Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1906, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 190(5. I m f!J '5 H act iii nits' Arc I" f7 1 , Oprn ,5 i ' Saturday 't" I .. . Evening .1 I; : -J This SolH Qak Horn Chnr . . 6.75 The frame la made of solid oak with hAiHkinmely carved claw fe't and larn carved heads on aims. Th eashlnna am full spring and oovea -B-rth heavy French velour of 'Yiandjiome . colorings. P;oriil low price this week in our great uleArance salo. iillKf- 26.75 Kxtra large elite, like cut. six hol!e. No. 8. large square oven, fully mmr antead, elegantly trimmed in nlckM, has- heaviest castings, etc. iiii,.ili with warming elopot as shnv.n. Mv1 especially for Hart man cbain of 21 ' atores, hence the low price malu pos sible. Your chance, for a high Riadu range at a small price. Tarmsi $3.73 Cash, 75o Weekly. Credit Terms $25 Worth $2 90 Cash $2 a nontb $50 Worth $8.00 Cash 1 . $9 Month 1414 - WYOMING HEAVIEST TRAFFIC Cyci That Division of Union Paoifio Great est TonRftWAfJ.uwess A THREE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE TONS MONTH Strenvnna Activity of Harrlrann Ofll etala Bring! Them Into Demnnil by,-Other natlroada Over the Coaatry. Much has been written of the enormoua bualness which passes over the line of the . Union Pacific and which has forced that road to adopt a system of double tracking all the way frcm Omaha to Ogden. But despite all that has been written of this business few realise that a heavier ton nage passes over the Wyoming division than over any similar length of railroad track In the world. This may not only be ntws to the laymen, but to railroad of ficials as well. During one month lust fall 343.000 tons per mile of road between Chey enne and Rawlins were handled, breaking all records In the history of railroading. This may be one of the reasons that rail road officials, who have served the Union Pacific are In such demand all over the country. The strenuous life they are forced to .lead makes railroading on other Unea mere play. Last Day of Reduced Rates. Friday was the last day for reduced rates on grain from Omaha und most of the roads made a clean up of all the grain In sight. Some did not make an expeclul bustle for this haul at the low rules in effect, while others moved all that waa offered. The Chicago Great Western had eutl i(aJS from Omaha to Chicago in the ten days. Ot-ueral Agent Churchill worked the Independent elevator day and night with two shifts of men and had two switch engines at the plant under a trainmaster for the whole- ten days. - Many of the (rain men of Omaha have declared their Intention to quit shipping (or the time i f'S 12-V W Z09 lis I:ra' et- S WhiWMM i 1 1 kMfS?GT 5 I Aly i z 5i ' Star, tM-i HelplHelp! I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neigh bor came to the rescue with a bottle of Ayers H air Vigor. The hair was saved! In grew long and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Druggists have sold it in all parts of j the world for over sixty years. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." ; ataas b an O. ir i iml 0 ABsitttA Ter tae s'.ooa. IlJui'i CaaaBT rtlsuU-r csa. 1 LET 1IARTMAN FEATHER YOUR NEST Making Most Extraordinary Price Reductions The occasion is the annual roldsummer clear ance. It's the time of the year when we close out all small lots of goods loft from the sr-rlns season' and sacrifice all remaining artlclee where the long Hue of goods will not be carrloj In stock another year. It's a sweeping clearance a radical price reducing movement a most e-xTraorairiary opportunity for you to buy at a savin. Every article In the siore today Is cut 2 5 per cent or more most articles are cut 35 per cent. It's one grand bargain carnival an . era of ecoromy for the people of Omaha for you SOLID OAK LX.ENSION TABLE- (Exactly like cut shown). Top alto. 42x42; S large square legs, extends feet, extra well made 4 ei elegantly finished, solid oak throughout if. 1 special clearance price for this week, only " " Few Clearance Prices on Odds and Ends of Furniture, Etc. Iron beds, t or full slip, lvavy tubing, new colors.., Brass beds, best lacquer, new designs, heavy posts Sanitary Hod Conch-, the regular 16 00 kind, at ..... Roll Top Iesks, griind clear- u.ire, up from, only Mantel Folding Peris, made of solid oak. best springs 1.95 .18.75 ..3.95 15.75 12.25 Oak Dressers, 6 new designs, all 0 e have French mirrors 0,69 Chase leather, massive oak Cfk framed, full nrlnff couches Massive Oak I :venports, tin .26.75 coverings, worth 140, at ... Fancy ffhoNtererN I'nrlor Divans, mahogany finish ... .7.45 Genuine leather, l.irge Over 75 aturfeil nlatform Hockera .... Thre--pleco Mahogany finish, nicely upholstered I'arlor Bults 14.75 Five-piece Verona Uphulsteing 41 CA fine Tarlor 8ults 61.4V Solid oak, finely finished leather ie seat rockers, at New Colonial design, massive iQ Cft Library Tables, oak ....... Quartersawed Oak Buffets, 3Oj 7C values, now reduced to China Closets In fine oak, larre size, new designs . . 12.50 Elegant Combination Bookcase, 1 9 05 large mirror, special " Iilbrarv l ases, open front, solid 7 OC oak, nicely finished :.l,i 22 GREAT 8TORES THROUGHOUT THE 1416 - 1418 Douglas St. being and to put the. wheat in storage in Omaha. . . The Burlington will run a special train from Iylncoln at 6 p. m. Auguat IS to carry the official party of the Grand Army of the Republic to Omaha, where It will be turned over , to -tbs' Great. . WeaternI- .which ro4l wlU , be the official route to Minneapolis. TheB trains are also the official trains of the Woman's Relief Corps. The Burling ton ,has also been designated the official route of the Colorado division. of the Grand Army of the Republic, and a' special train will leave Denver August 11 at 3 p. m. and arrive In Omaha at 7:30 the next' morning. The Northwestern will be the official route of this party from Omaha to Minneapolis. One of the features of the Colorado delega tion will be Colonel Cook's drum corps. ICO strong, which has accompanied the Colo rado delegation on similar excursions for the last twenty years The ladies' xouave drill team, eighty strong, will also be with the delegation. The Grand Army of the Republic bualness and the low rates to Chicago and Milwau kee, with the same dates of sale August 11, 12 and 13 are taxing the equipment de partments of all the western railroads. This combined business will make the big gest excursion movement of the season. Ilarrlnian Oinrlala Meet. A meeting of the general superintendents of the Harriman lines has been called for Denver for August 15, and W. L. Parka will represent the Union Pacific At thla meeting the new rules which were recently dlMcussed at Rait Ike City will be gone iver in detail' by the general officers and will either be approved . or amendments made. These rules are for the handling of trains, the regulation and kind of slg, nals, the Installation1 of the block system und rules for making the same effective, und it Is thought that after the confer ence a system that will be perfect and will be nearly absolute protection against an accident will be put in operation. " To Knlarar t'ntoa Station. Chairman Huntley of the committee of railroad engineers which has been consid ering the needs in the way' of Improve ments at Union station has called a meet ing of the committee at Chicago for the latter part of this month when some final Oa . beal. ATe'8 Mlt- 9m ATiM't CUkfi-to: situirii eaj arse. jet Solid Oak J-ideboard 12.25 Theae Sideboards are made to order for the great Hart man chain of stores. They have extra large heavy French, beveled mirror, elaborate carvings and lined drawers for silverware. At the clearance price it repre sents a big saving. w.- -k-il rf-W-. AJ11UM ,..A--. S.4KMfaT. . 1 21 Hartman' Brus S? 147! Rug. 5iz? 8-3x1 These nigs have no miter seams. All wool and worsteds; handsom exclusive patterns, with most beautifully blended colorings. These rugs are especially made for the Hartman stores, are close ly woven and are of wonderful dur ability. Everyone Is thoroughly guaranteed. Special clearance price Terms 1 91.60 Cash, BOa Weekly. U. 8. Credit Terms $100 W.rth $10 Cash $8 a Jlonth Larger Amounts Proportionately Easy Terms. action may be taken In reference to en larging the depot facilities. The station Is becoming more and more crowded every month and the railroads realize that some thing must be done. Some of the roads are standing out 011 the question of cost, but these probably will be outvoted and the needed improvements given to Omaha In the near future. Hallway Notes and Personals. G. K. Owens, Chicago representative of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western road, Js In the city. O. C. Cornellsen, superintendent of the Fort Dodge division of the Chicago Great Western, la in the city. I The Rock Island haa made arrangementa for receiving dally weather and tempeia ture reporta from Colorado Springs, which will be posted in the Rock Island city ticket office. The Union Pacific superintendents, who have been meeting during the week with the representatives of the railroad tele graphers from the different divisions, left for their homes Friday to meet with the other representatives at some future date. All the work which was under considera tion was not finished and another session is needed to clean this up. J. H. Butler, commercial agent of the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis rail road at Kansas City, is in the city. Mr, Butler also represents his road in this ter ritory. He says his road has benefited greatly by the reduced rates from this territory, and that since the first of the year he has handled over S.500 cars of grain from Omaha. He sas the territory tnrough which his roads runs needa the foodstuffs from this country and they have the mills and elevators for handling it. PUZZLE FIND THE - SAVING Qnestlon of Economy la Combination of Treasuries Is Agitating Some Statesmen. Citizens who Interested themselves st the last session of the legislature in having the city taxing and treasury departments combined with those of the county In an effort toward economy are wondering where the economy comes in with the new demo cratic council confessing an Inability to reduce the 1907 budget under that of the present year. The charter revisers figured they would save about $15,000 a year by lopping off the tax commissioner's office, 130.000 by thevclty treasury, $2.310 by the Advisory board and $4,700 by the Board of Public works, all amounting to over tD2,000 annually. Against this was to be deducted $2I,W0 to cover the cost of the amounts paid the cour.ty for collecting taxes und for Increases in the wages paid to coun cilman and other city officials and three new councilmen, but a net saving of $30,000 was Jo result from the consolidations. Under the assessment for the present year the amount represents about lj mills, but no talk has been heard at the city hall about any reductions, except from Mayor Dahlman, who Is anxious to find out If something cannot be done toward redeem ing platform pledges about "retrench ment." CHARGE OF HORSE STEALING Three Men Arrested and Will Be Re tamed to that Dear Old Lincoln. Henry Smith. John Knight and Mike Thompson have been arreated by Detectives Home, Heltfeld and Donahoe and booked at the city Jail on the charge of horae steal ing. The prisoners will be returned to Lincoln for trial. The men are chaiged with stealing a team from E. Reynolds of Lincoln. The team was sold st Ashland for 1175. The prisoners were taken from a train at Union station. Baltimore Bsrarstoa. From Chicago and from St. Louis over the Pennsylvania Short Lines, account homecoming and Jubilee week. Tickets old Beptember 8 and t; good returning until September 17. Rate one fare for the round trip, plus $1. Write for full particu lars. W. H. Rowland, T. P. Agt., Omaha. Automobile Rental Co. Office Niles A afoaer. Sixteenth and Farnam. Tel. Doug luUb , 1 WiVl'l vHrin VK. V PLANS FOR G. A, R. REUNION National Hsidqnarten Will Be Established at Watt Hotel in Minneapolis. KANSAS WOMEN HAVE A CANDIDATE Ladles of G. A, R. Will Present Mrs. Elma HI. Dnttoa of Wlntlel.l for President of Women's Ancillary. Commander In Chief James Tanner liss Just Issued General Order No. 11 announc ing the f nal arrangements for the national encampment of the Grsnd Army of the Re public, which will hold Its fortieth snnual meeting at Minneapolis, August 13-1S. The order says nstional headquarters will be established at the West hotel, Hennepin and Fifth streets. The executive committee of tho nstional council of administration will assemble there temporarily Monday morning for the transaction of necessary executive business. The natiohal council of administration will meet at the West hotel at the same time, 10 o'clock a. m. A semi-official meeting will be held at the auditorium Tuesday, August II, with Commsnder In Chief Tanner presiding. Ad dresses of welcome will be dellve'red by Governor J. A. Johnson, Mayor D. P. Jones, Department Commander Levi Long fellow, and greeting from the Women's Relief Corps, Ladles' of the Grand Army, Sons and Daughters of Veterans and other patriotic societies. The parade will take place Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock and will not extend over two miles. The bands participating In the parade are directed to give a march Ins; time of-not over ninety beats to the minute, In order to accommodate the age of the veterans. Mew Staff Officers. Additional staff appointments are an nounced as follows: John Twedale, adju tant general; Charles A. Suydam, Penn sylvania; John H. Roberts, Colorado; Orton 8. Clark, Minnesota; F. P. Sterling, Mon tana, assistant adjutant generals. The uniforms for aides will be a black slouch hat, gilt cord, regulation Grand Army of the Republic uniform; aides-de-camp, but ribbon and badge on uniform; optional. black lcgglns and two-button slate-colored gloves, ' Columbia post No. 706 of Illinois Is ap pointed as escort to the national com mander. The business session of the encampment will begin at 10 a. m. Thursday, August 15. All applications for accommodations should be made to Wallace. G. Nye, secre tary Grand Army of the Republic commit tee, 633 Andrus building. I.lst of Headquarters. The following list shows the national and department headquarters: NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS. National headquarters Grand Army of the Republic, West' hotel. Commander-in-Chief James Tanner and official staff, Weet hotel. The members of the executive committee, council of administration Grand Army of the Republic. West hotel. Mrs. Abbie A. Adams, president Woman's Relief Corps, and staff, West hotel. Bertha M. Martin, president Daughters of Veterans, and staff. West hotel. Union Veterans' Union, Brunswick hotel. DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS. Illinois, West hotel. Wisconsin, West hotel. Pennsylvania, West hotel. Ohio, West hotel. New York, West hotel. Connecticut, Nicollet hotel. Massachusetts, West hotel. New Jersey, Nicollet hotel. Maine. Nicollet hotel. California, Nicollet hoteL Vermont, Nicollet hotet. ' Potomac, West hotel. ' Nebraska, West hotel. . Michigan, Nicollet hotel. New Hampslre, Hotel Ilysot.' ' Iowa, Nicollet, hotel.' "' Indiana, West hotel. ( Missouri, Nicollet hotel., Oregon, Brunswick hotel. South Dakota, Nicollet hotel. "," DEPARTMENTS WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. , Illinois. West hotel. Nebraska, West hotel, Ohio, West hotel. . New York, West hotel. j Pennsylvania, West hotel. , . Indiana, West hotel. New Hampshire, Hotel Hyser. MEETING PLACES. The sessions of the national encampment and thelprlocipal camp fires will be held at the Auditorium. Nicollet ana Eleventh streets. The Woman's Relief corps will hold its sessions at Wesley Methodist Episcopal church, First avenue and Grant streets. The Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic will occupy the First Baptist church, Harmon Place and Tenth street. The Union Ex-prisoners of War and Its auxiliary organizations will hold their meetings in the First Unitarian church at Eighth street and Mary Place. The Army of Tennessee association will hold Its reunion and camp fire in McKlnley hRll, Western a?nue, near First avenue north. August 15. The Union Veterans union will convene In Ancient Order of United Workmen hall pt 17 South Seventh street. Tfie Kansaa department of the Ladlea of the Grand Army of the Republic will pre aent the name of Mrs. M. Dutton of Win field for the position of national president of that order. She Is a lawyer. She was for three years president of the Kansas department Indies of the Grand Army of the Republic, and Is president of the Rebekah assembly of that state. She served one year on the national council of administration of the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic. FINK AS SILK, That Is What a little Girl Says of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am a little girl t years of age, do not know very much, but one thing I do know and that U that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is fine aa silk for anyone with a stomach ache. I had a very severe pain last night, took a dose of It and was relieved at once. Maude Ellen Wood, Clifton, Va. COUNTY WILL BURY THE MAN DongTlaa Consents to Lay Away J. W. McMasters, Who Died Two Weeks Ago. The Douglas county commissioners hsve finally consented to defray the burial ex penses of J. W. McMasters, the men who dropped dead two weeks ago while walking along the railroad tracks near Florence. Corner Bralley held the body two weeks st the morgue pending a discussion as to who should pay for burying the man. McMas ters was buried this afternoon at Forest Lawn cemetery. After Coroner Bralley failed In his efforts to locate relatives of the man who would stand the burial expenses a question arose aa to whether the Douglas county or Lan caster county authorities should pay the expenses. Inasmuch aa the Lancaster au thorities refused to pay the expenses and as the Douglss county coroner hsd the body. It wss up to the Douglas county com missioners to put up for whst they consid ered a "nonresident pauper." McMasters had a mother-in-law at Lin coln by the name of Mrs. Cervera MrCIeve and two siatera at Pen Van, N. T. Meet W. J. Hryan tn Now York City upon his return from Europe, and take advantage of the low rate' excuralon over the Nickel Plate rotd from Chicago, August tS and 29 Tickets good returning, leaving New York City September 4. Chicago depot. La Salle Street V station. Information furnished upon appli cation to John Y. Calahan. general agent, Ne. 107 Adams street, Chicago. MEN'S STRAW Saturday your choice of any Men's Straw Hats in the store at 59c The sweat band or the silk trimmings alone are worth more than that. These hats sold all season up to $3.50. Your old straw hat looks rather untidy- get a new one today. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS We arc now ready to take measurements tor cadet uniforms better place your or der early. These Reductions Men's fancy colored and plain black 2ftc quality Men's plain balbrlggan and fancy colored underwear (odd lots) 76c and 60c goods )P reduced to aWalC Men's Shirts fine quality percale and madras In sizes 16, 16V4 and 18 only rJ $1.00 quality for UC Men's high grade shirts Imported good 8 $1.60 and $2.00 values, reduced to . . . On Farnam and 15th St. PROTECTION FOR THE EAGLES Wanton Kllllnar of Great American Illrd Condemned by the Order of Its Name. In a resolution Introduced by W. W. Dodge and passed unanimously by the local aerie of Eagles the wanton and unneces sary killing of eagles by sportsmen and hunters was condemned and legislation to prevent It was proposed. The members of the order in all parts of the country are asked to use their Influence to secure the enactment of legislation as outtlned In the resolution. It is pointed out that it Is not only the source of the name of the order and the Inspiration for some of Its prin ciples, but Is also a symbol of patriotism. The resolution will be presented In the national convention by the local delegates. A large meeting of the members of the local aerie of the order of Eagles was held Thursday night in the rooms of the order. more than the usual enthusiasm being dis played owing to the fact they were making arrangements to boom Omaha for the next convention of the order. Mayor Dahlman headed a V'ass f ten candidates Initiated Into the order. It was decided to take the drill team to Milwaukee with the delegates and officers to help In the campaign for Omaha. Final arrongements for the trip were made, and it Is believed 300 will be on the special train when It pulls out of Omaha. W. S. Wadsworth of Council Bluffs, a candidate before the national convention for grand worthy president, was present and took part In the proceedings. He has the backing of the' Iowa delegates and ta seeking support from Nebraska. Cheaper Ice. Wo will sell our surplus artesian ice at U per ton at our building or fl for a too lb. cake. Come and get It. HARDING CREAM CO., 810 Harney. MAN KILLED BY ELEVATOR Another One Falls Through Shaft and Sustains injuries that Are Serlons. M. C. Powell, employed In the Omaha Packing company's plant at South Omaha, was instantly killed about 1:30 Friday afternoon by being crushed under a freight elevator In the ham house. Powell was on the lower floor, Immediately under the ele vator, and evidently did not see it descend ing. He was struck on the back of the head and doubled up, the heavy weight breaking his neck, causing Instant death. He was a stranger and but little Is known of his antecedents, He has been working at the plant but for a few weeks, coming here from some point In Oeorrla. J. A. Brown, manager of the Brown Truck company, 70S South Thirteenth street, was severely Injured Thursday even ing by falling through an elevator shaft at his place of business. Mr. Brown wus working overtime on a new catalogue and misjudged the distance In the darkness at the rear of his place. Police Burgeon Flynn attetded the man at the police station and found a laceration of the scalp at back of head. Brown was removed to St. Joseph's hospital Friday morning. The Injured man resides at 303 South Twenty sixth street. , Only a Mask. Many are not being benefited by the sum mer vacation as they should be. Now, not withstanding much outdoor life, they are little If any stronger than they were. The tan on their faces Is darker and makes them look healthier, but it Is only a mask. They are still nervous, easily tired, upset by trifles, and they do not eat nor sleep well. What they need is what tones the nerves, perfects digestion, creates appetite and makes sleep refreshing, and that Is Hood's Barsapsrllla. Pupils and teachers generally will frd the chief purpose of the vacation best subserved by this great medi cine which, aa we know, "builds up the whole system." Sterling silver Frenxer, 18th and Dodge. fT.aa to Minneapolis and Retarn Tin Chicago Great Western Railway. Account of O. A. R. encampment, August 13th to 18th. Tickets on sale August U"t, 13th to ISth. Tickets on sale August 11th, 12th and 13th. For further Information apply to H. H. Churchill, Q. A., ltll Far nam St., Omaha. SM.OO Omaha to Chicago and Retara, Via ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Tickets on sale August 11, 11 and 11 Return limit, August 22. Tickets and Information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha. SCHOOLS AXD COLLEGES DELLEVUE COLLEGE COLLEGE Classical, scientific, philoso phical courses. ACADEMY-An accredited High School Prepares for itellevue or any other col lege or university. NORMAL nCliYxiL Elementary and ad vanced courses. Certificates granted. CONSERVATOR V Theory of music pU ano, voice, violin, elocution and art. CONNECTIONS with Omaha; Eleotrle line and Hurlington Railway. Fall semester opens September 11. Addits freaidoul Wadswurta. Bsllevue, lor Men hose 15c 1.00 D0OTOG3S for RftERll :,: vi Tn'. , : V ' " I . :., ' a . rJatui sV'-t . The Reliable Specialists HONEST, CAPABLE AND RELIABLE Nowadays specialty work Is called for aftd demanded; notably so when the sufferer's life or health Is endangered. It is then the best treatment medical Science affords should be sought for. Privets diseases "'""'.rtlfSi are so prevalent among men. are their worst enemies. 1 hey produce star weaknesses, cause debilitating drains and great phys col and mental ' torture. They eventually destroy sexual Instincts, cause agonising urinary troubles and Job men of priceless manhood and strength. Neglect or Improper treatment nave been the moans of blighting the most radiant hopes, rendering marriage unhappy and buslnsss a raiiura. Many sufferers from this class of troubles are buying ready-n at drug stores, and then wonder why they don t get well. Oth dies with "Free Treatment" and "Quick cure scnemes, una in i. ? their disease much aggravated. Do you not now realise that me oniy wy you can hope Vo get cu'red is to receive the Individual attention . pwlalUt recognised ability and experience, auch as we ere? 'Tfo Physicians con nected with the State Medical Institute are eminently nualined to advise, d -?ect and treat sue case" as come within our speclslty, snd when you ava yonrse"? of our services you are assured of honest, skillful and successful treatment. We cure safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, self-abuse or the result or specuic or FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. The Gulf Coas1 I of Lexas That '8 the name of a new eighty-page illustrated ' book just published by Rock Island-Frisco Lines. It is of vital importance to you that you secure and read it. The region described is unparalleled in its possibil ities for home-getting and fortune-making. Think of a country where the climate is just right; where thero are twelve months of "growing" weather per year; where the soil is naturally rich; where you can get a good deal of land for little money and where hired help is plentiful and cheap. If you knew Southern Texas you would want to hare in its tremendous wealth and a email share would soon make you independently rich. There '8 nothing to prevent your achieving success in this remarkable country. , The book will tell you about it and a trip of inspec tion is cheaply made. Are you interested! Your name and addresa on a postal will brlnj you full details and a booklet. WRITE TO-DAY. This is too good to pass by, especially since it coats you nothing to Investigate. You will not regret having done so. JOHX SEBASTIAN, Pass. Traffic Mgr. Chicago or St. Louis Rock Island-Frisco Lines Bee Want Ads SCHOOLS JlJentvortli MATS 59c Our Store Open till 10 o'clock Saturday There will bt many extra special bargains In ell departments up to 10 o'clock Satur day night. These Reductions (or Women Ladles' Vests low neck sleeveless finest quality of yarn 26c and 36c quality C reduced to . . 1JC Ladles' Hose fancy colored llflfl thread also plain black and lace lisle. 75c and $1.00 t quality, reduced to ...a&iC Boys' Waists cheviots and madras cloths, pretty colors, with or without collars $1.00 Ajl values, sizes 6 to 16 years Saturday T'OC On Farnam and 15th SL I ..''-V. . w, .,,. ....,,. ready-made reme tl Others exoerl- ers experl- Office hours: I a. m. to I. Sundays. 10 to 1 only. p. m. Produce Result' AND COLl.fc.UEI. Military Academy I-caiaeUia, Mi, OIUM and Infant Milluuy nuUuwllii ihm Mfcidla Wc Ciaft A ' by kjijI raUn( of War iuit. On of 14 In V. 8. UuJ eu ia albnvurl. at4 fwtoaufcaue