9 HIE OMAILY SUNDAY BEE: 'AUGUST 12, 190(5. n FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS. BRAND NEW COTTAOE. 11.600 3322 Boyd street, new 6 room cottage, elemented cellar, good ftttlc, city water, fifty feet frontage, or will Bell cottace with two lota (100 feet frontage) for $1,800, two blocks from Ames avenue car line. Tart on terms. ORCHARD HILL. $3,000 3830 Seward street, good 7 room nous, modern but furnace, nice lawn, pared street. Part terms. 2667 DOUGLAS STREET. t Eight rooms, full two stories, mod ern bnt furnace, lot 60x162 feet, non resident owner anxious to sell. Look at this property and submit an offer. J005-3007 FRANKLIN STREET. Two 4-room cottages, city water, lot B0xl24 feet. Think $1,200 will buy this property one-half cash. 2017-2019 MARTHA STREET. $060 Double house, three rooms each, lot 80x128 feet, lot Is below grade. The property is a snap at $650. 1914 LOCUST STREET. $4,600 Large modern house of ten rooms, with two larte lots (100 feet frontage), ground for another house or double flat. WALKING DISTANCE. Price $10,000, rent $1,080 two 12 room houses, modern, with corner lot 60x146 feet, and space for double brick, both streets paved. An Ideal corner In the best part of the city, near 24th and Farnam. Investigate. BENSON ACRES On Easy Payments. Choice acres (equal to 6 city lots), two blocks north of Country club and Benson car line, suitable for fruit, gar den truck, poultry or suburban home. Price, $400 to $560. Terms, $50 down, balance very easy payments. Choice half acres (equal to 3 lots), same location. Price, $250 to $300. Terms, $25 down, balance easy payments. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam. RE Investments Mortgages, brick blocks, vacant tracts suitable for - platting, trackage lots, acre age, for Investment. If Intending to Invest, come In and let ua talk to you. BEMIS PAXTON BLOCK. THOMAS BRENNAN REAL ESTATE ' 'Phone Douglas 1264 WEST FARNAfA STREET DISTRICT I have some modern brick houses here which I can sell nt very low figures and on easy terms. HANSCOM PLACE I have five modern houses here, owned by eastern parties who are anxious to sell and who will not refuse any reasonable offer. KOUNTZE" PLACE I have three modern houses here which I can sell at half the amount they cost to build. $27300 Will buy a modern house on tho Boulevard south side. Thomas Brennah Boom 1, New York Life Bldg. RE All Kinds of Snaps $9,T50 S. E. Cor. of 24th and Dodge bt., two large houses rented for $1,100 per year and room to build a double brick flat. 17,000 New double brick flat close in town on paved street. No. 615 17 N. 17th St.. is now rented for $840 per year. $1,760 Nice three 5-room cottages and large barn, close in town, No. 8014-18 Nicholas St.. will easily rent for $400 per year. $1,600 6-room cottage with a lot of 41 by 264 ft., on paved street, right In the city, half block from 1 2d and Leavenworth St. Cot tage now rented for $200 per year and this is a fine place for a pair of flats. $1,100 Nice 6-room cottage at 1508 Military Ave., nice east front lot, room for another cottage. iiqq for 6-room cottage- In first class repair, near car line, 2526 ROBINSON & WOLF, 423 Paxton Block. RE-774-1J FOR SALE On of the brat funllv bnna in nm.v. facing the boulevard, t room, all mod- wrn turpi rumace, large cemented cel lar. Boa tha owner. Good bargain, easy rm. nuun ma, iia Chicago Bt, Phone Harney 840. RE 761 12x 1H LOT. 76x124. t-room house, good barn, wu cistern waiar. I Blocks from isurariua. u car line, $2,000; cash, vaiance eo easy terina. CHRId HOYER SM ao4 Cuming Bis. Teltphoue Doug. Sua. ... it,-W FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Do You Know That Sioux Citv is coming to the front too. Invest some of your money there. Hut remember we also have everything for every kind of Omaha buyer, and don't for get our South Platte Valley land, 145 to 175 per acre, pro ducing 75 to J125 per acre and $8 to 115 land which, when under the government canal, will be worth 175 to $100 per acre. To Inventors: We will lease back the Irri gated land for three years and pay you rent at rate of 10 per cent annually on your Investment. Read About The. Sioux City. (Copy of advertisement be ing run In the Sioux City dallies by our representative there). INVESTORS ATTENTION1! "A life Insurance company foreclosed Its mortgage un the property at 1019, lti21 and . 1CL3 Tierce St., and to dispose of same quickly now offers to sell at less than cost. This property consists of un 8-rooin house and a large double house of 9 rooms on each side, arranged for two or four families; ground 11S ft. front on 'pierce St., with full depth; location one f the best In the city, being In easy distance from the busi ness district. The houses are In good repair and the owner has Just received estimates for the painting on the out side at the approximate cost cf $300. When work is done prices will be advanced. To tal rentals per year, $360. Price when houses are painted, $9,500. If purchased before above expense is in- , curred 19,000 will buy and a saving of $300 made. .For further particulars call on Geo. D. Weints, Security Bank Bldg., Sioux City. Chas. E. Williamson Co., sole agents, 1201 Farnam St., T'nlted States National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Bldg., Omaha, Neb." 1201 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. RE 16 PER CENT INVESTMENT Only 25 blocks from uostofflce we have a nice lying lot, 84VSX1SO, with 6-room nous In frotit, renting for $20; two three-room houBes In rear renting for $6.50 Hnd $7; barn for $2; total rental, $35 per month, and ground to build another house, $2,700. BEMIS PAXTON BLOCK. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. On South 10th St., near Ban croft, ti-room cottage, modern except furnace, liuilt in tho spring of 1900. Owner leaving city and must sell at once. This property Is worth $3,500, but will sacrifice for $2,700. 5-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace. These are all large rooms and also have a large reception hull. This Is on 27th Avo, near Lake, and only one block from cur. Price on this, if taken at once, $1,850. On 20th near Ohio, 5-room cottage on good full lot 40x132, has city water and is In good condition. $2,400. On Fredrick St., near 16th, 5 room cottage with city water and in excellent condition, newly papered, on a. lot 33x120. Owner needs money at once and will sacrifice home for $1,260. On North 27th, south of Lake, T-room house, city water, cistern, gas, cement cellar, all In good, condition; lot 40x86. Eastern owner saya sell for $1,6. New 7-room house, all mod ern, full two stories, hot water heat; four rooms on first floor and three on second; lot 50x127; south front; one block from car. Owner compelled to sell on account of other business arrangements and will sacri fice his home for $1,000. On Fowler Ave., near 24th, 5-room cottage, modern except furnace, on good lot and In first-class condition. Owner will sell If taken at once for 11,800. Terms. VACANT Do not buy a lot until you have seen our new Smlthflcld Sub. on 2Mh Ave. and Spencer. Lots all nbove grade; will havs city water, sure; permanent walks and shade trees. Prices $350 ts $550. South front lot on Fowler Ave., Just west of Florence boulevard; city water, perma nent sidewalks. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. 'Phone Pouglas 1004. RE BARGAINS Six-room cottage and lot in South Omaha ror quioK sale, ll.ao. Mortgage In build ing and loan. ISO. payable monthly. Occu- fled by same tenant for five years. Good n vest men t or place to live. One and one-half story house, ( rooms, modern except furnace, permanent walke in front, lot 31x150, fine neighborhood. At a bargain. Will trade good 160-acre farm for second hand touring car. At cash value. Faim of J23 acres, 12 miles from Omaha, Ideal location, fine land, well Improved, none better, lies along line of lnterurban railway now building. Price right, terms reaai nabte. U. S. Sales Bureau, rf Neville Building. RE-71 U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE J. H. Dumont & Son $16.000 A beautiful West Farnam district home, built last year, offer"d at cost, re gnrdless of advanced cost of building and ' enhanced value of lot. You must see this place lo appreciate it. Good reason for selling. $,000 Beautiful home, superbly located; de. slrable for home or Investment; rented to May, ISO? at $800. $4,5009 rooms and bath, N. 17th St. car line, rented at $t; fine east front lot, 8ux 140, with beautiful trees and shrubs. M.tVG 6-ronm house and 132x132; on N. 2Rth St.; this Is cheap and will grow In value. $2,500 Each, for two new modern 6-room houses on boulevard; ready for occu pancy about September 1. $2,200 Fine lot and old house, paved street, permanent walks; house cost $5,000; needs repairs outside; rented $10; would bring $Ju if repaired. iio3 Douglas. Inquire about this, it will make you money if you buy It. FARMS 113 acres. Improved, 1 miles from Benson car Iljje; $2oQ per acre. 106 acres on Center St. paved road, Hi miles from city limits, at $150 per acre. SUBURBAN We havs a number of suburban homes that are sure to advance In value that can be bought at the right price now. Ask us for a list of them. VACANT $6,00044x66, 8. 14th St., near Harney St. $3,000132-182, trackage on Grace St.; there Is speculation In this tract. $1,750120x140, on 20th and Manderson, three frontages; Just the place to build houses to rent; will divide If desired. This la certainly cheap. $875 Full lot on Lafayette Ave., boulevard; nothing so desirable in that vicinity for less than $1,100. $80050x120, east front, on car line; this is certainly a bargain. $830 44x140, on SOih. next corner of Dewey Ave.; the cheapest piece of vacant prop erty In the Farnam St. district. $3756 full lots and 3 fractional lots near Rlverview Park; price reduced from $525; must be sold at once. $300 Full lot on Franklin St.; 2H blocks from cur; cost the owner double this and is dirt cheap at the price. $126 Lot 4, block 3, Selby's addition to South Omaha; if this Is not cheap enough what will you give for it? Notes Monday morning we will be In our new offices, SW6-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone changed, too. J. H. Dumont & Son 'PHONE DOUGLAS 690. RE NEAR 30TH AND AMES 6 rooms on ground floor. 3 rooms upstairs unfinished, partly modern, good barn nnd chicken house, full corner lot. with east and soutli front, Just one block from car line. Owner very anxious .to sell, so 1u.tt reduced price, $1,400. We can arrange terms to suit. ' BEMIS PAXTON BLOCK. F. D. WEAD, Three 3-room cottages, 3106-8-10 Maple, with summer kitchens, with city water, In good repair, newly painted and repaired, for all three $1,800, or would sell the west one for $700. 6-room new cottage In Walnut Hill, full lot, $250 cash, bar, $15.00 per month, $l,4u0. 6- room house, 3424 Blondo, lot 60x126, $150 cash, bal. $15.00 per month, $800. 6 rooms, 1118 N. 17th St.. lot 26x140, $1,250. Three houses on 17th, north of Nicholas, two of 6 rooms each, modern ex, fur nace, one of 4 rooms, monthly rental, $50.00; size of lot, 75xl4o; for all, $6,2u0. Three new houses, 26th and Patrick Ave., owner moving out of city, property mod ern, rent for $02.00 per month; for all three, $5,750. 7- room cottage, good repair, neat home; $400 cash, bal. monthly, $2,100. 6-room modern cottage on Charles St., near 20th St., porcelain bath, marble wash bowl, gas, good cement cellar, house rents at $18.00 per month; easy terms, $lfeuO. F. I). WEAD, 1624 Douglus. RE 807 14 South Side Bargain On S. 20th St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace; in excellent condition, Inside and out; nice houses on all sides; lot 42xUu; puved street and permanent sidewalics; near school. This place Is offered very cheap for quicx sale, price, .,iou. THOS. F. PAYTON 410 BEE BLDG. RE-801 11 A REDHOT SNAP. 60f-acre ranch in Klehardson county, Ne braska; 100 bottom land, balance upianu and quite rough, but the best of timber; pasture well set to bluegrass and white clover; bottom land all In corn; house of 6 rooms and a fulr set of outbuildings; never failing water running through pas ture. A ttrsi-eUss stock and grain farm and beat bargain In southeast Nebraska. Price, If taken soon, $20 per acre. Act quick. J. R. ADKINS, Craig, Mo. RE M730 Hx THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TKl ST COMPANY Has the reputation of making the best abstracts In Oinuha. Always get figures from tliem before ordering. Call at our ollice, 1714 Farnam St., or telephone Douglas--. N. P. DODGE, JR., President. PETER J ESSEN, Secretary. RE 711 12 146 ACRES, five miles from Council Bluffs, good smooth upland, all tillable, half In cultivation, hiuf tarns grass, ordinary buildings, fine orchard, plenty of shade, abundance of good water for all pur poses; prlca cut from $100 to $75 per acre fur quick sale. H. G. McGse, 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. RE I WANT TO SELL a very attractive small home, house of six rooms, modern ox nept furnace, most excellent neighbor hood, half block from car, most desirable part of city, south front, permanent walk In front A. B. Carpenter, 4019 Nicholas St. RE FOR SALE Thirty-seven acres, now. In fruit, as a whole or subdivided Into five and ten-acra tracts; adjoining east limits of Council Bluffs. For information call on or address William Arnd, 130 Main St., Council Bluffs, la. RE S. E. COR 17TH AND WEBBER 8T8., Large frontage on Webster; snap; $3,150; has 7-room house on. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE 804 11 18TII AND WEBSTER STS. I-room cottage, gas. sewer; neat home; all specials fully pal a; J2,too. F. D. WEAD, 1644 Douglus St. RE 80S 11 WALNUT HILL BARGAIN Neat home of T rooms on Seward near 4"th; south front, nice snaue; 12.U10. F. D. WEAD, li24 Douglus St. R E-S02 11 WEST FARNAM House of I rooms, all modern, with 1-story barn; good furnace; J2.6U0. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE-806 U $750. on easy payments, buys 5-room cat' tags 3"2 Lindsay Ave. V. D. WEAD, lsJi Douglas St. - - - - RE-M 13 FOR SALE FARMS . LAND SPECULATORS! We have an opportunity to purchase 18 sections of good North Dakota wheat land, the kind which produces 3S to 42 bush els of No. 1 Hard Rod Wheat, the best on earth. We can easily retail this land in quarter sections right now at $10 to $12 per acre, but the owner is land poor and wishes to unload nil in n bunch. We have half the cash to purchase this level, rich nnd very desirable tract, and if you have any sum of money from $1,000 to $15,000 and wish to go into a perfectly safe deal and double your money in less than one year, let us point out the way. If you have the cash and want a good thing, call on us or write to us. If you haven't, save your time and our's. We are willing to go into details fully, and will take you to look the land over, carefully before you are asked to invest a dollar but, remember we have no' time to spend monkeying with "pikers." This is a strictly legitimate, money-making opportunity. Don't be too late. This is worth looking into. The Continental Realty Co. 32-36 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha, 20,000 ACRES subject Irrigation. $3.50 per acre, in Mexico, south Brownsville, Tex.; perfect health, climate; no frost; write for catalogue. Phil Chew, St. Louis. RE 673 12x GRAIN AND STOCK FARM 480 acres level land, soil Is of black vegetable mold on a heavy clay sub-soil; is very rich, works fine, having no rocks or stones: 200 acres In cultivation, balance pas ture and hay land; good fences, sheds and other out buildings and wind mills; neat 5 room dwelling. Price only $10 an acre. It would make an ideal home. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. Douglas-1781. . II M750 14 Fayne-Bostwick Co. ACRAGE We have a fine 20-acre tract on wat Dodge St.; good 6-room house, good barn for 4 horses and 6 cows; buggy sheds, Ann chicken house, good orchard, all kinds of small frulti about six acres in alfalfa, about four acres In pasture, with running water; balance in fine corn. Sea us quick. Payne-Bostwick Co. Sixth Floor N, Y. Life. . H 796 12 FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out its lands in western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. , From $3.00 to $5.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low prices and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rates to the Uvcda. For further information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. $18 Soutli 15th St., Omaha, Neb. H M 461 11 Let Me Sell Your Farm it it ( a desirable oronerty and your price la "reasonable, I CAN SELL IT. More homeseekers and land buyers go through and stop off at Kansas City than any other five cities. Can send buyers to look at property anywhere If desired and owner can make deal, paying my commission from proceeds. Send description ana state casn price. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Write me your wants. GLENN REALTY CO. 848 K. C. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. H-678 liat CQME WHERE CROPS NEVER FAIL Free Information about Irrigated land In the Grldley Colonies, Butte Co., Califor nia. No crop failures on Irrigated land. Five to six crons alfalfa every season. Dairying and stock raising highly profita ble. Peaches, grapes, figs and English walnuts give big profits. Abundant water for irrigation at low rates. A fertile and prosperous section, with good schools, churches and good roads. Two railroad. Good market. One hundred families have settled at Grldley the last year. Many more coming. Write for free printed matter. CHAS. F. O'BRIEN. Gen'l Mgr., llu Post St., San Francisco, Cal. H- 640 ACRES ONLY $4 , AN ACRE Five mtles from Sidney, county seat of Cheyenne county; soil is black vegeta ble mold on a heavy clay sub-soli; is very rich and works fine; no stones. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., TeL Douglas-1781. K-M749 14 Western Kansas Wheat Lands 60,000 acres of fine wheat lands, $4.00 to 115. cO per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globs Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb., and Sioux City. la. HM 44. Ali GREAT TERMS ON Iowa and eastern Nebraska farms; $15 to t.O par acre down; balance long lime. Low rate of interest. Get next to some of oar bargains. LEREW LAND CO. 3u5 Bo. 13th St. H-M474 U LEVEL corn bind for aale and exchange; Free lists. H. L. Craven & Co., Onawa, la. H Cheap Western Lands 1,000,000 acres Colorado, Kansas and Ne braska lands, ti to $3.60 per acre. Gov ernment homesteads located. Printed lists giving legal description and prices, also mans, pictures, etc., free. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., 301 Front St., Sterling, Colo. FOR QUIfK IJDAN8 on farm or city prop erty, call on or address O. F. Carson & Co. H-M7S 11 FOR RENT ACREAGE TWENTY acres with house and been. Ill B. ldth 8t Ml WANTED TO BORROW $2,000 On new 7-room modern house; fine location an4 fierfel title. Address N IS. caj Bee, ..Y 11 11 FOR SALE FARMS Neb. H- MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1001 Farnam. 6 and t per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-703 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 754 WANTED City loans ond warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1&0 Furnam St. W-Jii BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge 131k. W-754 LOWEST RATES Benils, Paxton Block. W-757 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1D20 Doug. W 777 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Umaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W 758 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W 75 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. , W 760 LOANS on Improved city property. W. II. 1 Thomas, 605 First National Bank Bldg. W 7(jl LOW rates. Private money. $500 and up. CHAS. E. WILLI Aif SON CO. W- FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1C26. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D-733 TTrTTQTT'Q In all parts of the city. R. ilUUOXjO c. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. I D-734 TIflTTKTi1Cl In all parts of the city. The nUUOIiO o. F. Davis Co., 508 Bee Bldg. D-75 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk. D 73S nMAtlA Van JBr Storage Co.. cack. move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N.. mh. umce, iDii arnam. xei. iuuswuu. WE MOVE pianos. Msggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14U6. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D-738 Bee us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1105. CENTRAL, 4 or 6-room flats. Tlzard, p N. 13d D Mbll BEVERAL at $12 to $25. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming St. 'Phone Doug. 2W0. U 740 414 8. 29th ST., 7 rooms, modern, $22.60. John N. Frenxer. Opp. old P. O. D-Mlln COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO. Storage and transfer. Best storage house in the city. Immediate attention given. 1529-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 4til9. D Mlt3 Ag31 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., household goods stored; dry rooms, low P''l,9? 'Phone 1052. 1106 Farnam. D M131 10-ROOM modern house, 114 N. 26th St, Keys on premises. L aijo- lax FOR RENT-Six-room cottage, 22d and California Sis., $22. Apply at 607 No. 19th St. ' D 5ii FOR RENT A 9 room house, well located. Globe Land and Investment ",,tml!' Patterson Blk. . D-MoJl ALL new modern 7-room house 2404 Burt St., $35. Apply H. B. Hoy es. B''y. lege, or 'phone Harney UbJi li 5 ROOMS for rent. 8115 Burt S1. n $16.00 Large room and bath, 15th and Harney; steam heat. N. P. DulKlK & CO., 1714 Farnam. D 793 1J FOR RENT Fine 8-room modern brick dwelling, S13 S. 2)th Ave., $47.6. Strictly modern apartment In Davltfge Bldg., facing Farnam, J4.W. Modern cottage, 2o2! Davenport St.. $.!.. V). 2-story brick building. 1113 Harney, $Mi. JOHN W. ROBBING, ISuS KAKNAMST. 1J 703 1. FOR RENT. 3E24 Seward, 6 rooms, bath and gas; $20. 2610 Pierce St., 7 rooms, modern; $10. 2S02 No. 24th St.. new house, strictly modern; has six rooms; $30. 704 No. 16th St., store room, 22x50; $10. 706 No. 16th St.. Sd floor, three rooms; $13. 796 No. 16th, 2d floor, 3 rooms, $13. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY., 1st Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas-1781. D 150214 N. 26th 8t., 8 rooms, modern, new. D. V. SHOLKS CO., 721-22 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 49. D 050 13 FOR RENT. 7-ROOM, all-modern, new dwelling, walking distance high school, $36. BHIMKK & CHASE PO., 1609 Farnam, Ground Floor. Douglas 3SG7. D M747 11 PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. SS26 N. 24th St., -r, nearly new. strictly modern, $27.60. 2234 Farnam St., 7-r. modern fiat, with heat. 3013 Parker St., 7-r., bath, gas, etc., with good barn, $27.60. 1510 8. i6th St., 8-r., strictly modern, with beautiful lawn, paved street, $J0. 1910 Webster St., S-r., strictly modern, new, $45. Hi) N 21st St., 9-r., strictly modern, oak fin ish,' swell, $50. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 601-J N. Y. Life. D NO. 2723 JACKSON ST.. 8 rooms, mod , $-5. No. 1422V Sherwood Ave., 8 rooms mod., $J. BENSON & MYERS. 318 N. Y. Life. D-635 12 TWO newly remodeled 6-room cottages on S. 21t St., close In. 'Phone "1" 2224. Clinton H. Brlggs, lii Farnam St FOR RENT t-rooia house, partly modern. 1641 N. 18t SU . 1-M79w li FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT-10-room modern brick flat, newly papered throughout; first-class condition; Ho.oO. ,21 South fflth St. 8. A. Broadweil, oOl N. Y. Life. D-7S0 12 S ROOM house, city water, TOO N. 22nd, $1.0fl": will rent to smnll colored family. J. H. l'arrotte, Paxtoii Blk. D-777 1 2 10-ROOM all modern house, 710 N. 4'Sh t.. polished onk floors, gas and electric light, cistern, laundry, lavse closets, barn, fine yard; rental, $:-o. I 1). Spaulding. Omaha Sato Deposit Vaults. 'Phone Ivuglns-:' D M 1-' $20.00 6-room fint, mod., 2902 Farnura. $17.50 5-room Hit, 2706 Cuming St. N. V. DODGE. 1714 Farnam. lv-794 1$ FOR RENT- -FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. i:-7i'7 Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks E-728 Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 up per week. E 729 CATITOL HOTEL. ISth and Cnpltol Ave., south front; rooms with or without boiird. K-72 EXCELLENT modern furnished or unfur nished rooms for housekeeping. i74 Har ney St. E 574 ONE l.trre south room, modern, hot water heat. 1908 Capitol Ave. I M526 13x FOR RENT Two beautifully furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1535 N. EOth. E-Mis9 Ux EXCELLENT, cool, modern rooms and board. "The Boston," 107 S. 17th, near postofflce. E M6o6 12x LARGE front rooms suitable for man and wife or three young men; all modern. 1813 Capital Ave. E 023 12x TWO large rooms, furnished or unfur. nlshed, with board. 1312 Park Ave. E 759 12x FRONT room, new furniture, private fam ily, $S.U0. 546 S. 26th Ave. E M742 14x ONE large front room, with usp of kitchen, furnished for housekeeping, with steam heat. 122 So. 26th. E-SOS 12x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. Gil O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-731 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, enfe. F-732 NICELY furnished cool rooms, excellent board rates reasonable. The Rose, 2020 Harney St. F-MG07 A27x NICE cool airy rooms, close In, with home cooking. 'A)2 S. 2ath St. F-M42J llx ' MODERN room, home cooking, reasonable price. 2215 Howard St. 'Phone Douglas 3508. F 620 ONE largo pleasant front room with board, reasonable. 313 S. 20th St. Telephone Douglas 4212. F M758 13 NICE, cool, nlry rooms, close In, with homo cooking. 202 S. 25th St. F M72S 18 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL, 3 rooms; bath. Tlzard, 220 N. 23d. G M131 TWO unfurnished rooms, close In, hot water heat, references. 413 N. 25tli dt. G 485 $ UNFURNISHED rooms with alcove. 2070 Farnam. G 668 llx 2 ROOMS for housekeeping, $700. Tel. Douglas 6309. T G M809 13x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES OFFICES FOR RENT. Now Is your opportunity to rent that office you have beon looking for for so long a time, either a ground-lloor ollioo or an upstairs office. At present we have some excellent offices Just vacated on tho second lloor, both siutile or uu sulte. See ua at once before all the offices are gone. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., U. S. National Bank Bldg., 1201 Farnam. I 6 46 li FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug store. Tlzard, 220 N. 23d. ' I MliW) STORE ROOM for rent, 406 S. 15th, Or pheuiu Theater Bldg. Dyball, 1518 Doug las. DESK room for rent, 644 Bee Bldg. I 4S3 FOR RENT One 4-story brick store with cement basement and good elevator; 1.07 Douglas. Building will be put in good order at once. Inquire at 120V Douglas. John Linder. I M023 1900 N. 24th St., new brick, $25. 105 S. 15th St., steam heat, $35. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP OLD. P. O. 1740 12- $20.00 2706 Cuming St., large store room. $20.00 2906 Farnam, new store room. N. P. DODGE. 1714 Farnam. 1795 13 ROOM 20x50. tear. 317 6. 16th St. t-V'9 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Two or three nicely furnished rooms with private bath; must be mod ern and In nice locality; willing to pay good price and permanent for nice quar ters. Address L 01, Bee. K-M596 12x GENTLEMAN, wife and child desire first class board with 2 rooms about Sept. first. References exchanged. Address L-65 Bee. K M021 12x WANTED By business lady, board yind ro m in good private home: no objection to distance If near ear line; references exchanged. Address N 3, caro Bee. K-616 12x ONE or two light housekeeping rooms,, for refined couple; walking distance; state price. Address L-64, Bee. K 604 11 WANTED A good furnished room by a single gentleman. Address N-12-Bea. K-767 12x WANTED TO BENT House of 9 or more rooms, furnished or unfurnished, central or West Furnam district. Beat refer ences. 2718 Farnam. Tel. Harney 872. K-812 12 FOR SALE My store property on 24th and Broadway, consisting of five lots, with all buildings. Including coal sheds aod scales. Inquire of Tom RlslUon, 120 Harri son St-2"uncll Bluffs, la. K PATENTS F. J. LaRSON & CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 746 8HARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured, Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 6o4-iil3 8. luth St. 747 Patents procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat'l In vestment Co., Douglas Blk., 16th & Dode. M471 Hii CONSULTING ENGINEERS L. H. GARDNER. 611 First Nat. Bank. Power plants, manufacturing processus. Ice plants, tests, inspection, reports. -M974 All PRINTING 'I.VN'BSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendars, 8 E corner 16th 8t and & JOHVL, Capitol Ave. -748 TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. CENTRAL PRINTING CO., llu 8. 17TH. oO SiO FENCING ANCHOR and 7ron Fencing; Wire Fencing fro per feet. 3u6 N. ITta bu Tel Red Ui - - -Al.$ Ali BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change. If you have a farm, home, business "r pi on erty that you want lo sell or exelnnne write us. GLOBE LASH AND INVESTMENT CO Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, l,i. Y-Mi;: Ag.U FOR SALE OR TRADE-Store boil, ling and residence combined; ten rooms , n best corner In Monroe, Nib., als $. drug stock In same town; go well in above building. 620-ncie ranch In Knox Co., Neb.; dwelling barn, water, etc., Jlti per acre, also f: d firms In Bon Homme Co, 8. D. nnd some smnll tracts near town and S;.n Normal school. Largo list sent on ni ;u cation. George U . Snow, Sprlnfleld. s. I). Y-M20I llx 10-ROOM rooming houee. full of roomers; good location. Address G ti4, care of I'-ce. Y-714 BEST drug stock In southeast Nebraska; about $i,iV cash required, sales J ',000; prollt $ti,oui. Address K 47, Bee. . Y-.M0O6 Augl' FOR SALE A first clnss Job office with A-l newspsper plant In connection, pub lishing three papers In surrounding towns; job type nil new; doing K""il business; excellent reasons for xelung; Lusted at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or come, as this snap will not Inst long, prices low. Address Lux Olo, lUMtings, Neb, V-Mll'i EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR DENTIST. Old established practice, owner retlrlr.g. Write at once to 415 6th ft. Falrhuiy, Neb. Y-M564 12x WANTED PROMOTER- Hold option 8'000 acres rich Texas land on rnllro.id hartirj easy terms; will divide with purchaser. J. Phllan, Grand Pacilio Hotel, i'Mchrix Y-M557 12x FOR SALE $4,000 drug stock In central Nebraska; will pay for I'self In one year. For particulars write K-41, I'.io. , Y-M.VS2 13 A LIMITED capital will purchase a good, progressive plumbing business. Personal reasons for selling. Address L U, cars Bee. Y 53 12 x PROFITS $3u0 and $360 per month-Two restaurants in good mining towns; prices $1.W0 and $1,6 cash. Si nd for state ments. Must sell, account of serious oil. tnent. Address White House Cafe, Clip pie Creek, Colo. Y Mil4 l.. NEWSPAPER for sale, located In western Iowa, In a good town and hue farming community. Owner has other interests and will sell at about one-half the cost of the outfit; a snap for a rustler. Ad dress L-U2, care Bee. Y MG11 13 FOR SALE OR TRADK-Two-chiilr bar ber outfit ; cheap for otth. 2023 (J street, grocery slore. Y 020 12 MY real estate business Is paying me a clear profit of over ten thousand dollars a your. In order to take mlvtintuuc of an exceptional opportunity elsewhere 1 will soil my business, together with lt;,oiX arret of rich farm and fruit land (the famous Cadillac tract), and include office furni ture, fixtures, records, follow up nystems, advertising mutter, etc., and options on over JO farms in this vicinity, for $i,4,ih; one-third cash, balance at 5 per coat. Have spent over f-'aono the past seven years udvertlKing this section and sold hundreds of fahns to sitlsticd customer.. Part of tract lies adjacent to city of Cadillac nnd will sell for tM per ncie. Ijind Is advancing in value every day and demand constantly growing. If you can command money necessary nnd want n, business that will bear the fullest invest I- Fatlon, write today to Samuel S. Thorpe, irawer 389, Cadillac, Mich. V "27 12.x INVESTORS of large or small amounts, desiring reliable Information about the safest and most profitable Investment now offered. Address J. H. Bruce, l0-90 Dear born St., Chicago. Y-602 Ux SEND for "Successful Method" of trading In grain with small Capital; booklet and market letter sent free; references. Coin- stock & Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y-661 U'X WHEAT-412.60 buys five lips nnd five downs; good for one week; 2-cent advance or decline from price gives $1h protlt; write for particulars. Commerce Grain Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y-OOG 12x MONEY Do you need It? We are In n po sition to furnish capital for any merito rious enterprises; we can sell your stocks and binds quick!;' on commission basis; money advanced o'l good securities; char ters procured In any state; do not fall to confer with us, It will be to your Interest. R Kaats & Co., Bankers, Tucoma Bldg., Chicago. Y 657 12x PORTLAND CEMENT The manufacture of this Important commodity Is the most profitable Industry In the United Studs, The price Is steadily advancing. Kan sis Portland cement the best made. We have 2,0O acree finest cement, coal, brick, shale and natural gas land in the famous Kansas cement and pas district. We own a mountain of cement rock and shale right at railroad. Active development work now going on. With our free itus fuel we can manufacture best quality Portland cement for 45c per barrel. Pres ent selling price, Jl.ta. Our thousand barrel per day plant will earn $l,2."ii daily. IjOW capitalization. Treasury stock ii"W 75c, par value $1.00. Interesting cement facts and prospectus sent on reqin st. Guthrie Mountain Coal and '"enient Co., 315 Hall Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Y FOR SALE Only candy and lc cream business; 5.5"0 population; established seven years; clearing $2.5uO yearly; terms to suit; teach you tho mamifarturins; also extra candy tools. A. Jaseph, Lemars. Ia. Y M 12x FOR SALE I J very stable, doing good busi ness, In good Nebraska town; nice line of buggies and horses und good barn. Address L 39, care Bee. i'-tlsl 12 FOR SALE The only store at Junction; living rooms; well assorted general mer chandise; paying proposition; five thou sand will buy It. Investigate If you mean business. Address Box 615, Douglas. Wyo. Y-CbO 12x GOOD cigar, confectionery, Ice cream, newsstand and laundry office, connected with a substation postolfice, for sule cheap; parties leaving the city. Address N-4. Bee. Y-M741 13x $400 FOR $340 A good real estate mortgage on $1,500 home in Omaha; good money maker, but will gacrlflce $00 discount lor quick money. Address at once, N 2. Bee. -044 12 A GOOD opening for first-class blaoksm th. Inquire of D. H. Klrsch, Bennington, Neb. Y 638 12 X YOU can never profit by business chances unlets' you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. frun di is & Sons, Bankers, luth and DoukI.is Sts. Assets over $400,000. Y 1,000 PER CENT profit. We know of a, good railroad stock that Is duo for a phenomenal rise. Best people in financ ial world now accumulating. Write quick for our pyramiding plan that will pay 1,K) per cent profit If advance coinej und keep you from losing any but the orlgi'.ai . investment lr rise aoes not come, uo-vi Brokerage Co., St. lxiuls. Y-" CONFECTIONERY, lee cream and cater. Ing business In city of oven. 1'i.nu, no com petition, averiige sales $li per day, will sell for Invoice. Wriio for particulars. Wm. Modgett. Hastings, Neb. , Y FOR SALE Cheap for rash, at once, H in terest good general iii,1sh. business; In voice about $3.4i0; for particulars write R. E. Kuhliiian, Kddyville, Neb. Y M732 IS FOR SALE Hardware and Implement bus iness In one of the best southern coun ties In Nebraska; good reusons for sell ing. Address N 7, oare Bte. V-M71G Yin CAPITAL secured for meritorious enter prises; Issues of stocks and bonus nego tiated and marketed; highest references given and required. Banker, Box 438, Albany, New York. Y 7oi 12x CEKRO DE PAHCO Tunnel and Mining Company Ella Bawls Reader, president, best rit-ing copper inveslim nt. For l ull particulars wute to 45 Wail St , N w York. Y-708 12x WILL BUY FOR CASH: Portland Cement stocks, common and pre ferred Iola, Western Slates, Independ ence, Indian, Kansas. Great Western Oil, Erie, Kan. WILL SELL: Uncle Sam Oil. Cherryvale, lo cen'a. We are headquar ters for purchase or sale of Western Portland Cement, Oil, bank and trust stocks Clawson-Streun Brokeragu Co., Kansaa City, Mo. Y--70S 12 FOR SALE Grocery stock In Omaha In voicing about $35, QuO. Excellent location. Would consider an exchange for good res idence in Omaha of equal value. Bnnw, Freustr 61k, J-76K tt . I V : IT 1 1 ."