Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 19

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SCH ELL Mm. Marl J, August 10. 1908,
a )rl 7 months 7 days, beloved
wife of John Prhfll.
Funml from family residence, 22 South
Boulevard, H imU) afternoon at 1 -30 o'clock.
Interment Kamt Lawn cemetery. Friends
Great Western Granite Co. Dourlas 871.
I.. HENDERSON. H18 Farnam. Tel. Dong.
127.8. ' 750
Advertise. Advertise.
If you are seeking capital, have securi
ties, real estate, mining claims, farm or a
business to sell, or desire good agents and
salesmen. In fact, anything to advertise,
For JMO 1 Will' Insert
One time a 25-word classified adv., either
tinder Agent, For Bale. Business Chances
pr under Business personal heading, in
the ,
Bostoa Herald,
Phi. No. American,
Chicago Inter Ocean,
trrai'UM HerM,
Plttaburs ni.B.i.h.
Indianapolis Nnri,
Omaha B.a,
Duflalo Courier,
Rochreter D A Cbroi.
Prnvloenc Trlbun,
few Haven Leader,
Cleveland Plain Ilr.
St. Loula 4Jlob-lem., Ilea Mnines H. & Leader,
waaningion post, Denver Republican,
Milwaukee Free frost, San Fran. Chronicle.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Atlanta, ConaUtulloa,
MlnneapoMe Tribune. I'ailal Newa,
Detroit rre Preae, Kaoeaa City Journal.
Coat for each additional 7 words, $2.50 for
the entire combination. This splendid com
bination reaches over I.ijw.umo Domes.
Rudolph Ouenther,
108 Fulton St, New York.
Write for Combination Offers, Magazine
References: Any of the above papers.
Patents Secured or Fee Returned.
Bend model or sketch for free opinion as to
patentability. Bend for Illustrated Guide
Hook. Contains 100 mechanical move
ents advertised free In World's Progruss
r. Attorneys,
688 F St. Washington. D. C.
. Y
IN ESTORS The twentieth century oppor
tunity; big, cleun, honorable proposition;
aw interested; no experiment; sure win
ner; excursions semi-monthly ; ground
floor price; illustrated monthly paper free.
VVrlte today. Win. W. Wonser. Bee' v.,
Rockford, 111. Y 700 12x
Pensauken brick at 2,'U-; U. 8. graphite, 74c;
pine lawn, $7 25. WE WILL SELL A lax
Bullfrog 4e; Traver Circle Swing $75;
Treadwell $4.00; Corona Mining, bid; De
Forest combined 13. To. Get our free Hat.
II. J. Travis oi Co., 62 Broadway, New
York. Y 701 12x
1 PER CENT annually on preferred stock
of Baron Mills Coffee Co; limited amount
for sale at 111 per share. Baron Mills Co.,
104 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Y-702 12x
TV t 1 f f . v v j f-v j-v ft v ft.
PAY for It by monthly payments. No
money required until house Is ready for
occupancy. Agenta wanted In every town
In Nebraska. Call or write for particu
lars. W. G. Templeton, Mgr. for -Neb.
Bee Bldg., Omaha. Y M811
WANTED Architects, engineers and
superintendents of construction of rail
roads, smelters, packing houses and
rower plants, to see and learn some
hlng of Interest. 817 So. 12th. Open
evenings. Y M783 16x
WETMORE detective service; 'phone Red
7401. Rooms 13 and 14, Union 61k.. 15th
and Farnam. 571 SHx
J. M. Macfarland, 809 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel.
Doug, 6ssi. TS
PATTERNS cut to measure, McDowell
system of drcsamuklng taught. Ii523 Far
nam. M536 87
BUY plumbing supplies dlrsct Wholesale
prices. Save on every article. Only first
class goods handled. Prompt attention
to every order. Send for catalogue. B. F.
Karol, 235 Harrison St., Chicago, 111.
Cotton Mniket.
NEW YORK, Aug. ll.-COTTON-Spot.
middling, lo.6,c; middling gulf, lo.oic;
sales, 80 bales. .
ST. LOUIS. Aug. Il.-COTTON-Steady;
middling, loc; sales, none; receipts, none;
shipments. biV bales: stock, TM bales.
LIVERPOOL, Aug. ll.-COTTON-flpot.
quiet: prices 8 points higher: American
middling fair, Jlbd: good middling. 6-sd:
I r l 1 1 I E VJ. I .111 - . .
niiuuiiiia, o. I'm, iiw iiuaniinK, o.tmi; gooa
f ordinary, 6S4d; ordinary, 6.10d. The aalos
of the day were 4.000 bales, of which 400
i were for speculation and export, and In-
eluded 8,500 American. Receipts were 1. 000
bales, no American.
Spot, quiet; sales, 150 bales; low ordinary.
18-16c, nominal: ordlmrv. 7M6o; srni(
ordinary. fcSc: low middling, 9 1-lc; mid
dling, 10 5-lSo; good middling. 1013-16c; mid
dling fair, 11 S-lc. nominal; fair, 11 1I-1V,
nominal; receipts, W, bales; stock, 31,011
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Aug 11 COFFEE-Market
for futures opened steady at an advan"e of
8(310 points In svmnathv with better Euro
pean cables than were expect 'd. Trading
was quiet, no sales whatever bi-lng reported
on tne opening cull, while later business re
flected no cluinre In the reneral nttitnde
toward the market and p.'thlng new In the
valorisation situation. The close was steady
at unchanged prices to nn advance cf 10
v. pts. Sales were reported of 40.760 bags.
, Trluding S-pteinber at .'.ififi7.00o. Derein
brr at 710c, January at 7 IOc. March at
T30c, May at 7.40fii745c and Jnlv at 7.i0c.
Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, Sc.
Metal Market.
metal markets were nulet ai usual on
Saturday In the absence of London rabies
and no quotable charge wae reported.
'r Tin was quoted at $40 609 40.65. Ijiko
, copper is h'M at $1 2Vs' T5;
$18 87 HH,18 50; casting. $'.0r
ISIS. Lend wae iihehaesed, at $'7S. '
spelter at $00ff 8.10. Iron was reported
In good demand with prices lilglwr at
81900UIS25 for No. 1 foundry northr-
and $H.00U.60 for No. : foundry south
Wool Market.
8T LOrtS. Aur. II. WOOL Market
steady; medium grades e"-hlng snd cloth
Ine. 2Sti?b; light 1R'.T2!c; heavy fine.
14W17C: ttih washed, Si'ifT."'.
LONDON. Aug ll. WOOL The wool
market during the week ru!'d steidy. Ar
rivals for the net s.Tles nomter 63 fifl
bales, 1ieludlng ?1 ,'V) frwsrled direct.
The Imports fwr trt week were hi fil
loms: New South Wales. 1701 be'es: Vic
toria, 100 helee; New Zealand. 400 bales;
various, lZ.OOO bales
NEW YOPK. Aog. 11 SI "GAR Raw.
firm; fair reflninar. Sc: centrifugal, S test,
ta. Molasses suerar, 8 I-KIJ4.V Refined.
V steady: No. 4Sr; No 7 4 25c: No. i,
4: No. . 4 1tc; No. 10. 41; No. 11. 4 (He;
A No. 1!. 4.00c: No IS. 3iV: No. 14. 8fc: ron.
feotl.iners' A. 4 v mould . R.?5e- cut loaf.
6c: crushed, 8 6Cc: powdered, .00c; granu
late 4 ac: cuboe. 5 15c.
MOTA8PFJi--eudv; N.w Orleans open
get. 1. r.,4 choice, JoiKSc,
BYRt'P-i&aJoc, .
Wheat Mors Aoti for $ While at
HieW Prioss,
Inglls Bays Custlai Orals Short la
liaentity ul daalltr of Last
Year's Yield Cra Recovers
frosa Oovernsnent Report.
OMAHA. Aug. 11. 1806.
Trade In all grains was brisk for a few
minutes after the opening, but dwindled to
very small proportions In a very snort
time. After the opening dip tn wheat
market steadied on local buying. Tne
sentiment was helped by the Jones report
allowing winter wneat yield of 436.uov,,mJ
bushels and spring wheat ul,Oo0,o00 busheia,
or a total of M.uoo.OuO bushels short o( the
rovernment figures of yesteiday. The
nglls report on the Canadian outlook was
less optimistic than soma of the prior
ones. Some hesitation Is evident at this
level and bears are less aggressive. 1 he '
foreigners are Inclined to view the situa
tion with considerable confidence, believing
that all the wheat will be selling that Is
nocessury. , Good authorities say that the
receipts In Russia are poor in both quality
and quantity, and the crop Is believed to
be short.
Corn Tho government report was given
a bearish construction, but the market -covered
from the opening break. Sboits
were good buyers and May was taken mod
erately for long account. The light re
ceipts and country acceptances continue to
firm the September. Prices eased oft again
at the close.
Primary wheat receipts were ill, 000 bush
els and shipments l,6b3,(M0 bushels, against
receipts last year ot 777,000 bushels and
shipments of 662,000 bushels. Corn receipts
were 344.000 buaheis and shipments 6o7,ouO
bushels, against receipts last year of I-'S.OOO
bushels and shipments oi 812,000 bushels.
Clearances were 74,u0o nus:ie;s wheal, 13,167
barrels flour, 68,000 bushels corn and 0,UW
bushels oats.
Liverpool closed V5Sd lower on wheat
and unchanged on corn.
Broomhall estimates world's wheat ship
ments for Monday at 7,200,000 bu., against
8,640,000 bu. last week and 7,560.000 bu. last
John Inglla makes this statement on the
Canadian wheat crop: "I have not made so
close and critical examination of Canadian
northwest as of the states, having covered
only 700 miles. I confined observations
more to the important sections where acre
age Is large. The crop will be a good gen
eral average, but falls short both In quality
and quantity of last year's heavy yield.
Taking the liberal increase in acreage over
last year, final results will probably ex
ceed last year's totals."
Local range ot options:
Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y
Wheat- j 1 r i
Sept... I 644AI 654AI 4AI &AI 6EViB
Dec....) 67HAI 67;B 674A 674 B 67A
Corn- I I I I I
Sept...! 464AI 454BI 464 Al 46A 46B
Dec... I 40A 40A1 39A S94A 40'iA
A asked. B bid.
Omaha Cash Sales.
CORN No. 8, 1 car, 46 He.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 66Hc; No. t
hard, 64tf66e; No. 4 hard, 6264c; No. 8
spring, 65c.
CORN No. 8, 45K45ttc; No. 4. 44o;
No. 8 yellow, 45 4c; No. 3 white. 4b Ho.
OATS No. 3 mixed, 30c; No. 8 white,
SO 4i SOc; No. 4 white, 30o.
Rye No. 2, 61 4c; No. 3, 60c.
Carlot Receipts,
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 83 101 176
Kansas City 141 84 8
Minneapolis Ill .. ..
Omaha git 107 11
Duluth 10
Bt. Louis 103 106 63
Features of tha Tradlngr and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade,
CHICAGO. Aug. 11. A private crop re
port which showed a decrease In the total
yield of wheat In the United States as com
pared with official statistics was partly re
sponsible for moderate strength today In
the local wheat market. At the close
wheat for September delivery was up Ho.
Provisions ware 67Ha higher to 12Vc
"Strength In the wheat market developed
late In the day. During the first part of
the session, sentiment In the pit was baar
lMh, weak cables, clear weather and lower
prices at Minneapolis having t, depressing
effect. A leading commission house was
the principal seller. For a time trading
was Inclined to drag owing to lack of de
mand. Ijvter, however, buying became
more active, cash houses being quite lib
eral purchasers. A Joint report made by
two well known crop experts' was an In
fluential factor In creating the firmer feel
ing. According to these authorities the
total yield of spring wheat en Minnesota
and the Dakota Is about 24.000,000 buaheis
less than the amount estimated by govern
ment officials. Another factor was con
stantly decreasing receipts at all primary
points, total arrivals for the week show
ing a fall off of 25 per cent compared with
the total movement of the preceding week.
The market closed firm with prices at the
highest point of the day. September opened
'o to Wo lower at 71c to 71To, sold off to
TlWllac. and then advanced to 72,e. The
cross was at 72c. Clearances of wheat and
flour were equal to 623 2.SA bushels. Pri
mary receipts were 1.478,355 buaheis, com
pared with 858,656 bushels for the corres
ponding time a yeir ago. Minneapolis,
Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of
4S3 cars against 645 cars last week and
800 cars a year ago.
Favorable weather for the growing crop
caused an easier tone In the corn market
eanjr in me aay. urrenngs. however,
were not large. Active demand by com
mission houses resulted In a firmer tun.
The buying was due to a large extent to
light stocks of contract corn in Chicago
and to a practical absence of acceptance
of bids sent out by cash houses. The mar-
kc ciosm nrro. September opened un
changed to He lower at 4!4c to Khio, sold
between 49c and 4a Ho and closed at 4:14c.
Local receipts were 101 car with 47 of con
tract grade.
Oats were firm on buvlnar hv rash hnn.ix
The strength today was largely an after
math of the government report published
yesterday. September oDened unchanged
to We lower at 80Tc to 31c. sold between
SOVQGOe and 314o and closed at 31Hc Lo-
vo.i 101-eipia were iio cars.
Provisions were weak hneana. Af m iAm
decline In the prtee of live hoge. In ed-
uiuon ine mantel was beaMshly affected
by decreased shipments of h mnnnf...
tured products. At the close September
7,7 wm? X" 00 at eitt-oo. iara was down
.V. ,we at $8.65. Ribs were UHo lower at
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat
V".v tirtpVU.
The leading future ranged as follows:
Article's,! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
TUklfif, 72V.
72 73
:Ji!.l 75 I ,441
"TflT '"' . '- 11
4D4Ki 44
494! 494
"VU V 45
. 444
46H 40-),
8-4' 8::VUV!jai,rWuVfcjaJ4
18 85 1$ 85 I 13 93
13 7741 U 7V4 U 87
8 624
8 65 I 8 7?4
t 86
8 66 8 6-4
8 674,
7 374.
8 674;
8 774
No 3.
Cash quotations were as fo'lows:
FLOUR Steady, winter patents, iS.s0O3.6S;
straights, a.itf4jJ.4it; spring patents, 82.8' 4
3.90; strnlithts, J3KJ56; bakers,
i EAT No. 3 spring. 7lnU4c; No. 3 red.
71 ' iihc
CORN No. J, 604c; No. 3 yellow, 811tf
OATS No. f. Slie: No. 1 white M'
! No. 8 white. 314l8ic
111 r; .-so. 3, &bc.
BAHLE Y Good feeding. 874538c; fair to
choice malting, 4:"C4i:c.
SEKDS-No. 1 llax. 31.07; No. 1 northwest
em. $1.10.
PROVISIONS hort ribs sbtes (loose).
$8 Mji8 9u. Mesa pork, per bbl , $ 4 g74. Lrd
per lit Ihs., JS.63. Short clear sldrs (boxed).
Receipts and shipments of flour and grain
were as follows:
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls tl.0 11 7"0
Wheat, bu 384 :.U0
Corn, bu M.80O 14S.S-J0
Oats, bu t0.fc"0 63 JuO
Rye. ba t 8.0i)
Barley, bu 6.600 ltM
On the Produce exchange today the butter
844 J'Ha
18 85 14 85
18 80 I 13 80
8 6741 74
8 76 8 76
IM 8 60
8 00 8 00
$ 90 8 90
8'.5 8 76
7 4i4) 7 424
market was steady; creameries, 1783c;
dairies, 16419c. Kggs, steady: at mark
rases lnrluded, 14tiw; frfts, 164c; prime
firsts, ISC; extras, 2vc. Cheese, firm. 11 4
(notations of the Day oa Tarloas
NEW YORK, Aug. ll.-FLOCR-Recelpts,
13.564 bbls.; exports, 34.419 bbls.; market
quiet and lower to sell. Minnesota patents,
84.264H Do; Minnesota bakers, $3.4Mt4.8u;
winter patents, $3 26 ; winter straights,
8S.6oVr3.80; winter extras, $2 S.Vug.30; winter
low grades, $J.7f.(i IJn. Rye flour,' dull: talr
to good, 83.2uSg8.T8; choice to fancy, 83.f-J
84 00.
t'ORNMKAL Steady : fine white and yel
low. 81 ZO 1.26; coarse, $1.10il.l2; kiln dried,
$2 SVj'-' 90.
WHEAT Receipts, 112,500 bu; spot mar
ket steady: No. 2 red, 774c, elevator; No. 3
red, 7940, f. o. b, afloat; No. 3 hard winter,
8040, f. o. b., afloat. From early weakness,
due to fine weather In the northwest and
a break at Minneapolis, wheat rallied to
wards noon with corn and closed 4c higner.
May, 83 16-ltVa4Sc closed at Septem
ber. 78 18-ltVaT, 3-16C. closed at 794c; De
cember, 81 7-lbV&8l4c, closed at 814c
COKN Receipts, 43.9,6 bu.; exports, s.iio
bu. ; spot market steady; No. 2, 68c, eleva
tor, and 674c, f. o. b.. afloat; No. $ yellow.
61c; No. 8 white, 62c. Option market was
quiet, but steadier on foreign Duying ana
closed partly 4c net higher. September
closed at 664c; December, 63S'S63,c, closed
at 634c.
OAT3 Recelots. 118.100 bu .: exports. 19,
486 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 36
to 82 pounds, 30 ; Natural white, 30 to 83
pounds, 3ay3o; clipped white, 38 to 40
pounds, 42S44c.
HAY Uulet: shipping. 6&376c; good to
choice, 95c&$1.06
HOPS steady; state, common 10 cnoice,
1906, 10fc'17c; 1904, nominal; olds, nominal;
Paclilc coast, 1906, liqjisc; laoi, uc; oias,
HIDES Firm: Galveston. 20 to 26 pounds.
20c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 21c; Texae
dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 19c.
LfiA 1 HfciN steady; acio, ib'ijz.wc.
PROVISIONS Beef, aulet: family. $10.00
'11.00; mess, $8.0Onl86O; beef hams, $21.0lrtf
a.6o; packet, $9 OortflO.00; city extra India
mess, $15.60iS'l.60. "Cut meats, steady;
pickled? bellies. $11.2613.00; pickled shoulder,
$8&0tg8.75; pickled hams, $12.0irai2.60. Lard,
barely steady; western prime. . ib'fle.Bn;
refined, steady; continent, $9.25; South
America, $10.00; compound, 7.124'g1.374o.
Pork harelv steady: family. $19 HXfl 19 50;
short clear, $17.0O& 19.00: mess, $18.25 18.75.
TALLOW Steady ; city ($2 per pkg.), $5;
country (pkgs. free), 4,gt4c.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
34iitiVc; Ja-pan, nominal.
I-il'TTirn Firm Street Drlec: Extra
creamery, 22Va224c. Official prices: Cream
ery, common to extra. 14194c; renovated,
common to extra, 134819c; wesitfrn factory,
common to extra, 13414174c; westorn iml-
tatl-n 'tearnrv, extras. lc; nrcts, iiyiia.
CHEESE Steady; state full cream, large
fsncy, 114c; state fair to good, llllVac;
state, small fancy, lJVvc; stuie tair iu
good, 104'&llc; sute. Inferior, PiJlOc.
, . . . . ' . . , . . tnlA D.nn.ull.unlo
nearby fancy selected white, 24tT-6c; state
choice, 2225c; state mixed extra, la'ylMc;
western firsts, 18a184c; western seconds,
POULTRY Alive, nominally unchanged;
dressed, steady; western chickens, 14c; tur
keys, 12c; fowls, 1340.
St. Lonls General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 11. WHEAT Higher;
No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 70u: track. VjWJ
704o; September, 64c; December, 72c; iso.
8 hard, bVnttc.
CORN Weak: No. 2 cash, 49c; track, 501
604c; September, 474c; December, 42-ic
OATS Firm; No. 8 cash, 31c; track, 323
$24c nominal; September. 314c; December,
824c; No. 3 white. SKSSlc.
FLOUR Steady. Red winter patents
$4.354.50; extra fancy and straight. $3,750
4.30; clear, .u'UJ.iai.
SEED Timothy, steady, $3.754.00.
COKNMEAL Steady, $2.60.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 737Rc.
HAY-Steady; timothy, $110(Xal6.6o; prai
rie, $8,004(12.50.
, BAGGING 8 I-16C.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing. $16.00.
Lard, lower; prime steam, $5.35. Dry
meats, steady; poxea extra snorts, i.'.wi,
clear ribs, $9 874; short clears, $10.00. Bacon,
steady; boxed txtra shorts, $10,374; clear
ribs. $10 624; short clear, $10.75.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 94c. springs,
134c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 94c; geese, 60.
BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 17(fl,a4o; dai
ries. 16&20C.
EGGS Steady; 14c, case count.
Receipts and shipments of flour and grain
were as follows: . ,
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, hble 7.000 7,000
Wheat, tou 102,600 16,000
Corn, bu 107,000 86.fj0
Oats, bu tW.000 6MW0
Minneapolis Grain Market.
First patents, $4.10(3 4.30; second patents,
$3. 956 4.05; first clears, $3.2oi3.3, sec
ond clears, $2.60 C 2.60.
BRAN $13,606 13.75.
(Superior Board of Trade quotations for
Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The
range of prices, as reported by F. D, Day
St Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, was:
Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y
Dec. . . .
7$4fik 77S5frr4
76477774 ' "64
!70Afr7l, 714
ion tim ti
7241 78 '244
I 12 1 12
1 11
1 W4
1 094
1 184
1 12
1 094
1 104
1 0941 1 094
1 0941 1 4
1 0V4
1 0941
1 ObHi
1 0b4i I 0841
1 064,
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1
hard, 764c; No. 1 northern, 754c; to arrive,
76c; No. 3 northern, 734c; to arrive, 734c;
No. 8 northern, 71(u714c; No. 1 durum, 6o4o;
No. 2 durum, 664c Corn: No. 3 yellow,
474c; No. 3, 47c; No. 3 white, 314c Oais:
No. 3, 294i304c Barley: M4'H4c Rye:
604&l4a. Flax: $1.09.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
tember, bo4c; December, 684c; May, IlUc;
cash, No. i hard, 6b4ij6i4c; No. 3, 't-nj)
6b4c; No. 2 red, 74c; No. 8, boH'otific.
- CORN September. 44c; December. 404c;
May, 4e4c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 46vL4ic;
No. 3, 4bc; No. 2 white, 4Vtf4fe4c; No. 3,
OATS-No. 1 white, S6c; No. I mixed.
81', 'u 34o. 1
EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas
firsts, ltic; seconds; 10c; extras, 184c
HAY 25ij)c higher; choice timothy, $10.00
10.50; choice prairie. 88.25.
RYE Steady; 68&t2c.
BUTTER Creamery, tic; packing, 144c
EGGS 184c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu. 141. OuO 1.26ti,0u0
Corn, bu M.ouo 142,0X4)
Oats, bu 8.0OO 20,000
Milwaukee Grata Market.
ket steady; No. 1 northern. 77 (a 79c; No. 1
northern, li'uTte; September, "Uo bid;
putB, 714c; calls, 72c asked.
RYE Steady; No. 1, btvj'aOc.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 65'b05c; sample,
OATS Steady; standard. Sorfj3c.
CORN Steady; No. 3 cash, 494&51c; Sep
tember; 494o; puts, 484c asked; calls, 4-4o
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
nominal; futures, quiet; September, 6s3d;
December, 6s 44d; March, nominal.
CORN Spot, quiety and steady; Amer
ican mixed, new, 4s7d; American mixed,
old, 4s 8d. Futures, quiet; September.
4s 7d; December, 4 741.
HOPS At Iondon (Paclflc coast), steady
at 3 5sd415s.
Peorla Market.
PEORIA, Aug. U.-CORN Finn; No. 3
yellow and No. 3, 61c; No. 4, 5oc; no grudo,
424 49c.
OATS-Qulet; No. 3 white. 3141 aic; No.
3 whlue, 31io314c: No. 4 white, ioijulc
RYE Strong. No. t U4c
Dalnth Grain Market.
DULUTH. Aug. 11 WHEAT To arrive,
No. 1 northern, i44c; No. X northern, 73c;
on track. No. 1 northern, 744o; No.
northern, 7J4c; Bepteuiber, 724c; May,
OATS On track, 31c; lo arrive, 31c; Au
gust, 304c.
Toledo Seed Murket.
TOLEDO. Aug 11. SEEilS Clover, cash.
87.16; October and December, $7,274. Tim
othy, 8.00. Alaike. $6.95.
Oil aad Roala.
NEW YORK, Aug. 11. OILS Cottonseed,
firm; prime crude, f. o. b. mills. fc4.yaoc;
prime yellow, 3S4c. Turpentine, easy, 6'V
fiti.'aC Petroleum, easy; refined. New
York, $7 ; Philadelphia, and Baltimore,
$: 55. In bulk. $4 46.
RoSIN Steady; strained, common to
good. $400474 li).
OIL CITY. Pa.. Aug. 11. OILS-Credlt
balances. $158. Shipments. 81.'9 bliU. ;
average. 62.1'V bbla Runs. 77,135 bbls.;
average, 82,553 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 6J,
57 bbls : average, S.10 bbla. Runs, Lin. a
i2.:ti bbls.; average. 85.141 bbls.
SAVANNAH. Oa., Aug. 11 OIIS Tur
pentine, firm. lac. Sales. i9 bhia.i re
oelpta, eii UiU-i ahipoteata, 3, Obi bbla,
Uarket it Actirt snd Dtoidedly TaTsrish
(. Durinc the Short Cession.
Hates for Money Are Rising; Because
of Demands tram Interior Points
Uold Is Expected from
NEW YORK. Aug. ll.-The stock market
was decidedly feverish during the short
session tiay and the small net changes on
the day give no Idea ot the activity in the
fluctuations or the large volume of the
transactions. The opening tone 4Vaa heavy
and the drive against Reading had some
depressing Influence. There was a moment
ary pause In the market also after the
appearance of the weak bank statement.
Again, at the vary last, after the most
active buying of the day, there was some
renewed reailxlng, which made the closing
tone Irregular.
The action of the Reading stock sug
gested a professional raid and It was sus
pected that this was tor the purpose of
enabling a large short Interest to cover.
The record of the dealings in Reading on
the tape showed very large Individual
transactions both on the drop and on the
recovery, which was cor.ipiole. Atchison
was the only lmportsni stock to show ag
gressive strength from the outset. The
record yield of winter wheat promised by
the government crop report and the heavy
corn yield promised added plausibility to
the rumors IS circulation of an Intended
Increase In the dividend of this stock.
There was very heavy absorption of Bt.
Paul and Harrlman system after the bank
statement. The effect of these operations
on the prices of the stocks concerned will
be seen to be moderate.
A decline of over 89,000,000 In the cash
reserves of the banks was much larger
than anticipated or than can be accounted
for by the known movements of money
this week and the discrepancy In Kt
week's statement, which failed to reflect
the loss Indicated by the known move
ments of several million dollars. The sur
plus reserve, which Is reduced to $3,371,625,
compares with $12,846,800 a year ago and
$57,731,475 two years ago. No doubt Is felt,
In view of the banking situation, the rising
rates for money and the movement of cash
toward the Interior, that gold will be with
drawn from London next week for New
York account. The confidence In this result
helped to sustain todny's market.
Total sales of bonds, par value, $820,000.
The following are the quotations on the
Stock exchange:
Sales. High. Law. Cleaa
Adams Express 1 tt
Amalgamate Copper 40.400 105S 101 1?H
American C. A F 100 Uit M4 SVi
Am. C. A F. pfd 100
American Cotton Oil 100 31 nyj 11
Am. Cotton Oil pfd 114
American Express 140
Am. H. aV L. pfd t4
American Ine.. eerurltlra.... 1,000 714 714 71
American mnveeu ooi......
Am. blnaeed Oil pfd 4014
American Loromotlre (00 W 484 1i
Am. Locomotive pfd Ill
American a. R 10.600 1SIH 1M4 1524
Am. . 4 R. pfd 1114
American Sugar Refining. ... (00 3'. 1S4 1S a
Am. Tobacco pfd ctra 100 100 100 lw
Anaconda Mining Co MOO I J1 IS1 1M4
Atchlaon 17.400 MS M 4
Ateblaon pfd 100 I00fc 100U. 100
Atlantic Coaat Line 100 141 1414 143
Baltimore A Ohio .r10 1M4 1M4 1!"
Pal. A Ohio pfd
Rrooklrn Rapid Tr 4.7 .0 TT4 74
Canadian Pacific 100 H'H 17 147 Vt
Central of New Jersey its
Central Leather 1.I0O 31 814 4
Central Leather pfd 101
Chceapcake A Ohio 1,100 41 404 (014
Chleaao Oreat Western 100 lS4a 11V 1"44
Chicago A Korthweatern.... 4.700 lots, 0B tout.
m.cago. mil a st. r 11,100 lie lust 1"
Chicago T. A T II
Chicago T. A T. pfd 17
C, ('.. C. A St. Loula II
Colorado Fuel A Iron 4.400 h 42 63
Colorado A Southern 00 17 II 87
Colo. A 80. let pfd 70
Colo. A 80. 2d pfd SI
Conanlldated Oaa 1,400 140 131 153
Cora Producta, rfg 100 1 1114 It
Corn Producta pfd 74
Delaware A HudMn -100 120 130 820
Delaware. L. A W too
Denver A Rio Orande 104 tt 41 43i
V. A R. O. pfd as
Dlatlller' Securities 100 40 to 40
Erie 8.400 4314 424 41
Brie lit pfd 74
Erie 2d pfd 100 TO T4 49
General Eleetrle 100 167 147 11
Oreat Northern pfd 104 24 14 ti
Hocking Valley, offered 124
IlllDola Central 100 ITS 176 176
International Paper 100 14 It II
Interborough Metropolitan.. 400 M lo IS
Interborough ilet. pfd ,., Tl
Int. Paper pfd 1544
International Pump 44
Int. Pump pfd 100 Si II It
Iowa Central 100 17 S7 14
Iowa Central pfd 100 114 II Si
Kansas City Southern IT
Kanaaa City 80. pfd 14
Louiavllle A Naabellle soo 144 14344 144
Mexican Central 100 10 104 to
Mluneapolla A St. Loula 4
M., Bt. P. A 8. 8. M 1S1
M., St. P A 8. 8. M. nfd. 10 178 171 171
klliaouri Pacific 1,700 tft 93 14
Mlaaoart, K. A T 100 14 1444 14
M., K. A T. pfd g
National Lead 7a
National R. R. of M. pfd It
New York Central 1,100 140 131 1SDV
New York. O. A W 510 474 47 47
Norfolk A Weiter n 8.100 It ig B3
Norfolk A W. pfd u
North American 94
Northern Pacific 100 lot 106 tui
Pennsylvania 35,100 1M 181 li6
People's Gas 91
P . I'.. ('. A St. L 100 II 11 1
Preeerd Steel Car 100 II II 1114
Preiard 8. C. pfd 7
Pullman Palaca Car t87
I'eadlng 187,100 111 lit ISO
Reading at pfd, offered gj
Heading 2d pfd, offered 3U
Republic ttteel g
Republic Sleel pfd a
Hock Iaiand Co 1,400 it 8SI4 24
Hock Iiland Co. pfd 41
Et. L. A 8. r. id pfd 100 41 41 43
8t. Loula 8outhweatera 14U
Bt. L. 8. W. pfd M
Sloee-Sheffleld Steel T8
southern Pacific II, KM T444 77 Te
80. Paclflc pfd .. inJ
Southern Railway 17,100 17 84 17
So. Railway pfd ,. gj
Tenneure Coal A Iron im
Texaa A Paclflc 12
Toledo, 8t. L. A W J7J
T., Bt. L. A W. pfd 47
I'nlon Paclflc jj.204 U.T44 16 157
I'nlon l'aclno pfd 100 46 14 14
I'nlted States Bxpreas m
tolled States Realty 74
j o.w nuuuw , ..... 44
V. S. Rubber pfd 200 107 10T nil
inneo States Steel 14,004 40 4 40V
l. 8. Sleel pfd 4,700 lv4 104 H6
va.-i.aroiina chemical 1714
Wabah i.Z
Whal. mfA ?
Wella-rargo Eipreea
Weetlughouae Electric ....
Western Union
Wheeling A Lake Erie
mscoBBin central jju
Ce,1,ni' PM 104 41 'it 4k
ioiai aaies lor Ui day. Ill, loo shares.
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON. Aug. ll.-Call loans. 34J44 per
cent; time loans. 6&64 per cent. Official
(losing on stocks and bonds:
Atcbleoa sdj. 4a....
do 4a
Mrx. Central 4a
do pfd
Boaton A Albany...
lloatoo Maine
Bvielon Elevated ...
Kitchburg pfd
Mexican Central ...
N. T.. N. II. A H.
Pars Marquette ...
. 46 lAllantle
. 71 ICal. A Hecla..
I4't'entennlal ....
.10C Copper Range .
i47Lialy Wait ....
U Oranby
.U7Iale Hoyale ...
. 20iMau. Mining .
lit Michigan
. 11 Mohawk
.lo7!Monl. a A C.
inioq fariflc
Amer. Arge. Chcm.... 13
old Dominion
no pie
Amer. Pneu. Tube.
t'ultcd Copper ..
U. 8. Mining....
U. 8. Oil
v ictoria
Amer. Sugar 144
do pfd
KJ ,
Amer. T AT
Amer. Woolen
do pfd
Edieon Klec.
kit. Eleclric
do pfd
Meal. Gae
I'mted fruit
United fhue Mach
iu pfd
V. 8. Steel
lw yvinona
7 wolverine
jv North Butte ....
404 'Huiie Coalllloa
Ion ! Nevada
60 pfd ...
Adventure ..
S l'al. A Arlione lus
iia. -ASktd
34,Tecuntaek ig
loljoreene Con 44
Boston Copper Market.
Closing quotations on Boston eopper mar
"rt.rt',ur,,'1 hv I-osan dt Uryan, 111 Hoard
of Trade building. Omaha:
Adventure 115 M,. hawk go
Al'ouea 45 Nevada Cor.eolldaled. II
Al'nllc 11 North Bull aiai
g'"!1'" ' "Id Dominion 40 i
Blaik Mountain Oaceola 104
Boettin t'onaolldaled. 25 1'nes. Service 11
Butte Coalition 1 do prvferrei
talumet A Arljona. l't Qulicy 44
t-aium.t A llecia liw bhannoa '.' g
Cenlenulal 1244 Tamarack 7
toiper Kauge 14 Trinity a
Du ly H4 Iniud Prult 110
East llr.te m Vmted Slatee. com.. 44
Prankllu 14 de preferred 44
Greene Copper i Itak Consolidate.... 44
2r,nbr 11 t tali Copper 14.
'" ..... .
lil Royal 18 'u,w. jV
18 tvn.eeia ....
Maaaacnaaetta -i 11 . ...
4iWoIverln 1 La
11 Superior A Pittsburg. IT
Exports and Imports.
NEW YORK. Aug. 11 Total lmr.r.
I merchandise aud dry goods at the port of
New Tork for the week ending today we.e
valued at 316.T7.t7.
Total Imports of specie were $13,814 silver
and $165,131 gold.
Total e ports of specie were $652,936 silver
and $7,000 gold.
7ew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 11 -MONK T On call,
nominal; no loans. Time loans, very
strong; sixty days, 44 per cent; ninety
days, 4Vu6 per cent; st months, 64 per
per cent.
$4 MoVuM 8475 for demand and at $4 819MS4.8J
for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4 81 and
$4.K6: commercial bills. $4 fl41i4.S24.
S1LVKH Bar, 6t4c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
yuotatlons on New fork bonds today
were as follows:
C. S. ref. ta. rag 104 japan 4s, M series... 44
4o coupon 1MI do 4a ctra
V. S. la, reg 104 do 4a ctfi M
so coupon I'M i da Id aerlee i
0. S. old
reg. ...103 I,. A N. unl. 4s 101
101 Man. e. 4a UI
4o coupon
1. 8. new 4a, reg
4o coupon
II Mex. Central 4. 74
.138 do 1st Inc II
. 77 'Minn A St. L M
11IIM . K. A T. 4e 44
.1011 edo I 17
Am Tobacco 4e...
do ta
Atchlsoa gen. 4a.
do ad) 4s
.. ; N. R. R et M. e. 4a. 84
Atlantic C. L. 4s HolN. T. C. g. Is....
tisi. m odio fa ivx,. j. v.. g. w.
. m
. 71
. 14
. l
. 9914
do la
No. Paclflo 4s....
Brk. R. T. e, 4a
do la
H. A W. e. 4s
Central ot Ga. Is Ill
do let Ine.
do 8d Inc.
14 O. 8. L. rfdg 4a.
10 Penn. oonv. 3a..
do Id Int....
... 87 iHeadlng ges. 4a .
Chee. A Ohio 4s...l07 St. L. A I. M. r. Sa..U4
Chicago A A. 3a.... 77 St. L. A 8. F. fg. 4a. 82
C, B.. A Q. n. 4a.... (8 St. L. 8. W. c. 4s... 74
C, R. 1. A P. 4l 77 Seaboard A. L. 4a.... 87
do col. le II go. Pacific 4e M
CCC. A St. U g 4e..l-; do let 4s ctfs M
eolo. tna. la, aer. A. 7 Bo. Railway Is 114
do aerlee B 74 Texas A P. Is Ill
Colorado Mid. 4a 71 ,T., Bt. L. A W. 4a.. U
Colo. A Bo. e,. 114 Union Pacific 4a 103
Cubs 4a 104 V. 8. Steel Id 4s. la
U. A R. O. 4s........ IO Wabaah la 116
Distillers Sec. la.... Slfei do deb. B 11
Erie p. I. 4a 101 Western Md. 4s 14
do gea. 4e S0i"W. m L. E. 4e M
Hocking VaJ. IWIa. Central 4a so
Japan la IM I a .
London Cloalna Stocks.
LONDON. Aug. 11. Closing quotationi
on the Stock exchange were:
Consols, money ... 84 1-14, M., K. A T
.. 14
.. II
.. 14
.. 48
.. 70
.. 44
.. 47
.. I
.. 78 4
.. 18
.. 41
.. II
.. 41
do sccount
88 l it
N. T. Central
Norfolk A V
do pfd
Ontario A W
Rand Minea
Southern Railway
do pfd
Southern Pacific ..
.'nlon Paclflo
do pfd
Anaconda ,
... It
... 16
... 44
... Ub
... 174.
... 44V.
... Ik
do sfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadian Paclflc .
Ches. A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W...,
C . M. A St. F...
Dc Beers
D. A R. O
do pfd ,
Erl ,
do 1st pfd ,
do id nfd
44 U. 8. Btoel
1 do pfd
Illinois Central 181
do pfd
Louisville A Naah....l48
SILVfc.R Har, tlrm, 30 6-lbd per ounce.
MONEY 2 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2 16-163 per cent; for
three months' bills, 3'3 1-16 per cent.
OMAHA, Aug. 11.
day were $1,314,3111
spending date last
Bank clearings for to
18 and for the corre
year $1,2M, 442.13.
1906. 1906.
,...$l,r,30, 162.67 $1,044,248.46
.... 1.69S. Ml. 35 l,422,4tLuu
.... l,68o,68.b9 1,862,416.04
.... 1,379.424.28 1.499, i'75.8i
.... 1,377,641.44 1,19706.17
.... 1,314,331.18 I.2M.442.13
Totals $8,8S9,0f.9.61 $8,197,850.26
Increase over the corresponding week last
year, $691,219.36.
New York Mining; Stocks.
NEW YORK. Aug. ll.-CIoslng quota
tions on mining stocks were:
Adams Cos 14 1 Utile Chief
. I
.. I
.. 11
.. 71
.. II
.. 10
... 10
Brunawlck Con ...
Ophtr '.
Sierra Nevada
timall Hopes ..
Comatock Tunnel
Con. Cal. A Va 14
Horn Sliver 14S
Iron Silver 400
Leadvlll Cos I
Condition of Trade and Unototlons oa
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EGGS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, 16c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 4ll0c; roost
ers, 6c; turkeys, 12313c; ducks, 7c; spring
chickens, 13614c per lb.
BUTTER Packing stock, 16c; choice
fancy dairy, 16ai6o; creamery, 210214c.
HAY Frlces quoted by Omaha Feed com
pany. Choice upland, $8.60; medium, $8.00;
coarse, $7.60(448.00. Rye straw, $7.00.
KAN Per ton, $16.00.
TOMATOES Home grown, per basket of
20 lbs., 60c.
WAX BEANS Per market basket of
about 15 lbs., 50c.
bu. OOc&tl.OO.
LKAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per doa.
heads, 20c.
CELERY Per dog., 80c
CUCUMBERS Home grown, per dog,
ONIONS Home grown, 24o per lb.
GREEN ONIONS-Per dog bunches, 20c
RADISHES Per dox. bunches. 15c.
POTATOES-Per bu.. 65c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.85; No. 3. $1.75.
LIMA BEANS Per lb., 54c.
GREEN PEPPER3-Per market basket,
ORANGES Valencia, all sizes, $5.50.
LEMONS Llnionlera, extra fancy, 240
size, $; 3u0 size. $7.75; 360 size, is. 00; other
brand, $1.00 less.
BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch,
$1.7s2.25; Jumbos. $2.5oj3.00.
PEACHES Yellow freestone, $1.10; Mis
souri, per 6-bosket crate; $1.00; California
Elbertus, per box, $1.00.
PLl MS California, $1.5001.75.
PEARS Bartlett, per box, I2.25-S2.60.
WATERMELONS Per lb.. 14c, or about
outpace eucn.
CANTELOl'PES Colorado and Arizona,
per crate ttuindard), $3.50; ponies, $50.
CUT MriAi' PKiCiiS.
No. I ribs, 12c; No. 2 ribs, loc; No. 3 ribs
8c; No. 1 loins, 164c; No. 2 loins. 124c; No.
3 loins, be; No. 1 dim k, 6vgc; No. i. chuck,
44c; No. 8 chuck, 34c; No. 1 round, 84c:
No. 3 round, 7c; No. 3 round, 3c; No. 1
plate, 8c; No. plate, 24c: No. 3 plate, 2c
CIDER Per fcuet. ter bbl., 16.75,
HONEY New, per 24 lbs.. $3.65.
CHEESE Swiss, new. 16c; Wisconsin
brick, 13al4c; Wisconsin Uinberger, 13c;
twins. 134c; young Americans, 15c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shells, new
crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb..
14c Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per
lb., 12o. Chill tvalnuta, per 1U, I24fl34c.
Almonds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c: rurd
shells, per lb., 15c. Cocoa outs, $4.00 per sack
of 100.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbls., $536:
Kanulated cane, In sacks, $5.31; granulated
et, in sacks, $5.21.
SYRUP In bbla., 37o per gal.; In cases,
$ 10-lb. cans, $1.70; cases, 11 6-11). cans, $1.80;
cases, 34 24-lb cans, $1.85.
COFFEE Roasted. No. 35, 2E4c per lb.;
No. 80, 204c per lb.; No. 26, 184c per lb. J No.
30. 164c per lb : No. 31. 124c per lb.
CURED FISH-Famlly whileflsh, per
quarter ddi., iw ioa., itii'i Norway mack
erel. No. 1. &S.00; No. 2, $J6.uo; No. 3, $2o.0u;
insn, ino. i, 11a iw; nernng, in tills., .t.ti ids.
each, Norway, 4k, $12.00; Norway, 3k, $13.00;
Holland, mixed, $U.o0; Holland herring. In
kegs, milkers, eoc: kegs, mixed. 70c.
CANNED GOODS -Corn, standard west
ern. bMiwc: Maine. $1.15. Tomatoes. 8 1b.
cans. $1.05'ul.4o; l-lb , 974Ca$1.0i). Pineap
ples, grated. 2-lb., $.'.0jfn2.r;0: sliced, $190
2.20: callon apples, faney, $3 00: Calif 01 nU
pricots, ei.ioxi-.w, 1 earn, i fD'yi w; peacnes,
fancy. $1.75iu2.4o: H C. peaches. li txyuL' 60.
Alaska salmon, red, $1.25; fancy Chinook, F.,
$2 10: fsncy sockeve. F.. $1 9t"i: sardines. .
oil, $2 60; 4 mustard. $2.rV 2 10. Sweet po
tatoes, ll l-fil w; sauerkraut, $100; pump
kins, KVifill.OO: wax beans. 2-lb., 751i9uc;
uma oeana, z-id., Tictoii. 35; spinach, 1185:
rhea ras, t-lb., 60c; extra, 7oti9tc; fancy,
Kansas City Live Slock Market.
ceipts, 8u0 hend. Including luo southerns.
Murket unchanged; choice export and
dressed beef steurs, $62rg6.15; fair to good,
$4.0ld6.25; western fed steers, $2 V"i-o.oU;
Blockers and feeders. It t'y4 aii; southern
steers. $2.7&y4fo; southern cowx. $i'O0'(i3 l6:
native cows, $2 ut1i 4. Ui : native heifers. J3.0)
4J5 25; bulls, $2.Uru3.fO; calves, $2 00. Re
ceipts for the week. 41,000 head.
HoOS Receipts. S.&iO head. Market was
10c lower; top, in.lo; bulk of s.t! s. $s 9514
6.06; heavy. $5 .flt'&fl.a); packers, $5 95f 6:
lights. $0tKfi6.10: pigs, J0.tMj5.75. Receipts
for the week. M.200 head.
SHEEP AND LAM US-Receipt s, none.
The market was nominally steady. Lambs,
$4 0&&7.60; ewea and yearlings, $45u6ju;
western fed yearlings. f50fj00; western
fed sheep, HOlyi lE,, slot kers and f-ed rs.
$3 755.60. Receipts for the week, 15.0 0
Slons City Live Stork Market.
SIOUX CITT, Aug 11-tSpeclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. luO had; mar
ket steady; beeves $4Xfiflo; cows, bulla
and mixed. $- 5ol50; stockers and feeders.
ti '""fW 00; calves and yearllrgs. $2 TBiiJ.hS.
HOtiS Receipts. 4 8'""' head: market 1J&
16c lower, selling at l6.eVJ6.vU, balk ul galea
Csttls (tew Deoided ImproTmn fsi
the Week.
Sheen Free Sellers All tke Week,
veith Prices Gradually Tending
I pevard Lambs Steady
to F.asler.
SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 11, 1908,
Receipts were:
Cattle. Hoc a.
18. 2M
Official Monday....
Official Tuesday ..
Official Wednesday
Official Thursday .
Official Friday ....
Official Saturdsy .
, 3.795
3 lN
10. 66
This week 14 ill
48 .302
Last week 18.940
Two weeks aro 17 4.-A
Three weeks ago 15.078
Four weeks ago 15.2M
Same week last year. ...16.167
The following table shows the receipts ot
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to da to, compared with last year;
19UA. It Ino.
Cattle 666.448 818.015 47,428
Hog 1.734.241 1,63.613 152.V-'
Sheep 827,064 690,322 36,7X1
The following will show Ihs prices paid
for the different kinds of cattle on the
South Omaha market:
uooa to choice corn-fed teers....$5.5oguo
Fair to good corn-fed steers 4.bS'u550
Common to fair corn-fed steers.. 44.S6
Good to choice cows s'nd heifers.. 8 604J 4 00
rulr to good cows and heifers.. l.ftotja.M
Common to fair cows and hellers.. 1.6iu2.60
Good to choice stockers & feeders. S.U"4j4 25
Fair to good Blockers and feeders.. 8.2oa3 60
Common to fair stockers 2.6iKii3.i6
Bulls, stags, etc 3.6ij3.50
Veal calves 3 76(416.75
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days with comparisons:
Date. I 1M. 11905. 11904. 11903. il902. 11901-11900.
8 ..
6 224! 5 62 4 841 4 99) I
214, 6 661 6 06 1 6 o-:f 7 31
5 75 6 061 6 04 7 32
6 791 5 IS
5 10
t 33
6 79 06
6 65 6 14
5 6.. 6 15
5 74, 4 04
6 76; 6 01
4 99
6 204
6 21
8 liv;
6 071 6 (si! 7 86
5 79 I 5 04 i 7 2
6 SI 8 11! 6 12
7 18
6 074
5 964,
6 84 6 071
5 Sol 5 02! 6 19
6 89 4 84 1 26
7 15
7 03
Cattle. Hogs.
. .$'.0iKij.00 $3.0OUj.074
i.noi no
Kansas City
Bt. Louis
Sioux City
6 7bUi.25
The nffti-lal mimha.
of cars
of stock
broinrht in Indav kiv narh rniul was
cattle, tiogs. nurses
O., AI. & St. 1'
Missouri Pacific
I, nlon Pncirtc svstem..
C. & N. W., eaitt
C. N. W.. weBt..
4.. Ht. P.. M. A O
C, B. A east
C, B. & y.. west
C, H. I. & P., oast
C, R. I. P.. west
Chicago Great Western..
Total receipts 17
The Disposition of the days receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Omaha Packing Co 1,3.4
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co...... 8,323
Armour & Co. 8.76
Total : 8.56S
CATTLE As was the case yesterday,
there were not enough cattle In sight to
day to moke a test ot values, but tne feel
ing was fully steady. The receipts this
week show very considerable falling off as
compared with the previous week and a
slight falling off as compared with a year
ago, as will be noted by examining the
table at the beginning of this column. At
usual at this season of the year, the supply
of native and cornfed cattle is steadily di
minishing, while grass stock from the west
ern ranges Is taking Its place.
While the liberal receipts made the mar
ket a little weak on Monday, the trade
since that day has been In a very satis
factory condition and prices have grad
ually tended upward. No very great In
crease In values has been noted any ono
day, but there has been a gradual stiffening
up under the Influence of the moderate re
ceipts and the very good buying demand.
At the close of the week it Is safe to quote
both oornfed and range steers as generally
lteii'lSc higher. In some cases even more
advance than that has taken place, some
salesmen quoting the general market on
good steers 10&20c higher.
The market on cows and heifers has. If
anything, shown even more Improvement
than beef steers. The supply of cows was
lltrht all the week, while there was the
usual demand. Under this Influence the
market was quoted strong and on some
davs as much as 10c higher. At the close
of "the week It Is safe to guote the general
market on cows and heifers as much as
Wa'c higher than one week ago.
The receipts of stockers and feeders have
been very light this week as compared with
the total receipts of cattle. Thla, together
with the Improvement In the market for
beef steers, has caused a decided upward
movement in prices. Speculators and vartj
traders have been looking for cattl' all
the week and there Is no question but what
a good many more could have been sold
had they been here. As It was, the cattle
which did nut In appearance sold to very
good advantage. The market is now 158!6o
higher than one week ago, the advance
being the moat noticeable on well bred
weighty feeders.
HOGS Huveis started out this morning
with the evident intention of buying their
hogs 10c lower, find they sucoeeded In get
ting quite a good many that way. Later
on, as it became apparent that the demand
was somewhat better than expected. In
spite of the fact that It was a Saturday, the
maiKct showed Improvement and part of
the decline wns recovered. In other words,
the market, after opening 10c lower, be
enme onlv 5c lower, and plenty of hogs
sold on that basis. This would make the
general market 6810c lower than yesterday,
and that was what tho majority of sellers
were quoting It. While the trade was slow
at the opening It became more active later,
so that the most of the hogs In sight
changed hands by 10 o'clock or soon after.
The ute arrival of some of the trains pro
longed the market until well along toward
midday. .
A comparison with the market at thla
point and that at Chicago will convince
anyone that hogs Bre selling relatively high
here. There Is. In fact, very little difference
between the two markets, buyers having
found It Impossible to pound prices down
at this point fast enough to keep up with
the slump In values at Chicago.
The market has been lower every day
this week under the Influence of the steady
decline at other selling points, there having
been a general breakdown of values every
where The total decline for the week as
compared with the close of last week Is
Just about 30c on an average. As a matter
of fact the market has been very uneven
every day. so that hogs of same kind and
diameter have sold at a wide range of
prices. Yesterday the average price of hogs
dropped beiow the mark for the first
time tdnce February 26 anil today they sold
at the lowest point touched since February
Representative sales
No. at. Sh.. Pr. Ko. At. Stl. r.
El 201 ... I TO TC 180 ... I 17
8 Ill ... I 71 II 241 ... I 17
48 tut ... I 84 II 17! SO I 17
1 Ml ... I II SS tM 124 I 87
M 2M 120 8 80 14 lt.0 ... 110
12 101 10 i 82 72 281 40 i 40
l till ... I 82 II 2:4 ... I 10
II lot ... 182 SI tt ... 6 10
II .20 40 I 44 SI 241 40 I M
12 216 ... 181 (1 17 )U IN
47 171 ... I IS TI 141 40 I M
88 283 SO I II 10 114 ... IK)
12 ISO ... S 48 II HO 10 I 40
48 II ... I 81 44 IU 10 IN
44. r 140 1 15 11 237 Ml I Ml
44 7" J 200 I 14 17 214 40 8 80
58 Ill 10 I II 10 118 SO 8 to
II 844 ... I 86 17 184 ... I M
7 .247 ... 6 86 II til 244 I K
45 242 M I 44 SI 141 ... M
71 241 40 i 88 81 231 120. I 40
14 210 120 I 81 44 281 ... IN
TO tel ... I 85 1U..I....I7I 120 I 80
7S t'.8 40 5 8.S 72 181 ... 4;
II 1'4 ... 185 7 '.Ill 140 112
63....... 284 ... I 85 73 ta ... I U
M 100 140 I 84 l 171 U 112
IT Ill ... I IS 44 170 ... M
17 21 10 I 85 18 25 120.112
IT 201 ... I 81 17 IM 40 I It
f 280 40 6 85 l l.'l 40 112
'2 271 ... 1 85 TO 2l M 1st
41 214 40 IU 4 2:7 ... I IJ
4 It 140 I 85 11 210 120 IM
El 273 80 I 81 71 Ill 44 4 is
5 IC4 M I 81 TT Ill H 111
II 281 ... I IS 14 Ill 140 4 84
4-' ISO 40 I 45 44 1T wis
II 2T 111 Is II 321 ... 4 81
81 27 T 40 I 15 44 Iu4 40 I 84
64 IM 40 I M 1 K'l ... 4 14
2tl ... I II .41 l.'l 40 117
11 171 ... I 14 4l Kl M I IT
12 I'l 44 4 N ttt ... I 40"
44 I7t ... I 81 I Ul ... I o
1 144 t" I IT 4 Ut IM 4 44
I 71 i IM $ II i $4i ... 4
211 ... 144
270 ... I SO
III ... I 00
t.w 44 I so
70 ten ... 1 17
il Hi SO I IT 0 ISO ... g M
77 Ill ... I IT 44 173 ... I 01
47 fl 120 I IT l Ill ... I 07
46 145 IS I 87 II Ml ... IU
71 IM 40 I 17
$ 410 ISO 4 44
1 184 ... too
FHtCEP There were no fresh receipt ot
sheep this morning and nothing to make a
test of the market.
The receipts of sheep this week have been
very liberal, the total amounting to over
46.010. as against 26.770 last week and 14.M
for the corresponding week of a yerar ago.
In spite of tne very heavy receipts the
market as a whole has been In verv satis
factory condition, 11s noted yesterdsy. In
fact, sellers without exception have been
exceedingly well pleased with the condl
tlon of the market from start to finish.
There was a little stronger tendency on
sheep, yearlings and ewes, and at the close
of the week operators on the market are
generally quoting the market ltMJioo higher
and some are quoting It even a little
stronger than that.
yulte a good many Iambs arrived during;
the week but the quality on most davs
was nothing to brag of and the trtde
largely for that reason showed Inclina
tion to drag. Prices, In consequence
were not more than steady and front
that to a little easier. In fact, steady
to a little lower would probablv be the
best description of the lamb market that
could be given. The feeder market Is In
very satisfactory shape, there being ait
active demand for sheep and lambs of
that class, as usual at this season of the
year. This demand has been fully equl
to the absorbllon of the large receipts, so
that prices have iiot only been well
maintained but. If anything, are a little
stronger at the close of the week. The
abundance of feed In tributary sections
has made sheep men very anxious for
feeders, and commission men have their
hands full of buying orders. In addi'ljti
to that a good many feeders are coining
In to look after their buying In person.
All prospects would seem to favor a
continued large demand for feeders at
this point and the way the market is
at this time 110 ranchman can afford t4
send his sheep or lambs by this point.
Quotations on killers: Good to choice
spring lambs, 16. 76m 1 40; fair to good
spring lambs, $6.25(u6.75; good to choice
yearlings, $5.60 6. Od; fair to good year
lings, $5.2541 6. 60; good to choice wethers,
$4 76 1? 6.00; fair to good wethers, $4.60'8
4.76; good to choice ewes. $4,304)4.60;
fair to good ewes, $3.90fe 4. 30.
Quotations on feeders: Lambs. $5.76 "'2
8 35; yearlings, $5 00& 6 40; wethers, $4.54
8 4 75; ewes, 33.604, 4.25.
Cattle SteadyHogs Five to Ten teat
Lower Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO, Aug. ll.-CATTLE Receipts,
400 head. Market steady; beeves. $3 JHVgtJ 60;
cows and heifers, $l.(KKif6.3(; stockers and
fenders, $2.4vi4.3"; natives, $5.tu'7.oi.
HOOS-Reeelpts, 15,0"0 head; estimate.!
Monday, 48.000 head. Market 61i'10e lower:
mixed and butchers. $6.7vp6.124; good
heavy,; rough heavy, $56.00;
light, 35.70ffi18; pigs. $5.106.85; bulk of
sales, $6.8fXji4 06.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,000
head. Market steady; sheep, $2.8035.26:
yearlings, $5,404(0.26; lambs. $4.6tiJ7.75.
St. Lonls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 11. CATTLE Receipts,
600 head. Including 4o0 Texan. Market was
steady; native shipping und export steers,
84.5ya616; dressed beef and butcher steers.
$3.6vi6.50; steers under l.nro lbs., $3.(rr,4.'.i
stockers and feeders. $2.0t'ii4.5o: cowa and
heifers, $3.0(Vj5.4O; canners, $1.50712.00; bulla;
2.264.O0; calves. $3.i.16: Texas snd In
dian steers, $3.00a6.26; cows and heifers,
HOGS Receipts. 1.500 head. Market lOo
lower: pigs and lights. $i'..:Oii52.6: Dackers.
$5.766.20; butchers and best heavy, $6.HXiJ
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. J"0 head.
Market steady; native muttons, $3.(XVQ).U0;
lambs. $4.COij7 00; culls and bucks, $2. 6X3.00 (
stockers, $3.6(J5.DO.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 100 head. Market steady: natives.
$4,501(4(100; cows and heifers, $1.50414.25; Block
ers and reeaers, 3.uii!4 nn.
HOGS Receipts, 8,917 hend. Market wag
steady to 6c lower; light, $6. 95. 16; medium
heavy, 5.70B 5.96; bulk of sales, I6.9IX6.V0.
eii-iicr- uteaay.
Stock In Sight.
44 DM 4 I IT 17...
40 tag ... I 7 ...
4 241 44 I ; ..
western markets yesterday were as follows.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 425 8.400 ....
Sioux 'City loo 4.0
Kansas City 800 8.600
St. Joseph 100 3.917
St. Louis 500 1,500 800
Chicago 400 1,600 $.0u0
Totals 1,825 24,617 3,300
William W. McCrcary and wife to
R(tse A. Hamilton, lot 6, block 4,
Marvsvtlle $ 750
Samuel N. Thomas and wife to Arthur
P. and William Rlghten Wood, sw4
23-15-13 19,000
Walter J. Green and wife to Hymen
Ellis, s30 f'et lots 10 and 11, block 6,
Drake's add 1
Sarah A. Woodman to Marlon F.
Snafer, lots 22, 23 and 34, block Ui.
Dundee, 2.500
Tukey Land company to. James L.
Taylor, lots I and 19, block z. cut
ton Hill I.N
Tukey Land company to James L.
n-n..i- 1... a v.i,...u 9 nutt.m villi . 1
.nriui, .uv v, u ' . , ....... .
Tukey Land company to Jamea L.
Taylor, lot 8, block 2, Clifton Hill.. t
The Insurance Company of North
America to John D. ware, 101 11,
block 10, Hanscom Place 3,000
Pnxton Real Estate company to Pat
rick F. Ford, lots 8, 4 and 6, block 1,
W. W. Thompson's add 1.000
Patrick F. Ford to William A. Pax
U.n, lot 8. 844 feet lot 7 and wl2 feet
n22 feet lot 7, block 62 1.500
Solomon J. Firestone and wife to Wil
liam B Anderson, e50 feet lot 48, El
listone Park Place IW
Solomon J. Firestone and wife to Wil
liam B. Anderson, lot 47, Ellistono
Park Place
Edward Lawrence to M. Newman, e20
feet lot t. block 2104 -
Portsmouth Savings bank to Tillman
P. Shirley, sl85 feet 4-15-13 l.fX
W. Farnam Smith & Go.
Stocks, Bonds,
Investment Securities.
We offer subject to saio
1320 Farnam St.. Tel. Douglas 1406
F- D. Day & Co.
Stock. Grain. Provisions
Skip Yonr Grain to I'a.
Chicago and Sllnneayolls Delivery.
One-eighth commission on Grain, one.
quarter on Stocks. Prompt and careful
attention given to outside accounts. Writ
HO-111 Board of Trade Uldg
OMAHA, Mill,
for our dally Market Letter, mailed free.
Main Olllce,
Long Distance 'Phone, Doaglgg SS14W
Before buying or selling any stock
secure our quotations. We offer subject
to prior sale
Taylor Mountain (Colorado) want bids
and offering's.
American lit Forest Wireless (com.). $1.10
t on. Jefferson Gold and Copper. ...... lie
Golden Treasure Placer t Idaho 30o
lloosac Tunnel (Colorado) S7o
Marconi Wireless (American) 946.80
Merganthaler Babket 18V40
Mosul Preferred (H.-H.) So
hears, Roebuck, Preferred 8388.00
Sears, Uuebuik, Common 66o
Sears Roebuck Common ., 0o
Standard Cons. (Oregon) llgO
Taylor Mountain (Colorado) We want
to buy.
V. 8. Graphite Preferred , Too
stocks wasted,
Offer ug any stocks or bonds you have
for sale. We want Taylor Mountain,
Arlmona -Colorado t'oprier Belt, Night
hawk, Standard Consolidated, Coronado
Oold, Hunora Bonansa, Merganthaler
Basket and Script, Amason Gold. Gruat
Western (Henderson!, Hanltof Chemical,
Columbus Consolidated ( H. Ml. Hubbard
Elliott. German American Coffee.
Hl'tx'K HKOKKK8,
1301 Stock LacliauB Wldg, CUlcaxe j