Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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FepreienttlTt of Cumin; Count FaYor
BoMwtter for nator.
Endorsement tmr W. W. loans tor
ConrM Is Defeated by a small
Ma rata After (!
Hnkti Appeal.
WL8T POINT. Ntb., Aug. 11. (Special
Telegram.) The Cuming county republican
convention w i held today at West Point.
Beventy-one delegates weie In attendance.
The convention was organised by theelec-
of William Graunke as chairman and
Ira E. Williams of litem er as secretary.
The following nominations were made: For
county attorney. M. McLaughlin; for repre
sentative, W. K. Anfln of Bancroft; for
coroner, to fill vacancy, Dr. H. 8. Bummers.
A committee was appointed to select del
egates to the state, congressional, state sen
f atorl&l and float representative conventions,
and reported as follows:
That In the opinion of the committee It Is
not advisable at this time to select dele
gMes to the senatorial and final representa
tive conventions, but the committee sub
mits the following names as delegates to
the state convention: Fred Sonnensrhlen,
Al West, C. A. Bass, Oscar R. Thompson,
John Bchorn. F. C Netlsnn. Ueore Van
(lerberge. T. C. Kirk and Chris Hupp
A motion was then made by Oscar R.
Thompson that the convention approve the
action of the state committee In providing
for Jhe nomination of a I'nlted States sen
ator in Its call, and Instructing the dele
gate to the state convention to nominate a
candidate for I'nlted Btates senator. This
resolution passed unanimously.
The committee further recommended the
election of the following delegates to the
congressional convention, namely: Frlti
Meyer, A. T. Krause, Allan W. Burke,
Boren Jensen, C. A. Anderson, Joe Worral,
Fred t)anlels, Ira Burnhnm, F. Flannagan,
L. Threkmann, Ira E. Williams, J. C. El
liott and Alt Nellor.
A resolution .Introduced by F. W. Kelly,
editor of the Free Press of Wlsner, in
structing the delegation to the congressional
convention to vote for W. W. Toung for
congress, wa defeated by a small margin.
Mr. Toung was present and addressed the
The convention was strongly for Rose
water. A resolution could have been passed
endorsing Mr. Rosewater, but as the con
vention refused to endorse Mr. Young,
Rosewater followers, In the Interests of
harmony, did not press for the passage of
uch a resolution. The delegation, aa It
now stands, for the state convention. Is
eight for Rosewater and one doubtful.
For Croanse First, Rosewater Aeeond.
BLAIR, Neb., Aug. 11. (BpecUt Tele
gramsThe Washington county republican
convention was held at the court house
this afternoon, with the largest attendance
of any convention that has been held here
for years. Oeorge P. Detemple was chair
roan and F. E. Fassett of Arlington secre
tary. The convention endorsed Hon. Lor
enso Crounse for I'nlted States senator,
with a secondary endorsement of Hon. E
Rosewater, In the event that'Mr. Crounse
should not secure the nomination. Mr.
Rosewater, Mr. Crounaa and George I
'don, candidate for governor, were pres
ent and addressed the convention. The
passing; of the resolution endorsing Mr.
Crounse before either of the gentlemen were
called to address the convention Is strongly
denounced on all aides, taking Into con
sideration that they were both men of
national reputation and were known to be
here for the purpose of talking before . the
convention.' Borne of the strongest Crounse
supporters denounced 1t as a dirty piece
of political work, directed more especially j
against Hon. E. Rosewater, and this dls
courtesy would have made rotes among
the delegates In favor of Mr. Rosewater
had- the vote been called again. Mr.
Crounse's address consisted 'mainly of a
review of his past record and uncalled for
abuse of Mr. Rosewater. Mr. Rosewater's
reply to the attacks upon him were short
and to the point. He followed with the
most able address upon the present national
Issues and those to come that waa ever
made In this city. His speech brought out
rounds of applause from the convention.
Hon. George L Sheldon addressed the con
vention, talking mainly upon the railroad
The following nominations were made:
A. O. Pound, for supervisor; I. J3. Eller,
float representative for Washington and
Burt counties; Frank Jahnel, representa
tive for thia county, and Burke Carrlgan
for county attorney. Delegates were elected
to the float convention and the delegate
to the state convention are as follows;
Hans Behwager. Calhoun: R. Blaco, Ken
nard; E. H. Carpenter, Fontaneile; T. B.
Pawling, Hooper; Albert Miller. Kennard;
M. C. Orover, Kennnrd; Jamea Davidson,
John Rogers. Blair; N. A. Bovee, Herman;
J. C. Bailey. Herman, and Frank Reynolds,
Arlington. And to the congressional con
vention as follows: Pat Quinlln, Blair; D.
C. Vanduesen. Oeorge Detemple. John
Rahlfs, R. Blaoo. J. II. Davidson. E. 1
Russell and W. J. Cook. Blair: E. F. Fas
sett. .Arlington: C. M. Weed, Kennard; M.
Mortensen. Calhoun; C. F. Carpenter, Fon
taneile; John Blaco, Kennard; Henry Meier,
Hooper; J. C. Bailey, Herman; O. M.
Ireland. Pesota, and N. A. Bovee, Herman.
The following resolutions were passed
by the convention:
Resolved, That we approve the action of
the state central commit t-e In Including In
It call the nomination of a I'nlted States
senator, and the delegates from Washing
ton, county to the state convention are
hereby Instructed to opnose any attempt to
dispense with the nomination of a candi
date for United Btntes senator or to change
No CookingReady 13 tat
M'alta-Vita, the only malted whole-wheat food,
is a pure grain product, made entirely by machin
ery, never touched by hand from the beginning to
the end of the rnannf acturing process, and made In the
cleanest food factory in the world. It is the cleanest
food, the most healthful, and delicious beyond com
parison. It ia easily digested; makes rich, red blood
and gifts strength to muscle, bone and brain.
Malta -Vita is baked crisp and brown, every
little wafer flake a whole grain of malted wheat
that simply melts in the mouthi There is noth
ing else quite so good
served with milk or
It makes the ideal
'ways ready to
' AO Cr
th" order of the nomination as fixed In the
call d by the state committee.
Resolved, 'lht we dumsnd that the next
session of the Nebrnka legislature ennrt a
stringent anti-puss Isw. including editorial
mileage: thst we demand a railroad fate
law-rit will prohibit the granting of re
bates t some shippers not given to other
shippers, and that will prevent unjust d s
crinilnatlon on the part of the railroad;
that we endorse the-constitutional amend
ment creatlrlg a railroad commission, the
same to lie elected by th people: thnt can
didates for the legislature nominated or
endorsed by this convention be required to
state how they stand on these propositions.
Resolved, Thnt the republicans of Wash
ington county note with pleasure the men
tion of the name of their former fellow
citlxen, ex-Oovrnor Crounse, In connection
with the nomination for the office of I'nlted
State senator and we take this occasion to
renew the expressions of our confidence in
nis anility, integrity ana eminent ntness
for the piaoe. We feel sure thst no can
didate possesses the confidence of the peo
ple of Nebraska more fully than he and
we believe that wblle nis nomination would
bring an element of strength to the ticket.
his setrlce in the army ann nis large ex
nerlence In the severs! positions of dis
tlnctlon and trust he has filled would give
an assurance thnt If elected all Interets of
the state would be ably guarded and ad
vanced: and, be It further
Resolved. That the delegates to the state
convention and the nominees of this con
vention for representstlves use all honor
able means to secure the nomination and
election of Lorentn Crounse for fnited
Btates senator.
Resolved, That In the event Mr. Crounse
should be unable to secure the nomination
for ITnlted Btates senntor. Hon. E. Rose-
wster Is the unanimous choice of the re
publicans of Washington county.
Repnhllcnns nt Pierre. i
PIERCE, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.) The
republicans of Pierce precinct held their
caucus at the opera house last night. A
good deal of Interest wa manifested and
a large number were In attendance. The
following delegates to the county conven
tion, which meets at Plalnvlew next Mon
day, were elected: Judge J. A. Williams,
8. M. Durfee, H. H. Mohr, A. L. Brande
and L. P. Tonner. N. M. Nelson and A. L,
Brande were high men, each receiving
thirty-five votes. No Instructions were
given, but It Is certain that the delegation
Is for George L. Sheldon for governor.
Oeorge W. GofT and F. I Lawton were
nominated for constables, L R. Craig for
Justice of the peace and Albert Otto for
road overseer.
Gosper for Brown and Sheldon.
ELWOOD, Neb.. Aug. H.-(Bpeclal Tele
gram.) The republican county convention
met today and was fairly well attended and
waa called to order by A. Dow. chairman.
Delegates were chosen to the state, sen
atorial and representative conventions. It.
J. Apara waa nominated for county attor
ney and S. B. Albright renominated for
countv commissioner. A strong set of
resolutions was passed endorsing the ad
ministration of President Roosevelt and
the record of Congressman Norrls. Other
features of the resolutions are:
We oppose the free pas system that has
been In prnctlce In this state In the past
and do hereby request of our members In
the state senate and legislature to secure
the paasage of such laws as will make It a
penalty to give or receive a rauroao pass.
Resolved, That our delegate both to the
senatorial and representative conventions
demand and exact a pledge from the nom
inee of each convention that they will
labor and vote for any measure that will
give relief from the present unjust, un
reasonable and extortionate freight rate
now in force In our state.-
Resolved. That we endorse the action of
Hon. Oeorge C. Junkln In his endeavor to
work for the Interest of the people at large
In the atate of Nebraska during his term
of representative from the 8lxty-slxth dis
trict and we do hereby endorse his candi
dacy for secretary of state.
The convention took a vote on preference
for United State senator, which resulted
In favor of Norrls Brown by a majority
of 8. Sheldon for governor alifo received
the preference vote of the convention.
Hon. Oeorge C. Junkln wa allowed to
select delegates to the state convention who
are a follow: Walker Smith, "Elwood;
C. B. Ralph, Smlthfleld; B. 8. Albright,
HolbrooK. .
Scott's Bin If Not Instructed.
OERINO, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) The republican county convention
of Scott' Bluff county waa held, this aft
ernoon, every precinct being represented.
The following delegations were elected:
State Frank P. Johnon, Mlnatare; Dr.
A. O. Faulk. Mitchell: H. M. Thornton,
Gerlng; O. W. King. Scotf Bluff.
Congressional A. B. Wood, Gerlng; W. T.
Baker, Caldwell; O. W. Gardner, Gerlng;
U. F. Gentry, Mlnatare.
The above delegation were made alter
nates for each. other.
E. F. Springer of Mitchell w authorised
to select the delegations to the senatorial
and representative conventions, he being a
candidate for representative. No resolu
tion were adopted. The state and congres
sional delegations go without Instructions,
but the latter will be for Judge Klnkaid.
A. J. Faulk of Mitchell was elected chair
man and Fred D. Wolsey secretary for the
county committee.
Sheridan Instructs for Weston.
RUSHVILLE. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Speclnl
Telegram.) Sheridan county republican
met In convention today and nominated W.
W. Wood for county attorney and elected
delegate to the atate, congressional, sena
torial and representative conventions. The
following resolution were adopted:
We. the republican of Sheridan county
In convention assembled, do hereby declare
that we are proud of the achievements of
the party under the splendid leadership of
President Roosevelt, and we bid him God
speed In hi fight against lawlessness and
greed of corporation, monopolies and
Having confidence In the honest v and
ability of our fellow citlxen, Hon. Charles
Weston, and believing he Is in full accord
with the policy of the present national ad
ministration, we hereby heartily endorse
his candidature for governor of the state
of Nebraska, and hereby Instruct our dele
gate to atate convention to use all honor
able means to secure his nomination.
The convention also endorsed M. P. Kln
kaid "for hi excellent work In congress"
nd Instructed the delegates for him. The
action of the last republican state conven
tion relative to the paaa evil wa also ap
proved. Following are the delegate; State w.
to eat as Malta-Vita,
cream or fresh fruit.
Summer breakfasts
eat. iSo cooking.
Now 10 Cuts.
W. Wood, L. C. Musser, D. W. Moffatt, 8.
it. Ladd, II. A. Peters. Congressional T.
C. Thompson, J. H. Crowder. W, B. Mc
Queen. J. N. Brooks, O. I Wilson. Sena
torial T. M. Huntington, L. C. Wright. E.
H. Mogowan, Lee Frit, H. E. Bummers.
Representative Fred Hoyt. 1 Beckwlth,
A. R. Bray. W. W. Wood. Ed Helmbold.
John D. Btauffer of Gordon was nomi
nated for county commissioner First dis
trict. o Instructions In (Jrant.
11VANNI8, Neb., Aug. Il.-t8peclal Tele
gram.) The Grant county republican con
vention wa held here today W. H. Nlck
le was chosen chairman and E. O. Itarr,
secretary. The following delegates were
chosen for the state convention: John Dle-
mer and E. E. Ixwe. For the congressional
convention: K. O. Barr and L. B. Unkefer.
For the senatorial and representative con
vention: W. 11. Nickels and E. G. Mart. E,
O. Barr wa elected chairman of the county
central committee. All delegates go un
Instructed. No resolution were adopted.
The delegates to the congressional conven
tion favor the nomination of M. P. Kin
Xo Endorsement in Dakota.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special
Telegram.) The Dakota county republican
convention met today and selected the
following delegates to the state conven
tion: H. O. Dorn, R. E. Evans, Thomas
C. Balrd. Woods M. Hlleman, Harry Hart
A. Ira Davis; alternates, J. J. Elmers, Mel!
A. Bchmied, Tom O'Connor, VW. W. Ren
neger, Oeorge Stewart, Robert Lrfpslcy.
No endorsements were given and the dele
gates are unlnstructed. The convention ad
journed to September 8, when It will meet
again to nominate a county ticket.
Rlnar Hales In Thurston.
PENDER, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Speclnl Tele
gram.) The county republican convention.
held today, was a cooked up affair. Ex
County Superintendent Fennell, it Is
claimed, did the detective work for the
ring In his canvass. He spotted every
Rosewater man In the county. Jim Ailcn
wa here, but waa kept In ambush. Reso
lutions which had been published In the
Pender Republic, the mouthpiece of the
ring, were adopted endorsing Senntor Mil
lard, also Congressman McCarthy. The
state delegation will favor Millard' re
election. Thurston county will be safely
democratic as long a the Indian grafters
dictate. It being In the midst of harvest,
the delegations from the various precinct
were not fully represented.
One for Rosevrater) One Doubtful.
HARRISUl'KG. Neb., Aug. ll.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The Banner county republl
aan convention was held here. The fol
lowing delegates were elected to the state
convention: B. R. Lew and W. H. In
galls. The same delegates were elected to
the congressional convention. The chair
man of the county committee was author
ixed to appoint delegates to the senatorial
and representative conventions. Rose
water has one delegate and one Is uncer
tain. The delegates were Instructed to
vote for a nominee for United State sen
ator. Sixteen Rosewater Delegates.
LEIGH. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) At the Stanton precinct republi
can caucus a full precinct ticket wa nom
inated and sixteen delegate were selected
to attend the Colfax county convention in
Schuyler next Tuesday. The delegation
was Instructed to use all honorable mean
to Instruct the state delegates for Edward
Rosewater for United State senator.
Brown Lose In North Plntte.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Aug. 11. 8pe-
cla!.) Norrls Brown got a Jolt In the pri
maries In this city on the question: "Shall
the delegates to the state convention be In
structed for Brown or go unlnstructed?"
The primaries were held In three ward and
the vote was against Instruction by 67 to 23.
Poind Lylnar on Floor In Grand
Island Hotel.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Patrick Gleeson, a wealthy
and prominent stockman of Oakland, Nb.,
wa found dead on the floor of his room
In the Koehler hotel this evening. He had
been dead at least eight hours, in the
opinion of the coroner. Gleeson Is a heavy
man with bushy white hair and whiskers.
He lay cn the carpeted floor, one shoulder
partly under the bed, both hands under
him and his face pressed down flat on
the floor a If he had lurched forward.
The gaa Jet wa turned on full. The escap
ing gas first attracted attention. He had a
watch and $36 in cash on his person and a
letter of Introduction to Cashier C. F. Benl
ley of the First National bank of this city
from Mr. Cull of the First National bank
of Oakland, the letter stating that Mr.
Gleeson' check would be good for any
amount he would write. Oleeson waa a
Shorthorn raiser and feeder, and ft is pre
sumed he came here to attend a Shorthorn
ale held today. The coroner telephoned
Mr. Cull at Oakland.
Nothing wa disturbed In the room. The
bed had been occupied. Gleeson had an
swered the callboy' summons to break
fast. ' The theory Is that he had left the
electric light burning all night and after
partially dressing this morning went to
turn out the light, but turned on the gu
Instead and wa suddenly overcome. HI
nose wa injured In the fall and hi head
lay In a pool of blood. He ha a con
siderable family at Oakland. No Inquest
will be held at least until relations arrive.
OAKLAND. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) A telephone message from Grand
Island announces that Patrick Gleeson, a
pioneer and prominent citlxen of this com
munity, waa found dead thl afternoon
with the gas turned on In his room. He
left here Friday morning for Grand Island
to attend a cattle sale. Ed Bough and A.
L. Cull left here tonight for Grand Islund
to take charge of the body and bring it
Fordyre Will Start Out with a Bank
aud Other Business Firm.
HART1NGTON. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.)
The track laying crew of the Omaha road
Is expected here In the next ten days to
commence work laying steel on the Crofton
extension. The grade is about completed
and It will not be long before the new line
will be In operation.
Fordyc will be the name of the new
town to be located midway between here
and Crofton. Its location la on the Main
Bow creek, nine mile east of Crofton and
eight mile north of Hartlngton. Already
several business firm are planning to lo
cate there. A hank ha been organised
under the name of the Fordyce State bank,
with 150.000 capital. The stockholder arc
D. A. Matthew. J. M. Talcott, F. J. Suing,
F. M. Kimball, H. Wellrelhau. O. Taney,
John Suing and H. Brhaffer. The officers
are: J. M. Talcott. president; D. A. Mat
thewa, vice president; F. J. Suing, cashier.
Morris Schwabland of Hartlngton will
put In a branch lumber yard and John
Suing will put In a saloon. The new town
la surrounded ,by a good farming country,
there being many wealthy Qy-rmani there.
Roth la More Trouble.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Aug. 11. (Spe
cial. --Ernt Roth' difficulties seem to be
multiplying. He I the laborer who was
ued In the district court a few day ago
for $9,000. on three counts far defamation of
character by allegation made In a petition
for divorce. The wife lias gone Into coutt
and ha brought suit against Roth for di
vorce, alleging extreme cruelty.
If you have anything to trad advertls
It la the For Exchange column ot The
Bn Want Ad, pa.
Peculiar Fight Comts Up in Contention
Orer Ioitraotinc Dclecste.
Thompson Has the Delegation from
Hall Connty, hnt They Go
to the Convention lain
t meted.
(From a Stall Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 11. (Special.) The
democratic county convention held here
this afternoon waa the hottest affair the
democrat have pulled off for year and
the little assembly room at the Llndoll
was crowded, about 100 delegates being
present. The fight Was whether the state
delegation should be Instructed for George
W. Berge for governor, and wa all
Mr. Berge could do, and all hi friends
could do and all hi opponent could do
to keep the convention from Instructing.
Berge had agreed With the anti-Bergs
fellows not to ask for an Instruction If
the convention would endorse hi stand
on public question and would select a
delegation friendly to him. On the other
side, the argument wa that no fight
should b made and Berge should get
the delegation without instructions.
At the proper time Attorney Doyle in
troduced a resolution commending Berge
and providing the delegation should not
be Instructed. Promptly a friend of the
candidate amended that the delega
tion should be Instructed or Berge. Dr.
Hall and Doyle each told of the agree
ment and asked the convention to stand
by It. The convention wanted to be
hitched and said so In unmistakable
terms. Finally, aa a last resort, the antl
Berge fellow got Berge to come to the
hall and the gubernatorial candidate said
such an agreement had been made and
therefore he did not want the Instruction
providing he could have the delegation.
The convention still Insisted, but finally
agreed to let the delegation go unln
structed. Metrnlfe I Particular.
Richard L. Metcalfe presided and In the
course of his remarks said:
.KThT Wor,d"Herald democrat
hould be nominated for the head of the i agree witti mat, but I want to
choose my candidate. , .vould rather
march up to the Judgment bar arm in
urm wlii! I nele JaKe Wolf than to sup-
uemocrai nominated by thy .Bur
lington. .
The convention at time raised some
pretty point but Metcalfe presided with
satisfaction to both factions. The unit
ruie was voted on the delegation.
The following county ticket wa nomi
nated: Wolfe1 Senator8A- 8- Tlbbetta, J. V.
Representatlves-C. J. Long, H. W. Smith.
L. 1. Coggln, George T. Iwlch, 8. R. Hall.
County Attorney Fred Shepherd.
Popa Endorse Democrat.
Thepopulist county convention waa held
thl afternoon and the candidate selected
by the democrats were endorsed, the popu
list going one better and instructing for
Berge. Though the populist gathered early,
they did nothing until the democrats de
livered the goods to Berge. Wolf, on the
democratic ticket. I a populist.
For Thompson Withont Instruction.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Aug. U.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The populist and democratio
county conventions were held today, the
former with fourteen, the latter with forty
delegate present. In the democratic hall
resolution were adopted welcoming Hon.
W. J. Bryan home, demanding the repeal
of every law which foster trusts, favoring
the public ownership of at least one rail
road reachlntg from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, the enaotment of an anti-pass law
without excepting employes, declaring for
a 2-cent per mile passenger rate and de
manding the repeal of the present revenue
law and the enactment, of one placing the
taxation of all property In the hands of
local officers, charging the republican ex
ecutive officers- with dereliction of duty In
not enforcing the maximum freight law of
1892, favoring a nonpartisan board of con
trol for state Institutions and the adoption
of the railroad commission amendment.
Hon. W. H. Thompson, now regarded as
a candidate for governor, waa given the
privilege to select his own delegation In
the democratic convention, but declined the
courtesy, preferring to have the convention
select the same and permit them to go un
lnstructed. Fourteen delegate were then
chosen for the state, congressional and sen
atorial conventions and Mr. Thompson was
given authority to select any alternate
and other that may be necessary or de
sirable. Irflhe populist convention fourteen dele
gate were chosen to the state, senatorial
and congressional conventions and the fol
lowing resolution adopted:
Resolved, That we recognise Hon. Oeorge
W. Berge as a populist of integrity and
ability and a true representative of the
principles of our people's Independent party
and fully capable of filling the highest office
of this state.
A motion wa also made, and It waa car
ried, that the delegation be Instructed to
use all honorable means to secure the nom
ination of Hon. Oeorge W. Berge ,for gov
ernor, but It being felt that the resolution
would fully express the sentiment of the
convention, this action wa later rescinded.
Rere la Discussed at Schuyler. .
SCHCTLKR, Neb.. Aug. ll.-(8pecla!
Telegram.) The democrat of Colfax
county met today In mass convention at
Schuyler. John C. Van Housen. an ex
member of the legislature, presided, and
N. II. Ma pes, county Judge, wa secretary.
Twelve delegate were elected to attend
the state convention. No Instruction of
any kind were given, but there Wa some
Informal discussions a to whether Berge
should be nominated or a weather-beaten
and time-tested democrat, regard less of
consequences. The talk did not go far
enough to Indicate which aide had a ma
jority. Nobody seemed td- have any pet
resolution to stir things up, and so they
proceeded quietly to elect fourteen dele
gate to the Third congressional district
convention and eight to the state senatorial
convention, yet to be called.
No Candidate for Coagress.
PLATTSMOl'TH. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Spe
cial.) Having learned, previous to the Can
county democratic convention In this city
thl afternoon, that Richard L Metcalfe
of Lincoln would not accept the nomination
for congress In the First district, the dele,
gates were not Instructed for him. County
Judge H. D. Travis of this city also de
clined with thank the privilege of making
the race for congress against E. M. Pol
lard of this county.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Aug. 11 -(Special. )
The Cuming county democratic convention
was held here Thursday evening. Eighty
six delegate were In attendance. The fol
lowing nomination were made: For county
attorney. 8. 8. Krak of West Point; for
representative, Charles Graft of Bancroft;
for coroner, to fill vacancy. Dr. H. L. Well
of West Point. Delegate were elected to
the state, congressional, senatorial and
float representative conventions. The con
vention wa harmonious throughout. At
the caucus held the preceding evening no
nomination was made for county super
visor for the West Point district, the com.
mtttee being empowered to fill the vacancy,
PnanllMs F.aaorse Berge.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Aug. 1L (Special
Telegram.) The populist of Custer county
met la convention today tot lh fiuroa
Orchard &
414 -
Every day adds to the already large display. Everything is
new and up-to-date, our old stock having been cleaned up in the
July sale. Here you'll find the largest assortment of correct do
signs goods of quality so moderately priced that choosing will
be a pleasure.
Rocker (like cut) Best quality oak, weathered finish lea
ther seat should sell for $7.00 on sale Monday $4.50.
New Buffets The choicest of designs in quarter-sawed gold
en oak, piano polished. This showing is far superior to any, and
you will be impressed with the beauty of style and finish as well
as the reasonable prices $19
"Weathered oak furniture
your inspection.
Rockers -Spanish leather seat or seat and back; some with loose cushions, $4.50 to $30.
Sofas In Spanish leather; large assortment, $17.50 to $100.
Tables-Round, square, oblong, in fact almost any shape, $5.00 to $45.00.
Smart things in draperies priced to suit slender purses. All the popular and recent
patterns. They won't last
$5 Curtains Cablo
Net, Jrish Point,
Cluny, Bru s -sels
We are headquarters for good window shades 25c, 45c, 70c.
Entire line of mill ends of John Dunlap
& Sons, made into room size carpets.
Guaranteed all wool. These go at about
one-third less than the regular price.
9x9 to 15x17 for $4.25 to $17.80.
Brussels, Axminsters and Velvets at'
factory prices. Many odd sizes not found
in the usual factory rug.
8x9 to 10x13 for $11.75 to $30.00
of electing delegate to the tate con
vention, also congressional, senatorial and
representative delegate. The convention
wa called to order at JN'o!ock by Chair
man Deal, who waa aucceeded by J. B.
Osborne of Elk Creek aa temporary chair
man, with J. B. Leonard of Broken Bow
secretary. The organization waa then
made permanent, with the aaine officer.
County Attorney A. I "Johnson of Broken
Bow waa renominated for that omce.
Forty-three delegate to the state conven
tion were elected. The following Instruc
tion endorsing Berge were adopted:
Havini the utmost confidence In the
honesty, Integrity and ability of Hon. O.
w. Rem. we herebv Instruct Our dele
gates to the state convention to use all
honorable means to secure his nomination
at the coming state convention.
During the afternoon Judge H. M. Sulli
van made a speech. In which he denounced
two republican candidate for United
States senator as being upheld by the
railroads. Resolutions were adopted de
manding the prosecution of the Qraln
trust for violating the law against con
spiracy of trade, the abolition of the free
pass system and the enactment of a law
reducing passenger rate to 1 cent per
More Populists (or Berge.
WAHOO. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special) The
Eaunder county populist met In conven
tion In Wahoo today. There wa the
largest turnout they have had for several
year. After the usual order of business
delegate to the state convention were In
structed for Carl B, Goucher for the nom
ination of secretary of state. A resolu
tion wa also passed Instructing the state
delegates to use all honorable mean to
secure the nomination of Oeorge W. Berge
for governor. Attorney J. L. Sundean wa
nominated for the legislature. The office
of county attorney and other representa
tive were left for the democrats. Tren
mor Cone wa granted th privilege of se
lecting the delegation for the senatorial
convention. Hon. "Bill" Dech. the old
tlme populist leader, waa present and de
livered several fiery addresses.
OSCEOLA. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Polk county democratio and popu
list conventions met at Osceola today.
There waa not a large attendance at either
oonventlon. ' Delegate were elected and a
county ticket nominated. The representa
tive 1 W. J. Joiiea; county attorney, John
Tongue; commissioner, H. A. Eyestone.
Resolution were adopted endorsing Oeorge
W. Berge for governor and M. J. Bouse for
secretary of state, and the populist dele
gate to the senatorial convention were
Instructed to vote for a democrat for sen
ator. Jehnsen for Berg; l Bryan.
TECUM8EH. Neb.. Aug. 1L (Special Tel
egram.) Both the democrat and populists
of Johnson county held county convention
In Tecumseh thi afternoon. Both conven
tion nominated the same county ticket
with the exception of representative. The
populist feel that the democrat Ignored
them and so expressed themselves after
the convention.
The democrat got to work with J. J.
Long a chairman and H. I Cooper a
secretary. A strong anti-pass resolution
was adopted and also a resolution favor
ing a t-cent passenger rate. Other resolu
tion endorsed the candidacy of William
J. Bryan for president In )KN and declared
In favor of the election of United State
senator by direct vote. The following
county ticket jhum nominated: For county
attorney. J. B. Douglas; for representative
Fourth district. C. W. Pool; for clerk of
th district court to fill vacancy, C. C.
Ellis; for urveyor, E. D. Carr. Delegate
were chosen to the several convention
and a new central committee wa choaen
with Dr. A. P. Fttsslmmon as chairman.
Th state delegation waa Instructed for
Berge and th senatorial delegation to the
float convention Instructed for Dr. W. L.
Heilman of Bterllng.
Colonel W. O. Swan was mad chairman
and A. O. Blauser secretary of the populist
gathering. The same county ticket wa
named with the eiceptlon that E. O. Jury
waa chosen for representative. Resolution
were adopted favoring O. W. Berge for
governor and Bryan tot president. Dele
Wilhelm Carpel Company
416 - 418 South Sixteenth
to $85.
for the living room, dining room or den.
long at these prves.
$10 Curtains Real
Arabian, Duchess,
Double Net Brus
sels, Cluny ...$6.75
$8.75 Tapestry Por
tieres, Armnre
weave, b1o bordered
curtains with extra fine
tapettry border ..$4.73
gates were selected and a new central com
mittee named.
The representation waa not complete in
either convention.
Boon for Babeoelt I Launched.
HABTINOB, Nob.. Aug. U.-(8pec!al Tele
gram.) The boom of Dr. F. C. Babcock of
this city for, the fusion nomination for
state treasurer was formally launched thl
afternoon. Democrat and populist of
the county held separate convention for
the purpose of naming delegations to the
congressional and state convention. Th
populists Instructed for Dr. Babcock and
the democrats passed a resolution strongly
endorsing him. Dr. Babcock la now serv
ing his second term a treasurer of Adam
The populists endorsed Berge for gover
nor Delegation were named a follows:
To democratic state convention Tlbbets,
H. 8. Dungan. J. W. Plummer, Chris
Koehler, Dr. C. V. Art. D. H. Wentworth.
A. Jacobson, F. C. Babcock, George E.
Mlien, J. C. Corey. A. B. Howard. W. F.
Dungan. W. E. Shaver, R. R. Damerall,
J. C. Stevens, R. B. Wahlqulst.
To democratic congressional convention
W. E. Joynt. Ijem Tlbbets. J. C. Moore,
H. V. Reynolds. 8. Jones. Dr. Baxter.
A. M. JefTers, E. Honppner, J. J. Simmer
ing. Charles Ingraham. 8. L. Owena. O. M.
Lombard. P. E. O'Donnell, Walter Crow,
Esra Langevln, V. B. Trimble.
To populist state convention W. H.
Palmer, John Loucks, P. E. Larson, C. K.
Hill, E. H. Drolllnger, John Heye, J. W.
Harris, Nelson Jaco, John Evans, M. C.
Kernow. John Beardsley, George Munson,
T. L Gibson, Charle Phillips. W. J.
Fisher, F. E. Vemaw, W. L. Ooudy, H.
B. McGaw, J. N. Lyman. H. 8. Stone.
To populist congressional convention O.
Pritchet, L. Huxtahle. F. C. Vanvelghten,
N. F. Wallace. F. M. Frank. H. D. Madden,
J. F. Oanrutsh, J. H. Hollenbeck. T. T.
Jones, A. B. Fernow. B. F. Nichols, P. H.
Bailor, John Ground, Israel Bplndler. O.
Marti, 8. T. Gllmore. Charles Zerlckson,
C W. Stewart. A J. Scott.
Populist and democratic congressional
convention will be held here August K.
Bryan and Government Railroads.
STANTON. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) The democratio mass convention of
Stanton county was held here this after
noon. There were twenty-four democrat
present and only four out of thirteen pre
cincts were represented. William Cowan
was chairman and B. C. Chase ecretary.
Delegate were elected to the state, con
gressional, senatorial and representative
conventions. Resolution were adopted en
The Song
of the Hair
There are four verses. Verse i. Ayers
H air Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse 2.
Avers Hair Vigor stops falling hair.
Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dan
druff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor al
ways restores color to gray hair. The
chorus, is sung by millions, in all lands.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty years."
Mane fey e O- Ayes Oe.. teweU. Btss.
Alas MniiSm t
ATStt AMAPiKOXa ff th Met. ATtB'g TOLLS-fer oastlBatto.
ATU't Ca-T reCTOk! ret (. Arut'tAOVBCVKS rc sauna aa an.
All lined up for
Couch Covers, extra
heavy, Persian pat
tern, fringe nil around,
60 Inches wJde, 3 yards
long $.1.95
Let us give you an estimate.
"When you buy a stove you want a good
one. A poor stove will spoil good food
while a good stove will often better poor
food. The best make Gas or Gasoline
stove is what you want, and now is the
time to buy. The base burner season is
approaching and we must have the spaco
on our floor.
Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges. . ; .'. .$15 to $45
Insurance Gasoline Stoves $ 9 to $24
National Process Gasoline Stoves $24 to $23
2 Burner Junior Gasoline Stoves $2.15
dorsing the candldncy of Bryan for presi
dent and favoring government ownership
of all railroads, a 2-cent passenger rate,
tariff for revenue only, direct vote for
United State senator, an Income tax, pri
mary election law and against campaign
fund contributions n disclosed by the re
eent Insurance Investigations. All delega
tions art unlnstructed.
For Kelllxar and Bera-e.
PAWNEE CITY, Neb.. Aug. U.-(Special
Telegram.) The Pawnee county democrat
met In convention thl afternoon with R.
W. Story chairman and A. E. Ovendcn
secretary. Jamos Murphy of Table Rock
and Fred H. Barclay of Pawnee City were
nominated for. representatives from the
Second district, and A. S. Story of Pawner.
City for county attorney. Delegates to the
state convention are A. 8. Story, John
Henlnger, C. C. Gottula, C. G. Carter.
F. S. Hassler. W. 8. Potts. H. H. Hawkins
and Henry Humrker, Jr., to the congres
sional convention, James Murphy. Fred H.
Barclay, Martin Nestor, Adam Hays, John
Berry and Reuben Llpp. They are In
structed to support Judge W. H. Kelllgar
of Auburn, present Judge of the First Judi
cial district, na candidate for congressman.
The convention expressed a preference for
O. W. Berge of Lincoln for governor.
Knox Connty Fnslonlsts.
CENTER. Neb., Aug. 11. (Speclal.)-The
democratic and populist convention were
held here and there waa a good representa
tion from both parties. J. H. Berryman
wa renominated for county attorney. The
delegate to the state convention were In
structed for Berge for governor, and the
populist convention Instructed their dele
gates to the representative convention for
Charles Crockett of Knox county.
Pop Rndorae Ftooaevel.
HOLDREGB, Neb.. Aug. U.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The people's Independent party
of Phelps county held Its convention here
this afternoon and nominated ex-County
Treasurer P. C. Funk for representative
and A. J. Bhafer for county attorney. Dele
gates were chosen to the state convention.
Resolutions were passed reaffirming faith
In the principle heretofore advocated by
the Independent party, also "commending
President Roosevelt and the democrat of
(Continued on Ninth Page.)