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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
I ?THE OMAHA SUNDAY- BKE: AUGUST 12, 190(5. A Telephone Douglas 61 8 1 There is a decree of perfection about our garments which cannot be had at lower prices. Any store that cuts under our price must necessarily cut under fcee them. It will please you to look, and it will please us to have "La Grecque" Combined Skirt t and Corset Cover. fun like a princes gown.' without super- ! flunua fullness nt waist line. Closed In hnyk. It cannot pull apart. (.stock we will make It to your order, witn- lAMt all "IA flrecque" garments, th new I out estra rharge. Three days' time re design prevents "working up" or any re- t quired on special ordera. Prices start at stftctlon to absolute freedom of motion In I &o. arty position!- " '' ' ' Graceful and artistic, exquisitely tailored and has soft flat-felled a mi. "I. Orecifue"- combination garments are all made adj)istlble to ths- figure. A sic to see then-.-' at our modern muslin .underwear el. nsftrr.ent. f Second Boor: '. ' '.' '. The "M'" Waist for Boys and t Girls. EyERT MOTHER "WILL BE INTER ESTED. Vie real scientific undrdrcss and sup porting garments Tnr' boys ahd girls. ' The resnns are seen In the waiwtss themselves,, which our department lady will gladly demons! rnt Come Monday and see them. Made in two different weights. PICK OF LIGHT WEIGHT WAIST. 15C EACH. PRICE OF HEAVY WEIGHT WATST. SC EACH. Wain floor. 1 plavs a constantly stronger -tone In favor of a rigorous suppression of -the revolu tionary movement. Today it declares that every member at the outlawed Parliament Who signed the Vlhorg manifesto must be prosecuted. The censorship continues to forbid the publication of all foreign criti cisms of the government's course. A renewal of peasants' trouble on a small scale is reported from Vladimir and Kostroma provlncea. All, the Important political captives are rig) being Incarcerated In the fortress' of St. Peter and St. Paul. The use of this fortress as' a political prison was disVon- rlnnikit ftfter fh kmniHiv of lust fall. Press and Rnmlii Posad .(OSCOW, Aug. ll.-The police have dis covered in a neighboring villa? a secret printing eatabllshment of the revolutionary lengua. where the Vlborg an,d.TerJiokl man ifesto to the army and navy have betn printed. ' The police also captured three bombs. It Is learned that among the mem bers of the revolutionary committee re cently i Wrested 'iniu'dscow' '.' was ' Jo'meV Efrenoff, who Is said to huvo. been the chief of the central organization of the, Social Revolutionist's and Peasants1 league of (ha Moscow district,' " 1 "' ' Wfty workmen agitators Were expelled' yesterday irom Moscow. Octoberlats Mart. At the session of thd central commit of the Ortobcrlsts tomorrow, at which the nlatform committee will' . present nt'W program on which the party expJts to ainet fo the ' country 'at the 6oming ! elections, the" progressive drift ' at the country will be recognized by proposals for universal suffragist direct in. 'he cities aud In two states in the country and the enlargement ' 6f the ' powers Of ! Parliament to Include i revision of j treaties as woll as a discussion of loans, taxes and concessions. M. Shlpoff, former finance minister, will also proooso tho rcorganikatlon tf the council of tho cm- plre. or upper house, as an advisory body with no executive power.. The platform ... . - ti win aaopi a negauvo Biinuun wn i proposition for a general expropriation of land, mentioning only a division of stato, crown and rhurch lands and an extenoion of the activity of the local commission.. : " ' , """" " . , . It will recommend the -Mtthm of the communlal .y.tem and a.l .pedal law, . In order to place the peasan ry . on - . n equal footing with the other cla.see;. the amelioration of tho condition of the -wort men, restricted autonomy ' for non-Rus-slans, and will declare that the enactment of a measure providing free education should be the first car of Parliament. ., 'Bandit. Control Wimw. WARSAW, Aug. ll.-An Incredible state of affair reign, at Warsaw and Lodi. The Inhabitant, are at the mercy of bandits, anarchists rd terrorist.. Murder, and robberlea. ' reoorta of which are .not oub- M.h - .rtir -tllv Th. suthoritiea an- I r.,K.-n. . r.o .tnnv six anarchist, attacked a German factory owner and hi. clerk, who were returning rrnm the nanv. shot and kinxd botn ana decamped with tTOO. i Terrorist. Sentenced.' " MITAt. Russia. Aug. 11. A court-martial hera yesterday sentenced to death two' teirorlsta, who were found guilty of sev er 1 -rriurdera In the district of Wlrrdau. I'ZOVKA, Russia', Aug. 11. Mine pwner. of this district are preparing to present to the government claims for damage In. th case, of tlx foreign mine, which were, flooded oh 'the 'ground 'that the' itrtka'was' provoked by th attitude of the govern-ment.f- Six hundred pound, of dynamlt was stolen by revolutionists today. Postmaster Killed. l.lIfAt'. Russia, Aug. 11. The postmaster her Vaa killed yesterday and robbed of 111.000. . I otherwise, to provide adequate security to HEL8INOFORS. Aug. ll.HTlie Fthnlsh I the Brtlsh policy holders In the life iit senat has ordered th withdrawal of tha j .ur.nce: companlc. which have their chief Red Guard from the country and a petl- office, outsld of th Cnlted Kingdom, bqt tlon to th emperor la being prepared for which carry on buslnea In thla country, th r-stablltbnu nl of th old Finnish The committee found an almost unanimous army of eight battalion, for the p.urpoe of opinion among th leading British; actuarie. restoring the authority of the new Finnish I nd life Insurance manager, against cora govemmeitt among the masses... j pelllng .uch mea.ures on the part of for- RIVAL Russia. Aug. 11. The workfnen i e'sn companies. Among the reasons ad of all the factorle. here .truck tod.y In vanced wer that such measures would sympathy with th mutineer, of th cruiser i vlolat the principle that the whole pf the Pawrat Asova, ho ar about to b tried ; ind of an insurance company should Je by eourt-m.rtlal. - t available for the claim, of all policy holder. TASHKENT. Asiatic Russia. Aug. 1L-! j ,hut ,lt n,1ht 10 r"Pr",-J on Tb controller of th Central Asiatic rail- way was murdered on th street her today. MOO Otuk to Chicago and Rotara. Via J 'TixiNOI8 CENTRAL RAILROAD. ' Ticket, on sal August 11. II and U. '. Ret .if n limit, August K. -Tlskcts aud Information at City Ticket Offict, Itut Ftrnam St., Omaha. f La Company Win Salt., TRENTON, N. ).,-Aug 11 Vic Chan cello Stvn. filed In th court of chart eery-today an opinion dismissing aue' suit of Brry C. llitrklii against Thomua F. Ryan for an accounting and a share of tli profits In organising lh United Lead company! I10.votf.uou corporation-, Mr, HarKtn claims that th plan of cousnllr dating about twenty-two lead plant irli Inat.J with him.- Th court. In Us opti.l ta. -doubts 1f Mr. .'.tiii had nti propi rty right In . la Ma PI Mnsoiiaauiv i Th court hold If h had a property i itsht his ramodf U suit ot law tor . - . Bee, August 1Z, 1906. . nstantAirivalslU y cent Showing of Women's Rcady-to-Wear Garments. . Pennants. Pennants. High School Pennants. Colli? or I'nl Vfrr.Hr Pennant. Frs'ernnt Order Ton- ruinta, in fact, moot any wanted, kind or color. If we haven't the desired kind In j If you want to "talk pennants, see our furnishing goods man. Main floor. ' .- ' . Last Chance to have yot'r fine red blankets Cashed bymili., procers. , On August 15th wo make our Inst ship ment of blankets to be washed at our blanket mill. Send your soiled blankets to our Blnnket Iepartment In basement. When they come back to, you they will be ! bleached, rennlshed and rebound. In fact. ; made like new. This will certainly pay you. Prices for single blankets, 7Bc; for double blnnkets, $1.00. Be sure and send your blankets to us before August 15th. Real Indian Head Shrunk Muslin. THI8 SEASON'S , MOST POPULAR WHITE MATERIAL When you ask for "Indian Head" be sure you get It; there are many substltutea on the market, but only fie "Genuine Indian Head." Ladles I We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. Howard Street Corner Sixteenth. x FILE AND WAIT FOR WAtER Shoshone Homesteaders Are Given Time to Mike ImpriTeraenta. YEAR BEFORE, DITCHES ARE READY Many Who Registered Are Deterred ' from Filing by Tost of Irrigation Digging .Will B4Jln W ith out Delay. '', " ,' LANDER, Wyo . Aug. ll.-(8pclnl ) Homesteaders on the BhnShone reservation lands are to be allowed to wait until the Irrigation works- are completed before mak ing their Improvements. This Is the an nouncement Just made by CoVnmlssloner W. A. Richarda of the general land office. .The Central , Wyoming .Irrigation .compauy,, wmen was awsraea tne contract .Tor the principal dltcH, will have the work under way inside of sixty days,' but-It will he year before water can be placed on, any of the land, two, years before, raajorlty f the claims can be watered and-three year before, watsrj-an .be supplied to .the entire tract.' TEhoss, who drew claims . are now making their selections and filing will begin on August 16. . "- i Hana Berlin, who drew No. 1, has made his selection of A vh'l which is sought' by" uable piece of land the "Northwestern Townslte1' cbm'pany sas a' site for1' Its''' big reservation town. William Br lining of Cheyenne, who drew No. 6, haa selected a claim adjoining that of Berlin. The Lara mle1 choppers, -who drew : No.. X and have" t'lalms farther1 down tlW I "YTt ana wiaeiy sep raiea imm eacn on-r.. , u believed the first fire selections WT11 j townslte.. Sculators ttfa 1 large, sum. fo ' the relinquishment I "- ;' . ,i rwWlM .bring several thousand dollar. each. .-. It is estimated by the land office officials that not more than twenty-five of the first 100 who drew will file on thelr'landa. . The i i - . i . i i i ' , $20 per ace. hn. deterred many from: filing. g. r,r8on,jl0.. n ames have al- from tho b) whM, more m on rMrvi,Mnn rir,ntl. .-hnM were drawn out last will therefore stand a good chance of securing a fine claim, providing they care to take up the' land and pay for the water at, 120 per acre..' Considerable Complaint Is heard here among homeseeker. because of the alleged attitude' of the railway companies with reference to .llmiu of. round 1 trip These tickets are" limited returning to Au gust IB and holders mu.t .tart from Lander not later than thla date, and as th filing J" nt begin until August IB a large ' number will, be unable to file on their land.. Several holdrra of .ticket, have appealed fcr rell,f. but 11 ' ald def ear a i ... ...... LORDS DESIRE NO SECURITIES Committee f British Parliament Re port. After Inveatlantlnc Affair ot Inamance Companies. "' LONDON, .Aug. ll.-"In view of the evi dence it ha. heard tb oovmltte. doe. not consider that, - in th interest of British policy holders, 'It Is desirable to compel foreign companies to deposit funds In this country." This Is th finding, of th seleot com mittee of the House of Iords appointed to Inquire Into and report on what steps should be taken by the depositor of funds, or ' ,n 'rl or iqreign luvtrnu n, i.un. mlgnt lead in puoilc to neueve in. me solvency ot the comp.ale. making 'the d- posit, wa guaranteed by th government; that such deposit, might seem to Imply a statutory basla 'for valuations The report My that foreign companies should be placed, a. far.-aa possible, Jn th same , position a. BritlsU companies. They should be made lo comply with ti requirements ot the Uf Insurance com pany's aqt pf 170. The deposit of IKO.IJn), which Hdi act makes obltgtdry on th part Bf any new company, foreign or British, rsyents the. formation ot "mushroom com- panles." hut allow withdrawals of this . , r,i,,.,,. .,.,- P" a soon ss premiums sraount to w,v. , , , Ths" committee recommends as an ahao. .' ., to .i,-.. holder of belna '"H5 ru,?,n'? J;- ' " i Slwayg able, 10. proceed aglnt companies , ls th courts o thls-country that evry "company should 4 ref ilri to maintain 'J, uneano L,.,iv u.-. hl POt of liOS.OOO permanently so long our qualities. Come Monday and- you look. Second floor. ; who use It say It beats all other white j materials for suits, even linen. Wa have the genuine, 36 inches wide. 16c per yard; 40 Inches wide, 2oc per yard. In basement. What Is This Customers De posit Account Department? A great many don't know, but should; It would be to their advantage to know.j It la a department operated for the benefit' of our customers, .where they may de posit as small a sum aa often or aeldom aa they wish, then when shopping at our store .they have the amount of their pur chase charged against the money on de posit, the unspent portion of your account earns 4 per cent Interest, compounded every three months. Your money may be withdrawn at a moment's notice. We do no banking business. Investigate; you will nice It. Balcony, rear of main floor. , Resting Room Third Floor. 'You are welcome to use our rest room; make use of Its many free features, com fortable chairs, telephone, writing desks and stationery. Manicuring. In connection with our resting room we are prepared to do manicuring. Mlsa Logan, expert manicurist, is in charge. as Its policies continue outstanding In this jcountrj'. FEDERATION MEN IN CHICAGO Representatives of American Lahpr Society true Harmony Between 1 Rlral Teamsters' Intone.- CHICAGO, Aug. 11 Three representatives of Samuel Gompers. president of the Amer ican Federation, of Labor, appeared before the rival conventions of teamsters today and urged harmonious action. J. B. Letmon, vice president of the federa tion, and Frank Morrison, its secretary, arrived from Washington, and with J. D. Pierce, the national 'organiser, who Is stationed here, went before the Shea - meet ing and later addressed the other session, where- the antt-Shea men met. Charges of extravagance were made against Shea and other officials at. the latter conyentlon. Salaries and expense accounts were dls-, ensued find declared exorbitant. ARMOURS TO BUILD BIS PLANT FtfF Million Dollar Packing; Hoaae '.i ... ' ' 'to - Be?" Erected piear . . ''' Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Aug. 11. A de cision reached today by the .cUlieM" cotn- mlttee assures the Armour Packing; ,eom- pahy's J6,0od.(y plant for northeast Min neapolis rind the adjoining own of St.. An thony. TWo htindreld' Wtzwns-will pledge the sum necessary to build the water and sewer' mains to the' plant. When - this agreement Is sent to Chicago Monday and Is signed by Mr. Armour himself, agents of . tlie company ..Will cjpse the option, for the land and' thei fllie. wflU. be ready . for building operations -next April.. ' '.. . DEOARMO II At A STRUM OlS TIMK Morrted Twlee, Divorced and Sen- teneed to Prison In Three Week. . BEAVER CITY. Neb.. Aug. ll.-(8peclal Tele.gram.) Mlirrled twice . to the same woman, . divorced and sentenced to five years In the penitentiary, ail within three weeks. Is the record of Walter Pegarmo. Exactly three weeks ago, he was married to Miss Luella Thompson of Wllsonvllle, but across the county, line In. Red Willow county, where the ceremony was. invalid. They crossed back to this county and were again married.. It developed that, Degarmo had an undivorced. wife; in Carthage, 111. Today he wa tried at a special term 'of the (Jlstrlct court, and sentenced by Judge Orr to five, years In the penitentiary. In. the court room fie confessed that' he had 4one wrong, but that at the expiration of his sentence he would return and again marry Miss Thompson. He stated thut j b ,t flr.t represented himself as an un- murtitru nuiii, unu t nn nr ivii jii luve ana wlshec to be miirrled thnt he thought It would take too long for a divorce and he had relied upon the hope that his 'former marriage would riot be discovered. ' Mies Thompson also appeared In court, and upon her own statement nnd 'the con fession of Degarmo the marriage was set aside and hier maiden nama restored. The prlxoncr begged that he might see her for a few moments at least, but the privilege waa refused. Sprerk-rls Hebytld- Home. . BAN 'FRANCISCO. Aug. ll.-The Clau. Sprecklea mansion on Van .Nee. avenue is to be restored at ah expenditure of IHul.OuO. According to the terina of the contract. It will be ready tor oceupancy within a year. Before the fire he Sprecklea mansion was one of lhe most pretentious homes in America. The marble In the hall alone cost over tlOO.Ono. The rest of th houre waa furnished In corresponding aiyle. Jn ltn thun An hour the fnnioii u rr rrAmrv I paintings tapestries and carvings were re- oucea to neaps 01 aanes-ena cnurreo siones. Th houa waa completely gutted . by the fire. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER I Fair Today and Tomorrow In kraika, Iowa, onfh Dakota ad Kansas. vVASHINOTON. D. C. Aug. 11 -Forecast of th weather for Sunday and' Monday: For Nebraska, Kansas and South Da kotaFair Sunday ' and Monday, warmer Sunday. - ' ' ' For Iowa, Misaourt and Colorado Fair and warmer Sunday and Monday. For Wyoming Fair and warmer Sunday; shower Monday. For Montana Fair and Continued warmer Sunday; showers and cooler Monday. Looal Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BCREAl". OMAHA. Aug. 11. Official record of tamper atui and precipitation compared with- the corresponding day of the last thre year: . . 14. 11(03. 104. i.a. Maximum temperature - II IT M Minimum temperature... iM 78 62 K Mean temperature 7J 8S 74 - SO Precipitation .00 .00 ' .00 .14 Temperature and preclpltatkm departure from th normal at Omaha since March 1, and comparlaon with th last two years: ivormal temperature 71 Deficiency, for the dav t Total deflWency sine March 1, 190H IS I Normal precipitation .11 Inch iw.n. v for the dav II Inch I Total rainfall sine March T IS. 07 in I rtenclenoy ilnn March L.lsot.;.. J 64 in eflriency for cor. prHo! lms... 7 7 In Denclncj for cor. period I-U la ne has nchs chei Incbas MORE MONEY IN NEBRASKA Are?iori rind the Jreopls Better Tiled Ibtn in ths Fretioni Year. WINNETT NAMES LANCASVER DELEGATES Tom IHirnell. the Prohibit ioa Agi tator, t nwlttlngly tilvra, Oaaic Away flaring Visit to Norrl Rront'i Office. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. jug. 11. (Special.) Investiga tlon' of the work of the State Board of 4 Equalisation shows the people of Nebraska have more money on hand than last year; have more money loaned and secured by mortgages, and mure notes not secured. Money in corporations has also Increased and so have book accounts. The following table ahews a comparison of some of these items: 19H6. 10.S09 112.S5J 190W. $ 10.1W) 101,664 2.2M.324 JUM 118.010 1H.W4 Annuities Bonds -. . . , iotea secured gages I by mort- , 4,733.113 Other notes.. Book accounts... Money loaned... Judgments Moriy Invested sales ' . 1.9i9.3t! 7fil,9S4 126,71 21.7W In tax i 36,938 building 42.331 m,243 241, IB7 4,t86,8K6 Money, paid In and loan associations.... 19K.01S Stocks In corpora lions.... 144.47 Money on hand.. !,6ti,4S8 Personnel of Inraater Ielrgatlon. Though Norrls Brown still carries hla delegation arbund In hi. white vest pocket; H. J. Wlntiett tonight turned his loose for the public- to feed upon. The delegation cnrlslsts of the following: Judge Lincoln Frost. Judge M. B. Reese, I. M. Raymond,! 8. W. -Burhham, Judge Allen W. Field. Z. 8. Branson, "John' M. Stewart, M. B. Chene', F. M. Hall, Judge J. B. Strode, A: E. Perrln, T. J. nirkson, Judge W. H. Knginnd, A. V. Lawson, J. H. Mockett, Jf.,' IT.' S.'- Ellenthorpe, Fred Bex-kman, Henry "Diesel, W. B. Rose. J. C. Harpham, Ti W. Smith. Mart Howe, F. B. Spellman. HArry Dobbins, ' John: Watson,' W. ti Stewart, A. C. Greenlee, A. R. Vancuran, C. W. Speers. V: H.. Bull. F. E. Park, C T. Boggn, Iem Canfleld, Alfred Graham. Brown and Darnell. That Norrls Brown Is the preferred can dldato tor United .States senator of Tom Darnell, the professional prohibitionist, waa given away when he came Into the office, of the attorney get.eral this morning. "How are you Mr. Brown T How la everything in Dodge countyT" aaked Darnell- I feel all right about Dodge," answered the attorney general, "though I guess It will be pretty close up there." 1 "I think there will be no, trouble," said Darnell. . "You know I always look on the bright side of things and never, get dis couraged, even 'If ' things do Hook rosy. You " "Mr. Darnell,", hastily Interrupted Mr. Brown, "let me Introduce the reiv r'.er for The Bee and the reporter for the Star." "Yes. y'es,'' answered Darneili hastily taking his cue. "Well, "we have got Mr. Rosewat'er downed.. We've, been Jumping on nim, you know." '' "Have y.ou,'. anything against Mr. Rose water except that he- does, ntjt , advocate prohlbltlorff" ''was aaked Darnell. "No; sir, not a thing-'. He I.' Just 'wrong on the temperance question; That' I. all we have against him. We are 'against him rather' for his omissions than his commis sions," Answered Darnell.' ' ' ' 'Do you believe what you say,-' that Mr. Rosewater IS a champion of the lawless aiid - Vicious 7!.' ' ''' ' wOir, yesi f s ;h.' haa not come- out for prohibition, he, has ahown himself a friend of the lawless) ad vlclou.," ... c i . Exit Mr. Brown.;: . : .. . -"Did -you- know Mr- Rosewater tried to got a number o.f .vicious aaloons closed In Omaha--las. winter,- but the police ; board appointed , by .Governor Mlofcey refused to countenance- the protests T", "Well, that's what iqto pf the preacher. sakl atj,tbo aaseanbli'," . aawiM4. the re former, "but I guess he was.,doing 4 hat to get their-votes. Some wanted to Include Go-ernor Mickey in the resolu tion. . It Is funny to me that a lot of preachers at ths assembly, said Mr. Rose water was all right and should not be de nounced. Some of them were good Meth odist preachers, too. It : is my opinion, however, that people who Jive. In Omaha absorb the liberal air and overlook a good mauy thing..'.' . .. ,4 Bryan Reception September 6. The homecoming reception to William J. Bryan, will be held in Lincoln on the even ing of September 6. Mayor Brown received a cablegram tonight from Mr. Bryan re questing him to make the date September t.. CIGAR MAKER DILS OP IXJIHIES Lonl. Schmidt ot Grnad Island Killed by Falling- Dims Stnlrn. , GRAND ISLAND, Aug, . ll.-(Speclal.) Louh) Schmidt, a cigar maker, who wm found at J o'clock one morning thi. week at the bottom of a stairway. Injured as was supposed from a fall,' died at the St. Francis hospital aa a result of his Injuries, and 'Coroner Sutherland has summoned a Jury to took Into the matter. Schmidt wa. about to leave the city. "With a frlond Ae called on Mr.'and Mrs. Charles Ellington, living In the second story of tS building In which they worked, and sent out for some beer. . Later three girl., relative, of Mrs. Ellerton, Joined the party. When they, left Schmidt also left th room and a llttl later those remaining heard a sin gle thud and Uchmldt wa. found at the bottom of tb hallway. He preferred, to remain lying there. Later h wa. again seen but Insisted on remaining there and Mr. Ellerton gav him a. rug, placing It under his head as a sort of pillow. A police officer later dis covered him and he waa taken to the po lice station, a doctor was sent for and he was then taken to a hospital. A - post mortem examination ahows that the spinal , , . " chord was disorganised and that there was a alight fracture of th vertebra. A brother arrived In the city lagt night. 'It - la stated that Svhmidt wa not on friendly footing with some associates be had In this city and this led to an - Investigation. After a three or four hours' setslon th Jury called by Coroner Sutherland, to In vestigate the death of Louis Schmidt, a clgsriiwiker, came to th couclualon that Schmidt wet death by falling down a talr- way, the testimony showing Uiat It was accidental and that no on was to blame. A striking feature of tb testimony wa the hcaltancy of Misa Llxxle Kan to an swer fully all queaftona put to her. 8h had been In the Ellington rooms previous to Schmidt's arrival and testified that sh Good Digestion GIVES VIGOR Try Grape-Nuts "Tr'i a " was In the hallway talking with a man when Schmidt came out and that she heard ftchmldt fall. She would not, however, say who the man was. The questioning became warm, the Jurymen participating, and a climax came when Joseph Stahl, one of the Jurors, Informed the Jury that he was the man. Stahl proved Anally to be one of the main witnesses in the case. While It was brought out that there had been considerable feeling between SchmUlt and a former foreman of the company. Conrad Mauer, one witness testifying that Mauter had threatened to ."get him yet," there was no evidence of foul play. AT WA VSR Sormal (lose, with Commencement Kir relies and Banqnet. WAYNE, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special. )-The Wayne Normal closed It. fifteenth year Fri day with a banquet to 200 members of the Alumni association, who returned for the annual alumni day program. The success ful meeting wss addressed by representa tives of different classes and by A. L. Tucker of the trustees. At the banquet toast, were given by class representatives, I Trustee Welch and Prof. Wilson of . the I city schools. The commencement exercise, began on August S with the annual contest between the literary societies, and con tinued with the concert program of the de partment of music, the baccalaureate serv ices) and union services of the Christian associations, the prlxe contests of the de partment of elocution, the prl.e contest for eesays, orations, biography and debate. The exercises were lnrgeiy attended and were of a high order. The graduating class from the teachers' courses numbered seventy-eight, of whom seventy-iilx received state certificates. The members of the classes have good positions to begin teach ing In September. The sumer term enrollment reached 711 and the total enrollment for the year was more than 1.600. The outlook Is for a large enrollment at the opening of the school year. September . The new buildings will be occupied before winter.. All of the pres ent faculty continue next year and addi tional teacher, are added. LARD FEVER RAGES AT RI'I.O Many Hintry Ones Go West or orth for Cheaper Acres. RtrLO, Neb., Aug. U.-tSpeclal.) Seventy people left this county this week seeking Investments and homes In Dakota, western Nebraska' or Kansas and other places. Many of them are wealthy and have all the comforts of life here. Such a feeling of unrest nd moving spirit haa never before attacked the people of this county. They high price of land here has much to do with tha matter, however. Many have sought cheap land and made Investments, while the land that ha. been sold here, as a rule, has been sold to those who wish to enlaj-ge their farms. Put few outsiders have come In here and purchased. WIDOW ASKS HEAVY DAMAOES Alleged Slayer of .Walter. CMoColla - Made Defendant In Knit. HASTINGS, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.) A suit for IS.7W damages for the killing of Walter Mctulla was Instituted this after noon by the estate of the dead man against Barney Pearson. The caae grows out of the murder of Walter McCulla twp weeks ago. . Barney Pearson, .the defendant In tha damage suit, was arrested on the charge of committing . the prime and 1. held In the county Jail pending preliminary hearing. The victim - is survived by a widow and four children. Pearson 1. a wealthy horse trader. ' Pay. fur Kama for ' Child. GRAND' ISLAND, Aus: 11. (Special.) Dr. and Mrs. Rich were the happy reclp lent$, sopie ten day' ago,' of .the seventh daughter. Having provided names for six daughter. In the accustomed manner Dr. Rich decided to offer a prlre of IS for the most suitable ana pleasing name any one would suggest, he and Mr.. Rich to be the judges, a. a matter of course. The contest closed and" Maxlhe Pauline ' Tyrcne were chosen aa the names, two prise, be ing offered, Mr.. Eaton of the Palmer h9Ue having suggested Maxlne. and Mr. Bljrg ''Pauline Tyrene." -Over a hundred letters were received and a remarkable In terest was occasioned by the contest, the complete list of names, with those of the proat-ntera, taking- up more than a news paper, column. .. They were published and no doubt will be cut out In many a family and saved for future reference. Ftaht on Harvester Trust. CENTER, Neb,, Aug. 11. (Bpeclal.)-U'poii Information furnished by W. II. Green, an Implement man of Crelghton, County At torney Berryman this week filed quo war ranto proceedings against the Interna tional Harvester Company of America. Til object of the suit 1. to oust tha corpora tion from the county under the anti-trust law. of th state and nation. Ex-L'nltrd States Senator William V. Allen drew tho petition In this case and has been retained by the prosecution. Mr. Qreen haa an other case made up ready for filing which wilt be against the corporation for (3,000 damages. On the strength of these suit, a number of th creditor, of th corpora tion ar resisting ths payment of their notes, taking a. their defense th anti trust law. -News of Nebraska. PLATTSMOl'TH The city schools will open September lo. BEATRICE The Beatrice Driving asso ciation will give , a matinee Thursday aft ernoon. PLATTSMOl'TH Superintendent E. L. Rdus will assist In the Dakota County Teachers' Institute 'next week. PLATTSMOL'TH Otto W,url and Miss Mabel Hayes, two popular Plattsmouth young people, ar to be married Wednes day. "BEATRICE Blue Springs won from Liberty at Blue Springs Friday afternoon in a good game Of ball. The score was t to I. WEST POINT Clerk of the District Court J. C. Pinker has been elected secre tary of th democratic county central com mittee. WEST POINT The school board of the 1,lnt indemndent school district ; huve announced Monday, September . as j ti.r opening day. BEATRICE Whil engaged In decorating 1 th Kp.scopul church, John Terhune fell a aiaiance 01 ten teet ana was severely btuhtrd about the boay. WEST POINT Deputy Registrar' Krause repnita the births und deaths for Cuming lounly for the n.ooih of July to be aa (oi lews: Births. 14. deaths, t. PLATTflMOL'TH-The congregation of the Chr.silan church gav to their new pastor, Rev. A. L. Zinc, and family a most J cordial reception in his i.ome a, roT Dfilv p r. . ..A.AMinav surgeon of high repute, will locate In West point In the near future and will o(n his ofhie In th building of. the Krause Drug company ' PLATTSMOITH-The beautiful Holyok "!nC P.r0ft.r'.1f ,hiS e','fi: h" bT" !ld L? Ta 'ii t 'i' h h, Wi'." f'upy lu re - i Mr. E. A. Hnlyoke and family emect to j lemove to Fainnount. BEATRICE Three train loads of crushed rork wer brought her yesterday from Blu Springs The rock will be used for bailastiiig the I'nlon Pacific roadbed be tween this point and Lincoln. WAYNE The Wayne Commercial club nd tha Wayne Commercial Club hand and several hundred of Wayne's citisen aut by special train to attend th fair and case IKUl luurimuiem mi LKrruii. BEATRICE "Bill" W llaon. a former uni versity catcher who played with the Beatrice ball tam two year ago, will Join th local team her next Monday for th gam against "Ducky" Holmes' league team. NEBRASKA CITY Th Syrseu bsM ball team defeated s local base bail team this afternoon on th Fourteenth street f round In a very one-sided game. The 1st lor put u p a fin gam of ball and won by a score of M to . ' BEATRICR-Th Dlller Farmer' Flts tor tuavpaujr Is Increasing in caAsclty it! 3 C Announcement of the Grrat Clearance Rale .of Li Berger's Big Fire Sale LI We avMonlshed tho people of Omaha last week br tlie fnw tlonal big cuta we made In the price of our Ijullea' Merchandise I profits, value and rost were all disregarded and our b;hh were aoiti at one-third to one-foiirlh of Its) coat to u,. It Is een more Imperative that we reduce our atock this) week as we must get ready to receive our fall goods now being bought in the east by our Mr. llerjrer. We will therefore Inaugurate for next week n sale that will even outdo our Are sale. - ( Berbers Fire SlartirtJj Monday, AuJ, You cannot be economical cut In silk suit for Monday. Wnsh Waists worth $2, 1 3, $4 and $5, to bt closed 7Cii out t I VC All our Wash Sklrtg worth $5, . $6, $7 and $8, to be AO closed out, at JOG Wool Skirts, all kinds, worth $7.60, $10, $12. $16 QO to be closed out at . ,JJ Any Wash Suitor Dress, worth up to $16 and$20, to no be closed out at l.IO Any Wash Stilt In the store, worth from $20 to 7. $4 5, choice at J,JO Cravenette Coats, all colors worth $15, at $5.60 7 rn and .JU We Mention Other Items Which FALL Sl'ITS FALL, FVRS Sl'RIN'tJ HI' ITS fall colors) WHITE BI'RQE BCIT8 SILK SIITS FALL 1.UNU Tight-Fitting COAT8 WASH SKIRTS FALL LONtl LOOSE COATS SPKINO AND FALL BKIRTS HIDING HABITS BILK JACKETS This will bn the sale event of a lifetime. Don't miss It and tell your neighbors. Starting Saturday, August 11. S. Fredrick Bergcr & Co. The New Cloak Shop. Authorities on Styles. 1517 Farnnm SL, Omaha. the elevator at Dlller to the extent of S.otiO bushels by raising the roof ten feet The hopper scales, which- recently gave way, are being replaced. BEATRICE As the Christian church peo ple of this city are without a place to worship, because they are at present en gagpri in building a new edifice, they will hold aervlces at the clmutauqua , grounds., br.'th morning and evening. 8rRACr8E--The residence of George Wolfe waa partially destroyed toy fire Fri day night. The damage by smoke and water will make the total loss about lt00. The building wa. Insured. .The tire orig inated from a defective flue. GP.AND ISLAND Milton Hunt, a switch man In the local yards of the I'nlon Pa eltm, was struck In the face by S project ing board while, his train wfta In motion, ami the fat.'- was considerably cut' ami brulacd, but the Injuries are not' 'serious. BEATRICE A "Peeping Tom" Visited the home of C. W. Hottenateln Friday night and bndly frightened Mrs. Hottenweln, wno waa Just getting ready to retire when sue saw a man peering through the window at her. The' pollco were notllled,' but the "peeper" escaped. W EST - POINT The Cuming county teachers' Institute will hold its annual ses sion at Wiener from August w to ii. The teaching corps will be i'rof. Stahl, county superintendent; MUs Lertha Knoll, . Miss Lulu Ianouetle, I'rof. W. T. Stockdale and Prof. R. M. Campbell. GENEVA Several thousand people at tended, the Woodman picnic which was a decided succexs. Superior and Button played ball resulting in a victory for -Button by 4 to- i. The water llgtit- between the Hebron and Geneva fire companies- was won by the home team." The aay wound up by a daiice In the new hall. BEATRICkV Mrs. Purney. who was re cently deserted by her husband, at ' V y mvre, is lying seriously 111 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Evun Ellis in thi. city, where charitably inclined resident, ot Beatrice are contributing to ber wants. Her three children have been adopted anu piaced in good home. In thi. city.. PAWNEti CITY H. H. Hawkins, a bunl- Iieas man of Dubois, met With a serlou. ac- cloent in Ills office, yesterday. A. h was carrying ome broken glass the telephone rang and. turning his nead toward it, he wulacd toward tne door and atruck 'lis wall, driving a Jagged piece of glas. Into bis abdomen, cauaing a deep and painful wound. BEATRICE T. . P. Thomas of " Dubois, Neb., who visited Beatrice Friday In search of his runaway wife, was unable to locate her. He alleges that sne ie:t nome tne Hist of the eek, taking with her some of his hard-earned cash. He traced his truant wife to Bt. Joseph, but there lost track of her. Turner Is proprietor of a restaurant at Dubois. NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. Anns B. Strobl was found not guilty- this afternoon la CO . i.rtv r.,..r, nt ! rii.rr, nf HelllDK liauor a i i,... niu,. nt kii,u.i, nn Hnndavi. The Htr.ihlA rn was one of ' three cases filed on July V alleging vlolatlobs of the liquor law un the previous Sunday. Th remain- lng cases will be tried In the county court at once. GRAND ISLAND Dr. McNafly. govern- ment Inspector, cotidemnea twelve wriunui of lamlm at the atock yards. Th lambs nPA oAiii- h hIi The shlDment I was from Reno, Colo., ana wb connigm-u , to Swift and Co., Chicago and Omaha. Th , shli.iueiit was cut out and the laiiio dipped , In the required "dip" and will be ready for shipment ui a few days. FALU CITY County Judge Gsgnon haa , bound over to the district court Charles 11. i A they, cuaiged by Fannie B. Athey. who-; Uvea near 6nubei t, with deaertlng her and . their four children last February and since then refusing to support them. . Bb filed, . her complaint July & and the case waa ! heard for the first time August 10. The de- ' fendant was released upon giving a bond. WEST POINT Charles R Kuhle and Miss Amy A. Reed were united in marriage at the home of the bride parents, Rev. William Pearson onVlatmg. The groom Is the foreman of the printing office of the Nebraska Volksblatt of West Point and the bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Reed, of Lyons. The young peopl will be at home at West Point after Beptem- ; ber 1. ' ' ! PLATTSMOUTH Much excitement was cuused by. ..the Uinllng of a large black snake, two feel and eleven Inches In length, curled up on th floor Just inside the front door of the Cigar store of Julius Pepper h.ig in. this city Saturday afternoon. How the reptile gained enterence lo the build ing Is not known, but It occupied the most cunxph'uoua position In th store to enjoy . a nap. - a ' 1 ASHLAND The state naherles located a few miles fast of Ashland ou the l'lallw have lately been preaenled with two i-uii-lpptne docks by a returned soldier. These uui'k ar white, with red head, that .r topknotled. They ar weo-iooteu, mil neer go near the water, being strictly land birds. They do not quack as do ordinary ducks, but make a noise Ilk th his of a I aooS I WEST POlM-Ben.sJmln Schlecht, a ""H known uung farmer living north of . est Point waa united In Dodge, to MIks Hosa Hronek. of that piac. L athollc church, performed th ceremony. !TI. youns T couple 111 go to housekeeping t I. nmeuiatelv on the fa'm of th groom. jukt purchased by him, two miles north of th city. WEST POINT William A. Mewls and Mlsa L-ji.lly i. Jariett were married at the . . . ....... ..... . . .. l. iK i , r iril I.uilieiaii tllHIVII III ' rtlisric, i t'al . last week. The brkle 1 th daughter , of Harry Jarrett, a pioneer farmer of Cum- lng county, and the groom has been for many ra the foreman of ttie Democrat office in vVet Point. . The couple will con tinue to rtde In Lo Angeles, a her in groom Is in bualnttis. ASHLAND Bids for Hie construction of 4 a n w hfty-six fot standplpe In Earn' Ashland have Ijeen ndvertiseii by the i it y council. 'I n oouik II lias also piuvid-d lor ' th maintenance of twenty new e.-ctrc 1 street lights and iia uiade provision (ur the care and maintenance of the pew city park and th new public library.--Th city . Board of Education t making eieni.iv Improvement In th high school building. PIERCE Frd Ho hi. who wss srrtd lomi tlm ago for breaking window gla frnnll In I h villas of Osmond Ji4 also of stealing Or arms and kuiv from Ui te i riMS-3 CI Extraordinary all Merchandise Irft over from Clearance SaJe 13 the LUnnsr Da.y. nnd miss this sale. I'nuaually big Silk Suits, all colors and styles, worth up to $40.00. O CIQ at ..J.JV $45 Fur Jackets, box fyf flfi or blouse effects, atlYsJO Near Seal Jackets, fancy lin ings, $60.00 values, 2, ( One Beaver Jacket, a $125.00 coat, to the first j rt comer, at ., O ,JU One Imported Siberian Squirrel Jacket, worth '78,y Fall Suits, new models, exclu sive styles, worth 7 Pft $35.00, at I .Oil 'V.r Nor k Fear's nnd Muffs of all kinds at unheard-of reductions. We Have Not Room to Tricar (OVKhT JACKETS wash criTS EVENING AND PARTY OOWXS I'RLNC'ESfl GOWNS OFKRA WRAPS Hll.K WAISI'd WASH WAISTS CRAVEN ETTE9 FALL-WEIGHT PETER THOMPSONS. 3 EZT71 CZZ3 C hardware store of II. J. Billerbeck. had his preliminary before County Judge Kelley today and was bound over to the dlBlrlct court In the sum of a(XV His brother. Will Hon, wa th complaining witness. Comity Attorney Van Wagenen appeared for the state end Douglas Cones for the defense. ASHLAND The venerable Father C. i Hackney on Saturday celebrated hi. 9Jd birthday. Although lie has grown quite feeble during the last'he mill wnik Irom his home to the postofllce almost every day. Hi wife Is about six years his Junior. If they both live until Septem ber 11 they will celebrate the seventh-th anniversary .of their marriage, being lh oldest couple In Saunders county. Father liackney holds the distinction of being tlnv oldest living? Mason in the state of Nt-. braska. , ,. BEATRICE Yesterday morning a sUanger registered at the ' Heatrire Tio'use as E. Newell of Omaha.' lie ordered a' double room, stating that he wa. on of a.' oartv 01 tour canvauaers and thnt the nthnr plan i ior ine room, ana aunng tne noon hour he rifled the rooms cf the guest, and. secured a considerable amount of -Jewelry-and small amount of money. The robbery was not discovered tintll late In the il-1 rnoOn, and then It wa. learned that the thief had left the city on a Rock Island train, which leave, the city abpuf 2 o'clock, it was a clever confidence gums,' - well" played.'- ' .. .- ' , FALLS CrTY-Frlday evening AboYorir and Mis. Edna Spencer Arove about eight, miles south of Fall. City to the home t-t 3. A. Htirger and were Mttlng 'in ; their buggy -conversing with- Mtm ftlanrh Burger when their hoie. became trlghtened. . at the appearance of a steam thresher and ttiilrled so suddenly that the occupants of the buggy were thrown nut. Miss Burger, who wa. standing soar th buggy waa also thrown, to the . ground and seriously In jured.. She has not 'yet regained con HriotiBnrsa. ' Miss Spehcei- leaped without Injury and Mr. Voder only .lightly hrulsed. -- The horse la . .. e animal ! .'using to G. E. Hall of t. . city. It was uninjured b;- its fright but the buggy wa .considerably broken un. pr.ATTSMOI'TH The annual Cass county teachers' Institute will bo held. In tm hl(rh B,.nool i,lldlng. Weeping Water, banning Monday, August 10. Tor onn w.ek. The Instructors will b Iean Charle , Fordyce of L-nVorilIly riace. Superli:,- . t.ndent C. Fulmer of Beatrice and Ml ' Margaret Farley of Lincoln, who are amm: i the trading- Institute instructor. In tin state. Monday evening a reception will be given to the teachers and friends In the Congregational church: County Superin tendent J. W. Gamble has secured the fol lowing named able lecturers for the oc casion: . Dean Fordyce. State Superin tendent J. L. McBrlen. Prof. N. "W. Gaines and George L. McNott, the "Dinner Pall Man," from Chicago. . A large choir of the beat musical talent in thin county bus '. been secured and the Institute promts to be one of the best ever held in this ! county. . .... i ' . , Joseph F. Descher of Lincoln haa filed bis application for voluntary bankruptcy In 1 tne United 'States district court, lie Is a traveling man and confesses to W.W6.8S i la bllltias, but is shy of any assets. An "Aromatic' Smoke We don't have to define tht , word. : Smoke an ' - ' OPTIMO cigar and you'll realize t and appreciate all that it means. ' A. 8ANTACLLAA CO., Mkr, Tampa, Fla. IVreitr A Moore Co, lHxtt-lbulers, tintaha and Counoll ItlufTs. i f m Don'l Wail! Have your OVKUIXMT cleaned ant presaed for (anil tf4j AA tJis Utktt) T. .'. sjl.UU On Monday aud Tuesday Only. 16th St Dye Works, 111 Nsrlk Itlh Stmt TU Bouglaa-IST. Mlgy ORDERS SOUCrTTD. II 1