soon to Join their Links, some time will in the nature of tiling have some pretty high places to cover, but if they climb anywhere so loftily aa the one Just finished and Its Peruvian predecessor, it will be time to fire oft can non and hold celebrations of exultation over th performance. It Is only the rail which has permitted the wonders of the world to be reached, and we have only begun to penetrate Into their walt-ln dominions. The train which spins over th torrent of Zambesi's fall across Its high and slender steel arch re veals one of the most majestic views ever presented to mankind, but there are many more yet to be found out and linked into the chain binding tbe accessible together which Is reticulated with meshes growing smallcrand smaller all over the world. It will Indeed be like braiding a new world Into the pattern of the old ono, to the en richment of it embroidery beyond all the dreams which fancy can feign or the most glowing imagination picture. New York lime. The Vneqwal Strangle. The hungry mosquito made several at tempts to get Into the house, but found Itself barred out by wire screens. "Robbed of my Irving by the Iron trust:" It hummed plaintively. Wearied by Its exertion It flew back to the margin of the pond whence It came. Some enemy had sprayed the surface of the water with kerosene, making the neighborhood utterly uninhabitable. "Defrauded of my ancestral home by th oil trust!" It moaned. "What Is the use of keeping up the struggle against preda tory wealth!" Then U lay down and died another vic tim of plutocratic greed. Chicago Tribune. Make a Sacoeaa of Yoar Talents. . Tho opportunity ef your life la awaiting you ln the new towns on the Chicago Gctat Western railway. Openings in nearly all lines of business. Write today to E. B. Magi 11. Mgr. Townslte Department, Omaha, for full Information and copy of "Town Talk." CHAT ABOIT WOMEN". It is eatlmAted that the Suaan B. An thony memorial building will require S7K.00n. It will be on the campu of the Rochester university and Is to he (or the use of women student. Mrs. Hannu Sharp Is a candidal for Couutv recorder at Pes Moines, la. She Is making a campaign, that is waking up the men and is accompanied by a gl?e club. 8h Is the wife of a union soldier who was disabled ln the war. Mr. Ella Ongman, at one time a business woman ot flit Laike City, Utah, has sailed from Ban F.'ancisco for Alaska to explore. Mrs. Ouaniau speak the Knuulmaux Ian sTuacs and hopes, with the aid of native, to carry her researches farther than those explorers who have preceded her. "Mies Cecilia Mtlow. who came to thl:J country three years ago to study our meinoos or worn witn street boys, ha been ucceiful In organising boys clubs in Stockholm that a generous person there h:is guaranleU her a life Income, so that she may continue tit work throughout SwuJuu. The youngeot and most democratic of all the Rockefellers is L'ctna Augusta, daugh ter f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rockefeller of Kusbi 11, Kan. This young woman, whom John D. Rockefeller Is wont tn style his "favorite niece," though lie and her father re only couetns, has Just man led John Porter Brook, keeper of a modest millinery hop in Is Angeles. Cal. With th purchase of the Lurelos ranch, In Texas. Mrs. H. M. Kinx. popularly knot n throughout the south wentern por tion o: th l ulled &ikte a the "Caul Queen."' i now th owner of I.JW.OuO acres, a tral of ground nearry twice the area of Khod Island and neurly aa Urge a Lfelaware. Mr. King latest purchase embraced 170.HW acres, th consideration being ll.MO.OiJU. Tha Kuaslitn railway department ha de. cided to allow women serving In th differ, em railway department all of th right and privilege of men. In future no differ, em will be made between men and women in th uuestlons of salaries or appoint, menrs to higher post. Women are allowed to undertake all sorts of work of an un teohnlcal character, and after an easy ex amination a great many technical duties aa well. In th town of Pessan. Germany, a school to train girl In chemistry connected with sugar refining was openei some time ago. ajicl result are so aatiafactory that sim ilar training schools connected with oan factories, paper mill and other manufac tories are to be opened. These girls ar all from the bttr clar. and It Is said that all who entered s original pupils of the first school passed uch tin examina tion as to secure good situations at once. rntil tb! fear only one woman ha uc ceshfully passed tha xareinaiton for t-. i a Mu Helen Henry. Vo """nu i'n in m musical m r. " r- I his year Miss Heuelr -. veer. old. was admitted, the sixth ten, to the loge ef the com net I tor A,r ,h? I'rix de Koine lit th sect,e,n of s .anture She has studied In th Kcole h bm ,, Art., and aim 1M with the cu'0r Mar gueei,. here ),. obtained ,'" prise, the first medal of th4 h?f venrW competition, which exempted ei " from the ri trial for tu Rouiaji cAnpVtliZT 12. 1906. Mison Victor TaDdng Madifiies The New 1906 Models From Ten to One Hundred Dollars SEE THIS GREAT OFFER .Nothing Down We offer to sell you an Edl son or Victor Talking Machine on the' condition that you pay for the records only, and bctln to pay for the instrument ,0 days later. We prepay all exnres charges on all retail orders. Write for catalogue. Our Mr. George E. Mickel has just returned from New York, where he attended the annual convention of Thonograph Jobbers of Ameri ca. While there he placed an order for 2,000 new 1906 model Phono graphs, the first consignment of which has just arrived. This is tho largest Phonograph order ever placed west of the Mississippi riv?r. Easy TermsNote Our Offer OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS. Nebraska Cycle Company Cor. "Fifteenth and Harney. Omaha. GEO. E. MICKEL, Mgr. 834 Jf rums! itu SOURCE OF THE SPARKLERS Great Gulches Du?in tie Earth in Search ef Gems. DIAMOND MlhlLS OF SOUTH AFRICA How the Kaffir Delve la th Dark Blir) r.rooad to Srlisg to Light the Precloo Jewels. Euch of th great mines ha Its several compound where th Katflr are Impris oned. Thee are enclosure with walls suf- ! flclentiy high to prevent escape, and around the walls 1 a stretch of roofing sufficient to prevent the inmates from tossing dia mond to the outside to be picked up by ronfederatea. la the early day the Kaf firs used to throw diamonds over the walls ln tin cans, so that tlvlr wives or friends might come and pick them up. When the Kaffirs go to Klmberly from their tribe they agree to submit to Imprisonment. Tha nhortest period la three months, but there are many who have never been out of the compounds for two or three year. Those who go underground are. for th most part. drillers. They take a chisel and a ham mer and drill holes In the hard, rocky ore, called blutfrroundk ln which the dia monds are Invariably Imbedded. Thes hole are for blasting th rock and re. duclng It to a crushed state. Ton of dy namite, are used In tbe mine and th stifling smoke make it no pleasant task to remain underground after the explosion. At th Klmberly mine there are 1,600 Kafirs who work underground; the Pe Beer mine ha; 3.060 th Bultfpnteln mine has 3,000; tbe Du Tult's Pan mine ha S.uu, and the AVesselton mln ha 4,000. In ad dltlon there are several shift of-whlte men, some of them miners, some of them engi neer, some driller, and some In charge of moving the ore out of the mines. The work never cease. It goe on all night and all day Sunday. Blast Cease First. The first step In the mining Is drilling the holes for the blasting. Then th blasts are touched off. and the crushed blue ground I rohveyed to th shaft of the mine, which I 1.4U) feet away from the tunnels where the mining Is actually done, At the font r.f tha ulmft tha UT. la 111,... " . .w v. . - ' Into a huge bucket, or "skip," and thi, fastened to a great cable, I rapidly drurVn out ot th mine by powerful engine. 4?Uch diamonds as have been accidentally lounj have been washed from placer bed beside om jTlver. The mining process a the modern way of finding diamond. Thou sands of wen. niOMtly negrresi, with no higher aim ln 11e than to earn tl Zi a t day, are perched upon th jTueground rock In the tunnel drilling wn a chisel and hammer. Th spirit ot sventur ha been eliminated by th atundou devloes of the mechanical engln 9:T, Th task of separatng the diamond from the blueground re res months. From the shaft the ore is conveyed to what are called the 'rJoors"-gr.yu ureteric of ground cleaned off Uk a tennis court. Th or I taken there ir. truck or car, which r fastened ter4 fMt apart to an endless cable, propelled fcy the power from th engine rooru. KAch floor I 100 feet square, but their c rnblned territory covers a great area ot ,Bd, one mine alone having "floor" whl.fi, extend Ave miles. Thes floors" ar nothing mart than dumping grounds. 'JVon their smooth surfare Is spread the "blueground to a depth of about ten Inche. Being very susceptible to the action of air and water, the blueground disintegrate after being exposed several months, and in the crumbling such Inde-truct ihle crystals ss diamonds or garnets are released. Thl Is facilitated by Harrowing the ore fter It lias been exposed six months and Is begin ning to become pulverised. Th harrowing Is done by steam ploughs drawn back and forth over th J'floor" by a cabl. Any of Direct Representatives of the Ploiograpliis and. 2,000 New 1906 Models Hrwulwajr, COUNCIL BLUFFS Phono the blueground that Is not decomposed by the long exposure I taken to the crushing machine, where It 1 pulverised. All th pulvertied blueground Is taken to the pul siator or separating rooms. Diamond Caaarht la Tallow. The quarter where the separating I done contain large washing apparatus and an Inclined plane covered wth a coating of a thick, tallowy substance. FlrsC trie pulverised blueground I) waaned thor oughly In huge tuba or tanks. The water dissolves the softer dirt arid leave only th hard pebbles, crystal and coarse sand. Thl coarse matter is poured over the In clined plane, or pulsator. In descending the plan the dirt and gravel paas on to the lower end. and the diamonda become Imbedded ln th tallowy coating. From 88 to 99 per cent of th precloua stones ar thus entrapped, the diamond often bury ing themselves In the soft substance. The tallowy stuff Is sera pod off, placed In cauldron and melted. Becoming thin and oily under heat. It I poured off. and the diamond are found at th bottom of the cauldron. The diamond are sold In the rough. A ayndlcate of diamond merchant In Europe buy them at about one-third the price a jeweler charge for the finished stones. Taken from the cauldron to the general office of th De Beer company every day. these rough diamond are sen. a rated according to value and slxe and are then ready to be sold to the Diamond syn dicate, 75 per cent of whose stock, by th way. I owned by th De Beera Consoli dated mine, limited. Averaae li&r' Ootpat of Mine. The following figure show the average output of the mine for a single day: Value per K-avnt. Karats. Value. Klmberley ... P Beer .... Pu Tolt's Pan Buttfonteln .. Wteselton .... -T1.50 1.600 $17.2r,0 11 M ...v 1760 (60 7.75 l,V0 l.&Kl l.nno 2.S0O 34, HO 42.0W SO.00O 19.37S Total..., 10.130 3133,150 The D Beer Consolidated mine. lim ited, pay In a(lngle year dividend to th amount of 3lO,:s;5.f0. It contribute Insur ance money(-for the benefit of Its employe amounting to iftoo.ono. it lay aside an nually 31.'O,000 for further Investment, and after all.1hlB.lt ha a balance of 33.780, ono. What th Kaffir Get. The Kafflr with his chisel and hammer mnjtr 31.30 a day. He Is paid at the rate of, 1 shilling for every foot he drill Into Je hrd rock. Sometimes he drills th required five feet in three hours, but often times It take him the full eight hour of the sWft. With this 3120 he must support himself, for he lias to buy his own food, clothing and cabin furnishing. Som where he ha a wife, or several wive, out on the veldt. A Kaffir Is always anxious to have as many wive a he can. for with these Kafflr tribes wives are an evidence of one's wealth. The wives sometimes go to Klmberley while their husbands are In th compounds, and there live In quarters set aside for that purpose; but ihoy are never permitted to enter th compound On tay i . . ... aii oi mia can be avoided, however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comet, at thit great liniment always preparet the body for the ttrain upon it, and preserve i the tymmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomet all the danger of child birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without paitu It is woman's greatest blessing Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the uu rtf tnia wAnilrfiil remedy. Sold by all druggists at f I. oo per bottle. Our little book, telling all about this liniment, will be sent free, Hi Brtifleil Rtnltttr U. iiiiitv Ii Factory SEE US BEFORE BUYING Remember We Are Western Headquar ters for the SO flnn New Record to eJU.UUU Select From Free Concert Daily Nw August Records Now on Sale 11818, 438 X. 24th St., SO. CM A II A. day the wive flock to the gates of th great compound and clamor for the pay of their husbands. They give tholr names nt the gate to a guard, or th number by whlrh their husbands were entered, and send within for the money. The money I sent outside by a guard. Many ot the womon carry to the gates a child or two strapped to their shoulders. -Tl!8-v of Jffc.liijje.mlne I great. What I known as "mud rush" sometime" happen by the Inrush of water from the surface. Rain - water gos flooding down Into the vat crater of the ml nee. In thee crater He various kinds of clay and other strata. Thl earth becdme very oft and slippery fter a soaking, and It often break through underlying bed and goe thunder ing Into the tunnela of the mine. World v Work. Ol'T OK THE ORDINARY. There are no fewer than seventy-seven distinct dialect spoken In England. The longest fence In the world. It I !il.urht' 18 on of wlrs netting In Australia. II. mile long. Its object la to keep rabbit from the cultivated field. In Alaska la found a kind of fish that make a capital candle when it is dried. The tall of the fish la stuck into the crack of a wooden table to hold it upright, and Its nose is lighted. It give a good, steady "Kht of three-candlepower and considerable heat, and will burn for about three hour. A JefTersonvllle, Ind.. girl who several months ago wrote her name and address on a piece of paper which she slipped Into the pocket of an army blouse that she waa making, ha Just been married to a soldier. I.t the anxious girl who haa carved her nam and address on a watermelon con tinue to hope. Number of experiment have been mad to test the speed and destinations of oorked bottle thrown Into th sea st various por tions of the world. The most remarkable example ever heard of wa that In which a bottle traveled ,000 mile ln about two years and a half; roughly, at the rate of six and a half miles a day. Seven year ago, while playing In a sand Pile, llttl Minnie Huffman of Bhelbyvllle, Ind., then aged year, got a piece of gravel in her right ear. Physicians failed to extract the stone and the child gradu ally lost her hearing on that side. Yester day, while at supper, ah wa biting a crut of bread and something snupped In her ear. The stone fell to the floor and the glr.'a hearing waa Instantly restored. Th Putnam cottage In Greenwich, Conn., Is to be dedicated a a museum by Putnam chapter, daughter of th American Invo lution ThlH la M am.ll 1. n.. .. I. . I Is that Israel Putnam wa occupying it a ma iiiwnni wmn eurpnsea Dy uritish cv airy, and he dashed away on tils trusty mare down the precipitous steps of "Put a hill," was shot at. but turned at the foot of th steps and shouted. "I'll hang ye to the next tree when I get ye." Th cottage I about 300 year old. Rev. Charle Wolfe, the author of the Immortal poem entitled "The Burial of Blr John Moore," wa accused not long ago bv imaey. n was saia that Wolf had cribbed the poem bodily 1 1 um inn r itiu.Ii. inr matter nas Deen given wide currency in th press, owing to f li . mrrmmt r.,,n lu .1 . U ...... L , . , ..... n - n'jui.i ivj iit fifniii iimm ri!Jw.vel for nearly a century. Now It has been dui- vw.n-u mat mo r iviien iieni was a liter ary hoax perpetrated by Rev. Francis Ma honey ("Father Prouf) and published In "Father Front's Rellques" among th "Bongs of France." It Is really a clsvtr translation of Wolfe' English vers. Every womti covet hapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the lo ef thetr p-irliah farm efter marriage. The bearing of children it often dettructive to the mother's thapelinecs. FirSfBsncdl.