Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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11 m n-. mamm m .mm. m .mm r ".unx mmm. mmm mm m -k aw m utv mmt. mm r --- r- jmmm w. a at v j .
Hand Embroidered Robes
Waist Patterns
Iteal French Hand Embroid
ered Batiste Robes, very latest
styles regular $12.50 and
$14.50 values, at
p Fine Swiss Embroidered Ba
$ tiste llobes, partly made,
w plenty of plain materia) and
X embroidery to make waist
n regular $6.50 and $7.50 values
Waist Patterns H e a 1 Hand
Embroidered Linen and Fine
Swiss Embroidered Batiste
Waist Pattern?, exquisite de
signs, values up to $6.50 each
h Dainty French and German
Laces and Insertions, in various widths to
& match
fa special
0 values, at .
3ic - 5c
a ' 1
We are ofTering thousands of pairs of per-
fectly made, high quality ladies' shoes and
oxfords, newest style toes ad f Q S$
heels, at lOZ k
All now fnll mnrlfla in fnrivrraT Viio-Vi cVinac
1.1 41m . i nwi'ic f 1 I nn li n n tn i
the dressy sort, actually worth
$3.50 to $5.00, at ."
U Men's $3.00 oxfords, now 1.49
Men's $3.50 and $4.00 oxfords, now 2.49
Men's Florsheim oxfords, highest grade,
now ...3.75
Iu Moden, Too, Knowi a Good Thin? and
Pushes It Alone.
Port Arthur, Canada, Mron on
Mniilrlpal Ownrrahlp and Baa
Klare to Jnatlfr'IU
Jnbllant Blaala.
It In not nrcesnary to ro abroad and ob-r-
Jn ancient cltlra the operation of
public utilities for public profit. Port
Arthur. Canada, ia a modern town which
furnishes a lesson In municipal ownership
calculated iu start a thrill of envy In com
munities smith of the boundary line. A
eorrespondent ( the Washington Star
tells about It In this way:
With what emotions would a property
holder receive an official statement from
the assessor s office that he would not be
required to pay taxes thereafter? And the
same citizen would probably not survive
the shock of later being requested to call
at tha district building to receive a check
his share of the profits of the municipal
overnment. This state of affalra Is about
to be realized In Port Arthur.
Every stranger who drops Into this hos
pitable little city at the head of Lke
Bupertor. on the Canadian aide, la forced to
become farhyiar with the town's method
and manner of doing business before he
can make any sort of hqadway at all In
ny other direction. He may not be Inter
tested, but that matters- not a whit. He
must listen! Every citizen of the town Is
loaded to the guards with Information
about municipal ownership and carries
around with him the Inat quarterly state
ment of the railway and light comtnlKsion.
, Me knows to a cent Just how much profits
1 there was In the operation of the water
works and can tell you to a mill the profits
I ot the last quarter from the telephone
i eystem. Incidentally, he will explain be
' tween grins and chortles that the rival
( town of Fort William, six mlls away. Is
( helping to pay the taxes due on Port
Arthur'a real eetate. because the street
' railroad which connects the two towns of
, approximately th same population Is
I owned by the municipality of Port Arthur.
I Therefore, when a Fort William resident
pays S rents to the street car conductor he
contributes a mite to every Individual tax-
payer In the rival town. That fact seems
; to tickle the Port Arthurlans to death: If
'' you are with a Port Arthur resident for
half an hour and he doeon't mention the
abera conditions thirteen times It I con
sldered remarkable by the natives.
1-ow Telephone Rates.
Although the street railroad doesn't give
tha citizens any reduction In car tickets
which other cltlea do not enjoy, the tele
; phone service ia much cheaper. The en
thustaatlo advocate of municipal owner
ship In this town and every citizen la In
tMa das will not forget to explain that
tha aWO company used to charge 136 a year
(or a haatnaaa telephone which la now aup
plle4 for t24. and that a residence tele
phone now costs only tit a year. He
kaows. too, that Port Arthur is the only
towa on the American continent which
and operates all of Its utilities and Is
fond of explaining how all this came
1 about
Tha moat conspicuous citizen of this town
la a member of tha railway and light coea
I mlaatoo. Tha membership of the coiumls-
aloa Is taatrk'ted to three and one mem-
bar la elected each year. It Is by far a
g leader honor to be a member of the com.
1 won man 11 is 10 De a mayor or aider
Am member of tha board tha citizen
! wa baa been so honored by the munlcl
I paBty must serve without pay.
I Hobody rides on passes la this town,
j sua perbapa that la ooe ot the reasons
I wfcr monletpaJ ownership is possible; but
I dfcsra are etraa batter reasons than that,
, das' ha taBa g tha parraat rrvar are aj.
I Linferie and Linen ''SSBgagggwjiiii -rgaS.
Linferie and Linen
Those waists with
the fins epen wrk
embroidery fronts,
many pretty hanker-
2 22
chief linen, $3,
94 ana val
ues, at
- 7ic
IlluDtration nhowH a fetching fall
style, with snug fitting skirted coat
- aw Aajn
2.49 S
Ladies' Embroidered Wah BMt
with fine pearl buckles in Per
sian lawn and pure linen, f J"
A 50c value at IDC
most in the city Itself, and all the power
necessary for electrical operation of any
kind, including manufacturing, Is supplied
by this kindly and convenient stream. The
city has appropriated everything and the
manufacturer must do business with It,
but the terms are easy and no ona seems
to have a kick.
ThejpnntroUing offlclajs-without-pay
saves all of the salaries which go to
eat up the profits of public utilities else
where, and because of these and other
reasons one would hardly be justified in
pointing to this town of 10,000 people us
proof positive that municipal ownership lb'
Justifiable In all American cities
One-half of the taxes of Port Arthur are
paid from the revenues derived from Its
water works, lighting plant, street railway
and telephone. The total Investment by the
municipality was tlSO.OOO, and last year tha
net income was tSfl.OOO. Of course It would
be Impossible to continue these proportional
figures If the city should grow to a larger
population, and it would be likewise Im
possible In a city where millions were In
volved to have the officials devote their
entire time to enterprises without compen
sation. Just now the members of the rail
way and light commission meet only after
business hours' and perhaps not oftencr
than twice a week.
Row with the Railroads.
Port Arthur and Fort William are the
lake shipping points for the western Canada
wheat belt. Each has a magnificent harbor
and gigantic elevators. Port Arthur and
the Canadian Pacific railway have been for
years and are now at war with each other.
If there had never been a quarrel between
the two there would never have been a
story to tell about municipal ownership un
der a Port Arthur date line.
Disinterested persons say that both the
town and the road were at fault and that
a hot-headed and chesty person of Impor
tance to each made their differences grow
and Anally become Irreconclllable. Port
Arthur concluded that the railroad was try
ing to dodge the payment of taxes on prop
erty the title to which was under dispute,
and a very self-assertive mayor caused a
paosenger train to be attached and held
like the elephant of the bankrupt circus
until payment was enforced. This little
courtesy naturally made the Canadian Pa
cific railroad officials feel kindly toward
Port Arthur.
Sir William Van Horn, president of the
Cntiadlan Pacific, Is pretty quick on the
trigger anyhow, and his mrsth on this par-
tli!lnr occasion was something wonderful
to re.-. After the power of speech had re
turned Sir William Is reported to have
waved his carefully manicured Smlthfleld
over his head ind declared that he would
"make the grass grow In the streets of Port
Arthur." The development of the rival
tomn of Fort William began with a rush,
and for a while It looked very much as if
Bir William would mnke his threat good.
But the god folks at Port Arthur are not
of the Micawber family. They began to sit
up and take notice. They had a harbor, an
ideal location for a city and a splendid
waterfall just outside the city limits. If
the railroad would not bring Its tracks to
Port Arthur they were determined to make
their town getatable by means of an elec
tric railway, and so the municipal owner
ship proposition had Its Inception. From
the very beginning the system was enough
of a success to demonstrate that ultimately
it would be a pronounced success, and the
story which tells the tale moat eloquently
Is ths statement of Income and expendi
tures Issued by the corporation of the town
of Port Arthur. It shows that from the
street railroads the gross Income waa butt
year tO-Kiti. the cost ot administration
tlMO and the profits tlO.l&O: from the elec.
trio lighting plant the same relative figures
were tsa.t. tlWO and til Uo, and from
the telephone system tt.71, tl.100 and 12.101.
Tha figures given under "coat of admin
istration" Include the salary tor superin
tendence and the clerical staff required for
the operation of these Industries. The
street railroad Is carrying charges on some
tV-t.OOG worth of bonds. Of these, tilono
were devoted to Improvement of the Current
river. The lighting and telephone avstaois
II II I 119 Ilf.fltliY'VllII I II a
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Arrivals in Ladies' Fall Tailored
Brandeis always lends the way in presenting the new styles for each season. The won
derful advantage given, us by our oicn Paris office and our New York headquarters makes pos
sible an exposition of correct style in advance of other houses.
We have been specially successful this season in obtaining new models very early. Simulta
neously with their arrival in New York we give a glimpse of reigning fall mode to Omaha women.
Our variety' of styles in tailormades is particularly ample.
The New Tailored Suits for Autumn 1
The snug fitting models seem destined to take a place in the forefront of favor. The 6tyles with
skirted coats are very trim. Plaids and checks will be employed among the fabrics for thesrj
suits. The military styles are extremely fetching, as well as the Prince Chap effects. We mention
smart suits for fall at $25, $32.50, $37.50 and up to $50
The Fall Walking: Skirts are Very Dressy
These skirts have the wide flowing plaits this season and there are a number of minor departures
in style that will make the skirts attractive some are plain, and others trimmed with 6titched
straps. We mention skirts at T $5, $7.50, $10 and up
Clearance of all Our Summer Apparel
Lingerie Dresses, in lawn and dotted Swiss, at 1.98
$12.50 Shirt Waist Suits with embroidered fronts, at. $5
Tailored Wool Suits, worth as high as 4 0, at. . . -14.85
White Wool Suits, worth up to $40, at. . $10
Odd Tailored Wool Suits, worth up to $25, at $5
French kid 11.
LADIES' BACK STRAP PURSES In fine seal leather regu- rAp
lar price $1 a late and popular fad-at, each 3UC
ladles' Silver
styles to choose
lar price 50c
at, each-.
shades $1.00 values at
are qonrted proportionately. The may'.r of
Port Arthur reviewed the figures for me
and remarked: '
"I expect to see the day when the prop
erty owner of this town will alk up to
the auditor's office and receive a check as
his proportional share of 'he profits from
the operation of our p bile utilities."
Sad-Faced Spieler at Coney Sighs for
the Good Old Tent Show
The barker I liked much the best at
Coney was one I discovered in front of
"The Fall of Pompeii." He was a smooth
faced, sad, cadaverous looking young man
who seemed to regard the calling of which
lie was so excellent an example as a terri
ble bore. It seemed to make but little dif
ference what show he happened to rep
resent, and I doubt if he had ever seen any
of them. His methods varied greatly, but
moat of his effects were produced with a
huge paper megaphone and a pointer such
as are used In school rooms. He would
wait until a party had passed him,, and
would then bring his pointer down with a
resounding whack on the megaphone and
cry aloud, "Look, look." The nolfe sounded
exactly like a rifle shot and the party would
Invariably start to run and eventually turn
to find the sad-faced young man pointing
it the entrance to his show. Sometimes he
would run behind people and bark like a
dog or growl like a carnivorous animal, but
having once thoroughly frightened his prey
he always returned to complete silence and
the- same Interested pose. The second time
I went to Coney Island I found that "he had
left "The Fall of Pompeii" and was selling
tickets from a high stand in front of "The
Canals of Venice." He had. however, not
completely lost the love of his old calling,
and during an occasional lull In business
would once more attract attention to him
self and the show by his unique methods.
When I Inquired why he had left "Pompeii"
the erstwhile barker leaned over his stand
and sighed deeply.
"There's nothln' doln' over there, and I
tried so hard to get "em In I lost mv voice.
I 'talked' fifteen hours a dsy In front of
that show and still they wouldn't come.
So they gave me a chance over here sellin'
hard tickets, but the boss won't let me
work any short change games, and all the
graft I get is the change the men leave
when they're In a hurry."
"How about the change the women
leave?" I Inquired.
The barker grew reflective and gazed for
long across the park. "I can't remember
a case now of a woman ever leavln'
"And you have been In the business a
long time?"
"Twenty years." he sighed. "The men
left four-thirty today, but that Isn't cigar
money to me. Why. I had the ticket priv
ilege every other day with , a circus last
summer. The ticket wagon was supposed
to open every night at T, but I kept It closed
till about seven-twenty. By that time there
was a howlln' crush outside and as soon as
a rube came along with a girl and would
hand me a big bill Just to show off I
would give him short change. You see the
crowd back of him would ptlsh him on, and
he generally didn't set up his holler till'
he was about twenty feet away. Then he
would run for a cop that was standln' Just
opposite my window and want to have me
arrested. But the cop be was a partner of
mine, Just dressed up Ilka' and we divided
the graft. Soma times the partner would
only tell the rube to shut up. and some
tiroes he would beat him Insensible Just a
occasion required. ,
The barker gazed upward at tha white
lights that biased down upon him and his
open stand snd the little bunch of tickets
he held In his hand.
"It s a little too respectable for me down
here, I guess," he sighed. "Four-thirty a
day ain't enough for a good grafter nest
summer It's me for the white tents and the
red wagon, and where you can change
money under an old kerosene lamp.--OutlDg
Tinsel Belts 20
from regu
Government Control Works Wocdert in the
Wsj of Savin e.
Some Features of the Plan that Looks
Very Attractive to One Who Is
Accustomed to American
One of the deepest of the, many pleasant
Impressions which New Zealand makes
upon the visitor la that In Its public affairs
it is a land of peace and probity. The In
cessant clamor of investigation Into the
oonduet of public and semi-public business,
the dust and stench of constant disclosures,
which have come to be almost the normal
condition of life in the I'nlted States, are
practically unknown in that Island colony
of the southern seas. Such a national dis
grace as the Insurance scandals, which
have so shocked end amazed the American
public, T.-ould be Impossible there. The
methods of the government Insurance de
partment and the honesty and publicity
with which the office la administered give
absolute confidence to the New Zealander
insured therein. In thirty-six years there
has not been even a suspicion of wrong
doing In the department.
Government life Insurance has had a thor
ough test In the colony, but Are Insurance
Is one of Its recent experiments. The life
Insurance department began work In liTO,
having ben estsbllshed because of the fail
ure of two British companies In which
many New Zealanders held policies. It was
the result of s general public conviction
that there must be greater security In life
Insurance and that their own government
was the likeliest place In which to find It.
The act estahliehlng the depsrtment was
passed by unanimous vote of Parliament.
Government as a Competitor.
The government Insurance office does
buslners In competition with all the other
companies that wish to enter its field, and
It has not only beaten them In the contest,
but Is steadily gaining on their business.
It does 41 per cent of the entire life Insur
ance business of the colony, and now trans
acts the largest amount of new business.
Ten foreign comiwnles compete with It.
Six of these are Australian, two British,
and two are American, the New York
Life and the New York F.iiultable. The two
latter have been in the colony nearly
twenty years, and hold" together only S.i'i
policies, assuring I6.o00.0no. The big Aus
tralian Mutual Provident association Is the
only foreign company that transacts any
thing near the smnunt of the government
business. It has been In New Zealand more
than forty years snd holds 30.7U0 policies,
sssurlng tf.i.W0. The government office
has In forte over 44.0"O policies, assuring
The utmost publicity Is sfforded by the
reports Issued annually and trier.nially,
which give full details of the work and
progress of the office. An English. Insur
ance expert has declared that In form and
contents Its mini al report Is well deserving
of Imitation by all offices that court public
But the unique distinction of this Insur
ance office Is that behind every policy
stands the government of New Zealand,
guarsnteelng Its payment. No fesrs need
ever disturb the mind of the policyholder
concerning his security.
The department Is co-oprstlve and Is con
ducted on prscthaVy the same methods
used by private mutual life Insurance com
panies. It Is entirely self-supporting, even
to Its telegrams and postage, and the ex
penses snd tsxes are borne by the policy
holders, who shnre the whole of the profits.
Its officials work for modest salaries, com
parable to what they would besable to com
mand elsewhere, and these they endeavor
to ram by honest, eflVlent work and de
votion to their duties. The department
Stylish Summer
Wtxists, 69c
Embroidery petnel
1 1
lace inserting trimmed
effects, all new and very
dressy worth tl.50
BBCK B asal
Silk Shirt Waist Suits, worth up tj $25, at 5-38
Silk Jacket Suits, worth up to $40, at 14.85
Lace and Pongee Coats, worth $S and $10, at
length Silk and Cloth Coats, worth up to $17.50,. . . 6.98
Ladies' $10 White Wool Skirts, at --;.. 2.9S
DE SOIE and high class wash fabrics
from our regular counter, that sold
up to 75c yard, at, yard
School Dresses all desirable shades
in full pieces, not remnants regular
15c grade at, a yard..
docs not consider the creation of a big
surplus to be sound business management,
and, as It does not have to pay large sums
lo legislative agents, contribute to cam
paign funds, or create kindly feeling by
means of expensive social functions, the
policyholders find there Is something to
share when the profits are divided. These
now accrue at the rate of nearly $350,000
per annum. The department hss distrib
uted In dividends to policyholders $5,000,000
in cash. 1
Bonuses are allotted every three years,
but by a recent arrangement Interim bo
nuses are given In the case of claims by
death or maturity, and are Included In all
calculations of surrender values, whether
the policies are actually surrendered or
are borrowed upon or the premiums are
overdue. It is the policy of the office to
make things as easy as possible for those
who get Into temporary financial straits,
and In accordance with this purpose the
policyholder who Is compelled to surren
der receives the proper proportion of ac
crued bonuses for every premium paid
since the last valuation. It Is the same
kindly, human, brotherly spirit which
marks the administration of every depart
ment of the New Zealand government.
Policies Contlnne Automatically.
This kindly unwillingness to take ad
vantage of another's necessities Is shown
also In the system by which a policy on
which premiums are overdue continue In
force automatically. The 27.000 policy
holders In the Equitable who have allowed
their policies to lapse during the Insur
ance disclosures and convulsions would no
doubt be thankful were such a scheme In
force here. Surrender values and loan
values are allowed after two years, and
If after that time the premium Is not paid
an account Is opened crediting the policy
holder with the surrender value and In
creases therein and debiting him with pre
miums and Interest thereon as they fall
due. As long as the amount to credit
exceeds the amount owing the policy Is
In full force, and In the event df death or
maturity the sum assured - and bonuses
lees the arrears with Interest are paid.
During one recent year twenty-nine over
due policies fell In by the death of the
persons assured, and, although on most of
them not a penny of premium had been
paid for six years or more, the depart
ment recognized claims upon them to the
amount of $40,00u, exclusive of bonuses.
I-iipsed policies which have not acquired
a surrender value, or in which the sur
render value has become exhausted, may
be revived within twelve months by giv
ing proof of health and paying arrears and
a line.
The policy of a holder committing sui
cide within six months of the date of the
policy does or does not become void, ac
cording to the discretion of the commis
sioner. If he is satisfied after making
careful inquiry that there was no suicidal
intention at ths time ot the taking out of
the policy he pays the claim. The extent
to which the officials of the New Zealand
government are alios, ed to exercise their
common sense and their human feeling
in their dealings with the people Is a bit
surprising. In every department one meets
with that same kindliness and fair play
Instead of a strict adherence to the letter
of the law. It has the effect 0 making
the government In Its relation to the people
seem more tike a band of elder brothers
than a complicated machine.
Endowment Assaranea.
Endowment assurance Is the class of
policy chiefly Issued. This fact makes com
parison of New Zealand rates with those
In this country somewhat difficult, but they
are lower than those charged by the pri
vate companies doing business In the col
ony. The Australian Provident association
pays larger bonuses, but charges higher
premiums. But it Is a much older Institu
tion and has branches In many parrs of
the world, while the department oos little
liusiness outside the colony. The h
rate in New Zealand is tha lowest of any
country in the world, and this fact. ,of
course, helps to make possible both lower
rates and larger profits. The premiums
ngloall adupisd by Ujs iAsursaca depart
.$0 a dozen,
napkins have been on
display in the win
dow and will be sold
Monday for
All linen fine
8-4, 10-4 and
worth up to
5c honey comb
Balance of the
ing, from the
We offer 36-in.
dye, worth
$1.50 black Peau de Soie, 3C-in.,
g worth $1.00, Monday at, yard U.V
g We are now showing silks for early shoppers 8
W on bargain squares, all nice new, up-to-date
m patterns, large variety of A O PQ C
g colors, at, a yard. T'OC DZJC sjj
I $1.00 and $1.50 Silks for 35c
3j New lots that have been shown in our win- $
g dow fine, all silk taffeta, many in plain
y colors satin foulards, in polka dots and
Q floral designs, etc. all this
8 season's popular etyles and
k worth $1.00, and $1.50 a yard
$ bargain square, at, yard . . .-. . " v S
FMtf rMRV-Wfliy VMt: nt! VttMT AVJF "Wrry IMIpiy .MW .tmMf IJW
ment were very low and were not framed
to provide bonuses. But even these low
rates produced surpluses from the begin
ning, and when It waa found necessary to
provide bonuses In order to compete with
the private companies the rates - were
raised. The premium now charged on an
endowment policy for tGOO taken out at the
age of 90 years and payable at death or
the age of 10 is $11 yearly; In thirty years,
$16 In twenty years, $32. Extra premiums
are not charged for women nor for any
occupation other than that of engaging In
the manufacture or sale . of intoxicating
liquors. Under-average lives are aocepted
at increased rates, or 'the proposer. Instead
of paying an Increased premium, may
agree that a deduction shall be made from
the sum , assured In the event of death
within a certain period.
' Ths liquor question Is always alive and
extremely vigorous In New Zealand, and
therefore It was found advisable to start
a temperance branch, which contains only
policies on the lives of total abstainers.
The accounts of this branch are so kept
that If there are any profits arising from
superior . vitality they may be enjoyed ex
clusively by those who have earned them.
The bonuses In the . two sections do not
differ materlslly, sometimes one and some
times ths other being a trifle the larger.
Board of Investments.
The Investments of ths Insurance depart
ment are controlled by a board consisting
of ths colonial treasurer, the surveyor gen
ersl, ths commissioner of taxes and the In
surance commissioner. The Investments
are mainly confined to New Zealand gov
ernment securities snd to loans to local
bodies and policyholders and on real es
tate. Its assets are $18.8n0,O0n. Its Income
for 1904, from new premiums, renewals and
Interest, amounted to nearly $i'.50ft.O00, snd
Its expenses were 10 per cent ot the pre
mlum Income. Since Its inception It has
paid $1X,6iA,oro In claims. Purlng the last
fifteen years there has been sn Increase of
(2 pr cent in the number of policies in
force, of 40 per cent In the sum 'assured,
of 6 per cent In the bonuses, of 70S per
cent In the annuities,' of tl per, sent In the
income, of 132 per cent in the accumulated
funds, and a decrease of per cent in the
expenses of management snd of St per
cent In the ratio of total expenses to total
An accident Insurance branch was opened
in 1901, mainly for the purpose of covering
the liabilities of employers of labor, which
had been much Increased by the workers'
compensation for accidents act,' passed the
previous yesr. Personal accident policies
are also Issued. The costs of conducting
the business are carried entirely by the
accident branch and the life funds are In
no- case liable.
A combined Insurance and annuity scheme
has been In operation since ISM. In return
for monthly deductions amounting to about
$26 annually for every $.Vi0 of salary the
Insurance department contracts to give a
uniform Initial Insurance of $500. Increasing
with ths salary, until the age of SO l
reached, and after that an annuity varying
with the age st entry. These policies are
plseed In s separate table but are merged
in the general business and share In the
distribution of profits. The scheme Is com
pulsory upon all civil servants who do not
Insure of their own wish. But it ore than
90 per cent of the government employes
have tsken out their insurance of their own
Initiative. They may Insure In whatever
ompany they choose.
Fir Insnranec.
A little more than a year ago a fire In
surance department was estsbllshed lit com
pliance with s strong popular demand The
fire Insurance companies had kept rates at
an exorbitant figure, snd. as the life insur
snce department had proved so successful,
the people all oyer the colony .demanded
that the government should go Into the
business and establish fslr rates snd a more
liberal policy. ' ' r
The department opened its doors wir a
fiat reduction of 10 per cent lna!l rlg'sses of
business. The private companies met this,
and then rut under still farther by reduc
tlon of H 1-1 per rent en dwellings the "W"
of Insurance claaalflcaUoa-aad tha govern
Sample Napkins, Table Cloths, Etc
We purchased those napkins for 50 per cent
less than their import cost, from a New j
York linen house. These are all their trav- h
elers' and house samples of dinner napkins
in Irish, Scotch and Austrian makes. All
very fine quality and actually worth up to H
quality pattern table cloths in
12-4 sizes, QQ -) QO
$6 at, each. I0,'i50
knit wash cloths at,
6c twilled cotton towel- 1
bolt, yard $
A Big Day in
black Chiffon Taffeta, pure
$1.35, Monday only, 7A p
B $
98c I
27-m. black Peau de Soie, $1.25 value, OQ ig
special, a yard J C
50 pieces of 27-in colored Taffetas,
ment promptly made its rates the same.
There the rate question hss rested ever
since, while the companies have been try
ing a flank movement. If the owner of an
Insured property takes out a government
policy the underwriters cancel his Insur
ance. If the government cannot take a risk
the owner finds that the private companies
at once raise the rates. The companies re
fuse lo recognize the department or reinsure
Its risks. But It has been able to make
reinsurance srrangements with Lloyds' In
London and Is not' disturbed by the at
tempted boycott. It Is careful not to Jeopar
dize the Interests of Its clients In Its fight
with the private companies and If It cannot
take the whole of a big risk It rancels Its
own business rather than subject the owner
of the property to tho boycott of the com
bines. The fire Insurance department has saved
to the people In the first year of Its opera
tion more than $500,000 in premiums. Th
commissioner Is well satisfied with the re
sults of the first yesr's work. But he Is a
conservative man, and said that he did not
consider It a sufficient test of the merits of
the scheme. Independent.
Visit of Indian Rolers Starts Crase
tor Semi-Barbaric Orna
ment. Due doubtless to the recent visit of the
maharajah of Baroda and her highness the
maharanl, with the soft flowing folds of
her vivid raiment and the floating veils,
half concealing, half revealing the serious
beauty of the high caste lady of the Ori
ent, Newport has been attacked by the
craze for eastern and seml-barbarlc orna
ment. The distinction of uncorseted lines as prt
sented'hy the maharanl are the subtlety .f
an attraction which Is shown one moment
only to be hidden the next, are not the only
precedents for the figured silk mulls In
strange fantastic pattern. There Is the echo
of King Hlsowath's suite In Paris and Its
effect upon the French leaders of ths mode
as excuse.
In Newport eastern veils are having an
enormous vogua My lady appears in a
face covering so thickly embellished with
lines, circles and curiously trailing vines
thst her features are completely- obliter
ated below the eyes. These by contrast
thine with an added luster and assume
greater size In such a setting.
King Sisowath's observations on the Pz
rislennes' adiiptatlon of toe dancers' drap
eries Indicated more amusement thaa ad
miration for the change In fashion his com
ing had wrought. His highness of Baroda
would doubtless been more pleased at any
Innovation which moderated the American
tare. Home of the Newport belles have
adopted a coiffure which does away with
the bathing cap and yet enables them to
keep their tresses within hounds during an
encounter with King Neptune. They wear
their hair in a somewhat exaggerated pom
padour, the rat reaching practically gl
around tha head, and rover the whole
structure with a net matching the hair and"
almost Invisible. This Insures neatness aad
less salt water in the hair. New York
Much the mrsnest and most despicable
of the "tricks of trade' In adulteratlan
to 'cheapen the cost of the product Is that
which makes big profits on the cheap
candies and swet stuffs sold to tha chil
dren. Fully three-fourths of too samples
examined by the Pennsylvania authorities
recently was found to contain adultera
tions, msny of them poisonous, all of
them dangerous when eaten In quantity.
Not only are adulterants and poisonous
chemical flavorings used In these goods
but many of them are. made amid filthy
surroundings and under disgusting con
ditions. Deaths have been traced to the
stuff and It Is responsible for many Ill
nesses ths source of which has appeared
a mystery. Newark Advertiser.
DwUMOtf-D-z-JTrsMni, Uih aaA U